Republic -Fractional Currency
97c 5 cen 1862 07.17 5 cent stamp.................... VF 60
100d 50 cen 1862 07.17 5x10 cent stamp............. VF 120
101a 5 cen 1863 03.03 Washington..................... VF 80
107a 5 cen 1863 03.03 Clark................................. F+ 80
109d 25 cen 1863 03.03 Fessenden....................... AU 300
115 10 cen 1863 03.03 "Liberty"............................ VF+ 100
120 50 cen 1863 03.03 Stanton............................. F 100
121 50 cen 1863 03.03 Dexter............................... VG+ 50
122b 10 cen 1863 03.03 Meredith........................... VF 70
123b 25 cen 1863 03.03 Walker.............................. F+ 50
124 50 cen 1863 03.03 Crawford.......................... VF+ 100
-Large Size Notes
187 1 $ 1917 US note..... VG 100, tear repair VG+ 150
275 20 $ 1922 Gold certificate........................... F+ 400
NL(P280) vignette ABNC engraved "eagle"........ lot#1358 UN 10
338b sig V-T 1 $ 1899 Silver Certificate......................... VF+ 350
342 sig S-W 1 $ 1923 Silver Certificate......................... F 70
371 1 $ 1918 Philadelphia................................ VF 300
-Small Size Notes
396 "B" 10 $ 1929 FRB New York................... tape F 80
399 "B" 100 $ 1929 FRB New York........................... F 250
401 20 $ 1928 Gold Certificate.......................... F 200
414Ab 5 $ 1934B Silver Certificate......................... F+ 30
414Ad 5 $ 1934D Silver Certificate......................... F+ 30
*415Y "yellow" 10 $ 1934A yellow seal; North Africa........... F+ 200
*416AY "yellow" 1 $ 1934A yellow seal; North Africa........... VF+ 200
*416AY "yellow" 1 $ 1934A yellow seal; North Africa........... F 70
*yellow seal-issued for military use in North Africa"
416De repl 1 $ 1935E replacement "*".......................... F 10
419 1 $ 1957 Silver Certificate......................... VF 5
419a 1 $ 1957A Silver Certificate......................... VF+ 5
419b repl 1 $ 1957B replacement"*"......... silver note UN 30
419b 1 $ 1957B Silver Certificate......................... VF+ 5
420a. "7" 5 $ 1928A FRN; "7" Chicago...................... AU+ 300
420b. "E" 5 $ 1928B FRN; "E" Richmond................... UN 300
420b. "F" 5 $ 1928B FRN; "F" Atlanta........................ AU+ 250
420b. "H" 5 $ 1928B FRN; "H" St Louis...................... AU+ 250
420b. "I" 5 $ 1928B FRN; "I" Minneapolis................. AU+ 500
420b. "L" 5 $ 1928B FRN; "L" St Francisco............... UN 600
492 "B" 10 $ 1993 "B2" New York .......................... UN 40
497 "F" 2 $ 1995 "F6" Atlanta................................ UN 5
497 "L" 2 $ 1995 "L12" San Francisco ................ UN 6
501 "A" 20 $ 1996 "A1" Boston................................ UN 40
501 "F" repl 20 $ 1996 "F6" replacement"*"................... UN 60
502 "L" 50 $ 1996 "L12" San Francisco................. UN 90
504 "F" 1 $ 1999 "F6" Atlanta................................ UN 4
504 "L" 1 $ 1999 "L12" San Francisco................. UN 4
505 "G" 5 $ 1999 "G7" Chicago.............................. UN 12
506 "B" 10 $ 1999 "B2" New York........................... UN 25
506 "K" 10 $ 1999 "K11" Dallas............................... UN 25
507 "B" 20 $ 1999 "B2" New York........................... UN 40
507 "F" 20 $ 1999 "F6" Atlanta................................ UN 40
509 "A" 1 $ 2001 "A1" Boston................................ UN 3
509 "B" 1 $ 2001 "B2" New York........................... UN 3
509 "F" 1 $ 2001 "F6" Atlanta................................ UN 3
510 "B" 5 $ 2001 "B2" New York........................... UN 10
510 "F" 5 $ 2001 "F6" Atlanta................................ UN 10
510 "G" 5 $ 2001 "G7" Chicago.............................. UN 10
510 "K" 5 $ 2001 "K11" Dallas............................... UN 10
510 "L" 5 $ 2001 "L12" San Francisco................. UN 10
511 "B" 10 $ 2001 "B2" New York........................... UN 18
511 "C" 10 $ 2001 "C3" Philadelphia....................... UN 18
511 "D" 10 $ 2001 "D4" Cleveland........................... UN 18
511 "E" 10 $ 2001 "E5" Richmond........................... UN 18
511 "G" 10 $ 2001 "G7" Chicago.............................. UN 18
515 "B" 1 $ 2003 "B2" New York........................... UN 4
515 "F" 1 $ 2003 "F6" Atlanta................................ UN 4
516 "F" repl 2 $ 2003 "F" replacement"*"..................... UN 12
518 "H" 10 $ 2003 "H8" St Louis.............................. UN 15
521 "D" 20 $ 2004 "D4" Cleveland........................... UN 32
521 "F" 20 $ 2004 "F6" Atlanta................................ UN 32
521 "K" 20 $ 2004 "K11" Dallas............................... UN 32
523 "J" 1 $ 2006 "J10" Kansas City...................... UN 3
524 "B" 5 $ 2006 "B2" New York........................... UN 8
528 "K" 100 $ 2006 "K11" Dallas............................... UN 150
530 "B" 1 $ 2009 "B2" New York........................... UN 3
530 "F" 1 $ 2009 "F6" Atlanta................................ UN 3
531 "K" 5 $ 2009 "K11" Dallas............................... UN 8
531 "L" 5 $ 2009 "L12" San Francisco................. UN 8
536 "E" 1 $ 2013 "E5" Richmond........................... UN 3
537 "F" 5 $ 2013 "F6" Atlanta................................ UN 7
Prosperity Notes -US banknote in folder, with special serial number
NL-PR1 1 $ 2001 "prosperity" #168x...... lot#1182 UN 10
NL-PR2 1 $ 2001 "fortune" #8888xx.... lot#1181 UN 10
NL-PR3 1 $ 1999 "horse year"#8888xx. lot#1180 UN 10
NL-PR4 1 $ 2001 "goat year" #8888xx.. lot#1179 UN 10
United States Savings Bond
US bond 25 $ 1969 Washington................................ AU 40
US bond 100 $ 1993 Jeferson...................................... AU 100
*BEP intaglio reprints from original plates on light card
153 *reprint 1 $ "1874" intaglio reprint, face +back....... AU 40
269 *reprint 20 $ "1905" intaglio reprint, face +back....... AU 60
335 *reprint 1 $ "1896" intaglio reprint, face +back....... AU 40
Military Payment Certificates;
*serie 461,471,472,481,521 -used in Austria, Belgium, England, France
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Morocco,
Netherlands, Philippines, Ryukyus, Scotland, Trieste and Yugoslavia
M1 5 cen (1946) MP-461.......................... VF+15, XF 20
M2 10 cen (1946) MP-461....................................... VF 10
M3 25 cen (1946) MP-461............................. VG 5, XF 45
M4 50 cen (1946) MP-461.............................. F 12, VF+ 40
M5 1 $ (1946) MP-461............................ VF 10, AU 40
M6 5 $ (1946) MP-461....................................... XF- 120
M7 10 $ (1946) MP-461............................. F+45, XF 120
M8 5 cen (1947) MP-471................................. F 8, VF+ 25
M9 10 cen (1947) MP-471....................................... VF+ 25
M10 25 cen (1947) MP-471....................................... F 15
M12 1 $ (1947) MP-471....................................... VG 6
M15 5 cen (1948) MP-472....................................... UN 20
M16 10 cen (1948) MP-472............................ VF 10, XF 20
M18 50 cen (1948) MP-472............................. VG 5, F 10
M19 1 $ (1948) MP-472....................................... VG- 8
M20 5 $ (1948) MP-472....................................... F 95
M21 10 $ (1948) MP-472....................................... F 60
M22. 5 cen (1951) MP-481.............................. VF 5, UN 40
M23. 10 cen (1951) MP-481.............................. VF 6, UN 50
M24. 25 cen (1951) MP-481............................ VF 12, UN 100
M25. 50 cen (1951) MP-481.............................. F 18, UN 300
M26. 1 $ (1951) MP-481............. VG 10, VF+60, AU 160
M27 5 $ (1951) MP-481....................................... F 90
M28 10 $ (1951) MP-481....................................... F 50
M29 5 cen (1954) MP-521............................. VG 4, VF 6
M30. 10 cen (1954) MP-521............................. VG 4, UN 40
M31 25 cen (1954) MP-521............................. VG 4, VF+ 20
M32 50 cen (1954) MP-521.............................. F 15, VF 30
M33 1 $ (1954) MP-521.............................. F 15, VF 30
M35 10 $ (1954) MP-521....................................... VF+ 350
*serie 541 -used in Cyprus, England, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Morocco, Ireland N, Philippines, Ryukyu and Scotland
M36 5 cen (1954) MP-541....................................... F 4
M37r repl 10 cen (1958) MP-541; replacement............... F+ 100
M38. 25 cen (1954) MP-541....................................... UN 90
M39 50 cen (1954) MP-541....................................... XF 90
*serie 591 -used in Cyprus, Iceland, Italy, Japan and Korea
M43 5 cen (1961) MP-591............................. VG 4, VF 8
M44 10 cen (1961) MP-591............................. VG-4, F+ 8
M47 1 $ (1961) MP-591....................................... F+ 40
*serie 611 -used in Cyprus, Japan, Korea and Libya
M51 10 cen (1964) MP-611....................................... VG 4
M52. 25 cen (1964) MP-611....................................... UN 200
M54 1 $ (1964) MP-611............................. VF 10 XF 20
*serie 641,661,681,692 -used in Vietnam, 651-in Japan, Korea, Libya
M57 5 cen (1965) MP-641.............................. VF 4, UN 20
M58 10 cen (1965) MP-641................................. F 4, UN 20
M59 25 cen (1965) MP-641................................. F 4, UN 25
M60 50 cen (1965) MP-641................................. F 4, UN 40
M61 1 $ (1965) MP-641.......................... VF+10, UN 50
M62 5 $ (1965) MP-641.................................. p/h F 30
M63 10 $ (1965) MP-641...................... F(p/h) 15, VF+ 60
M64. 5 cen (1968) MP-661................................. F 4, UN 12
M65. 10 cen (1968) MP-661............................. VF+4, UN 12
M66. 25 cen (1968) MP-661................... VG 4, XF 8, UN 32
M67 50 cen (1968) MP-661........................... AU 16, UN 32
M68 1 $ (1968) MP-661............................. VG 4, UN 30
M69 5 $ (1968) MP-661....................................... UN 40
M72E 1 $ (1969) MP-651....................................... XF 30
M73 5 $ (1969) MP-651....................................... AU+ 250
M75 5 cen (1969) MP-681............................. VG 4, UN 15
M76. 10 cen (1969) MP-681............................. VG 4, UN 20
M77. 25 cen (1969) MP-681............................. VG-4, UN 30
M78. 50 cen (1969) MP-681............................. VG 4, UN 30
M79 1 $ (1969) MP-681............................... G+4, UN 35
M82 10 $ (1969) MP-681....................................... F 120
M87-90 1,5,10,20 $ (1969) MP-691 COPY.............. COPY UN 10
M91. 5 cen (1970) MP-692....................................... UN 20
M92 10 cen (1970) MP-692....................................... UN 20
M93. 25 cen (1970) MP-692....................................... UN 35
M94 50 cen (1970) MP-692....................................... XF 15
M95 1 $ (1970) MP-692....................................... VF 20
M95 canc 1 $ (1970) "void valid evidence only"......... G 20
M98 20 $ (1970) MP-692.................................. p/h VF+ 200
"United States Defense savings Bond, Postal Savings Plan"
SB-202 25 $ (1941) with 1x25 cents stamp.............. VF 20
Military Coupons
NL 5 cents ND Veterans Canteen Admin......... XF 10
NL 5 cents ND Fort Greely, NCO Mess........... XF 10
NL 25 cents ND Camp Claiborne, LA.................. F 20
NL sticker 1941 Pearl Harbour............. lot#1120 AU 5
-Disabled American Veteran Center -Club House
NL 5, 10 cents (194-) Disabled Veteran....... lot#1308 UN 20
-"Ravitallement Americain"(American Supply), Commune de Balan
NL 0.05 fr (191-) (American Supply) Balan.......... F+ 100
-"Army Exchange Bar", Staging Area, St Victoret, France
staging the man of 66 Infantry Division assigned to Pacific and US
NL 2 fr (1945) ..................................................... AU 100
Oberpfaffenhofen Air Depot, APO 61
NL meal pass ND APO 61 meal pass..... lot#1134 VF 15
sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)
-Continental Congress
s179 5 $ 1778 09.26;Continental Congress.... VF 400
s180 7 $ 1778 09.26;Continental Congress.... VF- 300
s184 40 $ 1778 09.26;Continental Congress.... VF 350
-State of Alabama
s211c 25 cent 1863 01.01;serie 3.............................. AU 60
s212 50 cent 1863 01.01........................................... F 25
s213a 1 $ 1863 01.01;serie 1.............................. F 35
-State of Connecticut
s535 canc 3 pence 1777 10.11; cut cancelation............... AU 350
-State of Georgia
s858 10 cen 1863 01.01........................................... F 50
s862 50 cen 1863 01.01; green seal....................... VG 30
s870 5 $ 1864 04.06........................................... VF+ 70
-State of Maryland
s969 8 $ 1770 03.01........................................... VG 180
s975 2/3 $ 1774 04.10........................................... VF- 180
s977 2 $ 1774 04.10........................................... VF- 150
s978 4 $ 1774 04.10........................................... VF- 150
s998 4 $ 1775 12.07........................................... F 550
-State of North Carolina
s2322a 10 cen 1861 10.01........................................... F- 30
s2329 1 $ 1861 10.17........................................... XF 45
s2340 5 $ 1862 ........................... missing corner G+ 25
s2355 10 cen 1862 09.01........................................... AU 50
s2357a 25 cen 1862 09.01........................................... AU 50
s2360 5 cen 1863 01.01............................... XF 35, AU 70
s2355 10 cen 1863 01.01........................................... AU 70
s2362a 25 cen 1863 01.01........................................... F 20
s2363 50 cen 1863 01.01........................................... VF 40
s2365 1 $ 1863 01.01........................................... AU 70
-State of Pennsylvania
s2477 10 shill 1758 05.20........................................... G 300
s2540D 5 shill 1773 10.01........................................... F 200
s2540E 10 shill 1773 10.01........................................... F+ 200
s2540F 15 shill 1773 10.01........................................... F+ 200
s2540G 20 shill 1773 10.01........................................... F+ 250
s2540H 50 shill 1773 10.01........................................... VF 250
s2556 20 shill 1775 10.25........................................... F+ 250
s2576 9 shill 1773 04.10........................................... VF 250
-State of South Carolina
s3293 90 $ 1779 ........................... missing corner F 700
NL 1 $ 1873 12.01; cert. indebtedness......... AU 120
Other-Regional and Private notes-Other(not listed in Pick)
Obsolete currency -Augusta Insurance and Banking, Augusta GA
NL 1 $ 1860 horses......................................... F 60
-Baltimore Savings Institution, Baltimore MD
NL 6.25 ct 1840 missing one side........................ P 15
-Bank of Clarendon, Fayetteville NC
NL 5 $ 1857 2 maids....................................... F+ 120
-Bank of Niagara, Buffalo NY
NL 1 $ 1827 3 maids....................................... F 100
-Bank of Lewistown, PA
NL 5 $ 1846 farm............................................. F 50
-Bank of Lexington, Lexington NC
NL 10 $ 18?? harvest........................................ F 70
-Bank of the Republic, Providence RI
NL 2 $ 1853 2 maids....................................... VG 25
-Bank of State South Carolina, Charleston SC
NL 2 $ 1861 building........................................ F 60
-Bank of Tennessee, Nashville TN
NL 10 cen 1861 12.01 ........................ ?forgery? VF 25
-Bank of Valley in Virginia VA
NL 5 $ 1860 seated maid................................ F 50
NL 20 $ 1852 2 angels...................................... VG+ 50
-Bank of Washtenaw, Ann Arbor MI
NL 1 $ 1835 Indian on left............................... XF 90
NL 1 $ 1854 3 maids, eagle............................ F 30
NL 2 $ 1854 ax men........................................ F 35
-Banking House(J.H Piatt) Cincinnati OH
NL 6.25 cen 1817 08.01........................................... F 50
-Berks County Bank, Reading PA
NL 5 $ 1841 harvest.............. missing corner VG 25
-Buffalo NY, Sattler Script, Merchandise Cert.
NL 50 cen ND Sattler.......................................... F 5
NL 1 $ ND Sattler.......................................... F+ 5
-Calhoun County Bank, Marshall MI
NL 1 $ 18-? missing right border................... G 35
-Canal Bank, New Orleans LA
NL rema 20 $ 18-- 3 maids....................................... AU- 25
-Central Mining Company, Eagle Harbour MI
NL 15 $ 1863 eagle; paid.................................. VF- 80
-Citizens' Bank of Louisiana, Shreveport LA
NL rema 50 $ 18-- ..................................................... AU 20
-Citizens' Bank of Louisiana, New Orleans LA
NL 5 $ 1858 maid/blue.................................... AU 150
-City of Portsmouth VA
NL 15 ct 1862 10.29........................................... G 10
-City of Richmond, Richmond VA
NL 50 ct 1862 04.04;arrows.............................. F- 20
-Cochituate Bank, Boston MA
NL 1 $ 1852? eagle........................................... VG 20
-Columbia Bank, Washington DC
NL 5 $ 1852 3 maids....................................... F 50
-Commercial Bank of Columbia, Columbia SC
NL 5 $ 1854 ............................................. hole VG+ 35
-Corporation of Richmond, Richmond VA
NL 1 $ 1861 04;coin........................................ F 30
-County of Washington, Abingdon VA
NL 1$ 1862 05.10........................................... VG 35
-Dubuque Central Improvement Co Dubuque IA
NL 1 $ 1854 ..................................................... VF 100
-Eastern Bank, West Killingly CT
NL 1 $ 185- dog, red "ONE".......................... G 20
-Erie and Kalamazoo Rail Road Bank, Adrian MI
NL 1 $ 1853 ship.............................................. G- 15
-Exchange Bank of Virginia, Norfolk VA
NL 20 $ 1858 Indian; green/green................... F 60
-Farmers Savings Bank, Richmond VA
NL 25 ct 1861 10.01;farm tools......................... VG+ 20
-Farmers and Exchange Bank, Charleston SC
NL 10 $ 1853 sailboats......................... VG 25, F 50
-Greensboro Mutual Life Insurance Co, NC
NL 50 ct 1862 ..................................................... VG+ 20
-Holyoke Bank, Northampton MA
NL canc 1 $ 1858 ..................................................... F- 50
-Lewis County Bank, Martinsburg NY
NL 1 $ 1853 2 maids....................................... G 35
NL 1 $ 1858? man............................................. G 30
-Macon and Brunswick Rail Road Co Macon GA
NL canc 1 $ 1867 ..................................................... F 50
-Macon Savins Bank, Macon GA
NL 25 ct 1863 10.15; maid on right.................. G 15
-Manufacturers' Exchange Co Bristol NY
NL 10 $ 1814 office in New York..................... VF+ 100
-Marine Bank of Georgia, Savannah GA
NL 75 ct 1863 02.16; 3 maids........................... XF+ 50
-Merchants Bank in City of New York, NY
NL canc 3 $ 18-- sailing ship....... missing corner F 30
-Merchants and Planters Bank, Savannah GA
NL 1 $ 1856 wagon......................................... P 10
NL canc 1 $ 1860 06.01;wagon,red"ONE".... hole G 30
NL 5 $ 1860 06.01........................................... VG+ 50
NL canc 10 $ 1860 06.01;red"X TEN X".......... hole F 80
-New Orleans, Jackson, Great NRR, LA
NL 3 $ 1861 11.16;train................................... F+ 50
-Northampton Bank, Allentown PA
NL 5 $ 1844 beehive....................................... VG 35
-North Western Bank, Warren PA
NL 2 $ 1861 deer............................................. F 50
NL 5 $ 1861 07.04........................................... AU 300
-Patapsco Savings Fund, Baltimore MD
NL 25 ct 1840 boats................................... tears VF+ 40
-Planters Bank of Fairfield, Winnsboro SC
NL 5 $ 1856 cotton field.................................. F 45
-Salem Philadelphia Manuf. Comp, Salem NJ
NL 1 $ 1828 Mercury....................................... XF- 150
NL 2 $ 1828 2 maids, beehive....................... XF- 160
-Somerset and Worcester Bank, Salisbury MD
NL 3 $ 1862 11.01;black-white...................... F 35
NL 5 $ 1862 11.01;cows,red"FIVE"............... VF 70
-South Carolina Rail Road, Charleston SC
NL canc 1 $ 1873 07.01;train................................... VG 25
-State Bank at New Brunswick, NJ
NL 1 $ 1892 maid............................................. F 50
-State Bank, South Carolina, Charleston SC
NL 5 $ 1860 "A"; bank, red "FIVE"................. F 40
NL 5 $ 1855 "B"; bank, red "FIVE"................. F 40
NL 5 $ 1855 "C"; bank, red "FIVE"................ F 40
-Store at Indiana Iron Works, PA
NL rema 25 ct 1856 01.01;iron works........................ XF 40
-Summit County Bank, Cuyahoga Falls OH
NL rema 10 ct 1862 train; no #.................................... XF+ 20
-Susquehanna Rail Road, Baltimore
NL 100 $ 1838 train............................................. VF+ 150
-Thames Bank, Laurel IN
NL 1 $ 1856 08.12........................................... G+ 40
-Towanda Bank, Towanda PA
NL 1 $ 1841 06.01;horses.............................. F 40
NL canc 5 $ 185? cow.............................................. G 50
-Traders Bank, Richmond VA
NL 1 $ 1860 sailor on right.............................. F- 30
-Union Bank, Augusta GA
NL 10 $ 1854 2 maids....................................... F 45
-Valley Bank, Hagerstown MD
NL 5 $ 18-? red "FIVE"................................... VG 25
-Western and Atlantic RR, Atlanta GA
NL 25 ct 1862 05;red train................................. VG+ 12
NL 50 ct 1862 07.01;red train............................ G 10
Advertising and Fundraising Notes
American Numismatic Association
NL 5 $ 1988 ANA currency.............. lo#1031 UN 20
Krause Publications Currency
NL comm 5 $ 1990 "Krause,40 years"...................... UN 15
Promotional Notes -American Bank Note Co and BEP commemorative
reprints from original plates on light card
prom SPMC Memphis 1979 2$ Liberty Bank.......... lot#1405 AU 30
prom IPMS Memphis 1980 10$ 1902 US Note..... lot#1406 AU 30
prom SPMC Memphis 1981 50$ Bank of Selma.... lot#1407 AU 20
prom Currency Club CC 1981 vignettes USBC ......... lot#1102 UN 20
prom SPMC Memphis 1982 1$ Baton Rouge......... lot#1408 AU 20
prom ANA Colorado Spr 1982 3$ Trenton Bank........ lot#1402 AU 20
prom SPMC Memphis 1983 2$ White Mountain..... lot#1410 AU 20
prom ANA Col Springs 1985 1/3$ Continental......... lot#1411 AU 20
prom ANA Baltimore 1985 500$ Gold Certificate. lot#1412 AU 20
prom IPMC Cherry Hill 1985 10$ 1882 National...... lot#1413 AU 20
prom PNNA Seattle 1985 50$ 1914 FRN............ lot#1400 AU 20
prom NWPMC St Louis 1986 Fractional Currency... lot#1414 AU 20
prom IPMS Memphis 1986 5$ 1902 National........ lot#1415 AU 20
prom DCSE Dallas 1986 10,000$ 1918 FRN.... lot#1416 AU 20
prom FUN Buena Vista 1987 1$ 1874....................... lot#1101 UN 20
prom ANA Chicago 1991 3$ Marine Bank.......... lot#1418 AU 20
prom ANA Chicago 1991 5,000$ US Note.......... lot#1419 AU 20
prom ANA Chicago 1991 America, hologram..... lot#1420 AU 20
prom IPMS Memphis 1992 5$ 1915 FRN.............. lot#1421 AU 20
prom ANA Washington 1993 2$ US Note................. lot#1422 AU 20
prom FUN Orlando 1993 1,000$ Treasury......... lot#1423 AU 20
prom TNS Fort Worth 1993 100$ 1902 National... lot#1424 AU 20
prom ANA Milwaukee 1995 Liberty Bell.................. lot#1426 AU 20
prom BCC Baltimore 2005 1$ F and MB Elkton... lot#1401 AU 10
-Consumers' Friend, USA
prom 4 cents 1973 ABNC engraved note lot#1433 AU+ 15
-Diebolt, USA
prom 5 ND do your banking.......... lot#1448 UN 4
prom 50 DM ND IBM 3624..................... lot#1469 UN 5
-International Bank Note Society
prom IBNS London 1985 Newton;@BW............. lot#1409 UN 60
prom IBNS London 1986 Newton;@BW............. lot#1470 UN 45
prom IBNS Maastricht 1989 Harrison:@HAR......... lot#1471 UN 40
prom IBNS Maastricht 1990 Harrison;@HAR......... lot#1472 UN 30
prom IBNS London 1992 Newton;@BW............. lot#1473 UN 30
prom IBNS London 1993 Aspinall; WALS.......... lot#1474 UN 15
prom IBNS Maastricht 1993 Budapest;2 pcs.......... lot#1475 UN 50
prom Maastricht 1994 US100$ 1908;@BEP lot#1425 UN 30
prom IBNS London 1995 Nelson;2pcs;@TDLR. lot#1476 UN 25
prom IBNS(London) 1996 De La Rue;@TDLR... lot#1477 UN 45
prom IBNS(London) 1997 De La Rue;@TDLR... lot#1478 UN 45
prom IBNS(London) 1998 2000 @TDLR............. lot#1479 UN 35
Travelers Cheque
-American Express Company
TC 2 pounds 1953 British pounds............. lot#1085 F 20
TC spec 200 FF (1980) French Francs............................ VF 20
TC spec 100 SF (1985) Swiss Francs.............................. AU 25
-CITICORP, Japanese Yen Travelers
TC spec 100 $ (1980) ..................................................... XF 15
TC spec 10,000 yen (1980) ..................................................... VF 25
-First National City Bank, Banca Toscana
TC 20+50 $ 1977 endorsement B.T....... lot#1113 XF 70
-Secured Negotiable Instruments Inc NY
TC spec -- $ $ (1936) Money Order; yellow................. AU 25
-Thomas Cook
TC spec 100 $ (198-) Australian $;blue........................ XF 10
TC spec 200 $ ND Australian $;blue........................ XF 10
TC spec 20 $ (198-) Canadian $;blue........................ VF 10
TC spec 100 $ (198-) Canadian $;blue........................ XF 10
TC spec 500 FF (198-) French francs; blue................... XF 10
TC spec 500 DM (198-) German marks; blue................. XF 10
TC spec 20 pou (198-) British pounds; blue................... XF 10
TC spec 50 pou (198-) British pounds; blue................... VF 10
TC spec 20 pou (198-) British pounds; green................ VF 10
TC spec 100 pou (198-) British pounds; violet................. VF 10
TC spec 1,000 $ (198-) Hong Kong $,HSBC; blue........ XF 10
TC spec 100,000 yen (198-) Japanese yen; blue................... XF 10
TC spec 20,000 pes ND Spanish pesetas; blue.............. XF 10
TC spec 20 $ (198-) US $;blue.................................... XF 10
check 1,000 $ 1939 Chase Nat. Bank........ lot#1190 VF 15
"Ford" Norway Garage, Norway Mi
check check 192- Ford cars pictures...... lot#1064 F 20
Receipts, Warrants and Coupons
-Batavia NY, CL Carr, Anagram discount bond
NL 1 $ 1934 Anagram discount bond........... XF 20
-Borough of Lodi, Bergen County, NJ
NL 15 $ 1936 tax anticipation note.................. XF 15
-Bridgeville PA, Wilson's Drug Store
NL 1 cen 1936 Penny Bond................................ XF 10
-Charleston SC, city
NL canc 1 $ 1932 pay warrant................................. VF 6
NL canc 5 $ 1932 pay warrant................................. VF 6
NL canc 1 $ 1933 pay warrant................................. XF 6
NL canc 5 $ 1933 pay warrant................................. XF 6
NL canc 10 $ 1933 pay warrant................................. VF 6
-Canton OH, Schory and Schellhase Coal and Ice
NL ice coupon book (1930) 2000 lbs. ice,............... full book AU 20
-Dayton OH, Yellow Cab coupon book
NL 20 $ ND full coupon book........................ AU 20
-Fostoria OH, Industry Corporation
NL canc 1 $ (1934) +3 stamps, cancelled................ VF 25
-"Food Town" super market
NL 1 cen ND green.................................. VF 4, XF 6
NL 5 cen ND pink.................................... VF 4, XF 6
-Graded Gasoline coupon
NL 1, 1 unit 1945/6 A-A, tourist unit........... lot#1307 XF 10
-Guilford County OH, Revenue anticipation note
NL canc 50 cen 1933 cancelled................................... VF 10
NL canc 5 $ 1933 cancelled................................... VF+ 15
-Hamtramck City, MI
NL canc 10 $ 1934 cancelled.................................... XF 15
-Long Beach NJ, city
NL canc 1 $ 1934 cancelled.................................... XF 10
-Missouri State, Retailers Sale Tax Receipt
NL 1 mill 193- cardboard................................... VF 12
NL 5 mill 193- cardboard................................... VF 12
-Mutual Profit, "MacLeans Drug Store"
NL 1/2 coupon 191- MacLeans Drug Store............... XF 12
NL 1 coupon 191- MacLeans Drug Store............... XF 6
NL 2 coupon 191- MacLeans Drug Store............... XF 12
National Bank of Merit
NL 1 share ND Nat. Bank of Merit...... lot#1075 XF 10
-National Cloak and Suit Co, New York
NL 50 cen 1911 good in merchandise................. VG 15
-Nevada State, Carson NV
NL canc warrant 1880 State Prison Fund...... lot#1091 VF+ 15
-Orphan Home Fund, Carlson, Nevada
NL 49 $ 1883 State warrant.............. lot#1194 XF 20
-Ohio State, Prepaid Sale Tax
NL 1 cen 193- ..................................................... VF 4
NL 2 cen 193- ..................................................... XF 5
-Rigling Bros Shows, Baraboo WS
NL 5,10,15 cen 1933 "50 Anniversary 1833-1933" UN 30
-Sattler Script, Buffalo NY
NL 50 ct, 1, 5 $ ND 3 notes......................... lot#1006 F+ 50
-Sears, Roebuck and Co, voucher
NL 14 cen 1934? ..................................................... F 10
-"SWAP" change ticket
NL 10 swap tickets 1938 "SWAP" tickets........... lot#1080 XF 10
-US Department of Agriculture, Food Coupon
NL 50 cen 1967 food coupon "A"......................... F 4
NL 50 cen 1967 food coupon............................... AU 12
NL 2 $ 1967 food coupon............................... AU 25
NL 1 $ 1989B food coupon............................... AU 8
-Washington County OR, scrip
NL 50 cen 1933 remainder................................... AU 20
NL 5 $ 1933 remainder................................... AU 25
-Watford City Creamery, Dairy
NL 10$ coupon book (1930) Dairy............................. full book XF 20
Trading Card -USA XIXc coins
NL trading card XIXc USA coins................... lot#1002 VF+ 9
***USA, Bond and Shares Certificates***
"Glen Alden Corporation"; 6% sinking fund, Delaware
bond 1000$ (1969) green; cancelled........... bs#300 VF 15
"Winona Interurban Railroad Co" 5% Mortgage Bond, Indiana
bond 100 $ 1906 5% Bond; brown........... bs#301 F 40
"Commercial Credit Company"; 4.75% note, New York
bond 1,000 $ 1960 green; cancelled........... bs#302 VF 15
"New York State Housing Finance";6.75% State University Cons Bond
bond 5,000 $ 1972 eagle; red; cancelled.... bs#303 VF 15
"New York Central and Hudson River" Railway Co, New York
bond 1,000 $ 1897 3.5%............................... bs#304 VF 50
"State of Kansas Real Estate Bond" Kansas
bond 700 $ 1884 ........................................ bs#305 VF 60
"American Automotive Accessories" Nevada
share shares 19-- unissued........................ bs#306 VF 15
"American Tobacco Company" New Jersey
share 14 shares 1960 green; cancelled........... bs#307 VF 15
"Bank of Charleston" Charleston, S Carolina
share 47 shares 1864 ........................................ bs#308 VF 80
"Bond Stores Inc" Maryland
share 100 shares 1962 blue; cancelled.............. bs#309 VF 15
"Bradford Building, Loan and Saving." PA
share 10 shares 1942 house, class "A"............ bs#310 XF- 20
"Corroon and Black Corporation" Delaware
share 1 share 1980 brown; cancelled.......... bs#311 VF+ 15
"General Foods Corporation" Delaware
share 16 share 1960 brown; cancelled.......... bs#312 VF+ 15
share 10 share 1972 brown; cancelled.......... bs#313 VF+ 18
"General Motors "Delaware
share 60 shares 1978 General Motors............. bs#314 VF 15
"Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Company" Maryland
share 1 share 1962 blue; cancelled.............. bs#315 VF 15
share 2 share 1963 blue; cancelled.............. bs#316 VF 15
share 100 share 1967 olive; cancelled............. bs#317 VF 15
"Gulf States Utilities" Texas
share 100 shares 1965 cancelled....................... bs#318 VF 15
"Homestake Mining Co" New York
share 50 shares 1909 red; cancelled............... bs#319 VF 30
"Howard Johnson" Maryland
share 7 shares 1970 cancelled....................... bs#320 VF 15
share 100 shares 1967 cancelled....................... bs#321 VF 15
share 100 shares 1972 cancelled....................... bs#322 VF 15
"Inter. Telephone and Telegraph" New York
share 70 shares 1964 cancelled....................... bs#323 VF 15
share 100 shares 1971 cancelled....................... bs#324 VF 15
"International Mercantile Marine" New Jersey
share 10 shares 1917 Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#325 VF 35
share 20 shares 1921 Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#326 VF 40
share 25 shares 1917 Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#327 VF 40
share 50 shares 1917 Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#328 VF 45
share 100 shares 1916 Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#329 F 45
"Iowa Falls and Sioux City Rail Road Co" Iowa
share 10 shares 1883 train; cancelled............. bs#330 VF 60
"Irving Trust" New York
share 5 shares 1932 cancelled....................... bs#331 VF 15
"Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co" New York
share 100 shares 1954 cancelled....................... bs#332 VF 15
"New York Central Railroad Co" New York
share 50 shares 1939 cancelled....................... bs#333 VF 15
"Northern Liberties Gas Co" Philadelphia
share 58 shares 1855 canc................................ bs#334 VF 35
"Pan American World Airways" New York
share 100 shares 1964 cancelled....................... bs#335 VF 15
"Peabody Investment Company" Kansas
share 10 shares 1887 ........................................ bs#336 VF 60
"Pennsylvania Railroad Co" Philadelphia
share 20 shares 1957 orange; cancelled......... bs#337 VF 15
share 100 shares 1964 green +vignette............. bs#338 VF 25
"Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Co" New York
share 30 shares 1933 green, cancelled........... bs#339 F 30
"Pomona Oil Co "California
share 100 shares 1921 oil field; cancelled......... bs#340 VF 30
share 300 shares 1921 oil field; cancelled......... bs#341 VF 30
"Royal Reality Co "San Francisco, California
share 1 shares 1923 ........................................ bs#342 VF 25
"Trust Fund Reserve" Douglas Lacey NY
share 5.75$ 1903 credit certificate............... bs343 F 15
"Union Liberty" Illinois
share 3 shares 1920 ........................................ bs#344 VG 15
"United Northern Mining Company" Arizona
share 1000 shares 1916 green.............................. bs#345 F 25
"United States Lines Company" New York
share 25 shares 1950 ship, cancelled.............. bs#346 XF 15
"Universal Oil Products Company" Delaware
share 100 shares 1968 green; cancelled........... bs#347 VF+ 15
share 1000 shares 1974 blue; cancelled.............. bs#348 VF+ 20
"Utica City Rail Road Company" New York
share unissued 18-- back, remainder............ bs#349 XF 35
"Vindicator Oil Co "Dallas TX
share 15x10 $ 1922 ........................................ bs#350 XF 30
"Wyo-Ill Petroleum Co" Wyoming
share 1,000x10 ct 1923 green.............................. bs#351 F 30