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World banknotes, currency, local and private notes
except German notgeld 1914-1924

Last updated: October 2024
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PICK#                                 *****AFGHANISTAN****3*


1b    black#             1 rup  1299     (1920) counterfoil.......... XF+50,  UN      130

2b                            5 rup  1299     (1920) counterfoil........... VF 35,  UN      260

4                            50 rup  1298     (1920)............................ VF 100VF+    150

5                          100 rup  1299     (1920) counterfoil.......................   XF+    240

6.                              5 afg  (1926)   .......................... VF+50, XF+96,  AU+    200

8                             10 afg  (1926)   ......................................... AU 80,  AU+    120

9a.                         10 afg  1307     (1928) no wmk...........................   AU      140

9b.                         10 afg  1307     (1928) wmk; serial#...................   AU+    160

9b                          10 afg  1307     (1928) wmk; no serial#.............   AU+      96

10a.                       50 afg  1307     (1928) no wmk..................... p/h  AU+    240

10b                        50 afg  1307     (1928) wmk.................................   VF+      80

   rebellion 1928, Baccha-I-Saqao issues;

11                             5 afg  (1928)   stamps on P6................... F+40,  XF-     100

12                          10 afg  (1928)   stamps on P8.............................   F+         40

13                          50 afg  (1928)   stamps on P10...........................   VF+      60

14a                          1 rup  (1928)   ...................................... AU-400AU+    480

   post rebellion

15                             2 afg  1315     (1936) monument......................   VF+    120

15.   no#                  2 afg  1315     (1936) monument......................   UN      300

17    no#                10 afg  1315     (1936) monument......................   UN      420

18    no#                20 afg  1315     (1936) monument......................   UN      800

19    no#                50 afg  1315     (1936) monument......................   UN   1200

20A.                     100 afg  ND        (1936) monument......................   UN   2000

21.                            2 afg  1318     (1939) Kg/view...........................   UN        80

22                             5 afg  1318     (1939) Kg/view...........................   UN        50

23                          10 afg  1318     (1939) Kg/palace.......................   UN      160

25                          50 afg  1318     (1939) Kg/monument................   UN      320

26                        100 afg  1318     (1939) Kg/...................................   UN      500

28                             2 afg  1327     (1948) Kg/fortress......................   UN        32

29.                            5 afg  1327     (1948) Kg/...................................   AU+      32

30b                        10 afg  1330     (1951) Kg; brown.......................   F+         10

30d                        10 afg  1336     (1957) Kg; brown.......................   UN      100

33a                        50 afg  1330     (1951) Kg; brown.......................   XF+    100

33c.                       50 afg  1336     (1957) Kg; brown.......................   AU+    240

34d.                     100 afg  1336     (1957) Kg; ........................... tear  AU+    240

37                          10 afg  1340     (1961) Kg/mosque......... AU 10,  UN        20

38                          20 afg  1340     (1961) Kg/monument......... F 4,  UN        36

39                          50 afg  1340     (1961) Kg/shrine........................   UN      100

40.                       100 afg  1340     (1961) Kg/mosque......... XF 40,  UN      160

40A                      500 afg  1340     (1961) Kg; orange.....................   F+         80

42a                   1,000 afg  1340     (1961) Kg/.......................... F 40UN      500

43.                         50 afg  1346     (1967) Kg/........................ VF+5,  UN        24

45                        500 afg  1346     (1967) Kg/......... VF 25, XF+80UN      200

46                     1,000 afg  1346     (1967) Kg/......... F+45, AU 240UN      480

   Republic (Pres M. Daud)

47a                        10 afg  1352     (1973) /archway.........................   UN          7

47b                        10 afg  1354     (1975) /archway.........................   UN          6

47c                         10 afg  1356     (1977) /archway.........................   UN          6

48a                        20 afg  1352     (1973) /city..................................   UN        12

48b.                       20 afg  1354     (1975) /city..................................   UN        12

48c.                       20 afg  1356     (1977) /city..................................   UN        10

49a                        50 afg  1352     (1973) /horsemen......................   UN        18

49c                         50 afg  1356     (1977) /horsemen......................   UN        16

50a                      100 afg  1352     (1973) /mosque.........................   UN        26

50b.                     100 afg  1354     (1975) /mosque.........................   AU+      20

50c                      100 afg  1356     (1977) /mosque.........................   UN        20

51a                      500 afg  1352     (1973) /fort; blue........................   UN        80

52                        500 afg  1356     (1977) /fort; brown.......... VF+8,  UN        40

53c.                  1,000 afg  1356     (1977) /mosque.........................   UN        60

   Democratic Republic

53A.  spec            20 afg  1357     (1978) "SPECIMEN".................   UN      400

54.                         50 afg  1357     (1978) /building.............. AU 25,  UN        50

55                          10 afg  1358     (1979) /mountains.....................   UN          5

56a1.                     20 afg  1358     (1979) /mountains; sig J-W......   UN        12

56a2                      20 afg  1358     (1979) /mountains; sig P-K.......   UN          5

57a2                      50 afg  1358     (1979) /building; sig P-K...........   UN          8

57b                        50 afg  1370     (1991) /building..........................   UN          5

58a1.                   100 afg  1358     (1979) /dam................................   UN        12

58a2                    100 afg  1358     (1979) /dam................................   UN          6

58b                      100 afg  1369     (1990) /dam................................   UN          5

58c                      100 afg  1370     (1991) /dam................................   UN          5

59    no wmk      500 afg  1358     (1979) horsemen; blue.............   UN        24

60a                      500 afg  1358     (1979) horsemen; brown..........   UN          5

60b                      500 afg  1359     (1990) horsemen; brown..........   UN          5

60c                      500 afg  1370     (1991) horsemen; brown..........   UN          5

61a2                 1,000 afg  1358     (1979) mosque; sig P-K............   UN        18

61b                   1,000 afg  1359     (1980) mosque/archways.........   UN          6

61c                   1,000 afg  1370     (1991) mosque/archways.........   UN          5

62                     5,000 afg  1372     (1993) mosque/shrine...............   UN          6

63a                 10,000 afg  1372     (1993) mosque/arch..................   UN        18

63b                 10,000 afg  1372     (1993) mosque/arch..................   UN          6

64a                           1 afg  1381     (2002) /mosque.........................   UN          4

65a                           2 afg  1381     (2002) /arch................................   UN          4

66a                           5 afg  1381     (2002) /fortress..........................   UN          4

67a                        10 afg  1381     (2002) mosque/arches..............   UN          4

68a                        20 afg  1381     (2002) mosque/.........................   UN          5

68b.                       20 afg  1383     (2004) mosque/.........................   UN          5

69a                        50 afg  1381     (2002) mosque/mountains.......   UN          6

70a.                     100 afg  1381     (2002) mosque/arch..................   UN        25

75a                      100 afg  1387     (2008) mosque/arch..................   UN          6


PICK#                                 *****ALBANIA****3*


2b    "M-X"               5 fra  (1926)   boy/bridge; sig B-G.......... F 40,  F+         60

3                              20 fra  (1926)   boy/view......................................   VG+      45

   Italian occupation

6                                5 fra  (1939)   Italian occupation.......................   F+         36

7                              20 fra  (1939)   Italian occupation.............. F 24,  XF+    150

8                           100 fra  (1940)   Italian occupation.......... VG 20,  VF         80

9                               2 lek  (1940)   Italian occupation... F 16,VF 32  AU+    200

11                           10 lek  (1940)   Italian occupation................ F 8,  AU+      96

   Peoples Republic

11A                        10 lek  (1940)   ovpt (1945).................................   F         120

12b    "F-J"            20 fra  (1926)   ovpt (1945).................................   F           40

13                           20 fra  (1939)   ovpt (1945).................................   VG        30

14                         100 fra  (1940)   ovpt (1945).................................   VG        60

17                         100 fra  1945     Skanderbeg/arms...... AU+120UN      160

20.                          50 fra  1947     Skanderbeg/50..........................   UN      320

21                         100 fra  1947     Skanderbeg/100.............. F+45,  VF         60

23                      1,000 fra  1947     Skanderbeg/1000......................   F+       120

25.                          50 lek  1949     Skanderbeg/soldier...................   AU+      96

26.                        100 lek  1949     soldier............................. VF+30,  AU        80

27.                        500 lek  1949     harvesting/peasant........ VF 40,  AU+    240

28                           10 lek  1957     arms............................................   UN          8

29                           50 lek  1957     Skanderbeg/soldier......... AU 5,  UN        10

30                         100 lek  1957     soldier/........................................   UN        12

31                         500 lek  1957     harvesting/peasant....................   UN        24

32                     1,000 lek  1957     oil wells/miner............................   UN        32

33.                            1 lek  1964     couple/fortress.................. VF 4,  UN        16

34                             3 lek  1964     grapes picking/harbor...............   UN        24

35                             5 lek  1964     train/ship.....................................   UN        28

36                           10 lek  1964     cotton spinning...........................   UN        32

37.                          25 lek  1964     farming........................................   UN        64

38                           50 lek  1964     troops/construction....................   UN        90

39                         100 lek  1964     dam/steel workers.....................   UN      120

40                             1 lek  1976     couple/fortress...........................   UN          4

41                             3 lek  1976     grapes picking/harbor...............   UN          6

42                             5 lek  1976     train/ship.....................................   UN          6

43                           10 lek  1976     cotton spinning...........................   UN          8

45a                         50 lek  1976     troops/construction....................   UN        32

45c                         50 lek  1976     troops/construction....................   UN        30

46a.                     100 lek  1976     dam/steel workers.....................   UN      100

40-42s   spec   1,3,5 lek  1976     "SPECIMEN" 000 #...... set of 3  UN      100

40-6 s2  spec  1-100 lek  1976     "SPECIMEN" #............. set of 7  AU+    100

47.                        100 lek  1991     still workers/refinery..................   UN        32

47s.   spec          100 lek  1991     "SPECIMEN" #0000..................   UN        32

48A.                          1 lek  (1992)   steel worker/electricity...............   UN      160

49a.                        10 lek  (1992)   steel worker/electricity...............   UN      100

50a.                        50 lek  (1992)   steel worker/electricity...............   UN      200

50b.   no#              50 lek  (1992)   steel worker/electricity...............   UN        90

52                         200 lek  1992     Quemali/.....................................   UN        24

53.                        500 lek  1992     Frasheri/candle..........................   UN        60

55c                       100 lek  1996     Kombetar/falcon........................   UN        20

57s    spec          500 lek  1994     "SPECIMEN" #251....................   UN        80

58.                    1,000 lek  1994     Skanderbeg/castle....................   UN        96

58s    spec       1,000 lek  1994     "SPECIMEN" #409....................   UN        96

59.                        200 lek  1996     Quemali/.....................................   UN        24

60.                        500 lek  1996     Frasheri/candle..........................   UN        60

62                         100 lek  1996     Noli/.................................... VF 4,  UN        12

63.                        200 lek  1996     Frasheri/......................................   UN        18

64                         500 lek  1996     Quemali/telegraph.....................   UN        36

65.                    1,000 lek  1996     Bogdani/church..........................   UN        72

67.                        200 lek  2001     Frasheri/......................................   UN        10

68.                        500 lek  2001     Quemali/telegraph.......... XF+9,  UN        25

69.                    1,000 lek  2001     Bogdani/church..........................   UN        50

70.                    5,000 lek  2001     Skanderbeg/castle....................   UN      180

72a                       500 lek  2007     Quemali/telegraph.....................   UN        18

74a.                  2,000 lek  2007     Gent/amphitheater....................   UN        50

75a.                  5,000 lek  2007     Skanderbeg/castle....................   UN      120

   Foreign Exchange Certificates

FX8                      100 lek  1953     Foreign Certificate.....................   AU+      90

FX26                      10 lek  1965     Foreign Certificate.....................   UN      350

FX27                      50 lek  1965     Foreign Certificate.....................   UN      500

   sss Regional, Emergency, Private notes sss (s#-refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            -Shoiperie Korce (established by France)

s146c                        1 fra  1917     10.10,"C"; Korce........................   XF-     300

   Siege, Railway by Turkish Gen Pasha besieged by Montenegrians

s182                    10 para  (1913)   Albania Railway.........................   AU      100


PICK#                                 *****ALGERIA***3n+*

   French Colony

71a    p/h                  5 fra  1914     08.17; sig Moyse-Biron.............   F-        140

71b    p/h                  5 fra  1916     02.07; sig Moyse-Biron.............   VG+      90

71b    p/h                  5 fra  1916     11.30; sig Moyse-Biron.............   F-        120

71b    p/h                  5 fra  1920     07.27; sig Moyse-Biron.............   F-        120

77a    p/h                  5 fra  1933     girl; sig M-P................................   VG        10

77b    p/h                  5 fra  1941     girl; sig R-S..................... VF 12,  UN        95

78b    p/h               20 fra  1928     woman; sig M-P............. VG 10,  F+         30

78b    p/h               20 fra  1929     woman; sig M-P............. VG 10,  VF         40

78c    p/h                20 fra  1941     woman; sig R-S................ F 10,  VF+      30

78c    p/h                20 fra  1942     woman; sig R-S.............. VF 20,  VF+      30

81b    p/h             100 fra  1929     .....................................................   F           90

81b    p/h             100 fra  1933     .....................................................   VG-       40

84      p/h               50 fra  1938     couple/colosseum......................   VG-         5

84      p/h               50 fra  1940     couple/colosseum........... F+30,  VF         40

85                         100 fra  1940     man/plowing; wmk "head"........   F+         30

85                         100 fra  1941     man/plowing; wmk "head"........   VF         40

85                         100 fra  1945     man/plowing; wmk "head"........   F           20

   Vichy Government

87                           50 fra  1945     couple/; wmk "letters"................   VF         50

88                         100 fra  1942     man/; wmk "letters"....................   F           30

   Allied Occupation

91                              5 fra  1942     /woman............................ VF 12,  UN        95

92                           20 fra  1942     woman/boys...................... F 15,  VF+      40

92                           20 fra  1943     woman/boys...................... F 15,  VF         30

92                           20 fra  1944     woman/boys................... VF 30;  VF+      40

94a                            5 fra  1944     02.08; girl........................ VF 14,  AU+      84

95                         500 fra  1944     .....................................................   VG      100

   French Colony

97a                       50 cen  1944     "C"...................................... VF 6,  UN        50

98a                            1 fra  1944     "B"...................................... VF 7,  AU        40

99a                            2 fra  1944     "A"......................... F+10, XF 30,  AU        60

99b                            2 fra  1944     "D"................................... VF+25,  XF         35

100.                      50 cen  1944     "2eT" (issue-2)...........................   VG          4

101                            1 fra  1944     "2eT" (issue-2).................... F 4,  UN        35

102                            2 fra  1944     "2eT" (issue-2)................. VG 4,  AU        60

103                         20 fra  1948     ............................................... p/h  VF         35

109                    5,000 fra  1950     04.24...........................................   VF      200

109                    5,000 fra  1953     02.26...........................................   VG+      80

110    p/h        10,000 fra  1959     10.02...........................................   VG-       45

119    p/h       10 new fra  1961     06.02...........................................   VF      160

121b            100 new fra  1960     11.25...........................................   VG      100

121b            100 new fra  1961     02.10................................... tape  P           25


122a                        5 din  1964     birds/animals..............................   VF      100

124                        50 din  1964     goats/caravan............................   VG        20

125                      100 din  1964     port/city.......................................   UN      250

126                           5 din  1970     warrior/fox...................................   UN      150

127b                      10 din  1970     peacock/"15-54"............. VF 20,  UN      180

128a                    100 din  1970     /antelope; dark brown...............   UN      170

128b                    100 din  1970     /antelope; light brown.... XF+65  UN      170

129.    p/h           500 din  1970     /city.................................. XF 65,  AU-     100

130a   sig 3           50 din  1977     flock/tractor........................... p/h  AU        60

130b   sig 7           50 din  1977     flock/tractor.................................   UN        95

131b   sig 6        100 din  1981     minarets......................................   UN        25

131c   sig 7         100 din  1981     minarets......................................   UN        30

132b.  sig 7           10 din  1983     train/............................................   UN        12

133a   sig 6           20 din  1983     vase/tower..................................   UN        12

133b   sig 7           20 din  1983     vase/tower..................................   UN        12

134                      100 din  1983     minarets.......................... AU 15,  UN        30

135b   sig 7        200 din  1983     monument/building....................   UN        50

137                      100 din  1992     army attack/galley.....................   UN        12

138b   sig 9        200 din  1992     Koranic school/tower.................   UN        25

141b.  sig 9        500 din  1998     Hannibal's army; hologram......   UN        40

141c   sig 11      500 din  1998     Hannibal's army; hologram......   UN        30

142b.  sig 8     1,000 din  1998     cave paintings; hologram.........   UN      100

142b.  sig 9     1,000 din  1998     cave paintings; hologram.........   UN        80

143.    comm   1,000 din  2005     "60 anniversary".........................   UN        40

   Other Regional, Emergency, Private notes Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Affreville, Ville

618-1                      5 cen  1917     10.07...........................................   AU      160

                                            -Alger, Chamber of Commerce

JP-1                          1 fra  1914     violet............................................   VF+      20

JP-3                          1 fra  1914     grey-green "T"............................   VF+      20

JP-4                      50 cen  1915     orange.........................................   VF+      20

JP-8                      50 cen  1919     June; pink...................................   F           20

JP-11                        1 fra  1920     .....................................................   F+         20

JP-17                        1 fra  1921     serie B.................................. F 7,  VF+      20

JP-22                        1 fra  1922     serie C.........................................   VF         20

                                            -Alger, Ville

NL-local               10 cen  1917     carton green...............................   VF         24

                                            -Bougie Setif

JP-9                        5 cen  1916     .....................................................   VF-       50

                                            -Constantine, Chamber of Commerce

JP-15                    50 cen  1919     Novembre...................................   AU        60

JP-17                    50 cen  1920     Avril..............................................   XF+      60

JP-47                    10 cen  1915     10.12...........................................   F           40

                                            -Marengo, Ville

628-4                    10 cen  1916     12.24 orange..............................   F+         60

                                            -Miliana, Ville

628-2                    10 cen  1916     12.14 gray..................................   F+         60

                                            -Oran, Chamber of Commerce

JP-37                        1 fra  1923     02.14...........................................   F           20


PICK#                                 *****ANDORRA***3*


5                            50 cen  1936     brown..........................................   UN      500

6                              1 pes  1936     brown..........................................   UN      500


PICK#                                 *****ANGOLA***3c*

   Portuguese Colony

27                    1,000 reis  1909     03.01...........................................   F       1200

29                    2.500 reis  1909     03.01; Vasco da Gama.............   VG   1200

39a                       10 cen  1914     ovpt "LOANDA"..........................   F+       300

42                         20 cen  1914     ovpt "LOANDA"..........................   F         220

43                         20 cen  1914     ovpt "LOANDA"..........................   VG      150

49                            5 cen  1918     .....................................................   F+       200

55                           1 ang  1921     .....................................................   VF-     100

63                         50 cen  1923     .....................................................   VF-       40

64                           1 ang  1926     Cao/buck....................................   VF-     100

65                      2.50 ang  1926     Dias/rhinoceros..........................   F         100

66                           5 ang  1926     Dias/elephant.............................   VG-       60

68                           1 ang  1942     ........................................... F+80VF      100

70                           1 ang  1948     boats/antelope............... VG 20,  VF+    120

71                      2.50 ang  1948     battle/rhinoceros........................   VF+    250

77                           5 ang  1947     .....................................................   F-          40

78                         10 ang  1947     .....................................................   F+       120

79                         20 ang  1944     ......................................... VG 70F+       200

84                         50 ang  1951     .....................................................   VG-    100

87                          20 esc  1956     ........................................ VF+30,  UN      150

87    canc             20 esc  1956     2 cancelation holes...................   VF+      20

88                          50 esc  1956     ........................................ VF+50,  XF+    100

90                        500 esc  1956     ............................................... p/h  XF      250

91                    1,000 esc  1956     .............................. VG-(pen) 40,  VF      200

92.                         20 esc  1962     Tomas/gazelles.............. VG+4,  UN        90

93                          50 esc  1962     Tomas/animals..........................   VF         18

94                        100 esc  1962     Tomas/elephants.......................   F           10

95                        500 esc  1962     Tomas/rhinoceros......................   VG        15

97                        500 esc  1970     Tomas/rhinoceros............ VG 5,  F+         15

98                    1,000 esc  1970     Tomas/antelopes.............. F 15,  VF         30

99                          20 esc  1972     Carmona/plant...........................   UN        15

100.                       50 esc  1972     Carmona/plants............... VF+4,  UN        15

101                      100 esc  1972     Carmona/palms............... VF+4,  UN        15

102                      500 esc  1972     Carmona/view.................. VF-4,  UN        30

103                  1,000 esc  1972     Carmona/waterfall............ VF 4,  XF+      12

104.                       20 esc  1973     Camoes/plant.............................   UN        90

105                        50 esc  1973     Camoes/plant.................. VF+4,  UN        15

106                      100 esc  1973     Camoes/palm.................. VF+4,  UN        15

107                      500 esc  1973     Camoes/rocks................. VF+9,  UN        45

108                  1,000 esc  1973     /waterfalls...................... VF+12,  UN        60

   Peoples Republic

109.                      20 kwa  1976     Neto/troops.................................   UN        30

110                       50 kwa  1976     Neto/farming...............................   UN        30

111.                   100 kwa  1976     Neto/textile factory.....................   UN        30

112.                   500 kwa  1976     Neto/port.............................. F 9,  UN      150

113                 1,000 kwa  1976     Neto/school class......................   UN        80

115.                   100 kwa  1979     Neto/textile factory.....................   UN        30

116    spec        500 kwa  1979     no ovpt "SPECIMEN"................   F         150

117                 1,000 kwa  1979     Neto/school class........... XF 25,  UN      100

118                       50 kwa  1984     /school.........................................   UN        15

119.                   100 kwa  1984     /picking cotton............................   UN      100

120a                  500 kwa  1984     /oil drilling............................. F 6,  UN      100

121a               1,000 kwa  1984     /troops.........................................   UN      100

121b               1,000 kwa  1987     /troops.........................................   UN      100

123            500 new kwa  1991     ovpt#120.....................................   UN      100

124.        1,000 new kwa  1991     ovpt#121......................... VF 20,  UN      150

126.                   100 kwa  1991     /rock formation...........................   UN        10

128b                  500 kwa  1991     /mountain view...........................   UN        25

129b               1,000 kwa  1991     /bank...........................................   UN        30

131b             10,000 kwa  1991     /antelope herd............................   UN        35

132.              50,000 kwa  1991     /waterfall.....................................   UN        80

133a.          100,000 kwa  1991     wmk"100000".............................   VF+      25

133x           100,000 kwa  1991     wmk"10000"........................ F 6,  UN      100

134             500,000 kwa  1991     /rhinoceros..................................   UN        25

135                 1,000 kwa  1995     /antelope.....................................   UN        10

136                 5,000 kwa  1995     /bank................................. XF+4,  UN        10

137.              10,000 kwa  1995     /oil platform.................................   UN        25

138               50,000 kwa  1995     /telecommunication station.......   UN        15

139             100,000 kwa  1995     /mask, pottery................... XF 4,  UN        12

140.            500,000 kwa  1995     /dam............................................   UN        15

143s    spec          1 kwa  1999     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        90

144s    spec          5 kwa  1999     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        90

145s    spec        10 kwa  1999     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        90

146a.                   50 kwa  1999     /oil platform.................................   UN          9

146s    spec        50 kwa  1999     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        90

147s    spec      100 kwa  1999     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        95

151A                      5 kwa  2012     /Ruacana falls............................   UN          6

151B                    10 kwa  2012     /Luana falls.................................   UN          7

153                     100 kwa  2012     /Binga falls..................................   UN          7

157.                2,000 kwa  2012     /Dande falls................................   UN        40


ANTARCTICA#                *****ANTARCTICA*****

Private issue by Antarctica Overseas Exchange, redeemable till Dec 2001

ANT-2.                        2 $  1996     pinguins/Adelie pinguins...........   UN        10

ANT-3                         5 $  1996     albatross, whales/seals............   UN        20

ANT -4    canc         10 $  1996     Scott/Antarctica map.................   UN        15

ANT -5    canc         20 $  1996     Amundsen/North Pole...............   UN        30

ANT -6    canc         50 $  1996     Murdo/treaty agreement...........   UN        45

ANT -7    canc       100 $  1996     stop ozone depletion.................   UN        60

ANT -8                        1 $  1999     fiord/Adelie penguins................   UN          4

ANT -9                        2 $  1999     penguins/flag..............................   UN          6

ANT -10                      5 $  2001     Amundsen/Albatross.................   UN        10

ANT -11.                   10 $  2001     Scott/Antarctica map.................   UN        20

ANT -15                      1 $  2007     penguins/penguins......... plastic  UN          4

ANT -16                      3 $  2007     Norwegian Antarctica.... plastic  UN          5


spec                            2 $  1999     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        10

spec            5,10,20,50 $  2001     "SPECIMEN"...... set of 4 notes  UN      100

spec    5,10,20,50,100 $  2001     "SPECIMEN"...... set of 5 notes  UN      160


PICK#                                 *****ARGENTINA***4c*


3.  "B-E"               20 cen  1884     /orange @R Lang.......... VF-60,  AU+    360

5(a).                        5 cen  1884     sig R-P; @ABNC........... VF 32,  AU+    190

5(b)                         5 cen  1884     sig R-S; @ABNC.......................   F+         24

5(c)                         5 cen  1884     sig R-C; @ABNC.......................   XF+      95

6(a)                       10 cen  1884     sig R-P; @ABNC.......................   F+         40

7(a)                       20 cen  1884     sig R-P; @ABNC.......................   F+         50

209(c)                     5 cen  1891     sig S-A........................................   XF-       65

209(d)                     5 cen  1891     sig R-Mo.....................................   VF+      30

209(e)                     5 cen  1891     sig R-Ma........................... F+15,  XF+      60

210(c)                   10 cen  1891     sig S-A........................................   XF         60

210(e)                  10 cen  1891     sig A-Ma......................................   XF+      90

211(c)                   20 cen  1891     sig S-A............................. XF 80,  UN      320

211(d).                 20 cen  1891     sig A-Mo......................................   UN      320

213(a)                     5 cen  1892     sig C-C........................................   AU      320

215(b)                  20 cen  1892     sig S-C........................................   XF+    240

218(a)                     1 pes  1895     sig A-S ovpt "1897".......... F 40,  VF         80

228                       10 cen  1895     .............................. F+15, XF 40,  AU        80

229.                      20 cen  1895     ........................................... F+20,  AU+    160

230(c)                   50 cen  1895     /Columbus sig B-P.....................   AU      400

231                       50 cen  1897     (1899) coded prefix +suffix.......   VF      700

                                            -Bancos Garantidos 1886-1897

s1102c                    2 pes  1888     Prov Buenos Aires t"1894".......   AU+ 1200

s1131c                    1 pes  1888     Prov Corrientes;ovpt"1897"......   F           60

s1181b                   1 pes  1888     Prov San Juan;ovpt"1894".......   VG+      75

s1201b                   1 pes  1888     Prov Santiago;ovpt"1894"........   F-          60

                                            -Caja Conversion 1899-1903

231                       50 cen  1897     (1900) coded#............................   VF      800

235         "B"           1 pes  1897     (1900) coded#............. trimmed  F-        400

242         "A"        50 cen  1897     (1918) sig MA-OB......... VF+45,  AU+    180

242A(a) "A"         50 cen  1897     (1922) sig MA-M........................   XF         50

243(d).   "B"           1 pes  1897     (1908) sig MA-OB............. F 30,  UN      480

243(f)     "D"           1 pes  1897     (1925) sig MG-C........................   VF         30

243(i).    "F"            1 pes  1897     (1932) sig MG-M............ VF 10,  UN        80

244(e)    "A"           5 pes  1897     (1923) sig MA-M........................   VG+      60

244(i).    "C"           5 pes  1897     (1933) sig MG-M........................   UN      480

245(d)    "A"         10 pes  1897     (1908) sig M-B...........................   F           40

245(j)     "C"         10 pes  1897     (1925) sig MG-M........................   VG        20

245(k)    "C"         10 pes  1897     (1925) sig MG-R............... F 40,  VF         80

246(f)     "B"         50 pes  1897     (1927) sig MG-C........................   XF+    600

247(e)    "B"       100 pes  1897     (1926) sig MG-C........................   F           80

247(f).    "B"       100 pes  1897     (1931) sig MG-A........................   AU      500

                                            -Banco Central 1935-

249A.   proof        1 peso  (1935)   proof............................................   UN      600

249B.   proof        5 peso  (1935)   proof front only...........................   AU+    200

250(a).   "C"         50 cen  (1942)   sig P-B............................ AU 16,  UN        32

250(c)    "D"         50 cen  (1947)   sig G-B "subgerende"...............   F             4

250(d)    "D"         50 cen  (1945)   sig G-B "gerende"......................   XF+      18

250(e).   "D"         50 cen  (1947)   sig M-M............................ VF+6,  UN        32

250(f).    "D"         50 cen  (1948)   sig C-M................................. F 4,  UN        24

251(a).   "G"           1 pes  (1938)   sig P-B........................................   AU        12

251(a).   "H"           1 pes  (1940)   sig P-B........................................   UN        16

251(a).   "I"             1 pes  (1942)   sig P-B........................................   UN        16

251(b).   "I"             1 pes  (1944)   sig G-B "sub/gerende"... AU 10  UN        20

251(g)    "J"            1 pes  (1946)   sig M-M.......................................   VF           4

251(g)    "K"           1 pes  (1947)   sig M-M.......................................   UN        16

251(h)    "K"           1 pes  (1948)   sig C-M........................................   VF           4

252(a).   "D"           5 pes  (1936)   sig P-B........................................   UN        75

252(b).   "D"           5 pes  (1945)   sig G-B "subgerende"...............   UN        96

252(d)    "E"           5 pes  (1947)   sig M-M.......................................   VG          4

252(e).   "E"           5 pes  (1948)   sig C-M........................................   AU        24

253.       "D"         10 pes  1935     sig P-B..................... VF(p/h) 20,  AU+      80

254        "D"         50 pes  1935     sig P-B............................... F 40,  VF         80

255        "C"       100 pes  1935     "C" sig P-B...................... VG 30,  F           60

256(a)   "E"          50 cen  1947     sig C-M........................................   VF           4

256(b).  "E"          50 cen  1947     sig B-GM........................... VF 4,  UN        16

257(a)   "L"             1 pes  1947     sig C-M.............................. VF 4,  UN        10

257(b)   "M"            1 pes  1947     sig B-GM.....................................   UN        10

257(b)   "N"            1 pes  1947     sig B-GM.....................................   UN        10

258.       "F"            5 pes  1947     sig B-GM........................... VF 4,  UN        24

259a.     "A"         50 cen  1947     "Garrasi".....................................   UN        16

260b     comm       1 pes  1947     sig P-R  /"1816-1947"...............   UN        12

261       "B"          50 cen  1947     sig B-GM.....................................   UN        16

261.      "B"          50 cen  1947     sig P-R........................................   UN        16

262       "Ñ"             1 pes  (1951)   sig B-GM........................... XF 4,  UN        10

263(a1)                   1 pes  (1956)   sig R-AG wmk 1.........................   UN          6

263(a2)                   1 pes  (1956)   sig R-AG wmk 2.........................   UN          6

263(b).                    1 pes  (1956)   sig M-L wmk 2............................   UN          9

264(a)   "G"            5 pes  (1951)   sig B-GM, red#...........................   UN        24

264(b)   "G"            5 pes  (1952)   sig P-R, red#...................... F+4,  UN        24

264(c).  "G"            5 pes  (1955)   sig C-AG, red#...........................   UN        48

264(e)   "H"            5 pes  (1956)   sig M-L, black#................. XF 4,  UN        12

264(f)    "H"            5 pes  (1958)   sig D-MB, black#.......................   UN        12

264x.    "H" error   5 pes  (1959)   black# "No19.962".....................   AU        40

265(b)   "A"          10 pes  1935     (1944) sig red G-B "sub/ "........   AU        64

265(h).  "B-C"      10 pes  1935     (1950) sig black B-GM..............   UN        24

265(i)    "C"          10 pes  1935     (1953) sig black P-R........ XF 4,  UN        12

265        proof      10 pes  1935     back geometric design..............   AU+    120

267(a)   "A"        100 pes  1935     (1944) sig brown G-B................   F           25

267(d).  "A"        100 pes  1935     (1951) sig black B-G.................   UN      160

267A     proof    100 pes  1935     front only.....................................   AU+    120

268(c)   "A"        500 pes  1935     (1949) sig C-M...........................   VF+    300

268A.    proof    500 pes  1935     proof; no sig no#........................   UN      120

270(c)   "D"          10 pes  (1955)   sig C-A........................................   XF         12

270(e)   "D-E"      10 pes  (1957)   sig M-L................................. F 4,  UN        16

270(f)    "E"          10 pes  (1958)   sig D-MB.....................................   UN        10

270(g).  "F"          10 pes  (1960)   sig F-C........................................   AU+        8

270(i)    "F-G"      10 pes  (1960)   sig F-MD............................ XF 4,  UN        10

271(g)   "B"          50 pes  (1963)   sig F-P.........................................   UN        20

271(i)    "C"          50 pes  (1964)   sig F-E.........................................   UN        20

271(j)    "C"          50 pes  (1966)   sig M-E........................................   UN        20

271(m)  "C-D"      50 pes  (1966)   sig I-R..........................................   UN        16

272(d)   "B-C"    100 pes  (1961)   sig F-MD.....................................   UN        40

272(f)    "C"        100 pes  (1963)   sig F-OM.....................................   UN        24

272(g)   "D"        100 pes  (1964)   sig F-E.........................................   UN        20

272(j)    "E"        100 pes  (1966)   sig M-E........................................   UN        20

272(l)    "E"        100 pes  (1967)   sig I-R..........................................   UN        16

273(e).  "B"        500 pes  (1960)   sig F-MD.....................................   UN      240

274(g)   "C"    1,000 pes  (1961)   sig F-M........................... XF+36,  UN        96

274(h).  "C"    1,000 pes  (1964)   sig F-E.........................................   UN        96

275a.                      5 pes  (1960)   sig F-C........................................   UN        16

275b                        5 pes  (1960)   sig P-MD.....................................   XF         16

275c                        5 pes  (1960)   sig C-MD.....................................   UN        16

276                        50 pes  (1969)   /army...........................................   UN        16

276       canc        50 pes  (1969)   stamp "BNA sin valor"...............   VG        32

277(a)                100 pes  (1968)   sig I-R .........................................   XF+      12

277(b)                100 pes  (1969)   sig M-I.........................................   UN        16

278(a).               500 pes  (1964)   sig F-E.........................................   UN      160

278(b).               500 pes  (1966)   sig M-E........................................   UN        96

278(d)                500 pes  (1967)   sig I-R..........................................   UN        60

279(c).            1,000 pes  (1968)   sig I-R..........................................   UN        75

280(f).             5,000 pes  (1968)   sig I-R................ VF 30, VF+45,  UN-    240

281(e)           10,000 pes  (1968)   sig I-R..........................................   UN      240

282                          1 pes  (1969)   ovpt-100 pes.................... VF+8,  UN        40

283(b)                     5 pes  (1969)   ovpt-500 pes sig M-I.................   UN        60

284                        10 pes  (1969)   ovpt-1,000 pes............... VF 12,  XF         24

285                        50 pes  (1969)   ovpt-5,000 pes.................. F 25,  UN      400

286(a).               100 pes  (1969)   ovpt-10,000 sig I-R....................   UN      320

286(b).               100 pes  (1970)   ovpt-10,000 sig M-I...................   XF+    120

287(a)    "A"           1 pes  (1970)   "18.188" sig M-I.........................   UN          6

287(b).   "C"           1 pes  (1971)   "18.188" sig A-F.........................   UN          9

287(c)    "C"           1 pes  (1972)   "18.188" sig M-B........................   UN          6

287(d)    "D"           1 pes  (1973)   "18.188" sig M-BE.....................   UN          6

287(e)    "E"           1 pes  (1973)   "18.188" sig M-GM....................   UN          6

288(a)    "A"           5 pes  (1971)   "18.188" sig M-B........................   UN        15

289(e).   "B"         10 pes  (1972)   "18.188" sig M-BE.....................   UN        15

289(f)     "B"         10 pes  (1973)   "18.188" sig M-GM....................   UN        12

293                          1 pes  (1974)   "18.188/69".................................   UN          4

294(a)                     5 pes  (1974)   "18.188/69" sig C-GM...............   UN          6

294(b)                     5 pes  (1975)   "18.188/69" sig M-C..................   UN          4

295(a)                   10 pes  (1974)   "18.188/69" sig C-GM...............   UN          6

295(c)                   10 pes  (1975)   "18.188/69" sig M-C..................   UN          4

295(d)                   10 pes  (1976)   "18.188/69" sig P-M..................   UN          4

296(b)                   50 pes  (1973)   "18.188/69" sig M-C..................   UN          5

297(a)                100 pes  (1974)   "18.188/69" sig C-M..................   UN        12

297(b).               100 pes  (1975)   "18.188/69" sig M-C..................   UN        12

297(c).                100 pes  (1975)   "18.188/69" sig P-M..................   UN        16

298(c)                 500 pes  (1973)   "18.188/69" sig M-Z...................   UN        16

299      error   1,000 pes  (1976)   back only unpt............................   VF+    300

300                        10 pes  (1976)   Belgrano.....................................   UN          6

301(b)                   50 pes  (1976)   Martin sig P-D............................   UN          6

301(c)                   50 pes  (1976)   Martin sig C-D fibres.................   UN          4

301(d)                   50 pes  (1976)   Martin sig C-D no fibres............   UN          6

301b    repl          50 pes  (1976)   replacement "R".........................   UN        25

302(b)                100 pes  (1977)   Martin sin P-D............................   UN          6

302(c)                 100 pes  (1977)   Martin sin C-D fibres.................   UN          6

302(d)                100 pes  (1978)   Martin sin C-D no fibres............   UN          6

303(b).               500 pes  (1978)   sig C-D wmk arms, no fibres....   UN          9

303(d)                500 pes  (1979)   sig L-D wmk arms, fibres..........   UN          6

303(f)                  500 pes  (1982)   sig L-I; wmk star.........................   UN          5

303      repl        500 pes  (1976)   replacement "R".........................   UN        25

304(a)             1,000 pes  (1976)   sig P-D, wmk arms....................   UN          6

304(a)  repl     1,000 pes  (1976)   replacement "R".........................   UN        25

304(c)             1,000 pes  (1979)   sig L-D, wmk arms.....................   UN          6

304(d)             1,000 pes  (1980)   sig L-D, wmk star.......................   UN          6

304(e).            1,000 pes  (1981)   sig L-G, wmk star.......................   UN          9

304(f)              1,000 pes  (1982)   sig L-I, wmk star.........................   UN          9

304(g).            1,000 pes  (1982)   sig L-I, back litho, diamonds....   UN          8

304(h).            1,000 pes  (1982)   sig L-I, back litho........................   UN          8

304(i)               1,000 pes  (1982)   sig L-GS, diamonds...................   UN          6

305(d)             5,000 pes  (1978)   L-D wmk arms unpt yellow......   UN        90

305(e)             5,000 pes  (1981)   sig L-D wmk star.......................   UN          6

305(f)              5,000 pes  (1982)   sig L-GS wmk star....................   UN          6

306(b)           10,000 pes  (1977)   sig L-D; wmk arms.....................   UN          6

306(c)           10,000 pes  (1979)   sig L-D; wmk arms.....................   UN          6

306(d)           10,000 pes  (1979)   sig L-GS; wmk star....................   UN          6

307(a)           50,000 pes  (1979)   sig L-D.........................................   UN          6

308a.          100,000 pes  (1979)   wmk arms...................................   UN        30

308b.          100,000 pes  (1979)   wmk star.....................................   UN        12

309(b)         500,000 pes  (1981)   sig L-I..........................................   UN        24

310(a).    1,000,000 pes  (1981)   sig L-I..........................................   UN      120

310(c)      1,000,000 pes  (1982)   sig L-GS.............................. F+9,  UN        96

311(a)                1  (1983)   Martin/view; sig L-GS................   UN          5

311(b)                1  (1984)   Martin/view; sig L-GV................   UN          5

312(a)                5  (1983)   Martin/Rosario; sig L-GS..........   UN          5

312(b)                5  (1984)   Martin/Rosario; Sig L-GV.........   UN          5

313(a)              10  (1983)   Martin/view; sig L-GS................   UN          5

313(b)              10  (1984)   Martin/view; sig L-GV................   UN          5

314(b)              50  (1983)   Martin/hot springs; sig L-GV....   UN          5

314(b)  repl      50  (1983)   replacement "R".........................   UN        12

315(a)            100  (1983)   Martin/port; sig L-GS.................   UN          8

315(b).           100  (1983)   Martin/port; sig L-GV.................   UN        12

316                 500  (1983)   Martin/meeting 1810.................   UN          8

317(c)         1,000  (1984)   Martin/battle; wmk star..............   UN          8

318              5,000  (1984)   Alberdi/constitution 1863..........   UN        16

320                          1 aus  (1985)   ovpt-1,000   UN        12

321                          5 aus  (1985)   ovpt-5,000   UN        32

322(a)   "A"          10 aus  (1985)   ovpt blue/blue; wmk head........   UN        32

322(b)                  10 aus  (1985)   ovpt blue/green; wmk head......   UN          7

322(c)   "C"          10 aus  (1985)   ovpt blue/green; wmk star........   UN          7

323(a).  "A"            1 aus  (1985)   Rivadavia; sig A-C.....................   UN          6

323(c)   "C"            1 aus  (1986)   Rivadavia; sig S-M....................   UN          4

323(c)   repl           1 aus  (1986)   replacement "R".........................   UN        12

324a                       5 aus  (1986)   Urquiza; sig A-C.........................   UN          6

324b                       5 aus  (1987)   Urquiza; sig S-M........................   UN          4

324b     repl           5 aus  (1987)   replacement "R".........................   UN        12

325a                     10 aus  (1985)   Derqui; sig A-C..........................   UN        15

325b                     10 aus  (1987)   Derqui; sig S-M..........................   UN          4

326(c)                   50 aus  (1988)   Mitre; sig S-M.............................   UN          4

326(c)   repl         50 aus  (1988)   replacement "R".........................   UN        14

326(d)                  50 aus  (1989)   Mitre; sig P-GF...........................   UN          9

327(a)   "A"        100 aus  (1985)   Sarmiento; sig A-C....................   UN        60

327(c).  "B"        100 aus  (1987)   Sarmiento; sig S-M....................   UN          6

327(c)   repl       100 aus  (1987)   replacement "R".........................   UN        32

327(f)    "C-D"   100 aus  (1989)   Sarmiento; sig P-GF.................   UN          4

327       souv     100 aus  2001     "III Convencion BA"... lot#1018  UN        12

328a                   500 aus  (1988)   Avellaneda; sig S-M..................   UN          6

328a     repl       500 aus  (1988)   replacement "R".........................   UN        32

328b                   500 aus  (1990)   Avellaneda; sig P-GF................   UN          6

329(a).  "A"    1,000 aus  (1988)   Roca; sig S-M............................   UN        12

329(c).  "A"     1,000 aus  (1989)   Roca; sig P-GF..........................   UN        12

329(d)   "B"    1,000 aus  (1989)   Roca; sig P-GF..........................   UN        24

329(f)    "C"    1,000 aus  (1991)   Roca; sig I-GF............................   UN          8

330(b).            5,000 aus  (1989)   Juarez; sig P-GV.......................   UN        32

330(d).            5,000 aus  (1990)   Juarez; sig P-GF............ AU 10,  UN        20

330(f)              5,000 aus  (1991)   Juarez; sig M-F..........................   XF           4

332                50,000 aus  (1989)   50 MIL........................... XF+ 60,  UN      160

333              500,000 aus  (1990)   500 MIL.......................................   F+       100

334(a)           10,000 aus  (1989)   Pellegrini; sig P-GF...................   UN        16

334(a)  repl  10,000 aus  (1989)   replacement "R".........................   UN        32

336              100,000 aus  (1990)   Uriburu; sig GF-G............. F 10,  UN      160

337              100,000 aus  (1991)   Uriburu; sig M-F.........................   VF+      60

338(a)         500,000 aus  (1990)   Quintana; sig GF-G...... VF+60,  UN      320

338(b)         500,000 aus  (1991)   Quintana; sig M-F......................   VF+      60

339a.                      1 pes  (1992)   Pellegrini; sig M-F......................   UN        16

340a                        2 pes  (1992)   Mitre; sig M-F.............................   UN        32

342(b)                   10 pes  (1994)   Belgrano; sig F-P.......................   XF         20

345(b).               100 pes  (1994)   Roca; sig F-M.............................   UN      320

339a-45a        1-100 pes  (1992)   matching #1545A... set 7 notes  UN   1600

346                          2 pes  (1997)   Mitre............................................   UN        12

347                          5 pes  (1997)   San Martin..................................   UN        18

348                        10 pes  (1997)   Belgrano.....................................   UN        32

351                     100 pes  (1997)   Roca............................................   UN      240

346-51            2-100 pes  (1997)   matching #1545A... set 6 notes  UN      900

352                          2 pes  (2003)   Mitre............................................   UN          4

353                          5 pes  (2003)   San Martin..................................   UN          5

354                        10 pes  (2003)   Belgrano.....................................   UN          7

355                        20 pes  (2003)   Rosas..........................................   AU          7

356                        50 pes  (2003)   Sarmiento...................................   UN        50

357                     100 pes  (2003)   Roca............................................   UN        95

357     repl         100 pes  (2003)   replacement "R".........................   UN      200

358     comm     100 pes  (2012)   Evita Peron "A"..........................   UN        45

359                          5 pes  (2015)   San Martin..................................   UN          5

360                        10 pes  (2016)   Belgrano.....................................   UN          5

362                        50 pes  (2015)   Islas Malvinas(Falkland)...........   UN          7

364                     200 pes  (2016)   whale...........................................   UN        20

367                  1,000 pes  (2023)   San Martín..................................   UN          4


litho(P6)             vignette  ABNC   S America-hunting..... lot#1399  AU        50

test-prom           vignette  ABNC   engraved "San Martin".. l#1395  AU          9

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s185                      10 pes  1857     Gobierno National.....................   F-        200

s191                   200 pes  1857     Gobierno National.....................   VG+   200

s204                   100 pes  1859.5  Gobierno National.....................   F+       300

s211                   100 pes  1859.9  Gobierno National....... repaired  G+      150

s222a                   50 pes  1861     Republica, Treasury..................   VF+    300

s347x                    20 pes  (1826)   Banco Nacional.............. reprint  XF      110

s353x                    50 pes  (1826)   Banco Nacional.............. reprint  XF      110

s429                        1 pes  1858     Prov Buenos Ayres...................   VG+      80

s441                        1 pes  1864     B Casa Mon Buenos....... G 30,  VG        60

s471                        1 pes  1867     Prov Buenos Ayres.......... G+25  F           60

s481a                      1 pes  1869     Prov Buenos Ayres......... VG 8,  XF+    100

s481b    p/h            1 pes  1869     Prov Buenos Ayres...................   F-          30

s483a                      5 pes  1869     Prov Buenos Ayres...................   VG        30

s485b                   10 pes  1869     Prov Buenos Ayres...................   F-          60

s512      proof        8 cen  (1875)   proof-back;....... corner problem  XF      110

s514      proof      16 cen  (1875)   proof-back;....... corner problem  XF      120

s535a                      1 pes  1883     Prov Buenos Ayres...................   F-        120

s573b    canc         1 pes  1891     Prov Buenos Ayres...................   AU        55

s575b    canc         5 pes  1891     Prov Buenos Ayres...................   AU      100

s611                        5 cen  1891     B.H. Prov Buenos Aires............   F+         80

s613                     20 cen  1891     B.H. Prov Buenos Aires............   AU      150

s615                        1 pes  1891     B.H. Prov Buenos Aires............   AU      180

s646a                   40 cen  1873     Banco National..........................   VF      250

s662b                     9 cen  1879     stamp "San Juan 1879"............   F-        150

s798     canc          5 cen  1874     P Santa Fe.... hole cancelation  AU      180

s825                        1 real  1881     Prov Santa Fe............................   F+       300

s1459   rema          1 rea  1873     B Argentino; Concordia............   AU      200

s1472   rema          1 rea  187-      B Argentino; horse.....................   AU      250

s1477   rema          1 rea  (1868)   B Argentino; ship.......................   AU      200

s1517   rema       1/2 rea  1869     B Argentino; Rosario.................   AU      100

s1523   rema          4 rea  1868     B Argentino; Rosario.................   F+       150

s1527   rema       10 pes  1866     B Argentino; Rosario.................   AU      200

s1529   rema       50 pes  1866     B Argentino; Rosario.................   AU      350

s1531   rema          1 rea  1868     B Argentino; ostrich...................   AU      200

s1576   rema          5 rea  1867     Banco Corrientes....   AU      220

NL                           1 pes  1888     Colonia Ocampe, like s1566....   F           65

s1731   canc          1 real  1866     Londres y Rio Plata...................   F         200

s1781   rema       4 rea b  1869     Banco Oxandaburu...................   AU        30

s1782   rema      1 pes b  1869     Banco Oxandaburu...................   AU        50

s1803                      5 pes  (1869)   Banco Domingo Garbino..........   AU      140

s1812                      1 rea  1868     Banco Parana............................   VF         90

s1814a                    4 rea  1868     Banco Parana............................   VF+    140

s1815                      1 pes  (1868)   Banco Parana............................   VF      120

s1904                   10 pes  1884     Banco San Luis..........................   AU      350

s2075                      1 pes  1901     P Mendoza +red stamp "B"......   XF-     150

s2314.                  20 pes  (2002)   Prov Buenos Aires........... VF 8,  UN        50

s2393.2   "C"         2 pes  2001     Prov Corrientes..........................   UN          9

s2402                0.50 aus  -1988    Province of Jujuy.......................   UN          5

s2602               100 p arg  -1987    Province of Salta.......................   UN          9

s2612                     1 aus  -1987    Province of Salta.......................   UN          5

s2623d               100 aus  -1991    Province of Salta.......................   UN          5

s2651                     1 aus  (1995)   Province of San Juan................   UN        10

s2652                     2 aus  (1995)   Province of San Juan................   UN        12

s2701a                 10 cen  1985     Province of Tucuman................   UN          4

s2715                 100 aus  -1991    Province of Tucuman................   UN          8

s2716                 500 aus  -1991    Province of Tucuman................   UN          8

NL                         20 cen  (1972)   Credilom.....................................   UN        30

NL                         10 pes  2002     P Chaco "Quebracho"...............   UN        20

NL                           2 pes  2006     LECOP B Nat Argentina...........   UN          8

NL                           5 pes  2006     LECOP B Nat Argentina...........   UN        11

NL                         20 aus  1985     Savings Bank-Buenos Aires....   UN          9

NL                         50 aus  1985     Savings Bank-Buenos Aires....   UN        15

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

share                      share  1907     Tramways Buenos A...... bs#52  VG        25

share                      100 $  ND        Argentine Railway.......... bs#53  VF+      30


PICK#                                 *****ARMENIA****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Czarist Russia)

1                               5 rub  1919     .....................................................   VF         60

2.                           10 rub  1919     ......................................... VF 50,  AU      200

9                            50 rub  1919     .............................................. tear  VF+    150

14a                          5 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU-       70

14x    error              5 rub  1919     "Гочударчтвеннаго"................   AU-       70

15a                        10 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF         70

15x    error            10 rub  1919     "Гочударчтвеннаго".... VF+30  AU+      90

16y    error            25 rub  1919     "двадцашь"................................   XF+    150

18a                      100 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF      100

23a                      250 rub  1919     pink-brown..................................   VG+      45

26                        500 rub  1919     blue........................ G+9, VF-40,  XF+    150

26                        500 rub  1919     back unpt "wavy lines"..............   F           70

27b                   1,000 rub  1919     brown-orange.............................   VF+      70

28b                   5,000 rub  1919     purple-grey........................ F 25,  VF+      70

28.                    5,000 rub  1919     pink..............................................   AU      180

28c.                  5,000 rub  1919     paper buff.......................... F 25,  AU      180

29.                 10,000 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU      200

30.                         50 rub  1919     dragons.......................................   UN      200

31                        100 rub  1919     dragons, mountains..................   UN      140

32                        250 rub  1919     /spinning............. F+30, XF 80AU-     120

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

33                          10 dra  1993     statue of David...........................   UN          5

34                          25 dra  1993     frieze and cuneiform.................   UN          5

35                          50 dra  1993     museum/parliament..................   UN          7

36a    wmk1       100 dra  1993     Mt Ararat, church.......................   UN        20

36b    wmk2       100 dra  1993     Mt Ararat, church.......................   UN        20

37a    wmk1       200 dra  1993     church St Hripsime....................   UN        20

37b.   wmk2       200 dra  1993     church St Hripsime....................   UN        26

   watermark: wmk1 -outlined arms, wmk2 -graded arms

39.                    1,000 dra  1994      Mesrop Mashtots......................   UN        50

41                          50 dra  1998     Khachaturyan/ballet..................   UN          5

42                        100 dra  1998     Hambardzumyan/telescope.....   UN          6

44                        500 dra  1999     Tamanyan/building....................   UN        20

45                     1,000 dra  1999     Charents/carriage......................   UN        30

46.                    5,000 dra  1999     Tumanyan/painting....................   UN      150

48    comm    50,000 dra  2001     "Armenia Christianity 1700.......   UN      400

50a                   1,000 dra  2001     Charents/carriage......................   UN          8

51a                   5,000 dra  2003     Tumanyan/painting....................   UN        40

52a.               10,000 dra  2003     Isahakian/city.............................   UN      200

55                     1,000 dra  2011     Charents/carriage......................   UN          5

59                     1,000 dra  2015     Charents/carriage......................   UN          5

                                            -Armenia, privatization certificate

NL                    certificate  1994     blue/yellow @TDLR..................   UN        20

                                            -Erevan, city (in Armenian)

NL                          10 rub  (1920)   Erevan; unsigned......................   XF+    150

NL                          50 rub  (1920)   Erevan.........................................   XF-     240

   Documents                     XIII Armenian Communist Party Convention

NL          voting mandate  1940     Party Convention....... lot#1081  F           30


PICK#                                 ******ARUBA****3*

   Netherlands Dependencies, before 1986 see Netherlands Antilles

1                                5 flo  1986     costal view/arms........................   UN        35

2                              10 flo  1986     costal view/arms........................   UN        40

3                              25 flo  1986     costal view/arms........................   UN      150

4.                             50 flo  1986     costal view/arms........................   UN      300

5                            100 flo  1986     costal view/arms........................   UN      500

6                                5 flo  1990     precolumbian art/turtle..............   UN        40

7                              10 flo  1990     precolumbian art/conch............   UN        70

9                              50 flo  1990     precolumbian art/owl.................   UN      300

11                            10 flo  1993     precolumbian art/conch............   UN        45

12                            25 flo  1993     precolumbian art/snake............   UN        95

13                            50 flo  1993     precolumbian art/owl.................   UN      200

14                         100 flo  1993     precolumbian/frog......................   AU      200

17a                          25 flo  2003     precolumbian art/snake............   UN        45

18a.                        50 flo  2003     precolumbian art/owl.................   UN        95

19a                       100 flo  2003     precolumbian art/frog................   UN      170


PICK#                                 *****AUSTRALIA****3c*

   British Colony

12b                         1 pou  (1923)   KgGV sig M-C.. missing corner  VG-    600

22                           1 pou  (1933)   KgGV............................ VG 140VF      560

25a                         10 shi  (1939)   KgGVI, sig S-M.............. VG 50,  VF      200

25b                         10 shi  (1942)   KgGVI, sig A-M................. F 60,  VF      120

26a                         1 pou  (1939)   KgGVI, sig S-M.............. VG 50,  F         100

26b                         1 pou  (1942)   KgGVI, sig A-M............... G+15,  F           40

26c                          1 pou  (1949)   KgGVI, sig C-W............ VG+40,  VF      110

26d                         1 pou  (1952)   KgGVI, sig C-W........... VF 100AU      400

27b                         5 pou  (1941)   KgGVI, sig A-F...........................   VG      100

27c                          5 pou  (1949)   KgGVI, sig C-W.........................   F         110

27d                         5 pou  (1952)   KgGVI, sig C-W.........................   VF      440

28b                       10 pou  (1942)   KgGVI, sig A-M..........................   F+       500

28d                       10 pou  (1952)   KgGVI, sig C-W........... washed  VF    1400

   Commonwealth of Australia, State (from 1942)

29.                          10 shi  (1954)   Finders............................ VF 50,  UN      400

30                           1 pou  (1953)   QEII................................... F+30,  VF         40

31                           5 pou  (1954)   Franklin.......................... VG+40,  F+         80

32                         10 pou  (1954)   Finders.......................... VF 200VF+    300

33.                          10 shi  (1961)   Finders........... VF+60, XF+120UN      320

34                           1 pou  (1961)   QEII....................... F 16, XF 65,  AU      130

35                           5 pou  (1960)   Franklin........................... VF 90,  VF+    140

37a.                             1 $  (1966)   QEII, sig C-W.............................   UN      120

37b.                             1 $  (1968)   QEII, sig C-R..............................   AU      500

37c                              1 $  (1969)   QEII, sig P-R..............................   UN        70

37d                              1 $  (1972)   QEII, sig P-W.............................   UN        70

38a.                             2 $  (1966)   MacArthur, sig C-W...................   UN      120

39c                              5 $  (1972)   Banks, sig P-W..........................   VF         35

40a                            10 $  (1966)   Greenway, sig C-W...................   VF         20

41d.                           20 $  (1972)   Reiby, sig P-W...........................   UN      450


42c                              1 $  (1977)   QEII, sig K-S..............................   UN        20

42d                              1 $  (1983)   QEII, sig J-S...............................   UN        10

43a.                             2 $  (1974)   MacArthur, sig  P-W..................   UN      100

43b3                            2 $  (1976)   MacArthur, sig K-W...................   XF+      24

43c                              2 $  (1979)   MacArthur, sig K-S....................   XF         24

43d                              2 $  (1983)   MacArthur, sig J-S.....................   UN        35

43e                              2 $  (1985)   MacArthur, sig J-F........... XF 4,  UN        12

44b2.                           5 $  (1976)   Banks, sig K-W..........................   UN        80

44c.                             5 $  (1979)   Banks, sig K-S.............. XF+22,  AU        30

44e.                             5 $  (1985)   Banks, sig J-F................ VF 10,  UN        50

44g                              5 $  (1991)   Banks, sig F-C...........................   UN        35

45f.                            10 $  (1989)   Paterson, sig F-H.......................   UN        65

45g.                           10 $  (1991)   Paterson, sig F-C.......................   UN        60

46b                            20 $  (1976)   Reiby, sig K-W...........................   VF+      75

46e.                           20 $  (1985)   Reiby, sig J-F.............................   AU+    100

47d.                           50 $  (1983)   Florey, sig J-S............................   AU      180

47g    ERROR         50 $  (1989)   full offset print on back..............   VF+  1000

48c.                         100 $  (1990)   Mawson, sig F-H........................   UN      350

48d.                        100 $  (1992)   Mawson, sig F-C........................   AU      180

49a    comm             10 $  1988     "Bicentennial".............. in folder  UN        80

49b    comm             10 $  1988     "Bicentennial".............................   UN        65

50a                              5 $  (1992)   QEII, sig F-C................... plastic  UN        50

51a.                             5 $  (19)95   QEII, sig F-E................... plastic  UN        55

51c.                             5 $  (19)97   QEII, sig M-E.................. plastic  UN        50

52b                            10 $  (19)98   Paterson, sig M-E.......... plastic  UN        60

53a                            20 $  (19)94   Reiby, sig E-F................. plastic  UN        95

54a.                           50 $  (19)96   Unaipon, sig E-F............ plastic  UN      500

54b.                           50 $  (19)99   Unaipon, sig M-E........... plastic  UN      250

55a.                        100 $  (19)96   Melba, sig E-F................ plastic  UN      350

55b.                        100 $  (19)99   Melba, sig M-E............... plastic  UN      250

56                                5 $  (20)01   Centennial....................... plastic  UN        30

57                                5 $  (20)02   QEII, sig M-H.................. plastic  UN        15

57                                5 $  (20)03   QEII, sig M-H.................. plastic  UN        15

58                              10 $  (20)03   Paterson, sig M-H.......... plastic  UN        24

59                              20 $  (20)02   Reiby, sig M-H................ plastic  UN        45

60                              50 $  (20)03   Unaipon, sig M-H........... plastic  UN      140

61.                           100 $  (20)14   Melba, sig M-P............... plastic  UN      200

62                                5 $  (20)16   QEII.................................. plastic  UN        12

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(P51)                      5 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1284  AU        10

NL(P52)                    10 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1285  AU        10

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Derwent Bank, Campbell/Hobart Town, check

check               64 pound  1838     Derwent Bank, check................   XF      150

check        6.16.6 pound  1835     Derwent Bank, check................   VF+    100

                                            -World Expo 88 "Australia Bicentenary" Brisbane

private                         2 $  1988     valid April-October 1988...........   UN          4

private                         5 $  1988     valid April-October 1988...........   UN          4


PICK#                                 *****AUSTRIA***3c*


A29                          1 gul  1800     .....................................................   VG        60

A30.                         2 gul  1800     ........................... VG 50, F+150AU+    700

A31                          5 gul  1800     .......................... VG 55, VF 200AU      700

A32                        10 gul  1800     .....................................................   F+       300

A38                          5 gul  1806     ............................. VG 80; F 140VF      250

A39                        10 gul  1806     ....................................... VG 130VF      500

A44                          1 gul  1811     03.01.................. G 60; VG 120VF      300

A50                          2 gul  1813     .....................................................   VG-    220

A81                          1 gul  1848     07.01.................................. P 50,  VG      200

A84                          1 gul  1858     .....................................................   VG+   100

A84                          1 gul  1858     stamp +sig "ECHT"..... trimmed  VG      100

A84    canc             1 gul  1858     stamp "ungiltig"..........................   F         150

A88                          5 gul  1859     .....................................................   VG-    300

A91                          6 kre  1849     .....................................................   VG        40

A93                        10 kre  1860     .....................................................   F           30

A94                        10 kre  1860     .....................................................   VG        15

A95                        10 kre  1860     .....................................................   VF      100

A135                        5 gul  1851     .....................................................   VG      450

A150                        1 gul  1866     ......................................... VG 50,  F+       150

A151                        5 gul  1866     red#.............................................   VG      220

A153                        1 gul  1882     ......................................... VG 40,  VF      160

A153   canc            1 gul  1882     2037/94, stamp "ungiltig"..........   F         120

A154                        5 gul  1881     .....................................................   F         300

A156                        1 gul  1888     .............................. VG 25, F+75,  XF+    300

1                             10 gul  1880     ...................................... VG-200VG+   300

5                             20 kro  1900     .....................................................   VG+   400

6                             50 kro  1902     .....................................................   VG+   200

8a                     1,000 kro  1902     ........................................ VF+20,  UN        90

9                             10 kro  1904     Pr Rohan........................ VG 15,  VF+      80

10                           20 kro  1907     woman........................................   F+       200

12                        100 kro  1912     woman........................................   VG          4

13                           20 kro  1913     woman.............................. VG 5,  F           10

15                           50 kro  1914     woman................................. G 4,  F           10

17b                           2 kro  1914     "C"....................... VF 25, XF 40,  XF+      60

19                           10 kro  1915     boy........................................ F 9,  VF         18

20                             1 kro  1916     ................................ VF 4, VF+8,  UN        40

21                             2 kro  1917     ............................................. VF 6  UN        30


47                        100 kro  1912     ovpt "4 October 1920"...............   AU+    240

49                             1 kro  1916     ovpt P20(1919)..........................   UN          6

50                             2 kro  1916     ovpt P21(1919)..........................   UN          6

51.                          10 kro  1915     ovpt P19(1919)..........................   VF           4

53                           20 kro  1913     ovpt P14(1919) auflage-2.........   UN        10

55                        100 kro  1912     ovpt P12(1919)................. VF 8,  VF+      12

58                     1,000 kro  1902     ovpt(1919) "Echt OU Bank".....   VF      100

59                     1,000 kro  1902     ovpt(1919) ........................ XF 9,  UN        25

60                     1,000 kro  1902     ovpt(1919) .................................   VF+      15

61                     1,000 kro  1902     ovpt(1919) auflage-2 ...... VF 8,  UN        45

65                   10,000 kro  1918     ovpt(1919)....................... XF 40,  UN      120

66                   10,000 kro  1918     ovpt(1919) auflage-2..... XF 35,  UN        90

73                             1 kro  1922     .....................................................   UN          4

74                             2 kro  1922     .....................................................   UN          4

75                           10 kro  1922     child.............................................   UN          5

76                           20 kro  1922     man.................................... AU 4,  UN          5

77                        100 kro  1922     Pr Rohan........................... AU 6,  UN          8

78                     1,000 kro  1922     woman........................................   UN        15

79                     5,000 kro  1922     woman................. VG-5; VF 30,  XF-       45

80                   50,000 kro  1922     woman............................ VG 20,  VF         80

81                 100,000 kro  1922     woman............................ VG-40,  VF      200

84                 500,000 kro  1922     woman, kids............... VG+400F-        500

85                   10,000 kro  1924     girl......................................... F 7,  VF         15

87                            1 sch  1924     ovpt 10,000 kro................ VG 8,  F+         24

88                            5 sch  1925     ....................... VG-120, VG 150F         300

89                          10 sch  1925     ........................................... G 90,  VG      180

90                          20 sch  1925     .....................................................   VG+   400

91                       100 sch  1925     ............................................... p/h  VG   1200

93                            5 sch  1927     ............................... VG 20, F 40,  VF         80

94                          10 sch  1927     .....................................................   F           50

95                          20 sch  1928     ............................... VG 40, F 80,  F+       120

97                       100 sch  1927     .....................................................   VG      150

99a                        10 sch  1933     woman/mountain.............. F 45,  VF         90

99b                        10 sch  1933     woman/mountain............. F+35,  VF+      70

100                        50 sch  1935     child/Carinthia............................   VG      600

   Regional 1945 -German issued notes for Austrian regions:

                                            -Gratz, Linz and Salzburg (Austria)

188a                       10 mk  (1945)   Gratz, Linz, Salzburg................   VF      300

189a                       50 mk  (1945)   Gratz, Linz, Salzburg................   F         120

190a                    100 mk  (1945)   Gratz, Linz, Salzburg................   F+       200

                                            -Karnten (Carinthia, Austria)

(Ro187)                 50 mk  1945     04.15;Carinthia............ XF 450AU      900

   Allied Occupation

*102a.  AMC         50 gro  1944     wmk text......................................   UN      500

*102as   spec       50 gro  1944     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU      250

*102b   AMC         50 gro  1944     wmk wavy lines................ VF 4,  UN        30

*103a.  AMC          1 sch  1944     wmk text............................ VF 5,  AU+      30

*103b   AMC          1 sch  1944     wmk wavy lines............... VF+4,  UN        20

*104b   AMC          2 sch  1944     wmk wavy lines................ VF 4,  UN        35

  *103a-105a wmk text barely visible, no wavy lines, printer Forbes USA

  *103b-105b wmk wavy lines, printer TDLR England.

105.     AMC          5 sch  1944     .......................................... VF+8,  UN        40

106.     AMC        10 sch  1944     ............................................ VF 6,  UN        45

107.     AMC        20 sch  1944     .......................................... VF+9,  UN        45

108                        25 sch  1944     .....................................................   VF      400

109      AMC        50 sch  1944     ............................................ VF 6,  UN        50

110a.   AMC      100 sch  1944     ............................. VG- 4, XF 22,  UN        90

110b    AMC      100 sch  1944     ......................................... VF 22,  AU        90

   Russian Occupation

113.                          1 mk  1945     Russian................ AU-(tear) 70,  AU        90


114a.                    10 sch  1945     /mountain; #5-digit........ XF+24,  AU+      48

114b.                    10 sch  1945     /mountain; #6-digit......... XF 20,  UN        80

115                        10 sch  1945     woman; issue-2.................. F15,  XF+      95

116.                      20 sch  1945     girl/sowing....................... VF 12,  XF         24

117                        50 sch  1945     boy; wmk....................................   VG        25

118                     100 sch  1945     woman/academy.............. F 18,  VF+      55

121                          5 sch  1945     Brucke/mine..................... VG 6,  VF         25

122                        10 sch  1946     women/castle................. VG 15,  VF+      90

124                     100 sch  1947     women/mountains......... VG 45,  F+       135

126                          5 sch  1951     Brucke/mine...............................   VF         75

127.                      10 sch  1950     horseman/......................... F 12,  UN      190

128                        10 sch  1950     horseman/ auflage-2........ F 10,  AU+    120

129a.                    20 sch  1950     Haydn/............................ VG 20,  VF         80

129b.  error          20 sch  1950     Haydn/............................ VG 15,  F           30

130                        50 sch  1951     Prandtauer......................... F 34,  VF+    100

133                     100 sch  1954     Grillparzer/Durstein......... F+60XF      160

136                        20 sch  1956     Welsbach/mountains.......... F 6,  UN        90

137.                      50 sch  1962     Wettstein/castle................ F 10,  AU        80

138                     100 sch  1960     J Strauss.......................... F+14,  VF         18

139.                    500 sch  1965     /steam ship........... F 40, VF 80,  AU+    180

142                        20 sch  1967     Ghega/Semmering.......... XF 4,  UN        15

143.                      50 sch  1970     Raimund/theatre.............. VF 5,  UN        40

145                     100 sch  1969     Kauffmann/house............... F 4,  UN        40

146.                    100 sch  1969     Kauffmann/ issue-2............ F 4,  UN        60

147                  1,000 sch  1966     Suttner/palace................. F+50,  VF         70

148                        20 sch  1986     Daffinger/Albertin.......................   UN        10

149.                      50 sch  1984     Freud/Josephinum....................   UN        25

150                     100 sch  1984     Bohm/Academy.........................   UN        40

151.                    500 sch  1985     Wagner/......................................   AU      100

152                  1,000 sch  1983     Schrodinger/university..............   VF         60

153.                 5,000 sch  1988     Mozart/Opera House.................   UN   1300

155.                 1,000 sch  1997     Landsteiner/...............................   AU      130

   Promotional Notes -OeBS (Austrian National Bank)

prom                       1,000  OEBS   Gustav Klimt...............................   UN      100

prom                       2,000  OEBS   Gustav Klimt...............................   UN      100

prom                       3,000  OEBS   Gustav Klimt...............................   UN      100

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            -Karnten (Carinthia)

s102                       10 kro  1918     Karnten.......................................   AU+      25

s103                       20 kro  1918     Karnten.............................. XF 8,  AU+      25

s105                    100 kro  1918     Karnten............................. VG 4,  AU+      30

s105                    100 kro  1918     Karnten; one side front only.....   AU+      25

s106                      10 hel  1920     Karnten.......................................   AU+        4

s107                      20 hel  1920     Karnten.......................................   AU+        4

s108                      50 hel  1920     Karnten.......................................   AU-         6

                                            -Niederosterreich (Lower Austria)

s109                      10 hel  1920.5  Niederosterreich........................   AU+        4

s110                      20 hel  1920.5  Niederosterreich........................   AU+        4

s111                      50 hel  1920.5  Niederosterreich........................   AU+        4

s112                      10 hel  1920.7  Niederosterreich........................   AU+        4

s113                      20 hel  1920.7  Niederosterreich........................   AU+        4

s114                      50 hel  1920.7  Niederosterreich........................   AU+        4

                                            -Oberosterreich (Upper Austria)

s115a                    20 hel  1920.3  Oberosterreich; blue.................   AU+        4

s115d                    20 hel  1920.3  Oberosterreich; violet................   AU+        4

s116a                    50 hel  1920.3  Oberosterreich; brown..............   AU+        4

s116b                    50 hel  1920.3  Oberosterreich; red...................   AU-         4

s117                      10 hel  1920.6  Oberosterreich...........................   AU+        4

s118                      80 hel  1920.6  Oberosterreich...........................   AU+        4

s119a                    10 hel  1921     Oberosterreich; red...................   AU+        4

s119b                    10 hel  1921     Oberosterreich; green...............   AU+        5

s119c                    10 hel  1921     Oberosterreich; orange.............   AU+        4

s119e                    10 hel  1921     Oberosterreich; blue.................   AU+        4

s120a                    20 hel  1921     Oberosterreich; brown..............   AU+        4

s120b                    20 hel  1921     Oberosterreich; violet................   AU+        4

s120d                    20 hel  1921     Oberosterreich; green...............   AU+        6

s121                      50 hel  1921     Oberosterreich...........................   AU+        4

                                            -Linz (Austria above the Enns)

S122                        5 kro  1918     .....................................................   VG        15


s128                      10 hel  1919     Salzburg......................................   XF           5

s129                      10 hel  1920     Salzburg......................................   AU+        4

s130                      20 hel  1920     Salzburg......................................   AU+        4

s131                      50 hel  1920     Salzburg......................................   AU+        5

                                            -Steiermark (Styria)

s135                      10 hel  1919     Steiermark..................................   AU+        5

s136                      20 hel  1919     Steiermark..................................   XF           5

s137                      50 hel  1919     Steiermark..................................   AU+        4

s138a                    50 hel  1919     Steiermark; issue-2, blue..........   AU+        6

s138c                    50 hel  1919     Steiermark; issue-2, brown......   AU+        4

                                            -Tirol (Tyrol)

s139                      10 hel  1919     Tirol..............................................   AU+        4

s140                      20 hel  1919     Tirol..............................................   AU+        4

s142                      10 hel  1920     Tirol..............................................   AU+        4

s143                      20 hel  1920     Tirol..............................................   AU+        4

s144                      50 hel  1920     Tirol..............................................   AU+        4

                                            -Vorarlberg, Bergenz

s145                      10 hel  1919     Vorarlberg...................................   AU+        6

s146                      20 hel  1919     Vorarlberg...................................   AU+        6

s147                      50 hel  1919     Vorarlberg...................................   VF           6

s148a.                   50 hel  1921     Vorarlberg; brown......................   VF           8

s148b.                   50 hel  1921     Vorarlberg; violet.......................   VF           8

   "Danube State" (never created) in Central Europe after WW1,

   unfinished banknotes were ovpt and use as lottery ticket

s151b                           10                lottery ovpt..................... XF+30,  AU+      60

s152b                           20                lottery ovpt..................... XF+30,  AU+      60

s154b                         100                lottery ovpt..................................   VF         30

   War WW1, Austrian Prisoner of War Camp Money

notes ref; C-# -Campbell L.K "Prisoner of money"

                                            -Grodig (Austria)

C-1367                  10 hal  ND        .....................................................   AU          6

                                            -Hajmasker (Hungary)

C-1372                  10 hal  1916     .....................................................   AU-       24

                                            -Harth (Austria)

C-1386                    1 kro  (1915)   .....................................................   AU        18

C-1387                    5 kro  (1915)   .....................................................   AU        24

C-1388                  10 kro  (1915)   .....................................................   AU        30

                                            -Kenyermezo (Hungary)

C-1389                    1 kro  1916     01.15...........................................   AU        30

C-1390                    2 kro  1916     01.15...........................................   AU        30

                                            -Kleinmunchen (Austria)

C-1396                    2 hal  1915     07.01...........................................   AU        12

C-1397                    5 hal  1915     07.01...........................................   AU        12

C-1398                  10 hal  1915     07.01...........................................   AU        12

C-1399                  20 hal  1915     07.01...........................................   AU        16

C-1400                    1 kro  1915     07.01...........................................   AU        40

                                            -Nagymegyer (Velky Meder, Slovakia)

C-1424                  20 hal  1916     07.01; "MS"................................   AU        24

                                            -Ostffyasszonyfa (Hungary)

C-1432                  20 hal  1916     06.01 "MS".................................   AU        15

C-1433                    1 kro  1916     06.01 "MS".................................   AU        18

C-1434                    2 kro  1916     06.01 "MS".................................   AU        18

                                            -Somorja (Slovakia)

C-                           10 kor  1916     01.15; no #.................................   AU        24

                                            -Sopronnyek (Hungary)

C-1465                  20 hal  1916     06.16...........................................   AU        35

C-1466                    1 kro  1916     06.16...........................................   AU        35

C-1467(a)                2 kro  1916     06.16 green................................   AU        35

C-1469                  20 kro  1916     06.16...........................................   AU        70

                                            -Zalaegerszeg (Hungary)

C-1487                  10 hal  1916     08.15...........................................   AU        18

C-1488                  50 hal  1916     08.15...........................................   AU        18

C-1489                    1 kro  1916     08.15...........................................   AU        24

C-1490                    2 kro  1916     08.15...........................................   AU        30

C-1491                    5 kro  1916     08.15...........................................   XF         30

                                            -Brunn/G (Hungary)

C-1516                  10 hel  ND        perf "KFA"...................................   AU        50

                                            -Katzenau/Linz (Austria) refugee camp

C-1606a   canc    20 hel  ND        pink; #..........................................   AU        16

C-1605     canc    10 hel  ND        pink..............................................   AU        16

C-1606     canc    20 hel  ND        yellow..........................................   AU        16

C-1607     canc       1 kro  ND        grey.............................................   AU        16

C-1608     canc       2 kro  ND        blue..............................................   AU        16

C-1609     canc       5 kro  ND        brown..........................................   AU        16

                                            -Nezsider (Hungary) refugee camp

C-1613                  20 hel  1916     07.01 "MS".................................   AU        24

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)


notgeld       10,20,50 hel  1920     anti-semitic.............. set 3 notes  XF+    100

                                            -Salzburg, city

notgeld                    4 kro  1920     Salzburg city...............................   AU          8

notgeld                    5 kro  1920     Salzburg city...............................   AU          8

                                            -Schneegattern, Glas und Optische

notgeld             5 sch/kro  1926     .....................................................   VF-       60

                                            -Traisen, Fischer'sehe Weicheisen

notgeld                  20 kor  1918     11.01...........................................   VF+      40

                                            -Wels    Alpenjager Regiment Nr 8

notgeld            50,75 hel  1920     Alpenjager Regiment Nr 8........   XF         24

                                            -Wien (Vienna), city

not         5,20,50,100 kro  1918     Vienna city.......... set of 4 notes  XF         40

notgeld            10,50 hel  1920     Vienna city..................................   AU          8

                                            -Wien (Vienna),"Hammerbrot"(Briefmarkengeld)

notgeld-psm       100 kro  (1920)   post stamp money.....................   AU      120

                                            -(Wien) "Jakobi" Ottoman cigarette paper

notgeld-psm         50 hel  (1920)   post stamp money.....................   AU      150

                                            -Wiener Neustadt, city

notgeld                    5 kro  1918     Wiener Neustadt city.................   XF           8

   ***Austria Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            5.5% Staatsanleihe (State War loan)

bond                    200 kro  1917     5.5% State War loan.... bs#200  F           20

bond                  2000 kro  1917     5.5% State War loan.... bs#201  F           20

                                            5% Schuldverschreibung Rep Osterreich

bond                     100 fra  1923     French Francs loan...... bs#202  VF         25

                                            Osterreichische Boden Credit;

bond                    100 gul  1880     3% Loan........................ bs#203  P           15

bond                    100 gul  1889     3% Loan........................ bs#204  VF         30

bond                    100 gul  1899     3% Loan........................ bs#205  F           25

bond                    100 gul  1905     3% Loan........................ bs#206  F           25

                                            5% Staats Schuldverschreibung

bond                    100 gul  1868     cancelled....................... bs#207  VG        20

                                            4% Staats Rente

bond                    200 kro  1893     cancelled....................... bs#208  VF         20

bond                 2,000 kro  1893     cancelled....................... bs#209  VF         20

                                            4% Schuldverschreibung, Verkehrsanlagen

bond                    200 kro  1900     ........................................ bs#210  VF         25

                                            City Vienna

bond                    100 gul  1874     ........................................ bs#211  F           40

bond                 1,000 kro  1918     4% 60 years Loan........ bs#212  VF+      25

bond                 2,000 kro  1918     4% 60 years Loan........ bs#213  VF+      25

bond                 5,000 kro  1918     4% 60 years Loan........ bs#214  VF+      25

bond                 2,000 kro  1921     5% City Loan................ bs#215  XF         25

                                            Austrian Red Cross Fund

bond                      10 kro  1882     Lottery Loan.................. bs#216  F           20

bond                      20 kro  1916     Lottery Loan.................. bs#217  XF         25

                                            4% Schuldverschreibung, Albrecht Rail

bond                    200 gul  1890     ........................................ bs#218  VG        15

                                            "Allgemeinen Osterreich Boden Credit Anstalt"

share                    50 sch  1926     Vienna............................ bs#219  VG+      25

                                            "Biedermann Co Bankaktiengesellschaft"

share                   400 kro  1923     Vienna............................ bs#220  AU        20


PICK#                                 *****AZERBAIJAN****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Czarist Russia)

1.                           25 rub  1919     ................................ VG 8, F+25,  AU      120

2                            50 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU      120

5                          100 rub  1919     Republic......................................   VF         60

7.                         500 rub  1920     ......................................... XF 40,  AU        80

9b                        100 rub  1919     Government;seria2....................   VF+    120

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

11                          1 man  (1992)Maiden Tower...............................   UN          5

12                        10 man  (1992)   Maiden Tower............................   UN        40

13a   "A/1"        250 man  (1992)   Maiden Tower............................   UN      150

13b "BA-CA"    250 man  (1992)   Maiden Tower............................   UN          6

14                          1 man  (1993)   Maiden Tower............................   UN          5

15                          5 man  (1993)   Maiden Tower............................   UN          6

16                        10 man  (1993)   Maiden Tower............................   UN          6

17a   "A/1"          50 man  (1993)   Maiden Tower............................   UN        20

17b   "BA"           50 man  (1999)   Maiden Tower............................   UN          5

18a   "A/1"        100 man  (1993)   Maiden Tower............................   UN        25

18b   "BA"        100 man  (1993)   Maiden Tower;...........................   UN          5

19a   "A/1"        500 man  (1999)   Gencevi.......................................   UN        60

19b   "BA"        500 man  (1999)   Gencevi.......................................   UN          6

20a   "A/1"     1,000 man  (1993)   Resulzado..................................   UN        30

20b. "BA-F"   1,000 man  (1993)   Resulzado..................................   UN        30

21a.  "AA"   10,000 man  1994     solid thread........................... 75UN   1500

21b.             10,000 man  1994     segmented thread............... F 4,  UN        40

23                   1,000 man  2001     oil industry..................................   UN          5

28.                       20 man  2005     helmet,sword/map.....................   UN        40

29                        50 man  2005     education/map...........................   UN        90


PICK#                                 *****AZORES****9*

   Portuguese Autonomous Region

8b                     2500 reis  1909     .....................................................   F       1000


PICK#                                 *****BAHAMAS****3*

   British Colony

A8                             4 shi  190-      Bank of Nassau.........................   VG   2000

9a      "A/3"              4 shi  1936     George VI ..................................   VG      100

9b      "A/4"              4 shi  1936     George VI (1941).......................   F+       200

9c      "A/5"              4 shi  1936     George VI (1944).......................   VG        80

9d      "A/6"              4 shi  1936     George VI (1945).......................   VG        80

9e      "A/7-10"        4 shi  1936     George VI (1947).............. F 75,  VF      150

10d    "A/6-7"        10 shi  1936     George VI (1947).......................   F         120

11e    "A/7-9"         1 pou  1936     George VI (1947).......................   F+       500

12a1                       5 pou  1936     George VI (1944) sig Moore....   F       1000

12b                         5 pou  1936     George VI (1947).......................   F         500

13a    "A/1"              4 shi  1936     QEII (1953)....................... F+60,  VF+    120

13b    "A/1-4"          4 shi  1936     QEII (1954)........................ F 40,  VF+    120

13c.   "A/4-5"          4 shi  1936     QEII (1961)........................ F 40,  UN      640

13d.   "A/5-6"          4 shi  1936     QEII (1963......... VG 20, VF 80,  UN      640

14b    "A/1-2"        10 shi  1936     QEII (1954)..................... VG 45,  XF      360

14c    "A/2"            10 shi  1936     QEII (1961).................................   F+       135

14d    "A/2-3"        10 shi  1936     QEII (1963)........................ F 90,  VF      180

15a    "A/1"            1 pou  1936     QEII (1953).................................   VF-     200

15b    "A/1-3"         1 pou  1936     QEII (1954).................. VF+240XF+    480

15c    "A/3-4"         1 pou  1936     QEII (1961)........................ F 80,  VF      160

15d    "A/4-5"         1 pou  1936     QEII (1963)..................... VG 40,  F           80

16b                         5 pou  1936     QEII...................................... pen  F         400

16d                         5 pou  1936     QEII....................................... p/h  VF      800

17a.                          1/2 $  1965     /market; sig x2........ F 6, VF 12,  UN      100

18a.                             1 $  1965     QEII/reef; sig x2.. F 12,  XF 48,  UN      200

18b.                             1 $  1965     QEII/reef; sig x3............... F+18,  UN      200

19a.                             3 $  1965     QEII/beach;sig.x2.......... VF 40,  UN      320

20a.                             5 $  1965     QEII/palace; sig x2 green.........   UN      700

21a                              5 $  1965     sig x2;orange.............................   VG+      30

26                             1/2 $  1968     QEII/straw market............ VF 8,  UN        60

26s    spec              1/2 $  1968     "SPECIMEN"..............................   AU+      90

27                                1 $  1968     QEII/coral reef........ F 5, VF 10,  UN        80

28                                3 $  1968     QEII/beach........ VF 20, XF+60,  UN      160

29.                               5 $  1968     QEII/................... VG 20, VF 80UN      600

30                              10 $  1968     QEII/flamingos...........................   VF      600

   State (from 1973)

35a    sig D                 1 $  1974     QEII/coral reef.... VF 4, XF+12,  UN        32

35b    sig A                 1 $  1974     QEII/coral reef.................. VF 6,  UN        50

37a    sig D                 5 $  1974     QEII/palace.................... VG 15,  F           30

37b    sig A                 5 $  1974     QEII/palace........... F 30, VF 60,  XF      120

38a    sig D              10 $  1974     QEII/flamingos...........................   AU+ 1200

42                             1/2 $  1974     QEII/market(1984).....................   UN        25

43a    sig A                 1 $  1974     QEII/band(1984).............. VF 4,  UN        32

43b    sig S                 1 $  1974     QEII/band(1984)........................   UN        45

44                                3 $  1974     QEII/sail-boats(1984)......... F 4,  UN        25

45a.   sig A                 5 $  1974     QEII/(1984).......... AU(p/h) 160,  UN      320

45b    sig S                 5 $  1974     QEII/dancers(1984)...... VF+45,  UN      240

45b    sig S                 5 $  1974     printing ink stain on back..........   AU      100

46a    sig A               10 $  1974     QEII/lighthouse(1984)...............   F           40

46b    sig S               10 $  1974     QEII/lighthouse(1984)......... p/h  F           40

50      comm               1 $  (1992)   "Columbus landfall"............ F 4,  UN        32

51                                1 $  1974     QEII/band(1992).............. VF 4,  UN        24

57                                1 $  1996     QEII/band.......................... VF 4,  UN        20

63b                              5 $  2001     Wallace/dancers........................   UN        50

64                              10 $  2000     Sands/harbour...........................   UN      100

65                              20 $  1997     Butler/port...................................   UN      220

65A                           20 $  2000     Butler/port...................................   UN      180

68                             1/2 $  2001     QEII/market................................   UN          5

69                                1 $  2001     Pindling/band.................... VF 4,  UN          7

70                                1 $  2002     QEII/police band........................   UN        18

71.                               1 $  2008     Pindling/band.............................   UN        15

71A                              1 $  2015     Pindling/band.............................   UN          6

72                                5 $  2007     Wallace/dancers........................   UN        22

72A                              5 $  2013     Wallace/dancers........................   UN        18

73A                           10 $  2009     Sands/harbour.............. VF+10,  UN        45

74                              20 $  2006     Butler/port...................................   UN        90

74A                           20 $  2010     Butler/port...................... VF+20,  UN        80

75.                             50 $  2006     Symonette..................................   UN      220

75A                           50 $  2012     Symonette..................................   UN      200


PICK#                                 *****BAHRAIN****3*


1                             100 fil  1964     dhow/palms........... F 5, VF+15,  UN        80

2.                           1/4 din  1964     dhow/oil ring...............................   UN      320

3                            1/2 din  1964     dhow/port........................... F 20,  VF+      60

4                               1 din  1964     dhow/minarets...........................   F           20

7                            1/2 din  1973     arms/factory...................... VF 4,  UN        20

8                               1 din  1973     arms/bank......................... VF 4,  UN        32

8A                            5 din  1973     arms/boats..................................   UN      260

9a     black#          10 din  1973     arms/dry dock; black#... VF 55,  UN      450

13.                            1 din  1973     (1993)arms/bank................. F 4,  UN        60

15.                         10 din  1973     (1993)boat/view........... XF 110,  UN      450

16                          20 din  1973     (1993)gate/mosque violet.........   VG+   120

16     illegal           20 din  1973     (1993)illegal issue violet...........   UN        50

17                         1/2 din  1973     (1998)weaver/factory..... VF+4,  UN        20

18b                       1/2 din  1973     (1998)weaver/factory................   UN        18

19b                           1 din  1973     (1998)arms/bank.......................   UN        30

20b                           5 din  1973     (1998)arms/airport.....................   UN      120

23                          20 din  1973     (1998)gate/mosque orange......   XF      120

25.                        1/2 din  2006     .....................................................   UN          6

26                             1 din  2006     bank/horses................................   UN          9

27                             5 din  2006     fort/oil industry............................   UN        45

28.                         10 din  2006     King/bridge.................................   UN        80

29.                         20 din  2006     King/mosque..............................   UN      170

   Collector Series(CS1 with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix)

CS1   spec        100fi-20  dinar     (1978)P1-6,10 ....... set 7 notes  UN      500


PICK#                                 *****BANGLADESH****3*

   All Bangladesh banknotes until P32 (1998) are with pinholes (p/h).

   Republic(after secession from Pakistan in 1971)

1                          1 rupee  (1971)   English ovpt "Bangladesh".......   UN-    120

1A                        1 rupee  (1971)   Bengali ovpt "Bangladesh".......   UN-    120

4                             1 taka  (1972)   map.............................................   UN-    100

4                             1 taka  (1972)   map.................................... "A/1"  AU      200

5(a)                        1 taka  (1973)   rice; sig Islam, wmk...... AU-35,  UN-       60

5(c)                         1 taka  (1976)   rice; sig Mahmud, no wmk.......   UN-       20

6.                            1 taka  (1973)   woman............................. XF 20,  UN-       70

6A                           1 taka  (1979)   /deer; wmk overprinted.............   UN-       12

6B(c)                      1 taka  (1985)   /deer; sig Rahman.....................   UN-         6

6B(e)                      1 taka  (1989)   /deer; sig Anwar.........................   UN-         5

6B(g)                      1 taka  (1992)   /deer; sig Alam...........................   UN-         4

6B(i)                       1 taka  (1993)   /deer; sig Ahmed.......................   UN-         4

6C(a)                      2 taka  (1988)   /bird; sig Kibria...........................   UN        12

6C(c)                      2 taka  (1991)   /bird; sig Alam............................   UN          5

6C(d).                    2 taka  (1993)   /bird; sig Ahmed.........................   UN          5

6C(f)                       2 taka  (1996)   /bird; sig Khan............................   UN          5

6C.                         2 taka  2002     /bird.............................................   UN          4

6C.                         2 taka  2003     /bird.............................................   UN          4

7                             5 taka  (1973)   Rahman, map............................   XF+    400

8                           10 taka  (1972)   Rahman, map............................   UN-    900

10                           5 taka  (1973)   Rahman/lotus.............................   F+         25

11a                       10 taka  (1972)   Rahman/ western#....................   XF      160

11b                       10 taka  (1973)   Rahman/ bengali#............ F 40,  XF      160

13a                         5 taka  (1972)   Rahman; sig Hamidullah. VF 6,  UN-       42

14a                       10 taka  (1973)   Rahman; sig Hamidullah... F-5.  UN-       72

16                         10 taka  (1977)   star mosque/rice........................   UN-    100

17.                        50 taka  (1977)   star mosque/tee field.................   UN-    240

21                         10 taka  (1978)   /harvesting; wmk overprinted...   UN-       12

22                         20 taka  (1979)   /washing; wmk overprinted.......   UN-       30

23                         50 taka  (1979)   /tee field; wmk overprinted.......   F+       100

25(a)                      5 taka  (1981)   gate/factory; sig Islam...............   UN-         5

25(b)                      5 taka  (1981)   gate/factory; sig Islam...............   UN-       15

25(d)                      5 taka  (1983)   gate/factory; sig Chaudhuri......   UN-         5

25(e)                      5 taka  (1991)   gate/factory; sig Alam...............   UN-         4

26(a)                    10 taka  (1982)   mosque/dam; sig Islam.............   UN-         5

26(d).                   10 taka  (1990)   mosque/dam; sig Chaudhuri....   UN-       15

26(e)                    10 taka  (1993)   mosque/dam sig Alam..............   UN-         5

26(f).                    10 taka  (1993)   mosque/dam; sig Sarkar..........   UN-         7

27(a)                    20 taka  (1984)   /washing jute; sig Islam............   UN-       12

27(b)                    20 taka  (1990)   /washing jute; sig Chaudhuri....   UN-         8

27(d).                   20 taka  (1993)   /washing jute; sig Alam.............   UN-         7

27(e)                    20 taka  (2000)   /washing jute; s Farashuddin...   UN-         6

28(e)                    50 taka  (1996)   monument; sig Alam.................   UN-       20

30(d)                  500 taka  (1994)   star mosque; s Alam #6-digit...   UN-       90

30(e)                  500 taka  (1995)   star mosque; s Alam #8-digit...   UN-       80

31(d)                  100 taka  (1993)   /Lalbagh ruins; sig Alam...........   UN-       15

31(e)                  100 taka  (1993)   /Lalbagh ruins; sig Alam...........   UN-       15

31(f)                   100 taka  (1997)   /Lalbagh ruins; sig Sarkar.........   UN-         9

31(g)                  100 taka  (1997)   /Lalbagh ruins; sig Sarkar.........   AU          9

31(h)                  100 taka  (2000)   /Lalbagh; sig Farashuddin........   UN-         9

32     comm         10 taka  (1996)   ovpt "Victory Day"......................   UN          5

33(a)                    10 taka  (1997)   Rahman; sig Sarkar..................   UN          6

33(b)                    10 taka  (2000)   Rahman; sig Farashuddin........   UN          5

34                      500 taka  (1998)   monument/parliament......... p/h  UN        60

35    plastic         10 taka  2000     Rahman/parliament...................   UN          4

36                         50 taka  (1999)   building/mosque........................   UN          6

38                      500 taka  2000     Rahman/building........................   UN        50

39a                       10 taka  2002     arms/building..............................   UN          4

39b                       10 taka  2003     arms/building..............................   UN          4

39Aa                    10 taka  2006     arms/building..............................   UN          4

40a.                     20 taka  2002     mosque/washing jute................   UN          4

43a.                   500 taka  2002     monument/building....................   UN        45

45g.                   500 taka  2008     monument/building....................   UN        45

46a                         5 taka  2006     gate/factory.................................   UN          4

46Aa                      5 taka  2007     gate/factory.................................   UN          4

46Ab                      5 taka  2009     gate/factory.................................   UN          4

49c                     100 taka  2008     mosque/bridge...........................   UN        10

49d                    100 taka  2009     mosque/bridge...........................   UN          8

50b                    500 taka  2010     Rahman/building........................   UN        30

51c.                1,000 taka  2010     monument/University................   UN        60

52.                          2 taka  2011     Rahman/monument..................   UN          3

52     spec             2 taka  2018     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        54

54a.                     10 taka  2012     Rahman/.....................................   UN          3

55b                       20 taka  2012     Rahman/mosque.......................   UN          5

55Aa.                   20 taka  2012     Rahman/mosque.......................   UN          4

56b                       50 taka  2012     Rahman/farming........................   UN          4

57a.                   100 taka  2011     Rahman/mosque.......................   UN          5

57b                    100 taka  2012     Rahman/mosque.......................   UN          5

60     comm         40 taka  2011     "Independence Victory 40".......   UN          4

61     comm         60 taka  2012     "Language movement 60"........   UN          4

62     comm         25 taka  2013     "Security printing Co 25"...........   UN          4

63     comm      100 taka  2013     "National Museum 100"............   UN          6


PICK#                                 *****BARBADOS****3*

   British Colony

1b                                1 $  1939     09.01; George VI................ pen  F         200

1b                                1 $  1943     06.01; George VI............. G 60,  F         240

1c                                1 $  1949     01.01; George VI......... VG 120F         240

4a                                5 $  1939     12.01: George VI.......................   F       1300

   State (from 1966)

29                                1 $  (1973)   Prescod; sig Blackman.... VF 4,  UN        16

30     "H1-7"               2 $  (1973)   Bovell; sig Blackman..... XF 12,  UN        50

30     repl "Z1"            2 $  (1973)   replacement "Z1".......................   F           20

31     "B1-5"                5 $  (1973)   Prescod; sig Blackman VF+45,  UN      220

32     "B6-G12"          5 $  (1975)   Worrell; sig Blackman.. VF+15,  UN        80

33     "C1-10"           10 $  (1973)   O'Neal; sig Blackman... VF+30,  UN      160

33     low#39            10 $  (1973)   O'Neal; sig Blackman. #00039"  UN      300

34.    "D1-16"           20 $  (1973)   Prescod; sig Blackman VF+75UN      400

35A  "C10-12"         10 $  (1986)   O'Neal; sig King.........................   F           12

36     "H7-11"             2 $  (1986)   Bovell; sig King................. VF 4,  UN        32

37     "G13-15"           5 $  (1986)   Worrell; sig King.........................   UN        90

39     "D17-24"         20 $  (1988)   Prescod; sig King.............. F 12,  UN      180

40     "J1-3"              50 $  (1989)   Barrow; sig King........................   UN      320

42.    "H12-13"           2 $  (1993)   Bovell; sig Springer...... VF+12,  UN        60

43.    "G16-17"           5 $  (1993)   Worrell; sig Springer..................   AU+      90

44     "24-29"            20 $  (1993)   Prescod; sig Springer................   UN      160

46     "H14-17"           2 $  (1995)   Bovell; sig Springer...................   UN        20

47     "G18-23"           5 $  (1995)   Worrell; sig Springer..................   UN        40

48     "C14-18"         10 $  (1995)   O'Neal; sig Springer..................   UN        60

50.    "D32-35"         20 $  (1996)   Prescod; sig Springer................   UN      120

51.    "J4"                  50 $  (1996)   Barrow; sig Springer.................   UN      320

54a.  "H18-19"           2 $  (1998)   Bovell; sig Cox...........................   UN        32

54b   "H20-23"           2 $  (1998)   Bovell; sig Cox.................... F 4,  UN        12

55     "G24-27"           5 $  (1998)   Worrell; sig Cox................. F+4,  UN        40

56     "C18-20"         10 $  (1998)   O'Neal; sig Cox..........................   UN        70

57     "D36-39"         20 $  (1998)   Prescod; sig Cox.......................   UN      120

60     "H23-38"           2 $  (2000)   Bovell; sig Williams....................   UN        12

61     "G28-45"           5 $  (2000)   Worrell; sig Williams..................   UN        17

62     "C21-31"         10 $  (2000)   O'Neal; sig Williams..................   UN        35

63A  "D41-56"         20 $  (2000)   Prescod; sig Williams................   UN        60

64     "J7-18"            50 $  (2000)   Barrow; sig Williams..................   UN      160

65a   "E14-23"       100 $  (2000)   Adams; sig Williams..................   UN      320

66a.                             2 $  2007     Bovell; sig Williams....................   UN          6

66b                              2 $  2007     Bovell; sig Worrell (2009).........   UN          4

67a                              5 $  2007     Worrell; sig Williams..................   UN-       12

67b                              5 $  2007     Worrell; sig Worrell (2009).......   UN-         6

68a                            10 $  2007     O'Neal; sig Williams..................   UN-       20

68b                            10 $  2007     O'Neal; sig Worrell (2009)........   UN-       12

69a.                           20 $  2007     Prescod; sig Williams................   UN        40

69b                            20 $  2007     Prescod; sig Worrell (2009).....   UN-       30

70a.                           50 $  2007     Barrow; sig Williams..................   UN        90

71a.                        100 $  2007     Adams; sig Williams..................   UN      150

71b.                        100 $  2007     Adams; sig Worrell (2009)........   UN      120

72     comm              20 $  2012     "Central Bank 40 years"...........   UN        25

73                                2 $  2013     Bovell/.........................................   UN          4

75                              10 $  2013     O'Neal/........................................   UN        12

77.                             50 $  2013     Barrow/........................................   UN        60


PICK#                                 *****BELARUS****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

1                            50 kap  1992     squirrel........................................   UN          4

2                               1 rub  1992     hare.............................................   UN        15

3                               3 rub  1992     beavers.......................................   UN        10

4                               5 rub  1992     wolves.........................................   UN          4

5                            10 rub  1992     lynxes..........................................   UN          4

6                            25 rub  1992     moose.........................................   UN          4

7                            50 rub  1992     bear.............................................   UN          4

8                          100 rub  1992     european bison..........................   UN          5

9                          200 rub  1992     city view......................................   UN          5

10                        500 rub  1992     city view......................................   UN      100

11                     1,000 rub  1992     Academy in Minsk.....................   UN          4

12                     5,000 rub  1992     Minsk...........................................   UN        10

13                  20,000 rub  1994     bank.............................................   UN          5

14a                50,000 rub  1996     fort; thread "NBRB"...................   UN        12

15a              100,000 rub  1996     ballet; thread "NBRB"................   UN        15

15b              100,000 rub  1996     ballet; thread "RB 100000".......   UN        12

16                     1,000 rub  1998     Academy in Minsk.....................   UN          4

17                     5,000 rub  1998     Minsk...........................................   UN          5

18                500,000 rub  1998     palace/occupations...................   UN        70

19.            1.000,000 rub  1999     museum/painting.......................   UN        50

21                            1 rub  2000     Academy in Minsk.....................   UN          4

22                            5 rub  2000     Minsk...........................................   UN          4

23                          10 rub  2000     library in Minsk...........................   UN          4

24                          20 rub  2000     bank in Minsk.............................   UN          4

25a                        50 rub  2000     fort Brest.....................................   UN          4

26a                      100 rub  2000     ballet/theatre..............................   UN          4

27a                      500 rub  2000     palace/occupations...................   UN          5

27b                      500 rub  2000     palace/occupations...................   UN          5

28a.                 1,000 rub  2000     painting/museum.......................   UN          6

28b                   1,000 rub  2000     painting/museum.......................   UN          6

28b.                 1,000 rub  2000     painting/museum.......................   UN          6

29b                   5,000 rub  2000     /winter sport................................   UN          7

30b                10,000 rub  2000     bridge/theatre.............................   UN          9

36                200,000 rub  2000     palace/........................................   UN        45

37                            5 rub  2009     (2016)tower/...................... VF 4,  UN          6

38                          10 rub  2009     (2016)tower/...................... VF 4,  XF           7

39.                         20 rub  2009     (2016)palace/bell.......................   UN        22

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Gomel, Region

NL                            5 rub  (1918)   Region of Gomel........................   VG+   150

   Fundraising Notes

NL                    1,000 rub  1994     Orthodox Church........ lot#1094  AU          4


PICK#                                 *****BELGIAN CONGO***3c*

   Belgian Colony till 1960, later Zaire (Congo), Burundi and Rwanda

3                                1 fra  1914     10.09; Elizabethville..................   F-        200

3B                             1 fra  1914     10.15; Matadi..................... tape  G        100

4A                             5 fra  1924     04.03; Kinshasa.......... VG-120VF      700

8e                              5 fra  1929     01.29...........................................   G+      100

10f                          20 fra  1929     02.01; /river................................   G        150

10f                          20 fra  1937     09.15; /river................................   G+      150

13     p/h                   5 fra  1942     /elephant; red........ F(tape) 150,  VF      300

13Ab                         5 fra  1943     08.10; /elephant; blue..... G 40,  F         120

13Ad                         5 fra  1947     /elephant; blue........ VG 60, p/h  F         120

14                           10 fra  1941     12.10; dancers; green...............   F+       180

14B                         10 fra  1942     07.10; dancers; brown..............   VG        60

14C                         10 fra  1943     02.10; dancers; violet................   F         200

14E                         10 fra  1948     11.11; dancers; grey.................   F           80

14E                         10 fra  1949     08.15; dancers; grey.................   VG+      60

15B                         20 fra  1943     longboat/elephants; orange.....   VG      100

15F                         20 fra  1948     longboat/elephants; blue..........   F         120

16a                         50 fra  (1941)   woman/leopard; "A"...................   F+       350

16c                          50 fra  1945     woman/leopard; "D"..................   VG      100

16g                         50 fra  1950     woman/leopard; "P"...................   VG      100

NL(P16)             vignette  ABNC   engraved "leopard".... lot#1386  UN        20

17d                       100 fra  1949     09.14;elephants/oxen...............   XF    1000

22                           10 fra  1952     07.15;dancers;grey...................   VG        45

22                           10 fra  1952     08.31;dancers;grey...................   VG        45

NL(P18)             vignette  ABNC   engraved "native"....... lot#1385  UN        20

26    p/h                  20 fra  1953     12.15;waterfall/............. VG+90,  AU+ 1500

26                           20 fra  1954     04.15;waterfall/..........................   F         120

29    p/h            1,000 fra  1955     02.15;man/antelope..................   XF    3000

30                           10 fra  1955     01.15;soldier/antelope..............   XF         95

30                           10 fra  1955     05.01;soldier/antelope..............   VF+      60

30    p/h                  10 fra  1956     07.15;soldier/antelope..............   VF+      60

30                           10 fra  1956     12.15;soldier/antelope..............   F           20

30                           10 fra  1958     06.01;soldier/antelope..............   VF         50

30.                          10 fra  1959     09.15;soldier/antelope..............   UN      400

31                           20 fra  1956     12.01;boy,dam/girl, river...........   UN      300

32                           50 fra  1959     02.01;textile/weaving................   F           30

32                           50 fra  1959     03.01;textile/weaving................   F+         45

32                           50 fra  1959     04.01;textile/weaving................   VF         60

32                           50 fra  1959     08.01;textile/weaving................   XF      120

33                         100 fra  1955     06.01;Kg Leopold......................   F           30

33                         100 fra  1956     06.01;Kg Leopold......................   VF         60

33                         100 fra  1956     10.01;Kg Leopold......................   VF         60

33                         100 fra  1957     01.01;Kg Leopold.......... VF 60,  VF+      90

34                         500 fra  1959     07.01;port/boat...........................   F         200

35                      1,000 fra  1958     07.15;Kg Baudouin....................   VG-       90

35                      1,000 fra  1958     09.01;Kg Baudouin....................   F         150

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

share                    100 fra  1927     "Socouele" Uele.............. bs#54  VF         15

share                      share  1928     "La Lowa"........................ bs#55  VF         15

share                      share  1944     "Kilo-Moto" mines........... bs#56  VF         20

share                      share  1951     "Simkat" Katanga............ bs#57  VF         20


PICK#                                 *****BELGIUM***3c*


67                           20 fra  1914     sig B-L.........................................   F           25

67                           20 fra  1919     sig S-R........................................   F+         30

67                           20 fra  1920     sig S-R........................................   F+         30

68b                         50 fra  1919     07.17, sig S-R............................   F           80

75b                            5 fra  1918     12.29, green...............................   VG        25

74b.                          5 fra  1919     01.25, brown............ rusty stain  AU      600

78                         100 fra  1920     10.06, sig S-R............................   F+         35

81                              1 fra  1914     08.27...........................................   F           50

82                              2 fra  1914     08.27...........................................   VG        80

86                              1 fra  1918     German occupation...................   VG          8

87                              2 fra  1915     German occupation...................   VG        20

87                              2 fra  1916     German occupation...................   XF      150

88                              5 fra  1916     German occupation...................   VG-       60

89                           20 fra  1918     German occupation...................   VG+   400

92                              1 fra  1920     .............................................. F 8,  XF+      45

92                              1 fra  1922     .....................................................   AU+      80

93.                             5 fra  1923     sig S-R.............................. VG 6,  UN      180

93                              5 fra  1924     sig S-H............................. VG+8,  F+         15

93                              5 fra  1925     sig S-H........................................   VG+        8

95                         100 fra  1921     sig S-R........................................   VG        20

95                         100 fra  1923     sig S-R........................................   VG+      30

95                         100 fra  1926     sig S-H........................................   G+        15

97                              5 fra  1927     sig S-F.................................. F 7,  VF         15

97                              5 fra  1931     sig S-F.........................................   XF         30

98b                         20 fra  1927     sig S-F.........................................   F           25

98b                         20 fra  1932     sig S-F.........................................   G             4

98c.                        20 fra  1940     sig S-J.........................................   AU+    200

100                         50 fra  1927     .....................................................   VG      400

102                       100 fra  1927     sig S-F.........................................   F           15

102                       100 fra  1928     sig S-F.........................................   VG+      12

102                       100 fra  1929     sig S-F.........................................   VF         30

102                       100 fra  1930     sig S-F.................................. tear  F+         25

102                       100 fra  1932     sig S-F.........................................   VF         30

104c                  1,000 fra  1938     sig S-J.........................................   VF-       40

105                  10,000 fra  1942     .......................... corner damage  F+       500

106                         50 fra  1938     sig S-J.................................. F 6,  XF         30

106                         50 fra  1942     sig S-G.............................. VG 4,  VF         15

106                         50 fra  1943     sig S-G........................................   VF+      22

106                         50 fra  1944     sig S-G........................................   VF+      22

106                         50 fra  1944     sig S-F.................................. F 7,  AU+      90

106                         50 fra  1945     sig S-F.........................................   F             6

106.                        50 fra  1947     sig P-F.........................................   UN      120

107                       100 fra  1934     sig S-F.........................................   VF+      20

107                       100 fra  1935     sig S-F.................................. F-4,  VF         15

107                       100 fra  1939     sig S-J.........................................   F             4

107.                      100 fra  1942     sig S-G........................................   UN        90

107.                      100 fra  1943     sig S-G............................... VF 5,  UN        90

108a                         5 fra  1938     sig S-J............................. VF 10,  UN        95

108x                          5 fra  1988     error date (19)88........................   VF+      25

109                       500 fra  1938     sig S-J.........................................   F+         25

109                       500 fra  1939     sig S-J.........................................   VF         35

109                       500 fra  1941     sig S-G........................................   VF         20

109                       500 fra  1942     sig S-G........................................   VF         20

109                       500 fra  1943     sig S-G........................................   VF         20

110                    1,000 fra  1941     06.07; sig S-G............................   AU        80

110                    1,000 fra  1941     12.31; !!New Year's Eve!!.........   VF         60

111.                        20 fra  1940     sig S-J............................... VG 8,  UN      300

111                         20 fra  1941     sig S-G........................................   VF         20

111                         20 fra  1943     sig S-G.............................. VG 4,  XF         30

111                         20 fra  1944     sig S-G........................................   VF         15

111                         20 fra  1944     sig S-F.................................. F 6,  XF         30

111                         20 fra  1945     sig S-F.................................. F 6,  VF         15

111                         20 fra  1947     sig S-P........................................   F           10

113                       100 fra  1944     French, orange. VG 15, VF 60,  VF+      90

114                       100 fra  1944     Flemish, orange.........................   VG+      30

115                    1,000 fra  1944     10.14; red...................................   VF+  2500

116                         20 fra  1948     09.01...........................................   VF+      50

121                            5 fra  1943     02.01 "1"(London)............ VF 4,  UN        20

121                            5 fra  1943     02.01 "2"(Brussel)............ XF 8,  UN        30

122                         10 fra  1943     02.01 "1"(London).....................   VF           9

122                         10 fra  1943     02.01 "2"(London)............ XF 5,  UN        20

122                         10 fra  1943     02.01 "3"(Brussel).....................   XF           4

123                       100 fra  1943     02.01 "1"(London)............ F 20,  VF         40

123                       100 fra  1943     02.01 "2"(London)........... F+30,  VF         40

123                       100 fra  1943     02.01 "3"(Brussel)........... F+25,  VF         40

124                       500 fra  1943     02.01............................... F+100,  VF      140

126    sig S-F      100 fra  1945     Kg Leopold/cavalry....................   VG+      15

126    sig S-F      100 fra  1946     Kg Leopold/cavalry...... VG+15,  VF+      70

126    sig P-F      100 fra  1948     Kg Leopold/cavalry....................   XF         70

128    sig S-T   1,000 fra  1944     Kg Albert/.... VG+75, small tear  VF      200

129a  sig P-F      100 fra  1953     Kg Leopold I/Orban...................   F+         30

129c  sig V-A      100 fra  1958     Kg Leopold I/Orban...................   VG+        9

129c. sig V-A      100 fra  1959     Kg Leopold I/Orban...................   UN      160

132a                       20 fra  1950     Lassus/Monte.............................   VF           4

132b.                      20 fra  1956     Lassus/Monte................... XF 5,  UN        18

133a                       50 fra  1948     farmers/............................. VG 4,  VF+      10

133b.                      50 fra  1956     farmers/.......................... VF+12,  UN        64

134.   sig M-A     100 fra  1964     Lombard/....................................   AU+      45

134.   sig M-A     100 fra  1965     Lombard/....................................   AU+      45

134    sig M-A     100 fra  1966     Lombard/....................................   UN        60

134    sig J-A       100 fra  1968     Lombard/....................................   AU        90

134    sig J-V       100 fra  1970     Lombard/....................................   UN        60

134    sig J-V       100 fra  1971     Lombard/................. XF(p/h) 12,  AU+      40

134    sig J-V       100 fra  1972     Lombard/....................................   XF+      20

134    sig J-V       100 fra  1974     Lombard/....................................   XF-          9

136.   sig M-A  1,000 fra  1962     Mercator/Atlas............................   AU+    220

138    sig H            20 fra  1964     Kg Baudouin...............................   UN          8

138    sig K repl     20 fra  1964     replacement "I"..........................   UN        50

139    sig H            50 fra  1966     Royals................................ XF 4,  UN        15

139    sig K            50 fra  1966     (1976)Royals..............................   UN          9

139    sig L             50 fra  1966     (1984)Royals..............................   AU+        6

140    sig S-S      100 fra  (1977)   Beyaert/design.................... F 4,  UN        50

142    sig D-G     100 fra  (1982)   Beyaert/design...........................   UN        40

142    sig L-G      100 fra  (1984)   Beyaert/design...........................   XF           8

142.   sig D-V      100 fra  (1989)   Beyaert/design...........................   UN        30

143.   sig D-S      500 fra  (1979)   Meunier/design..........................   UN      260

143    sig G-G     500 fra  (1986)   Meunier/design..........................   XF         65

143    sig D-V      500 fra  (1989)   Meunier/design............. XF+90,  UN      250

144    sig D-S   1,000 fra  (1979)   Gretry/................................... p/h  VF         50

144.   sig D-G  1,000 fra  (1982)   Gretry/.........................................   UN      500

144    sig L-G   1,000 fra  (1984)   Gretry/.........................................   F+         40

145.   sig G-G  5,000 fra  (1986)   Gezelle/dragonfly......................   UN   1200

147    sig B-V      100 fra  (1995)   Ensor, circus.................... VF+4,  UN        30

149.                      500 fra  (1998)   Magritte/art.................................   UN      180

150.                   1,000 fra  (1997)   Permeke/painting........... VF 35,  UN      250

151.                   2,000 fra  (1997)   Horta/design...............................   UN      450

   -Armee Belge (military occupation of Germany)

M3                             5 fra  1946     Armee Belge..............................   F           30

M4                          10 fra  1946     Armee Belge................. VG+40,  F+         80

   -First Canadian Army validation stamp "Army Signals/1944.04.14"

*Bel-P121*               5 fra  (19)43   stamp "CYA 1945.04.14..".......   F         250

   -Camps of Repatriates, Belgian validation stamp (1944-1945)

BL1                           2 mk  1937     "Monetaire Omwisseling".........   F+         60

BL1                        50 mk  1933     "Monetaire Omwisseling".........   VG+      40

BL2           100 fr / 10 mk  1929     "Omwisseling van 100 Fr"........   F           60

BL2           100 fr / 50 mk  1933     "Omwisseling van 100 Fr"........   F+         60

BL2                       100 fra  (1945)   "Omwisseling van 100 Fr"........   VG        25

BL3                        10 mk  1929     "Verzamelcentrum"...................   VG+      30

BL3                        50 mk  1933     "Verzamelcentrum"...................   F+         60

BL3                      100 mk  1935     "Verzamelcentrum"...................   VF      100

BL4           100 fr / 10 mk  1929     "100 fr Toegestaan..."...............   XF         80

BL5                           5 mk  1942     "Centre de Rassemblement"...   VG        25

BL5                        10 mk  1929     "Centre de Rassemblement"...   XF         80

BL5                        50 mk  1933     "Centre de Rassemblement"...   F+         80

BL6                        50 mk  1933     "Echange Monetaire"................   VF         50

BL7           100 fr / 10 mk  1929     "Echange 100 fr…"....................   F           60

BL12                      10 mk  1929     "Rassemb  Jambes(Namur)"...   VG        25

BL12                      50 mk  1933     "Rassemb  Jambes(Namur)"...   VF         60

BL14                        5 mk  1942     "Rassemblement d'Uccle"........   F           40

BL14                      10 mk  1929     "Rassemblement d'Uccle"........   F+         40

(P174)                      2 mk  1937     "Ik verklaar geen.."....................   F           80

(P180)                    10 mk  1929     "Je declare ne plus.."................   F           60

(P180)      100 fr / 10 mk  1929     "Omgeisseld 100 Bel. Fr".........   VG+      40

  -Belgian local validation hand stamp(1944) on German notes

(P173)                      1 mk  1937     "Aalst (Limburg)"........................   VG        50

(P180)                    10 mk  1929     "Auderghem (Brabant)"............   VF         30

(P181)                    20 mk  1929     "Auderghem (Brabant)"............   VF         30

(P185)                    20 mk  1939     "Auderghem (Brabant)"............   VF         30

(P173)                      1 mk  1937     "Bellevaux-Ligneuville".............   VG        50

(P173)                      1 mk  1937     Brussel city.................................   XF         60

(P174)                      2 mk  1937     Brussel city.................................   VF+      40

(P186)                      5 mk  1942     Brussel city.................................   F           30

(P180)                    10 mk  1929     Brussel city.................................   VG+      30

(P180)                    20 mk  1929     Brussel city.................................   VG        30

(P183)                 100 mk  1935     Brussel city.................................   VF+      60

(P177)                    50 mk  1924     "Heppenbach"............................   F         200

(P173)                      1 mk  1937     "Eupen/arms" big.......................   VF      150

(P173)                      1 mk  1937     "Eupen/arms" small...................   VF      150

(P173)                      1 mk  1937     "Sint Stevens-Woluve"..............   VG        30

(P180)                    10 mk  1929     "Sint Stevens-Woluve"..............   F           40

(P181)                    20 mk  1929     "Sint Stevens-Woluve"..............   VF         40

(P182)                    50 mk  1933     "Sint Stevens-Woluve"..............   VF         50

(P183)                 100 mk  1935     "Sint Stevens-Woluve"..............   VG+      50

(P173)                      1 mk  1937     "Waimes"....................................   F+       120

(P186)                      5 mk  1942     "Welkenraedt"............................   VG+   100

(P180)                    10 mk  1929     "Walhorn"....................................   VG+   100

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   LOCAL NOTES WW1: 1914-1923;

                                            -Andrimont, Commune

NL                             1 fra  1914     10.19...........................................   F-          15

                                            -Anvaing, Sucrerie d"Anvaing(sugar refinery)

NL                             2 fra  1914     10.01...........................................   F           12

NL                             3 fra  1914     10.01...........................................   F           15

                                            -Arbres, Commune

NL                         25 cen  1914     1918; 3 serie..............................   VG-         6

                                            -Bilsen, Gemeente

NL                         50 cen  ND        -1918.06.01................................   VG          6

                                            -Bilstain, Commune

NL                             1 fra  1914     10.31...........................................   VF-       12

NL                         50 cen  1915     03.07; serie 2.............................   VF-       12

                                            -Blankenberge, Stad

NL                         20 cen  1915     .....................................................   VF         20

                                            -Bra Sur Lienne, Commune

NL                         10 cen  1915     10.................................................   F           12

                                            -Bruxelles, Comite Nat.Secours et d'Alimentation

NL                         25 cen  1916     06.01...........................................   AU        40

                                            -Chievres, Ville

NL                             1 fra  1914     09.19...........................................   VF         15

                                            -Cornesse, Commune

NL                         50 cen  1915     10.31...........................................   AU        30

                                            -Coursel, Gemeente

NL                             1 fra  ND        no stamp.....................................   AU        40

NL                             5 fra  ND        stamp..........................................   VF         25

                                            -Dendermonde, Stad

NL                         10 cen  1918     .....................................................   AU        20

NL                         25 cen  1918     .....................................................   AU        20

NL                         50 cen  1918     .....................................................   AU        20


NL                             1 fra  -09.15   orange.........................................   AU        30

                                            -Dison, Ville

NL                             2 fra  1914     09.22...........................................   XF+      20

NL                           10 fra  1914     09.22...........................................   AU        40

NL                           5 cen  1918     04.01...........................................   F             8

                                            -Duffel, Gemeente

NL                         10 cen  1917     11.22...........................................   XF+      15

                                            -Eename, Gemeentekas

NL                         50 cen  1914     unissued w/counterfoil..............   AU        70

NL                             1 fra  1914     unissued.....................................   AU        60

                                            -Elene, Hulp,Voedingscomitet(Help,Food

NL                         25 cen  ND        .....................................................   F+         25

                                            -Ensival, Commune

NL                         10 cen  1914     09.14...........................................   F             8

NL                         15 cen  1914     09.14...........................................   F+         10

                                            -Fleun, Magasins Communaux

NL                           5 cen  ND        green...........................................   VG          8

                                            -Gaurain-Ramecroix, Commune

NL                             1 fra  1914     10.23...........................................   F           15

                                            -Gent-Gand, Ville-Stad

NL                         50 cen  -1916    01.01...........................................   VF-          9

NL                         50 cen  -1917    01.01...........................................   VG+        5

                                            -Gent-Gand, S.M. Vooruit, goods coupons

NL                        1 brood  1941     06.01; 1 bread............................   AU        10

NL                    1/2 brood  (19)56   1/7/'56; 1/2 bread............... pink  F             4

NL                        1 brood  (19)56   1/7/'56; bread..................... grey  F             4

NL                        1 brood  (19)56   1/7/'56;bread................. orange  F             4

NL                25 Fr. kolen  ND        "in advance 25 Fr. Coal"...........   F-            4

                                            -Gullegheem, Gemeente

NL                         50 cen  ND        pink..............................................   AU        20

NL                             1 fra  ND        light green...................................   AU        25

                                            -Hamme, Gemeente

NL                         25 cen  1914     12.18...........................................   F           20

                                            -Hasselt, Stad

NL                           5 cen  1918     07.01 till 1918.12.31..................   AU        20

NL                         10 cen  1918     07.01 till 1918.12.31..................   AU        20

NL                         25 cen  1918     07.01 till 1918.12.31..................   AU        20

                                            -Herinnes Lez Pecq, Commune

NL                             5 fra  1915     01.17; 2 serie, no# ...................   AU        40

                                            -Hermee, Administration Communale

NL                             1 fra  1914     10.05...........................................   F           30

                                            -Herseaux, Commune

NL                             5 fra  1914     11.29..................................... p/h  VF+      25

                                            -Hoboken, Gemeente

NL                           5 cen  1918     07.17...........................................   VG+      10

                                            -Huy, Ville, Secours et d'Aimentation

NL                           2 cen  -1919    12.31...........................................   VF-          8

NL                           5 cen  -1919    12.31...........................................   VF-          8

NL                         10 cen  -1919    12.31...........................................   VF           8

NL                         50 cen  -1919    12.31...........................................   VF           8

                                            -Ichteghem, Gemeente

NL                             5 fra  1917     05.17...........................................   F+         20

                                            -Iseghem, Hulp,Voedingscomitet(Help,Food Co)

NL                         50 cen  1917     01.01...........................................   F             8

                                            -Kortrijk, Stad

NL                             2 fra  1914     perforated "PAYE".....................   VF         20

NL                           50 fra  1914     perforated "PAYE".....................   XF         50

                                            -Kortrijk, P.B.C.

NL                           5 cen  ND        .....................................................   AU        25

NL                         10 cen  ND        .....................................................   AU        25

                                            -Lebbeke, Gemeente

NL                             5 fra  1914     12.22...........................................   VF         20

                                            -Leuven, Stad

NL                           5 cen  1918     01.23 "B".....................................   AU        30

NL                         10 cen  1918     01.23...........................................   AU        20

                                            -Leuze, Ville

NL                         25 cen  1918     01.25; serie 1.............................   AU        20

                                            -Liege, Union Cooperative

NL                           50 fra  1923     07.01; bon de ristourne.............   VF         25

                                            -Lier, Stad

NL                           5 cen  1918     01.15...........................................   F             8

NL                         10 cen  1918     01.15...........................................   VF+      12

NL                         50 cen  1918     01.15...........................................   VF         10

                                            -Lierneux, Commune

NL                         10 cen  1915     10.01...........................................   VF         10

                                            -Lodelinsart, Novelle Un.Verriere(Glass Blowers)

NL                             1 fra  1915     03.15...........................................   VF         15

                                            -Lokeren, Stad

NL                         10 cen  1918     .....................................................   AU        20

                                            -Melsele, Gemeente

NL                             1 fra  1915     02.04...........................................   AU        40

                                            -Montezen, Commune

NL                             1 fra  1914     12.20...........................................   VF         15

                                            -Mouscron, Ville

NL                             5 fra  1914     12.22..................................... p/h  VF         25

                                            -Nederbrakel, Maagazijnen T Voedingskomiteit

NL                         25 cen  ND        .................................................... .  AU        35

                                            -Nivelles, Comite Local de Ravitaillement

NL                         10 cen  1919     03.01...........................................   XF         10

                                            -Norderwijk, Hulp en Voedingskomitet

NL                         50 cen  1915     .....................................................   AU        90

                                            -Pipaix, (Ville)

NL                             2 fra  1914     08.28...........................................   F           12

NL                             5 fra  1914     09.25...........................................   F           25

                                            -Ranst, Gemeente

NL                         10 cen  1918     03.01...........................................   F           10

                                            -Renaix, Comite D'Assistance

NL                         25 cen  ND        .............................................. G 4,  F             7

                                            -Sint Lenaarts, Gemeente

NL                             1 fra  1915     02.19...........................................   AU        60

                                            -Soignies, Societe Coopperative d'Alimentation

NL                           5 cen  1918     06.01...........................................   F             8

                                            -Spa, Ville

NL                         20 cen  1915     10.12...........................................   AU        25

NL                         25 cen  1915     10.12...........................................   AU        25

NL                             1 fra  1916     01.29;brown arms unpt.............   AU        25

NL                             2 fra  1916     01.29; .........................................   AU        30

NL                             5 fra  1916     01.27;no signatures...................   AU        35

NL                         50 cen  1916     07.29...........................................   AU        25

                                            -Theux, Commune

NL                         15 cen  1915     07.27...........................................   VF+      15

                                            -Trazegies, Commune

NL                         10 cen  ND        .....................................................   AU        20

                                            -Verviers, Ville

NL                         10 cen  1914     09.15...........................................   AU        20

NL                         25 cen  1914     09.15...........................................   VF+      10

                                            -Vilvoorde, Stad

NL                           5 cen  1918     04.15...........................................   AU        20

                                            -Volkeghem, Gemeente

NL                             1 fra  1914     unissued w/counterfoil..............   AU        25

                                            -Wenduyne, Gemeente

NL                           5 cen  1916     .....................................................   VF         10

                                            -Wetteren, Gemeente

NL                         10 cen  1918     .....................................................   VF+         8

NL                         25 cen  1918     ............................................ VF 6,  VF+         8

   LOCAL NOTES WW2: 1939-1950;

                                            -Herseaux, city

SB-711                     1 fra  1940     05.29 ser"A" 5#-digit.................   XF         30

SB-721                     1 fra  1940     05.29 ser"B" 7#-digit.................   XF-       25

                                            -Pipaix, city

SB-1061             0.10 fra  1940     06.03 blank ................................   AU        15

SB-1063                   1 fra  1940     06.03 stamp and sig..................   AU        30

SB-1063                   1 fra  1940     06.03 stamp...............................   AU        15

SB-1063                   1 fra  1940     06.03 blank.................................   AU        15

SB-1064                   2 fra  1940     06.03 stamp...............................   AU        15

SB-1065                   5 fra  1940     06.03 stamp and sig..................   AU        50

                                            -Sinaai Wass, Gemeentekas

SB-1234                 10 fra  1940     05.15...........................................   XF         60

                                            -Sint Truiden (psychiatric institution 1940-54)

NL                           10 fra  ND        psychiatric institution; green.....   AU+    120

NL                           20 fra  ND        psychiatric institution; blue.......   AU+    120

NL                           50 fra  ND        psychiatric institution; red.........   AU+    130

NL                         100 fra  ND        psychiatric institution; brown....   AU+    150

                                            -Waterschei, Charbonnages Andre Dumont

SB-1522   canc       20 fr  1940     05.17; facsimile on back...........   VF-       15

SB-1523   canc       50 fr  1940     05.17; facsimile on back...........   F+         15

SB-1525   canc     200 fr  1940     05.17; pink denomination.........   VF+      20

SB-1534   canc     200 fr  1940     05.17; blue denomination.........   VF         20

                                            -Sint Amedeus, Mortsel (psychiatric institution)

NL                           10 fra  (195-)    psychiatric institution.................   AU+      80

NL                           20 fra  (195-)    psychiatric institution.................   AU+      90

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            "Alelieers Germain-Anglo"

share                      share  1944     .......................................... bs#14  VF         15

                                            "Grand Bazar Place Saint Lambert" Liege

Share                     share  1944     .......................................... bs#13  VF         15


PICK#                                 ******BELIZE****3*

   British Colony (formerly British Honduras till 1973)

33a.                             1 $  1974     QEII.................................... F 18,  UN      280

33b                              1 $  1975     QEII.............................................   F           18

33c                              1 $  1976     QEII.................. F+20, AU+160,  UN      220

34b.                             2 $  1975     QEII.............................. VF+100UN      500

34c                              2 $  1976     QEII.................................... F 24,  VF+      70

35a                              5 $  1975     QEII.............................................   VF+    180

35b.                             5 $  1976     ............................. F 50, VF 100UN      820

36b                            10 $  1975     QEII.............................................   F         150

37b                            20 $  1975     QEII.............................................   VF+    600

38                                1 $  1980     QEII.............................................   UN        95

39                                5 $  1980     QEII.............................................   UN      320

40.                             10 $  1980     QEII................... F+85, XF+340UN      900

   State (from 1981)

43.                               1 $  1983     07.01; QEII/building...................   UN        95

44.                             10 $  1983     QEII/building.................... F+52,  UN      560

45                              20 $  1983     QEII/building...............................   VF      220

46a.                             1 $  1983     11.01; QEII/building...................   UN        90

46b                              1 $  1986     QEII/building...............................   UN        70

46c                              1 $  1987     QEII/building...............................   UN        60

47a.                             5 $  1987     QEII/building...............................   UN      720

47b                              5 $  1989     QEII/building...............................   UN      260

49a                            20 $  1986     QEII/building...............................   VF      140

49b.                           20 $  1987     QEII/building...............................   UN      520

51.                               1 $  1990     QEII/marine life..........................   UN        60

52a                              2 $  1990     QEII/Mayan ruins.......................   UN        50

52b                              2 $  1991     QEII/Mayan ruins............. VF-4,  UN        50

53a.                             5 $  1990     QEII/St George's Caye.............   UN      150

53b                              5 $  1991     QEII/St George's Caye.............   VF         20

54a.                           10 $  1990     QEII/buildings................ VF+40,  UN      220

54b.                           10 $  1991     QEII/buildings.............................   UN      200

55.                             20 $  1990     QEII/animals...............................   UN      320

56a.                           50 $  1990     QEII/bridges...............................   UN      800

56b.                           50 $  1991     QEII/bridges...............................   UN      750

58.                               5 $  1996     QEII/Caye....................... XF 30,  AU        60

59.                             10 $  1996     QEII/buildings................. XF 50,  UN      200

60a                              2 $  1999     QEII/Mayan ruins.......................   UN        40

60b.                             2 $  2002     QEII/Mayan ruins................ F 4,  UN        40

61b                              5 $  2002     QEII/St George's Caye.............   UN        55

62a.                           10 $  1997     QEII/buildings, fauna.................   UN      110

62b                            10 $  2001     QEII/buildings, fauna.................   UN        95

63a.                           20 $  1997     QEII/animals...............................   UN      180

63b                            20 $  2000     QEII/animals...............................   UN      160

64a.                           50 $  1997     QEII/bridges...............................   UN      450

65.                           100 $  1997     QEII/birds....................................   UN      900

66a                              2 $  2003     QEII/Mayan ruins.......................   UN          6

66b                              2 $  2005     QEII/Mayan ruins.......................   UN          6

66e                              2 $  2014     QEII/Mayan ruins.......................   UN          5

67a                              5 $  2003     QEII/St George's Caye.............   UN        12

67b                              5 $  2005     QEII/St George's Caye.............   UN        12

67d.                             5 $  2009     QEII/St George's Caye.............   UN        14

68a                            10 $  2003     QEII/buildings, fauna.................   UN        35

68b.                           10 $  2005     QEII/buildings, fauna.................   UN        35

69a.                           20 $  2003     QEII/animals...............................   UN        90

69b                            20 $  2005     QEII/animals...............................   UN        60

70e                            50 $  2014     QEII/bridges...............................   UN      140

71a.                        100 $  2003     QEII/birds..................... AU-150UN      350

72   comm                20 $  2012     "Central Bank 40 years"...........   UN        50

   Collector SeriesBELIZE

CS1 (fauna, flora, ships) -banknotes on gold foiled paper:

from CS1                    2 $  (1984)   Blue Striped Grunt.....................   UN        25

from CS1                    5 $  (1984)   Hibiscus......................................   UN        25

from CS1                    5 $  (1984)   Ocelot..........................................   UN        25

from CS1                    5 $  (1984)   Curassow....................................   UN        25

from CS1                  10 $  (1984)   Snowy Egret...............................   UN        25

from CS1                  10 $  (1984)   Frangipani...................................   UN        25

from CS1                  10 $  (1984)   Orchid (Galeandra)...................   UN        25

from CS1                  10 $  (1984)   Argias Butterflies.......................   UN        25

from CS1                  20 $  (1984)   Peccary.......................................   UN        25

from CS1                  20 $  (1984)   Scarlet Macaw...........................   UN        25

from CS1                  25 $  (1984)   Red Footed Booby....................   UN        25

from CS1                  25 $  (1984)   Poinciana....................................   UN        25

from CS1                  25 $  (1984)   Blueheads..................................   UN        25

from CS1                  25 $  (1984)   Bird of Paradise Flower............   UN        25

from CS1                  25 $  (1984)   Chachalaca................................   UN        25

from CS1                  50 $  (1984)   Coral Crab..................................   UN        30

from CS1                  50 $  (1984)   Brown Pelican............................   UN        30

from CS1                  50 $  (1984)   Cushion Star..............................   UN        30

from CS1                  50 $  (1984)   Toucan........................................   UN        30

from CS1                  50 $  (1984)   Foureye Butterfish.....................   UN        30

from CS1                  50 $  (1984)   Crocodile.....................................   UN        30

from CS1                  50 $  (1984)   Armadillo.....................................   UN        30

from CS1                  75 $  (1984)   Orchid(Cymbidium)...................   UN        40

from CS1                  75 $  (1984)   Rock Beauty...............................   UN        40

from CS1                  75 $  (1984)   Spanish Hogfish........................   UN        40

from CS1                  75 $  (1984)   Yellow-tail Snapper...................   UN        40

from CS1                  75 $  (1984)   Fairy Basslet..............................   UN        40

from CS1               100 $  (1984)   ship Fishburn.............................   UN        60

from CS1               100 $  (1984)   ship Windsor Castle..................   UN        60

from CS1               100 $  (1984)   ship Spanish Galleon................   UN        60

from CS1               100 $  (1984)   ship A Man O'War.....................   UN        60

from CS1               100 $  (1984)   ship Brigg Whitby 1838.............   UN        60

from CS1               100 $  (1984)   ship Clipper................................   UN        60


PICK#                                 *****BERMUDA****3*

   British Dependent Territory

8a      "A-Z"             5 shi  1937     George VI....................... VG 45,  F           90

8b      "A/1-"            5 shi  1937     George VI....................... VG 25,  F           50

10a    "N-Z"           10 shi  1937     George VI...................................   F         250

10b    "N/1-"          10 shi  1937     George VI...................................   VG+      75

11b    "A/1-L6"       1 pou  1937     George VI................... VG+100F         150

14                             5 shi  1947     George VI...................................   VF+    200

15                           10 shi  1947     George VI...................................   VF      200

16                           1 pou  1947     George VI...................................   F         150

18a.                          5 shi  1952     QEII................................. VF 60,  AU      240

18as   spec             5 shi  1952     regular#...... mounting mark left  XF      350

18b                           5 shi  1957     QEII................................... F+40,  VF+      80

19a                         10 shi  1952     QEII.............................................   F+         90

19as   spec           10 shi  1952     regular#...... mounting mark left  XF      400

19b                         10 shi  1957     QEII.............. VF 100,  VF+150XF+    300

19c                         10 shi  1966     QEII.............................................   F+         75

20a.                        1 pou  1952     QEII....... F+(p/h) 120; VF+250UN   1200

20b.                        1 pou  1957     QEII (no thread)............ F+100AU+    800

20c                          1 pou  1957     QEII (thread)..............................   F+       100

20d                         1 pou  1966     QEII.................................... F 50,  VF      100

21b                         5 pou  1957     QEII.............................................   VF+    600

23                                1 $  1970     QEII/sail boats....... F 4, VF+10,  UN        50

24                                5 $  1970     QEII/lighthouse..........................   VF+      40

25.     low#               10 $  1970     QEII/bird, beach  #000097.......   UN      600

28(a).                          1 $  1975     QEII/sail boats............................   UN      140

28(b)                           1 $  1976     QEII/sail boats............................   VG+        6

28(c).                           1 $  1978     QEII/sail boats............................   UN        60

28(d)                           1 $  1979     QEII/sail boats..... VG 4, XF 12,  UN        50

28(e)                           1 $  1982     QEII/sail boats..................... F 4,  UN        40

28(f)                             1 $  1984     QEII/sail boats..................... F 4,  UN        40

28(g)                           1 $  1986     QEII/sail boats............................   UN        40

28(h).                          1 $  1988     QEII/sail boats............................   UN        60

29a                              5 $  1978     QEII/lighthouse.............. VF 20,  UN      130

29b.                             5 $  1981     QEII/lighthouse............. VF+35,  UN      180

29d.                             5 $  1988     QEII/lighthouse, harbour..........   UN      180

30b.                           10 $  1982     QEII/bird, beach.........................   UN      360

31b.                           20 $  1976     QEII/bridge, harbour.................   UN      720

CS1     1,5,10,20,50,100  1978/84 "SPECIMEN" normal #............   UN      320

34a.                             2 $  1988     QEII/map....................................   UN        35

34b.                             2 $  1989     QEII/map....................................   UN        40

35a.                             5 $  1989     QEII/lighthouse, harbour..........   AU+      80

35b                              5 $  1989     QEII/lighthouse, harbour..........   UN        80

36.                             10 $  1989     QEII/bird, beach.........................   UN      150

38.                             50 $  1989     QEII/lighthouse..........................   UN      550

39.                           100 $  1989     QEII/House of Assembly..........   UN      950

40s.   comm             50 $  1992     Columbus 1492"SPECIMEN...   UN      400

40Ab                           2 $  1997     QEII/map....................................   UN        20

41a.                             5 $  1992     QEII/lighthouse, harbour..........   UN        70

41b                              5 $  1995     QEII/lighthouse, harbour..........   UN        60

41c.                             5 $  1996     QEII/lighthouse, harbour..........   UN        60

41d.                             5 $  1997     QEII/lighthouse, harbour..........   UN        50

42a.                           10 $  1993     QEII/bird, beach.........................   UN      120

42c.                           10 $  1997     QEII/bird, beach.........................   UN      120

42d                            10 $  1999     QEII/bird, beach.........................   UN      100

44a.                           50 $  1992     QEII/scuba divers......................   UN      400

45                            100 $  1996     QEII/House of Assembly..........   UN      600

46.     comm          100 $  1994     "Monetary Authority 25"............   UN      900

49                            100 $  1997     QEII/House of Assembly..........   UN      600

51                                5 $  2000     QEII/lighthouse, harbour..........   F+         10

51s.   spec                  5 $  2000     "SPECIMEN" #0000..................   UN        90

53.     "D/1"               20 $  2000     QEII/bridge, harbour.................   UN      120

53.     radar#            20 $  2000     #"001100""D/1"..........................   UN      180

53s.   spec               20 $  2000     "SPECIMEN" #0000..................   UN        90

53A   "D/2"               20 $  2000     QEII/bridge, harbour.................   UN      110

54b.                           50 $  2007     QEII/scuba divers......................   UN      280

55.                           100 $  2000     QEII/House of Assembly..........   UN      500

60.     "A/1"               20 $  2009     (2013)Whistling frog..................   UN        75

57-62.             2,5,10,20,  50,100  2009; ............. 6 notes set #766  UN      750

  Promotional Notes ANA Convencion 1985engraved from plate card

NL(P23)                      1 $  1970     ANA convention......... lot#1100  UN        30


PICK#                                 *****BHUTAN****3*


1                             1 ngu  (1974)   dragons/......................................   UN        36

2                             5 ngu  (1974)   /....................................................   UN      450

5        "A/1"            1 ngu  (1978)   dragons/Simtokha.....................   UN          9

6        "B/1"            2 ngu  (1978)   dragons/Simtokha............... F 4,  UN        18

7        "C/1"            5 ngu  (1978)   birds/Paro...................................   UN      120

8        "D/1"          10 ngu  (1978)   Kg Singye/Paro..........................   UN      180

9        "E/1"          20 ngu  (1978)   Kg Dorji/Punakha......................   UN      240

12a    "A/1-2"         1 ngu  (1986)   dragons; sig Wangchuck..........   UN          5

12b    "A/3-5"         1 ngu  (1993)   dragons; sig Tsering.................   UN          5

13      "B/1"            2 ngu  (1986)   dragons; sig Wangchuck..........   UN          5

14a    "C/1"            5 ngu  (1985)   birds; sig Wangchuck................   UN          5

15a    "D/1"          10 ngu  (1986)   Kg Singye; sig Wangchuck......   UN        12

15b    "DA-DE"   10 ngu  (1992)   Kg Singye; sig Wangchuck......   UN          6

15c.   "D/3-4"      10 ngu  (1994)   Kg Singye; sig Tsering..............   UN          8

16a    "E/1"          20 ngu  (1986)   Kg Dorji; sig Wangchuck..........   UN        20

16b    "EA-EC"    20 ngu  (1989)   Kg Dorji; sig Wangchuck..........   UN          8

17a    "F/1"          50 ngu  (1985)   Kg Dorji; sig Wangchuck..........   UN        40

17b    "FA-FD"    50 ngu  (1989)   Kg Dorji; sig Wangchuck..........   UN        10

18a    "G/1"       100 ngu  (1985)   Kg Singye; sig Wangchuck......   UN        70

19.     "F/3"          50 ngu  (1994)   Kg Dorji; sig Tsering..................   UN        50

20      "G/3"       100 ngu  (1994)   Kg Singye; sig Tsering..............   UN      160

21      comm     500 ngu  (1994)   "National Day" "H/1"..................   UN      140

22.     "D/4-5"      10 ngu  (2000)   Kg Singye; sig Zimba................   UN          8

23      "E/3-4"      20 ngu  (2000)   Kg Dorji; sig Tsering..................   UN          8

24      "F/4"          50 ngu  (2003)   Kg Dorji; sig Tsering..................   UN        10

25      "G/4-5"    100 ngu  (2000)   Kg Singye; sig Zimba................   UN        20

26.     "H/2-3"    500 ngu  (2000)   Kg Singye/Punakha..................   UN      100

27a.                       1 ngw  2006     dragons/Simtokha fort...............   UN          6

27b                         1 ngw  2013     dragons/Simtokha fort...............   UN          4

28a                         5 ngw  2006     dragons/Taktsang fort...............   UN          6

28b.                       5 ngw  2013     dragons/Taktsang fort...............   UN          5

29a.                     10 ngw  2006     Kg/Paro fort................................   UN          6

29b                      10 ngw  2013     Kg/Paro fort....................... VF 4,  UN          6

30a.                     20 ngw  2006     Kg/Punakha fort.........................   UN        12

30b                      20 ngw  2013     Kg/Punakha fort............... VF 4,  UN          6

31b.                     50 ngw  2013     Kg/Trongsa fort................ VF 5,  UN        12

32c                    100 ngw  2013     Kg/Tashichho fort......................   UN        18

33c                    500 ngw  2013     Kg/Punakha fort.........................   UN        45

34a                 1,000 ngw  2008     Kg/Tashichho fort......................   UN        95


PICK#                                 *****BIAFRA****3*

   Seceded Eastern Region of Nigeria 1967-1970

1                               5 shi  (1967)   palm/girls....................................   UN        35

2                              1 pou  (1967)   palm/arms............ F 12, VF+40,  AU+    150

3a                             5 shi  (1968)   palm/girls....................... VF+12,  UN        60

3b.                            5 shi  (1968)   palm/girls, no#............................   UN      120

4a                           10 shi  (1968)   palm/street....................... VF+4,  UN        16

5a                           1 pou  (1968)   palm/arms...................................   UN          5

6a                           5 pou  (1968)   palm/waving........ F 12, VF+36,  UN      200

6b                           5 pou  (1968)   palm/;no#....................... VF+20,  UN      100

7a                         10 pou  (1968)   palm/carver...................... F+30,  VF         40

7b.                        10 pou  (1968)   palm/carver, no#........................   AU      100


PICK#                                 *****BOHEMIA and MORAVIA***3c*

   German occupation of Czech and Moravia 1938-1945

1a.                            1 kor  (1939)   hand-stamp...................... VG 4,  VF         20

1b                             1 kor  (1939)   machine-stamp....... F 6, VF 14,  UN      110

3.                              1 kor  (1940)   girl..................................... VF+5,  UN        30

5                             50 kor  1940     woman........................................   VF         30

5p                    print proof  engr      girl................................ lot#1354  AU        40

8                             10 kor  1942     girl................................................   VG          4

9                             20 kor  1942     boy........................................ pen  VG          4

10                           50 kor  1944     girl................................................   XF         50

12   "Aa-Ka"       500 kor  1942     Brandl/ auflage-2................ F 8,  XF         30

12p                  print proof  engr      Brandl.......................... lot#1353  AU        50

15   "Aa-Chb"  1,000 kor  1942     Parler; auflage-2................. F 8,  AU+    110

16p                  print proof  engr      St Vaclav..................... lot#1352  AU        60


3s     spec               1 kor  (1940)   perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+      15

4s     spec               5 kor  (1940)   perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+      15

5s     spec             50 kor  1940     perf "SPECIMEN"............ VF 6,  AU+      40

6s     spec           100 kor  1942     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+      25

7s     spec           100 kor  1942     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+      25

8s     spec             10 kor  1942     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+      25

9s.    spec             20 kor  1942     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+      25

11s   spec           500 kor  1942     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+      30

12s   spec           500 kor  1942     perf "SPECIMEN"......... AU-20,  AU+      30

14s   spec        1,000 kor  1942     perf "SPECIMEN" .....................   XF+      25

15s   spec        1,000 kor  1942     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU        30

16s   spec        5,000 kor  1920     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+    120

17s   spec        5,000 kor  1944     perf "SPECIMEN"......... AU-60,  AU+    120


PICK#                                 *****BOLIVIA***3*


91(a)     "E-J"       50 cen  1902     arms................................. VF 20,  UN      120

91(b).    "E"          50 cen  1902     arms; error "di Gobeerno"........   UN      240

92(a)     "F-K"          1 bol  1902     titles cancelled "n…n" ..............   UN      160

92(d).    "G"             1 bol  1902     titles cancelled by bar...............   UN      320

102(e)   "C-Z"         1 bol  1911     serie black; sig Z-L-C...... VG 5,  F+         15

102(f)    "AA-RR"    1 bol  1911     serie black; sig Z-L-C................   VF+      30

102(i)    "W-ZZ"      1 bol  1911     serie black; sig A-Z-M...............   VF         20

102(n).  "A1-V1"     1 bol  1911     serie red; sig A-W-G........... F 6,  XF         24

102(o)   "W1-H2"    1 bol  1911     serie red; sig G-W-G..... VF 12,  VF+      18

102(p)   "N2-Z2"     1 bol  1911     serie red; sig G-P-G..................   VF         12

105(c)   "E-S"          5 bol  1911     serie black; sig Z-L-C................   VG+      20

105(j)    "W-Z"         5 bol  1911     serie black; sig W-Z-M..............   VG+      20

105(p)   "KK-PP"    5 bol  1911     serie black; sig A-W-C..............   F+         36

105(r)    "TT-A1"     5 bol  1911     serie red; sig A-W-G...... VF 30,  XF         60

105(s)   "B1-D1"     5 bol  1911     serie red; sig G-W-G.................   F+         22

106(a)   "A-C"         5 bol  1911     serie red; sig G-P-G..................   VF         30

107(b)   "A-G"       10 bol  1911     serie black; sig Z-L-C.... VG 15,  VF         60

107(f)    "N-P"       10 bol  1911     serie red; sig G-P-G..................   XF      120

112(a).  "K1-T1"     1 bol  1911     ovpt(1929) sig G-D-P................   UN        32

112(b).  "U1-K3"     1 bol  1911     ovpt(1929) sig G-C-P...... VG 4,  UN        26

112(c)   "L3-Z4"      1 bol  1911     ovpt(1929) sig G-V-P......... F 4,  UN        16

113(b)   "H-Q"         5 bol  1911     ovpt(1929) sig G-C-P................   F+         16

113(c).  "R-U"         5 bol  1911     ovpt(1929) sig G-V-P... VF+24,  UN      120

114(a)   "A"           10 bol  1911     ovpt(1929) sig G-D-P...... F+15,  XF+      60

114(b)   "B-D"       10 bol  1911     ovpt(1929) sig G-C-P................   VF         20

115(a)   "A-B"       20 bol  1911     ovpt(1929) sig G-D-P.... VG 15,  VF         60

115(b)   "C-D"       20 bol  1911     ovpt(1929) sig G-C-P....... F 30,  VF         60

116                         50 bol  1911     ovpt(1929)...................... VG 40,  XF      320

117                      100 bol  1911     ovpt(1929)..................................   VF-     320

118                           1 bol  1928     Bolivar, view...................... XF 4,  UN          6

119                           1 bol  1928     Bolivar.................................. F 4,  UN          6

120                           5 bol  1928     Bolivar, view...............................   UN        10

121                         10 bol  1928     Bolivar, view........................ F 4,  XF         10

121s    spec          10 bol  1928     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      200

122                         20 bol  1928     Bolivar, view...............................   XF         16

123                         50 bol  1928     Bolivar /back red........................   VF         16

124                         50 bol  1928     Bolivar/ back yellow...................   XF         48

125                      100 bol  1928     Bolivar, view...............................   XF+      96

126b                    500 bol  1928     Bolivar, view.................. VG+24,  VF         60

127b                 1,000 bol  1928     Bolivar, view.................. VG+36,  F+         72

128a                         1 bol  1928     Bolivar.........................................   UN          5

128b                         1 bol  1928     stamp "emision 1951"...............   UN          7

128c                         1 bol  1928     stamp "emision 1952"...............   UN          5

129                           5 bol  1928     Bolivar............................... AU 5,  UN        10

130                         10 bol  1928     Bolivar................................ VF 4,  UN        16

131                         20 bol  1928     Bolivar, view.................... XF+9,  AU+      18

132                         50 bol  1928     Bolivar, view...............................   F+           6

133                      100 bol  1928     Bolivar, view...................... F 12,  VF+      48

134                      500 bol  1928     Bolivar, view..................... F+36,  VF+      72

138a.                       5 bol  1945     .....................................................   UN          6

138b                         5 bol  1945     stamp "emision 1951".... VF+4,  UN          8

138r     rema           5 bol  1945     no sig...........................................   UN        10

139b                      10 bol  1945     "emision 1952"...........................   XF+         6

139r.    rema         10 bol  1945     no sig...........................................   UN        10

140                         20 bol  1945     Bolivar/mint.................................   UN          8

142.                     100 bol  1945     Bolivar/plowing...........................   UN        90

143                      500 bol  1945     Bolivar/oil well............................   XF         48

144                   1,000 bol  1945     Bolivar/mine..................... F+30,  VF+      60

146                 10,000 bol  1945     Bolivar/independence..... F+90,  XF      240

147                      100 bol  1945     Villarroel/refinery........................   UN          6

148                      500 bol  1945     Bush/miners...............................   F             8

149                   1,000 bol  1945     Murillo/horn..................... XF 12,  UN        50

150                   5,000 bol  1945     Sucre/Puerta del Sol.................   F             6

151                 10,000 bol  1945     Bolivar/................... F 8, VF+24,  UN      128

152                          1 pes  1962     Campesino/farming...................   F             8

153                          5 pes  1962     Villarroel/refinery.............. XF 8,  UN        32

154                        10 pes  1962     Bush/view...................................   UN          5

158                          1 pes  1962     Campesino/farming........ XF+9,  UN        24

161     error          20 pes  1962     bank cancelation........................   XF      100

162                        50 pes  1962     Sucre/Puerta del Sol.................   UN          5

163     "B-10T"  100 pes  1962     Bolivar/parliament; red#............   UN          6

164A  "13E-"     100 pes  1962     Bolivar/parliament: red#............   UN          4

166                     500 pes  1981     Avarora/city; @TDLR................   UN          4

167                  1,000 pes  1982     Padilla/palace.............................   UN          4

168                  5,000 pes  1984     Ballivian/leopard, condor..........   UN          4

169                10,000 pes  1984     Santa Cruz/palace.....................   UN          4

170                50,000 pes  1984     Villarroel/refinery........................   UN          5

171              100,000 pes  1984     Campesino/farming...................   UN        10

172a.               5,000 pes  1982     with stub......................................   UN        50

173a              10,000 pes  1982     with stub............................ XF 8,  UN        32

185                50,000 pes  1984     /"90 dias".......................... F+30,  XF-       80

186                10,000 pes  1984     ser "A".........................................   VF+      36

187                20,000 pes  1984     ser "A".........................................   XF         80

188              100,000 pes  1984     ser "A".........................................   UN          9

189              500,000 pes  1984     ser "A"................................ XF 4,  UN        16

190          1,000,000 pes  1985     ser "A".........................................   UN        20

191.         5,000,000 pes  1985     ser "A".........................................   UN      160

192.       10,000,000 pes  1985     ser "A".........................................   UN      320

192A        5,000,000 pes  1985     CdMB; ser "B"............................   UN        32

192B      10,000,000 pes  1985     CdMB; ser "B"............................   UN        36

192C       1,000,000 pes  1985     CdMB; ser "L"............................   UN        16

193          5,000,000 pes  1985     CdMB; ser "N"............................   UN        16

194.       10,000,000 pes  1985     CdMB; ser "M"...........................   UN      100

195                          1 cen  (1987)   ovpt#169 -10,000......................   UN          4

195    error        1+5 cen  (1987)   2x ovpt "1 cen +5 cen" .............   UN      100

196                          5 cen  (1987)   ovpt#170 -50,000......................   UN          4

196    error      5+10 cen  (1987)   2x ovpt "5 cen +10 cen" ...........   UN      120

197                       10 cen  (1987)   ovpt#188 -100,000....................   UN          4

198                       50 cen  (1987)   ovpt#189 -500,000....................   UN        16

200                           5 bol  (1987)   ovpt#192A ‑5,000,000..............   UN        64

202a    "A"               2 bol  1986     (1987)Vaca-Diez/view.. @FCO  UN        12

202b    "B"               2 bol  1986     (1990)Vaca-Diez/view.. @FCO  UN        18

203b    "B"               5 bol  1986     (1990)Zamudio/altar..... @FCO  UN        25

204b.   "E"             10 bol  1986     (1990)Guzman/............. @FCO  UN        50

205c.   "E"             20 bol  1986     (1997)Dalence/Casa.... @FCO  UN        60

209      "C"               5 bol  1986     (1993)Zamudio/altar... @FNMT  UN        30

210.     "C"            10 bol  1986     (1993) Guzman/.......... @FNMT  UN        50

217      "D"               5 bol  1986     (1995)Zamudio/altar... @TDLR  UN        18

223      "F"             10 bol  1986     (2001)Guzman/............. @FCO  UN          7

224      "F"             20 bol  1986     (2001)Dalence/Casa.... @FCO  UN        18

225      "F"             50 bol  1986     (2001)Holguin/Torre..... @FCO  UN        55

228      "G"            10 bol  1986     (2005)Guzman/............. @FCO  UN        18

229      "G"            20 bol  1986     (2005)Dalence/Casa.... @FCO  UN        18

230      "G"            50 bol  1986     (2005)Holguin/Torre..... @FCO  UN        60

235      "H"            50 bol  1986     (2007)Holguin/Torre..... @FCO  UN        50

238A   "I"               10 bol  1986     (2014)Guzman/................ @OT  UN          5

239A   "I"               20 bol  1986     (2012)Dalence/Casa..... @DRL  UN        10

240      "I"              50 bol  1986     (2012)Holguin/Torre..... @CBN  AU        25

241      "I"            100 bol  1986     (2012)Moreno/.............. @CBN  UN        55

242      "I"            200 bol  1986     (2012)Tomayo/.............. @CBN  UN      120

243      "J"             10 bol  1986     (2015)Guzman/................ @OF  UN          5

244      "J"             20 bol  1986     (2015)Dalence/Casa....... @OF  UN        10

245      "J"             50 bol  1986     (2015)Holguin/Torre........ @OF  UN        25

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s131                         1 bol  1900     Banco Comercio.............. G 35,  VG        70

s147a                       1 bol  1898     Banco F Argandona..................   VG-    150

s150                         5 bol  1907     Banco F Argandona..................   F+       450

s171a                       1 bol  1906     Banco Mercantil.........................   F+       350

s171b                       1 bol  1911     Banco Mercantil.........................   VG      120

s173                         5 bol  1911     Banco Mercantil............. G 150,  VG      400

s211a                       1 bol  1892     Nacional Bolivia.........................   VG-       60

s211b                       1 bol  1892     Nacional Bolivia.........................   F         100

s212                         5 bol  1892     Nacional Bolivia.........................   VG      220

s221a                       1 bol  1887     Banco Potosi; red#.......... G 20,  F+       120

s221b                       1 bol  1887     Banco Potosi; black#....... G 20,  F           70

s231    rema           1 bol  1894     Banco Potosi..............................   UN      150


PICK#                                 *****BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Yugoslavia)

1b    coun           500 din  1992     counterfeit stamp(1992)"1".......   VF           4

1c                        500 din  1992     stamp(1992)"2"..........................   VF         30

2b    coun        1,000 din  1992     counterfeit stamp (1992)"1".....   UN          6

6a    coun           100 din  1992     "Breza".......... counterfeit stamp  UN          5

6b    coun           100 din  1992     "Fojnica"....... counterfeit stamp  UN          5

6g.                       100 din  1992     "Zenica".......................................   AU        70

7a    coun           500 din  1992     "Breza".......... counterfeit stamp  UN          5

7b    coun           500 din  1992     "Fojnica"....... counterfeit stamp  UN          5

7f     coun           500 din  1992     "Visoko"........ counterfeit stamp  UN          5

8a    coun        1,000 din  1992     "Breza".......... counterfeit stamp  UN          5

8b    coun        1,000 din  1992     "Fojnica"....... counterfeit stamp  UN          5

8g                     1,000 din  1992     "Zenica".......................................   AU        60

9a    coun        5,000 din  1992     "Breza".......... counterfeit stamp  UN          5

9b    coun        5,000 din  1992     "Fojnica"....... counterfeit stamp  UN          5

9f     coun        5,000 din  1992     "Visoko"........ counterfeit stamp  UN          5

9g                     5,000 din  1992     "Zenica".......................................   AU        60

10                          10 din  1992     /Mostar bridge............................   UN          4

11                          25 din  1992     /arms...........................................   UN          4

12                          50 din  1992     /Mostar bridge............................   UN          4

13                        100 din  1992     /arms...........................................   UN          4

14                        500 din  1992     /arms...........................................   UN          4

15                     1,000 din  1992     /Mostar bridge............................   UN          4

16a                   5,000 din  1993     /arms...........................................   XF         30

16a   coun       5,000 din  1993     /arms........................ counterfeit  UN          5

16b                   5,000 din  1993     stamp "Zenica"...........................   VF-       40

16b   coun       5,000 din  1993     stamp "Zenica"........ counterfeit  UN          5

17a   coun     10,000 din  1993     /arms........................ counterfeit  UN          5

17b   coun     10,000 din  1993     stamp "Zenica"........ counterfeit  UN          5

21                          10 din  1992     "10"..............................................   UN        70

22                          20 din  1992     "20"....................................... F 6,  AU        60

23                          50 din  1992     "50"..............................................   UN        70

24                        100 din  1992     "100"............................................   VG+      20

25                        500 din  1992     "500"............................................   VF+      35

26                     1,000 din  1992     "1,000"........................................   XF         30

27                     5,000 din  1992     "5,000"............................. VF 25,  VF+      35

28                   10,000 din  1992     "10,000"......................................   VF         30

31                 100,000 din  1993     "100,000" yellow unpt.... VF 40,  XF         80

34a                     100,000  1993     09.01; ovpt-10 din........ ?legal?  UN        10

34b                     100,000  1993     11.10; ovpt-10 din........ ?legal?  UN        10

36                  10,000,000  1993     11.10; ovpt-50 din........ ?legal?  UN        10

37.              100,000,000  1993     11.10; ovpt-100 din...... ?legal?  UN        20

39                             1 din  1994     08.15; /arms...............................   UN          5

40                             5 din  1994     08.15; /Mostar bridge................   UN          7

41.                         10 din  1994     08.15; /arms...............................   UN        12

47                          50 din  (1995)   50/Mostar bridge........................   UN        35

48a                      200 din  (1992)   stamp "Travnik 12000".. XF 30,  AU        60

48b.                     200 din  (1992)   "Novi Travnik 12040"...... F+12,  UN      120

48c                      200 din  (1992)   stamp "Vitez 12030"..................   VF+      30

49b                      500 din  (1992)   "Novi Travnik 12040"... VF+22,  UN      120

49c                      500 din  (1992)   "Vitez 12030"..............................   AU        60

49?                      500 din  (1992)   stamp"?".....................................   XF         30

50a                   1,000 din  (1992)   "Travnik 12000".........................   AU        50

50b                   1,000 din  (1992)   "Novi Travnik 12040"................   XF         30

50c                   1,000 din  (1992)   "Vitez 12030"................. VF+25,  XF-       30

51a                   5,000 din  (1992)   "Travnik 12000"............ VF+50,  XF-       60

51b                   5,000 din  (1992)   "Novi Travnik 12040"................   XF         90

51c                   5,000 din  (1992)   "Vitez 12030"..................... F 25,  VF+      60

52a                 10,000 din  (1992)   "Travnik 12000".........................   VF+      60

52?                 10,000 din  (1992)   stamp"?".....................................   VF+      40

52Aa              20,000 din  (1992)   "Travnik 12000"........... XF 100AU      200

52Ac              20,000 din  (1992)   "Vitez 12030"................... F+75,  VF      100

52A?              20,000 din  (1992)   stamp"?".....................................   VF+      70

53a.               10,000 din  1993     "15.10.93" ovpt green.. ?legal?  AU+        8

53b.               10,000 din  1993     "15.10.93" ovpt red...... ?legal?  AU+        8

53c                 10,000 din  1993     "24.12.93" ovpt green.. ?legal?  AU+        5

53d                 10,000 din  1993     "24.12.93" ovpt red...... ?legal?  AU+        5

54a                 25,000 din  1993     "15.10.93" ovpt green.. ?legal?  AU+        5

54b                 25,000 din  1993     "15.10.93" ovpt red...... ?legal?  AU+        5

54c                 25,000 din  1993     "24.12.93" ovpt green.. ?legal?  AU+        5

54d                 25,000 din  1993     "24.12.93" ovpt red...... ?legal?  AU+        5

55a                 50,000 din  1993     "15.10.93" ovpt green.. ?legal?  AU+        5

55b                 50,000 din  1993     "15.10.93" ovpt red...... ?legal?  AU+        5

55c                 50,000 din  1993     "24.12.93" ovpt green.. ?legal?  AU+        5

55d                 50,000 din  1993     "24.12.93" ovpt red...... ?legal?  AU+        5

56c               100,000 din  1993     "24.12.93" ovpt green.. ?legal?  AU+        5

56d               100,000 din  1993     "15.10.93" ovpt red...... ?legal?  AU+        5

57                             50 pf  (1998)   Kulenovic/......... Bosnian-Croat  UN          7

58                             50 pf  (1998)   Copic............................. Serbian  UN          9

59.                            1 mk  (1998)   Jukic/................. Bosnian-Croat  UN          9

60.                            1 mk  (1998)   Andric/  Serbian.............. F 100,  UN   1600

61                             5 mk  (1998)   Selimovic/......... Bosnian-Croat  UN        25

62                             5 mk  (1998)   Selimovic/..................... Serbian  UN        25

63                           10 mk  (1998)   Dizdar/............... Bosnian-Croat  UN        40

64                           10 mk  (1998)   Santic/........................... Serbian  UN        40

65                           20 mk  (1998)   Simic/................. Bosnian-Croat  UN        60

66                           20 mk  (1998)   Visnjic/............................. Serbia  UN        60

67.                          50 mk  (1998)   Catic/................. Bosnian-Croat  UN      200

68.                          50 mk  (1998)   Ducic/............................ Serbian  UN      200

69                         100 mk  (1998)   Sop/................... Bosnian-Croat  UN      300

70                         100 mk  (1998)   Kocic/............................ Serbian  UN      300

71.                        200 mk  2002     Andric/........................... Serbian  UN      500

84.                          50 mk  2012     Catic/................. Bosnian-Croat  UN        70

85.                          50 mk  2012     Ducic/............................ Serbian  UN        70

87.                        100 mk  2012     Kocic/............................ Serbian  UN      140


57s     spec             50 pf  (1998)   "SPECIMEN".... Bosnian-Croat  UN        15

58s     spec             50 pf  (1998)   "SPECIMEN"............... Serbian  UN        15

59s     spec              1 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN".... Bosnian-Croat  UN        15

61s     spec              5 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN".... Bosnian-Croat  UN        15

62s     spec              5 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN"............... Serbian  UN        15

63s     spec           10 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN".... Bosnian-Croat  UN        15

64s     spec           10 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN"............... Serbian  UN        15

65s     spec           20 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN".... Bosnian-Croat  UN        15

67s     spec           50 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN".... Bosnian-Croat  UN        35

68s     spec           50 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN"............... Serbian  UN        35

69s     spec         100 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN".... Bosnian-Croat  UN        70

70s     spec         100 mk  (1998)   "SPECIMEN"............... Serbian  UN        70

   Serbian Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Banja Luka

133                        10 din  1992     arms............................................   UN          6

133s.  spec           10 din  1992     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

134                        50 din  1992     arms............................................   UN          7

134s.  spec           50 din  1992     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

135                      100 din  1992     arms............................................   UN          8

135s.  spec        100 din  1992     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

136                      500 din  1992     arms............................................   UN        12

137                   1,000 din  1992     arms............................................   UN        12

137s.  spec     1,000 din  1992     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

138                   5,000 din  1992     arms............................................   UN        25

140                 50,000 din  1992     arms............................................   F+         20

141               100,000 din  1993     arms............................................   UN        10

141s. spec  100,000 din  1993     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        50

142                  1,000,000  1993     arms............................................   F+           9

143                  5,000,000  1993     arms............................................   UN        10

144                10,000,000  1993     arms............................................   UN        12

144s. spec   10,000,000  1993     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        45

145.              50,000,000  1993     arms............................................   UN        15

146             100,000,000  1993     arms............................................   UN        15

147          1,000,000,000  1993     arms............................................   UN        15

148.       10,000,000,000  1993     arms............................................   UN        15

148.       10,000,000,000  1993     replacement "Z".........................   UN        50

152                          5,000  1993     Kocic............................................   UN          5

153                       50,000  1993     Kocic............................................   UN          5

153s.  spec          50,000  1993     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

154                     100,000  1993     Kocic............................................   UN          5

154s.  spec       100,000  1993     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

155                  1,000,000  1993     Kocic............................................   UN          5

156                  5,000,000  1993     Kocic............................................   UN          5

156s.  spec    5,000,000  1993     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

157             100,000,000  1993     Kocic............................................   UN          5

158             500,000,000  1993     Kocic............................................   UN          5

159        10,000,000,000  1993     Kocic; unissued..........................   UN      200

160        50,000,000,000  1993     Kocic; unissued..........................   UN      200

   *Austro-Hungarian banknotes; Bosnia handstamp validation(1919)

    #1-5 stamp quality; #1-poor, #3-good, #5-very good

    zupa=county; kotari (bezirk)=district; porezni=tax

                                            -Bihac,Kotarski Ured(district)oval

2b                           50 kor  *1914    Bihac,Kotarski Ured.............. #3  VG+      30

                                            -Bileca,Kotarski Ured(district)oval

4a                           50 kor  *1914    Bileca,Kotarski Ured............. #3  VG        30

                                            -Bosanski Novi,Kotarski Ured(district)oval

9a                        100 kor  *1912    Bos.Novi,Kotarski Ured........ #4  VG        40

                                            -Bosanski Svinjar,K und K Milit.Post(military)

NL                          50 kor  *1914    Bos.Svinjar,KK Milit.Post..... #5  VG+   100

                                            -Cajnice,Kotarski Ured(district)text

17a                   1,000 kor  *1902    Cajnice,Kotarski Ured........... #2  VF+      40

                                            -Konjic,Kotarski Ured(district)oval

36a                      100 kor  *1912    Konjic,Kotarski Ured............. #3  VF         50

                                            -Sarajevo,Financijsko ravnateljstvo SHS(state)

48k                         10 kor  *1915    Sarajevo,Financijsko SHS... #3  VG        30

                                            -Tesanj,Kotarski Ured(district)oval

52a                      100 kor  *1912    Tesanj,Kotarski Ured............ #2  VG        25

                                            -Trebinje,Car.Porezni Ured(tax office)oval

54c                         20 kor  *1913    Trebinje,Car.Porezni............. #2  VG        25

                                            -Tulza,Bezirksamt Kotarski Ured(district)oval

55a                      100 kor  *1912    Tulza,Bez.Kotarski Ured...... #2  F+         35

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Banja Luka, "Caiavec"

NL                      hot meal  (1993)   Banja Luka.................................   AU          6

                                            -Banja Luka, "Red Cross"

NL                1,2,5,10 DM  (1993)   in German Mark......... lot#1005  F+         60

                                            -Bugojno, city

NL(118)                  1 DM  (1993)   Bugojno,DM=German mk........   F           25

                                            -Derventa "Derventa"

NL                         0.5 Mk  ND        cancelled....................................   UN          5

NL                             1 Mk  ND        cancelled....................................   UN          5

NL                         1.5 Mk  ND        cancelled....................................   UN          5

NL                             2 Mk  ND        cancelled....................................   UN          5

NL                             5 Mk  ND        cancelled....................................   UN          5

                                            -Maglaj,"Bosnaprevoz"Zenica Trans-P. Putnika

NL(5c)                     1 DM  ND        Bosnaprevoz,   UN          9

                                            -Mostar District, Rep.Bosnia Hercegovina

NL(139a)                1 DM  (1993)   Mostar,DM=German mark.......   VF         25

                                            -Novi Travnik, "Novotehna"

NL(11)                 100 din  (1991)   Novi Travnik "Novotehna"........   XF         10

                                            -Osijek, city

NL                          20 hal  1919     Osijek..........................................   VG        30

                                            -Sarajevo, city

NL                          10 hal  1919     Sarajevo......................................   UN        60

NL                          20 hal  1919     Sarajevo......................................   F           25

NL                          50 hal  1919     Sarajevo............................. F 25,  UN        80

                                            -Serbian State Bank, Sarajevo, bearer check

NL                          20 din  1996     05.05;Banja Luka...... unissued  UN          8

NL                          50 din  1996     04.23;Banja Luka...... unissued  UN          8

NL                        100 din  1996     04.23;Banja Luka...... unissued  UN          8

NL                        200 din  1996     04.23;Banja Luka...... unissued  UN          8

NL                        500 din  1996     04.23;Banja Luka...... unissued  UN          8

NL                    1,000 din  1996     04.23;Banja Luka...... unissued  UN          8

NL                    2,000 din  1996     04.23;Banja Luka...... unissued  UN          8

                                            -Sarajevo "Energopetrol"

NL                    1,000 din  ND        .....................................................   VF           7

                                            -Sarajevo "Maloprodaja Sarajevo"

NL                500,000 din  ND        .....................................................   AU        20

                                            -Sarajevo "Privredna Banka Sarajevo"

NL                          10 din  ND        .....................................................   AU        20

                                            -Tesanj, city

NL(142)             0.10 DM  (1992)   Opstina Tesanj...........................   AU+      50

NL(143)             0.50 DM  (1992)   Opstina Tesanj...........................   F           12

NL(144)                  1 DM  (1992)   Opstina Tesanj................. VG 5,  VF         20

NL(145)                  2 DM  (1992)   Opstina Tesanj...........................   VG        12

NL(146)                  5 DM  (1992)   Opstina Tesanj...........................   VG+      15

                                            -Travnik, TDP "Novitet"

NL(6)                     20 din  (1992)   Travnik "Novitet"........................   UN        15

NL(9)                   200 din  (1992)   Travnik "Novitet"........................   VF+      10

                                            -Travnik, "Boric"

NL(16)                   50 din  (1992)   Travnik "Borac"..........................   VF+      10

NL(17)                 100 din  (1992)   Travnik "Borac"..........................   VF+      10

NL(18)                 200 din  (1992)   Travnik "Borac"..........................   VF+      10

NL(19)                 500 din  (1992)   Travnik "Borac"..........................   VF+      10

NL(20)             1,000 din  (1992)   Travnik "Borac"..........................   AU        20

NL(21)             5,000 din  (1992)   Travnik "Borac"..........................   AU        20

                                            -Travnik, PBT, Bank Branch Travnik

NL(147)             0.10 DM  (1993)   Travnik, German Mark..............   UN        20

NL(148)             0.20 DM  (1993)   Travnik, German Mark..............   UN        20

NL(149)             0.50 DM  (1993)   Travnik, German Mark..............   UN        20

NL(150)                  1 DM  (1993)   Travnik, German Mark..............   UN        20

NL(151)                  2 DM  (1993)   Travnik, German Mark..............   UN        20

NL(152)                  5 DM  (1993)   Travnik, German Mark..............   UN        50

NL(153)                10 DM  (1993)   Travnik, German Mark..............   UN        70

                                            -Zenica, Popravni Dom

NL(83)                   15 din  ND        Zenica "Popravni Dom"............   VF         10

                                            -Zenica, "Lav" restaurant

NL(30)                     5 DM  (1993)   Zenica "Lav"...............................   F           10

                                            -Zenica, "DP Zeljezara " factory

NL(78)                   50 din  (1990)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   F             7

NL(79)                 100 din  (1990)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   VF-       10

NL(80)                 200 din  (1990)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   F             7

NL(81)                 300 din  (1990)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   VF         12

NL(82)                 500 din  (1991)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   XF           7

NL(83)             1,000 din  (1991)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   AU        10

NL(83s)           1,000 din  (1991)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   AU        12

NL(84)             2,000 din  (1991)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"..... XF 5,  AU        10

NL(85)             5,000 din  (1991)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   VF+      10

NL(86)           10,000 din  (1991)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   VF+      10

NL(87)             1,000 din  (1992)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   F           10

NL(88)             5,000 din  (1992)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   VF         15

NL(88)           10,000 din  (1992)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   F           10

NL(90)           20,000 din  (1992)   Zenica "DP Zeljezara"...............   VF+      25

NL                      hot meal  ND        Zenica "DP Zeljezara" red........   F           10

NL                      hot meal  ND        Zenica "DP Zeljezara" brown...   F           10

                                            -Islamic Community in Bosnia

NL                     5, 50 DM  1996     Ramadan charity........ lot#1009  AU        20


PICK#                                 *****BOTSWANA****3*

   Republic (former British colony Bechuanaland)

1                               1 pul  (1976)   Khama/milking cow...................   UN        30

2                               2 pul  (1976)   Khama/village............................   UN        70

3.                              5 pul  (1976)   Khama/antelope........................   UN      140

4a.   "D/1-2"          10 pul  (1976)   Khama/building, sig 1...............   UN      500

4s1  spec              10 pul  (1976)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        95

6                               1 pul  (1983)   Masire/........................................   UN        15

6s    spec                1 pul  (1983)   "SPECIMEN" "A/1"....................   UN        35

7a    "B/6"                2 pul  (1982)   Masire/village, sig 3...................   UN        40

7b    "B/7-15"          2 pul  (1982)   Masire/village, sig 4...................   UN        25

7d.   "B/23-8"          2 pul  (1982)   Masire/village, sig 6a................   UN        40

7s2   spec               2 pul  (1982)   "SPECIMEN" "B/7"....................   UN        40

8a    "C/5"               5 pul  (1982)   Masire/antelopes, sig 3.............   UN        80

8b    "C/6-9"            5 pul  (1982)   Masire/antelopes, sig 4.............   UN        60

8s1   spec               5 pul  (1982)   "SPECIMEN" "C/5"....................   UN        50

9a    "D/7-11"        10 pul  (1982)   Masire/building, sig 3................   UN        95

9b    "D/12-23"     10 pul  (1982)   Masire/building, sig 4................   UN        95

9s1   spec             10 pul  (1982)   "SPECIMEN" "D/7"....................   UN        50

10a.  "E/2-4"         20 pul  (1982)   Masire/mine................................   UN      200

10s1   spec           20 pul  (1982)   "SPECIMEN"..................... "E/2"  UN        60

11    "C/16-41"        5 pul  (1992)   Masire/antelopes @Harrison...   UN        25

12    "D/31-51"     10 pul  (1992)   Masire/building @Harrison.......   UN        50

14    "F#B-C"        50 pul  (1990)   Masire/fisheagle........................   UN      250

17.   "D/54-61"     10 pul  (1997)   Masire/building @TDLR...........   UN        65

18.   "E/33-41"      20 pul  (1997)   Masire/mine @TDLR................   UN      150

20a  "D/62-68"     10 pul  (1999)   /building, @FCOF, sig 7...........   UN        30

21.   "E/42-48"      20 pul  (1999)   Masire/mine @SABN................   UN        50

22    "F/18-27"      50 pul  (2000)   Masire/fisheagle @FCO...........   UN        65

24a. "D/82-96"     10 pul  2002     Mogae/parliament @DRL.........   UN        16

24b.  D/97-102     10 pul  2007     Mogae/parliament @DRL.........   UN        20

25a   "E/52-63"    20 pul  2002     Motsete/mine @DLR................   UN        28

27b   "E/64-70"    20 pul  2006     Motsete/mine @FCO................   UN        25

29   " G/21-25"   100 pul  2004     chiefs/diamonds @DRL............   UN        95

29.   "G/36-50"   100 pul  2005     chiefs/diamonds @DRL............   UN        95

30a.  "AA"             10 pul  2009     /building......................................   UN          7

31a   "AA"             20 pul  2009     Motsete/mine.............................   UN        12

32a   "AA"             50 pul  2009     Masire/fisheagle........................   UN        25

33a   "AA"           100 pul  2009     chiefs/diamonds.........................   UN        45

34a   "AA"           200 pul  2009     education/zebras.......................   UN        80

   Collector Series(CS1 with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix)

CS1  spec    1,2,5,10,20  pula      (1979)P1-5 ........ set of 5 notes  UN        95


PICK#                                 *****BRAZIL***3c+*

   Kingdom(from 1822)

A153a                     5 milr  1833     1xsig............................................   F+       600

A153b                     5 milr  1833     2xsig............................................   F-        500

A157a                100 milr  1833     1xsig............................................   F+       800

A219                       1 milr  1833     (1843-60)....................................   VF      500

A220                       2 milr  1833     (1843-60)....................................   VG      300

A231x    coun      10 milr  (1854)   old counterfeit............................   AU      400

A243a                500 reis  (1880)   est.2; 1x#....................................   VG      120

A243b                500 reis  (1885)   est.2; 2x#....................................   VF      300

A250                       1 milr  (1879)   est.6.............................................   G           70

A251                       2 milr  (1879)   est.6.............................................   F         500

A261                       5 milr  (1885)   est.8.............................................   G        250

NL(A263)           vignette  ABNC   engraved "Pedro"....... lot#1384  UN        15


1b                       500 reis  (1893)   est.3; print sig................ VG 40,  F+       120

2                          500 reis  (1901)   est.-;............................................   P           25

3a                            1 milr  (1891)   est.7; hand sig................. G+40,  F+       200

4                              1 milr  (1902)   (est.8)..........................................   VG+   200

5                              1 milr  (1918)   est.9................................ VG 40,  VG+      60

6                              1 milr  (1919)   est.10..........................................   F           80

7                              1 milr  (1920)   est.11.............................. VG 50,  F+       150

8                              1 milr  (1921)   est.12..........................................   AU      300

9                              1 milr  (1923)   est.13................................. F 30,  VF+      80

10b                          2 milr  (1891)   est.8.............................................   F+       500

11                            2 milr  (1899)   est.9.............................................   VG        90

13                            2 milr  (1918)   est.11..........................................   VF+    350

14                            2 milr  (1919)   est.12..........................................   XF      350

15                            2 milr  (1920)   est.13..........................................   F+       250

16                            2 milr  (1921)   est.14..........................................   VF      100

17                            2 milr  (1923)   est.15..........................................   XF      250

24                            5 milr  (1913)   est.14.............................. VG 50,  XF      400

27                            5 milr  (1922)   est.17..........................................   VF      400

29a                          5 milr  (1925)   est.19; BRAZIL..........................   VG        30

29b                          5 milr  (1936)   est.19; serie#144-473...... F 20,  XF         80

29c                          5 milr  (1942)   est.19; serie#474-773...............   VF+      40

30                          10 milr  (1890)   est.8.............................................   F         500

39a                        10 milr  (1924)   est.17; BRAZIL..........................   G           30

39c                        10 milr  (1942)   est.17; serie#417-816...............   F+         30

39c   souv            10 milr  (1942)   est.17..................... souvenir sig  F           30

39d                        10 milr  (1936)   est.17; serie#121-416...... F 20,  VF+      60

48c                        20 milr  (1942)   est.16; serie#318-667..... F+50,  VF         70

48d                        20 milr  (1936)   est.16; serie#76-317.......... G 8,  F+         50

59                          50 milr  (1936)   est.17..........................................   F         120

71                       100 milr  (1936)   est.17.............................. F+160VF      220

81a                     200 milr  (1924)   est.16; BRAZIL..........................   F+       600

82                       200 milr  (1936)   est.17..........................................   VG      150

92c                      500 milr  (1936)   est.15; serie#21-97............ pen  F         350

104                        20 milr  1926     est.1.............................................   VF-     200

105                        50 milr  1926     est.1.............................................   VF      300

110Ba                     1 milr  1923     est.1; sig x2; serie#1.................   XF+    120

110Ba                     1 milr  1923     est.1; sig x1; serie#1........ F 10,  VF         20

110Bb                     1 milr  1923     est.1; sig x2; #146-197.... F 15,  VF-       25

111a                        2 milr  1923     est.1; sig x1.................... VG 10,  VF+      60

112a                        5 milr  1923     est.1; sig x1................................   XF      150

112b                        5 milr  1923     est.1; sig x2.................... VF 75,  AU      400

113                          5 milr  1923     est.2.................................... F 75,  VF      150

114                        10 milr  1923     est.1.................................... F 60,  VF      120

117                        20 milr  1923     est.2................................... P 25,  F         200

116/7   test           20 milr  ABNC   engraved Bernardse ................   UN      100

125                           5 cru  (1942)   ovpt 5 milres...................... F 15,  VF+      50

126                        10 cru  (1942)   ovpt 10 milres.................... F 30,  XF      120

127                        20 cru  (1942)   ovpt 20 milres.......... VG 30; p/h  VF      120

131A                       1 milr  (1944)   est.1;serie 279-500.......... VF 8,  AU+      65

132                           1 cru  (1943)   @ABNC............................. VF 4,  UN          7

NL(132)              vignette  ABNC   engr "Tamandare"...... lot#1383  UN        20

133                           2 cru  (1943)   @ABNC............................. XF 4,  UN        10

134                           5 cru  (1943)   @ABNC......................... VF+10,  UN        55

135                        10 cru  (1943)   @ABNC............................... F-4,  UN        55

136                        20 cru  (1943)   @ABNC......................................   UN        55

137.                       50 cru  (1943)   @ABNC................ F 25, VF 50,  AU      200

138                      100 cru  (1943)   @ABNC......................................   VF         45

139.                     200 cru  (1943)   @ABNC............................. F 25,  UN      420

140                      500 cru  (1943)   @ABNC......................................   F           80

141                   1,000 cru  (1943)   @ABNC......................................   VF         80

142                           5 cru  (1950)   @TDLR.......................................   UN        22

143                        10 cru  (1950)   @TDLR............................. VF 5,  UN        40

144.                       20 cru  (1950)   @TDLR........................... XF 18,  UN        75

146                      100 cru  (1949)   @TDLR.............................. F 40,  XF-     120

148                      500 cru  (1949)   @TDLR.......................................   VG        40

149                   1,000 cru  (1949)   @TDLR........................... VG 75,  XF      600

150a                        1 cru  (1954)   @ABNC; #1001-1800...............   UN          5

150b                        1 cru  (1955)   @ABNC; #1801-2700...............   UN          5

150c                         1 cru  (1956)   @ABNC; #2701-3450...............   UN          5

150d                        1 cru  (1958)   @ABNC; #3451-3690...............   UN          5

151a                        2 cru  (1954)   @ABNC; #501-900...................   UN          6

151b                        2 cru  (1958)   @ABNC; #901-1135.................   UN          6

152a                      50 cru  (1956)   @ABNC; #321-470............. F 8,  UN      120

152b                      50 cru  (1956)   @ABNC; #471-620...................   VG+        6

153a                    100 cru  (1955)   @ABNC; #236-435...................   VF+      35

153b                    100 cru  (1956)   @ABNC; #436-535...................   VF         15

153c.                   100 cru  (1958)   @ABNC; #536-660........ VF 15,  UN      150

153d.                   100 cru  (1959)   @ABNC; #661-760...................   UN      200

154a                    200 cru  (1955)   @ABNC; #321-520...... VF+40,  UN      220

154b.                   200 cru  (1958)   @ABNC; #521-620.......... F 22,  UN      350

155.                     500 cru  (1959)   @ABNC; #161-260...................   UN   1100

156a                 1,000 cru  (1953)   @ABNC; #231-330...................   VF+    320

156b                 1,000 cru  (1955)   @ABNC; #331-630...................   F+         40

156c                 1,000 cru  (1955)   @ABNC; #631-930...................   VF+      80

157.                         2 cru  (1955)   @TDLR; #1-230........................   UN          6

157Aa.                     2 cru  (1956)   @TDLR; #231-600....................   UN          6

157Ab                      2 cru  (1954)   @TDLR; #601-900....................   UN          5

157Ac                      2 cru  (1954)   @TDLR; #901-1045..................   UN          5

158a                        5 cru  (1953)   @TDLR; #500-1000..................   UN        12

158b                        5 cru  (1954)   @TDLR; #10011300.................   UN        12

158c                         5 cru  (1956)   @TDLR; #1301-1800................   UN        12

158d                        5 cru  (1958)   @TDLR; #1801-2050................   VF           4

158e                        5 cru  (1959)   @TDLR; #2051-2301................   UN        12

159a.                     10 cru  (1953)   @TDLR; #436-735....................   UN        14

159b                      10 cru  (1954)   @TDLR; #736-1235..................   XF           4

159c.                     10 cru  (1956)   @TDLR; #1236-1435................   UN        12

159d                      10 cru  (1958)   @TDLR; #1436-1685................   XF           4

159f                       10 cru  (1960)   @TDLR; #1886-2355................   UN          6

160a                      20 cru  (1955)   @TDLR; #371-870....................   UN        18

160b                      20 cru  (1958)   @TDLR; #871-1175..................   F             4

160c                      20 cru  (1959)   @TDLR; #1176-1225................   UN      110

160d                      20 cru  (1954)   @TDLR; #1226-1575................   UN        10

161c                      50 cru  (1955)   @TDLR; #416-585....................   F             4

163                      200 cru  (1960)   @TDLR; #31-110......... XF+80,  UN      220

164a                    500 cru  (1955)   @TDLR; #121-420....................   VF         32

164b                    500 cru  (1955)   @TDLR; #421-720........... F 16,  XF+    100

164d                    500 cru  (1960)   @TDLR; #771-1300.......... G 4,  UN        65

165.                  1,000 cru  (1960)   @TDLR; #91-790.......... XF 25,  AU+      90

166a                        5 cru  (1961)   @CdMB; #1-75..........................   UN          8

166b                        5 cru  (1961)   @CdMB; #76-111.....................   UN          5

167a                      10 cru  (1961)   @ABNC; #331-630...................   UN          7

167b                      10 cru  (1963)   @ABNC; #631-930...................   UN          8

168a                      20 cru  (1961)   @ABNC; #461-960.......... XF 4,  UN          8

168b                      20 cru  (1963)   @ABNC; #961-1260.................   UN          7

169                        50 cru  (1961)   @ABNC; #721-1220.................   UN        30

170a                    100 cru  (1961)   @ABNC; #761-1160........ XF 5,  UN        22

170b.                   100 cru  (1963)   @ABNC; #11611360................   UN        22

170c                    100 cru  (1964)   @ABNC; #1361-1560.... VF+4,  UN        22

171a                    200 cru  (1961)   @ABNC; #671-1070........ XF 8,  UN        35

171b                    200 cru  (1964)   @ABNC; #1071-1370........ F 4,  UN        30

171c                    200 cru  (1964)   @ABNC; #1371-1570........ F 4,  UN        40

172a                    500 cru  (1961)   @ABNC; #261-660...................   VG          4

172b                    500 cru  (1962)   @ABNC; #661-1460.................   UN        90

173a                 1,000 cru  (1961)   @ABNC; #1331-1730...............   F           15

173b                 1,000 cru  (1962)   @ABNC; #1731-3030... VF 24,  AU        96

174a                 5,000 cru  (1963)   @ABNC; #1-400........................   XF+      60

174b                 5,000 cru  (1964)   @ABNC; #401-1400..... VF 20,  VF+      30

176a                        5 cru  (1962)   @TDLR; #2301-3500................   UN          5

176b                        5 cru  (1963)   @TDLR; #3501-3700................   UN          6

176c                         5 cru  (1963)   @TDLR.......................................   UN          4

176d                        5 cru  (1964)   @TDLR.......................................   UN          4

177a                      10 cru  (1962)   @TDLR ......................................   UN          5

178                        20 cru  (1962)   @TDLR.......................................   UN          6

179                        50 cru  (1962)   @TDLR.......................................   UN        18

180.                     100 cru  (1963)   @TDLR.......................................   UN        30

181                   1,000 cru  (1963)   @TDLR.......................... VF+12,  UN        60

182a.               5,000 cru  (1963)   @TDLR; #1-400........................   UN      120

182b.               5,000 cru  (1964)   @TDLR; #401-1400..... VF+18,  UN        96

182A                5,000 cru  (1966)   @TDLR; #1701-2200......... F 8,  UN      120

182Bb            10,000 cru  (1966)   @ABNC; #561-590...................   VG        70

183a                       1 cen  (1966)   ovpt on P177 -10 cru.................   UN          4

183b                       1 cen  (1966)   ovpt on P177 -10 cru.................   UN          4

184a                       5 cen  (1966)   ovpt on P179 -50 cru.................   UN          4

184b                       5 cen  (1966)   ovpt on P179 -50 cru.................   UN          4

185a                     10 cen  (1966)   ovpt on P180 -100 cru..............   UN          4

185b                     10 cen  (1966)   ovpt on P180 -100 cru..............   UN          4

186                       50 cen  (1966)   ovpt on P172 -500 cru..... XF 4,  UN        10

187a               1 cru novo  (1966)   ovpt on P173 -1000 cru............   UN        55

187b               1 cru novo  (1967)   ovpt on P173 -1000 cru............   UN        12

188a.             5 cru novo  (1966)   ovpt on P174 -5000 cru............   UN      180

188b               5 cru novo  (1967)   ovpt on P174 -5000 cru XF 12,  UN        50

189b            10 cru novo  (1967)   @AMBC ovpt-10000 cru..........   F+           7

189c             10 cru novo  (1967)   @AMBC ovpt-10000 cru..........   UN        60

190a            10 cru novo  (1966)   @TDLR ovpt -10000 cru.... F 4,  UN        60

190b            10 cru novo  (1966)   @TDLR ovpt -10000 cru VF+9,  UN        50

191a                        1 cru  (1970)   medal "A" 00001-0300.... XF 4,  UN          6

191Ab                      1 cru  (1975)   medal "B" 03782-13194............   UN          4

191Ac                      1 cru  (1980)   medal "B" 13195-.......................   UN          4

192b.                       5 cru  (1973)   #B00001-02467.........................   UN          8

192c                         5 cru  (1974)   #B02468-06050.........................   UN          5

192d                        5 cru  (1979)   #B06051-06841.........................   UN          6

193a                      10 cru  (1970)   #A00001-01429.........................   UN        50

193b                      10 cru  (1974)   #A01430-....................................   UN          8

193c.                     10 cru  (1979)   #B00001-02394.........................   UN        10

193d                      10 cru  (1980)   #B02395-02870.........................   UN          8

193e                      10 cru  (1980)   #B02871-....................................   UN          6

194a.                     50 cru  (1970)   #00001-01250............................   UN        60

194b                      50 cru  (1974)   #01251-03841............................   UN        10

194c                      50 cru  (1980)   #03841-.......................................   UN          9

195Aa                 100 cru  (1974)   #01359-10455.................. VF 4,  UN        22

195Ab                 100 cru  (1981)   #01456-.......................................   UN        10

196b.   comm     500 cru  1972     /maps; "A"0091-02636... F+10,  UN      100

196Ac  comm    500 cru  1972     /maps; "B"01960-.......................   UN        80

196As1  spec     500 cru  1972     specimen "MODELO"...............   UN      150

197a.               1,000 cru  (1978)   theodolite "0001-0665........ F 9,  UN      150

197b                 1,000 cru  (1979)   theodolite "0666-2072........ F 4,  UN        70

197c                 1,000 cru  (1980)   theodolite "2073-.......................   UN        70

198a.                   100 cru  (1981)   Caxias/battle..............................   UN          6

198b                    100 cru  (1981)   Caxias/battle..............................   UN          4

199a.                   200 cru  (1981)   Isabel/women cooking..............   UN          6

199b                    200 cru  (1981)   Isabel/women cooking..............   UN          4

200a                    500 cru  (1981)   Fonseca/legislators...................   UN          6

200b                    500 cru  (1981)   Fonseca/legislators...................   UN          4

201a                 1,000 cru  (1981)   Rio Branco/....................... XF-4,  UN          8

201c                 1,000 cru  (1981)   Rio Branco/theodolite...............   UN          6

201d                 1,000 cru  (1981)   Rio Branco/theodolite...............   UN          4

202c                 5,000 cru  (1984)   Branco/antennas, dam.............   UN          6

202d                 5,000 cru  (1985)   Branco/antennas, dam.............   UN          8

206                        10 cru  (1986)   ovpt on P203 -10,000 cru.........   UN          5

207                        50 cru  (1986)   ovpt on P204 -50,000 cru.........   UN          6

207     repl            50 cru  (1986)   replacement "*"..........................   UN        15

208.                     100 cru  (1986)   ovpt on P205 -100,000 cru.......   UN        26

209a                      10 cru  (1986)   Barbosa; #0001-1155...............   UN          4

209b                      10 cru  (1987)   Barbosa; #1156-1505...............   UN          4

210a                      50 cru  (1986)   Cruz; #0001-1617......................   UN          4

210b                      50 cru  (1987)   Cruz; #1618-2044......................   UN          5

211a                    100 cru  (1986)   Kubitschek; #00011176............   UN          7

211b                    100 cru  (1987)   Kubitschek; #1177-1582...........   UN          5

211c                    100 cru  (1987)   Kubitschek; #1583-3045...........   UN          4

212b.   comm     500 cru  (1987)   "150 Villa-Lobos" #2353-2842.   UN          8

212c    comm     500 cru  (1987)   "150 Villa-Lobos" #2843-7504.   UN          4

212d    comm     500 cru  (1988)   "150 Villa-Lobos" #7505-8309.   UN          4

213b                 1,000 cru  (1988)   Machado/1905; #2745-9919....   UN          4

215                 10,000 cru  (1989)   Chagas/laboratory.....................   VG          4

216a   "A"      1 cru novo  (1989)   ovpt -1,000 #9920-9999...........   UN          5

216b   "B"      1 cru novo  (1989)   ovpt -1,000 #0001-1617...........   UN          4

216c   "B"      1 cru novo  (1989)   ovpt -1,000 #1618-1792...........   UN          4

217a               5 cru novo  (1989)   ovpt -5,000 #1758-3531...........   UN          6

217b               5 cru novo  (1989)   ovpt -5,000 #3532-3818...........   UN          6

218a            10 cru novo  (1989)   ovpt -10,000 #1842-4171.........   UN          6

218b            10 cru novo  (1989)   ovpt -10,000 #4172-4502.........   UN          6

219a.           50 cru novo  (1989)   Drummond; #0001-3340..........   UN          6

219a.  repl   50 cru novo  (1989)   replacement "*"..........................   UN        15

220a          100 cru novo  (1989)   Meireles; #1-6772......................   UN          8

222.           500 cru novo  (1990)   Ruschi/hummingbird.................   UN        15

223                        50 cru  (1990)   ovpt -50 cru................................   UN          3

224b                    100 cru  (1990)   ovpt -100 cru #8795-9447........   UN          6

225b                    200 cru  (1990)   ovpt -200 cru #1965-2668........   UN          5

226b                    500 cru  (1990)   ovpt -500 cru #3701-7700........   UN          5

227                   5,000 cru  (1990)   medal/arms.................................   UN          8

228                      100 cru  (1990)   Meireles/drafts...........................   UN          4

229                      200 cru  (1990)   sculpture/"Patria".......................   UN          4

230.                     500 cru  (1990)   Ruschi/hummingbird.................   UN        10

231a                 1,000 cru  (1990)   /Amazonian girls; #0001-6796.   UN          5

231b                 1,000 cru  (1991)   /Amazonian girls; #6797-8453.   UN          4

232a                 5,000 cru  (1992)   Gomes/piano; #0001-4489......   UN          8

232b                 5,000 cru  (1992)   Gomes/piano; #4490-5501......   UN          5

232c                 5,000 cru  (1993)   Gomes/piano; #5502-6041......   UN          5

233a.             10,000 cru  (1991)   Brazil/snake; #0001-3136........   UN          9

233c               10,000 cru  (1993)   Brazil/snake; #6938-7365........   UN          6

234                 50,000 cru  (1992)   Cascudo/folklore dancers.........   UN          5

235a            100,000 cru  (1992)   hummingbird; #0001-6052.......   UN        12

235b            100,000 cru  (1993)   hummingbird; #6053-6226.......   UN        10

235c             100,000 cru  (1993)   hummingbird; #6227-6290.......   UN        10

235d            100,000 cru  (1993)   hummingbird; #6291-6733.......   UN        10

236b.           500,000 cru  (1993)   Andrade; #3411-4404...............   UN        20

236c.           500,000 cru  (1993)   Andrade; #4405-8291.... VF+4,  UN        12

237                 50 cru real  (1993)   ovpt -50,000 cru.........................   UN          4

238               100 cru real  (1993)   ovpt -100,000 cru......................   UN          8

239a   "A"    500 cru real  (1993)   ovpt -500,000 cru......................   UN        14

239b   "B"    500 cru real  (1993)   ovpt -500,000 cru......................   UN          8

241.          5,000 cru real  (1993)   Gaucho/roping steer.................   UN        30

243c.     "A-A"        1 real  (1994)   /hummingbirds; #3834-6568....   UN        14

243Aa   "A-B"        1 real  (1997)   /hummingbirds; #0001-3247....   UN        12

243Ab.  "A-B"        1 real  (1998)   /hummingbirds; #3248-7561....   UN          9

243Ae   "B-B"        1 real  (1999)   /hummingbirds; #0001-9999....   UN          6

243Af    "C-B"        1 real  (2002)   /hummingbirds, #0001-3382....   UN          6

243Ag.  "C-B"        1 real  (2003)   /hummingbirds; #3383-4505....   UN          6

244Ad   "A-C"        5 real  (1999)   /crane Garca; #3197-8817.......   UN        15

244Ae   "A-C"        5 real  (2003)   /crane Garca; #8818-9999.......   UN        12

244Ai    "C-C"        5 real  (2009)   /crane Garca; #0001-7095.......   UN          9

245Ae   "B-C"      10 real  (1999)   /bird Arara; #0075-9999............   UN        15

245Ak.  "E-C"      10 real  (2008)   /bird Arara; #0001-9999............   UN        20

246h     "B-A"      50 real  (1998)   /leopard; #0001-1004................   UN      120

246j.     "B-A"       50 real  (1999)   /leopard; #1484-9057................   UN      100

247a     "A-A"    100 real  (1994)   /fish; #0001-1198.......................   UN      150

248a     comm     10 real  2000     "Brasil 1500-2000" plastic........   UN        22

249a     "A-A"         2 real  (2002)   /sea turtle, sig 39.......................   UN          7

249b     "A-A"         2 real  (2003)   /sea turtle, sig 40.......................   UN          6

249e     "B-A"         2 real  (2008)   /sea turtle, sig 42.......................   UN          6

250a     "A-A"      20 real  (2002)   /monkey Mico, sig 39................   UN        35

250a     "A-A"      20 real  (2007)   /monkey Mico, sig 41................   UN        35

251    wmk flag      1 real  (2003)   /hummingbirds, sig 40...............   UN          4

252                          2 real  2010     /turtle...........................................   UN          4

253                          5 real  2010     /crane..........................................   UN          4

254                       10 real  2010     /bird Arara...................................   UN          8

257.                    100 real  2010     /fish Garoupa.............................   UN        90


20      copy             5 milr  (1907)   est 11; COPY.............. lot#1169  UN          7

53      copy           50 milr  (1908)   est 11; COPY.............. lot#1108  UN          7

61      copy         100 milr  (1897)   est 7; COPY, spec.....................   UN          7

63      copy         100 milr  (1904)   est 9; COPY................ lot#1107  UN          7

69      copy         100 milr  (1924)   est 15; COPY, spec... lot#1126  UN          7

73      copy         200 milr  (1897)   est 8; COPY, spec.....................   UN          7

76      copy         200 milr  (1908)   est 11; COPY.............. lot#1109  UN          7

77      copy         200 milr  (1911)   est 12; COPY.............. lot#1168  UN          7

s255   copy        200 milr  (186-)    Banco Brazil; COPY..................   UN          7

s650   copy        500 milr  1891     B Rep Brazil; COPY.. lot#1177  UN          7

s679   copy        200 milr  1893     B Rep Brazil; COPY.. lot#1176  UN          7

s680   copy        500 milr  1893     B Rep Brazil; COPY.. lot#1173  UN          7

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s253p             50 mil reis  (1857)   proof, back only ........................   VF      100

s472                   200 reis  1895     Estado Alagoas..........................   VG-       50

s486                   100 reis  1895     Divida Permanbuco...................   F           80

s487                   200 reis  1895     Divida Permanbuco...................   XF      200

s488                   500 reis  1895     Divida Permanbuco...................   VF      200

s541             100 mil reis  1890     Banco do Cafe; unissued.........   AU        30

NL(s532)            vignette  ABNC   engraved "lions"......... lot#1382  UN        40

s751                  5 mil reis  1930     Minas Geraes, Treasury...........   F+       200

s762                  5 mil reis  1930     Prov Minas Geraes...................   G           50

s775                   100 reis  1930     Prov Rio Grande................ tape  G        120

s863                      20 reis  1932     Estado S Paulo..........................   F         200

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Antonina, city

NL                       100 reis  1893     .....................................................   P           20

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

bond              500 francs  1906     5% State Bond, Paris..... bs#15  VG        30


PICK#                                 *****BRITISH CARIBBEAN****3*

   British Colony (East Caribbean States from 1965)

1                                  1 $  1950     George VI........... F 80, VF 160XF      320

1                                  1 $  1951     George VI.......................... F 80,  VF      160

3                                  5 $  1951     George VI...................................   F         300

7a                                1 $  1953     QEII; wmk ship............. VG+45,  VF      120

7b                                1 $  1954     QEII; wmk QEII F+60, VF+120UN      640

7b                                1 $  1955     QEII.................................... F 40,  VF         80

7b                                1 $  1956     QEII.............................................   VF-       75

7b                                1 $  1957     QEII.............................................   XF      160

7c                                1 $  1958     QEII.................................... F 30,  F+         45

7c                                1 $  1959     QEII.............................................   XF      160

7c                                1 $  1960     QEII.............................................   F           40

7c                                1 $  1961     QEII.............................................   F+         60

7c                                1 $  1962     QEII...................... F 30, VF+90,  XF      120

7c                                1 $  1963     QEII.............................................   VG+      25

7c                                1 $  1964     QEII.............................................   VF         80

8b                                2 $  1958     QEII............................... VG+ 90,  F         120

8b                                2 $  1961     QEII.............................................   VF      240

8b                                2 $  1962     QEII.................................. F 100,  F+       150

9a                                5 $  1953     QEII; wmk ship............ VG 100,  F+       300

9b                                5 $  1957     QEII.............................................   VF-     400

9c                                5 $  1959     QEII................................. VG 95,  F         200

9c                                5 $  1961     QEII.............................................   VG        80

9c                                5 $  1962     QEII....................................... p/h  VG-       70

10c                            10 $  1961     QEII.............................................   F         500


PICK#                                 *****BRITISH GUIANA****3*

   British Colony (Guyana from 1952)

A1   unis                  1 joe  1830     =22 guilders; unissued..............   VF    3000

12a                              1 $  1937     /George VI..................................   VF      360

12b                              1 $  1938     /George VI..................................   VG-       60

12b      souv               1 $  1938     "short snorter"-5 sig...................   VF      250

12c                              1 $  1942     /George VI...................... VG 65,  F+       200


PICK#                                 *****BRITISH HONDURAS****3*

   British Colony (Belize from 1973)

NL(14)   essay           1 $  (192-)    test essay...................................   XF    3000

28b                              1 $  1961     11.01; QEII..................... VG 40,  VF-     140

28b                              1 $  1965     05.01; QEII.................................   F           80

28b                              1 $  1967     07.01; QEII.................................   VF      160

28c                              1 $  1970     06.01; QEII.................... VG+45,  F           60

28c                              1 $  1972     01.01; QEII.................... VG+45,  F           60

29b                              2 $  1964     04.01; QEII.................................   F+       180

29c                              2 $  1973     01.01; QEII.................................   VF+    240

30c                              5 $  1973     01.01; QEII.................................   VF      300

31c                            10 $  1973     01.01; QEII.................................   F         400


PICK#                                 *****BRITISH NORTH BORNEO****3*

   British Colony (Malaya and British N Borneo from 1952)

20                                1 $  1930     .....................................................   VG      400

27                         50 cen  1938     .....................................................   VG      300


PICK#                                 *****BRITISH WEST AFRICA****3*

   British Colony (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Gambia from 1962)

7(d)                        10 shi  1937     01.04...........................................   VG        90

7(e)                        10 shi  1941     05.09;palm/...................... G+70,  F         180

8(e)                        20 shi  1937     01.04;palm/........ VG 80, F 160F+       240

8(f)                         20 shi  1941     11.06;palm/.................................   F+       240

8(g)                        20 shi  1942     12.01;palm/.... missing corners  VG        90

8(k)                        20 shi  1946     10.25;palm/.................................   VG        90

10(a)                      20 shi  1953     03.31;river/..................... VG 50,  F         100

10(b)                      20 shi  1954     03.01;river/.................................   F         100

   Promissory Notes (Bill of Exchange)

                                            Bank of West Africa Limited

                                                          -Gold Coast Seccondee (Ghana)

exch-1+2           100 pou  1920     revenue stamp UK.............. pair  F         300

exch-1                  10 pou  1926     rev. stamp Gold Coast +UK.....   F+       150

                                                          -Liberia, Monrovia

exch-1                    4 pou  1926     revenue stamp Liberia +UK.....   F+       120

exch-1              4-10 pou  1926     revenue stamp Liberia +UK.....   F+       120

exch-1           25-4-8 pou  1926     revenue stamp Liberia +UK.....   F+       140

                                                          -Niger, Onitsha

exch-2                 1-1 pou  1926     revenue stamp Liberia +UK.....   F+       150

                                                          -Nigeria, Lagos

exchange         39-4 pou  1920     revenue Nigeria +UK................   F+       180

                                                          -USA, New York

exch-1            6,000 pou  1920     revenue stamp UK....................   VF      300


PICK#                                 *****BRUNEI***3c*

   Sultanate (British Protectorate till 1984)

1.                             1 ring  1967     Sultan/mosque............... VF 40,  UN      320

2.                             5 ring  1967     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN      600

3                           10 ring  1967     Sultan/mosque................. F+75,  VF+    150

6(b).                        1 ring  1976     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN        45

6(c).                        1 ring  1978     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN        42

6(d)                         1 ring  1980     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN        40

6(f)                          1 ring  1983     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN        28

6(g)                         1 ring  1984     Sultan/mosque...........................   F+           4

6(h)                         1 ring  1985     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN        20

6(i)                          1 ring  1986     Sultan/mosque................... F+4,  VF           5

6(j)                          1 ring  1988     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN        20

7(d).                        5 ring  1984     Sultan/mosque.............. VF+18,  UN        96

7(e)                         5 ring  1986     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN        80

8(c)                       10 ring  1983     Sultan/mosque.................. F 15,  UN      180

8(d)                       10 ring  1986     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN      180

9(d)                       50 ring  1982     Sultan/mosque...........................   VF      100

10(c).                 100 ring  1978     Sultan/mosque...........................   AU      480

10(f)                   100 ring  1983     Sultan/mosque...........................   VF      160

13(a).                      1 ring  1989     Sultan/city.......................... XF 5,  UN        32

13(c)                       1 ring  1991     Sultan/city...................................   UN        16

13(g)                       1 ring  1995     Sultan/city...................................   UN        12

14(a).                      5 ring  1989     Sultan/boats...............................   UN        60

14(e)                       5 ring  1995     Sultan/boats.................... VF+8,  XF+      15

15(a).                   10 ring  1989     Sultan/river.................................   UN        90

15(e).                   10 ring  1995     Sultan/river.................................   UN        70

21     comm         25 ring  1992     "25yr of accession"....................   UN        90

22a                         1 ring  1996     Sultan/rainforest........................   UN          5

23a                         5 ring  1996     Sultan/rainforest........................   UN        15

24b.                      10 ring  1998     Sultan/rainforest........................   UN        30

28.                        50 ring  2004     Sultan/tropical shrub.................   UN      120

34     comm         20 ring  2007     "currency union".........................   UN        60

35a.                        1 ring  2011     Sultan/palace.............................   UN          6

36                           5 ring  2011     Sultan/Ceremonial Hall.............   UN        10

37                         10 ring  2011     Sultan/mosque...........................   UN        20


PICK#                                 *****BULGARIA***4c*


2a    sig Ch-G         5 lev  (1909)   silver; 2x#...................................   VG        30

2b    sig Ch-V          5 lev  (1909)   silver; 4x#....................... VG 30,  VF      120

3c    sig Ch-G       10 lev  (1904)   silver; 2x#....................... VG 40,  VF      160

3d    sig Ch-G       10 lev  (1904)   silver; 4x#....................... F+120VF      160

3e    sig Ch-V        10 lev  (1904)   silver; 4x#......................... F+72,  VF         96

4b    sig Ch-V        50 lev  (1904)   silver............................................   F         500

9d    sig CH-G      20 lev  (1904)   gold; ser-1xletter........................   VG        40

9e    sig CH-G      20 lev  (1904)   gold; ser-2xletter............ VG 45,  F           90

9f     sig CH-G      20 lev  (1904)   gold; ser-2xletter........................   F           90

9h    sig Ch-V        20 lev  (1904)   gold; ser-2xletter............... F 75,  XF      300

14a                           1 lev  (1916)   silver; ser-1-digit........................   F+         24

14b                           1 lev  (1916)   silver; ser-2-digit........................   F+         22

16                             5 lev  (1916)   silver............................................   F           60

17                           10 lev  (1916)   silver................................ VG 20,  F+         60

18                           20 lev  (1916)   arms............................... VG+60,  VF      160

20a                       100 lev  (1916)   arms; "No"..................... VG+40,  VF+    160

20b.                     100 lev  (1916)   arms; ser-1xletter.......... VG 30,  AU      500

21a                           5 lev  (1917)   arms; ser-1xletter.......... VG 20,  VF+    120

21b                           5 lev  (1917)   arms; ser-2xletter.......................   F+         60

22a                         10 lev  (1917)   arms no flags.................. VF 80,  VF+    120

22b                         10 lev  (1922)   arms with flags...........................   VF+    180

23                           20 lev  (1917)   arms................................... F 30,  XF      120

24a                         50 lev  (1917)   arms; "No"..................................   VG        35

24b                         50 lev  (1917)   arms; ser-1xletter.............. F 45,  XF+    260

26                     1,000 lev  (1918)   @G.Parcus.................................   XF+    500

30a                           1 lev  (1920)   arms; ser-1-digit................... "1"  VG        12

30b                           1 lev  (1920)   arms; ser-2-digit.........................   VF         12

31a                           2 lev  (1920)   arms; ser-1-digit.........................   G+          4

33                     1,000 lev  (1920)   @BWC........................... VG-60,  F+       180

34                             5 lev  1922     arms/beehives.................. F 30,  VF+      90

35                           10 lev  1922     arms/turkey.................................   VG        20

37                           50 lev  1922     arms/shepherd...........................   F+       160

46                         100 lev  1925     Kg Boris/village.............. VG 20,  F+         60

48                     1,000 lev  1925     Kg Boris/.......................... G+80,  VG+   160

52                         500 lev  1929     Kg Boris/mountains...................   VG+      75

53                     1,000 lev  1929     Kg Boris/mountains...................   VG-    110

55                         500 lev  1938     Kg Boris/sheaf................... F 40,  AU      320

56                     1,000 lev  1938     Kg Boris/.....................................   F           96

58                         500 lev  1940     Kg Boris/port.................... F+45,  AU+    360

59                     1,000 lev  1940     Kg Boris/plowing........................   VG        30

60                         500 lev  1942     Kg Boris/woman............... F 20,  UN      320

61.                    1,000 lev  1942     Kg/monastery.. VG 15, XF 120UN      480

63                           20 lev  1943     arms/arms.......................... F 18,  VF         36

64                         200 lev  1943     Kg Simeon/view.........................   UN      120

65                         250 lev  1943     Kg Simeon/oxen........................   UN      120

66.                        500 lev  1943     Kg /shepherd................. VF+40,  UN      200

67i                     1,000 lev  1943     06.15; treasury note..................   F         150

67k                    1,000 lev  1944     01.15; treasury note...... VG 50,  VG+      75

67o                   1,000 lev  1945     03.05; treasury note..................   VG        50


68.                          20 lev  1944     /arms...........................................   XF+      36

71.                        500 lev  1945     arms/...........................................   XF         60

72                     1,000 lev  1945     arms/................. VG+30, VF 80,  VF+    120

74.                          20 lev  1947     /bank...........................................   UN        50

76                         250 lev  1948     arms/train....................................   UN        80

77                         500 lev  1948     arms/tobacco.............................   UN        40

78.                    1,000 lev  1948     arms/plowing..............................   AU+    360

79                           20 lev  1950     arms/building..............................   UN        24

81                             3 lev  1951     arms/...........................................   UN          4

82                             5 lev  1951     arms/...........................................   UN          4

83                           10 lev  1951     Dimitrov/tractor...........................   UN          4

84                           25 lev  1951     Dimitrov/railway.........................   UN          4

85                           50 lev  1951     Dimitrov/picking roses...............   UN          4

86                         100 lev  1951     Dimitrov/picking grapes............   UN          4

87                         200 lev  1951     Dimitrov/picking tobacco...........   UN          4

87A                      500 lev  1951     Dimitrov/picking tobacco...........   UN      200

88                             1 lev  1962     arms/monument............... VF 4,  UN          8

89                             2 lev  1962     arms/picking grapes........ AU 5,  UN        10

92.                          20 lev  1962     Dimitrov/factory..........................   UN        50

93                             1 lev  1974     arms/monument.........................   UN          6

94                             2 lev  1974     arms/picking grapes........ XF 4,  UN          7

95                             5 lev  1974     arms/coast resort............. XF 4,  UN          9

96                           10 lev  1974     Dimitrov/factory................ XF 4,  UN        12

97                           20 lev  1974     Dimitrov/factory................ VF 4,  UN        24

98                           50 lev  1990     castle ruins/arms........... AU 16,  UN        32

100                         20 lev  (1992)   Qn Desislava/church.................   UN          4

101                         50 lev  1992     Danov/printing press.................   UN          4

102a                    100 lev  1991     Zograf/wheel of life....................   UN        30

102b                    100 lev  1993     Zograf/wheel of life....................   UN          6

103                       200 lev  1992     Vazov/lyre...................................   UN          7

104                       500 lev  1993     Christov/opera............................   UN          7

105                   1,000 lev  1994     Levski/monument......................   UN          8

106.                  1,000 lev  1996     Levski/monument......................   UN        60

107a                 2,000 lev  1994     Ficev/architecture......................   VF           8

107b                 2,000 lev  1996     Ficev/architecture......................   UN        60

108                   5,000 lev  1996     Stoyanov/monument.................   UN        30

111                   5,000 lev  1997     Stoyanov/monument.................   UN        30

112.                10,000 lev  1997     Beron/astronomy.......................   UN        50

113                 50,000 lev  1997     St Cyril, St Methodius...............   UN      220

114                           1 lev  1999     St John/Rila................................   UN          6

115a                         2 lev  1999     Hilendarski/griffin.......................   UN          7

115b                         2 lev  2005     Hilendarski/griffin.......................   UN          6

116a                         5 lev  1999     Milev/paintings...........................   UN        15

116b                         5 lev  2009     Milev/paintings...........................   UN          7

117a.                     10 lev  1999     Beron/telescope.........................   UN        45

118a                       20 lev  1999     Stambolov/parliament...............   UN        70

118b.                     20 lev  2007     Stambolov/parliament...............   UN        40

119b.                     50 lev  2006     Slaveykov/poetry.......................   UN        90

121     comm         20 lev  2005     "Bulgarian Bank 1885-2005"....   UN        50

   Foreign Exchange Certificates

FX-NL                    10 sto  1966     Balkan Tourist............................   VF+      20

FX1                          1 lev  1966     Balkan Tourist............................   VF+      50

FX15                        1 lev  1975     Balkan Tourist............................   F+         20

FX16                        2 lev  1975     Balkan Tourist............................   XF+      45

FX18                      10 lev  1975     Balkan Tourist............................   VG+      35

FX29                        1 lev  1981     BNB.............................................   XF         25

FX36    canc            1 lev  (19)86   BNB; issued, cancelled.............   XF+      20

FX37    canc            2 lev  (19)86   BNB; issued, cancelled.............   VF         15

FX38    canc            5 lev  (19)86   BNB; issued, cancelled.............   XF+      30

FX39    canc         10 lev  (19)86   BNB; issued, cancelled.............   XF+      30

FX40    canc         20 lev  (19)86   BNB; issued, cancelled.............   XF+      40

FX37    rema           2 lev  (19)86   BNB; unfilled..............................   UN        20

FX38    rema           5 lev  (19)86   BNB; unfilled..............................   UN        25

FX40    rema         20 lev  (19)86   BNB; unfilled..............................   UN        30

   Check                              Credit Bank Bulgaria, bearer check

check         125,000 leva  1947     Credit Bank Bulgaria.................   F           15

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

bond    canc     1000 lev  1926     7% settlement loan......... bs#16  VF+      35

bond                    200 lev  1952     state bond........................ bs#17  F           20

bond                    200 lev  1954     state bond........................ bs#18  VG        15

share             16x100 lev  1950     Coop "Napriedia"............ bs#19  VG        25


PICK#                                 *****BURMA - MYANMAR****3*

   British Colony

4   p/h                      5 rup  (1938)   George VI..................... VF 120VF+    180

4   p/h                      5 rup  (1938)   GVI; stamp "Momeik"................   F         120

5   p/h                    10 rup  (1938)   George VI......................... F+90,  VF      120

   Japanese occupation - WW2

9b      JIM               1 cen  (1942)   serie fractional............................   UN        10

10b.   JIM               5 cen  (1942)   serie fractional............................   UN        15

11a.   JIM             10 cen  (1942)   serie block............................ F 4,  UN        10

12a.   JIM            1/4 rup  (1942)   serie block......................... VF 4,  AU          8

13b    JIM            1/2 rup  (1942)   serie block "BD"................ XF 4,  UN          8

14a    JIM                1 rup  (1942)   serie block "BD".........................   F           12

14b    JIM                1 rup  (1942)   serie block "BD".........................   UN          8

15b    JIM                5 rup  (1942)   serie block "BB"................ XF 4,  UN          8

16a    JIM             10 rup  (1942)   wmk.................................... VF 4,  UN        12

16b    JIM             10 rup  (1942)   no wmk, silk threads........ XF 4,  UN          8

17a.   JIM           100 rup  (1942)   wmk,............................................   VF         20

17b    JIM           100 rup  (1942)   no wmk, silk threads........ XF 4,  AU+      10

   State of Burma, Japanese Occupation

21.                      100 kyat  (1944)   .....................................................   AU+ 2000

   British Military Administration

25a    "U/1"             1 rup  1940     ovpt(1945); George VI..............   F         150

25b    letter A          1 rup  1940     ovpt(1945); ......... VG 7, VF 28,  UN      225

26b    sig D             5 rup  (1945)   ovpt(1945); George VI VF 120VF+    180

28                          10 rup  (1945)   ovpt(1945); George VI VF 160VF+    240

   Republic; Burma

30                            1 rup  1940     ovpt(1947); George VI..............   XF+      96

31     p/h                  5 rup  1940     ovpt(1947); George VI..............   XF+    180

32     p/h               10 rup  (1947)   ovpt(1947); George VI.. VF 80,  AU+    480

34     p/h                  1 rup  (1948)   peacock/dhows................. F 16,  VF         32

42.    p/h                1 kyat  (1953)   peacock/dhows............. XF+18,  UN-       48

43     p/h                5 kyat  (1953)   statue/spinning...........................   F           30

45     p/h            100 kyat  (1953)   peacock/farming.............. F+45,  VF         60

46     p/h                1 kyat  (1958)   gen Aung/dhows........................   UN-         5

47     p/h                5 kyat  (1958)   gen Aung/spinning....................   UN-       10

48     p/h              10 kyat  (1958)   gen Aung/elephant....................   UN-       20

50     p/h              50 kyat  (1958)   gen Aung/farmers......................   UN-       36

51     p/h            100 kyat  (1958)   gen Aung/oxen.................... F 4,  UN-       24

52     p/h                1 kyat  (1965)   gen Aung/fisherman..................   UN-         5

53     p/h                5 kyat  (1965)   gen Aung/farmer and ox...........   UN-       10

53     repl               5 kyat  (1965)   replacement "Y".........................   UN-       50

54     p/h              10 kyat  (1965)   gen Aung/picking cotton...........   UN-       24

55.    p/h              20 kyat  (1965)   gen Aung/farming......................   UN-       64

56                           1 kyat  (1972)   gen Aung/spinning....................   UN          4

57     repl               5 kyat  (1973)   replacement "YZ".......................   UN        40

58                         10 kyat  (1973)   gen Aung/...................................   UN          6

59                         25 kyat  (1972)   gen Aung/mythical creature.....   UN          7

61                       100 kyat  (1972)   gen Aung/music............. AU 50,  UN      100

62                         15 kyat  (1986)   gen Aung/mythical dancer........   UN          5

62     repl             15 kyat  (1986)   replacement "EZ".......................   AU        30

63                         35 kyat  (1986)   gen Aung/sculpture...................   UN          6

64                         45 kyat  (1986)   gen Aung/oilfield........................   UN        12

65                         75 kyat  (1985)   gen Aung/mythical dancer........   UN        15

66                         90 kyat  (1985)   gen Aung/farming......................   UN        24

   Republic; Myanmar

67                           1 kyat  (1990)   gen Aung/carving......................   UN          4

68                          50 pya  (1994)   musical instrument....................   UN          4

69                           1 kyat  (1996)   Chinze/boat race.......................   UN          4

70b                         5 kyat  (1995)   Chinze/ball game.......................   UN          4

70b    repl              5 kyat  (1995)   replacement "AY"......................   UN        18

71b                       10 kyat  (1995)   Chinze/Elaborate barge............   UN          4

72                         20 kyat  (1994)   Chinze/fountain..........................   UN          4

73a                       50 kyat  (1994)   Chinze/coppersmith..................   UN          5

73b                       50 kyat  (1995)   Chinze/coppersmith..................   UN          4

74b                     100 kyat  (1996)   Chinze/masons at work............   UN-         5

75a                     200 kyat  (1990)   /elephant................... XF(p/h) 7,  UN        26

75b                     200 kyat  (1995)   Chinze/elephant.........................   UN          7

76a.                   500 kyat  (1994)   Chinze/statue makers...............   UN-       15

76b                     500 kyat  (1995)   Chinze/statue makers...............   UN-       12

77b                 1,000 kyat  (1998)   Chinze/bank...............................   UN        16

78                       200 kyat  (2004)   Chinze/elephant.........................   UN-         4

79.                      500 kyat  (2004)   Chinze/statue makers...............   UN-         6

81                   5,000 kyat  (2009)   elephant/.....................................   UN        20

82.                10,000 kyat  (2012)   arms/...........................................   UN        40

   Foreign Exchange Certificates

FX1                             1 $  (1993)   .....................................................   UN        15

FX2.                            5 $  (1993)   ........................................ AU+45,  UN        60

FX3.                          10 $  (1993)   .....................................................   UN      120

FX4.                          20 $  (1993)   .....................................................   UN      240

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   Postal Savings Certificate

psc                        50 rup  (196-)    green...........................................   VF         12

psc                      100 rup  (196-)    violet............................................   VF         12

psc                      500 rup  (196-)    blue..............................................   VF         12

psc                   1,000 rup  (197-)    brown..........................................   VF         12

psc                 10,000 rup  (197-)    yellow..........................................   VF         15


PICK#                                 *****BURUNDI****3*


1                                5 fra  1961     ovpt (1964).................................   G+        30

2                              10 fra  1960     ovpt (1964)............ G+30, F 80VF      150

3                              20 fra  1960     ovpt (1964)....................... G 50,  VF      350

8(c)                           5 fra  1965     05.01;picking coffee..................   UN      250

9(d).                        10 fra  1965     12.31;cattle.................................   UN      400

10(a).                      20 fra  1964     11.20;dancer..............................   UN      700

11(a)                       50 fra  1964     10.01;city Bujumbura................   F           60

11(b)                       50 fra  1964     12.01;city Bujumbura................   F+       100

12(b)                    100 fra  1964     12.01;Pr.Rwagasore/arms.......   F           50

12(c)                     100 fra  1965     05.01;Pr.Rwagasore/arms.......   F           50


15(c)                       20 fra  1965     03.20;ovpt"Republique"............   F           50

16(c)                       50 fra  1965     05.01;ovpt"Republique"............   VF      120

16(d)                       50 fra  1965     12.31;ovpt"Republique"............   F+         90

16(e)                       50 fra  1966     07.01;ovpt"Republique"............   F+         90

17a                       100 fra  1965     05.01;ovpt"Republique"............   F+         90

17b                       100 fra  1966     07.01;ovpt"Republique"............   VF      120

20a                         10 fra  1968     palace..........................................   UN        50

20b                         10 fra  1970     palace..........................................   UN        40

21(b)                       20 fra  1970     dancer; blue...............................   UN      200

21(c)                       20 fra  1971     dancer; blue...............................   VF+      38

21(d)                       20 fra  1973     dancer; blue.................. XF+75,  UN      200

22(c).                      50 fra  1970     02.01;drummer; red..................   UN      330

22(d).                      50 fra  1971     08.01;drummer; red..................   UN      330

22A                         50 fra  1975     drummer; brown "W".................   XF      300

23(b)                    100 fra  1968     10.01;Pr.Rwagasore.................   F           32

23(c)                     100 fra  1970     02.01;Pr.Rwagasore.................   F+         45

23(f)                      100 fra  1975     06.01;Pr.Rwagasore.................   AU+    340

27(a)                       20 fra  1977     dancer; red.................................   UN          9

27(b)                       20 fra  1979     dancer; red.................................   UN          9

27(g)                       20 fra  1989     dancer; red.................................   UN          6

27(h)                       20 fra  1991     dancer; red.................................   UN          6

27(i)                        20 fra  1995     dancer; red.................................   UN          6

27(j).                       20 fra  1997     dancer; red.................................   UN          6

27(k)                       20 fra  2001     dancer; red.................................   UN          5

27(l).                       20 fra  2003     dancer; red.................................   UN          5

27(m)                      20 fra  2005     dancer; red.................................   UN          5

27(n)                       20 fra  2007     dancer; red.................................   UN          5

28(a)                       50 fra  1977     drummer; brown........................   UN        18

28(b)                       50 fra  1979     drummer; brown........................   UN        18

28(e).                      50 fra  1988     drummer; brown........................   UN        14

28(g)                       50 fra  1991     drummer; brown........................   UN        12

28(h)                       50 fra  1993     drummer; brown........................   UN        12

29(b).                   100 fra  1979     Pr Rwagasore............................   AU+      20

29(h)                    100 fra  1990     Pr Rwagasore............................   UN          9

29(i)                      100 fra  1993     Pr Rwagasore............................   UN          9

30(e)                    500 fra  1988     bank/arms...................................   UN        60

31(l)                   1,000 fra  1991     bird/cattle....................................   UN        80

32(h).                5,000 fra  1995     /port.............................................   UN      250

33(a)                       10 fra  1981     arms/...........................................   UN          6

33(e)                       10 fra  1989     arms/...........................................   UN          6

33(f)                        10 fra  1991     arms/...........................................   UN          6

33(g).                      10 fra  1995     arms/...........................................   UN          6

33(h)                       10 fra  1997     arms/...........................................   UN          6

33(j)                        10 fra  2003     arms/...........................................   UN          5

33(k)                       10 fra  2005     arms/...........................................   UN          5

33(l).                       10 fra  2007     arms/...........................................   UN          4

36a                         50 fra  1994     canoe/hippopotamus................   UN          6

36b                         50 fra  1999     canoe/hippopotamus................   UN          6

36c                          50 fra  2001     canoe/hippopotamus................   UN          5

36d                         50 fra  2003     canoe/hippopotamus................   UN          5

36e                         50 fra  2005     canoe/hippopotamus................   UN          4

36f                          50 fra  2006     canoe/hippopotamus................   UN          4

36g.                        50 fra  2007     canoe/hippopotamus................   UN          4

37a                       100 fra  1993     Pr Rwagasore............................   UN          8

37b                       100 fra  1997     Pr Rwagasore............................   UN          8

37c                       100 fra  2001     Pr Rwagasore............................   UN          6

37e                       100 fra  2006     Pr Rwagasore............................   UN          6

37f.                       100 fra  2007     Pr Rwagasore............................   UN          6

37A                       500 fra  1995     man/bank....................................   UN        14

38a                       500 fra  1997     painting/bank..............................   UN        12

38b                       500 fra  1999     painting/bank..............................   UN        12

38c                       500 fra  2003     painting/bank..............................   UN        10

38d                       500 fra  2007     painting/bank..............................   UN          8

39a                    1,000 fra  1994     cattle/monument........................   UN        15

39b                    1,000 fra  1997     cattle/monument........................   UN        15

39c                    1,000 fra  2000     cattle/monument........................   UN        12

39d                    1,000 fra  2006     cattle/monument........................   UN        10

40.                     5,000 fra  1997     building/port................................   UN      170

41                      2,000 fra  2001     farming/lake, dam......................   UN        20

42a                    5,000 fra  1999     building/port................................   UN        40

42b                    5,000 fra  2003     building/port................................   UN        30

42c                    5,000 fra  2005     building/port................................   UN        30

43a.                10,000 fra  2004     /students.....................................   UN        80

44                         100 fra  2010     Pr Rwagasore............................   UN          4

44                         100 fra  2011     Pr Rwagasore............................   UN          4

45.                        500 fra  2009     painting/bank..............................   UN          6

46                      1,000 fra  2009     cattle/monument........................   UN          6

47.                     2,000 fra  2008     farming/lake, dam......................   UN        12

48a                    5,000 fra  2008     building/port................................   UN        25

48c.                   5,000 fra  2013     building/port................................   UN        25

50                         500 fra  2015     map, boat/coffee, alligator........   UN          4

51.                     1,000 fra  2015     map, banana/cattle, bird...........   UN          4

52                      2,000 fra  2015     map/ pineapple, antelope.........   UN          5

53                      5,000 fra  2015     map/ dancers, buffalo...............   UN        10

54                    10,000 fra  2015     map, plant/men, hippo..............   UN        20


PICK#                                 *****CAMBODIA****3*

   Kingdom (French Colony till 1954)

1.                              1 rea  (1955)   ........................... P 6, VF 50, p/h  AU-     200

2                               5 rea  (1955)   Bayon statue....... F 12, VF+36,  AU+    145

3                             10 rea  (1955)   temple/building............... VF 40,  XF         80

4(b).    sig 2            1 rea  (1956)   port..............................................   AU        40

4(e)     sig 8            1 rea  (1968)   port..............................................   UN        12

4(f)      sig 10          1 rea  (1969)   port..............................................   UN        10

4(g).    sig 11          1 rea  (1970)   port..............................................   UN        10

4(h)     sig 12          1 rea  (1972)   port..............................................   UN          5

5(a)     sig 3          20 rea  (1956)   combine/pagoda........................   UN      110

5(f)      sig 12        20 rea  (1972)   combine/pagoda.............. VF 4,  UN          6

7(d)     sig 12        50 rea  (1972)   fishing/Angkor Wat....................   UN          5

8(a)     sig 3        100 rea  (1956)   sculpture/long boat....................   G             6

8(b)     sig 7        100 rea  (1965)   sculpture/long boat....................   G             4

8(d)     sig 11      100 rea  (1970)   sculpture/long boat....................   F             4

8(e)     sig 12      100 rea  (1972)   sculpture/long boat......... VF+4,  UN        15

8(f)      sig 13      100 rea  (1972)   sculpture/long boat....................   UN          5

9c        sig 9       500 rea  (1968)   sculpture/dancers......................   UN        60

10(b).  sig 6            5 rea  (1963)   Bayon statue/palace.................   AU+      40

10(f)    sig 12          5 rea  (1972)   Bayon statue/palace.................   UN          5

11(a).  sig 5          10 rea  (1962)   temple/........................................   UN        30

11(d).  sig 8          10 rea  (1968)   temple/........................................   UN        20

11(e).  sig 11        10 rea  (1970)   temple/........................................   UN        20

11(f)    sig 12        10 rea  (1972)   temple/........................................   UN        10

12(b)   sig 13      100 rea  (1972)   temple/temples and road..........   UN          5

13a     sig 3        100 rea  (1956)   oxen/ceremonial women..........   VG        14

13b     sig 12      100 rea  (1972)   oxen/ceremonial women..........   UN          6

14(a)   sig 3        500 rea  (1956)   plowing/pagoda.........................   VG          6

14(b)   sig 5        500 rea  (1962)   plowing/pagoda.........................   VG+        6

14(c)   sig 7        500 rea  (1965)   plowing/pagoda.........................   VG+        6

14(d).  sig 9        500 rea  (1968)   plowing/pagoda.............. VF 15,  AU+      80

14(e).  sig 12      500 rea  (1972)   plowing/pagoda............ F 7; p/h  AU+      80

   Khmer Republic

15a     sig 13      100 rea  (1972)   weaver/Angkor Wat...................   UN          5

15a     repl          100 rea  (1973)   replacement serie "90"..............   AU        30

15b     sig 14      100 rea  (1974)   weaver/Angkor Wat...................   UN          5

16(a)   sig 13      500 rea  (1972)   girl, vessel/rice paddy...............   VF           4

16(b)   sig 14      500 rea  (1973)   girl, vessel/rice paddy...............   UN          7

16(c)   sig 15      500 rea  (1974)   girl, vessel/rice paddy...............   UN          6

17                     1,000 rea  (1973)   students/sculpture.....................   UN        12

17A     unis      5,000 rea  (1974)   man/building; unissued.............   UN        35

20                             1 rea  1975     farm workers/.............................   UN        24

21                             5 rea  1975     Angkor Wat/workers..................   UN        18

22                          10 rea  1975     machine gun/................. AU 17,  UN        34

23                          50 rea  1975     rice field/troops............... AU 20,  UN        40

24                        100 rea  1975     factory/harvesting.......... AU 50,  AU+      75


25                           0.1 rie  1979     arms/water buffalos...................   UN          5

26                           0.2 rie  1979     arms/planting rice......................   UN          4

27                           0.5 rie  1979     train/fishing.................................   UN          4

28                              1 rie  1979     arms/harvesting rice..................   UN          4

29                              5 rie  1979     workers/monument....................   UN          5

30                            10 rie  1979     fruit harvest/school....................   UN          8

31                            20 rie  1979     arms/buffalos logging................   UN        10

32                            50 rie  1979     Bayon statue/Angkor Wat........   UN        12

33                              5 rie  1987     workers/monument....................   UN          5

34                            10 rie  1987     orchard/school...........................   UN          7

35                            50 rie  1992     /port.............................................   UN          4

36                         100 rie  1990     Mean/rubber trees.....................   UN        12

37                         200 rie  1992     dam/sculpture............................   UN          5

38                         500 rie  1991     Angkor Wat/tractors..................   UN          8

39                      1,000 rie  1992     fishing/Angkor Wat....................   UN        20

40                      2,000 rie  1992     Sihanouk, temple.......................   UN        18

41a                       100 rie  1995     tower/latex harvesting...............   UN          6

41b    sig16          100 rie  1998     tower/latex harvesting...............   UN          5

41b    sig17          100 rie  1998     tower/latex harvesting...............   UN          5

42a                       200 rie  1995     dam/temple sculpture...............   UN          5

42b.                      200 rie  1998     dam/temple sculpture...............   UN          5

43a                       500 rie  1996     Angkor Wat ruins/rice field.......   UN          6

43b    sig17          500 rie  1998     Angkor Wat ruins/rice field.......   UN          5

44                      1,000 rie  (1995)   Bayon statue/.............................   UN          6

45                      2,000 rie  (1995)   fishing/Angkor Wat....................   UN        10

46(c)  sig17      5,000 rie  1998     Sihanouk/building......................   UN        15

47(b)  sig16    10,000 rie  1998     Sihanouk/long boat...................   UN        24

48                    20,000 rie  (1995)   Sihanouk/palace........................   UN        72

49(a).              50,000 rie  (1995)   Sihanouk/....................................   UN      120

49(b)  sig16    50,000 rie  1998     Sihanouk/....................................   UN        96

50                  100,000 rie  (1995)   Sihanouk +wife/meeting...........   UN      220

51                      1,000 rie  1999     temple ruins/road building........   UN          4

52                            50 rie  2002     temple/dam.................................   UN          4

53                         100 rie  2001     temple/building...........................   UN          4

54a                       500 rie  2002     Angkor Wat ruins/bridge...........   UN          5

54b                       500 rie  2004     Angkor Wat ruins/bridge...........   UN          4

55a                    5,000 rie  2001     Sihanouk/bridge.........................   UN          7

55c                    5,000 rie  2004     Sihanouk/bridge.........................   UN          6

55d                    5,000 rie  2007     Sihanouk/bridge.........................   UN          5

56a                  10,000 rie  2001     Sihanouk/royal palace..............   UN        14

56b                  10,000 rie  2005     Sihanouk/royal palace..............   UN        12

57                    50,000 rie  2001     Sihanouk/Angkor Wat...............   UN        72

58a.                   1,000 rie  2005     temple/port.................................   UN        10

58b                    1,000 rie  2007     temple/port.................................   UN          4

59                      2,000 rie  2007     ruins/rice farming.......................   UN          5

60                    20,000 rie  2008     Kg/Angkor Wat ruins.................   UN        24

61.                   50,000 rie  2013     Kg/Angkor Wat, elephant.........   UN        55

63     comm      1,000 rie  2013     "Kg Sihanouk"............................   UN          5

64     comm      2,000 rie  2013     "Independence 60 years".........   UN          5

65                         100 rie  2014     Kg/Buddha, palace....................   UN          4

66                         500 rie  2014     Kg/bridge....................................   UN          4

67     comm    10,000 rie  2015     "Kg Sihanouk 62 Birthday".......   UN          7

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

R1                             5 rie  (1993)   KHMER ROUGE............ F+ 30,  VF+      60


28s   spec                1 rie  1979     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        25

41s   spec            100 rie  1995     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        25

49s   spec      50,000 rie  (1995)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        50

52s   spec              50 rie  2002     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        25


PICK#                                 *****CAMEROON***4c*

   Republic (French and British Colony till 1960)

10                         100 fra  (1962)   /port.................................... G 15,  F+         60

12(a)   "1-9"     1,000 fra  (1962)   cacao/coffee harvest ....... engr  VG      100

15(b).  "2-8"         500 fra  (1974)   woman/students, sig J-N..........   UN      140

15(c).                    500 fra  1978     woman/students........................   UN      120

15(d)                    500 fra  1981     woman/students........................   UN        90

15(f)                      500 fra  1983     woman/students........................   UN        90

16(a)                 1,000 fra  (1974)   woman/airport, sig J-N.... VG 8,  VF+      45

23(a)               10,000 fra  (1984)   woman/fruits, truck  sig M-T.....   F           40

26(a).                1,000 fra  1986     map/elephant.............................   UN      110

26(d).                1,000 fra  1989     map/elephant.............................   UN        90

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Berlin, Kolonialgedenktag, Germany

notgeld                    75 pf  1921     "A" colony "Kamerun"...............   UN        10

notgeld                    75 pf  1921     "B" merchant "Woermann".......   UN        10


PICK#                                 *****CANADA***3c*

   British Colony

8a                         25 cen  1870     Britannia......................................   G           30

8c      "B"              25 cen  1870     Britannia "B"...............................   G           40

9a      sig C          25 cen  1900     Britannia......................................   VG        25

9b      sig B          25 cen  1900     Britannia................. G 5, VG 10,  VF+      60

9c      sig S          25 cen  1900     Britannia......................................   F           30

11a    sig H-S      25 cen  1923     Britannia......................................   G           12

11b    sig M-S      25 cen  1923     Britannia......................................   G+        12

11c    sig C-C      25 cen  1923     Britannia............................. F 20,  VF         40

24Aa   "D-K"               1 $  1897     sig C; logging.............................   VF    1000

24Ab   "L-S"               1 $  1897     sig B; logging..............................   VG      250

24Ca   "_-C"               2 $  1897     sig C; fisherman.........................   VG+   900

27a      "A-L"               1 $  1911     ............................ G 90, VG 200VG+   300

27b      "L-Y"               1 $  1911     .....................................................   VF      500

30a      "A-C"              2 $  1914     sig B; Dukes...............................   F         450

30c      "L-P"               2 $  1914     sig S, Dukes...............................   F+       750

32a      "A-H"              1 $  1917     sig B; Pr Paticia.........................   F         200

32b      "H-J"               1 $  1917     sig B; Pr Paticia.........................   F+       400

32b      "J-R"               1 $  1917     sig B; Pr Paticia................ P 40,  VG      100

32c      "R-A"              1 $  1917     sig S; Pr Paticia.........................   VF      450

32d      "A-F"              1 $  1917     sig H-S; Pr Paticia.....................   F         200

NL(32A)             vignette  ABNC   engraved "Victoria".... lot#1381  UN        30

33a      "A-C"              1 $  1923     KgGVI; black seal......................   VG+   150

33b      "D-F"              1 $  1923     KgGVI; red seal.........................   VG+   150

33c      "G-J"               1 $  1923     KgGVI; blue seal.............. G 50,  VG+   150

33e      "N-R"              1 $  1923     KgGVI; brown seal....................   VF      300

33f       "S-V"              1 $  1923     KgGVI; black seal"2".................   VF      320

33g      "W-X"             1 $  1923     KgGVI; red seal"2"....................   VG-       70

33h     "A"                   1 $  1923     KgGVI; blue seal "2"..... VG 70,  F+       200

33i       "B"                  1 $  1923     KgGVI; brown seal"2"...............   F         150

33j       "C"                  1 $  1923     KgGVI; green seal"2"................   G+        70

33n      "D"                  1 $  1923     KgGVI; black seal"3"....... G 40,  VF-     200

33o      "E"                  1 $  1923     KgGVI; black seal"4"..... VG 55,  VF      220

33o      "F"                  1 $  1923     KgGVI; black seal"4".................   F+       200

34c      "E-F"               2 $  1923     Pr.; blue seal..............................   VG+   250

34l       "W,X"              2 $  1923     Pr.; blue black"4".......................   VF      500

   State (from 1931)

38                                1 $  1935     KgGV; English............... VG 60,  F         120

39                                1 $  1935     KgGV; French..... G 50, F+300VF      400

40                                2 $  1935     Qn Mary; English.............. P 70,  VF      500

41                                2 $  1935     Qn Mary; French........................   VF    1200

42                                5 $  1935     Pr Edward; English....................   F+       500

43                                5 $  1935     Pr Edward; French....................   VF    1300

44                              10 $  1935     Pr Mary; English............ F+500VF+  1000

45                              10 $  1935     Pr Mary; French.........................   VF    1500

46b                            20 $  1935     Elizabeth; English....... F+2500VF    3400

58d      sig G-T           1 $  1937     KgGVI/................... F 12, VF 25,  XF         50

58e.     sig C-T           1 $  1937     KgGVI/................... F 12, VF 25,  UN      200

59b      sig G-T           2 $  1937     KgGVI/................................. P 8,  VF         60

59c.     sig C-T           2 $  1937     KgGVI/........................................   UN      500

61c      sig C-T         10 $  1937     KgGVI/"transport"........ XF 100,  UN      400

62c      sig C-T         20 $  1937     Kg /"agriculture".........................   VF+    120

63c      sig C-T         50 $  1937     KgGVI/"radio".............................   VF      350

64b      sig G-T      100 $  1937     Macdonald/.................. VF-130XF+    450

64c      sig C-T       100 $  1937     Macdonald/................... VF 200VF+    300

NL(64)                vignette  CBNC  engr "MacDonald"...... lot#1380  UN        20

NL(65-7)            vignette  CBNC  engraved "Laurier"..... lot#1379  UN        20

66a      sig C-T           1 $  1954     QEII "devil face"............... F+35,  XF+    150

66b.     sig B-C           1 $  1954     QEII "devil face".........................   AU+    200

67a      sig C-T           2 $  1954     QEII "devil face"................ F 35,  VF         70

67b      sig B-C           2 $  1954     QEII "devil face".........................   VF         50

68a      sig C-T           5 $  1954     QEII "devil face"............... F+40,  VF         60

68b      sig B-C           5 $  1954     QEII "devil face".........................   F           30

69a      sig C-T         10 $  1954     QEII "devil face".........................   F           40

69b      sig B-C        10 $  1954     QEII "devil face"............ VF+80,  AU      200

70a.     sig C-T         20 $  1954     QEII "devil face".......... VF+100AU+    400

70b      sig B-C        20 $  1954     QEII "devil face".........................   XF      130

71b      sig B-C        50 $  1954     QEII "devil face".........................   VF+    300

72a      sig C-T      100 $  1954     QEII "devil face".........................   VF      300

72b      sig B-C      100 $  1954     QEII "devil face".........................   F+       250

74a.     sig B-C           1 $  1954     CBNC;QEII/prairie.....................   UN        50

74b.     sig B-R           1 $  1954     CBNC;QEII/prairie......... AU 20,  UN        40

74b      repl                 1 $  1954     CBNC; replacement "*A/A"......   AU+      40

74b      repl                 1 $  1954     CBNC; replacement "*A/Y"......   AU+      90

75b.     sig B-R           1 $  1954     BABNC;QEII/prairie......... XF 8,  UN        30

75b      repl                 1 $  1954     BABNC; replacement "*B/M"...   UN        40

75d.     sig L-B           1 $  1954     BABNC;QEII/prairie...................   UN        40

76a.     sig B-C           2 $  1954     QEII/Quebec................. VF+22,  AU+      90

76b.     sig B-R           2 $  1954     QEII/Quebec .................... VF 5,  UN        40

76d      sig L-B           2 $  1954     QEII/Quebec ..................... F+6,  VF           8

76d      sig L-B           2 $  1954     replacement "*O/G"...................   F+         15

77a      sig B-C           5 $  1954     CBNC;QEII/Falls........................   AU        70

77b      sig B-R           5 $  1954     CBNC;QEII/Falls........ AU+100UN      140

79b      sig B-R        10 $  1954     QEII/Rocky.................... VF+30,  UN      150

80b      sig B-R        20 $  1954     QEII/Laurentian............. VF+40,  XF+      80

81a      sig B-C        50 $  1954     QEII/coastline............. XF+180UN      500

81b      sig B-R        50 $  1954     QEII/coastline.............................   VF+    120

82a.     sig B-C      100 $  1954     QEII/Okanagan............ VF 100AU      400

82b      sig B-R      100 $  1954     QEII/Okanagan Lake................   VF+    150

83d      sig L-B    1,000 $  1954     QEII/view, Quebec....................   XF    2000

84a      comm             1 $  1967     "Centennial 1867-1967"............   UN        10

84b      comm             1 $  1967     "Centennial "regular#...... XF 4,  UN        14

85a.     sig L-B           1 $  1973     QEII/Ottawa;engr;2-letter#.......   UN        12

85a      sig L-B           1 $  1973     QEII/Ottawa;engr;3-letter#.......   UN          8

85b      sig L-B           1 $  1973     QEII/Ottawa; litho......................   UN          8

85c      sig C-B           1 $  1973     QEII/Ottawa................................   UN          6

86a      sig L-B           2 $  1974     QEII/Inuit hunting;2-letter.........   UN        25

86a      sig L-B           2 $  1974     QEII/Inuit hunting;3-letter.........   UN        20

86b      sig C-B           2 $  1974     QEII/Inuit hunting.......................   UN        20

87a      sig B-R           5 $  1972     Laurier/kingfisher.......................   UN        70

87b      sig L-B           5 $  1972     Laurier/kingfisher.......... VF+12,  UN        60

88a.     sig B-R        10 $  1971     McDonald/refinery.....................   UN      150

88c      sig L-B         10 $  1971     McDonald/refinery.....................   UN      100

88d.     sig C-B        10 $  1971     McDonald/refinery.....................   UN      100

89a      sig B-R        20 $  1969     QEII/Moraine..............................   UN      220

89b      sig L-B         20 $  1969     QEII/Moraine..............................   UN      220

90a      sig L-B         50 $  1975     /Mounted Police.........................   UN      350

90b      sig C-B        50 $  1975     /Mounted Police.........................   UN      300

91a1.   sig L-B       100 $  1975     Bordon/serie "JB"......................   UN      400

91a2    sig L-B       100 $  1975     Bordon/serie "AJB"....................   UN      400

91b      sig C-B      100 $  1975     Bordon/harbour..........................   UN      350

92a      sig L-B           5 $  1979     Laurier/kingfisher........... XF 15,  UN        65

92b.     sig C-B           5 $  1979     Laurier/kingfisher.......... VF+15,  UN        85

93a.     sig L-B         20 $  1979     QEII/Moraine Lake....................   UN      150

93b      sig C-B        20 $  1979     QEII/Moraine Lake....................   UN        95

93c      sig T-C         20 $  1979     QEII/Moraine Lake....................   UN        80

94a.     sig C-B           2 $  1986     QEII/robin...................................   UN        20

94b      sig T-C           2 $  1986     QEII/robin...................................   UN          5

95a1.   sig C-B           5 $  1986     Laurier/kingfisher........... "ENC"  AU        60

95a2.   sig C-B           5 $  1986     Laurier/kingfisher.......... "EOW"  UN        95

95b      sig T-C           5 $  1986     Laurier/kingfisher.......................   UN        35

95c.     sig B-T           5 $  1986     Laurier/kingfisher.......................   UN        35

96b.     sig B-T         10 $  1989     MacDonald/osprey....................   UN        50

97a.     sig T-C         20 $  1991     QEII/loon.....................................   AU+      50

97c.     sig K-T         20 $  1991     QEII/loon.....................................   UN        80

97d      sig K-D        20 $  1991     QEII/loon.....................................   UN        60

98b.     sig B-T         50 $  1988     King/snowy owl..........................   UN      250

99a.     sig T-C      100 $  1988     Bordon/geese.............................   AU+    300

99b.     sig B-T       100 $  1988     Bordon/geese.............................   UN      400

100a.   sig T-C   1,000 $  1988     Bordon/birds...............................   UN   2500

101a    sig K-D           5 $  2002     2001;Laurier/hokey...................   UN        25

101b    sig K-D           5 $  2002     2003;Laurier/hokey...................   UN        20

101c    sig J-D            5 $  2002     2004;Laurier/hokey...................   UN        20

101Aa.  sig J-D          5 $  2006     2006;Laurier/hokey...................   UN        16

101Ad   sig J-C          5 $  2006     2010;Laurier/hokey...................   UN        14

102a.   sig K-T         10 $  2001     2001;MacDonald/peace...........   UN        45

102c.   sig K-D         10 $  2001     2002;MacDonald/peace...........   UN        60

102Aa.  sig J-D       10 $  2005     2004;MacDonald/peace...........   UN        35

102Ad   sig J-C       10 $  2005     2008;MacDonald/peace...........   UN        25

104      sig J-D         50 $  2004     2004;King/emancipation...........   UN      150

105a.   sig J-D       100 $  2004     2003;Bordon/maps....................   UN      300

106b    sig M-P          5 $  2013     /space Canadarm2;sig M-P.....   UN          8

106d    sig W-M         5 $  2013     /space Canadarm2;sig M-P.....   UN          7

107a    sig M-C        10 $  2013     /Canadian Rail Road.................   UN        15

108a    sig M-C        20 $  2012     QEII/Vimy memorial..................   UN        30

108b    sig W-P       20 $  2012     QEII/Vimy memorial..................   UN        25

109a.   sig M-C        50 $  2012     /research ship "Amundsen"......   UN        90

109b.   sig W-P       50 $  2012     /research ship "Amundsen"......   UN        70

110a    sig M-C     100 $  2011     QEII/research, insulin................   UN      160

110b    sig W-P     100 $  2011     QEII/research, insulin................   UN      140

111      comm           20 $  2015     "Queen Elizabeth reigning"......   UN        30

112      comm           10 $  2017     "Canada 150 anniversary".......   UN        14

113      comm           10 $  2018     "Viola Desmond"........................   UN        14

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(P89)                    20 $  1979     BC training money..... lot#1312  AU        10

NL(P90)                    50 $  1975     BC training money..... lot#1314  AU        10

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s549                          10 $  1923     Bank of Montreal.......................   G-         80

s553                            5 $  1931     Bank of Montreal.......................   F         180

s559                          10 $  1935     Bank of Montreal.......................   VF      250

s562b                        10 $  1938     Bank of Montreal.......................   G-         40

s563b                        20 $  1938     Bank of Montreal ........ VG 100F         200

s632                            5 $  1935     Bank of Nova Scotia...... F 150VF      300

s922a                        10 $  1936     Provincial Bank..........................   VG      200

s970a                          5 $  1935     Bank Commerce........................   VG+   150

s971b                        10 $  1935     Bank Commerce........................   VF      300

NL(s1024)         vignette  CBNC  engraved "beaver"..... lot#1378  UN        10

s1033                          5 $  1935     Dominion Bank..........................   F         250

s1034                        10 $  1935     Dominion Bank..........................   VF-     300

s1035                          5 $  1938     Dominion Bank..........................   VG      160

s1036                        10 $  1938     Dominion Bank..........................   VG      250

s1141x  coun         100 $  1917     Imperial Bank, old counterfeit..   XF      150

s1143                        10 $  1923     Imperial Bank.............................   VG      250

s1145Fb                   10 $  1934     Imperial Bank.............................   F         200

s1145G                       5 $  1934     Imperial Bank.............................   F+       200

s1145H                     10 $  1939     Imperial Bank.............................   F         200

NL(s1171)         vignette  ABNC   engraved "textiles"..... lot#1377  UN        10

s1384b                     10 $  1927     Royal Bank.................................   F         200

s1391                          5 $  1935     Royal Bank.................................   F         180

s1392                        10 $  1935     Royal Bank.................................   F         180

s1393                        20 $  1935     Royal Bank.................. VG-100F         240

s1394                          5 $  1943     Royal Bank.................................   F         250

s1666                          1 $  1859     Colonial Bank of Canada..........   VG      200

s2047                          1 $  1861     Westmorland Bank....................   P           90

                                            Canadian War Savings Certificate

NL                                 5$  1944     stamps 16x25cts........ lot#1017  F           50

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Champlain and St Lawrence Rail Road, Montreal

NL    rema      7.5 pence  1837     unissued, no sig.........................   AU      100

NL    rema       15 pence  1837     unissued, no sig.........................   AU      100

NL    rema               1/2 $  1837     unissued, no sig.........................   AU      100

                                            -Blue Note, Halifax NS

NL                                5 $  1993     .....................................................   AU          8

                                            -Cuvillier and Sons, Montreal

NL                            1/2 $  1837     =30 pence...................................   F         250

                                            -Eaton Gift certificate

NL                                5 $  NL         Eaton Gift....................................   XF         10

                                            -Halifax, Blue Note, Ass Self Help Economics

NL                                5 $  1993     -valid till 1993.............................   AU        10

                                            -Kitchener-Waterloo, Our Community Dollar

NL                                5 $  2004     Kitchener Victoria park..............   AU        10

                                            -Longueul QC, Louis Payette, contractor

NL            2 barrels sand  189-      Louis Payette.............. lot#1329  F           50

                                            -Manitoulin, Tourist Association

NL                                3 $  1985     Manitoulin Island........................   AU          9

NL                                3 $  1987     Manitoulin Island........................   AU          8

NL                                3 $  1992     Manitoulin Island........................   XF           6

NL                                3 $  1993     Manitoulin Island........................   AU          7


NL                                1 $  1986     135 Anniversary.........................   AU          6

                                            -Paris, Ontario "Centennial 1856-1956"

NL    plastic             25 ct  1956     printed on PCV linoleum...........   AU        30

                                            -Rentalex Group

NL                                1 $  1977     cash coupon...............................   VG          4

                                            -Reader's Digest, Prize Money Note

NL                        5,000 $  2003     Reader's Digest.........................   UN          8

NL                      10,000 $  2003     Reader's Digest.........................   UN          8

                                            -Rona, Le Groupe

NL                                1 $  ND        cash premium............................   VF           6

                                            -Rouyn-Noranda, Golden Jubilee

NL                                1 $  (1976)   valid till 1976.06.27...................   XF           5

                                            -Steinberg Supermarkets

NL                             25 ct  ND        .....................................................   VG          4

NL                                1 $  ND        .....................................................   F             5

                                            -Salt Spring Island BC

NL                                1 $  2001     Bullock/farm 1911......................   UN          5

NL                                2 $  2001     Harris/painting............................   UN          7

                                            -Ste Anne des Plaines

NL                                1 $  1978     200 Anniversary.........................   AU          6

NL                                5 $  1978     200 Anniversary.........................   AU        12

                                            -Canadian Tire Cash Bonus Notes (store issue)

CT-2.3     no#            3 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B no#................   F           10

CT-2.3     "X"             3 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B................. F 5, XF         40

CT-2.4     "W"            4 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B........................ XF         60

CT-3.1     "A"             5 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # in center....   F             6

CT-3.2     "B"           10 ct  (1961)   tire; sig S-B, # in center...... F 6,  XF         20

CT-3.4     "C"           25 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # in center....   F             6

CT-3.9     "D"           50 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # in center....   F             6

CT-3.9     "M"          50 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # in center....   F             6

CT-3.1     "A"             5 ct  (1961)   tire; sig S-B, # on top.......... F 4,  XF         20

CT-3.2     "B"           10 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # on top........   F             6

CT-3.2     "T"           10 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # on top........   G             4

CT-3.3     "E"           15 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # on top........   XF         20

CT-3.4     "F"           20 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # on top........   XF         20

CT-3.5     "C"           25 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # on top........   VF         10

CT-3.6     "G"          30 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # on top........   VF         10

CT-3.8     "J"           40 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # on top........   F             6

CT-3.10   "M"          50 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # on top........   VF         10

CT-3.10   "U"           50 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig S-B, # on top........   XF         20

CT-3.1     "S"             5 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig H-G.......................   UN          5

CT-3.2     "T"           10 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig H-G.......................   AU+        7

CT-3.5     "V"           25 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig H-G.......................   UN          8

CT-3.10   "U"           50 ct  (1961)   tire/map; sig H-G.......................   UN          8

CT-3.11   "Z"              1 $  (1961)   tire/map; sig H-G.......................   VF+      15

CT-21.1   "A"             3 ct  (197-)    Scotsman/cTc; sig S-B........ F 4  XF           6

CT-21.2   "B"             5 ct  (197-)    Scotsman/cTc; sig S-B........ F 4  XF           8

CT-21.3   "H"             5 ct  (197-)    Scotsman/cTc; sig S-B........ F 4  UN        10

CT-21.4   "C"           10 ct  (197-)    Scotsman/cTc; sig S-B.............   XF           6

CT-21.5   "L"           10 ct  (197-)    Scotsman/cTc; sig S-B.............   UN        12

CT-21.6   "D"           25 ct  (197-)    Scotsman/cTc; sig S-B..... VF 4  XF           6

CT-21.7   "E"           50 ct  (197-)    Scotsman/cTc; sig S-B........ F 4  XF           8

CT-21.7   "F"              1 $  (197-)    Scotsman/cTc; sig S-B........ F 4  XF         12

CT-22.3   "T"           10 ct  1972     "50 Anniversary"........................   F             8

CT-22.1   "R"             3 ct  1972     "50 Anniversary"........................   F             5

CT-22.2   "S"             5 ct  1972     "50 Anniversary"................. F 4,  VF+         9

CT-22.3   "T"           10 ct  1972     "50 Anniversary"........................   F             4

CT-22.4   "U"           25 ct  1972     "50 Anniversary"................. F 4,  VF           8

CT-22.5   "V"           25 ct  1972     "50 Anniversary"........................   VF           8

CT-23.1                      3 ct  (1974)   Scotsman/logo; sig S-M... VF 4  XF           5

CT-23.2                      5 ct  (1974)   Scotsman/logo; sig S-M... VF 4  XF           5

CT-23.3                   10 ct  (1974)   Scotsman/logo; sig S-M...... F 4  XF           5

CT-23.4                   25 ct  (1974)   Scotsman/logo; sig S-M...... F 4  XF           6

CT-23.5                   50 ct  (1974)   Scotsman/logo; sig S-M...... F 4  VF           6

CT-23.6                      1 $  (1974)   Scotsman/logo; sig S-M............   F             6

CT-24.2    comm       5 ct  (1976)   "Olympiad"..................................   F             4

CT-24.3    comm    10 ct  (1976)   "Olympiad"..................................   F             4

CT-24.4    comm    25 ct  (1976)   "Olympiad"..................................   F             6

CT-24.5    comm    50 ct  (1976)   "Olympiad"..................................   F             8

CT-25.1    "AZ"         5 ct  (1985)   Scotsman; 1x sig S...................   XF           4

CT-25.2    "BZ"       10 ct  (1985)   Scotsman; 1x sig S...................   XF           4

CT-25.3    "CZ"       25 ct  (1985)   Scotsman; 1x sig S...................   VF           4

CT-25.4    "DZ"       50 ct  (1985)   Scotsman; 1x sig S...................   VF+         4

CT-25.5    "EZ"          1 $  (1985)   Scotsman; 1x sig S...................   VF           5

CT-26.1                      5 ct  (1985)   Scotsman; 2x sig H-G...............   VF           4

CT-26.2                   10 ct  (1987)   Scotsman; 2x sig H-G...... VF 4  AU          5

CT-26.3                   25 ct  (1987)   Scotsman; 2x sig H-G...............   AU          5

CT-26.4                   50 ct  (1987)   Scotsman; 2x sig H-G...............   VF           4

CT-27.1                      5 ct  (1989)   Scotsman; value black..............   AU          4

CT-27.2                   10 ct  (1989)   Scotsman; value black..............   AU          4

CT-27.3    "J"          25 ct  (1989)   Scotsman; value black..............   XF           4

CT-27.4    "M"         50 ct  (1989)   Scotsman; value black..............   AU          4

CT-27.5    "Q"            1 $  (1989)   Scotsman; value black..............   XF           4

CT-27.6    "T"             2 $  (1989)   Scotsman; value black..............   VF           4

CT-28.1a                   5 ct  1992     large Scotsman; sig P-M..........   UN          4

CT-28.2a                 10 ct  1992     large Scotsman; sig P-M..........   XF           4

CT-28.3a                 25 ct  1992     large Scotsman; sig P-M..........   VF           4

CT-28.5a                    1 $  1992     large Scotsman; sig P-M..........   UN          5

CT-28.6a                    2 $  1992     large Scotsman; sig K-M..........   XF           6

CT-28.1b                   5 ct  1992     large Scotsman; sig P-B...........   UN          4

CT-28.2b                 10 ct  1992     large Scotsman; sig P-B...........   UN          4

CT-28.3b                 25 ct  1992     large Scotsman; sig P-B...........   VF+         4

CT-28.4b                 50 ct  1992     large Scotsman; sig P-B...........   AU          6

CT-28.5b                    1 $  1992     large Scotsman; sig P-B...........   AU          8

CT-29.2                   10 ct  1996     large Scotsman..........................   F             4

CT-29.3                   25 ct  1996     large Scotsman..........................   VF           4

CT-29.4                   50 ct  1996     large Scotsman..........................   UN          5

CT-29.5                      1 $  1996     large Scotsman..........................   XF           7

CT-29.5                      1 $  1998     large Scotsman..........................   AU          6

CT-29.1                      5 ct  2006     large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.1                      5 ct  2009     large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.1                      5 ct  20011   large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.2                   10 ct  2004     large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.2                   10 ct  2005     large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.2                   10 ct  2006     large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.2                   10 ct  2008     large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.2                   10 ct  2013     large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.2                   10 ct  2013     large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.3                   25 ct  2006     large Scotsman..........................   AU          4

CT-29.3                   25 ct  2008     large Scotsman..........................   VF+         4

CT-29.4                   50 ct  2008     large Scotsman..........................   VF+         4

CT      comm             5 ct  1997     "75 yr Canadian Tire"................   UN          4

CT      comm           10 ct  1997     "75 yr Canadian Tire"................   UN          4

CT      comm           25 ct  1997     "75 yr Canadian Tire"................   AU          4

CT      comm           50 ct  1997     "75 yr Canadian Tire"................   AU          4

CT      comm              1 $  1997     "75 yr Canadian Tire"................   VF           4

CT      comm              2 $  1997     "75 yr Canadian Tire"................   XF           6

CT      comm           10 ct  (1017)   "150 Canada".............................   UN          4

DIS             5% discount  -1973    anniversary gas coupon...... F 4  UN        12

DIS           10% discount  -1986    Milton Canadian Tire.................   VF           5

                                            -Canadian Tire Gas Bar, Toronto

GB-1.1                     10 ct  ND        Toronto CT Gas Bar..................   XF           6

GB-1.2                     30 ct  ND        Toronto CT Gas Bar..................   XF           6

                                            -Canadian Tire More Power Gas Bar, Toron

MP-1.1                       5 ct  ND        /Do you know?...........................   XF           6

MP-1.2                     10 ct  ND        /Do you know?...........................   XF           6

MP-1.3                     20 ct  ND        /Do you know?...........................   XF           6

MP-2.1                       5 ct  ND        /We pay half?.............................   XF           6

MP-2.2                     10 ct  ND        /We pay half?.............................   XF           6

MP-2.3                     20 ct  ND        /We pay half?.............................   XF           6

MP-2.4a                   30 ct  ND        /We pay half? black...................   XF           6

MP-2.4b                   30 ct  ND        /We pay half? red......................   XF           6

MP-3a                      30 ct  ND        /free membership red................   XF         20

MP-3b                      30 ct  ND        /free membership green...........   XF         15

                                            -Canadian Tire Pit Stops, Toronto

PS-1.1                        5 ct  ND        /free membership......................   XF           5

PS-1.1                      10 ct  ND        /free membership......................   XF           5

PS-1.1                      20 ct  ND        /free membership......................   XF           5

PS-1.1                      30 ct  ND        /free membership......................   XF           5

                                            -Dash Auto Centre Ltd, Bonus Coupon

NL                               5 ct  ND        .....................................................   XF           4

                                            -ESSO Money Saver (store issue)

NL   unis                  25 ct  (197-)    ESSO Money Saver..................   AU          5

NL   unis                  50 ct  (197-)    ESSO Money Saver..................   AU          5

NL   unis                     1 $  (197-)    ESSO Money Saver..................   AU          5

NL   unis                     2 $  (197-)    ESSO Money Saver..................   AU          5

NL                                2 $  (197-)    ESSO.... "garage Leo Leblanc"  AU          7

                                            -Maple City Gas, London ON

NL                               5 ct  ND        green...........................................   XF           5

NL                             10 ct  ND        orange.........................................   XF           5

NL                             25 ct  ND        red...............................................   XF           5

                                            -Mohawk Oil, Burnaby BC

NL                             10 ct  ND        Mohawk......................................   VG          4

                                            -Mohawk Airport Service, Richmond BC

NL                               5 ct  -1969    redeemable in merchandise....   AU          9

                                            -Oxford Auto Wash Shell Gas Bar, London ON

NL                               5 ct  1964     blue..............................................   VF+         5

                                            -Pioneer Gas, (Hamilton ON)

NL                               5 ct  (198-)    .....................................................   XF           4

NL                             10 ct  (198-)    -1995...........................................   XF           4

NL                               5 ct  (199-)    microprint....................................   XF           4

NL                             10 ct  (199-)    microprint....................................   XF           4

NL                             25 ct  (199-)    microprint....................................   XF           4

NL                             50 ct  (199-)    microprint....................................   XF           4

NL                               5 ct  (1996)   "40 years"...................................   XF           4

NL                             10 ct  (1996)   "40 years"...................................   XF           4

NL                               5 ct  2006     "50 years"...................................   XF           4

                                            -Western Tire and Auto, London ON

NL                               5 ct  ND        red...............................................   VF           4

NL                             10 ct  ND        brown..........................................   VF           4

   Travellers Cheque         -Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

TC                           100 $  ND        Travellers Check........ lot#1016  AU        25

   Promissory Notes

NL                             70 $  1913     Winnipeg..................... lot#1122  G             5

   Advertising Notes

NL                          sticker  194-      Freedom is in Peril..... lot#1155  AU          6

NL                          sticker  194-      Vancouver buy V.B.... lot#1156  AU        20

NL                    5 stickers  194-      Buy Victory Bonds..... lot#1153  AU        25

NL                    6 stickers  194-      Buy Victory Bonds..... lot#1127  AU        25

NL                     5 stamps  194-      Buy Victory Bonds..... lot#1148  AU        35

NL                    certificate  1943     Victory Bonds............. lot#1197  VF+      10

NL          book+ 4stamps  1944     WW2 "25 club"........... lot#1154  VF         25

NL            1 diefen dollar  1962     Election 1962.............. lot#1117  AU          3

NL        5$ BO/50$ CBC  1976     CPMS Ottawa............. lot#1023  AU        10

NL                         1 buck  1981     Constitutional War..... lot#1115  AU          3

NL                                1 $  1981     IBNS Interpam............ lot#1124  AU          6

fantasy        1,000,000 $  (199-)    sailor/train @BAB......................   AU          8

   Fundraising Notes, Lottery Tickets

NL                                1 $  1931     Army, Navy Veteran.. lot#1077  XF-       15

   ***Canada, Bond and Shares Certificates***

   "Prov of British Columbia Canada "bond, unfinished-underprint only

    green underprint only  196-      BC, unfinished.............. bs#400  VF         50

       blue underprint only  196-      BC, unfinished.............. bs#401  VF         50

              brown unpt only  196-      BC, unfinished.............. bs#402  VF         50

                            Shares:  "Amalgamated Oils Ltd" Calgary

share                    shares  1941     yellow; canceled........... bs#403  VF+      15

                                            "Belgo-Canadian Oil, Ltd" Calgary

share                 5 shares  1926     interim receipt............... bs#404  VF         20

                                            "Comp Francaise Mines d'Or du Canada, Paris

share             100 francs  1929     ........................................ bs#405  VF+      25

                                            "Calwin Royalties Ltd No. 1",Calgary

share                 1/4 units  1940     red.................................. bs#406  XF         20

                                            "Dome Oil Company Ltd" Calgary

share               10 shares  1914     ........................................ bs#407  VF         30

                                            "Mid-West Oil Company" Calgary

share                 7 shares  1929     oil field; brown............... bs#408  VF         30

                                            "Illinois-Alberta Oil Ltd" Calgary

share               10 shares  1926     green "IAD"................... bs#409  VF         20

                                            "Signal Hill Oil Co" Calgary

share               25 shares  1929     oil field; blue.................. bs#410  XF         30

                                            "Pioneer Fox Farming Company Ltd" Ellerslie

share                 2 shares  1918/21 brown............................ bs#411  XF         20

                                            "Automatic Merchandising Corp Canada" Toronto

share                 3 shares  1930     green, preferred............ bs#412  XF         20

                                            "The Cobalt-Fronteanc Mining Co." Toronto

share            100 shares  1924     arms; green................... bs#413  VF         30

                                            "Dunlop Consolidated Mines Ltd" ?Toronto?

share            150 shares  1936     brown............................. bs#414  VF         15

                                            "Periodic Investment Plan" Toronto

share                    2,500$  1957     Accumulative Fund...... bs#415  VF         50

                                            "British Columbia Resources Investment"

share                   5 share  1979     red.................................. bs#416  XF         15

                                            "Empire Investment Company Ltd" Vancouver

share               10 shares  1937     brown............................. bs#417  XF         15

                                            "Morton Woolsey Consolid Mines" Vancouver

share            400 shares  1930     brown............................. bs#418  XF         15

                                            "Pender Lone Rock Royalties Synd." Vancouver

share                      1 unit  1949     green.............................. bs#419  XF         30

                                            "Arabee Oil and Gas Co. Ltd" Vancouver

share            100 shares  1957     brown............................. bs#420  XF         20

                                            "Cariboo Amalgamated Gold Mines "Vancouver

share            200 shares  1933     brown............................. bs#421  VG        15

                                            "Gurney Gold Mines Ltd" Winnipeg

share                    shares  1938     green.............................. bs#422  VF         15

                                            "L.and L. Consolidated Mines Ltd"

share          1000 shares  1927     ........................................ bs#423  XF         30

                                            "Estrllas Mining Finance Co" ?Montreal?

share               10 shares  1928     brown............................. bs#424  F           15


PICK#                                 *****CAPE VERDE***3c*

   Portuguese Colony till 1975

20                         10 cen  1914     "CABO VERDE(1921) VG 100AU+    900

33                            5 esc  1921     ovpt 1 esc P32...........................   F         150

34                            5 esc  1921     .....................................................   G+        60

35                          10 esc  1921     .....................................................   P           60

41                            5 esc  1945     .....................................................   F           70

43                          20 esc  1945     .....................................................   F+       200

47                          20 esc  1958     .....................................................   VF+    120

48                          50 esc  1958     .....................................................   F+         60

49.                       100 esc  1958     ......................... VF 55, XF+170UN      450

50s.  spec          500 esc  1958     "especime" #404........................   AU      250

52                          20 esc  1972     Pinto............................................   UN      300

53.                         50 esc  1972     Pinto............................................   UN      320

   Republic (Portuguese Colony till 1975)

54                        100 esc  1977     Cabral/mountain............... XF 8,  UN        30

55                        500 esc  1977     Cabral/port..................................   UN        45

56                    1,000 esc  1977     Cabral/plantation workers.........   UN        90

58.                       200 esc  1989     Cabral/airport.............................   UN        30

59                        500 esc  1989     Cabral/shipyard..........................   UN        30

60                    1,000 esc  1989     Cabral/insects............................   UN        55

61                    2.500 esc  1989     Cabral/........................................   UN      150

63.                       200 esc  1992     sailing ship/airport.....................   UN        15

64a                      500 esc  1992     Lopez/shipyard..........................   UN        25

65a.                 1,000 esc  1992     bird/grasshopper........................   UN        60

65b.                 1,000 esc  2002     bird/grasshopper........................   UN        50

66                    2,000 esc  1999     Tavares/poem............................   UN        80

67.                   5,000 esc  2000     woman/fortress..........................   UN      250

68                        200 esc  2005     sailing ship/airport.....................   UN        12

69                        500 esc  2007     Silva/sugar cane press.............   UN        25

71.                       200 esc  2014     Souza/volcano...........................   UN        10

72                        500 esc  2014     Barbosa/poem...........................   UN        25


54s    spec         100 esc  1977     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        25

55s    spec         500 esc  1977     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        40

56s    spec      1,000 esc  1977     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        90

57s    spec         100 esc  1989     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        20

58s    spec         200 esc  1989     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        25

59s    spec         500 esc  1989     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        40

60s    spec      1,000 esc  1989     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        70

61s    spec      2.500 esc  1989     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN      120

63s    spec         200 esc  1992     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        25

65s    spec      1,000 esc  1992     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        60


PICK#                                 *****CAYMAN ISLANDS****3*

   British Dependent Territory

1a.     "A/1"                 1 $  1971     QEII/fish............................ VG 6,  UN      180

1b      "A/2                  1 $  1971     QEII/fish".....................................   UN      160

2.                                 5 $  1971     QEII/sailboat...............................   UN      600

3                                10 $  1971     QEII/seaside.................... F+80,  VF      110

5a      "A/3"                 1 $  1974     QEII/fish.............................. F+9,  UN        90

5c      "A/4"                 1 $  1974     QEII/fish, sig J............................   F             5

5d      "A/5"                 1 $  1974     QEII/fish............................. VF 6,  UN        50

5e      "A/6"                 1 $  1974     QEII/fish............................ VG 4,  UN        45

5f.      "A/7"                 1 $  1974     QEII/fish......................................   UN        40

6                                  5 $  1974     QEII/sailboat........................ pen  VG+      12

7                                10 $  1974     QEII/seaside...............................   VF+    120

8.                               25 $  1974     QEII/maps......................... F 60,  UN      620

9.                               40 $  1974     QEII/pirates festival...................   UN      550

10.                             50 $  1974     QEII/house.................................   UN      760

11.                           100 $  1974     QEII/harbour...............................   UN   1600

12                                5 $  1991     QEII/seaboat..............................   UN        95

13.                             10 $  1991     QEII/seaside...............................   UN      250

14.                             25 $  1991     QEII/maps..................................   UN      300

15.                           100 $  1991     QEII/harbour...............................   UN      600

16b    "B/2"                 1 $  1996     QEII/fish......................................   UN        50

17                                5 $  1996     QEII/seaboat..............................   UN        90

18a.   "B/1"               10 $  1996     QEII/seaside...............................   UN      120

19                              25 $  1996     QEII/maps..................................   UN      180

20                            100 $  1996     QEII/harbour...............................   UN      500

21a.   "C/1"                 1 $  1998     QEII/fish............................. VF 6,  UN        45

21b    "C/2"                 1 $  1998     QEII/fish............................. VF 5,  UN        42

22                                5 $  1998     QEII/sailboat...............................   UN        70

23                              10 $  1998     QEII/seaside...............................   UN      120

24                              25 $  1998     QEII/maps..................................   UN      220

25                            100 $  1998     QEII/harbour...............................   UN      420

26a    "C/2"                 1 $  2001     QEII/fish......................................   UN        30

26b    "C/3"                 1 $  2001     QEII/fish......................................   UN        30

27                                5 $  2001     QEII/sailboat...............................   UN        50

28                              10 $  2001     QEII/seaside...............................   UN        90

30      comm               1 $  2003     "Cayman Is.1503-2003'... VF 4,  UN        30

31.                             25 $  2002     QEII/maps..................................   UN      140

33a    "C/4"                 1 $  2006     QEII/fish......................................   UN        10

33b    "C/5"                 1 $  2006     QEII/fish......................................   UN        10

34b    "C/2"                 5 $  2005     QEII/sailboat.................... VF+6,  UN        30

35                              10 $  2005     QEII/seaside...............................   UN        60

36.                             25 $  2006     QEII/maps..................................   UN      130

37.                           100 $  2006     QEII/harbor.................................   UN      400

38a.   "D/1"                 1 $  2010     QEII/parrots................................   UN        10

38c    "D/3"                 1 $  2010     QEII/parrots................................   UN          8

38d    "D/4"                 1 $  2014     QEII/parrots................................   UN          7

39a                              5 $  2010     QEII/parrots................................   UN        15

40      "D/1"               10 $  2010     QEII/flowers.................... VF 14,  UN        30

41a    "D/1"               25 $  2010     QEII/turtle...................................   UN        70

42a.                           50 $  2010     QEII/stingray..............................   UN      180

43a.                        100 $  2010     QEII/Georgetown.......................   UN      350

   Collector series              with ovpt "SPECIMEN"

CS3        1,5,10,25,100$  1996     "SPECIMEN"...... set of 5 notes  UN      900


PICK#                                 *****CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC***4c*

   Republic (French Colony till 1960; French Equatorial Africa)

2.                       1,000 fra  (1974)   Bokassa, rhinoceros.................   UN   1200

9b                         500 fra  1980     07.01;woman/school.................   UN      120

9c.                        500 fra  1981     06.01;woman/school.................   UN      120

13.                   10,000 fra  (1983)   woman/banana harvest............   AU+    350

14a                       500 fra  1985     carving/carver............................   UN        25

14b                       500 fra  1986     carving/carver............................   UN        25

14c                       500 fra  1987     carving/carver............................   UN        20

14d                       500 fra  1989     carving/carver............................   UN        25

16.                     1,000 fra  1990     .....................................................   UN      120


PICK#                                 *****CENTRAL AFRICAN STATES***3c*

   Monetary Union from 1974(Equatorial African States 1960-1974)

of several former French colonies in Central Africa (French Equatorial

Africa till 1960) which are identified by the printed code letter:

1992-2001, from 2002 new code letter ():

C (T) -Congo, E (U) -Cameroon, F (M) -Central African Republic,

L (A) -Gabon, N (F) -Equatorial Guinea, P (C) -Chad

  (1991-2001: year of issue appears in 2 digits of the serial number)

                                            "C" -Congo, from 2002 "T"

102    "C"          1,000 fra  (19)94   coffee/logging................ Congo  UN        20

103    "C"          2,000 fra  (19)94   fruits/trade...................... Congo  UN        25

103.   "C"          2,000 fra  (20)02   fruits/trade...................... Congo  UN        25

104.   "C"          5,000 fra  (19)97   drilling/cotton.................. Congo  UN        80

105.   "C"        10,000 fra  (20)00   woman/fishing................ Congo  UN      160

107    "T"          1,000 fra  2002     logging/farming.............. Congo  UN        12

109.   "T"          5,000 fra  2002     refinery/port.................... Congo  UN        50

110    "T"        10,000 fra  2002     airplane, train/................ Congo  UN        90

                                            "E" -Cameroon, from 2002 "U"

201.   "E"             500 fra  (19)97   cattle/antelopes....... Cameroon  UN        15

201    "E"             500 fra  (19)98   cattle/antelopes....... Cameroon  UN        15

202.   "E"          1,000 fra  (19)93   coffee/logging.......... Cameroon  UN        20

202.   "E"          1,000 fra  (19)94   coffee/logging.......... Cameroon  UN        20

202    "E"          1,000 fra  (19)97   coffee/logging.......... Cameroon  UN        18

202    "E"          1,000 fra  (19)99   coffee/logging.......... Cameroon  UN        18

202    "E"          1,000 fra  (20)00   coffee/logging.......... Cameroon  UN        18

203.   "E"          2,000 fra  (19)93   fruits/trade................ Cameroon  UN        35

203    "E"          2,000 fra  (19)94   fruits/trade................ Cameroon  UN        30

203    "E"          2,000 fra  (19)97   fruits/trade................ Cameroon  UN        30

203    "E"          2,000 fra  (20)00   fruits/trade................ Cameroon  UN        30

204.   "E"          5,000 fra  (19)99   drilling/cotton........... Cameroon  UN        80

204.   "E"          5,000 fra  (20)00   drilling/cotton........... Cameroon  UN        80

204.   "E"          5,000 fra  (20)02   drilling/cotton........... Cameroon  UN        80

207    "U"          1,000 fra  2002     logging/farming....... Cameroon  UN        12

208.   "U"          2,000 fra  2002     dam/mine................. Cameroon  UN        20

209    "U"          5,000 fra  2002     refinery/port............. Cameroon  UN        50

210.   "U"        10,000 fra  2002     airplane, train/......... Cameroon  UN        90

                                            "F" -Central African Republic, from 2002 "M"

301.   "F"              500 fra  (19)99   cattle/................ Central African  UN        15

302    "F"          1,000 fra  (19)99   coffee/............... Central African  UN        20

303    "F"          2,000 fra  (19)99   fruits/................. Central African  UN        30

304    "F"          5,000 fra  (19)99   drilling/.............. Central African  UN        80

305.   "F"        10,000 fra  (19)99   woman/............. Central African  UN      160

305    "F"        10,000 fra  (20)00   woman/............. Central African  VF+      50

                                            "L" -Gabon, from 2002 "A"

401.   "L"              500 fra  (19)93   cattle/antelopes............. Gabon  UN        18

401.   "L"              500 fra  (19)94   cattle/antelopes............. Gabon  UN        15

402.   "L"          1,000 fra  (19)93   coffee/logging................ Gabon  UN        20

403    "L"          2,000 fra  (19)93   fruits/trade...................... Gabon  UN        30

403.   "L"          2,000 fra  (19)94   fruits/trade...................... Gabon  UN        30

404.   "L"          5,000 fra  (20)00   drilling/cotton.................. Gabon  UN        80

405    "L"        10,000 fra  (19)95   woman/fishing................ Gabon  UN      160

405.   "L"        10,000 fra  (20)00   woman/fishing................ Gabon  UN      160

407.   "A"          1,000 fra  2002     logging/farming.............. Gabon  UN        12

408    "A"          2,000 fra  2002     dam/mine........................ Gabon  UN        20

409.   "A"          5,000 fra  2002     drilling/cotton.................. Gabon  UN        50

410.   "A"        10,000 fra  2002     airplane, train/................ Gabon  UN        90

                                            "N" -Equatorial Guinea, from 2002 "F"

501.   "N"             500 fra  (19)95   cattle/antelopes...... Eq.Guinea  UN        15

502.   "N"          1,000 fra  (19)94   coffee/logging......... Eq.Guinea  UN        25

502    "N"          1,000 fra  (19)95   coffee/logging......... Eq.Guinea  UN        25

502    "N"          1,000 fra  (19)97   coffee/logging......... Eq.Guinea  UN        20

502    "N"          1,000 fra  (20)00   coffee/logging......... Eq.Guinea  UN        18

503    "N"          2,000 fra  (19)93   fruits/trade............... Eq.Guinea  UN        30

503.   "N"          2,000 fra  (19)95   fruits/trade............... Eq.Guinea  UN        30

504.   "N"          5,000 fra  (19)95   drilling/cotton........... Eq.Guinea  UN        80

505.   "N"        10,000 fra  (19)95   woman/fishing........ Eq.Guinea  UN      160

508.   "F"          2,000 fra  2002     mine/dam................ Eq.Guinea  UN        20

509.   "F"          5,000 fra  2002     refinery/port............. Eq.Guinea  UN        50

510.   "F"        10,000 fra  2002     airplane, train/......... Eq.Guinea  UN        90

                                            "P" -Chad, from 2002 "C"

602.   "P"          1,000 fra  (19)94   coffee/logging................... Chad  UN        22

602.   "P"          1,000 fra  (19)97   coffee/logging................... Chad  UN        20

603.   "P"          2,000 fra  (20)00   fruits/trade......................... Chad  UN        30

604.   "P"          5,000 fra  (19)97   drilling/cotton................... Chad  UN        80

604.   "P"          5,000 fra  (19)99   drilling/cotton................... Chad  UN        80

605    "P"        10,000 fra  (19)97   woman/fishing................. Chad  UN      160

606.   "C"             500 fra  2002     huts/students.................... Chad  UN          8

609.   "C"          5,000 fra  2002     refinery/port...................... Chad  UN        50


PICK#                                 *****CEYLON see SRI LANKA*****


PICK#                                 *****CHAD***4c*

   Republic (French Colony till 1960; French Equatorial Africa)

2a.                        500 fra  (1974)   woman/school............................   UN      350

6                           500 fra  1984     woman/mask, students.............   UN      100

7a.                     1,000 fra  1980     buffalo/industry..........................   UN      150

7b.                     1,000 fra  1984     buffalo/industry..........................   UN      150

9a.                        500 fra  1986     carving/carver............................   UN      100

10A(c).              1,000 fra  1989     map/elephant.............................   UN      120

10A(f)                1,000 fra  1992     map/elephant.............................   UN        90

11(a)                 5,000 fra  (1984)   woman, mask; sig OM-N..........   UN      180

12a                  10,000 fra  (1984)   woman/fruits; sig OM-N............   UN      260


CHATHAM#                      *****CHATHAM ISLANDS*****

   Private issue, negotiable tender on Chatham (part of New Zealand)

                                            plastic commemorative "year 2000" issue-1

CHAT-1                      2 $  1999     bird/crayfish.................... plastic  UN          4

CHAT -2                     3 $  1999     bird/motor vehicle........... plastic  UN          6

                                            plastic commemorative "year 2000" issue-2

CHAT -5                     2 $  1999     bird/crayfish.................... plastic  UN        10

CHAT -8                   15 $  1999     bird/horse, palm............. plastic  UN        50

                                            commemorative for new millennium, issue-3

CHAT -11                   8 $  2001     bird/center the message...........   UN        35

CHAT -12                 10 $  2001     bird/wrestler................................   UN        35

CHAT -13                 15 $  2001     bird/flying boat............................   UN        50


PICK#                                 *****CHILE***3c*


15b                          1 pes  1907     09.27...........................................   F+       200

19b                          5 pes  1914     08.07;@ABNC...........................   VF      400

71                            5 pes  1925     12.10;provisional ovpt...............   VF+    450

74                          10 pes  1925     12.10;provisional ovpt...............   VG+   320

82(a1)                     5 pes  1927     04.18; #-3mm.............................   VF+    100

82(a2)                     5 pes  1927     04.18; #-4mm.............................   UN      400

82(b2)                     5 pes  1928     10.08; #-4mm.............................   XF+    160

82(d)                       5 pes  1930     06.02...........................................   VF         50

83a                        10 pes  1927     04.18...........................................   AU      400

89                            1 pes  1942     .....................................................   UN        60

90b                          1 pes  1943     /purple "B-B"...............................   UN        50

90c                          1 pes  1943     /green "C-C"...............................   UN        50

90d.                         1 pes  1943     /red "D-D"...................... XF+25,  AU+      50

91(b)                       5 pes  1933     06.07; O'Higgins............ VF 20,  XF+      60

91(e)                       5 pes  1940     04.24; O'Higgins........................   XF+      50

91(f)                        5 pes  1942     07.08; O'Higgins........................   VF         15

92(c).                    10 pes  1933     06.07; Bulnes.............................   UN      240

92(g).                    10 pes  1936     04.01; Bulnes.............................   UN      160

92(h).                    10 pes  1937     03.10; Bulnes................. VF 20,  AU        80

92(i)                      10 pes  1939     09.27; Bulnes.............................   VF-       18

92(j)                      10 pes  1940     04.24; Bulnes.............................   F           10

92(k)                     10 pes  1941     09.12; Bulnes.............................   XF         36

93(a)                     20 pes  1939     11.22; Valdivia................ VF 45,  XF-       90

93(c)                     20 pes  1947     12.24; Valdivia...........................   UN      120

96(d)                   100 pes  1941     03.05; Prat..................................   F+         40

99(b)               1,000 pes  1936     04.01; Blanco/Spaniards..........   VF-     400

102(a).                    5 pes  1944     04.19; O'Higgins........................   UN        60

102(b).                    5 pes  1946     07.03; O'Higgins........................   UN        50

103(b).                  10 pes  1944     08.30; Bulnes..................... F+8,  UN        80

103(c).                  10 pes  1944     11.29; Bulnes................. XF 16,  UN        64

103(d).                  10 pes  1945     06.27; Bulnes.................... VF 8,  UN        64

104(e)                   50 pes  1947     10.01; Pinto................................   VF         20

105(f)                  100 pes  1946     11.20; Prat..................................   XF         48

106                     500 pes  1945     02.28; Montt...............................   VF+    360

107(a)             1,000 pes  1945     02.28; Blanco/............................   VF+    300

110(a1)                   5 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig T-M; thread.... XF 4,  UN        16

110(b1)                   5 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig(short) M-H...............   UN          8

111(a2).               10 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig T-M; no thread........   UN        24

111(b1)                 10 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig(short) M-H..... VF+4,  UN        16

111(b2)                 10 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig(long) M-H....... VF+4  UN        16

112(a2).               50 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig T-M; no thread........   UN        32

112(b1).  "E13"   50 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig(short) M-H...............   UN        64

112(b2)                 50 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig(long) M-H.................   UN        24

113(a1)              100 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig T-M; thread..............   VG          4

113(b3)              100 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig(long) M-H.................   UN        24

114                     100 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig M-H................ VF+4,  UN        16

115(b).               500 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig M-H...........................   UN      160

116(b)             1,000 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig M-H... VF 16, XF 32,  UN      128

117(b1)           5,000 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig T-M; 166mm............   XF+    100

117(b2)           5,000 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig T-M; 196mm............   XF+    100

118(b)           10,000 pes  (1947)   @TEV sig M-H...........................   VG        30

119(a)                     5 pes  (1958)   @CdM sig M-H..........................   UN          6

119(b)                     5 pes  (1958)   @CdM sig M-M..........................   UN          6

120(a)                   10 pes  (1958)   @CdM sig M-H................. VF 4,  UN        12

120(b)                   10 pes  (1958)   @CdM sig M-M................ XF 5,  UN        16

121(a).                  50 pes  (1958)   @CdM sig M-H............... XF+6,  UN        16

123(a)           50,000 pes  (1958)   @CdM sig M-M............ VF 160VF+    240

125                          1 cen  (1960)   ovpt 10 pes; sig M-H.................   UN        50

126(b)                     5 cen  (1960)   ovpt 50 pes; sig F-M.................   UN          6

126(c)                     5 cen  (1960)   ovpt 50 pes; sig M-I...................   UN          5

127(a).                 10 cen  (1960)   ovpt 100 pes; sig F-M...............   UN        10

127(b)                  10 cen  (1960)   ovpt 100 pes; sig M-I.................   UN          5

127(c).                  10 cen  (1960)   ovpt 100 pes; sig Mo-I..............   UN        10

128                       50 cen  (1960)   ovpt 500 pes...............................   UN      180

129                          1 esc  (1960)   ovpt 1000 pes............................   UN      180

130(a).                    5 esc  (1960)   ovpt 5000 pes; sig F-M.............   UN      240

130(b).                    5 esc  (1960)   ovpt 5000 pes; sig M-I..............   UN      240

133                        50 esc  (1960)   ovpt 50000 pes..........................   F         100

134a.      "A"        1/2 esc  (1962)   sig F-M; red#..............................   UN        30

134A(a)  "B-D"    1/2 esc  (1962)   sig Mo-I; black#..........................   UN          8

134A(b)  "E-F"    1/2 esc  (1962)   sig Ma-I; black#..........................   UN          5

134A(c)  "G"        1/2 esc  (1962)   sig I-B; black#............................   UN          5

135d.      "C-F"       1 esc  (1964)   sig F-M; #6-digit.........................   UN        30

135A(a)  "F-I"         1 esc  (1964)   sig Mo-I; #6-digit........................   UN          9

135A(b)  "L-P"        1 esc  (1964)   sig M-I; #6-digit, wmk "V"..........   UN          6

136(a)     "N-P"      1 esc  (1964)   sig M-I; #7-digit .........................   UN          6

136(b)     "P-Q"      1 esc  (1964)   sig I-B; #7-digit...........................   UN          5

137.         "A"          5 esc  (1962)   sig Ma-I; brown..........................   UN        80

138(b)     "B"          5 esc  (1964)   sig Mo-I; red...............................   UN        20

138(c)     "C-D"      5 esc  (1964)   sig Ma-I; red...............................   UN        16

138(d)     "E"          5 esc  (1964)   sig I-B; red......................... VF 4,  UN        16

139(a)     "A"        10 esc  (1964)   sig M-I.........................................   AU        40

139(b).    "C-E"    10 esc  (1964)   sig Mo-I.......................................   UN        40

139(c).    "E-G"    10 esc  (1964)   sig Ma-I.......................................   UN        40

140(b)     "A-B"    50 esc  (1962)   sig Mo-I.......................................   F+           5

140(d).    "E-F"    50 esc  (1962)   sig I-B..........................................   UN        20

140(e)     "F"        50 esc  (1962)   sig C-M........................................   UN        10

141(a).    "A-D"  100 esc  (1962)   sig Ma-I................................ F 4,  UN        30

141(b)     "D-G" 100 esc  (1962)   sig I-B..........................................   UN        20

142(a)     "A"        10 esc  (1970)   sig -I; engr, green-violet............   UN        16

142(b)     "A"        10 esc  (1970)   sig I-B; engr, green-violet.........   UN        16

142A.      "B"        10 esc  (1973)   sig I-B; litho, green-violet..........   UN        12

142A  propaganda     10  (1970)   stamp ".Patria Libertad"............   VG        40

143(a)     "A"        10 esc  (1973)   sig I-B; brown.............................   UN          6

143(c)     "A"        10 esc  (1973)   sig C-M; brown...........................   UN          6

145(a).  comm   500 esc  (1973)   sig I-B" Nationalization"............   UN        20

145(b)   comm   500 esc  (1973)   sig C-M "Nationalization"..........   UN        20

146(b)    "A"    1,000 esc  (1973)   sig C-M.............................. XF 4,  UN        16

147(b)    "B"    5,000 esc  (1974)   sig C-M........................................   UN        16

147   repl        5,000 esc  (1974)   sig C-M; replacement "R".........   UN      200

148(a)    "A" 10,000 esc  (1974)   sig C-M........................................   UN        24

149(a)                     5 pes  1975     Carrera/fountain.........................   UN        24

150(b).                  10 pes  1975     "Libertador O'Higgins"/battle....   UN        32

151(b)                   50 pes  1978     sig  B-I; Prat/sailing ships.........   AU+      16

151(f)                    50 pes  1981     sig  B-M; Prat/sailing ships.......   UN        16

151(g)                   50 pes  1981     sig C-M; Prat/sailing ships........   UN        16

151(R)   repl        50 pes  1981     replacement "R".........................   UN      200

152(h)                100 pes  1982     Portales/reunion 1837...............   XF           5

152(i)                  100 pes  1983     Portales/reunion 1837...............   UN        20

152(j)                  100 pes  1984     Portales/reunion 1837...............   UN        20

153(k)                 500 pes  1990     Valdivia/Santiago founding.......   UN        32

153(n)                500 pes  1992     Valdivia/Santiago founding.......   UN        26

153(p)                500 pes  1994     Valdivia/Santiago ......................   UN        24

153(r).                500 pes  1996     Valdivia/Santiago founding.......   UN        24

153(s).                500 pes  1997     Valdivia/Santiago founding.......   AU        10

153(v)                 500 pes  2000     Valdivia/Santiago............. AU 8,  UN        16

154(g).            1,000 pes  1986     Pinto/monument........................   UN        40

154(q).            1,000 pes  1994     sig Z-C; Pinto/monument..........   UN        24

154(r).             1,000 pes  1995     Pinto/monument........................   UN        20

154(s)             1,000 pes  1996     Pinto/monument........................   UN        20

154(r)              1,000 pes  1999     Pinto/monument........................   UN        16

154.                 1,000 pes  2001     Pinto/monument........................   UN        10

154                  1,000 pes  2002     Pinto/monument........................   UN          6

154                  1,000 pes  2006     Pinto/monument........................   UN          6

154.                 1,000 pes  2008     Pinto/monument........................   UN          6

154                  1,000 pes  2009     Pinto/monument........................   UN          6

155                  5,000 pes  2007     Mistral..........................................   UN        32

157                10,000 pes  1994     Prat/hacienda.............................   VF         24

157.               10,000 pes  2004     Prat/hacienda.............................   UN        64

157.               10,000 pes  2006     Prat/hacienda.............................   UN        64

158(b)             2,000 pes  1999     Rodriguez/church......................   UN        20

159                20,000 pes  1999     Bello/university...........................   UN      140

160a                2,000 pes  2004     Rodriguez/church........... plastic  UN        16

160b                2,000 pes  2007     Rodriguez/church........... plastic  UN        16

161                  1,000 pes  2010     Pinto/mountains............. plastic  UN          5

162                  2,000 pes  2009     Rodriguez/mountains.... plastic  UN          8

163                  5,000 pes  2009     Mistral/owl, forest........... plastic  UN        16

164                10,000 pes  2011     Prat/mountains...........................   UN        32

165.               20,000 pes  2009     Bello/natural park.......................   UN        64


126s.   spec           5 cen  (1960)   "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        90

127s.   spec         10 cen  (1960)   "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        80

134s    spec        1/2 esc  (1962)   "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        90

135s    spec           1 esc  ND        "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        90

137s.   spec           5 esc  ND        "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN      160

140s    spec         50 esc  ND        "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN      160

141s    spec       100 esc  ND        "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN      240

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s220r   rema        20 pes  18--       Banco De Curico.......................   AU      420

s279r   rema        20 pes  18--       Banco De D Matte........... G 50,  VF+    600

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Banco de OSSA i Ca, Santiago

NL    unis           500 pes  185-      Vale a la vista; unissued...........   XF+    200

                                            -Iquique, City

NL    unis                1 pes  1891     Iquique........................................   XF         50

                                            -The Nitrale Railways Company

NL    canc               5 pes  1891     ......................................... VG 40,  F-          60

NL    canc            10 pes  1891     .....................................................   F-          60

NL                           1 pes  1898     .....................................................   VG+      60


PICK#                                 *****CHINA***4*


                                            Agricultural and Industrial Bank of China

A92a                     10 cen  1927     Peking............................ VG+60,  F           80

A94a                     20 cen  1927     Peking.........................................   VG        60

A110b                10 yuan  1932     Shanghai "14"............................   G        160

                                            China and South Sea Bank

A127b                  5 yuan  1927     Shanghai, red HS......................   P           80

A127b                  5 yuan  1927     Shanghai, red, ovpt "6'13"........   F         800

A128                    5 yuan  1927     Shanghai, purple, ovpt "SY".....   P           80

                                            Commercial Bank of China

1                                  1 $  1920     Shanghai....................................   P         100

9                                  5 $  1926     Shanghai "S"..............................   VG+   300

                                            Bank of China

43b                      10 cent  1917     Harbin..........................................   F         800

51m   sig Z-P      1 yuan  1918     Shanghai, brown/blue...............   F-          80

51q    sig Z-B      1 yuan  1918     Tientsin, brown..........................   VF      200

51q    sig S-Z      1 yuan  1918     Tientsin, brown................. F-80,  VF-     160

51u    sig Z-W     1 yuan  1918     Tsingtau/Shantung, yellow.......   F       1200

52p    sig Z-B      5 yuan  1918     Tientsin, orange.........................   P           30

53f     sig J-C           10 $  1918     Fukien, orange...........................   VF      200

53p    sig Z-B    10 yuan  1918     Tientsin, green...........................   VG-       90

53r     sig S-B    10 yuan  1918     Tientsin/Peking, green..............   G           90

53s    sig Z-C    10 yuan  1918     Tsingtau/Shantung, brown.......   VG-    300

59r     rema          5 yuan  (1919)   remainder, no sig, no#..............   XF      600

62      sig J-S    10 yuan  1924     Shanghai....................................   P           30

62      sig Z-P    10 yuan  1924     Shanghai....................................   VG-    200

63      sig F-S      10 cent  1925     Shanghai........................... F-30,  F+         60

63      sig Z-B      10 cent  1925     Shanghai....................................   F           40

64     sig Z-B       20 cent  1925     Shanghai....................................   F+         55

66a   sig F-B       5 yuan  1926     Shanghai....................................   VG        50

66a   sig Z-P       5 yuan  1926     Shanghai....................................   VG        50

66a   sig S-B       5 yuan  1926     Shanghai....................................   F         100

66a                       5 yuan  1926     Shanghai; black sig; "31"..........   P           30

66a                       5 yuan  1926     Shanghai; black sig; "49"..........   G           40

66b                       5 yuan  1926     Shanghai; red sig "64"..............   VG        80

68     sig Z-H       5 yuan  1930     Amoy...........................................   F           60

69     sig Z-H     10 yuan  1930     Amoy.................................. F 60,  F+       100

70b                       5 yuan  1931     Tientsin;4x#.................... VF 20,  AU        80

73                       10 yuan  1934     Tientsin........................... VG 15,  F+         45

74                         1 yuan  1935     Shanghai....................... VG+12,  F           16

75                       10 yuan  1935     Shantung....................................   G           20

76                         1 yuan  1935     Tientsin.......................................   VF+      30

77a                       5 yuan  1935     Shanghai....................................   F+         60

77b                       5 yuan  1935     on city name...............................   F           20

78                         1 yuan  1936     green /boat.................................   F+           6

79                         1 yuan  1937     blue /bank...................................   VG          4

80                         5 yuan  1937     violet /bank........................ VF 4,  UN        24

81                       10 yuan  1937     green /bank....................... VF 4,  UN        24

81                       10 yuan  1937     green, no prefix letter................   XF         24

  *souvenir ovpt "Nixon"(1972) first visit of USA President in China

*80-1  souv   5+10 yuan  1937     souvenir ovpt "Nixon"... 2 notes  F+       150

83.                        20 cen  (1940)   blue; great wall...........................   UN      120

84                         5 yuan  1940     blue/temple................ F 4, XF 8,  UN        24

85a                     10 yuan  1940     red /temple; 2x#.............. VF+6,  XF+      12

85b.                    10 yuan  1940     red /temple; 4x#............... VF 4,  UN        32

86                       25 yuan  1940     green/temple..............................   F           40

87c                     50 yuan  1940     Chungking; 2x#................. F 10,  VF-       20

87d                     50 yuan  1940     Chungking; 4x#..........................   F           12

88b                   100 yuan  1940     Chungking; 2x#................. F 10,  AU        80

88c                   100 yuan  1940     Chungking; 4x#..........................   XF         40

95                       10 yuan  1941     red/temple;@DTBC...................   VG-       20

98                       50 yuan  1941     green, train/................................   VG-       30

NL             500,000 yuan  1947     cashier's check, Mukden..........   VF      900

                                            Bank of Communications

114f                       2 chia  (1914)   Weihaiwei/Harbin......................   G+      150

114h                      2 chia  (1914)   Weihaiwei...................................   VG      240

117e                     5 yuan  1914     Chungking...................... VG 10,  F           20

117n                     5 yuan  1914     Shanghai, sig  black........... F 4,  UN        64

117o                     5 yuan  1914     Shanghai, sig  blue....... VG 10,  F           20

117o1                   5 yuan  1914     Shanghai, ovpt characters.......   VG        20

117                       5 yuan  1914     Shantung; brown.......................   F           40

117s2                   5 yuan  1914     Tientsin; red...............................   F           40

117s2                   5 yuan  1914     Tientsin; red  {85}......................   G           20

118t1                 10 yuan  1914     Tientsin, purple {90}..................   G           40

118q                   10 yuan  1914     Shanghai, red.................. VF+6,  UN        32

119a                   50 yuan  1914     Chungking, yellow........... G 25F         100

138c                    10 cent  1925     Tsingtau......................................   G           50

143e                    20 cent  1927     Tsingtau......................................   VG      100

145Ba                  1 yuan  1927     Shantung, yellow.......................   VG        40

145Bc                  1 yuan  1927     Chefoo/Shanghai, yellow..........   VG-       40

145C                    1 yuan  1927     Tientsin, green...........................   VG        20

147Ba                10 yuan  1927     Shantung, green........................   VG        40

147Ca                10 yuan  1927     Tientsin, brown..........................   VG+      80

148b                     1 yuan  1931     Shanghai, red.............................   VG        10

152                       1 yuan  1935     provisional ovpt.................. tape  G           60

153                       1 yuan  1935     train/pagoda...............................   VF           8

154                       5 yuan  1935     green, boat/pagoda........ VF+6,  UN        32

155                     10 yuan  1935     red, radio towers... F 4, XF+12,  UN        32

156                       5 yuan  1941     brown, train............ VG 6, F 12,  VF+      36

157.                      5 yuan  1941     brown, ship.................................   UN        32

158                     10 yuan  1941     red; /ship, train.................... F 8,  F+         12

159a                   10 yuan  1941     brown, train..................... AU 16,  UN        32

159c    rema     10 yuan  1941     brown, train, no#........................   UN        64

159e    canc      10 yuan  1941     brown, train, cancelled..............   XF           8

160                     25 yuan  1941     green /plane................... VG 20,  F           40

161b                   50 yuan  1941     train/ship......................... VG 10,  F+         30

162b                100 yuan  1941     bridge/train....................... VG 6,  F           12

165                   100 yuan  1942     train, ship; brown.......................   VG        30

                                            Central Bank of China

167b.                  10 copp  (1928)   red ovpt.......................... VF+60,  AU      160

168b.                  20 copp  (1928)   red ovpt.......................................   AU      160

169b                   50 copp  (1928)   red ovpt.......................................   F           80

171e                     1 yuan  1923     Swatow, green.................. F 50,  VF-     100

171f                      1 yuan  1923     Swatow Central Bank..... F+75,  VF      100

NL(P171)           vignette  ABNC   engr "Sun Yat-Sen".... lot#1376  UN        40

176a                   10 yuan  1923     2xsig 152x76mm.......................   F+         24

176b                   10 yuan  1923     4xsig 152x76mm.......................   F           16

176d                   10 yuan  1923     4xsig 157x78mm.......................   VF         32

176e                   10 yuan  1923     2xsig 157x78mm.......................   F           16

193a    sig 1       10 cent  (1924)   ............................................... p/h  VF         20

194a    sig 1       20 cent  (1924)   ............................................... p/h  VF         30

195c    sig 5        1 yuan  1928     green/brown........................ F 4,  AU        16

197g    sig 7      10 yuan  1928     blue/green; sig black 2x#..........   F             6

197h    sig 7      10 yuan  1928     blue/green; sig green 2x#.........   AU        16

198b    sig 5      50 yuan  1928     ovpt "Chungking".......................   VG-         6

198c.   sig 6      50 yuan  1928     orange/grey; 4x#.. F 10, VF 20,  UN      160

198f     sig 7      50 yuan  1928     orange/grey; 2x#........................   VF-       20

199c    sig 5    100 yuan  1928     ovpt "Chungking"............. VG 6,  F           12

199d    sig 6    100 yuan  1928     brown/purple..............................   VG          6

200a    sig 2        5 yuan  1930     green; stamp "7"........................   VG-       70

200a    sig 2        5 yuan  1930     green; stamp "49"......................   F         100

200b    sig 3        5 yuan  1930     green...........................................   G+        15

200d    sig 5        5 yuan  1930     green...........................................   VG        15

200d    sig 5        5 yuan  1930     green; stamp "44-1"..................   F           20

200e    sig 7        5 yuan  1930     green; sig black..........................   F           10

200f     sig 7        5 yuan  1930     green; sig green.............. VF+6,  UN        32

200s    spec        5 yuan  1930     "SPECIMEN"..............................   AU+    600

202                      10 cent  (1931)   green, temple.................... XF 4,  UN        16

203                      20 cent  (1931)   blue, bridge....................... VF 4,  UN        24

204                      25 cent  (1931)   red, gate......................................   VG+      15

205.                     50 cent  (1931)   purple, temple.................. VG 4,  UN      130

210                       1 yuan  1936     red/brown;@CHB......................   VG          5

211a   sig 10       1 yuan  1936     orange/brown;@CHB...... VF 4,  UN        24

*211    souv         1 yuan  1944     USAF China ICWATC... #1055  VF+      70

 *Captain USAF J.A. Jones souvenir WW2, Indo-China Wing operations

212a   sig 5         1 yuan  1936     red/brown;@TDLR....................   VF+      12

212c.  sig 9          1 yuan  1936     red/brown;@TDLR....................   UN        64

213a   sig 5         5 yuan  1936     green;@TDLR.................. XF 8,  UN        32

213c   sig 9          5 yuan  1936     green;@TDLR............................   F+           4

214a   sig 5       10 yuan  1936     blue/green;@TDLR.......... VF 6,  XF         12

214c.  sig 9       10 yuan  1936     blue/green;@TDLR............ F 4,  AU        24

*213-4 souv  5+10 yuan  1936     souvenir ovpt "Nixon"... 2 notes  VF      120

216a   sig 5         1 yuan  1936     orange/brown;@WS....... VF+4,  UN        24

217a   sig 5         5 yuan  1936     green;@WS..................... VF+4,  UN        24

217c   sig 9          5 yuan  1936     green;@WS................................   XF           6

218a.  sig 5       10 yuan  1936     blue;@WS..................................   XF+         9

218a.  sig 6       10 yuan  1936     blue;@WS..................................   UN        24

218d   sig 8       10 yuan  1936     blue;@WS....................... VF+6,  UN        32

219a   sig 11     50 yuan  1936     blue-brown;@WS......................   VF+      12

220a   sig 11   100 yuan  1936     green/purple;@WS........ VF 30,  UN      240

*217-8 souv  5+10 yuan  1936     souvenir ovpt "Nixon"... 2 notes  VF      120

  *souvenir ovpt "Nixon"(1972) first visit of USA President in China

222                       5 yuan  1937     green;@HWB................ VG 10,  F           20

224a                      1 cent  1939     red, pagoda;@UPP...................   UN        16

224b                      1 cent  1939     red, pagoda;@UP............ XF 6,  AU+      18

225a                      5 cent  1939     green, pagoda;@UPP..............   UN        16

226                      10 cent  1940     green.................................. XF 4,  UN        12

227                      20 cent  1940     blue.................................... XF 4,  UN        12

228.                    10 yuan  1940     blue................................... VF+6,  AU+      24

229b   sig 8       50 yuan  1940     "Chungking" orange..................   G+          6

230                       2 yuan  1941     purple/blue; @CHB...... XF+24,  AU+      48

230     error         2 yuan  1941     purple; @CHB...... cut of center  UN        64

231                       2 yuan  1941     blue; @TDLR.............................   UN        96

234                       5 yuan  1941     green;@CHB..............................   XF         16

235                       5 yuan  1941     lilac;@TDLR.................... VF+6,  UN        32

236                       5 yuan  1941     brown;@TDLR................. VG 4,  VF         12

237b.  sig 6       10 yuan  1941     dark blue, @WS........................   UN        50

237c   sig 7       10 yuan  1941     dark blue, @WS........................   VF+         6

238b   sig 9       10 yuan  1941     blue/green, gate............... VG 5,  F+         15

239a   sig 7       10 yuan  1941     blue/green;@SBNC.......... F+4,  UN        32

240a   sig 7       20 yuan  1941     red/brown, blue#........................   VG          5

240c   sig 12     20 yuan  1941     red/brown; red#.................. F+9,  VF+      18

242a                   50 yuan  1941     green/brown, @8x#...................   F+         30

243                   100 yuan  1941     green-grey/purple............. XF 4,  UN        16

245b   sig 6       10 yuan  1942     TDLR, blue /soldier...................   VG          4

245c.  sig 7       10 yuan  1942     TDLR, blue /soldier.......... VF 8,  UN        64

245     souv       10 yuan  1942     ovpt "Merry Christmas".............   F         120

247                     10 yuan  1942     brown/yellow....................... G 5,  VG        10

248                     20 yuan  1942     red/brown.......................... VG 7,  F           14

249a   sig 9     100 yuan  1942     red/blue........................... VG+ 6,  F+         12

250                   100 yuan  1942     red/green....................................   F           12

251                   500 yuan  1942     red/ship.......................................   F             4

252               1,000 yuan  1942     lilac/great wall...................... F 4,  VF-          6

253               2,000 yuan  1942     red/shoreline..................... VF 6,  XF         12

254                   100 yuan  1943     black/green, gate.......................   F           20

255.                    50 yuan  1944     purple................................ VG 4,  UN        64

256                   100 yuan  1944     brown.................................... F 4,  VF           8

260                   100 yuan  1944     gate; black..................................   F           20

260A                100 yuan  1944     grey....................................... F 8,  VF+      24

261                   100 yuan  1944     gate; brown........................ F 16,  VF+      48

262                   200 yuan  1944     green/brown...............................   F+         30

263                   400 yuan  1944     green/brown...............................   F-          40

264                   500 yuan  1944     red...................................... VF 8,  AU        32

265                   500 yuan  1944     brown/black................................   VF         16

266                   500 yuan  1944     gate; grey.......................... VG 8,  VF         32

267.                 500 yuan  1944     brown/blue.......................... F+5,  AU        24

268               1,000 yuan  1944     brown.................................... F 6,  VF         12

270                     10 yuan  1945     green...........................................   VF-          4

273.                    50 yuan  1945     red...................................... VF 4,  AU        16

278                   100 yuan  1945     blue...................................... F+9,  XF         24

280                   400 yuan  1945     red-lilac............................ VF 40,  XF+    120

283                   500 yuan  1945     black/green.......................... F 4,  VF           6

284                   500 yuan  1945     green.................................... F 4,  VF+      12

287               1,000 yuan  1945     red...............................................   F           15

288               1,000 yuan  1945     brown; @8x#.................. VF 16,  XF+      48

289               1,000 yuan  1945     brown................................. VF 6,  XF+      18

290               1,000 yuan  1945     purple................................ AU 8,  UN        16

291               1,000 yuan  1945     black............................................   F           12

293               1,000 yuan  1945     grey-blue.....................................   XF         40

294               1,000 yuan  1945     brown................................ F+12,  VF+      24

295               1,000 yuan  1945     black, @5x#...............................   F+         30

298               1,000 yuan  1945     dark blue........................... VG 5,  VF         20

305               5,000 yuan  1945     blue-black...................................   F           20

306               5,000 yuan  1945     brown............................. VG+12,  VF+      64

307.              2,000 yuan  1946     purple/red...................................   AU+      48

309               5,000 yuan  1947     blue/green..................................   VG          4

311               5,000 yuan  1947     lilac;/mausoleum........................   F             6

312               5,000 yuan  1947     blue/green....................... VG+4,  VF+      12

313               5,000 yuan  1947     green...........................................   F             6

314             10,000 yuan  1947     brown/blue, mountain......... F 4,  VF+         6

317             10,000 yuan  1947     red; @TDLR........................ F 4,  AU+      36

318             10,000 yuan  1947     grey-blue.............................. F 4,  XF         12

319.            10,000 yuan  1947     red/black.....................................   UN        48

319s  spec 10,000 yuan  1947     red "specimen"...........................   F+       200

320a           10,000 yuan  1947     blue; @5x#.................................   XF         16

320b           10,000 yuan  1947     blue; @6x#.................................   VF+      12

322             10,000 yuan  1947     lilac/brown...................................   VF         60

323b   sig 5          10 cen  1930     purple..........................................   XF         80

325d   sig 7            1 cgu  1930     brown.................... VF 6, XF 12,  UN        48

326d   sig 7            5 cgu  1930     grey.................................. XF 12,  AU        24

327d   sig 7          10 cgu  1930     brown.................................... F 4,  UN        24

328                       20 cgu  1930     green.................................... F 4,  UN        24

329.                      50 cgu  1930     purple............................... VF+6,  UN        32

330.                    100 cgu  1930     red...............................................   AU        24

334                     500 cgu  1947     /brown................................ F 20,  VF-       40

335                     500 cgu  1947     blue; @ABNC...................... F 4,  VF+         6

336                     500 cgu  1947     green; @SBNC................... F 4,  VF           6

339c                1,000 cgu  1947     gray; @5x#....................... VG 4,  XF         12

340                  2,000 cgu  1947     orange; @ABNC........................   VF+      12

341                  2,000 cgu  1947     brown; @SNBC................ VF 8,  AU+      48

342b                2,000 cgu  1947     green; @6x#..............................   F             6

343                  2,000 cgu  1947     brown; @CHB............................   XF+      24

350                  5,000 cgu  1947     green...........................................   XF+      24

351                  5,000 cgu  1947     red...............................................   F             5

352                  5,000 cgu  1947     brown..........................................   F+           9

353                  5,000 cgu  1947     CHB, brown/blue.......................   XF+      18

354                10,000 cgu  1947     TDLR, blue.................................   VF+         9

357                  2,000 cgu  1948     red......................................... F 4,  UN        48

358                  2.500 cgu  1948     violet............................................   F             5

360                  5,000 cgu  1948     blue..............................................   VF+      18

361(a).            5,000 cgu  1948     purple, paper white....... XF+24,  AU+      48

366                25,000 cgu  1948     green...........................................   F           15

370                50,000 cgu  1948     red...............................................   XF         40

377                     10 yuan  1945     blue..............................................   F+         30

379                   100 yuan  1945     green.................................... F 4,  XF+      12

380a                500 yuan  1946     green, @Shanghai....................   F             6

380b                500 yuan  1947     green, @Peking.........................   VF           6

381                   500 yuan  1947     brown................................. VF 6,  XF+      18

385               5,000 yuan  1948     dark blue.....................................   F+           4

386             10,000 yuan  1948     brown..........................................   XF+      12

387                       1 yuan  1945     blue..............................................   F             4

NL(P387)           vignette  ABNC   "Chiang Kai-Shek"..... lot#1375  UN        40

388                       5 yuan  1945     green.................................... F 4,  AU        24

390                     10 yuan  1945     brown..........................................   F             6

391.                    20 yuan  1945     green................... F+12, VF+24,  UN      128

392                     50 yuan  1945     black, Sun Yat-sen....................   VF+      12

393                     50 yuan  1945     black, Chiang Kai-Shek............   VF         12

394                   100 yuan  1945     red...............................................   VF+      30

395                      10 cent  1946     brown..................... VG+4, VF 6,  AU+      36

396                      20 cent  1946     orange................................. F+5,  XF         12

397.                     50 cent  1948     brown-yellow..............................   AU        24

399                     10 yuan  1948     green.................................... F 4,  F+           5

401                     20 yuan  1948     red...............................................   XF+      18

403                     50 yuan  1948     violet.................................... F+4,  AU+      24

406                   100 yuan  1948     green; @CHB...................... F 8,  F+         12

407                   100 yuan  1948     blue.......................... F 4, XF 12,  AU        24

408                   100 yuan  1948     orange............................... VF 6,  UN        48

409                   500 yuan  1949     green.................................... F 5,  VF         10

410                   500 yuan  1949     violet............................................   XF+      30

411               1,000 yuan  1949     brown; @CHB............................   XF         20

412c             1,000 yuan  1949     blue; @CPF2....................... F 4,  VF           8

412d             1,000 yuan  1949     blue; @CPF3.................... VF 8,  XF         16

412e             1,000 yuan  1949     blue; @CPF4....................... F 4,  XF         16

413               1,000 yuan  1949     brown....................... F 4, XF 16,  AU-       32

415               5,000 yuan  1949     red; @CPF3...............................   XF         16

416.            10,000 yuan  1949     blue; @CHB.................... AU 64  UN      128

417a           10,000 yuan  1949     blue; @CPF........................ F+6,  VF+      12

418             50,000 yuan  1949     red; @CPF..................... VF-15,  XF         30

422a         100,000 yuan  1949     grey; @CPF...............................   VF+      30

424a         500,000 yuan  1949     brown; @CPF..... F+15, VF 20,  VF+      30

428                         1 cent  1949     green...........................................   AU+    600

441                              1 $  1949     dark blue, "Canton"...................   XF         16

444                              5 $  1949     brown, "Canton".........................   XF         16

447.                           10 $  1949     black, "Canton"..........................   AU+      48

450N        500,000 yuan  1949     Foochow.....................................   VG        40

NL(449)                10,000  1945     branch?.......................................   VF      200

                                            Farmers Bank of China

453d                     1 yuan  1934     farming........................................   VG      200

455    sig X         10 cent  1935     irrigation......................................   F+         40

455    sig Y         10 cent  1935     irrigation......................................   VF-       40

457    sig Y-C      1 yuan  1935     farming/sheep............................   F+         16

458a  sig Y-C      5 yuan  1935     farming/ox...................................   F           20

458b  sig X-C      5 yuan  1935     farming/ox, ovpt "7"...................   VG        20

459a  sig Y-C    10 yuan  1935     farming/horse.................... F 10,  VF         20

459a  sig Y-X    10 yuan  1935     farming/horse...... VG 4, VF 15,  UN      120

460.                     50 cent  1936     blue........................ F 10, VF 20,  UN      160

461                      10 cent  1937     blue................................... VF+9,  UN        48

462.                     20 cent  1937     green..................... VF 8, XF 16,  AU+      48

463.                      1 yuan  1940     red..................... VF+12, AU 32,  UN        64

464                     10 yuan  1940     red...................................... F 10,  VF+      30

471                     10 yuan  1937     provisional ovpt(1940)..............   VG      300

474                       1 yuan  1941     /sheep............................... VF+6,  UN        32

475                       5 yuan  1941     /ox...................................... VG 4,  UN        64

476b                   50 yuan  1941     "Chungking"...................... F 10,  VF         20

477a                100 yuan  1941     .............................................. F 9,  VF         20

477b                100 yuan  1941     "Chungking"..................... VG 6,  F           12

478                   500 yuan  1941     boats/bridge...................... G 50,  F         200

480                   100 yuan  1942     green;/farming.............. VG+30,  VF-       80

480B.                 10 yuan  1943     .....................................................   AU+    800

                                            National Industrial Bank of China

525a                     1 yuan  1924     Shanghai....................................   F         400

532a                     5 yuan  1931     Shanghai "ching".......................   F         300

532a                     5 yuan  1931     Shanghai "2"..............................   F+       450

532a                     5 yuan  1931     Shanghai "MB"...........................   VG+   200

                                            Ningpo Commercial and Savings Bank

541a                            1 $  1920     Shanghai....................................   G        100

546                              1 $  1925     Shanghai....................................   VG-    600

549a                            1 $  1933     Shanghai....................................   VG      100

                                            Bank of Territorial Development

567a                          10 $  1914     Changchun.................................   VG      400

                                            Market Stabilization Currency Bureau

601                     40 copp  1915     Ching Chao......................... pen  F+         60

602.                    50 copp  1915     Ching Chao ovpt........................   AU+    240

                                            Fixed Term Interest Bearing Treasury Notes

628                       5 yuan  1920     .....................................................   XF+    120



860b                        1 fen  1953     truck, roman#x2.........................   UN          4

860c                        1 fen  1953     truck, roman#x3.........................   UN          4

861a.                       2 fen  1953     airplane, with serial#.................   UN      120

861b                        2 fen  1953     airplane, roman#x3...................   UN          4

862b                        5 fen  1953     ship, roman#x3..........................   UN          4

863                          1 jiao  1953     tractor..........................................   F           30

873.                         1 jiao  1960     workers.......................................   UN   1600

874a                     1 yuan  1960     tractor, roman#x3............. VF 6,  UN        48

874c                     1 yuan  1960     tractor, roman#x2......................   UN        32

876a                     5 yuan  1960     steel worker, roman#x3............   VF+      24

876b                     5 yuan  1960     steel worker, roman#x2............   UN      160

877                          1 jiao  1962     red#x3, no wmk.........................   XF           4

877.                         1 jiao  1962     red#x2, no wmk.........................   UN        16

877                          1 jiao  1962     blue#x3, no wmk........................   XF           4

877                          1 jiao  1962     blue#x2, no wmk.............. XF 4,  UN          8

878                          2 jiao  1962     #x3; litho.....................................   UN        12

878                          2 jiao  1962     #x2; litho.....................................   VF           4

879                     10 yuan  1965     #x2...............................................   VF+      24

880a                        5 jiao  1972     wmk, engraved..........................   VF+         6

881a                        1 jiao  1980     men.............................................   UN          4

882                          2 jiao  1980     women........................................   UN          4

883                          5 jiao  1980     children.......................................   UN          4

884                       1 yuan  1980     girls..............................................   UN          8

884                       1 yuan  1996     girls..............................................   UN          4

885.                      2 yuan  1980     girls/sea............................. XF 4,  UN        16

886                       5 yuan  1980     /Yangtze Gorges........................   UN        12

887                     10 yuan  1980     men/mountains................... F 4,  UN        16

888b                   50 yuan  1990     workers/river...............................   AU+      72

889b.               100 yuan  1990     men/mountains..........................   XF+      42

891.   comm      50 yuan  1999     "Revolution 1949-1999"............   UN      150

895                       1 yuan  1999     Mao/mountain............................   UN          4

898                     10 yuan  1999     Mao/mountains, river................   UN          5

899                     20 yuan  1999     Mao/river.....................................   UN        12

901                   100 yuan  1999     Mao/palace.................................   UN        40

903                       5 yuan  2005     Mao/mountain............................   UN          4

904                     10 yuan  2005     Mao/mountains, river................   UN          4

905                     20 yuan  2005     Mao/river.....................................   UN          6

907                   100 yuan  2005     Mao/palace.................................   UN        35

909                   100 yuan  2015     Mao/palace.................................   UN        30

910    comm   100 yuan  2015     "Aerospace science".................   UN        35

   Foreign Exchange Certificates

FX1a               0.10 yuan  1979     Foreign Certificate............ XF 4,  UN          6

FX2                 0.50 yuan  1979     Foreign Certificate............ VF 4,  AU          6

FX3                      1 yuan  1979     Foreign Certificate............ VF 4,  UN        12

FX4                      5 yuan  1979     Foreign Certificate.............. F 4,  VF+         6

FX5                    10 yuan  1979     Foreign Certificate.............. F 4,  XF+      12

FX7                  100 yuan  1979     Foreign Certificate.....................   VF+    120

FX8                    50 yuan  1988     Foreign Certificate............ stain  VF      120

FX9                  100 yuan  1988     Foreign Certificate.....................   UN      320

   Treasury notes, (bonds)

note                    10 yuan  1985     note, aircraft, blue......................   VF+      40

note                      5 yuan  1986     note, building, green.................   VF+      25

   ***China Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            National Gov. Lottery Loan, Canton

bond                            5 $  1926     brown............................... bs#20  VF         20

                                            Second National Gov. Lottery Loan, Canton

bond                            5 $  1926     purple............................... bs#21  VF         15

                                            Second Kwangtung Military Bond, Canton

bond                   10 yuan  1931     orange.............................. bs#23  XF         35

                                            Citizen Self Gov. Lottery Bond, Canton

bond                     1 yuan  1931     red.................................... bs#24  XF         20

                                            Canton Bank Ltd. Bond, Guangzhou

bond                       100 $  1935     red-brown/green............. bs#25  XF         50

                                            State Bond

bond                100 yuan  ND        bond................................. bs#58  AU          9

                                            Taishan Country Public Road, Co.

share                    5 yuan  1929     .......................................... bs#26  VF+      50


test-prom           vignette  ABNC   "The Joss House"...... lot#1374  AU        10


   Japanese occupation (1895-1945)

1911                       1 yen  (1904)   .......................... VG+(hole) 150F         250

1921                       1 yen  (1915)   .......................... VG 50; F+ 150VF      200

1923                     10 yen  (1916)   .....................................................   VF    1000

1925a.                    1 yen  (1934)   "{1-92}"................ VG 8; VF+50,  UN      260

1925b                     1 yen  (1944)   "{93-104}"...................... VG+15,  VF         40

1925s1   spec        1 yen  (1944)   "SPECIMEN" regular#..............   VF    1000

1926                       5 yen  (1934)   .....................................................   F+         75

1927                     10 yen  (1932)   .............................. VG 15; F+45,  XF+    180

1928                   100 yen  (1937)   .................................. F(p/h) 160F+       240

1928s2   spec   100 yen  (1937)   "SPECIMEN" regular#..............   XF+  1500

1930a                   10 yen  (1944)   /lilac, black#................................   F+       210

1930s3   spec     10 yen  (1944)   "SPECIMEN" regular#..............   XF    1200

1931                     10 yen  (1945)   /blue.............................................   F           70


1935                     1 yuan  1946     bank, car.....................................   UN        50

1936                     5 yuan  1946     bank, car.....................................   AU+      36

1937                   10 yuan  1946     bank, car................ F 4, AU+30,  UN        40

1938                   50 yuan  1946     bank, car.....................................   F+       120

1939                100 yuan  1946     bank, car............. VF 8, XF+24,  AU+      48

1940                500 yuan  1946     bank, car.....................................   VG        10

1941                100 yuan  1947     bank, no car...............................   XF+      72

1942             1,000 yuan  1948     bank, car.....................................   VF         40

1943             1,000 yuan  1948     bank, no car.................. VF+90,  AU      240

1945           10,000 yuan  1949     map.............................. AU+120UN      160

1946.                     1 cent  1949     bank/map....................................   UN        60

1947.                     5 cent  1949     bank/map....................................   UN        75

1949b                  50 cent  1949     SYS/bank, map................... F 4,  UN        12

1950                     1 yuan  1949     SYS/bank, map, blue....... F 40,  UN      640

1953                     5 yuan  1949     SYS/bank, map, red........ F+45,  XF+    180

1954                   10 yuan  1949     SYS/bank, map, /brown............   VG        90

1955                   10 yuan  1949     SYS/bank, map, /blue... VG 20,  VF         80

1959           10,000 yuan  (1949)   cashier's check..........................   F         300

1960         100,000 yuan  (1949)   cashier's check..........................   VF+    900

1963                      1 cent  1954     bank/map.......................... XF 6,  UN        24

1964                     1 yuan  1954     /bank, blue........... VG 4, VF 16,  XF+      48

1966                     1 yuan  1954     /bank, green...............................   UN        64

1967.                 10 yuan  1954     /bank, blue........... VG 4, VF 12,  AU        48

1968.                    5 yuan  1955     /bank, red............... F 8, XF+50,  AU+    100

1969.                 10 yuan  1960     bridge, blue............. F 4, XF 16,  UN        64

1970.                 10 yuan  1960     bridge, red..................... XF+12,  UN        32

1971a    engr      1 yuan  1961     green, engraved............... XF 4,  UN          8

1973                     5 yuan  1961     lighthouse, brown............ VF+9,  UN        45

1975                100 yuan  1961     /parliament, green.....................   UN      160

1976                   50 yuan  1964     /parliament, purple.....................   F             4

1977                100 yuan  1964     /parliament, green........... VF+9,  UN        48

1978                     5 yuan  1969     /palace, blue..................... VF 4,  UN        20

1979a                10 yuan  1969     /palace, red....................... VF 4,  UN        12

1979b.   "A"       10 yuan  1969     /palace, red.................................   AU          8

1980.                 50 yuan  1970     /palace, purple........ F 6, VF 12,  UN      100

1981.               100 yuan  1970     /parliament, green........ VF+18,  UN        96

1982                   50 yuan  1972     /palace, purple.................. AU 8,  UN        16

1983.               100 yuan  1972     /parliament, green............ VF 4,  UN        32

1984                   10 yuan  1976     /parliament, red................ AU 4,  UN          6

1987.               500 yuan  1981     /palace........................................   UN      160

1988.            1,000 yuan  1981     /palace........................................   UN      300

1990.   comm   50 yuan  1999     "Taiwan 50 year"............ plastic  UN        16

1991                100 yuan  2000     SYS/building...............................   UN          6

1992                200 yuan  2001     Chiang Kai-shek/.......................   UN        14

1993.               500 yuan  2000     baseball/deer.............................   UN        70

1995             2,000 yuan  2001     satellite, rocket/salmons...........   UN      220

1996                500 yuan  2004     baseball/deer.............................   UN        45

1997.            1,000 yuan  2004     students/pheasants...................   UN        90

1998   comm  100 yuan  2011     "Republic of China 100 yr".......   UN          6

                                            Off-shore Island Currency:

R101                    1 yuan  1949     ovpt Kinmen...............................   UN        32

R105                  10 yuan  1950     ovpt Kinmen, @FPF..................   F+         30

R106.                 10 yuan  1950     ovpt Kinmen, @CPF.................   UN      100

R109.                   5 yuan  1966     ovpt Kinmen...............................   UN        50

R111.                 50 yuan  1969     ovpt Kinmen...............................   UN      120

R112.               100 yuan  1972     ovpt Kinmen...............................   UN      140

R112A               10 yuan  1976     ovpt Kinmen...............................   UN        32

R120                    1 yuan  1954     ovpt Matsu..................................   UN        32

R121                    5 yuan  1955     ovpt Matsu..................................   UN        64



                                            Central Reserve Bank of China

J1b.                        1 cent  1940     red; serie block..........................   UN        30

J3                         10 cent  1940     green.............................. AU+25,  UN        30

J4                         20 cent  1940     blue................................. VF+10,  UN        40

J7.                        50 cent  1940     purple..........................................   UN        60

J8                         1 yuan  1940     green...........................................   VF         20

J9a                       1 yuan  1940     violet, black sig...........................   VF         15

J9b                       1 yuan  1940     violet..................................... F 6,  XF         25

J10a                     5 yuan  1940     black sig; 4x#.............................   VG        40

J10c                     5 yuan  1940     black sig; 2x#..................... F+6,  AU        32

J10e                     5 yuan  1940     red sig............................... VG 4,  UN        25

J12c                   10 yuan  1940     black sig; 2x#.............................   G             4

J12h                   10 yuan  1940     blue sig; 2x#...............................   XF+      12

J14a                 100 yuan  1942     sig blue............................ VG+5,  UN        60

J14b                 100 yuan  1942     sig black......................................   VG        30

J15a                 500 yuan  1942     brown; wmk................................   AU+    300

J16                       10 cent  1943     green................................. VG 4,  XF         12

J17                       20 cent  1943     blue..............................................   AU+      30

J18a                    50 cent  1943     brown, ser block............... VF 7,  AU+      40

J18b                    50 cent  1943     brown, ser letter+block.... VF 7,  UN        40

J20                     10 yuan  1943     .......................................... VG+5,  AU        55

J21                   100 yuan  1943     green..................... F 10, VF 20,  AU+    120

J23a                 100 yuan  1943     blue.................................. VF-12,  UN        96

J24a                 500 yuan  1943     (187x95) brown... VG 5, VF 20,  XF+      60

J24b                 500 yuan  1943     (187x95) brown................ VG 5,  VF         20

J24c                 500 yuan  1943     (187x95) "Kwangtung".... VG 6,  VF+      35

J25b                 500 yuan  1943     (187x95) purple, wmk...............   VF         35

J25c                 500 yuan  1943     (187x95) no wmk........... VF 20,  AU        70

J26                   500 yuan  1943     (187x95) no guilloche... VG 10,  F           20

J27                   500 yuan  1943     (169x84) brown guilloche.........   XF         40

J28b                 500 yuan  1943     color guilloche................ XF 20,  UN        60

J30                   200 yuan  1944     brown.................................... F 8,  XF+      45

J32b             1,000 yuan  1944     (187x94) blue, ser block.... F 8,  XF         30

J33                1,000 yuan  1944     (169x84) blue-gray, ser block..   VG+        5

J36             10,000 yuan  1944     (184x94) brown............. VG-20,  F           60

J38             10,000 yuan  1944     (170x83) green..........................   F           30

J39             10,000 yuan  1944     (166x65) green............... VF 60,  AU      250

J40a             5,000 yuan  1945     (166x90) grey.................... F 25,  VF+      70

J41                5,000 yuan  1945     (170x84) grey-green....... F 20,  VF         40

J42                5,000 yuan  1945     grey-green(166x65)......... F 30,  XF      150

J42  coun     5,000 yuan  1945     (166x65) old counterfeit............   VG        60

                                            Federal Reserve Bank of China

J46(a)                      1 fen  1938     brown;#1-189.............................   UN        30

J46(b)                      1 fen  1938     brown;#205-366................. F+4,  UN        30

J47b                        5 fen  1939     red...............................................   VF           6

J48a                      10 fen  1938     brown................................ VG 4,  AU        15

J49a                      20 fen  1938     blue.................................... VG 4,  XF         15

J50                        50 fen  (1938)   orange.............................. VG+9,  VF+      20

J54                              1 $  1938     green; Confucius, dragon.........   VG-       90

J59                   100 yuan  1938     (1944)brown....................... G 9,  VG        20

J61                       1 yuan  1938     dragon, Confucius.....................   F+         40

J62                       5 yuan  1938     dragon, Yueh Fei.......................   VF         70

J68                        50 fen  1944     violet................................ VF 15,  XF         30

J69                       1 yuan  1944     green................................. VG 4,  VF           7

J72                       1 yuan  (1941)   grey-green............... F 4, XF 20,  UN        40

J73                       5 yuan  (1941)   orange................................ F 10,  VF+      30

J74                     10 yuan  (1941)   blue..................................... F 15,  XF         60

J75                   100 yuan  (1941)   brown; Huang Ti............ VG-15,  VG+      30

J76                     10 yuan  (1943)   grey-green..................................   VF+      30

J77                   100 yuan  (1943)   brown; Huang Ti.............. VG 9,  F           20

J78a                 500 yuan  (1943)   brown; Confucius.............. F 20,  VF+      60

J79a                     5 yuan  (1944)   brown; wmk.1.............................   VF+      20

J79b1                   5 yuan  (1944)   wmk.2, paper plain....................   VF+      20

J79b2                   5 yuan  (1944)   wmk.2, paper corrugate............   AU        55

J79c                     5 yuan  (1944)   brown; no wmk...........................   XF+      50

J80                     10 yuan  (1944)   blue; Kuan Yu.................. VG 4,  XF+      30

J81                     10 yuan  (1944)   purple.................... F 12, XF 50,  AU      100

J83                   100 yuan  (1944)   brown; Huang Ti.............. VG-9,  VF+      40

J86a                   10 yuan  (1945)   violet; @#11.................. XF+20,  UN        45

J86b                   10 yuan  (1945)   violet; @#14................... XF 15,  UN        45

J87a    "1"          50 yuan  (1945)   violet; block <1>.........................   VF+    180

J88                   100 yuan  (1945)   brown................................. VF 8,  UN        40

J90                   500 yuan  (1945)   (168x78).......................... VF 20,  XF         40

J91c              1,000 yuan  (1945)   green; serie block "4- "..............   VF         60

                                            Mengchiang Bank

J101A                    1 chia  (1940)   camels.........................................   F+         13

J104                     1 yuan  ND        Great Wall...................................   AU+      80

J109                   10 yuan  (1938)   sheep................................... P 4,  F+         70

J112                 100 yuan  (1938)   camel.................................. F 20,  XF-       70

                                            Central Bank of Manchukuo

J128                 100 yuan  (1932)   flag...............................................   G        250

J129                      50 fen  (1935)   brown................................. F 25,  VF+      75

J130a                   1 yuan  (1937)   green unpt; #6-digit...................   VF         25

J130b                   1 yuan  (1937)   green unpt; #7-digit....... XF 18,  AU+      50

J131a                   5 yuan  (1937)   brown unpt; #6-digit...................   P             4

J133b              100 yuan  (1938)   green unpt; #7-digit....... VF 25,  XF+      80

J135a                   1 yuan  (1944)   violet unpt............................ F 4,  XF+      20

J135b                   1 yuan  (1944)   violet unpt; ser block...... VF 14,  XF+      40

J137a                 10 yuan  (1944)   green unpt....................... VF 10,  AU+      60

J137c                 10 yuan  (1944)   green unpt; serie block.............   XF+      60

J138                 100 yuan  (1944)   blue unpt; wmk1........................   F+         25

J138                 100 yuan  (1944)   blue unpt; wmk2............... F 15,  VF+      45

J140                      10 fen  (1944)   .....................................................   VF+      20

J141                      50 fen  (1941)   green..................... F+ 6, XF 15,  UN        60


M1                        10 sen  yr.12     (1937)............................. VG 50VF      200

M2                        50 sen  yr.12     (1937).......................... VG+150F+       300

   Japanese Imperial Government Military Note(long tile -11 characters)

M8                           1 sen  (1939)   long title........................... AU 25,  UN        35

M10                        5 sen  (1939)   long title.......................................   F           25

M10    replica         5 sen  (1939)   long title.......................................   UN        10

M14                      50 sen  (1939)   long title................................ F 4,  UN        40

M18                        5 yen  (1939)   long title.......................................   F+         25

M20r                     10 yen  (1939)   long title; no #................ VG 10,  F+         30

   Japanese Imperial Government Note(short tile -7 characters)

M7                           1 sen  (1940)   short title.....................................   UN        25

M9                           5 sen  (1940)   short title............................ VF 5,  UN        25

M11                      10 sen  (1940)   short title.....................................   UN        30

M13                      50 sen  (1940)   short title......................... XF 15,  UN        40

M15                        1 yen  (1940)   short title.............................. G 4,  UN        60

M17                        5 yen  (1940)   short title......................... XF 15,  UN        60

M19                      10 yen  (1940)   short title........................ VF+12,  UN        60

M21                    100 yen  (1945)   short title, wmk...........................   XF+      50

   Japanese Occupation Military Notes -overprinted issues

M22                        1 yen  (1939)   ovpt-4 characters............ G+12,  XF      120

M23                        1 yen  (1939)   ovpt-4+7 characters...... XF 50,  AU+    150

M24                        5 yen  (1938)   ovpt-long title.................. VF 20,  UN      160

M25a                      5 yen  (1939)   ovpt-short title......... F 5, VF 10,  UN        80

M27                      10 yen  (1938)   ovpt-short title...................... F 5,  UN        80

M28                    100 yen  (1945)   ovpt; brown-green.......... VF 10,  XF+      30

M29.                   100 yen  (1945)   ovpt; violet-green........... VF 10,  UN        80

M30                    100 yen  (1945)   ovpt; brown-green............ VF 4,  UN        25

                                            -Canton issue, stamp "hiragana" or "hentaigana"

M25a.1                   5 yen  (1938)   2x stamp "hiragana"........... rare  VG      600

M24b                      5 yen  (1939)   4x stamp "hentaigana"..............   F         200

M24b                      5 yen  (1939)   3x stamp "hentaigana"..............   VG      120

M24b                      5 yen  (1939)   2x stamp "hentaigana"..............   VG      120

M25                        5 yen  (1939)   3x "hentaigana"................ G 30,  F         120

M25                        5 yen  (1939)   2x "hentaigana"............. VG 50,  F         100

M27b                    10 yen  (1939)   3x stamp "hentaigana"..............   VG        80

M27b                    10 yen  (1939)   2x "hentaigana"..........................   VF      150


M31                      1 yuan  1945     Russian Military.........................   VF-     150

M32                      5 yuan  1945     Russian Military.........................   F         150

M33                    10 yuan  1945     Russian Military.......... VF+120AU      300

M34                 100 yuan  1945     Russian Military............. VG 30,  AU      500

M36                 100 yuan  1945     Russian Military +stamp...........   F         100


   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)


                                            American Oriental Banking Corporation

NL(s100)            vignette  ABNC   engraved "ships"........ lot#1373  UN        20

                                            Chinese Italian Banking Corporation

s253.   rema        1 yuan  1921     unissued, no sig.........................   UN      200

s254    rema        5 yuan  1921     unissued, no sig.........................   UN      250

s255    rema     10 yuan  1921     unissued, no sig.........................   F           70

                                            Exchange Bank of China

s304b                          1 $  1920     Tientsin; "P"................................   F         300

s305b                          5 $  1920     Tientsin; "T"................................   F         400

s309b                  10 cent  1928     Tientsin; "P"................................   VF      150

                                            Russo-Asiatic Bank, Harbin

s473                      50 kop  (1917)   .......................... VF 50; AU 200UN      300

s474.                       1 rub  (1917)   no serie letter................. VF-60,  AU+    400

s474                        1 rub  (1917)   serie "A"............................ F+60,  VF+    120

s474                        1 rub  (1917)   serie "B"......................................   F           70

s475                        3 rub  (1917)   ................................ VG(pen) 70,  F         180

s476                      10 rub  (1917)   .....................................................   VG      120

s478                    100 rub  (1917)   .....................................................   VF+    900

                                            Harbin, city

NL                            1 rub  (1918)   - 1920.06.01...............................   VG+   300

                                            Chinese East Railroad, Russian train dispatch

NL             train dispatch  19--       HangtaoHotze............ lot#1112  VF         35

                                            Sino-Scandinavian Bank

s580                     1 yuan  1922     Ch'ang Li/Peking......... VF 100XF+    250

s595                    10 cent  1925     Tientsin.......................................   VF      180


                                            Charhar Commercial Bank

s856Ca                5 yuan  1933     Kalgan........................... XF 100AU      250

s857A                  10 cent  1935     .....................................................   AU+    140

                                            Chekiang Provincial Bank

s866                     1 yuan  1949     .....................................................   F+         60

s877                    10 cent  1936     ............................. VG+9, VF 25,  AU+      80

s878                    20 cent  1936     ......................................... VF 25,  VF+      40

s879                    50 cent  1936     ............................................. G+9,  F           30

s880                       1 cent  (1939)   .....................................................   F           20

s888                     1 yuan  1939     .....................................................   F-          60

s893                     1 yuan  1941     .....................................................   VF+    100

                                            Yung Heng Provincial Bank of Kirin

s986                      10 tiao  1917     orange.........................................   F+       250

s1007                  20 cent  1918     .....................................................   VG      100

s1029                 100 tiao  1920     red...............................................   VG      200

s1081A              100 tiao  1928     red...............................................   AU+    400

                                            Kiangsi Provincial Bank

s1089D.              20 cent  1949     .....................................................   AU-     150

                                            Yu Ming Bank of Kiangsi

s1135                   1 yuan  1933     .....................................................   F+       150

                                            Kiangsu Farmers Bank

s1198                  50 cent  1936     TTBC Shanghai.........................   VG+      60

s1204                   1 yuan  1941     green...........................................   F           90

                                            Provincial Bank of Chihli

s1263b                        1 $  1920     Tientsin.......................................   F           50

s1286                 20 copp  1926     green...........................................   UN        70

s1288a                        1 $  1926     Tientsin.......................................   XF      150

s1289a                        5 $  1926     Tientsin.......................................   F         120

                                            Bank of Local Railway of Shansi and Suiyuan

s1291b                10 cent  1934     Taiyuan; train.............................   VF+    180

s1294c                        1 $  1934     Taiyuan; train.............................   VF      120

s1295a                        5 $  1934     Taiyuan; train; green.................   VG-       60

s1299                  50 cent  1936     train.............................................   VF+    100

                                            Kung Tsi Bank of Fengtien

s1355                   5 copp  1918     .....................................................   VF      300

s1356                 10 copp  1918     .....................................................   F+       300

s1362                 20 copp  1922     .....................................................   F         100

s1365               100 copp  1922     black/green.................................   G           15

s1365    spec  100 copp  1922     "SPECIMEN" cancelled............   F+       300

                                            Fengtien Public Exchange Bank

s1377                 10 copp  1924     ....................................................   F           40

                                            Fukien Provincial Bank

s1403                 10 copp  1935     red, pagoda ...............................   F-          70

s1404                 10 copp  1935     red, pavilion................................   F         100

s1410                 50 copp  1936     orange.........................................   F         100

s1420                   1 yuan  1939     red...............................................   VF      120

s1424                      5 fen  1940     green...........................................   XF         60

                                            Hainan Bank

s1452                    2 cent  1949     brown..........................................   UN          4

s1453                    5 cent  1949     red...............................................   UN          4

s1455.                 20 cent  1949     green................................... XF4,  UN          8

s1456                  50 cent  1949     .....................................................   UN        12

                                            Kwang Sing Company, Heilungchiang

s1576b                 20 cen  1920     Hulun...........................................   F         600

s1602b   spec            5 $  1924     "SPECIMEN" cancelled............   F-        300

s1603b   spec          10 $  1924     "SPECIMEN" cancelled............   F         300

                                            -Amoy Industrial Bank (Eng)

s1655.                   1 cent  (1940)   red...............................................   UN        50

s1657.                 10 cent  (1940)   gate; green.................................   UN        70

s1658                  50 cent  (1940)   pagoda; blue..............................   UN      150

                                            Provincial Bank of Honan

s1679                 20 copp  1923     green/olive..................................   VG+      70

s1688b                 1 yuan  1923     Honan.........................................   F         110

                                            Bank of Hopei

s1711d                10 cent  1929     Tientsin.......................................   F         110

s1712a                20 cent  1929     Peking.........................................   P           20

s1712b                20 cent  1929     Tientsin.......................................   G           30

s1723                   1 yuan  1933     Tientsin.......................................   VG-       65

s1728                  50 cent  1934     .....................................................   VG        80

s1729                   1 yuan  1934     Tientsin.............................. F 45,  VF         90

s1731a                 5 yuan  1934     Tientsin.......................................   VF      150

s1732                 10 yuan  1934     Tientsin.......................................   F+       300

                                            Khotan District Administration

s1737                        3 tal  1335/6  ......................................... F+110,  VF      150

                                            Sinkiang Commercial and Industrial Bank

s1746a                  10 fen  1939     green...........................................   VF      200

s1747a                  20 fen  1939     violet............................................   F         150

s1748                    50 fen  1939     brown..........................................   F         150

s1754              100 yuan  1939     red/violet.....................................   F-        300

s1763                 10 yuan  1943     blue-green/green.......................   VF      350

s1765              200 yuan  1945     violet............................................   VF-     120

s1769              500 yuan  1946     brown/green...............................   VG+      70

s1771           2,000 yuan  1947     red...............................................   F-        120

s1772           5,000 yuan  1947     blue..............................................   VG+      90

s1774         20,000 yuan  1947     blue.................................. F 120,  VF-     180

                                            Sinkiang Sub-prefecture Administration

s1780                      5 tale  1932     .....................................................   VG        90

                                            Sinkiang Prov.Gov. Finance Dep. Treasury

s1820               100 cash  1920     ........................... missing corner  VF      350

                                            Sinkiang Finance Department Treasury

s1851               400 cash  1931     green on pink/blue.....................   F         160

s1869                      5 tael  1932     .....................................................   VG      200

                                            Hunan Provincial Bank

s1984                    5 cent  1937     .....................................................   F           60

                                            Hunan Bank

s2039               100 copp  1913     .....................................................   VG        80

s2040               100 copp  1913     .....................................................   VG        80

s2056                 10 copp  1917     .....................................................   F         150

                                            Hupeh Provincial Bank

s2098               100 copp  1914     .....................................................   VG        50

                                            Hupeh Provincial Bank

s2102                  20 cent  1928     sig 1.............................................   VF-       90

s2123                   1 yuan  1941     .....................................................   VG        70

                                            Industrial Development Bank of Jehol

s2172b                     10 $  1920     Chih Feng/ Jehol.......................   VG      200

                                            Kan Sen Bank of Kiangsi

s2227                        10 $  1924     .....................................................   VG      300

                                            Monetary Bureau of Government Kansu

s2245                   50 cen  1935     .....................................................   VG+   160

                                            Canton Municipal Bank

s2253b                 10 cen  1928     .....................................................   G           20

s2260a                 10 cen  1931     .....................................................   G+        50

s2276                   10 cen  1933     .....................................................   VF         60

s2277                   20 cen  1933     .....................................................   F           60

s2278c                        1 $  1933     .....................................................   F           35

s2280c                      10 $  1933     .......................................... F 150,  VF      300

                                            Provincial Bank of Kwangsi

s2339r     rema          1 $  1929     no place......................................   G           30

s2340e                        5 $  1929     Nanning......................................   F           60

s2340g                        5 $  1929     Wuchow......................................   VF         70

s2340r     rema          5 $  1929     no place......................................   XF         70

s2341r     rema        10 $  1929     no place......................................   VF+      70

                                            Kwangsi Bank

s2351                          1 $  1912     Liuchow.......................................   VG        60

s2357                   10 cen  1920     Wuchow......................................   VG        70

s2366                          1 $  1921     Wuchow; ovpt Military...............   VG+      90

s2380                  1 chiao  1936     ........................................ VF+40,  XF+      80

                                            Provincial Bank of Kwangtung Province

s2401e                        1 $  1918     ............................................ F 20,  XF         80

s2402b                        5 $  1918     ............................................ F 14,  XF-       40

s2403c                      10 $  1918     .....................................................   F+         60

s2403d                     10 $  1918     .....................................................   VF         40

s2407                   20 cen  1922     .....................................................   F+         30

s2408                   50 cen  1922     ......................................... VF 30,  XF         60

s2421a                        1 $  1931     ............................................ F 12,  VF+      35

s2421b                        1 $  1931     .....................................................   F           15

s2421d                        1 $  1931     .....................................................   UN        35

s2422d                        5 $  1931     ............................................ VF 6,  UN        35

s2425b                        1 $  1931     brown..........................................   AU        35

s2425c                        1 $  1931     brown..........................................   VG        15

s2426                          5 $  1931     red........................................ G 5,  VF-       30

s2429b                     10 $  1931     green...........................................   VF-       30

s2431a                 10 cen  1934     .......................................... VG+4,  XF         15

s2436a                 10 cen  1935     red...................................... XF 8,  UN        30

s2437b                 20 cen  1935     green....................... VG 4, XF 8,  UN        30

s2438                   50 cen  1935     blue..............................................   VG        20

s2442                          1 $  (1936)   red/brown....................................   VG        20

s2443                          5 $  (1936)   ............................................ F 14,  VF+      40

s2449b                        1 $  1940     Hainan Japanese occupy.........   F         250

s2449r     rema          1 $  1940     Hainan Japanese occupy.........   AU+    350

s2452                     1 cen  1949     .....................................................   UN        30

s2453                     5 cen  1949     .............................................. F 4,  UN        20

s2454                   10 cen  1949     .....................................................   UN        20

s2455                   50 cen  1949     .....................................................   UN        30

s2456                   1 yuan  1949     .....................................................   UN        30

s2457                   5 yuan  1949     .....................................................   UN        30

s2458                 10 yuan  1949     .....................................................   UN        30

s2459              100 yuan  1949     .....................................................   UN        60

                                            Provincial Bank of Kweichow

s2461                     1 cen  1949     .....................................................   UN        60

s2462                     5 cen  1949     ......................................... XF-25,  UN        90

s2463                   10 cen  1949     .....................................................   UN      120

                                            Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chihli

s2518c                 1 yuan  1933     Peiping........................................   VG-       90

                                            Frontier Bank

s2564a                10 cent  1925     Peking and Tientsin...................   VG      100

s2577                  10 cent  1929     Mukden; orange.........................   G+      100

                                            Shanse Provincial Bank

s2633b                10 cent  (1924)   .....................................................   F+         80

s2654a                10 cent  1930     Taiyuan.......................................   F         100

s2677                   1 yuan  1936     ......................................... VG-10,  VF+      70

s2680                 10 yuan  1937     .....................................................   F           80

                                            Shantung Exchange Bureau

s2709                  10 cent  1936     .....................................................   VF         80

s2710                  20 cent  1936     .....................................................   F+         90

s2711                  50 cent  1936     "B"................................................   VG+      90

                                            Shantung Min Sheng Bank

s2731                  10 cent  1936     .....................................................   VF         70

s2732                  20 cent  1936     ......................................... VF 35,  XF         70

s2733                  50 cent  1936     .....................................................   F+         70

s2740                  50 cent  1940     ......................................... XF 30,  AU        60

s2742                          5 $  1940     .....................................................   F           50

s2744                        10 $  1943     ............................................ F 40,  VF         80

                                            Provincial Bank of Shantung

s2757a                 1 yuan  1925     Tsinan............... missing corner  VG+   160

s2758a                 5 yuan  1925     Tsinan.........................................   F-        300

                                            Provincial Bank of Manchuria

S2899                10 yuan  1917     .....................................................   F+       800

                                            Provincial Bank of Three Eastern Provinces

s2953a              10 yuan  1924     .....................................................   VG      150

                                            New Fu-Tien Bank

s2997                          5 $  1929     .....................................................   VG        90

s2998                        10 $  1929     .......................................... G+80,  F-        160

s2999                        50 $  1929     .....................................................   G+        40

s3000                     100 $  1929     .....................................................   G+        40

                                            Fu-Tien Bank

s3014                          1 $  (1921)   ........................... missing border  P           30

                                            Yunnan Provincial Bank

s3029                 10 yuan  (1949)   .....................................................   VF+    500


                                            Bank of Chinan

s3064a                10 cent  1939     grey/brown; view........................   VF+    120

s3066                  50 cent  1939     green/brown; fortress................   VG+      70

s3068                   2 yuan  1939     green/brown; pagoda................   VF-       70

s3068                   2 yuan  1939     green/brown; pagoda................   VG        25

s3069Ab              5 yuan  1939     green/brown; Tai Hang.............   AU+    200

s3069Ca              5 yuan  1939     red-black/green..........................   XF+      90

s3075                 50 yuan  1942     brown/blue..................................   VF         50

                                            Bank of Shansi, Chahar and Hopei

s3138                  50 cent  1938     .....................................................   F+         70

s3156                 10 yuan  1940     brown/green...............................   VG-       50

s3167              500 yuan  1944     brown/brown; plowing...............   P           20

s3171                   5 yuan  1945     olive/brown; pagoda..................   VF-     120

s3174C              10 yuan  1945     brown/red "1"..............................   G+        30

s3175                 50 yuan  1945     grey/green; river........................   G           40

s3195              500 yuan  1946     red-brown/brown; cattle............   P           20

s3199              500 yuan  1946     brown-green/red........................   VF      120

s3211           5,000 yuan  1947     brown; bridge.............................   F         100

                                            Pei Hai Bank, Bank of Bai Hai, Bo Xai Inxang

s3552a                 1 yuan  1942     blue/brown..................................   G           50

s3554                  50 cent  1943     brown/green...............................   VG        70

s3558              100 yuan  1943     grey/brown..................................   VG-       60

s3569b              50 yuan  1944     violet/blue...................................   G+        50

s3569Ca            50 yuan  1944     red/brown; Chiotung..................   G           50

s3596A            200 yuan  1945     brown/purple..............................   VF+    150

s3604              100 yuan  1946     brown/blue monument... VG-25  VG        35

s3609              100 yuan  1946     red/brown; monument...............   F         100

s3622Ba          500 yuan  1948     brown/violet................................   F         120

s3622D            500 yuan  1948     blue/brown..................................   F         140

s3622E            500 yuan  1948     brown/brown...............................   F         120

s3623M        2,000 yuan  1948     green/brown; factory/ship.........   VG+   100

s3623N        2,000 yuan  1948     blue/violet; port/boat..................   VG+   100

                                            Bank of Dung Bai, Tung Pei Bank of China

s3731                 50 yuan  1945     red/brown;/ship..........................   VG+      70

s3734              100 yuan  1945     blue-pink/red; factory................   VG        40

s3735                  50 cent  1946     green/blue; ship.........................   VG        70

s3736                   1 yuan  1946     red/orange; plowing...................   VF+    100

s3745b              10 yuan  1947     red-grey/violet; farming.............   VF-     250

s3748              100 yuan  1947     red/green; plowing.....................   F           65

s3749              100 yuan  1947     red/red; plowing.........................   G           20

s3757           1,000 yuan  1948     brown-green/violet........ VG 50,  F         100

s3763         50,000 yuan  1948     train, ship....................................   F         350

s3766              500 yuan  1950     blue; plowing..............................   F         150

   MILITARY, 1912-30;

                                            Bank of Northwest

s3870a                20 cent  1925     Kalgan.........................................   VG      200

s3871a                 1 yuan  1925     Fengchen....................................   F         120

s3871c                 1 yuan  1925     Kalgan.........................................   F+       120

s3872b                 1 yuan  1925     Kalgan.........................................   VF-     150

s3873d                 5 yuan  1925     Peking.........................................   VG      100

s3875b              10 yuan  1925     Kalgan.........................................   VG+   120


  Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

notes ref; SM- -Smith and Matravers "Chinese Banknotes" 1970

                                            Hupei-Huan; commodity note, payable in rice

NL                    1 tael rice  1948     for military use only...................   XF      250

                                            -Chefoo Chamber of Commerce

SM-Y5-1             10 cent  1938     yellow; pagoda...........................   VG        70

                                            -China General Omnibus Co, Shanghai

NL                          5 cent  1942     March..........................................   VF-     300

                                            -Ping Hsi Commercial Current Note (Eng)

NL                           100 $  1944     brown; view/blue; car................   F-        120

                                            -Shou Kuang Yu Mim Bank

NL                    100 yuan  1944     .....................................................   F         200

                                            -Te Hsing Garage

NL                        30 cent  1929     blue; train/blue-green................   VF         35

                                            -Tung Hsing (Eng), Pu Tien, Fukien

SM-T211-1         20 cent  1930     red-blue/blue..............................   VG+   130

                                            -Yei Kong Muney, Kiukiang, Kiangsi

SM-C204-1         10 cent  1930     .....................................................   VG      130

                                            local issues;

NL                     500 cash  ND        Ping Chiang................ lot#1110  VF-       60

NL                           5 tioa  ND        ...................................... lot#1114  AU        30

NL                         10 tiao  ND        Shantung?................... lot#1121  AU        30

NL                        30 cent  1933     Long Feng................... lot#1129  VF         60

                                            -Berlin, Kolonialgedenktag, Germany

notgeld                    75 pf  1921     "A" colony "Kiautschau"............   UN        10

                                            -Neustadt, district(Amt), Germany

notgeld                  50 pfe  1922     lost colony "Kiautschau"...........   UN        10

                                            -Chinese receipts

NL                    2 receipts  1928     ...................................... lot#1008  F           10


check                    7213 $  1940     SE Levy/CBoIA C....... lot#1082  XF           9

   Ration Coupons             -Shanghai

NL                  ration card  1980-2  for fabrics.................... lot#1015  VF           6

NL           ration coupons  1978-    1984; 13 coupons...... lot#1089  XF           9

NL           ration coupons  197-      9 coupons................... lot#1175  XF           6

NL           ration coupons  197-      9 coupons................... lot#1178  XF           6

               0.5,1,5 coupon  1962     Guangzhou(Canton).... 3 notes  XF         15

   Fundraising Notes, Lottery Tickets

              -Chinese War Orphans' Fund, Johannesburg, S Africa

NL                          1 shill  1943     10.02 donation 1/-.....................   F           50

   Hell notes

SM-M22                  1000  ND        Ming Kuo Yin Hang.... lot#1062  VF         10


PICK#                                 *****COLOMBIA***3c*


181                      10 cent  1885     .....................................................   P           25

194                          5 pes  1886     .....................................................   F-        250

211                       10 cen  1888     (=1 real)......................................   XF         90

221                       10 cen  1893     .....................................................   F+         60

234                          1 pes  1895     ......................................... VF 45,  VF+      70

236                        10 pes  1895     ....................................... VG 150VG+   200

256                          5 pes  1899     10.29...........................................   F+       120

263                       10 cen  1900     09.30; unpt orange....................   UN        95

264                       20 cen  1900     03.25...........................................   XF         60

265.                      20 cen  1900     09.30; unpt pink.........................   AU        65

265.                      20 cen  1900     09.30; unpt brown............. F 12,  AU        65

270                          1 pes  1900     09.30; man/arms........................   F+         60

297D                     25 pes  1905     Pagare del Tesoro... "PMG 25"  VF      600

341                          5 pes  1938     Cordova/.....................................   UN      700

345a                    1/2 pes  1948     Narono/.............................. F 12,  XF+      75

345b                    1/2 pes  1953     Narono/............................. F+20,  VF         25

380                          1 pes  1929     Santander/..................... VG-20,  F-          30

380                          1 pes  1940     Santander/........................... F 5,  F+         15

380                          1 pes  1942     Santander/..................................   VF+      30

380                          1 pes  1943     Santander/..................................   F+         15

380                          1 pes  1944     Santander/..................................   VF         20

380.                         1 pes  1945     Santander/........................... F 7,  UN      110

380                          1 pes  1946     Santander/..................................   VG          4

380                          1 pes  1947     Santander/........................ VG 4,  F             5

380.                         1 pes  1950     Santander/........................ VF 8,  UN        70

380                          1 pes  1954     Santander/........................... F 4,  VF           8

386a                        5 pes  1940     Cordoba/.....................................   VG        15

386c                        5 pes  1945     Cordoba/.....................................   VG+      15

386c.                       5 pes  1947     Cordoba/....................... AU+85,  UN      110

386e.                      5 pes  1950     Cordoba/.....................................   UN        80

390                          2 pes  1942     Torres/.........................................   G             4

390                          2 pes  1944     Torres/.........................................   F-          15

390                          2 pes  1945     Torres/.........................................   G             4

390                          2 pes  1947     Torres/................................... p/h  XF+      40

390.                         2 pes  1950     Torres/.........................................   UN      150

390                          2 pes  1955     Torres/............................... VG 4,  UN        45

392d.                    20 pes  1950     Caldas/............................ VF 40,  UN      300

393d.                    50 pes  1953     Sucre/..........................................   UN      200

394d2                 100 pes  1957     .....................................................   XF         70

398.                         1 pes  1953     .....................................................   VF           4

401                        20 pes  1960     Caldas/bank...............................   UN        70

401                        20 pes  1961     Caldas/bank...............................   F             5

403.                    100 pes  1958     Santander...................................   UN        90

403                     100 pes  1960     Santander...................................   VF+      15

403                     100 pes  1964     Santander...................................   XF         20

403.                    100 pes  1965     Santander...................................   AU        40

403                     100 pes  1967     Santander...................... VF+14,  UN        70

404.                         1 pes  1959     10.12; Bolivar/view....................   UN        12

404.                         1 pes  1961     01.02; Bolivar/view....................   UN          9

404                          1 pes  1962     08.07; Bolivar/view....................   UN          7

404.                         1 pes  1963     01.02; Bolivar/view....................   UN          7

404                          1 pes  1963     10.12; Bolivar/view....................   UN          6

404.                         1 pes  1964     01.02; Bolivar/view....................   UN          6

404.                         1 pes  1970     05.01; Bolivar/view....................   UN          6

404                          1 pes  1970     10.12; Bolivar/view....................   UN          6

404                          1 pes  1971     08.07; Bolivar/view....................   UN          6

404                          1 pes  1973     08.07; Bolivar/view....................   UN          5

404                          1 pes  1974     08.07; Bolivar/view....................   UN          5

406                          5 pes  1961     01.02; Cordoba/fort...................   XF         15

406.                         5 pes  1967     10.12; Cordoba/fort...................   UN        12

406.                         5 pes  1968     07.20; Cordoba/fort...................   UN        12

406.                         5 pes  1971     07.20; Cordoba/fort...................   UN          7

406                          5 pes  1974     07.20; Cordoba/fort...................   UN          6

406.                         5 pes  1975     07.20; Cordoba/fort...................   UN          6

406                          5 pes  1976     07.20; Cordoba/fort...................   XF           4

406                          5 pes  1978     10.01; Cordoba/fort...................   UN          5

406                          5 pes  1979     04.01; Cordoba/fort...................   UN          5

406                          5 pes  1980     01.01; Cordoba/fort...................   UN          5

406                          5 pes  1981     01.01; Cordoba/fort...................   UN          5

407.                      10 pes  1964     Narino/stone carvings.. XF+24,  UN        64

407.                      10 pes  1965     Narino/stone carvings...............   UN        32

407.                      10 pes  1967     Narino/stone carvings...............   UN        64

407.                      10 pes  1969     Narino/stone carvings...............   UN        24

407                        10 pes  1970     Narino/stone carvings...............   UN        12

407                        10 pes  1975     Narino/stone carvings...............   UN          6

407                        10 pes  1976     Narino/stone carvings...............   UN          6

407                        10 pes  1979     Narino/stone carvings...............   UN          5

407                        10 pes  1980     Narino/stone carvings...............   UN          5

409                        20 pes  1966     Caldas/gold museum................   UN        60

409.                      20 pes  1972     Caldas/gold museum................   UN        45

409.                      20 pes  1973     Caldas/gold museum................   UN        30

409                        20 pes  1975     Caldas/gold museum................   UN          7

409.                      20 pes  1979     Caldas/gold museum................   UN          5

409.                      20 pes  1981     Caldas/gold museum................   UN          5

409                        20 pes  1982     Caldas/gold museum................   UN          5

409                        20 pes  1983     Caldas/gold museum................   UN          5

410.                    100 pes  1970     Santander/palace......................   AU+      25

411                     500 pes  1971     Bolivar/salt church............... p/h  F+         40

412b                     50 pes  1970     Torres/orchid..............................   UN        30

413                          2 pes  1972     01.01;/gold museum.................   UN          6

413                          2 pes  1972     07.20;/gold museum.................   UN          6

413                          2 pes  1973     01.01;/gold museum.................   UN          5

413.                         2 pes  1976     07.20;/gold museum.................   UN          5

413                          2 pes  1977     01.01;/gold museum.................   UN          5

413                          2 pes  1977     07.20;/gold museum.................   UN          5

414.                      50 pes  1973     Torres/orchid..............................   UN        12

414                        50 pes  1974     Torres/orchid..............................   UN          6

415                     100 pes  1973     Santander/palace......................   UN          6

415                     100 pes  1974     Santander/palace......................   UN          6

417b.                  200 pes  1975     Bolivar/coffee.................... VF 4,  UN        15

418                     100 pes  1977     Santander/palace........... VF+4,  UN          6

418.                    100 pes  1980     Santander/palace......................   AU          6

420a.                  500 pes  1977     Santander/church......................   UN        25

420b                   500 pes  1979     Santander/church........... VG+4,  UN        25

421                  1,000 pes  1979     Galan...........................................   UN        22

422.                      50 pes  1980     Torres/orchid................... AU+6,  UN          8

422.                      50 pes  1981     Torres/orchid..............................   UN          6

422.                      50 pes  1983     Torres/orchid..............................   UN          6

423.                    500 pes  1981     07.20;Santander........................   UN        40

423                     500 pes  1985     10.12;Santander........................   UN          9

424.                 1,000 pes  1986     Bolivar/battle..............................   UN        20

424.                 1,000 pes  1987     Bolivar/battle..............................   UN        20

425                        50 pes  1984     Torres/orchid..............................   UN          5

425                        50 pes  1985     Torres/orchid.................... AU 4,  UN          5

425                        50 pes  1986     Torres/orchid..............................   UN          5

426                     100 pes  1983     Marino/villa.................................   UN          5

426                     100 pes  1986     Marino/villa.................................   UN          5

426.                    100 pes  1987     Marino/villa.................................   UN          5

426                     100 pes  1988     Marino/villa.................................   UN          5

426.                    100 pes  1989     Marino/villa.................................   UN          5

426                     100 pes  1990     Marino/villa.................................   UN          5

426                     100 pes  1991     01.10;Marino/villa......................   UN          5

426     souv        100 pes  1991     ovpt "ASOCOPA 2013"............   UN        35

426A                   100 pes  1991     08.07;Marino;@IBSFB..............   UN          5

429                     200 pes  1983     04.01;Mutis.................................   UN        15

429                     200 pes  1984     07.20;Mutis.................................   XF           4

429.                    200 pes  1985     04.01;Mutis.................................   UN          5

429.                    200 pes  1985     11.10;Mutis.................................   UN          5

429                     200 pes  1991     04.01;Mutis.................................   UN          5

429A                   200 pes  1992     08.10;Mutis@IBSFB.................   UN          5

430c.               2,000 pes  1985     Bolivar/cavalry............................   UN        30

430d.               2,000 pes  1986     Bolivar/cavalry............................   UN        30

431a                   500 pes  1986     Santander/mint..........................   UN        12

431b                   500 pes  1987     Santander/mint..........................   UN          8

431c                   500 pes  1989     Santander/mint..........................   UN          6

431d                   500 pes  1990     Santander/mint..........................   UN          6

431Aa                500 pes  1992     Santander/mint..........................   UN          6

431Ab.               500 pes  1993     Santander/mint..........................   UN          6

432b                1,000 pes  1990     Bolivar/battle..............................   UN          6

432c.               1,000 pes  1991     Bolivar/battle..............................   UN          6

432A.  repl      1,000 pes  1992     replacement "*"..........................   UN        60

433                  2,000 pes  1986     Bolivar/cavalry............................   UN        30

433.                 2,000 pes  1990     Bolivar/cavalry............................   UN        30

433A.              2,000 pes  1992     03.02;Bolivar/;@IBSFB.............   UN        20

435.                 5,000 pes  1987     /constitution................................   UN        85

435                  5,000 pes  1988     /constitution................................   UN        50

436A.              5,000 pes  1992     /constitution;@IBSFB......... F 4,  UN        55

437.  comm  10,000 pes  1992     "Columbus" @BDM...... XF+36,  UN      100

438                  1,000 pes  1995     10.02;Bolivar..............................   UN          5

439a                2,000 pes  1993     07.01;Bolivar..............................   UN        30

439b                2,000 pes  1994     07.01;Bolivar..............................   UN        25

439b.               2,000 pes  1994     11.10;Bolivar..............................   UN        25

440.                 5,000 pes  1994     01.03 Nunez/constitution..........   UN        25

440.                 5,000 pes  1995     01.02 Nunez/constitution..........   UN        20

443.               10,000 pes  1996     08.10 "Salavarrieta"..................   UN        60

443.               10,000 pes  1999     07.23 "Salavarrieta"..................   UN        55

445c                2,000 pes  1998     01.06 Santander/gate...............   UN        12

447a                5,000 pes  1997     10.12;Asuncion Silva/poem.....   UN        35

448d.            20,000 pes  1999     05.06 Gravito/moon, earth.......   UN        90

450a                1,000 pes  2001     08.07;Eliecer Gaitan.................   UN          5

450c                1,000 pes  2001     12.17;Eliecer Gaitan.................   UN          4

450i                 1,000 pes  2005     03.03;Eliecer Gaitan.................   UN          4

451e                2,000 pes  2002     05.08;Santander/gate...............   UN          5

451j                 2,000 pes  2005     03.04;Santander/gate...............   UN          5

452b                5,000 pes  2001     12.17;Asuncion Silva/poem.....   UN        12

452e                5,000 pes  2004     02.20;Asuncion Silva/poem.....   UN          6

453a              10,000 pes  2001     06.01;Salavarrieta/village.........   UN        25

453c              10,000 pes  2002     05.10;Salavarrieta/village.........   UN        18

453f               10,000 pes  2003     06.09;Salavarrieta/village.........   UN        18

454c              20,000 pes  2001     08.07;Gravito/moon, earth.......   UN        45

455a              50,000 pes  2001     05.01;Issacs/hacienda..............   UN        90

455d              50,000 pes  2003     06.20;Issacs/hacienda..............   UN        90

456                  1,000 pes  2015     08.19;Eliecer Gaitan.................   UN          4

457a                2,000 pes  2006     02.02;Santander/gate...............   UN          5

458                    2 mil pes  2015     Perez/national park...................   UN          4

459                    5 mil pes  2015     Silva/mountains.........................   UN          5

461                  20 mil pes  2015     Lopez/irrigation..........................   UN        12

462                  50 mil pes  2015     Garcia/natives............................   UN        30

463               100 mil pes  2014     Lleras/wax palms.......................   UN        70

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s244                     50 cen  1900     Banco Barranquilla....................   F         250

s348b                   10 pes  1900     Banco Cartagena......................   VG+   300

s501                     10 cen  1900     Banco Estado;...........................   UN        90

s502                     20 cen  1900     Banco Estado;...........................   XF         70

s503                     50 cen  1900     Banco Estado; blue#........... p/h  VF         60

s503    rema        50 cen  1900     B. Estado; no#........ VF(p/h) 35,  VF+      50

s504                        1 pes  1900     Banco Estado................. XF 23,  UN        90

s504    rema          1 pes  1900     Banco Estado; no#........... F-15,  VF+      50

s505    rema          5 pes  1900     Banco Estado; no#....................   VF+    120

NL(s585)            vignette  ABNC   engraved "condor"..... lot#1372  UN        12

s681                        1 pes  1882     B Norte; cut corner..... lot#1059  XF         90

s698                        5 pes  1888     B Oriente....................................   AU      350

s701                   100 pes  1884     B Oriente....................................   VG      350

s711a                      1 pes  1883     B Pamplona................................   VF+    200

s831c                      1 pes  1873     B Santander; ovpt 1900............   F-        120

s832b                      5 pes  1873     B Santander; ovpt 1900............   F+       250

s833b                   10 pes  1873     B Santander; ovpt 1900............   F-        150

facsimile               50 cen  187-      Cereus Tolima............ lot#1045  F           25

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            "Colombian National Railway Co"

share             90 pounds  1910     Mortgage Debentures.... bs#27  F           50

share           100 pounds  1903     Mortgage Debentures.... bs#28  F           50


PICK#                                 *****COMOROS****3*

   Republic (from 1975)

2b.                          50 fra  (1963)   ovpt "COMORES" sig 2............   UN      400

3(b).                      100 fra  (1963)   ovpt "COMORES" sig 2............   UN      300

3(c)                       100 fra  (1963)   ovpt "COMORES" sig 3............   UN      250

7(b)    "R1-C2"    500 fra  (1976)   woman/women, boat , sig 5.....   UN        90

10(a)  "W1-D2"   500 fra  (1986)   woman/women, boat sig 6.......   UN        70

10(b)  "M2-N3"    500 fra  (1986)   woman/women, boat sig 7.......   UN        40

10(c)  "J4-X4"     500 fra  (1986)   woman/women, boat sig 8.......   UN        50

10(e)  "Q6-V7"    500 fra  (1986)   woman/women, boat sig 11.....   UN        35

11(a)  "N1-2"    1,000 fra  (1986)   woman/women sig 6.................   UN        70

11(c)  "N4-E6" 1,000 fra  (1994)   woman/women sig 8....... VG 4,  UN        40

12a.   "J1-P3"  5,000 fra  (1986)   couple/Djohr sig 6......................   UN      300

12b.  "R3-C4"  5,000 fra  (1994)   couple/Djohr sig 10...................   UN      280

13.                     2.500 fra  (1997)   women/sea turtle.......................   UN      380

14                    10,000 fra  (1997)   women with baskets..................   UN      350

17(a)                 2,000 fra  2005     mosque/village...........................   UN        20

18(a)                 5,000 fra  2006     /tree.............................................   UN        50

19(a)               10,000 fra  2006     /turtle, flowers.............................   UN        95


PICK#                                 *CONFEDERATE STATES of AMERICA*7

   Seceded 11 Southern States of USA 1861-1865

17                                5 $  1861     09.02;.................................. tape  G           40

19c    canc                  5 $  1861     09.02;"A16"......................... tape  VG        60

27a                            10 $  1861     09.02;..........................................   VF         90

31a                            20 $  1861     09.02;..........................................   VF      120

31a    canc               20 $  1861     09.02;..........................................   F           50

35                              50 $  1861     09.02;woman,sailors.................   VG        90

39                                1 $  1862     06.02;..........................................   F         100

45                            100 $  1862     11.05; no wmk.................... tape  VG        70

51f                               5 $  1862     12.02; 2 series...........................   F-          60

59      canc                 5 $  1863     04.06;"A"ser.2"August".............   F+         60

65b                              1 $  1864     02.17...........................................   F         120

67                                5 $  1864     02.17...........................................   VF-       60

68                              10 $  1864     02.17; no red unpt.....................   VF         90

69                              20 $  1864     02.17...........................................   VF+      70

70                              50 $  1864     02.17...........................................   VG+      45


PICK#                                 *****CONGO DR (ZAIRE)****3*

   Republic (Belgium Colony till 1960: Belgium Congo)

2                        1,000 fra  1962     .....................................................   F         100

4.                             20 fra  1962     07.15;girl.....................................   UN      220

4.                             20 fra  1962     09.15;girl.....................................   UN      220

5.                             50 fra  1962     04.01;lion........................ VF 50,  AU      200

6                           100 fra  1961     04.01;cranes..............................   XF+    120

6                           100 fra  1962     02.01;cranes........... VF(p/h) 40,  XF         80

6                           100 fra  1962     03.01;cranes..............................   VF+      60

6                           100 fra  1964     08.01;cranes......................... p/h  VF+      60

6     canc              100 fra  1964     punch"5-stars"cancelation........   AU        30

7                           500 fra  1961     12.01; mask................................   F           80

8                        1,000 fra  1961     12.15;Kasavubu.........................   VF         40

8.                       1,000 fra  1964     08.01;Kasavubu............ VF+60,  AU+    240

8     canc          1,000 fra  1964     punch"5-stars"cancelation........   AU        30

9                           10 mak  1967     01.02;Mobutu/............... VF+30,  XF+      60

9                           10 mak  1968     09.01;Mobutu/................... F 10,  VF+      30

9                           10 mak  1970     01.21;Mobutu.... VF 20,XF+60,  UN      160

10b                       20 mak  1970     10.01;Lumumba.........................   XF         90

11a                       50 mak  1970     01.21;Mobutu.............................   UN      400

11b                       50 mak  1970     10.01;Mobutu.............................   XF         90

12a                           1 zai  1967     01.02;Mobutu/................ VF 30,  AU+    180

12a                           1 zai  1968     09.01;Mobutu/............................   F           15

12b                           1 zai  1970     01.02;Mobutu/............................   VF+      45

13a                           5 zai  1967     01.02;Mobutu/building..............   VF         90

15                           10 zai  1971     Mobutu/....... VG+(trimmed) 30,  VF      100


16(e).                   50 mak  1977     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN        65

16(f)                     50 mak  1978     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN        50

17a                       50 mak  1979     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN        10

17b                       50 mak  1980     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN          8

18(c)                         1 zai  1975     05.20;Mobutu/factory................   UN        40

18(d)                        1 zai  1975     10.27;Mobutu/factory................   VF           6

18(f)                          1 zai  1977     10.27;Mobutu/factory................   UN        20

19(a)                        1 zai  1979     Mobutu/factory...........................   UN        10

19(b).                       1 zai  1979     Mobutu/factory...........................   UN        12

19(c)                         1 zai  1981     Mobutu/factory...........................   UN          7

21(e)                        5 zai  1977     Mobutu/dam; green....... AU 10,  UN        20

22a                           5 zai  1979     Mobutu/dam; blue......................   UN        12

22b.                          5 zai  1980     Mobutu/dam; blue......................   UN        15

23(c)                      10 zai  1975     Mobutu/arms; blue....................   F+         12

23(d)                      10 zai  1976     06.30;Mobutu/arms; blue..........   XF         35

23(f)                       10 zai  1977     Mobutu/arms; blue....................   UN        20

24a                         10 zai  1979     Mobutu/arms; green..................   UN        35

24b                         10 zai  1981     Mobutu/arms; green..................   UN        30

25a                         50 zai  1980     02.04; Mobutu/arms..................   UN        70

26                             5 zai  1982     Mobutu/dam;@GD....................   UN        12

26A                           5 zai  1985     Mobutu/dam;@HdMZ...............   UN          5

27                           10 zai  1982     Mobutu/arms;@GD...................   UN        12

27A                        10 zai  1985     Mobutu/arms;@HdMZ..............   UN          5

28a.                        50 zai  1982     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN        30

28b.                        50 zai  1985     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN        30

29a                       100 zai  1983     Mobutu/bank..............................   UN        25

29b                       100 zai  1985     Mobutu/bank..............................   UN        12

30b                       500 zai  1985     Mobutu, bridge...........................   UN        40

31                     1,000 zai  1985     Mobutu/building.........................   UN        25

32                           50 zai  1988     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN          5

33                         100 zai  1988     Mobutu/bank..............................   UN          5

34                         500 zai  1989     Mobutu/bridge............................   UN        10

35.                    1,000 zai  1989     Mobutu/.......................................   UN        50

36                     2,000 zai  1991     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN          5

37a                   5,000 zai  1988     Mobutu/factory...........................   G           10

37b                   5,000 zai  1988     Mobutu/factory...........................   UN        10

38                   10,000 zai  1989     Mobutu/buildings.......................   UN        12

39                   20,000 zai  1991     Mobutu/buildings.......................   UN          7

40                   50,000 zai  1991     Mobutu/gorillas..........................   UN        15

41                 100,000 zai  1992     Mobutu/building.........................   UN        10

42                 200,000 zai  1992     Mobutu/building.........................   UN        12

43                 500,000 zai  1992     Mobutu/dam...............................   UN        12

44              1,000,000 zai  1992     07.31;/bridge..............................   UN        18

45a.          1,000,000 zai  1993     05.17;/bridge; sig 8....................   UN        35

45b.          1,000,000 zai  1993     05.17;/bridge; sig 9....................   UN        25

45c            1,000,000 zai  1993     06.30;/bridge; sig 9....................   UN        15

46              5,000,000 zai  1992     Mobutu/factory...........................   UN        15

47                           1 n.lik  1993     Mobutu/monument....................   UN          4

48                       5 n.mak  1993     Mobutu/monument....................   UN          4

49                     10 n.mak  1993     Mobutu/factory...........................   UN          4

51                     50 n.mak  1993     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN          4

52                     1 new zai  1993     Mobutu/building.........................   UN          5

53a                   5 new zai  1993     Mobutu/building; sig 9...............   UN          5

54                  10 new zai  1993     Mobutu/building; @GD.............   UN        12

55                  10 new zai  1993     Mobutu/building; @HdMZ........   UN          5

56                  20 new zai  1993     Mobutu/building.........................   UN          7

57                  50 new zai  1993     Mobutu/dam...............................   UN          8

58a              100 new zai  1993     Mobutu/bridge; @GD................   UN        12

58A              100 new zai  1993     Mobutu/bridge; @HdMZ...........

59                  50 new zai  1994     Mobutu/dam...............................   UN        20

60.               100 new zai  1994     Mobutu/bridge............................   UN        15

61                200 new zai  1994     Mobutu/fishing; @HdMZ...........   UN          6

62                200 new zai  1994     Mobutu/fishing; @GD...............   UN          7

63                500 new zai  1994     @HdMZ, "M#A-C" "X#T-Y"......   UN        20

64                500 new zai  1994     @GD, "M#F-W".........................   UN        15

64A   "XA"        500 n zai  1994     @HdMZ, "XA"............................   UN        10

65                500 new zai  1995     Mobutu/fishing............................   UN          8

66             1,000 new zai  1995     Mobutu; @GD............................   UN        12

67.            1,000 new zai  1995     Mobutu; @HdMZ.......................   UN        14

68             5,000 new zai  1995     Mobutu; @GD............................   UN        20

69             5,000 new zai  1995     Mobutu; @HdNZ.......................   UN          9

70           10,000 new zai  1995     Mobutu; @GD............................   UN        15

71           10,000 new zai  1995     Mobutu; @HdMZ.......................   UN        20

72           20,000 new zai  1996     Mobutu; @GD............................   UN        20

72s  spec    20,000 n zai  1996     "SPECIMEN"; @GD..................   UN        30

73           20,000 new zai  1996     Mobutu; @HdNZ.......................   UN        20

74.          50,000 new zai  1996     Mobutu; @GD............................   UN        25

75           50,000 new zai  1996     Mobutu; @HdNZ.......................   UN        20

76         100,000 new zai  1996     Mobutu; @GD, orange.............   UN        16

77         100,000 new zai  1996     Mobutu; @HdMZ, orange.........   UN        16

77A      100,000 new zai  1996     Mobutu; @HdNZ, grey..............   UN        40

78         500,000 new zai  1996     Mobutu/family, canoe................   UN        25

79     1,000,000 new zai  1996     Mobutu/mine..............................   UN        30


80                            1 cen  1997     coffee picking/volcano..............   UN          4

81                            5 cen  1997     Suku mask/harp.........................   UN          4

82                         10 cen  1997     Pende mask/dancers................   UN          4

83                         20 cen  1997     antelope......................................   UN          4

84                         50 cen  1997     okapi;@GD.................................   UN        12

84A                       50 cen  1997     okapi;@ATB...............................   UN          6

84As  spec          50 cen  1997     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

87B                         10 fra  1997     sculpture;@HdM........................   UN        10

88A                         20 fra  1997     lion/lions;@HdM........................   UN        15

91A                         50 fra  2000     mask/village;@HdM..................   UN          5

92                         100 fra  2000     elephant/dam;@GD..................   UN          7

92A                       100 fra  2000     elephant/dam;@HdM................   UN          7

93.                          10 fra  2003     sculpture;@GD..........................   UN        10

94                           20 fra  2003     lion/lions;@HdM........................   UN          5

95.                        200 fra  2000     farming/;@GD............................   UN        12

96                         500 fra  2002     mining;@GD..............................   UN          7

96s    spec           500 fra  2002     SPECIMEN"...............................   UN        12

97.                          50 fra  2007     mask/village;@GD....................   UN          7

97s    spec             50 fra  2007     "SPECIMEN";@GD...................   UN        12

97A                         50 fra  2013     mask/village;@HdM..................   UN          5

98As  spec          100 fra  2007     "SPECIMEN";@GD...................   UN        12

99s     spec          200 fra  2007     "specimen";@GD......................   UN        12

101s   spec      1,000 fra  2005     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        30

102s   spec      5,000 fra  2005     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        30

103s   spec    10,000 fra  2006     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        35

104s   spec    20,000 fra  2006     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

   validation stamps(198-); province, region, community

                                            -Province Shaba (Katanga)

R4(e)                      10 zai  1977     stamp "Haut-Lomami"...............   F             8

                                            -Province Kasai Oriental

R3(e)                        5 zai  1977     stamp "Sedikoma/Lomela".......   VF         16

                                            -Province Kasai Occidental

R3(e)                        5 zai  1977     stamp "Mueka/Mueka"..............   XF         32

                                            -Province Bas Zaire (Kongo Central)

R3(e)                        5 zai  1977     stamp "Banana".........................   F             8

R3(e)                        5 zai  1977     stamp "Kasangulu"....................   VF-       16

R4(e)                      10 zai  1977     stamp "Kasangulu"....................   VF-       16

R4(e)                      10 zai  1977     stamp "Mbanza/Luozi"..............   XF         32

R4(e)                      10 zai  1977     stamp "Matadi"...........................   VF         16

R4(e)                      10 zai  1977     stamp "Etat Civil Matadi"..........   F             8

                                            -Province Bandundu

R3(e)                        5 zai  1977     stamp "Ngowa/Popokabaka"...   AU        64

                                            -Province Equateur

R3(e)                        5 zai  1977     stamp "Waka/Basankusu"........   XF         32

                                            -Province Haute-Zaire (Orientale)

R3(e)                        5 zai  1977     stamp "Monganzo/Basoko"......   VF         16


PICK#                                 *****CONGO***4c*

   Republic (French Colony till 1960; French Equatorial Africa)

3b.                     1,000 fra  (1974)   man/transport; sig J-N..............   UN      400

3c.                     1,000 fra  (1978)   man/transport; sig J-K...... G+8,  UN      240

3es.   spec       1,000 fra  1982     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      400

6a.                     5,000 fra  (1984)   woman, mask; sig OM-T..... p/h  AU+    200

7.                     10,000 fra  (1983)   woman/fruits, truck....................   UN      400

8(e)                       500 fra  1990     carving/carver............................   UN        24

8(f)                        500 fra  1991     carving/carver............................   UN        24

10(e).                1,000 fra  1991     map/elephant.............................   UN      100

11                      1,000 fra  1992     map/elephant.............................   UN        80


PICK#                                 *****COOK ISLANDS****3*

   free association with New Zealand

3                                  3 $  (1987)   Ina on shark/boat.......................   UN        12

4                                10 $  (1987)   Ina on shark/sculptures............   UN        35

5b     sig F                20 $  (1987)   Ina on shark/shell, drum...........   UN      200

3-5    pair    2x 3,10,20 $  (1992)   set uncut pair of 3 notes...........   UN      700

6       comm                3 $  1992     "Pacific Arts Festival"................   UN        12

7                                  3 $  (1992)   church/dancers..........................   UN          8

8                                10 $  (1992)   church/fauna, flora, view..........   UN        12

9                                20 $  (1992)   church/fauna, flora, boat...........   UN        20

10.                             50 $  (1992)   church/fauna, flora, boat...........   UN        50


5as     spec              20 $  (1987)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        70

9s       spec              20 $  (1992)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        70


PICK#                                 *****COSTA RICA****3*


142                           1 col  1905     10.01...........................................   G        150

146                           2 col  1910     11.01...........................................   F         900

147s   spec          50 cen  19--       "SPECIMEN"..............................   AU+    400

156                       25 cen  1919     07.25...........................................   VF+    240

190                           1 col  1943     06.23; ovpt.................... VG+75VF      200

195                           2 col  1936     11.05; ovpt..................................   VF      400

197a                         2 col  1940     02.07; ovpt..................................   VF+    400

201a                         2 col  1943     11.12...........................................   VF+      80

201c                         2 col  1942     12.10...........................................   F+         40

201d.                        2 col  1945     02.28.............................. VF+60,  UN      320

203b.                        2 col  1947     08.13...........................................   AU+    240

203b.                        2 col  1949     12.07...........................................   AU      160

203c                         2 col  1948     01.28...........................................   F           30

220b   "A"                5 col  1954     07.21...........................................   F           30

225b   "A"            500 col  1972     09.06...........................................   F         500

226c   "A"         1,000 col  1973     04.02............................. VF 120VF+    180

228.    "C"                5 col  1963     11.27.............................. VF+25,  UN      120

228.    "C"                5 col  1965     06.09...........................................   AU+      90

228     "C"                5 col  1967     05.29................................... G+4,  F             9

229.    "B"              10 col  1960     08.29...........................................   AU+    160

229.    "B"              10 col  1963     11.27...........................................   AU+    160

230.    "C"              10 col  1969     03.04................................. VG 4,  UN        96

230     "C"              10 col  1969     06.17...........................................   VG          4

230     "C"              10 col  1970     06.30...........................................   UN        80

231.    "B"              20 col  1965     06.09...........................................   UN      200

231.    "B"              20 col  1966     11.17...........................................   UN      200

231     "B"              20 col  1968     08.27...........................................   VF+      36

233a   "B"            100 col  1961     12.18...........................................   VF      240

234     "C"           100 col  1967     09.20...........................................   F+       160

234     "C"           100 col  1968     08.27...........................................   VF+    320

235                           2 col  1967     ovpt "Banco Central".... VF+24,  UN      120

236                           5 col  1970     06.30; Castro/scene..................   UN        16

236                           5 col  1972     05.08; Castro/scene..................   UN        16

236.                          5 col  1973     10.08; Castro/scene..................   UN        10

236                           5 col  1974     06.12; Castro/scene..................   AU-         6

236                           5 col  1976     05.04; Castro/scene..................   F             4

236.                          5 col  1978     01.30; Castro/scene..................   UN          7

236.                          5 col  1979     09.25; Castro/scene..................   UN          7

236                           5 col  1981     03.12; Castro/scene..................   UN          7

236.                          5 col  1981     05.14; Castro/scene..................   UN          7

236                           5 col  1983     04.07; Castro/scene..................   UN          7

236                           5 col  1985     10.02; Castro/scene..................   UN          7

236                           5 col  1986     04.02; Castro/scene..................   UN          7

236                           5 col  1989     10.04; Castro/scene..................   UN          7

236.                          5 col  1990     01.24; Castro/scene..................   UN          7

236                           5 col  1992     01.15; Castro/scene..................   UN          5

237.                        10 col  1972     09.06; Facio/bank......................   AU+      18

237.                        10 col  1974     06.12; Facio/bank......................   UN        24

237                         10 col  1977     04.26; Facio/bank......................   AU        12

237.                        10 col  1980     03.18; Facio/bank......................   UN        12

237.                        10 col  1981     03.12; Facio/bank......................   UN        12

237.                        10 col  1983     04.07; Facio/bank......................   UN        12

237.                        10 col  1985     10.02; Facio/bank......................   AU          6

237                         10 col  1986     04.02; Facio/bank......................   UN        10

238                         20 col  1973     07.11; Gonzalez/justice............   UN        24

238.                        20 col  1977     04.26; Gonzalez/justice............   UN        24

238.                        20 col  1980     04.28; Gonzalez/justice............   UN        20

238.                        20 col  1982     07.08; Gonzalez/justice............   AU        10

239                         50 col  1974     06.24; Peralta/............................   UN        50

240                       100 col  1974     06.12; Jimenez/court.................   UN        80

241     comm           5 col  1971     "Independence".............. VF 10,  UN        80

244.    comm      100 col  1971     "Independence 1821-1971".....   UN      700

247     comm           5 col  1975     "Central Bank 1950-1975"........   UN        70

248.                     100 col  1982     07.08;..........................................   UN        30

248.                     100 col  1984     08.28;..........................................   UN        30

248                       100 col  1987     02.18;..........................................   UN        30

248                       100 col  1988     11.09;..........................................   UN        30

249.                     500 col  1982     05.18;..........................................   UN      120

251.                        50 col  1978     10.30;..........................................   UN        70

251                         50 col  1981     04.02;..........................................   UN        70

251.                        50 col  1982     05.18;..........................................   UN        60

251                         50 col  1984     11.22;..........................................   AU        30

252     tyvek          20 col  1983     TYVEK, ser "Z"............... VF 30,  XF         60

253     "E"              50 col  1987     07.15;..........................................   UN        15

253     "E"              50 col  1988     04.26;..........................................   UN        15

254     "F"            100 col  1989     10.04;................................. XF 5,  UN        20

254     "F"            100 col  1990     09.05;..........................................   UN        20

255     "C"           500 col  1987     07.21;..........................................   UN        50

255.    "C"           500 col  1989     06.14;..........................................   UN        50

257.    "E"              50 col  1991     06.19;..........................................   UN        12

257.    "E"              50 col  1992     07.29;..........................................   UN        12

257     "E"              50 col  1993     07.07;..........................................   UN          6

258.    "G"           100 col  1992     06.17;..........................................   UN        32

259.    "C"        1,000 col  1990     10.03;..........................................   UN        60

259.    "C"        1,000 col  1994     04.20;..........................................   UN        60

259.    "C"        1,000 col  1994     06.15;..........................................   UN        60

259     "C"        1,000 col  1994     10.10;..........................................   UN        50

260.    "A"        5,000 col  1992     07.29/fauna, flora......................   UN      260

260     "A"        5,000 col  1994     05.04/fauna, flora......................   XF+      90

261     "H"           100 col  1993     Jimenez/court.............................   UN          5

262     "D"           500 col  1994     Gutierrez/theatre........................   UN        20

264a   "D"        1,000 col  1997     Guell/bank..................................   VF+         4

264c   "D"        1,000 col  1999     Guell/bank..................................   UN          6

264d   "D"        1,000 col  2003     Guell/bank..................................   UN          6

264e  "D"         1,000 col  2004     Guell/bank..................................   UN          6

265a   "A"        2,000 col  1997     /shark, dolphin............................   UN        15

265d   "A"        2,000 col  2003     /shark, dolphin............................   UN        15

265e   "A"        2,000 col  2005     /shark, dolphin............................   UN        15

267a   "A"      10,000 col  1997     /Jaguar, Puma...........................   UN        60

267b   "A"      10,000 col  2002     /Jaguar, Puma...........................   UN        60

267e   "A"      10,000 col  2007     /Jaguar, Puma...........................   UN        60

268A   "C"        5,000 col  1999     /fauna, flora................................   UN        30

274a                 1,000 col  2009     Carrillo Colina/dear....................   UN          6

275b                 2,000 col  2009     Fernandez Acuna/shark...........   UN        10

276a                 5,000 col  2009     Gonzalez Flores/monkey..........   UN        25

276b                 5,000 col  2012     Gonzalez Flores/monkey..........   F           10

277a               10,000 col  2009     Gonzalez Flores/monkey..........   VF         25

278a               20,000 col  2009     Carvajal/hummingbird...............   UN        80

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            Banco Anglo Costarricense

s121r    rema          1 col  1917     no sig; remainder.......................   XF+      40

s122r    rema          5 col  19--       no sig; remainder.......................   UN        60

s123r    rema        10 col  19--       no sig; remainder.......................   UN        60

                                            Banco de Costa Rica

s164r    rema       10 pes  1899     waterfall; no sig; remainder......   UN        90

s165r    rema       20 pes  1899     ship; no sig; remainder.............   UN      130

s173r    rema          5 col  (1901)   women; no sig; remainder........   UN        60

s174r    rema        10 col  (1901)   women; no sig; remainder........   UN        70


PICK#                                 *****CROATIA****3*

   German occupation WW2

1                         50 kuna  1941     ........................................... F+12,  VF+      24

2                       100 kuna  1941     .......................................... VF+8,  UN        40

3                       500 kuna  1941     ............................................ F 14,  VF+      40

4                    1,000 kuna  1941     woman/mountains............ XF 9,  UN        35

5b                       10 kuna  1941     serie 2 letters.................... VF 6,  UN        45

6a                        50 bani  1942     arms, serie 1 letter.....................   UN        45

6b.                       50 bani  1942     arms, serie 2 letters...................   UN        40

7b                         1 kuna  1942     arms; serie 2 letters............ F 4,  UN        35

8a.                        2 kuna  1942     arms; serie 1 letter.....................   AU+      30

NL                         3 kuna  (1942)   State Treasure Tax note...........   AU      120

9a.                      20 kuna  1944     unissued.....................................   AU      150

11                     100 kuna  1943     /mother child...............................   UN      120

12                 1,000 kuna  1943     frieze/women.................... XF 9,  UN        30

13                 5,000 kuna  1943     01.09; /couple................ AU 20,  UN        40

14                 5,000 kuna  1943     07.15; woman............................   UN        55

   Republic (after collapse of Yugoslavia)

16                             1 din  1991     Boskovic/Zagreb cathedral......   UN          4

17                             5 din  1991     Boskovic/Zagreb cathedral......   UN          4

18                          10 din  1991     Boskovic/Zagreb cathedral......   UN          4

19a                        25 din  1991     Boskovic/Zagreb cathedral......   UN          4

19b                        25 din  1991     wmk "5" inverted........................   UN        35

20                        100 din  1991     Boskovic/Zagreb cathedral......   UN          5

21                        500 din  1991     Boskovic/Zagreb........................   UN        45

22.                    1,000 din  1991     Boskovic/Zagreb................. F 4,  UN        55

23                     2,000 din  1992     Boskovic/sculpture....................   UN          8

24                     5,000 din  1992     Boskovic/sculpture....................   UN        15

25                   10,000 din  1992     Boskovic/sculpture....................   UN        20

26                   50,000 din  1993     Boskovic/sculpture....................   UN          5

27                 100,000 din  1993     Boskovic/sculpture....................   UN          5

28                           5 kun  1993     /castle Varazdin.........................   UN        15

30                         20 kun  1993     Jelacic/castle Vukovar..............   UN        30

34                       500 kun  1993     Marulic/palace Split...................   UN      300

35                    1,000 kun  1993     Starcevic/Kg Tomislav..............   UN      600

36                         10 kun  1995     Dobrila/arena Pula........... XF 4,  UN        15

37                           5 kun  2001     /castle Varazdin.........................   UN          6

38a                       10 kun  2001     Dobrila/arena Pula........... XF 4,  UN        12

38b.                      10 kun  2012     Dobrila/arena Pula.....................   UN        12

39                         20 kun  2001     Jelacic/castle Vukovar..............   UN        16

40.                        50 kun  2002     Gundulic/city Dubrovnik............   UN        35

41a                     100 kun  2002     Mazuranic/church Rijeka..........   UN        60

42a.                    200 kun  2002     Radic/city Osijek........................   UN      120

42b.                    200 kun  2012     Radic/city Osijek........................   UN      120

43     comm         10 kun  2004     "Bank of Croatia 10 years".......   UN        14

44     comm         20 kun  2014     "Bank of Croatia 20 years".......   UN        16


28     proof             5 kun  1993     front +back (2 pieces)...............   UN        12

30     proof           20 kun  1993     front +back (2 pieces)...............   UN        12

31     proof           50 kun  1993     front (1 piece).............................   UN          6

33     proof         200 kun  1993     front +back (2 pieces)...............   UN        12

34     proof         500 kun  1993     front +back (2 pieces)...............   UN        12

    Serbian Republic of Kraina, Knin

R1.                         10 din  1992     arms/arms...................................   UN        12

R2                          50 din  1992     arms/arms...................................   UN        15

R3                        100 din  1992     arms/arms......................... VF 4,  UN        25

R6                    5,000 din  1992     arms/arms...................... VF+15,  XF         20

R7.                 10,000 din  1992     arms/arms........................ F+12,  UN      120

R8.                 50,000 din  1992     arms/arms...................................   AU        60

R9.               100,000 din  1992     arms/arms...................................   AU        60

R10                 1,000,000  1993     arms/arms....................... XF 50,  UN      200

R11.                5,000,000  1993     arms/arms......................... XF 4,  AU        10

R12               10,000,000  1993     arms/arms......................... XF 4,  UN        12

R13               20,000,000  1993     arms/arms...................................   UN        20

R14               50,000,000  1993     arms/arms......................... XF 4,  UN        20

R15             100,000,000  1993     arms/arms......................... XF 4,  UN        20

R16             500,000,000  1993     arms/arms......................... XF 4,  UN        15

R17         1,000,000,000  1993     arms/arms......................... XF 4,  UN        18

R18.        5,000,000,000  1993     arms/arms...................................   XF           8

R18         5,000,000,000  1993     arms/arms; no#..........................   UN        35

R19       10,000,000,000  1993     arms/arms........................ VF+4,  UN        35

R20                         5,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R21                       50,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R22                    100,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R23                    500,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R24                 5,000,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R25             100,000,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R26             500,000,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R27         5,000,000,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN        15

R28       10,000,000,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN        18

R29       50,000,000,000  1993     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN        16

R30                  1,000 din  1994     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R31                10,000 din  1994     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R32              500,000 din  1994     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          6

R33          1,000,000 din  1994     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN          7

R34.       10,000,000 din  1994     Knin fortress/arms.....................   UN        40

   *Austro-Hungarian banknotes; Croatia handstamp validation(1919)

    #1-5 stamp quality; #1-poor, #3-good, #5-very good

    zupa=county; kotari=district; carinski=custom; porezni=tax

                                            -Bakar,Hrv.Slav.Dalm.Carinski Ured(custom)oval

1a                        100 kor  *1912    Bakar,Carinski Ured............. #3  F           30

                                            -Bakar,Kr.Porezni Ured(tax office)oval

1c                         100 kor  *1912    Bakar,Porezni Ured.............. #5  VG        50

                                            -Belovar,Veliki Zupan(county)oval

2                           100 kor  *1912    Belovar,Veliki Zupan............ #2  VF         25

                                            -Belovar,Kr.Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

2d                           50 kor  *1914    Belovar,Kotarska Oblast...... #3  VF         30


2e                        100 kor  *1912    Bjelovar,Financ Ravna......... #4  VG-       30

                                            -Bjelovar,Predsjednictvo Financ.Ravnateljstvo

2h                        100 kor  *1912    Bjelovar,Preds.Fin.Rava...... #4  F           30

                                            -Bjelovar,Zupanijska Oblast(county)oval

2k                         100 kor  *1912    Bjelovar,Zupanijska.Obl....... #2  VG        20

                                            -Brod,Kr.Kotarska Oblast(district)oval 36mm

4f                            50 kor  *1914    Brod,Kotarska Obl(small)..... #2  VG        25

                                            -Brod,Kr.Kotarska Oblast(district)oval 40mm

4g                           50 kor  *1914    Brod,Kotarska obl(big)......... #2  F           25

                                            -Budjanovci(Srem,now Serbia)),poglavarstvo

NL                          20 kor  *1913    Budjanovci(Srem)................. #2  VG        40

                                            -Cakovec,Kotarska Oblast SHS(district)round

7a                        100 kor  *1912    Cakovec,Kotarska obl SHS. #4  VF         50

                                            -Cakovec,Kotarska Oblast SHS(district)oval

7b                           20 kor  *1912    Cakovec,Kotarska Obl SHS #1  VG+      15

7b                        100 kor  *1912    Cakovec,Kotarska obl SHS. #3  VG        35

                                            -Cazma,Kotarska Oblast(district)round

8                       1,000 kor  *1902    Cazma,Kotarska Oblast....... #5  VG        50

                                            -Daruvar,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval 42mm

11c                           2 kor  *1917    Daruvar,Kotarska Oblast...... #1  F           15

                                            -Daruvar,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval 39mm

11c                       100 kor  *1912    Daruvar,Kotarska Oblast...... #5  VG        40

                                            -Delnice,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

12a                           2 kor  *1917    Delnice,Kotarska Oblast...... #2  VG        15

                                            -Garesnica,Porezni Ured(tax office)round

18c                         50 kor  *1914    Garesnica,Porezni Ured....... #4  VG        35

                                            -Gjurgjevac,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

19b                      100 kor  *1912    Gjurgjevac,Kotarska Obl...... #4  VG        35

                                            -Glina,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

20c                         20 kor  *1913    Glina,Kotarska Oblast.......... #2  VG        20

                                            -Gospic,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval 36mm

21c                         50 kor  *1914    Gospic,Kotarska Oblast....... #4  VG        40

                                            -Gracac,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

22b                         50 kor  *1914    Gracac,Kotarska Oblast....... #1  VG        10

                                            -Grubisnopolje,Kotarska Oblast(district)text

23b                      100 kor  *1912    Grubisnopolje,Kotarska........ #2  VG        20

23b                   1,000 kor  *1914    Grubisnopolje,Kotarska........ #4  XF         50

                                            -Imotski,Porezni Ured(tax office)round

25A                        50 kor  *1914    Imotski,Porezni Ured............ #5  F           80

                                            -Kapela Nova-Batrina(community)text

27A                          1 kor  *1916    Kapela Nova-Batrina............ #2  VG        20

27A                          2 kor  *1917    Kapela Nova-Batrina............ #2  VG        20

                                            -Karlovac,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

28j                        100 kor  *1912    Karlovac,Kotarska Obl......... #2  VG        25


28                        100 kor  *1912    Karlovac,Carinara................. #4  VG        40

                                            -Karlovac,Porezni Ured Slob(tax office)round

28                        100 kor  *1912    Karlovac,Porezni Ured......... #4  VG        50

                                            -Klanjec,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

29a                         50 kor  *1914    Klanjec,Kotarska Obl............ #2  VG        25

                                            -Koprivnica,Kotarska Oblast(district)text

30d                      100 kor  *1912    Koprivnica,Kotarska Obl...... #4  F           40

                                            -Koprivnica,Poglavarstvo Slob Grada(city)oval

30g                      100 kor  *1912    Koprivnica,Grad(city)............ #3  F           30

                                            -Kutina,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

37a                         10 kor  *1915    Kutina,Kotarska Obl.............. #4  F-          40

                                            -Ludberg,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

38a                   1,000 kor  *1914    Ludberg,Kotarska Oblast..... #3  VF         40

                                            -Nasice,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

42a                      100 kor  *1912    Nasica,Kotarska Oblast....... #4  F           40

                                            -Nasice,Kr.Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

42d                      100 kor  *1912    Nasice,Kr.Kotarska Obl........ #3  G           20

                                            -Nova Gradiska,Kotarska Oblast(district)text

43d                      100 kor  *1912    Nova Gradiska,Kotarska...... #4  G           25

                                            -Novi Marof,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

45                        100 kor  *1912    Novi Marof,Kotarska Obl...... #1  VG        15

                                            -Ogulin,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

47d                   1,000 kor  *1914    Ogulin,Kotarska Oblast........ #5  VF+      50

                                            -Ogulin,Zupanijska Oblast(county)oval

47g                      100 kor  *1912    Ogulin,Zupanijska Obl.......... #1  VG        15

                                            -Osijek,Poglavarstvo Slob.i Kr.Grada(city)oval

49ad                      50 kor  *1914    Osijek,Grad(city)................... #3  F           30

                                            -Osiek,Zupanijska Oblast(county)oval

49ak                         1 kor  *1916    Osiek,Zupanijska oblast....... #3  F           25

49ak                         2 kor  *1917    Osiek,Zupanijska Oblast...... #2  VG        15

                                            -Osijek,Financ.Ravnateljstvo 50(state)round

49                        100 kor  *1912    Osijek,Financ.Ravit 50......... #2  VG        20

                                            -Osiek, ?(counterfeit)text

49x coun                 2 kor  *1917    Osiek,"niespravna"............... #2  VG        10

                                            -Otocac,Hrv.Slav.Dalm.Porezni U(tax office)oval

51b                         20 kor  *1913    Otocac,Porezni Ured............ #2  F           25

                                            -Petrinja,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

54b                   1,000 kor  *1914    Petrinja,Kotarska Oblast...... #4  XF         40

                                            -Ruma,Kr.Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

62c                           2 kor  *1917    Ruma,Kr.Kotarska Oblast.... #2  AU        30

                                            -Ruma,Kr.Porezni ured(tax office)round

62                             1 kor  *1916    Ruma,KR Porezni Ured....... #4  VG+      40

                                            -Samobor,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

63b                         20 kor  *1913    Samobor,Kotarska Oblast... #2  VG        20

                                            -Sisak,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

65                     1,000 kor  *1902    Sisak,Kotarska Oblast.......... #4  AU        70

                                            -Slatina,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

66c                       100 kor  *1912    Slatina,Kotarska Oblast........ #4  VG        25

                                            -Slunj,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

67a                      100 kor  *1912    Slunj,Kotarska Oblast........... #4  VF         40

                                            -Slunj,Kr.Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

67b                      100 kor  *1912    Slunj,KR Kotarska Oblast.... #3  VF         30

                                            -Stara Pazova,Prebiljegovano Kr.Kot.Oblast,text

69f                            2 kor  *1917    Stara Pazova,Pred.Kotari.... #3  VG        25

                                            -Susak,Hrv.Slav.Dalm.Porezni U(tax office)oval

74a                      100 kor  *1912    Susak,Porezni Ured.............. #4  F           35

                                            -Susak,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

74b                         50 kor  *1914    Susak,Kotarska Oblast......... #4  VG+      30

74b                   1,000 kor  *1902    Susak,Kotarska Oblast......... #3  VG        30

                                            -Varazdin 88,Zapov.Pucko-Ustask(military)round

80                        100 kor  *1912    Varazdin,Pucko-Ustasko..... #3  VG        30

                                            -Velika Gorica,Kr.Kotarska Oblast(district)oval

81a                   1,000 kor  *1902    Velika Gorica,Kotarska......... #3  VG-       25

                                            -Velika Gorica,Predstojnistvo.Kotarske(district)

81c                       100 kor  *1912    Velika Gorica,Pred.Kotar..... #3  F           35

                                            -Vukovar,Porezni Ured(tax office)small oval

92                        100 kor  *1912    Vukovar,Porezni Ured.......... #2  VG        20

                                            -Zagreb,Financijsko Ravnateljstvo 1(state)round

93f                            1 kor  *1916    Zagreb,Financ.Ravnat-1...... #2  AU        20

93f                          20 kor  *1913    Zagreb,Financ.Ravnat-1...... #3  VG        25

93f                          50 kor  *1914    Zagreb,Financ.Ravnat-1...... #3  VG+      30

93f                       100 kor  *1912    Zagreb,Financ.Ravnat-1...... #3  VG        30

                                            -Zagreb,Financijsko Ravnateljstvo 2(state)round

93g                      100 kor  *1912    Zagreb,Financ.Ravnat-2...... #5  VF         40

93g                   1,000 kor  *1902    Zagreb,Financ.Ravnat-2...... #4  XF         50

                                            -Zagreb,Gradsko Poglavarstvo(city)round

93z                       100 kor  *1912    Zagreb,Gradsko Poglavar... #2  F           20

                                            -Zagreb,Hrv.Slav.Zem.Blagajna(land office)oval

93aa                    100 kor  *1912    Zagreb,Zem.Blagajna........... #2  VG        20

                                            -Zagreb,Hrv.Slav.Drzavna Blagajna(state)oval

93ac                    100 kor  *1912    Zagreb,Drzavna Blagajna.... #2  G+        15

                                            -Zagreb,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval 34mm

93ae                      50 kor  *1914    Zagreb,Kotarska Oblast....... #3  F           30

                                            -Zagreb,Kotarska Oblast(district)oval 44mm

93                        100 kor  *1912    Zagreb,Kotarska Oblast....... #3  F           40

                                            -Zagreb,Hr.Slav.Dalm.Porezni U(tax office)oval

93al                     100 kor  *1912    Zagreb,Porezni Ured............ #2  VG        15

                                            -Zagreb,Prebiljegovano Zem.Blagajna,square

93ao                    100 kor  *1912    Zagreb,Zem.Blagajna........... #3  F           30

                                            -Zagreb,Glavna Carinara(custom)oval

93                        100 kor  *1912    Zagreb,Glavna Carinara...... #2  VG        20

                                            -Zemun,Gradsko Poglavarstvo(city)oval

94d                      100 kor  *1912    Zemun,Gradsko Poglava..... #4  VG-       30

                                            -Zemun,Kr.Hrv.Slav.Dalm Glavna Carinara,round

94f                          50 kor  *1914    Zemun,Glavna Carinara....... #2  VG        20

                                            -Zupanja, Solara(solar factory) text

96d                      100 kor  *1912    Zupanja,Solara...................... #3  F           30

                                            -Vlada Narodnog Vijeca SHS za Dalmacjiu,text

97k                       100 kor  *1912    Dalmatia,Vlada Vijeca.......... #4  VG        40

                                            Hrv.Lovacko Drustvo SHS(hunting society)round

97                     1,000 kor  *1902    Hrv.Lovacko Drustvo SHS... #2  XF         30

                                            -Savez Trgovackih Namjestenika,Hrvatske Slavo

                               50 kor  *1914    Savez Trgovackih Namjes... #2  VG        25

                                            Niespravna(counterfeit stamp)

coun                         2 kor  *1917    "neispravna"counterfeit........ #3  F           10

  *Austro-Hungarian banknotes;Dalmatia handstamp validation(1919)

   in Croatian and Italian; kotarski sud=district court

2a                           20 kor  *1913    Budva,Kotarski Sud.............. #2  VG        25

4a                        100 kor  *1912    Dubrovnik,Kotarski Sud....... #3  VF         40

6a                        100 kor  *1912    Imotski,Kotarski Sud............. #4  F           50

15                             1 kor  *1916    Sinj,Kotarski Sud................... #2  VG        20

17a                      100 kor  *1912    San Pietro,Kotarski Sud....... #3  F           40

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Osijek, Frankov Tiskarski Zavod

NL     psm               10 fil  (1919)   stamp money.............................   XF      150

NL     psm               20 fil  (1919)   stamp money.............................   XF      150

NL     psm               50 fil  (1919)   stamp money.............................   XF      150

                                            -Varazdin, VIS -Varazdinska Industria

NL                            5 din  199?     Vis konfekcija, blue...................   AU          6

NL                          10 din  199?     Vis konfekcija, blue...................   AU          6

NL                          50 din  199?     Vis konfekcija, blue...................   AU          8

NL                            5 din  199?     Vis tkanine, brown.....................   AU          6

NL                          10 din  199?     Vis tkanine, brown.....................   AU          6

                                            -Zagreb, city

NL                            10 fil  1919     Zagreb............................... VF-9,  XF-       20

NL                            20 fil  1919     Zagreb............................... VF-6,  AU        25

NL                            50 fil  1919     Zagreb............................. VG+4,  AU        30

NL                         50 ban  1942     Zagreb.........................................   AU        35

NL                           1 kun  1942     Zagreb............................. VF 10,  AU        40

NL                           2 kun  1942     Zagreb.........................................   VF         20

                                            -Zagreb, Centar za Ucenje, Stranih Jezika

NL                        100 din  199?     Centar Ucenje,novcani bon......   AU          8

NL                        200 din  199?     Centar Ucenje,novcani bon......   AU          8

NL                        500 din  199?     Centar Ucenje,novcani bon......   AU          9

NL                    1,000 din  199?     Centar Ucenje,novcani bon......   AU          9


NL                        100 din  199?     "Lotscak".....................................   VF           8

                                            -Zagreb,"Robni Magazin"

NL                        500 din  1987     "TRO Robni Magazin"...............   AU        12

NL                    1,000 din  1987     "TRO Robni Magazin"...............   AU        12

NL     canc          100 din  1990     "Robni Magazin"........................   AU          7

                                            -Zagreb, OVP Zagreb, RZ Zajednicke Sluzbe

NL                          30 din  199?     OVP Zagreb...............................   XF           7

                                            -Croatian Republic -propaganda private issue

NL(1)                 1 banica  1990     Zagorka/......................................   UN          8

NL(2)                 2 banica  1990     Tomislav/....................................   UN          8

NL(4)               10 banica  1990     Radic/..........................................   UN        12

NL(5)               20 banica  1990     Dubrovnik/..................................   UN        15

NL(6)               50 banica  1990     Gubec/........................................   UN        18

NL(7)            100 banica  1990     horseman....................................   UN        20

                                            -Red Cross,

NL                         6 chits  1969-    2003; 6 chits............... lot#1000  XF         30


PICK#                                 *****CUBA****3*

   Spanish Colony

27a                          1 pes  1872     06.15; woman/Columbus.........   F         400

29a                          5 cen  1872     .....................................................   F-          30

29b.                        5 cen  1876     .....................................................   F           30

29d                          5 cen  1883     .....................................................   VF+      90

30a                       10 cen  1872     .....................................................   VF+    105

30b                       10 cen  1876     .....................................................   VF         70

30d                       10 cen  1883     ............................................ F 35,  VF+    105

40b     rema         10 pes  1891     remainder no signatures...........   VF    2000

44b     rema         10 pes  1891     remainder no signatures...........   P         120

45a.                        5 cen  1896     ................................... G 4, VG 6,  AU        40

46a                       50 cen  1896     .....................................................   VG          5

46b                       50 cen  1896     ovpt "PLATA".............................   F-          40

47a                          1 pes  1896     arms/Qn Isabella................. F 4,  UN        45

47b                          1 pes  1896     ovpt "PLATA".............................   F+         40

48b                          5 pes  1896     woman/"PLATA"............ XF 20,  AU+      60

49d                        10 pes  1896     ovpt "PLATA".............................   AU+      90

50a                        50 pes  1896     ....................................... trimmed  VF      250

50b                        50 pes  1896     ovpt "PLATA".............................   F           60

52.                        10 cen  1897     arms/harvesting cane...............   UN        70

53                         20 cen  1897     arms/harvesting cane......... F 4,  UN        50

*"Welcome 1898-1938" 472 sets issued in 40 year of Independence War

*"Rare historic souvenir of Cuba, Spanish paper money collection"

*46-9        0.5,1,5,10 pes  1896     souvenir booklet 4 notes..........   F         100

   Revolution 1868-1876

54                         50 cen  1869     ........................................... F+45,  VF         60

55a.                         1 pes  1869     ........................................ VG 14,  AU+    320

56a                          5 pes  1869     .....................................................   F+       140

61.                           1 pes  1869     Junta C. Republicana...............   AU+    800

62.                           5 pes  1869     Junta C. Republicana...............   UN   3200


69a                          1 pes  1934     Marti/arms...................................   F           40

69b                          1 pes  1936     Marti/arms...................................   P             6

69c                          1 pes  1936A  Marti/arms...................... VG 30,  F+         90

69d                          1 pes  1938     Marti/arms........................... G 9,  F           40

69e                          1 pes  1943     Marti/arms...................................   F           40

69f                           1 pes  1945     Marti/arms...................................   F-          40

69g                          1 pes  1948     Marti/arms...................... VG 20,  VF         80

69h                          1 pes  1949     Marti/arms........................ F+70,  XF+    300

70a                          5 pes  1934     Gomez/arms...............................   F-          90

70d                          5 pes  1938     Gomez/arms..................... F-80,  F+       140

70e                          5 pes  1943     Gomez/arms...............................   F-          80

71d                        10 pes  1938     Cespedes/arms.........................   F-        100

71e                        10 pes  1943     Cespedes/arms............ VG+75,  VF      200

71f                         10 pes  1945     Cespedes/arms.........................   VG+      75

72e                        20 pes  1943     Maceo/arms...............................   F-        200

77a                          1 pes  1949     Marti/arms......................... VG 4,  XF         12

77b                          1 pes  1960     Marti/arms...................................   UN        50

77s2     spec          1 pes  1960     specimen "MUESTRA".............   AU+    450

NL(77)                vignette  ABNC   engraved "J Marti"...... lot#1371  UN        40

78a                          5 pes  1949     Gomez/arms..................... VG 6,  VF+      36

78b.                         5 pes  1950     Gomez/arms...............................   UN      200

79a                        10 pes  1949     Cespedes/arms.........................   VG          4

79b                        10 pes  1960     Cespedes/arms.............. XF 12,  UN        45

80a                        20 pes  1949     Maceo/arms......................... F 4,  VF           8

80b                        20 pes  1958     Maceo/arms.................... XF 12,  UN        50

80c                        20 pes  1960     Maceo/arms; sig Che......... F 4,  UN        50

81a                        50 pes  1950     Iniguez/arms...............................   UN        80

81b                        50 pes  1958     Iniguez/arms...............................   UN        50

81c                        50 pes  1960     Iniguez/arms; sig Che...............   UN        90

82a                     100 pes  1950     Aguilera/arms................. VF 15,  UN      120

82b                     100 pes  1954     Aguilera/arms................. VF 10,  UN        80

82c                      100 pes  1958     Aguilera/arms.............................   XF+      50

83                       500 pes  1950     Betancourt/arms........................   VF+    250

84.                   1,000 pes  1950     Palma/................. VF 40, XF 80,  UN      320

86        comm         1 pes  1953     "Jose Marti manifesto"..... F 24,  XF+    150

87a.                         1 pes  1956     Marti/.............................. VF+10,  UN        60

87b.                         1 pes  1957     Marti/.............................. VF+10,  UN        60

88b.                      10 pes  1958     Cespedes/cows................ VF 8,  UN        60

88c                        10 pes  1960     Cespedes; sig Che......... VF+9,  UN        50

90.                           1 pes  1959     Marti/farm, factory............. F+8,  XF+      30

91a.                         5 pes  1958     Gomez/workers............. XF+22,  UN        60

91a      repl             5 pes  1958     replacement; star note "*".........   F         150

91c                          5 pes  1960     Gomez/workers; sig Che..........   UN        60

91s1    spec           5 pes  1958     "SPECIMEN"..............................   AU+    400

92                            5 pes  1960     Gomez/arms..................... VF 5,  UN        40

93                       100 pes  1959     Aguilera/arms.................. VF+5,  UN        30

98.                         50 pes  1961     /nationalization sig Che.. XF 80  UN      320

102(a).                    1 pes  1967     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN        15

102(c)                     1 pes  1969     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN        10

102(d).                    1 pes  1970     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN        10

102(e).                    1 pes  1972     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN        10

102(g)                     1 pes  1979     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          8

102(h)                     1 pes  1980     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          8

102(i)                      1 pes  1981     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          8

102(k).                    1 pes  1985     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          8

102(l)                      1 pes  1986     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          6

102(m)                    1 pes  1988     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          5

103(e).                    5 pes  1984     Maceo/invasion 1958................   UN        26

103(h).                    5 pes  1987     Maceo/invasion 1958................   UN        25

103(j).                     5 pes  1990     Maceo/invasion 1958................   UN        20

104(f).                   10 pes  1978     Gomez/demonstration..............   UN        40

105(a)                   20 pes  1971     Cienfuegos/troops 1956...........   UN        30

105(f)                    20 pes  1989     Cienfuegos/troops 1956...........   UN        30

105(g)                   20 pes  1990     Cienfuegos/troops 1956...........   UN        30

106.     comm         1 pes  1975     "Nationalization"............... VF 6,  UN        50

107(c).                    3 pes  1985     Che Guevara/.............................   UN        25

107(e)                     3 pes  1988     Che Guevara/.............................   UN        15

107(f)                      3 pes  1989     Che Guevara/.............................   UN        12

108.                         5 pes  1991     Maceo/patriots...........................   UN        20

108.     repl             5 pes  1991     replacement"EX01"...................   UN        50

110                        20 pes  1991     Cienfuegos/farming...................   UN        18

111.                      50 pes  1990     Garcia Iniguez/hospital.............   UN        45

112                          1 pes  1995     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          5

113.                         3 pes  1995     Che Guevara..............................   UN        12

116(a)                     5 pes  1997     Maceo/patriots...........................   UN          6

116(e)                     5 pes  2002     Maceo/patriots...........................   UN          6

116(i)                      5 pes  2006     Maceo/patriots...........................   UN          6

116(j).                     5 pes  2007     Maceo/patriots...........................   UN          6

116(k).                    5 pes  2011     Maceo/patriots...........................   UN          6

117(a)                   10 pes  1997     Gomez/weapons.......................   UN        12

117(e)                   10 pes  2002     Gomez/weapons.......................   UN        10

117(h).                  10 pes  2005     Gomez/weapons.......................   UN        10

118c                      20 pes  2001     Cienfuegos/farming...................   UN        22

118d                     20 pes  2002     Cienfuegos/farming...................   UN        20

119a.                    50 pes  1998     Garcia Iniguez/hospital.............   UN        60

121b                        1 pes  2002     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          5

121c                        1 pes  2003     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          5

122c.                    20 pes  2006     Cienfuegos/farming...................   UN        15

122d                     20 pes  2007     Cienfuegos/farming...................   UN        12

122e.                    20 pes  2008     Cienfuegos/farming...................   UN        12

123d.                    50 pes  2007     Gomez Iniguez/hospital............   UN        35

123i.                      50 pes  2014     Gomez Iniguez/hospital............   UN        30

127a.   comm        3 pes  2004     "Che Guevara"...........................   UN          8

127b.   comm        3 pes  2005     "Che Guevara"...........................   UN          8

128b.                      1 pes  2007     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          5

128d.                      1 pes  2009     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          5

128e                        1 pes  2010     Marti/Castro in Havana.............   UN          4

129d.                  100 pes  2008     Cespedes/..................................   UN        40

129.                    100 pes  2021     Cespedes/..................................   UN        20

   Foreign Exchange Certificates

FX1      "A"             1 pes  (1985)   arms/fort San Salvador.............   UN          5

FX2      "A"             3 pes  (1985)   arms/fort San Pedro..................   UN          8

FX3      "A"             5 pes  (1985)   arms/fort Los Tres Reyes.........   UN        20

FX4      "A"           10 pes  (1985)   /fort Los Tres Reyes...... AU 20,  UN        30

FX5      "A"           20 pes  (1985)   /fort Real Fuerza........... VF+10,  UN        40

FX6      "B"             1 pes  (1985)   arms/fort San Salvador.............   UN          4

FX7      "B"             5 pes  (1985)   arms/fort Los Tres Reyes.........   UN          8

FX8      "B"           10 pes  (1985)   arms/fort Nuestra Senora.........   UN        12

FX9      "B"           20 pes  (1985)   arms/fort Real Fuerza...............   UN        20

FX11    "C"             1 pes  ND        "FH" round "C"...........................   UN          6

FX12    "C"             3 pes  ND        "FF" round "C"............................   UN          8

FX13    "C"             5 pes  ND        "FE" round "C"...........................   UN        12

FX20.   "C"             3 pes  ND        "EF" narrow "C".........................   UN        60

FX22    "C"           10 pes  ND        "ED" narrow "C".........................   UN        12

FX23    "C"           20 pes  ND        "EC" narrow "C".........................   UN        12

FX24    "C"           50 pes  ND        "EB" narrow "C".........................   UN        12

FX25    "C"        100 pes  ND        "EA" narrow "C".........................   UN        15

FX32    "D"             1 pes  ND        "FE" narrow "D".........................   UN          5

FX33    "D"             3 pes  ND        "FD" narrow "D".........................   UN          5

FX34    "D"             5 pes  ND        "FC" narrow "D"................ XF 4,  UN          6

FX35    "D"           10 pes  ND        "FB" narrow "D"................ VF 4,  UN        12

FX36    "D"           20 pes  ND        "FA" narrow "D"................ XF 4,  UN        14

FX37                       1 pes  1994     monument Jose Marti...............   UN        12

FX37s                     1 pes  1994     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

FX41                     20 pes  1994     monument Cienfuegos.............   VF         30

FX41s                   20 pes  1994     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

FX46                       1 pes  2013     monument Jose Marti...............   UN          5

FX50                     20 pes  2008     monument Cienfuegos....... F 6,  VF+      18


102      spec           1 pes  1968     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          6

102      spec           1 pes  1969     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          6

102      spec           1 pes  1970     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN-         6

102      spec           1 pes  1978     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN          6

102      spec           1 pes  1980     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN-         5

102      spec           1 pes  1982     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          4

102      spec           1 pes  1985     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          4

102      spec           1 pes  1988     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          3

103      spec           5 pes  1970     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          5

103      spec           5 pes  1972     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          7

103      spec           5 pes  1985     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          5

103      spec           5 pes  1986     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          6

103      spec           5 pes  1987     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          5

103      spec           5 pes  1988     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          8

104      spec         10 pes  1969     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          8

104      spec         10 pes  1970     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          8

104      spec         10 pes  1971     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          8

104      spec         10 pes  1978     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN          8

104      spec         10 pes  1983     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          8

104      spec         10 pes  1984     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          8

104      spec         10 pes  1988     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN          7

105      spec         20 pes  1971     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        12

105      spec         20 pes  1978     "ESPECIMEN"...........................   UN        15

105      spec         20 pes  1983     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN        12

105      spec         20 pes  1987     "MUESTRA"...............................   UN        12

106      spec           1 pes  1975     "SPECIMEN"................... comm  UN        10

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Guerilla Notes "Movimiento 26 de Julio"

NL                         10 pes  ND        troops/solder; sig F Castro.......   AU-       25

NL      no#      1,000 pes  ND        troops/solder; sig F Castro.......   XF-     200

                                            -Mariano and Havana Electric Railway Company

specimen                ticket  ND        ABNC"SPECIMEN"...................   AU+    100

                                            -Ministerium of Agriculture

NL        0.60,1,10,20 pes  1995-    1998; Cubacafe.......... lot#1007  VF+      40

                                            -Ministerium of Industry

NL              4 hours work  1964     11; voluntary work.....................   VF+      40

NL            24 hours work  1965     10; voluntary work.....................   VF+      60

                                            -Circulo Internacional de los Marinos

NL                  5 centavos  ND        Int. Seamen's Club....................   VF-       30

                                            -Bono de la Productividad XIII Congreso CTC

NL              5 hours work  1972     11.04; bono 5 horas..................   VF+      40

                                            -Sigler Advertising, Mariano, Columbia(Havana)

NL     unis            25 pes  1927     Sigler, Mariano........... lot#1351  XF         40

   Lottery Tickets

lottery                     lottery  1830     real loteria...................................   XF         10

lottery                     lottery  1866     real loteria............................ tear  VF         10

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            5% bond 1905, Republic of Cuba, Havana

bond                   100 pes  1905     5% Republic of Cuba..... bs#29  XF         50

                                            Banco Territorial de Cuba, Havana

bond   canc          accion  1911     action beneficiara........... bs#30  XF         50

                                            Empresa del Ferro-Carril Guantanamo, Santiago

share   canc      100 pes  1877     Rail-R Guantanamo....... bs#31  XF         50

share   canc      100 pes  1882     Rail-R Guantanamo....... bs#32  XF         50


PICK#                                 *****CURACAO****3*

   Netherlands Colony (Netherlands Antilles from 1962)

25                             5 gul  1943     ........................................... G 30,  VG        60

35a                           1 gul  1942     Mercury/arms.... VG 10, VF 40,  XF         80

35b                           1 gul  1947     Mercury/arms................. VG 15,  F+         45

36                       2.50 gul  1942     port/arms........................ VG 25,  F+         75

38                             5 gul  1954     Curacao/arms............................   F         100


PICK#                                 *****CYPRUS****3*

   British Colony

20                             1 shi  1942     05.01; George VI.......................   VF      250

20                             1 shi  1946     11.01; George VI........... VG-40,  VF      200

20                             1 shi  1947     04.30; George VI.......................   VG        50

20                             1 shi  1947     08.25; George VI.......................   VG-       40

21                             2 shi  1940     05.29; George VI.......................   VG+   120

21                             2 shi  1947     08.25; George VI.............. stain  VF+    400

22                             5 shi  1947     07.28; George VI.......................   F         200

22                             5 shi  1950     01.31; George VI.......................   F         200

24                           1 pou  1949     09.01; George VI.......................   VG+   300

28.                          3 pen  1943     06.18; George VI.......................   AU+    300

29                             5 shi  1952     02.01; George VI.......................   VG+   200

35                           1 pou  1955     QEII.............................................   F         500

   Republic (from 1960)

37                         250 mil  1961     oranges/mine.............................   F+         70

39                           1 pou  1961     arms/Bekir Pasha aqueduct.....   VF      120

41                         250 mil  1968     oranges/mine..................... tape  P             5

41.                        250 mil  1973     oranges/mine.................... F 12,  UN      200

41                         250 mil  1974     oranges/Skouriotissa mine.......   UN      150

41.                        250 mil  1975     oranges/mine................... VG 5,  UN      150

41.                        250 mil  1976     oranges/Skouriotissa mine.......   UN      150

41                         250 mil  1979     oranges/Skouriotissa mine.......   UN      120

41.                        250 mil  1981     oranges/Skouriotissa mine.......   UN      120

41                         250 mil  1982     oranges/Skouriotissa mine.......   UN      120

42.                        500 mil  1973     arms/road...................................   UN      300

42                         500 mil  1974     arms/road...................................   UN      250

42                         500 mil  1979     arms/road...................................   UN        95

43                           1 pou  1976     arms/Bekir Pasha aqueduct.....   F+         20

43                           1 pou  1978     arms/Bekir Pasha aqueduct.....   UN      220

44                           5 pou  1973     arms/................ damage border  VG        25

44                           5 pou  1974     arms/...........................................   VF      100

46                           1 pou  1979     Nymph/Abbey ruins...................   UN        90

47                           5 pou  1979     sculpture/theatre........... VF+65,  UN      350

48                         10 pou  1982     sculpture/birds............................   VF+      90

48                         10 pou  1985     sculpture/birds............................   VF         60

49.                        50 cen  1983     woman/dam................................   UN        80

49                         50 cen  1984     woman/dam................................   UN        60

50.                          1 pou  1982     02.01;Nymph/Abbey ruins........   UN        80

50.                          1 pou  1985     Nymph/Abbey ruins...................   UN        80

52.                        50 cen  1987     woman/dam................................   UN        35

52                         50 cen  1989     woman/dam................................   UN        25

53.                          1 pou  1987     Nymph/Abbey ruins...................   UN        80

53                           1 pou  1989     Nymph/Abbey ruins....... AU 30,  UN        60

53                           1 pou  1992     Nymph/Abbey ruins...................   UN        50

53.                          1 pou  1993     Nymph/Abbey ruins...................   UN        50

53.                          1 pou  1994     Nymph/Abbey ruins...................   UN        50

55b.                      10 pou  1992     sculpture/birds............................   UN      400

55c.                      10 pou  1995     sculpture/birds............................   UN      250

56a.    error         20 pou  1992     Aphrodite/old boat.....................   UN      600

57.                          1 pou  1997     02.01;girl/pottery........................   UN        40

58                           5 pou  1997     02.01;sculpture/church.............   UN        90

59                         10 pou  1997     02.01;Aphrodite/fauna, flora.....   UN      200

60a                         1 pou  1997     10.01;girl/pottery........................   UN        12

60b                         1 pou  1998     12.01;girl/pottery........................   UN        12

60c                          1 pou  2001     02.01;girl/pottery........................   UN        10

60d                         1 pou  2004     girl/pottery......................... VF 4,  UN          7

61a.                        5 pou  2001     sculpture/church................ F+7,  UN        70

61b                         5 pou  2003     sculpture/church........................   UN        60

62c.                      10 pou  2001     Aphrodite/fauna, flora...............   UN      180

62e                       10 pou  2005     Aphrodite/fauna, flora...............   UN        90

63a.                      20 pou  1997     10.01;Aphrodite/old boat..........   UN      300

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

  -AMP Gold Certificate, Convertible Warehouse Receipt for bearer

NL                1 gram gold  2011     11.10;cancelled..........................   UN        10

NL              10 gram gold  2011     11.10;cancelled..........................   UN        10

NL            100 gram gold  2011     11.10;cancelled..........................   UN        10


PICK#                                 *****CZECHOSLOVAKIA***3c*

   Republic (in 1993, divided into Czech and Slovakia)

1       coun             10 kor  1915     forged stamp.................. VG 25,  VF+      70

2                             20 kor  1913     stamp(1919)...............................   F+         40

4                           100 kor  1912     stamp(1919)................... VF 40,  UN      180

4       coun           100 kor  1912     forged stamp..............................   VG        35

5                       1,000 kor  1902     stamp(1919).................. VG-25,  F 100../banknotes-gallery/czechoslovakia-5-1069.JPG

6                               1 kor  1919     /arms................................. VG 4,  XF+      35

7                               5 kor  1919     women.................. VG 12, F 50,  VF      100

15                             5 kor  1921     Komensky/arms......................... VG        30

20                           10 kor  1927     serie "N".............................. G 4,  VF+      35

21                           20 kor  1926     Stefanik/Rasin................... F 10,  UN      150

46b                           5 kor  1944     Russian issue...................... F 4,  XF         10

47                           20 kor  1944     Russian issue.............................   F             4

48                        100 kor  1944     Russian issue.............................   XF         50

51.                       100 kor  1940     Slovakia +stamp(1945).............   AU+    120

59                             5 kor  (1945)   /arms....................... VF 4, AU 8,  UN        15

60                           10 kor  (1945)   /arms...........................................   VF+         4

61.                          20 kor  (1945)   Havlicek......................................   XF+      20

62                           50 kor  (1945)   Stefanik........................... VF 20,  VF+      30

63.                       100 kor  (1945)   Masaryk/Prague........................   AU        64

65.                    1,000 kor  (1945)   Podebrad/castle... F 15, VF 30,  UN      240

69                           10 kor  1950     serie "A-Z"..................................   XF           7

74c    "C"         1,000 kor  1945     girl/arms......................................   AU+    100

73                        500 kor  1946     Kollar/lake "Ha"..........................   VF+      75

*78x   prop              1 kor  1953     propaganda "Hunger Koruna...   VG+      40

 *western propaganda "Hunger Koruna - gift from Soviet Union..."

79a                           3 kor  1953     /arms...........................................   UN          6

79b                           3 kor  1953     /arms.................................. XF 4,  UN          6

80b                           5 kor  1953     /arms...........................................   UN          6

81a                           3 kor  1961     /arms..................................... F 4,  UN          6

82a.                          5 kor  1961     /arms...........................................   UN          8

82b                           5 kor  1961     /arms...........................................   UN          6

83a.                       10 kor  1953     /arms; "CN".................................   UN        10

83b                         10 kor  1953     /arms...........................................   UN          6

84a.                       25 kor  1953     Zizka/Tabor................................   UN        15

84b                         25 kor  1953     Zizka/Tabor................................   UN        12

85b                         50 kor  1953     soldiers/Banska Bystrica..........   UN        12

86a.                     100 kor  1953     workers/Prague..........................   UN        25

86b                      100 kor  1953     workers/Prague..........................   UN        15

87                           25 kor  1958     Zizka/Tabor........................... "S"  UN        30

88c.    "E"              10 kor  1960     girls/dam........................... "E13"  UN        30

89b.    "Q"             25 kor  1961     Zizka/Tabor.......................... "Q"  UN        35

90b     "G"             50 kor  1964     soldiers/refinery................... "G"  F             5

91e     "P"           100 kor  1961     couple/Praha bridge............ "P"  UN        35

91j      "X"            100 kor  1961     couple/Praha bridge............ "X"  F             4

91k     "G"           100 kor  1961     couple/Praha bridge............ "G"  UN        35

92a     "F"              20 kor  1970     Ziska/procession.................. "F"  UN        20

92b     "H"             20 kor  1970     Ziska/procession.................. "H"  VF           4

93b     "W"          500 kor  1973     soldiers/................................ "W"  F+           5

93c     "Z"            500 kor  1973     soldiers/......................... F 4; "Z"  VF+      10

94a     "J"              10 kor  1986     Hviezdoslav/Orava "J"..... XF 4,  UN        12

95b     "H"             20 kor  1988     Komensky/............................ "H"  VF           4

96a     "F"              50 kor  1987     Stur/................................... VF 4,  XF           5

97       "A"           100 kor  1989     Gottwald/Hradcany........... F+ 4,  UN        25

98a     "C"        1,000 kor  1985     Smetana/Vysehrad....................   F             4

   Promotional Notes -Czech State Security Printing Office

prom        Alfons Mucha  ND        ...................................... lot#1037  UN        40

   Foreign Exchange Certificates

FX55                  0.50 kor  1986     "TUZEX".....................................   VG          4

FX64                        1 kor  1989     "TUZEX".....................................   VF           5

   Specimens (perforated "SPECIMEN", "NEPLATNE" or "S" or 3 dots)

19s     spec      5,000 kor  1920     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+    120

20s     spec           10 kor  1927     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   VF+      30

21s     spec           20 kor  1926     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      30

22s.    spec           50 kor  1929     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      50

23s.    spec         100 kor  1931     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU-       50

24s.    spec         500 kor  1929     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   VF+      30

45s     spec             1 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+        5

46s     spec             5 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+        7

47s     spec           20 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+        9

48s     spec         100 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      20

49s     spec         500 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      25

49s     spec         500 kor  1944     perforated 2x"SPECIMEN".......   AU+      25

50s     spec        1,00 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   VF+      20

51s     spec         100 kor  1940     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      25

52s     spec         100 kor  1940     perf "SPECIMEN" issue-2........   AU+      25

53s     spec         100 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      25

54s     spec         500 kor  1941     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      50

55s.    spec         500 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      30

55s     spec         500 kor  1944     perforated 2x"SPECIMEN".......   AU+      30

56s.    spec      1,000 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      80

57s     spec      1,000 kor  1944     perforated "SPECIMEN"...........   AU+      40

57s     spec      1,000 kor  1944     perforated 2x"SPECIMEN".......   AU+      40

61s     spec           20 kor  (1945)   perforated 3 dots.......................   AU+      15

68s.    spec             5 kor  1949     perforated 3 dots.......................   AU+      10

69s     spec           10 kor  1950     perforated 3 dots.......................   AU+      10

69s.    spec           10 kor  1950     perforated "S".............................   AU+      25

73s     spec         500 kor  1946     perforated "S"................ ser "A"  AU+    110

74s.    spec      1,000 kor  1946     perforated 3 dots.......................   AU+      35

83s.    spec           10 kor  1953     perforated 3 dots.......................   AU+      10

86s.    spec         100 kor  1953     perforated 3 dots.......................   AU+      20

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Asch(As), city

NL                          10 kro  1919     .....................................................   AU        36

NL      unis            10 kro  1919     unissued no #.............................   XF         20

                                            -Aussig(Usti nad Labem), city

NL                            1 kro  1918     .....................................................   AU        10

NL                          10 kro  1918     .....................................................   XF+      10

NL                          20 kro  1918     .....................................................   AU        10

NL                            1 kro  1918     no #.............................................   AU        10

NL                            2 kro  1918     no #.............................................   AU        10

NL                          10 kro  1918     no #.............................................   AU        12

NL                          20 kro  1918     no #.............................................   VF         15

                                            -Bodenbach and Tetschen. (Benesov, Decin..)

NL                            5 kro  1919     ............................................ XF 6,  AU        15

NL                          10 kro  1919     ............................................ VF 5,  AU        20

                                            -Braunau(Broumov), Fischer, Spiske, Schubert

NL                            3 kre  1849     .....................................................   VG-       55

NL                          10 kre  1849     .....................................................   VG        65

                                            -Gablonz /N(Jabloniec), city

NL                          20 kor  1918     .....................................................   F           20

NL                        100 kor  1918     .....................................................   AU        35

                                            -Georswalde etc.(Georgswalde), city

NL                            1 kor  1918     .....................................................   AU        20

NL                          10 kor  1918     .....................................................   AU        40

NL                          50 kor  1918     .....................................................   XF         40

                                            -Graslitz(Kraslice), region

NL                            1 kro  1918     ............................................ VF 4,  AU        15

NL                          10 kro  1918     ............................................ VF 4,  AU        20

NL                          10 kro  1918     no #.............................................   VF-       12

NL                          50 kro  1918     ............................................ VF 5,  AU        30

                                            -Gross-Schonau(Velky Senov), city

NL                            1 kor  1914     ......................................... VG 10,  VF         25

                                            -Hupolec, city

NL                          10 hal  (1914)   oval..............................................   VF         50

NL                            1 kor  1914     08.05...........................................   F+         40

                                            -Jauernig(Javornik), city

NL                          10 hal  1919     .....................................................   F           20

NL                          20 hal  1919     .....................................................   VF         20

NL                          50 hal  1919     .....................................................   VG        15

                                            -Jindrichuv Hradec, Savings Bank

NL     canc            10 hal  (1914)   cancelled....................................   AU        60

                                            -Kamenice nad Lipou

NL                            1 kro  1914     08.15-1914.11.15......................   VF+      50

NL                          50 hal  1915     03.15-1915.06.15......................   VF+      30

                                            -Karlsbad(Karlovy Vary), city

NL                            5 kro  1918     .....................................................   AU        20

NL                          10 kro  1918     .....................................................   AU        20

NL                          20 kro  1918     .....................................................   AU        25

                                            -Klatovy, Rosenbaum and Perells

NL     canc               1 kor  1914     unissued.....................................   AU        40

                                            -Klattau(Klatovy), AP Wollner

NL                            5 kre  1849     .....................................................   VG        25

NL                          10 kre  1849     .....................................................   F           35

                                            -Komotau(Komotau), region

NL                            5 kro  1918     .....................................................   AU        25

NL                          20 kro  1918     .....................................................   XF         20

NL                          20 kro  1918     blue ovpt "arms" and sig...........   VF+      20

                                            -Mahr. Schonberg(Sumperk), city

NL                          10 hal  1914     08.10...........................................   VF+      25

NL                            1 kor  1914     08.10; #4-digit............................   F+         25

NL                          10 hal  1919     10.31...........................................   F-          20

NL                          50 hal  1919     10.31...........................................   F-          20

NL                            1 kro  1919     10.31.................................. VF 8,  AU        40

                                            -Mahr. Schonberg(Sumperk),Mineralolraffinerie

NL     unis             50 hal  1914     08.11; unissued.........................   AU        40

NL     canc               1 kro  1914     08.11...........................................   AU        40

                                            -Milevsko, city

NL                            1 kro  (1914)   with embossed stamp, #...........   AU        55

                                            -Nemecky Brod, Savings Bank

NL     canc               1 kor  (1914)   cancelled....................................   F+         30

                                            -Neveklov, Savings Bank

NL                            1 kor  1914     #721............................................   VF      120

                                            -Opocno, city

NL                            1 kro  (1914)   .....................................................   VF         30

NL     canc               1 kro  (1914)   cancelled....................................   VF         25

                                            -Pacov, city "Okresni Hospod"

NL     canc               1 kor  1914     green; cancelled........................   VF+      30

                                            -Reichenberg(Liberec), city

NL                          10 kro  1918     .............................................. F 4,  VF         10

NL                          20 kro  1918     ............................................ VF 4,  VF+      10

NL                        100 kro  1918     .....................................................   VF         15

                                            -Reichenberg(Liberec), tramway

NL     psm             10 hel  (1920)   post stamp money.....................   VF           8

                                            -Reichenberg(Liberec),International Messe

NL                          10 hal  1922     ........................................... VG 4,  VF           8

NL                          50 hal  1922     ............................................ VF 4,  AU        10

NL                            1 kor  1922     ............................................ VF 4,  AU+      10

                                            -Rumburg(Rumburk), city

NL                          10 hal  1918     .....................................................   AU        20

NL                          50 hal  1918     .....................................................   AU        20

NL                          10 kor  1918     .....................................................   VF         20

NL                          20 kor  1918     .....................................................   VF         20

                                            -Schlag/Gablonz(Jablonecke Paseky), Kramer, L.

NL                          20 hal  (1916)   .....................................................   XF         30

                                            -Tetschen(Decin), Tetschner Rentamte

NL     unis             10 kre  (1848)   unissued.....................................   AU        75

                                            -Trebic, city

NL                          10 hal  (1914)   ........................................... F+10,  AU        60

NL                          20 hal  (1914)   ............................................ F-10,  VF+      25

NL                          50 hal  1914     08(serpn) "A"..............................   VF+      20

NL                            1 kor  1914     08(serpn)....................................   VG+      15

NL                            1 kro  1914     09(zari) "C"........................ F 10,  VF         25

NL                            2 kro  1914     09(zari) "C".................... XF+20,  AU+      50

NL                            5 kro  1914     09(zari) "C".................................   VF+      30

                                            -Trebic, J.H Subrak and Shone

NL     canc               2 kor  (1914)   counterfoil, "bezahlt".................   AU        40

                                            -Usti, city

NL                          50 hal  1915     .....................................................   VF-       25

                                            -Velke Hamry

NL                            1 kro  1914     .....................................................   XF         20

                                            -Warnsdorf(Varnsdorf), city

NL                          10 kro  1918     .....................................................   VF+      25

NL                          20 kro  1918     .....................................................   VF+      30

                                            -Weipert(Vejprty), city

NL                            5 kro  1918     .....................................................   AU        15

NL                          20 kro  1918     .....................................................   VF         35

NL                        100 kro  1918     .....................................................   VF+      70

NL                     1,000 kro  1918     .....................................................   XF      200

                                            -Wiesenberg and Zoptau(Locna and Sobotin)

NL                            5 kre  1848     unissued.....................................   XF+      50

NL                          10 kre  1848     .....................................................   VG-       40

   Prisoners notes 196-ties -198-ties

                                            -Jachymovske Doly(uranium mine) prison money

NL                     100 (kor)  ND        Horni Slavkov; orange..............   AU      120

                                            -Taborova Poukazka, prison money

NL                            1 hal  ND        Jachymov; Karlove Vary...........   F           30

NL                          10 hal  ND        Valdice........................................   VG        20

NL                          25 hal  ND        Vlnacice......................................   F           20

NL                            1 kor  ND        Katmanlce?................................   F           20

NL                            1 kor  ND        Banska Bystrica.........................   F           20

NL                            1 kor  ND        Vinarice.......................................   VF         25

NL                            3 kor  ND        Banska Bystrica.........................   F           20

NL                            3 kor  ND        Dubnice?....................................   F           20

NL                            3 kor  ND        Vinarice.......................................   F           20

NL                            5 kor  ND        Banska Bystrica.........................   F           20

NL                            5 kor  ND        Vinarice.......................................   F           20

NL                          10 kor  ND        Banska Bystrica.........................   VF-       25

NL                          10 kor  ND        Vinarice.......................................   VF         40

                                            -Ustavni Poukazka, Napravne Vychovy

NL                          50 hal  1981     Praha...........................................   VF         20

NL                            1 kor  1981     Hradec Kralove..........................   VF         20

NL                            5 kor  1981     Belusice......................................   VF-       20

NL                            5 kor  1981     Brno.............................................   VF         20

NL                          20 kor  1981     Horni Slavkov.............................   VG+      10

NL                        100 kor  1981     Horni Slavkov.............................   VG        15

NL                            1 kor  1981     no stamp.....................................   UN        10

NL                            2 kor  1981     no stamp.....................................   UN        10

NL                            5 kor  1981     no stamp.....................................   UN        10

NL                          20 kor  1981     no stamp.....................................   UN        15

NL                          50 kor  1981     no stamp.....................................   UN        20

NL                        100 kor  1981     no stamp.....................................   UN        25

      -Sbor Napravne Vychovy, Poukazka na odber vystroje (penitentiary

      institution, clothes' voucher, prison's notes for clothes 196- -198-ties)

NL                        25 (kor)  1973     .....................................................   VF+      10

NL                     100 (kor)  1973     .....................................................   VF+      15

                                            -Ministerstwo Vnitra, Poukazka na odber vystroje

                                            (Ministry of Internal Affairs, clothes' voucher)

NL                          1 (kor)  ND        .....................................................   UN        10

NL                          1 (kor)  ND        stamp "C"(Czech)......................   XF         10

NL                          3 (kor)  ND        .....................................................   UN        15

NL                          5 (kor)  ND        .....................................................   UN        20

NL                        10 (kor)  ND        .......................................... VF+4,  UN        20

NL                        10 (kor)  ND        stamp "C"(Czech)......................   XF         15

NL                        25 (kor)  ND        .....................................................   UN        20

NL                        50 (kor)  ND        stamp "C"(Czech)........... VF+4,  UN        25

NL                     100 (kor)  ND        stamp "C"(Czech)......................   F+         25

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

bond   canc     5,000 kor  ND        4.5% Zemska Banka...... bs#59  VF+      40


PICK#                                 *****CZECHIA***3c*

   Republic (after division of Czechoslovakia in 1993)

1j        "X"            100 kor  1961     "100"(1993)........................... "X"  F             5

1k       "G"           100 kor  1961     "100"(1993)................ VF 6; "G"  UN        40

1l.       "M"           100 kor  1961     "100"(1993)............ XF+40, "M"  UN        95

2a.      "U"           500 kor  1973     "500"(1993).......................... "U"  UN        80

2c.      "Z"            500 kor  1973     "500"(1993)........................... "Z"  UN      100

3a.      "C"        1,000 kor  1985     adhesive"1000"(1993)........ "C"  UN      200

3b       "U"        1,000 kor  1985     printed"1000"(1993)............ "U"  UN      170

4         "A"              50 kor  1993     St Agnes/initial, arms.......... "A"  UN        40

5.        "A"            100 kor  1993     Kg Karel IV........................... "A"  UN        60

6a       "A48"       200 kor  1993     Komensky security "Kcs". "A48  UN      100

6a       "A24"       200 kor  1993     Komensky security "Kcs". "A24  XF         25

10a.    "A"              20 kor  1994     Kg Otakar/crown.................. "A"  UN        20

10b.    "B"              20 kor  1994     Kg Otakar/crown.................. "B"  UN        20

11       "B"              50 kor  1994     St Agnes/initial............ F+4, "B"  UN        40

12       "B"           100 kor  1994     Kg Karel IV........................... "B"  UN        70

13       "B"           200 kor  1996     Komensky............................. "B"  UN      130

15c     "E"        1,000 kor  1996     Palacky/eagle....................... "E"  UN      120

15d.    "F"        1,000 kor  1996     Palacky/eagle....................... "F"  UN      120

16.      "A"        2,000 kor  1996     Destinnova/"music".............. "A"  UN      400

17a     "C"             50 kor  1997     St Agnes/initial............ VF 4 "C"  UN        20

17b     "D"             50 kor  1997     St Agnes/initial, arms.......... "D"  UN        12

17c     "E"              50 kor  1997     St Agnes/initial, arms.......... "E"  UN        12

18a     "C"           100 kor  1997     Kg Karel IV........................... "C"  UN        20

18b     "D"           100 kor  1997     Kg Karel IV........................... "D"  UN        15

18c     "E"            100 kor  1997     Kg Karel IV........................... "E"  UN        15

19e     "G"           200 kor  1998     Komensky............................. "G"  UN        25

20a     "C"           500 kor  1997     Nemcova/allegory................ "C"  UN        95

20a     "D"           500 kor  1997     Nemcova/allegory................ "D"  UN        60

22.      "B"        2,000 kor  1999     Destinnova/"music".............. "B"  UN      200

24a.    "E"           500 kor  2009     Nemcova/allegory................ "E"  UN        40

26b.    "D"        2,000 kor  2007     Destinnova/"music"............. "D"  UN      150


PICK#                                 *****DAHOMEY*****

   French Colony till 1960


PICK#                                 *****DANISH WEST INDIES***3c*

   Danish Colony till 1917 (now USA -Virgin Islands)

4r.       rema             10 $  1849     with 3 signatures........................   AU+ 3000


PICK#                                 *****DANZIG***3c*

   Free City 1919-1939 (Germany till 1919, after 1945 Gdansk, Poland)

5.                              10 pf  1916     12.09...........................................   UN      150

6.                              50 pf  1916     12.09...........................................   UN      150

11                             50 pf  1919     50/church, violet........................   UN        70

12                             50 pf  1919     50/church, green.......... AU+75,  UN      100

13.                        100 mk  1922     church/........... VG 25, VF+ 150AU+    600

14                         500 mk  1922     arms, city hall/old port...............   VF      200

15                     1,000 mk  1922     arms, ship/view................... tear  VF-     200

17                   10,000 mk  1923     buildings/arsenal........................   F         250

18                   10,000 mk  1923     Holbein/buildings.......................   VF      120

20                   50,000 mk  1923     brown............................ VF 140VF+    200

24              1,000,000 mk  1923     Chodowiecki/gate....... XF+200UN      500

25a          10,000,000 mk  1923     Hevelius/city; "A"........................   VF+    120

25b          10,000,000 mk  1923     Hevelius/city...............................   F+         80

26            10,000,000 mk  1923     Hevelius; unpt upside down.....   VF+    120

27b       100,000,000 mk  1923     09.22...........................................   F+       150

28a       500,000,000 mk  1923     Schopenhauer/city....................   XF+    600

28b       500,000,000 mk  1923     Schopenhauer/city....................   VF      300

31a                 10 Mrd mk  1923     10.11...........................................   AU      800

63                          20 gul  1937     /Neptun........................ ink stain  VF      300

Ger#174 souv         2 mk  1937     stamp "..Danzig"......... lot#1104  VG        25

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Neuteich(Nowy Staw) city in Free City Danzig

NL                            10 pf  1919     04.01; back plain.......................   AU        50

NL                            50 pf  1920     06.02...........................................   AU        40

                                            -Zoppot(Sopot) city in Free City Danzig

NL                 100 Mio mk  1923     09.28...........................................   XF         60

   ***Danzig Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            8% Mortgage Bond, in English +German, Danzig

bond                    250 gul  1925     =10 English pounds....... bs#60  XF      150

bond                    500 gul  1925     =20 English pounds....... bs#61  XF      200

bond                  1250 gul  1925     =50 English pounds....... bs#62  XF      250

                                            4% Landesbank Danzig, Danzig

bond                    100 mk  1941     issue-2, cancelled........... bs#33  VF         12

bond                    200 mk  1941     issue-2, cancelled........... bs#34  VF         12

bond                    500 mk  1941     issue-3, cancelled........... bs#35  VF         12

bond                 1,000 mk  1941     issue-3, cancelled........... bs#36  VF         12

bond                 5,000 mk  1941     issue-2, cancelled........... bs#37  VF         15

                                            4.5% Landesbank Danzig, Danzig

bond                    500 mk  1941     issue-1, cancelled........... bs#38  VF         15

                                            4% Landesbank Danzig(communal bond),Danzig

bond                    500 mk  1941     issue-3, cancelled........... bs#39  VF         12

bond                 1,000 mk  1941     issue-3, cancelled........... bs#40  VF         12

bond                 5,000 mk  1941     issue-3, cancelled........... bs#41  VF         15


PICK#                                 *****DENMARK***3c*


A28                           1 rig  1795     .....................................................   F+       700

A28                           1 rig  1804     .....................................................   F+       700

A32                       100 rig  1798     Rigsdaler Courant....... repaired  G+    5000

A40                           8 ski  1809     .....................................................   VG+   300

A41                         12 ski  1809     ........................................... G 70,  F         300

A53                           1 rig  1819     ........................................ G+160,  F         500

10a                           1 kro  1914     red; #6-digit................... VG+30,  F+         60

10b                           1 kro  1914     red; #7-digit.................... VG 25,  VF      120

11                             1 kro  1914     red...............................................   VF         70

12                             1 kro  1916     no serie.......................................   XF         30

12                             1 kro  1916     serie "A"......................................   XF         30

12                             1 kro  1916     serie "B"............................. F 10,  VF         20

12                             1 kro  1916     serie "C"......................................   F           15

12                             1 kro  1918     serie "C"......................................   VF      200

12                             1 kro  1918     serie "E".......................... VF 20,  XF         40

12                             1 kro  1918     serie "G"......................................   AU+      95

12                             1 kro  1918     serie "I"........................................   VF+      30

12                             1 kro  1918     serie "K"......................................   XF         40

12                             1 kro  1918     serie "L".......................... VF+30,  AU        90

12                             1 kro  1918     serie "M".....................................   VF         25

12                             1 kro  1920     serie "S"......................................   VF+      30

12                             1 kro  1920     serie "O"......................................   VG          7

12                             1 kro  1921     serie "2B"............................. pen  F           15

12.                            1 kro  1921     serie "2G"...................................   AU+      95

20                             5 kro  1926     serie "F"......................................   VG      100

21h                         10 kro  1919     serie "E"......................................   VG      100

22n                         10 kro  1922     serie "H".......................... VG 90,  F         200

25                             5 kro  1935     serie "C"......................................   VG        60

25                             5 kro  1935     serie "D"......................................   VF      200

26                           10 kro  1930     no serie.......................................   G           25

26                           10 kro  1933     serie "D"......................................   VG+      40

26                           10 kro  1934     serie "G"......................................   F+       150

26                           10 kro  1935     serie "G"......................................   F+         50

26                           10 kro  1935     serie "H"......................................   F+         50

30                             5 kro  1939     serie "F"......................................   F+         25

30.                            5 kro  1943     ........................................... VG 6,  UN      200

31                           10 kro  1937     ......................................... VG 10,  VF         40

31                           10 kro  1939     serie "Q"......................................   VG        10

31                           10 kro  1941     .....................................................   G             5

31.                          10 kro  1942     .....................................................   UN      200

31.                          10 kro  1943     ......................................... VF 20,  UN      180

32                           50 kro  1941     fishermen....................................   F+         90

32                           50 kro  1942     fishermen........................ VF 95,  XF      200

35                             5 kro  1944     .....................................................   F           50

35                             5 kro  1946     .....................................................   F           60

35                             5 kro  1947     .....................................................   VF         90

35                             5 kro  1949     ............................................ F 30,  F+         45

35.                            5 kro  1950     .....................................................   UN      450

36                           10 kro  1944     brown................................ VG 8,  UN      250

37a                         10 kro  1945     green.................................. F 80,  VF      160

37b                         10 kro  1947     green.................................. F 35,  VF         70

37b                         10 kro  1948     green...........................................   F           30

38a                         50 kro  1944     purple..........................................   VF      400

39r                       100 kro  1958     green  "S"............ stain on back  XF      500

39u                      100 kro  1960     green  "T"....................................   VF      400

42                             5 kro  1936     (19)52; Thorvaldsen...... VG 10,  VF+      60

42                             5 kro  1936     (19)54; Thorvaldsen..................   VF+      60

42                             5 kro  1936     (19)55; Thorvaldsen..................   F+         30

42                             5 kro  1936     (19)57; Thorvaldsen...... VF 20,  VF+      30

42.                            5 kro  1936     (19)58; Thorvaldsen..... VF+30,  UN      150

42                             5 kro  1936     (19)59; Thorvaldsen..................   F           15

43a                         10 kro  1936     (19)51; Andersen/"A0"..............   F+         40

43d                         10 kro  1936     (19)52; Andersen/.......... VF 60,  VF+      80

44                           10 kro  1936     (19)54; Andersen, storks/.........   VG        12

44                           10 kro  1936     (19)58; Andersen, storks/.........   VF+      35

44     repl               10 kro  1936     (1958) replacement"F1500J"...   VG        20

44.                          10 kro  1936     (19)60; Andersen, storks/.........   AU        60

44                           10 kro  1936     (19)61; Andersen, storks/.........   VF+      15

44                           10 kro  1936     (19)62; Andersen, storks/.........   VF+      15

44                           10 kro  1936     (19)64; Andersen, storks/.........   XF+      40

44.                          10 kro  1936     (19)65; Andersen, storks/.........   UN        70

44                           10 kro  1936     (19)70; storks/................ VF 10,  XF         20

44     repl               10 kro  1936     (19)70 replacement"B4700J"...   F           20

45.                          50 kro  1936     (19)70; Romer............................   AU      150

46                        100 kro  1936     (19)62; Orsted/Kronborg..........   VG+      40

46     repl             100 kro  1936     (19)70 replacement"B3700J"...   VF      100

48.                          10 kro  1972     (19)72; Kirchhoff/duck.. VF+10,  UN        50

48.                          10 kro  1972     (19)75; Kirchhoff/duck..... VF 5,  UN        40

48                           10 kro  1972     (19)76; Kirchhoff/duck...............   UN        30

48                           10 kro  1972     (19)77; Kirchhoff/duck..... XF 6,  UN        25

48.                          10 kro  1972     (19)78; Kirchhoff/duck...............   AU        10

49                           20 kro  1972     (19)79; Tutein/sparrows............   UN        40

49                           20 kro  1972     (19)81; Tutein/sparrows............   UN        40

49.                          20 kro  1972     (19)88; Tutein/sparrows............   UN        40

50.                          50 kro  1972     (19)76;  Ryberg/fish...................   AU+    150

50                           50 kro  1972     (19)82; Ryberg/fish....................   XF         20

50                           50 kro  1972     (19)85; Ryberg/fish....................   UN        90

50.                          50 kro  1972     (19)90; Ryberg/fish....................   UN        90

50.                          50 kro  1972     (19)97; Ryberg/fish....................   UN        70

51.                       100 kro  1972     (19)91; Juel/butterfly.................   AU        80

52                        500 kro  1972     (19)80; /sand lizard...................   VF+    150

53f.                   1,000 kro  1972     (19)86; woman/squirrel.............   UN      700

53g                   1,000 kro  1972     (19)92; woman/squirrel.............   XF+    300

54                        100 kro  1972     (19)97; Juel/butterfly.................   VF         25

55                           50 kro  (19)99   Blixen/centaur............................   UN        40

56.                       100 kro  (19)99   Nielsen/bird relief.......................   UN        80

57                        200 kro  (20)00   Heiberg/lion relief.......................   UN      160

58.                       500 kro  (20)00   Bohr/dragon relief......................   UN      450

62.                       200 kro  (20)03   Heiberg/lion relief.......................   UN      140

65                           50 kro  2009     (20)09; bridge/vessel................   UN        20

66                        100 kro  2009     (20)09; bridge/stone dagger....   UN        40

66                        100 kro  2009     (20)10; bridge/stone dagger....   UN        40

67.                       200 kro  2009     (20)10; bridge/plate...................   UN        70

68.                       500 kro  2009     (20)10; bridge/bronze vessel...   UN      180

68                        500 kro  2009     (20)11; bridge/bronze vessel...   UN      160

   Allied Command in Denmark

M1                         25 ore  (1945)   Allied Command............ VF 60,  VF+    100

M2                            1 kro  (1945)   Allied Command........................   VF         40

M3                            5 kro  (1945)   Allied Command....... tape mark  F         120

M4                          10 kro  (1945)   Allied Command........................   VF+    250

   Danish Brigade (for troops in Germany and other countries)

M7                            5 ore  (1947)   Danish Brigade..........................   VF+      40

M8                         10 ore  (1947)   Danish Brigade............. VG+20,  F           30

M9                         25 ore  (1947)   Danish Brigade..........................   VF         50

M10                          1 kro  (1947)   Danish Brigade..........................   F           50

                                            Aarhus Kreditbank

s136                      10 ore  1902     .............................................. pen  VG+   200

                                            Tonder, city

NL                          4 shill  1812     Tonder.........................................   F+       200

NL                        12 shill  1812     Tonder.........................................   VF+    300

   "Jutlandia" Danish Red Cross Hospital Ship, Korean War (1951)

NL                            5 ore  (1951)   "Jutlandia"...................................   UN        80

NL                          25 ore  (1951)   "Jutlandia"...................................   UN        25

NL                            1 kro  (1951)   "Jutlandia"...................................   UN        35

NL                            5 kro  (1951)   "Jutlandia"...................................   UN        50

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   encased post stamps, (post stamp money "frimaerkepenge") 1941-1945

NL     psm               1 ore  (1941)   A Anddersen..............................   XF         15

NL     psm               1 ore  (1941)   Always, Johnsen-Radio............   VF         10

NL     psm               1 ore  (1941)   Den Gule Butik...........................   XF         15

NL     psm               1 ore  (1941)   City..............................................   XF         15

                                            -Andelsselskabet Jord Arbejde Kapital

NL                            1 kro  1931     one sig .......................................   AU        40

NL                            5 kro  1932     serie 1.........................................   AU        15

NL                            5 kro  ND        serie 3.........................................   AU        15

NL                          10 kro  1932     02.05; serie 1.............................   AU        20

NL                          10 kro  1932     04.15; serie 1 A..........................   F           15

NL                          10 kro  1932     10.15; serie 1.............................   AU        15

   South Jutland notes and Nord Schleswig Plebiscite

                                            -Augustenborg -Augustenburg, city

F4                             50 pf  1920     04.08...........................................   AU        12

F5.                            1 mk  1920     04.08...........................................   AU        15

F6.    comm            50 pf  1920     04.08 red commutative ovpt....   AU        24

F7.    comm             1 mk  1920     04.08 red commutative ovpt....   AU-       30

                                            -Avnbol -Auenbull, community

F8                             50 pf  1920     02.10...........................................   AU        20

F9.                           50 pf  (1920)   .....................................................   AU        15

                                            -Broager -Broacker, community

F18.                         10 pf  1918     .....................................................   F             8

F20                          50 pf  1919     .....................................................   AU          8

F21.                          1 mk  1919     .....................................................   AU          8

                                            -Brunde/Rodekro, community

F23                           1 mk  1920     04.................................................   AU        10

                                            -Daler, community

F25                          25 pf  1920     04.10...........................................   AU          8

F26                          50 pf  1920     04.10...........................................   AU          8

                                            -Dybbol, community

F27.                       25 ore  1920     04.18...........................................   AU        20

                                            -Dynt -Dunth, community

F29                          50 pf  1919     .....................................................   AU          8

                                            -Graasten -Gravenstein, community

F31.                         50 pf  1920     .....................................................   AU          8

                                            -Gramby, community

F34                           1 mk  1920     03.................................................   AU          8

F35.                          2 mk  1920     03.................................................   AU        16

                                            -Haderslev -Hadersleben, city

F40                          50 pf  1917     .....................................................   VG        15

F43.                         10 pf  1920     .....................................................   AU          8

F44.                         50 pf  1920     .....................................................   AU        10

                                            -Hojer -Hoyer, city

F57.                         50 pf  1920     green...........................................   AU        10

                                            -Knivsberg -Knivsbjerg, community

F61.                         50 pf  1920     .....................................................   AU      160

                                            -Kristiansfelt -Christiansfeld, community

F62.                         50 pf  1920     03.................................................   AU          8

                                            -Logumkloster -Lugumkloster, community

F64.                         25 pf  1920     01.10; grey.................................   AU          8

                                            -Lunderup/Rodekro, community

F68.                         50 pf  1920     04.01...........................................   AU        10

F69                           1 mk  1920     04.01...........................................   AU        12

                                            -Mogeltonder, community

F70.                         50 pf  1920     .....................................................   AU        12

                                            -Rinkenaes -Rinkenis, community

F72                          50 pf  1920     .....................................................   AU          8

                                            -Rodding, community

F73.                         50 pf  1920     02.10; /building; orange............   AU          8

F75.                         50 pf  1920     02.10; /school; yellow................   AU          8

                                            -Skaerbaek, community

F79.                         25 pf  1920     04.10...........................................   AU        10

F80.                         50 pf  1920     04.10...........................................   AU        10

                                            -Sottrup -Satrup, community

F81                          50 pf  (1920)   paper yellow...............................   AU        10

F83                           1 mk  1920     paper white.................................   AU        20

F83                           1 mk  1920     paper yellow...............................   AU        20

                                            -Sonderborg -Sonderburg, city

F95                          10 pf  1920     03.20...........................................   AU          8

F97                          50 pf  1920     03.20...........................................   AU          8

                                            -Sonderskov -Suderholz, community

F99                           1 mk  1919     11.01...........................................   AU        25

                                            -Tinglev -Tingleff, community

F100                        50 pf  1920     04.10; grey-green......................   AU          8

F100                        50 pf  1920     04.10; colorful............................   AU          8

F101                         1 mk  1920     04.01...........................................   AU          8

                                            -Tonder -Tondern, city

F103                        20 pf  1920     02.10...........................................   AU          8

F104                        25 pf  1920     02.10...........................................   AU          8

F105                        50 pf  1920     02.10 "No"...................................   AU          8

F105                        50 pf  1920     02.10 "Nr"...................................   AU        16

F107                         1 mk  1920     02.10...........................................   AU          8

F109.                        5 mk  1920     02.10...........................................   AU        20

                                            -Voyens, community

F114.                       25 pf  (1920)   .....................................................   AU        10

F115.                       50 pf  (1920)   .....................................................   AU        10

F116.                        1 mk  (1920)   .....................................................   XF         10

   Ration Coupons             -Ration Coupon

NL                  1 kg sugar  1919     .....................................................   AU          8


DISNEY#                           *****DISNEY****7*

   Private issue, legal tender in Disneyland and Disney World, USA

"A" (Anaheim)            1 $  1987     Mickey/castle.................. AU 30,  UN        60

"D" (Disney World)    1 $  1987     Mickey/castle..............................   UN        60

"A" (Anaheim)            5 $  1987     Goofy/Disney World..................   UN      120

"A" (Anaheim)            1 $  1989     Mickey/castle..............................   AU        30

"A" (Anaheim)            1 $  1990     Mickey/castle..............................   UN        40

"A" (Anaheim)            1 $  1993     "Mickey's 65th"...........................   AU        35

"A" (Anaheim)            1 $  2000     "2000"..........................................   UN        18

"A" (Anaheim)            1 $  2002     "100 yr W Disney".....................   UN        18

"A" (Anaheim)            1 $  2003     Mickey/Disneyland....................   UN          5

"T"                               1 $  2005     Dumbo/Disneyland 50 yr..........   UN          5

"T"                               1 $  2008     "Mickey 1928-2008"..................   UN          5

"T"                               5 $  2009     Donald +Mickey/castle..............   UN        40


PICK#                                 *****DJIBOUTI***3n+*

   French Colony

4        p/h             100 fra  1920     ovpt on Tahiti..............................   VG+   400

5        p/h             100 fra  1920     .....................................................   F         600

6a      p/h                  5 fra  (1927)   sig Simon-Chaume....................   F-        150

6b      p/h                  5 fra  (1936)   sig Borduge-Baudoin...... F+60,  VF+    120

7a      p/h               20 fra  (1928)   #-18; "K17".................................   F+       100

7b      p/h               20 fra  (1928)   #19-20; "M19"............................   VF-     150

7A                           20 fra  (1936)   #21-23; "V22".............................   F+       120

8        p/h             100 fra  (1931)   .....................................................   VF      200

9a      p/h             500 fra  1927     .....................................................   VG+   150

9b      p/h             500 fra  1938     .....................................................   VF      250

10      p/h          1,000 fra  (1938)   .....................................................   F         200

11      p/h                  5 fra  1943     ovpt Free French............. G 90F-        250

14      p/h                  5 fra  (1945)   /boat............................................   F         120

19      p/h               10 fra  (1946)   .....................................................   F+       120

19A   p/h              100 fra  (1946)   .....................................................   F+       160

25                           50 fra  (1952)   boat/camels.................... VF 40,  XF         80

26                         100 fra  (1952)   /palm............................... VG 20,  F           40

28                      1,000 fra  (1952)   woman with jug..........................   VF-     350

   Republic (from 1977)

36a                       500 fra  (1979)   man, storks/ships........... AU 45,  UN        90

36b                       500 fra  (1988)   man, storks/ships.......................   UN        35

37b                    1,000 fra  (1988)   woman, train/caravan...............   UN        80

37d.                   1,000 fra  (1988)   woman, train/caravan...............   UN        80

37e.                   1,000 fra  (1991)   woman, train/caravan...............   UN        55

38a.                   5,000 fra  (1979)   man/city, port..............................   UN      350

38c.                   5,000 fra  (1993)   man/city, port..............................   UN      320

38d.                   5,000 fra  (1995)   man/city, port..............................   UN      280

39b                  10,000 fra  (1984)   woman baby/port.......................   UN      500

40                      2,000 fra  (1997)   caravan, girl/building.................   UN        40

41                    10,000 fra  (1999)   sea life/........................................   UN      350

44                      5,000 fra  (2005)   Harbi/dancers.............................   UN        70

45                    10,000 fra  (2005)   sea wildlife/bank........................   UN      180


PICK#                                 *****DOMINICAN REP.****3*


6        canc           20 pes  1948     ovpt on 1 peso=40 cen.............   VG      350

7        canc           40 pes  1948     ovpt on 2 pesos=40 cen...........   VG      400

NL    (19A?)         10 pes  1860?   07.17;not listed; cancelled........   VG   1300

60(a)   "-K"             1 pes  (1947)   black; sig M-G............................   F           30

60(b)   "K-P"           1 pes  (1950)   black; sig M-N............................   XF+    150

60(c)   "P-S"           1 pes  (1953)   black; sig R-O................... F 24,  VF+      70

60(f)    "Y-CA"        1 pes  (1955)   black; sig G-A.................... F 15,  VF         30

64                          50 pes  (1947)   black..................................... pen  F+       400

65(a)                   100 pes  (1947)   black; sig M-G............................   F+       500

65(b)                   100 pes  (1955)   black; sig G-A.............................   VG      150

69(b)                     10 pes  (1953)   black; sig R-O............................   VF+    200

71a     "DA-JA"      1 pes  (1957)   black; sig D-A.............................   F           12

71b     "MA-UA"     1 pes  (1961)   black; sig R-Q............................   VF         25

NL(P79)             vignette  ABNC   "Rafael Trujillo"........... lot#1370  UN        10

80                            1 pes  (1959)   black, @WS...............................   VF         40

84.                      100 pes  (1959)   black, @WS...............................   UN   1200

85.                        10 cen  (1961)   @ABNC......................................   AU+      50

86.                        10 cen  (1961)   @BC............................................   AU+    120

87                         25 cen  (1961)   @ABNC......................................   UN        25

89                         50 cen  (1961)   @ABNC......................................   UN        25

91(a)                       1 pes  (1962)   red; sig G-T..................... VF 40,  UN      320

91(b)                       1 pes  (1963)   red; sig F-C.................................   F           20

92(a)                       5 pes  (1962)   red; sig G-T........................... p/h  VF+    120

93(a)                     10 pes  (1962)   red; sig G-T................. F 80; p/h  VF      180

96                       100 pes  (1962)   red.......................................... p/h  F+       600

99(c)   "A/V-C/B"   1 pes  (1964)   Duarte; sig F-MM.......................   UN        60

100(c)    "J-L"         5 pes  (1964)   Sanchez; sig F-MM...... VF+30,  XF+      60

101(d)    "N-S"     10 pes  (1964)   Mella; sig F-S.............................   F-          30

102(c)    "C"         20 pes  (1964)   altar; sig F-S...............................   VF      100

107.                         1 pes  (1973)   Duarte/arms; sig F-S.......... F 4,  UN        60

108(a)                     1 pes  1975     Duarte/arms...............................   F             4

108(b)                     1 pes  1976     Duarte/arms......................... F 4,  UN        32

108(c)                     1 pes  1977     Duarte/arms...............................   XF           8

108(d)                     1 pes  1978     Duarte/arms...............................   VF           4

109(b).                    5 pes  1976     Sanchez/arms............................   UN      160

116(b).                    1 pes  1979     Duarte/factory............................   UN        20

117(b)                     1 pes  1981     Duarte/factory............................   UN        18

117(c)                     1 pes  1982     Duarte/factory............................   UN        15

118(a)                     5 pes  1978     Sanchez/dam.............................   UN        20

118(b).                    5 pes  1980     Sanchez/dam.............................   UN        20

118(d).                    5 pes  1982     Sanchez/dam.............................   UN        20

118(e).                    5 pes  1984     Sanchez/dam.............................   UN        18

118(f).                     5 pes  1985     Sanchez/dam.............................   UN        18

118(g).                    5 pes  1987     Sanchez/dam.............................   UN        18

119(c)                   10 pes  1980     Mella/mining...............................   VF           4

119(g).                  10 pes  1987     Mella/mining...............................   UN        30

119(h).                  10 pes  1988     Mella/mining.................... VF+6,  UN        30

120(c)                   20 pes  1980     monument/gate..........................   VF           8

120(g).                  20 pes  1987     monument/gate..........................   UN        50

120(h).                  20 pes  1988     monument/gate..........................   UN        50

126(a).                    1 pes  1984     Duarte/factory sig V-A...............   UN        18

126(b)                     1 pes  1984     Duarte/factory sig G-C..............   UN        12

126(c)                     1 pes  1987     Duarte/factory sig J-S...............   UN          5

126(d)                     1 pes  1987     Duarte/factory sig S-I................   UN          5

126                          1 pes  1988     Duarte/factory............................   UN          4

128a.   low#       100 pes  1988     low #00009.................................   UN      200

128b                   100 pes  1990     old mint/bank..............................   UN        80

131                          5 pes  1990     Sanchez/dam.............................   UN        12

132.                      10 pes  1990     Mella/mining...............................   UN        15

133                        20 pes  1990     monument/gate..........................   UN        20

135(a).                  50 pes  1991     basilica/cathedral.......................   UN        50

135(b)                   50 pes  1994     basilica/cathedral.......................   UN        35

136(a).               100 pes  1991     old mint/bank..............................   UN        75

136(b)                100 pes  1994     old mint/bank..............................   UN        55

139    comm        20 pes  1992     "1492-1992 Columbus" ............   UN        20

140.   comm      500 pes  1992     "1492-1992 Columbus" ............   UN      200

141.   comm      500 pes  1992     "1492-1992 Columbus" ............   UN      600

142    comm   1,000 pes  1992     "1492 Columbus".......................   UN   1100

146.                         5 pes  1994     Sanchez/dam................... XF 4,  UN        10

146A.   comm        1 pes  1994     ovpt "Constitution 150yr"..........   UN      400

147                          5 pes  1995     Sanchez/dam.............................   UN          6

148                        10 pes  1995     Mella/mining...............................   UN        10

152b                        5 pes  1997     Sanchez/dam.............................   UN          7

153(c)                   10 pes  1998     Mella/mining...............................   UN          5

154a                     20 pes  1997     monument/gate..........................   UN        10

154b                     20 pes  1998     monument/gate..........................   UN        10

155a                     50 pes  1997     basilica/cathedral.......................   UN        25

155b                     50 pes  1998     basilica/cathedral.......................   UN        20

156b                   100 pes  1998     old mint/bank..............................   UN        60

157a                   500 pes  1996     theatre/fort..................................   UN      130

157b                   500 pes  1997     theatre/fort..................................   UN      125

157c                   500 pes  1998     theatre/fort..................................   UN      120

158c.               1,000 pes  1998     palace/Columbus palace..........   UN      250

160                        20 pes  2000     Luperon/Panteon.......................   UN        10

161                        50 pes  2000     basilica/cathedral.......................   UN        20

165                        10 pes  2000     Mella/monument; @FCO.........   UN          8

167                     100 pes  2000     3 men/fort; @BAB.....................   UN        40

168a                     10 pes  2001     Mella/monument........................   UN          4

168b                     10 pes  2002     Mella/monument........................   UN          4

168c                      10 pes  2003     Mella/monument........................   UN          4

169a                     20 pes  2001     Luperon/Panteon.......................   UN          6

169b                     20 pes  2002     Luperon/Panteon.......................   UN          6

169c                      20 pes  2003     Luperon/Panteon.......................   UN          6

169d                     20 pes  2004     Luperon/Panteon.......................   UN          6

170a                     50 pes  2002     cathedral/church........................   UN        12

170b                     50 pes  2003     cathedral/church........................   UN        12

171a                   100 pes  2001     3 men/fort...................................   UN        25

171b                   100 pes  2002     3 men/fort...................................   UN        22

171c                   100 pes  2003     3 men/fort...................................   UN        22

172a                   500 pes  2002     Henriquez-Urena/bank.............   UN        70

172b.                  500 pes  2003     Henriquez-Urena/bank.............   UN        80

173a                1,000 pes  2002     palace/Columbus palace..........   UN      200

176a.                    50 pes  2006     cathedral/church........................   UN        12

176b.                    50 pes  2008     cathedral/church; @DLR..........   UN        12

176A.                    50 pes  2008     cathedral/church; @OT............   UN        12

177a                   100 pes  2006     3 men/fort...................................   UN        16

177b                   100 pes  2009     3 men/fort...................................   UN        14

177c.                  100 pes  2010     3 men/fort...................................   UN        16

178                     200 pes  2007     3 women/monument.................   UN        25

178A                   200 pes  2009     3 women/monument.................   UN        25

179a.                  500 pes  2006     Henriquez-Urena/bank.............   UN        40

179b                   500 pes  2009     Henriquez-Urena/bank.............   UN        40

179c.                  500 pes  2010     Henriquez-Urena/bank.............   UN        40

180b.               1,000 pes  2009     palace/Columbus palace..........   UN        80

181a.               2,000 pes  2006     2 men/theatre.............................   UN      180

181c.               2,000 pes  2010     2 men/theatre.............................   UN      160

182                        20 pes  2009     Luperon/Panteon........... plastic  UN          5

183a             50 pes.dom  2011     cathedral/church........................   UN          5

184a          100 pes.dom  2011     3 men/fort...................................   UN          9

184c           100 pes.dom  2013     3 men/fort...................................   UN          8

185             200 pes.dom  2013     3 women/monument.................   UN        15

186a.         500 pes.dom  2011     Henriquez-Urena/bank.............   UN        45

186b.         500 pes.dom  2012     Henriquez-Urena/bank.............   UN        40

187a.      1,000 pes.dom  2011     palace/Columbus house...........   UN        80

187b.      1,000 pes.dom  2012     palace/Columbus house...........   UN        75

187c.      1,000 pes.dom  2013     palace/Columbus house...........   UN        75

189a.           50 pes.dom  2014     cathedral/church........................   UN          5

190a          100 pes.dom  2014     3 men/fort...................................   UN          8

192a          500 pes.dom  2014     Henriquez-Urena/bank.............   UN        30

   Collector Series;            with ovpt "muestra" or "especimen"

CS1/2 spec  1-1000 pes  (1970)   P99-106.............. set of 8 notes  AU+    300

                                            with ovpt "muestra in valor" and "especimen"

CS3   spec   1-1000 pes  1978     ............................. set of 7 notes  UN      200

                                            with ovpt "especimen"

CS    spec    1-1000 pes  1980     ............................. set of 8 notes  UN      120

CS    spec    1-1000 pes  1981     ............................. set of 8 notes  UN      120

                                            with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS4   spec   1-1000 pes  1977     -1978................... set of 8 notes  UN      120

   Specimens "MUESTRA SIN VALOR" "specimen, DELARUE, no value"

86s    spec           10 cen  (1961)   BC "muestra sin valor"..............   UN          8

88s    spec           25 cen  (1961)   BC "muestra sin valor"..............   UN          8

90s    spec           50 cen  (1961)   BC "muestra sin valor"..............   UN          8

118    spec             5 pes  1981     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          7

118    spec             5 pes  1985     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          6

120    spec           20 pes  1985     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          8

121    spec           50 pes  1985     perf "muestra sin valor".............   UN          8

122    spec         100 pes  1985     perf "muestra sin valor".............   UN        10

123    spec         500 pes  1985     perf "muestra sin valor".............   UN        20

124    spec     1,000 pes  1985     perf "muestra sin valor".............   UN        40

126    spec             1 pes  1987     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          6

118    spec             5 pes  1987     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          7

119    spec           10 pes  1987     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          8

120    spec           20 pes  1987     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          8

121    spec           50 pes  1987     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          8

122    spec         100 pes  1987     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          8

123    spec         500 pes  1987     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN        20

124    spec     1,000 pes  1987     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN        40

126    spec             1 pes  1988     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          6

118    spec             5 pes  1988     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          6

120    spec           20 pes  1988     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          7

127    spec           50 pes  1988     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          8

128    spec         100 pes  1988     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          9

129    spec         500 pes  1988     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN        20

130    spec     1,000 pes  1988     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN        40

135    spec           50 pes  1991     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          7

138    spec     1,000 pes  1991     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN        30

139    spec           20 pes  1992     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          7

142    spec     1,000 pes  1992     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN        30

147    spec             5 pes  1995     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          6

148    spec           10 pes  1995     ovpt "muestra sin valor"............   UN          6

159-64  spec    10-2,000  2000     ovpt "especimen/muestra 7pcs  UN        70

172bs   spec      500 pes  2003     ovpt "especimen/muestra".......   UN        20

173bs   spec  1,000 pes  2003     ovpt "especimen/muestra".......   UN        30

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s102r    rema       50 cen  188-      Banco Comp Credito........... P 5  XF+      35

s103r    rema         1 pes  188-      Banco Comp Credito.................   VF-       65

s104r    rema         2 pes  188-      Banco Comp Credito.................   VG        30

s105r    rema         5 pes  188-      Banco Comp Credito.................   VF      150

s106r    rema       10 pes  188-      Banco Comp Credito.. VG+100  VF      250

s131r    rema         1 pes  (1889)   B Nacional Santo Domingo......   AU+      70

s132r    rema         2 pes  (1889)   B Nacional Santo Domingo......   VG        25

s133     canc          5 pes  (1889)   B Nacional SD................. G+40,  VF      150

s133                        5 pes  (1889)   B Nacional Santo Domingo......   G+        40

s142                        2 pes  1889     B Nacional Santo Domingo......   VG      250

s143                        5 pes  1889     B Nacional Santo Domingo......   VG      320

s147     unis       100 pes  1889     B Nacional SD............... VG 50,  XF+    450

s161                        5 pes  1875     Credito Publico-Deuda..............   AU+    150


PICK#                                 *****EAST AFRICA (BRITISH)****3*

   British Colony till 1964 (later; Kenya, Somaliland, Tanzania, Uganda)

8                                1 flo  1920     George V/hippo.................. tape  VG+   450

20                             5 shi  1933     George V/lion.............................   VG      250

27                             1 shi  1943     George VI/lion................... F 50,  VF      100

27       spec             1 shi  1943     perf "cancelled" #00000............   VF+    800

28(c)                        5 shi  1939     06.01;GeorgeVI. G+66, VG 90,  VG+   140

28(d)                        5 shi  1941     George VI/lion................ VG 70,  F+       210

28(f)                         5 shi  1943     George VI/lion................ VG 70,  XF+    840

28(h)                        5 shi  1949     George VI/lion............................   F         140

28(i)                          5 shi  1950     George VI/lion............................   VG        90

28A                          5 shi  1942     George VI/lion............. VG 250VF    1000

29(d)                      10 shi  1941     George VI/lion............................   VG        96

29(f)                       10 shi  1943     George VI/lion............................   VG        96

29(k)                      10 shi  1952     George VI/lion............................   VF      380

30(h)                      20 shi  1949     George VI/lion............................   F         320

30(j)                       20 shi  1951     George VI/lion............................   G-         60

33(c)                        5 shi  1955     QEII/lion......................................   F         100

33(e)                        5 shi  1957     QEII/lion......................................   F         100

34(c)                      10 shi  1955     QEII/lion......................................   VF-     340

35(b)                      20 shi  1954     QEII/lion......................................   VG      160

35(d)                      20 shi  1956     QEII/lion........................ washed  F         320

37.                            5 shi  (1958)   QEII/plants;x4 sig. VG 20,F+50  AU+    480

38                           10 shi  (1958)   QEII/plants; x4 sig.....................   VF+    240

39                           20 shi  (1958)   QEII/plants; x4 sig.....................   VG+   100

40                        100 shi  (1958)   QEII/plants; x4 sig.......... F 200VF      400

41a                           5 shi  (1961)   QEII/plants; x7 sig...... VF+160XF      240

41b                           5 shi  (1962)   QEII/plants; x7 sig.....................   VF      100

42a                         10 shi  (1961)   QEII/plants; x7 sig.....................   F+       150

42b                         10 shi  (1962)   QEII/plants; x7 sig.....................   F+       150

43a                         20 shi  (1961)   QEII/plants; x7sig......................   VF      320

43b                         20 shi  (1962)   QEII/plants; x7 sig.....................   F+       240

44a                      100 shi  (1961)   QEII/plants; x7 sig............... p/h  F+       500

45                             5 shi  (1964)   sailboat/............. F+30, AU 160UN      320

46.                          10 shi  (1964)   sailboat/plants................ VF 80,  UN      640

47.                          20 shi  (1964)   sailboat/.............. F 60, VF 120UN      960

48                        100 shi  (1964)   sailboat............... F 100, F+150VF+    300


PICK#                                 *****EAST CARIBBEAN STATES****3*

   Monetary Union of several British East Caribbean islands which are

identified by printed serial letter;

A -Antigua, D -Dominica, G -Grenada, K -St. Christopher(St Kitts),

L -St Lucia, M -Montserrat, U -Anguilla, V -St Vincent

13a1    "A1-9"            1 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 1............................ F 4,  VF+      12

13a2    "B1-12"          1 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 2...................................   VF+      12

13b      "B13-17"        1 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 3....................... AU 32,  UN        65

13c      "B18-22"        1 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 4...................................   XF         16

13d      "B23-32"        1 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 5......................... VF 8,  UN        65

13d      "B33-43         1 $  (1965)   QEII;" sig 6........................ VF 8,  XF         16

13d      "B44-48         1 $  (1965)   QEII;" sig 7.................................   VF+      12

13e      "B48-59"        1 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 8......................... VF 8,  UN        65

13f.      "B60-69"        1 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 9...................... VF+12,  UN        65

13f.      "B70-82"        1 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 10.................... VF+12,  UN        65

13g      "B83-91"        1 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 10.................................   UN        45

13h      "A"                  1 $  (1965)   QEII; Antigua....................... F 4,  UN        65

13i.      "D"                  1 $  (1965)   QEII; Dominica...........................   UN        80

13j.      "G"                  1 $  (1965)   QEII; Grenada............................   UN        80

13k.     "K"                  1 $  (1965)   QEII; St Kitts...............................   UN        80

13l       "L"                   1 $  (1965)   QEII; St Lucia........ VG-4, VF 8,  UN        65

13o.     "V"                  1 $  (1965)   QEII; St Vincent.........................   UN        80

14a      "A1-7"            5 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 1...................................   F+         12

14d      "B1-3"            5 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 1...................................   F+         12

14e.     "B4-7"            5 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 5...................................   AU      130

14g      "C6-9"            5 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 8...................................   UN      130

14h.     "D5-17"          5 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 10.......................... F 9,  UN      130

14i       "A"                  5 $  (1965)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN      130

14m     "L"                   5 $  (1965)   QEII; St Lucia................. XF 32,  UN      130

15g.     "A9-11"        20 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 9...................................   UN      400

15g.     "A12-19"      20 $  (1965)   QEII; sig 10......... VG 15, F+40,  AU      200

15l       "L"                 20 $  (1965)   QEII; St Lucia.............................   VG+      20

15m.    "M"               20 $  (1965)   QEII; Montserrat........................   AU      200

15v      "V"                20 $  (1965)   QEII; St Vincent.........................   VG+      20

17a      "A"                  1 $  (1985)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN        30

17g      "G"                  1 $  (1985)   QEII; Grenada.................... G 4,  UN        40

17k      "K"                  1 $  (1985)   QEII; St Kitts..................... VF 4,  UN        40

17l       "L"                   1 $  (1985)   QEII; St Lucia...................... F 4,  UN        35

17v      "V"                  1 $  (1985)   QEII; St Vincent.........................   UN        40

18a      "A"                  5 $  (1985)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN        80

18k.     "K"                  5 $  (1985)   QEII; St Kitts...............................   UN        90

18l.      "L"                   5 $  (1985)   QEII; St Lucia................... VG 4,  UN        80

18m     "M"                 5 $  (1985)   QEII; Montserrat........................   UN        90

18v.     "V"                  5 $  (1985)   QEII; St Vincent.........................   UN        90

19a      "A"                20 $  (1988)   QEII; Antigua..............................   XF+    180

19l.      "L"                 20 $  (1988)   QEII; St Lucia.................. F+ 45,  UN      480

21l.      "L"                   1 $  (1988)   QEII; St Lucia................... VG 4,  UN        40

21u.     "U"                  1 $  (1988)   QEII; Anguilla.............................   UN        60

22a1    "A"                  5 $  (1988)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN        90

22d.     "D"                  5 $  (1988)   QEII; Dominica...........................   UN      120

22l1.    "L"                   5 $  (1988)   QEII; St Lucia.............................   UN        90

23a2.   "A"                10 $  (1988)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN      160

23d1    "D"                10 $  (1988)   QEII; Dominica...........................   UN      240

23l1.    "L"                 10 $  (1988)   QEII; St Lucia.............................   UN      160

23v1.   "V"                10 $  (1988)   QEII; St Vincent.........................   UN      200

24l1.    "L"                 20 $  (1988)   QEII; St Lucia.............................   AU+    450

26a.     "A"                  5 $  (1993)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN      100

26g.     "G"                  5 $  (1993)   QEII; Grenada............................   AU+      80

27a.     "A"                10 $  (1993)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN      160

27k.     "K"                10 $  (1993)   QEII; St Kitts...............................   UN      160

28a      "A"                20 $  (1993)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN      200

29a.     "A"                50 $  (1993)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN      500

31a      "A"                  5 $  (1994)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN        40

31k.     "K"                  5 $  (1994)   QEII; St Kitts...............................   UN        45

31m.    "M"                 5 $  (1994)   QEII; Montserrat........................   UN        50

31u      "U"                  5 $  (1994)   QEII; Anguilla.............................   UN        50

31v      "V"                  5 $  (1994)   QEII; St Vincent.........................   UN        45

32a.     "A"                10 $  (1994)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN        85

32d      "D"                10 $  (1994)   QEII; Dominica...........................   UN        85

32k      "K"                10 $  (1994)   QEII; St Kitts...............................   UN        90

32l.      "L"                 10 $  (1994)   QEII; St Lucia.............................   UN        80

32m.    "M"               10 $  (1994)   QEII; Montserrat........................   UN        95

32v.     "V"                10 $  (1994)   QEII; St Vincent.........................   UN        95

33a.     "A"                20 $  (1994)   QEII; Antigua..................... F 15,  UN      160

33l.      "L"                 20 $  (1994)   QEII; St Lucia................ VF+30,  UN      160

33m.    "M"               20 $  (1994)   QEII; Montserrat........................   UN      200

33v.     "V"                20 $  (1994)   QEII; St Vincent.........................   UN      160

34a.     "A"                50 $  (1994)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN      320

34g.     "G"               50 $  (1994)   QEII; Grenada............................   UN      350

34u.     "U"                50 $  (1994)   QEII; Anguilla.............................   UN      350

34v.     "V"                50 $  (1994)   QEII; St Vincent.........................   UN      350

35l.      "L"              100 $  (1994)   QEII; St Lucia.............................   UN      700

37a      "A"                  5 $  (2000)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN        40

37k      "K"                  5 $  (2000)   QEII; St Kitts...............................   UN        45

37m.    "M"                 5 $  (2000)   QEII; Montserrat........................   UN        40

37u.     "U"                  5 $  (2000)   QEII; Anguilla.............................   UN        50

38a      "A"                10 $  (2001)   QEII; Antigua..............................   UN        70

38k.     "K"                10 $  (2001)   QEII; St Kitts...............................   UN        90

38l.      "L"                 10 $  (2001)   QEII; St Lucia.............................   UN        80

38u     "U"                 10 $  (2001)   QEII; Anguilla.............................   UN        90

39d.     "D"                20 $  (2000)   QEII; Dominica...........................   UN      160

39g.     "G"               20 $  (2000)   QEII; Grenada............................   UN      160

39l       "L"                 20 $  (2000)   QEII; St Lucia.............................   UN      150

39m.    "M"               20 $  (2000)   QEII; Montserrat........................   UN      200

39u.     "U"                20 $  (2000)   QEII; Anguilla.............................   UN      170

40g.     "G"               50 $  (2000)   QEII; Grenada............................   UN      400

40u.     "U"                50 $  (2000)   QEII; Anguilla.............................   UN      400

41d      "D"             100 $  (2000)   QEII; Dominica...........................   UN      500

41u.     "U"             100 $  (2000)   QEII; Anguilla.............................   UN      550

42a      "A"                  5 $  (2003)   QEII; Antigua............. hologram  UN        25

42k.     "K"                  5 $  (2003)   QEII; St Kitts.............. hologram  UN        30

42v.     "V"                  5 $  (2003)   QEII; St Vincent........ hologram  UN        30

42Am. "M"                  5 $  (2003)   QEII; Montserrat....... hologram  UN        30

43a      "A"                10 $  (2003)   QEII; Antigua............. hologram  UN        50

43k.     "K"                10 $  (2003)   QEII; St Kitts.............. hologram  UN        55

43u     "U"                 10 $  (2003)   QEII; Anguilla............ hologram  UN        55

43v      "V"                10 $  (2003)   QEII; St Vincent........ hologram  UN        50

44a      "A"                20 $  (2003)   QEII; Antigua............. hologram  UN        80

44d      "D"                20 $  (2003)   QEII; Dominica.......... hologram  UN        90

44v      "V"                20 $  (2003)   QEII; St Vincent........ hologram  UN        80

45a      "A"                50 $  (2003)   QEII; Antigua............. hologram  UN      160

45m.    "M"               50 $  (2003)   QEII; Montserrat....... hologram  UN      170

45v.     "V"                50 $  (2003)   QEII; St Vincent........ hologram  UN      170

   notes issued for all members counties (no suffix letters)

47                                5 $  (2008)   QEII; no bars.................... VF 5,  UN          7

48.                             10 $  (2008)   QEII; no bars..............................   UN        30

49.                             20 $  (2008)   QEII; no bars.................. VF 10,  UN        60

50                              50 $  (2008)   QEII; no bars..............................   UN      160

51.                           100 $  (2008)   QEII; no bars..............................   UN      320

52b                            10 $  (2016)   QEII; wide thread.......................   UN        12

53a.                           20 $  (2012)   QEII; bars for blind....................   UN        40

53b                            20 $  (2016)   QEII; wide thread.......................   UN        30

54a                            50 $  (2012)   QEII; bars for blind....................   UN        60

54b                            50 $  (2016)   QEII; wide thread.......................   UN        55

55a.                        100 $  (2012)   QEII; bars for blind....................   UN      120

55b                          100 $  (2016)   QEII; wide thread.......................   UN      110

   Collector SeriesAntigua and Barbuda

CS4                                    "Saga of Treasure Ships and Pirates"

   full set of 30 different banknotes on gold foil with ships

CS4   set        30x 100 $  (1985)   30 gold notes in album.............   UN      800

**CS1-3 (fauna and flora) -banknotes on gold foiled paper:

cs1a                          30 $  (1983)   Great Egret, Hibiscus................   UN        20

cs1b                          30 $  (1983)   Yellow Elder, Hummingbird......   UN        20

cs1d                          30 $  (1983)   Queen Angelfish........................   UN        20

cs1e                          30 $  (1983)   Caribbean Buckeye...................   UN        20

cs1f                           30 $  (1983)   Helmet, See Horse, Cone........   UN        20

cs1g                          30 $  (1983)   Dolphins......................................   UN        20

cs1h                          30 $  (1983)   Iguana.........................................   UN        20

cs1i                           30 $  (1983)   Brown Pelican............................   UN        20

cs1k                          30 $  (1983)   Jacaranda, Butterfly..................   UN        20

cs1l                           30 $  (1983)   Spiny Lobster.............................   UN        20

cs2a                          30 $  (1983)   Red-billed Tropic Bird...............   UN        20

cs2b                          30 $  (1983)   White-spotted Octopus.............   UN        20

cs2c                          30 $  (1983)   Humpback Whale......................   UN        20

cs2d                          30 $  (1983)   Qn Conch, Triton Trumpet.......   UN        20

cs2e                          30 $  (1983)   Blue hooded Euphonia.............   UN        20

cs2f                           30 $  (1983)   Four-eye Butterflyfish................   UN        20

cs2g                          30 $  (1983)   Coconut, Black Skimmer..........   UN        20

cs2h                          30 $  (1983)   Bananaquit, Banana tree.........   UN        20

cs2i                           30 $  (1983)   Queen of the Night Cactus.......   UN        20

cs2j                           30 $  (1983)   Sailfish........................................   UN        20

cs2k                          30 $  (1983)   Magnificent Frigatebird.............   UN        20

cs2l                           30 $  (1983)   Black-Necked Stilt.....................   UN        20

cs3a                          30 $  (1983)   Monarch Butterfly, Lantana......   UN        20

cs3b                          30 $  (1983)   Qn Tigerfishes Urchins.............   UN        20

cs3c                          30 $  (1983)   Mangrove Cuckoo.....................   UN        20

cs3e                          30 $  (1983)   Tigerfishes of Life......................   UN        20

from CS1-3              30 $  (1983)   Green Turtle, Goatfish..............   UN        20

**CS4 (pirate ships) -banknotes stamp on gold/silver foiled paper:

cs4a                        100 $  (1988)   J. Laffite's Pride.........................   UN        25

CS4b                      100 $  (1988)   Royal Rover, King James.........   UN        25

cs4c                        100 $  (1988)   Kidd's Adventure Galley...........   UN        25

cs4d                        100 $  (1988)   T Cocklyn's Bird Galley.............   UN        25

cs4e                        100 $  (1988)   F Drake's Golden Hind.............   UN        25

cs4f                         100 $  (1988)   Major Bonnet's Sloop................   UN        25

cs4g                        100 $  (1988)   Ch Vane and Buck....................   UN        25

cs4h                        100 $  (1988)   Happy Delivery..........................   UN        25

cs4i                         100 $  (1988)   Cassandra and Fancy...............   UN        25

cs4j                         100 $  (1988)   H Avery's Gang-i-Saway..........   UN        25

cs4k                        100 $  (1988)   P Heyn, Spanish Fleet..............   UN        25

cs4l                         100 $  (1988)   W Taylor's Victory......................   UN        25

cs4m                       100 $  (1988)   A. Bonny, Halman's Sloop.......   UN        25

cs4n                        100 $  (1988)   Bartolomeo, Spanish ship........   UN        25

cs4o                        100 $  (1988)   Black Bart's Royal Fortune.......   UN        25

cs4p                        100 $  (1988)   Queen Anne's Revenge...........   UN        25

cs4q                        100 $  (1988)   Black Joke, Morning Star.........   UN        25

cs4r                         100 $  (1988)   J Rackam's Merchantman........   UN        25

cs4s                        100 $  (1988)   Ch Gibbs' Schooner Maria.......   UN        25

cs4t                         100 $  (1988)   H Mainwaring, Resistance.......   UN        25

cs4u                        100 $  (1988)   E Low's Brigantine.....................   UN        25

cs4v                        100 $  (1988)   J Fleury, ships of Cortez...........   UN        25

cs4w                       100 $  (1988)   T Anstis's Brigantine.................   UN        25

cs4y                        100 $  (1988)   Easton's Fleet............................   UN        25

cs4z                        100 $  (1988)   F L'Ollonois attacks...................   UN        25

cs4aa                      100 $  (1988)   P LeGrand, Admirals Ship........   UN        25

cs4ac                      100 $  (1988)   S Bellamy's Whidah..................   UN        25

cs4ad                      100 $  (1988)   Damppier Bachelor Delight......   UN        25


PICK#                                 *****ECUADOR***3*


84a                          5 suc  1932     11.09...........................................   VG+   100

84a     error            5 suc  (1932)   ERROR no date, no signed.....   F         400

84a                          5 suc  1935     11.07...........................................   P           15

84b.                         5 suc  1938     10.27; ovpt..................... VG 20,  AU+    450

NL(86)                vignette  ABNC   engraved "textiles"..... lot#1392  UN        10

91a                          5 suc  1940     09.27............................... VG 20,  F           40

91b                          5 suc  1945     02.03.................................. F 30,  F+         45

91b                          5 suc  1946     05.22...........................................   F           30

91b                          5 suc  1946     10.16...........................................   F           30

91c                          5 suc  1948     04.28...........................................   F           30

91c                          5 suc  1948     11.22...........................................   F           30

91c                          5 suc  1949     05.06...........................................   F           30

92a                        10 suc  1943     06.04...........................................   VF      180

92a                        10 suc  1944     04.25...........................................   VF      160

92d                        10 suc  1949     06.21.................................. F 45,  VF-       90

93b                        20 suc  1943     01.12...........................................   F         180

95a.                    100 suc  1943     05.07...........................................   UN   1600

98a                          5 suc  1950     05.11; Sucre @WS...................   VF         40

98a                          5 suc  1951     07.26; Sucre @WS...................   F+         30

98a                          5 suc  1952     11.07; Sucre @WS...................   VF+      60

98a                          5 suc  1953     01.29; @WS.... missing corner  XF+    100

98a                          5 suc  1953     02.26; Sucre @WS...................   VF         40

98c                          5 suc  1955     07.13; Sucre @WS...................   AU+    240

98c                          5 suc  1955     11.28; Sucre @WS...................   XF+    120

99a                        50 suc  1951     09.26; Sucre @WS...................   VG+      45

99b                        50 suc  1954     10.08; Sucre @WS...................   G+        20

100c.                       5 suc  1966     01.01; Sucre @ABNC..... VG 4,  UN        30

100d                        5 suc  1970     02.27; Sucre @ABNC...............   UN        30

100d.                      5 suc  1973     09.03; Sucre @ABNC...............   UN        30

101a                     10 suc  1952     05.21; Benalcazar @ABNC.....   VF         60

101a                     10 suc  1955     10.03; Benalcazar @ABNC.....   VF-       40

101A.                    10 suc  1959     04.08; Benalcazar @ABNC.....   UN      100

101A                     10 suc  1960     07.28; Benalcazar @ABNC ....   VF         12

101A                     10 suc  1962     11.07; Benalcazar @ABNC.....   F             4

101A.                    10 suc  1966     01.01; Benalcazar @ABNC.....   UN        48

101A.                    10 suc  1971     05.20; Benalcazar @ABNC.....   UN        48

101A                     10 suc  1974     01.02; Benalcazar............... F 4,  UN        32

102                        20 suc  1957     06.19; church @ABNC.............   F-          20

102                        20 suc  1959     10.15; church @ABNC.............   VF+      80

103a                     20 suc  1963     05.23; church @ABNC.............   F+         12

103a                     20 suc  1965     08.06; church @ABNC.............   VF+      24

103a                     20 suc  1966     01.01; church @ABNC.............   VF+      24

103b                     20 suc  1968     05.24; church @ABNC.............   VG-         4

103b.                    20 suc  1969     11.05; church @ABNC.............   UN        40

103b                     20 suc  1971     05.20; church @ABNC.............   UN        36

103b                     20 suc  1973     09.03; church @ABNC.. VF+6,  UN        32

NL(P103)           vignette  ABNC   engr "Comp. Jesus.... lot#1393  UN        15

104a                     50 suc  1969     11.05; church @ABNC.............   VF         20

104b                     50 suc  1971     05.20; church @ABNC. XF 32,  UN      128

104A                   100 suc  1954     01.12 @ABNC...........................   VF+    150

105                     100 suc  1969     11.05 @ABNC...........................   F+         20

105                     100 suc  1970     07.07 @ABNC.................. F 10,  VF+      30

107                  1,000 suc  1973     09.20 @ABNC...........................   VF      800

108                          5 suc  1975     03.14; Sucre @ABNC...............   UN        12

108                          5 suc  1977     04.29; Sucre @ABNC...............   UN        12

108                          5 suc  1982     08.20; Sucre @ABNC...............   UN          9

108                          5 suc  1983     04.20; Sucre @ABNC...............   UN          6

109                        10 suc  1975     03.14; Benalcazar @ABNC.....   UN        20

109.                      10 suc  1977     04.29; Benalcazar @ABNC.....   UN        20

109.                      10 suc  1978     05.24; Benalcazar @ABNC.....   UN        20

110                        20 suc  1976     08.10; church @ABNC.............   UN        30

111                        50 suc  1976     08.10; monument/ ........... VF 8,  XF         16

112                     100 suc  1980     02.01; date not in Pick..............   VF+      12

112                     100 suc  1980     05.24; Bolivar @ABNC.............   UN        48

113                          5 suc  1958     11.25; Sucre @TDLR...............   VF+      24

113                          5 suc  1959     07.07; ovpt "subgerente. .".......   VF         24

113                          5 suc  1959     10.15; Sucre @TDLR...............   VF           5

113                          5 suc  1960     04.07; Sucre @TDLR...............   VF           5

113.                         5 suc  1960     07.28; Sucre @TDLR...............   UN        32

113                          5 suc  1961     06.07; Sucre @TDLR...............   F             4

113                          5 suc  1961     01.12; Sucre @TDLR...............   F             4

113                          5 suc  1963     05.23; Sucre @TDLR...............   F             4

113                          5 suc  1968     05.24; Sucre @TDLR...............   UN        10

113.                         5 suc  1970     02.27; Sucre @TDLR...............   UN        10

113                          5 suc  1979     07.25; Sucre @TDLR...............   UN          6

113                          5 suc  1980     05.24; Sucre @TDLR...............   UN          5

113                          5 suc  1988     11.22; Sucre @TDLR...............   UN          4

114                        10 suc  1968     05.24; Benalcazar .......... VF+6,  UN        32

114                        10 suc  1971     05.20; Benalcazar........ XF+12,  UN        32

114.                      10 suc  1982     09.30; Benalcazar @TDLR......   UN        16

114                        10 suc  1983     04.20; Benalcazar @TDLR......   UN        16

115.                      20 suc  1978     05.01; church @TDLR..............   UN        24

115                        20 suc  1980     05.24; church @TDLR..............   UN        20

115                        20 suc  1983     04.20; church @TDLR..............   UN        20

116.                      50 suc  1974     07.17; monument @TDLR.......   UN        32

116.                      50 suc  1980     05.24; monument @TDLR.......   UN        24

118a                   100 suc  1971     05.20; Bolivar @TDLR....... F 6,  XF         30

118a.                  100 suc  1974     07.17; Bolivar @TDLR.. VF 10,  AU+      60

118b                   100 suc  1976     08.10; Bolivar @TDLR........ p/h  XF+      30

118b.                  100 suc  1977     08.10; Bolivar @TDLR..............   UN        80

119                     500 suc  1982     07.20; Bolivar @TDLR..............   UN        96

120.                 1,000 suc  1980     05.24; Ruminahui @TDLR.......   UN      160

120.                 1,000 suc  1982     07.20; Ruminahui @TDLR.......   UN      140

121                        10 suc  1986     04.29; Benalcazar.....................   UN          5

121                        10 suc  1988     11.22; Benalcazar.....................   UN          5

121A                     20 suc  1986     04.29; church.............................   UN          5

121A                     20 suc  1988     11.22; church.............................   UN          5

122                        50 suc  1984     09.05; monument......................   UN        16

122                        50 suc  1988     11.22; monument......................   UN        16

123                     100 suc  1986     04.29; Bolivar.................... VF 4,  UN        32

123                     100 suc  1990     04.20; Bolivar.............................   UN        30

123A                   100 suc  1988     06.08;Bolivar..............................   UN        12

123A.                  100 suc  1990     04.20; Bolivar.............................   UN        10

123A.                  100 suc  1991     10.11; Bolivar.............................   UN        10

123A                   100 suc  1992     03.09; Bolivar.............................   UN          7

123A.                  100 suc  1993     08.20; Bolivar.............................   UN          7

123A                   100 suc  1994     02.21; Bolivar.............................   UN          7

123A                   100 suc  1997     04.03; Bolivar.............................   UN          7

123A    proof     100 suc  ND        proof, no date no sig........ canc  UN        96

124                     500 suc  1984     09.05; Espejo.............................   UN        24

124A                   500 suc  1988     06.08; Espejo.............................   UN        16

125a                1,000 suc  1986     09.29; Ruminahui......................   UN        32

125b                1,000 suc  1988     06.08; Ruminahui/......... AU 16,  UN        32

126                  5,000 suc  1987     12.01; /sea tortoise.......... VF 5,  UN        36

127a              10,000 suc  1988     07.30; Rocafuerte/Quito...........   UN        48

127b              10,000 suc  1995     02.06; Rocafuerte/Quito...........   UN        32

127b              10,000 suc  1995     03.06; Rocafuerte/Quito...........   UN        32

127b              10,000 suc  1996     09.23; Rocafuerte/Quito...........   XF           8

127c              10,000 suc  1998     12.14; Rocafuerte/Quito...........   UN        20

128.                 5,000 suc  1993     08.20; Montalvo/sea tortoise....   UN        16

128                  5,000 suc  1995     01.31; Montalvo/sea tortoise....   UN        12

128                  5,000 suc  1995     08.08; Montalvo/sea tortoise....   UN        12

128.                 5,000 suc  1996     10.31; Montalvo/sea tortoise....   UN        12

128.                 5,000 suc  1999     03.06; Montalvo/sea tortoise....   UN        12

128                  5,000 suc  1999     03.26; Montalvo/sea tortoise....   UN        12

128.                 5,000 suc  1999     06.12; Montalvo/sea tortoise....   UN        12

129                20,000 suc  1995     11.20; Moreno/2x thread..........   XF         12

129                20,000 suc  1997     06.02; Moreno/2x thread..........   UN        32

129.               20,000 suc  1998     10.05; Moreno/2x thread..........   UN        32

129                20,000 suc  1999     03.26; Moreno/2x thread..........   UN        24

129                20,000 suc  1999     07.12; Moreno/1x thread..........   UN        20

130.               50,000 suc  1995     01.31; Alfaro...............................   UN        48

130                50,000 suc  1997     06.02; Alfaro...............................   UN        32

130                50,000 suc  1999     03.10; Alfaro.................... VF+6,  UN        24

130                50,000 suc  1999     07.12; Alfaro...............................   UN        24

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s104                      10 suc  (1914)   Azuay; #, no signed........... hole  F         450

s126b                      1 suc  1916     01.05;B.Com.Agricola..... G 75,  F         300

s126b                      1 suc  1917     07.15;Banco Com Agricola......   VG-    150

s126c                      1 suc  1920     01.01;Banco Com Agricola......   VF      350

s126c                      1 suc  1921     12.05;Banco Com Agricola......   VF-     300

s151a                      1 suc  18(9-)    Banco Ecuador..........................   G        150

s151c                      1 suc  1901     Banco Ecuador..........................   F+       350

s172r    rema         1 suc  18--       Banco Internacional..................   AU        40

s251r    rema         1 suc  1920     Banco Sur Americano...............   UN        30

s252r    rema         5 suc  1920     Banco Sur Americano...............   UN      200

s253r    rema       20 suc  1920     Banco Sur Americano...............   UN        30

s254r    rema     100 suc  1920     Banco Sur Americano...............   UN        35


PICK#                                 *****EGYPT***4c*

   Kingdom                         -National Bank of Egypt

10a                         25 pia  1917     08.11; sig Rowlatt......................   VG      250

10b                         25 pia  1940     07.07; sig Cook..........................   G        120

10c                         25 pia  1941     07.02; sig Nixon............. VG 15,  F+         45

10c.                        25 pia  1941     07.03; sig Nixon.........................   UN      480

10c                         25 pia  1942     08.04; sig Nixon.........................   F+         45

10c                         25 pia  1942     09.04; sig Nixon................ F 30,  XF+    180

10c                         25 pia  1943     05.17; sig Nixon.........................   F+         45

10c                         25 pia  1945     01.03; sig Nixon.........................   VF         60

10d                         25 pia  1948     01.17; sig Leith-Ross.... VF 60,  XF      120

10d                         25 pia  1950     01.17; sig Leith-Ross................   VF         60

10e                         25 pia  1951     05.17; sig Zaky Saad................   XF      240

10e                         25 pia  1951     05.18; sig Zaky Saad................   F           60

18                           1 pou  1924     07.18; camel...............................   VG+   800

19b                         5 pou  1933     06.09; sig Cook.............. "M/25"  VF      600

19c                          5 pou  1943     12.07; sig Nixon............. "M/80"  F         120

19c                          5 pou  1944     02.07; sig Nixon............. "M/86"  VG        60

19c                          5 pou  1945     01.20; sig Nixon........... "M/105"  VF+    360

19c                          5 pou  1945     12.05; sig Nixon........... "M/112"  F         120

20       p/h              1 pou  1930     01.10; man/mosque..................   F+    1000

21b                         50 pia  1942     08.07; sig Nixon.........................   VF-     120

21b                         50 pia  1942     09.02; sig Nixon.........................   VG        30

21b                         50 pia  1943     05.13; sig Nixon.........................   F           60

21e.                       50 pia  1951     05.16; sig Zaky Saad................   UN   1200

22c                          1 pou  1940     11.26; sig Noxon............. "J/39"  F           80

22c                          1 pou  1941     11.22; sig Nixon.............. "J/50"  VG        40

22c                          1 pou  1942     03.18; sig Nixon.............. "J/53"  VF      120

22c                          1 pou  1945     01.18; sig Nixon.............. "J/89"  XF+    180

22d                         1 pou  1948     05.27; sig Leith-Ross... "J/108"  XF+    180

23a                       10 pou  1935     10.11; sig Cook............... "X/47"  VF-     400

23c                       10 pou  1948     06.09; sig Leith-Ross......... pen  F         120

23d                       10 pou  1951     05.21; sig Zaky Sad .......... pen  G           30

24a                         1 pou  1950     Kg Farouk; sig Leith-Ross........   VF      180

24b                         1 pou  1951     Kg Farouk; sig Zaky Sad .........   F-          60

25a                         5 pou  1946     Kg Farouk; Leith-Ross....... pen  F         140

25a                         5 pou  1948     Kg Farouk; Leith-Ross....... pen  VG        70

26a                       50 pou  1949     Kg Farouk; sig Leith-R....... pen  F+       900

26b                       50 pou  1951     Kg Farouk; sig Zaky S....... pen  F         600

27a                     100 pou  1950     Kg Farouk; Leith-Ross....... pen  F         700

27a                     100 pou  1951     Kg Farouk; Leith-Ross....... pen  G-       150

27b                     100 pou  1951     Kg Farouk; Zaky Sad......... pen  VG      400

27b                     100 pou  1951     Kg Farouk; Z Sad...... tape pen  G-       120


28a                         25 pia  1952     Tutankhamon; sig Fekry...........   AU        60

28a                         25 pia  1954     Tutankhamon; sig Fekry...........   UN      120

28b                         25 pia  1955     Tutankhamon; sig Saad...........   AU        60

28b                         25 pia  1956     Tutankhamon; Saad..... VF+18,  UN        90

28c                         25 pia  1957     Tutankhamon; Emary..... VF 12  UN        90

29b                         50 pia  1955     Tutankhamon; sig Saad...........   VF         20

29c.                        50 pia  1957     Tutankhamon; sig Emary.........   UN      120

30b                         1 pou  1956     Tutankhamon; sig Saad.. F+12  VF+      24

30c                          1 pou  1957     Tutankhamon; sig Emary.........   VG          4

30d                         1 pou  1960     Tutankhamon; Refay... VF+12,  UN      120

31b                         5 pou  1955     Tutankhamon; sig Saad...........   VF-       20

31c.                        5 pou  1957     Tutankhamon; sig Emary.........   UN      120

31c                          5 pou  1958     Tutankhamon; Emary... AU 60,  UN      120

31c.                        5 pou  1959     Tutankhamon; sig Emary.........   UN      120

32a                       10 pou  1952     Tutankhamon; sig Fekry...........   VF+      60

32c.                      10 pou  1958     Tutankhamon; Emary.... AU 80  UN      160

32d.                      10 pou  1960     Tutankhamon; sig Refay..........   UN      180

34                       100 pou  1952     Tutankhamon...................... pen  VG+   400

                                            -Central Bank of Egypt

35a                         25 pia  1961     arms/25; sig Refay....................   UN        30

35a.                       25 pia  1963     arms/25; sig Refay....................   UN        30

35b                         25 pia  1966     arms/25; sig Zendo......... VG 4,  UN        30

36a.                       50 pia  1961     arms/50; sig Refay....................   UN        60

36a.                       50 pia  1963     arms/50; sig Refay....................   UN        60

36b                         50 pia  1965     arms/50; sig Zendo...................   UN        50

36b.                       50 pia  1966     arms/50; sig Zendo...................   UN        50

37b.                        1 pou  1965     Tutankhamon; sig Zendo.........   UN        30

37b.                        1 pou  1966     Tutankhamon; sig Zendo.........   UN        30

37c                          1 pou  1967     Tutankhamon; sig Nazmy........   UN        30

39.                          5 pou  1964     Tutankhamon; green, Zendo...   UN        60

40                           5 pou  1964     Tutankhamon; lilac............. F 5,  UN        70

40.                          5 pou  1965     Tutankhamon; lilac....................   UN        70

41a.                      10 pou  1961     Tutankhamon; sig Refay..........   UN        90

41b                       10 pou  1964     Tutankhamon; sig Zendo.........   UN        70

41b.                      10 pou  1965     Tutankhamon; sig Zendo.........   UN        70

42a.                       25 pia  1970     Sphinx/arms; sig Nazmy...........   UN        20

42b.                       25 pia  1972     Sphinx/arms; sig Zendo............   UN        16

42b                         25 pia  1974     Sphinx/arms; sig Zendo............   UN        16

43b                         50 pia  1971     /Ramses; sig Zendo..................   UN        12

43b                         50 pia  1976     /Ramses; sig Ibrahim................   UN          8

43c                         50 pia  1978     /Ramses; sig Ibrahim................   UN          8

44b                         1 pou  1971     /Pharaohs; sig Zendo................   UN        16

44b                         1 pou  1975     /Pharaohs; sig Zendo................   UN        12

44c                          1 pou  1978     /Pharaohs; sig Ibrahim..............   UN        12

45a.                        5 pou  1973     /reliefs; sig Ibrahim....................   UN        40

45c                          5 pou  1976     /reliefs; sig Ibrahim....................   XF+      12

45c                          5 pou  1978     /reliefs; sig Ibrahim....................   UN        30

46b.                      10 pou  1972     /pharaoh; sig Zendo..................   UN        40

46b.                      10 pou  1974     /Pharaoh; sig Zendo..................   UN        40

46b.                      10 pou  1975     /Pharaoh; sig Zendo..................   AU        25

46c.                      10 pou  1976     /Pharaoh; sig Ibrahim................   UN        30

46c                       10 pou  1978     /Pharaoh; sig Ibrahim................   UN        30

47.                          25 pia  1976     Sphinx; sig Ibrahim....................   UN        10

47.                          25 pia  1977     Sphinx; sig Ibrahim....................   UN        10

47.                          25 pia  1978     Sphinx; sig Ibrahim....................   UN        10

48                         20 pou  1976     /chariot; sig Ibrahim...................   UN        70

48.                        20 pou  1978     /chariot; sig Ibrahim...................   UN        70

49                           25 pia  (19)79   mosque; sig Ibrahim.......... gray  UN        15

50a.                        1 pou  (19)79   /Pharaohs; sig Ibrahim...... "80"  UN        25

50a                         1 pou  (19)80   /Pharaohs; sig Ibrahim.... "117"  UN        25

50b.                        1 pou  (19)83   /Pharaohs; sig Shalaby... "141"  XF+      10

50c                          1 pou  (19)85   /Pharaohs; sig Negm....... "156"  UN        25

50d                         1 pou  (19)87   /Pharaohs; sig Hamed.... "185"  UN        12

50d.                        1 pou  (19)90   /Pharaohs; sig Hamed.... "212"  UN        12

50e.                        1 pou  (19)94   /Pharaohs; sig Mohamed.........   UN        10

50e.                        1 pou  (19)99   /Pharaohs; sig Mohamed.........   UN        10

50f                          1 pou  2002     /Pharaohs; sig El Oyoum..........   UN          6

50h                         1 pou  2004     /Pharaohs; sig El Okda.............   UN          5

50h                         1 pou  2006     /Pharaohs; sig El Okda.............   UN          4

51b                       10 pou  (19)82   /Chephren; sig Shalaby............   XF           8

51c                       10 pou  (19)85   /Chephren; sig Negm................   UN        20

51d.                      10 pou  (19)86   /Chephren; sig Hamed..............   UN        20

51d.                      10 pou  (19)87   /Chephren; sig Hamed..............   UN        20

52b.                      20 pou  (19)87   /chariot; sig Hamed.......... VF 4,  UN        40

52b.                      20 pou  (19)92   /chariot; sig Hamed...................   UN        35

52d                       20 pou  (19)94   /chariot; sig Mohamed..............   UN        30

53a                     100 pou  (19)78   /Sphinx; sig Ibrahim...................   UN      120

53b.                    100 pou  (19)92   /Sphinx; sig Hamed...................   UN      120

54a                         25 pia  (19)80   /arms; sig Ibrahim........... green  UN          9

54a                         25 pia  (19)81   /arms; sig Ibrahim........... green  UN          9

54b                         25 pia  (19)86   /arms; sig Shalaby.......... green  UN          9

55b.                       50 pia  (19)82   /Ramses; sig Shalaby...............   UN        14

55b                         50 pia  (19)83   /Ramses; sig Shalaby...............   UN        12

56a.                        5 pou  (19)81   /relief; sig Ibrahim................. "1"  UN      140

56b.                        5 pou  (19)84   /relief; sig Shalaby................ "7"  UN      100

57a                         25 pia  (19)85   /arms; sig Negm........................   UN        12

57a                         25 pia  (19)87   /arms; sig Hamed......................   UN          8

57b                         25 pia  (19)89   /arms; sig Hamed......................   UN          6

57b                         25 pia  (19)90   /arms; sig Hamed......................   UN          6

57b                         25 pia  (19)93   /arms; sig Hamed......................   UN          4

57b                         25 pia  (19)97   /arms; sig Mohamed.................   UN          4

57c                         25 pia  2001     /arms; sig Mohamed.................   UN          4

57f                          25 pia  2004     /arms; sig El Okda.....................   UN          4

57f.                         25 pia  2005     /arms; sig El Okda.....................   UN          4

57                           25 pia  2008     /arms; sig El Okda.....................   UN          4

58b.                       50 pia  (19)87   /Pharaoh; sig Hamed......... "25"  UN        15

58b                         50 pia  (19)89   /Pharaoh; sig Hamed................   UN          8

58b                         50 pia  (19)90   /Pharaoh; sig Hamed................   UN          6

58b.                       50 pia  (19)91   /Pharaoh; sig Hamed................   UN          6

58c                         50 pia  (19)94   /Pharaoh; sig Mohamed...........   UN          6

59b                         5 pou  (19)97   /relief; sig Mohamed..................   UN        10

60a.                      50 pou  (19)93   /columns; sig Hamed........... "1"  UN      120

60b.                      50 pou  (19)93   /columns; sig Mohamed...... "2"  UN      100

60b.                      50 pou  (19)93   /columns; sig Mohamed...... "5"  UN        50

60b.                      50 pou  (19)96   /columns; sig Mohamed...........   UN        40

61a                     100 pou  (19)94   replacement...................... "100"  VF+      40

61b.                    100 pou  (19)97   /Sphinx; sig Mohamed....... "17"  UN        80

62b                         50 pia  (19)95   /Pharaoh; sig Mohamed...........   UN          5

62c                         50 pia  (19)95   /Pharaoh; sig Mohamed...........   UN          5

62g                         50 pia  2001     /Pharaoh; sig Mohamed...........   UN          4

62j                          50 pia  2004     /Pharaoh; sig El Okda...............   UN          4

63b                         5 pou  2008     /frieze; sig El Okda....................   UN          5

65                         20 pou  2001     /chariot; sig Mohamed..............   UN          7

65                         20 pou  2007     /chariot; sig El Okda..................   UN          6

66.                        50 pou  2001     /columns; sig El Oyoum............   UN        20

67                       100 pou  2003     /Sphinx; sig El Okda I................   UN        35

67.                      100 pou  2005     /Sphinx; sig El Okda..................   UN        30

67.                      100 pou  2009     /Sphinx; sig El Okda..................   UN        25

68                       200 pou  2007     /scribe; sig El Okda.............. big  UN        60

69                       200 pou  2009     /scribe; sig El Okda.......... small  UN        50

71                           1 pou  2016     /statues.......................................   UN          4

72                           5 pou  2014     /frieze..........................................   UN          4

72                           5 pou  2015     /frieze..........................................   UN          4

73                         10 pou  2015     /Chephren...................................   UN          5

   currency notes;

162                           5 pia  1918     caravan................... VG 50, pen  VF      160

163                           5 pia  (1941)   sig Sadek....................................   VG+      15

163                           5 pia  (1941)   sig Badawy.................................   G             5

163                           5 pia  (1941)   sig Sedky............................. G 5,  VG        10

164                           5 pia  (1943)   sig Sedky............................... "2"  F           20

164                           5 pia  (1943)   sig Osman.......................... "T/3"  F           20

165a                         5 pia  (1945)   sig Ebeid............ "/5"VG 7, "I/5"  UN      180

165a                         5 pia  (1945)   sig Sedky........................... "R/5"  F           25

165a                         5 pia  (1945)   sig Nokrashy..................... "Q/6"  G             4

165b                         5 pia  (1945)   sig Zaky............................. "E/9"  VG        20

166b                      10 pia  (1945)   sig Badawy.................................   F           30

166c                       10 pia  (1945)   sig Osman............... "/2" VG 15,  VF+      90

167a                      10 pia  (1945)   sig Ebeid........................... "C,G"  G+          6

167a                      10 pia  (1945)   sig Sedky............... F"N" 20, "V"  F+         30

167b                      10 pia  (1945)   sig Osman..... "Q,R,U,V,W,Z/2"  F           12

168a                      10 pia  (1945)   sig Nokrashy...................... "L/6"  G             5

168a                      10 pia  (1945)   sig Ebeid......... VG"F/4"7, "B/4"  F+         20

168a                      10 pia  (1945)   sig Fahmy.................. "A/7" G 4,  VF         50

168a                      10 pia  (1945)   sig Zaky............................. "H/8"  VF+    120

174a                         5 pia  (1953)   El Emary.......................... "F/10"  VF         60

174a                         5 pia  (1953)   El Kaissouny......... "W/10"F/11"  F             8

174a                         5 pia  (1953)   El Kaissouny.................... "T/12"  G             7

174a                         5 pia  (1953)   El Kaissouny................... "V/12"  VF         25

175a                      10 pia  (1953)   El Sherif.............. VF 16; "Q/10"  UN      130

175a                      10 pia  (1953)   Kaissouny................. F 5; "J/11"  VF         10

176a                         5 pia  (1958)   sig Zaky........................... "D/13"  AU        30

176b                         5 pia  (1958)   sig S Eldin....................... "E/13"  F             7

176c                         5 pia  (1958)   sig S Eldin............ VF 4;"13-15"  UN        25

177a                      10 pia  (1958)   sig S Eldin....................... "A/14"  XF         30

177a                      10 pia  (1958)   sig S Eldin....................... "C/14"  XF         40

177b                      10 pia  (1958)   sig S Eldin................. F 8,  "/14"  VF         16

177c                       10 pia  (1958)   sig S Eldin........... F 6,  "/14-16"  XF         24

180a                         5 pia  (1961)   sig Boghdady...................... "15"  UN        25

180a                         5 pia  (1961)   sig Boghdady.................. "B/16"  VG          6

180b                         5 pia  (1961)   sig El Kaissouny...... ser"16-18"  UN        10

180c.                        5 pia  (1961)   sig Deif; blue............ ser"18-22"  UN        10

181b                      10 pia  (1961)   sig El Kaissouny...... ser"16-18"  UN        10

181e                      10 pia  (1961)   sig Hegazy............... ser"24-29"  G             4

182b                         5 pia  (1971)   sig Hegazy............... ser"34-35"  UN        10

182g                         5 pia  (1971)   sig Loutfy.................. ser"42-47"  UN          5

182h                         5 pia  (1971)   sig Meguid............... ser"47-50"  UN          4

182i                          5 pia  (1971)   Hamed; print SA......... ser"F50"  XF+      15

182j                          5 pia  (1971)   Hamed; print PPH... ser"50-72"  UN          3

183a                      10 pia  (1971)   Hegazy; wmk UAR. ser"29-30"  UN        30

183b                      10 pia  (1971)   Hegazy; wmk ARE.. ser"30-31"  UN        15

183c                       10 pia  (1971)   sig Ibrahim..................... ser"32"  VF           4

183e                      10 pia  (1971)   sig Ismail.................. ser"33-35"  UN          6

183f                       10 pia  (1971)   sig Hamed................ ser"35-38"  UN          6

183g                      10 pia  (1971)   sig Loutfy.................. ser"38-43"  AU          4

183h                      10 pia  (1971)   sig A Meguid............ ser"43-46"  UN          4

184a                      10 pia  (1984)   sig Hamed................ ser"46-69"  UN          4

184b                      10 pia  (1984)   sig Razaz................. ser"69-75"  UN          4

185                           5 pia  (1998)   El Ghareeb; green............ "1-2"  UN          4

187                         10 pia  (1998)   ............................................ "1-2"  UN          4

188                           5 pia  (1998)   El Ghareeb; blue............... "2-3"  UN          4

189a                      10 pia  (1998)   El Ghareeb; blue............... "2-5"  UN          4

189b                      10 pia  (1998)   sig Hassanein....................... "6"  UN          4

190A                        5 pia  (1998)   sig Hassanein...................... "6-"  UN          4

191                         10 pia  (2006)   sig Botros.............................. "7"  UN          4


PICK#                                 *****EL SALVADOR***3*


75b                           1 col  1941     woman/ 1942.............................   F+       200

75c                           1 col  1943     woman/ 1943.............................   VF+    400

83                             1 col  1944     plowing/ 1947.............................   F+         75

83.                            1 col  1947     plowing/ 1948.............................   UN      600

83                             1 col  1948     plowing/ 1949.............................   VF      100

83.                            1 col  1949     plowing/ 1950.............................   UN      600

83                             1 col  1951     plowing/ 1952.............................   VF+    150

83       proof             1 col  ND        proof of front...............................   AU+    400

85                           10 col  1952     Arce/ 1954..................................   F         300

87a                           1 col  1950     coffee, lake/ 1951......................   VF+    100

87b                           1 col  1952     coffee, lake/ 1953............... tear  AU      240

87c                           1 col  1954     coffee, lake/ 1955......................   F+         45

90b.                          1 col  1956     bank/ 1956..................................   UN      200

90b                           1 col  1958     bank/ 1959............................ p/h  VF+      50

90b                           1 col  1959     bank/ 1960..................................   VF         35

90b.                          1 col  1960     bank/ 1963..................................   UN      180

91b                           2 col  1957     farming/1958..............................   F+         60

92a                           5 col  1955     woman/ 1956.............................   F           50

92b                           5 col  1957     woman/ 1959.............................   VF+    150

92b                           5 col  1959     woman/ 1960.......... VF(p/h)95,  XF+    300

93                             1 col  1957     plowing/ 1959.............................   VF         60

100a                         1 col  1963     03.12; bank/ 1964......................   VF         30

100b                         1 col  1966     01.25; bank/ 1967.......... VF 30,  XF         60

100c                         1 col  1966     08.23; bank/ 1967......................   F           15

104s   spec           25 col  1963     "SPECIMEN"..............................   AU+    400

105.                          1 col  1964     plowing/ 1965.................. F+ 30,  UN      200

105                           1 col  1964     plowing/ 1966....................... p/h  VF+      60

108.    comm           1 col  1967     "Jose Canas bicentennial".......   UN      100

109     comm           5 col  1967     "Jose Canas bicentennial".......   XF      400

110a                         1 col  1968     Canas/ 1970................... VG+4,  F+           8

110b                         1 col  1970     Canas/ 1971.................. VF+12,  UN        64

110b.                        1 col  1970     Canas/ 1972...............................   UN        64

111     proof             5 col  1968     ABNC proof-essay....................   VF      450

115a.                        1 col  1971     Canas/ 1972...............................   UN        32

115a.                        1 col  1971     Canas/ 1973...............................   UN        32

115a                         1 col  1971     Canas/ 1974...............................   UN        32

115b                         1 col  1972     Canas/ 1975...............................   XF           8

115b                         1 col  1972     Canas/ 1976...............................   F             4

115b                         1 col  1972     Canas/ 1977...............................   UN        26

116a.                        2 col  1972     church/ 1974..............................   UN        50

116b.                        2 col  1974     church/ 1979..............................   UN        45

117.                          5 col  1972     meeting/ 1974..................... F 5,  UN        80

117                           5 col  1974     meeting/ 1976............................   F+           7

117                           5 col  1976     meeting/ 1979............................   VF         10

117                           5 col  1976     meeting/ 1981............................   F             5

118                         10 col  1974     Arce/ 1975..................................   XF         30

118                         10 col  1976     Arce/ 1977..................................   F             8

118.                        10 col  1976     Arce/ 1979...................... XF 30,  UN      120

123.                          1 col  1976     dam/ 1978..................................   UN        40

124                           2 col  1976     church/ 1977..............................   UN        60

125a.                        1 col  1977     dam/ 1979..................................   UN        20

125a                         1 col  1977     dam/ 1980..................................   UN        20

125a.                        1 col  1978     dam/ 1981..................................   UN        20

125a.                        1 col  1978     dam/ 1982..................................   UN        20

125b                         1 col  1979     dam/ 1979............................ F 4,  UN        20

125b                         1 col  1980     dam/ 1980............................ F 4,  UN        20

126.                          5 col  1977     meeting/ 1977............................   UN        50

127                         10 col  1977     Arce/ 1977..................................   F           10

129                         10 col  1980     Arce/ 1980..................................   VG          6

130b.                     25 col  1980     Acajutla port/ 1980....................   UN      120

132A.                       5 col  1980     meeting/ 1980............................   UN        30

133A.                       1 col  1982     dam/ 1982........................... F-4,  UN        20

134a                         5 col  1983     meeting/ 1983............... AU+24,  UN        32

134b                         5 col  1988     meeting/ 1988............................   UN        32

135a                       10 col  1983     Arce/ 1983........................... F 4,  UN        64

136                         25 col  1983     dam/ 1983..................................   UN      100

137a.                   100 col  1983     monument/ 1983......... XF 100UN      320

137b                    100 col  1988     monument/ 1988............... F 30  F+         50

138                           5 col  1990     meeting/ 1990..................... F 4,  UN        32

140(a)                  100 col  1993     pyramid/ 1995............................   F           60

140(c)                  100 col  1995     pyramid/ 1995............................   F           60

140s    spec        100 col  1995     'muestra sin valor".....................   AU+    250

142b.                     25 col  1996     dam/ 1996..................................   UN        60

143s    spec          50 col  1995     'muestra sin valor".....................   AU+    250

144                         10 col  1996     Arce/ 1996..................................   UN        30

146                       100 col  1996     pyramid/......................................   F           50

147a.                        5 col  1997     /Nacional Palace................. F 4,  UN        32

147b                         5 col  1998     /Nacional Palace........................   F             4

148a                       10 col  1997     /volcano......................................   F             5

148b                       10 col  1998     /volcano......................................   UN        45

    *FMLM stamp "TRUEQUE x LA PAZ, un dolar para la Libertad"

*125a                       1 col  1977     propaganda stamp(198-)..........   VG        40

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            Banco National del Salvador

s161b     "A"           1 pes  1913     ovpt "tribunal superior"..............   F-        200

s162b     "A"           5 pes  1908     ovpt "tribunal de Cuentas"........   F-        200

s162c     "B"           5 pes  1909     ovpt "tribunal de Cuentas"........   F         200

s163b     "A"         10 pes  1908     ovpt "tribunal de Cuentas"........   F         220

s163b     "A"         10 pes  1910     ovpt "tribunal de Cuentas"........   F         200


PICK#                                 *****EQUATORIAL AFRICAN STATES**3c*

   Monetary Union (Central African States from 1974) of several former

French colonies (French Equatorial Africa till 1960) in Central Africa

which are identified by the printed code letter:

A -Chad, B -CAR Central African Republic, C -Congo, D -Gabon,

* -Cameroon, -Equatorial Guinea.

1f                          100 fra  (1962)   Eboue/port..................................   VF      200

3b    "B"               100 fra  (1963)   /elephant; Cent African Rep.....   VG+   120

3c    "C"                100 fra  (1963)   Congo............ VG+60, VF+240UN   1300

4e    "A" litho       500 fra  (1963)   /camels; Chad................... F 80,  XF-     300

4g    "C" litho       500 fra  (1963)   /camels; Congo..........................   UN   1600

4h    "D" litho       500 fra  (1963)   /camels; Gabon..........................   F         120

5f     "B" litho    1,000 fra  (1966)   market; Cent African Rep.........   VG+   200


PICK#                                 *****EQUATORIAL GUINEA****3*

   Republic (Spanish Colony till 1968; Spanish Guinea)

1                          100 pes  1969     banana tree/seaside.................   UN        96

2.                         500 pes  1969     logging/woman...........................   AU+    120

3.                     1,000 pes  1969     Nguema/tree..............................   UN      240

4.                           25 ecu  1975     "Macias"/bridge..........................   UN        50

5                            50 ecu  1975     "Macias"/logging........................   UN        50

6                         100 ecu  1975     "Macias"/port..............................   UN        50

7                         500 ecu  1975     "Macias"/palace............. XF 15,  UN        60

8                      1,000 ecu  1975     "Macias"/bank............................   UN        70

9.                           25 ecu  1975     "Masie"/bridge............................   UN        40

11                       100 ecu  1975     "Masie"/port................................   UN        32

12.                      500 ecu  1975     "Masie"/palace...........................   UN        75

14.                        100 bik  1979     boy/port.......................................   UN        84

16.                    1,000 bik  1979     Bioko/..........................................   UN      250

17                     5,000 bik  1979     Okenve/logging..........................   UN      180

18                     1,000 bik  1980     ovpt #1........................... AU+48,  UN        64

19                     5,000 bik  1980     ovpt #2........................... XF+36,  UN        96

20                         500 fra  1985     carving/carver............................   UN        24

21                      1,000 fra  1985     map/elephant, animals.............   UN        64


PICK#                                 *****ERITREA****3*

   Republic (former Italian Colony seceded from Ethiopia in 1993)

1                          1 nakfa  1997     women/students........................   UN          4

2                          5 nakfa  1997     men/baobab...............................   UN          6

3                        10 nakfa  1997     girls/train.....................................   UN        10

4                        20 nakfa  1997     girls/agriculture scenes.............   UN        20

5.                       50 nakfa  1997     women/port.................................   UN      110

6.                     100 nakfa  1997     women/plowing..........................   UN      220

7.                       50 nakfa  2004     women/port; red-brown.............   UN        30

9                        50 nakfa  2011     women/port; green....................   UN        20

11                      10 nakfa  2012     girls/train; brown........................   UN          8

12                      20 nakfa  2012     girls/;green-blue.........................   UN        12


1-6s             1-100 nakfa  1997     "SPECIMEN"....... set 6,booklet  UN      500


PICK#                                 *****ESTONIA****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Czarist Russia)

8         "B"           50 mark  1919     06.01; State 5%........... trimmed  F         220

39                           5 pen  (1919)   .....................................................   UN        25

41                         20 pen  (1919)   .....................................................   UN        40

42.                        50 pen  1919     .....................................................   VF         12

43                          1 mark  1919     ............................................ F 10,  XF+      60

44                          3 mark  1919     ............................................... p/h  VF+      75

45                          5 mark  1919     plowing............................ VF 50,  XF      100

46d                     10 mark  1919     shepherd.....................................   XF+    180

47a                     25 mark  1919     farming........................................   VF-       90

47b                     25 mark  1919     farming............................... F 45,  VF         90

53a                     10 mark  1922     no serial letter................ VG 12,  VF+      70

53b                     10 mark  1922     serial letter "A"...........................   XF      150

54a                     25 mark  1922     no serial letter.................. G+20,  VG        30

55b                     50 mark  1919     .....................................................   VF+    300

61                             1 kro  1923     ovpt(1928)..................... VG+60XF      300

62                             5 kro  1929     fisherman........................... F 40,  VF-       60

63.                          10 kro  1928     woman.................. VG 12, F 24,  VF+      72

63s1   spec           10 kro  1928     "PROOF"; specimen.................   UN      300

64                           20 kro  1932     shepherd......................... AU 35,  UN        70

65                           50 kro  1929     coastline........................ XF 110,  AU      220

66                        100 kro  1935     blacksmith...... VG+90; VF 130XF      260

67.                          10 kro  1937     women.................. VG 9, VF 35,  AU      140

68.      unis            10 kro  1940     unissued, wide margin..............   AU      600

68       unfi             10 kro  1940     unfinished, progressive print....   AU      150

68       paper         10 kro  1940     watermarked paper only...........   AU        40

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

69                             1 kro  1992     /Toompea castle.. "AA"AB"AC"  UN          5

70                             2 kro  1992     /Tartu University.. "AA"AB"AC"  UN          5

70r      repl               2 kro  1992     replacement"*"...........................   UN        20

71a.                          5 kro  1991     /Narva fort....... "AC"AJ"AK"AF"  UN        40

71b                           5 kro  1992     /Narva fort............ "AF"BB"BM"  UN          9

72a                         10 kro  1991     Hurt/oak. "AG"AM"AN"AV"AQ"  UN        15

72b                         10 kro  1992     Hurt/oak............... "AW"AZ"BA"  UN        12

73a                         25 kro  1991     Hansen/rural farm.......... AU 45,  UN        90

73b                         25 kro  1992     Hansen/rural farm......................   UN        35

74a.                     100 kro  1991     Koidula/shore..................... "AF"  UN      140

74b.                     100 kro  1992     Koidula/shore...... RARE DATE  UN      900

76                             5 kro  1994     Keres/Narva fort........................   UN          5

77                           10 kro  1994     Hurt/oak tree..............................   UN          9

78a                         50 kro  1994     Tobias/opera..............................   UN        30

79                        100 kro  1994     Koidula/limestone shore...........   UN        80

81a.                     500 kro  1996     Jakobson/barn swallow............   UN      280

82                        100 kro  1999     Koidula/limestone shore...........   UN        60

83                        500 kro  2000     Jakobson/barn swallow............   UN      240

84                           25 kro  2002     Hansen/rural farm......................   UN        18

85                             2 kro  2006     /Tartu University.........................   UN          5

86a                         10 kro  2006     Hurt/oak tree..............................   UN          6

87b                         25 kro  2007     Hansen/rural farm............ VF 4,  UN        20

88.                       100 kro  2007     Koidula/limestone shore...........   UN        50

89.                       500 kro  2007     Jakobson/barn swallow............   UN      250

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Port Kunda, Cement Plant "Port Kunda";

NL                            3 rub  1941     Port Kunda...................... VF 35,  XF         70

NL                          25 rub  1941     Port Kunda.................................   VF         70

                                            -Sindi Kalewiwabriku Uhisus (linen factory)

NL                       10 mark  1919     Sindi............................................   VF+    100

                                            -Tartu, city

NL                          25 rub  1992     Tartu city.....................................   UN        15

NL                          50 rub  1992     Tartu city.....................................   UN        15

NL                       100 rub  1992     Tartu city.....................................   UN        15

                                            -Ostland Spinnstoffwaren Punktwertschein

NL                     5 punkte  1943     .....................................................   UN        60


PICK#                                 *****ETHIOPIA****3*


6                          2 thaler  1933     Emperors....................................   VF      120

7                          5 thaler  1932     gazelle.........................................   F+       300

8                        10 thaler  1933     leopard........................................   F+       500

9                        50 thaler  1932     lion...............................................   F+       500

10                    100 thaler  1932     elephant................................ p/h  VG+   400

12a.                             1 $  (1945)   plowing; sig Blowers..................   AU      150

12b                              1 $  (1945)   plowing; sig Bennett...... VF 40,  XF         60

12c.                             1 $  (1945)   plowing; sig Rozell.....................   UN      180

13c                              5 $  (1945)   tree, bees; sig Rozell....... F 30,  VF         80

14b                            10 $  (1945)   monument; sig Bennett.............   VG        40

18                                1 $  (1961)   coffee tree...................... VF+30,  UN      150

19                                5 $  (1961)   university............... F 40, VF 80,  XF+    250

21.                             20 $  (1961)   stone tower........................ F 50,  UN      760

25                                1 $  (1966)   port................................. VF+12,  UN        60

26.                               5 $  (1966)   airport..........................................   UN      220

27                              10 $  (1966)   bank................... VF 25, AU 100  AU+    140

28                              50 $  (1966)   dam.................................... F 30,  XF+    160

29                            100 $  (1966)   church............................ VG+25,  AU+    300


30a   "AA-BX"         1 birr  (1976)   /Tisisat falls, sig Deguefe.........   UN        15

30b   "CA-CY"        1 birr  (1976)   /Tisisat falls, sig Kidan..............   UN        12

31a   "AA-CJ"         5 birr  (1976)   /kudu, leopard, sig Deguefe.....   UN        32

32a   "AA-AL"       10 birr  (1976)   /tractor, sig Deguefe..................   XF+      30

32b.  "EN-GY"      10 birr  (1976)   /tractor, sig Kidan.......................   UN        70

34a.  "AB-AJ"     100 birr  (1976)   /scientist, sig Deguefe...............   AU+    300

36     "CY-DX"        1 birr  (1987)   /Tisisat falls, sig Tamirat...........   UN        15

40     "AS-AW"   100 birr  (1987)   /scientist, sig Tamirat................   UN      650

41a.  "CY-ED"        1 birr  (1991)   /Tisisat falls, sig Tamirat...........   UN        10

41b   "EE-ER"        1 birr  (1991)   /Tisisat falls, sig Berhanu.........   UN          8

41c   "EU-FG"        1 birr  (1991)   /Tisisat falls, sig Berhanu.........   UN          7

42b   "GD-GF"        5 birr  (1991)   /kudu, leopard, sig Berhanu.....   UN        16

43a.  "KC-LU"      10 birr  (1991)   /tractor, sig Tamirat...................   UN        20

43b   "MG-WH"    10 birr  (1991)   /tractor, sig Berhanu..................   UN        16

44a.  "AT-AZ"       50 birr  (1991)   /castle, sig Tamirat....................   UN      220

44c   "BA-CA"      50 birr  (1991)   /castle, sig Berhanu...................   UN      120

45a.  "AX-BA"    100 birr  (1991)   /scientist, sig Tamirat................   UN      250

45b   "BC-CA"    100 birr  (1991)   /scientist, sig Berhanu...............   UN      200

46a                           1 birr  1997     boy/Tisisat falls..........................   UN          5

46b                           1 birr  2000     boy/Tisisat falls..........................   UN          4

46c                           1 birr  2003     boy/Tisisat falls..........................   UN          4

46d                           1 birr  2006     boy/Tisisat falls..........................   UN          4

47a                           5 birr  1997     coffee/kudu, leopard.................   UN          8

47b                           5 birr  2000     coffee/kudu, leopard.................   UN          7

47c.                          5 birr  2003     coffee/kudu, leopard.................   UN          7

48a                        10 birr  1997     woman/plowing, tractor.............   UN        10

48b                        10 birr  2000     woman/plowing, tractor.............   UN          7

48c.                       10 birr  2003     woman/plowing, tractor.............   UN          7

48d.                       10 birr  2006     woman/plowing, tractor.............   UN          6

49a.                       50 birr  1997     plowing/castle............................   UN        60

49b                        50 birr  2000     plowing/castle............................   UN        50

50a.                     100 birr  1997     plowing/scientist.........................   UN        95

50b                      100 birr  2000     plowing/scientist.........................   UN        60

52b.                     100 birr  2004     plowing/scientist; hologram......   UN        45

52e.                     100 birr  2011     plowing/scientist; hologram......   UN        35


PICK#                                 *****EUROPEAN UNION****9*

  Monetary Union of several European countries which are identified

  by printed serial letter(till 2013):L-Finland, M-Portugal, N-Austria

  P-Netherlands ,R-Luxembourg, S-Italy, T-Ireland, U-France, V-Spain,

  X-Germany, Y-Greece, Z-Belgium

                                            Signature: Duisenberg (2002-2003)

1M                         5 euro  2002     "M" Portugal.............. "U001E1"  UN        40

1M                         5 euro  2002     "M" Portugal............... "U002I1"  UN        50

1N                          5 euro  2002     "N" Austria................. "F004C4"  UN        40

1X.                         5 euro  2002     "X" Germany............. "P010F1"  UN        45

1X.                         5 euro  2002     "X" Germany............... "P007I5"  UN        45

1X.                         5 euro  2002     "X" Germany............... "P010I2"  UN        45

2M                       10 euro  2002     "M" Portugal.............. "U001E1"  UN        70

2M                       10 euro  2002     "M" Portugal............. "U001H2"  UN        70

2X.                      10 euro  2002     "X" Germany............. "P004B4"  UN        75

2X.                      10 euro  2002     "X" Germany.............. "R005I4"  UN        75

2X                        10 euro  2002     "X" Germany............. "R006F1"  UN        70

3M.                      20 euro  2002     "M" Portugal.............. "U002A2"  UN      140

3M                       20 euro  2002     "M" Portugal............. "U002C4"  UN      120

3M                       20 euro  2002     "M" Portugal............. "U004G3"  UN      120

3V.                      20 euro  2002     "V" Spain................... "M008E3"  UN      140

3X.                      20 euro  2002     "X" Germany............. "P006F2"  UN      140

4L.                       50 euro  2002     "L" Finland................ "H006D5"  UN      250

4M                       50 euro  2002     "M" Portugal............. "H007C5"  UN      240

                                            Signature: Trichet (2003-2011)

8M                         5 euro  2002     "M" Portugal............. printer "U"  UN        18

8P                          5 euro  2002     "P" Netherlands....... printer "E"  UN        18

8U                          5 euro  2002     "U" France................. printer "L"  UN        18

8V.                         5 euro  2002     "V" Spain.................. printer "M"  UN        20

8X                          5 euro  2002     "X" Germany............ printer "P"  UN        18

9N.                      10 euro  2002     "N" Austria................ printer "F"  UN        40

9U.                      10 euro  2002     "U" France................. printer "L"  UN        40

9Y                        10 euro  2002     "Y" Greece............... printer "N"  UN        35

10L.                     20 euro  2002     "L" Finland................ printer "E"  UN        85

10X                     20 euro  2002     "X" Germany............ printer "R"  UN        70

11X.                    50 euro  2002     "X" Germany............ printer "R"  UN      150

11L                      50 euro  2002     "V" Spain.................. printer "M"  UN      150

                                            Signature: Draghi(2011-2013)

15X.                    10 euro  2002     "X" Germany............ printer "P"  UN        45

16M.                    20 euro  2002     "M" Portugal............. printer "U"  UN        90

                                            Signature: Draghi (2013-) "Europe" issue

  from 2013 EU do not use country codes only printer cod which are

 identified by printed serial letter: E-Oberthur France; M-Valora Portugal;

 N-OBS Austria; P-J Enschede Netherlands; R-BD Germany; S-BI Italy;

T-CBI Ireland; U-BF France; V-FNMT Spain; W-GD Leipzig Germany;

 X-GD Munich Germany; Y-BG Greece; Z-NBB Belgium

20M                       5 euro  2013     "M" printer Valora Portugal.......   UN        10

20N                       5 euro  2013     "N" printer OBS Austria.............   UN        10

20S                        5 euro  2013     "S" printer BI Italia.....................   UN        10

20U                       5 euro  2013     "U" printer BF France................   UN        10

20V                        5 euro  2013     "V" printer FNMT Spain............   UN        10

20Z                        5 euro  2013     "Z" printer NB Belgium..............   UN        10

21E                     10 euro  2014     "E" printer OF France................   UN        20

21N                     10 euro  2014     "N" printer OBS Austria.............   UN        20

21P                     10 euro  2014     "P" printer JE Netherlands.......   UN        20

   Bank Training Money

TM1               5-500 euro  2001     sig? "specimen"...... set 7 notes  UN        15

TM2               5-500 euro  2002     sig1 "ungultig"......... set 7 notes  UN        15


PICK#                                 *****FAEROE ISLANDS***3c*

   Danish Dependent Territory

9.                              1 kro  1940     11.................................................   UN      500

10                             5 kro  1940     11.................................................   VG+   200

11                           10 kro  1940     11...................................... G+70,  F         200

15b.                       10 kro  1949     (1954)arms/sketch; orange......   UN      250

17r4.                    100 kro  1949     (19)72;Hammershaimb/............   UN      400

18                           10 kro  1949     (19)74;/sketch; green................   UN        30

20a.   sig G           50 kro  1949     (19)78;Pall/sketch......................   UN      200

20b.   sig G           50 kro  1949     (19)87;Pall/sketch......................   UN      350

20c.   sig B            50 kro  1949     (19)87;Pall/sketch......................   UN      150

20d    sig K           50 kro  1949     (19)94;Pall/sketch......................   UN      120

21d.                     100 kro  1949     (19)88;Hammershaimb/............   UN      120

21e.                     100 kro  1949     (19)90;Hammershaimb/............   UN      120

21f.                      100 kro  1949     (19)94;Hammershaimb/............   UN      100

22a.                     500 kro  1949     (19)78;fisherman/sketch...........   UN      500

24                           50 kro  20(01)   ram's horn/sketch seaside........   UN        40

25.                       100 kro  20(02)   fish/sketch village......................   UN        90

26                        200 kro  20(03)   moth/sketch seaside.................   UN      160

27                        500 kro  20(04)   crab/sketch village.....................   UN      350

33.                    1,000 kro  20(11)   bird/.............................................   UN      500


PICK#                                 *****FALKLAND ISLANDS****3*

   British Dependent Territory

7                             10 shi  1960     QEII.............................................   VG+      70

8a.                          1 pou  1967     QEII.............................................   UN      400

8b                           1 pou  1974     QEII.............................................   UN      380

8c.                           1 pou  1977     QEII.............................................   UN      450

8d.                          1 pou  1982     01.01; QEII.................................   UN      400

8e.                          1 pou  1982     06.15; QEII.................................   UN      350

9a                           5 pou  1960     QEII................... missing corner  G-       100

9b                           5 pou  1975     QEII.............................................   UN   1000

10a                       50 pen  1969     QEII.............................................   UN      200

10b                       50 pen  1974     QEII.............................................   UN      150

11b                       10 pou  1982     01.01;QEII........ missing corner  G+      150

12     comm           5 pou  1983     "English rule 1833-1983"..........   UN        80

12     comm           5 pou  1983     "1833-1983"..... missing corner  VG+      15

13                           1 pou  1984     QEII, penguins/..........................   UN      120

14                         10 pou  1986     QEII, penguins/..........................   UN        70

15                         20 pou  1984     QEII, penguins/..........................   UN      140

15                         20 pou  1984     QEII................... missing border  G           35

16                         50 pou  1990     QEII, penguins/..........................   UN      320

17.                          5 pou  2005     QEII, penguins/..........................   UN        30

18                         10 pou  2011     QEII, penguins/..........................   UN        55

19                         20 pou  2011     QEII, penguins/..........................   UN      100


12     spec              5 pou  1983     blue ovpt "SPECIMEN".............   UN      300

14     spec           10 pou  1986     blue ovpt "SPECIMEN".............   UN      300

15     spec           20 pou  1984     blue ovpt "SPECIMEN".............   UN      400

16     spec           50 pou  1990     red ovpt"SPECIMEN"#000.......   UN      800


PICK#                                 *****FIJI****3*

   British Colony

31c                           5 shi  1935     03.01; George V........................   VG+   400

37a                           5 shi  1937     George VI...................................   VG-       70

37b                           5 shi  1938     George VI...................................   VG        60

37c                           5 shi  1940     George VI...................................   F         120

37d                           5 shi  1941     George VI....................... VG 60,  F+       180

37i                            5 shi  1949     George VI...................................   F+       180

37k                           5 shi  1951     George VI...................................   F         120

38e                         10 shi  1941     George VI......................... G 35,  F         150

38f                          10 shi  1943     George VI...................................   VG        70

38k                         10 shi  1951     George VI...................................   F+       250

40a                         1 pou  1941     01.01; George VI.......................   F+       400

45b                         1 pou  1934     ovpt(1942)on New Zealand......   VG      250

47                           1 pen  1942     ................................... F 4, VF+6,  UN        36

48a.                          1 shi  1942     01.01............................... VF 40,  UN      320

49a.   "A"                 1 shi  1942     09.01...........................................   UN      350

49b    "B"                 1 shi  1942     09.01..................... F 20, VF 40,  XF         80

50                             2 shi  1942     01.01.................................. F 22,  UN      350

50r     rema             2 shi  1942     remainder(no #).........................   UN      150

51a                           5 shi  1957     QEII.............................................   F+         60

51d                           5 shi  1964     QEII................................ VG+30,  VF+    120

52b                         10 shi  1961     QEII.............................................   F         100

52d                         10 shi  1964     QEII.............................................   VF      120

52e                         10 shi  1965     QEII....................... VF 120,  p/h  XF      240

53a                         1 pou  1954     QEII.............................................   F         140

53b                         1 pou  1957     QEII.............................................   VG        50

53c                          1 pou  1959     QEII.................................. F 100,  VF      200

   Republic (from 1970)

58                         50 cen  (1968)   QEII; sig Ritchie-Barnes...........   UN        70

59                                1 $  (1968)   QEII; sig Ritchie-Barnes.... F 8,  VF+      24

60                                2 $  (1968)   QEII; sig Ritchie-Barnes...........   VF         35

64a                       50 cen  (1971)   QEII; sig Barrett............... VG 4,  VF         12

64b.                      50 cen  (1971)   QEII; sig Stinson........... VF+15,  UN        80

65a                              1 $  (1971)   QEII; sig Barrett............... VG 5,  VF         20

65b.                             1 $  (1971)   QEII; sig Stinson............... F 10,  UN      160

66a                              2 $  (1971)   QEII; sig Barrett............. VG 10,  VF+      60

71a                              1 $  (1974)   QEII; sig B-Earland...... VF+13,  UN        70

71b                              1 $  (1974)   QEII; sig B-Tomkins..... VF+12,  UN        65

72a                              2 $  (1974)   QEII; sig B-Craik............... F 13,  XF         55

72b.                             2 $  (1974)   QEII; sig B--Earland..... VF+38,  UN      150

72c                              2 $  (1974)   QEII; sig B-Tomkins...... AU 60,  UN      120

73a                              5 $  (1974)   QEII; sig B-Craik........................   XF      400

73c                              5 $  (1974)   QEII; sig B-Tomkins..................   VF         90

74b.                           10 $  (1974)   QEII; sig B--Earland... VF+260UN   1400

74c.                           10 $  (1974)   QEII; sig B-Tomkins......... F 70,  AU+    840

76                                1 $  (1980)   QEII/fruit market.................. F 4,  UN        50

77.                               2 $  (1980)   QEII/sugar cane............. XF 25,  UN      100

78.                               5 $  (1980)   QEII/fishing..................... XF 50,  UN      200

79                              10 $  (1980)   QEII/dancers..............................   F           30

81                                1 $  (1983)   QEII/fruit market.........................   UN        30

82                                2 $  (1983)   QEII/train.....................................   UN        50

83                                5 $  (1983)   QEII/fishing..................... VF 15,  UN      120

84.                             10 $  (1983)   QEII/dancers..............................   UN      240

86                                1 $  (1988)   QEII/fruit market.........................   UN        22

87                                2 $  (1988)   QEII/sugar cane.........................   UN        45

88.                             20 $  (1988)   QEII/............................................   UN      320

89                                1 $  (1993)   QEII/fruit market............... XF 4,  UN        12

90                                2 $  (1995)   QEII/train.....................................   UN        30

91.                               5 $  (1989)   QEII/fishing.......................... F 6,  UN        96

92                              10 $  (1989)   QEII/dancers..............................   UN      220

93                                5 $  (1992)   QEII/fishing.................................   UN        95

94                              10 $  (1992)   QEII/dancers..............................   UN      150

95                              20 $  (1992)   QEII/Burekalou..........................   UN      270

96a.                             2 $  (1996)   QEII/family "A"...........................   UN        20

96b                              2 $  (1996)   QEII/family..................................   UN        10

98b                            10 $  (1996)   QEII/boat....................................   UN        60

99a.                           20 $  (1996)   QEII/buildings.............................   UN      140

99b                            20 $  (1996)   QEII/buildings.............................   UN        90

100a                          50 $  (1996)   QEII/cession; sig Kubuabola....   UN      200

101a                            5 $  (1995)   QEII/airport; sig Kubuabola......   UN        40

102     comm              2 $  2000     commemorative "year 2000"....   UN          9

102     comm              2 $  2000     "year 2000"................ in booklet  UN        50

104                              2 $  (2002)   QEII/family..................................   UN          4

105                              5 $  (2002)   QEII/airport.................................   UN        10

106                            10 $  (2002)   QEII/boat....................................   UN        20

107                            20 $  (2002)   QEII/buildings.............................   UN        40

108                            50 $  (2002)   QEII/tradition..............................   UN      100

109.                             2 $  (2007)   QEII/family..................................   UN          5

110                              5 $  (2007)   QEII/Iguana................................   UN          7

111.                           10 $  (2007)   QEII/Grand Pacific hotel...........   UN        18

112                            20 $  (2007)   QEII/logging...............................   UN        35

113                            50 $  (2007)   QEII/village.................................   UN        90

114                          100 $  (2007)   QEII/tourism, map.....................   UN      180

115     repl                  5 $  (2013)   replacement "ZZ".......................   UN        15

116                            10 $  (2013)   fish/hotel.....................................   UN        15

118.                           50 $  (2013)   flower/tradition............................   UN        70


PICK#                                 *****FINLAND***4c*

   Russian Empire

2(a)                           5 mk  1897     /arms, pine twigs; #7-digit.........   VG+   150

3c                           10 mk  1898     #4114-8560................................   VG      125

5a                           20 mk  1898     #0000-2026................................   VG      500

7(b)                      100 mk  1898     sig printed on lines....................   VG      800

9a                             5 mk  1909     wmk "SPFB"...............................   VF         50

9a       coun             5 mk  1909     old counterfeit stamp "Vaara"..   F           30

9b                             5 mk  1909     no wmk, #7-digt ........................   VG        20

10b                         10 mk  1909     #0000-9946; #3.5mm................   F           80

11b                         20 mk  1909     #0000-9646; no wmk.... VG 40,  F           80

13a                       100 mk  1909     #0000-2575; no wmk................   VG      150

16a                           1 mk  1915     .............................................. G 4,  VG          5

16b     "A"                1 mk  1915     serie "A"......................................   G+          4

19                             1 mk  1916     #0000-18288..............................   F+           4

   Peoples Commissariat -1918

19G                          1 mk  1916     (1918) #2088-24795.................   VF           4

20                             5 mk  1909     (1918) #19397-20789... VF 40,  AU+    240

22                         100 mk  1909     (1918) #2775-2983.............. p/h  F           60

23                         500 mk  1909     (1918) #1700-2620....................   VF+    180

   Republic (after collapse of Czarist Russia)

25     Litt "A"          10 mk  1909     (1918)..........................................   F+         45

33                         25 pen  1918     ............................................ VF 4,  UN        30

34                         50 pen  1918     ............................................ VF 4,  XF+      12

35                             1 mk  1918     ............................................ F+ 4,  UN        32

36                             5 mk  1918     .....................................................   G             5

37                           10 mk  1918     ........................................ VF+60,  UN      320

42                             5 mk  1922     green...........................................   F           20

43                           10 mk  1922     brown..........................................   G             4

49      Litt "A"           5 mk  1922     (1926) green...............................   F           20

56      Litt "B"           5 mk  1922     (1929) green...............................   VG        15

61      Litt "C"           5 mk  1922     (1931) green...............................   F           10

62      Litt "C"         10 mk  1922     (1931)  brown.............................   VG          4

63      Litt "C"         20 mk  1922     (1931) red...................................   VG+      15

64      Litt "C"         50 mk  1922     (1931) nudes..... F 80, VF+240XF      320

65      Litt "C"      100 mk  1922     (1931) nudes................ VG+30,  F+         60

66(c)  Litt "C"      500 mk  1922     (1931) nudes............... VG 130,  VG+   200

67(a)  Litt "C"   1,000 mk  1922     (1931) nudes..............................   F         160

67(b)  Litt "C"   1,000 mk  1922     (1931) nudes..............................   VF      320

69      Litt "D"           5 mk  1939     green...........................................   F+           7

70      Litt "D"         10 mk  1939     brown..........................................   VG          4

71      Litt "D"         20 mk  1939     purple..........................................   VG          4

72      Litt "D"         50 mk  1939     nudes..........................................   VG        20

73      Litt "D"      100 mk  1939     nudes..........................................   VG        12

76      Litt "A"           5 mk  1945     yellow..........................................   F             4

77      Litt "A"         10 mk  1945     red..................................... VG 4,  VF         10

78      Litt "A"         20 mk  1945     blue.................................... VG 4,  F+           7

79b    Litt "A"         50 mk  1945     /couple................................... "B"  F+         20

81      Litt "A"       500 mk  1945     nudes..........................................   F         200

82      Litt "A"   1,000 mk  1945     nudes..........................................   VG        60

84      Litt "B"           5 mk  1945     (1948) yellow..............................   F             6

85      Litt "B"         10 mk  1945     (1948) red........................... F+6,  XF         16

86      Litt "B"         20 mk  1945     (1948) blue.......................... F 4,  UN        64

87      Litt "B"         50 mk  1945     (1948) .........................................   XF+      70

88      Litt "B"       100 mk  1945     (1948) ............................. VF 20,  XF+      60

90      Litt "B"   1,000 mk  1945     (1948) nudes..............................   VF+    180

91                         100 mk  1955     wheat ears..................................   XF+      36

92                         500 mk  1955     conifer/arms...............................   F           80

93                     1,000 mk  1955     Paasikivi/arms............... VF+60,  XF         80

94                     5,000 mk  1955     Stahlberg/arms..........................   F         200

97                         100 mk  1957     wheat ears.................... VF+ 12,  UN        64

98                             1 mk  1963     wheat ears........................ XF 4,  UN          6

103     Litt "A"          5 mk  1963     conifer/arms...............................   VF           4

104     Litt "A"        10 mk  1963     Paasikivi/arms............................   UN        32

106     Litt "A"     100 mk  1963     Snellman/arms...........................   XF         40

106A  Litt "B"           5 mk  1963     conifer/arms...............................   UN        18

107     Litt "B"        50 mk  1963     Stahlberg/arms..........................   VF         24

108                         50 mk  1977     Stahlberg/arms.................. F+9,  VF         12

109.                     100 mk  1976     Snellman/arms............... VF 15,  UN      120

110b.                   500 mk  1975     Kekkonen/arms..........................   UN      800

111                         10 mk  1980     Paasikivi/arms............................   UN        18

112.    Litt "A"        10 mk  1980     Paasikivi/arms............................   UN        15

113                         10 mk  1986     Nurmi/stadium.................. VF 4,  UN        12

115.                     100 mk  1986     Sibelius/swans...........................   UN      100

118     Litt "A"        50 mk  1986     (1991) Aalto/building.................   UN        50

120                       500 mk  1986     (1991) Lonnrot...........................   XF+    120

121                   1,000 mk  1986     (1991) Chydenius......................   XF+    240

122                         20 mk  1993     Linna/street.................................   F             4

123     Litt "A"        20 mk  1993     (1997) Linna/street........... VF 4,  UN        20

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Ensio & Lagerbohm, Oulu, shop

NL                           5 pen  (1920)   Ensio & Lagerbohm..................   UN        20

NL                         10 pen  (1920)   Ensio & Lagerbohm..................   UN        20

NL                         15 pen  (1920)   Ensio & Lagerbohm..................   UN        20

                                            -Osuusliike Arina R.L.

NL                         50 pen  ND        .....................................................   F         100


PICK#                                 *****FIUME (Rijeka)****3*

   Italian occupation of Croatia (till 1919 in Austria)

s101a                       1 kro  1916     (1920)stamp "Citta di Fiume"...   VG+   120

s104a                       2 kro  1917     (1920)stamp "Citta di Fiume"...   VG+   100

s113a                    50 kro  1914     (1920)stamp "Citta di Fiume"...   F         120

s115a+d              100 kro  1912     (1920)stamp +ovpt............. pen  VG+   600

s116a               1,000 kro  1902     (1920)stamp "Citta di Fiume"...   VG+   120

s116a+d          1,000 kro  1902     (1920)stamp +ovpt....................   VG+   800


PICK#                                 *****FRANCE***3c*


A17b    canc        100 liv  1720     01.01;cut cancellation...............   VF    1000

A18b                  1,000 liv  1720     01.01...........................................   XF    2000

A20a                       10 liv  1720     07.01...........................................   F         550

A44                          60 liv  1791     06.19...........................................   F         500

A48                       300 liv  1791     06.19 /09.12...............................   VF+    600

A50                            5 liv  1791     11.01.................................. F 20,  VF-       40

A55                        25 sol  1792     01.04............................... VG 10,  F           20

A57                            5 liv  1792     04.30...........................................   XF+      60

A60                            5 liv  1792     06.27...........................................   F+         30

A64                        10 sol  1792     10.24...........................................   F           15

A65                        15 sol  1792     10.24...........................................   F+         20

A66a                       10 liv  1792     10.24; wmk Fleur-de-lis............   F           40

A66b                       10 liv  1792     10.24; wmk  "RP-FR"................   XF         60

A70b                      50 sol  1793     05.23; wmk "RF"................. F 4,  AU        24

A71                          25 liv  1793     06.06...........................................   F           20


A72                          50 liv  1792     12.14............................... VF-50,  VF         70

A73                       400 liv  1792     11.21............................. VG 100F         200

A74                       125 liv  Yr.2       (1793)................... F+30, XF 80,  AU      150

A75                       250 liv  Yr.2       (1793)............................. VG 20,  VF         70

A76                            5 liv  Yr.2       (1793)................................... F 4,  AU        30

A77                       500 liv  Yr.2       (1794)................................. F 35,  VF         70

A78                       100 fra  Yr.3       (1795)..........................................   F           30

A80                   1,000 fra  Yr.3       (1795)................................ G 40,  F         200

A81                 10,000 fra  Yr.3       (1795)..........................................   F         400

A82     copy   10,000 fra  Yr.3       (1795) old copy.................. tape  F           30

A83b                       25 fra  Yr.4       (1796).............................. VG- 6,  AU+    150

A83b                       25 fra  Yr.4       (1796);cut cancelled..................   AU        90

A84a                    100 fra  Yr.4       (1796)..........................................   VF+    150

A84b                    100 fra  Yr.4       (1796)............................. VG-20,  VF         90

A85b                    250 fra  Yr.4       (1796).............................. VF 70,  XF      140

A86b                    500 fra  Yr.4       (1796)..........................................   VG-       80

A87b                         5 fra  Yr.4       (1796)..........................................   VF+    300

A94B   copy         15 sou  (1793)   Armee Catholique....... old copy  F+         50

A97      copy           25 liv  (1793)   Armee Catholique....... old copy  VF         50

                *Bon de Emprunt force(forced loan good to pay a taxes)

*NL                         20 fra  Yr4        19 Frimaire (12.10)....................   VF+      60

*NL                         60 fra  Yr4        19 Frimaire (12.10)....................   VF-       60

64e   p/h                 50 fra  1912     12.04...........................................   F         100

64e   p/h                 50 fra  1915     03.16...........................................   VG        40

64e   p/h                 50 fra  1916     07.03...........................................   VG+      60

64e   p/h                 50 fra  1917     11.27...........................................   VG        40

64e   p/h                 50 fra  1918     04.22...........................................   VG        40

64e   p/h                 50 fra  1918     05.17.................................... tear  VG+      50

64g   p/h                 50 fra  1922     07.12................. missing border  G+        20

64g   p/h                 50 fra  1924     11.29...........................................   G+        20

64h   p/h                 50 fra  1926     .....................................................   VG+      40

66g   p/h              500 fra  1912     10.19................................... tape  G        150

66g   p/h              500 fra  1917     01.10...........................................   VG        90

66k   p/h               500 fra  1926     09.16...........................................   VG+   120

66m   p/h             500 fra  1933     01.12...........................................   VG        60

66m   p/h             500 fra  1936     07.16...........................................   VG+      90

67g   p/h           1,000 fra  1916     03.23...........................................   F+       200

67g   p/h           1,000 fra  1916     04.05...........................................   F+       200

67g   p/h           1,000 fra  1917     07.26...........................................   F+       180

67h   p/h           1,000 fra  1919     07.25...........................................   F+       200

67j   p/h            1,000 fra  1923     07.20................................... tape  VG      100

67j   p/h            1,000 fra  1925     02.16...........................................   VG      100

68a   p/h                 20 fra  1906     02.05...........................................   VG+   250

68b   p/h                 20 fra  1913     01.28...........................................   VG+   250

70   p/h                     5 fra  1915     03.06...........................................   G           20

70   p/h                     5 fra  1915     09.29...........................................   VG        40

70   p/h                     5 fra  1915     12.29.................................... tear  VF+    250

70   p/h                     5 fra  1916     01.21...........................................   VG+      50

70   p/h                     5 fra  1916     07.16...........................................   G           20

70   p/h                     5 fra  1916     04.18...........................................   VG        35

70   error                  5 fra  1916     07.04; "lion zodiac" down ........   VG      400

70   p/h                     5 fra  1916     09.09...........................................   VG        30

70   p/h                     5 fra  1916     10.12...........................................   P           10

70   p/h                     5 fra  1916     11.15...........................................   VG        30

71   p/h                100 fra  1909     agriculture/..................................   VG-       15

71   p/h                100 fra  1915     agriculture/..................................   VF         50

71   p/h                100 fra  1916     agriculture/..................................   VF         50

71   p/h                100 fra  1918     agriculture/..................................   VG+      20

71   p/h                100 fra  1923     agriculture/..................................   VG        15

72a   p/h                   5 fra  1918     France/docker............................   F+         35

72a   p/h                   5 fra  1919     France/docker............................   F           80

72c   p/h                   5 fra  1922     France/docker..................... tear  VF+      60

72c   p/h                   5 fra  1923     France/docker............................   AU      200

72c   p/h                   5 fra  1924     France/docker................ VG 10,  F+         30

72d   p/h                   5 fra  1926     France/docker............................   VF         30

72d   p/h                   5 fra  1927     France/docker............................   VF+      40

72d   p/h                   5 fra  1932     France/docker............................   VF         25

72e.  p/h                   5 fra  1933     France/docker............... VF+25,  AU+    100

73a   p/h                 10 fra  1916     Minerva/peasant........................   F+         50

73a   p/h                 10 fra  1917     Minerva/peasant........................   G+        10

73c   p/h                 10 fra  1922     Minerva/peasant........................   XF      150

73c   p/h                 10 fra  1926     Minerva/peasant........................   VG        12

73d.  p/h                 10 fra  1927     Minerva/peasant............... F 12,  AU+    200

73d   p/h                 10 fra  1932     Minerva/peasant........................   VG+        6

73e   p/h                 10 fra  1936     Minerva/peasant........................   VG+      25

74    p/h                  20 fra  1916     Bayard/farmer............................   VG+   120

74    p/h                  20 fra  1917     Bayard/farmer................ VG 65,  F+       200

77a   p/h                 50 fra  1928     11.22...........................................   F           70

77a   p/h                 50 fra  1928     11.28...........................................   F           70

78a   p/h              100 fra  1925     agriculture/..................................   F           12

78b   p/h              100 fra  1926     agriculture/..................................   VG          6

78b   p/h              100 fra  1932     agriculture/......................... F 10,  VF         20

78c   p/h               100 fra  1933     agriculture/..................................   F+         12

78c   p/h               100 fra  1936     agriculture/..................................   F             9

78c   p/h               100 fra  1937     agriculture/...................... VF 18,  VF+      25

78c   p/h               100 fra  1938     agriculture/..................................   VG          4

79a   p/h           1,000 fra  1927     ........................................ VG+40,  VF-       80

80a   p/h                 50 fra  1931     08.13...........................................   F           60

80a   p/h                 50 fra  1932     02.25...........................................   F+       100

83.                             5 fra  1939     France/docker..................... F 6,  AU+      70

83   p/h                     5 fra  1940     France/docker.................. VG 4,  VF+      20

83   stamp                5 fra  1940     "Mairie de Poivres(Aube)"........   F         120

84   p/h                   10 fra  1940     .....................................................   F+           8

84   p/h                   10 fra  1941     .....................................................   VF         10

85a   p/h                 50 fra  1937     Ceres/Mercury...........................   VG        10

85b   p/h                 50 fra  1938     Ceres/Mercury...........................   F           20

85b   p/h                 50 fra  1939     Ceres/Mercury...........................   G+          7

86b   p/h              100 fra  1938     agriculture/..................................   VF         30

86b   p/h              100 fra  1939     agriculture/..................................   F           15

87   p/h                300 fra  (1938)   .......................................... G+50,  VG+   100

88c   p/h               500 fra  1938     07.28...........................................   F         100

88c   p/h               500 fra  1939     03.09...........................................   F+       150

88c   p/h               500 fra  1939     08.17...........................................   F         100

88c   p/h               500 fra  1939     09.14...........................................   VG        50

88c   p/h               500 fra  1939     11.11...........................................   F         100

88c   p/h               500 fra  1939     11.30...........................................   VG+      75

90    p/h            1,000 fra  1937     Minerva Hermes........................   F           50

90    p/h            1,000 fra  1938     Minerva Hermes............ VG 25,  F+         75

90    p/h            1,000 fra  1938     Minerva Hermes........................   G+        10

92a   p/h                20 fra  1939     /scientist......................................   F           30

92b   p/h                20 fra  1940     /scientist.............................. G 4,  VG          8

92b   p/h                20 fra  1941     /scientist............................ VG 8,  F+         25

93.   p/h                  50 fra  1941     Coeur/.............................. VF 15,  AU        60

93.   p/h                  50 fra  1942     Coeur/............................... VG 4,  AU        60

94    p/h               100 fra  1941     /Sully............................................   XF+      40

94                         100 fra  1942     /Sully.................................. VG 4,  UN      100

95.                        500 fra  1941     Pax/................................. VF 40,  AU+    240

95    p/h               500 fra  1942     Pax/.............................................   F           20

96    p/h            1,000 fra  1940     .....................................................   XF+    200

97a   p/h           5,000 fra  1939     05.04; Pax Victory.....................   F+         70

97c   p/h           5,000 fra  1942     03.19; Pax Victory............ #622  AU+    400

97c   p/h           5,000 fra  1942     03.19; Pax Victory............ #623  AU+    400

97c   p/h           5,000 fra  1942     04.23; Pax Victory.............. tear  VG+      30

98a   p/h                   5 fra  1943     shepherd.............................. F 4,  AU        30

98a.                          5 fra  1945     shepherd.....................................   UN        60

98b   p/h                   5 fra  1947     shepherd.....................................   VF           7

99                           10 fra  1942     miner................................ VF 10,  AU        40

99                           10 fra  1943     miner.................................. VF 8,  VF+      12

99                           10 fra  1944     miner.................................. VF 8,  UN        60

99.                          10 fra  1945     miner...........................................   AU        40

99                           10 fra  1947     miner..................................... F 4,  XF         16

100a                       20 fra  1942     fisherman............................. F 5,  XF         20

100a                       20 fra  1943     fisherman....................................   F             5

100c                       20 fra  1948     fisherman....................................   VG          4

100c.                      20 fra  1949     fisherman....................................   F+           9

101a                     100 fra  1942     Descartes...................................   VF+    100

102.                    1000 fra  1942     ........................................ VF+50,  AU+    200

103                     5000 fra  1945     .....................................................   VF      150

   notes issued in Corsica after liberation in 1943(English printing)

105                       100 fra  (1944)   Marianne.....................................   VG        20

106                       500 fra  (1944)   Marianne.....................................   F+         30

107                    1,000 fra  (1944)   Marianne.....................................   VF+      60

   Allied Military Currency

114a   AMC             2 fra  1944     /flag................................... VF+8,  UN        30

114b.  AMC             2 fra  1944     /flag; "2"............................ VF+8,  UN        40

114r   AMC              2 fra  1944     replacement "X"................ F 40,  VF+    120

115a   AMC             5 fra  1944     /flag.................................... VF 7,  UN        40

115b   AMC             5 fra  1944     /flag; "2".......................................   UN        50

115r   AMC              5 fra  1944     replacement "X".........................   F+         60

116   AMC             10 fra  1944     /flag.................................. XF 15,  UN        60

117   AMC             50 fra  1944     /flag..................................... F 20,  XF         80

118a.  AMC         100 fra  1944     /flag.................................. VF 50,  UN      400

119    AMC          500 fra  1944     /flag................................. F+140VF      180

119   coun           500 fra  1944     old counterfeit............................   VG-       50

120    AMC       1,000 fra  1944     /flag..............................................   F+       700


122a                       50 fra  1944     /"France".............. F 12, VF+35,  XF         50

122b                       50 fra  1944     /"France"; "2"..............................   VF         15

123a                     100 fra  1944     /"France".....................................   XF           8

123c                     100 fra  1944     /"France"; "3-8"................. VF 8,  UN        60

123e                     100 fra  1944     /"France"; "10"............................   VF         35

127b   p/h              50 fra  1947     03.20; Leverrier/Neptune..........   F             6

127b   p/h              50 fra  1947     10.02; Leverrier/Neptune..........   VG          4

127b   p/h              50 fra  1948     08.04; Leverrier/Neptune..........   VF+      18

127b   p/h              50 fra  1949     05.19; Leverrier/Neptune..........   VF+      18

127b.  p/h              50 fra  1949     11.03; Leverrier/Neptune..........   AU+    150

127c                       50 fra  1950     06.29; Leverrier/........................   XF         50

128a   p/h            100 fra  1946     .....................................................   F             4

128b   p/h            100 fra  1948     .............................................. F 4,  F+           6

128b   p/h            100 fra  1949     .............................................. F 4,  F+           6

128d                     100 fra  1952     .............................................. F 4,  VF           8

128d   error         100 fra  1952     10.02; wmk reversed.................   F         100

128d                     100 fra  1953     .....................................................   VG          4

128d                     100 fra  1954     .....................................................   VF           8

128e   error         100 fra  1954     03.04; wmk reversed.................   VF+    200

129a                     500 fra  1946     09.12; Chateaubriand...............   VG        25

129a                     500 fra  1947     01.09; Chateaubriand...............   VF      100

130a   p/h         1,000 fra  1945     .....................................................   AU      150

130a   p/h         1,000 fra  1946     ........................... missing corner  G             4

130b   p/h         1,000 fra  1949     06.30...........................................   VG+      14

132d   p/h       10,000 fra  1953     .....................................................   VG+   120

133a   p/h            500 fra  1955     08.04;Hugo.................................   VG+      75

134a   p/h         1,000 fra  1953     10.01;Richelieu..........................   VF         60

134a   p/h         1,000 fra  1956     03.01;Richelieu..........................   F           30

135     p/h         5,000 fra  1958     01.02; henry IV..........................   VF      700

136b   p/h       10,000 fra  1958     06.05;Napoleon.........................   VF      200

137b.  p/h        5 new fra  1959     02.12;ovpt 500 fra....... XF 750AU    1500

139a.  p/h      50 new fra  1958     ovpt 5,000 fra.............................   AU    2500

141   p/h          5 new fra  1959     07.02;Hugo.................................   F+         30

141   p/h          5 new fra  1960     02.04;Hugo..................... VF 40,  AU      150

141   p/h          5 new fra  1963     02.07;Hugo.................................   VF         40

141   p/h          5 new fra  1964     05.06;Hugo.................................   F+         30

141.  p/h          5 new fra  1964     10.01;Hugo.................................   AU+    220

141   p/h          5 new fra  1965     02.04;Hugo.................................   F+         30

141   p/h          5 new fra  1965     10.07;Hugo.................................   VF         40

142.  p/h        10 new fra  1959     03.05;Richelieu..........................   AU      250

142   p/h        10 new fra  1959     12.03;Richelieu..........................   F             7

142   p/h        10 new fra  1960     09.01;Richelieu..........................   VF+      30

142   p/h        10 new fra  1960     11.04;Richelieu..........................   F             7

142   p/h        10 new fra  1962     04.05;Richelieu..........................   F+         15

144   p/h      100 new fra  1962     06.07;Napoleon.........................   F         120

146a  p/h                  5 fra  1966     07.07;Pasteur................... VG 4,  F             8

146a   p/h                 5 fra  1966     09.01;Pasteur.............................   F             8

146a   p/h                 5 fra  1966     11.04;Pasteur.............................   XF         60

146b   p/h                 5 fra  1968     04.04;Pasteur.............................   XF+    100

146c   p/h                 5 fra  1969     09.04;Pasteur.............................   VG          4

146c   p/h                 5 fra  1970     01.08;Pasteur.................. F+15,  VF+      30

147   p/h                 10 fra  1963     11.07;Voltaire.............................   VF+      15

147   p/h                 10 fra  1967     07.06;Voltaire.............................   F             4

147   p/h                 10 fra  1971     01.08;Voltaire.............................   VF           8

147   p/h                 10 fra  1973     08.02;Voltaire.............................   VF+      12

148d   p/h              50 fra  1973     11.08;Racine..............................   VF         30

148e   p/h              50 fra  1975     06.05;Racine..............................   AU      120

149a   p/h            100 fra  1964     09.03;Corneille...........................   VF         40

149d   p/h            100 fra  1974     02.07;Corneille...........................   F           20

149e.                    100 fra  1975     11.06;Corneille...........................   UN      150

149f.                     100 fra  1978     11.02;Corneille...........................   UN      150

150a   p/h              10 fra  1972     Berlioz.........................................   XF         25

150a                       10 fra  1974     Berlioz................................ VF 6,  UN        50

150c.                      10 fra  1976     Berlioz.........................................   UN        30

150c.                      10 fra  1978     Berlioz.........................................   UN        30

151a.                      20 fra  1980     Debussy......................................   UN        40

151a.                      20 fra  1983     Debussy......................................   UN        35

151a.                      20 fra  1984     Debussy......................................   UN        35

151a                       20 fra  1986     Debussy......................................   F             4

151c.                      20 fra  1989     Debussy......................................   UN        35

151d.                      20 fra  1990     Debussy......................................   UN        25

151i.                       20 fra  1997     Debussy............................ VF 4,  UN        25

152b                       50 fra  1981     Quentin.......................................   VF           8

152b                       50 fra  1982     Quentin.......................................   VF+      12

152d                       50 fra  1988     Quentin.......................................   VF           7

152e                       50 fra  1991     Quentin.......................................   VF           7

154                       100 fra  1978     Delacroix............................... p/h  VF         20

154                       100 fra  1981     Delacroix.....................................   UN        90

154                       100 fra  1984     Delacroix.....................................   AU        50

154                       100 fra  1985     Delacroix.....................................   VG          4

154                       100 fra  1989     Delacroix.....................................   VF         10

154                       100 fra  1990     Delacroix.....................................   VF         10

155                       200 fra  1981     Montesquieu...............................   UN      120

155                       200 fra  1988     Montesquieu...............................   VF         15

155                       200 fra  1990     Montesquieu...............................   F             7

155                       200 fra  1992     Montesquieu...............................   VF+      20

155                       200 fra  1994     Montesquieu...............................   VF         15

156e                     500 fra  1980     Pascal.........................................   VF         30

156e                     500 fra  1984     Pascal............................... VG-4,  XF         60

156e                     500 fra  1985     Pascal.........................................   VF         30

156g                     500 fra  1989     Pascal.........................................   AU      120

156h                     500 fra  1992     Pascal................................ F 15,  XF         60

157b.                      50 fra  1993     Saint-Exupery/...........................   UN        60

157Aa.                   50 fra  1994     Saint-Exupery/...........................   UN        30

158                       100 fra  1997     Cezanne/painting................ F 4,  VF           5

158                       100 fra  1998     Cezanne/painting......................   UN        40

159                       200 fra  1996     Eiffel/tower..................... VF+20,  AU+      80

159                       200 fra  1997     Eiffel/tower...................... VF 10,  UN        80

159                       200 fra  1999     Eiffel/tower.............. XF(p/h) 20,  UN        80

160                       500 fra  1994     M and P Curie/............. AU 100,  UN      200

   Military WW1

M1                        50 cen  (1917)   "2 year after"......... F 10, VF 20,  UN      160

M2                             1 fra  (1917)   "2 year after"..................... F 12,  XF         50

M3                             2 fra  (1917)   "2 year after"..............................   VF         90

   issue for occupied Germany and Austria;

M7                          10 fra  (1947)   Tresor Francais..........................   F           25

M8                          50 fra  (1947)   Tresor Francais............. VG 30,  F+         95

M9                        100 fra  (1947)   Tresor Francais................... P 4,  VG        20

   issue by Franco-Belgian Railways for occupied Germany

R1                        0.05 fra  (1923)   Railways.......................... XF 10,  UN        40

R2                        0.10 fra  (1923)   Railways............................ VF 5,  UN        40

R3                        0.25 fra  (1923)   Railways............................ VF 5,  XF         10

R4.                      0.50 fra  (1923)   Railways............................... F 4,  UN        50

R5                             1 fra  (1923)   Railways;.............................. F 5,  VF         10

R6                             5 fra  (1923)   Railways;....................................   F           40

R7   spec               10 fra  (1923)   SPECIMEN........................... p/h  XF      120

R10   spec           100 fra  (1923)   SPECIMEN...... missing corner  VF+    900

                                            Caisse d'Echange des Monnaies, Rouen

s245b canc            20 fra  an 10    (1802) "annule"................ G 50,  VG+   100

   Test Notes                      -Echantillon, France

prom                    (50 FF)  ND        no #  (P152)................ lot#1449  AU+      15

prom                  (200 FF)  ND        no #  (P155)................ lot#1450  AU+      15

prom                  (100 FF)  ND        1250  (P153)............... lot#1451  XF         15

prom                  (200 FF)  ND        1250  (P155)............... lot#1452  AU+      15

prom                  (100 FF)  ND        10103 (P153).............. lot#1453  AU+      15

prom                  (200 FF)  ND        10202 (P155).............. lot#1454  AU+      15

prom                  100 (FF)  ND        Ravel (P158)............... lot#1455  UN        15

prom                  200 (FF)  ND        Ravel (P159)............... lot#1456  UN        15

   Promotional Notes -AFEP (French Paper Money Society)

prom           5 numismas  2013     Diderot/31 salon......... lot#1403  UN        10

prom         10 numismas  2014     Cassini/32 salon......... lot#1404  UN        10

prom         40 numismas  2023     Colette/40 salon.........................   UN        10

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(P152)                 50 fr  1980     BoC training money... lot#1295  AU        10


test-prom           vignette  ABNC   engraved "Schwettzer". l#1397  AU          9

test-prom           vignette  ABNC   engraved "Notre Dame.. #1396  AU          9

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   War, Military and Camp Money(c#-Campbell, sb#-Schwan,Boling)

   WW1                               -Houilleres du Basin du Nord Pas-de-Calais,Bruay

C-2206 p/h               2 fra  (191-)    cantine du camp; WW1............   VG        20

                                            -Hospital Mas Eloi, Limoges, for German POW

NL                             5 fra  (191-)    hospital for German POW.. p/h  F+       100

                                            -POW (1914-1919) - FRANCE

C                          0.20 fra  (191-)    5 region.......................................   XF         70

C                          0.05 fra  (191-)    8 region.......................................   F           40

C                          0.10 fra  (191-)    8 region.......................................   F           40

C                               5 fra  (191-)    Rouen.........................................   VF         80

                                            -French Red Cross, French Ladies Ass, Paris

NL                             2 fra  (191-)    cantines de gare........................   AU        20

   WW2                               -general issue, POW camps for German prisoners

C-2010                     1 fra  (1945)   .....................................................   XF+      40

C-2011                     5 fra  (1945)   .....................................................   AU-     100

C-2012                   10 fra  (1945)   .....................................................   UN      150

C-2013                   50 fra  (1945)   .....................................................   UN      200

                                            -Commando No.142 (for German POW)

C-2048                     5 fra  (1945)   in French +German.... lot#1103  AU        40

           -Bon de Solidarite (Vichy fund rising notes for French POW)

C-2322b             0.50 fra  (194-)    Comite National.........................   XF+      25

C-2322f                    5 fra  (194-)    ovpt on 0.50 fra..........................   VG+      25

C-2323b                   1 fra  (194-)    Petain; Com. National...............   AU        30

C-2324a                   2 fra  (194-)    Petain; Com. National...............   AU        35

C-2325c                   5 fra  (194-)    Petain; Com. Central.................   AU        40

C-2325f                    5 fra  (194-)    Petain; Com. Central.................   AU        40

C-2326a                 20 fra  (194-)    Petain; Com. Central.................   AU      100

C-2332c           5,000 fra  (194-)    Petain;...... perforated "annule"  UN      600

 -Prisoners of War, Vichi North Africa camps in Algeria and Tunisia

C-2339                     5 fra  (194-)    RF camps de prisoners............   VG      100

                                            -Centre de Jeunesse General Huntziger

NL  fantasy?       0.10 fra  (194-)    Centre de Gen Huntziger.........   XF         12

NL  fantasy?       0.25 fra  (194-)    Centre de Gen Huntziger.........   XF         12

NL  fantasy?            1 fra  (194-)    Centre de Gen Huntziger.........   XF         12

NL  fantasy?            2 fra  (194-)    Centre de Gen Huntziger.........   XF         12

NL  fantasy?            5 fra  (194-)    Centre de Gen Huntziger.........   XF         12

NL  fantasy?          10 fra  (194-)    Centre de Gen Huntziger.........   XF         15

NL  fantasy?          20 fra  (194-)    Centre de Gen Huntziger.........   XF         15

NL  fantasy?        100 fra  (194-)    Centre de Gen Huntziger.........   XF         20

                                            -WW2 Ration note

NL                           50 kg  1943     steel products............. lot#1041  F           10

NL                       10 litres  (194-)    gasoline coupon;2 serie............   AU          4

NL                       10 litres  (194-)    gasoline coupon;3 serie............   AU          4


NL                           20 fra  1917     Nat Defense Fund...... lot#1093  VF+      20

   LOCAL NOTES till 1914;

                                            -Alliance Republicaine des Peuples (Mazzini)

                                            (Central Committee of European Democracy)

NL                             1 fra  (1852)   serie 3.........................................   F+       500

                                            -Antibes, assignat

NL                        6 livres  1795     Antibes........................................   XF+    120

NL                        7 livres  1795     Antibes........................................   VF+    120

NL                        8 livres  1795     Antibes........................................   VF+    120

NL                   9.25 livres  1795     Antibes........................................   VF+    120

                                            -Lens, Decrombecque

NL   unis                   1 fra  1870     unissued.....................................   AU        20

                                            -Limoges, L'Union de Limoges

NL   rema               20 fra  "1886"  unissued.....................................   AU        25

NL   rema               50 fra  "1886"  unissued.....................................   AU        25

NL   rema            100 fra  "1886"  unissued................................ p/h  XF+      20

                                            -Paris,   Comptoir de Paris

ND                            2 fra  187-?    Comptoir de Paris......................   AU        60

                                            -Paris, Maison de Secours

NL                          30 sol  1791     unissued............................. "R3"  VF         80

                                            -Pont St Clair

NL                           6 den  1792     06.................................................   F         100

                                            -St Remy, commune

NL                          10 sol  1791     ................................................ R1  VF         70

                                            -Piolenc, commune

NL                           5 sou  (179-)    ................................................ R1  XF         60

                                            -Uzes, commune

NL                         10 sou  (1791)   ................................................ R3  F         120

                                            -Vitry le Francois

NL                           5 sou  1792     ................................................ R4  VF+    180

   LOCAL NOTES 1914-1925;

Notes till 1914 and after 1925 -see "France, World Paper Money"

  notes ref; JP-# -Pirot J."Les billets des Cambres de Commerce"1989

            and -Pirot J."Les billets de Necessite 1914-1918" 2006

                                            -Abbeville, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  ND        green...........................................   F             5

JP-5                          1 fra  ND        red; wmk"bees"..........................   VG+        4

JP-8                          1 fra  ND        red...............................................   F             5

                                            -Agen, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1914     .....................................................   VG+        4

JP-4                      50 cen  1917     .....................................................   VG-         4

JP-6                          2 fra  1917     date on front only.......................   AU+      40

                                            -Agen, La Ruche Meridionale

271#47-05             5 cen  ND        2e Sie..........................................   AU        20

                                            -Alecon et Flers, Cambre de Commerce

JP-3                      50 cen  1915     .....................................................   AU+      20

JP-4                          1 fra  1915     .....................................................   AU+      20

                                            -Amiens, Cambre de Commerce

JP-12                    50 cen  1915     sig V-Pres Patte.........................   VF           5

JP-15                    50 cen  1915     sig V-Pres Patte.........................   VF           5

JP-18                    50 cen  1915     sig Pres Patte................... VF 6,  AU        20

JP-22                        1 fra  1920     .....................................................   AU-       20

JP-23                        2 fra  1920     ................................................ R1  XF         35

JP-24                    50 cen  1922     .....................................................   AU+      25

JP-25                        1 fra  1922     .....................................................   AU+      25

JP-26                        2 fra  1922     ................................................ R1  AU+      95

                                            -Angers, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                      25 cen  ND        ........................................... VG 4,  VF           7

JP-4                          1 fra  ND        ........................................... VG 4,  VF           7

                                            -Angouleme, Cambre de Commerce

JP-6                          2 fra  1915     serie 2.................................... R1  VG        25

JP-7                      50 cen  1915     serie 3.........................................   AU+      25

JP-8                          1 fra  1915     serie 3.........................................   AU+      25

JP-14                        1 fra  1915     serie 4.........................................   VG          4

JP-16                    50 cen  1917     serie 5.........................................   VG          4

                                            -Annecy, Cambre de Commerce

JP-5                          1 fra  1917     .....................................................   F             6

                                            -Annonay, Cambre de Commerce

JP-5                      50 cen  1917     serie 102.....................................   AU+      25

JP-6                          1 fra  1917     serie 1.................................... R1  AU+      70

                                            -Annonay, E.Meyzonnier Fils

155#7-4                  5 cen  ND        cardboard...................................   AU        15

                                            -Arras, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      25 cen  1923     .....................................................   XF-       10

JP-2                      50 cen  1923     .....................................................   XF-       10

JP-3                          1 fra  1923     .....................................................   AU-       25

                                            -Aubencheul au Bac

311#59-133             5 fra  1915     06.06...........................................   VF         25

                                            -Aubigny au Bac, Commune

312#59-147             5 fra  1914     no wmk........................................   VF         15

312#59-152             5 fra  1914     wmk.............................................   VF         25

                                            -Aurilliac, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     -1920...........................................   AU+      25

JP-2                          1 fra  1915     -1920...........................................   AU+      30

                                            -Auxerre, Cambre de Commerce

JP-3                      50 cen  1916     ........................................... VG 4,  AU-       20

JP-13                        1 fra  1920     .....................................................   VG+        6

                                            -Aveyron, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1   spec          50 cen  1915     #0000,stamp "annule"...............   AU+      70

JP-2   spec              1 fra  1915     #0000,stamp "annule"...............   AU+      70

JP-7   canc          50 cen  1921     perf "annule"...............................   AU+      20

JP-8   canc              1 fra  1921     perf "annule"...............................   AU+      25

                                            -Avion, Commune

437#62-30               2 fra  1914     .....................................................   F           15

                                            -Bar le Duc, Cambre de Commerce

JP-3                      50 cen  ND        -1920; green...............................   VG          5

JP-5                      50 cen  1917     09....................................... VF 6,  XF         12

JP-6                          1 fra  1917     09....................................... VF 6,  XF         12

JP-7                      50 cen  ND        4 emission..................................   F             5

                                            -Barbaira, Mairie de Barbaira

178#11-6             10 cen  ND        .....................................................   VF         10

                                            -Basses-Alpes, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  1917     .....................................................   AU+      35

                                            -Bayonne, Cambre de Commerce

JP-8                          2 fra  1915     .....................................................   XF         25

JP-10                    50 cen  1916     .....................................................   VG-         4

JP-13                        1 fra  1916     .....................................................   VG-         4

JP-16                    50 cen  1917     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-22                    50 cen  1918     .....................................................   VF           7

JP-26                        1 fra  1919     .....................................................   AU-       40

JP-30                    50 cen  1921     .....................................................   VF         15

JP-30                        2 fra  1922     .....................................................   VF+      30

                                            -Belfort, Cambre de Commerce

JP-4                      50 cen  1916     .....................................................   AU+      25

JP-9                          1 fra  1917     .....................................................   G             3

JP-14                        1 fra  1918     Nov..............................................   VG          4

                                            -Bergerac, Cambre de Commerce

JP-3                          1 fra  1914     .....................................................   XF           8

JP-5                      50 cen  1914     .....................................................   AU+      25

JP-17                        1 fra  1917     .....................................................   F             5

                                            -Besancon, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                      50 cen  1917     -1920.................................. VF 5,  AU        25

JP-7                      50 cen  ND        -1923..................................... p/h  VF-          8

                                            -Bethune, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-3                          2 fra  1915     .....................................................   VF+      15

JP-4                      50 cen  1916     .....................................................   VG          5

JP-5                          1 fra  1916     .....................................................   VF+      15

                                            -Blois, Cambre de Commerce

JP-3                      50 cen  1916     .....................................................   VG          4

                                            -Bohain, Region St.Quentin

54#02-282           50 cen  (191-)    .....................................................   G             4

                                            -Bolbec, Andre Forthome

549#76-51           50 cen  1914     04.22...........................................   VF         30

                                            -Blois, Cambre de Commerce

JP-4                          1 fra  1916     10.03...........................................   G             3

JP-5                      50 cen  1918     .....................................................   VF-          6

JP-6                          1 fra  1918     .....................................................   VF           8

                                            -Bordeaux, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  1914     ............................................... p/h  VF           8

JP-3                          2 fra  1914     .....................................................   G             3

JP-7   p/h                 2 fra  1914     ser 2............................................   XF         12

JP-8                      50 cen  1917     ............................................ VF 4,  AU        20

JP-10                        2 fra  1917     .....................................................   AU        30

JP-11                    50 cen  1917     -1923...........................................   AU-       20

JP-12                        1 fra  1917     -1923.................................... F 4,  XF           8

JP-13                        2 fra  1917     -1923.................................... F 4,  XF         12

JP-14                    50 cen  1920     .....................................................   AU        15

JP-15                        1 fra  1920     ........................................... VG 4,  AU        15

JP-16                        2 fra  1920     .....................................................   AU        20

JP-17                    50 cen  1921     .....................................................   AU-       15

JP-18                        1 fra  1921     .............................................. F 4,  AU-       15

                                            -Boulogne sur Mer, Cambre de Commerce             

JP-7                      50 cen  1914     .....................................................   VF           7

JP-8                          1 fra  1914     .....................................................   XF         12

JP-9                          2 fra  1914     .....................................................   F             8

JP-19                    50 cen  1920     06.04.................................... F 4,  XF           8

                                            -Bourges, Cambre de Commerce

JP-7                      50 cen  1917     -1922...........................................   F             5

JP-8                          1 fra  1917     -1922...........................................   VG+        5

JP-10                        1 fra  1917     -1925 "A".....................................   VF+      10

JP-11                    50 cen  1922     .....................................................   F             6

                                            -Brive, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  ND        -1924...........................................   VF-          9

                                            -Buironfosse, Commune

57#2-389             25 cen  1915     .....................................................   XF+      20

57#2-389             50 cen  1915     .....................................................   VF+      15

                                            -Caen, Cambre de Commerce

JP-8                          1 fra  1915     -1920; serie A.............................   VG-         4

JP-10                        1 fra  1920     -1923; emission 3......................   VG+        4

                                            -Cahors, Cambre de Commerce

JP-8                      50 cen  1915     -1920...........................................   AU+      25

JP-9                          1 fra  1915     -1920...........................................   AU+      25

                                            -Calais, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                      50 cen  1914     ................................................ R1  VF         30

JP-5                          1 fra  1915     .....................................................   XF-       12

JP-7                          1 fra  1916     @Arnaud....................................   F             8

JP-9                          1 fra  1916     @Roy..........................................   VF           8

JP-11                        1 fra  ND        5 emission..................................   F             8

JP-12                    50 cen  ND        Septieme emission....................   VF           8

JP-14                    50 cen  ND        Huitieme emission........... VG 4,  VF           8

JP-15                        1 fra  ND        Huitieme emission.....................   F             5

                                            -Cambrai, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1   p/h                 1 fra  1914     premiere serie............................   VF           8

                                            -Carcassonne, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  1914     .....................................................   VF-          7

JP-5   p/h             50 cen  1920     .....................................................   AU        20

JP-6   p/h             50 cen  1920     .....................................................   VF+         8

                                            -Caudebec les Elbeuf, Union des Commercants

550#76-75             5 cen  1918     cardboard...................................   AU-       30

                                            -Chalon sur Salone, Cambre de Commerce

JP-3                      50 cen  1916     June....................................... p/h  VF           7

JP-4                          1 fra  1916     October.......................................   VG          4

JP-5                      50 cen  1917     .....................................................   G             3

JP-6                          1 fra  1917     .....................................................   F             5

JP-8                          1 fra  1918     .....................................................   VF           7

                                            -Chambery, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  1916     02.19...........................................   VG-         4

JP-5                          1 fra  1917     Juillet...........................................   G             3

                                            -Charleville-Mezieres, Syndicat d'Emission Bons

158#8-83                 1 fra  1916     39 communes................... VF 8,  XF-       12

158#8-84                 2 fra  1916     39 communes............................   F           12

158#8-87             25 cen  1916     51 communes............................   VG          4

159#8-89                 1 fra  1916     51 communes............................   VF-          7

159#8-100           100 fra  1916     51 communes............................   XF         50

                                            -Chateauroux, Cambre de Commerce

JP-4                          1 fra  1915     Juillet..................................... p/h  F             6

JP-10                    50 cen  1916     .............................................. F 4,  VF           8

JP-11                    50 cen  1916     .....................................................   F             6

JP-17                        1 fra  1920     Mai...............................................   F             6

JP-18                        1 fra  1920     Mai...............................................   VG          4

JP-23                    10 cen  ND        .....................................................   AU+      15

JP-24                    25 cen  ND        ......................................... VF+ 5,  AU+      15

                                            -Centrale Region, Region Economique Centrale

JP-1                      25 cen  1924     .....................................................   AU+      40

                                            -Cholet, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      10 cen  -1920    rectangular carton token...........   F           20

JP-2                      25 cen  -1920    round carton token....................   AU        70

                                            -Clermont-Ferrand, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                          1 fra  ND        ................................................ R2  F           50

                                            -Colmar, Ville

498#68-84           50 cen  1918     .....................................................   F           15

                                            -Cogniac, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  1916     .....................................................   VG          5

                                            -Corbeil, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1920     .....................................................   VG          5

                                            -Croix et de Wasquehal, Villes

330#59-611             5 fra  1914     .....................................................   VF+      20

                                            -Correze, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                      50 cen  -1920    serie 5.........................................   VG          5

                                            -Deutschrumbach, Lamotte&(Rombach) German

498#68.96              5 pfe  1916     12.01...........................................   AU        40

498#68.97            10 pfe  1916     12.01...........................................   AU        40

                                            -Deux-Sevres, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     .....................................................   G+          3

JP-3                      50 cen  1916     .....................................................   VG          5

JP-4                          1 fra  1916     .....................................................   VG          6

JP-6                          1 fra  1920     .....................................................   XF         12

                                            -Dijon, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     emission 1..................................   XF+      15

JP-3                      50 cen  1916     emission 2..................................   VF           5

JP-5                      50 cen  1917     emission 3..................................   VF           6

JP-6                          1 fra  1917     emission 3......................... VF 4,  XF           8

JP-8                          1 fra  1919     emission 4..................................   VF-          6

                                            -Donchery, Commune

160#8-114           25 cen  1915     .....................................................   VG        20

                                            -Douai, Ville

414#59-2960       10 cen  1915     blue cardboard...........................   F           15

334#59-737         25 cen  1915     .....................................................   F             7

                                            -Douai, Region

334#59-778             5 fra  1916     serie 5, "D"..................................   VG        25

                                            -Douai, Bons Communaux Douai, Region Carvin

334#59-748         50 cen  1916     1 serie.................................... p/h  F             7

334#59-749             1 fra  1916     1 serie.................................... p/h  VF-          8

334#59-741             2 fra  1916     1 serie.................................... p/h  VF         12

335#59-786             2 fra  1916     6 serie.................................... p/h  VF-          8

336#59-796             5 fra  1916     7 serie.................................... p/h  VG-       15

                                            -Dunkerque, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  ND        ........................................... VG 4,  VF+      12

JP-2                          1 fra  ND        .....................................................   F             7

                                            -Eure et Loir, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-2                          1 fra  1915     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-9                      50 cen  1921     .....................................................   VG+        6

                                            -Flamegre, Commune

73#2-841               5 cen  1915     .....................................................   F           12

                                            -Fourmies, Ville

346#59-1099           5 fra  1915     2 serie.................................... p/h  VF+      20

                                            -Fourmies, Bon Regional Communes Occupies

347#59-1111           1 fra  1915     4 serie; 173 communes............   F             8

347#59-1115       50 cen  1916     176 communes.................... p/h  VF           4

347#59-1116           1 fra  1916     176 communes.................... p/h  VF           4

                                            -Gers, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1914     ser"B"..................................... R4  AU      150

                                            -Gebweiler(Guebwiller, Alsace), Stadt

1                               1 mk  1914     08.06, in German.......................   XF      120

                                            -Granville, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     .....................................................   XF         15

JP-2                          1 fra  1915     .....................................................   F             5

                                            -Granville et Cherbourg, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  1920     .....................................................   VG          4

                                            -Grenay, Compagne de Bethune

460#62-642         25 cen  1917     January.......................................   F           10

460#62-650             2 fra  1917     January.......................................   G             7

460#62-652         25 cen  1917     October.......................................   VG          7

460#62-653         50 cen  1917     October.......................................   VG          7

                                            -Grenoble, Cambre de Commerce

JP-16                        1 fra  1917     ............................................ VF 5,  AU        25

                                            -Grey et Vesoul, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  1915     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-3                      50 cen  1915     "R"................................................   F             6

JP-4                          1 fra  1915     "R"................................................   F             6

JP-6                          1 fra  1919     .....................................................   XF         12

                                            -Lavaur, Ville

589#81                 10 cen  ND        pink cardboard...........................   AU+      25

589#81                 15 cen  ND        blue cardboard...........................   AU        35

                                            -Le Havre, Cambre de Commerce

JP-6                      50 cen  1916     .......................................... VG+4,  AU        20

JP-8                          2 fra  1916     .....................................................   AU        20

JP-9                      50 cen  1917     .....................................................   VG          3

JP-10                        1 fra  1917     ........................................... VG-4,  F             5

JP-12                    50 cen  1920     01.15...........................................   F             6

JP-13                        1 fra  1920     01.15.................................... F 4,  VF           7

JP-15   p/h           50 cen  1920     08.18...........................................   VG          4

JP-16                        1 fra  1920     08.18................................. VG-4,  F             4

JP-17                        2 fra  1920     08.18...........................................   VG-         4

JP-19                    50 cen  1922     .....................................................   F-            4

                                            -Libourne, Cambre de Commerce

JP-10                    50 cen  1917     4 serie.........................................   VG          4

JP-11                        1 fra  1917     4 serie.........................................   VG          4

                                            -Lille, Ville

362#59-1601         10 fra  1914     .....................................................   VF         12

362#59-1630         5 cen  1917     .....................................................   VF           5

362#59-1632       10 cen  1917     Juillet...........................................   XF           6

362#59-1621       25 cen  1917     Juillet...........................................   VF           5

363#59-1656         5 cen  1918     Avril..............................................   VG          4

                                            -Lille, Banque d'Emission

361#59-1589           1 fra  1914     .....................................................   VG          7

361#59-1591           2 fra  1914     .....................................................   VG          8

361#59-1591           1 fra  1915     .....................................................   VF+      15

361#59-1596       25 cen  1915     .....................................................   VF+         8

362#59-1599       50 cen  1915     serie 2.........................................   VF           8

363#59-1639           2 fra  1917     .....................................................   VF-       12

                                            -Limoges, Cambre de Commerce

JP-14                    50 cen  -1919    ............................................ VF 4,  XF           8

JP-15                        1 fra  -1919    .....................................................   VF           8

JP-17                        1 fra  -1923    .....................................................   AU        20

                                            -Lons le Saunier, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  ND        -1920...........................................   F             6

                                            -Lure, Cambre de Commerce

JP-4                      50 cen  1915     wmk bees...................................   F             4

JP-5                          1 fra  1915     wmk bees...................................   VF           7

JP-7                      50 cen  1917     .....................................................   F             4

JP-8                          1 fra  1917     ............................................ VF 4,  AU        15

JP-9                          1 fra  1917     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-10                    50 cen  1917     .....................................................   VF           5

                                            -Lyon, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                          1 fra  1914     ....................................................   VF           6

JP-6                          1 fra  1916     3 serie ........................................   VF           8

JP-7                      50 cen  1916     5 serie ........................................   XF           8

JP-8                          1 fra  1916     Dec .............................................   VG          3

JP-9                      50 cen  1917     .....................................................   AU        20

JP-10                        1 fra  1917     .....................................................   F             3

JP-12                        1 fra  1918     .....................................................   AU        20

JP-17                    50 cen  1920     July serie 23...............................   AU        20

JP-18                        1 fra  1920     Septembre 9...............................   VF           8

                                            -Macon, Bourg, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     ........................................... VG 4,  AU        25

JP-5   p/h                 1 fra  1915     ser "C".........................................   XF         12

                                            -Marne, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  1920     .....................................................   F             5

                                            -Marselle, Cambre de Commerce

JP-6                      50 cen  1914     serie 3-R.....................................   AU+      20

JP-7                          1 fra  1914     serie 12-R...................................   F             6

JP-9                      50 cen  1915     .....................................................   VG          4

                                            -Mayenne, Ville (service des Emigres)

289#53-7                 5 fra  ND        stamp "paye"..............................   VF+      25

                                            -Melun, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-2                          1 fra  1915     ........................................... VG 4,  VF           8

JP-3                          2 fra  1915     .....................................................   VG          6

                                            -Mende, Cambre de Commerce

JP-3   canc          50 cen  1918     cancelled perf.............................   AU        20

JP-4   canc              1 fra  1918     cancelled perf.............................   AU        20

                                            -Metz, Ville (Alsace-Lorraine)

JP-1                      50 cen  1918     .....................................................   VG+        5

JP-2                          1 fra  1918     ........................................... VG 4,  F           10

JP-3                          2 fra  1918     .....................................................   VG        10

                                            -Miraumont.., Emprunt Garanti des 70 commune

440#62-62               1 fra  1915     emission 1..................................   VG          5

441#62-67           10 cen  1915     emission 2..................................   VG-         4

441#62-69           50 cen  1915     emission 2..................................   VG          5

442#62-78           50 cen  1915     emission 4..................................   VF           5

442#62-79               1 fra  1915     emission 4..................................   F             5

                                            -Mont-de-Marsan, Cambre de Commerce

JP-9                          1 fra  1914     emission 1916 "Z"................ R2  VG+      15

JP-14                        1 fra  1917     ........................................... VG 4,  VF           8

                                            -Montmedy,Syndicat Communes,Reg.Montmedy

300#55-1             50 cen  1916     "A"................................................   VG          5

300#55-2                 1 fra  1916     "B"................................................   F             4

300#55-3                 2 fra  1916     "C"................................................   VG          7

300#55-7             25 cen  1916     "L"................................................   VG          5

300#55-15               5 fra  1916     "T"................................................   F           10

                                            -Montlucon Gannat, Cambre de Commerce

JP-13                        1 fra  1915     ser B............................................   G             3

JP-26                        1 fra  1918     .....................................................   VG-         4

JP-45                    25 cen  ND        signed V-President....................   XF         12

                                            -Moosch, Gemeinde(Alsace-Lorraine)

503#68                    1 mk  (1914)   in German, paper white............   XF-       50

503#68                  10 mk  (1914)   in German, blue carton.. VF 20  XF         35

503#68                  20 mk  (1914)   in German, paper grey..............   XF         35

503#68                    2 mk  (1914)   in German, font antique............   AU        95

                                            -Moulins et Lapalisse, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1916     05.12................................. VG 4,  AU        20

                                            -Mouy, Ville

431#60-52           50 cen  1916     3 emission..................................   AU-       20

431#60-53               1 fra  1916     3 emission..................................   AU-       20

                                            -Mulhausen, Stadt(Alsace-Lorraine)in German

504#68 canc           1 mk  1914     08.03,no sig, cancelled.............   AU        25

504#68                    2 mk  1914     08.03,sig Haby...........................   VG        20

504#68                    5 mk  1914     08.03,sig Moellerheim...............   AU        25

504#68                    5 mk  1914     08.03,sig Aegerter.....................   AU        25

                                            -Munster, Hartmann(Alsace-Lorraine)in German

505#68-293             1 mk  1914     09.01...........................................   XF         40

                                            -Nancy, Cambre de Commerce

JP-11                        1 fra  1917     04.01................................. VG 4,  XF-       12

JP-14                    50 cen  1917     12.01...........................................   XF           8

JP-15                        1 fra  1917     12.01...........................................   VG          3

JP-16                        1 fra  1918     01.01.................................... F 4,  XF-       10

JP-17                        1 fra  ND        .....................................................   XF-       10

JP-18                    50 cen  1918     09.01................................ VF+4,  AU        15

JP-19                        1 fra  1918     09.01...........................................   XF         10

JP-20                    50 cen  1918     11.01...........................................   VF           8

JP-22                        1 fra  1918     11.01...........................................   F             6

JP-23                        2 fra  1918     11.01................................. VG 4,  VF           8

JP-24                    50 cen  1918     12.01...........................................   VG+        4

JP-25                        1 fra  1918     12.01...........................................   VF           6

JP-32                        1 fra  1919     05.15...................................... R1  G             6

JP-52                    25 cen  ND        .....................................................   AU        25

JP-57                    25 cen  ND        back & face.............................. R  XF         30

JP-58                    25 cen  ND        face only.................................. R  AU-       40

                                            -Nantes, Cambre de Commerce

JP-3                      50 cen  ND        ............................................ VF 5,  XF           8

JP-4                          1 fra  ND        ........................................... VG 4,  VF-          6

JP-8                          2 fra  ND        C..................................................   VF-       12

JP-12                        1 fra  ND        -1922...........................................   F             4

JP-13   p/h           50 cen  ND        -1923................................. VG-4,  VF           6

JP-16                        1 fra  ND        -1923...........................................   F             6

JP-17                        1 fra  ND        -1923.................................... F 4,  VF-          6

JP-18                    50 cen  ND        -1924...........................................   VF-          8

JP-20                        1 fra  ND        -1924 CE....................................   F             8

                                            -Nice, Cambre de Commerce

JP-3                      50 cen  1917     .....................................................   F             5

JP-4                          1 fra  1917     .....................................................   F             6

JP-5                      50 cen  1917     1920-21.......................................   XF           8

JP-6                          1 fra  1917     1920-21.......................................   VG          3

JP-7                      50 cen  1920     -1922.................................... F 4,  VF           6

JP-8   p/h                 1 fra  1920     -1922.................................... F 4,  VF           6

JP-12                    25 cen  ND        blue #..........................................   F             5

JP-14                    25 cen  ND        black #.........................................   AU        20

                                            -Noeux les Mines, Mines de Vicoigne

472#62-999         25 cen  1916     .............................................. pen  VF-       18

                                            -Nord et Pas-de-Calais, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                      10 cen  ND        -1925...........................................   VG+        3

JP-3                      25 cen  ND        -1925...........................................   VF-          5

JP-4                      50 cen  ND        -1925.................................... F 4,  VF           6

JP-5                          1 fra  ND        -1925"Sie."....................... VG 4,  XF           8

JP-7                          1 fra  ND        -1925"Sie"......................... VG 4,  F             5

                                            -Paris, Cambre de Commerce

JP-4/5                  50 cen  1920     ............................................ XF 4,  AU        15

JP-6                          1 fra  1920     ............................................ XF 6,  AU        20

JP-7                          2 fra  1920     .....................................................   VF           8

JP-8                      50 cen  1920     Mercury............................. VF 4,  AU        20

JP-9                          1 fra  1920     Mercury............................. VF 4,  AU        20

                                            -Perigueux, Cambre de Commerce

JP-6                          1 fra  1915     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-12                        1 fra  1916     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-14                    50 cen  1917     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-15                        1 fra  1917     ........................................... VG 4,  F             6

                                            -Perpignan, Cambre de Commerce

JP-18                    50 cen  ND        -1921...........................................   AU        20

                                            -Poitiers, Cambre de Commerce

JP-7                      50 cen  1917     ........................................... VG 4,  AU        20

                                            -Poix-Terron, Syndicat d'Emission, Region

163#8-144           25 cen  1917     2 emission; 142 communes.....   VF           8

163#8-156               1 fra  1917     4 emission; 142 communes.....   VG          5

                                            -Provencale Region, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  ND        @Moullot....................................   XF           8

JP-3                      50 cen  ND        @Moullot, R serie......................   VF-          5

JP-4                          1 fra  ND        @Moullot, R serie......................   XF+      12

JP-7                      50 cen  ND        @Marsellies..................... VG 4,  VF-          6

JP-8                          1 fra  ND        @Marsellies...............................   VG          3

                                            -Puy, Cambre de Commerce

JP-6                      50 cen  1916     "D"................................................   VF-          7

                                            -Puy de Dome, Cambre de Commerce

JP-6                          1 fra  ND        -1920...........................................   F             6

                                            -Quimper et Brest, Cambre de Commerce

JP-4                      50 cen  1915     B..................................................   G             3

JP-6                          2 fra  1915     B..................................................   VG          6

JP-7                      50 cen  1917     C..................................................   VF+         8

JP-8                          1 fra  1917     C......................................... VF 4,  AU        15

JP-9                          2 fra  1917     C..................................................   XF-       12

JP-10                    50 cen  1918     D no wmk.......................... VG 4,  AU        20

JP-14                        1 fra  1918     D wmk.........................................   AU        20

JP-15                        2 fra  1918     D wmk............................... VG 4,  AU        20


375#59-1966           1 fra  1914     .....................................................   VG          8

                                            -Rethel, Syndicat d'Emission, Region Rethel

163#8-168               2 fra  1916     102 communes..........................   G             6

                                            -Rennes et Saint Malo, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     .....................................................   VG-         3

                                            -Rimogne, Syndicat d'Emission, Region

164#8-197               1 fra  1916     ............................................... p/h  F             5

                                            -Rochefort sur Mer, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     1 serie.........................................   VG          6

JP-6                          1 fra  1915     3 serie.........................................   VG-         4

JP-9                      50 cen  1920     5 serie.........................................   AU        25

JP-10                        1 fra  1920     5 serie.........................................   AU        30

                                            -Rochelle, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1915     .....................................................   XF         12

JP-3                          1 fra  1920     .....................................................   XF+      15

                                            -Roche sur Yon, Cambre de Commerce

JP-5                      50 cen  1915     ........................................... VG 4,  XF         12

JP-13                    25 cen  1916     .....................................................   VG          3

JP-16                    50 cen  1922     ................................................ R1  AU+      95

JP-17                        1 fra  1922     ................................................ R3  AU+    180

                                            -Rouen, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  ND        .....................................................   VF           8

JP-8                          1 fra  1916     .....................................................   VG          5

JP-11                        1 fra  1917     .....................................................   VG-         3

JP-17                        1 fra  1918     .....................................................   VF           8

JP-31                    50 cen  1922     .....................................................   F             6

JP-32                        1 fra  1922     .....................................................   VG          4

                                            -Roubaix, Ville

378#59                 25 cen  ND        ............................................ VF 4,  XF           7

378#59                 50 cen  ND        .....................................................   VF           4

379#59-2058           1 fra  ND        .....................................................   F           12

381#59-2086           1 fra  1916     04.20...........................................   VF-          5

382#59-2128       25 cen  1916     12.16...........................................   VF-          5

383#59-2151       25 cen  1917     04.21...........................................   VF           5

383#59-2159       25 cen  1917     11.27...........................................   VF           5

385#59-2200           1 fra  1917     11.27...........................................   VF           5

385#59-2211       50 cen  1917     12.15...........................................   F             5

385#59-2149      100 fra  1917     04.10...........................................   AU      180

                                            -Saint Dizier, Cambre de Commerce

JP-2                          1 fra  1915     .....................................................   VF-          7

JP-3                      50 cen  1916     April.............................................   VF-          6

JP-5                      50 cen  1916     December......................... VF 4,  XF           8

JP-6                          1 fra  1916     December......................... VF 4,  XF           8

JP-7                      50 cen  1917     ........................................... VG 4,  XF           8

JP-8                          1 fra  1917     ............................................ VF 4,  XF           8

JP-12                        1 fra  1921     .....................................................   XF           8

                                            -Saint Omer, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  ND        ............................................ VF 4,  XF           8

                                            -Saint Quentin, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  -1925    .....................................................   G             3

JP-5                          2 fra  -1925    ................................................ R1  F           25

                                            -Saint Quentin, Ville

117#2-2062             1 fra  1915     .....................................................   F+         10

                                            -Saint Quentin, Union Commerciale

149#2-2705           5 cen  ND        cardboard...................................   VG          4

149#2-2706         10 cen  ND        cardboard...................................   VF           8

                                            -Sedan, Ville

166#8                     5 cen  1915     08.10...........................................   F+         80

                                            -Sedan, Syndicat Ardennais, Region

167#8-281           25 cen  1916     .....................................................   VF           6

167#8-284               2 fra  1916     .....................................................   VF-       15

                                            -Somain, Aux Modes Nouvelles

425-59                      2 fra  ND        cardboard...................................   VF      150

                                            -Strasbourg, Ville (Alsace-Lorraine)

JP-1                      50 cen  1918     .....................................................   VG          6

JP-2                          1 fra  1918     ........................................... VG 4,  VF-       15


JP-6                          1 fra  1917     serie III........................................   F-            4

                                            -Thann, Stadt(Alsace) in German

509#68-377 canc   3 mk  1914     in German;"annule"...................   VG-       30

                                            -Toulon, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  1916     ........................................... VG 4,  VF+         8

JP-2                          1 fra  1916     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-7  p/h              50 cen  1917     R 3 emision...................... VG 4,  XF         12

JP-8                          1 fra  1917     .....................................................   AU        20

JP-15                    50 cen  1919     5 emission..................................   F             4

JP-16                        1 fra  1919     5 emission..................................   G             3

JP-18                        1 fra  1919     6 emission..................................   G             3

JP-20                    25 cen  1921     ........................................... VG 4,  XF         12

                                            -Toulouse, Cambre de Commerce

JP-6                          1 fra  1917     ........................................... VG 4,  VF           8

                                            -Toulouse, Ville

220#31-177           5 cen  ND        cardboard...................................   AU        50

                                            -Tourcoing, Ville

426#59-3235         5 cen  ND        cardboard...................................   AU        20

426#59-3236       10 cen  ND        cardboard............................ F-4,  AU        20

                                            -Tours, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                          1 fra  1915     .....................................................   VG          4

JP-3                      50 cen  1920     .....................................................   VG          4

                                            -Treport, Cambre de Commerce

JP-1                      50 cen  ND        .....................................................   VG+        4

JP-2                          1 fra  ND        ........................................... VG 4,  VF-          7

JP-3                          2 fra  ND        .....................................................   VF+      12

JP-12                    25 cen  ND        emission 4..................................   VG          4

JP-19                    25 cen  ND        emission 5..................................   F-            6

JP-35                    50 cen  ND        emission 9..................................   VG          4

                                            -Troyes, Cambre de Commerce

JP-4                          1 fra  ND        .....................................................   VG          3

JP-5                      50 cen  ND        emission 4........................ VG 4,  VF           6

JP-6                          1 fra  ND        emission 4........................... F-4,  VF           8

JP-8                          1 fra  ND        emission 5..................................   VF           8

JP-10                        1 fra  ND        emission 6............................. p/h  VF-          6

JP-12                        1 fra  ND        emission 7..................................   UN-       20

                                            -Valence, Cambre de Commerce

JP-4                      50 cen  1915     red denomination.......................   VG          4

JP-7                          1 fra  1915     .....................................................   F             6

                                            -Valenciennes, Communes

397#59-2538       20 cen  1914     .....................................................   P             3

397#59-2540           1 fra  1914     .....................................................   VG          5

398#59-2566           1 fra  1916     .....................................................   VF-          7

398#59-2567           2 fra  1916     ............................................ VF 4,  AU-       20

397#59-2545           5 fra  1914     .....................................................   F           30

399#59                   20 fra  1916     05.16; serie 50...........................   XF         70

                                            -Vertus, Ville

285#51-50           25 cen  1915     .....................................................   AU        25

285#51-52               1 fra  1915     .....................................................   XF-       15

285#51-58               1 fra  1917     .....................................................   AU-       25

                                            -Vienne, Drogerie J. Messonnier

257#38-217           5 cen  1915.    01.15...........................................   AU        30

                                            -Vienne, H.Gueriniere

257#38-238           5 cen  ND        cardboard...................................   AU        50

                                            -Wimy, Commune

136#2-2464         50 cen  1915     02.16...........................................   VF         15

   LOCAL NOTES from 1925;

                                            -Ales, Refugee Service

NL                             1 fra  1940     05.16,Refugee Service.............   VF+      25

                                            -Bezeries, Union Commercants

NL  unis                 10 fra  (192-)    .....................................................   AU        15

                                            -Colmar, city

SB-215                   50 fra  1940     .....................................................   AU+      50

                                            -Dole (Jura) Union Economique

NL                             5 fra  1930     Dole(Jura)...................................   G           15

                                            -Lens, Mutuelle Commerciale

NL  unis                 50 fra  193-      unissued.....................................   XF+      30

NL  unis               100 fra  193-      unissued.....................................   XF+      30

                                            -Monte Carlo, Casino Paris

NL                           10 fra  1933     05.27...........................................   VG-    100

                                            -Mulhouse, city

SB-314a                 20 fra  1940     no ser........................... lot#1052  AU+      50

SB-315b                 50 fra  1940     ser.C............................................   AU+      50

                                            -Romilly sur Seine (Aube), city

SB-501                   50 fra  1940     .....................................................   AU+      50

                                            -Saint Omer, city

SB-551                100 fra  1940     ...................................... lot#1056  AU+      60

   Travellers Cheque         Cheque Postal de Voyage "CH1435E"

TC spec                 200 F  ND        .....................................................   AU        20

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            "Credit General des Petroles",Paris

share                    500 fra  1926     share................................ bs#43  VF         10


PICK#                                 *****FRENCH AFARS and ISSAS***3n+*

   French Colony (French Somaliland till 1967, Djibouti from 1977)

32                      1,000 fra  (1974)   woman with jug.................... p/h  VF      400

33                         500 fra  (1975)   man/ship..................... AU+300UN      400


PICK#                                 *****FRENCH ANTILLES***3n+*

   French Depend Territory 1961-1975;(Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique)

1   p/h               1 new fra  (1961)   ovpt 100Fr..................................   F         100

4                       5 new fra  (1963)   ovpt 500Fr..................................   VF    2000

5   p/h            10 new fra  (1963)   girl, coastal/................................   VG+      60

6   p/h            50 new fra  (1964)   banana/.......................................   F+       250

8b   sig 2                10 fra  (1966)   girl, coastal/...................... F+60,  XF+    250

9a   sig 1                50 fra  (1964)   banana/.......................................   VG+   100

9b   sig 2                50 fra  (1966)   banana harvest/.........................   F         200

10a   sig 1           100 fra  (1964)   .....................................................   F         300


PICK#                                 *****FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA***3n+*

   French Colony (from 1960 Chad, Central African Rep, Congo, Gabon)

1   sig G-A           50 cen  (1917)   .....................................................   F         100

2   sig P-A                1 fra  (1917)   ........................ damage on back  VG+      80

6.                               5 fra  (1942)   man/weaving................ VF 100AU      400

7                              25 fra  (1942)   man/lion......................................   F           70

11                           10 fra  1941     Marianne "FB" p/h............ F 80VF      160

12                           20 fra  1941     Marianne "LB"............................   F         120

13                         100 fra  1941     Marianne "PA"....... G+30, F 80VF+    250

13                         100 fra  1941     Marianne "PD"...........................   VF      180

14                      1,000 fra  1941     phoenix.......................................   F+    1200

15a.  sig D               5 fra  1944     Marianne "AM"....... F 25; F+40,  UN      300

15b   sig PV             5 fra  1944     Marianne "AR"AS"BC"..............   F           35

15c   sig PV             5 fra  1944     Marianne, no#............................   F           35

16a   sig D             10 fra  1944     Marianne "FD"...................... p/h  F           45

16b   sig PV           10 fra  1944     Marianne "FQ.............................   F           45

16e   sig PV           10 fra  1944     Marianne "B"..............................   F-          35

17a   sig D             20 fra  1944     Marianne "LC"............................   F           90

17b   sig PV           20 fra  1944     Marianne "LJ".............................   F           90

17c   sig PV           20 fra  1944     Marianne; black#.......................   VG        45

17d   sig PV           20 fra  1944     Marianne "A"..............................   VF-     120

18                         100 fra  1944     Marianne "PR"...........................   VF      400

19                      1,000 fra  1944     phoenix.......................................   F+    1200

20B                           5 fra  (1947)   Bougainville.................... VF 40,  XF         80

21                           10 fra  (1947)   Colbert............................. VF 50,  XF      100

22.                          20 fra  (1947)   Gentil..................... F 30; VF 60,  AU      240

23                           50 fra  (1947)   .....................................................   F           50

24                         100 fra  (1947)   La Bourdonnais.........................   F           80

27                      5,000 fra  (1952)   Schoelcher.................................   VF+  2000

28                              5 fra  (1957)   Bougainville................................   F           40

31                           50 fra  (1957)   coffee/logging.............................   VF+    180

32                         100 fra  (1957)   Eboue/port.............. VG+50, p/h  VF      120

34                      1,000 fra  (1957)   cocoa/picking cotton.................   F+       500


PICK#                                 *****FRENCH GUIANA***3n+*

   French Colony

1d   sig H-C             5 fra  1901     sig Halleguen(1942)........ F+60,  VF+    120

1e   sig B-C              5 fra  1901     sig Buy(1946).............................   AU+    800

7   sig H-C-C         25 fra  (1940)   sig Halleguen +Collat................   F         250

7   sig H-C-S         25 fra  (1942)   sig Halleguen +St Clair.............   VF      500

11                              1 fra  (1942)   red; sig H-C................................   VF      200

11Cb                         2 fra  (1945)   grey, sig H-C..... low#"000055"  AU+ 1200

11Cb                         2 fra  (1945)   blue, sig H-C..............................   VF      150

19                              5 fra  (1947)   Bougainville................................   VF         80

21                           20 fra  (1947)   Gentil...........................................   F+       100

23                         100 fra  (1947)   Bourdonnais...............................   VF      300


PICK#                                 *****FRENCH INDIA****3*

   French Colony till 1950 (from 1954 united with India)

4d                        1 rupee  1945     .....................................................   VG      900


PICK#                                 *****FRENCH INDOCHINA***3n+*

   French Colony till 1954 (from 1945/54 Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)

34b   p/h                  1 pia  1901     Saigon(1909).............................   VG+   250

41   p/h                  20 pia  1920     .....................................................   F+       500

44                         10 cen  (1920)   red#.............................................   VF+    200

48a.                          1 pia  (1921)   s Monplanet-Chaume... VG+30  AU      350

48b                           1 pia  (1927)   sig Simon-Chaume....... VF+40,  XF+      80

49b   p/h                  5 pia  (1927)   sig Simon-Chaume....................   VG        80

50   p/h                  20 pia  (1928)   ............................................ P 25,  VG+   200

51d   p/h              100 pia  (1936)   ............................ F 50, VF+250XF+    500

53                             5 pia  (1932)   .....................................................   VG        70

54b.  sig 9               1 pia  (1936)   .......................................... VF 12  UN        95

54c.  sig 11             1 pia  (1946)   old Lao.................... AU(p/h) 22,  UN        60

54e   sig 11             1 pia  (1949)   new Lao................ VF 4, AU 16,  UN        32

55c.  sig 11             5 pia  (1946)   ........................................ VF+30,  AU        90

55d   sig 11             5 pia  (1949)   .....................................................   VF+      45

56b   p/h                20 pia  (1936)   sig Borduge-Baudouin.... F+75,  VF+    150

57.  p/h                500 pia  (1939)   .......................................... F 120AU-     720

58c                           1 pia  (1942)   black on orange.........................   XF         80

59a                           1 pia  (1942)   black on blue..............................   XF         80

60.  p/h                    1 pia  (1942)   brown no purple............. XF 13,  UN        50

64   p/h                    5 pia  (1942)   violet................................ VG 15,  F           30

66   p/h                100 pia  (1942)   brown-red....................... VG 10,  VF         40

71   p/h                  20 pia  (1942)   grey on ochre;................ VF 30,  AU      120

73   p/h                100 pia  (1942)   green-brown...................... F 15,  XF         70

73   coun             100 pia  (1942)   old counterfeit; no wmk.............   XF         45

74.                            1 pia  (1949)   plowing/girls................... VF+60,  AU      250

75                             5 pia  (1951)   rice field/.......... border damage  XF      600

76a   "B"                  1 pia  (1945)   boat/Angkor Wat........... VF+10,  AU        25

76b   "A"                  1 pia  (1951)   boat/Angkor Wat........................   XF-       25

76b   "D"                  1 pia  (1951)   boat/Angkor Wat........................   VF         10

77   p/h                  50 pia  (1945)   ......................................... VG-75,  VG+   150

78   p/h                100 pia  (1945)   temple/farming.............. VG+70,  VF      200

79   p/h                100 pia  (1946)   bank/boats..................................   VG+   150

80.                          10 pia  (1947)   ............................................ F 20,  AU      150

81                           20 pia  (1949)   .....................................................   F           40

82a   p/h              100 pia  (1947)   ......................................... VG 15,  VF-       50

82b                      100 pia  (1949)   ......................................... VF 45,  XF-       60

85c   sig 13          10 cen  (1939)   red-brown...................................   UN        35

86d.  sig 14          20 cen  (1939)   ......................................... XF 20,  AU+      50

86e   sig 14          50 cen  (1939)   .....................................................   VF         20

88a                          5 cen  (1942)   sig black............................ VF 8,  AU+      20

88b                          5 cen  (1942)   sig green........................... XF 6,  AU+      15

89a                       10 cen  (1942)   ......................................... XF 10,  AU        20

90                         20 cen  (1942)   .....................................................   AU+      20

91a.                      50 cen  (1942)   ......................................... XF 20,  AU+      50

92.                            1 pia  (1953)   .......................... XF+36, AU+72,  UN        96

   Cambodia Branch;

94                             1 pia  (1954)   Cambodia Br.................... VG 9,  XF         70

95                             5 pia  (1954)   Cambodia Br..............................   VF         40

96a   sig C-V        10 pia  (1954)   Cambodia Br; "A1-W2".............   VF+      70

97                        100 pia  (1954)   Cambodia Br........... VG 50; p/h  VF-     150

98                        200 pia  (1954)   Cambodia Br..............................   VF+    500

   Laos Branch;

100                           1 pia  (1954)   Laos Br............... F+45, VF+90,  XF      120

101                           5 pia  (1953)   Laos Br........................................   VG        15

103                      100 pia  (1953)   Laos Br.................................. p/h  VG      100

103   coun          100 pia  (1953)   Laos Br; old counterfeit.............   VF+    100

   Vietnam Branch;

104.                          1 pia  (1953)   Vietnam Br........................... F 4,  UN        45

105                           1 pia  (1954)   Vietnam Br....................... VF+8,  UN        45

106                           5 pia  (1953)   Vietnam Br......................... F+ 7,  UN        70

107.                       10 pia  (1953)   Vietnam Br......................... F 20,  AU      150

108                      100 pia  (1954)   Vietnam Br..................................   VF+    200

109   p/h              200 pia  (1953)   Vietnam Br................... VF-120VF+    250

   Japanese occupation

M1.                       50 sen  (1940)   Japanese occupation................   AU-  1500

M7                        10 yen  (1940)   Japanese occupation................   AU+      30

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            "Soc. Charbonnages Ninh-Binh(Tonkin)"Paris

share                    100 fra  (1929)   Ninh-Binh....................... bs#450  XF         15

                                            "Mines d'Or de Nam Kok, SA",Paris

share                    100 fra  (1929)   Or NamKok................... bs#451  VF         15

share                   1 share  (1929)   NamKok,fundateur....... bs#452  VF         15

                                            "Soc.du Domaine de Kebao",Paris

share                    100 fra  (1927)   Domaine de Kebao...... bs#453  XF         15

                                            "Soc. Miniere du Tonkin",Paris

share                    100 fra  1925     Miniere du Tonkin......... bs#454  XF         15

                                            "Soc.des Mines de Cho Don",Paris

share                   1 share  1925     Mines de Cho Don....... bs#455  XF         15

                                            "Union Miniere Indochinoise",Paris

share                    100 fra  (1930)   Miniere Indochinoise.... bs#456  XF         15

                                            "Compagnie Miniere du Laos",Paris

share                    100 fra  1928     Miniere du Laos............ bs#457  XF         15

                                            "Soc. Cotonniere de Saigon",Paris

share                    200 fra  1925     Cotonniere Saigon....... bs#458  XF         15

                                            "Com.Gen.des Mines de Thakhek(Laos)",Paris

share                    100 fra  1928     Thakhek "B".................. bs#459  XF         20

                                            "Com. Miniere du Haut-Mekone",Paris

share                    100 fra  (1928)   Haut-Mekone................ bs#460  XF         20


PICK#                                 *****FRENCH OCEANIA****3*

   French Colony (Polynesia with Tahiti), later French Pacific Ter.

8a                              2 fra  1942     sig Liauzun.................................   VF+    900

13a                      2.50 fra  1943     .....................................................   VG+   250


PICK#                                 *****FRENCH PACIFIC TERRITORIES***3n+*

   French Dependent Territory(French Polynesia, New Caledonia etc.)

1b.  sig 3              500 fra  (1995)   fisherman/seaside.....................   UN        45

1c   sig 5              500 fra  (1995)   fisherman/seaside.....................   UN        15

2b.  sig 4          1,000 fra  (1995)   hut, girl/deer, hut........................   UN        70

2g   sig 8          1,000 fra  (2001)   hut, girl/deer, hut............... F 15,  UN        30

2h.  sig 7          1,000 fra  (2003)   hut, girl/deer, hut........................   UN        30

3f    sig 8          5,000 fra  (2001)   Bougainville, ships.....................   UN      250

4b   sig 5        10,000 fra  (1996)   girl, village...................................   UN      500

5.                          500 fra  (2014)   flowers.........................................   UN        14

6.                       1,000 fra  (2014)   turtle/birds...................................   UN        25


PICK#                                 *****FRENCH WEST AFRICA***3n+*

   French Colony (from 1958 West African States)

     issued for:                     -Conakry (French Guinea)

10Ab  p/h             100 fra  1920     02.12;Conacry............. repaired  F       1500

                                            -Dakar (Senegal)

5B    p/h                   5 fra  1919     07.10;Dakar................................   G+        20

5B    p/h                   5 fra  1922     12.14;Dakar................................   F-          35

5B    p/h                   5 fra  1924     04.10;Dakar....................... F 40,  F+         60

5B    p/h                   5 fra  1925     08.01;Dakar................................   VF+    120

5B    p/h                   5 fra  1928     01.13;Dakar................................   VG-       15

5B    p/h                   5 fra  1929     05.16;Dakar................... VG-15,  F           40

5B    p/h                   5 fra  1932     09.01;Dakar................... VG 20,  VF-       70

7Bc   p/h                25 fra  1926     06.10;Dakar................... VG 80VF      300

9Bb   p/h                50 fra  1926     02.17;Dakar................................   VF      450

11Bb   p/h            100 fra  1926     09.24;Dakar........ VG(tape)200VG      250

                                            -Grand Bassam (Ivory Coast)

11Dc   p/h            100 fra  1920     04.15;Grand Bassam................   G        150

11Dd   p/h           100 fra  1924     11.13;Grand Bassam................   F       1000

12D   p/h              100 fra  1920     04.15;ovpt"Grand Bassam"......   VG   1600

                                            -Porto Novo (Dahomey -Benin)

10Ea p/h                50 fra  1920     02.12; Porto Novo.....................   VG-  1200

     issued for all countries of French West Africa

21                              5 fra  1936     03.12................................... G+5,  VG+      10

21                              5 fra  1938     03.10...........................................   XF         60

21.                             5 fra  1939     04.27............................... VF 30,  AU      120

22                           25 fra  1937     08.12...........................................   VF         50

22                           25 fra  1939     03.09................................ G+10,  VG+      20

23   p/h                100 fra  1941     09.10...........................................   F         100

25                              5 fra  1941     03.06. .........................................   XF         30

25                              5 fra  1942     04.22. ................................. .F 8,  VF         15

25                              5 fra  1942     05.06. ................................. .F 8,  VF         15

25   p/h                     5 fra  1942     06.15. ...................... .F+ 12, p/h  VF+      25

25                              5 fra  1942     10.01. ........................................ .  AU        60

26                              5 fra  1943     03.02.................................. F 12,  AU      100

27.                          25 fra  1942     01.09.................... VG 9; VF 35,  AU      150

27.                          25 fra  1942     10.01...........................................   AU      180

28a   "A-AA"            5 fra  1942     12.14.................................... F 8,  AU        60

28b   "AC-BA"         5 fra  1942     12.14...........................................   AU      120

29                           10 fra  1943     01.02...........................................   VF         80

30a                         25 fra  1942     12.14; #................... VG 7, F 15,  XF         70

30c                          25 fra  1942     12.14; no serial, no#.................   XF      300

31a                       100 fra  1942     12.14...........................................   F+         40

32                      1,000 fra  1942     12.14..................................... p/h  VF-     700

33                        0.50 fra  (1944)   red-orange........................ VF 8,  UN        60

34a                            1 fra  (1944)   paper white..................... VF 10,  UN        80

34b                            1 fra  (1944)   paper brow.................................   UN        90

35                              2 fra  (1944)   blue..............................................   VF+    120

36                              5 fra  1943     08.17.................................... F 9,  UN      140

36                              5 fra  1949     06.29...........................................   XF         35

36                              5 fra  1950     12.29...........................................   XF         35

36                              5 fra  1953     04.10...........................................   VF+      25

36                              5 fra  1953     11.21...........................................   UN      120

36                              5 fra  1954     10.28............................... XF 30,  AU        60

37                           10 fra  1946     01.18............................... VF 25,  VF+      40

37                           10 fra  1948     04.22...........................................   XF         50

37                           10 fra  1948     12.27................ border damage  F+         15

37                           10 fra  1954     10.28...........................................   VF         25

38.                          25 fra  1948     06.04...........................................   UN      250

38                           25 fra  1951     03.08...........................................   F+         25

38                           25 fra  1954     10.28; issue-2............................   F+       100

39                           50 fra  1948     04.22...........................................   F+         50

40                         100 fra  1945     05.14.................................. F 30,  F+         45

40                         100 fra  1948     12.27.................................... G 8,  F+         45

40                         100 fra  1951     10.02...........................................   F           30

40.                        100 fra  1953     04.10...........................................   XF+    200

40                         100 fra  1953     11.21...........................................   VF         60

41                         500 fra  1950     12.29...........................................   F         200

42                      1,000 fra  1950     09.18...........................................   F+       150

42                      1,000 fra  1951     03.08...........................................   VG        60

42                      1,000 fra  1953     11.21...........................................   F+       180

44                           50 fra  1955     10.05...........................................   VF+    300

45                           50 fra  (1956)   3 women......................... VG 12,  VF+      75

46                         100 fra  1956     10.23.................................. F 20,  VF         40

47                         500 fra  1956     10.23...........................................   F         250

48                      1,000 fra  1955     10.05...........................................   VG      100

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Berlin, Kolonialgedenktag, Germany

notgeld                    75 pf  1921     "A" colony "Togo"......................   UN        10

                                            -Neustadt, district(Amt), Germany

notgeld                  50 pfe  1922     lost colony "Togo"......................   UN        10

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            CAFRA Compagnie de L'Afrique Francaise

share                      share  1937     French Africa................... bs#63  VF+      15


PICK#                                 *****GABON***4c*

   Republic (French Colony till 1960; French Equatorial Africa)

2a                         500 fra  (1974)   woman, logging/school.............   UN        95

2b                         500 fra  1978     woman, logging/school.............   UN        75

5a                    10,000 fra  (1974)   Bongo/plowing; sig J-N.............   XF+    400

7a                    10,000 fra  (1984)   woman/fruits; sig OM-N............   UN      250

8                           500 fra  1985     carving/carver............................   UN        20

9.                       1,000 fra  1985     incomplete map/elephants.......   UN      200

10a                    1,000 fra  1990     map/elephants...........................   UN        90


PICK#                                 *****GAMBIA****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1965; British West Africa)

1                           10 shill  (1965)   sailboat/farming.........................   UN      400

2                         1 pound  (1965)   sailboat/port................................   UN      500

3                         5 pound  (1965)   sailboat/agriculture....................   UN   1000

4b   "B-D"                1 dal  (1972)   /rice field, sig.3...........................   F             4

4c.  "D-F"                 1 dal  (1972)   /rice field, sig.4...........................   UN        90

4d   "F-K"                 1 dal  (1972)   /rice field, sig.5...........................   UN        50

4e.  "K-P"                1 dal  (1972)   /rice field, sig.6...........................   UN        40

4f   "P-Y"                  1 dal  (1972)   /rice field, sig.7.................... F 4,  UN        20

4g.  "Z-AE"              1 dal  (1972)   /rice field, sig.8................. XF 4,  UN        15

5a   "A-E"                5 dal  (1972)   /port, sig.2...................................   F           25

5b.  "F-L"                 5 dal  (1972)   /port, sig.4...................................   UN      160

5c.  "M-P"                5 dal  (1972)   /port, sig.6...................................   AU+      75

5d   "P-Z"                 5 dal  (1972)   /port, sig.7...................................   VG+        4

6b.  "C-E"              10 dal  (1972)   /fishing, sig.6..............................   UN      150

6c.  "M-P"              10 dal  (1972)   /fishing, sig.7.................... VG 4,  UN      120

6s.  spec               10 dal  (1972)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      300

7as.  spec             25 dal  (1972)   bank specimen cut#, stamp.....   UN      900

8.  comm                 1 dal  (1978)   "Central Bank opening"............   UN      400

9a.  "AA-AE"           5 dal  (1987)   /port, sig.8...................................   UN        50

9b.  "AE-AF"           5 dal  (1987)   /port, sig.9...................................   UN        50

10a   "L-Q"            10 dal  (1987)   /fishing, sig.8..............................   UN        60

10b   "Q-S"           10 dal  (1987)   /fishing, sig.9..............................   UN        60

11a   "B-C"            25 dal  (1987)   /agriculture, sig.8.......... VF+60,  UN      320

11c   "C-E"            25 dal  (1987)   /agriculture, sig.10.....................   UN      200

13a                         10 dal  (199-)    ibis/communication, sig.10.......   UN        40

13b                         10 dal  (199-)    ibis/communication, sig.11.......   UN        40

14                           25 dal  (199-)    bird/state house.........................   UN        50

15.                          50 dal  (199-)    bird/stone circles............ AU 65,  UN      130

16                             5 dal  (1996)   girl, kingfisher/cattle..................   UN        10

17                           10 dal  (1996)   boy, ibis/communication...........   UN        16

18                           25 dal  (1996)   man, be eater/state house.......   UN        50

20a   sig 13             5 dal  (2001)   girl, kingfisher/cattle..................   UN          4

21a   sig 13           10 dal  (2001)   boy, ibis/communication...........   UN          4

22a   sig 13           25 dal  (2001)   man, be eater/state house.......   UN          6

23b   sig 14           50 dal  (2001)   woman, bird/stone circles.........   UN        18

24b   sig 14         100 dal  (2001)   man, parrot/gate............ AU 18,  UN        35

25.                            5 dal  (2006)   girl, kingfisher/cattle..................   UN          7

27b.  sig 16           25 dal  (2010)   man, be eater/state house.......   UN        10

28a.  sig 15           50 dal  (2006)   woman, bird/stone circles.........   UN        30

28b   sig 16           50 dal  (2010)   woman, bird/stone circles.........   UN        18

29a.  sig 15         100 dal  (2006)   man, parrot/gate........................   UN        50

29b   sig 16         100 dal  (2010)   man, parrot/gate........................   UN        40

30   comm             20 dal  2014     "20 years of progress"..............   UN          5

31.                            5 dal  (2015)   Jammeh/cattle...........................   UN          6

32.                          10 dal  (2015)   Jammeh/bank............................   UN          6

33.                          20 dal  (2015)   Jammeh/palace.........................   UN          6

34.                          50 dal  (2015)   Jammeh/cattle...........................   UN          7

35.                       100 dal  (2015)   Jammeh/bank............................   UN        12

36.                       200 dal  (2015)   Jammeh/palace.........................   UN        25


PICK#                                 *****GEORGIA****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Czarist Russia)

3                          500 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF-     400

6                            50 kop  (1919)   /arms...........................................   UN        15

8                               3 rub  1919     /arms...........................................   UN        45

9                               5 rub  1919     arms............................................   UN        45

11                          50 rub  1919     arms............................... XF+25,  UN        60

12                        100 rub  1919     arms............................................   AU        60

13b                      500 rub  1919     woman/arms, no wmk...............   AU+      80

14b                   1,000 rub  1920     arms, no wmk................ VF+20,  UN        95

15a                   5,000 rub  1921     /arms, wmk................... VG+20,  VF         80

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

25                            5 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-1............................   UN        40

26                         10 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-1............................   UN          6

27                         50 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-1............................   UN        15

29                       500 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-1............................   UN        10

30                    1,000 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-1............................   UN        20

31                    5,000 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-1............................   UN        12

32                  10,000 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-1............................   UN      300

33                            1 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-2............................   UN          5

33   repl                  1 kup  (1993)   replacement "201/10"...............   UN      400

34                            3 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-2............................   UN          5

35                            5 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-2............................   UN          5

36                         10 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-2............................   UN          5

37                         50 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-2............................   UN          5

38                       100 kup  (1993)   Tbilisi; issue-2............................   UN          5

39                  10,000 kup  1993     Tbilisi; issue-3............................   UN        12

40                  25,000 kup  1993     Tbilisi; issue-3............................   UN        20

41                  50,000 kup  1993     Tbilisi; issue-3............................   UN        25

42                100,000 kup  1993     Tbilisi; issue-3............................   UN        15

43                       250 kup  1993     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

44                    2,000 kup  1993     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

45                    3,000 kup  1993     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

46a                20,000 kup  1993     griffins/grapes............................   UN        12

46b                20,000 kup  1994     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

47                  30,000 kup  1994     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

48                  50,000 kup  1994     griffins/grapes............................   UN          7

48A             100,000 kup  1994     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

49                150,000 kup  1994     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

50                250,000 kup  1994     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

51                500,000 kup  1994     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

52            1,000,000 kup  1994     griffins/grapes............................   UN          5

53                              1 lar  1995     Pirosmani/Tbilisi.........................   UN          5

54                              2 lar  1995     Paliashvili/opera.........................   UN          6

55                              5 lar  1995     Javakhishvili/university.............   UN        10

56                            10 lar  1995     Tseriteli/woman..........................   UN        20

57                            20 lar  1995     Chavchavadze/Tbilisi................   UN        40

58                            50 lar  1995     Tamara/Centaur........................   UN      100

59                         100 lar  1995     Rustaveli/frieze..........................   UN      200

61                              1 lar  1999     Paliashvili/opera.........................   UN        90

62                              2 lar  1999     Paliashvili/opera.........................   UN        50

63.                             5 lar  1999     Javakhishvili/university.............   UN        90

64.                           10 lar  1999     Tseriteli/woman..........................   UN      250

66.                           50 lar  1999     Tamara/Centaur........................   UN      700

68a                            1 lar  2002     Pirosmani/Tbilisi.........................   UN          6

69a                            2 lar  2002     Paliashvili/opera.........................   UN          6

70a                            5 lar  2002     Javakhishvili/university.............   UN          9

70c                            5 lar  2011     Javakhishvili/university.............   UN          9

71a.                        10 lar  2002     Tseriteli/woman..........................   UN        20

71d                          10 lar  2012     Tseriteli/woman..........................   UN        15

72a                          20 lar  2002     Chavchavadze/Tbilisi................   UN        25

73a.                        50 lar  2004     Tamara/Centaur........................   UN        70

73c.                         50 lar  2011     Tamara/Centaur........................   UN        70

74a.                      100 lar  2004     Rustaveli/frieze..........................   UN      130

74b.                      100 lar  2008     Rustaveli/frieze..........................   UN      120

75.                        200 lar  2006     Cholokashvili/view.....................   UN      300

78.                           20 lar  2016     Chavchavadze/Tbilisi................   UN        20

79                            50 lar  2016     Tamara/Centaur........................   UN        50

80.                        100 lar  2016     Rustaveli/theatre........................   UN      100

NL.                          10 lar  2019     Tserateli/painting.......................   UN          6

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Kutaisi, city

NL   unis              50,000  1921     Kutaisi; unfilled...........................   AU-       50

NL   unis            100,000  1921     Kutaisi; unfilled...........................   AU-       60

                                            -Tiflis, Printing Coop.

NL                    1,000 rub  ND        Tiflis; brown................................   AU        60

NL                    5,000 rub  ND        Tiflis; grey...................................   AU        60

NL                  50,000 rub  ND        Tiflis; red.....................................   AU        60

                                            -Tiflis, Municipal lithographic WSNHG

NL                           1 kop  ND        stamp in Russian.......................   XF-       60

NL                           3 kop  ND        stamp in Russian.......................   XF-       60

NL                           5 kop  ND        stamp in Russian.......................   XF-       60

NL                         10 kop  ND        stamp in Russian.......................   XF-       60

                                            -Tkvibuli, Coal Mines

NL                            1 rub  1918     Tkvibuli........................................   AU        30

NL                            3 rub  1918     Tkvibuli........................................   AU        30

NL                         50 kop  1919     Tkvibuli........................................   XF         40

NL                            3 rub  1919     Tkvibuli........................................   VF-       40

NL                         10 kop  1924     Tkvibuli; pink..............................   F           40

NL                            3 rub  1924     Tkvibuli; pink..............................   F           50


PICK#                                 *****GERMAN EAST AFRICA***3c*

   German Colony 1884-1920 (later British Colony; Tanganyika)

notes ref; Ro-# -H Rosenberg "Die Deutschen Banknoten ab 1871"

1    Ro900               5 rup  1905     lions.............................................   F-        350

2    Ro901            10 rup  1905     Dar es Salam harbour...............   VG      250

3b   Ro903d         50 rup  1905     Kg Wilhelm; #5-digit..................   VF-     900

6    Ro911               1 rup  1915     09.01 "A".....................................   VG        50

7b   Ro914a           1 rup  1915     11.01 "A".....................................   VF         50

9a   Ro916a           1 rup  1915     11.01 "B"; paper green.............   VF         60

9Ab   Ro916g         1 rup  1915     11.01 "P"............................ F 15,  VF         30

9Ab   Ro916j          1 rup  1915     11.01 "R".....................................   AU        60

9Ab   Ro916l          1 rup  1915     11.01 "S".....................................   AU        40

9Ab   Ro916i          1 rup  1915     11.01 "Q"....................................   VF         20

9Ab   Ro916m        1 rup  1915     11.01 "U"; wmk..........................   AU        60

9Ab   Ro916n         1 rup  1915     11.01 "V".....................................   AU        60

9Ab   Ro916p         1 rup  1915     11.01 "A2"; wmk........................   VF+      60

9Ab   Ro916q         1 rup  1915     11.01 "B2"...................................   VF+      35

9Ab   Ro916q         1 rup  1915     11.01 "B2"; wmk........................   XF         45

10a   Ro917a         1 rup  1915     11.01 "C"; bank stamp..............   VF+    300

10a   Ro917b         1 rup  1915     11.01 "C".....................................   VF+      40

10b   Ro917c         1 rup  1915     11.01 "D".....................................   VF-       30

10b   Ro917c         1 rup  1915     11.01 "D"; bank stamp..............   F         120

11a   Ro918a         1 rup  1915     11.01 "E"......................... VF 20,  AU        80

11b   Ro918c         1 rup  1915     11.01 "F".....................................   AU        60

11b   Ro918e         1 rup  1915     11.01 "G".......................... F+15,  VF+      30

12c   Ro919b         1 rup  1915     11.01 "H"; wmk..........................   VF         40

12c   Ro919b         1 rup  1915     11.01 "H"; wmk..........................   VF         40

12c   Ro919b         1 rup  1915     11.01 "H"; wmk..........................   VF-       35

13    Ro922a          1 rup  1915     12.01 "H".....................................   XF         40

14    Ro923b          1 rup  1915     12.01 "J"; paper brown.............   AU        90

16a   Ro925           1 rup  1916     12.01 "K".....................................   VF-       40

16b   Ro925           1 rup  1916     12.01 "K"; paper brown.............   VF-       40

16b   Ro925           1 rup  1916     12.01 "L"; paper brown.. VF 30  XF         60

18a   Ro927           1 rup  1916     02.01 "L"; paper oil....................   XF         40

18a   Ro927           1 rup  1916     02.01 "M"; paper oil...................   XF         40

18b   Ro927           1 rup  1916     02.01 "N"; paper oil ..................   XF         40

19   Ro928c            1 rup  1916     02.01 "H2"..................................   AU        40

19   Ro928n           1 rup  1916     02.01 "N2"..................................   AU        40

19   Ro928i             1 rup  1916     02.01 "O2"wmk..........................   AU        40

19   Ro928l             1 rup  1916     02.01 "R2"..................................   AU        40

19   Ro928q           1 rup  1916     02.01 "X2"...................................   XF+      25

19   Ro928              1 rup  1916     02.01 "Z2"...................................   XF-       20

19   Ro928a           1 rup  1916     02.01 "C3"..................................   AU        40

19   Ro928y            1 rup  1916     02.01 "E3"....................... XF 15,  AU        40

19   Ro928ab         1 rup  1916     02.01 "G3" #5-digit....................   XF+      30

19   Ro928ab         1 rup  1916     02.01 "G3" #4-digit....................   VF         50

20   Ro929b           1 rup  1916     02.01 "H3"....................... XF 15,  AU        30

20   Ro929f            1 rup  1916     02.01 "M3"..................................   VF+      20

20   Ro929g           1 rup  1916     02.01 "N3"..................................   AU        30

20   Ro929j             1 rup  1916     "P3" correction of #........... error  XF         70

20   Ro929s            1 rup  1916     02.01 "R3 wmk "text"................   AU        40

20   Ro929t            1 rup  1916     02.01 "S3 "#4-digit.....................   VF+      20

20   Ro929u           1 rup  1916     02.01 "T3" #4-digit.....................   AU        30

20   Ro929u           1 rup  1916     02.01 "T3" #5-digit.....................   XF+      25

20   Ro929w           1 rup  1916     02.01 "V3"....................... XF 15,  AU        30

22a   Ro936b         1 rup  1917     07.01 "EP" small eagle.............   AU        80

22b   Ro936b         1 rup  1917     07.01 "EP" big eagle..... XF 40,  AU        80

22c   Ro936a         1 rup  1917     07.01 "ER" big eagle..... VF 12,  AU        80

22d   Ro936d         1 rup  1917     07.01 "FP" small eagle.............   XF+      50

22f   Ro936f           1 rup  1917     07.01 "IP" #4-digit#....................   XF         50

22f   Ro936f           1 rup  1917     07.01 "IP" #5-digit#........ VF+40  AU        80

26A   Ro932c         1 rup  1915     11.01 "F" stamp "Z"...................   AU      120

31   Ro910c            5 rup  1915     08.15 "B".....................................   VF-       70

31   Ro910c            5 rup  1915     08.15 "C".....................................   VF-       60

32   Ro910d           5 rup  1915     08.15 "C".....................................   F+       100

34b  Ro921a          5 rup  1915     11.01; "D" green, fibers.............   AU-     120

34b  Ro921a          5 rup  1915     11.01; "E" green, fibers.............   AU      150

34b  Ro921b          5 rup  1915     11.01; "D" green, fibers.............   VF+      80

35  Ro921A            5 rup  1915     11.01 "E" blue, fibers................   XF-     150

36a  Ro933b          5 rup  1916     02.01; "F" blue...........................   XF+      90

36a  Ro933e          5 rup  1916     02.01; "G" blue...........................   AU      150

36a  Ro933f           5 rup  1916     02.01; "F" "bestrafft"... ERROR  F+       500

36d  Ro933i            5 rup  1915     02.01; "F" green.........................   F           60

36e  Ro933l            5 rup  1915     02.01; "G" paper green.............   VG+      40

37a  Ro937a          5 rup  1916     07.01; "ER" #4-digit...................   F           60

37b  Ro937c          5 rup  1916     07.01; "ER" bigger "5"...............   XF-     150

38a  Ro912a        10 rup  1915     10.01............................... VF 50,  XF-       90

41   Ro935           10 rup  1916     06.01; "B"........................ VF-40,  VF+      60

43b  Ro938b        10 rup  1917     07.01;"ER"..................................   XF+    300

44a  Ro905          20 rup  1915     03.01; 2x hand sig.....................   F         250

45a  Ro906a        20 rup  1915     03.15; 2x hand sig......... VG 50,  XF-     300

46a  Ro913a        50 rup  1915     10.01; grey-green......................   VG+   150

48   Ro907         200 rup  1915     04.15................. missing border  G        400

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Berlin, Kolonialgedenktag, Germany

notgeld                  75 pfe  1921     "B" Gen "Lettow-Vorbeck"........   UN        10

notgeld                  75 pfe  1921     "B" explorer "H Wissmann"......   UN        10

notgeld                  75 pfe  1921     "B" explorer "C Peters".............   UN        10

                                            -Neustadt, district(Amt), Germany

notgeld                  75 pfe  1922     lost colony "Ost Afrika".............   UN        10


PICK#                                 *****GERMAN NEW GUINEA*****

   German Colony 1884-1914(Australia 1914-49,now Papua New Guinea)

1-5    5,10,20,50,100 mk  1914     COPY 1998 #405........... COPY  UN      120


PICK#                                 *****GERMAN S.W.  AFRICA***3c*

   German Colony 1885-1920 (S Africa mandate 1915-90, now Namibia)

3b   canc               20 mk  1914     08.08; canceled.........................   VG   1000

18                             3 mk  (1916)   .....................................................   XF+    600

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Berlin, Kolonialgedenktag, Germany

notgeld                  75 pfe  1921     "A" colony "SudWest Africa"....   UN        10

notgeld                  75 pfe  1921     "B" explorer "A.Luderitz"...........   UN        10


PICK#                                 *****GERMANY***3c*


4                               5 mk  1882     .....................................................   F+       800

8a                             5 mk  1904     #6-digit................................ F+9,  UN        70

8b.                            5 mk  1904     #7-digit.............................. VG 5,  UN      100

9b                           10 mk  1904     #7-digit.............. VG+12, VF 30,  UN      180

20                         100 mk  1898     ......................................... VG 20,  F           40

21                     1,000 mk  1898     .............................................. tear  F+       200

22                         100 mk  1903     ......................................... VG 10,  F           20

23                     1,000 mk  1903     ............................................ F 70,  VF+    200

24a                       100 mk  1905     #-24mm.......................... VG 15,  VG+      20

24b                       100 mk  1905     #-29mm.......................................   VG+      20

26a                         50 mk  1906     #6-digit............................ VG+ 7,  F+         15

26b                         50 mk  1906     #7-digit........................................   F           10

27                     1,000 mk  1906     .....................................................   F+       130

28                           20 mk  1907     .....................................................   VG          9

30                         100 mk  1907     ......................................... VG 22,  F           45

31                           20 mk  1908     ........................................... VG 4,  F+         12

32                           50 mk  1908     ........................................... VG 5,  F+         15

33a                       100 mk  1908     red#-29mm....................... VF 4,  XF           6

34                         100 mk  1908     green#............................... VF 5,  XF         10

35                         100 mk  1908     .............................................. F-4,  VF         10

36                     1,000 mk  1908     .....................................................   VF      150

38                         100 mk  1909     ......................................... VG 12,  VF         25

39                     1,000 mk  1909     ................................ VG(pen) 40,  VF      160

40b                         20 mk  1910     #7-digit.............................. VG 4,  F             5

41                           50 mk  1910     .............................................. F 6,  VF         12

42.                        100 mk  1910     red#................................. VF 10,  AU+    120

44a                   1,000 mk  1910     red#; #6-digit....................... F 8,  XF+      35

44b                   1,000 mk  1910     red#; #7-digit..............................   UN          6

45b                   1,000 mk  1910     green#; #7-digit.............. AU 15,  UN        30

46b                         20 mk  1914     02.19; #7-digit............... VF+12,  XF         15

47b                           5 mk  1914     08.05; #7-digit............................   VF         20

48b                         20 mk  1914     08.05; #7-digit................. VG+8,  VF         20

49b.                        50 mk  1914     08.05; #7-digit............... VF+15,  UN        80

50.1.                         1 mk  1914     no unpt; #1-240.........................   AU+      90

50.2                          1 mk  1914     no unpt; #695-850.....................   VF+         4

53.1                          2 mk  1914     no unpt; #0-180.........................   XF         40

53.2                          2 mk  1914     no unpt; #476-615............ XF 4,  UN          8

54                             2 mk  1914     red unpt, red#.............................   UN        10

55                             2 mk  1914     red unpt, blue#...........................   UN          8

56a                           5 mk  1917     #7-digit........................................   UN        18

56b                           5 mk  1917     #8-digit............................. AU+9,  UN        12

57                           20 mk  1918     ............................................ VF 5,  UN        30

58                             1 mk  1920     .....................................................   UN          5

59                             2 mk  1920     red...............................................   UN          5

60                             2 mk  1920     brown..........................................   UN          5

61                             1 mk  1922     .....................................................   UN          6

62                             2 mk  1922     ............................................ XF 4,  UN          6

63                           20 mk  1915     ............................... XF 8, AU 15,  UN        30

64b                         50 mk  1918     11.20; wmk"A,"#6-digit.. F 100F+       150

65                           50 mk  1918     11.30; "No"...................... VF 15,  UN      120

65                           50 mk  1918     11.30; "Nr"......................... F 12,  VF         25


66   "1"                   50 mk  1919     06.24; Reihe 1(Berlin)..... XF 6,  UN        25

66   "2"                   50 mk  1919     06.24; Reihe 2(Vienna).............   VF+         8

67                           10 mk  1920     02.06................................. XF 4,  UN        10

68                           50 mk  1920     07.23.............................. AU+30,  UN        40

69a.                     100 mk  1920     11.01; #7-digit............... VF+10,  AU        25

69b                       100 mk  1920     11.01; #8-digit................... XF 4,  UN        12

70.  big           10,000 mk  1922     01.19; back colored....... VF 12,  UN      100

71   big           10,000 mk  1922     01.19; back green.......... AU 30,  UN        60

72.1  small     10,000 mk  1922     01.19; #8-digit................... VF 4,  AU+      20

72.2. small     10,000 mk  1922     01.19; #6-digit............................   UN        25

72   ovpt         10,000 mk  1922     "Springfield Lumber".................   VF         20

73.                        500 mk  1922     03.27;.................. VF 15, XF 30,  UN      120

74a                       500 mk  1922     07.07; red#.................................   VG+        4

74b                       500 mk  1922     07.07; green#7-digit..................   F             4

74c.                      500 mk  1922     07.07; green#8-digit......... VF 4,  UN        30

75                         100 mk  1922     08.04............................... XF 15,  UN        45

76a.1                1,000 mk  1922     09.15; wmk "E" green#.... VF 4,  UN        25

76b                   1,000 mk  1922     09.15; wmk "I" red#.......... VF 4,  UN        12

76c.2                1,000 mk  1922     09.15; wmk "F" brown#.............   VF+         4

76d                   1,000 mk  1922     09.15; wmk "D" violet#..............   VF           4

76e                   1,000 mk  1922     09.15; wmk "G" green#.... VF4,  UN        15

76g                   1,000 mk  1922     09.15; wmk "J" red#......... VF 4,  UN        18

76h                   1,000 mk  1922     09.15; wmk "K" green#.... VF 4,  UN        20

77.                    5,000 mk  1922     09.16................... F 30, XF 125AU      250

78                     5,000 mk  1922     11.19 ................................. F 15,  AU+    180

79.1.               50,000 mk  1922     no unpt, brown#8-digit...... VF 6  UN        45

79.2                50,000 mk  1922     no unpt, red#8-digit...................   F             5

79.3                50,000 mk  1922     no unpt, brown#6-digit..............   VF           6

80                   50,000 mk  1922     11.19; unpt...................... XF 12,  UN        45

81a                   5,000 mk  1922     12.02; wmk "E"................. VF 4,  UN          9

81b                   5,000 mk  1922     12.02; wmk "G"..........................   VF           4

81c                    5,000 mk  1922     12.02; wmk "I"................... VF 4,  XF           6

82a   unis         1,000 mk  1922     12.15; #6-dig,unissued... VF+9,  UN        45

83a               100,000 mk  1923     02.01, #8-digit................. VF+5,  UN        30

83b   "T"       100,000 mk  1923     02.01; 2x#8-digit "T"..................   VF         20

83c   "T"       100,000 mk  1923     02.01; 1x#8-digit "T"..................   VF           8

83d               100,000 mk  1923     02.01; #6-digit................... VF 4,  UN        30

83d  cons   10x 100,000  1923     10 consecutive # notes.............   UN      300

83d   ovpt    100,000 mk  1923     "Griebelt Instruments"...............   VF         20

85a                 20,000 mk  1923     02.20; wmk "L"................. VF 4,  UN          9

85b                 20,000 mk  1923     02.20; wmk "E"................. VF 4,  UN          9

85f.                 20,000 mk  1923     02.20; wmk "J".................. VF 4,  AU          7

86a                    1 Mio mk  1923     02.20; wmk "E".................... F 4,  XF         10

88a               500,000 mk  1923     05.01; 4x#8-digit........................   F             5

88b.1            500,000 mk  1923     05.01; 2x#7-digit........................   AU        30

88b.2            500,000 mk  1923     05.01; 2x#8-digit........................   VF           6

88b.3            500,000 mk  1923     05.01; 2x#6-digit........................   VF           6

88b.4            500,000 mk  1923     05.01; 1x#6-dig on left... VF 10  UN        90

88b.5            500,000 mk  1923     05.01; 1x#6-dig on right............   VF         15

89a                    2 Mio mk  1923     07.23.................................. VF 9,  AU        35

90                      5 Mio mk  1923     06.01............................... VF 12,  UN      100

91a               100,000 mk  1923     07.25; wmk "E".................. VF4,  UN        12

91b.              100,000 mk  1923     07.25; wmk "J".......................... ,  UN        25

92.1              500,000 mk  1923     07.25; #8-digit................... VF 4,  XF           5

92.2              500,000 mk  1923     07.25; #6-digit........ VF 4, XF 6,  UN        12

93.                     1 Mio mk  1923     07.25; ovpt.............. F 9, VF 18,  AU      100

95.                     5 Mio mk  1923     07.25...........................................   UN        45

96                   10 Mio mk  1923     07.25...........................................   F+           4

97a                 20 Mio mk  1923     07.25; #7-digit............................   VF           4

97b.1.             20 Mio mk  1923     07.25; #6-digit................... VF 4,  AU          8

98a.                50 Mio mk  1923     07.25; #7-digit................... VF 4,  AU        10

98b.1              50 Mio mk  1923     07.25; #6-digit................... VF 4,  XF           5

99                   50,000 mk  1923     08.09.................................. VF 4,  UN        18

99                   50,000 mk  1923     08.09 unpt yellow......................   VF+      20

100.2            200,000 mk  1923     08.09 no block#................ VF 4,  AU          5

101.                  1 Mio mk  1923     08.09; tint green.............. VF+4,  AU        10

102a                 1 Mio mk  1923     08.09; wmk "E"................. VF 4,  UN          9

102b                 1 Mio mk  1923     08.09; wmk "L"................. VF 4,  UN          9

102c.                1 Mio mk  1923     08.09; wmk "G"..........................   UN        12

102d                 1 Mio mk  1923     08.09; wmk "J"...........................   UN        18

103.1                2 Mio mk  1923     08.09; #8-digit, tint lilac.............   XF+         5

103.3                2 Mio mk  1923     08.09; #8-digit, tint lilac.... VF 4,  UN        12

104a                 2 Mio mk  1923     08.09; wmk #E"................ VF 4,  UN          6

104b                 2 Mio mk  1923     08.09; wmk #L"................. VF 4,  AU          5

104c                  2 Mio mk  1923     08.09; wmk #G"................ VF 4,  UN        12

105.1                5 Mio mk  1923     08.20; #8-digit................... XF 6,  UN        25

105.2                5 Mio mk  1923     08.20; #6-digit............................   UN        12

106.                10 Mio mk  1923     08.22; wmk "E"................. VF 4,  UN        10

106c.              10 Mio mk  1923     08.22; wmk "G"..........................   AU          6

106d               10 Mio mk  1923     08.22; wmk "J"...........................   VF           4

NL(106)test   10 Mio mk  1923     "druckmuster" test-pattern........   XF    1500

107a             100 Mio mk  1923     08.22; #8-digit, tint gray............   VF           4

107c             100 Mio mk  1923     08.22; wmk "D" #6-digit... VF 4,  UN        15

107e.            100 Mio mk  1923     08.22; wmk "L" #6-digit.............   UN        18

108c               20 Mio mk  1923     09.01; wmk"E",#6-digit....... F 4,  UN        12

109a.1            50 Mio mk  1923     paper grey; green#5-digit.........   UN        45

109a.2.           50 Mio mk  1923     paper grey; green#6-digit.........   UN        12

109b.1            50 Mio mk  1923     wmk "E", green#6-digit.............   UN          9

109c.2            50 Mio mk  1923     wmk "L", green#6-digit..............   UN          9

109g               50 Mio mk  1923     wmk "L", green#6-digit..............   AU          6

110b             500 Mio mk  1923     wmk "D"............................. XF 5,  UN        20

110d2           500 Mio mk  1923     wmk "D" #6-digit............... XF 4,  UN        15

113a.2              1 Mrd mk  1923     ovpt; tint; green#6-digit.... VF 4,  UN        15

113b.2              1 Mrd mk  1923     ovpt; black-green#.....................   UN        45

113c.1              1 Mrd mk  1923     ovpt; paper white.......................   VF-          5

114.1                1 Mrd mk  1923     09.05; #8-digit............................   VF         10

114.2                1 Mrd mk  1923     09.05; #6-digit................ VF 10,  UN        80

115a.1              5 Mrd mk  1923     09.10; tint, #8-digit.............. F 6,  AU        45

115a.2              5 Mrd mk  1923     09.10; tint, #6-digit.............. F 6,  UN        80

115b                 5 Mrd mk  1923     09.10; no tint.................... VG 4,  VF+      20

116a.1            10 Mrd mk  1923     09.15; tint, #8-digit.............. F 7,  VF         14

116a.2            10 Mrd mk  1923     09.15; tint, #6-digit.....................   VF         15

116b.              10 Mrd mk  1923     09.15; no tin, #6-digit..... VF 12,  UN        96

117a.              10 Mrd mk  1923     10.01; wmk "E", #6-digit..... F 8,  UN      120

117.                10 Mrd mk  1923     10.01; wmk "L"...........................   F+         12

118a.1.          20 Mrd mk  1923     10.01; wmk "E" #5-digit.............   UN      150

118a.2            20 Mrd mk  1923     10.01; wmk "E" #6-digit.. VF 10  UN        80

118c.2            20 Mrd mk  1923     10.01; wmk "L" #6-digit.............   UN        95

119a.1            50 Mrd mk  1923     10.10; tint, #8-digit.....................   F+         15

119a.4.          50 Mrd mk  1923     10.10; tint, no#.................. F 15,  AU      150

119c.2            50 Mrd mk  1923     10.10; paper white, no#... F 12,  VF+      35

119d               50 Mrd mk  1923     10.10; paper grey, no#.... F 15,  XF         60

120a.2            50 Mrd mk  1923     wmk "E" #6-digit, unpt...... F 10,  VF         20

120b.              50 Mrd mk  1923     unpt....................................... F 8,  VF+      25

121a             200 Mrd mk  1923     10.15; wmk "E", #6-dig VF+20,  UN      100

121b.           200 Mrd mk  1923     10.15; wmk "L", #6-digit............   AU+    120

122                   1 Mrd mk  1923     10.20.................................. VF 4,  UN        20

123a.1              5 Mrd mk  1923     10.20; black-red#6-digit... VF 5,  VF           5

123a.2              5 Mrd mk  1923     10.20; red#6-digit......................   VF           6

123b.1.            5 Mrd mk  1923     10.20; no#, black sere..............   UN        32

123b.2              5 Mrd mk  1923     10.20; no#................. F 4, XF 8,  UN        32

124a.2.        500 Mrd mk  1923     ovpt on 5.000; #6-digit..............   UN      450

125a.1            50 Mrd mk  1923     10.26; paper grey; "H"........ F 4,  VF+      12

125a.2            50 Mrd mk  1923     10.26; paper grey; no#....... F 8,  VF         16

125b               50 Mrd mk  1923     10.26; paper green........ VF 12,  VF+      18

126.              100 Mrd mk  1923     10.26............................... VF 10,  UN        80

127b.           500 Mrd mk  1923     wmk"500M" black#........ VF 25,  AU+    150

129.1                 1 Bio mk  1923     11.01, #8-digit............................   VF         60

129.2.                1 Bio mk  1923     11.01 red#6-digit............... F 30,  UN      500

129.3                 1 Bio mk  1923     11.01, brown-red#8-digit..........   VF         75

130b.1               5 Bio mk  1923     11.01; red#6-digit......................   VG        70

130b.2               5 Bio mk  1923     11.01; black-red#-6digit............   VF      300

132a                10 Bio mk  1923     11.01; wmk "E"..........................   VF      400

133.1.          100 Mrd mk  1923     11.05; serie red..........................   AU      100

134.3                 1 Bio mk  1923     11.05; black-red#6-digit............   F         100

135a                  2 Bio mk  1923     11.05; wmk "E".............. VG 40,  VF      120

137                  10 Bio mk  1924     02.01...........................................   VF      400

138                  20 Bio mk  1924     02.05...........................................   F+    1200

141                    5 Bio mk  1924     03.15...........................................   VG      150

148             0.42 mk gold  1923     10.23; treasury note..................   F+         80

153             1.05 mk gold  1923     10.26; treasury note..................   XF      150

161.1                        1 mk  1923     #8-digit............................ VG 12,  VF         50

161.2                        1 mk  1923     #6-digit, "WB".............................   F         120

162                           2 mk  1923     ....................................... VG+ 60,  VF+    240

163.1                        5 mk  1923     #6-digit........................................   VF-     250

163.2                        5 mk  1923     #7-digit................. G 30, VG 60,  VF      250

164                         10 mk  1923     .....................................................   F         400

166                       100 mk  1923     .....................................................   F-        800

169                           5 mk  1926     .....................................................   F           20

170                         10 mk  1925     .....................................................   F-        650

171                         50 mk  1925     .....................................................   P         150

172                         50 mk  1934     ..................................... VG+150F         200

173b.1                      1 mk  1937     #8-digit, font-1, @RD................   UN        12

173b.2                      1 mk  1937     #8-digit, font-2, @private..........   UN        15

174b.1                      2 mk  1937     #8-digit, font-1, @RD....... XF 4,  UN        15

174b.2                      2 mk  1937     #8-digit, font-2, @private..........   UN        18

175                         10 mk  1924     .....................................................   VG      200

176                         20 mk  1924     ................... VG+200; small tear  VF+    800

177                         50 mk  1924     ......................................... VG 25,  F           50

178                       100 mk  1924     ............................... VG 30, F 60,  VF      120

179                   1,000 mk  1924     ............................ VG-50, F 120VF      250

180a.1.  engr        10 mk  1929     engraved(1934).............. XF 15,  UN        60

180a.2   litho         10 mk  1929     lithographed(1941)........ XF 10,  UN        40

180a.2   litho         10 mk  1929     lithographed(1941)....... brown#  AU+      40

180b                       10 mk  1929     wmk ornament(1945)...... VF 7,  UN        40

180b                       10 mk  1929     wmk ornament(1945).. brown#  UN        60

*180   prop            10 mk  (1942)   Canadian war propaganda.......   VG        25

   *propaganda "Occupation Reichsmark, Army of Occupation Authority"

181a.1   engr        20 mk  1929     engraved(1934)................ VF 6,  VF+      10

181b                       20 mk  1929     wmk ornament(1945).... VF 12,  XF         25

181c   rema           20 mk  1929     no# (captured by Russian).......   VF      300

181c   rema           20 mk  1929     no# (captured by Russian).......   F         150

182a.1   engr        50 mk  1933     #7-dig,engr(1934).......... VF 12,  XF         25

182a.1   engr        50 mk  1933     brown#7-dig; engr(1934)..........   XF         40

182a.1   engr        50 mk  1933     brown#8-dig; engr(1934)..........   XF         40

182a.2.  litho         50 mk  1933     #8-dig, lithograph(1941)...........   UN        30

182b.                     50 mk  1933     wmk ornament(1945).... VF 25,  AU      100

183a.1   engr      100 mk  1935     engraved(1936)................ VF 7,  XF+      20

183a.2   litho       100 mk  1935     lithograph(1941)........................   F             4

185                         20 mk  1939     woman/Alps................................   UN      100

186a                         5 mk  1942     man/church...................... VF+7,  UN        40

186a                         5 mk  1942     stamp "Straubing"......................   F+       150

186b.  error             5 mk  1942     wmk"5"upside down..................   UN      500

186b   error             5 mk  1942     wmk"5"upside down...... VG 20,  VF         80

   Regional 1945               -Sudetenland and Silesia

187                         20 mk  1945     04.28;Sudetenland Silesia.......   UN        40

                                            -Gratz, Linz and Salzburg (Austria)

188a                       10 mk  (1945)   Gratz, Linz, Salzburg................   VF      300

189a                       50 mk  (1945)   Gratz, Linz, Salzburg................   F         120

190a                    100 mk  (1945)   Gratz, Linz, Salzburg................   F+       200

                                            -Karnten (Carinthia, Austria)

(Ro187)                 50 mk  1945     04.15;Carinthia............ XF 450AU      900

                                            -Schleswig Holstein

(Ro191P)*               5 mk  (1945)   "1 Neumunster 1"......................   VF-     300

    *R138b stamp;"Reichsbanknebenstelle 1 Neumunster 1"(SH)

   Allied Occupation (Allied Military Currency)

191a   AMC       0.50 mk  1944     #9-digit; "F"(USA).......... VF 10,  UN        80

192a   AMC             1 mk  1944     #9-digit; "F"(USA)............. VF 4,  UN        20

193a   AMC             5 mk  1944     #9-digit;" F"(USA)............... F 4,  AU+      25

193d   AMC             5 mk  1944     #8-digit; (Soviet)............... VF 4,  XF           8

194a.  AMC           10 mk  1944     #9-digit; "F"(USA).......... VF 12,  UN      100

194b.  AMC           10 mk  1944     #9-digit; (Soviet).........................   UN        35

194d.  AMC           10 mk  1944     #8-digit; (Soviet)............. VF 12,  AU        50

195a.  AMC           20 mk  1944     #9-digit; "F"(USA)......... VF+20,  UN      120

195b   AMC           20 mk  1944     #9-digit; (Soviet).........................   VF-       10

195d   AMC           20 mk  1944     #8-digit; (Soviet)............... VF 6,  VF+         9

196a   AMC           50 mk  1944     #9-digit; "F"(USA).......... VF 15,  XF         30

196d   AMC           50 mk  1944     #8-digit; (Soviet).................. F 5,  UN        40

197a   AMC        100 mk  1944     #9-digit; "F"(USA)............... F 8,  UN      120

197b   AMC        100 mk  1944     #9-digit; (Soviet).........................   UN        40

197d   AMC        100 mk  1944     #8-digit; (Soviet).................. F 4,  VF+         8

198b   AMC     1,000 mk  1944     #8-digit; (Soviet)............. VF-50,  UN      300

Germany   Barter System (notes used in Allies Barter Shops)

SB611                1 BUTE  1946     Frankfurt................................ p/h  AU      400

Germany   Salzuflen(Lower Saxony) British Command, Empire Club

MS-5521              1/6 mk  (1945)   1/6 mark token...........................   VF+    150

Germany   Raucherkarte(smoking card)LWA Hannover,Military Gov.

ration card            1-4/82  1945     11.12-12.09................................   AU        20

   Konversionskasse (Conversion Fund for Foreign Debts)

199                           5 mk  1933     .....................................................   AU+      75

207.                          5 mk  1934     .....................................................   AU+      75

207.  canc               5 mk  1934     perf "entwertet"..........................   AU+      50

208   p/h                10 mk  1934     .....................................................   VF         40

211   p/h                50 mk  1934     .....................................................   AU+    350

   WW1 (occupation of Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and E Poland)

R120.                    20 kop  1916     Posen................................... F 9,  AU      100

R121b                  50 kop  1916     Posen............................ VG+25,  VF+    100

R121c                   50 kop  1916     Posen................................ VG-4,  VF+      30

R121d.                 50 kop  1916     Posen.............................. VF 20,  UN      150

R122a                     1 rub  1916     Posen..........................................   F+         20

R122b                     1 rub  1916     Posen................................. F 40,  VF+    120

R122c                     1 rub  1916     Posen................................... F 9,  VF+      30

R122d.                    1 rub  1916     Posen.............................. VF 20,  AU      100

R123b                     3 rub  1916     Posen................................ F+35,  AU      180

R124.                    10 rub  1916     Posen.............................. VF-50,  AU+    350

R125                     25 rub  1916     Posen, #7-digit............... VG 30,  F           60

R126                   100 rub  1916     Posen.................... VG 20, F 40,  VF+    120

R127                   0.50 mk  1918     Kowno.................................. F 8,  XF         30

R128                        1 mk  1918     Kowno.........................................   VF-       15

R129                        2 mk  1918     Kowno................... VG 20, F 40,  VF         80

R130                        5 mk  1918     Kowno.........................................   VF         25

R131                      20 mk  1918     Kowno............................. VG-10,  XF      100

R132                      50 mk  1918     Kowno................... F 20, VF 40,  XF+    120

R133                    100 mk  1918     Kowno................ VG 10, VF 40,  XF         80

R134(a)             1000 mk  1918     Kowno; #6-digit..........................   F+       100

R134(b)             1000 mk  1918     Kowno; #7 sig green... VF 120XF      240

R134(c)             1000 mk  1918     Kowno; #7-digit sig black..........   VG+      50

    WW2 -Notes for German Occupied Territories(Belgium, Denmark,

 Greece, France, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Soviet Union, Yugoslavia)

R135                        50 pf  (1939)   ............................... VG+4, VF 6,  UN        50

R136a                      1 mk  (1939)   embossed stamp................ F 4,  UN        15

R136b.                     1 mk  (1939)   ............................................. F+4,  UN        45

R137a.                     2 mk  (1939)   embossed stamp.......................   UN        25

R138a                      5 mk  (1939)   embossed stamp.............. XF 6,  UN        25

R138b                      5 mk  (1939)   .............................................. F 4,  VF           5

R139                      20 mk  (1939)   ......................................... XF 12,  UN        50

R140                      50 mk  (1939)   ........................................ AU+65,  UN        90

    *R136-138, stamp "Waffen SS Verwaaltung Flak-Erf-Abk"

*R136a                    1 mk  (1939)   stamp "Waffen SS..."................   VF         40

*R137a                    2 mk  (1939)   stamp "Waffen SS"........ VF 30AU        60

*R138a                    5 mk  (1939)   stamp "Waffen SS..."................   F+         40

    WW1 -Inspectorate I, German 1 Army, German occupation of France

M1                            50 ct  1915     06.12;1 Army .............................   VG      150

M3                               2 fr  1915     07.18;1 Army .............................   XF-     350

M3                               2 fr  1915     07.18;1 Army/Orts,"Cuts" ........   VG+   250

M4                               5 fr  1915     01.27; 1 Army;"Chauny" ... no#  F         200

    WW2 -Military Payment Certificates, German Army "Wehrmacht"

M32                            1 pf  (1942)   "Wehrmacht", blue.....................   UN        25

M33                            5 pf  (1942)   "Wehrmacht"................. XF+12,  UN        25

M34                         10 pf  (1942)   "Wehrmacht".................. XF 15,  AU        30

M35                         50 pf  (1942)   "Wehrmacht"..............................   AU+    100

M36                          1 mk  (1942)   "Wehrmacht"................. VF+40,  AU      100

M37                          2 mk  (1942)   "Wehrmacht".................. VG 70,  F+       200

M38                          1 mk  1944     "Wehrmacht"..............................   UN        12

M40                        10 mk  1944     "Wehrmacht"..............................   UN        15

M41                        50 mk  1944     "Wehrmacht"...... VF 30, XF 60,  AU+    150

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            -State Banks;

s151                  2 gulden  1866     Bayern, Kgl.Bayer. Schulden...   VG      450

s307                  10 thaler  1855     Hesse-Cassel.............. trimmed  VG-    300

s397                    5 thaler  1824     Prussia........................................   XF      250

s411                    1 thaler  1861     Prussia............................. F-150VF-     300

s629                    1 thaler  1867     Saxony......................... repaired  G+      200

s741                2.50 mark  1851     Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel...........   VG      400

s801A             2.50 frank  1816     Westphalia..................................   VF+    150

s802                     3 frank  1816     Westphalia..................................   VF+    150

s805                     6 frank  1817     Westphalia..................................   XF      200

s801/16               unfilled  18(12)   Westphalia................ cancelled  AU        60

                                            -Westphalia Kingdom; 1 serie of 5 million loan

NL                        2.50 fra  1813     Westphalia; 1 serie 5 Mio.........   VF+    120

NL                           10 fra  1813     Westphalia..................................   VF+    120

                                            -Regional Banks;

s906a                  100 mk  1907     Baden............................. VG 15,  F+         50

s910               10,000 mk  1923     Baden................................ VF 4,  AU        20

s912                  1 Mio mk  1923     Baden..........................................   XF         10

s913                 2 Mrd mk  1923     Baden; ovpt 20 Mio mk.............   VF+         8

NL                    10 gold pf  1923     Baden; Staatsschulden.............   VF+      12

s922                     100 mk  1900     Bavaria........................................   VF         12

s923                     100 mk  1922     Bavaria.............................. VG 4,  VF         10

s924                 1,000 mk  1922     Bavaria.............................. VG 4,  F             6

s925                 5,000 mk  1922     Bavaria................................. F 4,  VF+      10

s926               20,000 mk  1922     Bavaria........................................   AU        30

s927               50,000 mk  1922     Bavaria........................................   VF           8

s928             100,000 mk  1922     Bavaria........................................   XF         12

s929                  1 Mio mk  1923     Bavaria........................................   VF+      20

s930             500,000 mk  1922     Bavaria........................................   UN        50

s932                  5 Mio mk  1923     Bavaria.............................. VF-7,  XF         15

s933               25 Mio mk  1923     Bavaria........................................   XF+      30

s934               50 Mio mk  1923     Bavaria........................................   XF         25

s935               10 Mio mk  1923     Bavaria........................................   XF+      15

s936                 1 Mrd mk  1923     Bavaria........................................   VF         15

s952b                  100 mk  1911     Saxony........................................   XF+      50

s953                     500 mk  1911     Saxony........................................   VF         20

s954a                  500 mk  1922     Saxony................................ F+8,  XF         25

s954b                  500 mk  1922     Saxony........................................   UN        60

s957                 5,000 mk  1923     Saxony................................. F 4,  VF           6

s958               10,000 mk  1923     Saxony........................................   VF           8

s959               50,000 mk  1923     Saxony.............................. VF 7,  XF         15

s960             100,000 mk  1923     Saxony........................................   XF         10

s961             500,000 mk  1923     Saxony........................................   AU        40

s962                  1 Mio mk  1923     Saxony........................................   AU        15

s963                  2 Mio mk  1923     Saxony............................. VF+8,  AU        35

s964                  5 Mio mk  1923     Saxony.............................. VF 4,  XF           8

s965             100 Mio mk  1923     Saxony........................................   XF         25

s971         100 reichs mk  1924     Saxony........................................   F+    1200

s979b                  100 mk  1911     Wurttemberg..............................   VF         50

s979c                   100 mk  1911     Wurttemberg..............................   VF         50

s981                 1,000 mk  1922     Wurttemberg..............................   VF-       70

s982               10,000 mk  1923     Wurttemberg..................... F+ 9,  VF         12

s983               20,000 mk  1923     Wurttemberg..................... VF 7,  XF+      20

s984               50,000 mk  1923     Wurttemberg...................... F+4,  AU        15

s985             100,000 mk  1923     Wurttemberg..................... VF 5,  XF         10

s986                  1 Mio mk  1923     06.15;Wurttemberg.......... VF 5,  XF         10

s987                  1 Mio mk  1923     08.01;Wurttemberg.......... VF 5,  XF         10

s988                  5 Mio mk  1923     Wurttemberg..................... VF 5,  AU        30

s989             100 Mio mk  1923     Wurttemberg..............................   VF         15

s990a             10 Mrd mk  1923     Wurttemberg..............................   F           40

s991               50 Mrd mk  1923     Wurttemberg; ovpt on 100........   VF-       80

ration        20x1/4 pound  ND        Wurttemberg, potatoes.............   XF         20

                                            -French Zone of Occupation 1947;

s1002a   "No"         10 pf  1947     Baden..........................................   VG        10

s1003                      50 pf  1947     Baden..........................................   UN      500

s1004                         5 pf  1947     Rheinland-Pfalz.........................   UN        40

s1005                      10 pf  1947     Rheinland-Pfalz................ VF 8,  AU        45

s1007a   "No"           5 pf  1947     Wurttemberg-Hohenzollern......   UN        60

s1007b   "*"               5 pf  1947     Wurttemberg-Hohenzollern......   VF+      12

s1008a   "No"         10 pf  1947     Wurttemberg-Hohenzollern......   XF         20

                                            -Railroad issues

s1011               1 Mio mk  1923     Berlin.................................. VF 4,  UN          8

s1012               2 Mio mk  1923     Berlin.................................. XF 4,  UN          8

s1013               5 Mio mk  1923     Berlin.................................. VF 4,  UN          8

s1014             10 Mio mk  1923     Berlin.................................. XF 4,  UN          8

s1015             20 Mio mk  1923     Berlin.................................. XF 4,  UN          8

s1016             50 Mio mk  1923     Berlin.................................. VF 4,  AU          8

s1017a         100 Mio mk  1923     Berlin.................................. VF 4,  AU          8

s1018           200 Mio mk  1923     Berlin.................................. VF 4,  UN          8

s1019           500 Mio mk  1923     Berlin.................................. VF 4,  UN        12

s1021.            10 Mrd mk  1923     Berlin...........................................   UN        25

s1022             20 Mrd mk  1923     Berlin...........................................   AU+      20

s1024           100 Mrd mk  1923     Berlin...........................................   XF+      10

s1026           500 Mrd mk  1923     Berlin...........................................   UN        30

s1032         0.42 mk gold  1923     10.23; =1/10 dollar....................   AU+    100

s1035         0.42 mk gold  1923     11.07; =1/10 dollar......... VF 15,  UN      100

s1036         1.05 mk gold  1923     11.07; =1/4 dollar ......................   VF         60

s1037         2.10 mk gold  1923     11.07; =1/2 dollar ......................   F           60

s1103             10 Mio mk  1923     Bavaria........................................   F             8

s1105             10 Mrd mk  1923     Bavaria.............................. VF 6,  AU        35

s1116           200 Mio mk  1923     Altona..........................................   AU        20

s1121a           20 Mrd mk  1923     Altona; no wmk..........................   AU+      20

s1122b           50 Mrd mk  1923     Altona.................................. F+8,  XF         20

s1125                1 Bio mk  1923     Altona..........................................   AU+      60

s1133               2 Mio mk  1923     Breslau................................. F 5,  VF         10

s1136             50 Mio mk  1923     Breslau........................................   UN        95

s1137           100 Mio mk  1923     Breslau........................................   XF         25

s1139             50 Mrd mk  1923     Breslau............................... F 15,  VF-       25

s1140           100 Mrd mk  1923     Breslau........................................   VF         40

s1141           500 Mrd mk  1923     Breslau............................. VF 40  XF         80

s1159               1 Mio mk  1923     Cassel "U"..................................   F           15

s1162             10 Mio mk  1923     Cassel "U"..................................   VF         20

s1168                1 Bio mk  1923     Cassel.........................................   AU        50

s1169                5 Bio mk  1923     Cassel.........................................   AU        70

s1171           500,000 mk  1923     Dresden......................................   VF           8

s1172               1 Mio mk  1923     Dresden......................................   F             6

s1175               3 Mio mk  1923     Dresden......................................   VF         15

s1176               5 Mio mk  1923     Dresden......................................   VF           5

s1177           100 Mio mk  1923     Dresden......................................   AU        30

s1191             10 Mrd mk  1923     Elberfeld......................................   F+         30

s1201               1 Mio mk  1923     Erfurt............................................   F+         32

s1205           100 Mio mk  1923     Erfurt............................................   F+         20

s1217               1 Mio mk  1923     Frankfurt/M.......................... F 4,  VF           8

s1221           200 Mio mk  1923     Frankfurt/M.................................   VF         20

s1222             20 Mrd mk  1923     Frankfurt/M.................................   XF         30

s1223             50 Mrd mk  1923     Frankfurt/M.................................   AU+      40

s1226                1 Bio mk  1923     Frankfurt/M.................................   AU+      35

s1244           500 Mio mk  1923     Halle.................................. VG-4,  VF         40

s1244           500 Mio mk  1923     Halle; stamp".Schfeditz..".........   VG        35

s1247             50 Mrd mk  1923     Halle............................................   XF         50

s1266               1 Mio mk  1923     Karlsruhe....................................   F             5

s1268               5 Mio mk  1923     Karlsruhe....................................   F             5

s1276           500 Mrd mk  1923     Karlsruhe....................................   AU+      35

s1284             10 Mio mk  1923     08.11;Koln..................................   VF-       12

s1285             20 Mio mk  1923     08.11;Koln..................................   F+         15

s1286             10 Mio mk  1923     09.02;Koln........................ F+12,  XF         30

s1287             20 Mio mk  1923     09.02;Koln..................................   F+         15

s1288           100 Mio mk  1923     09.25;Koln..................................   XF         35

s1289           500 Mio mk  1923     10.10;Koln............................ F 9,  AU-       50

s1290               1 Mrd mk  1923     Koln.............................................   VF+      30

NL(#2)                       1 pf  1923  Hohenzollernbrucke, pink............   AU        20

s1301               1 Mio mk  1923     Konigsberg.................................   F           60

s1302           100,000 mk  1923     Konigsberg.................................   F+         70

s1326             10 Mrd mk  1923     Munster.......................................   VF         65

s1357               1 Mio mk  1923     Stettin..........................................   VG        20

s1369b        500 Mrd mk  1923     Stettin............... border damage  VF      150

s1373             50 Mio mk  1923     Stuttgart................... F 6, XF 25,  AU        50

s1374               1 Mrd mk  1923     Stuttgart......................................   F           15

s1375             20 Mrd mk  1923     Stuttgart......................................   VF         20

s1378           500 Mrd mk  1923     Stuttgart, reihe 2........................   AU+      65

s1379                1 Bio mk  1923     Stuttgart........................... VF 45,  XF         90

                                            -German Post issues;

NL                   10 Mrd mk  1923.10.26 Oberpost. Chemnitz "Vic...   AU        25

NL                   20 Mrd mk  1923.11.02 Oberpost. Dresden.............   VF         15

NL                   50 Mrd mk  1923.11.02 Oberpost. Dresden.............   VF+      20

NL                100 Mrd mk  1923.11.02 Oberpost. Dresden.............   VF         20

NL                100 Mrd mk  1923.11.02 Oberpost.Dresden"03".......   G             5

                                            -Siege of French in Mayence(Mainz) by Prussian

s1476                   10 sols  1793     .....................................................   F-        200

s1479   "A"          10 sols  1793     .....................................................   VF      500

                                            -Kaiserslautern (Pfalz), Stadt (city)

NL p/h               1 gulden  1870     "Eisenwerke"..............................   VG        50

NL p/h               1 gulden  1870     "Kammgarnspinnerei"...............   F           60

NL p/h               2 gulden  1870     "Kammgarnspinnerei"...............   F         100

                                            -Neustrelitz(Mec) Stadt (city)

notgeld                    10 pf  (1893)   .....................................................   AU      100


World War 2, Military, Camp Money(C#-Campbell,SB#-Schwan,Boling)

           Prisoners of War  -POW notes;

                                            -general issue for all German POW camps

C-3751                      1 pf  ND        red triangle.................... VF+25,  UN      120

C-3752.                   10 pf  ND        red triangle.................. AU+100UN      120

C-3753                    50 pf  ND        red triangle...................... VF 50,  UN      400

C-3754                     1 mk  ND        red triangle.................... VF+30,  UN      150

C-3755                     2 mk  ND        red triangle....................... F+15,  UN      150

C-3756                     5 mk  ND        red triangle.................................   VF         30

C-3757                  10 mk  ND        triangle............. VG 25, VF 100XF      200

C-3757  canc        10 mk  ND        stamp "cancelled"......................   F+       100

                                            -POW Camp notes hand over-stamp;

   -Dulag -d, transit camp for POW solders and officers

C-3751                      1 pf  ND "Kommandatur "Durlag" d"..............   VG      250

   -Offlag XIII-B, for Yugoslavian(1941) and US(1945) POW officers

C-3752                    10 pf  ND        "Offlag XIII B".............................   VF      300

C-3754   canc         1 mk  ND        "Offlag XIII B" cancelled...........   F         200

C-3755   canc         2 mk  ND        "Offlag XIII B" cancelled...........   F         200

C-3756                     5 mk  ND        "Offlag XIII B".............................   VF+    350

C-3756   canc         5 mk  ND        "Offlag XIII B" cancelled...........   F         250

   -Stalag VI-E (Soest) 1939-1945, for POW solders

C-3752                    10 pf  ND "Stalag VI E Gr Verwaltung"............   F         300

    Camps and Ghettos

                                            -Asperg Interniertenlager 76, (displaced persons)

C-3903                     1 mk  1947     03.10;Asperg camp.. small tear  XF      200

                                            -Concentration Camp Buchenwald

C-3951a             0.50 mk  ND        .....................................................   F         150

C-3951a             0.50 mk  ND        "SS-Ko. Rotttleberode".............   F         150

C-3952                     1 mk  ND        .....................................................   F         150

C-3953                     2 mk  ND        "Schwerte(Ruhr)".... mis.corner  VF+    350

                                            -Holleschau (Holesov, Czech), Metalwork "MWH"

                                             camp for French and Italian prisoners of war

C-4091                      1 pf  194-      "MWH"........................................   AU        30

C-4092                      2 pf  194-      "MWH"........................................   AU        30

C-4093                      3 pf  194-      "MWH"........................................   AU        30

C-4094                      4 pf  194-      "MWH"........................................   AU        30

C-4095                      5 pf  194-      "MWH"........................................   AU        30

C-4096                      6 pf  194-      "MWH"........................................   AU        30

C-4097                      7 pf  194-      "MWH"........................................   AU        30

C-4099                      9 pf  194-      "MWH"........................................   AU        30

C-4101                    15 pf  194-      "MWH"........................................   AU        30

                                            -Camp Westerbork (Netherlands)

C-4173b            50 cents  ND        no wmk........................................   F           60

C-4174b         100 cents  ND        no wmk........................................   F           60

                                            -Ghetto Litzmannstadt(Lodz, Poland)

C-4201                    50 pf  1940     .....................................................   UN        90

C-4202                     1 mk  1940     ........................................... G 20,  UN      150

C-4204   copy         5 mk  1940     COPY..........................................   AU        15

C-4206a.               20 mk  1940     .....................................................   UN      250

C-4237d   spec      script  ND        "kohlrabi"(extra meal)................   AU      250

                                            -Ghetto Theresienstadt(Terezin, Czechoslovakia)

C-4212                    1 kor  1943     .....................................................   UN        40

C-4212                    2 kor  1943     .....................................................   UN        50

C-4213                    5 kor  1943     .....................................................   UN        50

C-4214                  10 kor  1943     .....................................................   UN        75

C-4215                  20 kor  1943     .....................................................   UN        90

C-4216                  50 kor  1943     .....................................................   UN      100

C-4217                100 kor  1943     .....................................................   UN      120

                                            -Concentration Camp Treblinka

fantasy                     1 mk  1944     !! copy of fantasy note !!...........   AU        10

                                            -Winter Help notes

WHW-40                  1 mk  1943/4  Winter Help....................... VF 4,  UN        20

WHW-42               10 mk  1943/4  Winter Help.................................   AU+      40


   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   -POSTAL STAMP MONEY (Briefmarkengeld) WW1

                                            -Barmen (Rhe) Senf-Gewurze, E.Quambusch

NL-psm                 100 pf  (1920)   stamp"workers"Quambusch.....   XF      100

                                            -Berlin, Lebona, Trocken Parfum

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"Germania" Lebona........   XF      100

                                            -Duisburg-Meid. W.Balzen

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"10" W.Balzen.................   XF      120

                                            -Dusseldorf, Leo Kropp, Briefmarken Handlung

NL-psm                      5 pf  (1920)   stamp"5" Leo Kropp..................   XF      120

                                            -Frankfurt/M, Merz Schuh-Putz

NL-psm                      5 pf  (1920)   stamp"5" Merz Schuh...............   XF         80

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"10" Merz Schuh.............   XF         80

NL-psm                   15 pf  (1920)   stamp"15" Merz Schuh.............   XF         80

                                            -Fuerth (Bavaria) B.Ullmann and Co

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"Germania" Ullmann.......   XF      100

                                            -Grosskaldenberg (P.Sax) JPW.Eigen

NL-psm                      5 pf  (1920)   stamp"5" Eigen".........................   XF         80

NL-psm                      5 pf  (1920)   stamp"Germania" Eigen"..........   XF         80

                                            -(Hannover), Schreibe mit Pelikan - Tinte

NL-psm                      5 pf  (1920)   stamp"5" Pelikan.......................   XF      100

NL-psm                   20 pf  (1920)   stamp"Germania" Pelikan........   XF      110

                                            -Koln (Rhe) Dellbrucker Licht'spile

NL-psm                   10 pf  1921     stamps 5+5 "Germania"...........   XF      100

NL-psm                   25 pf  1921     stamps 5+20 "Germania".........   XF      110

NL-psm                   50 pf  1921     stamps 50 "Germania"..............   XF      120

                                            -Koln (Rhe) Gebr.Sunner,Brauerei,Coln-Kalk

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp "10" Kjolby......................   XF         80

                                            -Koln (Rhe) Kjolby Reklame Bureau

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"Germania" Kjolby..........   XF-       80

                                            -Koln, Reklame Atelier

NL-psm                   25 pf  (1920)   st 5+20+20"Germania".... 1 pcs  XF      100

NL-psm             25, 50 pf  (1920)   stamp 50 "Germania"...... 2 pcs  XF      220

                                            -Krefeld, Brauerei Rhenania

NL-psm                      5 pf  (1920)   stamp"5" Rhenania...................   XF-     100

                                            -Kulmbach, Monchshof

NL-psm                      5 pf  (1920)   stamp"5" Monchshof.................   XF-     120

                                            -Langendreer b/Dortmund (Rhe) Muser Brau

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"10" Muser Brau..............   XF         80

                                            -Magdeburg (SA) Hans Gartner, Labora

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"Germania" Labora.........   XF         80

                                            -Munchen, Thomasbrau Hell-Urtyp

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"10" Thomasbrau............   XF         80

                                            -Oppach, E.L.Kempe

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"10" Kempe......................   XF         80

                                            -Remagen/Rhein, Rhein-Moselweine, Caracciola

NL-psm                 100 pf  (1920)   stamp"workers" Caracciola......   XF         80

                                            -Rheine, Kumpers Edellikore

NL-psm                 100 pf  (1920)   stamp"workers" Kumpers.........   XF         80

                                            -Settrup, J.H.Tebbenhoff

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"10" J.H.Tebbenhoff.......   XF         90

                                            -St.Severinsberg, Brauerei Steffens

NL-psm                      5 pf  (1920)   stamp"5" Steffens......................   XF      120

                                            -Steglitz, Optiker E. Postleb

NL-psm                   10 pf  (1920)   stamp"10" Postleb.....................   XF         90


                                            -Bielefeld, city

notgeld             2x 25 mk  1922     2 silk notgeld............... lot#1013  XF+      40

notgeld             1,000 mk  1922     silk notgeld.................. lot#1016  XF+      25

                                            "Hindenburg" Warship

notgeld                     5 mk  1919     02.25 "Hindenburg" Warship...   AU+      30

                                            -Ludendorff fund

notgeld                 1/2 mk  WW1    Ludendorff fund.........................   VG        10

notgeld                     1 mk  WW1    Ludendorff fund.......... lot#1061  VG        10

       -Oldenburg i.O(Old)Staadtliche Kreditanstalt(State Oldenburg)

notgeld            1/2 kg rye  1923     10.26;denomination in rye .......   F+         25

notgeld               1 kg rye  1923     10.26;denomination in rye........   F+         25

                                            -Stralsund(Pom) Zuckerfabriken(sugar factory)

notgeld   1 pound sugar  1923     11.01;denomination in sugar VF+             25

**For local notgeld 1914-1925 check "Germany, local paper money"


   LOCAL NOTES WW2: 1939-1950;

      notes ref; MS# -M.Scone"Dias Papiergeld. Deutschland 1945-1949"

                                            -Altusried(Bav), Darlehnskasse

MS-751a                 10 pf  1947     no stamp.....................................   AU        20

MS-751q                 10 pf  1947     stamp "H.Kreuzer".....................   VF-       10

MS-751n                 10 pf  1947     stamp "C.Klupfel".......................   AU        20

MS-751ac               10 pf  1947     stamp "O.F.Brandle".................   XF         10

MS-751al                10 pf  1947     stamp oval "G.Fahnle"..............   XF         10

MS-751ah               10 pf  1947     stamp "X.Diet"............................   VF         10

MS-751ba               10 pf  1947     no stamp; valid 1 month...........   AU        20

MS-751bp               10 pf  1947     stamp "Spar-Darlehnskasse"...   AU        20

MS-752a                 50 pf  1947     no stamp.....................................   AU        20

MS-752q                 50 pf  1947     stamp "H.Kreuzer".....................   AU        20

MS-752aa               50 pf  1947     no stamp.....................................   AU        20

MS-752ah               50 pf  1947     stamp "X.Diet"............................   AU        20

MS-752aq               50 pf  1947     stamp "F.Daiser"........................   VF         10

MS-752bo               50 pf  1947     stamp "L.Muller".........................   AU        20

                                            -Eitorf(NR-West), Schoeller Kammgarnspinnerei

MS-1141                 10 pf  (1947)   .....................................................   UN        25

                                            -Hannover(L.Sax), KUF GmbH

MS-1174                 10 pf  1947     (sparer)blue, "till 47" .................   UN        25

                                            -Heidenheim, Landkreises and Stadt(Wur)

MS-123                  10 mk  1945     04.15 ..........................................   G           10

                                            -Munchen(Bav),Glanegger,Suddeutschen Verlag

MS-1321                   5 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        20

MS-1322                 10 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        20

                                            -Neheim-Husten(West), Gebuhrenmarken

MS-491                      5 pf  ND        .....................................................   XF-       10


MS-134                  10 mk  1945     .....................................................   G           15

                                            -Pyrmont Bad(L.Sax), A.Reinhardt Buchdruckerei

MS-3491a               10 pf  (1947)   .....................................................   AU      100

                                            -Rheine(NR-West), Stadt

MS-511                      5 pf  1947     .....................................................   AU+      15

MS-512                   10 pf  1947     .....................................................   AU+      15

                                            -Scheidegg(Bav), Gemeinde

MS-601                   10 pf  (1947)   .....................................................   AU+      15

MS-602                   20 pf  (1947)   .....................................................   AU+      15

MS-603                   25 pf  (1947)   .....................................................   AU+      15

MS-604                   50 pf  (1947)   .....................................................   AU+      15

                                            -Stuttgart(Wur), Stadt

MS-261                    1 mk  1945     05.01; reihe 2.............................   UN        30

MS-262                    2 mk  1945     05.01; reihe 2.............................   AU        35

MS-263                    5 mk  1945     05.01; reihe 1.............................   UN        40

MS-264                  10 mk  1945     05.01; reihe 1................. XF 15,  UN        45

MS-265                  20 mk  1945     05.01; reihe 1................. XF 25,  AU        50

                                            -Wiggensbach(Bav), Burgbrau

MS-3911                 10 pf  ND        .....................................................   F+         12

MS-3912                 50 pf  ND        .....................................................   UN        25

   Ration Cards                  -WW2 goods coupons;

             1 kg eisen (iron)  WW2    black on blue paper...................   AU          9

             1 kg eisen (iron)  WW2    green...........................................   XF           9

             1 kg eisen (iron)  WW2    green;ovpt"F Bleche"(plate).....   AU          9

             5 kg eisen (iron)  WW2    orange.........................................   VF           9

            50 g Brod(bread)  WW2    ration stamp...............................   AU          5


   World War 1, German Prisoner of War Camp Money

notes ref; T-# -Tieste R."Deutschen Kriegsgefangenenlager" 1998


T-12.12                    10 pf  1916     06.01...........................................   AU+      10

T-12.13                    50 pf  1916     06.01...........................................   AU+      12

                                            -Aschaffenburg, II Bay.Armeekorps

T-20.2                        5 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   XF           7

T-20.3                      10 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   XF           7


T-34.1                      1 mk  ND        .....................................................   XF         15

T-34.2                      2 mk  ND        .....................................................   XF         20

T-34.3                      5 mk  ND        .....................................................   XF         20

                                            -Bederkesa, X A.K. Armeekorps

T-36.12                    10 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   VF         55

T-36.02                    1 mk  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         75


T-46.3                      5 mk  ND        .....................................................   F           40

                                             -Blenhorst Bad, Offizier POW

T-55.9                   300 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        40

                                             -Bochum, Bochumer Verein Bergbau

T-57.1                      1 mk  1917     ............................................ canc  AU        35


T-74.7                      2 mk  1917     wmk "kreuze".............................   AU        15

T-74.12                    50 pf  1917     wmk "kreuzemaander"..............   AU          7

                                            -Breslau,(Wroclaw,Poland)Eisenwerk Trelenberg

T-86.34               0.50 mk  ND        cloth.............................................   VF+      95


T-117.3                    10 pf  1917     .....................................................   AU        10

T-117.5                    50 pf  1917     .....................................................   AU        15


T-120                         1 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        10

T-120                         2 pf  ND        .....................................................   VF           7

T-120                         5 pf  ND        .....................................................   VF           7

T-120                       10 pf  ND        yellow..........................................   VF         15

T-120                       10 pf  ND        blue..............................................   VG          6

T-120                       20 pf  ND        .....................................................   VG          6

T-120                       20 pf  ND        paper pressed lines...................   AU        10

T-120                       50 pf  ND        .....................................................   VF           9

T-120.37                  1 mk  ND        .....................................................   AU        25

T-120.81                  1 mk  ND        wmk.............................................   XF         25

                                            -Colberg Bad

T-126.1   canc        50 pf  1915     .....................................................   XF         35


T-122.21                 10 pf  1917     .....................................................   AU          8

T-122.22                 20 pf  1917     .....................................................   AU          8

                                            -Crossen /Oder, III Armeekorps

T-132.3                    10 pf  1917     .....................................................   VG        10

                                            -Custrin, III A.K. Armeekorps

T-133.3                    10 pf  1917     .....................................................   AU          8

T-133.4                    25 pf  1917     .....................................................   AU          8

T-133.5                    50 pf  1917     .....................................................   AU          8

T-133.6                    1 mk  1917     .....................................................   AU        10


T-135.7                    3 mk  ND        Erbreichschacht.........................   F           30

T-135.8                    4 mk  ND        Erbreichschacht.........................   F           30

T-135.62                 20 pf  ND        Lader Schreiberschacht............   AU        30

                                            -Dassel, X A.K. Armeekorps

T-155.11                    5 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         55

T-155.12                 10 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   VF         45

T-155.13                 20 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         55

T-155.14                 50 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         55

T-155.15                  1 mk  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         55


T-159.8                    2 mk  ND        .....................................................   VF         12

T-159.9                    5 mk  ND        .....................................................   XF         25

T-159.10                10 mk  ND        .....................................................   VF+      25

T-159.11                20 mk  ND        .....................................................   VF         25

                                             -Diest, G.G. Belgien Diest

T-161.1                      1 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   AU        55

T-161.2                      5 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   AU        55

T-161.4                    20 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   AU        55

T-161.6                    1 mk  ND        stamp-money.............................   AU        70


T-164.11                  1 mk  1917     .....................................................   AU        20


T-165.33                  3 mk  ND        ......................... cut cancellation  AU        30


T-182.12                 10 pf  ND        @Lange............................. canc  AU        20

                                            -Frankfurt a/M

T-241.2                      5 pf  1917     01.01...........................................   VF           7

T-241.3                    10 pf  1917     01.01...........................................   UN        12

                                            -Frankfurt a/O

T-244.7                    2 mk  1917     wmk "kreuze".............................   AU        15

T-244.20                 50 pf  1917     wmk "kreuzemaander"..............   VF         20


T-251.41                    5 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU          8

T-251.42                 10 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU          8


T-271.4                    50 pf  1916     .....................................................   VG        12

T-271.5                    1 mk  1916     .....................................................   VG        18

                                            -Gelsenkirchen, Bergwerks AG

T-273.22                 50 pf  ND        stamp-money;"Hochofen"........   XF         80

                                            -Germersheim, II Bayr. Armeekorps

T-277.6                    5 mk  ND        stamp-money.............................   XF         15

T-278.2                      5 pf  ND        stamp "Germersheim"...............   XF         25

                                            -Gnadenfrei (Pilawa, Poland)

T-284.2                    1 mk  ND        .....................................................   F           20

T-284.3                    2 mk  ND        .....................................................   F+         25


T-288.1                      1 pf  1917     ............................................ canc  VF+         7

T-288.2                      5 pf  1917     ............................................ canc  VF+         7

T-288.3                    10 pf  1917     ............................................ canc  VF+         7

T-288.4                    50 pf  1917     ............................................ canc  VF+         7

                                            -Gottingen, XI Armee-K

T-289.53                  1 mk  ND        stamp-money.............................   XF         30


T-291.2                      2 pf  1916     wmk "stern"................................   AU          7

T-291.11                    2 pf  1916     wmk "haken"..............................   AU          7

T-291.12                    5 pf  1916     wmk "haken"..............................   AU          7

T-291.14                 50 pf  1916     wmk "haken"..............................   AU        18

                                            -Graudenz,(Grudziadz, Poland) Offizer KGL

T-295.6                    2 mk  1918     .....................................................   F           25

                                            -Graudenz,(Grudziadz, Poland) Offizer KGL F

T-296.3                    10 pf  1918     09.01...........................................   AU        20

T-296.5                    1 mk  1918     09.01...........................................   AU        25

T-296.6                    2 mk  1918     09.01...........................................   AU        25

T-296.7                    5 mk  1918     09.01...........................................   AU        35

                                            -Gross-Poritsch, KGL

T-302.2                      2 pf  1918     .....................................................   AU          7

T-302.3                      5 pf  1918     .....................................................   AU          7

T-302.4                    10 pf  1918     .....................................................   AU          7

T-302.5                    50 pf  1918     .....................................................   F             7

T-302.7                    2 mk  1918     .....................................................   AU        12

                                            -Guben, KGL, III Armeekorps

T-305.2                      5 pf  1917     wmk "kreuze".............................   AU          7

T-305.3                    10 pf  1917     wmk "kreuze".............................   AU          7

T-305.7                    2 mk  1917     wmk "kreuze".............................   AU        12

T-305.21                 25 pf  1917     wmk "kreuzemaander"..............   AU          7

                                            -Hameln, KGL X Armeekorps (Hannover)

T-336.51                    5 pf  (1917)   stamp-money.............................   F           25

T-336.54                 50 pf  (1917)   stamp-money.............................   F           25

T-336.90                    1 pf  (1917)   stamp-money.............................   XF         25

T-336.91                    5 pf  (1917)   stamp-money.............................   XF         25

T-336.92                 10 pf  (1917)   stamp-money.............................   XF         25

T-336.93                 20 pf  (1917)   stamp-money.............................   XF         25

T-336.94                 50 pf  (1917)   stamp-money.............................   XF         25

T-336.95                  1 mk  (1917)   stamp-money.............................   XF         25

T-336.96                  2 mk  (1917)   stamp-money.............................   XF         60

                                            -Hammerstein, KGL

T-339.1                      5 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU          8

T-339.2                    10 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU          8

T-339.3                    50 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU          9

T-339.4                    1 mk  ND        .....................................................   AU        10

                                            -Hannover, KGL X Armeekorps

T-342.5                    1 mk  ND        stamp-money; unpt...................   XF         35

                                            -Hann. Munden, Offizer KGL

T-345-1                    1 mk  1915     cloth.................................... canc  VF-       20

T-345-2                    2 mk  1915     cloth.................................... canc  VF-       25

T-345-4                  10 mk  1915     cloth.................................... canc  F-          35

                                            -Havelberg, KGL, III Armeekorps

T-347.2                      5 pf  1917     wmk "kreuze".............................   AU          8

T-347.3                    10 pf  1917     wmk "kreuze".............................   AU          8

T-347.6                    1 mk  1917     wmk "kreuze".............................   AU        10

T-347.7                    2 mk  1917     wmk "kreuze".............................   AU        12

T-347.20                 10 pf  1917     wmk "kreuzemaander"..............   AU          8

T-347.21                 25 pf  1917     wmk "kreuzemaander"..............   AU          8

T-347.22                 50 pf  1917     wmk "kreuzemaander"..............   AU        10

T-347.24                  5 mk  1917     wmk "kreuzemaander"..............   AU        20

                                            -Heestenmoor, KGL X Armeekorps(Hannover)

T-349.1                      5 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   VG-       30

                                            -Hespe, Offizer KGL

T-367.2                      5 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        12

T-367.3                    10 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        12

T-367.5                    1 mk  ND        .....................................................   AU        15

T-367.6                    2 mk  ND        .....................................................   AU        15

                                            -Homecourt, Bergverwaltung, Metz

T-388.11                 20 pf  -1918    01.01...........................................   G           20

                                            -Kamstigall, Offizer KGL

T-431.40                  1 mk  ND        wmk "kreuzemaander"..... canc  AU        15

T-431.41                20 mk  ND        wmk "kreuzemaander"..... canc  VF         15

                                            -Karlsruhe, KGL (Baden)

T-433.4                  10 mk  ND        linen.............................................   AU        90

                                            -Karlsruhe, KGL XIV Armeekorps(Baden)

T-434.1                      1 pf  ND        stamp-money, black XIV..........   XF         15

T-434.3                    10 pf  ND        stamp-money, black XIV..........   XF         15

T-434.3                    20 pf  ND        stamp-m. black XIV......... VG 4,  XF         15

T-434.5                    1 mk  ND        stamp-money, black XIV..........   XF         18

T-434.10                    1 pf  ND        stamp-money, color XIV...........   XF         15

T-434.11                    5 pf  ND        stamp-money, color XIV...........   AU        18

T-434.12                 10 pf  ND        stamp-money, color XIV...........   AU        17

T-434.13                 20 pf  ND        stamp-money, color XIV...........   AU        17

T-434.14                  1 mk  ND        stamp-money, color XIV...........   XF         17

                                            -Koln, Offizer KGL

T-440.1                      1 pf  1918     .....................................................   AU        15

T-440.5                    1 mk  1918     .....................................................   XF         12

                                            -Koln, KGL IIIV Armeekorps(Rheinland)

T-441.1                    10 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   VF+      30

T-441.3                    1 mk  ND        stamp-money.............................   VF+      40

                                            -Konigsbruck, KGL

T-443.11                    2 pf  ND        wmk "stern"................................   AU          8

T-443.12                    5 pf  ND        wmk "stern"................................   AU          8

                                            -Konigsmoor, KGL X Armeekorps(Hannover)

T-447.12                 10 pf  ND        stamp-money; unpt...................   F           35


T-448.20                  1 mk  1917     .....................................................   AU        12

                                            -Lamsdorf O.S, KGL

T-472                       1 mk  ND        .....................................................   P           25

                                            -Landau,, II Bay.Armeekorps

T-474.1                      1 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   VF         12

T-474.3                    10 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   VF         12

T-474.4                    20 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   VF         12

T-474.5                    1 mk  ND        stamp-money.............................   XF         18

T-474.6                    5 mk  ND        stamp-money.............................   VF         25

                                            -Langemoor, KGL X Armeekorps(Hannover)

T-478.18                 10 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   F           55

                                            -Langesalza, KGL

T-480.2                    50 pf  ND        stamp "Langesalza"..................   VG        30

T-480.20                    5 pf  ND        wmk "sechseckflechtwerk".......   AU          8

T-480.21                 10 pf  ND        wmk "sechseckflechtwerk".......   AU          8

T-480.51                 50 pf  ND        "A"................................................   AU          8

T-480.61                  2 mk  ND        "B";"sechseckflechtwerk"..........   AU        12

T-480.80                 20 pf  ND        "B"; wmk "stern".........................   AU        12

T-480.82                  1 mk  ND        "B"; wmk "stern".........................   AU        12

                                            -Knurow (Poland), KGL (Coal Mine)

T-439.1                    5 mk  1914     08.12; .........................................   F           35

                                            -Meseburg, KGL

T-535.1                      1 pf  1916     .....................................................   AU          8

T-535.6                    5 mk  1916     .....................................................   AU        45

T-535.10                    5 pf  1918     .....................................................   AU          8

T-535.11                 10 pf  1918     .....................................................   AU          8

T-535.13                  1 mk  1918     .....................................................   AU        12

                                            -Minden, KGL

T-546                       20 pf  1917     .....................................................   VF           7

T-546                       50 pf  1917     .....................................................   AU        10

T-546                       1 mk  1917     .....................................................   VF         15

T-546                       5 mk  1917     .....................................................   AU        25

                                            -Mulheim-Ruhr, KGL

T-554.1                      5 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        40

                                            -Munsterlager, KGL X Armeekorps(Hannover)

T-561.10                    1 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         40

T-561.11                    5 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         40

T-561.12                 10 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         40

T-561.13                 20 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         40

T-561.14                 50 pf  (1916)   stamp-money.............................   XF         40

                                            -Neuhammer, KGL

T-577.4                    10 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU          9

T-577.6                    50 pf  ND        .....................................................   F             9

                                            -(Ohrdruf), XI Armeekorps

T-602.20                    1 pf  ND        stamp-money;stamp"5"............   XF         35

                                            -Quedlinburg, KGL

T-640.1                      1 pf  1916     .....................................................   AU          8

T-640.2                      5 pf  1916     .....................................................   XF           5

T-640.3                    10 pf  1916     ............................................ XF 4,  AU          8

T-640.4                    50 pf  1916     .....................................................   XF           6

T-640.5                    1 mk  1916     .....................................................   AU        12

T-640.7                  10 mk  1916     .....................................................   F           25

T-640.15                10 mk  1918     .....................................................   AU        25

                                            -Salzwedel, KGL

T-698.1                      1 pf  1916     .....................................................   AU          9

T-698.3                    10 pf  1916     .....................................................   AU        15

T-698.4                    50 pf  1916     .....................................................   XF         10

                                            -(Saarbrucken), XXI.5 (Armeekorps)

T-694.12                 10 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   XF         30

T-694.13                 20 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   XF         30

                                            -Schneidemul, KGL

T-709.2                    2 mk  ND        .....................................................   VG        20

                                            -Scholven, KGL

T-710.2                      2 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        35

T-710.3                      5 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        35

T-710.4                    10 pf  ND        .....................................................   AU        35

T-710.5                    50 pf  ND        .....................................................   VF-       30

T-710.6                    1 mk  ND        .....................................................   F-          30

                                            -Soltau, KGL X Armeekorps(Hannover)

T-731.21                    5 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   F           30

T-731.22                 10 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   F           30

T-731.25                  1 mk  ND        stamp-money.............................   F           35

                                            -Strasburg EP (Brodnica, Poland) Offizer KGL

T-753.3                    10 pf  1917     .....................................................   F           15

T-753.5                    1 mk  1917     .....................................................   VF         25

                                            -(Strassburg)Freiburg,Englander Bataillion AAB

                                            "4 Landst-Jnf-Batallion Freiburg/1 Komp/XIV/38"

T-754-NL                   5 pf  ND        English POW.................. RARE  F         400

                                            -Torgau, OGL

T-802.1                      5 pf  ND        .....................................................   VG        25

T-802.1                      5 pf  ND        stamp "Oberleutanat u ..".........   VG        25

T-802.2                    10 pf  ND        .....................................................   VG        15

T-802.3                    50 pf  ND        .....................................................   VG        15

T-802.4                    1 mk  ND        stamp "Oberleutanat u ..".........   VG        20

T-802.5                    3 mk  ND        stamp "Oberleutanat u ..".........   VG        20

T-802.16                10 mk  ND        stamp "Oberleutanat u ..".........   VG        20

T-802.17                20 mk  ND        .....................................................   VF         25


T-859.2                    5 mk  1916     .....................................................   F           15

                                            -Wurzburg, II Bayer.Armeekorps

T-875.03                 10 pf  ND        stamp-money.............................   XF         15

T-875.06                  5 mk  ND        stamp-money.............................   XF         15

T-875.20                    1 pf  ND        stamp-money; stamp "P"..........   XF         15

T-875.20                    5 pf  ND        stamp-money; stamp "P"..........   XF         15

                                            -Zossen-Halbmondlager, KGL

T-903.2                      5 pf  1916     .....................................................   AU          8

T-903.3                    10 pf  1916     .....................................................   AU          8

T-903.4                    50 pf  1916     .....................................................   AU          8

                                            -Zwickau, KGL

T-906.61                 10 pf  1918     .....................................................   XF+      30

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            "Anleihe des Deutschen Reichs"

bond                 1,000 mk  1922     Bond; issue-3................ bs#500  XF         20

                                            "Anleiheablossungsschuld Deutschen Reichs"

bond                       25 mk  1925     /1925; Bond................... bs#501  XF         20

bond                       50 mk  1925     /1925; Bond................... bs#502  XF         20

bond                    100 mk  1925     /1925; Bond................... bs#503  XF         25

bond                       12.50  1925     /1926; Bond................... bs#504  XF         20

bond                    200 mk  1925     /1926; Bond................... bs#505  XF         30

bond                       25 mk  1925     /1927; Bond................... bs#506  XF         20

                                            "Konversionkasse Deutsche Auslandsschulden"

bond                    1,000 $  1936     3% $ Bond, New York. bs#507  XF      150

                                            "Stadt Berlin, Schuldverscheibung"(Berlin city)

bond                           500  1919     4% Bond "M"................. bs#508  XF         40

bond                     10,000  1922     4% Bond "H"................. bs#509  XF         25

bond                     50,000  1922     4% Bond "S"................. bs#510  XF         25

                                            "Bayerische Vereinsbank",Munchen

bond                    500 mk  1940     4.5% Mortgage Bond... bs#511  XF         25

                                            "Deutschen Centralbodenkredit",Berlin

bond                    100 mk  1937     4.5% Mortgage Bond... bs#512  XF         35

bond                    100 mk  1940     4.5% Mortgage Bond... bs#513  XF         25

bond                 1,000 mk  1940     4.5% Mortgage Bond... bs#514  XF         25

bond                    100 mk  1941     4% Mortgage Bond...... bs#515  XF         20

                                            "Deutsche Landesrentenbank",Berlin

bond                    500 mk  1942     4% Bond........................ bs#516  XF         20

                                            "Deutsche Rentenbank",Berlin

bond                    100 mk  1935     4% Bond........................ bs#517  XF         20

bond                    200 mk  1935     4% Bond........................ bs#518  VF         20

bond                 1,000 mk  1935     4% Bond........................ bs#519  XF         25

                                            "Deutsche Rentenbank Kreditanstalt",Berlin

bond                    200 mk  1938     4.5% Bond..................... bs#520  XF         25

bond                 1,000 mk  1940     4% Bond........................ bs#521  XF         20

                                            "Frankfurter Hypothekenbank",Frankfurt

bond                    200 mk  1942     4% Mortgage Bond"E". bs#522  XF         30

 "Landstandische Bank, Sachsischen Markgraftums Oberlausitz"Bautzen

bond                    100 mk  1931     gutschein....................... bs#523  VF-       60

                                            "Preussischen Landesrentenbank",Berlin

bond                       25 mk  1931     6% Bond........................ bs#524  XF         25

bond                    100 mk  1931     6% Bond........................ bs#525  XF         30

                                            "Rheinisch-Westfalische Boden-Credit Bank"Koln

bond                 1,000 mk  1930     7% Mortgage Bond...... bs#526  XF         50

                                            "Schlesischer Landschaftlicher Pfandf"Breslau

bond                    100 mk  1940     4.5% Mortgage Loan... bs#527  XF         20

bond                    500 mk  1940     4.5% Mortgage Loan... bs#528  XF         25

                                            "Suddeutsche Boden-Credit Bank",Munchen

bond                 2,000 mk  1940     4.5% Mortgage Bond... bs#529  XF         30

                                            "Umschuldungsverband Deutscher Gemeinden"

bond                    100 mk  1933     4% Bond "A"Berlin....... bs#530  XF         20


                                            Deutsche Handelsbank AG,Frankfurt

share                5,000 mk  1923     ........................................ bs#531  XF         15

share              10,000 mk  1923     ........................................ bs#532  XF         15

                                            "Siemens" Textil Aktiengessellschaft,Chemnitz

share                5,000 mk  1923     07.01.............................. bs#533  VF         25


share                  100 RM  1953     Liquidations Loan......... bs#534  XF         35


PICK#                                 *****GERMAY FEDERAL REP.***3c*

   Republic (after the World War 2)

1a                          1/2 mk  1948     ........................................... VG 8,  VF         30

1b                          1/2 mk  1948     stamp "B" for Berlin...................   VG        15

2a                             1 mk  1948     ......................................... VF 30,  XF         60

2b                             1 mk  1948     stamp "B" for Berlin....... VG 15,  VF         60

3a                             2 mk  1948     ......................................... VG 25,  VF      100

3b                             2 mk  1948     stamp "B" for Berlin....... VG 30,  VF      120

4a                             5 mk  1948     ............................................ F 60,  VF      120

4b                             5 mk  1948     stamp "B" for Berlin.............. 75VF      150

5a                           10 mk  1948     .....................................................   VF         90

5b                           10 mk  1948     stamp "B" for Berlin.......... F 75,  VF      150

5c                           10 mk  1948     perforation "B" for Berlin...........   F         100

6a                           20 mk  1948     ........................................... F+90,  VF      140

6b                           20 mk  1948     stamp "B" for Berlin...................   F         100

7a                           50 mk  1948     ........................................ VG+90,  F         140

7b                           50 mk  1948     stamp "B" Berlin.........................   F         140

9                             20 mk  (1948)   .....................................................   F+       500

11                               5 pf  (1948)   .............................................. F 4,  UN        30

12                             10 pf  (1948)   ............................................ XF 8,  UN        30

13a                           5 mk  1948     "A"(TDLR)....................... VG 20,  VG+      30

13a                           5 mk  1948     "C"(TDLR)...................................   VG-       15

13a                           5 mk  1948     "M"(TDLR)..................................   F           20

13a                           5 mk  1948     "N"(TDLR)...................................   VF      150

13i.                           5 mk  1948     ......................................... VF 50,  UN      400

14                           50 mk  1948     .....................................................   F         100

16                           10 mk  1949     ......................................... VF 25,  XF+      80

17                           20 mk  1949     ........................................... F+40,  XF+    150

18                             5 mk  1960     girl by Durer/................... AU 20,  UN        40

19.                          10 mk  1960     man by Durer/ship.....................   UN        90

20.                          20 mk  1960     woman by Durer/........... XF 30,  UN      120

21                           50 mk  1960     man by Beham/gate..................   F+         60

25.     unis                 5 pf  (196-)    unissued.....................................   UN      200

26      unis               10 pf  (196-)    unissued.....................................   UN        12

28.     unis                1 mk  (196-)    unissued.....................................   UN      250

29      unis                2 mk  (196-)    unissued.....................................   UN        50

29A.  unis                5 mk  1963     unissued.....................................   UN      900

30a.                          5 mk  1970     girl by Durer/oak........................   UN        80

30b                           5 mk  1980     girl by Durer/oak........................   UN        20

31a                         10 mk  1970     man by Durer/ship......... XF 12,  UN        50

31b.                        10 mk  1977     man by Durer/ship.....................   UN        70

31d                         10 mk  1980     man by Durer/ship......... AU 20,  UN        30

33a                         50 mk  1970     man by Beham/gate..................   VF+      60

33b                         50 mk  1977     man by Beham/gate..................   XF+    100

34d                       100 mk  1980     Munster/eagle............................   XF+    200

37                             5 mk  1991     Arnim/Brandenburg Gate.........   UN        20

38c.                        10 mk  1993     Gauss/sextant............................   UN        30

39a.                        20 mk  1991     .....................................................   UN        65

45.                          50 mk  1996     Neumann/architecture..............   UN      150

46.                        100 mk  1996     Schumann/piano.......................   UN      250

  Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(P33)                 50 mk  ND        BoC training money... lot#1297  AU        10

NL(P34)              100 mk  ND        BoC training money... lot#1299  AU        10

NL(P44)           1,000 mk  ND        BoC training money... lot#1300  AU        10

   Promotional Notes -De La Rue Garny, Germany

prom                             10  (1985)   testschein, violet......... lot#1443  AU        10

prom                             20  (1985)   testschein, green........ lot#1444  AU        10

prom                             50  (1985)   testschein, brown....... lot#1445  AU        10

prom                          100  (1985)   testschein, blue.......... lot#1446  AU        10

prom spec                 200  (1985)   testschein, red............ lot#1447  AU        12

                                            -Giesecke and Devrient, Munich, Germany

prom                   10 ECU  1992     EXPO Seville.............. lot#1458  UN          8

prom                        2000  ND        man/printing................ lot#1459  UN        50

                                            -NGZ, neuss, Germany

prom  10,20,50,100,200  ND        euro.............................. lot#1481  UN        12

                                            -Siemens Nixdorf, Germany

prom       5,10,20,50,100  ND        euro.............................. lot#1486  UN        12


PICK#                                 *****GERMAY DEMOCRATIC REP.***3c*

   Republic 1948-1990 (united with German Federal Republic in 1990)

1.                              1 mk  1937     stamp"1948"...............................   UN        30

2                               2 mk  1937     stamp"1948"...............................   UN        40

3                               5 mk  1942     stamp"1948"...............................   UN        45

4a.                          10 mk  1929     stamp"1948"; wmk head...........   UN        90

4b                           10 mk  1929     stamp"1948"...............................   UN        70

5a                           20 mk  1929     stamp"1948"; wmk head...........   XF         70

5A                           20 mk  1939     stamp"1948"...............................   UN      200

6a                           50 mk  1933     stamp"1948"; wmk head...........   VF+      60

6b                           50 mk  1933     stamp"1948"...............................   UN      120

7a.                        100 mk  1935     "1948"; wmk head.....................   UN      200

8b                             50 pf  1948     #7-digit........................................   UN        30

9b.                            1 mk  1948     #7-digit........................................   UN        30

10b                           2 mk  1948     #7-digit........................................   UN        20

11b                           5 mk  1948     #7-digit........................................   UN        30

12b                         10 mk  1948     #7-digit........................................   UN        25

13b                         20 mk  1948     #7-digit........................................   UN        25

14b                         50 mk  1948     #7-digit............................... VF 4,  UN        20

15                         100 mk  1948     .....................................................   UN        30

16.                    1,000 mk  1948     .....................................................   UN      300

NL(Ro348)            10 mk  1954     druckplate #54...........................   UN        50

17                             5 mk  1955     ............................................ XF 7,  UN        30

18                           10 mk  1955     .....................................................   UN        30

19                           20 mk  1955     .....................................................   UN        30

20                           50 mk  1955     .....................................................   UN        30

20      repl              50 mk  1955     replacement "YA"......................   UN        60

21                         100 mk  1955     .....................................................   UN        70

21      repl            100 mk  1955     replacement "YA"......................   UN        90

22                             5 mk  1964     Humboldt/university...................   UN        30

23                           10 mk  1964     Schiller/Jena...............................   UN        50

24.                          20 mk  1964     Goethe/Weimar.........................   UN        80

25.                          50 mk  1964     Engels/harvester........................   UN      120

26.                        100 mk  1964     Marx/Brandenburg....................   UN      100

27a                           5 mk  1975     Muntzer/harvest.........................   UN        15

27b.                          5 mk  1975     Muntzer/harvest.........................   UN        15

28b                         10 mk  1971     Zetkin/radio station....................   UN        20

29b                         20 mk  1975     Goethe/school............................   UN        20

30b                         50 mk  1971     Engels/refinery...........................   UN        20

31a                       100 mk  1971     Marx/Berlin.................................   UN        40

32      unis           200 mk  1985     family/school..............................   AU        35

33      unis           500 mk  1985     arms/building.................. AU 35,  UN        50

CS1.  unis             20 mk  1989     Brandenburg Gate.....................   UN   1000

NL  private          300 mk  ND        Honecker/car Trabant...............   UN        25


PICK#                                 *****GHANA****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1958; British West Africa)

1a                         10 shill  1958     bank/...........................................   XF         60

1d                         10 shill  1963     bank/...........................................   UN      160

2a                       1 pound  1958     bank/................... VF 20, AU 80UN      160

2b                       1 pound  1959     bank/coconuts............................   F+         15

2c                       1 pound  1961     bank/coconuts............................   F           10

2d.                      1 pound  1962     bank/coconuts............................   UN        90

3d                       5 pound  1962     bank/ships..................................   UN      260

4                 1,000 pound  1958     bank/................................ foxing  AU      750

5                              1 ced  (1965)   Nkrumah/bank.............. AU+45,  UN        60

6                              5 ced  (1965)   Nkrumah/parliament..................   UN        80

7                            10 ced  (1965)   Nkrumah/arch............................   UN      140

8                            50 ced  (1965)   Nkrumah/coast............ AU 130UN      260

9                          100 ced  (1965)   Nkrumah/hospital......................   UN      380

9A.             1,000 pound  (1965)   /bank...........................................   UN   1800

10a                          1 ced  1967     cacao...........................................   UN        30

10b.                         1 ced  1969     cacao...........................................   UN        35

10d                          1 ced  1971     cacao...........................................   UN        25

11b                          5 ced  1969     carving........................................   UN      140

12b                        10 ced  1969     native art.....................................   UN      160

13a                          1 ced  1973     girl/cacao....................................   UN        25

13c1                        1 ced  1976     girl/cacao............. font san serif  UN        18

13c2                        1 ced  1976     girl/cacao..................... font serif  UN        18

13d                          1 ced  1978     01.02; girl/cacao........................   UN        12

14a.     sig A           2 ced  1972     man/harvest...............................   UN        65

14b.     sig N          2 ced  1972     man/harvest...............................   UN        45

14c                          2 ced  1977     man/harvest..................... XF+6,  UN        14

14(d)                       2 ced  1978     man/harvest...............................   UN        14

15(d)    sig 6           5 ced  1977     01.02; woman/huts....................   UN        15

15(e)    sig 7           5 ced  1977     07.04; woman/huts...... AU+12,  UN        15

16c.                       10 ced  1975     man/dam.....................................   UN        30

16e                        10 ced  1977     man/dam.....................................   UN        15

16f                         10 ced  1978     man/dam.....................................   UN        14

17a                          1 ced  1979     man/man weaving.....................   UN        12

17b                          1 ced  1982     man/man weaving.....................   UN        10

18a                          2 ced  1979     student/farming..........................   UN        15

18c.                         2 ced  1980     07.02; student/farming..............   UN        20

18d                          2 ced  1982     student/farming..........................   UN        14

19a                          5 ced  1979     man/logging................................   F             4

19b1.                      5 ced  1980     01.02; man/logging....................   UN        24

19c                          5 ced  1982     man/logging................................   UN        18

20b                        10 ced  1980     01.02; woman/fishing................   UN        40

20c                        10 ced  1980     07.02; woman/fishing................   UN        35

20d.                      10 ced  1982     woman/fishing............................   UN        45

21a                        20 ced  1979     miner/..........................................   F             6

21b                        20 ced  1980     miner/..........................................   UN        60

21c                        20 ced  1982     miner/..........................................   UN        50

22a                        50 ced  1979     man/splitting cocoa...................   UN        20

22b                        50 ced  1980     man/splitting cocoa......... XF+8,  UN        20

23                          10 ced  1984     workers/......................................   UN        15

24(a)                     20 ced  1984     Queen mother............................   UN        30

24(b)                     20 ced  1986     Queen mother............................   UN        30

25(b)                     50 ced  1984     man/farming...............................   UN        35

25(c).                    50 ced  1986     man/farming...............................   UN        35

26(b)                   100 ced  1984     woman/loading truck.................   UN        45

26(c)                   100 ced  1986     woman/loading truck.................   UN        45

26(d).                  100 ced  1990     woman/loading truck.................   UN        40

27(c).                  200 ced  1986     old man/school...........................   UN        34

27(e).                  200 ced  1990     old man/school...........................   UN        32

27(h)                   200 ced  1993     old man/school...........................   UN        30

28(b).                  500 ced  1989     /cocoa, miner.............................   UN        25

28(c).                  500 ced  1990     /cocoa, miner.............................   UN        25

28(d)                   500 ced  1991     /cocoa, miner.............................   UN        22

28(g)                   500 ced  1994     /cocoa, miner.............................   UN        22

29(a).              1,000 ced  1991     crystals/cutting cocoa................   UN        40

29(d)               1,000 ced  1995     crystals/cutting cocoa................   UN        30

29(e)               1,000 ced  1996     crystals/cutting cocoa................   UN        30

30b                  2,000 ced  1995     bridge/fishing..............................   UN        35

31a.                 5,000 ced  1994     arms/port....................................   UN        80

31c                  5,000 ced  1996     arms/port....................................   UN        50

32a                  1,000 ced  1996     crystals/cutting cocoa................   UN        10

32c                  1,000 ced  1998     crystals/cutting cocoa................   UN          8

32d.                 1,000 ced  1999     crystals/cutting cocoa................   UN          8

33a                  2,000 ced  1996     bridge/fishing..............................   UN        12

33b.                 2,000 ced  1997     bridge/fishing..............................   UN        12

33c                  2,000 ced  1998     bridge/fishing..............................   UN        10

33d                  2,000 ced  1999     bridge/fishing..............................   UN          7

33g.                 2,000 ced  2002     bridge/fishing..............................   UN          7

33h.                 2,000 ced  2003     bridge/fishing..............................   UN          7

33i                   2,000 ced  2006     bridge/fishing..............................   UN          7

34a                  5,000 ced  1996     arms/port....................................   UN        15

34d.                 5,000 ced  1999     arms/port....................................   UN        14

34d     error    5,000 ced  1999     no engraved print on back........   AU      200

34h.                 5,000 ced  2002     arms/port....................................   UN        12

34i                   5,000 ced  2003     arms/port....................................   UN        12

35b                10,000 ced  2003     leaders/monument....................   UN        25

36a.               20,000 ced  2002     Amu/............................................   UN        60

36b.               20,000 ced  2003     Amu/............................................   UN        55

37c.                         1 ced  2010     leaders/dam, wmk "1"...............   UN          6

37f                           1 ced  2015     leaders/dam...............................   UN          4

38b.                         5 ced  2010     leaders/monument....................   UN        12

38f                           5 ced  2015     leaders/monument....................   UN          5

39a.                      10 ced  2007     leaders/bank...............................   UN        16

39f                         10 ced  2015     leaders/bank...............................   UN        10

40f                         20 ced  2015     leaders/building..........................   UN        25

42c                        50 ced  2015     leaders/castle.............................   UN        45

43     comm            5 ced  2017     "Central Bank 1957-2017"........   UN        10

   Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1  spec          1,2,5,10  cedis     1976/7 ................ set of 4 notes  UN        80

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

note                         1 ced  1976     bearer premium bond...............   UN      100


PICK#                                 *****GIBRALTAR****3*

   British Dependent Territory

12                           1 pou  1927     Rock............................................   VG      200

14                           10 shi  1937     Rock............................................   VG        80

14                           10 shi  1942     Rock............................................   F+         80

14                           10 shi  1954     Rock; no thread.........................   F           50

14                           10 shi  1954     Rock; thread........................ pen  F+         75

14                           10 shi  1958     Rock; @WS................................   F-          50

15                           1 pou  1938     Rock............................................   VG        80

15                           1 pou  1942     Rock................. VG 40, VF 160VF+    240

15                           1 pou  1954     Rock.................. missing corner  G+        30

17                           10 shi  1958     Rock; @TDLR............... VG-20,  VF-     100

17                           10 shi  1965     Rock............................................   VF      120

18                           1 pou  1965     Rock................................ VG 20,  F+         60

18.                          1 pou  1971     Rock...................... F 30, VF 60,  UN      480

20a                         1 pou  1975     QEII/building...............................   UN        60

20b                         1 pou  1979     QEII/building...............................   UN        60

20c.                        1 pou  1983     QEII/building.......... VG 4, VF 8,  AU+      45

20d                         1 pou  1986     QEII/building...............................   UN        60

20e                         1 pou  1988     QEII/building...............................   UN        20

21b                         5 pou  1988     QEII/building...............................   UN        80

22a                       10 pou  1975     QEII/building...............................   UN      360

22b                       10 pou  1986     QEII/building...............................   UN      120

24                         50 pou  1986     QEII/Gibraltar.............................   UN      360

26                         10 pou  1995     QEII/Eliott, battle........................   UN        80

27                         20 pou  1995     QEII/Nelson, ships.....................   UN      160

29     comm           5 pou  2000     "Millennium 2000"......................   UN        40

31     comm         20 pou  2004     "Tercentenary 1704-2004".......   UN      160

32.                        10 pou  2006     /Great Siege 1779-1783...........   UN        70

35                           5 pou  2011     QEII/Moorish castle...................   UN        25

37.                        20 pou  2011     QEII/ship "Victory"1805............   UN        85

38.                        50 pou  2011     QEII/Casemates Square..........   UN      220

39.                      100 pou  2011     QEII/Kings Bastion 1773..........   UN      450

40.     comm      100 pou  2015     QEII/Hassan...............................   UN      400

   Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1          1,5,10,20 pou  1975     specimen............ set of 4 notes  UN      200


PICK#                                 *****GREAT BRITAIN***c/3*


304                         5 pou  1916     02.10; London; sig Nairne........   F         900

335      coun          5 pou  1935     11.19; German counterfeit.......   VF+    250

335      coun          5 pou  1936     03.13; German counterfeit.......   VF      200

335      coun          5 pou  1938     09.16; German counterfeit.......   VF      200

343                         5 pou  1947     .............................................. pen  F         150

344                         5 pou  1955     08.13...........................................   VF      200

348a                      10 shi  (1915)   sig Bradbury................. "C1/40"  VG      200

349a                       1 pou  (1914)   sig Bradbury.................... "P/77"  F-        300

350a                      10 shi  (1918)   sig Bradbury; black #..... "A/22"  VG-    160

350b                      10 shi  (1918)   sig Bradbury; red #......... "B/69"  VF-     320

357                         1 pou  (1919)   sig Fisher........................ F+150XF+    600

358                         10 shi  (1922)   sig Fisher......................... "P/12"  VF-     320

359                         1 pou  (1922)   sig Fisher....................... "L1/58"  XF+    600

360                         10 shi  (1928)   sig Fisher......................... F 160VF      320

362c                       10 shi  (1934)   brown; sig Peppiatt........ VF 60,  XF+    180

363b                       1 pou  (1929)   green; sig Catterns....................   F+         40

363c                       1 pou  (1934)   green; sig Peppiatt....................   F+         20

363h                       1 pou  (1934)   German occupation of Guernsey ovpt

 "withdrawn from circulation September 18 1941"........... VG-120F         300

363x    leaflet         1 pou  (1942)   German propaganda leaflet "Allah wills

                                            the collapse of Britain.."........... lot#1147  VG-       70

366                         10 shi  (1940)   violet; sig Peppiatt............. G+5,  VF         40

367                         1 pou  (1940)   blue; sig Peppiatt.......... VF+30,  UN      160

368a                      10 shi  (1948)   brown; sig Peppiatt....................   F           25

368b                      10 shi  (1950)   brown; sig Beale........................   VF         20

368c.                     10 shi  (1955)   brown; sig O'Brien......... VF 12,  UN      100

369a                       1 pou  (1948)   green; sig Peppiatt....... VF+30,  AU        80

369b.                      1 pou  (1950)   green; sig Beale............ XF+18,  AU        25

369c                       1 pou  (1955)   green; sig O'Brien............ VF 5,  UN        40

369c    cons     8x 1 pou  (1955)   consecutive #495764-71..........   AU      160

371      "A-E"         5 pou  (1957)   Britannia/lion..............................   VF         40

372.     "H-K"         5 pou  (1961)   Britannia /lion........ F 20, VF 40,  UN      320

373a.                     10 shi  (1966)   QEII/coin; sig O'Brien................   AU+      18

373b                      10 shi  (1966)   QEII/coin; sig Hollom... XF+12,  UN        32

373c.                     10 shi  (1966)   QEII/coin; sig Fforde.... XF+12,  UN        32

374a.                      1 pou  (1960)   QEII/coin; sig O'Brien..... VF+6,  AU        16

374c                       1 pou  (1962)   QEII/coin; sig Hollom....... XF 8,  UN        24

374e                       1 pou  (1966)   QEII/coin; sig Fforde.................   VF+         4

374g                       1 pou  (1970)   QEII/coin; sig Page...................   XF+         8

375a                       5 pou  (1962)   QEII/lion; sig Hollom..... XF+60,  UN      160

376a                     10 pou  (1964)   QEII/lion; sig Hollom..................   UN      200

376b.                    10 pou  (1966)   QEII/lion; sig Fforde...... AU 90,  UN      180

376c.                    10 pou  (1970)   QEII/lion; sig Page........ VF+40,  AU+    150

377a                       1 pou  (1978)   QEII/Newton; sig Page... XF+6,  UN        16

377b                       1 pou  (1981)   /Newton; sig Somerset.... AU 8,  UN        16

378b.   "L"              5 pou  (1973)   /Wellington; sig Page... VF+18,  UN      100

378c    "L"              5 pou  (1982)   /Wellington; Somerset... VF 12,  UN      100

378f.    "L"              5 pou  (1988)   /Wellington; sig Gill....................   UN        90

379a.   sig P        10 pou  (1975)   /Nightingale; sig Page...............   AU+    120

379c    "L"            10 pou  (1984)   /Nightingale; Somerset.............   UN      140

379e.   "L"            10 pou  (1988)   /Nightingale; sig Gill..................   UN      140

380c.                    20 pou  (1981)   /Shakespeare; sig Somerset....   UN      400

380d                     20 pou  (1984)   /Shakespeare; sig Somerset....   UN      300

381a.                    50 pou  (1981)   /Wren; sig Somerset.................   UN      700

382a.                      5 pou  1990     /Stephenson; sig Gill.................   UN        80

382b                       5 pou  1990     /Stephenson; sig Kentfield.......   UN        64

386a                     10 pou  1993     /Dickens; sig Kentfield..............   UN        96

388b.                    50 pou  1994     /Houblon; sig Lowther...............   UN      600

389b                     10 pou  2000     /Darwin; sig Lowther.................   UN        40

389c                     10 pou  (2004)   /Darwin; sig Bailey.....................   UN        35

389d                     10 pou  (2012)   /Darwin; sig Salmon..................   UN        32

389e                     10 pou  (2015)   /Darwin; sig Cleland..................   UN        32

390a                     20 pou  1999     /Elgar; sig Lowther.....................   UN        80

390b.                    20 pou  (2004)   /Elgar; sig Bailey........................   UN        80

391a    "HAO"       5 pou  2002     sig Lowther; withdrawn............   UN        60

391b                       5 pou  2002     /E Fry; sig Lowther....................   UN        30

391c                       5 pou  (2004)   /E Fry; sig Bailey........................   UN        24

391d                       5 pou  (2011)   /E Fry; sig Salmon.....................   UN        16

392a                     20 pou  2006     /Smith; sig Bailey.......................   UN        75

392b.                    20 pou  (2012)   /Smith; sig Salmon....................   UN        70

392c.                    20 pou  (2015)   /Smith; sig Cleland....................   UN        70

393b                     50 pou  (2012)   /Boulton, Watt; sig Salmon.......   UN      240

394                         5 pou  2015     /Churchill; sig Cleland...............   UN        12


    -British Military Authority -notes issued for use in different counties:

    "A-F" -Libya;  "K" -Libya, Algeria, Tunisia;  "L" -Libya;  "P" -Albania

    "R" -Greece;  "S" -Sicily, Italy;  "T" -Tripolitania;  "X" -Yugoslavia

M1                          6 pen  (1943)   .....................................................   VF+      60

M2.      "A-F"           1 shi  (1943)   "A-F" for Libya................ VF 20,  UN      160

M2.      "K"               1 shi  (1943)   "K" Algeria, Morocco........ F 10,  AU+    120

M2       "S"               1 shi  (1943)   "S" for Sicily, Italy.......................   F           10

M3       "A-F"        2/6 shi  (1943)   "A-F" for Libya.................. VG 8,  F           16

M3       "K"            2/6 shi  (1943)   "K" Algeria, Morocco....... VG 8,  F+         24

M3       "L"            2/6 shi  (1943)   "L" for Libya................................   VF-       40

M3      "R"             2/6 shi  (1943)   "R" for Greece............................   VF-       40

M3.     "S"             2/6 shi  (1943)   "S" for Sicily, Italy............ F+24,  AU+    200

M4      "A-F"            5 shi  (1943)   "A-F" for Libya................... F 20,  VF+      60

M4      "K"                5 shi  (1943)   "K" Algeria, Morocco..... VF 40,  XF         80

M4      "R"                5 shi  (1943)   "R" for Greece............................   F           30

M4      "S"                5 shi  (1943)   "S" for Sicily, Italy.......................   F+         30

M5      "A-F"          10 shi  (1943)   "A-F" for Libya................... F 30,  VF         60

M5      "K"              10 shi  (1943)   "K" Algeria, Morocco.................   F           30

M5      "S"              10 shi  (1943)   "S" for Sicily, Italy.......... VG 15,  VF         60

M6      "A-F"           1 pou  (1943)   "A-F" for Libya................... F 60,  VF      120

M6      "R"              1 pou  (1943)   "R" for Greece............................   F         100

M6      "S"              1 pou  (1943)   "S" for Sicily, Italy.......................   F         100

     - British Armed Forces;            -used in Austria +Germany 

M9                          3 pen  (1946)   lilac................................... VF 30,  XF         60

M9       error          3 pen  (1946)   missing pink underprint.............   F+       200

M11                          1 shi  (1946)   blue................................. VF+50,  XF+    100

M12                      2/6 shi  (1946)   red...................................... F 20,  VF-       40

M14                       10 shi  (1946)   purple..........................................   VF-       80

M15                        1 pou  (1946)   blue..............................................   F           60

M16a                      3 pen  (1948)   2 series, thread................... F 4,  F+           8

M17a.                     6 pen  (1948)   2 series, thread.............. AU 30,  UN        60

M18a                       1 shi  (1948)   2 series, thread................... F 6,  UN        80

M19a.                   2/6 shi  (1948)   2 series, thread................... F 4,  UN        80

M19b.                   2/6 shi  (1961)   2 series; wmk....................... F4,  UN        80

M20a                       5 shi  (1948)   2 series; thread..........................   UN        80

M20d   canc            5 shi  (1959)   2 series; wmk, cancelled..........   UN          5

M21a.                    10 shi  (1948)   2 series, thread..........................   UN        80

M22                        1 pou  (1950)   2 series.......................................   UN          4

M22     ovpt           1 pou  (1950)   stamp "Jun 20,1957". lot#1040  F+           5

M23                        5 pou  (1958)   2 series.......................................   UN          5

M26b   canc            1 shi  (1956)   3 series.......................................   UN          9

M28b   canc          10 shi  (1956)   3 series.......................................   UN          5

M29                        1 pou  (1956)   3 series.......................................   UN-         4

M32b   canc            1 shi  (1962)   4 series.......................................   UN          4

M35b.  canc          10 shi  (1962)   4 series.......................................   UN        15

M36                        1 pou  (1962)   4 series.......................................   UN          4

M45.                     10 pen  (1972)   6 series, @DLR.........................   UN        15

M46                      50 pen  (1972)   6 series, @DLR.........................   UN        15

M47                        5 pen  (1972)   6 series, @BW...........................   UN          4

M48                      10 pen  (1972)   6 series, @BW...........................   UN          4

M49                      50 pen  (1972)   6 series, @BW...........................   UN          4

   for France                       NAFI (Navy, Army, Air Force Institute)

NL token               1/2 fra  (1944)   printed on brown plastic............   XF-       40

    Prisoners of War Camps; "654 G PWW Coy-Pioneer Corps"

C-5015b                 3 pen  1945-6  654 G PWW Coy.......................   VG+   120

    Prisoners of War Camps; "560 P/W Works Coy-Pioneer Corps"

C-5016a                 6 pen  1944     02.08;560 P/W Works Coy.......   F         120

C-5017a                  1 shi  1944     02.08;560 P/W Works Coy.......   F         150

    Prisoners of War Camps; 684 "Mitcham Park/ Burnh v Bucks"

C-5015b                 3 pen  1944     04.28; Mitcham Park/ Burnh....   VF      200

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

notes ref; "Provincial banknotes England, Wales " R Outing

                                            -Banbury Old Bank

RO-71                    5 pou  1827     Tim. Cobb, Rh. Cobbs..... canc  VF      300

                                            -Berwick Bank

RO-124            1 guinea  180-      .....................................................   VG-    200

                                            -Berwick, Tweed Bank

RO-127                  5 pou  1840     Batson Berry and Landhorn.....   VG      120

                                            -Christchurch and Wimborne Bank

RO-556a                1 pou  1825     Dean, Capcott, Quartley.. canc  VF      150

                                            -Christchurch, Wimborne and Ringwood Bank

RO-556b                1 pou  1825     Dean, Capcott, Quartley.. canc  F         250

                                            -Colonial Bank

proof   1+2+3 exchange  18--       proof of 1+2+3 exchange.........   F         200

                                            -Devonshire Bank, Okehampton

RO-1633                1 pou  1818     Cann, Williams, Searle.............   VG      120

                                            -Darlington Bank

RO-629                  5 pou  1882-9  Jonathan Backhouse........ canc  F           50

                                            -Durham Bank

RO-722                  5 pou  1891     Jonathan Backhouse................   VF         60

                                            -Gloucester City Old Bank

RO-819                  5 pou  1826     James Wood..................... canc  VG      200

                                            -Gloucestershire Banking Co Ltd, Cirencester

RO-493                  5 pou  1882     Sam Bowly......................... canc  F         400

                                            -Howard, Grand and Co, London

NL                  10 pounds  1843     Worldwide Travellers Note.......   AU      150

                                            -Lynn Regis and Norfolk Bank, Lynn

RO-738                  5 pou  1886     Lynn and Norfolk Bank.............   F         120

                                            -Huddersfield Commercial Bank

RO-1002          1 guinea  1800     Silvester Sikes...........................   F         400

                                            -Newark Bank

RO-1488                5 pou  1806     Pocklington, Dickinson, Hun....   F-        250

                                            -Plymouth Dock Bank, Devonshire

RO-683                  1 pou  1820     Thos Clinton................... proved  VG      100

RO-683                  5 pou  1820     Thomas Clinton..........................   VG+   150

                                            -Retford Bank

RO-1778                1 pou  1808     Pocklington, Dickinson..............   F+       200

                                            -Salisbury and Shaftesbury Bank

RO-1885a              1 pou  1809     Borvles, Ogden, Wyndham......   VG      150

RO-1885b              5 pou  1809     Borvles, Ogden, Wyndham......   G        100

                                            -"Six Poor Travellers House" Rochester

NL-chit               4 pence  1773     chit for poor Travellers..............   AU      200

                                            -Stamford Spalding and Boston Bank

RO-2036                5 pou  1904     ............................................ canc  F           50

                                            -Stockton on Tess Bank

RO-2050                5 pou  188-      Jonathan Backhouse........ canc  VG        50

                                            -Stoodley Bridge, Halifax

RO-2066                1 pou  1824     James Sutcliffe..........................   VG-    150

                                            -Stowmarket Bank

RO-2076                5 pou  1937     Oaks, Bevan, Moor, B...... canc  VG-    120

                                            -Weald of Kent Bank, Cranbrook

RO-608                  1 pou  1813     Bishop, Brenchley.....................   VG      200

                                            -Wimborne, Poole and Blandford Bank

RO-2361                1 pou  18--       steel plate reprint.......................   AU        50

   Advertising Notes          "Safety First" P.Gilling, Limehouse, London

80                   50,000 mk  1922     advertising on German P80.....   F+         20

                      100,000 mk  1923     advertising on German P83.....   F+         20

   Promotional Notes -Bank of England, Debdens

prom         Experimental  ND        paper pink................... lot#1427  AU+      30

prom         Experimental  ND        paper white................. lot#1488  AU+      40

prom         Experimental  ND        IBNS............................ lot#1489  AU+      50

                                            -Bradbury, Wilkinson and Co, UK

prom           Kg Charles I  (193-)    OBYHR 80gr...... wmk PF Paris  XF      200

prom             bank notes  (1961)   Nelson/Mercury, blue-pink.......   AU      200

prom                  No.2 red  ND        windmill........................ lot#1432  AU        40

                 surface colour  ND        woman, blue 22.........................   AU        15

                                            -De La Rue and TDLR, UK

prom                             10  197x     DACS automatic cash... #1439  AU        50

prom                  no value  ND        DeLaRue System........ lo#1434  AU          9

prom       5,10,20,50,100  200       cash system (euro).... lot#1436  AU        20

prom                  no value  ND        De La Rue Instrument.. l#1435  VF         30

prom                  no value  ND        De La Rue Instrument.. l#1437  VF         30

prom-booklet            100  (199-)    note "Thomas de la Rue".........   UN      150

prom                  no value  ND        guilloche(like IBNS)... lot#1438  UN        60

prom              housenote  1999     NSADA space station...............   UN      100

prom                 10 d-plex  ND        Babbage 1791-1871.. lot#1440  UN        50

prom                          100  ND        Jane Austin 1775-1817.............   UN      100

prom                          200  2005     Horatio Nelson 1758-1805.......   UN      100

prom                          200  2007     optiks............................. hydride  UN      150

prom                  no value  ND        engraved, front........... lot#1441  UN        30

prom                  no value  ND        DeLaRue Ins. green.. lot#1442  XF         50

prom            T de la Rue  ND        7 series, blue..............................   UN        25

prom              1 currency  ND        house note..................................   UN        25

                                            -Waterlow and Sons Ltd, London UK

prom             P Waterlow  (193-)    green; OBXNF 90gr..................   XF      200

prom                    woman  (195-)    back blank..................................   VF+    150

   Travellers Cheque      

                                            Lloyds Bank Ltd, London, UK

TC      spec          20 pou  ND        "B/V"................................. brown  VF         10

TC      spec          10 pou  ND        "24-20A".............................. blue  VF           7

TC      spec          20 pou  ND        "24-20A".......................... brown  VF           7

TC      spec          50 pou  ND        "24-20A"............................ violet  VF           7

   Checks                            -Bank of England

check                   30 pou  1868     check; cancelled......... lot#1065  VF         15

                                            -Barclays Bank, Alexandria

check                      5 pou  1940     issued in Egypt........... lot#1188  VF         20

                                            -Royal Navy, bill of exchange

bill                    cancelled  19--       Royal Navy................. lot#1189  AU        25

   Ration Coupons and Coupons

NL                    15 pence  ND        Luncheon Vouchers... lot#1090  AU          9

   Trading Cards                -British coins

NL                trading card  XIXc      British coins................ lot#1001  VF+         9

   ***Great Britain Bond and Shares Certificates***


bond   913.10.0 pounds  1837     the new 3.10% .............. bs#44  F           40

                                            "Charles Laffitte and Company"

share             20 pounds  1866     1 share, unissued........... bs#45  VF         25

                                            "Lecomte Intensified Gas Light Co", London

share               50 pound  1901     50 shares......................... bs#64  VF         20

                                            "Prince of Wales Hotel" Southport

share           107x50 pen  1971     canc.................................. bs#47  VF           8

                                            "Premium Savings Bond"

bond                  5 pound  1970     series "B"......................... bs#48  VF+      15

bond                10 pound  1970     series "B"......................... bs#49  VF+      20

bond                25 pound  1970     series "B"......................... bs#50  VF+      30

                                            "Rodez Coal Company" London

bond              20 pounds  1912     6% debentures................ bs#51  VF         25


PICK#                                 *****GREECE***4c*

6  copy            5 phoenix  1831     hand drawn copy........ lot#1350  F           15


41.                            2 dra  1885     Hermes.......................................   UN   2000

52                          25 dra  1917     09.05...........................................   P           20

54                             5 dra  1918     01.24...........................................   VF-       80

NL(55)                vignette  ABNC   engraved "Acropolis". lot#1368  UN        10

58                      5(2.5)dra  (1922)   half left P54 note........................   F           30

60c               25(12.5)dra  (1922)   half right P52 note.....................   F           40

64                             5 dra  1918     08.09; ovpt "NEON"..................   G+        20

64                             5 dra  1918     08.11; ovpt "NEON"..................   F           60

64                             5 dra  1918     08.31; ovpt "NEON"..................   F           60

64                             5 dra  1918     09.21; ovpt "NEON"..................   F           60

64                             5 dra  1918     10.20; ovpt "NEON"..................   F+         90

64                             5 dra  1918     10.29; ovpt "NEON"..................   UN      960

64                             5 dra  1918     11.01; ovpt "NEON"..................   VG+      45

65      spec            25 dra  1919     01"SPECIMEN"no"neon".........   XF+    600

66                          50 dra  1922     09.17; ovpt "NEON"..................   F+       300

67                        100 dra  1922     02.24; ovpt "NEON"..................   F         420

70                             5 dra  1923     03.24...........................................   P             5

73                             5 dra  1923     04.28...........................................   F           38

   Republic, 1924-1935

80a               50(12.5)dra  (1926)   1/4 right P66 note............. F 15,  XF+      90

81b                100(50)dra  (1926)   1/4 right P74 note......................   F           30

82a              500(250)dra  (1926)   1/4 right P68 note............. F 80,  VF      160

86                        500 dra  1923     red ovpt "NEON 1926"..............   F         250

90                          50 dra  1927     .....................................................   VG        70

94                             5 dra  1926     stamp(1928)...............................   F           70

97                          50 dra  1927     ovpt(1928)......... VG 20, VF 80,  XF      160

98                        100 dra  1927     ovpt(1928).......................... G+9,  F           24

100b                 1,000 dra  1926     ovpt(1928)..................................   F+           6

102                      500 dra  1932     Athena/carving....... F 5, XF 20,  UN        80

103.                  5,000 dra  1932     Athena/carving......... F 8, F+12,  UN      130

104                        50 dra  1935     girl/.................................. VF+15,  UN        80

105                      100 dra  1935     Hermes/......................................   F           12

106                   1,000 dra  1935     woman/............................. VG 5,  F           10


107                        50 dra  1939     Hesiod/frieze; green........... F 4,  UN        24

108.    unis         100 dra  1939     women; unissued......................   UN      160

110                   1,000 dra  1939     /Parthenon, Athena............ F 4,  UN        64

111                   1,000 dra  1939     ovpt-100 dra......... VF 6, XF 12,  UN        50

   German/Italian occupation WW2

113     canc        100 dra  1927     reissued(1941)P98....................   VG-       15

114     canc        500 dra  1932     reissued(1941)P102 .................   VG-       15

115     canc     1,000 dra  1926     reissued(1941)P100b .. VG 20,  F           40

115     canc     1,000 dra  1935     reissued(1941) ..........................   G           20

116                      100 dra  1941     /Kapnikarea church...................   UN        20

117b                 1,000 dra  1941     Alexander............... F+4, XF 10,  UN        40

118                   1,000 dra  1942     girl/statue of Lion............ VF+4,  UN        16

119a                 5,000 dra  1942     Nike/farmers; no wmk...............   XF           6

119b.               5,000 dra  1942     Nike/farmers; wmk......... XF 12,  UN        50

120a.             10,000 dra  1942     couple/............................. XF 12,  UN        45

120b.             10,000 dra  1942     couple/........................................   UN        30

121                        50 dra  1943     woman/coin................................   UN        24

122                   5,000 dra  1943     Athena/horsemen.............. F+4,  UN        20

123                 25,000 dra  1943     Deidamia/Olympia.......... XF+8,  UN        20

125a            100,000 dra  1944     coin/temple..................... AU 25,  UN        50

125b            100,000 dra  1944     coin/temple.................................   UN        50

126               500,000 dra  1944     Zeus/................................. VF+4,  UN        20

127                   1 Mio dra  1944     man/temple....................... VF+4  UN        20

128                   5 Mio dra  1944     Arethusa on coin............. VF+4,  UN        16

129b               10 Mio dra  1944     10/..................................... VF+4,  UN        24

130                 25 Mio dra  1944     coins.................................. VF 4,  UN        24

131               200 Mio dra  1944     Parthenon frieze............... XF 6,  UN        16

132               500 Mio dra  1944     Apollo/horsemen............. VF+4,  XF+         8

133           2,000 Mio dra  1944     Parthenon frieze............. VF+4,  UN        16

134         10,000 Mio dra  1944     Arethusa on coin............. VF+4,  UN        20

135.      100,000 Mio dra  1944     Deidamia/coins.............. XF 10,  UN        40

151         50,000,000 dra  1944     Cephalonia, Ithaka....................   AU+    600

152       100,000,000 dra  1944     Cephalonia, Ithaka....................   XF      250

156       100,000,000 dra  1944     stamp Kerkyra (Corfu)..............   F           40

164.      100,000,000 dra  1944     Patras..........................................   AU+    400

165       500,000,000 dra  1944     Patras..........................................   VF+      90


168                        50 dra  1941     Hesiod/frieze; red............. XF 8,  UN        30

168                        50 dra  1941     washed; !color light brown!.......   VF         30

170.                     100 dra  (1945)   Canaris/................... F 5, XF 20,  UN        80

171.                     500 dra  (1945)   Capodistrias/......... F 7, VF+20,  UN      110

172.                  1,000 dra  (1944)   Kolokotronis..................... VG 5,  UN      160

174                 10,000 dra  (1945)   Aristotle.......................... orange  F+       180

175                 10,000 dra  (1945)   Aristotle............................... blue  F+       240

176                 20,000 dra  (1946)   Athena/Medusa.........................   F+       180

177                   5,000 dra  (1947)   mother +kids..............................   F-          40

179a              20,000 dra  (1947)   Athena/Medusa.........................   F+         90

179b              20,000 dra  (1947)   Athena/Medusa.........................   VF      120

180b                 1,000 dra  1947     11.14; Kolokotronis............. F 8,  XF         32

181                   5,000 dra  1947     mother +kids..............................   VF+    120

182a              10,000 dra  1947     Aristotle........................... VG 15,  F           30

182c               10,000 dra  1947     Aristotle........................... VG 20,  F           40

183                 20,000 dra  1949     Athena/Medusa............. VG 30,  F+         90

184.                  5,000 dra  1950     Solomos/battle............. VF 100UN      800

185.               50,000 dra  1950     woman/temple VF 60, AU+360UN      480

NL.                           1 dra  (1953)   TDLR design specimen............   UN   7000

NL.                         10 dra  (1953)   TDLR design specimen............   UN   7000

NL.                         50 dra  (1953)   TDLR design specimen............   UN   7000

187                        20 dra  1954     Athena/Medusa.........................   F+       250

188.                       50 dra  1954     woman/temple ruins...... VG 25,  UN      700

189b                      10 dra  1955     King George....... F+40, VF+80,  UN      440

190.                       20 dra  1955     Demokritos/....... VG 15, VF 55,  UN      440

191                        50 dra  1955     Pericles................. VG 10, F 20,  VF+      60

192b.                   100 dra  1955     Themistocles/navy........ VF+24,  UN      120

193                      500 dra  1955     Socrates/........................... F 40,  VF         80

194.                  1,000 dra  1956     Alexander/battle................ F 20,  UN      320

195                        50 dra  1964     Arethusa/shipyard............ XF 5,  UN        20

196b                    100 dra  1967     Demokritos/university...... VF 4,  UN        24

197.                     500 dra  1968     relief Elusis/.................... XF 12,  UN        50

198b                 1,000 dra  1970     Zeus/women, Hydra........... F 5,  UN        80


199                        50 dra  1978     Poseidon/ship.................. VF+4,  UN          8

200a                    100 dra  1978     Athena/Koraes...........................   UN          6

200b                    100 dra  1978     Athena/Koraes "A".....................   UN          4

201                      500 dra  1983     Capodistrias/view............. VF 4,  UN          8

202                   1,000 dra  1987     Apollo/Hera temple.......... VF 4,  UN        12

203                   5,000 dra  1984     Kolokotronis/Karytaina..............   UN        60

204                      200 dra  1996     Velestinlis/school.......................   UN          6

205                   5,000 dra  1997     /Karytaina............................. F 4,  UN        50

206.               10,000 dra  1995     /Asklepios......................... F+10,  UN      100

   Ministry of Finance

303a                      50 lep  (1917)   Athena/coin................................   F           15

303b                      50 lep  (1917)   Athena/coin...................... VG 5,  F           10

304b                        1 dra  1917     Hermes.......................................   VG          8

306                           2 dra  1917     Hermes.......................................   F           24

308                           1 dra  1917     Homer.........................................   VG          4

310                           2 dra  1917     Zeus............................................   F           20

311                           2 dra  1917     Orpheus......................................   F           26

314                        10 dra  1940     Demeter/university........... AU 6,  UN        12

315                        20 dra  1940     Poseidon/Parthenon........ VF 4,  UN        16

316.                       50 lep  1941     Nike/church....................... XF 6,  UN        24

317                           1 dra  1941     Aristotle/coin..................... XF 4,  UN        12

318                           2 dra  1941     Alexander/coin................ VF+4,  UN        12

319                           5 dra  1941     women Knossos............... XF 4,  UN        12

320                           1 dra  1944     /Phoenix............................ XF 4,  UN        10

321                           5 dra  1944     .....................................................   UN        16

322                        10 dra  1944     workers/church..........................   UN        24

323                        20 dra  1944     Zeus................................... VF 4,  UN        32

324a                    100 dra  1950     Constantine/church.......... XF 8,  UN        32

324b                    100 dra  1953     Constantine/church...................   UN        40

325a.                   500 dra  1950     coin/church................ F 4, VF 5,  UN        36

325b.                   500 dra  1953     coin/church.................................   UN        50

326a                 1,000 dra  1950     coin/lion............................. VF 9,  UN        70

326b                 1,000 dra  1953     coin/lion.......................... VF+17,  UN        90

   Italian occupation WW2

M1                            5 dra  (1941)   Italian occupation........... VF 40,  AU      160

M2.                        10 dra  (1941)   Italian occupation.............. G+8,  UN      320

M3                         50 dra  (1941)   Italian occupation.......................   F           25

M4.                      100 dra  (1941)   Italian occupation......... VG+20,  UN      400

M8                  10,000 dra  (1941)   Italian occupation.......................   G           50

   Italian occupation WW2 -Ionian Islands

M11                         1 dra  (1941)   Ionian..........................................   VF+      30

M12.                        5 dra  (1941)   Ionian................................ VG 8,  UN      240

M14.                      50 dra  (1941)   Ionian..........................................   XF+    120

M15.                    100 dra  (1941)   Ionian.................. F 16, AU 130UN      260

M16                     500 dra  (1941)   Ionian..........................................   F           50

M18.                 5,000 dra  (1941)   Ionian..........................................   AU      500

   German occupation WW2, Salonika: -German Army "Wehrmacht"

M20                         5 pfe  (1944)   Salonika "Wehrmacht" stamp..   XF      120

M21                       10 pfe  (1944)   Salonika "Wehrmacht" stamp..   VF+    100


NL                  50,100 dra  (194-)    old book copies.......... lot#1088  XF           6

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s153                      25 dra  1915     Bank of Crete.............................   VG      200

s161r                       5 oka  1944     Civ. Committee Liberation........   XF      200

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Pylenkovo(Russia) Greek Educational Society

NL                            1 rub  1917     Greek Educ Soc. ... in Russian  AU      400

                                            -Zagora, Copartnership

NL                        100 dra  1945     07.01; Zagora.............................   UN      200

NL.                      500 dra  1945     07.01; Zagora................ XF+80,  UN      200

NL.                   1,000 dra  1945     07.01; Zagora.............................   UN      200

NL                  10,000 dra  1945     07.01; Zagora; red ovpt............   UN      400

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

bond          0.5.11 pound  1933     5% Loan 1914, coupon.. bs#65  XF         30


PICK#                                 *****GREENLAND***3c*

   Danish Dependent Territory, autonomous state from 1979

A5                             6 ski  1804     .....................................................   VF    3000

A39c                      25 ore  1875     sig Stephensen-Petersen.........   G        700

1a                          50 ore  1888     .................................... "PMG 25"  VF    2500

4b      sig R-B       25 ore  (1905)   sig Ryberg-Bergh......................   F+       200

11c.   sig J-R        25 ore  (1913)   duck.............................. VF+150UN      800

12c    sig J-M        50 ore  (1913)   seal..............................................   VF+    600

13r     rema             1 kro  (1913)   reindeer, unissued.....................   VF+    350

15d    sig O-S         5 kro  (1926)   polar bear...................................   VF+    600

15d    sig O-S         5 kro  (1926)   polar bear......... missing corner  G        100

16A    sig B-P       10 kro  (1945)   whale..................... VG 130; tear  VF-     400

18                             5 kro  (1953)   polar bear..... AU(washed)500AU+    800

21       sig C-I      100 kro  1953     Rasmussen/map........... F+400XF+  1200


M7                          20 ski  (1941)   trade certificate................. F 80VF      160

M8                            1 ski  (1942)   trade certificate..........................   UN        90

M9                            5 ski  (1942)   trade certificate..........................   UN        90

M10                        20 ski  (1942)   trade certificate..........................   UN        90


PICK#                                 *****GUADELOUPE***3n+*

   French Dependent Territory

7c1                            5 fra  1901     sig Marconnet (1934)................   VF      120

7c2                            5 fra  1901     sig Marconnet (1943).... VG 22,  AU+    550

7d                              5 fra  1901     sig Devienau (1944)..................   VF         80

7e                              5 fra  1901     sig Boudin (1945)......................   G           25

14(a)                       25 fra  (1934)   sig Marconnet (1934)................   G        100

27                           10 fra  1944     .......................... VG 30, VF 120VF+    180

28                           20 fra  1944     ................................. G 15, F 70,  F+       120

31.                             5 fra  (1947)   Bougainville.......... F-15, VF 32,  UN      260

32                           10 fra  (1947)   Colbert........................................   VF         70

33                           20 fra  (1947)   Gentil...........................................   VF-       80

35                         100 fra  (1947)   .....................................................   VG        50

37                      1,000 fra  (1947)   ........... VG 120, missing border  F         200


PICK#                                 *****GUATEMALA***3*


A4                            1 pes  (1882)   .....................................................   VF+  1500

13a                    0.50 que  1933     01.26...........................................   VF-     200

13a                    0.50 que  1938     12.02............................. VF-150VF      200

13a                    0.50 que  1941     02.19...........................................   G-         20

14a                         1 que  1938     09.26...........................................   VG        80

14a                         1 que  1942     09.19.............................. VG 60,  VF      240

14a                         1 que  1942     09.19................................... pen  VF      180

14b                         1 que  1945     10.31.................................... pen  VF      200

19a                    0.50 que  1946     provisional ovpt..........................   VF      150

20                           1 que  1946     provisional ovpt..........................   VF      220

23                      0.50 que  1949     08.03; church.................... F 25,  VF+      80

23                      0.50 que  1952     12.29; church.............................   F           25

24                           1 que  1948     09.15; palace.............................   F+         35

24                           1 que  1948     11.26; palace................. VG 12,  VF         50

24                           1 que  1952     05.21; palace.............................   XF      100

24                           1 que  1955     01.05; palace.............................   VF         50

27s      spec        20 que  (1948)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      400

28                       100 que  1948     Indio de Nahuala.......................   VF+  1100

29                      0.50 que  1955     01.05; church.............................   VF+      60

30                           1 que  1957     01.16; palace................... F+30,  VF         40

36b                         1 que  1958     01.22; palace.............................   VF+      60

41a.                   0.50 que  1959     02.18; church.............................   UN      120

41b.                   0.50 que  1960     01.13; church.............................   UN      120

41c.                   0.50 que  1961     01.18; church.............................   UN      120

43a.                        1 que  1959     02.18; palace.............................   UN      120

43b.                        1 que  1960     01.13; palace.............................   UN      120

43c.                        1 que  1961     01.18; palace.............................   AU+      90

43f.                         1 que  1964     01.08; palace.............................   UN      120

45d                         5 que  1962     01.12; old vase..........................   VF         50

50b                     100 que  1961     01.18; Indio de Nahuala...... p/h  F         300

50c                     100 que  1962     01.12; Indio de Nahuala...........   F+       450

51h.                   0.50 que  1971     01.06; church.............................   UN        96

52a.                        1 que  1964     01.08; palace.............................   UN      120

52b                         1 que  1965     01.15; palace.............................   VF         12

52d.                        1 que  1967     01.13; palace.............................   UN        96

52e.                        1 que  1968     01.03; palace.................. VF 12,  UN        96

52g.                        1 que  1970     01.07; palace..................... F+9,  UN        96

52h.                        1 que  1971     01.06; palace....................... F 6,  UN        96

52i                           1 que  1972     01.05; palace....................... F 6,  VF         12

53b                         5 que  1965     01.15; old vase..........................   XF         50

55d                       20 que  1968     01.03; Landivar....... F+(p/h)75,  VF      100

55g                       20 que  1971     01.06; Landivar..........................   F           75

57a                     100 que  1966     01.21; Indio de Nahuala...........   VG        96

58                      0.50 que  1973     01.05; /pyramid..........................   VF+         6

58.                     0.50 que  1974     01.02; /pyramid................... F 4,  UN        36

58                      0.50 que  1975     01.03; /pyramid..........................   UN        32

58                      0.50 que  1979     01.03; /pyramid..........................   UN        30

58                      0.50 que  1981     01.07; /pyramid..........................   UN        30

58                      0.50 que  1982     01.06; /pyramid..........................   UN        30

58                      0.50 que  1983     01.06; /pyramid..........................   UN        30

59                           1 que  1972     01.05; /bank...............................   AU        32

59                           1 que  1973     01.05; /bank...............................   VF           8

59                           1 que  1974     01.02; /bank..................... VG 4,  UN        36

59.                          1 que  1975     01.03; /bank...............................   UN        36

59.                          1 que  1976     01.07; /bank...............................   UN        36

59                           1 que  1977     01.05; /bank...............................   UN        34

59.                          1 que  1977     04.20; /bank...............................   UN        34

59                           1 que  1980     01.02; /bank...................... VF 4,  VF+         6

59.                          1 que  1981     01.07; /bank...............................   UN        32

59                           1 que  1982     01.06; /bank........................ G 4,  UN        32

59.                          1 que  1983     12.30; /bank...................... VF 4,  UN        32

60.                          5 que  1972     01.05; /classroom......................   UN      120

60                           5 que  1973     01.05; /classroom......................   F             8

60                           5 que  1974     01.02; /classroom......................   F             8

60                           5 que  1975     01.03; /classroom......................   F+           8

60                           5 que  1977     04.20; /classroom......................   VF-       10

60.                          5 que  1982     01.06; /classroom.......... VF 10,  XF         20

61                         10 que  1979     01.03; /parliament......................   F-          12

62                         20 que  1977     04.20; /Independence...............   F           20

62                         20 que  1981     01.07; /Independence...............   F           20

62                         20 que  1988     01.06; /Independence...............   F-          25

65                      0.50 que  1986     01.03; /pyramid..........................   UN        12

65                      0.50 que  1988     01.06; /temple............................   UN        10

65                      0.50 que  1989     01.04; /temple............................   UN          8

66.                          1 que  1986     01.03; /bank...............................   UN        14

66                           1 que  1987     01.07; /bank...............................   UN        12

66                           1 que  1988     01.06; /bank...............................   UN        12

66                           1 que  1989     01.04; /bank...............................   UN        12

67.                          5 que  1985     01.09; /classroom......................   UN        55

67.                          5 que  1987     01.07; /classroom......................   UN        50

67.                          5 que  1988     01.06; /classroom......................   UN        50

68.                        10 que  1985     01.09; /parliament......................   UN      100

72a                    0.50 que  1989     01.04; /pyramid..........................   UN        12

72b.                   0.50 que  1992     02.14; /pyramid..........................   UN        12

73a                         1 que  1990     01.03; /bank...............................   UN        12

73b.                        1 que  1991     03.06; /bank...............................   UN        12

73c.                        1 que  1992     01.22; /bank...............................   UN        12

74a                         5 que  1990     01.03; /classroom......................   UN        32

74b.                        5 que  1991     03.06; /classroom......................   UN        32

74c.                        5 que  1992     01.22; /classroom......................   UN        32

75b                       10 que  1990     01.03; /parliament......................   UN        45

75c                       10 que  1992     01.22; /parliament......................   UN        45

76a                       20 que  1989     01.04; /Independence...............   XF+      32

76b                       20 que  1990     01.03; /Independence...............   UN        64

76c.                      20 que  1992     01.22; /Independence...............   UN        64

77b                       50 que  1990     01.03; /coffee.............................   UN      170

79.                     0.50 que  1992     07.16; /pyramid..........................   UN        10

80                           1 que  1992     07.16; /bank...............................   UN        15

81                           5 que  1992     07.16; /classroom......................   UN        36

82.                        10 que  1992     07.16; /parliament......................   UN        48

83                         20 que  1992     08.12; /Independence...............   UN        60

86b.                   0.50 que  1994     09.27; /pyramid..........................   UN          8

87c                          1 que  1995     06.06; /bank...............................   UN        10

88a.                        5 que  1993     10.27; /classroom......................   UN        24

88b                         5 que  1995     06.16; /classroom......................   UN        24

89.                        10 que  1995     06.16; /parliament......................   UN        50

93.                        20 que  1995     06.16; /Independence...............   UN        70

94s      spec        50 que  1995     06.16; ovpt "muestra"................   UN      250

96                      0.50 que  1996     08.26; /pyramid @HS...............   UN          5

98                      0.50 que  1998     01.09;  /pyramid @DLR............   UN          5

98s      spec     0.50 que  1998     01.09; ovpt "muestra"................   AU+    150

99                           1 que  1998     01.09; /bank...............................   UN          6

99s      spec           1 que  1998     01.09; ovpt "muestra"................   AU+    150

100                         5 que  1998     07.29; /classroom......................   UN          9

100s    spec           5 que  1998     07.29; ovpt "muestra"................   UN      200

101                       10 que  1998     07.29; /parliament......................   UN        16

101s    spec        10 que  1998     07.29; ovpt "muestra"................   UN      200

102                       20 que  1999     06.17;..........................................   F             6

102s    spec        20 que  1999     06.17; ovpt "muestra"................   UN      200

103s    spec      100 que  1998     07.29; ovpt "muestra"................   AU+    300

104a                   100 que  2001     04.09; /university @GD............   UN        96

105                       50 que  2001     04.09; /café @GD.....................   UN        40

106a                       5 que  2003     02.12; /classroom @FCO.........   UN          7

106b                       5 que  2006     11.22; /classroom @FCO.........   UN          7

106c.                      5 que  2007     01.17; /classroom @FCO.........   UN          7

107                       10 que  2003     02.12; /parliament @FCO........   UN        10

108                       20 que  2003     02.12; /Independence...............   UN        16

109                         1 que  2007     12.20; /bank @CBN..................   UN          5

111a                     10 que  2006     08.25; /parliament @CBN........   UN          5

111b                     10 que  2007     01.17; /parliament @CBN........   UN          5

112b                     20 que  2007     01.24; /Independence...............   UN        10

113a                     50 que  2006     11.15; café @DLR.....................   UN        35

113b.                    50 que  2007     01.17; /café @DLR....................   UN        30

114b                  100 que  2007     01.24; /university @GD............   UN        55

115a                       1 que  2008     03.12; /bank @CBN..................   UN          5

115                         1 que  2012     10.17; /bank @CBN..................   UN          4

116                         5 que  2008     03.12; /classroom @OT...........   UN          5

117                       10 que  2008     03.12; /parliament @OT...........   UN          5

118.                      20 que  2008     03.12; /Independence @OT....   UN        18

119.                    100 que  2009     03.12; /university @JE..............   UN        60

120                     200 que  2009     02.18; /3 men @FCO................   UN        95

122b                       5 que  2011     05.11; /classroom @CBN.........   UN          4

122c                       5 que  2012     05.02; /classroom @OF...........   UN          4

123c                     10 que  2012     05.02; /parliament @JE............   UN          5

123Ab                  10 que  2014     05.14; /parliament @OF...........   UN          5

124b                     20 que  2011     05.11; / @Goznak.....................   UN          5

124b                     20 que  2014     05.14; / @OF.............................   UN          7

125a                     50 que  2012     05.02; /café @JE.......................   UN        25

126e.                 100 que  2015     01.28; /university @JE..............   UN        45

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s101a                      1 pes  1900     B Agricola Hipotecario..............   VF+    400

s101b                      1 pes  1920     B Agricola Hipotecario... F 100,  VF+    350

s104a                   50 pes  1917     B Agricola Hipotecario..............   VG      500

s111a                      1 pes  1914     B Americano Guatemala..........   VG        50

s111b                      1 pes  1917     B Americano Guatemala..........   VF      120

s111b                      1 pes  1920     B Americano Guatemala..........   VF-     120

s114a                 100 pes  1923     B Americano Guatemala..........   VG      700

s116                        1 pes  1923     B Americano Guatemala..........   VF-     120

s117                        5 pes  1919     B Americano Guatemala..........   VF+    500

s121                        1 pes  1900     B Colombiano............................   VG-    180

s146c                    25 pes  1925     B Guatemala; reissue 4x#........   VG+   220

s147d                 100 pes  1920     B Guatemala..............................   F+       500

s147e                 100 pes  1925     B Guatemala; reissue 4x#........   F+       500

s151c                      1 pes  1899     B Internacional @NBNC.. G 35  VF      300

s152a                      1 pes  1900     B Internacional @WS....... F 75  VF      150

s152b                      1 pes  1916     B Internacional @WS...............   F+       150

s153a                      1 pes  1917     B Internacional @NBN.............   VF-       80

s153a                      1 pes  1920     B Internacional @NBN.............   VF-       80

s172                     50 cen  1900     Banco Occidente.......................   VG+      60

s173b                      1 pes  1899     12.04; Banco Occidente...........   G        100

s173c                      1 pes  1914     Banco Occidente.......................   VF+    300

s175a                      1 pes  1900     Banco Occidente........... VG 20,  F+         65

s175b                      1 pes  1916     Banco Occidente.......................   VF-       60

s179                      20 pes  1912     Banco Occidente.......................   G+      120

s179                      20 pes  1919     Banco Occidente.......................   VG      150


PICK#                                 *****GUERNSEY****3*

   British Dependent Territory

42                           10 shi  1958     07.01; /arms...............................   VF+    150

42                           10 shi  1961     01.01; /arms...............................   VF-     100

42.                          10 shi  1966     07.01; /arms........ F+30, XF 80UN      320

43.                          1 pou  1966     07.01; /arms................... VF 80,  UN      640

45a.    "A-C"          1 pou  (1969)   /castle; sig Guillemette..............   UN      260

45b.    "C-G"          1 pou  (197-)    /castle; sig Hodder........ XF+50,  UN      130

45c.    "G-H"          1 pou  (197-)    /castle; sig Bull...........................   UN      140

46b.    "A-B"           5 pou  (197-)    /port; sig Hodder........................   UN      500

46c.    "B-C"           5 pou  (197-)    /port; sig Bull..............................   UN      520

48a     "A-G"          1 pou  (1980)   /Lisle Brock; sig Bull..................   UN        50

48a.    "H"              1 pou  (198-)    /Lisle Brock; sig Brown.............   UN        50

49.      "A-F"           5 pou  (1980)   /Thomas de la Rue; sig Bull.....   UN      160

50b.    "C-D"        10 pou  (198-)    /Brock; sig Brown.......................   UN      320

51a.                      20 pou  (1980)   /Saumarez; sig Bull...................   UN      640

52a.    "J-L"            1 pou  (1991)   /Lisle Brock; sig Brown.............   UN        24

52b     "M-S"          1 pou  (1994)   /Lisle Brock; sig Trestain..........   UN        18

52c     "T-X"           1 pou  (199-)    /Lisle Brock; sig Clark...............   UN        12

53a.    "G-H"          5 pou  (1990)   /T de la Rue; sig Brown ...........   UN      120

54.      "E-F"         10 pou  (1991)   /Brock; sig Brown.......................   UN      240

56a.    "A-B"           5 pou  (1996)   QEII/fort; sig Trestain................   UN        85

56b     "C"              5 pou  (199-)    QEII/fort; sig Clark.....................   UN        80

58a.    "A-B"        20 pou  (1996)   QEII/boats; sig Trestain............   UN      240

58b.    "C"            20 pou  (199-)    QEII/boats; sig Clark.................   UN      220

59       "A"            50 pou  (1994)   QEII/church; sig Trestain..........   UN      550

62       comm         1 pou  2013     "Thomas de la Rue" .................   UN        20


PICK#                                 *****GUINEA***3*

   French Colony till 1958

   Republic (French Colony till 1958; French West Africa)

6                              50 fra  1958     /mask.................................. F 60,  VF      120

7                           100 fra  1958     /village.........................................   F           80

8                           500 fra  1958     /pineapples.................................   F+       200

9                        1,000 fra  1958     /boats..........................................   VF      250

12                           50 fra  1960     /mine..................................... F 4,  UN        60

13                         100 fra  1960     /pineapple....................... VF 20,  AU+    100

14                         500 fra  1960     /boats..........................................   XF+    140

15                      1,000 fra  1960     /plantation....................... VG 12,  XF      100

16                           10 syl  1971     Lumumba/bananas harvest.....   UN        10

17                           25 syl  1971     man/cattle...................................   UN        15

18.                          50 syl  1971     man/dam.....................................   AU+      70

19                         100 syl  1971     /mechanical shovel....................   UN        25

20                             1 syl  1981     Bangoura/...................................   UN          5

21                             2 syl  1981     Kg Mohammed/.........................   UN          6

22                             5 syl  1980     Nkrumah/bananas harvest.......   UN        30

23                           10 syl  1980     Lumumba/bananas harvest.....   UN        10

24                           25 syl  1980     man/cattle......................... XF 5,  UN        20

25                           50 syl  1980     man/dam.....................................   F             5

26.                        100 syl  1980     /mechanical shovel....................   UN        50

27                         500 syl  1980     Tito................... XF+16, AU+35,  UN        50

28                           25 fra  1985     boy/girl by huts...........................   UN        10

29                           50 fra  1985     man/plowing, buffalo.................   UN          8

30(a) "AA=AX"      100 fr  1985     /bananas harvest (@BW).........   UN        12

31(a) "AA-AB"       500 fr  1985     woman/mine (@BW).................   UN        15

32(a) "AA-AG"   1,000 fr  1985     /mechanical shovel (@BW)......   UN        20

32(a) "AJ-AW"   1,000 fr  1985     /mechanical shovel (@DLR)....   UN        18

33(a)."AA-AC"    5,000 fr  1985     /dam (@BW)..............................   UN        95

33(b) "AD-AG"   5,000 fr  1985     /dam (@DLR).............................   UN        80

35(b) "CX-KN"    100 fra  1998     /bananas harvest; sig K-T........   UN          5

35(c).                    100 fra  2012     /bananas harvest; .....................   UN          5

35s    spec           100 fra  1998     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        30

36(b). "CK-JN"    500 fra  1998     /mine...........................................   UN        10

36s    spec           500 fra  1998     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        35

37                      1,000 fra  1998     /mechanical shovel....................   UN        10

37s    spec       1,000 fra  1998     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        45

38.                     5,000 fra  1998     /dam............................... AU+30,  UN        40

38s    spec       5,000 fra  1998     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        50

39a                       500 fra  2006     woman/mine...............................   UN          5

40                      1,000 fra  2006     woman/mechanical shovel.......   UN          6

41a                    5,000 fra  2006     woman/dam................................   UN        18

41b                    5,000 fra  2012     woman/dam................................   UN        18

42b.                10,000 fra  2008     woman/dam................................   UN        45

43     comm      1,000 fra  2010     "Bank of Guinea 50 Ann"..........   UN        10

44.    comm      5,000 fra  2010     "Bank of Guinea 50 Ann"..........   UN        20

45     comm    10,000 fra  2010     "Bank of Guinea 50 Ann"..........   UN        35

46.                   10,000 fra  2012     woman/field view.......................   UN        18

47                         500 fra  2015     woman/mine...............................   UN          4

48                      1,000 fra  2015     girl/pit mining..............................   UN          4

49                      5,000 fra  2015     woman/dam................................   UN          5

50                    20,000 fra  2015     woman/dam................................   UN        20


PICK#                                 *****GUINEA-BISSAU****3*

   Republic (Portuguese Colony till 1974; Portuguese Guinea)

2                          100 pes  1975     Ramos/.......................... AU+50,  UN        70

7                          500 pes  1983     Mendes/slave trade...................   UN        16

8b                    1,000 pes  1978     Cabral/allegory scene...............   UN        15

9                      5,000 pes  1984     Cabral/harvest............................   UN        30

10                          50 pes  1990     Nalsna/village scene.................   UN          5

11                       100 pes  1990     Ramos/building..........................   UN          5

12                       500 pes  1990     Mendes/slave trade...................   UN          6

13a                  1,000 pes  1990     Cabral/allegory scene...............   UN        12

13b                  1,000 pes  1993     Cabral/allegory scene...............   UN        12

14a                  5,000 pes  1990     Cabral/harvest............................   UN        15

14b.                 5,000 pes  1993     Cabral/harvest............................   UN        15

15a                10,000 pes  1990     Cabral/fishing.............................   UN        40

15b                10,000 pes  1993     Cabral/fishing.............................   UN        40


PICK#                                 *****GUYANA****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1966; British Guiana)

21a    "A/1-15"           1 $  (1965)   falls/harvest, sig.1......................   UN        32

21b.   "A/16-26"         1 $  (1965)   falls/harvest, sig.2......................   UN        32

21d    "A/49-79"         1 $  (1975)   falls/harvest, sig.5 .....................   UN        10

21e    "A/81-96"         1 $  (1983)   falls/harvest, sig.6......................   UN          6

21f     "B/1-35"           1 $  (1989)   falls/harvest, sig.7......................   UN          5

21g    "B/42-51"         1 $  (1994)   falls/harvest, sig.9......................   UN          5

22c.   "A/13-23"         5 $  (1975)   falls/sugar cane, sig.5...............   UN        32

22d    "A/24-26"         5 $  (1983)   falls/sugar cane, sig.6...............   UN        15

22e    "A/27-36"         5 $  (1989)   falls/sugar cane, sig.7...............   UN          6

22f.    "A/37-39"         5 $  (1992)   falls/sugar cane, sig.8...............   UN        32

22g    "A/39-42"         5 $  (1994)   falls/sugar cane, sig.9...............   UN          5

23b    "A/8-12"         10 $  (1975)   falls/aluminium, sig.5.................   UN        48

23c    "A/13-15"       10 $  (1983)   falls/aluminium, sig.6.................   UN        24

23d    "A/16-20"       10 $  (1989)   falls/aluminium, sig.7.................   UN          5

23f     "A/22-26"       10 $  (1994)   falls/aluminium, sig.9.................   UN          5

24b    "A/11-27"       20 $  (1975)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.5..............   UN        36

24c    "A/28-42"       20 $  (1983)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.6..............   UN        16

24d    "A/42-64"       20 $  (1989)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.7..............   UN          6

27a    "A/70-76"       20 $  (1989)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.7..............   UN          6

27b    "A/79-87"       20 $  (1994)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.9..............   UN          6

28a    "A/1-40"       100 $  (1989)   map/cathedral, sig.7..................   UN        16

28b.   "A/40-47"     100 $  (1992)   map/cathedral, sig.8..................   UN        24

30a    "A/89-98"       20 $  (1996)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.10............   UN          4

30b1  "B/6-24"         20 $  (1999)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.11............   UN          4

30b2  "B/26-50"       20 $  (1999)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.12............   UN          4

30c    "B/54-60"       20 $  (2006)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.13............   UN          4

30f     "C/36-45"       20 $  (2006)   falls/shipbuilding, sig.15............   UN          4

31a    "A/49-51"     100 $  (1996)   map/cathedral, sig.10...............   UN        10

31b    "A/52-67"     100 $  (1999)   map/cathedral, sig.11...............   UN          5

31c    "A/75-92"     100 $  (1996)   map/cathedral, sig.12...............   UN          5

32      "A/24-32"     500 $  (1996)   map/palace, sig.10....................   UN        32

33.     "A/1-20"    1,000 $  (1996)   map/bank, sig.10.......................   UN        64

34a    "A/33-40"     500 $  (1999)   map/parliament, sig.11.............   UN          7

34b    "A/41-50"     500 $  (1999)   map/parliament, sig.12.............   UN          7

35a    "A/22-32" 1,000 $  (1999)   map/bank, sig.11.......................   UN        24

35b    "A/40-62" 1,000 $  (1999)   map/bank, sig.12.......................   UN        24

36a.   "A/94-B/6"   100 $  (2006)   map/cathedral, sig.13...............   UN        10

36b    "B/8-29"       100 $  (2008)   map/cathedral, sig.14...............   UN          5

36b    "B/30-59"     100 $  (2012)   map; new wmk"100", sig.14.....   UN          5

37.     "AA-AJ"       500 $  (2011)   map/parliament, sig.14.............   UN        20

38b. "A/83-104" 1,000 $  (2008)   map/bank, sig.14.......................   UN        36

39b  "AA-AX"      1,000 $  (2011)   map/bank, sig.14.......................   UN        24

40    "AA-AP"      5,000 $  (2013)   map/view, bird, sig.14...............   UN        96

41     comm              50 $  2016     "Independence 1966-2016".....   UN          5


PICK#                                 *****HAITI****3*


2c                            2 gou  1827     big format, wmk.........................   VG+   350

4                           10 gou  1827     big format....................................   VG      400

8                           25 gou  1827     big format....................................   VG      400


15a                         2 gou  1851     ............................. glued on card  F         550


20                         10 gou  1827     ............................................... p/h  F         500

33                           2 gou  1827     @CSE ........................................   F-          60

36                         10 gou  1827     @CSE .............. VG+90, F 120VF+    350

37                         25 gou  1827     @CSE ........................................   VF      250

41                           1 gou  1827     @WS ..........................................   VG        45

42                           2 gou  1827     @WS ............................. VG 50,  F         100

52a                         4 gua  1868     .....................................................   F         400

68                         25 cen  1875     .....................................................   VG+      40

72                             5 pia  1875     .....................................................   F         160

120     comm         1 gou  1904     "Independence, 1804-1904"....   VG      150

120     comm         1 gou  1904     "1804-1904"..... missing border  G           80

137                         1 gou  1916     red ovpt........................ VG 100,  F-        150

140                         1 gou  1919     red ovpt.......................................   F           70

141                         2 gou  1919     red ovpt.......................................   VF-     300

141                         2 gou  1919     red ovpt......... damage on back  VG-    100

150a   sig 1            1 gou  1919     "A-F"................................ VG 40,  VF-     120

150b   sig 2            1 gou  1919     "J-L".................................... F 70,  VF+    200

151b   sig 2            2 gou  1919     "H-J"............................................   F         200

160     sig 2            1 gou  1919     (1925) castle.................. VG 20,  VF         40

160     sig 3            1 gou  1919     (1925) castle.................... F+25,  VF         35

160     sig 4            1 gou  1919     (1925) castle..................... F 12,  VF+      35

160     sig 6            1 gou  1919     (1925) castle..............................   P             6

160     sig 7            1 gou  1919     (1925) castle........................ F 9,  XF+      60

161     sig 3            2 gou  1919     (1925) castle....................... P 4,  F           35

161     sig 7            2 gou  1919     (1925) castle..................... F 20,  XF         80

170     sig 8            1 gou  1919     (1946) castle..............................   VF         15

170.    sig 9            1 gou  1919     (1946) castle................... XF 25,  UN        95

170     sig 11         1 gou  1919     (1946) castle..............................   VF+      20

171     sig 9            2 gou  1919     (1946) castle................. VF+30,  UN      150

171     sig 11         2 gou  1919     (1946) castle..................... F 10,  VF+      30

171     sig 13         2 gou  1919     (1946) castle................... VF 12,  UN      110

174     sig 12         1 gou  1919     (1950) castle @WS.......... F 75,  VF      150

175     sig12          2 gou  1919     (1950) castle @WS....... VG 50,  F+       150

178     sig 13         1 gou  1919     (1951) castle................. VF+15,  UN        70

178     sig 14         1 gou  1919     (1951) castle........................ F 4,  VF+      12

178     sig 15         1 gou  1919     (1951) castle..............................   AU        30

178     sig 16         1 gou  1919     (1951) castle..............................   UN        60

178     sig 18         1 gou  1919     (1951) castle................. VF+12,  UN        60

179.    sig 15         2 gou  1919     (1951) castle..............................   UN      100

179     sig 17         2 gou  1919     (1951) castle..............................   VF         15

179     sig 18         2 gou  1919     (1951) castle..............................   UN        60

181     sig 17       10 gou  1919     (1951) coffee.................. writing  F           25

185                         1 gou  1919     (1964) castle..................... XF 9,  UN        35

185     spec            1 gou  1919     (1964) proof-specimen.............   XF      150

186.                        2 gou  1919     (1964) castle..............................   UN        50

187                         5 gou  1919     (1964) picking coffee..... XF+16  UN        45

190.                        1 gou  1919     (1967) castle @TDLR..... VF 4,  UN        40

191.                        2 gou  1919     (1967) coffee @TDLR .............   UN        30

192                         5 gou  1919     (1967) coffee @TDLR ...... G 4,  UN        40

196                         1 gou  1919     (1969) Duvalier @TDLR...........   UN          9

198.                        5 gou  1919     (1969) Duvalier @TDLR...........   UN        35

200     sig 19         1 gou  1919     (1971) Duvalier..........................   UN          5

200     sig 20         1 gou  1919     (1971) Duvalier..........................   UN          5

200     sig 21         1 gou  1919     (1971) Duvalier..........................   UN          5

201     sig 19         2 gou  1919     (1971) Duvalier..........................   UN          7

202     sig 19         5 gou  1919     (1971) Duvalier  no prefix.........   XF         15

202     sig 19         5 gou  1919     (1971) Duvalier................. VF 4,  UN        25

202     sig 20         5 gou  1919     (1971) Duvalier................. VF 4,  UN        25

203     sig 19       10 gou  1919     (1971) Duvalier, no prefix "-"....   UN        50

203     sig 19       10 gou  1919     (1971) Duvalier, "A"............ F 4,  UN        45

210.    sig 21         1 gou  1973     Duvalier............................. VF 4,  UN          8

211     sig 21         2 gou  1973     Duvalier............................... F+4,  UN          9

212     sig 21         5 gou  1973     Duvalier................................ F 4,  UN        25

218                       25 gou  1973     Duvalier, antenna........... VF 15,  AU        60

                                            -Banque de la Republique d 'Haiti

230.     "A-U"         1 gou  1979     Duvalier, paper................ "A-U"  UN        20

230A   "W"             1 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek......................... "W"  UN      140

230A   "AA"           1 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek....................... "AA"  UN      120

230A.  "AD"           1 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek....................... "AD"  UN      140

230A   "AE"           1 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek....................... "AE"  UN      130

231      "A-J"          2 gou  1979     Duvalier, paper................. "A-J"  UN        15

231A   "L"              2 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek............ XF+45; "L"  UN      120

231A   "M"             2 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek......................... "M"  UN      100

231A   "N"              2 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek......................... "N"  UN      120

231A.  "S"              2 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek.......................... "S"  AU+    100

231A.  "T"              2 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek.......................... "T"  UN      140

232      "-"               5 gou  1979     Duvalier, no prefix................. "-"  XF      120

232      "A-AQ"      5 gou  1979     Duvalier............................. XF 8,  UN        32

235Ab  "D-F"       50 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek, "D"........................   XF      250

235Ab. "D-F"       50 gou  1979     (1982) tyvek, "E".......... XF 240UN      960

239     "AA-CK"     1 gou  1979     (1984) Duvalier..........................   UN          6

239.    "AA-AK"     2 gou  1979     (1984) castle..............................   UN        12

241.    "AA-BK"     5 gou  1979     (1984) Duvalier..........................   UN        35

242.     "-"            10 gou  1979     (1984) Duvalier, no prefix.........   AU+      50

242.    "A-D"        10 gou  1979     (1984) Duvalier................... F 4,  UN        50

245                         1 gou  1987     L'Ouverture.................................   UN          5

245A   "AN-BF"     2 gou  1979     (1986)citadel............... "AN-BF"  UN          6

246                         5 gou  1987     veterans statue..........................   UN        20

247.                      10 gou  1988     woman with flag.........................   UN        25

248.                      25 gou  1988     palace..........................................   UN        60

249.                      50 gou  1986     Salomon......................................   UN      100

253                         1 gou  1989     L'Ouverture.................................   UN          4

254                         2 gou  1990     citadel/arms................................   UN          8

255                         5 gou  1989     veterans statue..........................   UN        10

256(a)                  10 gou  1991     woman with flag.........................   UN          7

257                       50 gou  1991     Salomon............................... F 4,  UN        25

258                     100 gou  1991     Christophe..................................   UN        50

259(a).                   1 gou  1992     L'Ouverture.................................   UN          6

259(b)                    1 gou  1993     L'Ouverture.................................   UN          4

260                         2 gou  1992     citadel/arms................................   UN          6

261                         5 gou  1992     veterans statue..........................   XF+         5

262                       25 gou  1993     palace..........................................   UN        22

265a                     10 gou  2000     woman with flag.........................   UN          5

266a.                    25 gou  2000     palace; @GD.............................   UN          9

266b                     25 gou  2004     palace; @DLR...........................   UN          7

267a.                    50 gou  2000     Salomon......................................   UN        18

267b                     50 gou  2003     Salomon......................................   UN        15

268                     100 gou  2000     Christophe..................................   UN        35

269a.                 250 gou  2000     Dessalines..................................   UN        70

270a.                 500 gou  2000     Petion/arms................................   UN      150

271     comm       20 gou  2001     Constitution 1801-2001"TL".....   UN        55

272a   comm       10 gou  2004     "Independence 1804-2004".....   UN          4

273     comm       25 gou  2004     "Independence 1804-2004".....   UN          5

274a   comm       50 gou  2004     "Independence 1804-2004".....   UN        12

274d   comm       50 gou  2010     "Independence 1804-2004".....   UN          5

275a.  comm     100 gou  2004     "Independence 1804-2004".....   UN        12

276d   comm     250 gou  2010     "Independence 1804-2004".....   UN        20

277a   comm     500 gou  2004     "Independence 1804-2004".....   UN        45

277d                   500 gou  2010     "Independence 1804-2004".....   UN        40

278b               1,000 gou  2004     Hyppolite/view............................   UN        80

278d               1,000 gou  2009     Hyppolite/view............................   UN        65

501                         1 gou  1962     certificate........................... F 25,  VF         75

502                         5 gou  1962     certificate 1964..........................   XF      130

503                       25 gou  1962     certificate 1964..................... p/h  AU-     200


PICK#                                 *****HAWAII***3c*


4   copy                  100 $  (1879)   copy by Hawaii P.M.1977.........   AU        10

5   copy                  500 $  (1879)   copy by Hawaii P.M.1977.........   AU        10

   State of USA

36.                               1 $  1935A  ovpt "HAWAII"(1942)....... F 45,  UN      450

38                                5 $  1934A  ovpt "HAWAII"(1942)................   VF      150


PICK#                                 *****HEJAZ*****

   Kingdom 1916-1924), later part of Saudi Arabia


PICK#                                 *****HONDURAS***3*


34                            1 lem  1932     Lempira/bank.............................   F+       800

45a                          5 lem  1951     05.04...........................................   AU      240

46a                          5 lem  1950     09.22...........................................   F+       240

49                       100 lem  1969     12.10...........................................   VG      200

52     spec            10 lem  1954     specimen erased signatures....   XF      400

54                          50 lem  1956     01.20;..........................................   F-        200

54Aa.                      1 lem  1961     02.10; Lempira/Maya................   UN        80

55b                          1 lem  1972     01.21; Lempira/Copan..............   UN        50

56                            5 lem  1974     01.04; Morazan/battle...............   F+         24

58                            1 lem  1974     03.11; Lempira/Copan..... VF 4,  UN        32

60f                         20 lem  1975     06.05; Herrera/building.............   VF         60

61     comm            2 lem  1976     Soto centennial..........................   UN        16

62                            1 lem  1978     Lempira/Copan..........................   UN        32

63.                           5 lem  1978     Morazan/battle...........................   UN        36

63                            5 lem  1980     Morazan/battle...........................   UN        32

63.                           5 lem  1985     Morazan/battle...........................   UN        32

63                            5 lem  1989     Morazan/battle...........................   UN        20

63                            5 lem  1994     Morazan/battle...........................   UN        20

64.                         10 lem  1987     09.24; Cabanas/university........   UN        64

65.                         20 lem  1981     01.08; Herrera/building.............   UN        64

65.                         20 lem  1986     06.11; Herrera/building.............   UN        60

65                          20 lem  1990     11.29; Herrera/building.............   UN        45

65.                         20 lem  1991     05.09; Herrera/building.............   UN        45

65.                         20 lem  1993     03.18; Herrera/building.............   UN        45

65.                         20 lem  1993     07.01; Herrera/building.............   UN        45

67                       100 lem  1989     09.10;..........................................   F+         60

68a                          1 lem  1980     Lempira/Copan ruins ...............   UN          8

68b.                         1 lem  1984     Lempira/Copan ruins ...............   UN          8

68c.                         1 lem  1989     Lempira/Copan ruins ...............   UN          8

69a.                    100 lem  1982     06.23; Valle/...............................   UN      320

70                          10 lem  1989     Cabanas/university ...................   UN        16

71                            1 lem  1992     10.09; /Copan ...........................   UN          5

72a.                         2 lem  1993     01.14; /port Amapala.................   UN          9

72b                          2 lem  1993     02.25; /port Amapala.................   UN          5

72c                          2 lem  1994     05.12; /port Amapala.................   UN          5

73a.                      20 lem  1993     01.14; /building..........................   UN        20

73c                        20 lem  1994     05.12; /building..........................   UN        16

73d                        20 lem  1996     12.12; /building..........................   UN        14

74b                        50 lem  1993     02.25; /bank...............................   UN        40

74c                        50 lem  1994     05.12; /bank...............................   UN        40

74d.                      50 lem  1996     12.12; /bank...............................   UN        40

74f.                        50 lem  1998     09.03; /bank...............................   UN        40

75c                      100 lem  1994     05.12; Valle/...............................   UN      100

76                            1 lem  1994     05.12; /Copan ...........................   UN          5

77a.                    100 lem  1994     05.12; Valle/...............................   UN        60

77b.                    100 lem  1997     09.18; Valle/...............................   UN        60

77d                     100 lem  2000     12.14; Valle/...............................   UN        50

77f                      100 lem  2003     01.23; Valle/...............................   UN        40

77g                     100 lem  2004     08.26; Valle/...............................   UN        40

78a                     500 lem  1995     11.16; /view.......................... p/h  XF+    100

78d                     500 lem  2001     08.30; /view................................   UN      240

78f                      500 lem  2004     08.26; /view................................   UN      220

79a                          1 lem  1996     12.12; /Copan @FCO...............   UN          6

79b                          1 lem  1998     09.03; /Copan @FCO...............   UN          5

79A                         1 lem  1997     09.18; /Copan ...........................   UN          5

80                            2 lem  1997     09.18; port Amapala @TDLR..   UN        10

80Aa                       2 lem  1998     09.03; /port Amapala @FCO...   UN          4

80Ab                       2 lem  2000     12.14; /port Amapala @FCO...   UN          4

80Ac                       2 lem  2001     08.30; /port Amapala @FCO...   UN          4

80Ad                       2 lem  2003     01.23; /port Amapala @FCO...   UN          4

80Ae                       2 lem  2004     08.26; /port Amapala @FCO...   UN          4

80A.                        2 lem  2006     07.13; /port Amapala @FCO...   UN          5

81a.                         5 lem  1996     12.12; /battle @FCO.................   UN        12

81b                          5 lem  1997     09.18; /battle @TDL..................   UN        10

82a.                      10 lem  1996     12.12; /university @TDLR........   UN        12

82c.                       10 lem  1998     09.03; /university @TDLR........   UN        12

82d                        10 lem  2000     12.14; /university @TDLR........   UN          6

82e                        10 lem  2008     04.17; /university @TDL...........   UN          5

83       comm       20 lem  2000     "50 anniversary of Bank"..........   UN        20

84a                          1 lem  2000     12.14; /Copan @CBNC............   UN          4

84b                          1 lem  2001     08.30; /Copan @CBNC............   UN          4

84c                          1 lem  2003     01.23; /Copan @CBNC............   UN          4

85a                          5 lem  2000     12.14; /battle @CBNC..............   UN          7

85b                          5 lem  2001     08.30; /battle @CBNC..............   UN          4

85c                          5 lem  2003     01.23; /battle @CBNC..............   UN          4

86a                        10 lem  2001     08.30; /university @FCO..........   UN          4

86b                        10 lem  2003     01.23; /university @FCO..........   UN          4

86c.                       10 lem  2004     08.26; /university @FCO..........   UN          7

86                          10 lem  2006     07.13; /university @FCO..........   UN          6

87a                        20 lem  2001     08.30; /building @GD...............   UN          6

87b                        20 lem  2003     01.23; /building @GD...............   UN          5

88a                        50 lem  2001     08.30;/bank @TDLR.................   UN        10

88b                        50 lem  2003     01.23;/bank @TDLR.................   UN        10

92                          20 lem  2004     08.26;/building @GD................   UN          5

93a                        20 lem  2006     07.13;/building @DLR...............   UN          5

94a                        50 lem  2004     08.26;/bank @GD.....................   UN        15

94A                       50 lem  2006     07.13;/bank @DLR...................   UN        10

94A                       50 lem  2008     04.17;/bank @DLR...................   UN          7

95                          20 lem  2008     07.31;/building............................   UN          6

103a.                  500 lem  2012     03.03;/view.................................   UN        95

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s101                     50 cen  1886     Aguan Navigation......................   VG+   200

s104                        5 pes  1886     only left half of note...................   P           80

s105                      10 pes  1886     Aguan Navigation......................   VG      900

s111a                      1 pes  1913     Banco Atlantida..........................   VF-     600

s121b                      1 lem  1932     Banco Atlantida..........................   AU    1200

s168a                      5 lem  1937     RH Billete Aduanero.................   F         250

s168a    canc         5 lem  1937     RH Billete Aduanero.................   XF      350


PICK#                                 *****HONG KONG**3c*

   British Colony (China from 1997)

                                            -Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China

55c                            10 $  1948     /farming.......................................   F         400

                                            -Chartered Bank

70b                            10 $  1962     arms/bank...................................   VF         96

73b.                             5 $  (1975)   bank/city hall.................... VF+6,  UN        32

74a                            10 $  (1970)   bank/port.....................................   XF         64

74b                            10 $  (1975)   bank/port.............................. F 5,  XF+      64

74c                            10 $  1977     bank/port.....................................   XF+      20

77b                            10 $  1981     mythical carp/bank.......... VF+4,  UN        16

                                            -Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank

172b                            1 $  1929     woman/woman............... F-200VF      400

172c                            1 $  1935     woman/woman............. VF 200VF+    300

173d                            5 $  1941     woman/bank...............................   VF-     120

173e                            5 $  1946     woman/bank...............................   F+         60

176f                        100 $  1956     woman/bank...............................   F+       450

178c                          10 $  1941     woman/bank.................... F+90,  VF      140

178                            10 $  1946     woman/bank...............................   VF      140

178                            10 $  1948     04.01;woman/bank....................   VG+      40

179e                       500 $  1968     Jackson/bank.............................   VF-     360

179A                         10 $  1955     woman/bank...............................   VF+    150

179A                         10 $  1958     woman/bank...............................   VG+      50

180a                            5 $  1954     woman/bank...............................   VF      160

180a                            5 $  1957     woman/bank...............................   F+         60

180a                            5 $  1958     woman/bank...............................   VG+      30

180b                            5 $  1959     woman/bank...............................   F           45

181.                             5 $  1959     woman/bank...............................   UN      120

181.                             5 $  1965     woman/bank....................... F+5,  AU        26

181                              5 $  1967     woman/bank...............................   VF+         8

181                              5 $  1968     woman/bank...............................   VF           8

181.                             5 $  1969     woman/bank...............................   UN        40

181                              5 $  1971     woman/bank...............................   VF           5

181.                             5 $  1972     woman/bank..................... VF 4,  UN        26

181                              5 $  1973     woman/bank..................... VF 4,  XF           5

181                              5 $  1975     woman/bank..................... XF 6,  UN        12

182                            10 $  1960     woman/bank...............................   F           12

182.                           10 $  1965     woman/bank...............................   AU+      96

182                            10 $  1971     woman/bank...............................   F             4

182                            10 $  1972     woman/bank..................... VF 4,  XF           5

182.                           10 $  1973     woman/bank...............................   AU+      24

182.                           10 $  1977     woman/bank.................... VF+4,  UN        24

182.                           10 $  1978     woman/bank..................... VF 4,  UN        24

182                            10 $  1980     woman/bank...............................   VF           4

182.                           10 $  1983     woman/bank..................... VF 4,  UN        14

183                          100 $  1966     woman/bank...............................   F           60

183                          100 $  1970     woman/bank...............................   F           50

184                            50 $  1968     arms/bank...................................   AU      200

184                            50 $  1973     arms/bank.......................... F 20.  F+         30

184                            50 $  1981     arms/bank...................................   UN      150

184                            50 $  1982     arms/bank...................................   F           12

184.                           50 $  1983     arms/bank...................................   UN      120

187.                        100 $  1979     arms/bank...................................   UN      180

187.                        100 $  1980     arms/bank...................................   UN      180

187                          100 $  1981     arms/bank.......................... F 20,  VF         40

187                          100 $  1982     arms/bank............................. p/h  AU        90

191                            10 $  1985     arms/ship........................... VF 4,  UN        12

191.                           10 $  1990     arms/ship........................... VF 4,  UN        10

191                            10 $  1992     arms/ship......................... VF+4,  UN          8

192a                          20 $  1986     arms/view...................................   VF+         6

192c                          20 $  1989     arms/view...................................   UN        20

194a.                      100 $  1985     arms/pagoda..............................   UN        80

194a.                      100 $  1987     arms/pagoda..............................   AU+      60

195a.                      500 $  1987     arms/...........................................   AU+    300

198b.                      100 $  1990     arms/pagoda..............................   UN        75

198d                       100 $  1992     arms/pagoda..............................   VF         22

201.                           20 $  1993     lion/ship.......................................   UN        12

201.                           20 $  1998     lion/ship.......................................   UN        10

201                            20 $  2001     lion/ship.......................................   UN          8

203.                        100 $  1993     lion/pagoda.................................   UN        70

207                            20 $  2005     lion/pagoda.................................   UN          6

209                          100 $  2003     lion/pagoda.................................   AU+      40

211.                     1,000 $  2008     lion/city........................................   UN      400

212                            20 $  2010     lion/children................................   UN          6

213                            50 $  2012     lion/lantern festival.....................   UN        22

214.                        100 $  2010     lion/HKSAR Day........................   UN        50

215a                       500 $  2010     lion/new year festival ................   UN      170

216a.                   1,000 $  2010     lion/dragon boat festival............   UN      350

217.    comm         150 $  2015     "HSBC 150 anniversary"..........   UN      200

                                            -Mercantile Bank

245                          100 $  1974     /city aero view............................   VF      120

                                            -Standard Chartered Bank

279a.                        20 $  1985     mythical turtles/bank.................   UN        40

281b                       100 $  1986     mythical horse/bank, flower.....   VF+      30

284                            10 $  1993     mythical carp/................... VF 4,  UN        10

285                            20 $  1994     mythical turtles/bank.................   UN        15

285                            20 $  1997     mythical turtles/bank.................   UN        12

285.                           20 $  2000     mythical turtles/bank.................   UN        10

285.                           20 $  2002     mythical turtles/bank.................   UN        10

286.                           50 $  1997     mythical lion/bank, flower.........   UN        32

286                            50 $  2000     mythical lion/bank, flower.........   UN        30

286                            50 $  2002     mythical lion/bank, flower.........   UN        28

287.                        100 $  1993     mythical horse/bank, flower.....   UN        65

287.                        100 $  1997     mythical horse/bank, flower.....   UN        60

291                            20 $  2003     mythical turtles/city 1850..........   UN          9

292                            50 $  2003     mythical lion/city 1890...............   UN        25

293.                        100 $  2003     mythical horse/city 1930...........   UN        60

297.                           20 $  2010     mythical carp/abacus................   UN          8

298.                           50 $  2010     mythical turtles/lock...................   UN        25

299                          100 $  2010     mythical lion/script seal.............   UN        50

300.                        500 $  2010     mythical bird/biometrics............   UN      250

301.                     1,000 $  2010     mythical dragon/coin.................   UN      450

                                            -Government of Hongkong

311                              1 $  (1935)   George V; purple.......................   VG      200

312                              1 $  (1936)   George VI; purple.......... VG 20,  VF         80

313b                       1 cen  (1941)   "A"...................................... VF 4,  UN        20

313b     cons    3x 1 cen  (1941)   "A 9217529-31" ......... lot#1050  UN      100

314.                        5 cen  (1941)   ......................................... VF 40,  AU+    240

315a                     10 cen  (1941)   .............................................. G 4,  F           12

315b.                    10 cen  (1941)   "A"................................................   UN      120

316                              1 $  (1940)   George VI; blue................. F 20,  VF         40

321                          1 cen  (1945)   George VI......................... AU 5,  UN        10

322                          5 cen  (1945)   George VI...................................   AU+      60

323                       10 cen  (1945)   George VI............................ F 4,  UN        50

324a                            1 $  1949     George VI; green.......................   F           12

324b                            1 $  1952     George VI; green.......................   VF+      45

324A                           1 $  1952     QEII.............................................   VF+      20

324A                           1 $  1954     QEII.............................................   VF         18

324A                           1 $  1955     QEII................................... VG 6,  F           12

324A                           1 $  1956     QEII.............................................   G             4

324A                           1 $  1958     QEII.......................... F 4, XF 15,  UN        60

324A                           1 $  1959     QEII............................ F 4, VF 7,  AU+      40

325a     sig C         1 cen  (1961)   QEII.............................................   UN          6

325b     sig HC      1 cen  (1971)   QEII.............................................   UN          5

325d     sig J          1 cen  (1986)   QEII.............................................   UN          4

325e.    sig M         1 cen  (1992)   QEII.............................................   UN          5

326                          5 cen  (1961)   QEII.............................................   UN        20

327                       10 cen  (1961)   QEII.............................................   UN        10

                                            -Bank of China

329c                          20 $  1997     bank/Hong Kong island............   UN        18

329e                          20 $  1999     bank/Hong Kong island............   UN        12

329f                           20 $  2000     bank/Hong Kong.............. XF 4,  UN        10

331a.                      100 $  1994     bank/Kowloon............................   UN        80

331e.                      100 $  1999     bank/Kowloon............................   UN        60

335b                          20 $  2005     bank/The Pick............................   XF+         4

335e.                        20 $  2008     bank/The Pick............................   UN          8

335                            20 $  2009     bank/The Pick............................   UN          8

336e.                        50 $  2008     bank/Kowloon Peninsula..........   UN        20

336                            50 $  2009     bank/Kowloon Peninsula..........   UN        20

337                          100 $  2007     bank/Tsing Ma bridge...............   UN        40

337.                        100 $  2009     bank/Tsing Ma bridge...............   UN        38

341.                           20 $  2010     bank/Repulse Bay.....................   UN          6

343.                        100 $  2010     bank/Lion Rock..........................   UN        35

344.                        500 $  2010     bank/High Reservoir.................   UN      220

345.                     1,000 $  2012     bank/Victoria Harbour...............   UN      450

                                            -Government of Hongkong

400a                          10 $  2002     07.01;Government....................   UN          7

401a     plastic         10 $  2007     04.01;Government....................   UN          5

401b     plastic         10 $  2007     10.01;Government....................   UN          4

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(P77)                    10 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1310  AU        10

NL(P78)                    50 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1309  AU        10

   Advertising, ATM Test and Fundraising Notes

                                            -Playboy Nightclub, Kowloon

NL                              10$  (19)72   valid for drinks............................   XF         20


PICK#                                 *****HUNGARY***3c*

   Insurrection 1848

s111                          1 for  (1848)   .....................................................   F           80

s116a                       5 for  1848     red-brown...................................   F+         25

s116b                       5 for  1848     brown................................. F 15,  VF         30

s117                       10 for  1848     ............................... VG 12, F 25,  VF+      80

s118                     100 for  1848     .......................................... G+50,  F+       200

s121                       15 kra  1849     ........................................... VG 6,  F           12

s122                       30 kra  1849     ............................................ F 12,  VF+      35

s126a                       2 for  1849     .......................................... G+10,  VG        25

NL                          10 kra  1849     08.01; Almasy............................   F           15

NL                             1 for  1849     03.01; Almasy............................   VG        80

    Hungarian Funds issued by L Kossuth in USA

s136a                          1 $  1852     Kossuth, Hungaria.............. F 6,  AU        40

s136a    #1979           1 $  1852     for "Gustavus C Hebbe"...........   AU        80

s140                        100 $  1852     Kossuth, woman........................   VG+   800

s141.                        1 for  (1852)   Hungaria......................... XF 10,  AU        25

s142                          2 for  (1852)   Hungaria......................... XF 10,  AU        25

s143                          5 for  (1852)   arm +hammer...................... F 5,  AU        40

   Komarom siege

s182                         5 kra  1849     Komarom siege.........................   F           80


12b                         25 kor  1918     #over 3000, #-18mm.................   F+         45

13a                         25 kor  1918     #>3000/lines, #-13mm... VF 35  XF         70

13b                         25 kor  1918     #>3000/lines, #18mm...............   XF         40

13c                         25 kor  1918     #>3000/lines, #16mm... VG+10  VF+      40

14        "A"          200 kor  1918     #till 2000.............. XF(pen) 150VF+    150

16.       "A"          200 kor  1918     #over 2000;/lines.............. P 10,  UN      450

19.                          10 kor  1915     ovpt(1920) on P19.....................   VG          6

20                           20 kor  1913     ovpt(1920) on P13.....................   VG        20

21                           20 kor  1913     ovpt(1920) on P14....... VG+10,  VF+      40

25                           50 kor  1914     ovpt(1920) on P15.....................   F           25

27                        100 kor  1912     ovpt(1920)........................ VG 6,  F           12

31                     1,000 kor  1912     ovpt(1920)..................................   VG        15

34                             5 kor  1919     sower............................. VG+15,  F+         30

35                             5 kor  1919     sower...........................................   VF+      60

38                           20 kor  1919     07.15...........................................   VG+      30

41                           10 kor  1919     08.09................................. F+50,  VF+    100

43                             20 fil  1920     arms............................................   UN        15

57                             1 kor  1920     woman.............................. XF+4,  UN          9

58a                           2 kor  1920     mower.........................................   UN          9

58b.     "*"                2 kor  1920     mower, # with *..........................   UN          9

60                           10 kor  1920     bridge................................. XF 4,  UN        15

61.                          20 kor  1920     church............................... XF+8,  UN        20

62                           50 kor  1920     Rakoczi............................. VG 4,  VF         16

63                        100 kor  1920     Kg Matyas....................... VF 15,  XF+      40

66.                    1,000 kor  1920     St Stephen....... VG 10, VF+55,  UN      300

67                     5,000 kor  1920     Hungaria......................... VG 90,  VF      360

73a                      100 kor  1923     Kg Matyas, @MPR.......... VF 4,  UN        25

73b.                     100 kor  1923     Kg Matyas......................... VF 4,  AU+      20

74a                      500 kor  1923     Pr Arpad, @MPR.......... VF+30,  XF         40

74b                      500 kor  1923     Pr Arpad......................................   VG          5

75a                   1,000 kor  1923     St Stephen, @MPR....... VF 15,  AU+      80

76b                   5,000 kor  1923     Hungaria.....................................   F           75

81b                             8 fil  1923     ovpt(1925)1,000kr............ F 14,  VF+      40

97                         20 pen  1930     Kossuth/bank................. VG 25,  F+         75

98                       100 pen  1930     Kg Matyas/palace............ VF 4,  UN        10

99                         50 pen  1932     Petofi/horseman............... XF 4,  UN        15

100                       10 pen  1936     women/St Stephen.......... XF 4,  UN        12

106                         5 pen  1939     girl/....................................... F+4,  AU+      20

108                         2 pen  1940     girl/...............................................   UN        90

109                       20 pen  1941     woman/couple.................. VF 4,  UN        12

110                       50 pen  1945     Rakoczi/horses..... F 4, VF+18,  UN        96

111b                   100 pen  1945     Kg Matyas/palace........... XF+6,  UN        15

   *Szalasi Government in Veszprem 1944-5 (fascism)

*112                   100 pen  1930     serie *(1944 Szalasi issue).......   AU+      20

*113                      10 pen  1936     serie *(1944 Szalasi issue).......   UN        40

*114.                       1 pen  1938     serie *(1944 Szalasi issue).......   UN      160

116                  1,000 pen  1943     Hungaria/Budapest...................   UN        40

   Post War

117a                   500 pen  1945     .....................................................   UN        20

117x     error     500 pen  1945     .....................................................   VF           8

118a               1,000 pen  1945     no stamp.....................................   UN        20

118b               1,000 pen  1945     stamp..........................................   XF+      10

119a             10,000 pen  1945     no stamp.......................... VF+4,  UN        20

119b/c.         10,000 pen  1945     stamp................................. XF 7,  AU+      20

121.            100,000 pen  1945     .....................................................   UN        20

122                                 1  1945     milpengo............................ XF 4,  UN        20

123                               10  1945     milpengo.....................................   VF+         4

124                             100  1946     milpengo............................ VF 4,  UN        20

125.                        1,000  1946     milpengo............................ VF 4,  AU        18

126                       10,000  1946     milpengo............................ XF 5,  UN        20

127                     100,000  1946     milpengo......................... AU 10,  UN        20

128                  1,000,000  1946     milpengo............................ XF 5,  UN        20

129                10,000,000  1946     milpengo............................ XF 5,  UN        20

130             100,000,000  1946     milpengo......................... AU 10,  UN        20

131          1,000,000,000  1946     milpengo......................... AU 10,  UN        20

132.                      10,000  1946     b-pengo.......................................   UN        20

133                     100,000  1946     b-pengo.......................................   AU+      20

138a.            50,000 ado  1946     otvenezer, wmk, #... F 4, VF+6,  AU        16

138b             50,000 ado  1946     otvenezer, wmk, no#....... VF 5,  XF           8

138c              50,000 ado  1946     otvenezer, no wmk, no#...........   VF+         6

139a           500,000 ado  1946     otszazezer, #..............................   VF+      20

139c.          500,000 ado  1946     otszazezer, no#... XF 4, AU 12,  UN        24

140b.       1,000,000 ado  1946     egymillio, #........................ VF 9,  AU        36

140c        1,000,000 ado  1946     egymillio, no#.................... VF 4,  XF+      12

143a             10,000 ado  1946     tizezer, #............................ VF 4,  AU+      10

143b             10,000 ado  1946     tizezer, no#...................... VF+4,  XF           6

144a.          100,000 ado  1946     egyszazezer, #................. VF 4,  AU+      12

144b.          100,000 ado  1946     egyszazezer, no#............. XF 8,  AU+      24

144e           100,000 ado  1946     egyszazezer, no#.......... VF+ 4,  AU+      12

149.  canc    10,000 ado  1946     tizezer; stamp "946.JUL8"........   AU      100

150.  canc  100,000 ado  1946     szazezer;stamp"946.JUL8"......   AU      120

159                         10 for  1946     man/arms....................................   F+       400

160                       100 for  1946     /hammer +wheat......... trimmed  F         100

161                         10 for  1947     Petofi/river......................... F 60,  VF      120

162                         20 for  1947     Dozsa/allegory...........................   VG+   140

163                       100 for  1947     Kossuth/wagon.............. VG 50,  F         100

   1947-51 issue; arms: -hammer and wheat with star

164                         10 for  1949     Petofi/.............................. VF 12,  UN      100

165.                        20 for  1949     Dozsa/male allegory.................   UN      300

166.                      100 for  1949     Kossuth/wagon... VG 5, VF 20,  UN      200

   1957-89 issue; arms: -3 bar shield with star

168c.                      10 for  1962     Petofi/river view................ XF 4,  UN        15

168d                       10 for  1969     Petofi/river view................ VF 4,  UN        15

168e                       10 for  1975     Petofi/river view.........................   UN        12

169f                        20 for  1975     Dozsa/male allegory.................   UN        12

169g.                      20 for  1980     Dozsa/male allegory.................   UN        15

170f                        50 for  1983     Rakoczi/battle................... VF 4,  UN        12

170g.                      50 for  1986     Rakoczi/battle............................   UN        12

170h.                      50 for  1989     Rakoczi/battle................... VF 4,  AU        12

171b                     100 for  1960     Kossuth/wagon..........................   VF           4

171d                     100 for  1968     Kossuth/wagon..........................   VF           4

171g                     100 for  1984     Kossuth/wagon............... VF+4,  UN        15

171h.                    100 for  1989     Kossuth/wagon..........................   UN        12

172a.                    500 for  1969     Endre/Budapest.........................   VF         10

172b                     500 for  1975     Endre/Budapest.........................   XF         20

172c                     500 for  1980     Endre/Budapest................ F+ 4,  AU        30

   1990- issue; arms: -old Hungarian arms with St Stephen's Crown

173b                  1,000 for  1983     11.10;Bartok......... VG 4, F+12,  XF+      48

174a                     100 for  1992     Kossuth/wagon..........................   UN        12

174b.                    100 for  1993     Kossuth/wagon..........................   UN        12

175                       500 for  1990     Endre/Budapest.........................   F             4

176b.                1,000 for  1992     Bartok..........................................   AU        30

176c                  1,000 for  1996     Bartok..........................................   F+           4

177c.                 5,000 for  1993     Szechenyi/Academy.................   F+         25

178                       200 for  1998     Kg Karoly Robert/castle............   UN        15

182                    5,000 for  1999     Szechenyi/palace......................   UN      120

183c                10,000 for  1999     St Stephen/Esztergom..............   VF+      50

186    comm     2,000 for  2000     "Millennium"................. in folder  UN        50

186    comm     2,000 for  2000     "Millennium"................................   UN        40

187a                     200 for  2001     Kg Karoly Robert/castle............   UN        10

188d                     500 for  2005     Rakoczi/Sarospatak castle.......   UN        12

191a                  5,000 for  2005     Szechenyi/palace......................   UN        80

191b.                5,000 for  2006     Szechenyi/palace......................   UN        85

192a.              10,000 for  2001     St Stephen/Esztergom..............   UN      120

192b.              10,000 for  2003     St Stephen/Esztergom..............   UN      100

192c.              10,000 for  2004     St Stephen/Esztergom..............   UN      100

193b.              20,000 for  2005     Deak/old parliament..................   UN      250

193d.              20,000 for  2007     Deak/old parliament..................   UN      200

194.   comm        500 for  2006     "uprising 1956"...........................   UN        15

195a.                1,000 for  2005     Kg Matyas/fountain...................   UN        12

195b                  1,000 for  2006     Kg Matyas/fountain...................   UN        10

196e                     500 for  2013     Rakoczi/Sarospatak castle.......   UN          4

197a.                1,000 for  2009     Kg Matyas/fountain...................   UN          9

197b.                1,000 for  2010     Kg Matyas/fountain...................   UN          9

197c.                 1,000 for  2011     Kg Matyas/fountain...................   UN          9

198b.                2,000 for  2008     Pr Bethlen/scientists..................   UN        20

199b.                5,000 for  2010     Szechenyi/palace......................   UN        50

200a.              10,000 for  2008     St Stephen/Esztergom..............   UN        90

200c.              10,000 for  2012     St Stephen/Esztergom..............   UN        80

201a.              20,000 for  2008     Deak/old parliament..................   UN      150

201b.              20,000 for  2009     Deak/old parliament..................   UN      150

204a                  2,000 for  2016     Pr Bethlen/scientists..................   UN        15

205a                  5,000 for  2016     Szechenyi/palace......................   UN        30

207a.              20,000 for  2015     Deak/old parliament..................   UN      140

   Russian occupation WW2; Russian Army

M2a                        1 pen  1944     Russian issue, no#......... VG+4,  VF         12

M2b                        1 pen  1944     Russian issue, no#......... VG+4,  XF         20

M2c                        1 pen  1944     Russian issue; #........... VG+10,  F+         20

M3                          2 pen  1944     Russian issue...................... F 4,  UN        20

M4b.                       5 pen  1944     Russian issue.................. VF+5,  UN        20

M5.                       10 pen  1944     Russian issue................. XF 10,  UN        30

M6b                      20 pen  1944     Russian issue................... VF 4,  UN        30

M7                        50 pen  1944     Russian issue.............................   XF+      25

M8                      100 pen  1944     Russian issue................... VF 6,  UN        45

   Hungarian National Bank, import voucher for Croatian tourist

NL                         120 for  (197-)    voucher for Croatian tourist......   XF         10

   semi-official numismatic Hungarian banknotes overprints

ovpt(117)           500 pen  1945     "A Magar.. Penz.1961".............   F           12

ovpt(98)             100 pen  1930     "Magar Eremgyujto..1976".......   F-            8

ovpt(117)           500 pen  1945     "Magar Eremgyujto..1976".......   VF           8

ovpt(122)        1,000,000  1945     "Magar Eremgyujto..1976".......   F+           8

ovpt(127)           100,000  1945     "Magar Eremgyujto..1976".......   F+           8

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Budapest, "Pesti Kereskedelmi M Bank" (bank)

PKB-4.2          1,000,000  194-      adopengo; Pesti MK Bank........   AU      100

PKB-4.3          5,000,000  194-      adopengo; Pesti MK Bank........   AU      120

                                            -Budapest, Hadsegelyezo Hivatel (charity fund)

BUB-13.1                   2 fil  1916     Hadsegelyezo, like stamp........   UN        10

BUB-13.2                   4 fil  1916     Hadsegelyezo, like stamp........   UN        10

BUB-13.5                10 fil  1916     Hadsegelyezo, like stamp........   UN        12

                                            -Budapest, Katonal Arvak (war fund)

BUB-7.1                     2 fil  1915     Katonal Arvak.............................   UN        15

BUB-7.2                     4 fil  1915     Katonal Arvak.............................   UN        15

BUB-7.3                     6 fil  1915     Katonal Arvak.............................   UN        18

BUB-7.4                  10 fil  1915     Katonal Arvak.............................   UN        20

                                            -Budapest, Magyar Nok K Alapja (charity fund)

BUB-14.1                1 kor  ND        Alapja..........................................   UN        20

BUB-16.1                2 kor  1915     Alapja, issue-3, no#...................   UN        15

BUB-16.2                5 kor  1915     Alapja, issue-3, no#...................   UN        15

BUB-16.4              20 kor  1915     Alapja, issue-3, no#...................   UN        20

                                            -Budapest, Biro Miklos Muintezete

BUC-28.1                10 fil  1919     06.15; Biro Miklos......................   UN        12

BUC-28.2                50 fil  1919     06.15; Biro Miklos......................   UN        15

BUC-28.3                1 kor  1919     06.15; Biro Miklos......................   UN        18

                                            -Budapest, Fegyver Gepgyar (factory)

BUC-84.1                1 kor  -1919    08.31; /Marks.............................   XF         30

BUC-84.2                2 kor  -1919    08.31; /Marks.............................   UN        40

BUC-84.3                5 kor  -1919    08.31; /Marks.............................   UN        40

BUC-84.4              10 kor  -1919    08.31; /Marks.............................   XF         40

                                            -Budapest, Ganz Torzsgyar (factory)

BUC-84.1                1 kor  1919     06.10; Ganz Torzsgyar.............   UN        12

BUC-84.2                2 kor  1919     06.10; Ganz Torzsgyar.............   UN        12

BUC-84.3                5 kor  1919     06.10; Ganz Torzsgyar.............   UN        15

BUC-84.4              10 kor  1919     06.10; Ganz Torzsgyar.............   UN        20

                                            -Budapest, "Haztartas" (coop)

BUC-104.1              20 fil  1920     03.18; "Haztartas".....................   UN        12

                                            -Budapest, Legrady Nyomdauzem (printer)

BUC-151.2              2 kor  (1919)   Legrady Nyomdauzem.............   UN        20

BUC-151.3              5 kor  (1919)   Legrady Nyomdauzem.............   UN        30

                                            -Budapest, Obudai Hajogyara (shipyard)

BUC-172.1              1 kor  (1919)   Obudai Hajogyara.....................   AU        20

BUC-172.2              1 kor  (1919)   Obudai Hajogyara.....................   UN        25

                                            -Budapest, "Metro" Vizmerogyar (waterworks)

BUC-175.1              10 fil  -1920    12.15; Budapest "Metro"..........   UN        10

BUC-175.2              20 fil  -1920    12.15; Budapest "Metro"..........   UN        10

BUC-175.3              50 fil  -1920    12.15; Budapest "Metro"..........   UN        10

BUC-175.4              1 kor  -1922    12.15; Budapest "Metro"..........   UN        12

BUC-175.4              2 kor  -1920    12.15; Budapest "Metro"..........   UN        12

BUC-175.4              5 kor  -1920    12.15; Budapest "Metro"..........   UN        15

                                            -Budapest, N.E. Textilmuvek (textile)

BUC-188.1              10 fil  -1919    09.30; Budapest Textilmuvek..   UN        10

BUC-188.2              20 fil  -1919    09.30; Budapest Textilmuvek..   UN        10

BUC-188.3              1 kor  -1919    09.30; Budapest Textilmuvek..   UN        12

BUC-188.4              2 kor  -1919    09.30; Budapest Textilmuvek..   UN        15

                                            -Budapest, Pallas Nyomda (publisher)

BUC-204.1              1 kor  1919     05; Pallas Nyomda....................   UN        15

                                            -Budapest, Pesti Lloyd (newspaper)

BUC-212.1              1 kor  (1919)   Pesti Lloyd..................................   UN        12

BUC-212.2              2 kor  (1919)   Pesti Lloyd..................................   UN        12

BUC-212.3              3 kor  (1919)   Pesti Lloyd..................................   UN        12

                                            -Budapest, Pesti Hirlap (newspaper)

BUC-216.2              20 fil  (1919)   Budapest, Pesti Hirlap..............   F             8

                                            -Budapest, Rigler Jozsef Papirnemugyar (paper)

BUC-230.5              1 kor  (1919)   Rigler, blue.................................   UN        20

BUC-230.6              2 kor  (1919)   Rigler, purple..............................   UN        20

BUC-231.1              1 kor  (1919)   Rigler, issue-2, pink ..................   UN        15

BUC-231.1              2 kor  (1919)   Rigler, issue-2, blue .................   UN        15

BUC-231.1              5 kor  (1919)   Rigler, issue-2, brown ..............   UN        18

BUC-231.1            10 kor  (1919)   Rigler, issue-2, violet.................   UN        20

                                            -Budapest, "Schlick-Nicholson" (factory)

BUC-244.1.1           1 kor  -1919    07.01 Schlick-Nicholson...........   UN        12

BUC-244.1.2           2 kor  -1919    07.01 Schlick-Nicholson...........   UN        12

BUC-244.1.3           5 kor  -1919    07.01 Schlick-Nicholson...........   UN        15

BUC-244.1.4        10 kor  -1919    07.01 Schlick-Nicholson...........   XF         15

                                            -Budapest, Sokszorosito ipar (printing)

BUC-250.1              50 fil  1921     01.01 Sokszorosito ipar............   UN        12

BUC-250.2              50 fil  1921     01.01 Sokszorosito ipar............   UN        15

BUC-250.3              50 fil  1921     01.01 Sokszorosito ipar............   UN        15

                                            -Budapest, Margit Sziget Gyogyfurdo (spa)

BUC-269.1              20 fil  (1919)   Margit Sziget Gyogyfurdo.........   XF         10

BUC-269.3              20 fil  (1919)   Margit Sziget Gyogyfurdo.........   XF         15

BUC-269.4              20 fil  (1919)   Margit Sziget Gyogyfurdo.........   XF         20

                                            -Budapest, vilagitasi vizmu (utilities)

BUC-298.1              20 fil  -1920    12.01; Budapest vilagitasi........   UN        10

BUC-298.2              50 fil  -1920    12.01; Budapest vilagitasi........   AU        10

BUC-298.3              1 kor  -1920    12.01; Budapest vilagitasi........   UN        10

BUC-298.4              2 kor  -1920    12.01; Budapest vilagitasi........   UN        12

BUC-298.5              5 kor  -1920    12.01; Budapest vilagitasi........   UN        15

BUC-298.6            10 kor  -1920    12.01; Budapest vilagitasi........   UN        15

                                            -Budapest, "Voros Ujsag"

BUC-300     .50,1,2,5,10  1919     05.13 unissued.... full set 5 pcs  AU        80

                                            -Budapest -Ujpest "Chinoin" gyar (factory)

UJP-2.1                   1 kor  1919     08.01; Ujpest "Chinoin".............   UN        20

UJP-2.2                   2 kor  1919     08.01; Ujpest "Chinoin".............   UN        20

UJP-2.3                   5 kor  1919     08.01; Ujpest "Chinoin".............   UN        30

UJP-2.4                 10 kor  1919     08.01; Ujpest "Chinoin".............   UN        40

                                            -Budapest -Ujpest, Mauthner borgyar (tannery)

UJP-3.1                   1 kor  1919     Ujpest, Mauthner.......................   UN        12

UJP-3.2                   2 kor  1919     Ujpest, Mauthner.......................   UN        12

                                            -Diosgyor, reformatus egenek (church)

DIO-1.1                   10 fill  1919     08.01; Diosgyor..........................   UN        30

DIO-1.1                   20 fill  1919     08.01; Diosgyor..........................   UN        35

DIO-1.1                    1 kor  1919     08.01; Diosgyor..........................   UN        40

                                            -Eger Varos (city)

EGE-1.2                  5 kra  1849     08.15; Eger.................................   F+       100


EST-1.2                   2 kor  1919     06.10; Esztergom......................   XF+      20

                                            -Kaposvar, varos (city)

KAP-2.1               10 pen  (1945)   Kaposvar....................................   XF+      60

KAP-2.2               50 pen  (1945)   Kaposvar....................................   XF+      70

KAP-2.3             100 pen  (1945)   Kaposvar....................................   XF+      80

                                            -Kecskemet, varos (city)

KEC-3.1                  2 kor  1919     06.05; Kecskemet......................   VG          7

                                            -Magyarovar, Mosonvarmegye (county, Soviet)

MAG-1.1                  1 kor  1919     05.07...........................................   VG        12

MAG-1.2                  2 kor  1919     05.07...........................................   VG        12

MAG-1.3               10 kor  1919     05.07...........................................   VG-       15

                                            -Miskolcz, varos (city)

MIS-4.1                    20 fil  (1919)   .....................................................   UN        10

MIS-4.2                    50 fil  (1919)   .....................................................   UN        10

MIS-4.3                    1 kor  (1919)   .....................................................   UN        15

MIS-4.4                    2 kor  (1919)   .....................................................   UN        15

MIS-7.1                    1 kor  1919     05.14; -Miskolcz, varos.............   XF         12

MIS-7.2                    2 kor  1919     05.14; -Miskolcz, varos.............   UN        30

MIS-7.4                 20 kor  1919     05.14; -Miskolcz, varos.............   UN        70

                                            -Nagyszalonta, city(from 1920 Salonta Romania)

NL                            2 kor  1920     stamp "Nagyszalonta  "............   AU      100

                                            -Nagyszollos, Ugocsai Vilagitasi (utilities)

NSZ-2.1                   50 fil  -1919    11.15; Nagyszollos....................   UN          8

NSZ-2.2                   1 kor  -1919    11.15; Nagyszollos....................   UN        10

NSZ-2.2                   2 kor  -1919    11.15; Nagyszollos....................   UN        10

NSZ-2.2                   3 kor  -1919    11.15; Nagyszollos....................   UN        12

NSZ-2.2                   5 kor  -1919    11.15; Nagyszollos....................   UN        15

                                            -Papa, (city banks)

PAP-1.1 canc       10 kor  1919     Papa, cancelled.........................   F             8

PAP-1.2 canc       20 kor  1919     Papa, cancelled.........................   F             8

PAP-1.3 canc       50 kor  1919     Papa, cancelled.................. F 8,  VF         12

                                            -Pecs, city

PEC-13.3                50 fil  1919     01.12...........................................   F           10

                                            -Sarospatak, takarrekponztar (savings bank)

SAR-4.1                10 kor  1919     07.01;  ........................................   XF         40

                                            -Sopron, varos (city)

SOP-4.1                  10 fil  1918     05.01; Sopron............................   UN        40

                                            -Szeged, "Kalasz"

SZE-45.1                 50 fil  ND        Szeged, "Kalasz".......................   AU        20

SZE-45.2             10 pen  ND        Szeged, "Kalasz".......................   AU        25

                                            -Szekesfemervar, vilagitasi vizmu (utilities)

SZF-1.1                   20 fil  -1920    08.31; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        12

SZF-1.2                   20 fil  -1920    08.31; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        12

SZF-1.3                   20 fil  -1920    08.31; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        12

SZF-1.4                   1 kor  -1920    08.31; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        12

SZF-1.5                   2 kor  -1920    08.31; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        12

SZF-1.6                   5 kor  -1920    08.31; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        15

SZF-1.7                 10 kor  -1920    08.31; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        25

                                            -Szekesfemervar, Legszeszgyar (distillery)

SZF-2.1                   10 fil  -1921    09.01; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        12

SZF-2.2                   20 fil  -1921    09.01; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        12

SZF-2.3                   50 fil  -1921    09.01; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        12

SZF-2.4                   1 kor  -1921    09.01; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        12

SZF-2.5                   2 kor  -1921    09.01; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        15

SZF-2.6                   3 kor  -1921    09.01; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        15

SZF-2.7                   5 kor  -1921    09.01; Szekesfemervar.............   UN        20

                                            -Szombathely, Urania (motion picture theater)

SZO-7.1                  10 fil  -1920    12.31; Szombathely, Urania.....   UN        12

SZO-7.2                  20 fil  -1920    12.31; Szombathely, Urania.....   UN        12

SZO-7.3                  50 fil  -1920    12.31, Szombathely, Urania.....   UN        12

SZO-7.4                  1 kor  -1920    12.31; Szombathely, Urania.....   UN        15

SZO-7.5                  2 kor  -1920    12.31; Szombathely, Urania.....   UN        20

SZO-7.6                  5 kor  -1920    12.31; Szombathely, Urania.....   UN        25

   ***Hungary Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            4% Jaradekkolcson (gold annuity loan),Budapest

bond                    500 gul  1881     ........................................ bs#150  G           20

                                            Hung.Mortgage Bank-Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank

Bond                   100 gul  1884     4% Bond........................ bs#151  VF         30

bond                    100 gul  1886     4% Lottery 1884........... bs#152  F           25

bond                    100 gul  1901     4% Lottery 1884........... bs#153  F           15

bond                    100 gul  1902     4% Lottery 1884........... bs#154  F           15

                                            "A Magyarorszagi Foldtehermentesitesi Kotveny"

bond                   1000 for  1889     4% founder's share...... bs#155  VF         30

                                            Commercial Bank of Pest,Budapest

bond                     200 for  1895     4% Loan........................ bs#156  VG        25

bond                   1000 for  1918     4.5% Loan..................... bs#157  VF         25

                                            Hungarian Red Cross Fund,Budapest

bond                         5 for  1882     Lottery Loan.................. bs#158  F           15

                                            Magyarorszagi Josziv-Egyesulet Fund,Budapest

bond                         2 for  1888     Lottery Loan.................. bs#159  F           15

                                            Konigin Elisabeth Sanatorium Fund,Budapest

bond                         5 for  1888     Lottery Loan.................. bs#160  VF         20

                                            Budapest Basilica's Fund,Budapest

bond                         5 for  1886     Lottery Loan.................. bs#161  VF         15

                                            Pesti Hazai Elso Takarekpenztar,Budapest

bond                    100 kor  1905     Bond............................... bs#162  VF         25

                                            6.5% State Loan 1924,Budapest

bond                     500 fra  1924     french franks................. bs#163  VG        20

                                            6% State Loan 1922,Budapest

bond                     100 fra  1925     french franks................. bs#164  VF         20


HUTT#                               *****HUTT RIVER PROVINCE*****

 Private issue, Hutt River Province self-proclaimed Principality in Australia

HUTT-coin            5 cent  1976     Pr Leonard/arms.............. COIN  UN        40

HUTT-1               10 cent  1970     Pr Leonard/boomerang.............   UN        12

HUTT-2               20 cent  1970     Pr Leonard/swan, pig................   UN        15

HUTT-3               50 cent  1970     Pr Leonard/bull, tractor.............   UN        15

HUTT-4                       1 $  1970     Pr Leonard/horse, kangaroo....   UN        30

HUTT-5.                      2 $  1970     Pr Leonard/ostrich,....................   UN        60

HUTT    10,20,50ct,1,2$  1970     .............. set of 5 notes in folder  UN      160


PICK#                                 *****ICELAND***3c*

   Kingdom in union with Denmark (1918-1944)

A1                 1 Rigsdaler  1792     on Denmark PA24.....................   VG   1300

9b       canc           50 kro  1900     Kg Christian; cancelled.............   VG      900

10                             5 kro  1904     Kg Christian..... missing corner  F         700

15b.    rema            5 kro  1920     geyser; 1x sig only.....................   UN      600

18c                           1 kor  1900     "B"(1925)....................................   VG+   100

  Republic (from 1944)

22a                           1 kro  1941     green 1-200000.........................   F+         25

22d                           1 kro  1941     brown 350000-500000. VG+12  F           15

22e                           1 kro  1941     brown 500000-636000..............   F           15

22f                            1 kro  1941     brown 636000-1000000.. VG 8  UN      250

22g                           1 kro  1941     blue 1-216000................... F 15,  F+         25

22i                            1 kro  1941     blue 332001-452000........... p/h  VF+      50

22j                            1 kro  1941     blue 452001-576000.... XF+94,  UN      250

22k                           1 kro  1941     blue 576000-760000.................   F+         25

22n                           1 kor  1941     blue 260000-558000.................   UN      250

27a                           5 kro  1928     (1934)brown; sig 3.....................   VG        12

27b     "A"                5 kro  1928     (1934)brown; sig 1.....................   VF         40

27b     "A"                5 kro  1928     (1934)brown; sig 3.....................   VG        10

27b     "A"                5 kro  1928     (1940)brown; sig 4.....................   F           20

28a                         10 kro  1928     (1934)blue; sig 1........................   F           25

28a                         10 kro  1928     (1934)blue; sig 2........................   VG        12

28b     "A"              10 kro  1928     (1934)blue; sig 1........................   VF         40

28b     "A"              10 kro  1928     (1934)blue; sig 3............... F 20,  VF+      60

28c     "B"              10 kro  1928     (1934)blue: sig 1............ VG 10,  F+         30

28c     "B"              10 kro  1928     (1934)blue: sig 4........................   F           20

30b     "A"            100 kro  1928     (1934)red: sig 4..........................   VF      500

32a                           5 kro  1928     (195-)green; sig 9........... VG+6,  UN      120

32a                           5 kro  1928     (195-)green; sig 10....................   F             8

32b     "C"                5 kro  1928     (195-)green sig 11.....................   XF         30

33a                         10 kro  1928     (195-)red; sig 6..........................   VG          4

33a                         10 kro  1928     (195-)red; sig 8...... F 8, AU 75,  UN      120

33a                         10 kro  1928     (195-)red; sig 9..........................   VF+      30

33a.                       10 kro  1928     (195-)red; sig 10.................. F 8,  UN      120

33b.    "C"              10 kro  1928     (195-)red; sig 9............... VF 16,  AU        60

33b     "C"              10 kro  1928     (195-)red; sig 10........................   VF         16

34                           50 kro  1928     (195-)green; sig 8......................   F+         95

35a                      100 kro  1928     (195-)blue; sig 6.............. F+90,  VF      120

35a                      100 kro  1928     (195-)blue; sig 9.........................   VF+    200

35b     "C"           100 kro  1928     (195-)blue; sig 9................... p/h  F+       100

36a                      500 kro  1928     (195-)brown; sig 8.....................   VF      400

36a                      500 kro  1928     (195-)brown; sig 10...................   VG+   160

37a                           5 kro  1957     Viking/farm; paper yellow... F 4  UN        25

37b                           5 kro  1957     Viking/farm; paper white...........   UN        20

38a                         10 kro  1957     Eiriksson/port.............................   F             4

39                           25 kro  1957     Stephensen/port........................   UN        25

40                        100 kro  1957     Gunnarsson/herd of sheep......   UN        25

42.                          10 kro  1961     Eiriksson/port.............................   UN        20

43.                          25 kro  1961     Stephensen/port............. VF+4,  UN        20

44                        100 kro  1961     Gunnarsson/herd of sheep......   UN        20

45                        500 kro  1961     Hafstein/fishermen....................   UN        30

46                     1,000 kro  1961     Sigurdsson/view.............. VG 4,  UN        50

47                     5,000 kro  1961     Benediktsson/waterfall..............   UN      120

48                           10 kro  1961     Jonsson/old household.............   UN          5

49                           50 kro  1961     Porlaksson/early printers..........   UN          7

50                        100 kro  1961     Magnusson/manuscript............   UN        12

57s     spec      2,000 kro  1986     "SPECIMEN"........................ p/h  AU      150

58                        500 kro  2001     Sigurdsson;white 2 borders.....   UN        20

59                     1,000 kro  2001     Bishop/church;2xsig..................   UN        35

59                     1,000 kro  2001     Bishop/church;1xsig..................   UN        35

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Husavik, full booklet of small emergency notes

booklet                  10 kro  194-      0.25,0.5,1 kro.............. 20 notes  XF         80

booklet                100 kro  194-      0.25,0.5,1,2,5,10 kro. 36 notes  XF      120


PICK#                                 *****INDIA***4c*

   All India banknotes are with pinholes (p/h).

   British Colony (from 1948; India, Pakistan)

1e.                           1 rup  1917     George V; sig McWatters.........   AU    2400

1g                            1 rup  1917     George V; sig Gubbay..............   F+       450

4b                            5 rup  (1925)   George V....................................   F         900

4c                             5 rup  (1926)   George V............................ hole  F         900

7a       sig D          10 rup  (1926)   George V.............. spindle hole  VF-   1400

7b       sig T          10 rup  (1926)   George V.............. spindle hole  XF+  2800

14a                          1 rup  1935     George V; wmk king....... "47A"  VF      320

14a                          1 rup  1935     George V; wmk king......... "0IB"  F         160

14a                          1 rup  1935     George V; wmk king...... "16/D"  F         160

14b                          1 rup  1935     George V; wmk lines........ "E/7"  VG        80

14b                          1 rup  1935     George V; wmk lines...... "E/17"  VG        80

14b                          1 rup  1935     George V; wmk lines...... "E/86"  XF      640

15b.    sig K            5 rup  (1934)   George V; .................... VF-400AU    1600

16b     sig K          10 rup  (1926)   George V; ..................................   VF+    800

17a     sig T            2 rup  (1937)   George VI......... VG 50, F+150,  XF      400

17b     sig D            2 rup  (1943)   George VI........ VG 30, VF-120UN      960

18a     sig T            5 rup  (1937)   George VI............. F 40, VF 80,  AU+    480

18b.    sig D            5 rup  (1943)   George VI............. F 40, VF 80AU      320

19a     sig T          10 rup  (1943)   George VI......................... F+90,  XF      240

19b     sig D          10 rup  (1943)   George VI.................. tape mark  XF      240

19b     sig D          10 rup  (1943)   George VI...................................   VF+    180

20e     sig D       100 rup  (1943)   George VI; Calcutta...................   XF+  2400

23a.                         5 rup  (1943)   George VI...................................   AU+ 2400

24       "A/0"          10 rup  (1943)   George VI................. serie "A/0"  VF+    240

24                          10 rup  (1943)   George VI............. F 40, VF 80,  AU+    320

25a                          1 rup  1940     George VI............ VG 4, VF 16,  UN      120

25d     "A"               1 rup  1940     George VI........... VG 5, VF+30,  AU+      80

   Republic (from 1948)

28.      "A-J"            2 rup  (1951)   red; sig Rama Rau; text error..   UN-       60

29a.    "J-L"             2 rup  (1957)   red; sig72 Rama Rau................   UN-    200

29b     "L-X"            2 rup  (1957)   red; sig74 Iyengar......................   UN-       25

30.      "A-D"           2 rup  (1962)   brown; sig75 Bhattacharya......   UN-       30

31       "A-G"           2 rup  (1965)   olive; sig75 Bhattacharya.........   UN-       35

32       "A-D"           5 rup  (1950)   /Rs.5; sig72 Rama Rau............   UN-    500

33       "A-P"            5 rup  (1951)   sig72 Rama Rau........................   UN-    100

34       "P-R"           5 rup  (1953)   sig72 Rama Rau........................   VF+      80

35a.    "R-Y"           5 rup  (1957)   sig74 Iyengar.............................   UN-       80

35b     letter A        5 rup  (1957)   sig74 Iyengar.............................   UN-       50

36a     letter A        5 rup  (1964)   sig75 Bhattacharya...................   UN-       40

36b     letter B        5 rup  (1962)   sig75 Bhattacharya...................   UN-       70

37b.                       10 rup  (1950)   sig72 Rama Rau........................   UN-    400

38                          10 rup  (1951)   sig72 Rama Rau........................   UN-       80

39c     letter A      10 rup  (1958)   sig74 Iyengar.............................   UN-       50

40a.    letter A      10 rup  (1962)   sig75 Bhattacharya...................   UN-       80

40b     letter B      10 rup  (1962)   sig75 Bhattacharya...................   UN-       40

42a     "A"           100 rup  (1951)   sig72 Rama Rau, black#..........   XF+    600

43b     "AA"        100 rup  (1960)   sig74 Iyengar;............ spin hole  AU      400

45.      "AB"        100 rup  (1962)   sig75 Bhattacharya...................   AU+    480

51b     "F-M"           2 rup  (1968)   brown; sig76 Jha.......................   UN-       12

52       "A-M"           2 rup  (1970)   red; Jagannathan; text error.....   XF           6

53a     "M-W"          2 rup  (1970)   red; sig78 Jagannathan............   UN-         8

53b.    "W-Y"          2 rup  (1975)   red; sig80 Puri............................   UN-       12

53c     letter A         2 rup  (1976)   red; sig80 Puri............................   UN-         9

53d     letter A        2 rup  (1976)   red; sig82 Patel..........................   UN-         6

53e     letter B        2 rup  (1980)   red; sig82 Patel..........................   UN-         6

53f      letter C        2 rup  (1982)   red; sig82 Patel............... XF+4,  UN-         6

53g     letter C        2 rup  (1983)   red; sig83 Singh.........................   UN-         6

53Aa  "A-W"           2 rup  (1983)   red; sig83 Singh; red.................   UN-         6

53Ac   letter A        2 rup  (1985)   red; sig85 Malhotra...................   UN-         5

53Ae   letter B        2 rup  (1997)   red; sig86 Venkitaramanan......   UN-         5

54a     "A-F"            5 rup  (1968)   /antelopes; s75 Bhattacharya..   UN-       20

55       "A-V"            5 rup  (1970)   /antelopes; sig78 Puri...............   UN-       10

56b.    letter A        5 rup  (1970)   /antelopes; sig78 Puri...............   UN-       15

57       "A-L"          10 rup  (1962)   /dhow; sig75 Bhattacharya.......   UN-       30

58       "A-G"         10 rup  (1968)   /dhow; sig76 Jha........................   UN-       25

59a.    "H-Y"         10 rup  (1970)   /dhow; sig78 Jagannathan.......   UN-       15

60a.    letter A      10 rup  (1970)   /dhow; sig78 Jagannathan....... UN-       12

60c.    letter B      10 rup  (1975)   /dhow; sig80 Puri.......................   UN-       12

60k.    letter F       10 rup  (1985)   /dhow; sig85 Malhotra...............   UN-       10

60Aa.  "A-K"         10 rup  (1985)   /dhow; sig85 Malhotra...............   UN-       10

60Ac.  "L-Q"         10 rup  (1997)   /dhow; 86 Venkitaramanan......   UN-       10

61a    "A"              20 rup  (1972)   /parliament, incorrect text.........   UN-    150

62a    "-AA76"    100 rup  (1967)   /dam; 75 Bhattacharya... VF 30  UN-    200

64b    "AG-AJ"   100 rup  (1976)   /dam; sig80 Puri.........................   UN-       60

64c    "AJ-AW"   100 rup  (1977)   /dam; sig81 Narasimham.........   UN-       60

64d                      100 rup  (1977)   /dam; sig82 Patel.......................   UN-       50

65b   "A-A11"  1,000 rup  (1975)   "Bombay" sig80 Puri..... stamps  VF      600

66       comm          1 rup  (1969)   "Gandhi"......................................   UN-         8

67a     comm          2 rup  (1969)   "Gandhi"; sig76 Jha...................   UN-       25

68a     comm          5 rup  (1969)   "Gandhi"; sig76 Jha...................   UN-       30

68b.    comm          5 rup  (1969)   "Gandhi" sig77 Adarkar............   UN-       30

69a     comm        10 rup  (1969)   "Gandhi"; sig76 Jha...................   UN-       18

69b     comm        10 rup  (1969)   "Gandhi" sig77 Adarkar............   UN-       22

70a.    comm      100 rup  (1969)   "Gandhi"; sig76 Jha........ VF 30  UN-    240

71a     "A-C"           1 rup  (1949)   green, sig Menon.......................   UN      500

71b     "C-Q"           1 rup  (1950)   green, sig Ambegaonkar..........   UN      150

72       "A-N"           1 rup  1951     green, Ambegaonkar.... VF+18  UN-       96

73       "A-P"            1 rup  1951     violet, sig Ambegaonkar...........   AU        40

74a     "P-Z"            1 rup  1951     violet, sig Patel................. VF 6,  UN-       50

75b     letter A        1 rup  1957     sig Patel......................... XF+10,  UN-       24

75c     letter B         1 rup  1957     sig Roy............................. VF+5,  UN-       24

76a     letter A        1 rup  1963     .....................................................   UN-       12

76c.    letter B         1 rup  1965     .....................................................   UN-       15

77h.    letter C        1 rup  1971     .....................................................   UN-         5

77j       letter D       1 rup  1972     .....................................................   AU+        5

77m    letter F         1 rup  1973     .....................................................   VF+         4

77n     colors      2x1 rup  1974     blue +violet.................. lot#1311  XF         20

77p     letter G        1 rup  1975     .....................................................   UN-         5

77q     letter H        1 rup  1975     .....................................................   UN-         5

77r.     letter H        1 rup  1976     .....................................................   UN-         5

77t.     letter B        1 rup  1976     .....................................................   UN-         5

77z                           1 rup  1980     .....................................................   UN-         5

78.                           1 rup  1981     /oil platform; sig85 Malhotra.....   UN-       10

78A.                         1 rup  1984     /oil platform.................................   UN-         5

78A.                         1 rup  1985     /oil platform.................................   UN-         5

78A.   letter A         1 rup  1988     /oil platform.................................   UN-         5

78A.   letter B         1 rup  1990     /oil platform.................................   UN-         5

79a                          2 rup  (1976)   /satellite; sig80 Puri................... UN-         5

79e.    letter A        2 rup  (1980)   /satellite; sig82 Patel.................   UN-         5

79i      letter A         2 rup  (1985)   /satellite; sig85 Malhotra...........   UN-         5

79j      letter B         2 rup  (1985)   /satellite; sig85 Malhotra...........   UN-         5

79l.     letter B         2 rup  (1990)   sig86 Venkitaramanan..............   UN-         7

79m   letter B         2 rup  (1992)   /satellite; sig87 Rangarajan......   UN-         5

80a                          5 rup  (1975)   /tractor; sig78 Jagannathan.....   UN-         6

80p    letter A          5 rup  (1985)   /tractor; sig85 Malhotra.............   UN-         5

80q    letter B          5 rup  (1990)   sig86 Venkitaramanan..............   UN-         5

80s    letter B          5 rup  (1997)   /tractor; sin88 Jalan...................   UN-         5

81a                        10 rup  (1975)   /garden; sig78 Jagannathan....   UN-       12

81d.   letter A       10 rup  (1975)   /garden; sig82 Patel..................   UN-         8

81f.    letter A       10 rup  (1984)   /garden; sig83 Singh.................   UN-       10

81h    letter C       10 rup  (1985)   /garden; sig85 Malhotra............   UN-         6

82a.                       20 rup  (1975)   /wheel; sig78 Jagannathan......   UN-       60

82f     letter A       20 rup  (1983)   /wheel; sig83 Singh...................   UN-         9

82h.   letter B       20 rup  (1985)   /wheel; sig85 Malhotra..............   UN-         9

82j.     letter C      20 rup  (1997)   /wheel; sig87 Rangarajan.........   UN-       12

83a.                       50 rup  (1975)   sig78 Jagannathan....................   UN-    250

83b                        50 rup  (1975)   sig80 Puri....................................   XF-       30

84c.                       50 rup  (1985)   sig85 Malhotra...........................   UN-       18

84e    letter B       50 rup  (1985)   sig85 Malhotra...........................   UN-       18

84i     letter B        50 rup  (1992)   sig87 Rangarajan......................   UN-       12

84.     letter C       50 rup  (1992)   sig87 Rangarajan......................   UN-       12

85A                     100 rup  (1985)   black sig85 Malhotra.................   UN-       30

86a.                     100 rup  (1977)   red sig82 Patel................. VF 6;  UN-       40

86b                      100 rup  (1983)   red sig83 Singh..........................   VG          6

86c                      100 rup  (1985)   red sig85 Malhotra.....................   UN-       35

86d.                     100 rup  (1990)   red sig86 Venkitaramanan.......   UN-       35

86e.   letter A     100 rup  (1992)   red sig87 Rangarajan...............   AU        20

87a.                     500 rup  (1987)   sig85 Malhotra...........................   UN-    160

87b.                     500 rup  (1990)   sig86 Venkitaramanan... AU 45  UN-       90

88a                        10 rup  (1990)   sig86 Venkitaramanan..............   UN-         5

88b.   letter A       10 rup  (1990)   sig86 Venkitaramanan..............   UN-         5

88c.   letter C       10 rup  (1992)   sig87 Rangarajan......................   UN-         5

88A.  letter L           5 rup  (1997)   Gandhi/tractor.................. sig 88  AU          5

88A   letter R          5 rup  (1997)   Gandhi/tractor.................. sig 88  UN          4

89                          10 rup  (1996)   Gandhi/animals............... sig 87  UN-         4

89      letter N       10 rup  (1996)   Gandhi/animals............... sig 88  UN-         4

89      letter P       10 rup  (1996)   Gandhi/animals............... sig 88  UN          4

89      letter Q       10 rup  (1996)   Gandhi/animals............... sig 88  UN          4

89      letter S       10 rup  (1996)   Gandhi/animals............... sig 88  UN          4

89A   letter A        20 rup  (1997)   Gandhi/view..................... sig 88  UN          5

90                          50 rup  (1997)   Gandhi/parliament.......... sig 87  UN-         9

90                          50 rup  (1998)   Gandhi/parliament.......... sig 88  UN-         7

90     letter E        50 rup  (1998)   Gandhi/parliament.......... sig 88  UN          7

91     letter A      100 rup  (1997)   Gandhi/mountains........... sig 87  UN        18

91     letter E      100 rup  (1997)   Gandhi/mountains........... sig 87  UN        18

91                        100 rup  (1998)   Gandhi/mountains........... sig 88  UN        15

91     letter E      100 rup  (1998)   Gandhi/mountains........... sig 88  UN        15

91     letter L       100 rup  (1998)   Gandhi/mountains........... sig 88  UN        15

92                        500 rup  (1997)   Gandhi/march.................. sig 87  UN-       60

93                        500 rup  (2001)   Gandhi/march.................. sig 88  UN-       50

93     letter A      500 rup  (2001)   Gandhi/march.................. sig 88  UN-       50

94                     1,000 rup  (1997)   Gandhi/economy............. sig 88  UN        90

95     letter S        10 rup  2008     Gandhi/animals..........................   UN          4

95     letter R        10 rup  2009     Gandhi/animals..........................   UN          4

95     letter A        10 rup  2010     Gandhi/animals..........................   UN          4

95     letter B        10 rup  2011     Gandhi/animals..........................   UN          4

96                          20 rup  2007     Gandhi/view...............................   UN          5

96     letter E        20 rup  2009     Gandhi/view...............................   UN          4

96                          20 rup  2011     Gandhi/view...............................   UN          4

97                          50 rup  2011     Gandhi/parliament.....................   UN          4

97     letter L         50 rup  2011     Gandhi/parliament.....................   UN          4

98     letter R      100 rup  2008     Gandhi/mountains.....................   UN          6

98     letter F      100 rup  2009     Gandhi/mountains.....................   UN          5

98                        100 rup  2010     Gandhi/mountains.....................   UN          5

98                        100 rup  2011     Gandhi/mountains.....................   UN          5

99     letter R      500 rup  2008     Gandhi/march............................   UN        35

99     letter R      500 rup  2009     Gandhi/march............................   UN        30

99                        500 rup  2010     Gandhi/march............................   UN        30

99     letter R      500 rup  2010     Gandhi/march............................   UN        30

99     letter E      500 rup  2010     Gandhi/march............................   UN        30

99                        500 rup  2010     Gandhi/march............................   UN        30

100   letter L   1,000 rup  2010     Gandhi/economy.......................   VF+      12

100.  letter R   1,000 rup  2010     Gandhi/economy.......................   UN        60

102.                       10 rup  2012     Gandhi/animals..........................   UN          4

103                        20 rup  2012     Gandhi/view...............................   UN          4

104                        50 rup  2012     Gandhi/parliament.....................   UN          4

105                      100 rup  2012     Gandhi/mountains.....................   UN          4

105                      100 rup  2014     Gandhi/mountains.....................   UN          4

106                      500 rup  2012     Gandhi/march............................   UN        20

106                      500 rup  2013     Gandhi/march............................   UN        20

107.                 1,000 rup  2011     Gandhi/economy.......................   UN        50

117                          1 rup  2015     oil platform....................... green  UN          4

                                            Persian Gulf

R1                            1 rup  (195-)    Persian Gulf, red............ F 120VF+    360

R2                            5 rup  (195-)    Persian Gulf, orange.... VG 300  F+       900

R3                          10 rup  (195-)    Persian Gulf, red........................   F         400

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            -Bikaner State

s211                       1 pice  (194-)    Bikaner........................................   VF+      80

s212                     1 anna  (194-)    Bikaner........................................   VF+      90

s213                     2 anna  (194-)    Bikaner........................................   VF+      90

s214                     4 anna  (194-)    Bikaner........................................   VF+      95

                                            -Bundi State

s221                       3 pies  (194-)    Bundi...........................................   AU        60

s222                     1 anna  (194-)    Bundi............................... XF 35,  AU        70

                                            -Indergadh State

s282                     1 anna  1933     (1942)Indergadh; coin...............   UN        50

s283                     2 anna  1939     (1942)Indergadh; coin...............   UN        70

                                            -Junagadh State

s332                     1 paisa  (1943)   Junagadh; green.............. F 10,  AU-       90

s333                     2 paisa  (1943)   Junagadh; red............................   XF         70

s334                     1 anna  (1943)   Junagadh; violet............... F 23,  XF         90

                                            -Palitana State

s416                     2 paisa  (194-)    Palitana; gray-blue....................   AU+      50

s417                     1 anna  (194-)    Palitana; brown-red...................   AU+      50

s418                     2 anna  (194-)    Palitana; violet-purple...............   AU+      50

                                            -Ramgarh Raj

s481                  1/2 anna  ND        ?fantasy?....................................   AU        70

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   Check                              -Reserve Bank of India, Calcutta

check       2,000,000 rup  1946     cash check 2 lacs....... lot#1191  VF+      40

   Travellers Cheque         -State Bank of India

TC     spec             50 Rs  ND        State Bank of India....................   AU          8

TC     spec          100 Rs  ND        State Bank of India....................   AU          8

                                            -Central Bank of India

TC  spe   50,100,500 Rs  (1977)   Central Bank India..... lot#1054  AU        15

                                            -Bank of India, Bombay

TC    25,50,100,250,500  19--       Bank India;2xsig........................   AU        20

    50,100,250,500,1000  19--       Bank India;1xsig......... lot#1163  AU        20

   Promissory Notes (Bill of Exchange)

   HUNDI;                           -India, Queen Victoria

hundi                  6 annas  189-      Qn Victoria.......... revenue 6 As  F           10

hundi               12 annas  189-      Qn Victoria........ revenue 12 As  F           12

hundi        1 rup/8 annas  189-      Qn Victoria. revenue 1 Rs/8 As  F           20

                                            -India, Queen Victoria double "Hundi"

hundi            2x 6 annas                Qn Victoria...... revenue 2x6 As  F           25

hundi          2x 12 annas                Qn Victoria...... revenue 2x6 As  F           30

                                            -Bikaner State

hundi                  9 annas  198-      .............................. revenue 9 As  F             7

hundi               15 annas  198-      ........................... revenue 15 As  F             7

hundi        1 rup/2 annas  198-      ..................... revenue 1 Rs/2 As  F             9

hundi        1 rup/8 annas  198-      ..................... revenue 1 Rs/8 As  VF         10

hundi        2 rup/4 annas  198-      ..................... revenue 2 Rs/4 As  F           10

hundi        4 rup/8 annas  198-      ..................... revenue 4 Rs/8 As  F           10

hundi                 9 rupees  198-      ............................. revenue 9 Rs  F           12

hundi              18 rupees  198-      ............................. revenue 9 Rs  F           12

hundi              27 rupees  198-      ........................... revenue 27 Rs  VF         20

                                            -Khadi Village Industries, Khadi Hundi

khadi                       2 rup  195-      brown "A/B"....................... canc  VF         12

khadi                       2 rup  195-      brown "A/1"........................ canc  VG          6

khadi                       5 rup  195-      blue/violet "Y/I".................. canc  F           30

khadi                       5 rup  195-      violet "B/O"......................... canc  F           12

khadi                     10 rup  195-      brown "C/O"....................... canc  F           15

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

share  canc     4,000 rup  1899     Bank of Bengal............... bs#66  F           50

share                 1 shares  1907     Bank of India, Bombay.. bs#67  F           50

                                            Asiatic Gov. Security Life, Bangalore

share               75 shares  1938     Life Assurance Co.......... bs#68  VG        30


PICK#                                 *****INDONESIA***3c*

   Republic from 1945 (before; Netherlands Indies, Neth Guinea, Timor)

13                            1 sen  1945     .....................................................   UN        20

14                            5 sen  1945     .....................................................   UN        20

15a                       10 sen  1945     .....................................................   UN        20

15b.                      10 sen  1945     .....................................................   UN        20

16.                        1/2 rup  1945     .....................................................   UN        60

17a.                         1 rup  1945     ......................................... AU 20,  UN        40

19.                         10 rup  1945     ........................................ XF+60UN      150

19     coun            10 rup  1945     counterfeit...................................   AU+      40

21                            5 rup  1947     01.01...........................................   UN        45

23                          25 rup  1947     01.01 ?counterfeit?...... XF+20,  AU        50

25                         1/2 rup  1947     07.26;brown-red.............. VG-7,  AU+      80

26.                      2.50 rup  1947     07.26;brown ?counterfeit?........   AU      100

27.                         25 rup  1947     07.26.............................. VF+25,  AU+    100

29                        100 rup  1947     07.26............................... XF 20,  UN        50

31                         10 sen  1947     ............................................ XF 5,  UN        18

32                         25 sen  1947     ............................................ XF 5,  UN        18

33                          40 rup  1948     "PP"-"SO"...................................   VF+      90

38                            1 rup  1951     view/................................... VF 4,  UN        30

40.                           1 rup  1953     view/................................ XF 15,  UN        60

41                       2.50 rup  1953     view/............................... AU+60,  UN        80

42                            5 rup  1952     .....................................................   XF         30

43a                        10 rup  1952     statue/.........................................   VF+      20

43b                        10 rup  1952     statue/............................ VF+23,  UN      120

44a                        25 rup  1952     cloth design/...............................   VF         25

45                          50 rup  1952     .....................................................   F           30

46                        100 rup  1952     Pr. Diponegoro...........................   VF         40

47                        500 rup  1952     frieze................................. F+60,  VF+    120

49                            5 rup  (1957)   orangutan/temple......................   UN        80

50                          50 rup  (1957)   crocodile/mosque.......... VF 30,  AU      120

51                        100 rup  (1957)   squirrel/palace................ VF 35,  UN      280

52                        500 rup  (1957)   tiger/paddy terraces..................   VF+    600

55                            5 rup  1958     batiking/old house.....................   UN          5

56                          10 rup  1958     carver/old house........................   UN          5

57.                         25 rup  1958     weaver/old house......................   UN        20

59                        100 rup  1958     rubber plantation........................   UN          9

61                     1,000 rup  1958     craftsman; brown.......................   UN        80

61      error      1,000 rup  1958     folding error..................... brown  UN      100

62                     1,000 rup  1958     craftsman; purple........... VF 15,  UN      100

63                     1,000 rup  1958     craftsman; green........................   AU      100

64                     5,000 rup  1958     woman/view; lilac......... AU+75,  UN      100

65                            5 rup  1959     flowers/sunbirds.........................   UN          5

66                          10 rup  1959     flowers/cockatoos......................   UN          5

67                          25 rup  1959     water lilies/cranes......................   UN        12

67                          25 rup  1959     seria 1-letter "25B"....................   UN        40

68                          50 rup  1959     sunflower/fish eagle............ F 4,  UN        50

69                        100 rup  1959     rafflesia/birds..............................   UN        35

70                        500 rup  1959     flower/............................ VF 100VF+    160

71b                   1,000 rup  1959     /paradise birds...........................   UN      100

72                            1 rup  1954     girl/arms............................ VF-4,  UN        10

74                            1 rup  1956     girl/arms......................................   UN          5

75                       2.50 rup  1956     old man/arms.............................   UN          5

76                            1 rup  1960     rice field/.....................................   UN        10

77                       2.50 rup  1960     corn field workers/.....................   UN        10

78                            1 rup  1961     rice field/.....................................   UN          5

79                       2.50 rup  1961     corn field workers/.....................   UN          5

79A                          1 rup  1961     Sukarno/dancer.........................   UN      120

79B                    2.50 rup  1961     Sukarno/dancer.........................   UN        95

80a                          1 rup  1964     Sukarno/dancer.........................   UN        15

81a.                    2.50 rup  1964     Sukarno/dancer.........................   UN        30

81b                     2.50 rup  1964     Sukarno/dancer.........................   UN        25

82b.                         5 rup  1964     Sukarno/dancer.........................   UN        40

83.                         10 rup  1964     Sukarno/dancers.......................   UN        50

86a                      100 rup  1960     Sukarno/dancers.......................   VF         20

86a    error         100 rup  1960     wmk in centner...........................   F         120

87b                      500 rup  1960     Sukarno/dancers.......................   F           80

88a                   1,000 rup  1960     Sukarno/dancers.......................   F+       120

89                          10 rup  1963     carver/huts..................................   UN          5

90                            1 sen  1964     peasant.......................................   UN          4

91                            5 sen  1964     soldier..........................................   UN          4

92                         10 sen  1964     soldier..........................................   UN          4

93                         25 sen  1964     soldier..........................................   UN          4

94                         50 sen  1964     soldier..........................................   UN          4

95                          25 rup  1964     woman weaver...........................   UN          8

96                          50 rup  1964     woman spinner..........................   UN          8

97b                      100 rup  1964     rubber; red-brown......................   UN        15

98                        100 rup  1964     rubber; blue................................   UN        25

99                  10,000 rup  1964     fishermen: red-brown................   VF         30

100                10,000 rup  1964     fishermen; wmk buffalo.. green  UN        75

101b              10,000 rup  1964     fishermen; wmk arms..... green  UN      120

102                          1 rup  1968     Sudirman/woman......................   UN          5

103                     2.50 rup  1968     Sudirman/women......................   UN          5

104                          5 rup  1968     Sudirman/dam construction.....   UN          8

105                        10 rup  1968     Sudirman/oil refinery.................   UN          8

106                        25 rup  1968     Sudirman/bridge.............. XF-5,  UN        12

107                        50 rup  1968     Sudirman/airplane.....................   UN        15

108                      100 rup  1968     Sudirman/port.................. XF+8,  UN        20

109                      500 rup  1968     Sudirman/factory.............. XF 9,  UN        35

110                   1,000 rup  1968     Sudirman/refinery.......... XF 13,  UN        50

110     coun     1,000 rup  1968     old counterfeit............................   AU+      30

111.                 5,000 rup  1968     Sudirman/cement plant.............   UN      400

113.                 1,000 rup  1975     Diponegoro/plowing..... VF+20,  UN      100

116                      100 rup  1977     rhinoceros/jungle.......................   UN          5

117                      500 rup  1977     orchids/bank................... AU 15,  UN        20

118.               10,000 rup  1979     musician/temple................... p/h  AU        25

119                   1,000 rup  1980     Soetomo/mountain....................   UN          8

120.                 5,000 rup  1980     diamond cutter..................... p/h  AU+      25

121                      500 rup  1982     flower...........................................   UN          5

122a   engr        100 rup  1984     bird/dam......................................   UN          4

122b   litho         100 rup  1984     bird/dam......................................   UN          4

123                      500 rup  1988     deer/............................................   UN          5

124                   1,000 rup  1987     Sisingamangaraja XIII...............   UN          5

125                   5,000 rup  1986     Umar/tower.................................   UN        15

126                10,000 rup  1985     Kartini/student............................   UN        20

127a                    100 rup  1992     1992;sailboat/volcano...............   UN          5

127b                    100 rup  1992     1993;sailboat/volcano...............   UN          4

127h                    100 rup  1992     2000;sailboat/volcano...............   UN          4

128a                    500 rup  1992     1992;orangutan/huts.................   UN          6

128c                    500 rup  1992     1994;orangutan/huts.................   UN          6

128d                    500 rup  1992     1995;orangutan/huts.................   UN          5

128f                     500 rup  1992     1997;orangutan/huts.................   UN          5

129a                1,000 rup  1992     1992;like/stone jumping............   UN        10

129c                 1,000 rup  1992     1994;like/stone jumping............   UN          7

129d                1,000 rup  1992     1995;like/stone jumping............   UN          6

129f                 1,000 rup  1992     1997;like/stone jumping............   UN          5

130a                5,000 rup  1992     1992;musical.................... AU 8,  UN        15

130h.               5,000 rup  1992     1999;musical..............................   UN          7

131a              10,000 rup  1992     1992;scouts/temple...................   UN        18

131e              10,000 rup  1992     1996;scouts/temple...................   UN        15

134.  comm  50,000 rup  1993     "Development 25 yr"...... plastic  UN      180

136c              50,000 rup  1995     1997;Soeharto/airport...............   UN        80

136d              50,000 rup  1995     1998;Soeharto/airport...............   UN        80

137a              10,000 rup  1998     1998;Tjut Njak Dhien/lake........   UN        10

137b              10,000 rup  1998     1999;Tjut Njak Dhien/lake........   UN          7

138a              20,000 rup  1998     1998;Dewantara/classroom.....   UN        25

138b.             20,000 rup  1998     1999;Dewantara/classroom.....   UN        18

139a              50,000 rup  1999     1999;Soepratman/flag..............   UN        40

139b              50,000 rup  1999     2000;Soepratman/flag..............   UN        35

140              100,000 rup  1999     /Parliament...................... plastic  UN        70

141a                1,000 rup  2000     2000;Pattimura/volcano............   UN          5

141d                1,000 rup  2000     2003;Pattimura/volcano............   UN          4

141m               1,000 rup  2000     2013;Pattimura/volcano............   UN          4

142c                 5,000 rup  2001     2003;Bondjol/weaver................   UN          4

143                10,000 rup  2005     2006;Badaruddin II/...................   UN          5

144a              20,000 rup  2004     2004;/picking tee.......................   UN        25

144c              20,000 rup  2004     2006;/picking tee.......................   UN        12

145a              50,000 rup  2005     /Bali, lake, pagodas...................   UN        25

146d            100,000 rup  2004     2008;2 men/Parliament............   UN        50

148                   2,000 rup  2012     Pr Antasari/dancers...................   UN          4

149.                 5,000 rup  2012     Bondjol/weaver..........................   UN          4

149                   5,000 rup  2013     Bondjol/weaver..........................   UN          4

150                10,000 rup  2010     Badaruddin II/.............................   UN          4

150                10,000 rup  2012     Badaruddin II/.............................   UN          4

150                10,000 rup  2013     Badaruddin II/.............................   UN          4

151                20,000 rup  2013     /picking tee.................................   UN          6

152                50,000 rup  2012     /Bali, lake, pagodas...................   UN        15

153              100,000 rup  2013     2 men/Parliament......................   UN        30

154                   1,000 rup  2016     Meutia/Banda, dancer...............   UN          4

155                   2,000 rup  2016     Thamrin/Sianok, dancer...........   UN          4

156                   5,000 rup  2016     Chalid/Bromo, dancer...............   UN          4

157                10,000 rup  2016     Kaisiepo/Wakatobi, dancer......   UN          4

158                20,000 rup  2016     Ratulangi/Derawan, dancer.....   UN          6

159                50,000 rup  2016     Kartawidjaja/dancer...................   UN        10

160              100,000 rup  2016     2 men/Raja Ampat, dancer......   UN        20

   Regional issues             "Irian Barat"(Netherlands New Guinea till 1963)

R1      "IB"               1 rup  (1963)   "IRIAN BARAT"..........................   F+       250

R3      "IB"               5 rup  (1963)   "IRIAN BARAT"..........................   F         200

R4      "IB"             10 rup  (1963)   "IRIAN BARAT"............. F+200VF      300

                                            "Riau" archipelago

R8      "KR"             5 rup  (1963)   "RIAU".........................................   XF      500

   Promotional Notes -Perum Peruri (Indonesian printing house)

prom                    Affandi  2001     Affandi/painting........... lot#1483  UN        80

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            -Java, Serang

s124                      25 rup  1947     .....................................................   VF         20

s124                      25 rup  1947     stamp "PALSU"..........................   F           15

s125                      50 rup  1948     .......................................... VG+4,  AU        40

                                            -Sumatra, Bengkulu

s168                      10 rup  1947     12.01;blue...................................   F-          50

                                            -Sumatra, B.Tinggi

s181                     1/2 rup  1947     08.17;brown...............................   VF         35

s182                        1 rup  1947     08.17;brown...............................   F+         30

s184                        5 rup  1947     08.17;blue...................................   F+         30

s185                      10 rup  1947     08.17;brown..................... VG 7,  F+         20

s187b                 2.50 rup  1947     12.17...........................................   VF+      40

s190c                    10 rup  1948     01.01;blue,red#..........................   VF         15

s192a                      5 rup  1948     04.01;green................................   VF         15

s194a                    50 rup  1948     04.01;brown...............................   VF+      20

                                            -Sumatra South, Sumatrea Selatan

s203                      10 rup  1948     .....................................................   VF         35

                                            -Sumatra, Djambi

s261a                   1/2 rup  1947     10.24...........................................   F           40

s267                   2.50 rup  1948     05.20...........................................   AU+      20

s269                      25 rup  1948     05.20...........................................   AU        60

                                            -Sumatra, Palembang

s335b              1,000 rup  1947     08.01;blue, uniface....................   VG        25

                                            -Sumatra, Pematang Siantar

s352a                      5 rup  1947     03.01;green................... VG+20,  VF         50

                                            -Sumatra, Tandjungkarang

s386a                 2.50 rup  1948     06.01; red...................................   VF+      15

                                            -Sumatra, Tapanoeli

s396b                    50 rup  1948     04.28...........................................   G           25

   -Rebellion; PRRI, Revolutionary Gov. of Rep.Indonesia

s462                        5 rup  1959     09; blue.......................................   VF         40

s463                      25 rup  1959     09; red; no unpt..........................   AU        25

s464                    100 rup  1959     09; brown.......................... F+18,  VF         25

   -Rebellion; PRRI, Revolutionary Gov. ovpt on Indonesia

sig "a"                 500 rup  1952     ovpt b+d (1958).........................   VG        30

sig "b"                 500 rup  1952     ovpt a+e (1958).........................   VF         60

sig "a"              1,000 rup  1952     ovpt b+d (1958)............. VG 15,  VF         60

sig "b"              1,000 rup  1952     ovpt a+e (1958).........................   VG        40

no sig               1,000 rup  1952     ovpt a+e (1958).........................   VG        30

                                            -Total Revolutionary Charter

s499                    500 rup  1959     .....................................................   F           35

   -Rebellion; Republic Islam Indonesia, RRI

s513                      10 gul  ND        ovpt(195-) NI P125........ VG 20,  F           40

   -Rebellion; Republic Maluku Selatan, stamp on Netherlands Indies

s531                      10 gul  1940     "Maluku Selatan"(1950)............   F         150

   -Rebellion; Saparua(Maluku)Government, ovpt Netherlands Indies

P112                  2.50 gul  1943     "Saparua"(1950)........................   AU-     250


PICK#                                 *****IRAN****3*


18                           10 rial  1311     (1932) Shah Reza.....................   G+      150

25a                         10 rial  1314     (1935)Shah Reza........ VG 150F         300

25b                         10 rial  1314     (1935)Shah Reza......................   F+       350

26b                         20 rial  1313     (1934)Shah Reza......................   VG      300

28b                      100 rial  1313     (1934)Shah Reza......................   VG-    350

31                           10 rial  1915     (1936)French on back... F 200VF      400

32Aa.                       5 rial  1317     Shah Reza............. F+(tear) 45,  UN      350

32Ab                        5 rial  1317     ovpt"1319"..................................   VG-       40

32Ad                        5 rial  1317     ovpt"1320"..................................   G           10

32Ae.                       5 rial  1317     ovpt"1321"...................... VF 50,  AU      300

33b                         10 rial  1316     /French text;ovpt"17/5/15"........   F         350

33b                         10 rial  1316     /French text;ovpt"17/5/15"........   VG      150

33Aa                      10 rial  1317     Shah Reza......................... F 60,  VF      120

33Ac                      10 rial  1317     ovpt"1320"........................ F+90,  VF      120

33Ad                      10 rial  1317     ovpt"1321"..................... VG+35,  F+         70

34Aa                      20 rial  1317     Shah Reza; western#...............   VF+    160

34Ab                      20 rial  1317     Shah Reza..................................   VF-     150

34Ae                      20 rial  1317     Shah;ovpt"1320"............ VG 60,  F         120

34Af                       20 rial  1317     Shah;ovpt"1321"............... F 75,  VF      150

35Aa                      50 rial  1317     Shah;#western................ F 120VF+    350

35Af                       50 rial  1317     Shah;ovpt"1321"........................   VG        90

36Ae                    100 rial  1317     grey ovpt"1321".................. pen  F         350

38Aa                1,000 rial  1317     western#...................... repaired  F         900

39                             5 rial  (1944)   /tomb of Daniel............... XF 25,  UN        96

40.                          10 rial  (1944)   /mountains; purple.......... F+30,  UN      320

41                           20 rial  (1944)   /mountains road.........................   VF+    210

47                           10 rial  (1948)   /winged dragon.............. AU 48,  UN        96

48.                          20 rial  (1948)   /bull, lion......................................   AU      200

49                           50 rial  (1948)   /stone relief................. AU+315UN      420

50                        100 rial  (1948)   /Persepolis..................................   XF      250

51.                       200 rial  (1951)   /bridge............... G 15, VF+120AU      450

54.                          10 rial  1330     (1951)/chariot.............................   UN      100

55                           20 rial  1330     (1951)/Isfahan............................   UN      120

56.                          50 rial  1330     (1951)/Persepolis......................   UN      200

57.                       100 rial  1330     (1951)/stone relief....... AU 150UN      300

58                        200 rial  1330     (1951)/ Persepolis.....................   XF      120

59.                          10 rial  1332     (1953)/chariot................. XF 12,  UN        52

60                           20 rial  1332     (1953)/Isfahan............................   UN        90

61.                          50 rial  1332     (1953)/Persepolis......................   UN      250

64                           10 rial  1333     (1954)/Hamedan.......................   UN        50

65                           20 rial  1333     (1954)/bank................................   UN        96

66                           50 rial  1333     (1954)/dam.................................   UN      105

67                        100 rial  1333     (1954)/refinery.................. VG 4,  UN      112

68.                          10 rial  1337     (1958)/dam.................................   UN        40

69                           20 rial  1337     (1958)/monument......................   UN        68

70                        200 rial  1337     (1958)/airport..............................   UN      200

71.                          10 rial  1340     (1961)/dam.................................   UN        30

72                           20 rial  1340     (1961)/statue..............................   UN        42

73a                         50 rial  1341     (1962)/dam.................................   UN        45

73b.                       50 rial  1341     (1962)/dam.................... XF+24,  UN        65

74.                       500 rial  1341     (1962)/winged horses...............   UN      600

75                     1,000 rial  1341     (1962)/.........................................   XF+    310

77                        100 rial  1342     (1963)/refinery............................   UN        98

78a     sig 9           20 rial  (1965)   /hunting.......................................   UN        36

78b.    sig 10         20 rial  (1965)   /hunting................................ F 4,  UN        40

80                        100 rial  (1965)   /refinery........................... AU 32,  UN        64

81.                       200 rial  (1965)   /bridge.........................................   UN      140

83                     1,000 rial  (1965)   /tomb................. corner damage  F-          80

84                           20 rial  (1969)   /hunting.......................................   UN        24

85a     sig 11         50 rial  (1969)   /dam........................ VG 4, XF 8,  UN        24

86b     sig 12      100 rial  (1969)   /refinery.......................................   UN        52

87a     sig 11      200 rial  (1969)   /bridge.........................................   F             9

87b.    sig 12      200 rial  (1969)   /bridge.........................................   AU+      90

89.      sig 11   1,000 rial  (1969)   /tomb of Hafez............................   UN      500

90                           50 rial  (1971)   /dam............................................   UN        20

91c     sig 13       100 rial  (1971)   /refinery.......................................   UN        35

92a.    sig 11      200 rial  (1971)   /oriental hunters.........................   UN      200

92c     sig 13       200 rial  (1971)   /oriental hunters.........................   UN        80

93b.    sig 12      500 rial  (1971)   /winged horses...........................   AU+    250

93c.    sig 13       500 rial  (1971)   /winged horses...........................   UN      250

94b     sig 12   1,000 rial  (1971)   /tomb of Hafez............................   XF+    160

94c.    sig 13   1,000 rial  (1971)   /tomb of Hafez................. F+35,  UN      350

97a     comm        50 rial  (1971)   "2500 year of Persia"................   UN        30

98       comm      100 rial  (1971)   "2500 year of Persia"................   UN        56

100a   sig 16         20 rial  (1974)   /dam............................................   UN        18

101c.  sig 16         50 rial  (1974)   /tomb of Cyrus............................   UN        20

102d   sig 18      100 rial  (1974)   /Marmar Palace.........................   UN        40

103b.  sig 16      200 rial  (1974)   /monument.................................   UN        90

104c.  sig 17       500 rial  (1974)   /winged horses...........................   UN        82

104d   sig 18      500 rial  (1974)   /winged horses...........................   VF         12

105b   sig 16   1,000 rial  (1974)   /tomb of Hafez............................   UN        80

105c.  sig 17   1,000 rial  (1974)   /tomb of Hafez............................   UN        96

105d.  sig 18   1,000 rial  (1974)   /tomb of Hafez............................   UN        96

106b.  sig16    5,000 rial  (1974)   /Golestan Palace.......................   AU+    360

106d.  sig18    5,000 rial  (1974)   /Golestan Palace.......................   AU+    360

107b.  sig16  10,000 rial  (1974)   /parliament..................................   AU+    720

108     comm      100 rial  (1976)   "50 year Pahlavi Dynasty" .......   UN        48

   Islamic Republic

111b                      50 rial  (1978)   green ovpt#101..........................   UN-       65

114c.                   500 rial  (1978)   black ovpt#104d........................   UN-    200

115a                 1,000 rial  (1978)   black ovpt#105b........................   UN-    200

115b                 1,000 rial  (1978)   black ovpt#105d........................   VF         30

118b                    100 rial  (1978)   ovpt#102........................... VF 4,  UN        32

119.                     200 rial  (1978)   ovpt#103.....................................   UN-    180

123a                      50 rial  (1978)   green ovpt#101..........................   UN-       52

123b                      50 rial  (1978)   black ovpt#101...........................   UN-       26

124b                    500 rial  (1978)   ovpt#104.....................................   UN-       96

125b                 1,000 rial  (1978)   ovpt#105d...................................   UN-    150

127                      200 rial  (1981)   mosque/......................................   UN        18

128                      500 rial  (1981)   mosque/winged horses.............   UN        32

129.                  1,000 rial  (1981)   mosque/tomb of Hafez.............   UN        45

130a                 5,000 rial  (1981)   mosque/oil refinery....................   UN        60

130b.                5,000 rial  (1981)   mosque/oil refinery....................   UN      120

131a.             10,000 rial  (1981)   wmk unpt lion................. AU-40,  UN        95

131b               10,000 rial  (1981)   wmk unpt lines ..........................   UN        95

132                      100 rial  (1981)   shrine/.........................................   UN        10

133                   5,000 rial  (1981)   march/Hazrat shrine..................   UN        80

134c               10,000 rial  (1981)   march/Imam Reza shrine.........   UN      180

135                      100 rial  (1982)   shrine/.........................................   UN          5

136a                    200 rial  (1982)   mosque/farmers.............. sig 21  UN        15

136b                    200 rial  (1982)   mosque/farmers.............. sig 23  UN          5

137a                    500 rial  (1982)   prayer; sig 21........ wmk "arms"  UN        35

137f                     500 rial  (1982)   prayer; sig 25........... wmk "boy"  UN          6

138a.                1,000 rial  (1982)   /Dom Rock sig 21. wmk "arms"  UN        80

138h                 1,000 rial  (1982)   /Dom Rock sig 26... wmk "boy"  UN          7

139a                 5,000 rial  (1983)   march/Hazrat shrine..................   UN        70

139b.                5,000 rial  (1983)   march/Hazrat shrine..................   UN        80

140a                    100 rial  (1985)   wmk "arms"...................... sig 21  UN        15

140f                     100 rial  (1985)   wmk "Khomeini".............. sig 28  UN          5

141j.                 2,000 rial  (1986)   wmk "boy"/Kaaba............ sig 27  UN        15

143a                 1,000 rial  (1992)   /Dome of Rock................. sig 25  UN        40

143c.                1,000 rial  (1992)   /Dome of Rock................. sig 28  UN          6

144a                 2,000 rial  (1992)   /Kaaba Mecca................. sig 33  UN          7

144d.                2,000 rial  (1992)   /Kaaba Mecca................. sig 36  UN          7

145a                 5,000 rial  (1993)   /flowers, birds.................. sig 25  UN        15

145c                 5,000 rial  (1993)   /flowers, birds.................. sig 28  UN          6

146d               10,000 rial  (1992)   /mountain......................... sig 28  UN          8

147a               20,000 rial  ND        /mosque........................... sig 30  UN        12

147c               20,000 rial  ND        /mosque........................... sig 32  UN        10

                                            Central Bank Iran, Cheque bearer

(154A)          500,000 rial  (201-)    Iran Cheque................. sig Seyf  UN        50


PICK#                                 *****IRANIAN AZERBAIJAN***3*

   Soviet sponsored seceded North region of Iran

s101a                  5 krans  1324     (1946) stamp..............................   VF+    120

s102a               1 tomans  1324     (1946) stamp.................. VF 80,  AU      320

s104a               5 tomans  1324     (1946) stamp................. F+135VF+    270

s106r              50 tomans  1324     (1946) no stamp, remainder....   UN        96


PICK#                                 *****IRAQ****3*

   Kingdom (till 1932 British mandate after Ottoman Empire collapse)

15                             1 din  1931     (1941)Kg Faisal II......................   VG+ 4000

32                         1/4 din  1947     (1953)Kg Faisal II............... pen  F         300

39                             1 din  1947     (1955)Kg Faisal II........... F 175VF      350

43                         1/2 din  1947     (1959)Kg Faisal II............... pen  F+       400

   Republic (from 1958)

51a.      "1-24"     1/4 din  1958     arms/palms; sig 13........ VF 20,  AU        80

51b       "29-"       1/4 din  1958     arms/palms; sig 14........ VF 15,  VF+      24

53a       "1-25"        1 din  1958     arms/harp; sig 13.......................   XF         45

54a.      "1-2"          5 din  1958     arms/statues; sig 13..................   UN      220

54b       "13-14"      5 din  1958     arms/statues; sig 14..................   XF         50

54c       "19"            5 din  1958     arms/statues; sig 16........... pen  VF         65

55a.      "1-7"        10 din  1958     arms/statues; sig 13..... VF+45,  UN      250

55b       "9-10"      10 din  1958     arms/statues; sig 14..... VF+45,  XF+      90

58(a).    sig 16        1 din  (1971)   refinery/gate...............................   AU        40

59(a)     sig 16        5 din  (1971)   palace/statues............................   XF+      70

59(b)     sig 17        5 din  (1971)   palace/statues............................   VF+      35

60.        sig 17      10 din  (1971)   dam/statues..................... F+10,  AU      100

61(a)    sig 17      1/4 din  (1973)   port/palms......................... XF 4,  UN        18

61(b)    sig 18      1/4 din  (1973)   port/palms........................... F+4,  UN        16

63(a).   sig 17         1 din  (1973)   refinery/gate...............................   AU        30

63(b)    sig 18         1 din  (1973)   refinery/gate..................... VF+4,  UN        16

64(b)    sig 18         5 din  (1973)   palace/statues................. VF+4,  UN        24

65(b)    sig 18       10 din  (1973)   dam/statues...................... VF 4,  UN        32

66(a)                      25 din  1978     3 horses-big...............................   UN        32

66(b)                      25 din  1980     3 horses-big................... AU 12,  UN        24

67                       0.25 din  1979     palms...........................................   UN          6

68(a).                 0.50 din  1980     astrolabe/Samara......................   UN          8

68(b)                  0.50 din  1985     astrolabe/Samara......................   UN          4

69(a)                        1 din  1971     coin/building...............................   UN          4

69(b)                        1 din  1980     coin/building...............................   UN          4

69(c)                        1 din  1984     coin/building...............................   UN          4

70(b)                        5 din  1981     waterfall/fortress............... VF 4,  UN          6

70(c).                       5 din  1982     waterfall/fortress........................   UN          8

71(b)                      10 din  1981     /minaret.......................................   UN        12

71(c).                     10 din  1982     /minaret.......................................   UN        15

72(b)    engr         25 din  1982     3 horses/monument..................   UN          5

73                          25 din  1986     horsemen/monument................   UN          5

74a.     litho           25 din  1990     3 horses, small, litho.................   UN        12

74b      litho           25 din  1990     3 horses, small, litho.................   UN          4

75                          50 din  1991     Hussein/Samara........................   UN          6

76(a)                   100 din  1991     no UV"100",microprint......... "4"  VF-       20

76(b)                   100 din  1991     no UV"100"no microprint..... "5"  VF           5

76        coun       100 din  1991     counterfeit.............................. "1"  VF           5

77                       0.25 din  1993     palms...........................................   UN          4

78a                     0.50 din  1993     astrolabe/Samara......................   UN          5

78b                     0.50 din  1993     astrolabe/Samara......................   UN          4

79                             1 din  1992     coin/building...............................   UN          4

80a                           5 din  1992     UV"5",embossed.......................   UN          6

80b                           5 din  1992     embossed...................................   UN          5

80c                           5 din  1992     no embossed.............................   UN          4

81                          10 din  1992     Hussein/statue...........................   UN          4

83                          50 din  1992     Hussein/bridge...........................   UN          4

84a1                    100 din  1994     Hussein/clock tower..................   UN          4

84a2                    100 din  1994     Hussein/clock tower..................   UN          4

84b.                     100 din  1994     Hussein/clock tower..................   UN          7

85a                      250 din  1995     Hussein/frieze............................   UN          4

86                          25 din  1422     Hussein/Ishtar Gate..................   UN          4

87                        100 din  1422     Hussein/old Baghdad................   UN          4

88                        250 din  1422     Hussein/Dom of Rock...............   UN          4

89                   10,000 din  1422     Hussein/astrolabe......................   UN          5

89*            2x 10,000 din  1422     Hussein/........ *uncut pair notes  UN        20

90                          50 din  2003     port/palms...................................   UN          4

91a                      250 din  2003     astrolabe/Samara......................   UN          4

92                        500 din  2004     dam/ancient statues..................   UN          5

93a                   1,000 din  2003     coin/building...............................   UN          5

94a                   5,000 din  2003     waterfall/ancient city..................   UN          7

95a                 10,000 din  2003     Abulhasan/tower........................   UN        20

95c                 10,000 din  2006     Abulhasan/tower........................   UN        20

96a                 25,000 din  2003     farming/statues..........................   UN        50

96b.               25,000 din  2004     farming/statues..........................   UN        50

96c.                25,000 din  2008     farming/statues..........................   UN        50

96d.               25,000 din  2010     farming/statues..........................   UN        50

97                        250 din  2013     astrolabe/Samara......................   UN          4

98A                      500 din  2015     dam/ancient statues..................   UN          4

100.                  5,000 din  2013     waterfall/ancient city..................   UN          8

102.               25,000 din  2013     farming/statues..........................   UN        50


PICK#                                 *****IRELAND REPUBLIC***3c*

   Republic (part of United Kingdom till 1921)

1B                        10 shill  1939     10.02; Lavery.............................   F+       400

1C     "J"              10 shill  1941     09.18; Lavery.............................   VG      150

2C     "T"           1 pound  1941     03.19; Lavery............... VG 100F+       300

3C     "D"           5 pound  1942     06.05; Lavery.............................   F         350

1D     "L"              10 shill  1943     03.02; Lavery.............................   F         250

56c                       10 shill  1955     10.19; Lavery.............................   VF+    200

56d                       10 shill  1957     05.28; Lavery.................... F 40,  VF-       80

57b                     1 pound  1950     08.24; Lavery.............................   VF+    120

57c                     1 pound  1955     10.25; Lavery.............................   VF+    160

57d                     1 pound  1957     06.12; Lavery.............................   XF      100

58b                     5 pound  1948     07.28; Lavery.............................   XF+    450

59d                  10 pound  1960     03.21; Lavery.............................   VF      200

63                         10 shill  1962     01.03; Lavery.............................   VF         30

63                         10 shill  1963     06.19; Lavery.............................   F+         20

63                         10 shill  1968     06.06; Lavery.................... F 15,  UN      250

64a                     1 pound  1963     04.03; Lavery; brown#.... "11G"  VF         20

64a                     1 pound  1964     04.11; Lavery................ VF+30,  AU        80

64a                     1 pound  1968     10.08; Lavery.............................   XF         40

64b.                   1 pound  1970     09.17; Lavery................ VF+30,  UN      160

64c                     1 pound  1975     04.21; Lavery.................... F 10,  VF         20

64d.                   1 pound  1976     09.30; Lavery.......... F 9, XF 35,  UN      140

65a                     5 pound  1968     08.12; Lavery.............................   XF+    150

66a                  10 pound  1965     04.30; Lavery.............................   F+         90

66c.                 10 pound  1975     02.10; Lavery.................... F 40,  UN      640

67c                   20 pound  1976     03.24; Lavery....... F+(pen)125VF+    250

70b                     1 pound  1979     Qn Medb sig.M-O......................   UN        32

70b                     1 pound  1981     Qn Medb sig M-O......................   UN        28

70c.                    1 pound  1982     Qn Medb sig O-D............ VF+6,  UN        32

70c.                    1 pound  1984     Qn Medb sig-O-D............... F 4,  UN        32

71b.                   5 pound  1977     Scotus Eriugene; sig M-O........   UN      200

71e                     5 pound  1991     Scotus Eriugene; sig D-C ........   F           15

71e.                   5 pound  1993     Scotus Eriugene; sig D-C.........   UN      140

75b.                   5 pound  1996     McAuley; sig O-M......................   AU+      50

75b.                   5 pound  1997     McAuley; sig O-M......................   AU+      50

75b                     5 pound  1999     McAuley; sig O-M.......... AU 35,  UN        70

76b                  10 pound  1995     Joyce; sig O-M...........................   AU+      90

76b                  10 pound  1997     Joyce; sig O-M............... XF 30,  UN      120

77b.                 20 pound  1997     O'Connell; sig O-M....................   AU+    150

77b                  20 pound  1999     O'Connell; sig O-M....................   XF         50

                                            -Republic of Ireland, national bond note

s102                          10 $  1866/7  cut cancelation........... lot#1029  G        100

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   -Fenian Rising "Irish Republic" Bond Note issued US by J O'Mahony

certificate                  10 $  1866     James Can.................................   VF    2000

certificate                  20 $  1866     E Butler.......................................   F       2000

   Lottery Tickets               -Irish Hospital lottery

lottery                  10 shill  1948     Irish Hospital............... lot#1032  VF           7


PICK#                                 *****IRELAND NORTHERN***3c*

   part of United Kingdom

                                            -Allied Irish Banks LTD

1.                             1 pou  1982     man/ship Girona........................   UN        90

3b.                        10 pou  1984     man/sinking of Girona...............   UN      450

6a.                          5 pou  1987     girl/Dunluce castle.....................   UN      200

7a.                        10 pou  1988     man/sinking of Girona...............   UN      300

                                            -Bank of Ireland

52(d)                       5 pou  1935     08.15...........................................   F         130

52(n)                       5 pou  1943     11.22.................................... pen  F         120

53(c)                     10 pou  1942     01.26....................... F 160;  pen  VF      320

55(i)                        1 pou  1943     07.14...........................................   F+       100

56.                          1 pou  (1967)   .....................................................   UN      150

61b                         1 pou  (1972)   .....................................................   UN        70

65        repl            1 pou  (1980)   replacement "Z".........................   UN        40

67b.     sig H        10 pou  (1984)   .....................................................   UN      360

70a.                        5 pou  1990     seal/Belfast University..............   UN        90

74c                          5 pou  2000     seal/Belfast University..............   UN        90

75c.                      10 pou  2000     seal/Belfast University..............   UN      120

                                            -Belfast Banking Company

127(f)                      5 pou  1936     .....................................................   VG+   120

                                            -First Trust Bank

132a                     10 pou  1994     man/sinking Girona...................   UN      200

132b                     10 pou  1996     man/sinking Girona...................   UN      240

136a                     10 pou  1998     man/sinking Girona...................   UN      100

137a                     20 pou  1998     woman/Lacada Point.... XF+75  UN      200

                                            -National Bank

155(a)                    1 pou  1937     02.01...........................................   F+       400

                                            -Northern Bank

181(b)                  10 pou  1930     11.01...........................................   VF      360

181(n)                  10 pou  1943     11.01.................................... pen  F         120

187(a).                   1 pou  1970     ship yard, cows..........................   UN        70

187(c).                    1 pou  1978     ship yard, cows..........................   UN        70

188(b).                   5 pou  1971     ship yard, cows..........................   UN      360

188(e)                    5 pou  1982     ship yard, cows..........................   UN      160

193(c)                     5 pou  1990     Traill, old tramway/....................   UN        90

195(f)                   20 pou  1996     Ferguson, tractor, airplane/......   VF         60

198a.                    10 pou  1997     Dunlop, bicycle, car/..................   UN      120

198b.                    10 pou  1999     Dunlop, bicycle, car/..................   UN      120

199a.                    20 pou  1997     Ferguson, tractor, airplane/......   UN      220

                                            -Provincial Bank of Ireland

235(k)                     1 pou  1941     12.01..................... pen on back  XF      350

239(c)                     5 pou  1951     02.05...........................................   VF-     150

239      proof          5 pou  1949     12.01;proof"cancelled"........ p/h  VF      400

245(a)                    1 pou  1968     01.01..................... pen on back  VF         50

247b                       1 pou  1979     boy/ship Girona..........................   UN        60

                                            -Ulster Bank

306(j)                      1 pou  1933     04.01...........................................   F         150

321.                        1 pou  1966     10.04...........................................   UN      150

325(a).                   1 pou  1973     views, port..................................   UN        80

325(c)                     1 pou  1976     views, port..................................   UN        70

326(e).                   5 pou  1982     views, port..................................   AU+    120

326(h).                   5 pou  1988     views, port..................................   UN      180

327(h)                  10 pou  1983     views, port..................................   XF-       70

332.                      10 pou  1990     views, port..................................   UN      150

334.                    100 pou  1990     views, port..................................   UN   1200

335a                       5 pou  1998     views, port..................................   UN        70

335b                       5 pou  2001     views, port..................................   UN        70

336a                     10 pou  1997     views, port..................................   UN      120

336b.                    10 pou  1999     views, port..................................   AU        80

337(b).                 20 pou  1999     views, port..................................   UN      200

341(c).                 10 pou  2012     views, port..................................   UN        70

342(e).                 20 pou  2012     views, port..................................   UN      110

342(f)                   20 pou  2014     views, port..................................   UN      100

   Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1    spec   1,5,10,100  (1978)   Bank of Ireland....... set 4 notes  UN      240

CS2    spec           1,5,10  1977     Prov Bank........... set of 3 notes  UN      120


PICK#                                 *****ISLE OF MAN***c/3*

   British Dependent Territory

6b                           1 pou  1938     11.21; Isle of Man Bank............   VG+   300

6c                            1 pou  1953     12.01; Isle of Man Bank............   VG+   150

24a.   "A"               10 shi  (1961)   QEII/Viking boat; sig Garvey....   AU+    240

25b.   "B"                1 pou  (1961)   QEII/Tynwald Hill; sig Stallard UN          400

27                         50 pen  (1961)   QEII/Viking boat.........................   UN      160

28a.   "A"             50 pen  (1972)   QEII/Viking boat; sig Stallard...   UN      220

28b    "B               50 pen  (1974)   QEII/Viking boat; sig Paul.........   UN        96

28c    "C"             50 pen  (1979)   QEII/Viking boat; sig Paul.........   UN        70

29c    "E"                1 pou  (1974)   QEII/Tynwald Hill; sig Paul.......   AU+    120

29d.   "F"G"H"       1 pou  (1976)   QEII/Tynwald Hill; sig Paul.......   UN      120

30a                         5 pou  (1972)   QEII/Castle; sig Stallard...........   VF      200

30b.   "B"                5 pou  (1974)   QEII/Castle Rushen; sig Paul..   AU      400

33      "C"             50 pen  (1979)   QEII/Viking boat.........................   UN        60

34      "H"K"J"        1 pou  (1979)   QEII/Tynwald Hill.......................   UN        70

36b     "A"            10 pou  (1979)   QEII/Castle Peel; sig Dawson..   VF+    240

38       "M"              1 pou  (1983)   QEII/Tynwald; plastic.... VF 25,  UN      190

39                         50 pou  (1983)   QEII/Douglas Bay......................   UN      360

40b    "W"X"Y"      1 pou  (1991)   QEII/Tynwald Hill; sig Cashen UN            10

41b    "J"K"            5 pou  (1991)   QEII/Castle; sig Cashen...........   UN        40

42b.   "G"             10 pou  (1991)   QEII/Castle Peel; sig Cashen..   UN      180

44a   "H"K"L"M"  10 pou  (2002)   QEII/Castle Peel; sig Cashen..   UN        70

45a    "E"             20 pou  (2002)   QEII/Laxey Wheel; s Cashen...   UN      170

47.     "H"             20 pou  (2007)   QEII/Laxey Wheel; s Shimmin.   UN      180

                                            Douglas and Isle of Man (Holmes')

s131                       1 pou  1844     .......... VG(missing border) 300F-        600


PICK#                                 *****ISRAEL***4c*

   Republic (part of Palestine till 1948)

10c                        50 pru  (1952)   ............................. VG+4, AU 30,  UN        60

11a                      100 pru  (1952)   green/gray..................................   F+         80

12c                      100 pru  (1952)   blue-green......................... VF 6,  UN        60

13b                      250 pru  (1953)   /lake; "aleph"..............................   VF+      36

13d/e                  250 pru  (1953)   /lake; "gimel"..............................   G+          5

14                         500 mil  (1948)   Anglo-Palestine............. VG-50,  F         120

15                           1 pou  (1948)   Anglo-Palestine Bank... VG 40,  F           80

16                           5 pou  (1948)   Anglo-Palestine Bank...............   VF      300

17                         10 pou  (1948)   Anglo-Palestine Bank...............   VF-     400

19                        500 pru  (1952)   Leumi Le-Israel..........................   VG+      60

20                           1 pou  (1952)   Leumi Le-Israel.............. VG 25,  F           50

21.                          5 pou  (1952)   Leumi Le-Israel..........................   AU+    800

22.                        10 pou  (1952)   Leumi Le-Israel..........................   AU-  1000

24.                        500 mil  1955     .......................... F+24, AU+190UN      260

25                               1 lir  1955     ........................ VG+ 12, VF+50,  UN      260

26.                              5 lir  1955     .......................... F+75, AU+600UN      800

27a                           10 lir  1955     Jezreel, red#..............................   F+         30

27b.                          10 lir  1955     Jezreel, black#..... F 20, VF 40,  UN      320

28a                           50 lir  1955     road, black#................................   VF+    100

29                            1/2 lir  1958     setter/tomb.................................   UN        12

30a                             1 lir  1958     fisherman, black#(1959)...........   UN        20

30b.                            1 lir  1958     fisherman, red#(1964)..............   UN        16

30c                             1 lir  1958     fisherman, brown#(1966).........   UN          6

31                               5 lir  1958     worker/Shema seal...................   UN        14

32a                           10 lir  1958     scientist, black#(1967)..............   AU+      24

32b.                          10 lir  1958     scientist, red#(1959).................   UN        95

32d                           10 lir  1958     scientist, brown#(1969)............   UN        30

33a.                          50 lir  1950     settlers, black#(1965)..... F+15,  AU+    120

33c.                          50 lir  1950     settlers, blue#(1966).................   UN        60

33d                           50 lir  1950     settlers, green#(1967)...............   UN        60

33e                           50 lir  1950     settlers, brown#(1969)..............   UN        50

34a.                            5 lir  1968     Einstein, black#(1972)..............   UN        24

34b                             5 lir  1968     Einstein, red#(1974)........ XF 4,  UN        16

35a                           10 lir  1968     Bialik, black#..................... VF 4,  UN        12

35b                           10 lir  1968     Bialik, green#(1970)..................   UN        12

35c                           10 lir  1968     Bialik, blue#(1971).....................   UN        12

*35     souv              10 lir  1968     hand sig by Reuven Rubin.......   AU      100

  *souvenir hand signature by painter Reuven Rubin (1983-1974)

36a                           50 lir  1968     Weizmann, black#(1970)..........   UN        28

36b                           50 lir  1968     Weizmann, blue#(1971).. XF 7,  UN        28

37b.                       100 lir  1968     Herzl, red#(1971)......................   AU+    120

37c.                        100 lir  1968     Herzl, small black#....................   AU        32

37d                         100 lir  1968     Herzl, brown#(1974)........ VF 8,  UN        64

38                               5 lir  1973     Szold/Lion gate..........................   UN          5

39                             10 lir  1973     Montefiore/Jaffa gate................   UN          5

40                             50 lir  1973     Weizmann/Sichem gate...........   UN        12

41                           100 lir  1973     Herzl/Zion gate..........................   UN        16

42                           500 lir  1975     Ben Gurion/Golden...................   UN        80

43                            1 she  1978     Montefiore/Jaffa gate................   UN          5

44.                           5 she  1978     Weizmann/Sichem gate...........   UN          8

45                         10 she  1978     Herzl/Zion gate..........................   UN        10

46a                       50 she  1978     Ben Gurion/Golden gate...........   UN          5

47.                      100 she  1979     Jabotinsky/Herod gate..............   UN        20

47b.                    100 she  1979     Jabotinsky/Herod gate... 2 bars  UN      400

48                       500 she  1982     Rothschild/vine..........................   UN        20

49b                  1,000 she  1983     Maimonides/Tiberias.................   UN        32

50                    5,000 she  1984     Eshkol/water pipe......................   UN        70

51.                 10,000 she  1984     Meir/crowd..................................   UN        80

51A.                        1 she  1986     Maimonides/Tiberias.................   UN        10

52b                          5 she  1987     Eshkol/water pipe............... F 4,  UN        20

53a.                      10 she  1985     Meir/crowd Moscow..................   UN        60

53b.                      10 she  1987     Meir/crowd Moscow......... VF 4,  AU        16

53c.                      10 she  1992     Meir/crowd Moscow........ VF+5,  UN        24

54a.                      20 she  1987     Sharet/............................ AU 30,  UN        60

54c                        20 she  1993     Sharet/................................ F+4,  UN        32

55c.                      50 she  1992     Agnon.............................. VF 12,  UN        90

56a.                    100 she  1986     Ben-Zvi/......................................   UN      120

56b                     100 she  1989     Ben-Zvi/......................................   VG          5

58.    comm         50 she  1998     "Israel 50 anniversary"..............   UN        60

59a.                      20 she  1998     Sharet/........................................   UN        35

59b                       20 she  2001     Sharet/........................................   UN        25

60c.                      50 she  2007     Agnon/.........................................   UN        50

61a                     100 she  1998     Ben-Zvi/......................................   UN        70

61b                     100 she  2002     Ben-Zvi/......................................   UN        60

61c                     100 she  2007     Ben-Zvi/......................................   UN        60

62a                     200 she  1999     Shazar/........................................   UN      250

63     comm         20 she  2008     "Independence 60 yr".... plastic  UN        30

64.                        20 she  2008     Sharet/............................. plastic  UN        30

66.                        50 she  2014     Tchernichovsky..........................   UN        40

67.                      200 she  2015     Alterman.....................................   UN      110

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -"Shoham Ltd" ship money

NL                    250 pruta  ND        consumption voucher; red........   F         140

                                            -Hahotrim, Kibbutz, voucher

NL     canc             5 liras  ND        black on green...........................   AU        30

NL     canc          10 liras  ND        black on blue..............................   AU        35

NL     canc          20 liras  ND        black on white............................   AU        40

                                            -Haifa, Esched Bus Company

NL                         5 pruta  (1953)   red print on square carton........   XF-       30

                                            -Haifa, Shahar-Haifa Bus Company

NL                         2 pruta  (1949)   red print on square carton........   VF         45

                                            -Jerusalem, Hamkasher-Jerusalem Bus Comp.

NL                 1 mil(pruta)  (1942)   black on square carton.............   VF-       25

NL               2 mils(pruta)  (1942)   red on square carton.................   AU        35

                                            -Shfayim, Kibbutz, voucher for household goods

NL                       5 points  ND        red on square carton.................   XF         25

NL                     10 points  ND        red on square carton.................   XF         25

NL                     50 points  ND        blue on square carton...............   XF-       25

                                            -Tel Aviv, Dan Bus Company

NL                         5 pruta  (1953)   wings on both side of arm........   AU        40

NL                         5 pruta  (1953)   wings under the arm.................   XF         20

                                            -Tel Aviv, Darom Jehudah (round, central hole)

NL                         1 pruta  (1950)   red...............................................   AU        60

NL                         2 pruta  (1950)   black............................................   AU        60

                                            -Tel Aviv, Hamaavir Coop Soc Ltd.(bus company)

NL                             1 mil  (1942)   black on white carton................   XF-       35

                                            -Tel Aviv, "Ihud-Regev" Ltd. Bus Company

NL                           2 mils  (1942)   blue on white carton..................   XF-       35

                        ?locality?"  Ihud Hakvutzot Kibbutz "Vehakibutzim"

NL                            1 lira  ND        "Vehakibutzim" cafeteria...........   AU        20

NL                          2 liras  ND        "Vehakibutzim" cafeteria...........   AU        20


PICK#                                 *****ITALIAN EAST AFRICA***3c*

   Italian Colony till 1941 (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Italian Somaliland)

1a                             50 lir  1938     Africa Orientale Italiana............   VG      100

1b                             50 lir  1939     Af.Italiana....... VG 80, VG+120F         160

2a                           100 lir  1938     Africa Orientale Italiana............   VG      200

2b                           100 lir  1939     Africa Orientale Italiana............   VG+   250


PICK#                                 *****ITALIAN SOMALILAND***3c*

   Italian Colony and Mandate till 1960 (later Somalia)

13c   sig 3           10 som  1950     "A17-36"......................................   F+       400

16                           5 som  1951     leopard........................................   VG      300


PICK#                                 *****ITALY***4c*


1                            50 cen  1874     biglietti consorzale.....................   F           60

3                                 2 lir  1874     biglietti consorzale.....................   F+       120

4                                 5 lir  1874     biglietti consorzale.....................   F         120

10                               1 lir  1881     biglietti consorzale.....................   VG      120

18c     sig D-R           5 lir  1882     (1892)#651-1222.......................   VG-       60

20c.    sig D-R        10 lir  1888     (1904)#971-1370.............. F 30,  UN      500

20f      sig GD-R     10 lir  1888     (1915)#1751-2750.......... G+12,  F           30

20g.    sig GD-P     10 lir  1888     (1918)#2751-3530........ VG 12,  AU+    300

20h     sig M-R        10 lir  1888     (1923)#3531-4195.....................   XF      100

20i      sig M-RB     10 lir  1888     (1925)#4195-4530.....................   F           40

23a     sig D-R           5 lir  (1904)   Kg VE3;#1-900............. VG+18,  VF+      72

23b     sig D-A           5 lir  (1911)   Kg VE3;#901-1200....................   F+         45

23c     sig D-R           5 lir  (1914)   Kg VE3;#1201-1820..................   VG+      15

23d     sig GD-R       5 lir  (1915)   Kg VE3;#1821-3730..................   VF         40

23e     sig GD-P        5 lir  (1918)   Kg VE3;#3731-4740......... F 20,  UN      320

23f      sig M-R          5 lir  (1923)   Kg VE3;#4751-6010......... F 20,  VF+      60

24a                           25 lir  1918     01.24...........................................   G+      200

25b.                          10 lir  1938     Kg VE3;............................ F+10,  AU+      75

25c                           10 lir  1939     Kg VE3;............................... F+4,  XF         10

25c                           10 lir  1944     Kg VE3;............................... F+4,  XF         10

26                               1 lir  1939     /Caesar............................... F+4,  UN        24

27                               2 lir  1939     /Caesar........................... AU 16,  UN        32

28(a).                         5 lir  1940     Kg VE3................................. F 4,  AU+      45

29a     sig V-S           1 lir  1944     Italy; #1-320...................... XF 6,  UN        22

29b     sig B-S           1 lir  1944     Italy; #321-529.................. VF 4,  UN        22

29c     sig B-C           1 lir  1944     Italy; #530-600...........................   UN        30

30a     sig V-S           2 lir  1944     Italy; #2-165..................... VG 4,  UN        36

30b     sig B-S           2 lir  1944     Italy; #166-300.................... F 4,  UN        36

31a     sig V-S           5 lir  1944     Athena; #1-200..........................   XF         12

31b     sig B-S           5 lir  1944     Athena; #201-465............ XF 8,  AU+      24

31c     sig B-C           5 lir  1944     Athena; #466-1100.......... XF 6,  UN        22

32a     sig V-S         10 lir  1944     Jupiter; #2-200...........................   XF         15

32b     sig B-S         10 lir  1944     Jupiter; #201-500......................   UN        45

32c     sig B-C         10 lir  1944     Jupiter; #501-1000....................   UN        36

34                               1 lir  1894     Kg Umberto; serie 47................   VG      120

36a     sig DA-R        1 lir  1914     Kg (1914) #1-150............ VG 5,  VF+      30

36b.    sig GD-R       1 lir  1914     Kg (1917) #151-200........ F+18,  UN      200

37b.2  sig GD-R       2 lir  1914     Kg (1917) #76-100........ VG 10,  F           20

37c2   sig GD-P        2 lir  1914     Kg (1921) #126-150 ........ F 20,  VF+      60

37c3   sig GD-P        2 lir  1914     Kg (1922) #151-165 .................   UN      320

38c                           50 lir  1912     01.02; green...............................   F         150

47a                           50 lir  1928     06.02; green...............................   VG+      80

47c                           50 lir  1935     04.15; green...............................   G+        40

48a                         100 lir  1927     04.12; brown..............................   G+        60

48b                         100 lir  1930     06.11; brown..............................   P           30

50a                         100 lir  1928     04.09; blue..................................   VG      120

50b                         100 lir  1930     02.17; blue..................................   VG-       90

51a                         500 lir  1928     06.21; violet-brown.............. p/h  F         200

51d                         500 lir  1940     02.27; violet-brown....................   F+       140

51d                         500 lir  1940     06.11; violet-brown....................   VG-       60

51d                         500 lir  1940     12.19; violet-brown....................   VG        80

52c                      1,000 lir  1932     01.02; brown..............................   VG+   300

54b                           50 lir  1937     04.30/ "Roma wolf"....................   F           20

54b                           50 lir  1938     10.21/ "Roma wolf"....... VG 10,  F           20

54b                           50 lir  1939     05.27/ "Roma wolf"....................   F+         30

55a                         100 lir  1934     07.17; olive-brown.....................   F           20

55b                         100 lir  1938     01.29; olive-brown.....................   VG        10

55b                         100 lir  1939     10.19; olive-brown.....................   VF         40

55b                         100 lir  1941     06.23; olive-brown.....................   VF+      60

56b                     1,000 lir  1933     06.28; blue-brown.............. hole  VF-     240

56b                     1,000 lir  1934     12.12; blue-brown................ p/h  VF      300

56c                      1,000 lir  1940     08.19; blue-brown......................   F         120

57                             50 lir  1942     07.18 /"Roma wolf"....................   VG+      15

58                             50 lir  1942     08.28 /"Roma wolf"....... VG 10,  VF         40

58                             50 lir  1942     11.21 /"Roma wolf"....... VG 10,  F+         30

58                             50 lir  1943     02.13 /"Roma wolf"....................   F+         30

58                             50 lir  1943     05.17 /"Roma wolf"....................   F           20

59                           100 lir  1942     12.09; brown.................. VG 20,  F           40

59                           100 lir  1943     03.15; brown..............................   VG        20

60                           100 lir  1942     08.28; olive-brown.....................   VF         60

60                           100 lir  1943     02.13; olive-brown.....................   F+         45

61                           500 lir  1943     01.18; violet-brown....................   VG      100

63                       1,000 lir  1942     11.21; blue-brown......................   VG      120

64                             50 lir  1943     03.31; green........... VG 20, tear  VF         80

69                           500 lir  1943     03.31; red...................................   VG-       40

70d                         500 lir  1945     06.09; red ..................... "W120"  VF      160

70d                         500 lir  1946     03.21; red...................... "W326"  VG+      60

70d                         500 lir  1946     07.22; red...................... "W606"  VG        50

70x     coun           500 lir  1943     03.31 FALSO wmk. counterfeit  VG      120

71                           500 lir  1943     08.23; violet-br Gov Badoglio..   VG+   300

72a.    tear         1,000 lir  1943     09.22; brown; Gov Badoglio....   AU-     600

72c                      1,000 lir  1946     07.22; brown....................... tape  G           20

72c                      1,000 lir  1946     10.12; brown..............................   VG        40

72c                      1,000 lir  1946     12.19; brown..............................   VG        40

72c                      1,000 lir  1947     01.18; brown..............................   VG        40

72x     coun        1,000 lir  1947     "FALSO" wmk... old counterfeit  VF-     100

   Italian Social Republic, Salo (1943-1945) seal "BI"

65b                           50 lir  1943     08.10; green...............................   VG        20

66                             50 lir  1943     10.08 /"Roma wolf"....................   F           40

66                             50 lir  1944     02.01 /"Roma wolf"....................   AU      600

67                           100 lir  1943     10.08; brown....................... tape  G           15

67                           100 lir  1944     11.11; brown..............................   VG        30

70a                         500 lir  1943     10.08; red...................................   VG        40

70a                         500 lir  1944     08.01; red...................... VG+60VF      160

72a                     1,000 lir  1944     03.06; brown..............................   VG+      60

73x     coun        1,000 lir  1943     10.08; blue-brown... counterfeit  VF      150

NL                          200 lir  1944     Banca Popolare di Novara.......   VF      200


NL           ABNC vignette  (1944)   engraved "Garibaldi".. lot#1398  UN        40

74                             50 lir  1944     12.10 "Italia" green....... VF+30,  UN      160

75                           100 lir  1944     12.10 "Italia" red............. VF 16,  XF+      80

80a                         500 lir  1947     03.20 "Italia" purple...................   F           20

80a                         500 lir  1948     02.10 "Italia" purple...................   F           20

81a                     1,000 lir  1948     04.14 "seal "Medusa" brown....   F         160

83                       1,000 lir  1947     03.20"seal"Medusa"...... VG 15,  VF         60

85c                      5,000 lir  1956     08.13; green-brown...................   VG      150

85d                     5,000 lir  1961     03.23; green-brown...................   F         300

86a                     5,000 lir  1948     01.28; blue..................................   VG+   150

87a                   10,000 lir  1947     12.17; brown......................... p/h  F+       180

88a                     1,000 lir  1948     02.10; seal "Medusa"....... F 20,  XF+    120

88b                     1,000 lir  1949     02.11; seal "Medusa"....... F 30,  UN      500

88c.                    1,000 lir  1959     09.15; seal "Medusa".... VF 40,  AU      160

88d.                    1,000 lir  1961     09.25; seal "Medusa"....... F 20,  UN      320

89c                   10,000 lir  1957     01.26; brown-orange.................   VF-     300

89c                   10,000 lir  1958     05.26; brown-orange.................   F-        150

89d                   10,000 lir  1961     03.07; brown-orange.................   F+       250

91a                           50 lir  1951     helmeted "Italia"............. VF 10,  UN      100

91b.                          50 lir  1951     helmeted "Italia"............. VF 12,  UN      160

92a.                       100 lir  1951     helmeted "Italia"............ VF+10,  AU        60

92b                         100 lir  1951     helmeted "Italia".................. F 5,  VF         10

93(a).                     500 lir  1966     Mercury................... VF 4, XF 8,  UN        45

93(b).                     500 lir  1967     Mercury.......................................   UN        40

93(c)                      500 lir  1970     Mercury................................ F 4,  UN        40

94(a)                      500 lir  1974     Mercury............................. VF 4,  AU          5

94(b)                      500 lir  1979     Mercury............................. VF 4,  UN          8

95(c)                      500 lir  1976     Mercury.......................................   XF+         4

96(a).                  1,000 lir  1962     Verdi/............................... VF 16,  UN      130

96(b).                  1,000 lir  1963     Verdi/................................. VG 6,  UN      200

96(c)                   1,000 lir  1964     01.14;Verdi/................................   F           15

96(e)                   1,000 lir  1965     Verdi/...........................................   F+         12

97(a)                10,000 lir  1962     07.03; Michael Angelo..............   VF         12

97(h)                10,000 lir  1973     11.27; Michael Angelo..............   AU        50

97       "W"       10,000 lir  1973     11.27; replacement "W"............   VF         40

97x     coun     10,000 lir  1973     counterfeit...................................   AU        70

99c                   50,000 lir  1972     Leonardo da Vinci.....................   VF      200

99d                   50,000 lir  1974     Leonardo da Vinci.....................   XF      400

100b               100,000 lir  1970     Manzoni/Como lake...... F+300VF+    600

101a                   1,000 lir  1969     Verdi/La Scala................. VF+4,  XF+         6

101a1.                1,000 lir  1969     paper fluorescent.......... VF+20,  AU+      80

101b                   1,000 lir  1971     Verdi/La Scala............................   XF+         6

101d                   1,000 lir  1975     Verdi/La Scala................. VF+4,  UN        12

101e                   1,000 lir  1977     Verdi/La Scala............................   UN        12

101f                    1,000 lir  1979     Verdi/La Scala............................   XF           4

101g.                  1,000 lir  1980     Verdi/La Scala.................. VF 4,  AU          6

101h                   1,000 lir  1981     Verdi/La Scala..................... F 4,  XF           5

102a                   5,000 lir  1971     Columbus/ship.................. F 10,  UN      160

102b                   5,000 lir  1973     Columbus/ship...........................   VF         20

103a                   2,000 lir  1973     Galileo/Zodiac map............ F 4,  UN        30

103b                   2,000 lir  1976     Galileo/Zodiac map.......... XF 6,  UN        22

103c                   2,000 lir  1983     Galileo/Zodiac map............ F 4,  UN        16

104.                  20,000 lir  1975     Titian/painting................ VG 30,  UN      800

105a.                  5,000 lir  1979     Messina/architecture.......... F 4,  UN        36

105b                   5,000 lir  1980     Messina/architecture....... VF 4,  UN        36

105b.                  5,000 lir  1982     Messina/architecture....... VF 4,  UN        36

105b                   5,000 lir  1983     Messina/architecture.................   AU        20

106a.                10,000 lir  1976     Castagno/architecture...............   UN        50

106(b).             10,000 lir  1978     Castagno/architecture........ F 4,  UN        50

106(c)              10,000 lir  1980     Castagno/architecture........ F 4,  VF           5

106(d)              10,000 lir  1982     Castagno/architecture...............   F             4

106(e)              10,000 lir  1984     Castagno/architecture..... VG 4,  VF           6

107(a)              50,000 lir  1977     06.20;women/architecture........   F           10

107(c)              50,000 lir  1978     10.23;women/architecture........   AU      100

107(d)              50,000 lir  1980     women/..................... F(pen) 10,  UN      160

108a               100,000 lir  1978     women/.......................................   UN      360

108b               100,000 lir  1980     women/.......................................   VF+      70

109a                   1,000 lir  1982     Marco Polo/Doge Palace..........   UN          4

109b                   1,000 lir  1982     Marco Polo/Doge Palace..........   AU          4

110a               100,000 lir  1983     Caravaggio/painting..................   VF         30

110b.              100,000 lir  1983     Caravaggio/painting..................   UN      160

111a.                  5,000 lir  1985     Bellini, opera..............................   UN        32

111b                   5,000 lir  1985     Bellini, opera..............................   UN        18

111c                   5,000 lir  1985     Bellini, opera..............................   UN        10

112a.                10,000 lir  1984     Volta, battery..............................   UN        24

112b.                10,000 lir  1984     Volta, battery....................... F 4,  UN        18

112c.                10,000 lir  1984     Volta, battery.................... XF 5,  UN        16

112d                 10,000 lir  1984     Volta, battery....................... F 4,  UN        15

113a                 50,000 lir  1984     Bernini/statue...................... F 6,  VF+      20

113b.                50,000 lir  1984     Bernini/statue.............................   UN      120

114a                   1,000 lir  1990     Montessori/students..................   UN          4

114c                   1,000 lir  1990     Montessori/students..................   UN          4

115                     2,000 lir  1990     Marconi/radio.................... AU 4,  UN          6

116b.                50,000 lir  1992     Bernini/statue; sig F-S.... F+10,  UN      120

116c                 50,000 lir  1992     Bernini/statue; sig F-A.. XF+24  UN      100

ABM    test      50,000 lir  ND        70x149,DeLRue"no value".......   UN        20

117b.              100,000 lir  1994     Caravaggio/painting; sig F-A...   AU      100

118.                500,000 lir  1997     Raffaello/painting........ AU 400UN      800

    Austrian occupation of Venezia WW1

M1                           5 cen  1918     Cassa Veneta................ AU 10,  UN        20

M2                        10 cen  1918     Cassa Veneta................ AU 10,  UN        20

M3.                       50 cen  1918     Cassa Veneta................ AU 12,  UN        30

M4                              1 lir  1918     Cassa Veneta..................... pen  F             6

M5                              2 lir  1918     Cassa Veneta................ VF-12,  XF-       25

M6                            10 lir  1918     Cassa Veneta............................   VG          6

M7                            20 lir  1918     Cassa Veneta.................. VG 7,  VF+      45

M8.                         100 lir  1918     Cassa Veneta............................   UN      900

    Allied Military Currency WW2

M10a     AMC            1 lir  1943     "F" @Forbes..................... XF 5,  UN        20

M10b     AMC            1 lir  1943     no F @BEP....................... VF 4,  UN        20

M11a     AMC            2 lir  1943     "F" @Forbes..................... VF 4,  UN        24

M11b     AMC            2 lir  1943     no F @BEP....................... VF 4,  UN        24

M12a.    AMC            5 lir  1943     "F" @Forbes.................... VF+7,  UN        35

M12b.    AMC            5 lir  1943     no F @BEP................... XF+14,  UN        35

M12b     AMC rep     5 lir  1943     replacement star note"*#".........   F+       150

M13a     AMC         10 lir  1943     "F" @Forbes...............................   VF+      24

M14a     AMC         50 lir  1943     "F" @Forbes...... VG 12, XF 90,  UN      350

M14b.    AMC         50 lir  1943     no F @BEP...... VF 40, XF 100,  UN      400

M15a     AMC       100 lir  1943     "F" @Forbes.................. VF+72,  XF         90

M15b     AMC       100 lir  1943     no F @BEP......... F 10, VF+60,  XF         80

M16b     AMC       500 lir  1943     no F @BEP............. F 150,  p/h  VF      300

M17b     AMC    1,000 lir  1943     no F @BEP................................   F+       400

M18a     AMC            5 lir  1943A  A-A........................................ F 4,  VF           5

M18b     AMC            5 lir  1943A  A-B...............................................   XF           5

M19a     AMC         10 lir  1943A  A-A..................................... VF 4,  UN        40

M19b.    AMC         10 lir  1943A  A-B..................................... VF 4,  UN        40

M20a     AMC         50 lir  1943A  A-A...................................... F 15,  F+         22

M20b     AMC         50 lir  1943A  A-B...............................................   VF         30

M21a.    AMC       100 lir  1943A  A-A......................... F 16, VF 32,  AU      130

M21b     AMC       100 lir  1943A  A-B......................... F 16, XF 64,  XF+    100

M21c.    AMC       100 lir  1943A  A-C.................................... VG 8,  AU      130

M22       AMC       500 lir  1943A  ......................................... VG 50,  F         100

M22x     coun       500 lir  1943A  perf "FALSO" old counterfeit....   VF         60

M23       AMC    1,000 lir  1943A  ................................. F 60; F+90VF      120

M23       AMC    1,000 lir  1943A  stamp validation "D""

                                            "Cappellificio Montevarchini"..................   F         100

M23x    coun     1,000 lir  1943A  old counterfeit............................   F           50

M23x    coun     1,000 lir  1943A  "FALSO"+RR statement...........   F         150

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            -Kingdom of Sardinia

s101r    rema        100 lir  1746     Torino; remainder......................   AU      250

s102r    rema        200 lir  1746     Torino; remainder......................   AU      250

s112r    rema          50 lir  1765     Torino; remainder......................   AU      250

s113r    rema        100 lir  1765     Torino; remainder......................   AU      250

s118                         50 lir  1792     Torino..........................................   VG      100

s118                         50 lir  1794     Torino..........................................   F         150

s122                       100 lir  1794     Torino..........................................   VG+   200

s126                         25 lir  1794     06.01;Torino...............................   F         120

s129                         25 lir  1796     Torino....................... tape repair  VG-    100

s130                         50 lir  1796     Torino....................... tape repair  VG      100

s131                         50 lir  1799     Torino.............................. VF 80XF      150

s132                       100 lir  1799     Torino.................... F(tape) 120VF      250

                                            -Banco Giro di Venezia

s181                  10 ducat  1798     ....................................... VF 150XF-     200

s183                100 ducat  1798     .....................................................   VF-     150

                                            -Venetian Republic -Moneta Patriottica

s185                           1 lir  1848     Venetian Republic.....................   VF         20

s186                           2 lir  1848     Venetian Republic........ VG+12,  VF-       25

s187                           3 lir  1848     Venetian Republic............ F 20,  VF+      30

s188                           5 lir  1848     Venetian Republic......... VG 10,  VF         40

s188                           5 lir  1848     Venetian Rep; wmk......... F+20,  XF+      80

s190                       100 lir  1848     Venetian Republic.....................   XF+    200

                                            -Palmanova, siege by Austrian forces

s246                           1 lir  1848     siege of Palmanova...................   F-        250

s247                           2 lir  1848     siege of Palmanova...................   F+       300

                                            -Papal States

s302                     4 scudi  1795     S Monte Della Pieta' Roma......   XF      250

s304                     6 scudi  1796     S Monte Della Pieta' Roma......   VF      180

s308                  10 scudi  1795     S Monte Della Pieta' Roma......   VG      100

s318                  20 scudi  1792     S Monte Della Pieta' Roma......   VG+   120

s321                  23 scudi  1796     S Monte Della Pieta' Roma......   VG+   120

s322                  24 scudi  1796     S Monte Della Pieta' Roma......   VG+   120

s333                  35 scudi  1797     S Monte Della Pieta' Roma......   VG+   150

s356                  90 scudi  1797     S Monte Della Pieta' Roma......   VG-    150

                                            -Repubblica Romana

s522                       40 baj  1798     Banco di S Spirito......................   VG        50

s523a                     50 baj  1798     Banco di S Spirito....... repaired  F         150

s524                       60 baj  1798     Banco di S Spirito......................   VG        70

s528                       50 baj  1798     Monte di Pieta............. repaired  G+        40

s531                         3 baj  (1798)   Assegnati....................................   F         100

s537                        7 pao  (1798)   Assegnati........................ VG 25,  VF-       70

s538                        8 pao  (1798)   Assegnati....................................   XF         80

s539                        9 pao  (1798)   Assegnati....................... VF+70AU      150

s540a                   10 pao  (1798)   Assegnati; value in triangle......   VF+      50

s540b                   10 pao  (1798)   Assegnati; value in circle..........   VF+      50

s540c                   10 pao  (1798)   Assegnati; value in square.......   VF-       50

s540d                   10 pao  (1798)   Assegnati; value in rhombus....   F           50

                                            -Banca Nazionale del Regno d'Italia

s732                           2 lir  1866     Banca Nazionale.......................   VG        50

s734                           5 lir  1867     Banca Nazionale............ VG 50  F         100

                                            -Banco di Napoli

s856                         50 lir  1914     .....................................................   F+       150

s856                         50 lir  1915     05.31...........................................   G           40

s857                       100 lir  1911     02.23...........................................   VG+   120

s858                       500 lir  1917     08.14...... VG+(writing)200, p/h  VG+   250

s859                   1,000 lir  1918     09.07..................................... p/h  VF      600

                                            -Banco di Sicilia

s899                   1,000 lir  1909     12.28.................. tape mark; p/h  VG      450

s899                   1,000 lir  1919     05.30..................................... p/h  VG+   500

                                            -Banca Agricola Sarda

s921                         30 lir  1879     Oristano......................... VG+60,  F+       120

                                            -Credito Agricola Industriale Sardo

s925                         30 lir  1874     .....................................................   F         100

s927                         50 lir  1874     .....................................................   F         180

   War, Military and Camp Money(C#-Campbell, SB#-Schwan Boling)

Prisoners of War WW1; -Asinara

C-5601                   5 cen  ND        .....................................................   F           80

                                            -Firenze, WW1

C-5636                 10 cen  1917     .....................................................   AU        40

                                            -Campo Concentamento P.G. 25

C-5866                 0.10 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   VF+      20

C-5867                 0.20 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   VF+      20

C-5868                 0.50 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   VF+      20

C-5869                       1 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   VF+      20

C-5870                       2 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   VF+      20

C-5871                       5 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   VF+      20

                                            -Campo Concentamento P.G. 54

C-6018                       2 lir  ND        .....................................................   VF      100

C-6019                       5 lir  ND        ......................................... VG-50,  F+       100

C-6020                    10 lir  ND        ........................................ VG+60,  F+       120

                                            -Campo Concentamento P.G. 91

C-6159                    50 lir  ND        stamp "cancelled"......................   AU      300

                                            -Campo Concentamento Internati Civili, Udine

C-6583                 0.50 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   XF+      35

C-6585                       2 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   XF+      35

C-6586                       5 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   XF+      40

C-6587                    10 lir  ND        ?fantasy issue?..........................   XF+      45

  Partizan issues WW2;   -Liguria, Committed of liberalization

NL                       5,000 lir  1944     06.05;ovpt on Italy P65.............   XF+    400

                                            -Partito d'Azione"

NL                            10 lir  1943     10.05...........................................   VF+    200

   Emergency Checks -Assegni 1943-1950

                                            -Banca d'America e d'Italia

NL                            25 lir  1945     01.15;Agenzia di Alassio..........   G        100

                                            -Banca Popolare di Cremona, filiale Piadena

NL                            20 lir  1945     01.10;BP Cremona, Piadena...   VG-    100

                                            -Cassa di Risparmio di Pisa

NL     canc               50 lir  1943     11.27;Cassa R.Pisa.......... F 40  VF         80

NL     canc            100 lir  1943     11.17;Cassa R.Pisa..................   VG        40

NL     canc            500 lir  1943     11.06;Cassa R.Pisa..................   F-          50

NL     canc               50 lir  1944     05.25;Cassa R.Pisa....... type-2  F           40

NL     canc            100 lir  1944     04.01;Cassa R.Pisa....... type-2  F           40

NL     canc            500 lir  1944     06.16;Cassa R.Pisa....... type-2  XF         60

                                            -Banco di Roma

NL                          100 lir  1944     08.01;Banco di Roma...............   VG      100

                                            -Cassa di Risparmio Prov. Lombarde, Milano

NL                          100 lir  1945     02.15; Mario Zanoni..................   F         120

                                            -Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia

NL                          100 lir  1944     10.21;Cassa di Venezia............   VG      100

                                            -Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste

NL                          100 lir  1945     04.09;Cassa di Trieste..............   F         120

                                            -L'Istituto di San Paolo di Torino

NL                          100 lir  1944     01.03;"ordine Presidente".........   F+       100

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Associazone Generale degli Operai, Torino

NL                         50 cen  1860?   .....................................................   VG      100

                                            -Banca Popolare di Genova

NL                         50 cen  18--       .....................................................   F           80

                                            -Banca Popolare Operasa, Roma

NL                         25 cen  1872     .....................................................   VG        40

                                            -Banca Toscana di Anticipazione Sconto, Firenze

NL                         50 cen  1870     brown..........................................   AU        30

NL                               1 lir  1870     green...........................................   AU        50

NL                               2 lir  1870     brown..........................................   XF+      50

                                            -Comune di Trieste

NL                         10 cen  (1918)   .....................................................   VF         20

NL                         20 cen  (1918)   .....................................................   VF         20

NL                         50 cen  (1918)   .....................................................   VF         20

                                            -Comune di Udine

NL                               1 lir  1918     03.12...........................................   VF         30

NL                            10 lir  1918     03.12...........................................   AU        80

                                            -Luigi Cevo, Castelnuovo di Garfagnana

NL     unis            25 cen  186-      no signature and #....................   AU      300

                                            -Societa Nazionale Italiana di Muta, Padova

NL                         50 cen  1869     10.10...........................................   F           80

                                            -Societa Operaia di Concordia sulla Secchia

NL                               1 lir  18--       .....................................................   F         150

   Notes -private issues  

                                            -Edicola Cartoleria Guerzoni Livio, Crevalcore

Crevalcore         100,350  1976     12.31 G Livio.............. lot#1201  AU        12

                                            -Cartolibreria, Lauria

Laur    100,200,300,400  1977     03.31; 4 notes............. lot#1202  AU        25

                                            -Associazione Commercianti, Massa"

Massa                      50 lir  1976     10.31 Comm. Massa. lot#1203  AU          8

                                            -"Buono Rendita" O.Prev.V Milano

Milano            5;20;30;50  -1959    09.30; 4 notes............. lot#1204  AU-       25

                                            -UPMI -La Rinascente -SMA (Milano)

(Milano)                   50 lir  -1977    03.31; .......................... lot#1205  AU          8

(Milano)           50,100 lir  -1978    04.30; 2 notes............. lot#1206  AU        12

                                            -Associazione Novarese Esercenti, Novara

Novara                  200 lir  1976     12.31............................ lot#1208  AU        12

                                            -Unione Commercianti di Prado

Prato                      100 lir  1975     12.31;Com.Prato........ lot#1209  AU        12

                                            -Cassa di Risparimo di Trento e Rovereto

Trento            250,350 lir  1977     02.28; 2 notes............. lot#1210  AU        20

Trento   100,150,20,300  1977     03.25; 4 notes............. lot#1211  AU        40

                                            -Cassa Rurale di Ziano di Fiemme, Winter sport

Ziano              100-350 lir  1978     03.21; 6 notes............. lot#1212  AU        35


                                   300  ND        .....................................................   AU          8

                                            -"Confoederatio Mitteleuropaea"

                                   100  1977     August......................... lot#1213  AU          8

                                            -"Citta del Ragazzi" notes

Gamba        1/2;1;2;5;10  talenti   "la bussola"5 notes.... lot#1214  XF         20

Roma     1;2;3;4;5;10;20  scudi    pink; 7 notes............... lot#1215  AU        30

Roma     1;2;3;4;5;10;20  scudi    blue; 7 notes............... lot#1216  AU        30

Torino                 1;3;5;10  fiorini    "SASSI"; 4 notes........................   AU        40


NL     spec        1 million  ND        B. Commerciale Italiana...........   XF         10

NL     spec      10 million  ND        B. Commerciale Italiana...........   XF         10

NL     spec    100 million  ND        B. Commerciale Italiana...........   XF         15

                                            Bank of Italy, USA

check                        50 $  1920     counter check............. lot#1067  AU        20

                                            Traveler's Cheque, Banca Commerciale Italiana

TC                  100,000 lir  1989     Traveler's Cheque.....................   XF         15

   Promissory Notes(revenue 50 lira +4x50 lira additional stamps)

private            100,000 lir  1923     signed in blank........... lot#1165  XF         25

   Advertising Notes          -Morotti Mobili, Milan (furniture factory)

NL                     10,000 lir  ND        Morotti Mobili.............. lot#1185  AU        10

   Documents                     Financial Ministry Decree

decree(s737)          10 lir  1872     B. Nat. Reg Italia........ lot#1092  VF+      50

decree(s753)            2 lir  1873     B. Nat. Toscana......... lot#1196  VF+      50

decree(P18)              5 lir  1883     Treasury Note............. lot#1195  VF+      50


   ***ITALY, local mini-checks "mini-assegni"(1960-1980)***

   -Banca Agricola Commerciale di Reggio Emilia

                               100 lir  1976.03.03 Ass Prov Reggio Emilia.....   AU          6

                               100 lir  1976.09.01 Ass Prov Reggio Emilia.....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.12 Ass Prov Reggio Emilia.....   AU          4

                               200 lir  1977.09.30 Ass Prov Reggio Emilia.....   AU          5

   -Banca Antoniana di Padova e Trieste

                               100 lir  1976.10.25 Union Comm Trieste..........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.15 Ass Comm Padova............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.15 Coin Grani Magazzini.........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.15 Union Comm Trieste..........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.01 Union Comm Trieste..........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.05.16 Ass Comm Padova............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.06.13 Ass Comm Padova............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.07.25 Union Comm Trieste..........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.09.19 Autostrade Padova.............   AU          5

   -Banca Belinzaghi

                                 50 lir  1977.06.30 Lanificio Somma..... Milano  VF           4

                               150 lir  1977.05.15 AVIS Milano.........................   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.06.30 AVIS Milano.........................   AU          6

   -Banca Cattolica del Veneto

                               100 lir  1976.03.23 AS.CO.As.Co.Verona........   AU        70

                               100 lir  1976.08.04 Confescenti Rovigo............   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.08.27 Ass.Prov.Com Belluno.......   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.09.07 COIN....................................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.09.20 Ass.Prov.Com Belluno.......   AU          8

                               100 lir  1976.09.20 Unione Comm Trevisto......   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.10.29 Ass.Com Padova................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.14 Ass.Com Pordenone..........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.14 Ass.Com Mestre.................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.14 Ass.Com Udine...................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.14 Conf.Godina Trieste...........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.17 Ass Prov Comm Belluno....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.17 Ass Prov Comm Rovigo....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.17 Confescenti Rovigo............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.17 Unione Comm Venezia......   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.21 AS.CO.Comm Verona.......   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.21 Ass Comm Vincenza..........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.21 Autostrade Vincenza..........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.21 Autovie Venete....................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.29 Automobil Club Trieste......   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.29 La Centrale Milano.............   AU          4

   -Banca Credito Agrario Bresciano

                               100 lir  1976.09.08 Cartti Sport Brescia............   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.09.20 Ass Comm Brescia.............   AU          6

                               100 lir  1976.10.04 Ass Comm Brescia.............   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.06.15 Ass Comm Brescia.............   AU          5

                               100 lir  1978.02.13 Ass Comm Brescia.............   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.10.25 Ass Comm Brescia.............   AU          6

                               200 lir  1976.08.02 Ass Comm Brescia.............   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.10.25 Ass Comm Brescia.............   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.11.22 Ass Comm Brescia.............   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.12.13 Ass Comm Brescia.............   AU          5

   -Banca del Friuli

                               100 lir  1976.10.25 Ass Comm Udine................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.07.25 Ass Comm Udine................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.07.25 Unione Comm Udine..........   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.10.25 Ass Comm Udine................   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.12.22 Automobile Club Udine......   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.12.22 Ass Comm Udine................   AU          5

   -Banca del Salento

                               100 lir  1977.01.18 Cons Artigianti Lecce.........   AU          5

                               150 lir  1977.01.18 Cons Artigianti Lecce.........   AU          5

   -Banca di Credito Agrario di Ferrara

                                 50 lir  1976.08.10 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          6

                                 50 lir  1976.08.10 Unione Indus Ferrara.........   AU          6

                                 50 lir  1976.09.27 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.01.03 Unione Prov Ferrara...........   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.02.07 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.04.27 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.09.13 Autostrade Ferrara.............   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.07.12 Autostrade...........................   VF           4

                               100 lir  1976.07.26 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   F             4

                               100 lir  1976.08.20 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.09.20 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.01.03 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.07 Unione Prov Agri Ferrara...   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.04.04 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.04.04 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   VF           4

                               100 lir  1977.05.25 Autostrade...........................   AU          7

                               100 lir  1977.08.04 Autostrade...........................   VF           4

                               100 lir  1977.09.13 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.08.10 Unione Indus Ferrara.........   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.09.27 Ass.Prov.Com Ferrara.......   AU          4

                               150 lir  1977.01.03 Unione Prov Agri Ferrara...   AU          4

                               150 lir  1977.09.13 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.08.10 Ass Prov Agr Ferrara.........   AU          6

                               200 lir  1976.08.20 Ass Prov Agr Ferrara.........   AU          6

                               200 lir  1976.09.27 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          5

                               200 lir  1977.01.03 Ass Prov Comm Ferrara....   AU          5

   -Banca di Credito e Bolzano

                                 50 lir  1976.12.02 Union Comm Bolzano........   AU          6

                                 50 lir  1976.12.15 Superski Dolomiti................   AU          6

                                 50 lir  1977.02.18 Radio Bolzano.....................   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.03.15 Comitato 7 Male..................   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.03.15 Assicurazioni Trento...........   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.03.15 Ass Comm Trento..............   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.09.03 Union Comm Bolzano........   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.10.20 Ass Comm Trento..............   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.15 Superski Dolomiti................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.02.18 Radio Bolzano.....................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.02.18 Fassa Coop Bolzano..........   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.02.18 Union Comm Bolzano........   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.03.22 Union Comm Bolzano........   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.07.01 Union Comm Bolzano........   AU        10

                               150 lir  1976.12.15 Fun Madonna Campiglio AU 5

                               150 lir  1977.03.10 Radio Bolzano.....................   AU          5

                               150 lir  1977.03.15 Assicurazioni Trento...........   AU          5

                               150 lir  1977.03.15 Comitato 7 Male..................   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.11.30 Ass Comm Trento..............   AU          8

                               200 lir  1977.02.18 Union Comm Bolzano........   AU          5

                               200 lir  1977.02.18 Atesina Trento.....................   AU          5

                               200 lir  1977.03.10 Radio Bolzano.....................   AU          5

   -Banca Industriale Gallaratese

                               150 lir  1976.12.01 Ass Art Prov Varese...........   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.12.01 Ass Art Prov Varese...........   AU          5

   -Banca Popolare del Montefeltro e del Metauro

                               200 lir  1976.03.16 Jollybar.................................   AU        20

   -Banca Popolare di Bergamo

                               100 lir  1976.12.09 Ass Art Bergamo................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.09 Numismatica Bergamo......   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.12.22 Ass Art Bergamo................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.01.26 Ass Art Bergamo................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.03.30 Minitalia Bergamo...............   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.06.16 Ass Art Bergamo................   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.12.09 Ass Art Bergamo................   AU          6

                               200 lir  1976.12.09 Ass Art Bergamo................   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.12.22 Ass Art Bergamo................   AU          5

                               250 lir  1976.12.22 Ass Art Bergamo................   AU          6

   -Banca Popolare di Lecco

                               100 lir  1977.03.28 Unione Comm Lecco.........   AU          6

                               150 lir  1977.03.28 Unione Comm Lecco.........   AU          6

   -Banca Popolare di Milano

                                 50 lir  1976.12.20 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.01.14 Unione Arti Prov Milano.....   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.01.20 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.02.21 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.20 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.01.20 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.02.15 Unione Arti Prov Milano.....   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.03.21 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                               200 lir  1977.01.14 Unione Arti Prov Milano.....   AU          6

   -Banca Popolare di Novara

                               100 lir  1976.10.27 Ass Comm Prov Novara....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.10.29 Ass Comm Prov Novara....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.05 Ass Comm Prov Novara....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.11 Ass Comm Prov Novara....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.19 Ass Comm Prov Novara....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.29 Ass Comm Prov Novara....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.03 Ass Indu Lombarda............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.03 Coop Allevatori....................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.13 Ass Dett Tessili...................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.13 Distilleria Canellese............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.13 Gancia Canelli.....................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.13 Bosca&Figli Canelli............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.17 Distilleria Canellese............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.20 SISA Imballaggi .................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.20 Distilleria Canellese............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.24 Gancia Canelli.....................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.27 Ass Indu Lombarda............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.07.01 Gambarotta di Inga.............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.07.14 Guseppe Contratto.............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.07.21 SIVER Vercelli.....................   AU          4

   -Banca Provinciale Lombarda

                                 50 lir  1977.12.12 Ass Es Comm Bergamo....   VF         10

                                 50 lir  1977.08.11 Postal Market Italiana........   AU        12

                               100 lir  1976.05.08 Ass Comm Prov Bergamo.   AU        10

                               100 lir  1976.07.14 "Giornale Bergamo"............   AU        10

                               100 lir  1976.07.21 Ass Comm Prov Pavia.......   AU        15

                               100 lir  1976.09.21 "Giornale Bergamo"............   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.09.27 Ass Comm Prov Pavia.......   AU          9

                               100 lir  1976.10.28 Ass Comm Lodi..................   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.12.09 Invernizzi Milano.................   AU        18

                               100 lir  1977.02.10 Pinti Inox..............................   AU          7

                               100 lir  1977.02.23 Invernizzi Milano.................   AU          7

                               100 lir  1977.05.10 Ass Comm Prov Pavia.......   VF           6

                               100 lir  1977.05.20 Impresa Castelli..................   AU          7

                               100 lir  1977.08.11 Postal Market Italiana........   AU        12

                               100 lir  1977.10.07 "Giornale Bergamo"............   AU        10

                               100 lir  1978.02.01 Ass Comm Prov Bergamo.   AU        10

                               150 lir  1976.03.21 Ass Comm Lodi.......... blue  AU        30

                               150 lir  1976.06.03 Ass Comm Prov Pavia blue  AU        30

                               150 lir  1976.06.07 "Giornale Bergamo".... blue  AU        12

                               150 lir  1977.02.21 Ass Comm Bergamo brown  AU        12

                               150 lir  1977.08.29 Ass Comm Bergamo..........   AU        12

                               200 lir  1976.02.04 Invernizzi Milano.................   AU        12

                               200 lir  1976.03.15 "Giornale Bergamo"............   AU        15

                               200 lir  1976.09.16 Ass Comm Prov Bergamo.   AU        15

                               200 lir  1976.09.20 "Giornale Bergamo"............   AU        12

                               200 lir  1976.09.20 Ass Comm Prov Pavia.......   AU        12

                               200 lir  1976.09.28 Ass Comm Lodi..................   AU        12

                               200 lir  1976.10.07 Ass Comm Prov Pavia.......   AU        12

   -Banca St.Paolo di Brescia

                               100 lir  1976.11.15 Ass Comm Prov Brescia....   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.11.15 Ass Comm Prov Brescia....   AU          4

                               200 lir  1976.11.15 Ass Comm Prov Brescia....   AU          6

   -Banca Sella

                               100 lir  1976.04.12 Ass Art Prov Biellese..........   AU        18

                               100 lir  1976.09.30 Edicola Libreria Gritti..........   AU        18

                               150 lir  1976.01.03 Galleria d'Arte Biella...........   AU        35

                               150 lir  1976.04.12 Ass Art Prov Biellese..........   AU        12

                               150 lir  1976.06.25 Ass Comm Biellese............   AU        12

                               200 lir  1977.03.10 Ernesto Pozzi......................   AU        15

                               300 lir  1976.10.03 Fil-Num Biellanese.............   AU        15

   -Banco Ambrosiano

                               100 lir  1976.12.16 "La Centrale".......................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.04.15 "La Centrale".......................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.06.29 "La Centrale".......................   VF           4

                               150 lir  1977.04.15 "La Centrale".......................   AU          5

                               150 lir  1977.06.29 "La Centrale".......................   AU          5

   -Banco di Chiavari e della Riviera Ligure

                               100 lir  1977.02.15 Ass Comm Tur Genova.....   AU          4

                               200 lir  1977.02.15 Ass Comm Tur Genova.....   AU          4

                               300 lir  1977.02.15 Ass Comm Tur Genova.....   AU          5

   -Banco di Napoli

                               100 lir  1976.02.02 ASCOM................................   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.02.02 Fed Comm Prov Bari.........   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.02.02 Unione Comm Foggia........   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.02.02 Autostrade...........................   AU        10

                               100 lir  1976.02.02 INFRASUD..........................   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.02.02 Ass Comm Potenza...........   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.03.01 Ass Comm Caserta............   AU        25

                               100 lir  1976.03.01 Unione Comm Venezia......   AU        60

                               100 lir  1976.03.01 Unione Prov Latina.............   AU        15

                               100 lir  1976.03.01 Unione Reg Liguria.............   AU        15

                               100 lir  1976.03.09 Unione Comm Spezia........   AU          7

   -Banco di Santo Spirito

                               100 lir  1976.12.10 Confesercenti Roma..........   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.10 Unione Comm Frosinone..   AU          7

                               100 lir  1976.12.10 Esattoria Comm Napoli......   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.02.01 Confesercenti Roma..........   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.10 Unione Comm Latina.........   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.12.10 Confesercenti Roma..........   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.12.10 Ass Comm Caserta............   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.12.10 Unione Comm Frosinone..   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.12.10 Esattoria Comm Napoli......   AU          7

                               150 lir  1977.02.01 Unione Comm Latina.........   AU          5

   -Banco di Sicilia

                               150 lir  1976.04.02 Ass Comm Bologna...........   AU          4

                        100,150 lir  1976.04.02 Coop Emilia Veneto...........   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.04.02 CAMST Bologna.................   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.04.02 FIPE Prov Catania..............   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.04.02 Soc Editoriale Nazione......   AU        12

                        100,150 lir  1976.04.02 Ass Pie Gro Ort Torino......   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.04.02 Sid Com Im Ort Torino.......   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.10.20 Unione Art Prov Sondrio....   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.10.20 Unione Com Pro Sondrio..   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.10.25 Ass Comm Macerata.........   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.10.25 FIPE Prov Catania..............   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.10.25 Ass Comm Prov Enna ......   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.10.25 Confesercenti Firenze........   AU        10

                        100,150 lir  1976.10.25 Unione Comm Messina ....   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.10.25 Unione Prov Siracusa........   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1976.10.25 Soc Cattolica Verona.........   AU          6

                               100 lir  1976.10.25 "BICATEX" Modica.............   AU          4

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Ass Comm Bologna...........   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Ass Prov Caltanissetta.......   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Ass Comm Prov Catania...   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 ASTIFAR Catana................   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 La Nazione Frienze............   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Ass Comm Genova............   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Ass Comm Marsala............   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 S Marco Mestre..................   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Ass Comm Prov Ragusa...   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 "BICATEX" Modica.............   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Unione Comm Agrigento...   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Ass Comm Termini.............   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Coop Turistici Cefalu..........   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Ass Comm Trapani.............   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Conf Prov Trapani..............   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 COIN Magazz Venezia......   AU          6

                        100,150 lir  1977.02.14 Unione Comm Venezia......   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.02.14 LIMONI Bologna.................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.14 Conf Firenze........................   AU          4

                               150 lir  1977.06.15 Sind Imp Prod Torino.........   AU          5

   -Banco Lariano

                               100 lir  1976.11.10 Ass Comm Busto Arsizio...   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.20 Unione Comm Legnano.....   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.02.01 ITALIA Ass..........................   AU          5

                               150 lir  1977.01.10 API Ass Pic Ind Lecco........   AU          4

                               200 lir  1976.11.10 Ass Comm Busto Arsizio...   AU          4

   -Cassa di Risparmi di Biella

                               100 lir  1976.12.10 Confesercenti Biella...........   AU          6

                               150 lir  1976.12.10 Ass Com Biella....................   AU          5

                               150 lir  1976.12.10 Confesercenti Biella...........   AU          5

   -Cassa di Risparmi di Cuneo

                               150 lir  1976.12.31 Unione Pro Comm Cuneo.   AU          6

                               200 lir  1976.12.31 Unione Pro Comm Cuneo.   AU          6

   -Cassa di Risparmi di Jesi

                               150 lir  1977.01.18 Nostro Jesi...........................   AU          7

   -Cassa di Risparmi di Venezia

                               100 lir  1976.11.22 Unione Comm Venezia......   AU        18

   -Credito Artigiano

                                 50 lir  1977.03.24 Soc Ita Cauzioni Roma......   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.11.08 Ass Art Prov Milano............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.01.03 Ass Art Prov Milano............   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.07.01 Ass Art Prov Milano............   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.08.01 STAR Milano.......................   AU          5

                               150 lir  1977.01.03 Ass Art Prov Milano............   AU          4

                               150 lir  1977.03.24 Soc Ita Cauzioni Roma......   AU          4

                               200 lir  1977.01.03 Ass Art Prov Milano............   AU          6

                               300 lir  1977.03.24 Soc Ita Cauzioni Roma......   AU          7

   -Credito Italiano

                               100 lir  1976.02.25 Unione Comm Pro Milano.   AU          6

                               100 lir  1976.03.01 Unione Comm Roma.........   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.03.15 Ass Piemontese Torino......   AU          6

                               100 lir  1976.08.02 Un Reg Comm Toscana....   AU          6

                               100 lir  1976.08.02 Unione Comm Roma.........   AU        12

                               100 lir  1976.08.02 Unione Comm Milano........   AU        10

                               100 lir  1976.09.03 Unione Comm Milano........   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.09.03 Ass Comm Bologna...........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.09.03 Confesercenti Spezia.........   AU          6

                               100 lir  1976.09.03 Ass Piemontese Torino......   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.09.06 ASCOM Salerno.................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.09.06 Unione Comm Trieste........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.09.06 Unione Comm Venezia......   AU          4

+stamp                  100 lir  1976.09.21 Un Reg Comm Toscana....   VF         20

                               100 lir  1976.09.21 Ass Comm Pesaro/Urbino.   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.09.21 DESPAR Milano.................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.09.21 Ass Piemontese Torino......   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.09.21 COIN Venezia.....................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.09.30 Autostrade...........................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.09.30 Un Reg Comm Toscana....   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.05 Unione Comm Roma.........   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.22 Unione Comm Venezia......   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.22 Unione Comm Trieste........   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.22 COIN Venezia.....................   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.23 Ass Comm Bologna...........   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.23 Ass Piemontese Torino......   AU          6

                               150 lir  1976.03.23 Ass Ind Pro Palermo..........   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.24 Autostrade...........................   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.26 Ass Comm Prov Milano.....   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.26 Ass Ind Prov Palermo........   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.03.29 Ass Comm Bolonga...........   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.09.16 Ass Comm Prov Cagliari...   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.09.16 Confesercenti Spezia.........   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.09.16 Ass Comm Prov Milano.....   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.09.16 ASCOM Salermo................   AU          4

                               150 lir  1976.09.16 Unione Comm Venezia......   AU          4

   -Credito Varesino

                               100 lir  1976.10.01 Unione Comm Pr Varese..   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.11.15 Unione Comm Pr Varese..   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.02.15 Unione Comm Pr Varese..   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.06.28 "La Centrale" Varese..........   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.06.28 Unione Comm Pr Varese..   XF           4

                               150 lir  1976.10.01 Unione Comm Pr Varese..   AU          5

                               150 lir  1977.01.14 "La Centrale" Varese..........   AU          5

                               150 lir  1977.04.20 Unione Comm Pr Varese..   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.11.15 Unione Comm Pr Varese..   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.12.01 Unione Comm Pr Varese..   AU          5

   -ICCREA, Instituto di Credito delle Casse Rurali e Artigiane

                               100 lir  1977.01.14 La Vincola Giovannea........   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.01.18 Fed Lomb Artigiane............   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.01.31 Tre Stelle e Figros..............   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.01.31 Fed Lomb Artigiane............   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.02.18 Raiffenisenverband............   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.03.15 Fed Lomb Artigiane............   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.03.15 ACAI Con R Buf Lugo........   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.03.31 Gazzetino Numismatico.....   AU          6

                               100 lir  1977.06.15 Ass Com D'Ampezzio........   AU          6

   -Istituto Bancario Italiano

                                 50 lir  1976.11.09 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1976.12.06 T Traversa Bari...................   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1976.12.14 ASCOM Napoli....................   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1976.12.28 ICAR Napoli.........................   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.01.26 Profumerie Pepe Bari.........   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1977.06.20 Soc Autostrade...................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.02.20 Autostrade...........................   AU          6

                               100 lir  1976.03.01 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.03.16 Gr Finan Tessile Marus.....   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.10.26 Unione Artigiana Torino.....   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.11.17 SEP Il Secolo Genova.......   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.11.17 COOP Milano......................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.06 T Traversa Bari...................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.06 Gr Finan Tessile Torino.....   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.14 ASCOM Napoli....................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.28 ICAR Napoli.........................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1976.12.28 Autostrade...........................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.01.26 Ditta Orienfila.......................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.07.07 Autogrill Novara..................   AU          5

                               100 lir  1977.01.26 Profumerie Pepe Bari.........   AU          5

   -Istituto Bancario Sao Paolo di Torino

                                 50 lir  1976.01.27 Ass Comm Torino...............   AU        12

                                 50 lir  1976.01.27 Confesercenti Torino..........   AU          6

                                 50 lir  1976.01.29 a.i.g.i.d. Milano....................   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1976.01.29 Ass Comm Prov Genova...   AU        10

                                 50 lir  1976.08.30 Ass Comm Torino...............   AU          5

                                 50 lir  1976.08.30 Unione Comm Piacenza....   AU        15

                                 50 lir  1976.08.30 Confesercenti Torino..........   AU          5

                               100 lir  1975.12.10 Ass Comm Torino...............   AU        12

                               100 lir  1975.12.17 Confesercenti Torino..........   VF         12

                               100 lir  1976.01.19 Ass Comm Torino...............   AU          6

                               100 lir  1976.01.14 a.i.g.i.d. Milano....................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.08.17 Confesercenti Torino..........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.15 a.i.g.i.d. Milano....................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.30 Ass Comm Torino...............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.11.30 Ass Comm Genova............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.15 Fed Ita Ottici Torino............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.15 ANSVA Confesercenti........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1976.12.20 Unione Comm Piacenza....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.18 Ass Comm Torino...............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.18 Confesercenti Torino..........   AU          4

                               200 lir  1976.01.21 Ass Comm Torino...............   AU        12

                               200 lir  1976.01.23 a.i.g.i.d. Milano....................   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.01.23 Ass Com Prov Genova......   F             6

                               200 lir  1976.09.06 Ass Comm Torino...............   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.09.06 Confesercenti Torino..........   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.10.28 UICA Automobi Torino.......   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.11.08 a.i.g.i.d. Milano....................   AU          7

                               200 lir  1976.12.20 Ass Comm Prov Genova...   AU          5

                               200 lir  1976.12.20 Unione Comm Piacenza....   AU          5

   -Istituto Centrale di Banche e Banchieri

                               100 lir  1977.02.15 Banca Steinhauslin.............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.15 Banca Cunese Lamberti....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.15 Banca Passadore...............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.15 Banca Desio Brianza.........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.25 Banca Bonsembiante.........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.25 Banca Cimino......................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.25 Banca Emiliana Parma......   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.25 Banca Rasini.......................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.25 Banca Rosenberg...............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.25 Banca Torremaggiore........   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.02.25 Banca Ceriana....................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.03.07 Banca Ciociara....................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.03.17 Banca F Vecchio................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.03.17 Banca Manusardi................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.03.17 Banca Subalpina................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.03.17 Banca Bergamo..................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.03.20 Banca Rasini.......................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.04.26 Banca F.Vecchio................   XF           4

                               100 lir  1977.05.10 Banca Rosenberg...............   XF           4

                               100 lir  1977.05.10 Credito Lombardo...............   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.05.10 Carpano Fabrica Torino.....   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.05.20 Banca Sella.........................   AU          4

                               100 lir  1977.08.16 Banca Passadore...............   XF           4

                               100 lir  1977.08.16 Banca Lariano.....................   AU          4

                               150 lir  1977.07.20 Banca Agr Milanese...........   AU          4

                               150 lir  1977.07.20 Banca Rasini.......................   AU          4

                               150 lir  1977.07.20 Banca Sella.........................   AU          4

                               150 lir  1977.07.20 Banca Subalpina................   AU          4

   -Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari Italiane

                               100 lir  1976.12.13 Ass Comm Catana ............   AU          5


PICK#                                 *****IVORY COAST****3*

   French Colony till 1960 (from 1960 see West African States)

1b                         50 cen  1917     wmk leaves.................... VG-90,  F         200

2b                              1 fra  1917     wmk leaves........................ stain  VG+   200

4.      psm               5 cen  (1920)   stamp currency..........................   UN      400

5.      psm             10 cen  (1920)   stamp currency..........................   UN      400

6.      psm             25 cen  (1920)   stamp currency..........................   UN      400


PICK#                                 *****JAMAICA****3*

   British Colony till 1972

37(c)                        5 shi  1940     George VI...................................   F+         70

37(g)                        5 shi  1950     George VI...................................   F           50

37(j)                          5 shi  1955     George VI............. F 45, VF 90,  XF      180

37(k)                        5 shi  1957     05.27; George VI.......................   VF+    100

37(l)                          5 shi  1957     08.15; George VI.......................   VF+      90

37(m)                       5 shi  1958     George VI...................................   F-          40

38a                         10 shi  1939     George VI; blue..........................   F         100

38b                         10 shi  1940     George VI; blue..........................   F         100

39(a)                      10 shi  1950     George VI...................................   F+         90

39(d)                      10 shi  1955     George VI.......................... P 10,  F           60

40a                         1 pou  1940     George VI; blue, red#.... "A/11"  F+    1200

41a                         1 pou  1942     George VI; green.......................   F+       120

41(d)                       1 pou  1950     George VI; green.......................   F           80

41(g)                       1 pou  1955     George VI; green.......................   F           70

41(k)                       1 pou  1960     George VI; green.......................   F           80

46                           10 shi  1960     George VI...................................   F+       120

48b                         5 pou  1960     07.04; QEII.................. tear, p/h  VF    1000

49.      "EA-EH"    10 shi  1960     (1961) QEII/................................   UN      400

51       "AA-AW"    1 pou  1960     (1961) QEII/................................   XF      200

51Ac.  "FE-FP"       5 shi  1960     (1964) QEII/ sig H... XF(p/h)80,  AU+    240

51Bc.  "GR-HA"   10 shi  1960     (1964) QEII/ sig H. F 50, F+75,  UN      800

51Be   "HD-HM"   10 shi  1960     (1964) QEII/ sig B. VG 18,F 35,  VF+    110

51Ca   "AA-BZ"     1 pou  1960     (1964) QEII/ sig P ...... VF+120UN      640

51Cb   "CE-DG"    1 pou  1960     (1964) QEII/ sig P......................   F+         60

51Cd   "EE-EZ"     1 pou  1960     (1964) QEII/ sig H............. F 40,  VF         80

51Ce   "FB-GP"    1 pou  1960     (1964) sig B.... VF 80, VF+120UN      640

   Commonwealth (from 1972)

53       "A-CH"     50 cen  1960     (1969) /monument........... VF 4,  UN        16

53       "ZZ"          50 cen  1960     replacement "ZZ".......................   XF         20

54       "A-CJ"             1 $  1960     (1969) /harbour................ XF 5,  UN        20

55.      "D-DW"           2 $  1960     (1969) /children............. XF+14,  UN        36

56       "A-Q,A1"         5 $  1960     (1970) / parliament........ VF 10,  XF+      30

57       "A-AE"          10 $  1960     (1969) /bauxite................. F+30,  VF         40

58       comm              2 $  1973     "Human Rights 1948-1973".....   UN        36

59a     "CJ-DE"          1 $  1960     (1976) sig 4....................... AU 8,  UN        16

59b     "DE-ES"          1 $  1960     (1976) sig 5................................   UN        16

60a.    "EC-FL"          2 $  1960     (1976) sig 4................. VF 4.00,  UN        32

60b     "FR-HH"          2 $  1960     (1976) sig 4................................   VF+         6

61b     "W-AF"            5 $  1960     (1976) sig 5.................... XF+15  UN        40

62       "AG-AU"       10 $  1960     (1976)..........................................   VF+      45

63.      "A-F"             20 $  1960     (1976) /bank................... VF 50,  UN      400

64a     "EW-FK"         1 $  (1982)   sig 6/harbour................... VF+4,  UN          9

64b     "FN-GF"          1 $  (1982)   sig 7/harbour................... VF+4,  UN          7

65a     "HK-KB"          2 $  (1982)   sig 6/children.................... VF 4,  UN        16

65b     "KB-KK"          2 $  (1982)   sig 7/children.................... XF 4,  UN        15

66.      "AG-AL"          5 $  1960     (1976) sig 7....................... VF 5,  UN        40

67(c)                         10 $  1981     Gordon/bauxite..........................   UN        40

68(d).                        20 $  1981     10.01; /bank...............................   UN        70

68(e).                        20 $  1981     12.01; /bank...............................   UN        65

68(f).                         20 $  1983     12.01; /bank.................. XF+22,  UN        60

68A(a)                         1 $  1985     /harbour,ship..............................   XF+         4

68A(d)                         1 $  1987     09.01 /harbour,ship...................   UN          9

68A(e)                         1 $  1989     /harbour,ship..............................   UN          9

68A(f)                          1 $  1990     /harbour,ship..............................   UN          5

69(a)                           2 $  1985     Bogle/children............................   XF           5

69(b)                           2 $  1986     03.01; Bogle/children................   VF           4

69(d).                          2 $  1987     Bogle/children............................   UN        16

69(e).                          2 $  1989     Bogle/children............................   UN        16

69(f)                             2 $  1990     Bogle/children............................   UN        12

69(g)                           2 $  1992     Bogle/children............................   UN        12

69(h)                           2 $  1993     Bogle/children............................   UN        10

70a                              5 $  1985     Manley/parliament.......... VF+4,  UN        14

70d                              5 $  1991     Manley/parliament.....................   UN          6

70e                              5 $  1992     Manley/parliament.....................   UN          8

71(a)                         10 $  1985     Gordon/bauxite..........................   UN        16

71(c).                        10 $  1987     09.01 /bauxite industry..............   UN        16

71(d).                        10 $  1989     Gordon/bauxite industry...........   UN        10

71(e)                         10 $  1991     Gordon/bauxite industry...........   UN          8

71(g)                         10 $  1994     Gordon/bauxite industry...........   UN          6

72(a)                         20 $  1985     Nethersole/bank........................   UN        20

72(b)                         20 $  1986     Nethersole/bank........................   UN        20

72(c).                        20 $  1987     02.01;Nethersole/bank.............   UN        20

72(d).                        20 $  1989     Nethersole/bank.............. VF+4,  UN        12

72(f)                          20 $  1991     Nethersole/bank........................   UN        12

72(g)                         20 $  1995     Nethersole/bank........................   UN          8

73a                            50 $  1988     Sharpe/beach.............................   UN        25

73b.                           50 $  1993     Sharpe/beach.............................   UN        25

73c.                           50 $  1995     Sharpe/beach.............................   UN        22

74(a).                      100 $  1986     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN        60

74(b).                      100 $  1987     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN        60

75a.                        100 $  1991     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN        40

76(a).                      100 $  1994     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN        30

76(d)                       100 $  1999     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN        30

77(a)                       500 $  1994     /Port Royal, old map.................   UN        60

77(d).                      500 $  1999     /Port Royal, old map.................   UN        60

79                              50 $  2002     Sharpe/beach.............................   UN          5

79                              50 $  2003     Sharpe/beach.............................   UN          5

79                              50 $  2004     Sharpe/beach.............................   UN          5

80                            100 $  2002     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN          5

81.                           500 $  2002     /Port Royal, old map.................   UN        50

81                            500 $  2003     /Port Royal, old map.................   UN        40

83.                             50 $  2007     Sharpe/beach.............................   UN          7

83.                             50 $  2008     Sharpe/beach.............................   UN          7

84                            100 $  2005     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN          4

84                            100 $  2006     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN          4

84                            100 $  2007     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN          4

84                            100 $  2009     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN          4

84                            100 $  2010     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN          4

84                            100 $  2011     Sangster/river falls.....................   UN          4

85.                           500 $  2005     /Port Royal, old map.................   UN        25

85                            500 $  2006     /Port Royal, old map.................   UN        16

85                            500 $  2008     /Port Royal, old map.................   UN        16

85                            500 $  2009     /Port Royal, old map.................   UN        16

85                            500 $  2011     /Port Royal, old map.................   UN        15

86                        1,000 $  2003     Manley/Jamaica House............   UN        50

86                        1,000 $  2006     Manley/Jamaica House............   UN        40

86                        1,000 $  2008     Manley/Jamaica House............   UN        40

86                        1,000 $  2011     Manley/Jamaica House............   UN        40

86                        1,000 $  2014     Manley/Jamaica House............   UN        35

88     comm              50 $  2010     "Bank Jamaica 1960-2010"......   UN          6

89     comm              50 $  2012     "Jamaica 50 anniversary".........   UN          5

90     comm            100 $  2012     "Jamaica 50 anniversary".........   UN          7

91     comm            500 $  2012     "Jamaica 50 anniversary".........   UN        18

93.    comm        5,000 $  2012     "Jamaica 50 anniversary".........   UN      180

95                            100 $  2014     Sangster/river falls......... hybrid  UN          4

   Collector Series

CS1                 1,2,5,10 $  1976     "serie 1976"............ set 4 notes  UN        50

CS1                    2,5,10 $  1976     "serie 1976"................... 3 notes  UN        40

CS1                 1,2,5,10 $  1977     "serie 1977"............ set 4 notes  UN        50

CS2                 1,2,5,10 $  1978     "serie 1978"............ set 4 notes  UN        50

CS3.                1,2,5,10 $  1978     "25 of coronation"......... 4 notes  UN        80

CS3                             1 $  1978     "25 of coronation"........... 1 note  UN        15

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s148c                   10 pou  1940     Barclays Bank................... 2 p/h  VF    1800

s226                       1 pou  1938     Royal Bank of Canada..............   F+    4000


PICK#                                 *****JAPAN***3c*


1                            10 sen  (1872)   ........................... VG 35, F+100VF+    200

2                            20 sen  (1872)   ........................................ VG+85,  VF      230

3                           1/2 yen  (1872)   .....................................................   VG      150

4                              1 yen  (1872)   ....................................... VG 100F+       300

15                         20 sen  1881     .....................................................   VG      120

22                            1 yen  (1885)   ....................................... VG 450F         900

26                            1 yen  (1889)   Japanese #.................. VG 130F         260

30a                          1 yen  (1916)   #till {200}.....................................   VG+      60

30c.                         1 yen  (1916)   #over {300}....................... VF 9,  UN        75

34                            5 yen  (1910)   .....................................................   VG      600

35                            5 yen  (1915)   .......................................... G+95,  VG      130

36                         10 yen  (1915)   .....................................................   F+       400

39                            5 yen  (1930)   .............................. VG 10, F+30UN      320

40                         10 yen  (1930)   .................................. F 7, VF 15,  XF+      45

40      stamp        10 yen  (1945)   stamp "US censorship".. #1098  VF         40

40z    prop           10 yen  (1945)   US propaganda 2009......... P 6,  VG        30

40z    prop           10 yen  (1945)   US propaganda 2017...... VG 9,  XF         70

40z    prop           10 yen  (1945)   US propaganda 2034.. VG+12,  VF+      60

41                         20 yen  (1931)   ............................. VG 80, F 160,  F+       240

42                       100 yen  (1930)   ............................... VG 20, F 40,  VF         80

43.                           5 yen  (1942)   ................. VG 5, VF 22, AU 90,  UN      180

44                       200 yen  (1942)   .....................................................   VF-     400

46(b)                     10 sen  ta-7       (1918)..........................................   F             8

46(c)                     10 sen  ta-8       (1919)................................... F 8,  VF         16

46(d)                     10 sen  ta-9       (1921)..................... F+9, VF 12,  XF+      36

46(e)                     10 sen  ta-10     (1922)..........................................   VF         12

47(a)                     20 sen  ta-6       (1917)..........................................   F           40

47(b)                     20 sen  ta-7       (1918)....................... G+8, F 20,  XF+    120

48(b)                     50 sen  ta-7       (1918)..........................................   VG+      25

48(c)                     50 sen  ta-8       (1919)..........................................   F+         40

48(d)                     50 sen  ta-9       (1920)................................. F 20,  AU      160

48(e)                     50 sen  ta-10     (1921)............................... F+35,  XF         95

49                            1 yen  (1943)   ......................................... VF 10,  XF+      30

50                            5 yen  (1943)   ............................... F 10, VF 20,  UN      160

51a                       10 yen  (1943)   #1-403................... F 10, VF 20,  UN      160

51b                       10 yen  (1944)   #404-480....................................   F           20

52                            5 sen  (1944)   monument......................... VF 4,  UN        12

53                         10 sen  (1944)   tower...........................................   UN        20

54a                          1 yen  (1944)   wmk 1;#35-47................. VF 25,  UN      100

54b                          1 yen  (1944)   wmk 2;#48-49............................   VG          4

55                            5 yen  (1944)   only red block#...........................   F           60

56a.                      10 yen  (1944)   wmk 1;#481-514............ VF 25,  AU+    150

56b                       10 yen  (1944)   wmk 2;#515-.................. VG 12,  F           25

56c                        10 yen  (1944)   wmk 3;#531-...............................   VF         50

57a.                    100 yen  (1944)   wmk 1;........................... VG+20,  F           25

58.                        50 sen  sh-13    (1938) Fuji..................... XF+16,  AU+      32

59b                       50 sen  sh-18    (1943) gate, green.......... VF+4,  UN        16

59c                        50 sen  sh-19    (1944) gate, green........... VF 4,  UN        24

60.                        50 sen  sh-20    (1945) gate, pink........................   UN        24

61a                       50 sen  1948     paper grey......................... XF 4,  UN        12

61b                       50 sen  1948     paper white.................................   UN        12

   Allied Military Currency WW2

 "A" used in Korea and Japan, 1945-6, "B" legal tender in Japan, 1945-8

62.     AMC          10 sen  (1946)   "A"(for Korea)................. VF 12,  XF+      36

63      AMC          10 sen  (1945)   "B"...................................... VF 4,  UN        30

64.     AMC          50 sen  (1946)   "A"(for Korea)........ F 6, VF+20,  UN        96

65      AMC          50 sen  (1945)   "B"...................................... XF 8,  UN        30

66      AMC            1 yen  (1946)   "A"(for Korea)...................... F 8,  VF+      24

67a    AMC            1 yen  (1945)   "B" A-A............................... VF 4,  UN        32

67d.   AMC            1 yen  (1945)   "B" D-D (Okinawa)........ VF+12,  UN        64

68      AMC            5 yen  (1945)   "A"(for Korea).................... F 36,  F+         54

69a    AMC            5 yen  (1945)   "B" A-A............................ XF 10,  UN        40

70      AMC          10 yen  (1945)   "A"(for Korea).................... F 30,  VF         60

71      AMC          10 yen  (1945)   "B"...................................... VF 4,  UN        40

72      AMC          20 yen  (1945)   "A"(for Korea)................ VG-50,  VF      200

73.     AMC          20 yen  (1945)   "B".......................... F 10, VF 20,  UN      160

75.     AMC        100 yen  (1945)   "B"................................................   F           12

   Kingdom, post war

77a                       10 yen  (1945)   green unpt; #1-69....... XF+120AU+    240

77b                       10 yen  (1945)   lilac unpt; #70-165............ F 40,  F+         60

78Aa                  100 yen  (1945)   /green; #1-43..................... F 60,  XF      240

78Ab                  100 yen  (1945)   /green; #44-190... VG 25, F 50,  UN      800

79a                       10 yen  (1946)   stamp on P40.......... VG 5, F10,  VF         20

79b                       10 yen  (1946)   stamp on P5...............................   F           16

79c                        10 yen  (1946)   stamp on P56.............................   F+         40

79d                       10 yen  (1946)   stamp on P77................. VG 30,  F           60

80a                     100 yen  (1946)   stamp on P42.............................   F+       100

80c                     100 yen  (1946)   stamp on P78A.............. VG 40,  VF      160

83                            5 sen  (1948)   plum blossoms...........................   UN        10

84                         10 sen  (1947)   doves...........................................   UN        24

85                            1 yen  (1946)   .....................................................   UN        10

86.                           5 yen  (1946)   ............................. VG 4, XF+22,  UN        60

87                         10 yen  (1946)   ............................................ XF 9,  UN        36

88                         50 yen  (1946)   ............................. F+15, VF+30,  UN      160

89a                     100 yen  (1946)   .................................. F 5, VF 10,  UN        80

89b                     100 yen  (1946)   .....................................................   F           20

89                       100 yen  (1946)   stamp "US Fleet Activities, Received

                                            Jul 6 1948, Disbursing Office"........ tape  F         100

90a                     100 yen  (1953)   serie 1 letter...... VF "S" 50; "C"  VF+      75

90b                     100 yen  (1953)   serie 2 letter................................   UN        60

90c                     100 yen  (1953)   serie 2 letter, paper white.........   UN        10

91b.                    500 yen  (1951)   serie 2 letter.................... AU 60,  UN      120

92a                  1,000 yen  (1950)   serie 1 letter.......................... "P"  VF+    120

92b                  1,000 yen  (1950)   serie 2 letter................................   VF+      35

93a                  5,000 yen  (1957)   serie 1 letter................................   AU+    220

93b                  5,000 yen  (1957)   serie 2 letter................................   XF+      80

94b.              10,000 yen  (1958)   serie 2 letter................. AU 400UN      800

95a.                    500 yen  (1969)   serie 1 letter................................   VF           7

95b                     500 yen  (1969)   serie 2 letter.................... AU 12,  UN        25

96b.                 1,000 yen  (1963)   serie 2 letter, black#..... VF+15,  UN        60

96c                  1,000 yen  (1963)   serie 1 letter, blue#....................   VF+      15

96d                  1,000 yen  (1963)   serie 2 letter, blue#........ XF 12,  UN        30

97b.                 1,000 yen  (1984)   /cranes, black#, print "a"...........   UN        80

100d.              1,000 yen  (2001)   /cranes, green# ,print "b"..........   UN        35

100f                 1,000 yen  (2003)   /cranes, green# ,print "c"..........   UN        30

103a  comm   2,000 yen  (2000)   "G-8 Economic Summit"...........   UN        60

103b  comm   2,000 yen  (2000)   "G-8 Economic Summit"...........   UN        50

104b                1,000 yen  (2004)   Natsume/Mt Fuji, black#...........   UN        25

105a.              5,000 yen  (2004)   Higuchi/flowers..........................   UN      150

105b.              5,000 yen  (2004)   Higuchi/flowers..........................   UN      140

106a.            10,000 yen  (2004)   Fukuzawa/phoenix....................   UN      250

106b.            10,000 yen  (2004)   Fukuzawa/phoenix....................   UN      240

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

(P93)               5,000 yen  ND        BoC training money... lot#1318  AU        10

(P101)             5,000 yen  ND        BoC training money... lot#1317  AU        10

(P102)          10,000 yen  ND        BoC training money... lot#1319  AU        10

   Russo-Japanese war and Siberia Occupation, Japan Military Currency

M2b                      20 sen  1904     Russo-Japanese war................   VG+   150

M14                      20 sen  1918     Siberia occupation......... G 100VG      200

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s162                       1 shu  (1868)   Dajokan-Satsu...........................   F         120

s163                          1 bu  (1868)   Dajokan-Satsu.................. F 60,  VF      120

s167                       1 shu  (1869)   Minbusho-Satsu................ F 80,  VF      150

s168                       2 shu  (1869)   Minbusho-Satsu.........................   F         120

s169                          1 bu  (1869)   Minbusho-Satsu.........................   F-        120

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Kure Naval Arsenal canteen

NL                         20 sen  19??     Kure Naval Arsenal...................   F+       200

                                            -Mineji Colliery #3

NL                          50 kin  ND        Mineji Colliery #3.......................   AU      120

                                            -Mizuho Colliery

NL                          10 kin  1895?   Mizuho Colliery..........................   AU      120

NL                          50 kin  1895?   Mizuho Colliery..........................   F         100

NL                        100 kin  1895?   Mizuho Colliery, green..............   AU      120

NL                        500 kin  1895?   Mizuho Colliery..........................   VF      150

                                            -Hansatsu, private notes issued till 1870

NL                    1 monme  ND        hansatsu...................... lot#1019  VF+      25

NL                   4 different  ND        4x hansatsu................ lot#1304  F         100

NL                   5 different  ND        5x hansatsu................ lot#1003  F         100

   ***Japan Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            -Hypothec Bank - Saving Bonds;

SB#256                15 yen  1940     rel.18;2600yr Empire...... bs#70  VF+      40

SB#260                15 yen  1941     rel.22;..........................................   VF         20

SB#263                15 yen  1941     rel.25;............................... bs#71  XF+      30

                                            -Hypothec Bank - Wartime Saving Bonds;

SB#279             7.50 yen  1943     rel.8.................................. bs#72  XF+      20

SB#285             7.50 yen  1944     rel.14................................ bs#73  XF+      20

SB#288             7.50 yen  1944     rel.17................................ bs#74  XF+      20

SB#289             7.50 yen  1944     rel.18................................ bs#75  XF+      20

SB#296                15 yen  1942     rel.3; "battle flags"........... bs#76  XF+      40

SB#301                15 yen  1943     rel.8.................................. bs#77  XF+      20

SB#306                15 yen  1944     rel.13................................ bs#78  XF+      20

SB#308                15 yen  1944     rel.15................................ bs#79  XF+      20

SB#319                30 yen  1942     rel.7; "battle flags"........... bs#80  XF-     120

                                            -Hypothec Bank - Patriotic Bonds;

SB#341                10 yen  1940     rel.1.................................. bs#81  XF         35

                                            -Hypothec Bank - Wartime Patriotic Bonds;

SB#368                  5 yen  1943     rel.8.................................. bs#82  XF+      70

SB#371                10 yen  1942     rel.3; "battle flags"........... bs#83  XF+      40

SB#374                10 yen  1942     rel.6;"Great E Asia War" bs#84  XF         35

                                            -Treasury Discounted Bonds;

SB#1107              10 yen  1942     rel.3; ................................ bs#85  VF         30

SB#1124              30 yen  1943     rel.8; ................................ bs#86  F           30

SB#1125              10 yen  1943     rel.9; ................................ bs#87  XF         30


JASON#                            *****JASON ISLANDS*****

   Private issue by Len Hill, Jason Islands are a part of the Falkland Is

JASON-1             50 pen  -1979  Hill, Humboldt penguin...............   UN          6

JASON -2              1 pou  -1979  Hill, Jackass penguin..................   UN          6

JASON -3              5 pou  -1979  Hill, Rockhopper penguin...........   UN          6

JASON -4            10 pou  -1979  Hill, Gentoo penguin...................   UN          6

JASON -5            20 pou  -1979  Hill, King penguin........................   UN          6

JASON      0.5;1;5;10;20  -1979  Hill /penguins.................. set of 5  UN        25


PICK#                                 *****JERSEY****3*

A1b   canc             5 pou  1840     cancelled....................................   VF      250

A1c   rema             5 pou  1840     remainder; unissued.................   XF      350

   German occupation WW2

1                              6 pen  (1942)   ............................. G+15, VF-50,  VF+      90

2                               1 shi  (1942)   #6-digit........................................   XF      160

3                               2 shi  (1942)   #6-digit.......................... VF 120XF      240

4                               2 shi  (1942)   .....................................................   VF      240

   British Dependent Territory

7.                            10 shi  (1963)   QEII/Manor..................... XF 50,  UN      200

8a.  "A-E"               1 pou  (1963)   QEII/castle; sig Padgham.........   UN      320

8s1   spec              1 pou  (1963)   "SPECIMEN"....................... pen  AU      400

9s1   spec              5 pou  (1963)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   XF      200

10.                        10 pou  (1971)   QEII/St Ouen's Manor...............   UN      640

11a   "AB-LB         1 pou  (1976)   QEII/battle; sig Clennett............   UN        50

11b   "MB-TB"       1 pou  (1983)   QEII/battle; sig May......... VF 5,  UN        40

12a.  "AB-GB"       5 pou  (1976)   QEII/castle; sig Clennett...........   UN      240

12b.  "GB-KB"       5 pou  (1983)   QEII/castle; sig May..................   UN      180

14a.  "AB"            20 pou  (1976)   QEII/castle; sig Clennett...........   UN      800

15.                          1 pou  (1989)   QEII/church................................   UN        35

16                           5 pou  (1989)   QEII/Lighthouse.........................   UN        90

17                         10 pou  (1989)   QEII/battle...................................   UN      180

18                         20 pou  (1989)   QEII/St Ouen's Manor...............   UN      360

20   "DC-MC"        1 pou  (1993)   QEII/church; sig Baird...............   UN        16

21   "CC-JC"          5 pou  (1993)   QEII/Lighthouse; sig Baird.......   UN        64

22   "DC-MC"      10 pou  (1993)   QEII/battle; sig Baird.................   UN      120

23.  "BC-JC"        20 pou  (1993)   QEII/Manor; sig Baird................   UN      250

24.                        50 pou  (1993)   QEII/House; sig Baird...............   UN      600

25   comm             1 pou  1995     "Liberation of Jersey 50yr".......   UN        30

26a   "SC-"            1 pou  (2000)   QEII/church; sig Black..............   UN        12

26b  "AAA-AEC"   1 pou  (2000)   QEII/church; sig Black..............   UN        12

26s   spec              1 pou  (2000)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        50

27.  "KC"                5 pou  (2000)   QEII/Lighthouse; sig Black.......   UN        35

28   "NC-TC"       10 pou  (2000)   QEII/battle; sig Black.................   UN        70

29   "KC-QC"      20 pou  (2000)   QEII/Manor; sig Black...............   UN      180

30.                        50 pou  (2000)   QEII/House; sig Black...............   UN      400

31   comm             1 pou  2004     "Jersey 1204-2004"...................   UN        30

32                           1 pou  (2010)   QEII/Hock Tower.......................   UN        10

33.                          5 pou  (2010)   QEII/Archirondel Tower............   UN        30

34.                        10 pou  (2010)   QEII/Seymour Tower................   UN        50

35.                        20 pou  (2010)   QEII/La Rocco Tower...............   UN        95

36.                        50 pou  (2010)   QEII/Oaisne Tower....................   UN      250

  Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1.         1,5,10,20 pou  (1978)   P11-14................ set of 4 notes  UN      160

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s161                       1 pou  1865     International Bank.....................   F         400

s241   rema           1 pou  18--       Town Vingtaine St.Helier..........   AU      400


PICK#                                 *****JORDAN****3*

   Kingdom (till 1946 British mandate after Ottoman Empire collapse)

5Aa   sig 3             500 fil  1949     (1952)canal/cattle......................   VG      150

5Ab   sig 4             500 fil  1949     (1952)canal/cattle......................   VG+   220

5Ac   sig 5             500 fil  1949     (1952)canal/cattle............... pen  VG      150

7a   sig 3                 5 din  1949     (1952)Kg/Petra............ repaired  VF      800

9    sig 10              500 fil  1959     (1965)Kg/Dom of Rock.............   F+       150

10   sig 10               1 din  1959     (1965)Kg/Dom of Rock... F+75,  VF      100

11a   sig 10             5 din  1959     (1965)Kg/Petra ruins.................   XF+    180

12a.  sig 10           10 din  1959     (1965)Kg/river Jordan...............   UN      640

13c   sig 14          1/2 din  (1959)   Kg/Jerash...................................   UN        90

14b   sig 14             1 din  (1959)   Kg/Dom of Rock........................   UN      160

17a   sig 15          1/2 din  (1975)   Kg/Jerash...................................   UN        24

17b   sig 15          1/2 din  (1975)   Kg/Jerash...................................   UN        40

17d   sig 17          1/2 din  (1975)   Kg/Jerash...................................   UN        25

17e.  sig 18          1/2 din  (1975)   Kg/Jerash...................................   UN        25

18c.  sig 16             1 din  (1975)   Kg/Dom of Rock........................   UN        36

18e   sig 18             1 din  (1975)   Kg/Dom of Rock........................   UN        26

18f   sig 19              1 din  (1975)   Kg/Dom of Rock........................   UN        24

19a.  sig 15             5 din  (1975)   Kg/Petra ruins............................   UN      140

19c.  sig 18             5 din  (1975)   Kg/Petra ruins............................   UN      135

19d.  sig 19             5 din  (1975)   Kg/Petra ruins............................   UN      130

20b.  sig 16           10 din  (1975)   Kg/Amman amphitheatre.........   UN      260

21(b).                     20 din  1981     Kg/refinery....................... brown  UN      360

22c.                       20 din  1985     Kg/refinery.......................... blue  AU+    340

23a                       1/2 din  1992     Kg/Qusayr Amra........................   UN        20

23b                       1/2 din  1993     Kg/Qusayr Amra........................   UN        16

24a                           1 din  1992     Kg/Jerash ruins..........................   UN        24

24b                           1 din  1993     Kg/Jerash ruins..........................   UN        22

26.                         10 din  1992     Kg/Ajloun castle.........................   UN      180

27.                         20 din  1992     Kg/Dome of Rock......................   UN      320

28a                       1/2 din  1995     Kg/Qusayr Amra........................   UN        15

28b                       1/2 din  1997     Kg/Qusayr Amra........................   UN        13

29a                           1 din  1995     Kg/Jerash ruins..........................   UN        22

29b                           1 din  1996     Kg/Jerash ruins..........................   UN        20

29d                           1 din  2002     Kg/Jerash ruins..........................   UN        18

30a                           5 din  1995     Kg/Petra ruins............................   UN        80

30b                           5 din  1997     Kg/Petra ruins............................   UN        70

31a                        10 din  1996     Kg/Ajloun castle.........................   UN      150

31b                        10 din  2001     Kg/Ajloun castle.........................   UN      130

32a.                       20 din  1995     Kg/Dome of Rock......................   UN      250

33                          50 din  1999     Kg/Raghadan Palace................   UN      400

34a                           1 din  2002     Kg/Arab Revolt...........................   UN          6

34d.                         1 din  2009     Kg/Arab Revolt...........................   UN          5

36a.                       10 din  2002     Kg/parliament.............................   UN        60

36b.                       10 din  2004     Kg/parliament.............................   UN        50

37a.                       20 din  2002     Kg/Dome of Rock......................   UN        95

37c                         20 din  2009     Kg/Dome of Rock......................   UN        75

38a                        50 din  2002     Kg/Raghadan palace................   UN      300

38e                        50 din  2008     Kg/Raghadan palace................   UN      200


PICK#                                 *****KATANGA****3*

   Seceded Southern Province of Congo(Zaire) 1960-1962

6a.                          20 fra  1960     11.21;Tshombe..........................   UN      700

7.                             50 fra  1960     11.10;Tshombe..........................   UN      950

8                           100 fra  1960     10.31;Tshombe..........................   F-        100

12                         100 fra  1962     08.15...........................................   F+       200


PICK#                                 *****KAZAKHSTAN****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

1a                            1 tyin  1993     wmk "diamond".............. #down  UN        15

1b                            1 tyin  1993     wmk "diamond"................... #up  UN        15

1c                            1 tyin  1993     wmk "snowflake"........... #down  UN          4

1d                            1 tyin  1993     wmk "snowflake"................. #up  UN          4

2a                            2 tyin  1993     wmk "diamond".............. #down  UN        15

2c                            2 tyin  1993     wmk "snowflake"........... #down  UN          4

2d                            2 tyin  1993     wmk "snowflake"................. #up  UN          4

3a                            5 tyin  1993     arms................................ #down  UN          7

3b                            5 tyin  1993     arms..................................... #up  UN          4

4a                          10 tyin  1993     arms................................ #down  UN          4

4b.                         10 tyin  1993     arms..................................... #up  UN          5

5a                          20 tyin  1993     arms................................ #down  UN          4

5b                          20 tyin  1993     arms..................................... #up  UN          4

6a                          50 tyin  1993     arms................................ #down  UN        12

6b.                         50 tyin  1993     arms..................................... #up  UN        15

7                               1 ten  1993     Al-Farabi/archit. draft................   UN          5

8                               3 ten  1993     Suyinbay/mountains..................   UN          6

9                               5 ten  1993     Kurmangazy/shrine...................   UN          6

10                          10 ten  1993     Velikhanov/mountains...............   UN        10

11                          20 ten  1993     Abay/horseman.........................   UN        25

12                          50 ten  1993     Khan Abulkhair/painting............   UN        30

13a. "AA-AZ"     100 ten  1993     Khan Ablay/shrine, (@HP).......   UN        60

13b  "БA-BZ"      100 ten  1993     Khan Ablay/shrine, (@PNB)....   UN        40

14a. "AA-AГ"      200 ten  1993     Al-Farabi, (@HP).......................   AU        60

14b  "БA-BГ"      200 ten  1993     Al-Farabi, (@PNB)........... VF 8, UN        60

15.                       500 ten  1994     Al-Farabi/shrine.........................   UN      200

16b.."AГ-AЖ" 1,000 ten  1994     Al-Farabi/ (@PNB)....... VF+75,  UN      400

20a  "BB-ЭЛ"     200 ten  1999     Al-Farabi/shrine.........................   UN        25

20b. "AA-БИ"     200 ten  1999     Al-Farabi/shrine................ VF 4,  AU        20

21a. "БA- ГБ"     500 ten  1999     Al-Farabi/shrine................ VF 6,  UN        45

21b  "AA-БB"     500 ten  1999     Al-Farabi/shrine.........................   F             5

22                     1,000 ten  2000     Al-Farabi/shrine................ VF 9,  UN        70

24                     5,000 ten  2001     Al-Farabi/shrine.........................   UN      300

28                        200 ten  2006     tower/map, view.........................   UN          6

29                        500 ten  2006     tower/map, birds............... VF 4,  UN        10

30                     1,000 ten  2006     tower/map,..................................   F             4

38.                    5,000 ten  2011     "20 anniversary".............. comm  AU        70

39.                  10,000 ten  2011     "20 anniversary".............. comm  UN      500

45                     1,000 ten  2014     doves/map, view........................   UN        15

46  comm      20,000 ten  2013     "Tenge Currency 20 years"......   UN      240


PICK#                                 *****KEELING-COCOS ISLANDS****3*

   Australian Dependent Territory

s123              1/10 rupee  1902     arms............................................   UN      250


PICK#                                 *****KENYA****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1963; British East Africa)

1a.                            5 shi  1966     /coffee.........................................   UN      260

1b                             5 shi  1967     /coffee.............................. VF 30,  VF+      45

1c                             5 shi  1968     /coffee.........................................   F+         20

2a.                          10 shi  1966     /tea...............................................   UN      300

3c                           20 shi  1968     /sisal............................................   F           45

5a                        100 shi  1966     /pineapple...................................   VF      180

6b                             5 shi  1971     /coffee.........................................   VF         10

6c                             5 shi  1972     /coffee............................ XF+30,  UN        80

6d                             5 shi  1973     /coffee.........................................   XF+      25

7a.                          10 shi  1969     /tea................................... VF 20,  UN      160

7d.                          10 shi  1973     /tea................................... VF 20,  UN      150

8a                           20 shi  1969     /sisal............................................   XF         90

8b                           20 shi  1971     /sisal............................................   F+         40

8c                           20 shi  1972     /sisal............................................   VF+      70

8d.                          20 shi  1973     /sisal................................ VF 50,  UN      400

9b                           50 shi  1971     /cotton.........................................   UN      440

10a                      100 shi  1969     /pineapple...................................   VF+    200

10b                      100 shi  1971     /pineapple.......................... F 45,  XF+    270

10c.                     100 shi  1972     /pineapple.................... XF+220UN      600

11a                           5 shi  1974     /coffee................................... F 4,  UN        50

11b                           5 shi  1975     /coffee................................ VF 6,  UN        50

11d.                          5 shi  1977     /coffee................................ VF 6,  UN        50

12a                         10 shi  1975     /cattle.............................. XF+15,  UN        40

12b.                       10 shi  1976     /cattle................................. VF 8,  UN        60

12c.                        10 shi  1977     /cattle...........................................   UN        45

13a                         20 shi  1974     /lions............................................   VF         15

13b                         20 shi  1975     /lions............................... VF+16,  UN        90

13d                         20 shi  1977     /lions............................................   XF+      40

14b                      100 shi  1975     /statue............................ VF+60,  XF         80

15                             5 shi  1978     /coffee harvest...........................   UN          8

16                           10 shi  1978     /cattle...........................................   UN        12

17                           20 shi  1978     /lions............................................   UN        20

18                        100 shi  1978     /statue.........................................   UN        40

19a                           5 shi  1981     /animals......................................   UN        25

19b                           5 shi  1982     /animals......................................   UN        22

19c                           5 shi  1984     /animals......................................   UN        22

20a                         10 shi  1981     /students.....................................   UN        20

20b                         10 shi  1982     /students............................ VF 4,  UN        18

20d                         10 shi  1985     /women.......................................   UN        25

20e                         10 shi  1986     /students.....................................   UN        20

20f.                         10 shi  1987     /students.....................................   UN        25

20g                         10 shi  1988     /students.....................................   UN        20

21a                         20 shi  1981     /women.......................................   UN        35

21b                         20 shi  1982     /women.............................. VF 4,  UN        30

21c                         20 shi  1984     /women.......................................   UN        32

21f.                         20 shi  1987     /women.......................................   UN        35

22a                         50 shi  1980     /airport.........................................   UN        30

22c                         50 shi  1986     /airport.........................................   UN        40

22d                         50 shi  1987     /airport.........................................   UN        40

22e.                       50 shi  1988     /airport.........................................   UN        45

23a.                     100 shi  1980     /statue.........................................   UN      100

23b.                     100 shi  1981     /statue.............................. VF 15,  UN      120

23c.                     100 shi  1984     /statue.........................................   AU        50

23f                       100 shi  1988     /statue.........................................   UN        70

23Aa.                   200 shi  1986     /statue.........................................   UN      220

23Ab                    200 shi  1987     /statue.........................................   VF         70

24a                         10 shi  1989     10.14;/university........................   UN          7

24b                         10 shi  1990     07.01;/university........................   UN          6

24c                         10 shi  1991     07.01;/university........................   UN          5

24d                         10 shi  1992     01.02;/university........................   UN        10

24e                         10 shi  1993     07.01;/university........................   UN        10

24f                          10 shi  1994     01.01;/university........................   UN        10

25a.                       20 shi  1988     12.12;/stadium...........................   UN        15

25b                         20 shi  1989     07.01;/stadium...........................   UN        12

25c                         20 shi  1990     07.01;/stadium.................. XF 4,  AU          6

25d                         20 shi  1991     07.01;/stadium...........................   UN        12

25e                         20 shi  1992     07.02;/stadium...........................   UN        12

26a.                       50 shi  1990     10.10;i/city..................................   UN        50

27a.                     100 shi  1989     10.14;i/monument......................   UN        40

27c                       100 shi  1991     07.01;/monument......................   UN        35

27d                      100 shi  1992     01.02;/monument......................   UN        40

27f                       100 shi  1994     01.01;/monument......................   UN        45

27g.                     100 shi  1995     01.01;/monument......................   UN        50

29a.                     200 shi  1989     07.01;/monument......................   UN        90

29d.                     200 shi  1992     07.01;/monument......................   UN        70

29e.                     200 shi  1993     09.14;/monument......................   UN        70

29f                       200 shi  1994     01.01;/monument......................   UN        65

30b                      500 shi  1989     07.01;/parliament.......................   UN      300

30e                      500 shi  1992     07.01;/parliament.......................   VF         30

31a                         20 shi  1993     /stadium............................. XF 4,  UN        10

31b                         20 shi  1994     /stadium......................................   UN        10

32                           20 shi  1995     /stadium......................................   UN          8

33.                       500 shi  1995     /parliament..................................   UN      100

34.                    1,000 shi  1995     /elephants...................................   UN      200

35a2.                     20 shi  1996     /stadium........................... VF+4,  UN        12

35b                         20 shi  1997     /stadium......................................   UN        12

35c.                        20 shi  1998     /stadium......................................   UN        12

36a1                      50 shi  1996     /camel caravan..........................   UN        10

36a2.                     50 shi  1996     /camel caravan..........................   UN        12

36d.                       50 shi  1999     /camel caravan..........................   UN        10

36e                         50 shi  2000     /camel caravan..........................   UN        10

38a                      200 shi  1996     /monument, tea field.................   UN        45

38b.                     200 shi  1997     /monument, tea field.................   UN        45

38c                       200 shi  1998     /monument, tea field.................   UN        45

38e.                     200 shi  2000     /monument, tea field.................   UN        45

39e.                     500 shi  2001     /parliament.................... long sig  UN        60

41a                         50 shi  2003     /camel caravan..........................   UN          5

41b                         50 shi  2004     02.02;/caravan...........................   UN          5

42a                      100 shi  2004     02.02;/monument......................   UN          7

42b                      100 shi  2004     08.02;/monument......................   UN          7

44a.                     500 shi  2003     04.01;/cotton..............................   UN        65

45a                   1,000 shi  2003     /elephants...................................   UN      110

46   comm          200 shi  2003     "Independence 1963-2003".....   UN        40

47b                         50 shi  2006     /camel caravan..........................   UN          4

47c                         50 shi  2008     /camel caravan..........................   UN          4

47d                         50 shi  2009     /camel caravan..........................   UN          4

48a.                     100 shi  2005     /monument.................................   UN          9

48b                      100 shi  2006     /monument.................................   UN          5

48c.                     100 shi  2008     /monument.................................   UN          6

49a.                     200 shi  2005     /cotton field.................................   UN        12

49b                      200 shi  2006     /cotton field.................................   UN          7

49c                       200 shi  2008     /cotton field.................................   UN          7

49d                      200 shi  2009     /cotton field.................................   UN          7

49e.                     200 shi  2010     /cotton field.................................   UN          8

50b.                     500 shi  2006     /parliament..................................   UN        30

50c.                     500 shi  2008     /parliament..................................   UN        30

50d                      500 shi  2009     /parliament..................................   UN        25

51a                   1,000 shi  2005     /elephants........... thread "CBK"  UN        45

51d.                  1,000 shi  2009     /elephants........... thread "CBK"  UN        45


PICK#                                 *****KHALISTAN*****

   Private issue by Sikhs separatist in N. America, fund rising notes


PICK#                                 *****KOREA***3c*

   Japanese colony 1905-1945

16A                     100 yen  (1914)   God of Fortune...........................   VG   1000

17a                          1 yen  (1915)   .......................................... F 150VF      300

17b                          1 yen  (1915)   .......................................... G+60,  VG        80

19a                       10 yen  (1911)   .....................................................   VG+   600

20                         10 sen  1916     .....................................................   VG        70

23a                       10 sen  1919     payable in Manchuria................   VG+      40

27                         10 sen  1937     .....................................................   F           80

28                         50 sen  1937     .....................................................   VG-       30

29                            1 yen  (1932)   ............................................ VF 9,  UN        70

30s1   spec            5 yen  (1935)   perf, ovpt"SPECIMEN".............   XF    2000

31.                        10 yen  (1932)   .................................. F 7, VF 15,  UN      120

32.                      100 yen  (1938)   ............................................ F 60,  AU      450

33                            1 yen  (1944)   serie block........................ VG 6,  VF+      35

34                            5 yen  (1944)   serie block +#.................... F 65,  F+       100

35                         10 yen  (1944)   serie block +#.............................   F           40

36a                       10 yen  (1944)   ser block, wmk...... VG+8, F 12,  VF+      36

36b                       10 yen  (1944)   ser block, no wmk......................   VF         24

37                       100 yen  (1944)   serie block +#................... F+30,  VF         40

38                            1 yen  (1945)   serie block....................... VF 10,  UN        80

39                            5 yen  (1945)   serie block............. F 15, VF 30,  XF         60

40b                       10 yen  (1946)   serie block "3-4".........................   F         140

40s1   spec          10 yen  (1945)   "SPECIMEN"cancelled{1}........   XF    1500

43.                        10 yen  (1946)   green guilloche... F 12, VF+35,  UN      200

44   canc            100 yen  (1946)   black-green-brown/brown.........   VF-     350

45                       100 yen  (1946)   blue/brown...................... VF 40,  VF+      60

46a                     100 yen  (1947)   blue/green; wmk............. VG+6,  F             8

46b                     100 yen  (1947)   blue/green..................................   XF         30

                                            Keijo-Pusan Railway

s104b   canc    500 mun  1900     hole cancellation........................   F         400


PICK#                                 *****KOREA NORTH****3*

   Russian Military Occupation

2                             5 won  1945     Russian Army...................... tear  VF-   1000

2                             5 won  1945     Russian Army.. missing corner  VG-    200

3                           10 won  1945     Russian Army.............................   VG+   400


5a                         15 cho  1947     wmk.............................................   G             4

5b.                        15 cho  1947     no wmk......................................   UN        10

6b                         20 cho  1947     no wmk........................................   UN          8

7a.                        50 cho  1947     wmk.............................................   UN      150

7b                         50 cho  1947     no wmk........................................   UN          5

8a.                          1 won  1947     workers/ wmk................ VF+12,  UN        64

8b                           1 won  1947     workers/mountain........ no wmk  UN          6

9                             5 won  1947     workers; wmk.................... VF 8,  UN        64

10a                         5 won  1947     workers; wmk................... F+10,  VF+      20

10b                         5 won  1947     workers; no wmk........................   UN          7

10Ab                    10 won  1947     workers; wmk.............................   F           10

10Ab                    10 won  1947     workers; no wmk........................   UN          7

11a                    100 won  1947     workers/ wmk...... F 10, VF+30,  AU+    120

*11   leaflet              pass  ND        Gen van Fleet pass Chinese...   VG        40

*11   leaflet       100 won  1947     Gen Clark certificate..................   VF+      70

   *US leaflet (currency) safe conduct pass/ certificate Korean War

12.                        50 cho  1959     arms/...........................................   UN        40

13.                          1 won  1959     ship/.............................................   UN        50

14                           5 won  1959     building/......................................   UN        60

15                        10 won  1959     gate/picking apple.....................   UN        60

16.                       50 won  1959     bridge/.........................................   UN      200

18a                         1 won  1978     parade/workers..........................   UN          7

18b                         1 won  1978     green seal...................................   UN          7

18c.                        1 won  1978     red small seal.............................   UN        12

18e                         1 won  1978     blue big seal...............................   UN        12

19a.                       5 won  1978     worker/mountains......................   UN        12

19b                         5 won  1978     green seal...................................   UN          7

19c                         5 won  1978     red small seal.............................   UN          7

19d.                       5 won  1978     red big seal.................................   UN        20

19e                         5 won  1978     blue big seal...............................   UN        12

20b                      10 won  1978     green seal...................................   UN          8

20c                       10 won  1978     red small seal.............................   UN          8

20e.                     10 won  1978     blue big seal...............................   UN        20

21a                      50 won  1978     soldier, workers..........................   UN        25

21b                      50 won  1978     green seal...................................   UN        12

21c                       50 won  1978     red small seal.............................   UN        12

22                      100 won  1978     Kim Il Sung/house.....................   UN        10

24.                           5 cho  1988     blue serie....................................   UN        20

27                           1 won  1988     green serie.................................   UN        12

28                           5 won  1988     green serie.................................   UN        12

30                        50 won  1988     green serie.................................   UN        64

31                            1 cho  1988     red serie......................................   UN          5

32                            5 cho  1988     red serie......................................   UN          5

33                         10 cho  1988     red serie......................................   UN          5

34                         50 cho  1988     red serie......................................   UN          5

35.                          1 won  1988     red serie......................................   UN        12

36                           5 won  1988     red serie......................................   UN          6

37                        10 won  1988     red serie......................................   UN          6

38                        50 won  1988     red serie......................................   UN          7

39a.                       1 won  1992     woman/.......................................   UN          5

40b                         5 won  1998     students/.....................................   UN          5

41b                      10 won  1998     worker/bridge.............................   UN          5

42a                      50 won  1992     monument/mountains...............   UN          6

43a                    100 won  1992     Kim Il Sung/house.....................   UN          6

44b                    500 won  1998     palace/bridge.............................   UN        18

44c                    500 won  2007     palace/bridge.............................   UN          5

45a.                 1000 won  2002     Kim Il Sung/house.....................   UN        40

45b.                 1000 won  2006     Kim Il Sung/house.....................   UN          8

46a                  5000 won  2002     Kim Il Sung/house.....................   UN        80

46b                  5000 won  2006     Kim Il Sung/house.....................   UN          8

48                      200 won  2005     flowers.........................................   UN        12

49   comm             1 won  (2007)   "Kim Il Sung 95 birthday"..........   UN          6

50   comm             5 won  (2007)   "Kim Il Sung 95 birthday"..........   UN          6

51   comm          10 won  (2007)   "Kim Il Sung 95 birthday"..........   UN          6

52   comm          50 won  (2007)   "Kim Il Sung 95 birthday"..........   UN          8

53.  comm        100 won  (2007)   "Kim Il Sung 95 birthday"..........   UN        18

58                           5 won  2002     (2009)/dam.................................   UN          5

59                        10 won  2002     (2009)/monument......................   UN          5

60                        50 won  2002     (2009)/monument......................   UN          6

61                      100 won  (2008)   flowers/100.................................   UN          7

NL.  comm        500 won  (2005)   "Liberation 60 anniversary"......   UN        60

NL   comm    1,000 won  (2005)   "Liberation 60 anniversary"......   UN        75

NL.  comm    5,000 won  (2005)   "Liberation 60 anniversary"......   UN      140

*"Expo 2010 Shanghai"1,5,10,50,100,200,500,1000,5000won(1992-2000

                                            *P39a,P40b,P41, P42,P43,P46b,P54

*NL             1-5000 won  (2010)   7 notes in folder.........................   UN      120

CS10 comm       10 won  2002     "Kim Il Sung 100 birthday".......   UN        18

CS16 comm      2,000 w  2008     "Kim Il Sung 100 birthday".......   UN        18

CS17.comm      5,000 w  2008     "Kim Il Sung 100 birthday".......   UN        18

CS18 comm      5,000 w  2013     "Kim Il Sung 100 birthday".......   UN        18

CS19 comm      5,000 w  2013     "Korea North 70 years".............   UN        18

CS20 comm      5,000 w  2017     "Kim Jong Suk 1917-2017"......   UN        18

CS                     200 won  2008     "1948-2018 DPR Korea"..........   UN        18

CS                     500 won  2008     "1948-2018 DPR Korea"..........   UN        18


39s   spec             1 won  1992     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          6

40s   spec             5 won  1992     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          6

41s   spec           10 won  1992     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        15

42s   spec           50 won  1992     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        15

NL   spec       5,000 won  2013     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN          7


PICK#                                 *****KOREA SOUTH***3c*


1   {1}                     5 won  (1949)   ................................................ {1}  AU+    400

1   {2-5}                 5 won  (1949)   ............................................. {2-5}  AU      200

2.                          10 won  (1949)   ............................... F 15, VF 30,  AU+    200

3                     1,000 won  (1950)   lilac................................. AU+55,  UN        80

4                              5 cho  1949     red...............................................   UN      900

6                            50 cho  1949     blue..............................................   UN      400

7                        100 won  (1950)   brown...................... F 6, VF+25,  UN      100

8.                    1,000 won  (1950)   green....................... VG 6, F 12,  XF+      70

8   souv          1,000 won  1951     "short snorter"..................... pen  AU      160

9                        500 won  4285     (1952) blue.................................   VF+    600

10a                 1,000 won  4285     (1952)................ VF 20, XF+60,  UN      160

11a                         1 won  (1953)   "1-43" wmk.................................   UN        60

11b                         1 won  (1953)   "43-50" no wmk.................. "44"  XF+      90

12                           5 won  (1953)   ............................. VF 40, XF 80,  UN      320

13                        10 won  (1953)   ............................... VG 10, F 20,  XF         80

14.                     100 won  (1953)   ............................ F 50, VF+180UN   1000

15                   1,000 won  (1953)   ............................................. tape  G+      150

16                        10 hwa  4286     (1953)pagoda/rocks..... VF+90,  AU      240

17a                      10 hwa  4286     (1953)pagoda/rocks..................   F           10

17b                      10 hwa  4287     (1954)pagoda/rocks..................   F           50

17d                      10 hwa  4289     (1956)pagoda/rocks......... F 15,  UN      240

17e.                     10 hwa  4290     (1957)pagoda/rocks........ F+20,  UN      220

17f                       10 hwa  4291     (1958)pagoda/rocks........... F 7,  UN      120

19a                    100 hwa  4287     (1954)................... VG 15, F 30,  VF         60

19b                    100 hwa  4288     (1955).................... F 15, VF 30,  XF         60

19c                    100 hwa  4289     (1956)..................... VG 6, F 12,  VF         25

20                      500 hwa  4290     (1957)..........................................   VG        75

21                      100 hwa  4290     (1957)................................. F 60,  XF+    360

22c                 1,000 hwa  4292     (1959).......................... light pen  F+       150

23                        50 hwa  4291     (1958)................................... pen  F         150

24                      500 hwa  4292     (1959)..........................................   VF-     220

25a                 1,000 hwa  4293     (1960).................................. tear  VG        25

25b                 1,000 hwa  4294     (1961)......................... XF+170UN      450

25c                 1,000 hwa  1962     ............................................ F 35,  VF+    100

28                           10 jeo  1962     ............................................ "1"2"  UN          4

29                           50 jeo  1962     ............................................ "1"2"  UN          5

30                           1 won  (1962)   arms........... XF 9; "C"K"N"P"S"  UN        40

31                           5 won  (1962)   ......... XF 16;   "BB"BC"BE"BK"  UN        60

31   pair             2x5 won  (1962)   arms....... 2 notes consecutive#  UN      150

32.                       10 won  (1962)   arms................................... F 25,  UN      400

33a                      10 won  1962     /turtle warship................. VF 15,  XF         30

33b                      10 won  1963     /turtle warship..................... G 4,  VF         25

33c.                     10 won  1964     /turtle warship................. VF 12,  AU        50

33d                      10 won  1965     /turtle warship................... VF 8,  UN        65

33e                      10 won  (1966)   /turtle warship................... AU 7,  UN        15

34                        50 won  (1962)   rocks/torch..................................   VF      100

35b                    100 won  1963     gate/pagoda........................ G 4,  VF         60

35c                    100 won  1964     gate/pagoda................... VF 60,  UN      450

35d                    100 won  1965     gate/pagoda...............................   XF      120

36                      100 won  (1962)   gate/torch....................................   VG-         6

37.                     500 won  (1962)   gate/torch....................... VF+70,  AU+    280

38(a).                100 won  (1965)   #"02.."red name.........................   UN      120

38(b)                 100 won  (1965)   #"20-90"red-brown......... XF 15,  UN        60

38A                    100 won  (1965)   #"00.."brown.... VF 40, AU 160UN      320

39                      500 won  (1966)   gate/turtle warship........... VF 5,  UN        40

40                        50 won  (1969)   pavilion/torch.......... F 5, AU 50,  UN      100

42.                10,000 won  (1973)   Kg Sejong/pavilion.....................   UN      350

43                      500 won  (1975)   Yi Sun-shin, turtle warship.......   UN          7

44                   1,000 won  (1975)   Yi Hwang/Academy...................   UN        20

47                   1,000 won  (1983)   Yi Hwang/Academy...................   UN          5

48                   5,000 won  (1983)   Yi I/gate, building.......................   UN        40

49                 10,000 won  (1983)   Kg Sejong/pavilion.....................   UN        60

50                 10,000 won  (1993)   Kg Sejong/pavilion.....................   UN        40

51                   5,000 won  2002     Yi I/gate, building.......................   UN        30

52                 10,000 won  2000     Kg Sejong/pavilion.....................   UN        50

54                   1,000 won  (2007)   Yi Hwang/view...........................   UN          4

55                   5,000 won  (2006)   Yi I/gate, building.......................   UN          8

56.                10,000 won  (2007)   Kg Sejong/astrolabe..................   UN        15

57                 50,000 won  (2009)   Saimdang/tree...........................   UN        70

   Propaganda Note  North Korea leaflet "Remember lesson of defeat!"

Leaflet prop             G.I.s  196-      "Remember lesson..". lot#1106  XF         30

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            Bank of Korea, interest bearing note

bond               1,000 won  1953     interest bearing............... bs#88  AU        15


PICK#                                 *****KUWAIT****3*

   Kingdom (till 1961 British protectorate)

1                            1/4 din  1960     Sh Abdullah................................   VG+      30

2                            1/2 din  1960     Sh Abdullah......................... pen  VG+      40

6a                         1/4 din  1968     /port, sig black....... VF+(p/h)50,  UN      300

7a                         1/2 din  1968     /school, sig black.......................   F           16

7b                         1/2 din  1968     /school, sig violet.......................   XF+      80

8.                              1 din  1968     /refinery................. F 15, VF 30,  UN      240

10                          10 din  1968     /boat..................................... pen  XF+    300

11a   sig 2            1/4 din  1968     arms/refinery..............................   UN        30

11b.  sig 3            1/4 din  1968     arms/refinery..............................   UN        20

11d   sig 6            1/4 din  1968     arms/refinery..................... VF 4,  UN        18

12d   sig 6            1/2 din  1968     arms/port.................. F 4, XF+9,  UN        24

13c   sig 4               1 din  1968     arms/street.......................... tape  VG          4

13d   sig 6               1 din  1968     arms/street.................................   UN        16

14c.  sig 6               5 din  1968     arms/...........................................   UN        50

15a   sig 2             10 din  1968     arms/sailing boat.......................   VG-         4

15c   sig 4             10 din  1968     arms/sailing boat.............. XF 8,  UN        32

16b   sig 6             20 din  1968     arms/bank............................ F 4,  UN        32

17                         1/4 din  1968     (1992)arms/refinery, violet.......   UN        20

18                         1/2 din  1968     (1992)arms/refinery, blue.........   UN        40

19                             1 din  1968     (1992)arms; green.............. F 5,  VF+      15

21b.  sig 8             10 din  1968     (1992)arms/sailing boat............   UN      800

23a   sig 8            1/4 din  1968     (1994)ship/girls......... "AE/1-63"  UN        12

24a.  sig 8            1/2 din  1968     (1994)shops/boys.... "BE/1-47"  UN        18

25f.  sig 14              1 din  1968     (1994)tower/port...... "CE/1-27"  UN        24

28f.  sig 14            20 din  1968     (1994).................... "FE/78-106"  UN      360

29.                        1/4 din  (2014)   tower...........................................   UN          4

31                             1 din  (2014)   building/column..........................   UN        15

33.                         10 din  (2014)   /camel, falcon.............................   UN        90

   Collector Series

CS1   comm           1 din  1993     "Liberation"....................... folder  UN        20

CS2   comm           1 din  2001     "10 yr Liberation"............. folder  UN        20

                                            Union Postal Coupon Response International

coupon UPU           50 fil  1967     postal coupon response...........   F             5


PICK#                                 *****KYRGYZSTAN****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

1                                 1 tyi  (1993)   eagle...........................................   UN          4

2                              10 tyi  (1993)   eagle...........................................   UN          4

3                              50 tyi  (1993)   eagle...........................................   UN          4

4                             1 som  (1993)   Manas the Noble.......................   UN          4

5                             5 som  (1993)   Manas the Noble.......................   UN          5

6                           20 som  (1993)   Manas the Noble.......................   UN          9

7                             1 som  (1994)   Maldubayev/instruments..........   UN          5

8                             5 som  (1994)   Beishenalieva/building..............   UN          6

10                         20 som  (1994)   Moldo/shrine...............................   UN          6

11                         50 som  (1994)   Datka/shrine...............................   UN          6

12                      100 som  (1994)   Toktogul/dam.............................   UN        10

13                           5 som  1997     Beishenalieva/building..............   UN          5

14                         10 som  1997     Kassim/mountains.....................   UN          5

15                           1 som  1999     Maldubayev/instruments..........   UN          4

16.                     200 som  2000     Osmonov/poem.........................   AU        50

17                      500 som  2000     Karalaiev/fairy tale.....................   UN        40

18                   1,000 som  2000     Balasagbin/mountains..............   UN        70

19                         20 som  2002     Moldo/shrine...............................   UN          5

20                         50 som  2002     Datka/shrine...............................   UN          6

21.                     100 som  2002     Toktogul/mountains...................   UN        15

22.                     200 som  2004     Osmonov/poem.........................   UN        20

24                         20 som  2009     Moldo/shrine...............................   UN          4

25                         50 som  2009     Datka/shrine...............................   UN          5

26                      100 som  2009     Toktogul/dam.............................   UN          7

28.                     500 som  2016     Karalaiev/tomb...........................   UN        40

29                   1,000 som  2010     Balasagbin/mountains..............   UN        50

29                   1,000 som  2016     Balasagbin/mountains..............   UN        40

30.                  5,000 som  2009     .....................................................   UN      220

31.  comm        100 som  (2014)   "Toktogul 150 Birthday"............   UN        60

32.  comm        200 som  (2014)   "Osmonov 100 Birthday"..........   UN        80

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Kizil-Kija, community

NL                          10 rub  (1919)   Kizil-Kija community......... F 20,  XF-       70

                                            -Kizil-Kija, "Kizil-Kija" National Mine

NL                         10 kop  (1918)   "Kizil-Kija mine...........................   VF+      70

NL                          40 rub  1919     "Kizil-Kija mine......... corner cut  VF         80


PICK#                                 *****LAOS****3*

   Free Lao

A3                             50 at  (1945)   small"50"on back.......................   XF      160

A3                             50 at  (1945)   big"50"on back...........................   XF      160

   Kingdom (French Colony till 1954)

1a                             1 kip  (1957)   /farming @SBC............. VF+15,  UN        80

1b.                            1 kip  (1962)   Pathet Lao issue............. VF+8,  AU        20

2a.                            5 kip  (1957)   /ox car @SBC.................. F+25,  UN      270

2b                             5 kip  (1962)   Pathet Lao issue.............. XF 8,  UN        32

3a                           10 kip  (1957)   /rice field @SBC............... F 12,  UN      200

3b.                          10 kip  (1962)   Pathet Lao issue............. VF+8,  UN        40

5b                           50 kip  (1957)   /elephants......................... XF 8,  UN        32

6                           100 kip  (1957)   Kg Vong/woman........................   UN-       64

7   comm, p/h     500 kip  (1957)   "2500 Buddhist Era"........ F+60,  VF         80

8   sig 3                    1 kip  (1962)   /arms...........................................   UN          4

8   sig 4                    1 kip  (1962)   /arms...........................................   UN          4

9b   sig 5                  5 kip  (1962)   /elephant.....................................   UN          6

10b   sig 5             10 kip  (1962)   woman/.......................................   UN          6

11b   sig 6             20 kip  (1963)   Kg Vatthana/pagoda.................   UN          6

12   sig 6               50 kip  (1963)   Kg Vatthana/old building..........   UN          6

13b   sig 6           200 kip  (1963)   Kg Vatthana/waterfalls..............   UN          9

14b   sig 6        1,000 kip  (1963)   Kg Vatthana/long boats............   UN        15

15   unis                 10 kip  (1974)   Kg Vatthana/ox cart...................   UN        32

16                         100 kip  (1974)   Kg Vatthana/ox cart...................   UN          8

17                         500 kip  (1974)   Kg Vatthana/dam.......................   UN          9

18   unis           1,000 kip  (1974)   Kg Vatthana/elephant...............   UN        40

19                     5,000 kip  (1975)   Kg Vatthana/..............................   UN        24

  Republic -Pathet Lao

19A                           1 kip  (1968)   harvesting/medicare..................   UN        16

20a                         10 kip  (1968)   medicare/troops wmk "stupa"..   UN          6

20b                         10 kip  (1968)   medicare/troops wmk "star".....   UN          5

21a                         20 kip  (1968)   rice market/smiths "stupa"........   UN          9

21b.                        20 kip  (1968)   rice market/smiths wmk "star"..   UN        12

22b                         50 kip  (1968)   workers/plowing wmk "stupa"..   UN        12

23                         100 kip  (1968)   road/factory................................   UN        15

23A                      200 kip  (1968)   troops/textile factory..................   UN        30

24                         500 kip  (1968)   rice harvest/antiaircraft.............   UN        45


25a                           1 kip  (1979)   solders/schoolroom...................   UN          6

25b                           1 kip  (1979)   solders/schoolroom...................   UN          4

26a                           5 kip  (1979)   store/logging elephants............   UN          6

26b                           5 kip  (1979)   store/logging elephants............   UN          4

26   repl                   5 kip  (1979)   replacement"ZA"........................   UN        20

27b                         10 kip  (1979)   lumber mill/hospital....................   UN          4

27   repl                 10 kip  (1979)   replacement"ZA"........................   UN        20

28a                         20 kip  (1979)   troops/textile factory..................   UN          6

28b                         20 kip  (1979)   troops/textile factory..................   UN          4

28   repl                 20 kip  (1979)   replacement"ZA"........................   UN        20

29a                         50 kip  (1979)   rice planting/dam.......................   UN          6

29b                         50 kip  (1979)   rice planting/dam.......................   UN          4

30                         100 kip  (1979)   harvesting/bridge.......................   UN          4

30   repl               100 kip  (1979)   replacement"ZA"........................   UN        20

30   proof            100 kip  (1979)   bank acceptation "MO 000".....   AU    2400

31                         500 kip  1988     irrigation/harvesting fruit...........   UN          6

31   proof            500 kip  1988     bank acceptation "KB 000".......   AU    2400

32a                   1,000 kip  1992     women/cattle..............................   UN        12

32c                    1,000 kip  1995     women/cattle..............................   UN          6

32d                   1,000 kip  1996     women/cattle..............................   UN          6

32Aa                 1,000 kip  1998     women/cattle..............................   UN          6

32Ab                 1,000 kip  2003     women/cattle..............................   UN          6

33a                   2,000 kip  1997     Phomvihane/factory..................   UN          7

33a   test          2,000 kip  1997     test print different"2000"...........   XF    4000

33b                   2,000 kip  2003     Phomvihane/factory..................   UN          7

NL   essay       2,000 kip  1995     TDLR essay booklet "jars".......   UN   6000

NL   essay       2,000 kip  1995     TDLR essay booklet "gate"......   UN   6000

NL   essay       5,000 kip  1995     TDLR essay booklet "airport"...   UN   6000

34a                   5,000 kip  1997     Phomvihane/factory..................   UN          8

34a   test          5,000 kip  1997     test print different"5000"...........   UN   4500

34b                   5,000 kip  2003     Phomvihane/factory..................   UN          7

35a                 10,000 kip  2002     Phomvihane/bridge...................   UN        12

35b                 10,000 kip  2003     Phomvihane/bridge...................   UN          8

36a                 20,000 kip  2002     Phomvihane/dam......................   UN        18

36b                 20,000 kip  2003     Phomvihane/dam......................   UN        18

38                   50,000 kip  2004     Phomvihane/building.................   UN        35

40   comm   100,000 kip  2010     "capital Vientiane 450yr" .........   UN        70

40   spec      100,000 kip  2010     "Vientiane 450yr".......... booklet  UN        70

40   spec      100,000 kip  2010     "capitol Vientiane 450yr"...........   UN        60

41                     2,000 kip  2011     Phomvihane/dam......................   UN          5

42                 100,000 kip  2011     Phomvihane/palace..................   UN        50


32s   spec        1,000 kip  1992     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        15

32s   spec        1,000 kip  1998     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        15

33s   spec        2,000 kip  1997     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        15

34s   spec        5,000 kip  1997     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        15

35s   spec      10,000 kip  2002     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        15

36s   spec      20,000 kip  2002     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        15

37s   spec      50,000 kip  2004     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        30

39s   spec        1,000 kip  2008     "SPECIMEN" in Lao..................   UN        30


PICK#                                 *****LATVIA****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Czarist Russia)

1                               1 rub  1919     blue..............................................   F         150

2b                            1 rub  1919     green...........................................   XF+      35

3f                              5 rub  1919     "G"...............................................   XF-       90

3f                              5 rub  1919     "H"................................... VF+60,  UN      320

4a                          10 rub  1919     "BB".............................................   VG+      30

4b                          10 rub  1919     "AB".............................................   VG        25

4d1                        10 rub  1919     "A"................................................   VG        25

4d2                        10 rub  1919     "B"................................................   F+         80

4e                          10 rub  1919     "C"................................................   VF-       60

4e.                         10 rub  1919     "D"................................................   UN      400

4f                           10 rub  1919     "K"................................................   VF         60

5h                          25 rub  1919     .....................................................   VG        35

6                            50 rub  1919     .....................................................   F+       350

9                              5 kap  (1920)   .................................. F 4, XF 12,  UN        35

10                          10 kap  (1920)   ........................................ AU+25,  UN        35

12                          50 kap  (1920)   ......................................... XF 12,  UN        35

14a                        100 lat  1923     .....................................................   VG      300

17                            20 lat  1925     .....................................................   VF      400

18                            25 lat  1928     Valdemars,ships........................   F         150

19                          500 lat  1929     girl/farm........................ VG 150VF+    900

20                            50 lat  1934     Ulmanis............................ F+ 20,  VF+      40

21                            25 lat  1938     Lacpiesis............... F 12, VF 25,  AU      100

22                          100 lat  1939     family/port.................... VF+120UN      500

25a                          10 lat  1933     /woman.......................................   VF-     100

25c                          10 lat  1934     /woman; "N"................................   VF      100

25c                          10 lat  1934     /woman; "P"................................   VF      120

25f                           10 lat  1934     /woman; "AC".............................   VF-     100

29a                          10 lat  1937     fishermen.......................... F+25,  VF         40

29b                          10 lat  1938     fishermen.......................... F+25,  UN      280

29d                          10 lat  1939     fishermen.......................... F+30,  XF         80

29e                          10 lat  1940     fishermen........................ VF 40,  VF+      60

30a                          20 lat  1935     castle/couple..................... F 75,  VF      150

30b                          20 lat  1936     castle/couple..............................   XF      200

34a   sig 1                5 lat  1940     bridge .............................. F 100VF-     150

34b   sig 2                5 lat  1940     bridge .........................................   F         150

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

35                            1 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN          5

36                            2 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN          5

37                            5 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN        15

38                          10 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN        12

39                          20 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN        18

40                          50 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN        18

41                        200 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN        40

42                        500 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN        95

45                            20 lat  1992     homestead/linen.... "A#B"A#C"  UN      150

46                            50 lat  1992     sailing ship....................... "A#A"  UN      300

47                          100 lat  1992     Barons/linen.................... "A#A"  VF+    300

49a.                           5 lat  1996     oak/.................................... "A#J"  UN        80

49b.                           5 lat  2001     oak/.................................. "A#M"  UN        80

50.                           10 lat  2000     river/brooch........ VF+25, "A#E"  UN      120

53c                            5 lat  2009     oak/.......................... "B#A"B#F"  UN        40

54                            10 lat  2008     river /old brooch..... "B#G"B#J"  UN        70

55a.                         20 lat  2007     homestead/linen............. "A#G"  UN      160

55b                          20 lat  2009     homestead/linen............. "A#K"  UN      120

57                          100 lat  2007     Barons/linen.................... "A#C"  UN      800

   Soviet Riga 1919

R1                            1 rub  1919     Soviet Riga.................................   XF         30

R2                            3 rub  1919     Soviet Riga.................................   UN        60

R3                            5 rub  1919     Soviet Riga..................... XF 12,  UN        45

R4.                        10 rub  1919     Soviet Riga.................................   UN        85

                                            -"Latgales Partizanu Pulks/2 Rotas"

stamp on Russian P94, most stamps are modern.

NL ?genuine?    500 rub  1918     stamp on Russia(P94)..............   VG-       60

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Jeglawa (Mitau), city

NL                           3 kop  1915     08.12; Jeglawa...........................   F           25

NL                           1 kop  1915     10.20; Jeglawa................ VG-5,  UN        70

NL                           2 kop  1915     10.20; Jeglawa...........................   AU        60

NL                           5 kop  1915     10.20; Jeglawa............... VF 20,  VF+      25

NL                         10 kop  1915     10.20; Jeglawa................. VG 5,  VF+      35

NL                         15 kop  1915     10.20; Jeglawa...........................   VF         40

NL                         20 kop  1915     10.20; Jeglawa...........................   VG-       15

NL                              5 pf  1915     10.20; Jeglawa...........................   VF         25

                                            -Libava (Libau, Liepaja), city

NL                         25 kop  1915     Libava(Libau) "A".......................   UN        25

NL                         50 kop  1915     Libava(Libau) ............................   UN        30

NL                         50 kop  1915     Libava(Libau) "B".......................   UN        25

NL   error              50 kop  1915     double text on back only...........   AU      100

NL                            1 rub  1915     Libava(Libau) "B".......................   UN        35

NL                            3 rub  1915     Libava(Libau).............................   UN        35

NL   error     (0.5,1,3rub)  (1915)   only unpt no text........... 3 notes  AU      150

   Ration Coupons             Ostland Punktwertschein, Lettland (Latvia)

SB-1034           10 punkt  -1945    fabric point note.........................   VF         40

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            State loan "Latvijas 1931 obligacija.."(Riga)

bond                        20 lat  1931     sig J Annus...................... bs#89  VF         20


PICK#                                 *****LEBANON***3n+*

   French Mandate 1920-1943 (part of Ottoman Empire till 1920)

15                              1 liv  1939     ......................................... VG-80,  VF      400

26b                            1 liv  1939     ovpt"//".........................................   F         150

26c                             1 liv  1939     ovpt"V"........................................   VG-       70

34                             5 pia  1942     ......................................... VG 10,  F+         30

35                           10 pia  1942     ......................................... VG 12,  VF+      75

36                           25 pia  1942     mosque................. VG 25, F 50,  VF      100

37                           50 pia  1942     mosque............................ G+20,  VF+    200

   Republic (till 1943 French Mandate after Ottoman Empire collapse)

38                             5 pia  1944     .....................................................   VF         60

39                           10 pia  1944     ............................... VG(tape) 15,  F           30

40.                            5 pia  1948     ......................................... VF 40,  AU      160

41                           10 pia  1948     .....................................................   VG        15

42b                         25 pia  1950     ........................................ VG+15,  F           25

43b.                       50 pia  1950     ................................ G+15, F 50,  AU      400

47.                          10 pia  1950     .....................................................   AU      160

48a                            1 liv  1945     ........................................... G 95,  VF      600

48b                            1 liv  1950     .....................................................   VF      600

55                              1 liv  1952     castle/Baalbek................... F 15,  VF+      50

55                              1 liv  1955     castle/Baalbek............................   F           12

55                              1 liv  1957     castle/Baalbek............................   G+          4

55                              1 liv  1958     castle/Baalbek............................   F           12

55.                             1 liv  1963     castle/Baalbek............................   UN      150

55                              1 liv  1964     castle/Baalbek............................   VF+      35

56b                            5 liv  1958     .....................................................   VG        10

60s   spec            100 liv  1958     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      400

61                              1 liv  1964     Baalbek ruins/................... VF 7,  UN        50

61   cons              2x 1 liv  1964     consecutive,#003229483-4......   UN      150

61                              1 liv  1968     Baalbek ruins/................. VG+4,  UN        50

61                              1 liv  1971     Baalbek ruins/................ XF 10,  AU        20

61                              1 liv  1972     Baalbek ruins/................. VF+7,  UN        45

61                              1 liv  1974     Baalbek ruins/.................... F+4,  UN        25

61                              1 liv  1980     Baalbek ruins/cavern................   UN          6

61   souv                   1 liv  1980     "cargomaster"............. lot#1030  AU+      15

62                              5 liv  1964     building/bridge............................   VG+        5

62                              5 liv  1967     building/bridge............................   VG+        6

62                              5 liv  1974     building/bridge............................   VF+         6

62                              5 liv  1978     04.02;building/bridge.................   UN        15

62                              5 liv  1986     building/bridge............................   UN          5

63(a)                       10 liv  1964     Anjar ruins/coast........................   F           12

63(h).                      10 liv  1986     04.01; Anjar ruins/coast............   UN        30

63(i)                         10 liv  1986     Anjar ruins/coast........................   UN          6

64                            25 liv  1974     Saida citadel/fortress................   F+         15

64.                           25 liv  1978     Saida citadel/fortress................   UN        35

64                            25 liv  1983     Saida citadel/fortress................   UN          7

65.                           50 liv  1973     Bacchus temple/city..................   UN        80

65.                           50 liv  1974     Bacchus temple/city..................   F+           4

65                            50 liv  1983     Bacchus temple/city..................   UN          7

65                            50 liv  1984     Bacchus temple/city..................   F             5

65                            50 liv  1985     Bacchus temple/city..................   UN          7

65                            50 liv  1988     Bacchus temple/city..................   UN          5

66.                         100 liv  1977     plaza/trees..................................   UN        40

66                          100 liv  1978     plaza/trees..................................   VF           6

66                          100 liv  1985     plaza/trees..................................   UN          7

66                          100 liv  1988     plaza/trees..................................   UN          7

67.                         250 liv  1985     ancient ruins...............................   UN        12

67.                         250 liv  1986     ancient ruins...............................   UN        12

67                          250 liv  1988     ancient ruins...............................   UN          7

68                          500 liv  1988     city/frieze, columns....................   UN          5

69a                     1,000 liv  1988     map/ancient ruins......................   UN          5

69b1                  1,000 liv  1990     map/ancient ruins......................   UN          5

69b2                  1,000 liv  1991     map/ancient ruins......................   UN          5

69c                     1,000 liv  1992     map/ancient ruins......................   UN          5

70.                   10,000 liv  1993     Tyros ruins/.................................   UN        60

71a                     5,000 liv  1994     geometric design.......................   UN        35

71b                     5,000 liv  1995     geometric design.......................   UN        30

72                    20,000 liv  1994     geometric design.......................   UN        60

73.                   50,000 liv  1995     geometric design.......................   UN      150

76                    10,000 liv  1998     monument..................................   UN        45

77.                   50,000 liv  1999     geometric design.......................   UN      120

79                       5,000 liv  2001     geometric design.......................   UN        15

81                    20,000 liv  2001     geometric design.......................   UN        40

82                    50,000 liv  2001     geometric design.......................   UN      100

83.                 100,000 liv  2001     geometric design.......................   UN      200

84a.                   1,000 liv  2004     geometric design;small.............   UN          8

84b                     1,000 liv  2008     geometric design;small.............   UN          4

85a                     5,000 liv  2004     geometric design;small.............   UN          8

85b                     5,000 liv  2008     geometric design;small.............   UN          6

86a.                 10,000 liv  2004     geometric design;small.............   UN        20

86b.                 10,000 liv  2008     geometric design;small.............   UN        20

87                    20,000 liv  2004     geometric design;small.............   UN        30

88                    50,000 liv  2004     geometric design;small.............   UN        80

89.                 100,000 liv  2004     geometric design;small.............   UN      150

90                       1,000 liv  2011     .....................................................   UN          4

91                       5,000 liv  2012     .....................................................   UN          6

92                    10,000 liv  2012     .....................................................   UN          9

93                    20,000 liv  2012     .....................................................   UN        15

94.                   50,000 liv  2011     .....................................................   UN        40

95.                 100,000 liv  2011     .....................................................   UN        90

96.  comm      50,000 liv  2013     "Independence 70"....................   UN        80

97.  comm      50,000 liv  2014     "Bank 50 years".........................   UN        80

98   comm      50,000 liv  2015     "Army 70 years".........................   UN        80


   *BEP intaglio reprint from original plates on light card in 1980

                                            Bank of Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA

reprint                     100 $  "18--"    intaglio reprint, face...................   AU        50


PICK#                                 *****LESOTHO****3*

   Kingdom (British protectorate till 1966; Basutoland)

1                              2 mal  1979     Kg/building..................................   UN        70

2                              5 mal  1979     Kg/waterfalls...............................   UN        90

4a                            2 mal  1981     Kg/building..................................   UN        25

4b                            2 mal  1984     Kg/building..................................   UN        22

5                              5 mal  1981     Kg/waterfalls...............................   UN        60

6a.  "A-C"             10 mal  1981     Kg/horseman; sig S-M..............   UN        90

6b   "E-P"             10 mal  1981     Kg/horseman; sig R-S...............   UN        70

7b   "A-E"             20 mal  1984     Kg/herdsboy; sig R-S................   UN      120

9                              2 mal  1989     Kg/building..................................   UN        12

10                            5 mal  1989     Kg/waterfalls...............................   UN        16

11                          10 mal  1990     Kg/horseman..............................   UN        25

12a.                      20 mal  1990     Kg/herdsboy...............................   UN      120

13.                         50 mal  1989     Kg/stone......................................   UN      380

15a                        10 mal  2000     Kg/horseman..............................   UN        12

15b.                      10 mal  2003     Kg/horseman..............................   UN        10

16a                        20 mal  1994     Kg/herdsboy...............................   UN        20

16b                        20 mal  1999     Kg/herdsboy...............................   UN        16

16c                        20 mal  2001     Kg/herdsboy...............................   UN        14

16d.                      20 mal  2005     Kg/herdsboy...............................   UN        14

17a.                      50 mal  1994     Kg/horseman..............................   UN      120

17c                        50 mal  1999     Kg/horseman..............................   UN        50

17d                        50 mal  2001     Kg/horseman..............................   UN        45

18                       100 mal  1994     Kg/goats......................................   UN      250

19a                     100 mal  1999     Kg/goats......................................   UN        90

19b.                    100 mal  2001     Kg/goats......................................   UN        80

20a                     200 mal  1994     Kg/herdsman..............................   UN      160

22.                         20 mal  2010     Kings/huts...................................   UN          9

23.                         50 mal  2010     Kings/horseman.........................   UN        25

24                       100 mal  2010     Kings/goats.................................   UN        45


PICK#                                 *****LIBERIA****3*


6b                         50 cen  1864     08.24...........................................   F       2000

19                                5 $  1989     Roberts, rubber tree........... F 4,  UN        20

20                                5 $  1989     arms, rubber tree.......................   UN        18

21                                5 $  1999     Roye/harvesting.........................   UN          7

22                              10 $  1999     Roberts/rubber tree...................   UN        12

23a                            20 $  1999     Tubman/market.........................   UN        18

24a                            50 $  1999     Doe/palm....................................   UN        45

26a                              5 $  2003     Roye/harvesting.........................   UN          5

27a                            10 $  2003     Roberts/rubber tree...................   UN          6

28a                            20 $  2003     Tubman/market.........................   UN          8

28b.                           20 $  2004     Tubman/market.........................   UN          8

29a                            50 $  2003     Doe/palm....................................   UN        20

29b.                           50 $  2004     Doe/palm....................................   UN        20

30a                          100 $  2003     Tolbert/market, woman.............   UN        30

31                                5 $  2016     Roye/harvesting.........................   UN          5

32                              10 $  2016     Roberts/rubber tree...................   UN          5

33                              20 $  2016     Tubman/market.........................   UN          6

34                              50 $  2016     Doe/palm....................................   UN        12

35                            100 $  2016     Tolbert/market, family...............   UN        22

36                            500 $  2016     /hippopotamus...........................   UN        45


PICK#                                 *****LIBYA****3*

Kingdom(Tripolitania 1944-51(UN mandate),Italian Colony 1912-1944)

5.                           5 piast  1951     palm/..................... VG 8, VF 16,  UN      130

6                          10 piast  1951     palm/..................... VG 9, VF 18,  XF+      55

12                          5 piast  1952     Kg Idris/.......................................   F+         60

13                        10 piast  1952     Kg Idris/.......................... VG 20,  F           40

14                   1/4 pound  1952     Kg Idris/.......................... VG-50,  F+       150

19b   D/7        1/2 pound  1955     arms; red#........................ G+70,  F         200

23                   1/4 pound  1963     arms/.................................. F 50,  F+         75

24                   1/2 pound  1963     arms/...........................................   F+       120

25                       1 pound  1963     arms/............................... VG-50,  F         120

26                       5 pound  1963     arms/...........................................   F         300

27                    10 pound  1963     arms/............................. VG 150,  F+       450

28                   1/4 pound  1963     arms/............................... VG 25,  F           50

29                   1/2 pound  1963     arms/...........................................   VG+      45

30                       1 pound  1963     arms/........................ G+30, pen  VG        50

31                       5 pound  1963     arms/................................ F 120,  XF+    720

   Republic (from 1969)

33b                       1/4 din  (1972)   "1"arms/gate................... VF 20,  XF         40

34b.                      1/2 din  (1972)   "1"arms/refinery............. VF 32,  UN      260

36a                           5 din  (1972)   "1"arms/fortress................ F 75,  VF      150

36b                           5 din  (1972)   "1"arms/fortress............. VF 30,  UN      250

37a.                       10 din  (1972)   "1"el-Mukhtar/horsemen...........   AU+    900

37b                        10 din  (1972)   "1"el-Mukhtar/............... VF+22,  UN      120

42a.  sig 4            1/4 din  (1981)   "2"ruins/fortress.........................   UN        35

42b   sig 5            1/4 din  (1981)   "2"ruins/fortress.........................   UN        30

43b   sig 5            1/2 din  (1981)   "2"refinery/irrigation...................   UN        40

44a   sig 4               1 din  (1981)   "2"mosque/mosque....... XF 12,  UN        40

44b   sig 5               1 din  (1981)   "2"mosque/mosque...................   UN        38

45a  sig 4                5 din  (1980)   "2"camels/crowd.............. F+16,  UN      180

46a   sig 4             10 din  (1980)   "2"el-Mukhtar/............... VF+40,  XF         60

46b.  sig 5             10 din  (1980)   "2"el-Mukhtar/fortress...............   UN      240

47                         1/4 din  (1984)   "3"ruins/fortress.........................   UN        40

49                             1 din  (1984)   "3"mosque/.................................   UN        45

51                          10 din  (1984)   "3"el-Mukhtar/fortress...............   UN      180

52                         1/4 din  (1990)   "4"ruins/fortress.........................   UN        12

53                         1/2 din  (1990)   "4"refinery/irrigation...................   UN        25

54                             1 din  (1988)   "4"Kadaffy/mosque....................   UN        30

55                             5 din  (1991)   "4"camels/crowd........................   UN      140

56                          10 din  (1989)   "4"el-Mukhtar/fortress...............   UN      150

57a   sig 6            1/4 din  (1991)   "4"ruins/fortress.........................   UN        12

57b   sig 7            1/4 din  (1991)   "4"ruins/fortress.........................   UN        10

58a   sig 6            1/2 din  (1991)   "4"refinery/irrigation...................   UN        12

58b   sig 7            1/2 din  (1991)   "4"refinery/irrigation...................   UN        10

58c   sig 8            1/2 din  (1991)   "4"refinery/irrigation...................   UN          8

59a   sig 7               1 din  (1991)   "4"Kadaffy/mosque....................   UN        20

59b   sig 8               1 din  (1991)   "4"Kadaffy/mosque....................   UN        18

60c   sig 8               5 din  (1991)   "4"camels/crowd........................   UN        75

61a   sig 7             10 din  (1991)   "4"el-Mukhtar/............... VF+22,  UN      120

62   sig 7              1/4 din  (2002)   "5"ruins/fortress.........................   UN          6

63   sig 7              1/2 din  (2002)   "5"refinery/irrigation...................   UN        10

64a   sig 7               1 din  (2002)   "5"Kadaffy/mosque....................   UN        25

65a   sig 7               5 din  (2002)   "5"camels/crowd........................   UN        60

66a   sig 7             10 din  (2002)   "5"el-Mukhtar/fortress...............   UN        75

67a   sig 9             20 din  1999     "1"/heads of African States......   UN      100

67b   sig 10           20 din  1999     "1"/heads of African States......   UN      100

68a   sig 9               1 din  (2004)   "6"Kadaffy/mosque....................   UN        10

69a.  sig 9               5 din  (2004)   "6"camels/crowd........................   UN        45

69b.  sig 10             5 din  (2004)   "6"camels/crowd........................   UN        42

70a   sig 9             10 din  (2004)   "6"el-Mukhtar/fortress...............   UN        40

70b   sig 10           10 din  (2004)   "6"el-Mukhtar/fortress...............   UN        40

71   sig 10               1 din  (2009)   "7"Kadaffy/mosque....................   UN          7

72   sig 10               5 din  (2009)   "7"camels/monument................   UN        18

73   sig 10             10 din  (2009)   "7"el-Mukhtar/fortress...............   UN        55

75.  sig 10             50 din  (2008)   "1"Kadaffy/..................................   UN      120

   post revolution (bank name in English on back)

76   sig 11               1 din  (2013)   "1"crowd/flag..............................   UN          5

77   sig 11               5 din  (2011)   "7"camels/monument................   UN        17

78.  sig 11             10 din  (2011)   "7A"el-Mukhtar/..........................   UN        40

79   sig 11             20 din  (2013)   "1"mosque/building...................   UN        45

80.  sig 11             50 din  (2013)   "1"lighthouse/rocks....................   AU        80

81.  sig 11               5 din  (2015)   "1"tower/Zeus temple................   UN        15

82   sig 11             10 din  (2015)   "1"Mukhtar/horsemen...............   UN        17

83   sig 12             20 din  (2016)   "2"mosque/.. Beida(Cyrenaica)  UN        35

   Tripolitania; British occupation WW2;

M1                              1 lir  (1943)   Tripolitania........................ F+20,  UN      220

M2                              2 lir  (1943)   Tripolitania.................... XF 120UN      480

M3                              5 lir  (1943)   Tripolitania...................... VF 22,  UN      180

M4                            10 lir  (1943)   Tripolitania...................... VG 10,  VF         40

M5                            50 lir  (1943)   Tripolitania...................... VF 80,  XF      160

M6                          100 lir  (1943)   Tripolitania...................... VG 30,  F           60


PICK#                                 *****LIECHTENSTEIN****3*


1                             10 hel  (1920)   arms/city.....................................   UN        35

2                             20 hel  (1920)   arms/city.....................................   UN        40

3                             50 hel  (1920)   arms/city......................... AU 20,  UN        40


PICK#                                 *****LITHUANIA****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Czarist Russia)

12                         50 cen  1922     11.16...........................................   VF-     350

24                             50 lit  1928     Basanavicius.... VG 40, F+125VF+    250

25                           100 lit  1928     woman............................ F+225VF+    450

27   comm               20 lit  1930     "500 Vitautas"............................   VF      200

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

29a                       0.10 tal  1991     arms................................. no text  UN          5

31a                       0.50 tal  1991     arms................................. no text  UN          6

32a                            1 tal  1991     lizards.............................. no text  UN          8

33a                            3 tal  1991     birds................................. no text  UN        30

29b                       0.10 tal  1991     arms............................................   UN          4

30                         0.20 tal  1991     arms............................................   UN          4

31b                       0.50 tal  1991     arms............................................   UN          4

31x2.                   0.50 tal  1991     arms...................... text inverted  AU        80

32b                            1 tal  1991     lizards....... 'AI"BO"BU"CB"CN"  N             6

33b                            3 tal  1991     birds......... "AS"BA"BF"BK"CZ"  UN        15

34b.                           5 tal  1991     osprey......................... "BH"CH"  UN        40

35b                          10 tal  1991     martens... "AH"AL"AR"BD"BG"  UN        25

36b                          25 tal  1991     lynx.. "AC"BZ"CC"CD"CO"CU"  UN        20

37b                          50 tal  1991     elk.................. "AV"BO"BR"CC"  UN        30

38b                        100 tal  1991     bison....... "AB"AE"AX"BM"CH"  UN        20

39                              1 tal  1992     birds. "MH"NC"OA"SD"SE"TF"  UN          5

40                            10 tal  1992     nest, birds................... "MF"TD"  UN        20

42                          100 tal  1992     seals.............................. "PF"PI"  UN        20

43                          200 tal  1992     deer................... "KE"LE"OI"RI"  UN        15

44                          500 tal  1992     bear................ "LF"NB"OE"TG"  UN          5

45                          200 tal  1993     deer..................................... "JC"  UN        15

46                          500 tal  1993     wolves............ "LD"NE"OF"RE"  UN          5

53                               1 lit  1994     Zemaite/.... XF 4,  "AAB"AAG"  UN          9

53   pair                 2x1 lit  1994     uncut pair of 2 notes...... "AAG"  UN        30

54                               2 lit  1993     ............. "DAA"DAC"DAE"DAF"  UN        20

55                               5 lit  1993     Jablonskis/............ "GAA"GAB"  UN      140

62                           100 lit  2000     /Vilnius.................. "AA"AC"AF"  UN      250

64                           500 lit  2000     Kudrika/bell........................ "AA"  UN      600

65                             10 lit  2001     aviators/plane.................... "AA"  UN        25

66                             20 lit  2001     Maironis/Kaunas............... "AA"  UN        50

68                             10 lit  2007     aviators/plane............. "AC"AD"  UN        15

69                             20 lit  2007     Maironis/..................... "AA"AC"  UN        30

70                           100 lit  2007     Daukantas/Vilnius..... ""AA"AB"  UN      200

   War, Military and Camp Money(C#-Campbell, SB#-Schwan,Boling)

DP camp money               Scheinfeld(Bavaria) UNRRA 596,Lithuanian camp

C-7430                 10 cen  1946     Scheinfeld DP camp.................   UN      300

C-7431                 50 cen  1946     Scheinfeld DP camp.................   UN      250

C-7432                        1 $  1946     Scheinfeld DP camp.................   AU+    200

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

private notes                      "Euro pledged to Litas"private collector issue

       1,3,5,20,50,100,200  2002     02.02.............................. 7 notes  UN        15


PICK#                                 *****LITHUANIA CENTRAL*****

   Republic 1920-1922 (in Poland 1922-1939, in Lithuania from 1940)

                                            Wilenski Bank Handlowy, Wilno

NL-1                         1 mk  1920     .....................................................   F         300


PICK#                                 *****LUXEMBOURG***3c*


14                         100 fra  1968     Jean/factory, dam......................   UN        80

14A                       100 fra  1981     Jean and Pr Henry....................   UN        40

21                              1 fra  1914     .....................................................   F           40

22                              2 fra  1914     .....................................................   F+         70

28                              2 fra  1918     .....................................................   XF      320

29                              5 fra  1918     .....................................................   F+       150

31a   rem               25 fra  1914     remainder no#............................   UN      200

33a   rem             500 fra  1914     remainder no#............................   XF+    300

34                           10 fra  (1923)   .....................................................   VG+   300

37                           20 fra  1929     farming/plowing..........................   VG+      80

38                           50 fra  1932     Charlotte/street..........................   VG      100

39                         100 fra  (1934)   Charlotte; grey-green.... VG 40,  VF      150

NL(39,47)          vignette  ABNC   engraved "Charlotte". lot#1367  UN        50

42                           20 fra  1943     Charlotte/farming.............. F 10,  VF         20

43a                            5 fra  (1944)   Charlotte/arms..................... F 9,  AU        70

43b   "A"                   5 fra  (1944)   Charlotte/arms...........................   VF+      25

44                           10 fra  (1944)   Charlotte/arms................ VF 15,  VF+      25

45   "A"                   50 fra  (1944)   Charlotte/castle.............. VF 30,  AU      120

46   "B"                   50 fra  (1944)   Charlotte/castle..........................   VF         50

46   "C-D"              50 fra  (1944)   Charlotte/castle................ VG 7,  VF         25

47                         100 fra  (1944)   Charlotte; blue... VG 25, VF 50,  XF      100

48                           10 fra  (1955)   Charlotte/castle................... F 4,  UN        60

49.                          20 fra  (1955)   Charlotte/village.........................   AU+      60

51                           50 fra  1961     Charlotte/village............ XF+40,  UN      100

53                           10 fra  1967     Jean/bridge.......................... F 4,  UN        24

54                           20 fra  1966     Jean/river............... F+4, XF 18,  UN        32

55a                         50 fra  1972     Jean/steelwork...........................   UN        32

55b                         50 fra  1972     Jean/steelwork............... AU 16,  UN        32

56                         100 fra  1970     Jean/bridge......................... F+9,  UN        96

57(a)   "A-C"        100 fra  1980     /Luxembourg; sig G-W... XF 15  UN        55

57(b)   "D-F"        100 fra  1980     /Luxembourg; sig B-W... XF 15  UN        60

58a.  "A-K"          100 fra  (1986)   /Luxembourg; sig J-P................   UN        55

58b   "L-V"           100 fra  (1993)   /Luxembourg; sig J-J.................   UN        50

59                      1,000 fra  (1985)   Jean/buildings............................   UN      250

   validation stamps (1944) on German or Belgium banknotes:

   "Caisse d'Epargne de I'Etat, Luxembourg"

*Bel-P121*                 5 fr  (19)43   red stamp(1945)........................   VF-       60

   "d'Esch-s.Alzette, ville"+"Grand-Duche Luxembourg Justice"dry stamp

*Ger-P180a*         10 mk  1929     d'Esch-s.Alzette......... 2 stamps  VF      300

   "?Kolmar-Berg?; 05.10.44"+"Administration Communale ???"

*Bel-P-97b*                5 fr  (19)31   "05.10.44/?Kolmar-Berg?".......   VG      100

   "Dudelingen /06.10.44 /b"+"Ville de Dudelange, G.D.Luxembourg"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937     "06.10.44 Dudelingen"..............   VG      120

   "Dudelingen /07.10.44"+"Stadt Dudelingen, G.Luxembourg"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937     "07.10.44 Dudelingen"..............   VG      120

   "Kayl /06.10.44 /b"+"Gemeinde Kayl"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937     "06.10.44 Kayl"..........................   VG      250

   "Luxemburg /06.10.44"+"Ville de Luxembourg"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937     "06.10.44 Luxemburg"..............   F         150

   "Luxembourg /05.10.44/ t Vile o"   +"Ville de Luxembourg"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937     10.05 "Luxembourg/ t Vile o"...   F-        150

   "07.10.44/i"+"Ville de Luxembourg"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937     "07.10.44/i".................................   VF+    200

   "Luxemburg1 /08.10.44 /h"+"Ville de Luxembourg"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937     "08.10.44 Luxemburg 1 h"........   F         150

   "Luxemburg 1 /07.10.44 /b"+"Ville de Luxembourg"

*Ger-P186*             5 mk  1942     "07.10.44 Luxemburg 1 b"........   F         150

   "Luxemburg 1 /07.10.44 /k"+"Ville de Luxembourg"

*Bel-P121*                 5 fr  (19)43   "07.10.44 Luxemburg 1 k"........   F         150

   "Luxemburg 1 /08.10.44 /k"+"Ville de Luxembourg"

*Bel-P112*             100 fr  (19)43   "08.10.44 Luxembourg 1 k"......   XF      300

*Bel-P107*             100 fr  (19)38   "08.10.44 Luxembourg…"........   F           80

   "Wecker /08.10.44 /a"+"Administration Comunale Biwer"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937     "08.10.44 Wecker Biwer"..........   VG      140

   "Wilz /08.10.44 /c"+"Conduite d'Eau Intercommunale"

*Ger-P186*             5 mk  1942     "08.10.44 Wilz c".......................   VG      100

  "Petingen-Esch /Bahnpost;  05.10.44"+"Ville de Luxembourg"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937       05.10.44, -Esch,Bahnpost"....   F         100

  "Petingen-Esch /Bahnpost /ZUG 0000; 08.10.44"+"Ville de Luxembourg"

*Bel-P106*             50 fra  (19)38   08.10.44, -Esch ZUG 0000......   AU      400

  "Petingen-Ettelbruck /Bahnpost /ZUG/0/0; 08.10.44"+"Ville Luxembourg"

*Ger-P173*             1 mk  1937     08.10.44-Ettelbruck ZUG/0/0...   VG      150

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Eich, Union Commerciale et Professionnelle

NL                         25 cen  (1918)   Union Commerciale...................   UN        60

NL                         50 cen  (1918)   Union Commerciale....... XF 20,  UN        60

                                            -Esch, Gelsenkirchner Bergwerks AG

canc           20 mk=25 fra  (1918)   Gelsenkirchner Bergwerks.......   VF      100

canc      100 mk=125 fra  (1918)   Gelsenkirchner Bergwerks.......   UN      150

  German notgeld Deutsch-Luxemburgische Bergwerks und Hutte

               -Mulheim(Rhe)  Deutsch Luxemburgische Bergwerks und Hutte

DL-1               50,000 mk  1923     07.01...........................................   AU        40

DL-1               50,000 mk  1923     07.01; cancelled........................   VF         20

DL-3             100,000 mk  1923     07.01 "31.10.23"........................   AU        40

DL-3             100,000 mk  1923     07.01 "31.10.23"perf"FWH".....   VF         25

DL-5                  1 Mio mk  1923     08.06.................................. VF 7,  AU        25

DL-6                  5 Mio mk  1923     08.06 "D".....................................   VF         15

DL-8                  5 Mio mk  1923     08.06 "E"........................... VF 7,  AU        30

DL-9               10 Mio mk  1923     08.16 "F".....................................   XF         15

DL-10             50 Mio mk  1923     08.16.................................... F 9,  VF         15

DL-11           100 Mio mk  1923     08.16.............................. VF+15,  AU        30

DL-12           500 Mio mk  1923     08.16...........................................   VF+      15

DL-13               1 Mrd mk  1923     08.16...........................................   VF         15


PICK#                                 *****MACAO****3*

   Portuguese Colony

                                            -Banco Nacional Ultramarino

10                            5 avo  (1922)   sig Lopez....................................   XF      240

11                          10 avo  (1927)   sig Rosario.................................   VF      150

13                            1 avo  (1942    .....................................................   XF         60

19                          10 avo  (1945)   Japanese occupation................   VF      160

20                          20 avo  (1944)   Japanese occupation.... VG 30,  F           60

21                          50 avo  (1944)   Japanese occupation....... F 20,  VF+      60

28                             1 pat  1945     temple; sig PV................... F 30,  VF         60

28.                            1 pat  1945     temple; sig PP............................   UN      640

28.                            1 pat  1945     temple; sig C..............................   UN      320

28                             1 pat  1945     temple; sig MC...........................   VG        20

29                             5 pat  1945     temple; sig C..............................   VF+    600

36                          10 avo  1946     ....................................... VG+ 15,  F+         30

36r.  rema            10 avo  1946     remainder; no #..........................   UN      240

37.                         20 avo  1946     ............................................ F 30,  AU      240

38                          50 avo  1946     ................................. VG 8, F 16,  UN      240

50                           10 pat  1963     Carneiro, sig MG.......................   VF         40

54                             5 pat  1976     Carneiro; sig SC........................   UN      160

55.                          10 pat  1977     Carneiro; sig CG........................   UN      240

58c                           5 pat  1981     temple; sig RM...........................   UN        48

59a                         10 pat  1981     lighthouse; sig OM.....................   VF           8

59d                         10 pat  1981     lighthouse; sig OC.....................   VG          4

59e                         10 pat  1981     lighthouse; sig R.............. VG 4,  VF           8

59e                         10 pat  1981     lighthouse; sig CF......................   AU        32

59e                         10 pat  1984     lighthouse; sig GM.....................   UN        48

61b.                     100 pat  1984     Pessanha; sig SG......................   UN      240

62s3.  spec         500 pat  1984     "ESPECIME",#0000,canc........   UN   3500

65                           10 pat  1991     building/bridge..................... F 4,  UN        16

66                           20 pat  1996     building/city view........................   UN        16

67                           50 pat  1992     New Year dragon/city view.......   UN        62

68.                       100 pat  1992     boat/city view..............................   UN      160

71   comm             20 pat  1999     12.20:(Macao Handover).........   UN        16

72   comm             50 pat  1999     12.20:(Macao Handover).........   UN        50

72s   spec             50 pat  1999     "ESPECIME",#0000..................   UN      500

73.  comm          100 pat  1999     12.20:(Macao Handover).........   UN      100

73s   spec           100 pat  1999     "ESPECIME",#0000..................   UN      600

74s   spec           500 pat  1999     "ESPECIME",#0000..................   UN      800

75s   spec        1,000 pat  1999     "ESPECIME",#0000..................   UN   1200

76a.                       10 pat  2001     building/bridge............................   UN        14

76b                         10 pat  2001     building/bridge............................   UN        10

77                           10 pat  2003     building/bridge............................   UN          6

78                        100 pat  2003     boat/city view..............................   UN        64

80                           10 pat  2005     monument/bank.........................   UN          5

81.                          20 pat  2005     airport/bank................................   UN        10

81A                        50 pat  2009     bridge/bank.................................   UN        20

82.                       100 pat  2005     Largo do Senado/bank.............   UN        40

83                        500 pat  2005     Torre de Macau/bank................   UN      200

84a.                  1,000 pat  2005     Centro Cultural/bank.................   UN      400

84b.                  1,000 pat  2010     Centro Cultural/bank.................   UN      400

87   comm             10 pat  2014     BNU "year of horse"..................   UN        25

88A   comm          10 pat  2016     BNU "year of monkey"..............   UN        22

88B   comm          10 pat  2017     BNU "year of rooster"................   UN        15

                                            -Bank of China

90                           10 pat  1995     lighthouse/bank..........................   UN        20

91                           20 pat  1996     temple/bank................... XF+12,  UN        30

92a.                       50 pat  1995     university/bank...........................   UN        70

92b                         50 pat  1997     university/bank...........................   XF+      20

93                        100 pat  1995     lighthouse/bank..........................   UN      140

97.                          50 pat  1999     university/bank...........................   UN        60

101a                      10 pat  2001     lighthouse/bank..........................   UN          6

102                         10 pat  2003     lighthouse/bank..........................   UN          6

108b                      10 pat  2013     temple/bank................................   UN          5

109a                      20 pat  2008     cathedral/bank...........................   UN          9

109b                      20 pat  2013     cathedral/bank...........................   UN          9

110                         50 pat  2008     theatre/bank...............................   UN        18

111                      100 pat  2008     lighthouse/bank..........................   UN        35

112                      500 pat  2008     house/bank.................................   UN      160

113                   1,000 pat  2008     building/bank..............................   UN      300

118.  comm           10 pat  2015     BoC "year of goat".....................   UN        35

119   comm           10 pat  2016     BoC "year of monkey"...............   UN        25

120   comm           10 pat  2017     BoC "year of rooster"................   UN        18

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(90)                   10 pat  1995     BoC training money... lot#1335  AU        10

NL(91)                   20 pat  1996     BoC training money... lot#1331  AU        10

NL(92)                   50 pat  1995     BoC training money... lot#1332  AU        10

NL(93)                 100 pat  1995     BoC training money... lot#1333  AU        10

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -"Hin Kei Pastelaria" Macao and Canton, bakery

private              unissued  ND        gift certificate..............................   XF      150


PICK#                                 *****MACEDONIA****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Yugoslavia)

1                           10 den  1992     farmers/monument....................   UN          4

2                           25 den  1992     farmers/monument....................   UN          4

3                           50 den  1992     farmers/monument....................   UN          5

4                         100 den  1992     farmers/monument....................   UN          5

5                         500 den  1992     farmers/monument....................   UN          6

6                      1,000 den  1992     farmers/monument....................   UN          9

7                      5,000 den  1992     computer/monument.................   UN        30

8                    10,000 den  1992     building/dancers........................   UN        30

9                           10 den  1993     monument/city...........................   UN          8

9s   spec              10 den  1993     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        20

10                         20 den  1993     tower/..........................................   UN          9

10s   spec            20 den  1993     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        20

11.                        50 den  1993     bank/church................................   UN        20

11s   spec            50 den  1993     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        25

12.                      100 den  1993     /monastery..................................   UN        30

12s   spec         100 den  1993     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        30

14a                       10 den  1996     ancient statue/mosaic...............   UN          6

14b                       10 den  1997     ancient statue/mosaic...............   UN          6

14c                       10 den  2001     ancient statue/mosaic...............   UN          5

14h.                      10 den  2008     ancient statue/mosaic...............   UN          5

14i                        10 den  2011     ancient statue/mosaic...............   UN          5

14s   spec            10 den  1996     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        25

15a                       50 den  1996     coin, arch/wall-painting.............   UN          8

15c                       50 den  2001     coin, arch/wall-painting.............   UN          7

15d.                      50 den  2003     coin, arch/wall-painting.............   UN          7

15e.                      50 den  2007     coin, arch/wall-painting.............   UN          7

15s   spec            50 den  1996     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        30

15s   spec            50 den  1997     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        30

16a                     100 den  1996     ceiling rosette/painting..............   UN        15

16d                     100 den  2002     ceiling rosette/painting..............   UN        10

16j.                     100 den  2009     ceiling rosette/painting..............   UN        10

16k                     100 den  2013     ceiling rosette/painting..............   UN        10

16s   spec         100 den  1996     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        30

17                       500 den  1996     mask/poppy flower....................   UN        60

17s   spec         500 den  1996     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        30

18                    1,000 den  1996     Madonna icon/architecture.......   UN      120

18s   spec      1,000 den  1996     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        30

21a                     500 den  2003     mask/poppy flower....................   UN        35

21c                     500 den  2014     mask/poppy flower....................   UN        30

21s   spec         500 den  2003     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        25

22a.                1,000 den  2003     Madonna icon/architecture.......   UN        80

22b                  1,000 den  2009     Madonna icon/architecture.......   UN        60

22c.                 1,000 den  2013     Madonna icon/architecture.......   UN        55

22s   spec      1,000 den  2003     "SPECIMEN"#0000...................   UN        30

23.                      200 den  2016     medieval relief/mosaic..............   UN        10


PICK#                                 *****MADAGASCAR****3*

   French Colony (banknotes with pin holes)

34                         100 fra  1893     ovpt(1926) on French note.......   VG      800

35b   sig 2                5 fra  (1937)   goodness Juno............... XF 40,  UN      160

36a   sig 1              10 fra  (1926)   woman/plowing..........................   VF         80

36b.  sig 2              10 fra  (1937)   woman/plowing............. VF+45,  AU+    240

36c.  sig 3              10 fra  (1948)   woman/plowing.............. VF 40,  AU+    300

37b.  sig 2              20 fra  (1937)   woman............................... F 35,  AU+    400

37c   sig 3              20 fra  (1948)   woman........................................   VF+    100

38b   sig 2              50 fra  (1937)   women/.......................................   VG+   120

38c   sig 3              50 fra  (1948)   women/........................... VG 80,  VF      300

40b   sig 2           100 fra  (1937)   people/ox...................... VG 100,  F         150

45a   sig 1              50 fra  (1950)   ......................................... VF-40,  XF+    100

46a   sig 1              50 fra  (1950)   .....................................................   VF         50

   Republic (from 1960)

52b   sig 2           100 fra  (1961)   ovpt................................. VG 20,  XF      160

57a.  sig 3           100 fra  (1964)   3 women/trees................ VF 20,  UN      150

58a   sig 3           500 fra  (1966)   .....................................................   F           50

60                      5,000 fra  (1966)   rice field/women................... p/h  F         100

61(a)   "1-54"         50 fra  (1969)   woman/man; sig 3......... VF 12,  UN      100

62                           50 fra  (1974)   man/fruit market.........................   UN        32

63                         100 fra  (1974)   old man/rice field.......................   UN        25

64                         500 fra  (1974)   woman/dancers.........................   UN      120

66                      5,000 fra  (1974)   woman/flowers.............. VF+60,  XF         80

67a  "A/1-22"      500 fra  (1983)   boy/port; sig 1............................   UN        20

68a  "A/1-26"   1,000 fra  (1983)   man/flora; sig 1..........................   UN        30

69a. "A/1-13"   5,000 fra  (1988)   mum with child/school; sig 1....   UN      120

71a. "AA-AD"      500 fra  (1988)   boy/port; sig 2............................   UN        15

71b  "AD-AL"      500 fra  (1988)   boy/port; sig 3................... XF 4,  UN        12

72a. "BA-BD"     1,000 fr  (1988)   man/flora; sig 2..........................   UN        40

72b  "BD-BK"     1,000 fr  (1988)   man/flora; sig 3............... XF+8,  UN        20

72Aa  "YA-YD"  2.500 fr  (1993)   woman/fauna, flora; sig 3.........   UN        12

72Ab  "YD-YE"  2.500 fr  (1993)   woman/fauna, flora; sig 5.........   UN        10

73b  "CB-CD"     5,000 fr  (1988)   /school; sin 3..............................   UN        85

74a  "DA"         10,000 fr  (1988)   girl/rice field; sig 2......................   UN      180

74b  "DA-DD"  10,000 fr  (1988)   girl/rice field; sig 3......................   UN      150

74Aa "FA-FD"  25,000 fr  (1993)   man/bullfighting; sig 3...............   UN      120

75a   "A"              500 fra  (1994)   girl/village herdsmen; sig 4.......   UN          5

76a   "A"           1,000 fra  (1994)   man/fishing; sig 4.......................   UN          7

76b   "B-C"       1,000 fra  (1994)   man/fishing; sig 5.......................   UN          6

78a.  "A"           5,000 fra  (1995)   boy/lemurs; sig 5.......................   UN        30

78b.  "A-B"       5,000 fra  (1995)   boy/lemurs; sig 5.......................   UN        25

79b  "A-B"      10,000 fra  (1995)   man/craftsman; sig 5.................   UN        40

81                      2.500 fra  (1998)   woman/wearing.........................   UN        25

82                    25,000 fra  (1998)   woman/harvesting.....................   UN        50

83                     2,000 ara  (2003)   baobab/terrace fields................   UN        20

84                     5,000 ara  (2003)   boat/bay......................................   UN        35

85.                  10,000 ara  (2003)   building/construction.................   UN        75

86a                      100 ara  2004     plants/mountain; sig 5...............   UN          5

87a                      200 ara  2004     village/wooden art; sig 5...........   UN          5

88a                      500 ara  2004     artisan/cattle; sig 5....................   UN          6

88b                      500 ara  2004     artisan/cattle; sig 6....................   UN          7

89a                   1,000 ara  2004     lemur/plants; sig 5........... AU 4,  UN          7

90b                   2,000 ara  (2009)   baobabs/rice terrace.................   UN        15

93   comm       2,000 ara  (2007)   "Madagascar action plan".........   UN        12

94   comm       5,000 ara  (2007)   "Madagascar action plan".........   UN        25


PICK#                                 *****MALAWI****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1964; Nyasaland)

3                         1 pound  1964     /cotton field........................ F 70VF+    200

5                            50 tam  1964     (1971)/monument......................   F           45

9c                          50 tam  1975     /sugar cane.................................   UN      100

10c.                        1 kwa  1975     /tobacco field..............................   UN      180

13a.                      50 tam  1976     /cotton field.......................... F 5,  AU+      55

13b.                      50 tam  1978     /cotton field.................................   UN        85

13d                        50 tam  1982     /cotton field.................................   UN        60

14d                         1 kwa  1981     /tea field......................................   UN        65

14e                         1 kwa  1982     /tea field......................................   UN        60

14g                         1 kwa  1984     04.01;/tea field...........................   VG          4

17a.                      20 kwa  1983     /bank...........................................   AU      400

18                          50 tam  1986     /corn field....................................   UN        45

19a                         1 kwa  1986     /tobacco field..............................   UN        40

19b                         1 kwa  1988     /tobacco field..............................   UN        35

20b                         5 kwa  1988     /university...................................   VF+      35

21a.                      10 kwa  1986     /city hall.......................................   UN      400

22b.                      20 kwa  1988     /airport.........................................   UN      650

23a                         1 kwa  1990     /tobacco field..............................   UN        12

23b                         1 kwa  1992     /tobacco field..............................   UN          8

24a                         5 kwa  1990     /university...................................   UN        20

24b                         5 kwa  1994     /university...................................   UN        18

25a.                      10 kwa  1990     /city hall......................... AU+22,  UN        30

25b                       10 kwa  1992     /city hall.......................................   UN        20

25c                       10 kwa  1994     /city hall.......................................   UN        18

27                         20 kwa  1993     /airport.........................................   UN        60

28a                       50 kwa  1990     /monument.................................   UN      130

28b                       50 kwa  1994     /monument.................................   UN      110

29b                     100 kwa  1994     /grain elevators..........................   UN      160

30                           5 kwa  1995     /zebras........................................   UN          8

31                         10 kwa  1995     /building......................................   UN        15

32                         20 kwa  1995     /tea harvest.................................   UN        25

33.                        50 kwa  1995     /monument.................................   UN        75

36a                         5 kwa  1997     /preparing food...........................   UN          5

36b                         5 kwa  2004     preparing food............................   UN          5

37                         10 kwa  1997     /students.....................................   UN          6

38a                       20 kwa  1997     /tea harvest.................................   UN          7

39                         50 kwa  1997     /monument.................................   UN        15

40                       100 kwa  1997     /Capitol Hill.................................   UN        30

41                       200 kwa  1997     /bank...........................................   UN        50

43a                       10 kwa  2003     01.01;/students..........................   UN          5

45b                       50 kwa  2003     /monument.................................   UN        12

46a                     100 kwa  2001     /Capitol Hill.................................   UN        22

46b.                   100 kwa  2003     /Capitol Hill.................................   UN        15

47a.                   200 kwa  2001     /bank...........................................   UN        32

47b.                   200 kwa  2003     /bank...........................................   UN        30

48                       500 kwa  2001     /city..............................................   UN        80

48A.                   500 kwa  2003     /city..............................................   UN        60

49.  comm           50 kwa  2004     "Independence 1964-2004".....   UN        20

51a                       10 kwa  2004     /education...................................   UN          5

52a                       20 kwa  2004     /tea harvest.................................   UN          5

52d                       20 kwa  2007     /tea harvest.................................   UN          5

52e                       20 kwa  2009     /tea harvest.................................   UN          5

53c                       50 kwa  2007     /monument.................................   UN          6

53d                       50 kwa  2009     /monument.................................   UN          6

54a                     100 kwa  2005     /Capitol Hill.................................   UN          9

54b                     100 kwa  2009     /Capitol Hill.................................   UN          8

54c                     100 kwa  2011     /Capitol Hill.................................   UN          7

55a                     200 kwa  2004     /bank...........................................   UN        22

56a                     500 kwa  2005     /city..............................................   UN        50

56b                     500 kwa  2011     /city..............................................   UN        35

57a                       20 kwa  2012     01.01;/collage.............................   UN          4

58a                       50 kwa  2012     01.01;/elephants........................   UN          4

59a                     100 kwa  2012     /medicine collage.......................   UN          4

60a.                   200 kwa  2012     /parliament..................................   UN          8

60c                     200 kwa  2016     /parliament..................................   UN          5

60d                     200 kwa  2017     /parliament..................................   VF           4

61a                     500 kwa  2012     /dam............................................   UN        15

62a                 1,000 kwa  2012     /corn............................................   UN        30

62b                 1,000 kwa  2013     /corn............................................   UN        20

63b                       20 kwa  2015     /collage........................................   UN          4

64c                       50 kwa  2016     /elephants...................................   UN          4

65b                     100 kwa  2016     /medicine collage.......................   UN          4

66                       500 kwa  2014     /dam............................................   UN          5

67b                 1,000 kwa  2016     /corn............................................   UN        10

69                   2,000 kwa  2016     /university...................................   UN        20


PICK#                                 *****MALAYA***3c*

   British Colony

2                            10 cen  1940     George VI.......................... F 90,  VF      180

3                            25 cen  1940     George VI....................... F+360VF      480

6.                             1 cen  1941     George VI............... VG 4, VF 8,  UN        64

7a                            5 cen  1941     George VI............................ G 4,  VF         20

7b1                          5 cen  1941     George VI......................... VG 4,  UN      100

7b2                          5 cen  1941     George VI...................................   UN      100

8(a).                      10 cen  1941     George VI............. Vg 4, VF 16,  UN      130

8(b).                      10 cen  1941     George VI...................................   UN      160

9a                         20 cen  1941     George VI....................... VG 20,  VF         80

10a                       50 cen  1941     George VI....................... VG-10,  F+         40

10b                       50 cen  1941     George VI....................... VF 50,  XF+    150

11                                1 $  1941     George VI.......................... F 30,  VF         60

12                                5 $  1941     George VI...................................   F+       200

13                              10 $  1941     George VI..................... VF-320VF      400

   Japanese occupation -WW2

M1b.  JIM               1 cen  (1942)   serie fractional............................   UN          6

M2a   JIM               5 cen  (1942)   serie block..................................   AU          6

M2b   JIM               5 cen  (1942)   serie fractional............................   UN        10

M3b.  JIM             10 cen  (1942)   serie fractional................ AU+6,  UN          8

M4b   JIM             50 cen  (1942)   wmk.................................. AU+6,  UN          8

M5b   JIM                   1 $  (1944)   wmk; "ML"...................................   AU        12

M5c   JIM                    1 $  (1944)   wmk; "MO"..................................   UN          6

M6b.  JIM                   5 $  (1944)   "MB"............................................   UN        25

M6c   JIM                    5 $  (1944)   "MK"MR".....................................   UN          7

M7b   JIM                 10 $  (1942)   wmk; "MP"......................... VF 5,  AU        18

M7c   JIM                 10 $  (1944)   no wmk, silk threads "MP"........   UN          6

M8a   JIM               100 $  (1944)   /buffalos; engraved....................   AU        12

M8b   JIM               100 $  (1944)   /buffalos; silk threads................   UN        12

M9   JIM                 100 $  (1945)   rubber tree........................ F+15,  UN      160

M10a   JIM         1,000 $  (1945)   wmk, black "MA"........................   AU+ 2000

M10b   JIM         1,000 $  (1945)   silk threads, red "MU".... VF 10,  UN        80


PICK#                                 *****MALAYA and BRITISH BORNEO***3c*

   British Colony 1952-1963 (from 1963 Malaysia)

1.                                 1 $  1953     QEII................................. VF 50,  AU      200

2                                  5 $  1953     QEII...................................... pen  F         100

3                                10 $  1953     QEII.............................................   VF      320

8.                                 1 $  1959     boat, @WS........ F 45, XF+260UN      700

8A                                1 $  1959     boat, @TDLR.... VG 10, VF 40,  XF         80


PICK#                                 ******MALAYSIA****3*

   Monarchy (British Colony till 1963; Malaya, Br.Borneo)

1                                1 rin  (1967)   "Di-Perlakukan"................ VF 6,  UN        45

2                                5 rin  (1967)   "Di-Perlakukan"............. VF+38,  UN      200

3                              10 rin  (1967)   "Di-Perlakukan"................. F 20,  VF+      60

7.  "D/4-E/54"          1 rin  (1972)   .....................................................   UN        40

8.  "A/46‑80"            5 rin  (1972)   .....................................................   UN      160

9.  "B/85‑D/28"      10 rin  (1972)   .....................................................   UN      320

13a   "E/55-L/69"    1 rin  (1976)   sig IMA............................. XF+6,  UN        16

13b   "L/70-Q/34"    1 rin  (1981)   sig AAT.......................................   UN        20

15   "D/29-F/50"    10 rin  (1976)   sig IMA, @BWC.........................   F           12

19.  "AW-BZ"           1 rin  (1985)   @BWC........................................   UN        20

19A.  "AA-AV"         1 rin  (1984)   @TDLR............................. VF 4,  UN        24

20.  "NA-ND"           5 rin  (1984)   .....................................................   AU+      80

21.  "PA-PQ"         10 rin  (1983)   .....................................................   UN      120

22.  "TA-TE"          20 rin  (1982)   @BWC........................................   UN      250

27a  "CA-FC"           1 rin  (1986)   ............................................ VF 4,  UN        15

27b  "FD-HJ"           1 rin  (1989)   ............................................ XF 4,  UN        12

28a.  "NE-NK"         5 rin  (1986)   .....................................................   UN        40

28c.  "NR-PW"        5 rin  (1991)   ........................................... VG 4,  UN        30

29.  "PR-VM"         10 rin  (1986)   sig DJH @TDLR........................   UN        50

30.  "TF-TH"          20 rin  (1986)   sig DJH @TDLR........................   UN      100

31   "VP-ZE"          50 rin  (1992)   sig DJH @TDLR........................   UN      200

31C   "AA-BQ"      50 rin  (1995)   sig AMD @TDLR........... VF 20,  UN      160

32.   "ZD-AG"      100 rin  (1986)   sig DJH @TDLR.............. F+40,  UN     400

32B   "AG-BY"    100 rin  (1995)   sig AMD @TDLR.......................   UN      350

32C   "AN-AP"    100 rin  (1995)   sig AMD @HS............................   VF         50

35   "PW-QJ"           5 rin  (1995)   sig AMD @TDLR.......................   UN        22

35A.  "QK-QU"        5 rin  (1998)   sig AMD @CNB.............. XF+8,  UN        20

36. "VR-YR"          10 rin  (1995)   sig AMD @FCO.................. F 4,  UN        35

38  "VV-WK"          10 rin  (1995)   sig AMD @GD.............. XF+16,  UN        45

39b   "AA-ZV"          1 rin  (2000)   /mountain; sig ZAA....................   UN          8

40a.  "AA-DF"          2 rin  (1996)   /tower, satellite; sig AMD..........   UN        12

41a   "AA"                5 rin  (1999)   /Kuala Lumpur; sig AAH... "AA"  UN        25

41b   "AN-BJ"          5 rin  (2001)   /Kuala Lumpur; sig ZA..............   UN          5

42c   "BG-CX"       10 rin  (1999)   /transport; sig AAH....................   UN          7

42d   "CY-FX"       10 rin  (2001)   /transport; sig ZA.......................   UN          7

43c.  "BJ-EB          50 rin  (1999)   /oil platform; sig AAH................   UN      100

43d   "EB-SY"       50 rin  (2001)   /oil platform; sig ZA....................   UN        80

44d   "AS-DC"     100 rin  (2001)   /car factory; sig ZA....................   UN      160

45.  comm             50 rin  1998     "Commonwealth Game.. folder  UN      120

45   comm             50 rin  1998     "Commonwealth Game............   UN        90

46   "FD-"               10 rin  (2004)   /transport.....................................   UN        10

47   "CA-EG"           5 rin  (2004)   /city; plastic.................................   UN          5

50a   "AF-LS"        50 rin  (2009)   /palm, Independence................   UN        40

51                              1 rin  (2012)   /kites; plastic...............................   UN          4

52                              5 rin  (2012)   /birds; plastic..............................   UN          5

53                           10 rin  (2012)   /flower..........................................   UN          8

54                           20 rin  (2012)   /turtles.........................................   UN        18


PICK#                                 *****MALDIVE ISLANDS****3*

   Republic (British protectorate till 1965)

1.                          1/2 rup  1947     palm,boat/building.....................   AU+ 2000

2a                            1 rup  1947     palm,boat/building.....................   VF+      35

2b                            1 rup  1960     palm,boat/building.....................   UN        50

3b                            2 rup  1960     palm,boat/pavilion.....................   UN        70

4a.                           5 rup  1947     palm,boat/house........................   UN      250

4b                            5 rup  1960     palm,boat/house........................   UN        80

5a.                         10 rup  1947     palm,boat/house.............. F+40,  UN      400

6c                          50 rup  1980     palm,boat/house........................   F+         75

7b.                       100 rup  1960     palm,boat/house........................   UN      640

9                               2 rup  1983     boat/beach.................... AU+10,  UN        14

10                            5 rup  1983     boat/fishing.................................   UN        12

11                          10 rup  1983     boat/life in village.......................   UN        14

12b                        20 rup  1987     boat/port......................................   UN        22

13b                        50 rup  1987     boat/village market....................   UN        60

14b                      100 rup  1987     boat/tomb Abul Barakaath........   UN      160

15                            2 rup  1990     boat/beach..................................   UN        30

16                            5 rup  1990     boat/fishing.................................   UN        12

18a   "D"                 5 rup  1998     boat/fishing, @DLR...................   UN          6

18b                          5 rup  2000     boat/fishing, @DLR...................   UN          5

19a   "C"               10 rup  1998     boat/life in village, @DLR.........   UN          8

19b   "D"               10 rup  1998     boat/life in village.......................   UN          8

19c.                       10 rup  2006     boat/life in village.......................   UN          6

20a   "B"               20 rup  2000     boat/port......................................   UN        12

20b   "C"               20 rup  2000     boat/port......................................   UN        12

20c.                       20 rup  2008     boat/port......................................   UN        12

21a                        50 rup  2000     boat/village market....................   UN        25

23a.                     500 rup  1996     boat/mosque..............................   UN      260

24a.                     500 rup  2006     boat/mosque..............................   UN      200

26                          10 rup  2015     coconut palm/drum....................   UN          5

27                          20 rup  2015     fish/sail boat...............................   UN          6

28                          50 rup  2015     reeding/minaret..........................   UN        12

29.                       100 rup  2015     women/old scripture..................   UN        25

30                        500 rup  2015     carver/vase.................................   UN      110


PICK#                                 *****MALI***3n+*

   Republic (French Colony till 1960;French West Africa-French Sudan)

1.                             50 fra  1960     Keita/village................................   AU-     250

2                           100 fra  1960     Keita/cattle.............. P 8, VF 50,  AU-     150

3                           500 fra  1960     Keita/woman... border problem  VF+    500

4                        1,000 fra  1960     Keita/huts..................... VF-150,  XF-     300

5                        5,000 fra  1960     Keita/market...............................   VG      200

6                              50 fra  1960     (1967)Keita/city..........................   VF      100

7.                          100 fra  1960     (1967)Keita/boats......................   AU      250

8                           500 fra  1960     (1967)Keita/cattle......................   VF      200

9                        1,000 fra  1960     (1967)Keita/mosque..................   VF-     250

10                      5,000 fra  1960     (1967)/market.. missing corner  VG-    250

11.                        100 fra  (1972)   woman, hotel................ VF 120AU      500

12c.  sig 6            500 fra  (1973)   solder/caravan................ "9-13"  UN      150

12e.  sig 8           500 fra  (1973)   solder/caravan.............. "19-22"  UN      150

13a   sig 4        1,000 fra  (1973)   man, dam/village............ "4-10"  XF         90

13e.  sig 8        1,000 fra  (1973)   man, dam/village.......... "28-32"  UN      250


PICK#                                 *****MALTA****3*

   British colony

11                          2/6 shi  1939     George VI...................... VG+60,  VF      160

12                             5 shi  1939     George VI....................... VG 35,  F+       100

13                           10 shi  1939     George VI............................. p/h  F+       100

15                             1 shi  1918     ovpt(1940)on 2/-............ VG 30,  F+         90

16                             1 shi  (1943)   George VI............. VG 5, F+ 15,  VF+      30

17a   "A/1                2 shi  (1942)   George VI; sig Pace..................   VG        20

17b   "A/2-3"           2 shi  (1942)   George VI; sig Cuschieri..........   F           40

17c   "A/3"               2 shi  (1942)   George VI; Cuschieri, wmk......   F           40

19.                          10 shi  (1940)   George VI...................... VF+80,  UN      400

20a   "A/5-9"          1 pou  (1940)   George VI; sig Pace..................   VF         40

20b.  "A/10-16"     1 pou  (1940)   sig Cuschieri, title script. VF 35  AU+    260

20c   "A16-19"       1 pou  (1940)   sig Cuschieri, title capital..........   AU      260

21                           10 shi  1949     (1951) George VI G+15, F+60,  UN      640

22.                          1 pou  1949     (1951)King..... VG-10, XF+100AU+    200

24a                         1 pou  1949     (1954)QEII; brown.....................   VF+    100

24b.                        1 pou  1949     (1954)QEII; brown.....................   AU+    500

25                           10 shi  1949     (1963)QEII; green........ VF 130VF+    200

26                           1 pou  1949     (1963)QEII; brown...... VF+150XF+    300

27a   "A/1-4"          5 pou  1949     (1961) sig Shepherd......... blue  VF      400

28.                          10 shi  1967     QEII/harbour...............................   UN      500

29                           1 pou  1967     QEII/............................................   VF         75

30                           5 pou  1967     QEII/.............................. VF 120XF      240


31c.                            1 lir  1967     (1973)arms/Medina...................   UN      150

31d                             1 lir  1967     (1973)arms/Medina...................   F           10

31e                             1 lir  1967     (1973)arms/Medina...................   G             4

32a                             5 lir  1967     (1973)arms/...... missing corner  P           12

32c.                            5 lir  1967     (1973)arms/................................   UN      300

32f.                             5 lir  1967     (1973)arms/................................   UN      300

34a.                            1 lir  1967     (1979)/university................. F 4,  UN        80

34b                             1 lir  1967     (1982)/university........................   UN        80

35b.                            5 lir  1967     (1979)statue/city........................   UN      150

35b.  repl                   5 lir  1967     (1979)replacement "Y/1"..........   UN      200

36a.                          10 lir  1967     (1979)statue/port.......................   UN      240

36b.                          10 lir  1967     (1979)statue/port.......................   UN      240

37.                              2 lir  1967     (1986)Barbara/port....................   UN      120

38.                              5 lir  1967     (1986)/harbour................. F+15,  UN      160

39                             10 lir  1967     (1986)Barbara/port....................   UN      260

40.                            20 lir  1967     (1986)Barbara/statue................   UN      500

41                               2 lir  1967     (1989)/bank.................... XF 20,  UN        80

42.                              5 lir  1967     (1989)/gate.................................   UN      150

43.                            10 lir  1967     (1989)/1919................................   UN      280

45d   "A/18-36"         2 lir  1967     (1994)/bank; sig Bonello...........   UN        60

46a.  "B/17-18"         5 lir  1967     (1994)/gate; sig Galdes............   UN      140

46b.  "B/19-23"         5 lir  1967     (1994)/gate; sig Vasallo............   UN      120

46c   "B/24-27"         5 lir  1967     (1994)/gate; sig Ellul.................   UN      100

47c   "C/45-71"       10 lir  1967     (1994)/1919; sig Bonello..........   UN      180

49   comm                 2 lir  2000     "Millennium"................................   UN        90

50   comm                 5 lir  2000     "Millennium"................................   UN      200

51.  comm               10 lir  2000     "Millennium"................................   UN      500

   Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1   spec        1,5,10 lir  (1979)   ............................. set of 3 notes  UN      120


PICK#                                 *****MARTINIQUE***3n+*

   French Dependent Territory

5A                             1 fra  18--       ............................ VG+40, F+80AU-     400

6   sig D                    5 fra  (1935)   sig Didellot.......... VG-(tape) 35,  VG        50

6   sig A                    5 fra  (1945)   sig Arnaud, tear repair... purple  VF      150

6   sig A                    5 fra  (1945)   sig Arnaud....................... purple  VG+      40

6A   sig D                 5 fra  (1934)   sig Didelot............................. red  F-        200

12   sig-A               25 fra  (1945)   sig Arnaud, Calvi.......................   VG      150

16b   sig D               5 fra  (1942)   sig Didelot...................................   G+        25

16b   sig D               5 fra  (1942)   stamp "staff sgt Vic Blevins......   F+       200

16b   sig G               5 fra  (1945)   sig Garcin...................................   VG-       50

17   sig D               25 fra  (1943)   sig Didelot..................... VG+75,  F         100

17   sig A               25 fra  (1945)   sig Arnaud..................................   VG        60

19   sig D             100 fra  (1943)   sig Didelot...................... VG-80F+       200

19   sig A             100 fra  (1945)   sig Arnaud..................................   VG      120

23   p/h                   10 fra  1944     Marianne.....................................   VF      120

24   p/h                   20 fra  1944     Marianne.....................................   VF      200

25   p/h                100 fra  1944     Marianne.....................................   VG      100

27                              5 fra  (1947)   Bougainville...................... F+25,  XF+    100

28                           10 fra  (1947)   Colbert....................... G 9, F 35,  VF+    100

29   p/h                   20 fra  (1947)   Gentil...........................................   VG        40

30   p/h                   50 fra  (1947)   d'Esnambuc...................... G 15,  VF      120

31   p/h                100 fra  (1947)   ............................... VG 35, F 70VF-     100


PICK#                                 *****MAURITANIA***3*

   Republic (French Colony till 1960; French West Africa)

1                         100 oug  1973     girl/boat.......................................   UN      280

2                         200 oug  1973     woman/camels...........................   UN      500

2   spec              200 oug  1973     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      300

4a1   sig.1         100 oug  1974     /music instrument,cow..............   UN        64

4c                       100 oug  1985     /music instrument,cow..............   UN        32

4f                        100 oug  1993     /music instrument,cow..............   UN        26

4h                       100 oug  1996     /music instrument,cow..............   UN        16

4i                        100 oug  1999     /music instrument,cow..............   UN        16

4j                        100 oug  2001     /music instrument,cow..............   UN        12

5a1.  sig 1         200 oug  1974     /canoe,palm................................   UN        80

5e.                      200 oug  1993     /canoe,palm................................   UN        40

5g.                      200 oug  1996     /canoe,palm................................   UN        32

6f.                       500 oug  1993     /farming,factory..........................   UN        70

6i.                       500 oug  1996     /farming,factory..........................   UN        64

7h.                   1,000 oug  1996     /camel,fish,hut............................   UN      120

8a                       500 oug  1999     /farming,factory..........................   UN        64

9a                    1,000 oug  1999     /camel,fish,hut........... hologram  UN        96

10a.                    100 oug  2004     /music instrument,cow..............   UN          8

10c.                    100 oug  2008     /music instrument,cow..............   UN          8

11a                     200 oug  2004     /canoe,palm................................   UN          8

11b                     200 oug  2006     /canoe,palm................................   UN          8

12a                     500 oug  2004     /farming,factory..........................   UN        24

13a                  1,000 oug  2004     /camel,fish,hut............................   UN        40

14a                  2,000 oug  2004     /camel,ship,book,factory...........   UN        64

14b                  2,000 oug  2006     /camel,ship,book,factory...........   UN        64

16                       100 oug  2011     /music instrument,cow..............   UN          5

18.                      500 oug  2013     /farming,factory..........................   UN        15

19                    1,000 oug  2014     /camel,fish,hut................ plastic  UN        25

20                    2,000 oug  2011     /camel,ship,book,factory...........   UN        35


PICK#                                 *****MAURITIUS****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1968)

16                            5 rup  1916     .....................................................   VG   1600

19                            1 rup  1919     ......................... graded PMG 20  VF    1600

20                            5 rup  (1930)   George V....................................   VG      500

22(b)                        5 rup  (1943)   George VI; sig C-Ri...................   VG+   320

22(d)                        5 rup  (1949)   George VI; sig O-K....................   VG      240

25a   "A"               50 cen  (1943)   George VI...................................   XF      900

26(b).  "D"               1 rup  (1944)   George VI; sig C-R....................   AU+ 1200

27(a)   "A-J"            5 rup  (1954)   QEII/arms; sig H-H....................   F         120

30a   "A/1-14"         5 rup  (1967)   QEII/sailboat; sig B-C................   UN      120

30b   "A/15-24"      5 rup  (1967)   QEII/sailboat; sig B-B................   UN      150

30c   "A/25-54"       5 rup  (1967)   QEII/sailboat; sig B-R................   UN        64

30c   repl                 5 rup  (1967)   replacement "Z/1"......................   AU+    300

31a.  "A/1-8"         10 rup  (1967)   QEII/palace; sig B-C.................   UN      200

31b.  "A/9-16"      10 rup  (1967)   QEII/palace; sig B-K..................   UN      280

31c.  "A/16-65"    10 rup  (1967)   QEII/palace; sig B-R.................   UN      120

32b   "A/2-16"      25 rup  (1967)   QEII/ox cart; sig B-R.................   UN      320

33b   "A/1-2"         50 rup  (1967)   QEII/port; sig B-K.......................   F           50

33c   "A/2-12"       50 rup  (1967)   QEII/port; sig B-R......................   UN      520

34                            5 rup  (1985)   palace..........................................   UN        20

35a   "A/1-46"      10 rup  (1985)   palace/garden; yellow UV........   UN        24

35b   "A/52-90"    10 rup  (1985)   palace/garden; green UV.........   UN        24

36                          20 rup  (1985)   Jugnauth/satellite dishes..........   UN        64

37a   "A/1-15"      50 rup  (1986)   palace/deer; /@BW...................   UN        64

38                        100 rup  (1986)   palace/view.................................   UN        90

39a   "A/1-6"      200 rup  (1985)   Ramgoolam/...............................   UN      180

39b.  "A/7-13"    200 rup  (1985)   Ramgoolam/...............................   UN      180

42                          25 rup  1998     Ah-Chuen/fisherman.................   UN        18

43                          50 rup  1998     Paturau/building complex.........   UN        32

44                        100 rup  1998     Seeneevassen/building............   UN        60

45.                       200 rup  1998     Mohamed/market......................   UN      120

46                        500 rup  1998     Bissoondoyal/university............   UN      240

49a                        25 rup  1999     Ah-Chuen/fisherman.................   UN          9

49b                        25 rup  2003     Ah-Chuen/fisherman.................   UN          6

49c                        25 rup  2006     Ah-Chuen/fisherman.................   UN          5

49d.                       25 rup  2009     Ah-Chuen/fisherman.................   UN          6

50a                        50 rup  1999     Paturau/building complex.........   UN        16

50b.                       50 rup  2001     Paturau/building complex.........   UN          9

50c.                       50 rup  2003     Paturau/building complex.........   UN          7

50e.                       50 rup  2009     Paturau/building.........................   UN          7

51a                      100 rup  1999     Seeneevassen/building............   UN        30

51b.                     100 rup  2001     Seeneevassen/building............   UN        20

52a.                     200 rup  1999     Mohamed/market......................   UN        70

53a.                     500 rup  1999     Bissoondoyal/university............   UN      130

54a.                 1,000 rup  1999     Duval/building............................   UN      250

54b.                 1,000 rup  2001     Duval/building............................   UN      220

55                     2,000 rup  1999     Ramgoolam/ox cart...................   UN      400

56a                      100 rup  2004     Seeneevassen/building............   UN        12

56b                      100 rup  2007     Seeneevassen/building............   UN        12

56c                      100 rup  2009     Seeneevassen/building............   UN        12

57b                      200 rup  2007     Mohamed/market......................   UN        40

58.                       500 rup  2007     Bissoondoyal/university............   UN        70

59d.                 1,000 rup  2007     Duval/building............................   UN      150

61a                      200 rup  2010     Mohamed/market..... hologram  UN        22

63                     1,000 rup  2010     Duval/building........... hologram  UN        85

66                        500 rup  2013     Bissoondoyal/................. plastic  UN        45

   Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1   spec    5,10,25,50  (1978)   ............................. set of 4 notes  UN      200


PICK#                                 *****MEMEL***3c*

   French administration under League of Nation mandate 1919-1923

   (before 1919 in Prussia, from 1923 Klaipeda, Lithuania)

1                            1/2 mk  1922     /harbour.......................... AU 40,  UN        80

2                               1 mk  1922     /dune.............................. XF+30,  UN        80

3a.  wmk 1               2 mk  1922     /Memel in 1630..........................   UN        80

3b   wmk 2               2 mk  1922     /Memel in 1630............. AU+60,  UN        80

4a   wmk 1               5 mk  1922     /port.............................................   AU        70

4b   wmk 2               5 mk  1922     /port............................... AU+ 75,  UN      100

5a   wmk 1            10 mk  1922     /lighthouse..................................   UN      100

6a   wmk 1            20 mk  1922     /farm............................................   AU      100

6b   wmk 2            20 mk  1922     /farm...................................... p/h  AU      100

7a   wmk 1            50 mk  1922     /port....................................... tear  XF      120

8.                            75 mk  1922     /windmills....................................   AU      250

9                           100 mk  1922     /harbour......................................   UN      450

9                           100 mk  1922     /harbour........ margin wrong cut  VF+    100


PICK#                                 *****MEXICO****3*


1a.                           1 pes  1823     01.01; no cancellation...............   AU      900

3a                          10 pes  1823     01.01; no cancellation...............   F         900


4b   canc                1 pes  1823     printed on Papa Bulls................   XF+  5000

16                         50 cen  1920     .....................................................   F+       250

21e   "F"                 5 pes  1933     01.18...........................................   F         120

21g   "H"                 5 pes  1934     03.07............... VG 50,  VF 120VF+    180

21h.  "I"                   5 pes  (1935)   ........................................ VG+40,  UN      800

22b   "C"               10 pes  1931     08.01...........................................   F         160

22d   "C"               10 pes  1932     06.22...........................................   VG        80

22h   "I"                10 pes  (1935)   .....................................................   F+       160

23g   "H"               20 pes  1934     03.07;port...................................   F+       300

28a   "A"                 1 pes  (1936)   Aztec calendar............... VG 20,  VG+      30

28b   "B"                 1 pes  (1936)   Aztec calendar...........................   XF+    180

28c   "C"                 1 pes  (1936)   Aztec calendar.............. AU+72,  UN        96

28d   "E"                 1 pes  (1936)   Aztec calendar...........................   VF         20

NL(28)                vignette  ABNC   "Aztec calendar"......... lot#1390  UN        20

34a   "M"                5 pes  1937     06.26; Faure........................ P 8,  F           30

34b   "N"                 5 pes  1940     06.26; Faure........................ F 8,  VF         16

34c   "O"                 5 pes  1941     11.12; Faure....................... G 4,  XF         32

34e   "Q"                 5 pes  1943     04.07; Faure..................... VG 4,  UN        64

34i                           5 pes  1947     09.03; Faure...............................   XF           8

34k                          5 pes  1949     11.23; Faure...............................   XF           8

36                          20 pes  1937     04.21; La Corregidora...............   VG        30

38a                          1 pes  1943     07.07; Aztec calendar...............   UN        32

38b.                         1 pes  1943     09.01; Aztec calendar...............   UN        96

38c.                         1 pes  1945     01.17; Aztec calendar...............   UN        52

38d                          1 pes  1948     05.12; Aztec calendar........ F 4,  UN        24

39a.  "Q"              10 pes  1943     04.07; Tehuana.................. G 4,  UN        80

46a                          1 pes  1948     12.22; Aztec calendar..... AU 9,  UN        18

46b                          1 pes  1950     07.26; Aztec calendar...............   UN        15

47e.                      10 pes  1950     07.26; Tehuana.........................   UN        40

49b.                      50 pes  1950     12.26; Allende............................   UN        32

49n.                      50 pes  1961     11.08; Allende............................   UN        20

49o.                      50 pes  1963     04.24; Allende............................   UN        16

49s                        50 pes  1970     07.22; Allende............................   UN        14

49u                        50 pes  1972     12.29; Allende.................. XF 4,  UN        12

51l.                      500 pes  1961     11.08; Morelos...........................   UN      100

51r.                     500 pes  1974     08.02;Morelos............................   UN        36

51s                      500 pes  1977     02.18; Morelos...........................   UN        34

51t                      500 pes  1978     01.18; Morelos...........................   UN        32

52o                  1,000 pes  1971     03.24; Cuauhtemoc/pyramid....   UN        36

52p.                 1,000 pes  1972     06.27; Cuauhtemoc/pyramid....   UN        36

52s.                 1,000 pes  1974     08.02; Cuauhtemoc/pyramid....   UN        36

52t                   1,000 pes  1977     02.18; Cuauhtemoc/pyramid....   UN        32

53b.                      10 pes  1953     01.19; Tehuana.........................   UN        30

54c.                       20 pes  1954     02.10; La Corregidora...............   UN        32

54d.                      20 pes  1956     01.11; La Corregidora...............   UN        32

54f.                        20 pes  1958     08.20; La Corregidora...............   UN        32

54i.                        20 pes  1961     01.25; La Corregidora...............   UN        32

54j.                        20 pes  1961     11.08; La Corregidora...............   UN        32

54m.                     20 pes  1967     05.10; La Corregidora...............   UN        22

54o.                      20 pes  1970     03.18;La Corregidora................   UN        22

54p                        20 pes  1970     07.22; La Corregidora...............   UN        20

55i                       100 pes  1959     05.20; Hidalgo............................   XF+      30

56a                          1 pes  1954     02.10; Aztec calendar.... VF+4,  UN        10

56b                          1 pes  1954     09.08; Aztec calendar.... VF+4,  UN        10

56b.  "EY"              1 pes  1954     09.08; rare serie "EY"...............   XF         40

57a.                         5 pes  1953     01.19; Faure........................ F 4,  UN        24

57b                          5 pes  1954     02.10; Faure...............................   UN        20

57c                          5 pes  1954     09.08; Faure..................... VG 4,  UN        20

58e                        10 pes  1958     08.20; Tehuana.........................   UN        18

58h.                      10 pes  1961     01.25; Tehuana.........................   UN        15

58j                         10 pes  1963     04.24; Tehuana................ XF 4,  UN        12

58k                        10 pes  1965     02.17; Tehuana.........................   UN        10

58l.                        10 pes  1967     05.10; Tehuana.........................   UN        10

59c.                         1 pes  1957     12.04 ;Aztec calendar...............   UN        10

59d                          1 pes  1958     08.20; Aztec calendar...............   UN          6

59e                          1 pes  1959     03.18; Aztec calendar...............   UN          6

59f                           1 pes  1959     05.20; Aztec calendar...............   UN          6

59g                          1 pes  1961     01.25; Aztec calendar...............   UN          5

59i                           1 pes  1965     06.09; Aztec calendar...............   UN          5

59j                           1 pes  1967     05.10; Aztec calendar...............   UN          4

59l                           1 pes  1970     07.22; Aztec calendar...............   UN          4

60a.                         5 pes  1957     07.19; Faure...............................   UN        24

60c                          5 pes  1958     08.20; Faure...............................   UN        15

60e                          5 pes  1959     05.20; Faure...............................   F             4

60f                           5 pes  1961     01.25; Faure...............................   UN        12

60g                          5 pes  1961     11.08; Faure.................... VF+4,  UN        10

60h                          5 pes  1963     04.24; Faure...............................   UN          9

60j                           5 pes  1969     11.19; Faure...............................   UN          9

60k                          5 pes  1970     07.22; Faure...............................   UN          8

61a.                    100 pes  1961     11.08; Hidalgo............................   UN        24

61b.                    100 pes  1963     04.24; Hidalgo............................   UN        24

61d.                    100 pes  1967     05.10; Hidalgo............................   UN        16

61h                     100 pes  1972     12.29; Hidalgo............................   UN        12

61i                       100 pes  1973     07.18; Hidalgo............................   UN        12

62a                          5 pes  1969     12.03; La Corregidora...............   UN          7

62b                          5 pes  1971     10.27; La Corregidora...............   UN          6

62c                          5 pes  1972     06.27; La Corregidora...............   UN          5

63a.                      10 pes  1969     09.16; Hidalgo/cathedral..........   UN        12

63b                        10 pes  1969     12.03; Hidalgo/cathedral..........   UN          6

63d                        10 pes  1971     Hidalgo/cathedral......................   UN          5

63e.                      10 pes  1972     Hidalgo/cathedral......................   UN          5

63h                        10 pes  1975     Hidalgo/cathedral......................   UN          5

63i                         10 pes  1977     Hidalgo/cathedral......................   UN          5

64a                        20 pes  1972     Morelos/pyramid........................   UN          7

64b                        20 pes  1973     Morelos/pyramid........................   UN          6

64c                        20 pes  1976     Morelos/pyramid........................   UN          6

64d                        20 pes  1977     Morelos/pyramid........................   UN          5

65a                        50 pes  1973     Juarez/Aztec God......................   UN          9

65b                        50 pes  1976     Juarez/Aztec God......................   UN          8

65c                        50 pes  1978     Juarez/Aztec God......................   UN          8

66a                     100 pes  1974     Carranza/Aztec figure...............   UN          8

66b                     100 pes  1978     Carranza/Aztec figure...............   UN          8

67a                        50 pes  1978     Juarez/Aztec God......................   UN          7

67b                        50 pes  1979     Juarez/Aztec God......................   UN          6

69.                      500 pes  1979     Madero/Aztec calendar.............   UN        26

70a                  1,000 pes  1978     Asbaje/old plaza........................   UN        48

72.                 10,000 pes  1978     Romero.......................................   UN      320

73                          50 pes  1981     Juarez/Aztec God......................   UN          5

74a                     100 pes  1981     01.27; Carranza/Aztec..............   UN          5

74b                     100 pes  1981     09.01; Carranza/Aztec..............   UN          5

74c                      100 pes  1982     Carranza/Aztec figure...............   UN          5

75a                     500 pes  1981     Madero/Aztec calendar.............   UN        12

75b.                    500 pes  1982     Madero/Aztec calendar.............   UN        12

76a.                 1,000 pes  1981     01.27; Asbaje/old plaza............   UN        24

76d                  1,000 pes  1982     Asbaje/old plaza........................   UN        18

77b.                 5,000 pes  1982     05.25; Cadets/Chapultepec.....   UN        84

78a                10,000 pes  1981     Cardenas/carving.......... XF 32,  UN      130

78b.               10,000 pes  1982     Cardenas/stone carving............   UN      120

78e.               10,000 pes  1982     Cardenas/stone carving.... "CJ"  UN      120

79a                     500 pes  1983     Madero/Aztec calendar.............   UN          9

79b                     500 pes  1984     Madero/calendar.............. VF 4,  UN          7

80a                  1,000 pes  1983     Asbaje/old plaza........................   UN        12

80b                  1,000 pes  1984     08.07; Asbaje/old plaza............   UN        12

81                    1,000 pes  1984     10.30; Asbaje/old plaza............   UN          9

82a.                 2,000 pes  1983     07.26; Sierra/University............   UN        26

83b.                 5,000 pes  1983     07.26; Cadets/Chapultepec.....   UN        42

84d.               10,000 pes  1983     07.23; Cardenas/carving..........   AU        32

85                    1,000 pes  1985     Asbaje/old plaza............. VF+4,  UN          7

86a                  2,000 pes  1985     Sierra/University........................   UN        12

86b                  2,000 pes  1987     Sierra/University........................   UN          9

86c.                 2,000 pes  1989     Sierra/University.................. F 4,  UN          9

87.                   5,000 pes  1985     07.19; Cadets/.................. XF 9,  UN        35

88a                  5,000 pes  1985     07.19; Cadets/Chapultepec.....   UN        18

88b                  5,000 pes  1987     02.24; Cadets/Chapultepec.....   UN        16

88c                  5,000 pes  1989     03.28; Cadets/Chapultepec.....   UN        12

89b1              10,000 pes  1985     07.19; paper yellow...................   UN        42

89b2.            10,000 pes  1985     07.19 paper yellow-white. "LC"  UN        64

89c                10,000 pes  1985     07.19; paper yellow...................   UN        42

90a1              10,000 pes  1987     Cardenas; "Santana"................   UN        26

90b                10,000 pes  1988     Cardenas/carving............. XF 6,  UN        22

90c2.             10,000 pes  1989     Cardenas/stone carving............   UN        20

91a                20,000 pes  1985     Quintana Roo/Mayan art..........   UN        64

91b.               20,000 pes  1987     02;Quintana Roo/Mayan art.....   UN        64

91c.               20,000 pes  1987     08;Quintana Roo/Mayan art.....   UN        64

92a.               20,000 pes  1988     Quintana Roo/Mayan................   UN        50

92b.               20,000 pes  1989     Quintana/Mayan art..................   UN        45

93a                50,000 pes  1986     Cuauhtemoc/fight......................   UN      140

93b.               50,000 pes  1990     Cuauhtemoc/fight......................   UN      160

94a              100,000 pes  1988     Calles/deer.................................   UN      240

95                 10 new pes  1992     /stone carving................... VF 4,  UN        20

96                 20 new pes  1992     Quintana/Mayan art..................   UN        32

97                 50 new pes  1992     Cuauhtemoc/fight......................   UN        86

100.              20 new pes  1992     Juarez/statue.............................   UN        26

104.            500 new pes  1992     Zaragoza/Puebla.......................   UN      400

106a1                   20 pes  1994     Juarez/statue........ red serie"A"  UN        22

106c.                    20 pes  1998     Juarez/statue.............................   UN        20

106d.                    20 pes  1999     Juarez/statue.............................   UN        20

108a.                  100 pes  1994     Nezahualcoyotl/Aztec...............   UN        80

109a.                  200 pes  1995     Asbaje/temple............................   UN      120

110a                   500 pes  1995     Zaragoza/Puebla.......................   UN      250

111   comm          20 pes  2000     "75 years 1925-2000"...............   UN        32

114.  comm       200 pes  2000     "75 years 1925-2000"...............   UN      200

115   comm       500 pes  2000     "75 years 1925-2000"...............   UN      400

116a   plastic       20 pes  2001     Juarez; 2 bars.................. "B"D"  UN        18

116b   plastic       20 pes  2001     Juarez; 3 bars.............. "J"N"S"  UN          9

116d   plastic       20 pes  2003     Juarez; 2 bars..................... "W"  UN          6

117a                     50 pes  2000     Morelos/............... "DC"DG"DL"  UN        15

118.                    100 pes  2004     06;Nezahualcoyotl............ "DF"  UN        30

118                     100 pes  2008     10;Nezahualcoyotl............ "ED"  UN        25

119a                   200 pes  2000     Asbaje/temple............. "BT"CH"  UN        55

120a.                  500 pes  2000     Zaragoza/Puebla................ "W"  UN      180

122a   plastic       20 pes  2006     Juarez/Monte Alban............ "A"  UN          6

122   plastic         20 pes  2012     Juarez/Monte Alban............ "R"  UN          5

123A   plastic       50 pes  2013     Morelos/fishing...................... "J"  UN          7

124.                    100 pes  2008     Nezahualcoyotl/................... "A"  UN        22

125a                   200 pes  2007     Asbaje/temple...................... "A"  UN        40

125c.                  200 pes  2007     Asbaje/temple...................... "C"  UN        40

126v.                  500 pes  2012     Rivera/Frida Kahlo............... "V"  UN        95

127a                1,000 pes  2006     Hidalgo/Guanajuato............. "A"  UN      220

128   comm       100 pes  2007     "Revolution 1910-2010"............   UN        22

129.  comm       200 pes  2008     "Independence 1810-2010".....   UN        45

130   comm       100 pes  2017     "Constitution 1917-2017"..........   UN        22

   Promotional Notes -Banco de Mexico, Fabrica de Billetes

prom           D.R. Gomez  1989     20 Fabrica Billetes..... lot#1428  UN        30

prom              F. Urencio  1994     25 Fabrica Billetes..... lot#1429  UN        35

prom            M. Mancera  1997     ...................................... lot#1430  UN        35

prom                        plant  1999     30 Fabrica Billetes..... lot#1431  UN        40


test-prom           vignette  ABNC   engraved "Hidalgo".... lot#1389  UN        10

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)


                                            Banco de Aguascalientes

s102b                   10 pes  1907     "B"................................................   F         250

                                            Banco de Chihuahua

s118                     25 cen  1889     .....................................................   G+        90

                                            Banco del Estado de Chihuahua

s132a                      5 pes  1913     ............................. VF 10, XF 20,  UN        60

s133a                   10 pes  1913     ......................................... VF 20,  UN      120

s133a   prom       10 pes  1913     ovpt "Reno shop, Juarez".........   VF         50

s133   movie      100 pes  ND        movie money..............................   AU        10

s134a                   20 pes  1913     .....................................................   VF         25

s135                      50 pes  1913     .....................................................   G           20

s136                   100 pes  1913     .....................................................   G           25

                                            Banco Mejicano

s143                     25 cen  1878     .....................................................   F           50

                                            Banco Mexicano

s151                     25 cen  1888     ......................................... VG 60,  F         120

                                            Banco Minero

s160                     25 cen  1888     .....................................................   G-         40

s164Ad                 10 pes  1909     ovpt "Chihuahua".......................   P           15

s170   comm          5 pes  1910     "1810-1910 Centario"...............   VG      200

                                            Banco Minero Chihuahuanse

s172a                   25 cen  1880     .....................................................   G           45

s184                        2 pes  1914     .....................................................   F           25

s186                      10 pes  1914     ......................................... VG 15,  F           30

                                            Banco de Santa Eulalia

s189                     25 cen  1875     "A"............................. tape repair  G-         50

s190                     50 cen  1875     serie"A".............................. P 20,  G-         50

                                            Banco de Coahuila

s195b                      5 pes  1914     .....................................................   G-         30

                                            Banco de Londres y Mexico

s233d                      5 pes  1906     "I".................................................   XF      120

s233f                       5 pes  1910     "C" stamp "Durango".................   G+        25

s233s                      5 pes  1906     "F" stamp "Veracruz"................   F           50

s234d                   10 pes  1912     "F"................................................   VG+      30

s235d                   20 pes  1913     "H"................................................   XF+    180

s236j                     50 pes  1897     07.01"Guanajuato"....................   G+      100

NL(s233-9)        vignette  ABNC   engraved "Juarez"..... lot#1388  UN        10

NL(s238)            vignette  ABNC   engraved "lions"......... lot#1387  UN        30

s240                        1 pes  1914     ............................................ F 12,  F+         20

s241                        2 pes  1914     .....................................................   F           25

                                            Banco Nacional de Mexico

s255b                      1 pes  1913     .....................................................   VG        15

s255c                      1 pes  1889     ovpt "Chihuahua".......................   G           30

s255d                      1 pes  1889     ovpt "Pagadero en..".................   P           15

s256a                      2 pes  1913     .....................................................   F           30

s257c                      5 pes  1906     .....................................................   P           12

s257c                      5 pes  1908     ............................................ P 12,  VG        20

s257c                      5 pes  1909     .....................................................   VG        20

s257c                      5 pes  1910     .....................................................   G-         10

s258                      10 pes  1905     .....................................................   P           10

s258                      10 pes  1912     .....................................................   VF         40

s258                      10 pes  1913     ......................................... VF 40,  VF+      60

s259c                    20 pes  1906     .....................................................   VG        40

s260b                   50 pes  1897     ........................................... holes  VG      200

                                            Banco de Durango

s273b                      5 pes  1903     "E"................................................   G-         35

s275b                   20 pes  1903     "E"................................................   G+        50

s275c                    20 pes  1914     "H"................................................   VF      200

                                            Banco de Guanajuato

s289                        5 pes  1908     10.21; "C"...................................   P           20

                                            Banco de Guerrero

s300b  canc         20 pes  19__     perf "amortizato"........................   AU+      40

                                            Banco de Hidalgo

s304b   canc          1 pes  ND        perf "amortizato"........................   AU+      15

s305d   canc          5 pes  ND        perf "amortizato"........... VF+20,  XF+      40

                                            Banco de Jalisco

s312a                   50 cen  1914     .....................................................   F+       150

s313a                      1 pes  1914     .....................................................   VG        70

                                            Banco del Estado de Mexico

s329                        5 pes  1909     11; "B".........................................   VG-       50

s336                        1 pes  1914     .....................................................   VG+      20

s337                        2 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF         50

                                            Banco de Morelos

s345b                      5 pes  1910     .....................................................   VG-    120

s346b                   10 pes  1910     .....................................................   G+        60

                                            Banco Oriental de Mexico

s381c                      5 pes  1910     ............................................. G+5,  XF-       40

s381c                      5 pes  1914     .............................. F 10, VF+25,  XF+      50

s383a                   20 pes  1900     .............................................. P 9,  G+        25

s383c                    20 pes  1910     .....................................................   VG        35

s385c                 100 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF+    180

s388a                      1 pes  1914     circular seals................... VG+4,  AU+      40

s388b                      1 pes  1914     square seals...............................   AU+      50

                                            Banco de San Luis Potsi

s406                        1 pes  1914     .....................................................   F+         40

s407                        2 pes  1914     .....................................................   VG+      30

                                            Banco de Sonora

s419b                      5 pes  1909     .....................................................   G           40

s419r   rema          5 pes  ND        no sig...........................................   AU        25

s420r   rema        10 pes  ND        no sig.................................... tear  VF-       30

s422                      50 pes  1904     11.15; "P" hand signed.............   P         100

s422r   rema        50 pes  ND        no sig...........................................   UN      150

                                            Credito del Estado de Tamaulipas

s428B   canc       25 cen  1876     ..................... damage right side  F-          60

                                            Banco de Tamaulipas

s429r   rema          5 pes  19--       no sig...........................................   UN        20

s432r   rema        50 pes  19--       no sig...........................................   UN      400

s436                        1 pes  1914     .......................................... G+20,  F-          40

                                            Banco Mercantil de Veracruz

s437a                      5 pes  1898     .....................................................   G+        50

s437c                      5 pes  1910     .....................................................   F           70

s439c                    10 pes  1910     ............................................... p/h  XF      150

                                            Banco Peninsular Mexicano

s458a                      5 pes  1903     10.01...........................................   G           25

s460                      20 pes  (18)99   08.03...........................................   VG      100

s464                        1 pes  1913     ........................................ VF+25,  AU+      80

s465                        5 pes  1914     ......................................... AU 27,  UN        40

                                            Banco Zacatecas

s475r   rema          5 pes  1---        .....................................................   UN      200

   REVOLUTION 1910-1917

                                            Ejercito Constitucionalista de Mexico

s523                        1 pes  1914     ........................................... VG 4,  F             6

s525a                   10 pes  1914     black seal.......................... VG 4,  XF         25

s525                      10 pes  1914     no seal on back..........................   VG+      40

                                            El Estado de Chihuahua

s529a   "A"             1 pes  1914     black stamp on back.................   VG        15

s529f   "A"              1 pes  1914     ............................................ VF 8,  AU        30

s529g   "A"             1 pes  1914     ............................................. F+4,  AU          9

s530b   "L"             1 pes  1914     scalloped seal............................   AU        20

s530d   "L"             1 pes  1914     circular seal +date on back......   AU        15

s530e   "L"             1 pes  1914     scalloped seal +date on back..   AU        15

s531a   "C"             5 pes  1914     .....................................................   F+         30

s531f   "C"              5 pes  1914     .....................................................   AU        20

s531f   "C"              5 pes  1914     stamp ".Municipal Cananea"....   VF         40

s532a   "H"             5 pes  1914     black stamp................................   AU        35

s532c   "H"             5 pes  1914     blue stamp..................................   AU        20

s532e   "H"             5 pes  1914     blue stamp; date on back.........   AU        20

s532A   "M"            5 pes  1914     date on back...............................   AU        18

s532A   "M"            5 pes  1914     stamp "Hermosillo"............. F 8,  AU        60

s533c   "D"           10 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF           9

s533.1   "D"         10 pes  1914     stamp "Fuerzas.Sonora"..........   F-          20

s534b   "J"           10 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF+      15

s535a   "N"          10 pes  1914     .....................................................   AU          9

s535b   "N"          10 pes  1914     date on back...............................   AU          9

s537a   "K"           20 pes  1914     .....................................................   AU        12

s537b   "K"           20 pes  1914     date on back...............................   AU        10

s537.1   "K"          20 pes  1914     stamp "Fuerzas.. Sonora"........   VF         28

s537.2   "K"          20 pes  1914     "Teso..Hermosillo"..... lot#1046  VF         25

s537.4   "K"          20 pes  1914     "Aduana..Guaymas.". lot#1083  F+         20

s537.7   "K"          20 pes  1914     "Secretaria Sonora.".. lot#1048  VF+      40

s537.7   "K"          20 pes  1914     "Secretaria Sonora.".. lot#1049  F+         20

s537.8   "K"          20 pes  1914     stamp "Aduana..Nogales.".......   VF         28

s538c   "F"           50 pes  1914     .....................................................   XF+      80

s538d   "F"           50 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF         60

                                            Tesoreria General del Estado Gen Francisco Villa

s550                     10 cen  1913     .....................................................   VF         20

s551e   "J"           25 cen  1913     black stamp................................   G             4

s551e   "K"          25 cen  1913     black stamp................................   F             8

s551e   "P"          25 cen  1913     black stamp................................   F             8

s551e   "BB"        25 cen  1913     black stamp....................... VF 8,  UN        64

s551j                    25 cen  1913     red stamp........................ XF 15,  AU+      40

s553b                      1 pes  1913     "B"................................................   VG-         8

s554b                      5 pes  1913     .....................................................   F             9

s555                      10 pes  1913     ........................................ VF+20,  AU        60

s555                      10 pes  1913     stamp "Torreon Coah…"..........   VG        30

s556                      20 pes  1913     .....................................................   VF-       90

s557                      50 pes  1913     .....................................................   VG        80

                                            Banco de Coahuila/ Banco de la Laguna

NL(s566A?)           2 pes  1914     01.05 Torreon............................   G        100

                                            Gobierno Constitucionalista Mexico, Monclova

s625a                      1 pes  1913     .......................................... VG+7,  F+         15

s626                        1 pes  1913     .....................................................   AU        40

s629                      10 pes  1913     .....................................................   XF         70

s631                      10 pes  1913     .....................................................   F+         25

s631.4                  10 pes  1913     stamp "Tesoreira. Hormosilo...   VF         90

s632c                    20 pes  1913     .....................................................   XF         60

s634b                   50 pes  1913     .....................................................   XF      100

                                            La Tesoreria de la Federacion, Saltillo

s644                     50 cen  1914     .....................................................   AU-       20

s645                        1 pes  1914     ............................................. F+5,  VF+      10

                                            Gobierno Constitucionalista, Transitorio

s684a                   10 cen  (1915)   carton token...............................   F             5

                                            Gobierno Constitucionalista, Republica

s685                        5 pes  1915     "Dir. Gen. Credito.."... lot#1010  AU        40

s689                   100 pes  1915     .....................................................   F           60

                                            Gobierno Provisional de Mexico, Republica

s697                        5 cen  (1914)   carton token; orange.......... F 4,  VF+         5

s697                        5 cen  (1914)   carton token; brown......... VF 4,  AU          8

s698                     10 cen  (1914)   carton token...................... VF 4,  XF           5

s699                     20 cen  (1914)   carton token; grey......................   AU          8

                                            Gobierno Provisional de Mexico, Mexico city

s701a                      1 pes  1914     .....................................................   F             8

s701b                      1 pes  1914     ovpt "revalidado.."............ VF 4,  AU        10

s702a                      5 pes  1914     .....................................................   F             5

s702b                      5 pes  1914     ovpt "revalidado..".....................   AU        10

s703                        5 pes  1914     ovpt "revalidado.  "paper thin...   AU        20

s705                      20 pes  1914     ovpt "revalidado."............. VF 6,  AU        15

s707e                   50 pes  1914     ovpt "revalidado.".......................   AU        20

s708a                 100 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF         25

s708b                 100 pes  1914     ovpt "revalidado.".......................   VF           7

s709                        1 pes  1916     eagle.................................. XF 7,  AU        15

s711   "A-B"           2 pes  1916     Aztecs, Columbus........... F+15,  AU        80

                                            Obligacion Provisional del Erario Federal

s713                        1 pes  1914     .....................................................   G             5

s714                        5 pes  1914     .....................................................   G             6

s716                      50 pes  1914     ........................................... VG 4,  VF+      25

                                            Estado de Durango

s726a                      1 pes  1913     ............................................. tape  VG        30

s731a                      1 pes  1914     January.......................................   F           12

s747                     25 cen  (1915)   .....................................................   XF         35

s749                     50 cen  1915     .....................................................   XF         40

                                            Tesoreria General del Estado, Guanajuato

s776                     20 cen  ND        .....................................................   VG        40

                                            Banco Revolucionario de Guerrero

s785                        1 pes  1914     .....................................................   F+       100

                                            Cia.Real del Monte y Pachuca/Bank of Montreal

s834a                      1 pes  1915     03.25...........................................   VF      100

                                            Estado Libre y Soberano de Hidalgo

s843                     50 cen  1915     carton token...............................   F           45

                                            Direccion General Rentas Jalisco, Guadalajara

s850a                   50 cen  1914     08.15...........................................   VG        20

s857                        5 cen  1915     05.29...........................................   F           25

s859                     50 cen  1915     06.08...........................................   VF         30

                                            La Pagaduria Gen.Cuerpo de Ejercito Noroeste

s863                     50 cen  1914     C..................................................   VG+      40

s868                     50 cen  1915     D..................................................   VF         20

                                            Estado Libre y Soberano de Mexico, Toluca

s879                     50 cen  1915     ........................................... VG 4,  VF-       10

s881                        1 pes  1915     ............................................ XF 6,  AU+      15

                                            Ejercito Constitucionalista, Uruapan

s898                        5 pes  1914     12.20...........................................   F+       100

                                            Circulacion Forzosa, Estado Morelos

s902b                      1 pes  ND        .....................................................   XF         30

                                            Gobierno Convencionista de Mexico

s909                        5 pes  1915     .....................................................   F+           9

s912                        2 pes  1916     .....................................................   VF         10

                                            Admi Rentas del Territorio de Tepic, gen Buelna

s922                     10 cen  (1915)   .....................................................   XF+      60

s922                     10 cen  (1915)   .....................................................   XF+      60

                                            Division del Bravo, Monterrey

s936a                   50 cen  1914     serie "D"......................................   F           30

s936c                   50 cen  1914     serie "DA-DE"...................... F 5,  VF         10

s937                        1 pes  1914     serie "C"......................................   VG        10

s938                        2 pes  1914     serie "B"......................................   F+         15

s938                        2 pes  1914     serie "CB"...................................   F+         15

s939                        5 pes  1914     serie "A"......................................   F           25

                                            La Tesoreria Gen Estado de Oaxaca, Nochixtran

s948b                      1 pes  1916     .....................................................   AU        45

s949b                      5 pes  1916     .....................................................   AU        45

                                            La Tesoreria Gen del Estado de Oaxaca, Oaxaca

s953                        1 pes  1915     February.....................................   F             8

s953                        1 pes  1915     June.............................................   VF           5

s953                        1 pes  1915     July..............................................   AU        15

s953                        1 pes  1915     August............................... VF 4,  AU        15

s953                        1 pes  1915     September........................ XF 8,  AU        15

s954                        5 pes  1915     May..............................................   VF-          8

s954                        5 pes  1915     September..................................   AU        22

s954                        5 pes  1915     November...................................   VF+         9

s957                      10 pes  1915     November, blue.........................   XF+      60

s958                      10 pes  1915     April, pink, blue#........................   VF+      25

s958                      10 pes  1915     November, pink, red#...............   VF+      25

s959b                   20 pes  1915     November, paper on cloth........   VF         50

                                            Ejercito Const. Cuerpo de E Noroeste, Culiacan

s996a                      5 pes  1914     Gen A. Obregon........................   F         120

s997                      10 pes  1914     Gen A. Obregon........................   VG-       60

                                            Estado de Sinaloa, Culiacan

s1002                   10 pes  1913     .....................................................   F           90

                                            Estado de Sinaloa, Mazatlan

s1007                      1 pes  1916     .....................................................   F         200

                                            La Pagaduria Gral de la Brigada de Sinaloa

s1018                      5 pes  1914     "A"................................................   XF+      60

                                            La Tesoreria General del Estado de Sinaloa

s1024   "A"          50 cen  1914     February.....................................   VF-       20

s1025   "B"          50 cen  1914     April.............................................   XF         20

                                            El Estado Libre y Soberano de Sinaloa

s1041                   25 cen  1915     .....................................................   AU-       20

s1042                   50 cen  1915     .....................................................   AU+      15

s1042                   50 cen  1915     stamp "Sinaloa".........................   AU+      20

s1044a                   5 pes  1915     .....................................................   AU+      30

s1044b                   5 pes  1915     hand sig stamp "Sinaloa".........   AU-       60

s1046                   20 pes  1915     .....................................................   AU      120

s1047                   50 pes  1915     .....................................................   VF         40

                                            La Jefatura de Hacienda, Guaymas

s1056a                 50 cen  1914     stamp "Division del Yaqui".......   F           25

s1057c(a)               1 pes  1914     stamp "Division del Yaqui".......   VF-       25

s1057c(b)               1 pes  1914     stamp "Division del Yaqui".......   VF+      50

                                            La Tesoreria de la Federacion, Guaymqas

s1058                   10 cen  1914     .....................................................   UN        15

s1061                      2 pes  1914     .....................................................   AU+      30

                                            El Estado de Sonora, Hermosillo

s1065r                  50 cen  1914     serie 4,no seal #........................   AU        60

s1066a                   1 pes  1913     hand sig......................................   F           25

s1066c                    1 pes  1913     serie 3.........................................   XF         35

s1067.1                  5 pes  1913     "Tesoreria..Hermosillo".............   VF         40

s1067.2                  5 pes  1913     "Fuerzas...Detall".......................   VG        25

s1067.3                  5 pes  1913     "Aquana..Guaymas"..................   VF-       32

s1068                   10 pes  1913     serie"3"........................................   AU        80

s1069                   25 cen  1915     .....................................................   AU+      10

s1070                   50 cen  1915     .....................................................   AU+      10

s1071                      1 pes  1915     .....................................................   AU+      15

s1075                   50 pes  1915     .....................................................   F           70

                                            Gobierno Constitucionalista, Veracruz-Llave

s1095                   10 cen  ND        carton token...............................   XF+      15

s1096                   20 cen  ND        carton token...............................   XF+      15

                                            Gobierno Provisional de Mexico, Veracruz

s1101a                   1 pes  1914     .......................................... VF+8,  XF         12

s1103a                   2 pes  1914     .....................................................   F             8

s1104a                   5 pes  1914     .....................................................   AU        20

s1107a                 10 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF           6

s1108                   10 pes  1914     "D"................................................   XF         12

s1110                   20 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF           6

s1112a                 20 pes  1914     back blue....................................   AU        20

s1113a                 20 pes  1914     back pink....................................   AU-       20

s1114a                 50 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF+      20

s1115a               100 pes  1914     .....................................................   VF-       20

                                            Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen

s1124                   20 pes  1914     ......................................... VF 10,  AU+      30

s1125                 100 pes  1915     .....................................................   AU        60

                                            Gobierno Constitucionalista de Yucatan

s1130                   10 cen  ND        carton token...............................   F           20

s1132                   10 cen  ND        carton token.................... VF 12,  XF         25

                                            Tesoreria General del Estado, Yucatan

s1134                   50 cen  1916     .....................................................   F+         60

s1135                      1 pes  1916     ......................................... VF 20,  VF+      25

s1138                   10 pes  1916     .....................................................   F           10

                                            Gobierno Provisional de Zacatecas

s1143                     5 cen  ND        carton token...............................   AU        30

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

      notes ref; -"Mexican paper Money" 2010

                                            -Sr.Dn. Benito Aznar S, Merida (Yucatan)

M782                    50 pes  1889     PR-YUC-8;unissued..................   XF         50

                                            -Bono al Portador, Durango

M1476                    5 pes  1913     08.................................................   VF         70

                                            -Hidalgo Copper Mining and Smelting, Zimapan

M2218                  20 cen  1915     PI-HID-109.................................   VF+      40

M2220                  50 cen  1915     PI-HID-110.................................   AU      100

                                            -Ejercito Villista (Villa's Army, Jalisco)

M2279                    5 cen  ND        MI-JAL-27;green........................   F+         20

M2281                    5 cen  ND        MI-JAL-29;grey..........................   XF         30

                                            -Columna Galvez Toscano, (Shuayo, Michoacan)

M2900a                  1 pes  (1914)   MI-MIC-14;no sig.......................   AU+      20

                                            -Ayuntamiento de la H.Zitacuaro (Michoacan)

M2952a                10 cen  ND        SI-MIC-38............................ F 4,  AU        20

M2955                  50 cen  ND        SI-MIC-46............................ F 8,  AU        60

                                            Compania Minera"Las Dos Estrellas"Tlalpujahua

M3089r                   1 pes  1915     PI-MIC-84;no sig........................   UN          8

                                            -La Camara de Comercio de Oaxa

M3441                  10 cen  (1914)   PI-OAX-38..................................   F-          30

M3443                  50 cen  (1914)   PI-OAX-40..................................   F           15

                                            Negociacion Minera St.Maria,Paz(San LuisPotosi

M3680                  20 pes  1914     PI-SAN-8....................................   VF+    220

                                            -Hacienda Miramar

M4042                  50 cen  1914     PI-VER-25..................................   VG      120

M4044                    2 pes  1914     PI-VER-28........ missing corner  VG        50

                                            -Camara Nacional de Comercio, Xalapa(Veracruz)

M4116                  10 cen  1914     PI-VER-61;Banco Nacional......   F-          15

                                            -Estado de Zacatecas

M4515                    1 pes  1919     01.01;PT-ZAC-10......................   AU+      70

                 -Certificado de Aportacion Monumento Cuauhtemoc

NL                           5 pes  1950     Chilpancingo.Gro.......................   AU        35

                                            -Bonos Electorales Pro-Almazan

NL                           5 pes  1939     political note................ lot#1068  AU          5

   ***Mexico Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            "El Alagran y Anexas" Negociarion Minera

share                    10 pes  1920     Alagran y Anexas......... bs#100  XF         25

                                            "Aquismon" Compania Petrolera

share                    20 pes  1916     Aquismon, green.......... bs#102  XF         25

share                  100 pes  1916     Aquismon, blue............. bs#101  XF         25

                                            "La Asturiana" Compania Minera

share                  100 pes  1911     Asturiana....................... bs#103  XF         30

                                            "El Buen Despacho" Compania Minera

share                  250 pes  1919     El Buen Despacho....... bs#104  XF         35

                                            "La Comercial" Compania Petrolera

share                  100 pes  1916     Comercial...................... bs#105  XF         30

                                            "Agricola y Colonizadora de Tabasco Chiapas"

share                    25 pes  1912     olive................................ bs#108  XF         25

share                  125 pes  1912     purple............................. bs#107  XF         25

share                1250 pes  1912     blue................................ bs#106  XF         25

                                            "Compania Minera Continuacion sur del Alacran"

share                    50 pes  1919     brown............................. bs#110  XF         25

share                    50 pes  1919     violet............................... bs#109  XF         25

                                            "La Durana y Ampliacion"Co.Minera

share                    20 pes  1912     Durana y Ampliacion.... bs#111  XF-       20

                                            "La Escondido" Compania Carbonifera

share                  100 pes  1910     Escondido..................... bs#113  XF         30

                                            "La Esperanza" Compania Mexicana de Petroleo

share                    20 pes  1915     Esperanza..................... bs#112  XF         30

                                            "Ignacio Rodriguez Ramos" Compania Minera

share                  200 pes  1910     Rodriguez Ramos........ bs#114  XF         35

                                            "La Lucha y Anexas" Compania Minera

share                    50 pes  1910     Lucha y Anexas............ bs#115  XF         30

                                            "La Margenes del Panuco" Compania Petrolera

share                    20 pes  1917     Margenes del Panuco. bs#116  XF         30

                                            "La Meridional" Compania Petrolera

share                    20 pes  1918     Meridional...................... bs#117  F           25

                                            "La Paz-Puebla" Minas y Fundicion

share                    20 pes  1913     Paz-Puebla................... bs#118  XF         25

                                            "Primavera, Centro y Anexas" Compania Minera

share                    25 pes  1917     Primavera,green........... bs#119  VF+      30

share                    50 pes  1917     Primavera,brown.......................   VF+      30

                                            "El Profeta y Anexas" Compania Minera

share                    50 pes  1920     Profeta y Anexas.......... bs#120  XF         30

                                            "La Providenria y Anexas" Negoririon Minera

share                    50 pes  1920     Providenria y Anexas... bs#121  XF         20

                                            "San Jeronimo y Anexas" Compania Minera

share                    25 pes  1926     San Jeronimo Anexas. bs#122  XF         30

                                            "San Jose de Gracia" Compania Minera

share                    20 pes  1904     San Jose de Gracia..... bs#123  VF+      22

                                            "Sindicato del Mamey"

share                       5 pes  1915     Sindicato del Mamey... bs#124  XF         20

                                            "La Trasatlantica" Compania Petrolifera

share                  100 pes  1915     Trasatlantica................. bs#125  VF         20

                                            "Vetas Cobre del Vadelista, minas Santa Elena"

share                      share  1889     Vadelista, St.Elena....... bs#126  F           20

                                            "Victoria y Anexas en San Pedro"

Share                     share  1935     Victoria y Anexas......... bs#127  XF         30

                                            "Armando de Zautla" Compania Minera,Tezitulan

share                    30 pes  1905     Armando de Zautla...... bs#128  XF         20

                                            Corporation Miniere du Mexico;Paris(France)

share                      100 fr  1923     Miniere du Mexico........ bs#129  VF+      12


PICK#                                 *****MICRONESIA*****

   USA jurisdiction

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Neustadt, district(Amt), Germany

notgeld                  75 pfe  1922     colony "Marianen-Karolinen" UN 10


PICK#                                 *****MOLDOVA****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

1                            50 cup  1992     arms/castle Soroca...................   UN        25

2                         200 cup  1992     arms/castle Soroca...................   UN        25

3                       1000 cup  1993     arms/castle Soroca...................   UN        15

4                       5000 cup  1993     arms/castle Soroca...................   UN        12

5                               1 leu  1992     Kg Stephen/castle Soroca........   UN          8

6                               5 leu  1992     Kg Stephen/castle Soroca........   UN        15

7                              10 lei  1992     Kg Stephen/castle Soroca........   UN        15

8a                             1 leu  1994     Kg /monastery Capriana...........   UN          5

8b                             1 leu  1995     Kg /monastery Capriana...........   UN        25

8d                             1 leu  1998     Kg /monastery Capriana...........   UN          7

8e                             1 leu  1999     Kg /monastery Capriana...........   UN          7

8f                              1 leu  2002     Kg /monastery Capriana...........   UN          5

8g                             1 leu  2005     Kg /monastery Capriana...........   UN          5

8h.                            1 leu  2006     Kg /monastery Capriana...........   UN          5

8i.                             1 leu  2010     Kg /monastery Capriana...........   UN          5

9a                              5 lei  1994     Kg /church St Dumitreu............   UN          7

9b                              5 lei  1995     Kg /church St Dumitreu............   UN        15

9c                              5 lei  1999     Kg /church St Dumitreu............   UN        12

9d                              5 lei  2006     Kg /church St Dumitreu............   UN          6

9e.                             5 lei  2009     Kg /church St Dumitreu............   UN          5

10a                          10 lei  1994     Kg /monastery Hirjauca............   UN        12

10d                          10 lei  2005     Kg /monastery............................   VF+         4

10e                          10 lei  2006     Kg /monastery.................. VF 4,  UN        10

13c                          20 lei  1997     Kg Stephen/castle Soroca........   UN        35

13d                          20 lei  1999     Kg Stephen/castle Soroca........   UN        25

13e                          20 lei  2002     Kg Stephen/castle Soroca........   UN        35

14b.                         50 lei  2002     Kg /church Hirbovet...................   UN        80

16a.                      200 lei  1992     Kg /Chisinau...............................   UN      150

18.                     1,000 lei  1992     Kg /parliament............................   UN      200


PICK#                                 *****MONACO****3*


3.                           50 cen  1920     ser "H".........................................   UN      480

5r.  unis                    1 fra  1922     unissued, no# ...........................   UN      450


PICK#                                 *****MONGOLIA****3*

   Peoples Republic (Chinese province till 1921)

7                               1 tug  1925     .....................................................   VG-    350

8                               2 tug  1925     .....................................................   F         600

9                               5 tug  1925     ....................................... VF 800VF+  1200

10                          10 tug  1925     .....................................................   VG+   700

11                          25 tug  1925     .....................................................   F       1500

14                             1 tug  1939     Sukhbataar.................................   VG      180

21                             1 tug  1941     Sukhbataar.................................   F+       150

22                             3 tug  1941     Sukhbataar.................................   F         300

23                             5 tug  1941     Sukhbataar.................................   F         400

24                          10 tug  1941     Sukhbataar.................. VG 250F         500

25                          25 tug  1941     Sukhbataar.................. VG 300F         600

28                             1 tug  1955     Sukhbataar.................................   UN          8

29                             3 tug  1955     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        24

30                             5 tug  1955     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        28

31                          10 tug  1955     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        36

32                          25 tug  1955     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        42

33                          50 tug  1955     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        50

34                        100 tug  1955     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        60

35                             1 tug  1966     Sukhbataar.................................   UN          5

36                             3 tug  1966     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        15

37                             5 tug  1966     Sukhbataar.................................   UN          5

38                          10 tug  1966     Sukhbataar.................................   UN          5

39                          25 tug  1966     Sukhbataar.................................   UN          6

40                          50 tug  1966     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        16

41                        100 tug  1966     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        32

42                             1 tug  1983     Sukhbataar.................................   UN          5

43                             3 tug  1983     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        10

44                             5 tug  1981     Sukhbataar.................................   UN          7

45                          10 tug  1981     Sukhbataar.................................   UN          7

46                          20 tug  1981     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        16

47                          50 tug  1981     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        24

48                        100 tug  1981     Sukhbataar.................................   UN        42


49                        10 mon  (1993)   arches.........................................   UN          4

50                        20 mon  (1993)   wrestlers.....................................   UN          4

51                        50 mon  (1993)   horseman race...........................   UN          4

52                             1 tug  (1993)   .....................................................   UN          4

53                             5 tug  (1993)   Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          4

54                          10 tug  (1993)   Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          4

55                          20 tug  (1993)   Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          5

56                          50 tug  (1993)   Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          5

57(a)                   100 tug  (1993)   Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          7

57(b)                   100 tug  1994     Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          6

58(a)                   500 tug  (1993)   Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        45

59b                   1,000 tug  1997     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        22

59c.                  1,000 tug  1998     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        24

60                     5,000 tug  1994     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        75

61                   10,000 tug  1995     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN      140

62b                        10 tug  2002     Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          4

62c.                       10 tug  2005     Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          5

63b                        20 tug  2002     Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          4

63c.                       20 tug  2005     Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          5

64a                        50 tug  2000     Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          4

65a                      100 tug  2000     Sukhbataar/horses....................   UN          5

65A                      500 tug  2000     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN          9

66a                      500 tug  2003     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN          5

67a                   1,000 tug  2003     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        18

68a                   5,000 tug  2003     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        36

68b.                  5,000 tug  2003     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        40

68c                   5,000 tug  2013     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        32

69a                 10,000 tug  2002     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        64

69b                 10,000 tug  2009     Genghis Khan/old scene..........   UN        42

70.                  20,000 tug  2006     Genghis Khan/...........................   UN      140


PICK#                                 *****MONTENEGRO****3*


1                               1 per  1912     .....................................................   VG        25

2                               2 per  1912     .....................................................   F           40

3   canc                   5 per  1912     ........................... cancelled hole  VG+      30

4   canc                 10 per  1912     ........................... cancelled hole  VG+      40

7                               1 per  1912     ovpt"1914"..................................   F           70

7   canc                   1 per  1912     ovpt"1914"........ cancelled hole  VG+      30

8   canc                   2 per  1912     ovpt"1914"........ cancelled hole  VG        70

9b   canc                 5 per  1914     blue;................... cancelled hole  VG        15

10                          10 per  1914     red...............................................   F           35

11                          20 per  1914     brown............................. VG+30,  F+         60

12                          50 per  1914     olive.............................................   VG      100

13                        100 per  1914     brown..........................................   VG      300

15                             1 per  1914     blue..............................................   XF         40

16                             2 per  1914     brown............................... VG+8,  XF         40

17.                            5 per  1914     red...................... VF+45, XF 60,  AU      120

18                          10 per  1914     blue.................................. VF 40,  VF+      60

19                          20 per  1914     brown................................ F+50,  VF+    100

20                          50 per  1914     red................................... F+180VF      240

21                        100 per  1914     blue......................... VF 260, p/h  VF+    400

   Austrian Occupation WW1, 1916-18, with validation stamp

M2                         10 per  1914     "Cetinje"-11mm(P10)................   VG        35

M3                         20 per  1914     "Cetinje"-11mm(P11)................   VG        40

M4                         50 per  1914     "Cetinje"-11mm(P12)................   VG+   240

M4+M16               50 per  1914     "Cetinje"-11+16mm(P12).........   VG      300

M4+M64               50 per  1914     "Cetinje"-11mm+"Niksic"..........   VG      300

M9                         10 per  1914     "Cetinje"-11mm(P18)................   VG+      30

M13                         5 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P9)...... VG 30,  F+         90

M14                       10 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P10)................   XF      260

M15                       20 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P11)................   VG        40

M16                       50 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P12)................   VG      160

M17                     100 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P13)................   VG+   500

M18                         1 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P15)................   VF+      50

M19.                        2 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P16)....... F 20,  AU      160

M20                         5 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P17)................   VF+      80

M21                       10 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P18)................   F           40

M22                       20 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P19)................   VF         90

M23                       50 per  1914     "Cetinje"-16mm(P20)................   F+       240

M31                         2 per  1914     "Ipek"-(P16)................................   VG        70

M32                         5 per  1914     "Ipek"-(P17)................................   VG+   100

M42                         1 per  1914     "Kolasin"-(P15)...........................   AU      150

M47                       50 per  1914     "Kolasin"-(P20)...........................   VF      350

M68                         5 per  1914     "Niksic"-14mm(P17)..................   XF      120

M69                       10 per  1914     "Niksic"-14mm(P18)..................   VF         90

M72                     100 per  1914     "Niksic"-14mm(P21)....... F 200VF+    600

M78                         1 per  1914     "Plevlie"-(P15)............................   F+         40

M79                         2 per  1914     "Plevlie"-(P16)............................   F+         60

M80                         5 per  1914     "Plevlie"-(P17)............................   F+         80

M112                     50 per  1914     "Podgorica"-17mm(P12)...........   VG      160

M117                     10 per  1914     "Podgorica"-17mm(P18)...........   VG        25

M119                     50 per  1914     "Podgorica -17mm(P20)...........   F         150

M120                   100 per  1914     "Podgorica"-17mm(P20)...........   F         180

M128                       5 per  1914     "Stari Bar"-11mm(P17).............   VG        40

M134                     10 per  1914     "Stari Bar"-16mm(P10).............   VG+      70

M141                     10 per  1914     "Stari Bar"-16mm(P18).............   F           40

M143                     50 per  1914     "Stari Bar"-16mm(P20).............   VG+   120

M148.                      1 per  1917     Army Direction................. F+30,  UN      320

M150                       5 per  1917     Army Direction.................. F 15,  UN      250

M151                     10 per  1917     Army Direction...........................   UN      250

M152.                    20 per  1917     Army Direction.................. F 30,  AU+    380

M153.                    50 per  1917     Army Direction............... VG 20,  UN      600

M154.                  100 per  1917     Army Direction...........................   AU      850

  *Austro-Hungarian banknotes; Montenegro handstamp validation

   (1919)  okrug=county; srez=district

                                            -Berane, Nacelstvo Okruga(county) serbian text

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Berane, nacelstvo okruga.... #3  VG-       35

                                            -Niksic, Nacelstvo Sreza(district) serbian text

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Niksic, nacelstvo sreza......... #4  VF         60

*Bulgarian banknotes; Montenegro handstamp validation(1919)

                                            -Rijeka, Nacelstvo Sreza(district) serbian text

Bul#16                     5 lev  (1916)   Rijeka, nacelstvo sreza........ #2  F           60

Bul#21                     5 lev  (1917)   Rijeka, nacelstvo sreza........ #2  F           60

 *Italian Occupation of Montenegro WW2 (1941) -see Yugoslavia R10-15

    Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Cetnije, Cafe-restaurants in Cetinje(1914-1918)

private                 10 para  ND        "V Jovanovitch"................. F 20,  AU      100

private                 10 para  ND        "V Jovanovitch" stamp..............   AU      120

private                 10 para  ND        "R Bilanovica" stamp.................   F         100


PICK#                                 *****MOROCCO***3n+*

   French Colony

9                                5 fra  (1924)   ........................................... G 15,  F           60

14                         100 fra  1925     08.01...........................................   VG-    400

15b                       500 fra  1948     11.10...........................................   VF      300

17b                         10 fra  1941     03.06............................... VG 20,  F+         60

18                           20 fra  1941     11.14...........................................   VG+      20

18                           20 fra  1942     11.09...........................................   F+         40

20                         100 fra  1941     05.14...........................................   VF+    160

20                         100 fra  1941     05.14...........................................   VF         90

20                         100 fra  1941     11.14...........................................   VG        15

20                         100 fra  1946     06.18...........................................   VG        15

20                         100 fra  1947     10.28................. F(repaired) 40,  VF         80

21                           50 fra  1938     05.05...........................................   F           40

21                           50 fra  1941     03.06...........................................   G             6

21                           50 fra  1945     03.01...........................................   F-          30

21                           50 fra  1947     10.28...........................................   VG-       15

23Ab                         5 fra  1941     11.14.................................. F 10,  XF+      60

24(a)                         5 fra  1943     08.01.................................. VF 7,  XF         15

25(a)                       10 fra  1943     05.01.................................... F 7,  VF+      25

25(b)                       10 fra  1943     08.01...........................................   VF         15

25(c)                       10 fra  1944     03.01............................... VF 15,  UN        90

26(a)                       50 fra  1943     08.01.................................. F 25,  VF         50

26(b)                       50 fra  1944     03.01............................... VG 12,  F           25

27(b)                    100 fra  1943     08.01............................... VG 20,  F           40

27(c)                     100 fra  1944     03.01...........................................   F           40

28(a)                 1,000 fra  1943     08.01...........................................   VF      280

33                              5 fra  1943     .............................................. F 4,  XF+      25

39                           20 fra  (1943)   ......................................... VF 60,  XF+    180

41                         50 cen  1944     cardboard note................. AU 9,  UN        15

42.                             1 fra  1944     cardboard note...........................   UN        50

43.                             2 fra  1944     cardboard note...........................   UN        60

44.                          50 fra  1949     ......................................... VF 15,  UN      120

45                         100 fra  1950     01.09...........................................   F           20

45                         100 fra  1951     04.15...........................................   F+         30

45                         100 fra  1952     12.22...........................................   XF         80

46                         500 fra  1956     04.27...........................................   XF+    300

47                      1,000 fra  1952     12.10...........................................   VF+    300

47                      1,000 fra  1956     11.15...........................................   VG+      40

52b                       100 dir  1955     ovpt(1959)10,000.......... VG-70VF      300


53c                            5 dir  1965     Kg/wheat harvest.......................   G             5

53d.                           5 dir  1966     Kg/wheat harvest.......................   AU      150

53e                            5 dir  1968     Kg/wheat harvest.......................   VF+      50

53f.                            5 dir  1969     Kg/wheat harvest.......................   UN      200

54c                          10 dir  1965     Kg/orange harvest.....................   F+         40

54d.                        10 dir  1968     Kg/orange harvest.....................   UN      300

54e                          10 dir  1969     Kg/orange harvest.....................   VF+      70

56                              5 dir  1970     Kg/sugar plant.................. VF 4,  UN        15

57a                          10 dir  1970     Kg/orange......................... VF 4,  UN        20

57b.                        10 dir  1985     Kg/orange sorting......................   UN        20

58a                          50 dir  1970     Kg/dam........................................   UN        50

59a.                      100 dir  1970     Kg/refinery..................................   AU+      60

60a.  sig 9              10 dir  1987     Kg/pillar.......................................   UN        15

60b.  sig 10            10 dir  1987     Kg/pillar.......................................   UN        15

62a.  sig 9            100 dir  1987     Kg/pillar.......................................   UN      150

63a.  sig 10            10 dir  1987     Kg/pillar.......................................   UN        15

63b.  sig 11            10 dir  1987     Kg/pillar.......................................   UN        15

64a   sig 10            50 dir  1987     Kg/cavalry...................................   UN        40

65c.  sig 12          100 dir  1987     Kg/pillar.......................................   UN        70

65d.  sig 13          100 dir  1987     Kg/pillar.......................................   UN        90

66a   sig 10          200 dir  1987     Kg/sailboat,shell,coral...............   UN      130

67a.  sig 12            20 dir  1996     Kg/fountain.................................   UN        15

67b.  sig 13            20 dir  1996     Kg/fountain.................................   UN        15

67e.  sig 16            20 dir  1996     Kg/fountain.................................   UN        15

68                            20 dir  2005     Kg/City by sea............................   UN        20

69                            50 dir  2002     Kg/castle.....................................   UN        25

70                         100 dir  2002     3 Kings/demonstration..............   UN        35

71                         200 dir  2002     2 Kings/architecture..................   UN        50

72   comm              50 dir  2009     "Bank, 50 years"........................   UN        30

74                            20 dir  2012     Kg/Casablanca..........................   UN          6

75                            50 dir  2012     Kg/tree, falls...............................   UN        12

                                            -State Bank of Riff, Berber uprising 1921-6

R1.                       1 riffan  1923     State Bank Riff...........................   AU      800


PICK#                                *****MOZAMBIQUE****3*

   Portuguese Colony

32                    1,000 reis  1909     .....................................................   G        100

33                    1,000 reis  1909     .....................................................   F         350

54.                        20 cen  1914     seal-2"Lisboa"................ VF 90,  AU-     350

55.                        50 cen  1914     seal-2"Lisboa"................... F 40,  AU-     400

56                         10 cen  1914     counterfoil............. VG 20, F 40,  UN      600

57                         20 cen  1914     counterfoil...................................   VG        25

58                         50 cen  1914     counterfoil.......................... F 45,  VF         90

59                         10 cen  1914     seal-3................................. F 30,  XF      120

60                         20 cen  1914     seal-3................................. F 30,  XF+    160

61                         50 cen  1914     seal-3................................. F 50,  XF      200

66b                          1 esc  1921     Oliveira Chamico.......................   VG-       15

68a                          5 esc  1921     Oliveira Chamico.......................   F+       180

68b                          5 esc  1921     Oliveira Chamico.......................   F         120

70a                        20 esc  1921     Oliveira Chamico.......................   G        120

74                          20 esc  1937     Ennes/................................ F 60,  F+         90

80                         50 cen  1941     arms............................... VF+40,  XF+      80

81                            1 esc  1941     Oliveira Chamico.............. F 20,  VF+      60

82                       2.50 esc  1941     Oliveira Chamico.......................   VG-       15

83                            5 esc  1941     Oliveira Chamico........... VG-20,  F+         80

84                          10 esc  1941     Oliveira Chamico.......... VG+70,  F           90

85                          20 esc  1941     Ennes/.........................................   VF         70

86                          50 esc  1941     Ennes/.........................................   VG        35

89                            5 esc  1943     Ennes/................................. G 6,  F           25

92                            1 esc  1944     Ennes/.................. VG 5, VF 20,  XF         40

93                       2.50 esc  1944     Ennes/................................ F 20,  VF         40

94                            5 esc  1945     Ennes/.........................................   VG        12

95                          10 esc  1945     Ennes/.........................................   XF      150

99b   p/h          1,000 esc  1947     Ennes/.........................................   VF+    450

105   p/h          1,000 esc  1953     Albuquerque/................. VG 20,  VF+    100

106                        50 esc  1958     Costa/doorway................... F+9,  UN        90

107                      100 esc  1958     Ornelas/doorway.......................   F+         15

107   canc          100 esc  1958     "inutilizada Antonio Enes"........   VG        15

107   canc          100 esc  1958     "inutilizada Porto Amelia".........   VG        15

109a.                  100 esc  1961     Ornelas/arms;wmk........... VF 5,  UN        40

110                      500 esc  1967     Xavier/arms................................   F           25

111                        50 esc  1970     Coutinho.....................................   AU+      35

112                  1,000 esc  1972     Kg Alfonso V....... F+30, VF 40,  XF         80

113.                    100 esc  1972     Coutinho, Cabral........... XF+45,  UN      120


116                        50 esc  1970     ovpt on #111 -50........................   UN          4

117                      100 esc  1961     ovpt on #109 -100.....................   UN          4

118                      500 esc  1967     ovpt on #110 -500.....................   UN          4

119                  1,000 esc  1972     ovpt on #115 -1,000..................   UN          4

125                        50 met  1980     soldiers........................................   UN          5

126                     100 met  1980     Mondlane/public ceremony......   UN          5

127                     500 met  1980     crowd/education........................   UN          7

128                  1,000 met  1980     Machel/mining............................   UN        14

129a                     50 met  1983     soldiers........................................   UN          5

129b                     50 met  1986     soldiers........................................   UN          5

130a                   100 met  1983     flagpole.......................................   UN          5

130b.                  100 met  1986     flagpole.......................................   UN          6

131a                   500 met  1983     crowd/education........................   UN          8

131b.                  500 met  1986     crowd/education........................   UN          8

131c                   500 met  1989     crowd/education........................   UN          7

132a                1,000 met  1983     Pres. Machel, boys....................   UN          8

132c                1,000 met  1989     Pres. Machel, boys....................   UN          8

133a                5,000 met  1988     carving/dancers.........................   UN          9

133b                5,000 met  1989     carving/dancers.........................   UN          9

134                     500 met  1991     carving/warriors.........................   UN          4

135                  1,000 met  1991     Mondlane/monument................   UN          5

136                  5,000 met  1991     Machel/foundry..........................   UN          6

137                10,000 met  1991     Chissano/plowing oxen.............   UN          7

138                50,000 met  1993     bank/dam....................................   UN        12

139              100,000 met  1993     bank/dam....................................   UN        15

140                20,000 met  1999     student/building..........................   UN          7

141              200,000 met  2003     bank/dancers.............................   UN        20

142              500,000 met  2003     bank/steelworker.......................   UN        30

143.                      20 met  2006     /rhinoceros..................................   UN          6

144.                      50 met  2006     /antelopes...................................   UN        12

146.                    200 met  2006     /lions............................................   UN        40

147.                    500 met  2006     /buffaloes....................................   UN        80

148.                 1,000 met  2006     /elephants...................................   UN      150

                                            -Banco da Beira

R3b                      50 cent  1919     large sig 1...................................   VF+      25

R3b                      50 cent  1919     small sig 2.......................... F 10,  VF+      25

R4                        50 cent  1919     ovpt "PRATA".............................   XF         40

R5b   canc           1/2 libr  1919     .....................................................   VG-       10

R7b   canc               1 libr  1919     ovpt "OURO"..............................   VG        20

R8a   canc               5 libr  1919     .....................................................   VG        30

R11A   canc           1 esc  1919     ovpt "PRATA".............................   F           30

                                            -Companhia de Mocambique, Beira

R19b   canc            1 libr  1919     provisional ovpt P#R6...............   VG-       20

R21   canc               5 libr  1929     provisional ovpt P#R8...............   VG-       15

R24   canc               1 libr  1930     ovpt "OURO"..............................   VG        20

R25                      10 cent  1931     .....................................................   F           15

R28                      10 cent  1933     .....................................................   F+         15

R28   canc          10 cent  1933     .....................................................   UN        20

R29   canc          20 cent  1933     .....................................................   UN        20

R30   canc           1/2 libr  1934     .....................................................   VF+      25

R31   canc               1 libr  1934     .....................................................   VF+      25

R32   canc               5 libr  1934     ........................................... G+ 5,  XF         40

R33   canc           1 escu  1937     .....................................................   VG        10

                                            -Comp de Mocambique, bearer check

check                   130 libr  1913     B Nat. Ultramarino..... lot#1166  VF         70

check            1,000 escu  1915     B Nat. Ultramarino... cancelled  VF         70

check                    4 escu  19--       B Nat. Ultramarino... cancelled  F           50

check                     62 libr  1920     B Nat. Ultramarino... cancelled  F           50

                                            -Lourenco Marques(Maputo),Camara Municipal

local                        5 cen  (1920)   Lourenco Marques(Maputo)....   XF         90


PICK#                                 *****MYANMAR see BURMA*****


PICK#                                 *****NAGORNO-KARABAKH****9*

  Seceded Autonomic Region of Azerbaijan, populated 75% by Armenian

NL(1)                    2 dram  2004     church/baptism of Jesus...........   UN          5

NL(2)                  10 dram  2004     Jesus, Decalogue/bridge..........   UN          5


NL(1)   spec        2 dram  2004     #"00000000"...............................   UN        12

NL(2)   spec      10 dram  2004     #"00000000"...............................   UN        12


PICK#                                 *****NAMIBIA****3*

   Republic (South Africa mandate 1915-1990, German Colony 1890-1915)

1   sig 1                     10 $  (1993)   /springbok......................... "A-F"  UN        20

2   sig 1                     50 $  (1999)   /kudu................................. "N-P"  UN      120

3   sig 1                  100 $  (1999)   /oryx....................................... "T"  UN      220

4(a)   sig 3                10 $  (2001)   /springbok, #8-digit.............. "A"  UN          8

4(b)   sig 3                10 $  (2001)   /springbok, #8-digit; UV....... "B"  UN          8

5a   sig 2                  20 $  (1996)   /red hartebeest..................... "H"  UN        50

6a.  sig 3                  20 $  (2002)   /red hartebeest..................... "H"  UN        20

6b   sig 3                  20 $  (2006)   /red hartebeest...................... "J"  UN        20

7   sig 3                     50 $  (1999)   /kudu; #7-digit....................... "P"  UN      100

8b   sig 3                  50 $  (2006)   /kudu; #8-digit...................... "N"  UN        45

9b   sig 3                100 $  (2001)   /oryx; #8-digit........................ "T"  UN        80

9A   sig 3                100 $  (2009)   /oryx; #8-digit......................... "J"  UN        60

10a.  sig 2              200 $  (1996)   /roan antelope; #7-digit....... "U"  UN      200

10b.  sig 3              200 $  (2001)   /roan antelope; #7-digit....... "U"  UN      180

11b                            10 $  2013     /springbok............................. "A"  UN          9

12b.                           20 $  2013     /red hartebeest..................... "D"  UN        18

13.                             50 $  2012     /kudu..................................... "G"  UN        35

14                            100 $  2012     /oryx....................................... "K"  UN        45

15a.                        200 $  2012     /roan antelope...................... "N"  UN        90

15b                          200 $  2015     /roan antelope...................... "N"  UN        80

16                              10 $  2015     /springbok............................. "B"  UN          5

17.                             20 $  2015     /red hartebeest..................... "D"  UN        10


PICK#                                 *****NEPAL****3*

   All Nepal banknotes P#1-P#7 are with pinholes (p/h).


1b   sig 3               1 moh  (1953)   coin/Himalayas.............. AU 15,  UN-       30

2b   sig 2               5 moh  (1948)   /tiger............................... VF+30,  UN-    160

5    sig 3                5 moh  (1953)   /tiger............................................   UN-       60

6    sig 3              10 moh  (1953)   /arms............................... AU 30,  UN-       60

7.   sig 3            100 moh  (1953)   /rhinoceros..................................   UN-    400

8    sig 4                1 moh  (1960)   coin/Himalayas..........................   UN        10

9.   sig 4                5 moh  (1960)   /Everest............................... F+7,  UN        80

9.   canc                5 moh  (1960)   punch cancelation.....................   AU+      40

10(a).  sig 4        10 moh  (1960)   /arms.............................. XF+38,  AU      100

11   sig 5          100 moh  (1960)   /rhinoceros..................................   VF+    100

12   sig 8                 1 rup  (1968)   coin/Himalayas................. AU 6,  UN        12

13(a).  sig 5            5 rup  (1962)   /Everest.......................................   UN        50

13(c).  sig 8            5 rup  (1968)   /Everest............................. VF 6,  UN        45

14(d)   sig 8          10 rup  (1968)   /arms...........................................   VF+      10

15(d)   sig 8        100 rup  (1968)   /rhinoceros...................... AU 48,  UN        96

16                            1 rup  (1971)   /swing..........................................   UN        10

17                            5 rup  (1970)   /terraced fields.................. XF 8,  UN        32

18                          10 rup  (1970)   /palace........................................   UN        32

21.                    1,000 rup  (1971)   /mountains..................................   UN      400

22(a).  sig 9            1 rup  (1974)   /deer............................................   UN        18

22(d)   sig 11          1 rup  (1986)   /deer; small#...............................   UN          7

22(e)   sig 12          1 rup  (1988)   /deer............................................   UN          5

23(a)   sig 9            5 rup  (1974)   /yaks.................................. XF 4,  UN        12

23(b)   sig 10          5 rup  (1982)   /yaks............................................   UN        12

23(c).  sig 11          5 rup  (1986)   /yaks............................................   UN        15

24(a)   sig 9          10 rup  (1974)   /antelopes...................................   UN        15

24(b)   sig 10        10 rup  (1982)   /antelopes...................................   UN        15

25                          50 rup  (1974)   /antelopes...................................   UN        50

26.                       100 rup  (1974)   /rhinoceros..................................   UN      100

29(a1)   sig 10        2 rup  (1981)   /leopard; long#...........................   UN          7

29(b2).  sig 11        2 rup  (1986)   /leopard; short#..........................   UN          5

29(c)   sig 12          2 rup  (1988)   /leopard; short#..........................   UN          7

30(a1)   sig 11        5 rup  (1986)   /yaks; big#..................................   UN        18

30(a2)   sig 11        5 rup  (1990)   /yaks; small#..............................   UN          5

30(c).  sig 13          5 rup  (1995)   /yaks............................................   UN          6

31(a)   sig 11        10 rup  (1986)   /antelopes...................................   UN          6

31(b).  sig 12        10 rup  (1993)   /antelopes...................................   UN          7

31(c)   sig 13        10 rup  (1997)   /antelopes...................................   UN          5

32(a).  sig 10        20 rup  (1982)   /deer............................................   UN        20

32(b)   sig 11        20 rup  (1985)   /deer............................................   UN        18

33(a)   sig 10        50 rup  (1982)   /mountain goat...........................   UN        15

33(b)   sig 11        50 rup  (1985)   /mountain goat...........................   UN          8

33(c).  sig 12        50 rup  (1988)   /mountain goat...........................   UN        10

33(d)   sig 13        50 rup  (2001)   /mountain goat...........................   UN        10

34(a2)   sig 10   100 rup  (1983)   /rhinoceros..................................   UN        24

34(b)   sig 11     100 rup  (1987)   /rhinoceros..................................   UN        20

34(c).  sig 12      100 rup  (1997)   /rhinoceros..................................   UN        24

35d   sig 13        500 rup  (1995)   /tigers..........................................   UN        80

36a. sig.10      1.000 rup  (1982)   Kg/elephant.................... type#2  UN      260

36b.  sig 11     1,000 rup  (1985)   /elephant.....................................   UN      180

36d   sig 13     1,000 rup  (1995)   /elephant.....................................   UN      140

37   sig 12               1 rup  (1993)   /deer............................................   UN          4

38(a)   sig 11        20 rup  (1987)   /deer............................................   UN          5

38(b)   sig 12        20 rup  (1992)   /deer............................................   UN          7

38(c)   sig 13        20 rup  (1997)   /deer............................................   UN          7

38(e).  sig 15        20 rup  (2001)   /deer............................................   UN          7

41   comm            25 rup  (1997)   "Accession 1972-97".................   UN        10

42   comm          250 rup  (1997)   "Accession 1972-97".. in folder  UN        50

42   comm          250 rup  (1997)   "Accession 1972-97".................   UN        40

43.  sig 13          500 rup  (2000)   /tigers..........................................   UN        80

44.  sig 13       1,000 rup  (2000)   /elephant.....................................   UN      160

45   comm            10 rup  (2002)   "New King Gyanendra". plastic  UN          5

46a                          5 rup  (2002)   /yaks; black portrait...................   UN          5

47                          20 rup  (2002)   /deer............................................   UN          5

48a.                       50 rup  (2002)   /goat; black portrait....................   UN        15

48b.                       50 rup  (2002)   /goat............................................   UN        12

49                        100 rup  (2002)   /rhinoceros..................................   UN        10

50                        500 rup  (2002)   /tigers..........................................   UN        50

51                     1,000 rup  (2002)   /elephant.....................................   UN        95

52   comm            50 rup  2005     "Bank Golden Jubilee"..............   UN          7

53a                          5 rup  (2002)   /yaks............................................   UN          5

53b.                         5 rup  (2002)   /yaks............................................   UN          6

54   plastic            10 rup  ND        /antelopes...................................   UN          5

55                          20 rup  (2005)   /deer............................................   UN          6

57                        100 rup  (2005)   /rhinoceros..................................   UN        12

60   sig 17               5 rup  (2009)   Mt.Everest/yaks.........................   UN          6

60   sig 19               5 rup  (2010)   Mt.Everest/yaks.........................   UN          5

61.  sig 17            10 rup  (2009)   Mt.Everest/antelopes................   UN          7

61   sig 19            10 rup  (2010)   Mt.Everest/antelopes................   UN          5

62   sig 19            20 rup  (2010)   Mt.Everest/antelopes................   UN          5

63.  sig 17            50 rup  (2008)   Mt.Everest/goat..........................   UN          8

63   sig 19            50 rup  (2010)   Mt.Everest/goat..........................   UN          6

64   sig 16          100 rup  (2010)   Mt.Everest/rhinoceros...............   UN        10

64   sig 17          100 rup  (2008)   Mt.Everest/rhinoceros...............   UN        10

65.  sig 16          500 rup  (2007)   Mt.Everest,flower/tigers............   UN        50

66a   sig 18        500 rup  (2009)   Mt.Everest/tigers........................   UN        45

66b   sig 19        500 rup  (2009)   Mt.Everest/tigers.................. p/h  VF           7

68a   sig 16     1,000 rup  (2010)   Mt.Everest, flower/elephant.....   UN        55

68b   sig 19     1,000 rup  (2010)   Everest, flower/elephant..... p/h  UN        12

70                          10 rup  2012     Mt.Everest/antelopes................   UN          5

71                          20 rup  2012     Mt.Everest/antelopes................   UN          5

72                          50 rup  2012     Mt.Everest/goat..........................   UN          6

74                        500 rup  2012     Mt.Everest/tigers........................   AU        18

79                          50 rup  2015     Mt.Everest/leopard....................   UN          4

80                        100 rup  2015     Mt.Everest/rhinoceros...............   UN          6


PICK#                                 *****NETHERLANDS***3c*


4                               1 gul  1914     08.07...........................................   F+       200

12                       2.50 gul  1918     07.01sig Lemmers Treub. "BE"  VG+   100

13   p/h                    1 gul  1918     10.01;................ pen p/h "BNU"  F         100

15                             1 gul  1920     02.01...................... P 12, G+35,  F         100

20                       2.50 gul  1927     10.01...........................................   VG-       20

21   p/h                  25 gul  1919     01.06................................... "CF"  F       4000

34   p/h                  10 gul  1919     06.19.................................. "QP"  VF    1200

39                        100 gul  1928     12.06.................................. "BQ"  VG+   200

43a                        10 gul  1924     03.19................................... "AP"  VG      150

43a                        10 gul  1924     05.19.................................. "CN"  VG      150

43b                        10 gul  1929     01.05.................................. "QD"  VG+      90

44                          20 gul  1926     05.18................................. "CW"  VG-    100

44                          20 gul  1930     03.03.................................. "DG"  VG      120

44                          20 gul  1931     02.07.................................. "DR"  VG+   200

45                          25 gul  1928     08.09; blue......................... "HH"  VG      150

46                          25 gul  1930     06.06; red........................... "KE"  F+       200

47                          50 gul  1929     10.01................................... "BA"  VG-       70

47                          50 gul  1931     05.06........................... p/h  "BP"  F         150

48                     1,000 gul  1926     10.02................................... "AK"  F         350

49                          10 gul  1934     man..................................... "CZ"  F           40

49                          10 gul  1938     man............................. pen  "PJ"  VG+      20

49                          10 gul  1939     man.................................. "5RK"  VG+      20

50                          25 gul  1937     Mess................................... "BY"  F           25

50                          25 gul  1938     Mess................................... "CG"  VG+      20

50                          25 gul  1939     Mess................ VG"EJ"15, "ET"  F           30

50                          25 gul  1941     Mess................................. F+20,  VF+      40

51a   p/h             100 gul  1932     sig Delprat-Trip.................. "AS"  F+       100

51a                      100 gul  1936     sig Westerman-Trip.......... "BE"  F           20

51b                      100 gul  1939     sig Westerman-Trip.......... "BX"  VF         40

51c                      100 gul  1942     sig Robertson-Rost........... "HS"  VF+      30

53                          10 gul  1940     Qn Emma...................................   VF-     220

54                          20 gul  1939     Qn Emma...................................   VG+      15

54                          20 gul  1941     Qn Emma.......................... F 20,  VF+      60

55                          20 gul  1941     03.19; ovpt new date....... "CW"  VF      200

56a                        10 gul  1940     girl; wmk man.............................   F+         15

56b                        10 gul  1941     girl; wmk grapes.............. VG 4,  VG+        6

56b                        10 gul  1942     girl; wmk grapes........................   F             8

57                          25 gul  1940     girl by Moreelse................ F 70,  VF      140

59                          10 gul  1943     man by Rembrandt............. F 7,  VF         15

59                          10 gul  1944     man by Rembrandt............. F 7,  XF         30

60.                         25 gul  1943     girl by Moreelse.............. VF 25,  UN      200

60.                         25 gul  1944     girl by Moreelse................ F 12,  UN      200

61                             1 gul  1938     .............................................. F 4,  VF           6

62                       2.50 gul  1938     .......................................... VF+8,  AU        20

63.                            5 gul  1944     # in the top center................ "P"  UN   1000

63                             5 gul  1944     ......................................... VG 20,  VF         80

64.                            1 gul  1943     Qn Wilhelmina................ VF 15,  UN      120

64   "FZ"                  1 gul  1943     Qn Wilhelmina, serie "FZ"........   VF+    100

65.                      2.50 gul  1943     Qn Wilhelmina................ VF 35,  UN      300

65.  error            2.50 gul  1943     "ABNC" printer on top...............   VF      900

66                          10 gul  1943     Qn Wilhelmina................... F 15,  VF+      50

66   cons           3x10 gul  1943     consecutive # 9697775-77.......   XF+    450

67.                         25 gul  1943     Qn....................... F 80; XF+480UN   1300

NL(64-9)            vignette  ABNC   "Qn Wilhelmina"......... lot#1365  UN        40

70                             1 gul  1945     Qn Juliana..................... VF+25,  UN      150

71                       2.50 gul  1945     Qn Juliana......................... F 15,  VF+      50

72                             1 gul  1949     Qn Juliana.............. F 6, AU 50,  UN      100

73                       2.50 gul  1949     Qn Juliana....................... XF 10,  UN        40

74                          10 gul  1945     arms................................... F 80,  F+       120

75b                        10 gul  1945     Kg William...................................   F           40

76                          20 gul  1945     Kg William III................... "2AB"  VF      300

76                          20 gul  1945     Kg William III..................... "IAB"  F         150

77                          25 gul  1945     girl................................................   VG+   120

77   repl                 25 gul  1945     girl; replacement........ "101358"  VG+   200

81                          25 gul  1947     girl................................................   F+       220

82                        100 gul  1947     women........................................   VF      200

83                          10 gul  1949     Kg William.......................... F 50,  VF      100

84                          25 gul  1949     Kg Solomon................................   VF         80

85                          10 gul  1953     Groot.. VF 20, XF+60, AU+120  UN      160

87                          25 gul  1955     Huygens................ F 30, VF 60,  XF+    180

88                        100 gul  1953     Erasmus............................. F 90,  VF      180

90                             5 gul  1966     Vondel............................... VF 5,  UN        40

91a                        10 gul  1968     Halls............................................   F           40

91b                        10 gul  1968     Halls............................................   UN        40

93.                       100 gul  1970     Reyter/........................... VF+80XF      120

95                             5 gul  1973     Vondel/........................................   UN        25

96                          50 gul  1982     sunflower......................... VF 30,  AU      100

97                        100 gul  1977     Snipe bird...................................   UN      250

98.                       250 gul  1985     lighthouse...................................   UN      600

99.                         10 gul  1997     geometric design.......................   UN        25

100.                       25 gul  1999     geometric design.......... VF+12,  UN        50

101                      100 gul  1992     geometric design.......................   UN      150

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -"Willem Ruys" K.R.Lloyd NV, Ship's Money

NL                           5 cen  1957     "Willem Ruys"................. "OAS"  UN        15

NL                         10 cen  1957     "Willem Ruys"................. "OAS"  UN        15

NL                         25 cen  1957     "Willem Ruys"................. "OAS"  UN        15

NL                            1 gul  1957     "Willem Ruys"................. "OAS"  UN        15

NL                       2.50 gul  1957     "Willem Ruys"................. "OAS"  UN        15

NL                          10 gul  1957     "Willem Ruys"................. "OAS"  UN        15

                  -First Dutch Reformed Church, Schenectady NY,USA

NL           5,10,25,50 cen  -1948    valid till 1948..............................   AU+      35

                                            -Fryslan (Friesland) Autonomy Movements

NL                    25 skiden  (1983)   .....................................................   UN          9

NL                 100 skiden  (1983)   .....................................................   UN          9

   Promotional Notes -Joh. Enschede Security Printing, Netherlands

prom                200 units  1995     05.05............................ lot#1480  AU          5

   Ration Coupons             -Deventer, store coupon

coupon          warde bon  -1958    copy 1 gulden P72....................   F             8

coupon          warde bon  -1958    copy 10 gulden P85..................   VG          8

   Advertising Notes          -Resink and Co.(overprint on German 1 Million)

NL             10% discount  -1923    12.06;ovpt on German Mio......   F         100


PICK#                                 *****NETHERLANDS ANTILLES****3*

   Netherlands Dependencies

A1a                     2.50 gul  1955     port/arms........................ VG 22,  F           45

A1b                     2.50 gul  1964     port/arms.............. VG 16, F 35,  VF         70

1b   "A"                    5 gul  1962     woman/arms...............................   VF+      50

3a.  "No"               25 gul  1962     woman/arms...............................   UN      500

7.                         500 gul  1962     woman/arms...............................   UN   1000

8a.                            5 gul  1967     Curacao/arms..... F 12, XF+70,  UN      180

9b                          10 gul  1972     Aruba/arms.................................   VF+      65

10b.                       25 gul  1972     Bonaire/arms..............................   UN      700

15a.                         5 gul  1980     Curacao/arms....... F 10, VF 20,  UN      160

15b.                         5 gul  1984     Curacao/arms...................... F 6,  UN        96

16a.                       10 gul  1979     Aruba/arms.................................   UN      200

16b.                       10 gul  1984     Aruba/arms.................................   UN      120

19b.                     100 gul  1981     St Eustatius/arms......................   UN      300

20                             1 gul  1970     port/arms....................................   UN          6

21                       2.50 gul  1970     airplane/arms.............................   UN        10

22a                           5 gul  1986     bird.................................. VF+18,  UN        95

23a                        10 gul  1986     hummingbird..............................   UN        95

23c                         10 gul  1994     hummingbird..............................   UN        80

24a.                       25 gul  1986     flamingo......................................   UN      400

25c.                       50 gul  1994     sparrow.......................................   UN      400

27.                       250 gul  1986     bird...............................................   UN      600

28a.                       10 gul  1998     hummingbird..............................   UN        50

28c                         10 gul  2003     hummingbird..............................   UN        18

28d.                       10 gul  2006     hummingbird..................... VF 4,  UN        25

28e                        10 gul  2011     hummingbird..................... XF 5,  UN        18

29c                         25 gul  2003     flamingo......................................   UN        50

29d.                       25 gul  2006     flamingo......................................   UN        50

29e                        25 gul  2008     flamingo......................................   UN        45

29f.                        25 gul  2011     flamingo......................................   UN        45

30c.                       50 gul  2003     sparrow.......................................   UN        95

30d.                       50 gul  2006     sparrow.......................................   UN        95

30e.                       50 gul  2011     sparrow.......................................   UN        95

31c                      100 gul  2003     bird...............................................   UN      180


PICK#                                 *****NETHERLANDS INDIES***3c*

   Netherlands Colony till 1949 (Indonesia from 1945)

53                          10 gul  1923     10.09...........................................   VG   1300

69c   sig 24             5 gul  1931     /bank...........................................   VF-     140

70a   sig 20           10 gul  1927     Coen/bank..................................   F           80

70d   sig 24           10 gul  1931     Coen/bank..................................   VG+      60

71a   sig 20           25 gul  1927     Coen/bank..................................   VG        45

71c   sig 24           25 gul  1929     Coen/bank..................................   F           80

71c   sig 24           25 gul  1930     Coen/bank...................... VG 40,  VG+      60

71c   sig 24           25 gul  1931     Coen/bank..................................   F           80

72c   sig 24           50 gul  1929     Coen/bank..................................   VF-     300

73b   sig 20        100 gul  1925     Coen/bank..................................   VF      300

73b   sig 20        100 gul  1927     Coen/bank..................................   F         120

73c   sig 24         100 gul  1930     Coen/bank..................................   VF-     200

73c   sig 24         100 gul  1931     Coen/bank..................................   F+       180

78a   sig 24             5 gul  1935     Javanese dancer.......................   VF         40

78c   sig 26             5 gul  1939     Javanese dancer.......................   XF         80

79a   sig 24           10 gul  1933     Javanese dancers.....................   VG        15

79a   sig 24           10 gul  1934     Javanese dancers.....................   VF+      80

79b   sig 25           10 gul  1937     Javanese dancers.....................   VF         60

79b   sig 25           10 gul  1938     Javanese dancers.....................   XF      120

79c   sig 26           10 gul  1939     Javanese dancers.....................   XF      120

86   spec                 5 gul  1942     SPECIMEN.................................   UN      800

87                             5 gul  1946     flower, violet...............................   XF      150

88.                            5 gul  1946     flower, orange-green........ F 25,  UN      350

89                          10 gul  1946     flora, green.................................   VF+    100

91                          25 gul  1946     beach, green..............................   VF      100

93                          50 gul  1946     boat, grey...................... VG+60,  VF-     120

94   coun            100 gul  1946     old counterfeit............................   VF         50

95                        500 gul  1946     rice fields...................... VG 120VG+   180

97                         1/2 gul  1948     orchids.................................. F 4,  UN        50

100                           1 gul  1919     10.11;Qn Wilhelmina.................   VG      150

100                           1 gul  1919     12.23;Qn Wilhelmina.................   VG-    120

100                           1 gul  1920     02.02;Qn Wilhelmina.................   VG-    120

102                       1/2 gul  1920     01.14................................. G 70,  VG-    100

103                           1 gul  1920     01.01...........................................   VG+   150

108                           1 gul  1940     coin....................... VG 4, XF 18,  UN        70

109.                    2.50 gul  1940     Coen/arms..................... VF+20,  AU+      80

110                       50 cen  1943     Qn Wilhelmina..... VF 7, XF 14,  UN        50

111                           1 gul  1943     Qn Wilhelmina..... VF 8, XF 15,  UN        60

111   pair            2x1 gul  1943     Qn............ 2 notes consecutive  UN      150

112.                    2.50 gul  1943     Qn Wilhelmina................ VF 12,  UN      100

113                           5 gul  1943     Qn/troops........................ VF 12,  AU+      70

114.                       10 gul  1943     Qn/troops........................ VF 15,  UN      120

115                        25 gul  1943     Qn/troops........................ VF 80,  XF+    240

116                        50 gul  1943     Qn/troops.......... VF 25, XF+75,  UN      200

117.                     100 gul  1943     Qn/troops..................... XF+370UN   1000

NL(110-8)          vignette  ABNC   "Qn Wilhelmina"......... lot#1364  UN        40

   Japanese occupation

119a   JIM              1 cen  (1942)   serie block "SS".........................   VF+         8

119b   JIM              1 cen  (1942)   serie fractional..................... F 4,  UN          7

120a   JIM              5 cen  (1942)   serie "S" #...................................   UN        25

120b   JIM              5 cen  (1942)   serie block..................................   UN        20

120c   JIM              5 cen  (1942)   serie fractional............................   UN          7

121a   JIM           10 cen  (1942)   serie # "S29"S31" .....................   UN        35

121c   JIM            10 cen  (1942)   serie fractional.................. VF 4,  UN          7

122b   JIM           1/2 gul  (1942)   serie block "SL"..........................   UN        10

123c   JIM               1 gul  (1942)   serie block "SI"................. VF 4,  UN        25

123   canc               1 gul  (1942)   misprint cancel "SN".. lot#1043  AU        70

124c   JIM               5 gul  (1942)   serie block "SG"............... VF 4,  UN        25

125a   JIM            10 gul  (1942)   serie "SA 641095".....................   VG+      70

125c   JIM             10 gul  (1942)   serie block "SI"................. VF 4,  UN        25

125c   JIM             10 gul  (1942)   serie block "SL"................... F 4,  AU+      25

126a   JIM          100 roe  (1944)   engraved, wmk..........................   XF      160

126c.  JIM          100 roe  (1944)   litho, silk threads.......... XF 150UN      600

128   JIM              1/2 roe  (1944)   .....................................................   UN        60

129   JIM                 1 roe  (1944)   .....................................................   UN        72

130   JIM                 5 roe  (1944)   .....................................................   UN      100

131   JIM               10 roe  (1944)   dancer/Buddha..........................   UN        50

132   JIM            100 roe  (1944)   statue of Vishnu.........................   F+         40


PICK#                                 *****NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA***3c*

   Netherlands Colony till 1963 (part of Indonesia from 1969)

4                               1 gul  1950     Qn Juliana..................................   VG      140

12                       2.50 gul  1954     Qn Juliana..................................   F         200

13                             5 gul  1954     Qn Juliana..................................   F         350

14                          10 gul  1954     Qn Juliana...................... F+600VF      800

   Dutch validation stamp(1950) on Netherlands Indies banknotes

NI-P112             2.50 gul  1943     "Financien Nieuw Guinea".......   F         100

NI-P113                   5 gul  1943     "As__ Res_ Manokwari"...........   F         250


PICK#                                 *****NEW CALEDONIA****3*

   French Dependent Territory (French Pacific Territories after 1985)

36(b)   "45-57"         5 fra  (1926)   sig Simon-Chaume....................   F           90

36(c)  "58-66"          5 fra  (1926)   sig Chaume-Baudouin.. #"888"  F           90

36(d)   "68-115"       5 fra  (1926)   sig Borduge-Baudouin.. VF 25,  AU      100

37a   "1-51"           20 fra  (1929)   sig Simon-Chaume....... VG 15,  F           30

37b   "51-70"         20 fra  (1929)   sig Borduge-Baudouin..... F 25,  VF         50

42d   "87-166"     100 fra  (1957)   woman/statue.............................   F           50

44                         100 fra  (1942)   woman/statue; brown................   VG        80

45                      1,000 fra  (1943)   ovpt on Fr Indochina.................   VF-     400

46a                       100 fra  1943     woman/statue; brown................   VF      300

48  p/h                      5 fra  (1944)   woman/statue................... G 20,  F+       100

49.                          20 fra  (1944)   boat, green..... VF 40, AU+240UN      320

50b.  "26-118"       20 fra  (1954)   man, sig Minost-Flers...... VG 5,  UN      160

50c.  "139-179"     20 fra  (1963)   man, sig Flers-Maxime VF+28,  UN      150

51.                        50 cen  1942     port................................. VF+30,  AU+    120

52                              1 fra  1942     port...................... F+ 24, VF 32,  XF+      96

53                              2 fra  1942     port......................... F 12, VF 24,  XF+      72

54                         50 cen  1943     port...................... VF 15, XF 30,  UN      120

55a                            1 fra  1943     port........................... F 8, VF 15,  UN      120

55b.                          1 fra  1943     port...................... VF 15, XF 30,  UN      120

56a                            2 fra  1943     port........................ VG 7, VF 30,  VF+      40

56b.                          2 fra  1943     port......................... F 12, XF 50,  UN      200

57a                         20 fra  1943     04.30; port......................... F 40,  F+         60

57b                         20 fra  1943     issue-2; port...............................   F+         60

58                              5 fra  1943     port..................................... F 15,  VF         30

60a.  "A/1-K/1"    500 fra  (1970)   fisherman, sig 1.........................   UN      250

60e.  "V/1-V/3"    500 fra  (1990)   fisherman, sig 5.........................   UN      180

63b   "H/2Z/2"     100 fra  (1975)   girl, port, sig 1 litho....................   AU      140


PICK#                                 *****NEWFOUNDLAND*****

   British Colony till 1949 (Province of Canada from 1949)


NL(s126)            vignette  ABNC   "sailing ship"............... lot#1363  UN        25


PICK#                                 *****NEW HEBRIDES****3*

   Anglo-French condominium till 1980 (Republic Vanuatu from 1980)

1(a)                             5 fr  (1943)   sig 1.............................................   F+       180

1(b)                             5 fr  (1943)   sig 2..................... VG 30, F+90, VF+    180

2(a)                           20 fr  (1943)   sig 1................................ F+400VF+    800

4a   "G67-P67"          5 fr  (1941)   sig Chaume-Baudouin..............   F-        160

4b   "A70-Z71"           5 fr  (1941)   sig Borduge-Baudouin.. VG-30,  F           80

5                                  5 fr  (1945)   ovpt; blue....................................   VG+   120

6   p/h                       20 fr  (1941)   ovpt; brown..................... VG 80F         160

7                                20 fr  (1945)   ovpt; green........................... tear  VF+    500

18a.  "C1-E1"        100 fr  (1972)   girl, port, sig 1 engr....................   UN      320

18c   "G1-W1"       100 fr  (1975)   girl, port, sig 2 litho....................   UN      180

18d.  "H1-W1"       100 fr  (1977)   girl, port, sig 3 litho....................   UN      140

19b   "C1-M1"       500 fr  (1979)   fisherman, sig 3.........................   UN      150

20b   "E1-L1"     1,000 fr  (1975)   girl, hut, sig 2................. XF+60,  UN      160


PICK#                                 *****NEW ZEALAND***3c*

   British Colony

154                         10 shi  1934     Maori................. G 130, G+200F         500

155                         1 pou  1934     Maori............................ VG+225F+       450

156                         5 pou  1934     Maori...........................................   F         800

158a   sig H          10 shi  (1940)   Cook/kiwi, treaty............... F 50,  F+         75

158b   sig W         10 shi  (1955)   Cook/kiwi, treaty........................   F           90

158c   sig F           10 shi  (1956)   Cook/kiwi, treaty............. VG 40  F           80

158d.  sig F           10 shi  (1967)   Cook/kiwi, treaty............. XF 80,  UN      200

159a   sig H           1 pou  (1940)   Cook/ship.............. F 40, VF 80,  XF      160

159b   sig W          1 pou  (1955)   Cook/ship....................................   VF      100

159d.  sig F           1 pou  (1967)   Cook/ship....................................   AU      100

160a   sig H           5 pou  (1940)   Cook/lake....................................   VF+    300

160c   sig F            5 pou  (1956)   Cook/lake........................... F 60,  VF      120

160d   sig F           5 pou  (1960)   Cook/lake....................................   VF+    150

161a   sig H         10 pou  (1940)   Cook/sheep................................   VF      400

161d   sig F         10 pou  (1960)   Cook/sheep................................   XF      300

   State (from 1947)

163a.  sig F                1 $  (1967)   QEII/bird Fantail. "OA 000435"  UN      200

163a   sig F                1 $  (1967)   QEII/bird Fantail................ "3C"  VF+      16

163b.  sig W               1 $  (1968)   QEII/bird Fantail............... VF 8,  UN        60

163c   sig K                1 $  (1975)   QEII/bird Fantail............... VF 5,  UN        40

163d   sig H                1 $  (1977)   QEII/bird Fantail.........................   VF+         5

163d   repl                  1 $  (1977)   replacement "*"................ "Y92"  UN        35

164b.  sig W               2 $  (1968)   QEII/bird Rifleman............. F+9,  UN        90

164c.  repl                  2 $  (1975)   replacement "*"................ "9Y2"  UN        65

164d.  sig H                2 $  (1977)   QEII/bird Rifleman.....................   UN        40

165a.  sig F                5 $  (1967)   QEII/bird Tui..................... "001"  UN      300

165b   sig W               5 $  (1968)   QEII/bird Tui...............................   XF      150

165c   sig K                5 $  (1975)   QEII/bird Tui...............................   VF+      25

166c.  sig K              10 $  (1975)   QEII/bird Kea.............................   AU      160

166d.  sig H             10 $  (1977)   QEII/bird Kea.............................   XF+    100

167d.  sig H             20 $  (1967)   QEII/bird Pigeon........................   UN      300

169a   sig H                1 $  (1981)   QEII/bird Fantail............. "AAA"  UN        20

169a   sig H                1 $  (1981)   QEII/bird Fantail............... VF 4,  UN        12

169b   sig R                1 $  (1985)   QEII/bird Fantail............ "AGW"  UN        90

169c   sig B                1 $  (1989)   QEII/bird Fantail.........................   UN        10

170a   sig H                2 $  (1981)   QEII/bird Rifleman........... VF 4,  UN        30

170a   repl                  2 $  (1981)   replacement "*".................. "EB"  UN        40

170b   sig R                2 $  (1989)   QEII/bird Rifleman.....................   UN        15

170b   low#                2 $  (1985)   QEII/bird............ "EHG 000021"  UN      150

170c   sig B                2 $  (1989)   QEII/bird Rifleman.....................   UN        15

171a.  sig H                5 $  (1981)   QEII/bird Tui..................... "JAA"  UN        60

171b.  sig R                5 $  (1985)   QEII/bird Tui....................... F+5,  UN        40

171b   repl                  5 $  (1985)   replacement"*"................... "JA"  UN        70

171c   sig B                5 $  (1989)   QEII/bird Tui........................ F 5,  UN        40

172a.  sig H             10 $  (1981)   QEII/bird Kea.................. "NAA"  UN      120

172b.  sig R             10 $  (1985)   QEII/bird Kea.................. "NJR"  UN      150

172b   sig R             10 $  (1985)   QEII/bird Kea....................... F 9,  UN        60

173a.  sig H             20 $  (1981)   QEII/bird Pigeon............. "TAA"  UN      200

173b   sig R             20 $  (1985)   QEII/bird Pigeon "TCT000449"  UN      150

173b   sig R             20 $  (1985)   QEII/bird Pigeon........................   VF+      25

173c.  sig B              20 $  (1989)   QEII/bird Pigeon............... F 20,  UN      100

174a   sig H             50 $  (1985)   QEII/bird......................................   F+       100

175a.  sig H           100 $  (1985)   QEII/bird Takahe............ "YAA"  UN      800

175b.  sig R           100 $  (1985)   QEII/bird Takahe............ "YAB"  UN      800

176   comm              10 $  1990     "treaty of Waitangi -1840".........   UN        35

177.                             5 $  (1992)   Hillary/penguin...........................   UN        25

177   low#                   5 $  (1992)   Hillary/penguin..... "AB000060"  UN        60

178.                           10 $  (1992)   Sheppard/ducks, green............   UN        70

180                            50 $  (1992)   Ngata/bird Kokako.....................   UN      150

182                            10 $  (1994)   Sheppard/ducks, blue...............   UN        40

182                            10 $  (1994)   Sheppard/ducks, blue...... "EX"  UN      160

183                            20 $  (1994)   QEII/falcons, green...................   UN        80

185a.                           5 $  (19)99   Hillary/penguin...........................   UN        20

185b                            5 $  (20)04   Hillary/penguin...........................   UN        20

185b                            5 $  (20)09   Hillary/penguin...........................   UN        15

186a                          10 $  (19)99   Sheppard/ducks.........................   UN        35

187a                          20 $  (19)99   QEII/falcons.................. AU+36,  UN        50

188a.                        50 $  (19)99   Ngata/bird Kokako.....................   UN      150

188b.                        50 $  (20)05   Ngata/bird Kokako.....................   UN      120

189a                       100 $  (19)99   Rutherford/bird...........................   XF+    120

189b.                      100 $  (20)06   Rutherford/bird...........................   UN      220

191.                             5 $  (20)15   Hillary/penguin...........................   UN          8

192.                           10 $  (20)15   Sheppard/ducks.........................   UN        15

193                            20 $  (20)16   QEII/falcons................................   UN        30

194.                           50 $  (20)16   Ngata/bird Kokako.....................   UN        75

195.                        100 $  (20)16   Rutherford/bird Mohua..............   UN      150

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s232a                    10 shi  1929     Bank of New Zealand...............   VG   1000

s372                       1 pou  1923     Union Bank...... missing border  G-       150


PICK#                                 *****NICARAGUA****3*


A14a                       1 pes  1898     ovpt on Banco Agricola.............   VF+  1200

A15a                       5 pes  1898     ovpt on Banco Agricola..... tape  VG      900

29                            1 pes  1900     .....................................................   G        150

35                            1 pes  1906     ....................................... VG 100F+       300

43a                       50 cen  1910     ......................................... VG 75,  F         150

44a                          1 pes  1910     .....................................................   F-        200

52c   "B"               10 cen  1912     .....................................................   F           50

62a                           1 cor  1927     .....................................................   VG-    300

63b                           1 cor  1937     .....................................................   VG        40

63b                           1 cor  1938     .....................................................   VG        40

63b                           1 cor  1939     .....................................................   F           80

64                             2 cor  1939     .....................................................   XF      400

65b                           5 cor  1939     ................................. VG+90; p/h  F+       180

71                             1 cor  1932     ovpt "revalidado"......... VG 120F         240

79                         10 cen  1938     .....................................................   F           50

80                         25 cen  1938     ........................................... F+90,  VF+    180

81                         50 cen  1938     .....................................................   VF      220

85a                       10 cen  (1937)   .....................................................   F+         45

87.                        10 cen  1938     .....................................................   UN      400

88                         25 cen  1938     ............................................ F 40,  VF         80

89                         50 cen  1938     .....................................................   VF+    200

90a.                          1 cor  1941     Indian girl............. F 14, XF+75,  UN      200

90b.                          1 cor  1945     Indian girl........................ VF 25,  UN      200

91c.                          1 cor  1951     Indian girl.......... VF 25, XF+75, UN      200

92a                           2 cor  1941     .....................................................   VF+    150

92b                           2 cor  1945     ............................................ F 50,  VF+    120

93c                           5 cor  1951     ....................................... VF 100XF+    300

94a                         10 cor  1942     .....................................................   F+       300

94c                         10 cor  1951     ....................................... VF 200VF+    300

95c                         20 cor  1951     .....................................................   F         250

98.                       500 cor  1945     Dario/arms..................................   UN   1600

NL(98)                vignette  ABNC   "Ruben Dario"............. lot#1362  UN        15

99a                           1 cor  1953     Indian girl/bank..........................   VF+      25

99a                           1 cor  1954     Indian girl/bank............. VF+25,  XF+      50

99b.                          1 cor  1957     Indian girl/bank.................... F 7,  AU        60

99b                           1 cor  1958     Indian girl/bank.................. G+4,  UN      112

99c                           1 cor  1959     Indian girl/bank.................... F 6,  UN        96

99c.                          1 cor  1960     Indian girl/bank.............. AU 48,  UN        96

101a                      10 cor  1954     Larreynaga/1821.......................   VF      100

102a                      20 cor  1957     /map............................................   F         100

102b                      20 cor  1959     /map............................................   F         100

104b                    100 cor  1960     Estrada/Palace Nacional..........   F         200

107   "A"                  1 cor  1962     bank/Cordoba...................... F 4,  UN        32

108   "A"                  5 cor  1962     Nicarao/Cordoba... VG 4,VF 15  UN      120

109.  "A"                10 cor  1962     Larreynaga/Cordoba..... VF 15,  UN      120

110   "A"                20 cor  1962     Martinez/Cordoba............. F 40,  XF      160

111   "A"                50 cor  1962     Jerez/Cordoba...........................   F-          60

115   "B"                  1 cor  1968     bank/Cordoba............................   UN        12

116.  "B"                  5 cor  1968     Nicarao/Cordoba............. VG 4,  UN        96

117   "B"                10 cor  1968     Larreynaga/Cordoba....... VF 8,  UN        64

119a   "B"              50 cor  1968     Jerez/Cordoba...........................   UN      160

121   "C"                  2 cor  1972     bank/plantation..........................   UN          8

122   "C"                  5 cor  1972     Nicarao/market..........................   UN        12

123.  "C"                10 cor  1972     Castro/hacienda........................   UN        40

126   "C"             100 cor  1972     Estrada/flower.................. VF 8,  UN        64

127.  "C"             500 cor  1972     Dario/theatre..............................   UN      320

128a.  "C"        1,000 cor  1972     Somoza/Managua; sig x3.........   UN      480

128b   "C"        1,000 cor  1972     Somoza/Managua; sig x2.........   UN      360

129   "D"                20 cor  1978     Herrera, cannon.........................   UN        32

130   "D"                50 cor  1978     Jerez/cows.................................   UN        40

131   "E"                50 cor  1979     Amador/liberation......................   UN        16

132.  "E"              100 cor  1979     Estrada/flower............................   UN        48

133.  "E"              500 cor  1979     Dario/theatre..............................   UN        80

134   "E"                10 cor  1979     Castro/miners.............................   UN          5

135  "E"                 20 cor  1979     Ordonez/troops..........................   UN          6

136   "E"                50 cor  1979     Amador/liberation......................   XF+      18

137   "E"              100 cor  1979     Estrada/flower............................   UN        30

138   "E"              500 cor  1979     Dario/theatre..............................   UN        60

140   "F"                50 cor  1984     Amador/liberation......................   UN          5

141   "F"              100 cor  1984     liberation.....................................   UN          6

142   "F"              500 cor  1984     Dario/theatre..............................   UN        16

143.  "F"           1,000 cor  1984     Sandino/hut................................   UN        24

144   "G"             500 cor  1985     Dario/theatre..............................   UN        32

145a   "G"        1,000 cor  1985     Sandino/hut............... engraved  UN        12

145b   "G"        1,000 cor  1985     Sandino/hut........................ litho  UN          8

146   "G"          5,000 cor  1985     Zeledon/parliament...................   UN          8

147                 20,000 cor  1985     ovpt#135 -20 cor........................   UN          5

148                 50,000 cor  1985     ovpt#140 -50 cor........................   UN          8

149               100,000 cor  1985     ovpt#144 -500 cor.....................   UN          5

150               500,000 cor  1985     ovpt#145 -1000 cor...................   UN          5

151                         10 cor  1985     Amador/troop.............................   UN          5

152                         20 cor  1985     Ordonez/demonstration............   UN          5

153                         50 cor  1985     Estrada/vaccination...................   UN          5

154.                     100 cor  1985     Perez/parliament.......................   UN        24

155                      500 cor  1985     Dario/classroom.........................   UN          5

156a   engr       1000 cor  1985     Sandino/liberation......................   UN        16

156b   litho       1000 cor  1985     Sandino/liberation......................   UN          5

157                    5000 cor  (1988)   Zeledon/parliament...................   UN          6

158                       10,000  (1989)   ovpt#151 -10 cor........................   UN          5

159   error         100,000  (1989)   front ovpt only............................   UN        40

160                       20,000  (1989)   Ordonez/church.........................   UN        16

161                       50,000  (1990)   Estrada/hacienda......................   UN        16

162                     200,000  (1990)   ovpt P156 -1000 cor..................   UN          5

162   error         200,000  (1990)   inverted ovpt on back only.......   UN        40

162   error         200,000  (1990)   inverted front ovpt......................   UN        40

163                     500,000  (1990)   ovpt P162 -20 cor......................   UN          5

164                  1,000,000  (1990)   ovpt P156 -1000 cor..................   UN        16

165                  5,000,000  (1990)   Ordonez/church.........................   UN        10

166                10,000,000  (1990)   Estrada/house............................   UN        10

167                          1 cen  (1991)   Cordoba/flower..........................   UN          4

168   sig 1              5 cen  (1991)   Cordoba/flower..........................   UN          4

168   sig 2              5 cen  (1991)   Cordoba/flower..........................   UN          5

169   sig 1            10 cen  (1991)   Cordoba/flower..........................   UN          4

169   sig 2            10 cen  (1991)   Cordoba/flower..........................   UN          4

170   sig 1            25 cen  (1991)   Cordoba/flower..........................   UN          4

170   sig 2            25 cen  (1991)   Cordoba/flower..........................   UN          4

171                        1/2 cor  (1991)   Cordoba/arms............................   UN          7

172                        1/2 cor  (1991)   Cordoba/arms, flower...............   UN          7

173a   sig 1             1 cor  1990     Cordoba/arms............................   UN        20

173b.  sig 2             1 cor  1990     Cordoba/arms............................   UN        24

174a   sig 1             5 cor  (1991)   Diriangen/warship......................   UN        18

174b   sig 2             5 cor  (1991)   Diriangen/warship......................   UN        18

175a   sig 1           10 cor  1990     Larreynaga/arms; #7-digit........   UN        18

175b.  sig 2           10 cor  1990     Larreynaga/arms; #8-digit........   UN        22

178a.  sig 1         100 cor  1990     Dario/arms..................................   UN      160

178b.  sig 2         100 cor  1990     Dario/arms..................................   UN      160

179   "B"                  1 cor  1995     Cordoba/arms............................   UN          6

180.                          5 cor  1995     Diriangen/warship......................   UN        15

181.                       10 cor  1996     Larreynaga/arms.......................   UN        12

183                         50 cor  1995     Chamorro/arms..........................   UN        50

188                         10 cor  1999     Larreynaga/arms.......................   UN        10

190.                     100 cor  1999     Dario/arms..................................   UN      100

191                         10 cor  2002     Larreynaga/fort..........................   UN          8

192                         20 cor  2002     Zelaya/ship.................................   UN        16

193                         50 cor  2002     Chamorro/fort.............................   UN        32

194                      100 cor  2002     Dario/theatre..............................   UN        64

197.                       20 cor  2006     Zelaya/ship.................................   UN        12

198.                       50 cor  2006     Chamorro/fort.............................   UN        24

199                      100 cor  2006     Dario/theatre..............................   UN        36

200.                     500 cor  2006     Estrada/hacienda......................   UN      120

201.                       10 cor  2007     fort/house........................ plastic  UN          6

202a                      20 cor  2007     hut/dancers..................... plastic  UN          6

202b                      20 cor  2007     hut/dancers..................... plastic  UN          6

203.                       50 cor  2007     vases/canon...............................   UN        15

204                      100 cor  2007     monument/cathedra..................   UN        18

205a                    200 cor  2007     folklore/bird..................... plastic  UN        35

205b                    200 cor  2007     folklore/bird..................... plastic  UN        35

206a                    500 cor  2007     house/old sculpture...................   UN        80

206b                    500 cor  2007     house/old sculpture...................   UN        80

207   comm           50 cor  (2010)   "Bank, 50 years"............. plastic  UN        12

208   comm        100 cor  2012     "Cordoba 1912-2012"...............   UN        15

209                         10 cor  2014     port/dancer.................................   UN          4

210                         20 cor  2014     church/festival............................   UN          4

211                         50 cor  2014     market/ballet...............................   UN          6

212                      100 cor  2014     carriage/cathedral......................   UN        12

213                      200 cor  2014     theatre/dancers..........................   UN        25

214                      500 cor  2014     cathedral/volcano......................   UN        50

216   comm     1,000 cor  2016     "Dario, 1916-2016"....................   UN        95


PICK#                                 *****NIGERIA****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1960; British West Africa)

2                             5 shill  1958     river/palms........................ F+30,  UN      300

4.                        1 pound  1958     bank/farming coconuts.... F 15,  AU+    180

5                         5 pound  1958     bank/farming date......................   F         250

6                             5 shill  (1967)   bank/logging; lilac......................   VF         50

8                         1 pound  (1967)   bank/farming; red............. VF 4,  UN        15

9                         5 pound  (1967)   bank/;blue-grey..........................   F         100

10a   sig A             5 shill  (1968)   bank/; green-orange......... F 25,  UN      400

10b   sig 1             5 shill  (1968)   bank/; green-orange..... VG-10,  XF+    150

11a   sig A           10 shill  (1968)   bank/............................... VG 15,  AU      240

11b   sig 1           10 shill  (1968)   bank/...........................................   VF         90

12a   sig A         1 pound  (1968)   bank/farming date............. F 30,  VF         60

12b   sig 1         1 pound  (1968)   bank/farming date......................   XF      180

13a   sig A         5 pound  (1968)   bank/farming cacao...................   F+       120

14a   sig 1            50 kob  (1973)   bank/logging...............................   UN        18

14d   sig 4            50 kob  (1973)   bank/logging...............................   F             4

14f   sig 6             50 kob  (1973)   bank/logging..................... XF 4,  UN        15

14g   sig 7            50 kob  (1973)   bank/logging..................... AU 6,  UN          8

14j   sig 9             50 kob  (1973)   bank/logging...............................   UN          9

15a   sig 1               1 nia  (1973)   bank/stacking sacks........ VF 8,  UN        60

15b   sig 2               1 nia  (1973)   bank/stacking sacks........ VF 8,  UN        60

15d.  sig 4               1 nia  (1973)   bank/stacking sacks..................   VF           8

16a.  sig 1               5 nia  (1973)   bank/farming date.......... VF 45,  UN      350

16b   sig 2               5 nia  (1973)   bank/farming date......................   F             9

17a.  sig 1             10 nia  (1973)   bank/dam........................... F 35,  UN      600

17b.  sig 2             10 nia  (1973)   bank/dam....................... VF+95,  UN      500

18e.  sig 6             20 nia  (1973)   bank/arms...................... VF+20,  UN      100

19a   sig 4               1 nia  (1979)   Macauley/mask..........................   UN        20

19b.  sig 5               1 nia  (1979)   Macauley/mask..........................   UN        20

19c   sig 6               1 nia  (1979)   Macauley/mask..........................   UN        15

20a   sig 4               5 nia  (1979)   Balewa/dancers.........................   AU+      60

21c.  sig 6             10 nia  (1979)   Ikoku/dancers.............................   UN      120

23a   sig 6               1 nia  (1984)   Macaulay/mask..........................   UN        15

23b   sig 7               1 nia  (1984)   Macaulay/mask..........................   UN        12

24a   sig 6               5 nia  (1984)   Balewa/dancers.........................   UN        18

24b.  sig 7               5 nia  (1984)   Balewa/dancers.........................   UN        18

24c.  sig 8               5 nia  (1984)   Balewa/dancers.........................   UN        18

24d   sig 9               5 nia  (1984)   Balewa/dancers.........................   UN          8

24e   sig 10             5 nia  (1984)   Balewa/dancers.........................   UN          8

24f.  sig 11              5 nia  (1984)   Balewa/dancers.........................   UN          8

24g                           5 nia  2001     Balewa/dancers.........................   UN          5

24g                           5 nia  2002     Balewa/dancers.........................   UN          5

24                             5 nia  2004     Balewa/dancers.........................   UN          5

24                             5 nia  2005     Balewa/dancers.........................   UN          4

25a   sig 6             10 nia  (1984)   Ikoku/women..............................   UN        20

25b   sig 7             10 nia  (1984)   Ikoku/women..............................   UN        10

25c   sig 8             10 nia  (1984)   Ikoku/women..............................   UN        10

25d.  sig 9             10 nia  (1984)   Ikoku/women..............................   UN        10

25e   sig 10           10 nia  (1984)   Ikoku/women..............................   UN          7

25f                         10 nia  2001     Ikoku/women..............................   UN          5

25g                        10 nia  2003     Ikoku/women..............................   UN          5

25i                          10 nia  2005     Ikoku/women..............................   UN          4

26b   sig 7             20 nia  (1984)   Muhammed/arms......................   UN        15

26c   sig 8             20 nia  (1984)   Muhammed/arms......................   UN          9

26d   sig 9             20 nia  (1984)   Muhammed/arms......................   VF           8

26e   sig 10           20 nia  (1984)   Muhammed/arms......................   UN          6

26    sig 11            20 nia  2001     Muhammed/arms......................   UN          5

26                          20 nia  2002     Muhammed/arms......................   UN          4

26                          20 nia  2004     Muhammed/arms......................   UN          4

26                          20 nia  2005     Muhammed/arms......................   UN          4

27a   sig 8             50 nia  (1991)   four people/farming....... AU 15,  UN        30

27b   sig 9             50 nia  (1991)   four people/farming...................   UN        20

27c   sig 10           50 nia  (1991)   four people/farming...................   UN        18

27d.  sig 11           50 nia  2001     four people/farming...................   UN        10

27e                        50 nia  2004     four people/farming...................   UN-         6

27f                         50 nia  2005     four people/farming...................   UN-         6

28a                      100 nia  1999     Awolowo/rock mountain............   UN        10

28b                      100 nia  1999     Awolowo/rock mountain............   UN          9

28c                      100 nia  2001     Awolowo/rock mountain............   UN          8

28e                      100 nia  2005     Awolowo/rock mountain............   UN          7

28j                       100 nia  2010     Awolowo/rock mountain............   UN          6

29a                      200 nia  2000     Bello/cattle,fruit..........................   UN        12

29c                      200 nia  2005     Bello/cattle,fruit..........................   UN          8

29f                       200 nia  2007     Bello/cattle,fruit..........................   UN          7

29h                      200 nia  2009     Bello/cattle,fruit..........................   UN          7

30                        500 nia  2001     Azikiwe/oil platform....................   UN        22

30.                       500 nia  2005     Azikiwe/oil platform....................   UN        20

32a                           5 nia  2006     Balewa/dancers.........................   UN          4

33a                        10 nia  2006     Ikoku/women..............................   UN          4

34a                        20 nia  2006     Muhammed/arms......................   UN          5

34b                        20 nia  2007     Muhammed/arms......................   UN          5

34e                        20 nia  2009     Muhammed/arms......................   UN          4

34g                        20 nia  2011     Muhammed/arms......................   UN          4

35a                        50 nia  2006     four people/farming...................   UN          5

36a                   1,000 nia  2005     Mai-Bornu, Isong/......................   UN        35

36b                   1,000 nia  2006     Mai-Bornu, Isong/......................   VF+         7

37   comm            50 nia  2010     "Independence 1960-2010".....   UN        12

38                             5 nia  2009     Balewa/dancers.........................   UN          4

39a                        10 nia  2009     Ikoku/women..............................   UN          4

39b                        10 nia  2010     Ikoku/women..............................   UN          4

41   comm          100 nia  2014     "Nigeria 2014-2014"..................   UN        12


PICK#                                 *****NORWAY****3*


A3                            25 rix  1695     !reproduction!.............................   XF         10

7c     "O"                  5 kro  1936     Christie........................................   F+       120

7c     "S"                  5 kro  1941     Christie........................................   VF         80

7c     "T"                   5 kro  1941     Christie........................................   F           40

7c     "U"                  5 kro  1942     Christie........................................   VF         80

7c.    "V"                  5 kro  1944     Christie........................................   AU      250

8c     "AE"              10 kro  1940     Christie, Tordenskjold...............   F           25

8c     "Ao"              10 kro  1940     Christie, Tordenskjold...............   F           25

8c     "A"                10 kro  1941     Christie, Tordenskjold...............   VG        12

8c     "C"                10 kro  1942     Christie, Tordenskjold...............   F           20

8c     "C"                10 kro  1943     Christie, Tordenskjold...............   VF         40

8c     "D"                10 kro  1943     Christie, Tordenskjold...............   XF         80

8c     "E"                10 kro  1943     Christie, Tordenskjold...............   XF+    250

8c     "E"                10 kro  1944     Christie, Tordenskjold..... F+30,  VF+      60

9d     "B"                50 kro  1940     Christie........................................   VG+   120

9d     "C"                50 kro  1941     Christie........................................   G+        60

9d     "C"                50 kro  1942     Christie........................................   F         140

9d     "C"                50 kro  1943     Christie........................................   VF+    400

9d     "D"                50 kro  1944     Christie........................................   F         180

10c   "C"              100 kro  1944     Christie........................ VG+120VF      320

13                             1 kro  1917     ............................... VG 20, F 40,  VF         80

14a                           2 kro  1918     .............................. G 15, VG 30,  F           60

15a   "C"                  1 kro  1941     .....................................................   F+         20

15a   "C"                  1 kro  1942     ........................................ VG+10,  F+         20

15a   "F"                  1 kro  1943     .......................................... VG+6,  VF         15

15a   "H"                  1 kro  1944     .............................................. F 8,  UN      140

15b   "I"                    1 kro  1946     .....................................................   F+         15

15b   "J"                   1 kro  1947     ........................................... VG 4,  F+         12

15b   "K"                  1 kro  1948     .............................................. F 7,  VF         15

15b   "L"                   1 kro  1948     .....................................................   VF         15

15b   "M"                 1 kro  1948     .....................................................   F             7

15b   "M"                 1 kro  1949     .....................................................   F             6

16     "C"                  2 kro  1943     .....................................................   VG          7

16.    "D"                  2 kro  1944     .....................................................   UN      200

16     "F"                  2 kro  1947     .....................................................   F+         30

25.    "H"                  5 kro  1951     arms............................................   UN      350

26     "V"                10 kro  1952     arms............................................   VF         30

30     "D"                  5 kro  1956     Nansen/fishery...........................   F           10

30.    "F"                  5 kro  1957     Nansen/fishery...........................   UN      400

30     "F"                  5 kro  1959     Nansen/fishery...........................   F             9

30.    "I"                    5 kro  1961     Nansen/fishery...........................   UN      200

30     "J"                   5 kro  1962     Nansen/fishery.................... F 7,  VF         15

31     "D"                10 kro  1954     Michelsen/ship sig J-T..............   F+         30

31     "H"                10 kro  1956     Michelsen/ship...........................   F           10

31     "K"                10 kro  1957     Michelsen/ship...........................   UN      120

31.    "P"                10 kro  1959     Michelsen/ship.............. AU+90,  UN      120

31                           10 kro  1964     Michelsen/ship...........................   VF+      10

31                           10 kro  1965     Michelsen/ship.................... F 4,  UN        50

31.                          10 kro  1967     Michelsen/ship...........................   UN        50

31                           10 kro  1970     Michelsen/ship...........................   VF           7

31                           10 kro  1971     Michelsen/ship................... F+4,  VF+         8

31                           10 kro  1972     Michelsen/ship................... F+4,  UN        40

32                           50 kro  1959     Bjornson/farming.......................   VF      200

32                           50 kro  1960     Bjornson/farming.......................   VF+    300

33                        100 kro  1958     Wergeland/logging....................   VF      200

33                        100 kro  1959     Wergeland/logging.............. p/h  F         100

34f                       500 kro  1974     Abel/factory................................   VF+    600

35d                   1,000 kro  1967     Ibsen/..........................................   XF    1200

36                           10 kro  1974     Nansen.............................. VF 4,  UN        25

36                           10 kro  1975     Nansen.............................. VF 4,  UN        22

36                           10 kro  1976     Nansen........................................   UN        22

36                           10 kro  1977     Nansen........................................   UN        20

36                           10 kro  1979     Nansen............................. XF+6,  UN        15

36                           10 kro  1981     Nansen........................................   UN        15

36                           10 kro  1982     Nansen........................................   UN        15

36                           10 kro  1983     Nansen........................................   UN        15

37                           50 kro  1974     Bjornson......................................   UN      200

37.                          50 kro  1980     Bjornson......................... VF+25,  UN      120

37                           50 kro  1983     Bjornson......................................   XF         30

38.                       100 kro  1963     Wergeland..................................   UN      500

38                        100 kro  1974     Wergeland..................................   VF         40

40                     1,000 kro  1982     Ibsen...........................................   F+       300

42.                          50 kro  1985     Vinje/...........................................   UN        50

42.                          50 kro  1987     Vinje/...........................................   UN        50

43.                       100 kro  1983     Collett/.........................................   UN      120

43                        100 kro  1985     Collett/.........................................   VF+      22

43                        100 kro  1986     Collett/.........................................   XF         30

43.                       100 kro  1987     Collett/.........................................   UN      100

43                        100 kro  1988     Collett/.........................................   XF         25

46                           50 kro  2005     Asbjornsen/lilies.........................   UN        20

46                           50 kro  2008     Asbjornsen/lilies.........................   UN        20

49.                       100 kro  2010     Flagstad/theatre.........................   UN        35

50d.                     200 kro  2006     Birkeland/map North Pole........   UN        70

51d.                     500 kro  2005     Undste/wreath flowers..............   UN      200

52b                   1,000 kro  2004     Munch/painting..........................   UN      400

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(46)                   50 kro  1996     BoC training money... lot#1293  AU        10

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)


NL                            1 kro  1940     Moster.........................................   VF-     100

NL                            5 kro  1940     Moster.........................................   VF+    160

NL                          10 kro  1940     Moster.........................................   VF      200


NS#                                    *****NOVA SCOTIA*****

   British Colony, from 1867 part of Canada

 The warrants payable by the Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland.

 Warrants were prepared by Alexander Humphrys claimed to be the heir

to the titles of William Alexander of Menstrie and rightful claimant

to the estates of Nova Scotia and Independencies.

NS-1              20 pounds  184-      Warrant, unissued.....................   XF      300

NS-3            100 pounds  184-      Warrant, unissued....... VF 200VF+    300


PICK#                                 *****OCEANIA****3*

   Japanese occupation; Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia

1a   JIM              1/2 shill  (1942)   "OC" 42 mm apart........ VF+60AU+    240

1c   JIM              1/2 shill  (1942)   "OC" 52 mm apart............ VF 4,  UN        25

2     JIM                 1 shill  (1942)   palms, "OB"................................   F           40

2     JIM                 1 shill  (1942)   palms, "OC"...................... VF 4,  UN        30

3     JIM               10 shill  (1942)   palms.................. F+30, VF+60,  XF+    120

4     JIM             1 pound  (1942)   palms................. VF 10, XF+30,  UN        80


PICK#                                 *****OMAN****3*

   Sultanate of Muscat and Oman

1                         100 bais  (1970)   arms/ornament...........................   UN        90

2                            1/4 rial  (1970)   arms/Jalali fort............................   UN      150

3                            1/2 rial  (1970)   arms/Sumail fort........................   UN      300

4.                              1 rial  (1970)   arms/Sohar fort..........................   UN      500

6.                            10 rial  (1970)   arms/Mirani fort..........................   UN   1800

   Sultanate of Oman

7                         100 bais  (1973)   arms/ornament...........................   UN        50

8.                           1/4 rial  (1973)   arms/Jalali fort............................   UN        90

9                            1/2 rial  (1973)   arms/Sumail fort........................   UN      150

10                             1 rial  (1973)   arms/Sohar fort..........................   UN      280

13                      100 bais  (1977)   arms/Qaboos port......................   UN        24

14                      200 bais  (1977)   arms/Rustaq fort........................   UN        30

15                          1/4 rial  (1977)   arms/Jalali fort............................   UN        50

16.                         1/2 rial  (1977)   arms/Sumail fort........................   UN        90

17                             1 rial  (1977)   /Sohar fort.............. VF(pen) 18,  UN      150

18                             5 rial  (1977)   arms/Nizwa fort..........................   UN      300

19                           10 rial  (1977)   arms/Sumail fort........................   UN      500

20.                          20 rial  (1977)   Sultan/bank................................   UN   1000

22a                    100 bais  1987     Sultan/Qaboos port...................   UN        24

22b                    100 bais  1989     Sultan/Qaboos port............ F 4,  UN        20

22d                    100 bais  1994     Sultan/Qaboos port...................   UN        15

23a.                   200 bais  1987     Sultan/Rustaq fort.............. F+4,  UN        30

23b.                   200 bais  1993     Sultan/Rustaq fort......................   UN        28

23c                     200 bais  1994     Sultan/Rustaq fort......................   UN        22

24                          1/4 rial  1989     Sultan/fishing industry...............   UN        38

25                          1/2 rial  1987     Sultan/university.................. F 5,  UN        48

26c                           1 rial  1994     Sultan/Sohar fort........................   UN        64

29b.                       20 rial  1994     Sultan/bank................................   UN      720

30b.                       50 rial  1992     Sultan/bank................................   AU+ 1200

31                      100 bais  1995     Sultan, irrigation/fauna..............   UN          6

32                      200 bais  1995     Sultan, airport, port....................   UN        12

33                          1/2 rial  1995     Sultan/Al Hazm fort...................   UN          8

34                             1 rial  1995     Sultan/.........................................   UN        24

36.                          10 rial  1995     Sultan/Mutrah fort......................   UN      240

37.                          20 rial  1995     Sultan/Muscat............................   UN      450

39                             5 rial  2000     Sultan/Nizwa city.......................   UN        80

40                           10 rial  2000     Sultan/Mirani fort.......................   UN      150

41                           20 rial  2000     Sultan/Rysayl.............................   UN      280

42.                          50 rial  2000     Sultan/.........................................   UN      650

43    comm              1 rial  2005     "35th National Day" ..................   UN        15

44    comm              5 rial  2010     "40th National Day" ..................   UN        40

45.   comm            10 rial  2010     "40th National Day" ..................   UN        70

46.   comm            20 rial  2010     "40th National Day" ..................   UN      130

47.   comm            50 rial  2010     "40th National Day" ..................   UN      320

48    comm              1 rial  2015     "45th National Day" .......... error  UN        50


PICK#                                 *****PAKISTAN****3*

   All Pakistan banknotes until P44 (1997) are with pinholes (p/h).

   Republic (British Colony till 1948; India)

1     p/h                    1 rup  (1947)   George VI..................... VG 100VF+    600

4.                              1 rup  (1949)   green. VG 40;VF 200,spin hole  AU      800

6                            10 rup  (1948)   red.............. VG+150, spin hole  F+       300

7                          100 rup  (1948)   green........................... spin hole  VG+   500

8(a)    "A-B/10"       1 rup  (1952)   /violet; sig Turner.......................   VG-       60

8(b)    "B/11-B"       1 rup  (1952)   /violet; sig Qadir.............. F 100VF+    300

9(b)    "F-L"             1 rup  (1953)   /blue; sig Hasan............. VF 16,  VF+      24

9(c).   "M-P"            1 rup  (1955)   /blue; sig Hasnie............ VF 20,  UN-    130

9(d)    "P-Q"            1 rup  (1956)   /blue; sig Ayub................ VF 16,  UN-    130

9(e).   "R-T"            1 rup  (1958)   /blue; sig Majeed............ XF 40,  UN-    130

9(f)     "T-W"           1 rup  (1961)   /blue; sig Mirza...........................   UN-    130

9A.     "X-AG"         1 rup  (1964)   /violet; sig Ahmad.......... XF 12,  AU        24

9A      "AH-AV"       1 rup  (1966)   /violet; sig Khan................ XF 8,  UN-       32

9A.     "AW-AX"      1 rup  (1972)   /violet; sig Kazi.............. VF+12,  UN-       64

10a    "A-D"            1 rup  (1973)   brown; sig Kazi..........................   UN-       16

10b    "E-G"            1 rup  (1973)   brown; sig Shaikh......................   UN-       12

11.                           2 rup  (1949)   minaret/mosque........ spin hole  AU    4000

12(b)  "JT-SL"        5 rup  (1953)   boat/ sig Qadir................... F 16,  VF         32

12(c). "H/1-"            5 rup  (1953)   boat/ sig Hasnie.. VF(spin h)30  UN-    240

13(b)  "GR-DB"    10 rup  (1953)   palace, sig Qadir................. F 6,  VF-       12

13(c)  "JM/1-"       10 rup  (1960)   palace, sig Hasnie......... VF 12,  XF         24

13(d)  "UD/2-        10 rup  (1967)   palace, sig Rashid.....................   VF         12

14b2. "N-AQ"     100 rup  (1954)   "Karachi" sig Qadir........ VF 60,  UN-    400

15(b)  "BG-ED/1"   5 rup  (1967)   purple; sig Rashid......................   AU+      24

16b.   "DB-XZ"     10 rup  (1970)   brown; sig Rashid......... XF 10,  UN-       40

17a    "A-EB"        50 rup  (1957)   green; sig Hasnie......................   VF           9

17b    "EG-GF"    50 rup  (1957)   green; sig Rashid............. VF 6,  VF+         9

18(c).  ""             100 rup  (1957)   green "Lahore" sig Qadir..........   AU      160

18(g)  "BM-DC" 100 rup  (1960)   green; sig Hasnie.......... XF 16,  UN-       60

19a      "E-T"      500 rup  (1964)   "Dhaka" sig Hasnie........... F+9,  UN-    100

19b      "A-C"      500 rup  (1964)   "Karachi" sig Hasnie........... pen  VG        20

20(b)   "BG-ZZ"      5 rup  (1972)   red; sig Khan.................... XF 4,  UN-       12

20(c)   "AA/1-"        5 rup  (1972)   red; sig Khan..............................   UN-       16

21(b)                     10 rup  (1972)   green; sig Khan..........................   UN-       12

21(c)   "DB-FA"    10 rup  (1972)   green; sig Khan (@TDLR).......   UN-       18

22(b)                     50 rup  (1972)   blue; sig Khan............................   UN-       80

23(a).                  100 rup  (1972)   blue; sig Khan............................   AU+    150

24A(a)   "A-Q'         1 rup  (1975)   /tower; sig Shaikh......................   UN-         5

24A(b)   "W-AA"     1 rup  (1977)   /tower; sig Khan.........................   UN-         5

24A(c).  "AC-"        1 rup  (1979)   /tower; sig Baig..........................   UN-         7

25       "A-L"            1 rup  (1981)   tomb of Allama; sig Baig...........   UN-         6

26a     "L-V"            1 rup  (1982)   tomb of Allama; sig Baig...........   UN-         5

26b     "AA"             1 rup  (1982)   tomb of Allama; sig Baig...........   UN-         5

27(b).                       1 rup  (1987)   tomb of Allama; sig Haq...........   UN-       10

27(c).                       1 rup  (1988)   tomb of Allama; sig Qureshi.....   UN-       10

27(d)                        1 rup  (1987)   tomb of Allama; sig Akhund.....   UN-         5

27(e)                        1 rup  (1987)   tomb of Allama; sig Qureshi.....   UN-         5

27(g)                        1 rup  (1994)   tomb of Allama; sig Talat..........   UN-         5

28(a)                        5 rup  (1976)   Jinnah/tunnel; sig Ali.................   UN-         6

28(b)   "KH-ZZ"      5 rup  (1982)   Jinnah/tunnel; sig Kazi..............   UN-         6

29(a)   "C-NK"      10 rup  (1976)   Jinnah/ruins; sig Ali...................   UN-       10

29(b).  "NX-ZZ"    10 rup  (1982)   Jinnah/ruins; sig Kazi................   UN-       12

30(a).                    50 rup  (1977)   Jinnah/Lahore fort; sig Ali.........   UN-       60

30(b)   "CF-"         50 rup  (1982)   Jinnah/Lahore fort; sig Kazi.....   UN-       40

31(a)   "A-DW"   100 rup  (1976)   Jinnah/collage; sig Ali...............   UN-       90

33                            5 rup  (1982)   Jinnah/tunnel; sig Kazi..............   UN-       30

34.                         10 rup  (1982)   Jinnah/ruins; sig Kazi................   UN-       40

35                          50 rup  (1982)   Jinnah/Lahore fort; sig Kazi.....   UN-       60

36.                       100 rup  (1982)   Jinnah/collage; sig Kazi............   UN-    120

37(a)   "A-BN"        2 rup  (1985)   arms/mosque; sig Kazi.............   UN          4

37(c)                        2 rup  (1988)   arms/mosque; sig Hanafi..........   UN          4

37(e)                        2 rup  (1993)   arms/mosque; sig Yaqub..........   UN          4

38(a)   sig 9            5 rup  (1984)   Jinnah/tunnel..............................   UN        10

38(b).  sig 10          5 rup  (1984)   Jinnah/tunnel..............................   UN        12

38(c).  sig 11          5 rup  (1988)   Jinnah/tunnel..............................   UN        12

38(e)   sig 13          5 rup  (1993)   Jinnah/tunnel..............................   UN          5

38(f)    sig 13          5 rup  (1993)   Jinnah/tunnel, seria 3 letter......   UN          4

39(a).  sig 9          10 rup  (1984)   Jinnah/ruins, engr................ p/h  UN-         9

39(e).  sig 12        10 rup  (1989)   Jinnah/ruins.......................... p/h  UN-         7

39(f)    sig 11        10 rup  (1990)   Jinnah/ruins, seria 3 letter........   UN          6

39(g)   sig 13        10 rup  (1993)   Jinnah/ruins................................   UN          4

40(a)   sig 9          50 rup  (1986)   Jinnah/ seria 2-letter............ p/h  UN-       20

40(d)   sig 11        50 rup  (1988)   Jinnah/Lahore fort................ p/h  UN-         7

40(f)    sig 13        50 rup  (1993)   Jinnah/Lahore fort................ p/h  UN-         7

41(f)    sig 13     100 rup  (1993)   Jinnah/Peshawar collage.... p/h  UN-       20

41(g)   sig 14     100 rup  (1999)   Jinnah/Peshawar collage.........   UN        18

42(e).  sig 13     500 rup  (1993)   Jinnah/Karachi bank............ p/h  UN-       95

42(f)   sig 14       500 rup  (1999)   Jinnah/Karachi bank............ p/h  UN-       85

43(c)   sig 13  1,000 rup  (1993)   Jinnah/tomb; p/h............ VF 18,  XF         35

43(d)   sig 14  1,000 rup  (1999)   Jinnah/Jahangir tomb.......... p/h  UN      140

44      comm           5 rup  1997     50 years of Pakistan.................   UN          6

45b.                       10 rup  2007     Jinnah/Peshawar pass.............   UN          5

46a.                       20 rup  2005     Jinnah/Larkana..........................   UN          5

47                          50 rup  2015     Jinnah/K2 Mountain..................   UN          4

48                        100 rup  2015     Jinnah/residency........................   UN          5

50.                    1,000 rup  2015     Jinnah/Peshewar collage.........   UN        90

53b                          5 rup  2008     Jinnah/port..................................   UN          4

54                          10 rup  2015     Jinnah/Peshawar pass.............   UN          4

55                          20 rup  2015     Jinnah/Larkana..........................   UN          4

NL.  comm            75 rup  2023     "75 State Bank of Pakistan".....   UN          5

   Haj Pilgrims banknotes for use in Saudi Arabia only;

R4     p/h               10 rup  (1973)   Haj Pilgrims note............ purple  AU+    220

R6     p/h               10 rup  (1978)   Haj Pilgrims note............... blue  UN-       25

R7b   p/h            100 rup  (1978)   Haj Pilgrims note............ yellow  UN-    100

   Fundraising Notes

   "Memorial of Mohammed Ali Jinnah" Karachi, fund rising notes

NL                       1 rupee  (195-)    "Memorial Jinnah"...... lot#1290  AU        15


PICK#                                 *****PALESTINE****3*

   British mandate(1922‑1948) after Ottoman Empire collapse.

6c                       500 mils  1939     .....................................................   F         600

7c                       1 pound  1939     .......................... tape on margin  F         800

   Fundraising Notes

   "Liberation of Arab Palestine" fund rising notes issued in Egypt

NL                      5 piaster  (1950)   liberalization stamp note...........   AU+      40

NL    unis         5 pounds  (1950)   liberalization note............... lilac  AU+      60

NL    unis      10 pounds  (1950)   liberalization note........... brown  AU+      60

NL    unis      50 pounds  (1950)   liberalization note............... grey  AU+      60

NL.   unis    100 pounds  (1950)   liberalization note........... purple  AU+      90


PICK#                                 *****PANAMA*****

   Republic (till 1903 part of Colombia)


PICK#                                 *****PAPUA NEW GUINEA****3*

Commonwealth(German Colony 1884-1919,Australia mandate 1919-75)

1                             2 kina  (1975)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN          5

2                             5 kina  (1975)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN        75

3                           10 kina  (1975)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN      140

5a     sig 1             2 kina  (1981)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN          6

5b     sig 2             2 kina  (1988)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN        40

5c     sig 3             2 kina  (1989)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN          6

6a.    sig 1             5 kina  (1980)   /mask...........................................   UN        80

7       sig 1           10 kina  (1985)   /folk artifacts..................... AU 6,  UN        12

9a     sig 2           10 kina  (1988)   /folk artifacts...............................   XF           8

9b     sig 3           10 kina  (1989)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN        10

9c     sig 5           10 kina  (1995)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN        10

9d     sig 7           10 kina  (1997)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN        10

9e     sig 8           10 kina  (1998)   /folk artifacts...............................   UN        10

10a   sig 3           20 kina  (1989)   /boar............................................   UN        12

10b2  sig 7          20 kina  (1989)   /boar............................................   UN        15

10d.  sig 8           20 kina  (1998)   /boar............................................   UN        15

10c   sig 10         20 kina  (2000)   /boar............................................   UN        12

10e   sig 10         20 kina  (20)02   /boar; thread "BNGP"................   UN        20

11     sig 3           50 kina  (1989)   parliament/Somare, masks......   UN        20

12     comm           2 kina  1991     "9 S Pacific Games"...... plastic  UN          8

13a   sig 3             5 kina  (1992)   /mask...........................................   UN          8

13c   sig 9             5 kina  (1999)   /mask...........................................   UN        12

13d   sig 10           5 kina  (2000)   /mask...........................................   UN        10

13e   sig 10           5 kina  (20)02   /mask...........................................   UN          8

13f    sig 11           5 kina  (20)05   /mask...........................................   UN          8

14a   sig 4             5 kina  (1993)   /mask...........................................   UN        12

15     comm           2 kina  (1995)   "20 Independence"........ plastic  UN        12

16a.  sig 5             2 kina  (1996)   /folk artifacts.................... plastic  UN        10

16b   sig 7             2 kina  (1997)   /folk artifacts.................... plastic  UN          4

16c   sig 10           2 kina  (2000)   /folk artifacts.................... plastic  UN          4

17     comm        10 kina  1998     "Bank Silver Jubilee".................   UN        12

18a.  sig 9           50 kina  (19)99   /Somare, masks............. plastic  UN        90

18b.  sig 10         50 kina  (19)99   /Somare, masks............. plastic  UN        70

18c.  sig 10         50 kina  (20)02   /Somare, masks............. plastic  UN        80

19     comm           5 kina  2000     "Year 2000"................................   UN        20

20     comm           5 kina  2000     "Kina and Toea".........................   UN        30

21     comm           2 kina  (20)00   "25 Independence"........ plastic  UN        15

22     comm           5 kina  (2000)   "25 Independence"....................   UN        30

26a   sig 10         10 kina  (2000)   /folk artifacts.................... plastic  UN        15

26b   sig 10         10 kina  (20)02   /folk artifacts.................... plastic  UN        15

26A.                     20 kina  (2006)   /boar head....................... plastic  UN        30

27     comm        20 kina  2004     "Bank 30 anniversary"... plastic  UN        30

28a                         2 kina  (20)07   /native artifacts............... plastic  UN          6

28b.                       2 kina  (20)08   /native artifacts............... plastic  UN          6

28d                         2 kina  (20)14   /native artifacts............... plastic  UN          4

29a                         5 kina  (20)08   /native artifacts............... plastic  UN          6

29b                         5 kina  (20)09   /native artifacts............... plastic  UN          6

30a                      10 kina  (20)08   /native artifacts............... plastic  UN        10

31a                      20 kina  (20)07   /boar head....................... plastic  UN        20

32a                      50 kina  (20)08   /Somare........................... plastic  UN        30

33a.                   100 kina  (20)05   /transport......................... plastic  UN        80

34    comm            5 kina  2007     "XIII South Pacific Games".......   UN        12

35    comm            2 kina  2008     "Bank 35 anniversary"... plastic  UN          4

36    comm         20 kina  2008     "Bank 35 anniversary"... plastic  UN          6

37.   comm       100 kina  2008     "Bank 35 anniversary"... plastic  UN        40

40    comm         10 kina  2010     "35 Independence"........ plastic  UN        12

41    comm         20 kina  2010     "35 Independence"........ plastic  UN        20

43.   comm       100 kina  2010     "35 Independence"........ plastic  UN        80

44.                     100 kina  (20)12   /transport......................... plastic  UN        80

48.   comm         10 kina  2015     "XV Pacific Games"....... plastic  UN        10

49.   comm         20 kina  2015     "40 Independence"........ plastic  UN        20

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Berlin, Kolonialgedenktag, Germany

notgeld                  75 pfe  1921     "A" Kaiser Wilhelmsland"..........   UN        10

notgeld                  75 pfe  1921     "A" O. Bismarck"........................   UN        10

                                            -Neustadt, district(Amt), Germany

notgeld                  75 pfe  1922     lost colony "Neuginea"..............   UN        10


PICK#                                 *****PARAGUAY***3c*


12                            2 pes  (1860)   goat.............................................   VF      160

16(a)                       4 pes  (1862)   oxen; sig M-C.............................   VF-     120

16(b)                       4 pes  (1862)   oxen; sig M-T................... G+25, F           60

17.                           5 pes  (1862)   horseman...................... XF 200AU      400

18    p/h                   1 rea  (1865)   paper thick.................... VF 140VF+    210

19.                            2 rea  (1865)   floral design...... VG+30, VF 80,  AU      320

20                             4 rea  (1865)   black; sheep...............................   VF+    120

21                            1 pes  (1865)   blue; ox.......................... VG+30,  F+         60

22.                           2 pes  (1865)   blue; cart............................ F 40,  AU      240

23(a).                      3 pes  (1865)   blue; ship....................................   AU      240

23(b)                       3 pes  (1865)   blue; ship....................................   VF         60

24                            4 pes  (1865)   blue; agriculture.......... XF+180AU      240

25                            5 pes  (1865)   blue; cowboy..............................   F           60

26                          10 pes  (1865)   blue; woman, sack....................   AU      300

31                            3 pes  (1868)   red ovpt P27...............................   XF+    180

88                            1 pes  1894     sig U-P........................................   F+       250

115                       50 cen  1907     .....................................................   VF         50

127.                         5 pes  1912     ovpt..............................................   UN      400

137                       50 cen  1916     sig C-R........................................   VG        20

137s   spec          50 cen  1916     .....................................................   AU      200

138                          1 pes  1916     sig E-Z.........................................   AU      200

145                        50 pes  1920     "por.. cambios" sig M-B............   VG-       60

149                          5 pes  1923     "por.. cambios" sig M-I..............   VF         40

150.                      10 pes  1923     "por.. cambios" sig M-J.............   UN      200

156                          5 pes  1907     sig V-C........................................   UN        50

159                     100 pes  1907     sig V-P, @WS............................   AU        40

159                     100 pes  1907     sig V-M, @WS...........................   AU        80

163(b)                     5 pes  1923     (1936)"por. banco" sig G-HC...   F           30

163(d)                     5 pes  1923     (1936)"por. banco" sig G-?.......   XF         80

164(b).                  10 pes  1923     (1936)"por.. banco" sig G-Ch...   AU      200

174                         5 gua  1923     ovpt(1943) on 500.....................   F           50

178(a)                    1 gua  1943     sig G-P........................................   UN        32

178(b)                    1 gua  1943     sig T-Ch......................................   VF           5

178(c)                     1 gua  1943     sig C-Ch......................................   UN        32

179(b)                    5 gua  1943     sig T-Ch................................ F 4,  UN        32

180(c).                 10 gua  1943     sig M-Ch.............................. G 4,  UN        64

185(a)     "A"          1 gua  1952     sig C-M........................................   UN        24

185(b2)   "A"          1 gua  1952     sig C-M (small)...........................   UN        20

186(b1)                  5 gua  1952     sig Ch-S (big).............................   F             4

186(c).                    5 gua  1952     sig Ch-S (small) fibres...............   UN        24

186(d)                    5 gua  1952     sig R-A; fibres, black#...............   UN        16

187(c2).  "A"        10 gua  1952     sig Ch-S (small) fibres...............   VF           4

187(f)      "B"       10 gua  1952     sig R-A fibres, black#................   UN        24

188(d).                 50 gua  1952     sig R-A; fibres............................   UN        64

189(e)                100 gua  1952     sig R-A; fibres............................   UN      120

191(c1)           1,000 gua  1952     sig Ch-S (big).............................   VF+    200

192                         1 gua  1952     (1963)soldier/bank.......... XF+6,  UN        16

193(a).   sig 5        1 gua  1952     (1963)/palace; sig R-A..............   UN        12

193(b)    sig 6        1 gua  1952     (1963)/palace sig V-A #down...   UN          5

193(c)    sig 6        1 gua  1952     (1963)/palace; sig V-A #up.......   UN          5

194                         5 gua  1952     (1963)girl/hotel,.................. blue  UN        22

195(a1). sig 5        5 gua  1952     (1963)girl; sig R-A (big).............   UN        16

195(a2)  sig 5        5 gua  1952     (1963)girl; sig R-A (small).........   UN        12

195(c)    sig 6        5 gua  1952     (1963)girl; sig V-A #up..............   UN          7

196(a1). sig 5      10 gua  1952     (1963)/bridge; sig R-A (big)......   UN        22

196(b)    sig 6      10 gua  1952     (1963)/bridge; sig V-A #down..   UN        12

196(c)    sig 6      10 gua  1952     (1963)/bridge; sig V-A #up.......   UN          8

197(b).   sig 6      50 gua  1952     (1963)/road; sig V-A #down.....   UN        22

197(c)    sig 6      50 gua  1952     (1963)/road; sig V-A #up..........   UN          9

197(c)    error      50 gua  1952 extra sig upside down on top.......   UN      300

199(c).   sig 6    100 gua  1952     /"cien" sig V-A #up........ orange  UN        50

205(a)    sig 6   100 gua  1952     /"po sa" sig V-A............... green  UN          9

205(b)    sig 7   100 gua  1952     /"po sa" sig F-A................ green  UN          9

205(c)    sig 8    100 gua  1952     /"po sa" sig R-S............... green  UN          9

206(b).   sig 7   500 gua  1952     /"po sa" sig F-A..........................   UN        15

206(c)    sig 8    500 gua  1952     /"po sa" sig R-S..........................   UN        12

206(d)    sig 9   500 gua  1952     /"po sa" sig S-P..........................   UN        12

207(a).   sig 6        1,000  1952     /"su" sig V-A...............................   UN        24

207(c).   sig 8        1,000  1952     /"su" sig R-S...............................   UN        24

209(h).  sig 15     10,000  1952     /"su" sig RG-VB.........................   UN        60

213(b). sig13 1,000 gua  1952     /"su" sig C-G "A" @FCO...........   UN        22

214a               1,000 gua  1998     Solano/church "B".....................   UN        10

216a             10,000 gua  1998     Rodriguez/1811.........................   UN        32

216b             10,000 gua  2003     Rodriguez/1811.........................   UN        30

218               50,000 gua  1998     soldier/casa................................   UN        70

220a               5,000 gua  2000     Lopez/palace..............................   UN        14

220b               5,000 gua  2003     Lopez/palace..............................   UN        10

221    comm  1,000 gua  2002     "Bank 50 anniversary"..............   UN        10

222a   "C"      1,000 gua  2004     Solano.........................................   UN          6

222b   "D"      1,000 gua  2005     Solano.........................................   UN          6

223a   "D"      5,000 gua  2005     Lopez/palace..............................   UN          8

223b   "E"       5,000 gua  2008     Lopez/palace..............................   UN          7

223c   "F"       5,000 gua  2010     Lopez/palace..............................   UN          6

224a   "C"    10,000 gua  2004     Rodriguez/1811.........................   UN        10

224b   "D"    10,000 gua  2005     Rodriguez/1811.........................   UN        10

224c   "E"     10,000 gua  2008     Rodriguez/1811.........................   UN          8

224d   "F"     10,000 gua  2010     Rodriguez/1811.........................   UN          8

225     "A"    20,000 gua  2005     women/bank...............................   UN        20

226     "B"  100,000 gua  2004     Gonzalez Santa Cruz/dam.......   UN        90

228a   "A"       2,000 gua  2008     sisters Speratti/............... plastic  UN          5

228b   "B"       2,000 gua  2009     sisters Speratti/............... plastic  UN          4

230a   "B"    20,000 gua  2007     women/bank...............................   UN        15

230b   "C"    20,000 gua  2009     women/bank...............................   UN        15

232a   "D"    50,000 gua  2007     Barros/guitar...............................   UN        45

233a.  "D"  100,000 gua  2007     Gonzalez Santa Cruz/dam.......   UN        85

234     "G"      5,000 gua  2011     Lopez/palace.................. plastic  UN          4

235     "E"    20,000 gua  2013     Barros/guitar...............................   UN          8

238     "F"     20,000 gua  2015     women/bank...............................   UN          8

240.    "H"  100,000 gua  2015     Gonzalez Santa Cruz/dam.......   UN        50

   Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1   spec   100-10,000  gua       (1979) ................. set of 5 notes  UN      100

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s141                        5 cen  1886     B. Nacional Paraguay...............   VG        40


PICK#                                 *****PERU***3*


1.                              1 sol  1879     /ship.............................. VF+150AU      400

2(a)                           2 sol  1879     trains; sig C-M............................   VF+    150

2(b)                           2 sol  1879     trains; sig C-F.................. F+75,  VF      100

3                               5 sol  1879     2x red "V"........................... F 70,  VF      140

4                               5 sol  1879     ........................................... F+75,  VF      100

7                             20 sol  1879     2x green "20"..... G 20,  F+100,  VF      140

11    p/h                   1 rea  1873     (1881) ovpt 1 sol............... F 50,  VF+    150

12                             5 rea  1873     (1881) ovpt 5 sol............ VG 50,  F+       150

13                        100 rea  1873     (1881) ovpt 100 sol...................   F+       600

19                           50 sol  1881     (1881) ovpt 5 incas.............. p/h  XF      300

29                            5 cen  1917     .....................................................   VF+      60

31                             1 sol  1917     08.10; Deposito Oro..................   F           40

37                             1 sol  1918     09.14; Cheque Circular.............   F         300

57                           10 sol  1922     (1935) ovpt 1 libra.....................   VG      120

61                           10 sol  1926     (1935) ovpt 1 libra.....................   F         240

65(c)   "C"                1 sol  1935     sig S-P-T ....................................   VF         30

65(e)   "E"                1 sol  1935     sig E-P-A.....................................   F           15

66(b)                        5 sol  1936     .....................................................   VF         16

66(d)                        5 sol  1939     .....................................................   VF         16

66A(a).                     5 sol  1941     .............................................. F 4,  UN        48

66A(b)                      5 sol  1944     .....................................................   XF+      18

66A(c)                      5 sol  1947     .....................................................   XF+      18

67(c)                      10 sol  1938     .....................................................   G+          4

67(d)                      10 sol  1939     .....................................................   VG+        8

67A(a).                  10 sol  1941     ......................................... XF 16,  AU        32

67A(b)                    10 sol  1944     .....................................................   XF+      24

68(b)                      50 sol  1937     05.21...........................................   F+         45

68A(b)                    50 sol  1944     .....................................................   XF+    120

69A(a)                 100 sol  1941     .....................................................   F+         60

69A(c)                  100 sol  1945     .....................................................   F+         60

69A(e)                 100 sol  1947     .....................................................   F+         60

70(a)                        5 sol  1952     .......................................... XF+9,  UN        24

71(a).                     10 sol  1951     ............................................ XF 8,  UN        32

71(b).                     10 sol  1953     .....................................................   AU        16

71(c)                      10 sol  1955     .....................................................   XF+      12

72b.                        50 sol  1951     ......................................... VF 10,  AU+      48

73(c)                    100 sol  1952     .....................................................   XF+      72

74(b)                    500 sol  1952     .....................................................   F+       120

76(a)                        5 sol  1956     .....................................................   UN        16

76(b)                        5 sol  1960     .....................................................   UN        16

77                           10 sol  1956     .......................................... VF+6,  UN        32

79(b)                    100 sol  1957     ............................................... p/h  XF         24

79(c)                    100 sol  1959     .....................................................   XF         24

80(d).                   500 sol  1961     .....................................................   UN      160

81                             5 sol  1958     .....................................................   XF           8

82                           10 sol  1958     .....................................................   UN        36

82A(a)                    10 sol  1960     .....................................................   XF           8

82A(b).                  10 sol  1961     .....................................................   UN        32

83(b)                        5 sol  1963     .....................................................   UN        12

83(c)                         5 sol  1965     .....................................................   UN        12

83(d).                       5 sol  1966     .......................................... XF+5,  UN        12

83(e)                        5 sol  1968     .......................................... XF+5,  UN        10

84(c)                      10 sol  1966     ........................................... AU 8,  UN        16

84(d)                      10 sol  1967     ........................................... AU 8,  UN        16

84(e).                     10 sol  1968     ........................................ AU+12,  UN        16

85(b)                      50 sol  1963     .....................................................   VF+         8

86(a).                   100 sol  1964     .....................................................   UN        48

87(b)                    500 sol  1963     .............................................. F 8,  VF+      24

87(c)                    500 sol  1966     ........................................... F+12,  VF+      24

87(d).                   500 sol  1968     ........................................ XF+50,  AU+    100

88                           10 sol  1965     .....................................................   UN        16

89                           50 sol  1965     ......................................... VF 12,  AU+      48

90(a)                    100 sol  1962     .....................................................   XF         16

90(b)                    100 sol  1965     .....................................................   VF           8

91                         500 sol  1965     ........................................... F+15,  AU+    120

92                             5 sol  1968     /fort..............................................   UN        16

93                           10 sol  1968     /like Titicaca................................   UN        16

94.                          50 sol  1968     /church........................................   AU        16

95.                        100 sol  1968     /church........................................   UN        32

98                     1,000 sol  1968     /Machu Picchu...........................   VF         40

99(a)                        5 sol  1969     /fort..............................................   UN          7

99(b)                        5 sol  1970     /fort..............................................   UN          6

99(c).                        5 sol  1971     /fort..............................................   UN          6

99(d)                        5 sol  1973     /fort..............................................   AU          4

99(f)                          5 sol  1974     08.15; Pachacutec/fort..............   UN          5

100(b).                   10 sol  1970     /like Titicaca................................   UN          6

100(c)                    10 sol  1971     /like Titicaca................................   UN          6

100(d)                    10 sol  1972     /like Titicaca................................   UN          6

100(e)                    10 sol  1973     /like Titicaca................................   UN          6

100(f)                     10 sol  1974     /like Titicaca................................   UN          5

101(a).                   50 sol  1969     /church............................. XF+4,  UN        12

101(c)                    50 sol  1971     /church........................................   VF+         4

101(f)                     50 sol  1974     05.16; /church............................   UN          9

101(g).                   50 sol  1974     08.15; /church............................   UN          9

102(e)                  100 sol  1974     05.16; /church................. VF+4,  UN        18

102(f)                   100 sol  1974     08.15; /church............................   UN        16

103(d)                  200 sol  1974     08.15; /frigate.............................   UN        32

104(a).                 500 sol  1969     /mint................................ VF+12,  UN        64

104(b)                  500 sol  1970     /mint.............................................   F             5

104(d)                  500 sol  1972     /mint.............................................   F             5

104(e)                  500 sol  1973     /mint.............................................   XF         20

104(f)                   500 sol  1974     05.16; /mint.................................   UN        42

104(g)                  500 sol  1974     08.15; /mint.................................   UN        40

105(c).              1,000 sol  1971     /Machu Picchu...........................   AU+      72

105(d)              1,000 sol  1972     /Machu Picchu...........................   XF+      36

106                         10 sol  1975     /like Titicaca................................   UN          5

107.                        50 sol  1975     /church........................................   UN          6

108                       100 sol  1975     /church........................................   UN          8

110.                     500 sol  1975     /mint.................................. VF+8,  UN        40

111                   1,000 sol  1975     /Machu Picchu............... AU 35,  UN        70

112                         10 sol  1976     /like Titicaca................................   UN          5

113                         50 sol  1977     /church........................................   UN          5

114                       100 sol  1976     /Machu Picchu...........................   UN        10

115                       500 sol  1976     /logging.......................................   UN        10

116                   1,000 sol  1976     /fishermen...................................   UN        32

117a.                5,000 sol  1976     /miners........................................   UN        24

117c                 5,000 sol  1985     /miners........................................   UN          5

118(a)              1,000 sol  1979     02.01; /fishermen.......................   UN        12

118(b)              1,000 sol  1979     05.03; /fishermen.......................   UN          9

120(a).           10,000 sol  1979     /farming.......................................   UN        40

122                   1,000 sol  1981     /fishermen...................................   UN          5

123                   5,000 sol  1981     /miners........................................   XF+         6

124                 10,000 sol  1981     /farming............................. VF 4,  UN        20

125(a)            50,000 sol  1981     /oil rig................................. XF 8,  UN        32

125(b)            50,000 sol  1984     /oil rig...........................................   UN        32

125A                    500 sol  1982     /logging.......................................   UN          9

128                          10 int  1986     /cotton field.................................   UN          5

129                          10 int  1987     /cotton field.................................   UN          4

130                          50 int  1985     /oil rig...........................................   UN        12

131a.                      50 int  1986     /oil rig...........................................   UN          8

131b                       50 int  1987     /oil rig...........................................   UN          4

132(b)                  100 int  1985     03.01 /cotton..............................   UN        20

132(c)                   100 int  1986     /cotton ........................................   UN        20

133                       100 int  1987     /cotton.........................................   UN          4

134b                     500 int  1987     /mountains..................................   UN          4

135                       500 int  1986     /mountains .................................   UN        20

136(c)               1,000 int  1988     /Chan-Chan................................   UN          4

137                    5,000 int  1988     06.28; /fishermen @GD............   UN          4

140                  10,000 int  1988     /Santiago @IPS.........................   UN          4

141                  10,000 int  1988     /Santiago @TDLR.....................   UN        10

142                  50,000 int  1988     /parliament @IPS......................   UN          9

144                100,000 int  1989     11.21; /like Titicaca....................   UN        14

145                100,000 int  1989     12.21; /like Titicaca @BdM......   UN          5

145   repl      100,000 int  1989     replacement "Z" @BdM............   UN        40

146                500,000 int  1988     11.21; /church............................   F             4

147                500,000 int  1989     /church........................................   UN        10

148            1,000,000 int  1990     /collage........................................   UN        20

162                       200 sol  1995     St Rose/monastery....................   UN      250

175                         10 sol  2001     Abelardo/airplane......................   UN          7

176a.                     20 sol  2001     Porras/palace.............................   UN        25

177                         50 sol  2001     Valdelomar/laguna....................   UN        80

180a                       50 sol  2005     Valdelomar/laguna....................   UN        55

180b                       50 sol  2006     Valdelomar/laguna....................   UN        55

181.                     100 sol  2006     Basadre/library...........................   UN      140

183.                        20 sol  2009     Porras/Chan...............................   UN        30

185.                     100 sol  2009     Basadre/Gran Pajaten ruins.....   UN      120

187                         10 sol  2013     Abelardo/Machu Picchu...........   UN          6

189                         50 sol  2012     Valdelomar/Templo Nuevo......   UN        25

191.                     200 sol  2012     St Rose/Sagrada ruins.............   UN      120

192                         10 sol  2016     Abelardo/Machu Picchu...........   UN          5

193                         20 sol  2016     Porras/Chan Chan ruins...........   UN        10

195                       100 sol  2015     Basadre/Gran Pajaten ruins.....   UN        50

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s116                     40 cen  18--       Banco de Arequipa....................   AU+    300

s117                         1 sol  18--       B Arequipa.................... XF 100AU      200

s321                         1 sol  1877     Banco Nacional Peru................   G+      100

s384r   rema            5 sol  18--       Banco de Tacna........................   XF+    200

s444b                       1 sol  1876     Comp Obras Publicas FdP......   VF      300

s603                     50 cen  1921     Revolution 1921.........................   F-          40

s604                         1 sol  1921     Revolution 1921.........................   VG        20

s605                   1/2 libra  1921     Revolution 1921.........................   VF+      65

s606b                    1 libra  1921     Revolution 1921............. VF 25,  AU      100

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

R6                   50,000 sol  1985     09.09 Banco de la Nacion........   VF-     240

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Hacienda Laredo

NL                           5 cen  1918     .....................................................   AU        80

                                            -Hacienda Casa Grande

NL              5 cen -10 sol  ND        Casa Grande...... set of 7 notes  UN      220


PICK#                                 *****PHILIPPINES****3*

   USA Administration;

                                            -Bank of the Philippine Islands

14                          10 pes  1920     women........................................   VF+    200

22                            5 pes  1933     women........................................   F+         70

23                          10 pes  1933     women............................... F 64,  F+         96

                                            -Philippine Islands

32a                          2 pes  1906     Rizal; sig S-B..............................   VG      150

32d                          2 pes  1906     Rizal; sig BH-M..........................   VG      200

                                            -Philippine National Bank

39.                        10 cen  1917     ........................................ XF+60,  UN      160

40.                        20 cen  1917     .....................................................   AU+    140

41                         50 cen  1917     ......................................... VF 50,  VF+      75

46b                          5 pes  1916     McKinley; sig M-C............ F 50,  VF+    150

47b                        10 pes  1916     Washington; sig M-C.................   VG      120

49                          50 pes  1920     Lawton.............................. F+90,  XF-     240

53.                           5 pes  1921     McKinley............... F 20, VF 40,  UN      320

54                          10 pes  1921     Washington................................   VG        80

55                          20 pes  1921     Jones...........................................   VG      120

56                            1 pes  1924     Conant........................................   F         200

57                            5 pes  1937     McKinley......................... VF 40,  XF+    120

58                          10 pes  1937     Washington................................   F           60

                                            -Philippine Islands

60a                          1 pes  1918     Mabini; sig BH-F........................   F+       300

60b                          1 pes  1918     Mabini: sig BH-C........................   VG      100

68a                          1 pes  1924     Mabini; sig W-L.............. VG 50,  F+       150

68b                          1 pes  1924     Mabini; sig W-L(treasurer)........   VG        75

68c                          1 pes  1924     Mabini; sig S-L...........................   F           75

73a                          1 pes  1929     Mabini; sig D-L...........................   G+        50

73c                          1 pes  1929     Mabini; sig M-L..........................   F-          50

74b                          2 pes  1929     Rizal; sig M-L................. VG 40,  VG+      60

                                            -Philippines (Commonwealth)

81                            1 pes  1936     Mabini............................. VG 10,  F+         30

82                            2 pes  1936     Rizal................................ VG 20,  VF+    120

89                            1 pes  1941     Mabini................................ VG 4,  VF         12

91a                          5 pes  1941     McKinley.....................................   F         100

94                            1 pes  (1944)   "VICTORY"....................... VF 6,  UN        50

95a                          2 pes  (1944)   "VICTORY" sig O-H............ F 5,  AU+      60

96                            5 pes  (1944)   "VICTORY"........................ F 15,  F+         25

97                          10 pes  (1944)   "VICTORY"......... VG 25, F+75,  VF+    150

98a                        20 pes  (1944)   "VICTORY" sig O-H...... VG-20,  F           50

98b                        20 pes  (1944)   "VICTORY" sig R-G...... VG-50,  F         120

99b                        50 pes  (1944)   "VICTORY" sig R-G..................   F+       300

100a                   100 pes  (1944)   "VICTORY" sig O-H........... pen  VG+   200

   Japanese Occupation;

102a   JIM              1 cen  (1942)   serie block..................................   UN          4

102b   JIM              1 cen  (1942)   serie fractional............................   UN          4

103a   JIM              5 cen  (1942)   serie block..................................   UN          4

104a   JIM           10 cen  (1942)   serie block..................................   UN          4

104b   JIM           10 cen  (1942)   serie fractional............................   UN          4

105     JIM            50 cen  (1942)   .....................................................   UN          4

106.                         1 pes  (1943)   .....................................................   AU+      50

106x   coun            1 pes  (1943)   US counterfeit................... VF 4,  UN        20

107     JIM              5 pes  (1942)   .....................................................   VF+      18

107x.  coun            5 pes  (1942)   US counterfeit............................   VF         12

108     JIM            10 pes  (1942)   ............................................ XF 4,  UN          7

108     canc          10 pes  (1945)   validation "Col R Kangelon".....   VF+    400

108x.  coun          10 pes  (1943)   US counterfeit............................   UN        30

109a.  JIM              1 pes  (1943)   .....................................................   AU+      14

109.    JIM              1 pes  (1943)   stamp on back...........................   AU+      10

110     JIM              5 pes  (1943)   .............................................. F 4,  VF+         6

111     JIM            10 pes  (1943)   .....................................................   UN          8

112     JIM          100 pes  (1944)   .....................................................   UN        12

114a   JIM         500 pes  (1944)   "PF".............................................   VF+         8

115.    JIM      1,000 pes  (1944)   ............................ VF+6, XF+12,  UN        32


117a                        1 pes  (1949)   thick ovpt on "Victory".. VF  18,  AU        72

117b                        1 pes  (1949)   medium ovpt "Victory"........ F 9,  AU        72

122b                     50 pes  (1949)   ovpt on "Victory" sig R-G..........   VG      100

125                          5 cen  1949     @SBNC............................. XF 8,  UN        32

126                          5 cen  1949     @WS...........................................   UN          8

127.                      10 cen  1949     @SBNC............................. XF 8,  UN        32

128                       10 cen  1949     @WS................................. XF 4,  UN        16

129                       20 cen  1949     @SBC.................................. F 4,  UN        32

130a    sig 2        20 cen  1949     @TDLR.......................................   UN        10

130b    sig 3        20 cen  1949     @TDLR.......................................   UN        10

131.                      50 cen  1949     ............................................ VF 6,  UN        50

132.                     1/2 pes  (1949)   ox cart................... F+4, XF+18,  UN        50

133d.   sig 3           1 pes  1949     Mabini/church.............................   UN        32

133f     sig 5           1 pes  1949     Mabini/church.............................   UN        10

133g.   sig 6           1 pes  1949     Mabini/church.............................   UN        12

133h    sig 7           1 pes  1949     Mabini/church.............................   UN          6

134d    sig 5           2 pes  1949     Mabini/church.............................   UN        12

135b.   sig 2           5 pes  1949     Pilar Jaena/newspaper.............   XF         12

135e    sig 5           5 pes  1949     Pilar Jaena/newspaper.............   UN        16

135s4  spec           5 pes  1949     SPECIMEN.................................   UN        90

136b    sig 2         10 pes  1949     Priests/monument.....................   F             5

136e    sig 5         10 pes  1949     Priests/monument.....................   UN        12

136f    sig 8          10 pes  1949     Priests/monument.....................   UN        12

136s    spec         10 pes  1949     SPECIMEN.................................   UN        90

137d    sig 5         20 pes  1949     /flag, monument.........................   UN        15

137e.   sig 8         20 pes  1949     /flag, monument.........................   UN        20

137s3  spec         20 pes  1949     SPECIMEN.................................   UN        90

138c    sig 3         50 pes  1949     Luna/Sikatuna-Legaspi.............   AU+      48

138d                     50 pes  1949     Luna/Sikatuna-Legaspi.............   UN        24

139                     100 pes  1949     Sora/troops.................................   UN        50

140                     200 pes  1949     Quezon/building.........................   UN        40

141.                    500 pes  1949     Roxas/bank................... VF+75,  UN      400

142a.  sig 7             1 pis  "1949"  Rizal/Independence..................   UN        12

142b   sig 8             1 pis  "1949"  Rizal/Independence..................   UN          6

143a   sig 7             5 pis  "1949"  Bonifacio/Katipunan..................   UN          8

143b   sig 8             5 pis  "1949"  Bonifacio/Katipunan..................   UN          7

144a   sig 7           10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church.............................   UN        10

144b   sig 8           10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church.............................   UN          6

145a   sig 7           20 pis  "1949"  Quezon/palace...........................   UN        10

145b   sig 8           20 pis  "1949"  Quezon/palace...........................   UN          8

146a   sig 7           50 pis  "1949"  Osmena/Legislative...................   UN        18

146a   repl             50 pis  "1949"  replacement note "*".................   UN        50

146b   sig 8           50 pis  "1949"  Osmena/Legislative...................   UN        18

147a   sig 7         100 pis  "1949"  Roxas/bank................................   UN        28

147b   sig 8         100 pis  "1949"  Roxas/bank................................   UN        32

148                           5 pis  "1949"  Bonifacio/Katipunan..................   UN          6

149                         10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church.............................   UN        18

150                         20 pis  "1949"  Quezon/palace...........................   UN        10

150     repl             20 pis  "1949"  replacement note"*"..................   UN        35

151                         50 pis  "1949"  Osmena/Legislative...................   UN        12

152                           2 pis  "1949"  Rizal/Independence..................   UN          5

153                           5 pis  "1949"  Bonifacio/Katipunan..................   UN          5

154                         10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church.............................   UN          8

155                         20 pis  "1949"  Quezon/palace...........................   UN          9

156a                       50 pis  "1949"  Osmena; sig brown...................   UN        14

156b                       50 pis  "1949"  Osmena; sig brown...................   UN        16

157a.  sig 7         100 pis  "1949"  Roxas/bank................................   UN        64

157b   sig 8         100 pis  "1949"  Roxas/bank................................   UN        32

159b   sig 9             2 pis  "1949"  Rizal; black#...............................   UN          6

159c   sig 9              2 pis  "1949"  Rizal; red#..................................   UN          6

159c   repl               2 pis  "1949"  replacement note "*" red#........   UN        35

160a.  sig 8             5 pis  "1949"  Bonifacio/Katipunan..................   UN        12

160a   repl               5 pis  "1949"  replacement note "*".................   UN        35

160c.  sig 10           5 pis  "1949"  Bonifacio/Katipunan..................   UN        12

160c   repl               5 pis  "1949"  replacement note "*".................   UN        35

160d   sig 10           5 pis  "1949"  Bonifacio/Katipunan..................   UN          6

160d   repl               5 pis  "1949"  replacement note "*".................   UN        35

161a   sig 8           10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church.............................   UN          6

161b   sig 9           10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church.............................   UN          6

161c   sig 10         10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church; black#...............   UN          6

161d   sig 10         10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church; red#...................   UN          6

162a   sig 8           20 pis  "1949"  Quezon/palace...........................   UN          6

162b   sig 9           20 pis  "1949"  Quezon/palace...........................   UN          8

162c   sig 10         20 pis  "1949"  Quezon/palace...........................   UN          8

163b   sig 9           50 pis  "1949"  Osmena/Legislative...................   UN          9

163c   sig 10         50 pis  "1949"  Osmena/Legislative...................   UN        12

164a.  sig 8         100 pis  "1949"  Roxas/bank................................   UN        50

164b   sig 9         100 pis  "1949"  Roxas/bank................................   UN        18

164c   sig 10       100 pis  "1949"  Roxas/bank................................   UN        25

165     comm         50 pis  1978     "Osmena Centennial"...............   UN        28

166.    comm           2 pis  1981     "Papa visit".................................   UN          6

167     comm         10 pis  1981     "Marcos Inauguration"..............   UN          6

168a.                        5 pis  "1949"  Aguinaldo/Independence.........   UN        12

168b   repl               5 pis  "1949"  replacement note "*".................   UN        18

168d   repl               5 pis  "1949"  replacement note "*".................   UN        18

169a   sig 10         10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church.............................   UN          6

169b   sig 11         10 pis  "1949"  Mabini/church; black#...............   UN          6

169b   repl             10 pis  "1949"  replacement note "*".................   UN        25

169f    comm    4x10 pis  1988     "security plant"............. in folder  AU        70

171b.  sig 12         50 pis  (1987)   Osmena/Legislative...................   UN        45

172a   repl           100 pis  (1987)   Roxas/bank, "*"..........................   UN        35

173a   sig 11       500 pis  (1987)   Aquino/........................................   UN      120

174b   sig 13   1,000 pis  (1991)   Santos/rice terraces..................   UN      300

175     comm           5 pis  1986     "Pres Aquino".............................   UN          4

176     comm           5 pis  1987     "San Lorenzo Ruiz"...................   UN          4

177     comm           5 pis  1989     "40 anniversary of Bank"..........   UN          4

178a   comm           5 pis  1990     "Women's Rights" black#.........   UN          4

179     comm           5 pis  1990     "Church Council".......................   UN          4

181a                       10 pis  (1995)   Mabini/church.............................   UN          5

182d.                     20 pis  1999     Quezon/palace; blue#...............   UN        15

182h                       20 pis  2002     Quezon/palace...........................   UN          4

182                         20 pis  2003     Quezon/palace...........................   UN          4

182                         20 pis  2005     Quezon/palace...........................   UN          4

182                         20 pis  2007     Quezon/palace...........................   UN          4

182                         20 pis  2008     Quezon/palace...........................   UN          4

184e                    100 pis  1999     Osmena/Legislative...................   UN        28

186a   sig 14   1,000 pis  (1998)   Santos/rice terraces..................   XF         50

187b.                     10 pis  1998     wmk one figure..........................   UN        12

187c.                      10 pis  1998     wmk double figures; black#......   UN        12

187f                        10 pis  2001     Mabini, Bonifacio/church..........   UN          4

189a   comm   2,000 pis  1998     "Centennial Republic"...............   UN      120

189b   comm   2,000 pis  2001     "Centennial Republic"..... folder  UN      160

191a   comm         50 pis  1999     "50 anniversary of Bank"..........   UN          7

193                         50 pis  2003     Osmena/Legislative...................   UN          6

193                         50 pis  2004     Osmena/Legislative...................   UN          5

193                         50 pis  2006     Osmena/Legislative...................   UN          5

194                       100 pis  2003     Roxas/bank................................   UN        12

194                       100 pis  2004     Roxas/bank................................   UN        10

194                       100 pis  2007     Roxas/bank................................   UN          7

195                       200 pis  2002     Macapagal/.................................   UN        25

195                       200 pis  2003     Macapagal/.................................   UN        18

195                       200 pis  2004     Macapagal/....................... VF 4,  UN        18

195   repl             200 pis  2004     replacement "*"..........................   XF         15

195                       200 pis  2010     Macapagal/.................................   UN        14

196                       500 pis  2004     Aquino/workers..........................   UN        36

196                       500 pis  2007     Aquino/workers..........................   UN        34

196                       500 pis  2008     Aquino/workers..........................   UN        34

197                   1,000 pis  2002     Santos/rice terraces..................   UN        90

197                   1,000 pis  2004     Santos/rice terraces...... AU 50,  UN        75

197                   1,000 pis  2005     Santos../rice terraces................   UN        70

199   comm         100 pis  2008     "University 1908-2008".............   UN        10

200-5  comm   20-1,000  2009     "Bank 60yr"....... 6 notes, folder  UN      350

206                         20 pis  2010     Quezon/rice terraces.................   UN          4

206                         20 pis  2013     Quezon/rice terraces.................   UN          4

207                         50 pis  2016     Osmena/Taal lake.....................   UN          4

208                       100 pis  2015     Roxas/Mayon volcano..............   UN          6

209                       200 pis  2015     Macapagal/Bochol Hills............   UN        15

210                       500 pis  2010     /map, parrot ...............................   UN        35

210                       500 pis  2013     /map, parrot ...............................   UN        30

211                   1,000 pis  2010     Santos../rice terraces................   UN        65

211                   1,000 pis  2013     Santos../rice terraces................   UN        60

211A   comm       50 pes  2012     "ASEAN 1967-2012".................   UN          5

212   comm       100 pes  2011     "75 ATENEO".............................   UN          8

212A   comm     100 pes  2011     "DeLaSalle 1911-2011"............   UN          8

212B   comm     100 pes  2011     "University of Law"....................   UN          8

213   comm       100 pes  2012     "Manila Hotel 100 years"..........   UN          8

214   comm       200 pes  2011     "400 UST"...................................   UN        20

214B   comm     500 pes  2012     "Manila 2012, ABD"...................   UN        40

216   comm          50 pes  2013     "50 Trinity University"................   UN          5

220   comm       100 pes  2013     "year of rice 2013".....................   UN          8

221   comm       100 pes  2014     "Iglesia Cristo 2014"..................   UN          8

  Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1.    2,5,10.20,50,100  piso       (1978) P159-64.. set of 6 notes  UN      120


test-prom           vignette  ABNC   "Jose Rizal"................. lot#1360  UN        10


   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

   Second War Emergency and Guerrilla notes:


s105a                   20 cen  (1942)   .....................................................   F           15

s106                     50 cen  (1942)   ........................................... VG 5,  VF+      30

s111b                      1 pes  (1942)   .....................................................   XF         50

s122                     20 cen  (1943)   .....................................................   F           10

                                            Bohol Province

s131d                   10 cen  1942     #5301-203258............................   AU          8

s132f                    25 cen  1942     #47701-206200................. F+4,  XF           5

s133                     25 cen  1942     #206301-397687.......................   AU        10

s134e                   50 cen  1942     #4801-401388................. VF+4,  AU        10

s134x   coun        50 cen  1942     #410258; Japan counterfeit.....   F           40

s135e                      1 pes  1942     #4301-80553.................... VF 4,  XF         10

s136a                      5 pes  1942     #1-22000....................................   VG          5

s136d                      5 pes  1942     #22100-205300.........................   VG          5

s136x   coun          5 pes  1942     Japanese counterfeit.................   F           30

s137a                   10 pes  1942     #1-62700.............................. F 4,  AU        20

s137c                    10 pes  1942     #62701-98800.................. VF 5,  XF         10

s137e                   10 pes  1942     #98901-158000................ VF 4,  VF+         6

s137g                   10 pes  1942     #158000-185462.............. VF 5,  XF         10

s137j                     10 pes  1942     #195501-208741.......................   F             6

s137x   coun        10 pes  1942     Japanese counterfeit.................   VF         30

s139                        1 pes  1943     #98401-279485................... F 4,  AU+      15

s144?   rema       10 pes  1942     no # and sig................................   VG        40

s145                        1 pes  1943     captured by Japanese..... F 30,  VF         40

                                            Cagayan Province

s176                     50 cen  (1942)   .....................................................   VF         15

s178a                     5 cen  ND        ............................................ VF 4,  AU        10

s180a                   10 cen  ND        #9419-64600,purple........ VF 4,  AU        10

s183a                   20 cen  ND        #18981-65000............................   XF           6

s183a                   20 cen  1945     "counter sig Prov Troas"...........   XF         40

s185                     50 cen  ND        ............................................ VF 4,  XF           8

s186a                      1 pes  ND        purple#1-21000.........................   VF           8

s187                        1 pes  ND        purple#21000-65700....... XF 6,  AU        15

s188                        1 pes  ND        green...........................................   XF         50

s189                        2 pes  ND        #201-23290....................... VF 6,  AU        20

s189                        2 pes  1945     "counter sig Prov Troas"...........   F           40

s190                        2 pes  ND        #23330-64800.................. VF 6,  AU        20

s191a                      5 pes  ND        #500-28700, text black.............   VG        15

s191a                      5 pes  ND        #500-28700, text green... VF 5,  AU        20

s191a                      5 pes  1945     countersigned Prov Troas........   F           40

s191b                      5 pes  ND        #28700-42700............................   VF           8

s192                        5 pes  ND        #43200-58700............................   VF         12

s193                      20 pes  ND        #2000-7300................................   VF         35

s194a                   20 pes  ND        #7400-11700..............................   AU        50

                                            Cebu Province

s213                     20 cen  1941     .....................................................   AU+      50

s215                        1 pes  1941     ........................................... VG 4,  VF         10

s216                        5 pes  1941     .............................................. F 5,  VF-       10

s217b                   10 pes  1941     .....................................................   VF         10

s218                      20 pes  1941     ........................................ VF+10,  AU-       20

                                            Culion Leper Colony

s245                        1 pes  1942     .....................................................   F           90

s246                        5 pes  1942     .....................................................   XF      120

s253                     20 cen  1942     ovpt"2/9/42"................................   XF+    300

                                            Ilocos Norte

s283a                   10 pes  1942     05.04; ser.4 "PAID" sig.............   VF+    150

s284c                      1 pes  1942     05.12; ser.4................................   VF      120

s293                     20 cen  1942     05.20; ser.1 "PAID" sig.............   F         100

s295a                      5 pes  1942     06.06; ser.6, counter sig...........   F-        120

                                            Iloilo Province

s303                     20 cen  1941     .....................................................   XF         25

s304                     50 cen  1941     .......................................... VG+5,  VF         15

s305                        1 pes  1941     .....................................................   F             6

s306                        2 pes  1941     .................................... F 4, VF 8,  AU        32

s307                        5 pes  1941     ........................................... VG 4,  F             8

s309                      10 pes  1941     #10101-290000.........................   F             8

s315                      20 pes  1942     #1-55200....................................   VF         20

s316a                      5 pes  1942     #1-30000....................................   AU        50

s316b                      5 pes  1942     #30001-284000.........................   F             6

s317                      10 pes  1942     #1850-421000.................. VG 4,  VF         10

s318                      20 pes  1942     #55200-99800.................. VF 4,  XF+      20

s322                   100 pes  1942     ......................................... VG 12,  VF         50

s322x   coun      100 pes  1942     Japanese counterfeit......... F+8,  AU        40

s324                        1 pes  1942     ........................................... VG 7,  F           15

s328a                      5 pes  1943     .....................................................   F             8

s329a                   10 pes  1943     paper white.................................   F           10

s329b                   10 pes  1943     paper yellow..................... VG 5,  F           10

s335                     50 cen  1944     #165000-540000,certificate.....   VF-       30

s338                     50 cen  1944     circulating note.................. G+4,  AU        25

s339                        1 pes  1944     circulating note.................. G+4,  AU        25

s340                        2 pes  1944     circulating note.. VG 4, VF+12,  AU+      40

s341                        5 pes  1944     circulating note...........................   VF           8

s342                      10 pes  1944     circulating note................. VF 8,  XF         16

                                            Leyte Province

s395c                    10 pes  1942     .....................................................   VF         80

s404                     50 cen  1943     #100-159100,stamp red...........   VF         35

s404                     50 cen  1943     #100-159100,stamp purple......   XF         45

s405                        1 pes  1943     #100-120700,stamp red...........   F           30

s406                        2 pes  1943     "1-41000" black..........................   XF+    200

s408a                      5 pes  1943     #100-88000;tape........... VG-25,  F           70

s408c                      5 pes  1943     #100-88000; paper brown........   F           70

s413                        1 pes  1943     #121000-180300" purple..........   VF         80

s414   "A2"             2 pes  1943     #51001-102000"blue..... VF 80,  XF      120

                                            11 Guerilla Division IX Phil Corps USFIP

NL                           5 pes  1943     11 Guer Div IX Phil Corps........   AU+    150

               Albuera (Leyte)  Municipal, provisional validation on Cebu(s215)

NL                           1 pes  1941     Albuera, stamp on Cebu...........   VG      150

                 Merida (Leyte)  Municipal, provisional validation on Cebu(s215)

NL                           1 pes  1941     Merida, stamp on Cebu............   F         150

                    Naval, Leyte  Municipal, provisional validation on Cebu(s217)

NL                         10 pes  1942     Naval, stamp on Cebu..............   XF-     200

                                            Luzon USAFFE Guerrilla Army Force

s421                   100 pes  1942     Roosevelt........................ VF-90,  AU-     200

s422                   500 pes  1942     Roosevelt....................................   AU-     400

                                            Mindanao Province

s471                        2 pes  1942     .....................................................   VG+        5

s472                        5 pes  1942     .............................................. G 4,  F+         20

s473                      10 pes  1942     #1-29000....................................   AU        60

s474                      20 pes  1942     #1-52900....................................   F           10

s474                      20 pes  1942     "no negotiable 1949…".............   VF+      16

s481b                     5 cen  1943     "I"#8001-62400..........................   AU        50

s482b                   10 cen  1943     "H" #8000-68000.......................   VF         30

s483a                   20 cen  1943     "G"#1-8000.................................   VG        40

s483b                   20 cen  1943     "G"#8001-68000........................   VF+      40

s484                     50 cen  1943     "F"................................................   VG        15

s486                        2 pes  1943     "D"................................................   VG-         5

s487                        5 pes  1943     "C"................................................   VF+      24

s488                      10 pes  1943     "B"...................................... VF 4,  XF-          8

s488   error          10 pes  1943     "B" error; back inverted.............   XF-       70

s488d                   10 pes  1943     "B" countersigned Oteyza .......   F-            5

s489                      20 pes  1943     "A"................................................   F           15

s493                     20 cen  1943     "GG"#1-84000...........................   AU        40

s495                        1 pes  1943     "EE"#1-84000............................   AU+      45

s496                        2 pes  1943     "DD"#1-68000............................   VF-       12

s497                        5 pes  1943     "CC"#1-68000............................   VF         12

s498                      10 pes  1943     "BB"#1-68000............................   VF           6

s499                      20 pes  1943     "AA"#1-69000................. XF 16,  AU        40

s502                     10 cen  1943     "HH"#84000-323000.................   VF+         6

s504                     50 cen  1943     "FF"#84000-287000..................   VG          4

s505                        1 pes  1943     "EE"#84000-421300.................   VG          4

s506                        2 pes  1943     "DD"#68000-275100.................   F             5

s507                        5 pes  1943     "CC"#68000-300000..... VF 15,  AU        40

s508a                   10 pes  1943     wide"BB"#68000-.............. VF 6  AU        40

s509                      20 pes  1943     "AA"#69001-98400"..................   AU        40

s512a                   10 cen  1944     "H"...................................... VG 5,  VF         20

s513a                   20 cen  1944     "G"..................................... VG 4,  XF         30

s514a                   50 cen  1944     "F"................................................   AU        24

s515                        1 pes  1944     "E"................................................   XF         16

s516a                      2 pes  1944     "D" narrow date; wmk...............   AU        40

s516b                      2 pes  1944     "D" wide date..............................   F           10

s517a                      5 pes  1944     "C" narrow date................ VF 6,  AU+      32

s518a                   10 pes  1944     "B" narrow date..........................   AU+      32

s521                     20 cen  1944     no letter.......................................   VF+      16

s522a                   50 cen  1944     no letter.......................................   F+         15

s522b                   50 cen  1944     no letter "5".................................   AU+      48

s523a                      1 pes  1944     no letter "Series"........................   XF         30

s523b                      1 pes  1944     no letter "SERIES"......... VF 15,  XF         30

s524b                      2 pes  1944     "5"................................... VF+20,  AU        40

s525a                      5 pes  1944     no letter.......................................   VF           8

s527a                   10 pes  1944     no letter.......................................   VF           8

s527b                   10 pes  1944     no letter.......................................   VF           8

s527e                   10 pes  1944     "S5"................................... VF12,  AU        40

s528a                   20 pes  1944     no letter.......................................   VF           5

s528b                   20 pes  1944     "R"................................................   VF           5

s528d                   20 pes  1944     "RA5"................................. VF-4,  AU        32

s528x   coun        20 pes  1944     "RA5" Japanese counterfeit.....   XF           8

s531                        5 cen  1945     "I"#1-24900.................................   VF         40

s534                     50 cen  1945     "F"................................................   F           12

s537                        5 pes  1945     "C"................................................   AU+      32

s538                      10 pes  1945     "B"................................................   VF         12

                                            Misamis Occidental Province

s571                    50 cen  1942     orange, hand sig.............. F+50,  XF         90

s572                       1 pes  1942     black, hand sig.................. F 50.  VF+      90

s573                     10 cen  1942     manila................................. F 10,  AU        70

s574                     20 cen  1942     manila..........................................   F           30

s575a                   50 cen  1942     manila,#30000-71700...............   VG          8

s575b                   50 cen  1942     manila,#74100-140000.............   VF         24

s576a                   50 cen  1942     manila,#140000-181000...........   VF-       15

s576b                   50 cen  1942     manila, sig Oteyza............ G+6,  AU        60

s576c                   50 cen  1942     manila, sig Cuerpo....................   VG        10

s577                        2 pes  1942     manila..........................................   VG        15

s578                        5 pes  1942     no counter sig............................   AU+      64

                                            Mountain Province

s591                        5 cen  1942     .....................................................   XF         10

s592                     10 cen  1942     .......................................... VF+6,  AU        15

s593                     20 cen  1942     .....................................................   XF+      12

s594a                   50 cen  1942     .....................................................   VF+         8

s594b                   50 cen  1942     ......................................... XF 10,  AU        24

s595a                      1 pes  1942     #1-40508....................................   VG          5

s595a                      1 pes  1942     counter sig "Mun Lubuagan.....   VF+      70

s595b                      1 pes  1942     #1-40508........................... VF 9,  AU        35

s596a                      2 pes  1942     #1-9956.......................................   VG          6

s596b                      2 pes  1942     #1-9956............................. VG 6,  F           12

s596a                      2 pes  1943     counter sig "Mun Besao.."........   VF+      70

s596b                      2 pes  1943     counter sig "Mun Kiagan..".......   VF+      70

s601                        1 pes  ND        "A"#41065-60952......................   F             7

s602                        2 pes  1943     .............................................. F 4,  AU        30

s602                        2 pes  1943     counter sig "Mun Kiagan..".......   VF+      70

s603                        5 pes  ND        "A"2122-16944.................... F 6,  XF+      35

s603                        5 pes  ND        "A"2122-16944;counter sig......   VF+      70

s603                        5 pes  1943     counter sig "Guerzon,Bauko"...   VF+      50

s603                        5 pes  1943     counter sig "Mun Kiagan..".......   XF         70

s604                      10 pes  ND        "A"1095-8410................... VF 7,  AU        40

                                            Negros Occidental Province

s612c                      1 pes  1941     sig Arellano #30000-100000....   F+         25

s613                        5 pes  1941     #1-5000.......................................   F           35

s614                        5 pes  1941     #5000-10000;15000-20000.....   VF         25

s615                        5 pes  1941     #10000-15000............................   VF+      30

s616                        5 pes  1941     #25000-30000............................   VF+      40

s617                        5 pes  1941     #30000-35000............................   VF         30

s618                      10 pes  1941     .....................................................   VF         30

s619                      10 pes  1941     .....................................................   VF         30

s624b                      1 pes  1941     #151600-195000.......................   AU        40

s625                        2 pes  1941     #1-65000............................ F+5,  AU+      40

s626                        5 pes  1941     #40000-106000.........................   AU+      40

s627a                   10 pes  1941     #20000-50000............................   AU+      40

s627b                   10 pes  1941     #50000-104500............... VF+9,  AU+      40

s637                        2 pes  1942     #1-10000....................................   XF         60

s638                        5 pes  1942     #10000-20000............................   VF-       12

s640                        5 cen  1942     sig Encarnacion.........................   AU        30

s641                        5 cen  1942     sig Ramos........................ VF+6,  AU        30

s642                     10 cen  1942     sig Encarnacion............... VG 4,  AU        30

s643                     10 cen  1942     sig Ramos...................................   AU        30

s644                     20 cen  1942     .............................................. F 9,  XF         35

s646a                      1 pes  1942     ......................................... VF-15,  AU        40

s646b                      1 pes  1942     .....................................................   G             6

s647A                     2 pes  1942     #1-275000,blue............. VF+12,  AU        30

s647B                     2 pes  1942     #275001-67800,purple.... VF 8,  AU        30

s648a                      5 pes  1942     #1-240000..................................   VF         10

s648a                      5 pes  1942     "Intengan. Finance Officer"......   AU        80

s648b                      5 pes  1942     #244000-341000.......................   AU        32

s649c                    10 pes  1942     #60000-100000.............. VF 10,  AU        40

                                            Island of Negros Oriental Province

s654a                      1 pes  1942     03.19 blue...................................   AU+    200

s654b                      1 pes  1942     03.19 gray..................................   AU+    100

s655a                      2 pes  1942     03.19 blue...................................   AU+    240

s655b                      2 pes  1942     03.19 gray..................................   AU+    120

s658                        5 pes  1942     .....................................................   XF      120

                                            Island of Negros Province

s661a                      1 pes  1943     "A1-A4,C1-C4"...........................   AU        15

s662                        5 pes  1943     "A1-A4,C1-C4"...........................   VF           6

s663                      10 pes  1943     "A1-A4,C1-C4"................. VF 4,  XF           6

s665                      50 pes  1943     "A1-A2"........................... VG 18,  F           35

s666                   100 pes  1943     "A1-A2".......................................   F+         50

s667                   500 pes  1943     "A1"..............................................   XF      300

s668a                      1 pes  1944     "A1-A4".......................................   AU        15

s672                        1 pes  1944     "D1-G3"............................. XF 7,  AU        10

s673                        1 pes  1944     "H1-H4".......................................   XF         10

s674                        5 pes  1944     "C1-C4".......................................   VF+         6

s675                        5 pes  1944     "D1-D4"............................. VG 4,  XF           6

s676                      10 pes  1944     "C1-F4"............................. VF+4,  AU        10

s677                      10 pes  1944     "G1-H4".......................................   AU        20

s678                      20 pes  1944     "B1-B3".......................................   XF+      20

s679                      20 pes  1944     "C1-C4" paper pink...................   F+         15

s680                      20 pes  1944     "D1-D3" paper brown......... F 4,  XF         15

s681                        1 pes  1945     "I1-J4"................................ VF 4,  AU        15

s683                      10 pes  1945     "J1-J4"................................. F+5,  AU        30

s684                      20 pes  1945     "E1-E3" paper brown....... F 10,  VF+      30

s685                      20 pes  1945     "G1-J3" paper white...... VG 10,  F+         30

                                            Army of United States

s711                        2 pes  1943     US Philippine Corps..................   VF+    120

s712                        5 pes  1943     US Philippine Corps..................   VG        60

s715                        1 pes  1943     US 7 Military District..................   VG        60

                                            Nueva Vizcaya Province

s792                     20 cen  (1942)   .....................................................   XF      300

s794                        1 pes  (1942)   #14700-25200"..........................   AU      300

                                            Cuyo Municipality, Palawan

PAL-756                 1 pes  1942     Cuyo............................................   VF      150

                                            Free Samar

s1107                      2 pes  1943     "A-C" currency board..... G+20,  F+         70

s1114                   10 pes  1943     "A-E" currency board....... F-30,  VF         75

                                            Balangiga, Samar

SMR-171               5 cen  1943     01.11;Balangiga................ F 60,  VF      120

SMR-172a           10 cen  1943     01.11;Balangiga,purple"10C"...   VF      120

SMR-172b           10 cen  1943     01.11;Balangiga,black"10C"....   VG-       30

SMR-187                5 pes  1943     10.23;Balangiga.........................   VF+    150

                                            Guiuan, Samar

SMR-325                1 pes  1942     12.07;Guiuan.............................   F           90

SMR-363             10 cen  1942     03.01;Guiuan.............................   VG+      50

SMR-364             20 cen  1942     03.01;Guiuan.............................   VG+      50

SMR-385                1 pes  1943     06.08;Guiuan.............................   F-          90

SMR-430                5 pes  1943     07.15;Guiuan...................... tape  VG        60

                                            Oras, Samar

SMR-574             50 cen  1943     11.10;Oras,city...........................   AU        70

                                            Pambujan Sur, Samar

SAR-621                5 cen  1942     11.15;hand signatures..............   VG        60

SMR-676                2 pes  1943     09.01...........................................   VF      180

                                            Salcedo, Samar

SMR-752             10 cen  1942     08.08;Salcedo,AUSA................   VG        70


PICK#                                 *****POLAND***3c*

notes ref; Mi-# -C Milczak "Katalog Polskich Pieniedzy Papierowych"

   Insurrection 1794

A9                            10 gr  1794     .....................................................   XF      720

A10                             1 zl  1794     facsimile 1967(copy).................   AU        40

A11.                            4 zl  1794     (1)(D)...........................................   AU+    640

   Duchy of Warsaw

A14                        5 talar  1810     sig Potocki..................................   F       5000

   General Government; German occupation of Russian part of Poland

1.  Mi1a                1/2 mk  1917     "jeneral" "A"................... VF+60,  XF+    120

4   Mi4a                 20 mk  1917     "jeneral" "A"....... G+40, VG+75,  VF      200

5   Mi5a                 50 mk  1917     "jeneral" "A"......... G+60, F 160VF      320

6a   Mi6a             100 mk  1917     "jeneral" "A"................................   VG+   180

7   Mi7                   1/2 mk  1917     "general" "B".................. XF+60,  UN      160

8   Mi8                      1 mk  1917     "general" "B"..................... VG 8,  UN      240

9b   Mi9b                 2 mk  1917     general "B". F+(tape)30, XF 80  UN      320

10b   Mi11b             5 mk  1917     "general"biletow" "B"..... VG 30,  F           60

11   Mi10                 5 mk  1917     "general"Biletow"........... VG 50,  F+       150

12a   Mi13a           10 mk  1917     "general"biletow"........................   VF+    300

12b   Mi13b           10 mk  1917     "general"biletow". VG 30, F 60,  VF+    180

13   Mi12               10 mk  1917     "general"Biletow".......................   VG-    120

15   Mi15             100 mk  1917     "general"............... VG 45, F 90,  VF-     180

16   Mi16          1,000 mk  1917     "general".....................................   VG-    300


*NL-assignat      100 rub  1918     11.01-1919.11.01......................   VG      500

   *"Asygnata Skarbu Polskiego"(Polish Treasury Assignat)

17a   Mi18a         100 mk  1919     Kosciuszko........... VG 30, F 60,  VF+    180

17a   Mi18b        100 mk  1919     Kosciuszko..................... VG 30,  VF      120

17b   Mi18c         100 mk  1919     Kosciuszko.......................... "AI"  VF      180

19   Mi19a               1 mk  1919     /arms; serie "P-"............. VF 24,  VF+      35

19   Mi19b               1 mk  1919     /arms; serie "I--".. VG 5, VF 20,  XF+      60

20a   Mi20a             5 mk  1919     /Glowacki; no "Nr"......................   VG        18

20b   Mi20b             5 mk  1919     /Glowacki; no "Nr"......... VG 12,  VF         48

20a   Mi20c             5 mk  1919     /Glowacki; ser "I-""Nr"... VG 12,  F+         36

22a   Mi22a     1,000 mk  1919     2x"Nr"..........................................   F         140

22a   Mi22b     1,000 mk  1919     "Ser A".................. VG 35, F 70,  VF      140

22a   Mi22c      1,000 mk  1919     2x"Ser.A".............. VG 40, F 80,  VF      160

22b   Mi22d     1,000 mk  1919     seria "IA".............................. pen  F-        150

22b   Mi22e     1,000 mk  1919     "Ser.AA"; #6-digit.......................   XF-     180

22b   Mi22f      1,000 mk  1919     "Ser.AA"; #7-digit.......................   VF      120

22c.   Mi22g    1,000 mk  1919     "Ser.AA"; #6-digit*............ F 60,  AU      500

22d   Mi22h     1,000 mk  1919     "Ser.AAA"; #6-digit*...................   F+         90

22d   Mi22i       1,000 mk  1919     "III Ser A"....................................   VF      120

22   canc          1,000 mk  1919     stamp "bez wartosci".................   F           60

22   coun          1,000 mk  1919     ............................ old counterfeit  VG      120

23   Mi23a               1 mk  1919     I serja 1 letter small...................   XF+      50

23   Mi23b               1 mk  1919     I serja 2 letters small.... AU+38,  UN        50

23   Mi23c               1 mk  1919     I serja 2 letters big........ XF+12,  UN        32

24   Mi24a               5 mk  1919     II serja 1 letter, font-3....... VF 6,  AU        24

24   Mi24b               5 mk  1919     II serja 2 letters, font-3..............   UN        30

25   Mi25a             10 mk  1919     II serja 1 letter, font-3................   VF         10

25   Mi25b             10 mk  1919     II serja 2 letters, font-3..... VF 4,  UN        32

26   Mi26a             20 mk  1919     II serja 1 letter............................   XF         36

26   Mi26b             20 mk  1919     II serja 2 letters, font-3..... VF 7,  UN        40

26.  Mi26c             20 mk  1919     II serja 2 letters, font-4.. XF 10,  UN        40

27   Mi27a           100 mk  1919     I serja 1 letter.............................   XF         80

27   Mi27b           100 mk  1919     IA serja 1 letter...........................   VF         16

27   Mi27c           100 mk  1919     IA serja 2 letters, Nr....... XF 10,  UN        40

28   Mi28a           500 mk  1919     I serja 2 letters.................. VF 9,  UN        72

28.  Mi28b           500 mk  1919     II serja 1 letter................. VF 12,  VF+      18

28.  Mi28d           500 mk  1919     II serja 2 letters..........................   AU+      72

29   Mi29a       1,000 mk  1919     I serja 1 letter.................. XF 18,  UN        72

29   Mi29b       1,000 mk  1919     I serja 2 letters................ XF 18,  AU        36

29   Mi29c        1,000 mk  1919     II serja 1 letter................. XF 18,  UN        72

29   Mi29d       1,000 mk  1919     II serja 2 letters............... XF 18,  AU        36

29   Mi29e       1,000 mk  1919     III serja 1 letter.................. VF 9,  AU        36

29   Mi29f         1,000 mk  1919     III serja 2 letters.........................   XF         18

30   Mi30              1/2 mk  1920     Kosciuszko.................................   UN        40

31   Mi31a       5,000 mk  1920     II serja 1 letter................. VF 36,  AU+    220

31   Mi31b       5,000 mk  1920     II serja 2 letters............... VF 36,  UN      290

31   Mi31c        5,000 mk  1920     III serja 1 letter............... VF 36,  XF         72

32   Mi32              10,000  1922     heads................ VF 50, XF 100,  AU+    300

33   Mi33              50,000  1922     arms......... F25, VF 50, XF 100,  AU+    300

34.  Mi35           100,000  1923     /arms...........................................   AU+    360

35   Mi34c         250,000  1923     ser 2 letter #wide............. F+60,  VF+    120

35   Mi34d         250,000  1923     ser 2 letters #narrow.. VF+120,  XF+    240

36   Mi36h         500,000  1923     ser 1 letter #7-digit.......... F+60,  VF+    120

36   Mi36i           500,000  1923     ser 1 letter #7-digit.....................   VF+    120

36   Mi36m        500,000  1923     ser 2 letter #7-digit.....................   VF+    120

37   Mi37b      1,000,000  1923     Warsaw, #7-digit............ VG 30,  F           60

42a   Mi42b               1 gr  1924     ovpt P36, left, #*........................   UN      320

42a   Mi42e               1 gr  1924     ovpt P36, left..............................   AU      160

42b   Mi42e               1 gr  1924     ovpt P36, right............................   VF+      60

43a.  Mi43a               5 gr  1924     ovpt P39, left................ XF 120UN      480

43b   Mi43b               5 gr  1924     ovpt P39, right............................   VF+      90

48   Mi61                    5 zl  1925     coin................................ trimmed  VF+    540

50.  Mi78a                 1 zl  1938     Kg Chrobry....... F+"B" 90;   "Y"  AU+    720

50.  Mi78b                 1 zl  1938     Kg Chrobry, ser "I-"....... VF-80AU+    480

50   Mi78c                  1 zl  1938     unfinished; only back................   AU+    100

51   Mi47b                 1 zl  1919     Kosciuszko, ser 2-dig... VG 25,  VF-     100

57   Mi53               100 zl  1919     Kosciuszko......... F 60, VF 120,  VF+    180

58   Mi54a             500 zl  1919     Kosciuszko.................................   UN      160

58   Mi54b             500 zl  1919     Kosciuszko.................... XF+60,  UN      160

60   spec            5,000 zl  1919     Kosciuszko; ovpt "WZOR"........   AU+ 4800

64   Mi62a               50 zl  1925     ser 1-letter..................................   VG+   180

65a  Mi64b              10 zl  1926     wmk"992-1025"..........................   VG      240

65b  Mi64d              10 zl  1926     wmk"10-zl"....................... G+50,  VG        90

69   Mi68                 10 zl  1929     ......................................... AU 16,  UN        32

71   Mi70b               50 zl  1929     ......................................... AU 24,  UN        48

71  unfi                     50 zl  1929     no signatures no #.....................   VF+    150

72   Mi71a                 5 zl  1930     ser 1-letter....................... ser"A"  F         160

72   Mi71a                 5 zl  1930     ser 1-letter..................................   F           20

72   Mi71b                 5 zl  1930     ser 2-letter...................... AU 16,  UN        32

73.  Mi72c               20 zl  1931     E.Plater/......................................   UN      180

73   unfi                    20 zl  1931     no #.............................................   VF      150

73   unfi                    20 zl  1931     no unpt no #, front only.............   F         130

74a   Mi73a           100 zl  1932     ........................... VF 12, VF+18,  XF+      36

74b.  Mi73b           100 zl  1932     wmk "+X+"..................... XF+90,  UN      240

74    Mi73bb          100 zl  1932     wmk" '' ".......................................   VF         40

75a   Mi74a           100 zl  1934     .....................................................   UN        32

75b   Mi74b           100 zl  1934     wmk "+X+"...................... XF 40,  XF+      60

75a   Mi74c           100 zl  1934     ......................................... AU 16,  UN        32

76a   Mi75a               2 zl  1936     Dabrowka...................................   UN        40

76b   Mi75b               2 zl  1936     Dabrowka; no #..........................   VF      100

76c   Mi75c                2 zl  1936     no unpt no#................... XF+60,  UN      160

77   Mi76                 20 zl  1936     Plater/Wawel.................. AU 16,  UN        32

   German occupation WW2

89   coun               100 zl  1932     old counterfeit............................   VG        70

90   coun               100 zl  1934     old counterfeit type 1.................   F         120

90   coun               100 zl  1934     old counterfeit type 2.................   VF      160

90   coun               100 zl  1934     old counterfeit type 3.................   F           90

91.                              1 zl  1940     ........................... VG+10, VF 25,  XF         50

92                               2 zl  1940     girl......................... VG 8, VF 32,  UN      260

93.                              5 zl  1940     head............................................   UN      540

94   Mi94a               10 zl  1940     /Chopin............................ AU 21,  UN        40

94   Mi94b               10 zl  1940     /Chopin........................................   AU+      36

95   Mi95a               20 zl  1940     E.Plater/Wawel............. XF+12,  AU+      30

95   unfi                    20 zl  1940     no #,............................................   VF+    100

95   unfi                    20 zl  1940     no unpt no #,.................. VF 40,  AU+    200

96.  Mi96                 50 zl  1940     E.Plater............... F 50, VF 100,  UN      800

96   coun                 50 zl  1940     "Falsh 41"!handdrawn!..............   F+    5000

97   Mi97ab           100 zl  1940     "C-E'................................ XF 20,  UN        80

97   Mi97b             100 zl  1940     counterfeit(1941)"B"........ VG 7,  UN      120

98   Mi98a             500 zl  1940     mountaineer/Tatra........ VF+36,  UN      190

99   Mi99b                 1 zl  1941     "BB-BF"............................. XF 8,  UN        32

100.  Mi100               2 zl  1941     girl................................................   AU        16

101.  Mi101b             5 zl  1941     "AD-AF"......................... AU+24,  UN        32

102   Mi102             50 zl  1941     E.Plater/Krakow........... AU+24,  UN        32

103   Mi103a         100 zl  1941     /Lwow "A"...................... AU+18,  UN        24

103   Mi103b         100 zl  1941     /Lwow "D"...................... AU+18,  UN        24

  *handstamp banknotes(see note -Pick page 833)

*1) propaganda ovpt "braterstwo broni Anglii, Ameryki, Polski.."

    (long live the Anglo-American-Polish brotherhood in arms)

?genuine?            1 zloty  1941     handstamp(1943) on#99..........   F         180

*2) Warsaw Resistance Fighter "A.K. Regula, zold powstanczy.."

?genuine?            2 zloty  1941     handstamp(1944) on#100........   VF-     150

?genuine?          10 zloty  1940     handstamp(1944) on#94..........   VF      150

*3) Warsaw Resistance Fighter "O. Warszawski, zgrupowanie IV.."

?genuine?        100 zloty  1940     handstamp(1944) on#97..........   VG      150

*4) Polish banknotes(German occupation) handstamp by oval violet

  Ukrainian arms "Trident"(tryzub) 36x26mm, probably propaganda

  or souvenir issue of local UPA(Ukrainian Revolutionary Army);

Poland#99                 1 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#100               2 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   VG+   150

Poland#101               5 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#94               10 zl  1940     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#95               20 zl  1940     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#96               50 zl  1940     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#102             50 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#97            100 zl  1940     stamp "Trident"..........................   VG+   150

Poland#103          100 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

    Polish National Bank

  -1944 first issue printed in Moscow, with inscription "obowiazkowym"

105   Mi105               1 zl  1944     Russian;-wym........ F 6, VF+18,  UN        96

106   Mi106a             2 zl  1944     -wym" AA-XT"......... VG 6, F12,  VF+      36

106   Mi106b             2 zl  1944     -wym "Aa-Bn"...... VG 6, VF 24,  VF+      36

106   Mi106d             2 zl  1944     Russian;-wym "dA-dD".............   VG+      36

108   Mi107               5 zl  1944     Russian;-wym........ VG 6, F 12,  VF+      36

110   Mi108             10 zl  1944     Russian;-wym... VG 12, VF 60,  VF+      90

112   Mi109             20 zl  1944     Russian;-wym..................... G 5,  F+         40

114   Mi110             50 zl  1944     Russian;-wym................... G 10,  VG+      30

116   Mi111           100 zl  1944     Russian;-wym....... VG 30, F60,  VF      120

118   Mi112           500 zl  1944     Russian;-wym................ F+270VF      360

  -1944 second issue printed in Poland, with inscription "obowiazkowe"

107a   Mi113a           2 zl  1944     -owe "CO-OO".................. F 60,  F+         90

107a   Mi113b           2 zl  1944     -owe "Ac-Bn"..............................   VF      120

109a.  Mi114a           5 zl  1944     -owe "CM-YO"...... F 20, VF 40,  XF+    120

109a.  Mi114b           5 zl  1944     -owe "aB-xA"..................... F 20,  VF+      60

113a.  Mi116a         20 zl  1944     -owe "EA-YY"..... AU+(p/h)240UN      320

113a   Mi116d         20 zl  1944     -owe "aA-Wz"..... VG 12, F+36,  XF         96

115a   Mi117a         50 zl  1944     -owe "AO-PH"............................   F           25

115a   Mi117c         50 zl  1944     -owe "Dh, Hd"............................   VG        24

117a   Mi118a      100 zl  1944     -owe "BA-MY"...... F 30, VF 60,  VF+      90

117a   Mi118b      100 zl  1944     -owe "Ak-Ay"..............................   VG+      30

119a   Mi119a      500 zl  1944     -owe "AA-PH".............................   VF+    300

119a   Mi119b      500 zl  1944     -owe "Ao-Az"..............................   F+       150

120   Mi120b      1000 zl  1945     replacement "Dh".......................   VG      300

121   Mi121a         500 zl  1946     /Gdansk "A-M".................. F 60,  VF      120

122   Mi122a      1000 zl  1946     /factory "B-W"................. VF 60,  XF+    180

122   Mi122b      1000 zl  1946     /factory "C"..................................   VF+      96

122   Mi122d      1000 zl  1946     /factory "R"......................... F 30,  XF+    180

122   Mi122f       1000 zl  1946     /factory "U"..................................   VF+      96

122   Mi122j        1000 zl  1946     /factory "Wb.".............................   F           85

123                             1 zl  1946     paper cream..................... XF 8,  UN        24

123                             1 zl  1946     paper white....................... XF 8,  UN        24

124                             2 zl  1946     paper cream........................ F 4,  UN        36

124.                            2 zl  1946     paper white.................................   UN        48

125                             5 zl  1946     paper cream.................. VF+12,  XF+      24

125                             5 zl  1946     paper white.................................   UN        60

126                           10 zl  1946     paper cream.......... F 6, VF+18,  AU+      72

126                           10 zl  1946     paper white.................................   VF         16

127   Mi127b           20 zl  1946     /airplane "C-G"...........................   F           18

128.  Mi128a           50 zl  1946     /ships "A-G".... VF 50, XF+145,  UN      380

128.  Mi128b           50 zl  1946     /ships "H-T"................... VF+72,  XF         96

129   Mi129a         100 zl  1946     /plowing "A-M"...... F+54, VF72,  XF+    180

129   Mi129b         100 zl  1946     /plowing "N-S"............................   VF         85

130   Mi130             20 zl  1946     .....................................................   F           50

131.  Mi131a         100 zl  1947     /horses "A-E"..... F+50, XF 140UN      540

131   Mi131b         100 zl  1947     /horses "F-H"..............................   VF+    100

132   Mi132a         500 zl  1947     /port "A-Z"................... stain line  XF+    280

132   Mi132b         500 zl  1947     /port "A2-Z2"...............................   VF      150

133   Mi133a      1000 zl  1947     /steelworks "A-E".......................   VF         60

133   Mi133b      1000 zl  1947     /steelworks "F-K".......................   XF      120

133                       1000 zl  1947     /steelworks; no brown unpt?....   XF      100

134   Mi134b             2 zl  1948     /factory "AA-BP,CA-CT"...........   XF+      12

134   Mi134c             2 zl  1948     /factory "BR-BZ".........................   XF+      40

134   Mi134cc           2 zl  1948     /factory "BR-BS"........................   UN        24

135   Mi135b             5 zl  1948     /tractor "AA-AW".............. F+90,  XF+    360

135   Mi135c             5 zl  1948     /tractor "BA-BR"... VG 30, F 60,  UN      960

136   Mi136b           10 zl  1948     /farming........................... VG 12,  F           24

136   Mi136bb         10 zl  1948     /farming "AW".............................   UN      260

137   Mi137b           20 zl  1948     /Krakow "AA-BA".......................   VG        25

137   Mi137c           20 zl  1948     /Krakow "BC-CH"............. VG 8,  XF         60

137   Mi137d           20 zl  1948     /Krakow "CC"CI-DG"....... VG 5,  XF         40

137   Mi137e           20 zl  1948     /Krakow "DH-FE".......................   AU+      90

137   Mi137f            20 zl  1948     Krakow "FF-KZ".................. F 6,  UN        80

137   Mi137ff           20 zl  1948     /Krakow "KE"..............................   UN        60

137   Mi137g           20 zl  1948     paper test "HM9702.."...............   UN   2500

137   Mi137h           20 zl  1948     paper test "HM9802.."...............   UN   2000

138   Mi138e           50 zl  1948     fisherman/port "AA-BD"............   F-          20

138   Mi138g           50 zl  1948     fisherman/port "BM-DE"...........   VF         40

138   Mi138h           50 zl  1948     fisherman/port "DF-EP"............   VG+      10

138   Mi138hh         50 zl  1948     fisherman/port "EL"...................   UN      150

139a   Mi138b      100 zl  1948     /steelworks "AA-DY"......... F 20,  VF+      60

139a   Mi138d      100 zl  1948     /steelworks.................................   VF+      30

139a   Mi138f       100 zl  1948     /steelworks.................... VF+20,  AU        50

139a   Mi138ff      100 zl  1948     /steelworks "KR"........................   UN      140

139b   Mi139e      100 zl  1948     /steelworks........................ F 30,  XF-     100

140   Mi140b         500 zl  1948     miner/mine .................... VG 40,  VF+    240

140   Mi140bb      500 zl  1948     miner/mine ........................ "AC"  VG        80

140   Mi140c         500 zl  1948     miner/mine...................... VF 70,  AU      360

140   Mi140dd      500 zl  1948     miner/mine "CC"........................   UN      150

141   Mi141a     1,000 zl  1965     Copernicus/ "A-R"................ "A"  F           25

141.  Mi141aa   1,000 zl  1965     Copernicus/.......................... "S"  UN      180

142a   (A)                50 zl  1975     Swierczewski.................... "D"L"  UN      140

                                            1975     Swierczewski................... "W"Z"  AU        70

                                            1975     Swierczewski........................ "B"  XF         35

                                            1975     Swierczewski............... "B"D"K"  F             8

142a   (AA)              50 zl  1975     Swierczewski....... "BB"BG"BP"  UN        22

142b                         50 zl  1979     Swierczewski............. "CT"CW"  UN        18

142s   spec             50 zl  1979     ovpt"WZOR"..................... "BW"  UN        70

142                           50 zl  1982     Swierczewski.............. "EB"EE"  UN          7

142                           50 zl  1986     Swierczewski........ "FA"FF"FN"  UN          4

142                           50 zl  1988     "GA"GH"GR"GS"GT"GW"GZ"  UN          4

                                            1988     ... "HB"HC"HE"HF"HG"HH"HL"  UN          4

                                            1988     ............... "HN"HR"HW"HY"KC"  UN          4

                                            1988     ............................................ "KH"  UN        20

143a   (A)              100 zl  1975     Warynski.... F+"M"P"U"12,  "G"  XF         32

                                            1975     Warynski.................. "M"P"U"Y"  F+         12

143a   (AA)           100 zl  1975     Warynski............................ "AB"  UN      160

                                            1975     Warynski............................ "AC"  UN      140

143b                       100 zl  1976     Warynski............................ "AS"  UN        60

143c                       100 zl  1979     Warynski...................... "FT"GK"  UN        60

                                            1979     Warynski........................... "EW"  AU        25

143s   spec           100 zl  1979     ovpt"WZOR"...................... "EU"  UN        90

143d                       100 zl  1982     .............................. "HW"LG"LE"  UN        24

143                         100 zl  1986     ......... "MB"MR"NH"NS"NT"NY"  UN          5

                                            1986     ................. "PG"PL"RR"SB"SN"  UN          5

143                         100 zl  1988     ........................ "PM"PR"PT"PU"  UN          4

                                            1988     ................ "RA"RD"RE"RK"RM"  UN          4

                                            1988     ....... "TG"TK"TL"TN"TP"TS"TT"  UN          4

144a   (A)              200 zl  1976     Dabrowski......... AU"B" 30;  "D"  UN        76

144a   (AA)           200 zl  1976     Dabrowski.......................... "AF"  UN        80

144b.  (AA)           200 zl  1979     Dabrowski.......................... "BA"  AU        40

144                         200 zl  1986     Dabrowski........... "DH"DW"EA"  UN        10

144                         200 zl  1988     .................. "EC"ED"EL"EN"EP"  UN          4

145a                       500 zl  1974     Kosciuszko......... F+"S"15;   "R"  UN      160

145c                       500 zl  1979     Kosciuszko................. "BC"BK"  UN        60

145d                       500 zl  1982     Kosciuszko................. "CF"DM"  UN          6

                                            1982     ..... "EG"EK"EL"EM"ET"ET"FT"  UN          6

                                            1982     ........ "EW"GB"GF"GG"GK"GL"  UN          6

145s   spec           500 zl  1974     ovpt "WZOR"........................ "K"  UN      150

146a   (AA)        1,000 zl  1975     Copernicus... "AD"AM"AN"AS"  UN        50

146b                   1,000 zl  1979     Copernicus........................ "CD"  UN        50

146c                    1,000 zl  1982     .......... "EB"EE"EM"ES"EW"EZ"  UN          6

                                            1982     ......... "FN"GB"HC"HD"HN"HS"  UN          6

                                            1982     .......... "KA"KC"KD"KK"KM"KN"  UN          6

147a                   2,000 zl  1977     Mieszko............................ "D"E"  UN        80

                                            1977     Mieszko....... VF+"B" 15;  "B"P"  XF         20

147b   (A)           2,000 zl  1979     Mieszko................................. "T"  UN        80

147b   (AA)        2,000 zl  1979     Mieszko.............................. "BA"  UN        10

147s   spec        2,000 zl  1979     ovpt"WZOR"......................... "S"  UN      150

148                           10 zl  1982     Bem....................... F 4;    ser"A"  UN        20

148                           10 zl  1982     Bem...................... "B"G"L"M"T"  UN          8

149   (A)                   20 zl  1982     Traugutt........................... ser"A"  UN        25

149   (A)                   20 zl  1982     Traugutt................... "M"P"W"Z"  UN          6

149   (AA)                20 zl  1982     .......... "AC"AH"AK"AL"AM"AU"  UN          6

149   stamp         2$/20zl  1997     stamp"B Krakov good for 2$"...   AU        10

150a   (A)           5,000 zl  1982     Chopin............................. ser"A"  XF         30

150a   (A)           5,000 zl  1982     Chopin......................... "K"N"W"  XF+      20

150a   (AA)        5,000 zl  1982     ......... "BY"CL"DF"DG"DH"DM"  UN        15

150c                    5,000 zl  1988     Chopin.................. "CS"DT"DU"  UN        10

151a   (A)         10,000 zl  1988     Wyspianski/Wawel.............. "H"  UN        30

151b   (A)         10,000 zl  1988     Wyspianski/Wawel.......... "U"Y"  UN        30

153   (A)           50,000 zl  1989     Staszic/palace...................... "H"  UN        45

153   (AA)        50,000 zl  1989     Staszic/palace......... F 4,   "AC"  UN        35

154   (AA)      100,000 zl  1990     Moniuszko/.................................   F             4

155   (A).        200,000 zl  1989     arms/Warsaw................. ser "A"  UN      220

155   (A).        200,000 zl  1989     arms/Warsaw................. ser "K"  UN      120

157.             1,000,000 zl  1991     Reymont/oak, village........... "E"  UN        70

158a.          2,000,000 zl  1991     Paderewski(error).......... ser "A"  UN      150

158b.          2,000,000 zl  1991     Paderewski(error).......... ser "B"  UN      150

159   (A).          50,000 zl  1993     Staszic/palace...................... "P"  UN        60

160   (AA).     100,000 zl  1993     Moniuszko/........................ "AD"  AU        70

161   (A).        500,000 zl  1993     Sienkiewicz/shield................ "L"  UN        90

162.             1,000,000 zl  1993     Reymont/oak, village.......... "M"  UN      120

163.             2,000,000 zl  1993     Paderewski(error)........... ser"B"  UN      180

 (A)-single letter series, (AA)-double letter series

 issue of 1994(1995), new denominated currency; 1 zl=10,000 old zl

165   unis                   2 zl  1990     Katowice "nieobiegowy"...........   UN        25

166   unis                   5 zl  1990     Zamosc "nieobiegowy".............   UN        25

167   unis                 10 zl  1990     Warszawa "nieobiegowy".........   UN        25

168   unis                 20 zl  1990     Gdansk "nieobiegowy"..............   UN        25

169   unis                 50 zl  1990     Wroclaw "nieobiegowy"............   UN        25

170   unis              100 zl  1990     Poznan "nieobiegowy"..............   UN        25

171   unis              200 zl  1990     Krakow "nieobiegowy"..............   UN        25

172   unis              500 zl  1990     Krakow "nieobiegowy"..............   UN        30

  full set of unissued 1990 Polish banknotes, unpt"NIEOBIEGOWE"

164-72   1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500 zl 1990.............. set 9 notes  UN      200

173.  @TDLR         10 zl  1994     Pr Mieszko......... "AA 0000273"  UN      300

173   @TDLR         10 zl  1994     Pr Mieszko......................... "AA"  UN        80

173                           10 zl  1994     Pr Mieszko.............. "EI"JY"KH"  UN        10

173   repl                 10 zl  1994     replacement....................... "YD"  AU        15

174   @TDLR         20 zl  1994     Kg Boleslaw....................... "AA"  UN      120

174   @TDLR         20 zl  1994     Kg Boleslaw................ "AC"BC"  UN        60

174                           20 zl  1994     Kg Boleslaw...................... "EM"  UN        25

175                           50 zl  1994     Kg Kazimierz...................... "EF"  UN        60

176   @TDLR       100 zl  1994     Kg Jagiello......................... "BD"  UN      200

176                         100 zl  1994     Jagiello...... "EH"EI"EJ"FL"HO"  UN      100

176   repl               100 zl  1994     Kg Jagiello......................... "YH"  UN      120

177   @TDLR       200 zl  1994     Kg Zygmunt........................ "AJ"  UN      500

177                         200 zl  1994     Kg Zygmunt........... "DH"DI"DT"  UN      200

177   repl               200 zl  1994     Kg................. replacement "YB"  UN      250

178   comm             50 zl  2006     "Papa John Paul II"..... in folder  UN        40

178   comm             50 zl  2006     "Papa John Paul II"...................   UN        30

179.  comm             10 zl  2008     "Pilusdski".................... in folder  UN      120

179.  comm             10 zl  2008     "Pilusdski"...................................   UN      100

180.  comm             20 zl  2009     "Slowacki".................... in folder  UN        50

181   comm             20 zl  2009     "Chopin"....................... in folder  UN        50

182.  comm             20 zl  2009     "Sklodowska-Curie".... in folder  UN        50

183.                          10 zl  2012     Pr Mieszko/denarius.................   UN          5

184                           20 zl  2012     Kg Boleslaw/denarius...............   UN          9

185.                          50 zl  2012     Kg Kazimierz/Krakow................   UN        25

186                         100 zl  2012     Kg Jagiello/Malbork, arms........   UN        50

   Collector Series

---CS1  collector series -ovpt "WZOR" (specimen)

CS1(P140)            500 zl  1948     ovpt "WZOR"..............................   UN        96

---CS3 *reissue*; inscription "Emisja pamiatkowa odbita w 1974.."

CS3(104)                50 gr  1944     reissue-1974,inscrip..................   AU+        8

CS3(105b)                 1 zl  1944     reissue-1974,inscrip..................   AU+        8

CS3(107b)                 2 zl  1944     reissue-1974,inscrip..................   AU+        8

CS3(119b)            500 zl  1944     reissue-1974,inscrip..................   AU+        8

CS3(104-19)   50-500 zl  1944     reissue-1974........... set 9 notes  AU+    150

---CS4 commemorative P137+139 ovpt."150 lat Banku Polskiego":

CS4(P137+9)     20+100  1978     ovpt"150 lat Banku." ...... folder  AU+    240

---CS5 *reissue* P104b-119b; -ovpt."XXXV-lecie PRL 1944-1979":

CS5(P104-19)       50 gr-  500 zl   "PRL 1944-1979" ........ 9 notes  AU+    360

---CS6 *reissue*; P17a ovpt "60 years of the Polish banknote 1919-79"

CS6(P17)            100 mk  1919     reissue-1979 ovpt......................   UN        40

---NL *reissue*P113b-119b; -ovpt."50 rocznica zwyciestwa"KNF 1995:

(113-9)    20,50,100,500  1944     AL,PSZ,LWP,WP ....... 4 notes  AU+    180

   Foreign Exchange Certificates

                                            Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA, PeKaO

FX21                      1 cent  1969     Bank PeKaO....................... G 3,  F+           5

FX22                      2 cent  1969     Bank PeKaO....................... G 4,  F             5

FX24                   10 cent  1969     Bank PeKaO..............................   VG          6

FX34                      1 cent  1979     Bank PeKaO.................... VG 4,  F+           5

FX35                      2 cent  1979     Bank PeKaO.................... VG 4,  F             6

FX36                      5 cent  1979     Bank PeKaO..............................   VF+         6

FX37                   10 cent  1979     Bank PeKaO.................... VG 4,  XF         15

FX38                   20 cent  1979     Bank PeKaO.................... VF+6,  UN        30

FX39                   50 cent  1979     Bank PeKaO..............................   VF         15

FX43                         10 $  1979     Bank PeKaO..............................   VF      200

FX44                         20 $  1979     Bank PeKaO..............................   F         200

                                            "ORBIS" Polish Travel Agency

ORBIS-2                  50 zl  (196-)    "ORBIS" bon............ VF 50, p/h  XF      100

   Solidarnosc" propaganda notes and overprints 1981-1989

   propaganda(fund raising) ovpt on notes by underground "Solidarnosc"

prop                          20 zl  1982     "SW" eagle with crown..............   XF         40

prop                          20 zl  1982     Pilsudski(small)..........................   VF+      40

prop                       500 zl  1982     "zima wasza wiosna nasza".....   XF         40

prop                       500 zl  1982     "cegielka kopalnia Wujek"........   XF+      40

prop                     1000 zl  1982     "wrona nas nie pokona"............   XF+      40

prop                     1000 zl  1982     arms "wrona skona"..................   XF+      40

   propaganda(fund raising) notes printed by underground "Solidarnosc"

prop                       100 zl  1981     12.13 TZR Wielko. Walensa ...   AVF+    35

prop                       100 zl  1983     07.31 NBP; Walensa Nobel ....   AU        50

prop                       200 zl  1984     05.12 NBP; Walensa ...............   AU        50

prop          30 srebnikow  1981     12.13 NBP; Jaruzelski .............   AU        50

prop                       200 zl  1983     06.13 RP; Papa JPII........ type1  AU        50

prop                       200 zl  1983     06.13 RP; Papa JPII........ type2  UN        50

prop               1 miedziak  1985     08.31 RP Lubinska....................   UN        50

prop                   1 pierdol  1984     SBS; Rakowski/PI-ER-DOL.....   UN        80

prop                    1 zomol  1981     =200 zl......................... lot#1200  UN        50

   German anti-Polish propaganda notgeld -Silesia plebiscite

notgeld                9 notes  (1921)   anti-Polish................... lot#1053  AU        25

   Promotional notes         PWPW Polish Security Printing Works

prom                  04 (bird)  ND        PWPW Warsaw.......... lot#1484  UN        30

prom                  04 (bird)  ND        PWPW Warsaw........ in booklet  UN        60

   War, Military and Camp Money(C#-Campbell, SB#-Schwan,Boling)

             Prisoners of War  -POW "Oflag-Iic-Woldenberg", in Polish

      Notes issued by Polish POW's Self-help Treasury of officer camp;

C-3765                    10 fe  1944     "SERIA AII".................................   AU      130

C-3766                    50 fe  1944     "SERIA AI"..................................   AU      100

C-3766                    50 fe  1944     "SERIA AII".................................   AU      100

C-3766                    50 fe  1944     "SERIA AIII"................................   AU      100

C-3766                    50 fe  1944     "SERIA AIV"...............................   AU-     150

C-3768.a                 2 mk  1944     "SERIA A"...................................   XF      120

C-3768.b                 2 mk  1944     "SERIA B"...................................   XF      120

C-3769.a                 5 mk  1944     "SERIA A"; blue ........................   XF      300

C-3769.b                 5 mk  1944     "SERIA AI"; black........ VF-100XF-     200

                                            -POW "Oflag-VII-A" Murnau, in Polish

      Notes issued by Polish POW's Clearing Commission;

C-3811                    1 fen  1944     Oflag-VII-A..................................   AU-     100

C-3812                  10 fen  1944     Oflag-VII-A...................... VF-30,  XF+    100

C-3813                  50 fen  1944     Oflag-VII-A..................................   AU-     200

C-3814                     1 mk  1944     Oflag-VII-A.................... VF 100AU-     250

C-3815                     2 mk  1944     Oflag-VII-A..................................   AU-     300

C-3816                     5 mk  1944     Oflag-VII-A.................... VF 120AU-     400

      Bytomskie Zjednoczenie Przemyslu Weglowego (Bytom's coal mines)

      post-war work camp for Polish and German prisoners

NL POW                  50 gr  1945     December...................................   VF      300

       Assignat, issued for Polish Army and Administration to use

       during 1939 war, to pay for confiscated goods;

NL                             10 zl  (1939)   blue, stamp "Lipno"....... issued  AU      150

NL                             20 zl  (1939)   green, stamp "Lipno"..... issued  AU      150

NL                             50 zl  (1939)   brown, stamp "Lipno".... issued  AU      150

NL   unis                  10 zl  (1939)   blue, counterfoil......... unissued  AU        50

NL   unis                  10 zl  (1939)   blue............................. unissued  XF         25

NL   unis                  20 zl  (1939)   green, counterfoil...... unissued  AU        50

NL   unis                  20 zl  (1939)   green........................... unissued  XF         25

NL   unis                  50 zl  (1939)   brown, counterfoil...... unissued  AU-       60

NL   unis                100 zl  (1939)   red, unissued................ VG+30,  VF+      70

      Certificate of Contribution, Germans laid a city Warszawa

      under contribution(penalty for resistance movement actions).

NL                  25 zl  1942  10.31    Certificate of contribution..........   VF      150

NL                    5 zl  1943  02.10    Certificate of contribution..........   AU        40

NL               150 zl  1943  02.10    Certificate of contribution..........   VF      150

NL                  30 zl  1944  02.02    Certificate of contribution..........   AU        30

NL               500 zl  1944  02.02    Certificate of contribution..........   VF      150

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   Saving and Travellers notes

    Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci PKO premiowy bon oszczednosciowy

NL                          250 zl  1971     07.01;saving note............ VG 4,  AU        15

NL                          500 zl  1971     07.01;saving note......................   VG+        7

NL                       1,000 zl  1971     07.01;saving note......................   VG+        8

      Narodowy Bank Polski NBP depozytowy bon rewaloryzacyjny

NL                          100 zl  1982     01.27;revalorization note..........   AU        10

NL                          500 zl  1982     01.27;revalorization note..........   AU        10

NL                       1,000 zl  1982     01.27;revalorization note..........   AU        12

   Checks (czeki)

   St.Petersburski Miedzynarodowy Bank Handlowy, Oddzial w Warszawie

NL check         unissued  191-      Stefan Krynski............................   AU      100

   Promissory Notes (Bill of Exchange) -weksle

max 50rub       50 rubles  19--       Russian+ Polish text.................   F           50

                                            promissory notes in Zloty

max 200zl             190 zl  1929     Kepno........................ duty 60 gr  VG          8

max 500zl             500 zl  1931     Warszawa.............. duty 1.50 zl  F             8

max 1000zl        1,000 zl  1928     "Grzegorzewo" Kurec Wilno.....   VF         20

max 1000zl        1,000 zl  1931     Lodz.............................. duty 3 zl  VF         10

max 1000zl        in blank  ND        Ostrowiec..................... duty 3 zl  VF         10

max 2000zl         2000 zl  1931     Warszawa.................... duty 6 zl  VF+      18

max 2000zl       200 $us  1931     Warszawa.................... duty 6 zl  VF         18

max 3000zl    1,000 $us  1931     Krakow, protest........... duty 9 zl  F           30

                                            promissory notes in Zloty, with 10% extra duty

max 100zl          in blank  ND        .................................... duty 33 gr  F             7

max 200zl          in blank  ND        Lwow(1940).............. duty 66 gr  F           10

max 800zl          in blank  ND        ................................. duty 2.64 zl  VF           8

max 1000zl        in blank  ND        Kleck....................... duty 3.30 zl  VF         12

                                            promissory notes in Zloty after 1939

max 150zl             129 zl  1952     Wroclaw.................. duty 1.80 zl  VF           8

max 200zl        unissued  19--       blanc............................. duty 2 zl  AU        10

   Ration Cards (karty zywnosciowe, zaopatrzenia)

                                WW1  Poland, Galicia;

                  1 week bread  1915     Strusina II, week 34, XI.............   AU        30

                 4 weeks fat,oil  1918     IV-V.............................................   AU        30

                                WW1  Poland;

Bedzin           bread card  1916     no coupons; Sosnowiec...........   F           30

Warszawa     bread card  191-      daily ration 3x 1/2 lb..................   VF         10

Warszawa       food card  1916.6  #...................................................   XF         10

Warszawa       food card  1916.7  #20-21.........................................   XF         10

Warszawa       food card  1916.8  #22-23.........................................   XF         10

Warszawa       food card  1916.10 #26-27.......................................   XF         10

Warszawa       food card  1917.3  #38-39.........................................   XF         10

Warszawa       food card  1917.4  #40-41.........................................   AU        10

Warszawa       food card  1917.5  #42-43.........................................   AU        10

Warszawa       food card  1917.6  #44-45.........................................   AU        10

Warszawa       food card  1919.1  #86...............................................   AU        10

Warszawa        potatoes  1916.4  5+2.5 pounds..................... blue  AU        10

Warszawa        potatoes  1916.4  5+2.5 pounds.................. brown  AU        10

Warszawa        potatoes  1916.5  #5.................................................   AU        10

Warszawa        potatoes  1916.6  #7.................................................   AU        10

Warszawa        potatoes  1917.3  4x25 pounds...............................   AU        10

Warszawa        potatoes  1918.4  160 pounds................................   AU        10

Warszawa        fuel card  1917/8  1 portion......................................   XF         10

Warszawa        fuel card  1917/8  1.5 portion...................................   XF         10

Warszawa        fuel card  1917/8  2 portion......................................   XF         10

                                WW2  Poland under German occupation, ration cards

NL            full ration card  1943.7  Debica, Dis.Krakow........... -red,  AU        30

NL                   textile chit  (194-)    Brzeszcze, Kr.Bieliz O/S...........   XF         10

NL                   textile chit  (194-)    Osiek, Kr.Bieliz O/S...................   XF         10

      WW2 goods coupon  Poland, Generalgouvernement "pramienschein"

                                            issue 1940(recept style; 135x110mm);

Tarnow            unissued  1940     household goods........ lot#1086  XF         15

                                            issue 194-(recept style; 140x138mm);

Tarnow            unissued  194_     household goods........ lot#1198  XF         15

      WW2 goods coupon  Poland, "Generalgouvernement  pramienmarke"

-issue 1943(postage stamp style:1,2-28x22;5,10-40x30mm;50 50x40mm)

NL                        2 punkt  (1943)   cleaners (washmittel)................   AU        15

NL                        2 punkt  (1943)   vodka (trinkbranntwen).............   AU        15

NL                        2 punkt  (1943)   household goods.......................   AU        15

NL                        2 punkt  (1943)   textiles (textilwaren)..................   AU        15

NL                        2 punkt  (1943)   cigarettes (zigaretten)...............   AU        15

NL                        2 punkt  (1943)   iron (eisen).................................   AU        15

  -issue 1944(postage stamp style, 50x40mm);

NL                        1 punkt  (1944)   textiles (textilwaren)..................   AU        15

NL                        1 punkt  (1944)   vodka (trinkbranntwen).............   AU        15

NL                        1 punkt  (1944)   household goods.......................   AU        15

NL                        1 punkt  (1944)   leather (leder).............................   AU        15

NL                        1 punkt  (1944)   iron (eisen).................................   AU        15

                                            -1977-1989 goods coupon

NL                        8x 2 kg  1977-9  (cukier -sugar).................. 8 pcs  AU/F     20

   Fundraising notes and stamps

                                            "Skarb Narodowy" National Treasury, to buy gold

NL   stamp               1 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           4

NL   stamp               2 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           4

NL   stamp               3 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           4

NL   stamp               5 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           4

NL   stamp            10 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           4

NL   stamp            25 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           4

NL   stamp            50 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           4

NL   stamp          100 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           4

NL   stamp       1,000 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           5

NL   stamp     10,000 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   XF           8

NL   stamp   100,000 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   VF         12

NL   stamp   250,000 mk  (1920)   National Treasury......................   VF         20

                                            "Budujemy Wspolny Dom" Communist Party

NL                             50 zl  (195-)    Communist Party....... lot#1071  VF+      10

NL                          100 zl  (195-)    Communist Party.......................   VF         10

NL                          500 zl  (195-)    Communist Party.......................   VF+      20

NL                       1,000 zl  (195-)    Communist Party.......................   VG-       20


***POLAND, local paper money**8*

notes ref; J-# -Jablonski T."Katalog papierowych pieniedzy. 1794-1965"

   -Bedzin                            Komitet Obywatelski

J-820                    20 kop  (1914)   /wazny do..;#772.......................   VG-       20

J-821                    50 kop  (1914)   /wazny do..;#1407.....................   VG-       20

   -Biala Podlaska              Podlaska Wytwornia Samolotow

NL  canc                    2 zl  1926     "do sklepu, na okaziciela".........   F         120

   -Bielsko-Bielitz               Miasto-Stadt

J-2577                   50 hal  1919     05.01...........................................   F           10

J-2578                     1 kor  1919     05.01...........................................   VG          8

J-2579                     2 kor  1919     06.01...........................................   VG          6

J-2580                     2 kor  1919     06.01  wydanie-2............. VG 4,  AU        30

J-2581                   50 hal  1919     08.01.................................... F 4,  AU        30

J-2582                     1 kor  1919     08.01................................. VG-4,  AU        30

J-2583                   10 hal  1920     01.01.................................. VF 4,  AU        25

NL                          20 hal  1920     01.01.................................... F 4,  AU        25

   -Bielszowice-Bielschowitz Gmina-Gemeinde

J-2452                     50 pf  (1921)   -1921.06.30; plebiscyt...............   AU        10

J-2453                      1 mk  (1921)   -1921.06.30; plebiscyt...............   AU        10

J-2454                      2 mk  (1921)   -1921.06.30; plebiscyt...............   AU        10

J-2497                     25 pf  1921     07.29; powstanie.......................   AU          6

J-2498                     50 pf  1921     07.29; powstanie.......................   AU          6

J-2499                      1 mk  1921     07.29; powstanie.......................   AU          6

J-2500                      2 mk  1021     07.29; powstanie.......................   AU          6

   -Bismarkhuta-Bismarckhutte Gmina-Gemeinde

J-2520                     25 pf  1921     05.09...........................................   AU          6

J-2521                     50 pf  1921     05.09...........................................   AU          6

   -Bydgoszcz                     Miasto

J-2663                   10 fen  1920     03.11.................................. VF 7,  AU        35

J-2664                   50 fen  1920     03.11................................. VF-5,  VF+         9

   -Cieszyn-Teschen         Miasto-Stadt

J-2604                     1 kor  1919     04.30.................................. VF 4,  AU        20

J-2605                   50 hal  1919     06.01.................................. VF 4,  AU        20

J-2606                     1 kor  1919     10.25.................................. VF 4,  AU        20

   -Chojnice                        Powiat (County)

J-3937                   20 mk  1920     02.20...........................................   G             8

   -Czestochowa                Tow.Pozyczkowo-Oszczednosciowe (Savings)

J-907                    10 kop  1914     11.................................................   VF         15

   -Dabie                             Miasto

copy                      10 kop  19--       copy made in 1918.... lot#1025  XF+      10

   -Dabrowa (Gornicza) Miasto

J-1015                    5 kop  1917     .....................................................   VG          5

J-1016                  10 kop  1917     .....................................................   VG          5

   -Drohobycz                     Bank Przemyslowy

J-90 canc                1 kor  1914     cancelled....................................   VF         70

   -Gniezno & Witkowo Powiaty

J-2735                  1/2 mk  1919     11.29...........................................   VG          6

J-2736                      1 mk  1919     11.29.................................... F 6,  VF         12

   -Grudziadz-Graudenz Miasto-Stadt "Kriegsnotgeld"

J-3985                   20 mk  *1918    Polish. ovpt(1920).....................   VG        20

   -Janowiec                       Bank Ludowy

J-2831                      1 mk  1919     11.29;violet.................................   VG        20

   -Hrubieszow                   Apteka Hrubieszowska

J-2/307   unis       15 kop  1861     insurrection 1863........ not filled  AU      180

   -Klenka                            Obszar Dworski

J-2914                     50 pf  1919     German +Polish stamp.. #2215  AU        70

J-2915                      1 mk  1919     German +Polish stamp.. #1170  VF-       30

J-2916                      5 mk  1919     German +Polish stamp.... #558  F           30

J-2917                   10 mk  1919     German +Polish stamp.... #350  VG+      30

   -Kolno                             J.Wojyczynski

copy                   6 groszy  (186-)    copy made in 1918.... lot#1207  XF+      10

   -Koscierzyna                  Miasto

J-3999                  1/2 mk  (1920)   .....................................................   F+         10

J-4000                      1 mk  (1920)   .....................................................   F+         10

   -Konczyce-Kunzendorf Gmina-Gemeinde

J-2535                     50 pf  1922     03.01; powstanie.......................   AU+        6

J-2536                      1 mk  1922     03.01; powstanie.......................   AU+        6

J-2537                      2 mk  1922     03.01; powstanie.......................   AU+        6

   -Krakow                          Miasto

J-206                    1/2 kor  1919     ............................................ VF 4,  AU+      35

J-207                        1 kor  1919     ser "A".................................. G 4,  VF+         7

J-207                        1 kor  1919     ser "B".........................................   XF         10

                                            Spira Fabryka Wedlin Koszernych (kosher meat)

J-218                        1 kor  (1919)   light brown..................................   F-        300

                                            "Esplande" Kawiarnia K Wolkowski

J-218                        1 kor  (1919)   light brown..................................   VF+      70

J-218                        1 kor  (1919)   grey.............................................   F-          50

                                            Kawiarnia Jana Bisanza

J-220                        1 kor  (1919)   .....................................................   F           50

   -Krolewska Huta-Konigshutte Miasto-Stadt

J-2449                   25 pfe  1921     03.20; plebiscyt..........................   AU          6

J-2450                      1 mk  1921     05.31; powstanie.......................   AU        10

J-2451                      3 mk  1921     05.31; powstanie.......................   AU        20

J-2452                      5 mk  1921     05.31; powstanie............... F+4,  AU        30

   -Lodz                               Zgromadzenie Kupcow

J-1311                  50 kop  1915     03.13................................. VG 4,  F+         10

J-1313                     5 rub  1915     03.03...........................................   F           20

J-1314                     1 rub  1916     06.27...........................................   VF         20

   -Lwow                             Gmina

J-261                        1 kor  1914     .....................................................   VF         35

J-262   canc       100 kor  1914     canceled.....................................   VF-     220

   -Mikolow-Nikolai            Miasto-Stadt

J-2487                     25 pf  1921     03.20; plebiscyt..........................   AU          6

J-2488                     50 pf  1921     03.20; plebiscyt..........................   AU          6

   -Mogilno                          Powiat

J-4225-6                2, 5 zl  1945     03.15; unissued.........................   UN      120

   -Osieczna                       Kasa Komunalna Powiatu Leszczynskiego

J-3128                      1 mk  1919     11.01...........................................   VG        20

   -Piotrkow                        Komisja Aprowizacyjna

J-1506                     2 hal  ND        #12426........................................   VF         20

   -Piskorow                        L.Lipski, dobra Piskorow

NL unis                       2 zl  1863     insurection 1863......... not filled  XF      250

   -Plock                              Miasto

copy                      50 kop  1914     copy made in 1918.... lot#1026  XF+      10

copy                      50 kop  -1917    copy made in 1918.... lot#1039  XF+      10

   -Poznan                          Miasto

J-3270                     50 pf  1919     11.04;wmk triangles........ VG 4,  XF         20

J-3270                     50 pf  1919     11.04;wmk linear................ G 4,  VF-       15

J-3270                     50 pf  1919     11.04;no wmk.............................   F             8

J-3271                      2 mk  1919     11.04...........................................   VG          8

J-3274                      2 mk  1919     11.04;ser.B.................................   VG          8

J-3275                   10 mk  1919     11.04;no ser...............................   VG-       10

J-3275                   10 mk  1919     11.04;ser.B.................................   VG        12

J-3275                   10 mk  1919     11.04;ser.C.................................   F           18

J-3277                      2 mk  1919     11.04;ser.C.................................   F             8

                                            Przedsiebiorstwo Surowcow Wtornych

NL                               5 zl  1982     two sided; ser "B"............ green  F+           6

NL                             10 zl  1982     two sided; ser "A"............. violet  VF           8

NL                               5 zl  1982     one sided; ser "C"........... green  VF           8

NL                             10 zl  1982     one sided; ser "C"........... green  XF-          8

NL                             20 zl  1982     one sided; ser "F"............ green  AU-       15

NL                             50 zl  1982     one sided; ser "H"................ red  AU-       20

NL                          100 zl  1982     one sided; ser "I"............... blue  AU-       25

NL                             50 zl  1983     one sided; ser "SC"......... green  AU-       20

   -Rogozno                        Miasto

J-3378                   50 fen  ND        .....................................................   AU        50

   -Rzedow                         Dobra (majatek)

J-NL   unis                 5 gr  186_     insurrection 1863........ not filled  AU      200

J-NL   unis              20 gr  186_     insurrection 1863........ not filled  XF      160

   -Siemianowice-Siemianowitz gmina -Gemeinde

J-2565                      1 mk  1921     05.03, powstanie.......................   AU        20


copy             5+5+10 kop  (1914)   copy made in 1918.... lot#1012  XF+      10

   -Sosnowice                    Tow.Kopaln Wegla "Czeladz"

copy                         5 rub  1914     copy made in 1918.... lot#1028  XF+      10

   -Stankow                        Kasa Dobr Stankowa

J-2/928                 10 kop  (186-)    insurrection 1863.......................   AU      250

   -Tarnobrzeg                   Miasto

J-544b                  1/2 kor  1919     06.02...........................................   VG        20

   -Tychy-Tichau                Kasa Osczednosciowo-Pozyczkowa

J-2568                     25 fe  1921     powstanie 1921.05.03...............   AU        25

J-2569                     50 fe  1921     powstanie 1921.05.03...............   AU        25

J-2570                      1 mk  1921     powstanie 1921............... VF+6,  AU        30

J-2571                      2 mk  1921     powstanie 1921.05.03...............   AU        40

   -Wagrowiec                    Miasto

J-3556                  1/2 mk  1919     .....................................................   VF         25

   -Wejherowo                    Powiat

J-4170                     50 pf  1919     .....................................................   F           20

J-4171                      1 mk  1919     .....................................................   F           20

J-4172                      2 mk  1919     .....................................................   VF+      30

J-4173                      3 mk  1919     .....................................................   F           25

J-4174                      5 mk  1919     ........................................... G 12,  F           25

J-4175                   10 mk  1919     .....................................................   VG+      25

J-4176                   20 mk  1919     .....................................................   F           35

J-4177                   50 mk  1919     .....................................................   VG        40

   -Wieliczka                       Zarzad Zupy Solnej

J-619                        1 kor  (1919)   .....................................................   F+         25

   -Wloclawek                     Miasto

copy                        5 kop  1914     copy made in 1918.... lot#1024  XF+      10

   -Wolsztyn                        Miasto

J-3604                      1 mk  1919     .....................................................   VG        20

J-3609                     10 pf  1920     .....................................................   VF+      30

   -Zaglebie Dabrowskie Rada Okregowa

J-1887                    3 kop  1914     10.................................................   XF         20

J-1888                    5 kop  1914     10.......................................... F 4,  AU        40

J-1889                  10 kop  1914     10.................................................   G             5

J-1890                  15 kop  1914     10.................................................   VG          8

   -Zdunska Wola              Tow Wzajemnego Kredytu

copy                         1 rub  1914     copy made in 1918.... lot#1011  XF+      10


   "Dowod tymczasowy wykonanej robocizny, Dobra..."

   (Temporary certificate of labor)

NL                        unfilled  (XIXc)   pink cardboard, 37x57mm........   AU      100

   Patriotic share -fairy na cele patriotyczne

                                            Polski Skarb Wojskowy

J-687                          5 zl  1916     =75 kop........................ XF+100AU-     150

J-688                        10 zl  1916     =1.50 rub....................................   AU+    250

J-689                        20 zl  1916     =3 rub..........................................   AU+    300

copy                         20 zl  1916     copy made in 1918.... lot#1027  XF+      10

   For notgeld check "POLAND, local paper money in German writing"


   ***Poland, Bond and Shares Certificates ***


  Government;                   4.5% Komunalna Galicji (conversion BGK 1926)

         1.478 zl/10,000 kor  1910     conversion 1926 BGK.. bs#864  VF+    200

                                            6% (4.5%) Pozyczka Dolarowa (US$ Gold Bond)

bond                          50 $  1920     6% Dolarowa................ bs#850  VF+      50

bond                       100 $  1920     6% Dolarowa................ bs#851  VF+      80

                                            5% Krotkoterminowa(Short Term Domestic Loan)

bond                    100 mk  1920     5% Krotkoterminowa.... bs#852  F           25

                                            5% Dlugoterminowa(Long Term Domestic Loan)

bond                    100 mk  1920     5% Dlugoterminowa..... bs#853  VG        20

                                            5% Konwersyjna (State Conversion Loan 1924)

bond                           1 zl  1924     5% Konwersyjna........... bs#854  XF         15

bond                           3 zl  1924     5% Konwersyjna........... bs#855  XF         18

bond                           5 zl  1924     5% Konwersyjna........... bs#856  XF+      20

bond                         10 zl  1924     5% Konwersyjna........... bs#857  VF         10

bond                         50 zl  1924     5% Konwersyjna........... bs#858  VF         20

bond                       100 zl  1924     5% Konwersyjna........... bs#859  VF         30

bond                   1,000 zl  1924     5% Konwersyjna........................   VF      100

                                            5% Know Kolejowa (Conversion Railway Loan)

bond                       120 zl  1926     5% Kolejowa................. bs#860  VF         40

bond   canc           120 zl  1926     5% with all coupons..... bs#861  F           40

bond                       600 zl  1926     5% Kolejowa................. bs#862  VF         70

bond                   1.200 zl  1926     5% Kolejowa................. bs#863  VF      100

                                            7% Kolejowa (Railway Loan)

bond                       500 zl  1930     7% Kolejowa................. bs#865  XF      150

                                            4% Premiowa (Lottery Loan)

bond                            5 $  1931     4% Premiowa, ser III.... bs#866  XF           8

                                            4% Konwersyjna Kolejowa (Conversion Railway)

bond              2.114,02 zl  1933     4% Kolejowa................. bs#868  VF-     300

                                            Bon Funduszu Inwestycyjnego (Investment Fund)

bond                         25 zl  1933     Fundusz Inwestycyjny. bs#867  XF         25

                                            6% Narodowa (National Loan)

bond                         50 zl  1934     6% Narodowa............... bs#869  XF         15

bond                       100 zl  1934     6% Narodowa............... bs#870  XF         20

bond                       500 zl  1934     6% Narodowa............... bs#871  XF         60

bond                   1,000 zl  1934     6% Narodowa............... bs#872  XF      100

                                            3% Bon Skarbu Panstwa (State Treasury Bond)

bond                   1,000 zl  1937     3% Bon Skarbu............ bs#873  XF      250

                                            4.5% Wewnetrzna (State Domestic Loan)

bond                           5 zl  1937     4.5% Wewnetrzna "C". bs#874  VF         25

bond                       500 zl  1937     4.5% Wewnetrzna "A". bs#875  VF         30

bond                       500 zl  1937     4.5% Wewnetrzna "S". bs#876  XF         50

                                            4% Konsolidacyjna (Consolidation Loan)

bond                   5,000 zl  1936     4% Konsolidacyjna....... bs#877  F-        250

                                            3% Bon Obrony Przeciwlotniczej (Defense Loan)

bond                         20 zl  1939     3%Przeciwlotnicza....... bs#878  XF+      15

                                            Odbudowy Kraju ("State Restoration 1946")

bond                       500 zl  1946     Odbudowy Kraju........... bs#879  XF         25

bond                   2,000 zl  1946     Odbudowy Kraju........... bs#880  F           40

                                            Rozwoju Sil (Development of Polish Strength)

bond                         10 zl  1951     Rozwoju Sil................... bs#581  XF         10

bond                         25 zl  1951     Rozwoju Sil................... bs#882  F           15

bond                         50 zl  1951     Rozwoju Sil................... bs#883  F           15

bond                       100 zl  1951     Rozwoju Sil................... bs#884  XF         25

bond                       200 zl  1951     Rozwoju Sil................... bs#885  XF         35

bond                       500 zl  1951     Rozwoju Sil................... bs#886  XF         50

   Private;                            Krakow; 4% Konwersyjna (Conversion Loan)

bond                       420 zl  1929     4% Krakow.................... bs#887  XF-       60

                                            Tow Kredytowe Ziemskie Warszawa;4.5%list zast

                                            Mortgage Land Credit W-wa;4.5%Mortgage Bond

bond                       220 zl  1934     4.5%Kredyt.Ziemskie... bs#888  F           25

                                            Wilenski Bank Ziemski; 4.5%list zastawny

                                            (Land Bank in Wilno; 4.5%Mortgage Bond)

bond                       100 zl  1926     4.5%Wilenski Bank Z... bs#889  VF         50

                                            Tow Drogi Zelaznej Iwanogrod(Deblin)-Dabrowa

                                            Ivanogorod-Dabrowa Railroad(Poland)4.5%Bond

bond                       500 fr  1881     =125 rub 4.5%.............. bs#890  F+         50

bond                       500 fr  1887     =125 rub 4.5% iss-2..... bs#891  F+         50

bond                    2,500 fr  1881     =625 rub 4.5%.............. bs#892  F         100

                                            Tow Drogi Zelaznej Warszawa-Wieden;4%oblig

                                            Warsow-Vienna Railroad(Poland), 4% Bond

bond                       500 fr  1890     =125 rub Conv II-VI...... bs#893  VF-       35

bond                    2,500 fr  1890     =625 rub Conv II-VI...... bs#894  VF-       55

bond                    5,000 fr  1890     =1,225 rub Conv II-VI.. bs#895  F           80

bond                       500 fr  1894     =125 rub IX issue......... bs#896  F           40

bond                    500 mk  1901     =231 rub X issue.......... bs#897  VF-       50

bond                 1,000 mk  1901     =462 rub X issue.......... bs#898  VF-       75

bond                 2,000 mk  1901     =925 rub X issue.......... bs#899  VF      100


                                            Bank Polski

share                      100 zl  1933     Bank Polski................... bs#900  XF         15

                                            Elektrownia Okreg. w Pruszkowie"(power station)

share                      100 zl  1929     Pruszkow....................... bs#901  XF         20

              Modrzejowskie Zak.Gorniczo-Hutnicze (mining, metalurgy)

share                        50 zl  1927     Modrzejow..................... bs#902  XF+      15

share                    4x50 zl  1927     Modrzejow..................... bs#903  XF+      15

                                            "Norblin" SA Fabryk Metalowych(metal)

share                      100 zl  (1935)   "Norblin"......................... bs#904  XF+      15

                                            "Polska Nafta" (oil)

share                        25 zl  (1927)   green(bearer)................ bs#905  XF         20

share                        25 zl  (1927)   brown(personal)........... bs#906  XF         25

                                            "Polski Przemysl Wodczany"(alcohol distillery)

share                      100 zl  1937     Wodka............................ bs#907  XF+      15

                                            "Rudzki" Tow Przemyslu Metalowego(metal)

share                        50 zl  1926     "Rudzki"......................... bs#908  VF+      10

share                    5x50 zl  1926     "Rudzki"......................... bs#909  F           15

                                            "Starachowickie Zaklady Gornicze"(coal mining)

share                      100 zl  (1933)   Starachowice................ bs#910  XF         12

share                  1,000 zl  (1933)   Starachowice................ bs#911  XF         15

                                            "Warszawskie Tow Fabryk Cukru"(sugar)

share                      100 zl  1937     Tow Fabryk Cukru........ bs#912  XF+      15

share                      500 zl  1937     Tow Fabryk Cukru........ bs#913  XF+      25

share                  1,000 zl  1937     Tow Fabryk Cukru........ bs#914  XF+      25

                                            "Warszawskie T.K.Wegla i Z.Hutniczych"(mining)

share               10x100 zl  1929     ........................................ bs#915  F+         15

                                            "Jaworznickie Kopalnie Wegla (coal),Krakow

share                      500 zl  1932     Jaworzno....................... bs#916  XF      100

                                            "Piasecki"Fabryka Czekolady(chocolate),Krakow

share                      100 zl  1933     Piasecki......................... bs#917  XF+      15

                                            "Polskie Tow.Handlowe",Krakow

share                      150 zl  1932     Tow.Handlowe.............. bs#918  XF         25

                                            "Tow.Kontynentalne Handlu i Przemyslu"Krakow

share                      500 zl  1936     ........................................ bs#919  XF         20

      "Zieleniewski,Fitzer-Gamper"(metal,boiler,car factories)Krakow

share                      100 zl  1938     Zieleniewski.................. bs#920  XF+      15

                                            "Ziarno" wytwornia chleba i mlyn,Krakow

share                        50 zl  1928     Ziarno............................. bs#921  XF+      25

                                            Tow. Zakladow Zyrardowskich(textile),Zyrardow

share                      100 zl  1930     Zyrardow....................... bs#922  XF+      10


                                            Petroles de Borislaw, Antwerp(Belg)

share                      100 fr  1920     Petroles Borislaw.......... bs#923  VF         12

                                            Petroles de Zwor,Antwerp(Belg)

share                      100 fr  1920     Petroles Zwor................ bs#924  VF         12

              Boulonneries et Trefileries de Varsovie,Brussels(Bel)

share                      500 fr  1899     orange(founder)............ bs#925  VF-       15

                                            Exploitations Electriques de Lodz,Brussels(Bel)

share                      500 fr  1927     red.................................. bs#926  VF-       20

                                            Feutres et Chapeaux a Varsovie,Brussels(Bel)

share                      250 fr  1898     green.............................. bs#927  F           12

                                            Societe des Petroles Dabrowa(oil)Lille(France)

share                      500 fr  1925     02.15;Dabrowa............. bs#928  VF         12

share                    10 sha  1920     06.17; 10 founders....... bs#929  VF         12

                                            "Sobniow" Petroles,Paris(France)

share                      100 fr  1924     Sobniow......................... bs#930  VF         12

                                            Societe Petroles Grabownica(oil)Roubaix(France)

share                       100fr  1925     01.15;Grabownica........ bs#931  VF         12


PICK#                                 *****PORTUGAL***3c*


21                    2.400 reis  1805     "Pedro 1826"ovpt P17..............   G           40

24b                  5,000 reis  1798     "Pedro 1826"ovpt P10..............   G           40

25                    5,000 reis  1799     "Pedro 1826"ovpt P11..............   G+        60

28a                10,000 reis  1798/9  "Pedro 1826"ovpt P5.................   VG        80

28Aa             10,000 reis  1799     "Pedro 1826"ovpt P13..............   F         120

28Ab             10,000 reis  1799     "Pedro 1826"ovpt P13..............   G           40

30a                20,000 reis  1798/9  "Pedro 1926"ovpt P6.................   VG-       70

31a                20,000 reis  1799     "Pedro 1926"ovpt P15..............   G+        60

*31b              20,000 reis  1799     "Pedro 1926" north troops........   VG      100

   *stamp on back"TG-DAS TROPAS DO NORTE JANEIRO 1814"

33                    1,200 reis  1805     "Miguel 1928"ovpt P16.............   VG-       70

34a                  2,400 reis  1798/9  "Miguel 1928"ovpt P4................   G           40

35                    2,400 reis  1805     "Miguel 1928"ovpt P17.............   G           40

40b                10,000 reis  1798     "Miguel 1928"ovpt P5................   VG        80

46b                20,000 reis  1799     "Miguel 1928"ovpt P15.............   VG+   100

47                  20,000 reis  1798/9  "Miguel 1928"ovpt P6................   F+       140

87                          50 reis  1891     blue/brown.......................... tape  VG-       30

89                       100 reis  1891     brown..........................................   VG        35


94                         10 cen  1917     blue..............................................   VF         15

95b                       10 cen  1917     blue, wmk...................................   XF+      25

95c                        10 cen  1917     blue, no wmk........................ F4,  UN        50

96                         10 cen  1917     paper thick, ser "BM"................   XF         30

97                            5 cen  1918     green...........................................   UN        70

98.                           5 cen  1918     red.................................. AU+45,  UN        60

99.                           5 cen  1918     brown..........................................   UN        70

100.                      20 cen  1922     ................................ F+8, AU 40,  UN        80

101                       10 cen  1925     .....................................................   AU+      30

105                     500 reis  1904     ovpt "REPUBLICA"....... VG 10,  F+         30

105   error          500 reis  1904     missing "REPUBLICA"..............   VG-       80

107                  2,500 reis  1909     ovpt "REPUBLICA"(1920)........   VG+   100

108a              10,000 reis  1910     ovpt "REPUBLICA"(1920)........   VG-    200

112b                     50 cen  1918     07.05;ser block 1 line................   F           90

112b                     50 cen  1918     07.05;ser block 2 lines..... F 45,  F+         70

112b                     50 cen  1918     blue? discoloration?... lot#1035  VG+      50

112b                     50 cen  1920     06.25...........................................   VF-       80

113                          1 esc  1917     09.07.................................. F 80,  F+       120

114                          5 esc  1920     06.25............................ repaired  VG      180

114                          5 esc  1923     02.01...........................................   G           90

115                        20 esc  1915     04.14...........................................   F         700

117                        10 esc  1920     07.07...........................................   G        150

119                     2.50 esc  1920     07.10...........................................   VG-    140

120                          5 esc  1920     07.10...........................................   F+       420

120                          5 esc  1922     06.14...........................................   VG+   250

120                          5 esc  1922     08.08...........................................   VG      140

127                     2.50 esc  1922     11.17...........................................   G+        50

127                     2.50 esc  1925     11.18...........................................   F+       220

133                          5 esc  1925     01.13...........................................   VG        90

134                        10 esc  1925     01.13...........................................   VG      130

143                        20 esc  1940     02.27...........................................   VG+   100

146                        50 esc  1932     11.18.................................. P 50,  VG+   300

149                        50 esc  1938     Ortigao........................................   VG        90

150                      100 esc  1941     Ribberio.......................... F+180VF      240

153                        20 esc  1941     Menezes........................... F+60,  VF+    120

153                        20 esc  1946     Menezes.....................................   VF+    160

153                        20 esc  1948     Menezes......................... VG-10,  VF      100

153                        20 esc  1949     Menezes............................ F 50,  VF+    160

153.                       20 esc  1951     Menezes........................... F+15,  AU      120

153                        20 esc  1954     Menezes.....................................   XF+      50

153                        20 esc  1959     Menezes............................... F 8  XF+      45

154                        50 esc  1941     Ortigao............................ VG-25,  F+       140

154                        50 esc  1944     Ortigao........................................   F+       200

154                        50 esc  1947     Ortigao........................................   VF      180

154                        50 esc  1949     Ortigao........................................   VG        40

155                      500 esc  1942     de Goes/.....................................   VF-     150

156                  1,000 esc  1942     Henriques/tomb............. VG 40,  F+       120

158                      500 esc  1952     Joalo IV/......................... VG-40,  F+       100

159                      100 esc  1954     Nunes..........................................   VF         60

159                      100 esc  1957     Nunes.................... G 9, VG+20,  XF      120

160                        50 esc  1953     Pereira de Melo................ F 40,  F+         60

160                        50 esc  1955     Pereira de Melo.........................   VG        15

161                  1,000 esc  1956     Qn Filipa/....................................   VF+    150

162                      500 esc  1958     Almeida.......................................   XF      300

163                        20 esc  1960     Menezes.......................... VG+7,  F           10

165                      100 esc  1961     Nunes............................. VF+35,  XF         45

166.                 1,000 esc  1961     Qn Filippa/..................................   UN      750

167b                      20 esc  1964     St Antonio/church........... VF+4,  UN        15

168                        50 esc  1964     Qn Isabella/Conimbria....... F 4,  UN        30

169a                   100 esc  1965     Castello/Porto XIXc...................   UN        25

169b                   100 esc  1978     Castello/Porto XIXc...... XF+10,  AU        15

170a.                  500 esc  1966     Joalo II/compass............ VF 15,  UN      120

170b.                  500 esc  1979     Joalo II/compass............. F+15,  UN      120

172a                1,000 esc  1967     Qn Maria/1846................. F+12,  VF+      25

173                        20 esc  1971     Orta/Goa XVIc...........................   UN        15

174a                      50 esc  1968     Maria/Sintra 1507......................   VF+         4

174b                      50 esc  1980     Maria/Sintra 1507............. XF 4,  UN        15

175a                1,000 esc  1968     Pedro V/train..............................   F             5

175b                1,000 esc  1980     Pedro V/train....................... F 5,  UN        90

175c.               1,000 esc  1981     Pedro V/train.................. VF 10,  UN        90

175e.               1,000 esc  1982     Pedro V/train..............................   AU+      70

176a                      20 esc  1978     09.13;Coutinho/airplane...........   UN          8

176b                      20 esc  1978     10.04;Coutinho/airplane...........   UN          8

177                      500 esc  1979     Sanches/Braga XVIIc...... VF 6,  UN        45

178a                   100 esc  1980     Bocage/Lisbon XIX........ XF 12,  UN        45

178b                   100 esc  1981     Bocage/Lisbon XIXc..................   UN        25

178c.                  100 esc  1984     Bocage/Lisbon XIXc..................   UN        15

178d.                  100 esc  1985     Bocage/Lisbon XIXc..................   UN        15

179a.                  100 esc  1986     Pessoa/rose...............................   VF+         4

179b                   100 esc  1987     Pessoa/rose...............................   UN        15

179c.  comm      100 esc  1987     "FIL" Portugal notes 300yr"......   UN      150

179c.  comm      100 esc  1987     "FIL" notes 300yr"........... folder  UN      200

179e                   100 esc  1988     05.26;Pessoa/rose....................   UN        15

179f                    100 esc  1988     10.24;Pessoa/rose....................   F             4

180c.                  500 esc  1989     Silveira/sheaf..............................   UN        30

180d                   500 esc  1992     Silveira/sheaf..............................   UN        30

180f                    500 esc  1993     Silveira/sheaf..............................   UN        30

180g                   500 esc  1994     Silveira/sheaf..............................   UN        30

181b.               1,000 esc  1986     Braga/..........................................   UN        60

181g                1,000 esc  1990     Braga/..........................................   XF         15

181j                 1,000 esc  1993     Braga/..........................................   UN        60

181k.               1,000 esc  1994     Braga/..........................................   UN        60

182d.               5,000 esc  1985     Sergio..........................................   UN      230

182e                5,000 esc  1986     Sergio..........................................   VF+      45

183a                5,000 esc  1987     02.12, Quental...........................   UN      230

184d.               5,000 esc  1991     10.31, Quental...........................   UN      230

184e                5,000 esc  1993     03.18, Quental...........................   XF         60

185a.             10,000 esc  1989     01;Egas Moniz/Nobel................   UN      400

186c.               2,000 esc  1992     Dias/sailing ship............. VF 12,  UN      100

187a.                  500 esc  1997     04.17;Barros/world........... VF 4,  UN        15

187b.                  500 esc  1997     09.11;Barros/world............. F 4,  UN        15

188b.               1,000 esc  1996     10.31;Cabral/ship......................   UN        30

188b.               1,000 esc  2000     11.07;Cabral/ship................ F 4,  VF+         6

189b.               2,000 esc  1996     02.01;Dias/ship..........................   UN        50

189c                2,000 esc  1997     07.31;Dias/ship..........................   UN        40

190d.               5,000 esc  1997     09.11;Vasco da Gama.. XF+60  UN      170

190e.               5,000 esc  1998     07.02;Vasco da Gama/ship......   UN      150

191c.             10,000 esc  1998     02.12;Henrique/ship..................   UN      300

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Alcochete, Municipal

cs34                            1 ct  1921     01.01...........................................   VG-         8

                                            -Arco de Valevez, Hospital de S.Jose

cs64       5,10,20,30,50ct  ND        ............................. set of 5 notes  UN        30

                                            -Aveiro, Camara Municipal

cs74                           2 ct  1921     2-serie.........................................   F           10

                                            -Barcellos, Camara

cs88                        10 ct  1922     .....................................................   VG+      10

                                            -Chaves, Camara Municipal

cs173                      10 ct  ND        .....................................................   AU        20

                                            -Coimbra, Camara Municipal

cs180                        5 ct  1921     .....................................................   VG          6

                                            -Elvas, Alberque e Asylo Elvenses

cs196                        1 ct  ND        .....................................................   F           12

                                            -Espinho, Ass.Comercial e Industrial

cs201                        2 ct  1920.9  3-serie.........................................   VF         12

cs201                        1 ct  ND        .....................................................   AU        20

                                            -Evora, Misericordia

cs206                        5 ct  ND        .....................................................   F           10

                                            -Feira, Camara Municipal

cs211                        2 ct  1921     .....................................................   VG          8

                                            -Gondomar, Camara Municipal

cs232                        1 ct  ND        .....................................................   VF         12

                                            -Louzada, Camara Municipal

cs275                        1 ct  ND        .....................................................   AU+      20

                                            -Manteigas, Camara Municipal

cs281                        2 ct  1921     .....................................................   AU+      20

                                            -Moimenta da Beria, Camara Municipal

cs299                        2 ct  1920     .....................................................   UN        20

                                            -Pombal, Misericordia

cs346                        2 ct  ND        .....................................................   F+         12

                                            -Vila Vicosa

cs521                       10 ct  1921     .....................................................   VG          8


PICK#                                 *****PORTUGUESE GUINEA***3c*

   Portuguese Colony till 1974 (Guinea Bissau after 1974)

6                            10 cen  1914     "Bolama"...................... VG-150VG+   300

7                            20 cen  1914     "Bolama".....................................   VG-    200

13                       2.50 esc  1921     Oliveira Chamico/......................   F         100

26.                      2.50 esc  1945     Pinto/...........................................   UN      900

41.                       100 esc  1964     Pinto/...........................................   UN      200

44                          50 esc  1971     Tristao/ships..................... VG 4,  UN        50

45                        100 esc  1971     Tristao/ships........................ F 4,  UN        50

46.                       500 esc  1971     Barreto/ships..............................   UN      700


PICK#                                 *****PORTUGUESE INDIA****3*

   Portuguese Colony till 1961 (India after 1961)

19                             4 tan  1917     ovpt "Nova Goa"........................   VG      600

20                             8 tan  1917     ovpt "Nova Goa"........................   VG      600

23                            1 rup  1924     tiger.............................................   VF    2500

35                            5 rup  1945     .....................................................   F         200

36                          10 rup  1945     .....................................................   VF-     400

36   canc               10 rup  1945     cancelled by 2 big holes...........   F           65

37   canc               20 rup  1945     cancelled by 2 big holes...........   F           70

38   canc               50 rup  1945     cancelled by 2 big holes...........   F           75

39   canc            100 rup  1945     cancelled by 2 big holes...........   F           90

41                          30 esc  1959     Albuqerque/ships.......................   VG-       80

42                          60 esc  1959     Albuqerque/ships.......................   F         150

46   canc         1,000 esc  1959     cancelled by 4 holes.................   VF      100


PICK#                                 *****PUERTO RICO****3*

   Spanish Colony till 1898

7a.                         1 peso  1895     with counterfoil...........................   AU      900

7c   pair            2x1 peso  1895     .....................................................   VF      800

                                            -Compania de los Ferro-Carriles Puerto Rico

s101                      5 peso  (1880)   train........................................ p/h  VG+ 1000


PICK#                                 *****QATAR****3*

   Emirate (till 1971 British mandate after Ottoman Empire collapse)

   Monetary Agency

1                             1 riyal  (1973)   arms/port.......................... F+30,  UN      300

8a   "1-7"               5 riyal  (1981)   arms/sheep, wmk 1...................   UN        70

8b.  "8-14"             5 riyal  (1981)   arms/sheep, wmk 2...................   UN        70

9.                          10 riyal  (1981)   arms/building......... F 9, VF+30,  UN      150

13a   "11-25"         1 riyal  (1985)   arms/boat....................................   UN        20

13b   "25-54"         1 riyal  (1985)   arms/boat....................................   UN        20

   Central Bank

14a                         1 riyal  (1996)   arms/boat............................ F+4,  UN        30

14b                         1 riyal  (1996)   arms/boat....................................   UN        15

15a                         5 riyal  (1996)   arms/sheep.................................   UN        50

15b.                        5 riyal  (1996)   arms/sheep.................................   UN        50

16b.                     10 riyal  (1996)   arms/building.................... VG 4,  UN      100

20                           1 riyal  (2003)   /birds............................................   UN          5

21                           5 riyal  (2003)   /camel, antelopes......................   UN          7

23                         50 riyal  (2003)   /bank...........................................   UN        70

26.                     100 riyal  (2007)   /mosque......................................   UN      120

27.                     500 riyal  (2007)   /falcon..........................................   UN      500

28.                          1 riyal  (2008)   /birds............................................   UN          4

29                           5 riyal  (2008)   /camel, antelopes......................   UN          5

31.                        50 riyal  (2008)   /bank...........................................   UN        50


PICK#                                 *****QATAR and DUBAI***3*

   Monetary Union of Sultanate Qatar and Sheikdom Dubai 1961-1971

1                             1 riyal  (1966)   dhow, derrick, palm...................   F+       160


PICK#                                 *****REUNION***3n+*

   French Colony

14.  sig R-N             5 fra  1901     (1944)..........................................   UN      500

23   sig R-N-D       25 fra  (1944)   sig Rabot-Ninon-Dussac..........   G+      120

36                              5 fra  1944     Marianne "AN"...........................   VG        80

37c   p/h               100 fra  1941     Marianne "PE 632979".............   F+       250

44                           50 fra  (1947)   D'Esnambuc...............................   F+       200

49                         100 fra  (1960)   Bourdonnais...............................   VG      100

54b   p/h        10 new fra  (1971)   ovpt on 500 fra...........................   VF+    400

55a                 20 new fra  (1971)   ovpt on 1000 fra; sig PV-Ca.....   VG      150

55b                 20 new fra  (1971)   ovpt on 1000 fra; sig PV-Cl......   VF      300


PICK#                                 *****RHODESIA****3*

   British Colony till 1970

25   G/9                  1 pou  1964     10.19; QEII.................................   F+       140

28d   K/31              1 pou  1968     10.14; QEII.................................   XF      400

   Republic (British Colony till 1970; S.Rhodesia, after 1980 Zimbabwe)

30a.                             1 $  1970     02.17...........................................   UN      280

30i.                              1 $  1974     08.12...........................................   UN      140

30j                               1 $  1974     09.02...........................................   XF+      50

30k.                             1 $  1974     11.15...........................................   AU        70

32i.                              2 $  1975     01.20...........................................   UN      200

33e                            10 $  1973     11.20...........................................   VF+      60

33f.                            10 $  1973     12.15...........................................   UN      300

33h.                           10 $  1975     11.19...........................................   UN      300

33i.                            10 $  1975     12.03...........................................   UN      300

34a.                             1 $  1976     03.01...........................................   UN      140

34b                              1 $  1976     11.01...........................................   UN      120

34c                              1 $  1978     04.18.............................. XF+45,  UN      120

35b.                             2 $  1977     04.15...........................................   UN      180

35c.                             2 $  1979     08.05...........................................   UN      180

35d.                             2 $  1979     04.10; wmk Rhodes..................   UN      900

36a                              5 $  1976     03.01; wmk Rhodes..................   UN      220

36b                              5 $  1978     10.20; wmk Rhodes.... AU 110,  UN      220

38                                1 $  1979     08.02; wmk bird............. AU 60,  UN      120

39(a).                          2 $  1979     04.10; wmk bird.........................   UN      160

39(b).                          2 $  1979     05.24; wmk bird.........................   UN      160

40                                5 $  1979     05.15; wmk bird.........................   UN      220

41                              10 $  1979     01.02; wmk bird............... F+25,  UN      260

41.  repl                    10 $  1979     01.02; replacement "Z".............   UN      400


PICK#                                 *****RHODESIA and NYASALAND****3*

   British Colony 1953-1963(later Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe)

20b.  W/26          10 shill  1961     01.13; QEII................... VF 500AU+ 3000

20b   W/28          10 shill  1961     01.18; QEII.................................   F+       380

21a   X/20         1 pound  1957     06.11; QEII.................................   F         400

21a   X/27         1 pound  1958     08.15; QEII.................................   F+       600

21b   X/64         1 pound  1961     01.06; QEII.................................   VF      800

22a   Y/7           5 pound  1960     06.17; QEII.................................   F       1000


PICK#                                 *****ROMANIA***4c*


22b                        500 lei  1918     03.18...........................................   VF      160

22c                        500 lei  1919     04.26..................................... p/h  VF      160

26                              1 lei  1920     oil wells/Romulus.......................   F             4

27                              2 lei  1920     oil wells/Romulus.......................   UN        60

36                          500 lei  1934     King/castle..................................   VF      120

46a                    1,000 lei  1938     12.21...........................................   UN      240

51b.                      500 lei  1941     04.02;women/castle..................   AU+      40

51c.                       500 lei  1941     07.22;women/castle...... XF 10,  AU+      30

51d                        500 lei  1942     04.20;women/castle..................   UN        36

51e.                      500 lei  1943     01.26;women/castle..................   UN        50

52a                    1,000 lei  1941     09.10;woman................ AU+36,  UN        50

52b.                   1,000 lei  1943     03.23;woman.............................   AU        25

52e.                   1,000 lei  1945     03.20;woman.............................   UN        50

53a                    2,000 lei  1941     11.18, wmk head.......................   XF+      30

56a.                   5,000 lei  1943     09.28; wmk Trajan.....................   UN        90

56c.                   5,000 lei  1945     03.20; wmk BNR........................   UN        60

56e                    5,000 lei  1945     12.20; wmk BNR........................   UN        60

57c                  10,000 lei  1946     05.28...........................................   VF+      24

58d                100,000 lei  1946     10.21;peasant............................   XF+      30

58e                100,000 lei  1946     12.20;peasant..................... F 5,  VF+      15

58f.                100,000 lei  1947     05.08;peasant................ XF 60,  AU+    180

60               1,000,000 lei  1947     Decebal, Trajan.............. VF 12,  UN        96

61a.           5,000,000 lei  1947     .....................................................   UN      540

65.                         100 lei  1947     08.27;workers............................   UN      160

67(a).  "I.10"        100 lei  1947     12.05;workers; wmk "BNR"......   UN      150

67(b).  "U.10"      100 lei  1947     12.05;workers; wmk "RPR"......   UN      300

70                         25 ban  1917     Kg Ferdinand I...........................   UN        70

71.                        50 ban  1917     Kg Ferdinand I............... XF+45  AU+      90

76                            20 lei  1945     Kg Mihai......................................   UN        20

78                          100 lei  1945     Kg Mihai......................................   UN        20


81b                            1 lei  1952     blue#...........................................   XF+      14

87                      1,000 lei  1950     Balcescu/Danube.......... XF 60,  UN      200

88b.                         10 lei  1952     worker/mine, blue#....................   XF+      70

90b                        100 lei  1952     Balcescu, blue#.........................   F           24

92.                             3 lei  1966     arms/...........................................   UN      250

93                              5 lei  1966     arms/.................................. AU 6,  UN        12

94                            10 lei  1966     arms/...........................................   UN        12

95                            25 lei  1966     Vladimirescu/refinery....... VF 4,  UN        24

96.                           50 lei  1966     Cuza/palace...............................   XF+         9

97                          100 lei  1966     Balcescu/....................................   UN        20

98b                        500 lei  1991     04; Brancusi/..............................   UN        55

100                        200 lei  1992     Antipa/herons.............................   UN        24

101a                     500 lei  1992     wmk head facing........................   UN        36

101b                     500 lei  1992     wmk head profile.......................   UN        15

101A                  1,000 lei  1991     Eminescu/monastery................   UN        36

102                    1,000 lei  1993     Eminescu/monastery................   UN        15

103                    5,000 lei  1993     03;Iancu/church.........................   UN        36

104                    5,000 lei  1993     05;Iancu/church.........................   UN        15

105                  10,000 lei  1994     Iorga/museum............................   UN        60

106a.                 1,000 lei  1998     wmk BNR strait..........................   UN        25

106b                  1,000 lei  1998     wmk BNR italic...........................   UN        15

107a                  5,000 lei  1998     wmk BNR strait..........................   UN        15

107b                  5,000 lei  1998     wmk BNR italic...........................   UN        15

108a                10,000 lei  1999     Iorga/church...............................   UN        15

109                  50,000 lei  1996     Enescu/musical score...............   UN        60

110                100,000 lei  1998     Grigorescu/cottage.......... VF 8,  UN        60

111a   comm    2,000 lei  1999     "solar eclipse".............................   UN          5

111b   comm    2,000 lei  1999     "solar eclipse".............. in folder  UN        20

112b   sig I     10,000 lei  2000     Iorga/church...............................   UN          7

113a                50,000 lei  (20)01   Enescu/musical score...............   UN        24

113c                50,000 lei  (20)03   Enescu/musical score...............   UN        15

114a              100,000 lei  (20)01   Grigorescu/cottage.......... VF 5,  XF         12

115a  sig G  500,000 lei  (20)00   /airplane, sig G...........................   XF+      90

115c.             500,000 lei  (20)04   /airplane......................................   UN      240

117                            1 lei  (20)05   Iorga/church...............................   UN          4

118                            5 lei  (20)06   Enescu/musical score...............   UN          6

123.                      500 lei  (20)09   Eminescu....................................   UN      300

   German occupation WW1

M2                        50 ban  (1917)   ........................................ AU+90,  UN      120

M3                             1 lei  (1917)   ......................................... VF 22,  UN      180

M6                           20 lei  (1917)   .....................................................   VF+      90

M7                         100 lei  (1917)   .....................................................   VF+    600

M8.                    1,000 lei  (1917)   .....................................................   AU+    550

   "Szeben Varmegye*Alispanja*"(Sibiu) German Mackensen Army(1918)

M2                        50 ban  (1918)   Mackensen Army stamp.. RAR  F+       200

   Romanian validation stamps on German Military notes

M2                        50 ban  (1917)   stamp "Prahova" county...........   VG        35

M2                        50 ban  (1917)   stamp?........................................   VG          6

M5                             5 lei  (1917)   stamp "Judetul Muscel"............   VF         60

M5                             5 lei  (1917)   stamp "Financal Ministery".......   F+         60

M6                           20 lei  (1917)   stamp "perceptia  ..punar"........   VG        35

M6                           20 lei  (1917)   stamp ?.......................................   F           40

   Bukovina; Romanian stamp on Austria side of Austro-Hung. notes

R4                          20 kor  1913     ovpt (1919 -Bukovina)...............   VG        10

R9                        100 kor  1912     ovpt (1919 -Bukovina)...... F 15,  VF         30

   Banat, Transylvania; Romanian stamp on Hungarian side of notes

R12                        10 kor  1904     ovpt (1919 -Banat)....................   VG-       20

R13                        10 kor  1915     ovpt (1919 -Banat)....................   VF+      40

R15                        20 kor  1913     ovpt (1919 -Banat)....................   VG+      15

R18                        50 kor  1914     ovpt (1919 -Banat)....................   F           35

R20                      100 kor  1912     ovpt (1919 -Banat)....................   F           12

R21                  1,000 kor  1902     ovpt (1919 -Banat)........ VG 10,  F+         30

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick

                                            -Romania, Ajutorul de Iarna (winter help)

NL                           20 lei  (1942)   winter help..................................   AU        50

                                            -Bucarest, SC Tramvaielor (tramway)

NL                        10 bani  1918     .....................................................   VF+      20

                                            -Maramures?,Society for Talmud Torah of "Pelce"

                                            in Hebrew denomination in Romanian

NL           25, 25, 50 bani  1900?   Maramures? in Hebrew.. white  XF         50

                                            -Timisoara, city

NL                         10 filer  1919     Timisoara, red-brown ...............   UN        80

NL                         20 filer  1919     Timisoara, blue..........................   VF+      50


   ***ROMANIA; bonds and shares***


   "4.5% State Loan"

bond                  1,000 lei  1913     4.5% State Loan........... bs#600  VG        30

   "5% Renta Improperietaririi"(rent of land affranchisement)

bond                  1,000 lei  1922     5% Renta....................... bs#601  VF         20

bond                10,000 lei  1922     5% Renta....................... bs#602  VF         25

   "3.5% Primaria Orasului Bucaresti"(Bucharest Municipal Loan)

bond                     100 lei  1921     3.5% Bucaresti............. bs#603  VF         25

   "10% Soc.Creditului Funcciar Urban"(Mortgage Land and City Credit)

bond                20,000 lei  1931     10% Cred.Urban.......... bs#604  VF         25

   "4% Bon de impoziti"(Bonds for tax payment)

bond                     500 lei  1932     4% Bon de Impoziti...... bs#605  XF         15

bond                  1,000 lei  1932     4% Bon de Impoziti...... bs#606  XF         15

   "4.5% Imprumutul de Inzestrare a Tarii"(State Loan)

bond                  1,000 lei  1934     4.5% Imp.Inzestrare..... bs#607  F           25

bond                  2,000 lei  1934     4.5% Imp.Inzestrare..... bs#608  F           25

bond                  5,000 lei  1934     4.5% Imp.Inzestrare..... bs#609  F           30

bond                20,000 lei  1934     4.5% Imp.Inzestrare..... bs#610  VG        30

   "4.5% Imprumutul de Consolidare Amortibil"(Consolidate Loan)France

bond                         20 fr  1934     4.5% Cons.Amortibil.... bs#611  VF         20

   "3% Imprumutul Intern de Consolidare"(Domestic Consolidate Loan)

bond                   1000 lei  1935     3% Consolidare............ bs#612  VF         25

bond                   2000 lei  1935     3% Consolidare............ bs#613  VF         30

bond                   5000 lei  1935     3% Consolidare............ bs#614  VG        30

   "4.5% Renta Unificata 1941 Amortibila"(Consolidated State Loan)

bond                  2,000 lei  1941     4.5% Renta................... bs#615  XF         25

bond                20,000 lei  1941     4.5% Renta................... bs#616  XF         30

bond                50,000 lei  1941     4.5% Renta................... bs#617  XF         35

   "4.5% Imprumutul Reintregirii 1941"(State Loan)

bond                  5,000 lei  1941     4.5% Reintregirii........... bs#619  VF         30

bond                10,000 lei  1941     4.5% Reintregirii........... bs#620  VF         35

bond                50,000 lei  1941     4.5% Reintregirii........... bs#621  VF         50

   "5% Imprumutul Reintregirii 1941, subscriba"(State Loan)

bond                  1,000 lei  1941     5% Reintregirii.............. bs#622  VF         15

   "5% Bon Pentru Inzestrare Armatei"(Army's Loan)

bond                     300 lei  1941     5% Armatei.................... bs#623  XF         15

   "5% Imprumutul Refacerii Nationale 1945"(State Loan)

bond              100,000 lei  1945     5%.Refacerii.................. bs#625  XF         15

   "4% Obligatiune"(Savings bonds)

bond                     100 lei  (1960)   4% Obligatiune............. bs#626  XF         10

bond                     200 lei  (1960)   4% Obligatiune............. bs#627  XF         10


   "Albina"Institutul de Credit(credit,savings co),Sibiu

share                    500 lei  1922     "Albina".......................... bs#628  XF         20

share                    500 lei  1930     "Albina".......................... bs#629  XF         15

share                 2.500 lei  1926     "Albina".......................... bs#630  XF         20

share                 5,000 lei  1922     "Albina".......................... bs#631  VF         25

share                 5,000 lei  1930     "Albina".......................... bs#632  XF         30

   "Ardeleana"Institutul de Credit(credit,savings co),Bucharest

share                    500 lei  1936     "Ardeleana"................... bs#633  XF         20

share                 5,000 lei  1936     "Ardeleana"................... bs#634  XF         20

share               25,000 lei  1936     "Ardeleana"................... bs#635  XF         20

share               50,000 lei  1936     "Ardeleana"................... bs#636  XF         25

   "Astra Romana",Bucharest

share                     500lei  193-      "Astra Romana"............ bs#637  VG        15

   "Aur" SA Romana Minera("Gold" Romanian Mining SA),Bucharest

share               10x500lei  1935     "Aur"............................... bs#638  VG        15

   "Banca de Agricultura si Export"(bank),Bucharest

share               1000x500  1945     Banca Agric. Export..... bs#639  XF         15

share                 500x500  1946     Banca Agric. Export..... bs#640  XF         15

share               1000x500  1946     Banca Agric. Export..... bs#641  XF         15

   "Banca Franco-Romana"(French-Romanian Bank),Bucharest

share                     500lei  1925     Banca Franco-Rom...... bs#642  F           15

   "Banca Ilfov" (bank),Bucharest

share                    500 lei  1937     Banca Ilfov.................... bs#643  XF         20

   Banca Romanesca (bank),Bucharest

share                    500 lei  1920     Banca Romanesca....... bs#644  VF         20

share                 2,500 lei  1920     Banca Romanesca....... bs#645  VF         25

   "Cladiri si Drumuri" (constraction co.),Bucharest

share                  200,000  1945     Cladiri si Drumuri.......... bs#646  XF         15

   "Concordia" (oil industry),Bucarest

share                    250 lei  1924     "Concordia"................... bs#647  VF         20

share                    250 lei  1938     "Concordia"................... bs#648  XF         20

share              10x250 lei  1923     "Concordia"................... bs#649  VF         20

share              10x250 lei  1924     "Concordia"................... bs#650  XF         25

share              20x250 lei  1924     "Concordia"................... bs#651  F           20

   "Credit Industrial"(banking co.),Bucharest

share                  1000 lei  1945     Credit Industrial............ bs#652  XF         25

share          100x1000 lei  1945     Credit Industrial............ bs#653  XF         30

   "Creditul Minier"(mining co.),Bucharest

share                    500 lei  1923     "Creditul Minier"............ bs#654  XF         60

   "Creditul Extern"(banking co),Bucharest

share                    500 lei  1919     Creditul Extern.............. bs#656  VF         25

   "Drajna" (lumber co),Bucharest

share                5x500 lei  1940     "Drajna".......................... bs#657  XF         15

   Fabrica de Sticla Ardeleana(glass factory),Bucharest

share                  1000 lei  1941     Sticla Ardeleana........... bs#658  XF         15

share            10x1000 lei  1941     Sticla Ardeleana........... bs#659  XF         20

   Industria Romania de Petrol(oil co),Bucharest

share                    500 lei  1920     Romania de Petrol....... bs#660  VF         25

share              10x500 lei  1924     Romania de Petrol....... bs#661  VF         25

   "Letea"Fabricarea de Hartie(paper factory),Bucharest

share                  5000 lei  1926     "Letea"........................... bs#662  VF         20

share                10000 lei  1929     "Letea"........................... bs#663  VF         20

share                    500 lei  1939     "Letea"........................... bs#664  VF         20

share                  5000 lei  1939     "Letea"........................... bs#665  VF         20

share                10000 lei  1939     "Letea"........................... bs#666  VF         20

   "Mica"S.A.Romanea Miniera(mining co),Bucharest

share                    500 lei  1938     "Mica"............................. bs#667  XF         20

share                  2500 lei  1937     "Mica"............................. bs#668  XF         20

share                  5000 lei  1937     "Mica"............................. bs#669  XF         20

share                  5000 lei  1946     "Mica"............................. bs#670  XF         15

share                10000 lei  1946     "Mica"............................. bs#671  XF         15

share                25000 lei  1946     "Mica"............................. bs#672  XF         15

share                50000 lei  1946     "Mica"............................. bs#673  XF         20

   "Petrol Block"(oil co),Bucharest

share                5x500 lei  1939     "Petrol Block"................ bs#674  XF         20

   SAFI S.A. Financiara si Investitii(investment co.),Bucharest

share               50,000 lei  1993     SAFI S.A........................ bs#675  XF         10

share               50,000 lei  1993     SAFI S.A........................ bs#676  XF         10

   S.A.Romana de Navigatiune pe Dunare(Danube sailing co.),Bucharest

share                    500 lei  (1914)   Navigatiune Dunare..... bs#677  XF         50

share              20x500 lei  1940     Navigatiune Dunare..... bs#678  VF         20

share              50x500 lei  1942     Navigatiune Dunare..... bs#679  XF         25

   S.A.Romana de Telefoane(phone co),Bucharest

share                  1000 lei  1938     Romana Telefoane...... bs#680  XF         15

share              5x1000 lei  1938     Romana Telefoane...... bs#681  XF         15

share            10x1000 lei  1938     Romana Telefoane...... bs#682  XF         15

   SCI Comerciala Intercontinentala (commercial co),Bucharest

share             100,000 lei  1945     Intercontinentala........... bs#683  XF         15

   S.Comunala Pentru Construirea de Locuinte Eftine,Bucharest

share              10x200 lei  1939     Pentru Construirea....... bs#684  VF         20

   S.Comunala Tramvaielor Bucuresti(tramways co),Bucharest

share                5x500 lei  1935     Tramvaielor Bucuresti.. bs#685  XF         30

share              10x500 lei  1935     Tramvaielor Bucuresti.. bs#686  XF         35

   S.Romana de Radiodieuzine(Romanian Radio),Bucharest

share                  5000 lei  (1944)   Radiodieuzine............... bs#687  XF         25

   "Steaua Romana"S.A.P.Industria Petroleului(oil co),Bucharest

share                    500 lei  1924     "Steaua Romana"......... bs#688  XF         20

share                    500 lei  1925     "Steaua Romana"......... bs#689  XF         20

share                    500 lei  1926     "Steaua Romana"......... bs#690  XF         20

   Uzinele de Fier si Domeniile din Resista S.A.(steel co),Bucharest

share                 2,500 lei  1924     Uzinele de Fier............. bs#691  VF         25

share                 5,000 lei  1924     Uzinele de Fier............. bs#692  VF         30

share                 5,000 lei  1926     Uzinele de Fier............. bs#693  VF         30

share                    500 lei  1946     Uzinele de Fier............. bs#694  VF         15

share                5x500 lei  1946     Uzinele de Fier............. bs#695  XF         15

share              10x500 lei  1946     Uzinele de Fier............. bs#696  XF         15

share             100x500lei  1946     Uzinele de Fier............. bs#697  XF         15


PICK#                                 *****RUSSIA****3*

   Tsarist Empire

A33                          1 rub  1865     .............................. tape repaired  P         150

A41                          1 rub  1876     Alexander II........................ tape  G        200

A61                          1 rub  1895     Nicholas II...................................   F+       700

1a   sig P                1 rub  1898     arms; sig Pleske.. VG 15, F 30,  VF+      90

1b   sig T                 1 rub  1898     arms; sig Timashev............ P 5,  VG        15

1c   sig K                 1 rub  1898     arms; sig Konshin......................   VG        90

1d   sig S                1 rub  1898     arms; sig Shipov........................   VG+        6

2b   sig T                 3 rub  1898     arms............................................   VG      200

3a   sig P                5 rub  1898     Russia.........................................   G+      150

3a   sig P                5 rub  1898     bank perforation"94 GB"...........   F         400

3b   sig T                 5 rub  1898     Russia.........................................   VG      200

4b   sig T              10 rub  1898     Russia......................... VG+200VF      800

5b   sig T            100 rub  1898     Catherine II................. VG+100VF+    400

5c   sig K            100 rub  1898     Catherine II...... F+180, VF 240VF+    350

6c   sig K            500 rub  1898     Peter I ................. VG+200, pen  F+       400

8b   sig T              50 rub  1899     Nicholas I....................................   VF      500

8c   sig K              50 rub  1899     Nicholas............. VG-45, F 120F+       180

8d   sig S              50 rub  1899     Nicholas.......................... VF 40,  UN      300

9a   sig T                 3 rub  1905     arms................................ VG 25,  F           50

9b   sig K                3 rub  1905     arms.................................. F+15,  AU        80

9c   sig S                 3 rub  1905     arms.................................. VF+8,  UN        40

10a   sig K              5 rub  1909     arms.................................... F+9,  VF         12

10b   sig S              5 rub  1909     arms...................................... F 4,  VF+      10

11a   sig T            10 rub  1909     arms............................................   VF      200

11b   sig K            10 rub  1909     arms................................... F 15,  VF         30

11c   sig S            10 rub  1909     arms................................. XF 12,  UN        50

12b   sig S            25 rub  1909     /Alexander III................. VF+15,  UN        80

13a   sig K          100 rub  1910     /Catherine II....................... F 40,  VF         80

13b.  sig S          100 rub  1910     /Catherine II................... VF+15,  AU-       60

14b.  sig S          500 rub  1912     /Peter I............................. XF 20,  AU-       70

15   sig S                1 rub  1898     serie block(1915)........... XF 12,  UN        50

  Signature; P-Pleske; T-Timashev; K-Konshin; S-Shipov

  ---Cashiers' signatures combination---

13a   Konshin    100 rub  1910     14 diff sig (out of 18).................   F/VF   350

13b   Shipov      100 rub  1910     12 diff sig (out of 13).................   F/VF   300

35    Shipov            5 rub  1909(1917) 13 diff sig -full set...............   VF+    200


17.                           1 kop  (1915)   stamp currency........ no ovpt"1"  UN      180

18   psm                 2 kop  (1915)   stamp currency..........................   UN        10

20   psm                 3 kop  (1915)   stamp currency..........................   UN        15

21   psm               10 kop  (1915)   stamp currency..........................   UN          6

22   psm               15 kop  (1915)   stamp currency..........................   UN          6

23   psm               20 kop  (1915)   stamp currency..........................   UN          6

22.  psm           4x15 kop  (1915)   stamp currency propaganda overprint

                                            "brotherhood, equality, freedom"...........   XF      250

23.  psm           4x20 kop  (1915)   stamp currency propaganda overprint

                                            "brotherhood, equality, freedom"...........   AU      300

24                            1 kop  (1915)   .....................................................   UN        25

25                            2 kop  (1915)   .....................................................   UN        30

26                            3 kop  (1915)   .....................................................   UN        35

27                            5 kop  (1915)   .....................................................   UN        20

31                          50 kop  (1915)   ............................................ XF 4,  UN        10

    Provisional Government

32   psm                 1 kop  (1917)   stamp currency..........................   UN        10

33   psm                 2 kop  (1917)   stamp currency..........................   UN        10

33   psm                 3 kop  (1917)   stamp currency..........................   UN        10

35                            5 rub  1909     serie block(1917)............. XF 4,  UN        16

36.                       250 rub  1917     arms, swastika.............. VF+10,  UN        50

37.                    1,000 rub  1917     arms, swastika. VF 16, AU+96,  UN      130

38                          20 rub  (1917)   arms............................................   VF           4

38   block          4x20 rub  (1917)   block of 4 notes..........................   VF         20

39                          40 rub  (1917)   arms............................................   UN          5

39   block          4x40 rub  (1917)   block of 4 notes..........................   VF         20

39   sheet       40x40 rub  (1917)   full sheet of 40 notes.................   XF      300

39Aa.                    25 rub  1918     2 sig black....................... VF 50,  AU      200

43.  unis                25 rub  (1917)   unissued.....................................   AU-  2200

44   unis                50 rub  (1917)   unissued.....................................   XF    1800

   obligations and bonds("bank branch stamp")

31H                  1,000 rub  1917     04.1;5% bill 12 month.. Moskva  VF+    200

31H                  1,000 rub  1917     05.1;5% bill 12 month... Rostov  F+       200

31I                    5,000 rub  1917     02.1;5% bill 12 month...............   F         100

37A                        20 rub  1917     5%bond"Freedom"5coupon.....   VG        30

37D                     100 rub  1917     5%bond"Freedom".......... VG 5,  VF         20

37D                     100 rub  1917     5%bond"Freedom"...... "Yelnia"  VG        20

37D                     100 rub  1917     5% "Freedom....... "Bodabinsk"  VG+      25

37D                     100 rub  1917     5%bond+10 coupons.... VG 20,  VF-       80

37E                     500 rub  1917     5%bond +5 coupons.................   F-          15

37E                     500 rub  1917     5%bond +9 coupons..... VF 40,  XF+    120

37F                  1,000 rub  1917     5%bond +4 coupons.................   XF         40

37F                  1,000 rub  1917     5%bond +5 coupons.................   VF+      30

37F                  1,000 rub  1917     5%bond +6 coupons.................   VF+      35

37F                  1,000 rub  1917     5%bond +8 coupons.................   VF+      40

37F                  1,000 rub  1917     5%bond +9 coupons..... VF 40,  XF+    120

37G                  5,000 rub  1917     5%bond"Freedom"....................   VF+    150

48                          25 rub  1915     4% note.......................................   F           15

58                        100 rub  1915     4% note ............ "Ekaterinodar"  VF         40

58                        100 rub  1915     4% note +3 coupons.................   XF         25

59                        500 rub  1915     4% note........................... VG+8,  VF+      40

 obligations used as a currency with official Government validation:

                                            -Aleksandrov(/Vladimir) Gov Bank validation

R3000(37A)         20 rub  1918     5% bond 1917......................... R  VG      500

                                            -Armavir(N Caucasus) Nat Bank validation

R5640                1.25 rub  (1919)   coupon 5% bond 1917..............   VF      150

R5641                2.50 rub  (1919)   coupon 5% bond 1917..............   VF      200

R5646(37C)         50 rub  (1918)   50 rub 5% bond 1917...............   G           60

R5647(37C)       100 rub  (1918)   100 rub 5% bond 1917.............   F         120

                                            -Askhabad (Turkmenistan) Gov Bank validation

R22711                   1 rub  (1918)   coupon 4% bond.......................   VF      120

R22712                   2 rub  (1918)   coupon 4% bond.......................   XF      120

R22716              2.75 rub  (1918)   coupon 5.5%bond.....................   VF+    120

R22717           13.75 rub  (1918)   coupon 5.5% bond ...................   VF+    120

R22718A           1.37 rub  (1918)   coupon 5.5% bond;issue-2... R  VF+    180

R22719              2.75 rub  (1918)   coupon 5.5% bond;issue-2......   VF+    120

R22721           27.50 rub  (1918)   coupon 5.5% bond;issue-2... R  VF+    200

R22723                   1 rub  (1918)   coupon 5 %bond 1917..............   VF+    120

R22724              1.25 rub  (1918)   coupon 5 %bond 1917..............   VF+    120

R22725              2.50 rub  (1919)   coupon 5 %bond 1917..............   VF+    120

R22739(37C)       50 rub  (1918)   5% bond 1917............................   VG-    120

R22740(37D)     100 rub  (1918)   5% bond 1917............................   G           50

R22739(37C)       50 rub  (1919)   oval stamp only..........................   F         120

                                            -Murom(/Vladimir) Gov Bank validation

R3422(37D)       100 rub  (1918)   5% bond 1917............................   P           30

                                            -Novocherkassk(S Russia)Gov Treasury.

R6637(48)            25 rub  (1918)   4% note 1915.............................   F         100

                                            -Novocherkassk(S Russia) Gov Bank validation

R6646(48)            25 rub  (1918)   4% note 1915................. VG 50,  F         100

                                            -Novocherkassk(S Russia) Gov Bank validation

RNL(37F) 850/1000 rub  (1918)   5% Freedom loan......................   F+       400

                                            -Novorossiysk(N Caucasus) Gov Bank validation

R6600(37D)       100 rub  (1918)   5% Freedom loan......................   F           60

                                            -Rostov(S Russia) Gov Bank validation

R6781(37F)   850/1000r  (1918)   5% Freedom loan......................   VG      120

                                            -Surozhevka(Siberia) Gov Treasury valuation

R6027                   50 rub  (1918)   4% note 1914.............................   VG+   100

                                            -Ufa(Ural) Gov Bank valuation

R5113(37A)         20 rub  (1918)   5% bond 1917............................   G           50

                                            -Yerevan(Armenia) Gov Bank validation

R22596                50 kop  (1918)   coupon 5% bond 1917..... RRR  VG+   400

R22599                 25 rub  (1918)   coupon 5% bond 1917........... R  VF      400

    Russian Socialist Soviet Republic

81                            1 rub  (1919)   Soviet arms................................   UN        10

81   pair              2x1 rub  (1919)   uncut pair of 2 notes.................   UN        35

82                            2 rub  (1919)   Soviet arms....................... XF 4,  UN        10

82   pair              2x2 rub  (1919)   uncut pair of 2 notes.................   UN        35

83                            3 rub  (1919)   back m/color........................ F 4,  UN        10

83   pair              2x3 rub  (1919)   uncut pair of 2 notes.................   UN        35

83   perf                  3 rub  (1919)   back m/color; perforated...........   XF+    120

85a                          5 rub  (1921)   wmk rhomb.................................   UN        30

85a   pair            2x5 rub  (1921)   uncut pair of 2 notes.................   XF         50

85d                          5 rub  (1921)   no wmk........................................   UN        30

86                            1 rub  1918     /arms...........................................   UN        50

87                            3 rub  1918     /arms................................. VG 4,  UN        60

88.                           5 rub  1918     /arms...........................................   UN        60

89                          10 rub  1918     /arms...........................................   UN        60

90                          25 rub  1918     /arms...........................................   UN        70

91.                         50 rub  1918     /arms...........................................   UN        80

92                        100 rub  1918     /arms................................... F+4,  UN        50

93                        250 rub  1918     /arms.................................. VF 7,  XF         15

94.                       500 rub  1918     /arms....................... VG 4, VF 9,  UN        60

95.                    1,000 rub  1918     /arms...........................................   VF+      25

97                  10,000 rub  1918     ............................................ F 25,  VF         50

98.                         15 rub  1919     ........................................... VG 4,  AU        20

99.                         30 rub  1919     ................................... VG 4, pen  XF         10

100                        60 rub  1919     .....................................................   VG          4

102a                    250 rub  1919     wmk"250".......................... VF 7,  AU        25

103a                    500 rub  1919     wmk"500"....................................   XF         15

104a.               1,000 rub  1919     wmk"1000"...................... VG+4,  UN        40

105a                5,000 rub  1919     wmk broad waves.......... VF+50  XF+      95

106a              10,000 rub  1919     wmk broad waves........... F+35,  VF         55

110a.                  250 rub  1921     wmk "250"...................................   AU        30

111b                    500 rub  1921     wmk stars............................. F 5,  VF+      15

111c                    500 rub  1921     wmk rhomb.................................   VG          4

112a                1,000 rub  1921     wmk "1000"................................   VF+      10

112b                1,000 rub  1921     wmk small stars.........................   XF         30

112c                 1,000 rub  1921     wmk large stars..........................   F           10

112d                1,000 rub  1921     wmk rhomb........................ F 10,  VF         20

113a                5,000 rub  1921     .....................................................   F+         35

115a              25,000 rub  1921     wmk large stars..........................   AU+    150

116a              50,000 rub  1921     wmk large stars.............. VF 18,  UN      140

117a            100,000 rub  1921     wmk large stars.. VF 18, XF 35  XF+      55

120           1,000,000 rub  1921     ....................................... VF 200VF+    300

127                          1 rub  1922     .....................................................   VG          6

130                        10 rub  1922     .....................................................   VF         35

130k.                     10 rub  1922     stamp "kolekcionnyi".................   AU+    120

131                        25 rub  1922     ............................................ F 15,  AU      120

132.                       50 rub  1922     ........................................... VG 8,  UN      250

132k                      50 rub  1922     stamp "kolekcionnyi".................   XF+      90

133                      100 rub  1922     ................................ VG 5, F+25,  XF         70

135k                    500 rub  1922     stamp "kolekcionnyi".................   XF      200

136k                 1,000 rub  1922     stamp "kolekcionnyi".................   UN      800

143                       10 che  1922     ............................... VG 300; pen  F         600

147                          3 rub  1922     like stamp currency...................   F           10

149.                       10 rub  1922     like stamp currency.......... F 10,  UN      100

155                        50 kop  1923     coin 50 kop.......................... F 5,  UN      100

157                          5 rub  1923     .....................................................   UN      130

159                        25 rub  1923     .....................................................   G             5

163                          1 rub  1923     ......................................... AU 35,  UN        70

164                          5 rub  1923     .............................. F+ 9, VF+18,  AU        45

165a.                     10 rub  1923     wmk rhomb.......................... F-8,  AU+    120

165b                      10 rub  1923     wmk stars...................................   VF-       15

166a                      25 rub  1923     wmk rhomb..................... XF 45,  AU+    140

168a                    100 rub  1923     wmk rhomb....................... VG 8,  VF         30

169                      500 rub  1923     ......................................... VG 14,  VF+      80

170                   1,000 rub  1923     ......................................... VG-12,  VF         70

171                   5,000 rub  1923     .....................................................   VG-       30

182                15,000 rub  1923     man.............................................   P           40

183                25,000 rub  1923     soldier..........................................   VF      300

186                          1 rub  1924     .......................................... G+45,  VG+      90

189                          3 rub  1925     ............................................ F 40,  F+         60

190                          5 rub  1925     worker................................ F 40,  VF         80

194.                         5 kop  1924     arms............................................   XF         60

198d   sig 4            1 che  1926     ............................................ F 65,  XF      250

199c   sig 3            2 che  1928     .....................................................   F+         60

200c   sig 3            5 che  1928     .....................................................   VG-    120

201                          3 che  1932     ........................... VG+12, VF 40,  VF+      60

202                          1 che  1937     Lenin...........................................   F           10

203.                        3 che  1937     Lenin.................................. F 20,  UN      300

204                          5 che  1937     Lenin................................ VF 40,  VF+      60

205                       10 che  1937     Lenin...........................................   VF+      60

206                          1 rub  1928     .....................................................   VG        30

207                          1 rub  1934     sig ................................... VG 10,  XF+    120

208                          1 rub  1934     no sig ..........................................   F           30

210                          3 rub  1934     no sig ..........................................   VG        20

211                          5 rub  1934     sig ...................................... F 25,  XF+    150

212                          5 rub  1934     no sig ............................. VG 15,  XF      125

213.                         1 rub  1938     miner;ser.2-letter................. F 4,  XF+      15

214                          3 rub  1938     ser.1-letter...................... VG 15,  F           30

214                          3 rub  1938     ser.2-letter....................... VF 20,  UN      150

215                          5 rub  1938     ser.1-letter..................................   F+         50

215                          5 rub  1938     ser.2-letter..................... VF+35,  UN      180

216                          1 rub  1947     16 scrolls.....................................   F             4

217                          1 rub  1947     15 scrolls(1957).................. F 4,  UN        50

218                          3 rub  1947     16 scrolls.....................................   XF+      90

220.                         5 rub  1947     16 scrolls.....................................   UN      240

221.                         5 rub  1947     15 scrolls(1957).........................   XF         60

225                        10 rub  1947     16 scrolls.....................................   F           30

226                        10 rub  1947     15 scrolls(1957).........................   XF      120

230.                       50 rub  1947     15 scrolls(1957).........................   UN      800

231                      100 rub  1947     16 scrolls............................ F 60,  VF      120

232.                     100 rub  1947     15 scrolls(1957).........................   UN      800

222                          1 rub  1961     arms............................................   UN          4

223                          3 rub  1961     view of Kremlin..........................   UN          8

224.                         5 rub  1961     Spassky tower.............. AU+12,  UN        15

233                        10 rub  1961     Lenin...........................................   UN          9

234b                      25 rub  1961     Lenin...........................................   UN        12

235                        50 rub  1961     Lenin...........................................   UN        40

236                      100 rub  1961     Lenin...........................................   UN        30

237                          1 rub  1991     arms............................................   UN          4

238                          3 rub  1991     view of Kremlin..........................   UN          6

239                          5 rub  1991     Spassky tower............................   UN          5

240                        10 rub  1991     Lenin...........................................   UN          8

241                        50 rub  1991     Spassky tower............................   UN        30

242                      100 rub  1991     Lenin...........................................   UN        35

243                      100 rub  1991     Lenin, guilloche..........................   UN        30

244                      200 rub  1991     Lenin/Kremlin.................... F 15,  UN      240

245.                     500 rub  1991     Lenin/Kremlin.................... F 20,  UN      320

246                   1,000 rub  1991     Lenin/Kremlin................. VF 30,  XF         65

    Commonwealth of Independent States - CIS

247.                       50 rub  1992     Lenin/Kremlin.............................   UN        16

248                      200 rub  1992     Lenin/Kremlin.............................   UN        25

249                      500 rub  1992     Lenin/Kremlin.............................   UN        12

250                   1,000 rub  1992     Lenin/Kremlin.............................   UN        10

251.               10,000 rub  1992     Privatization Check...... XF+50,  UN      130

252                   5,000 rub  1992     Kremlin/Kremlin.........................   UN        10

253                10,000 rub  1992     Kremlin/Kremlin.........................   UN        15

254(a)                 100 rub  1993     Kremlin/Kremlin.... paper white  UN          4

254(b)                 100 rub  1993     Kremlin/Kremlin...... paper grey  UN        18

255                      200 rub  1993     Kremlin/Kremlin.........................   UN          7

256                      500 rub  1993     Kremlin/Kremlin.........................   UN          8

257                   1,000 rub  1993     Kremlin/Kremlin.........................   UN        16

258a                5,000 rub  1993     Kremlin/Kremlin............... F+24,  UN      250

258b.               5,000 rub  1993/4  "issue 1994"....... XF 30, AU 60,  UN      120

259a              10,000 rub  1993     Kremlin/Kremlin............... F+20,  VF         25

259b              10,000 rub  1993/4  "issue 1994".................. VF+28,  UN      150

260b              50,000 rub  1993/4  "issue 1994"...............................   VF+      60

261                   1,000 rub  1995     Vladivostok/coast view..............   UN        12

262                   5,000 rub  1995     Novogrod/cathedral...................   UN        40

264                50,000 rub  1995     statue/Petersburg.......... VF 20,  UN      150

265              100,000 rub  1995     monument/Moscow...... XF+45,  UN      120

267.                         5 rub  1997     Novogrod/cathedral...................   UN        20

268b                      10 rub  1997     2001;Krasnoyarsk/dam.............   UN        15

268c                      10 rub  1997     2004;Krasnoyarsk/dam.............   UN          5

269c                      50 rub  1997     2004;statue/St Petersburg.......   UN          6

270a                    100 rub  1997     monument/Moscow...................   XF         20

270c                    100 rub  1997     2004;monument/Moscow.........   UN        12

271c.                   500 rub  1997     2004;statue/...................... VF 7,  UN        50

272b.               1,000 rub  1997     2004;Yaroslav/church...............   UN        90

273b.               5,000 rub  1997     2010;Khabarovsk/bridge..........   UN      330

274  comm         100 rub  2014     "Sochi Olympics".......................   UN        10

   Promotional Notes -"Goznak Russia" state printing house

prom                  60 years  2005     victory 1945-2005......................   UN      100

prom       Dante Alighieri  2007     Divine Comedy.... gold security  UN      100

prom             SP Korolev  2007     Soviet space program...............   UN      100

prom                  B Jacobi  2010     inventor of electrotyping...........   UN      100

prom               Antarctica  ND        Bellingshausen,1820. lot#1467  UN        70

prom             folk culture  ND        turkey; wmk turkey..... lot#1468  UN        50

prom             folk culture  ND        turkey/ceramic.......... wmk vase  UN      100

prom              G Ulanova  ND        ballerina................... paper note  UN      100

prom              G Ulanova  ND        ballerina........................... hybrid  UN      150

                                            -N T Graf, Moscow, security printer

prom                300 years  1996     of Russian Navy......... lot#1482  UN        50

   Foreign Exchange Certificates

                                            "Vnieshposyltorg" shops

FX37a                     3 rub  1965     yellow band................. #000156  AU-     100

FX45a                     1 kop  1965     "Vnieshposyltorg"......................   UN        40

FX60                       1 kop  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"............. AU 8,  UN        16

FX61                       2 kop  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"............. XF 4,  UN        16

FX63                     10 kop  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"............. XF 4,  UN        16

FX64                     25 kop  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"......................   XF         12

FX65                     50 kop  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"......................   VF         12

FX66                       1 rub  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"............. VF 4,  UN        32

FX67                       3 rub  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"................ F 4,  XF+      18

FX68                       5 rub  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"................ F 4,  VF+      12

FX69                     10 rub  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"................ F 8,  F+         12

FX71                     50 rub  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"......................   VF      100

FX73                   250 rub  1976     "Vnieshposyltorg"......................   F         250

                                            "Vnieshtorgbank" "Torgmortrans" shops

FX121                  10 kop  1978     "Torgmortrans"...........................   AU        16

FX121                  10 kop  1989     "Torgmortrans"...........................   AU        12

FX122                  50 kop  1978     "Torgmortrans"...........................   AU        20

FX122                  50 kop  1989     "Torgmortrans"...........................   AU        16

FX123                     1 rub  1978     "Torgmortrans"...........................   AU-       24

FX123                     1 rub  1989     "Torgmortrans"...........................   AU-       16

FX124                     5 rub  1978     "Torgmortrans"...........................   AU-       32

FX124                     5 rub  1989     "Torgmortrans"...........................   AU-       24

                                            "Vnieshtorgbank" cruise ship notes

FX141a                   5 kop  1985     cruise ship notes........................   AU+      12

FX141b                   5 kop  1989     cruise ship notes........................   AU+      12

FX142a                10 kop  1985     cruise ship notes........................   AU+      12

FX143a                50 kop  1985     cruise ship notes........................   AU+      12

FX144a                   1 rub  1985     cruise ship notes........................   AU+      12

                                            "Vnieshtorgbank" (diplomatic serie)

FX146   canc         1 kop  1979     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+      12

FX147   canc         2 kop  1979     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+      12

FX148   canc         5 kop  1979     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+      12

FX149   canc       10 kop  1979     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+        6

FX149   canc       10 kop  1980     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+      10

FX150   canc       20 kop  1979     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+        6

FX150   canc       20 kop  1980     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+      10

FX151   canc       50 kop  1979     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+        6

FX151   canc       50 kop  1980     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+      10

FX152   canc          1 rub  1980     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+      10

FX153   canc          2 rub  1979     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+        8

FX154   canc          5 rub  1979     "Vnieshtorgbank"..... cancelled  AU+      32

                                            "Vnieshposyltorg" Military (Afghanistan War)

M19                       10 rub  1976     "Military" Afghanistan War........   UN      160

M20                       20 rub  1976     "Military" Afghanistan War........   UN      160

                                            "Omsk Sputnik" Baltic ship's money "Estonia"

NL                            5 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN        12

NL                          10 rub  1992     .....................................................   UN        12

                                            "Yuganskneftgaz" Oil Company, Western Siberia

NL                                5 $  ND        talon, in English +Russian........   AU      100

                                            "S.Mavrodi" MMM Moscow Loan Company

NL-1B              10 biletov  ND        red.................................. issue-1  UN          4

NL-1C             20 biletov  ND        brown............................. issue-1  UN          4

NL-1D             50 biletov  ND        orange............................ issue-1  UN          4

NL-1E           100 biletov  ND        green/gold..................... issue-1  UN          4

NL-1F            500 biletov  ND        blue/gold........................ issue-1  UN          4

NL-1G        1,000 biletov  ND        violet/gold...................... issue-1  UN          4

NL-2A                1 biletov  ND        yellow, portrait blue...... issue-2  UN          4

NL-2B           100 biletov  1994     green; cancelled........... issue-2  AU          4

NL-2C        1,000 biletov  ND        violet/blue...................... issue-2  UN          4

NL-2D      10,000 biletov  1994     green.............................. issue-2  UN          8

NL-3B              50 biletov  ND        red.................................. issue-3  UN          4

   War, Military and Camp Money(C#-Campbell, SB#-Schwan,Boling)

                                            -OGPU (NKVD) Siberia Labor Camps

C-7276a                 5 kop  1929     sig Bokii.......................................   G+      200

                                            -Red Army, talon for meal or food

NL                            talon  1944     meal............................. lot#1218  AU        50

                                            -"Alpine" Austria, Camp for Russian prisoners

C-1528b                  1 kro  (1917)   POW, in Russian German........   UN        25

C-1529b                  5 kro  (1917)   POW, in Russian German........   UN        30

C-1530b                10 kro  (1917)   POW, in Russian German........   UN        35

   Travellers Cheque      

                                            State Bank of SSSR, Russia

TC  canc          10 rubles  1961     paid 1971/1972..........................   VF         10

                                            Bank for Foreign Trade USSR

TC   canc              10 rub  197-      cancelled, red-brown.................   VF+      10

TC   canc              20 rub  197-      cancelled, lilac............................   VF+      10

TC   canc              50 rub  197-      cancelled, green........................   VF+      10

TC   unis               20 rub  (199-)    unissued, red.............................   AU        12

TC   unis               50 rub  (199-)    unissued, green.........................   AU        12

TC   unis             100 rub  (199-)    unissued, brown........................   AU        12

   Promissory Notes (Bill of Exchange)

                                            Russian issue, revenue in rubles

rev-45kop           300 rub  ND        unsigned.....................................   VF         80

rev-60kop           400 rub  ND        signed in blank...........................   VF-       80

rev-90kop           600 rub  ND        signed in blank...........................   VF         80

rev-1.05rb          700 rub  ND        signed in blank...........................   VF+    120

rev-1.20rb          800 rub  ND        signed in blank...........................   VF+    120

rev-1.35rb          900 rub  ND        signed in blank...........................   VF+    120

rev-4.50rb       3,000 rub  ND        signed in blank...........................   VF+    250

   British Guaranteed Loan for Russian Government(1+2 exchange)

rev100rb    5,000 pound  1917     Petrograd Int Comm Bank........   F+       200

rev100rb    5,000 pound  1917     Azov-Don Comm Bank.............   F+       200

rev100rb    5,000 pound  1917     Russian Bank for Trade............   F+       200

rev100rb    5,000 pound  1917     Volga-Kama Comm Bank.........   F+       200

   British Guaranteed Loan for Russian Government(1 exchange)

exch1         5,000 pound  1917     Petrograd Int Comm.. lot#1021  F+       100

                                            Russian issue for China, revenue in Chinese $

                                                          -"Sibkraisoiuz" Siberian District Coop"

local                   10,000 $  ND        signed in blank........ in Russian  VF-     320

   Lottery Tickets

NL lottery                3 rub  1932     7th USSR lottery........ lot#1070  XF         16

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)


                                            -Archangel Government (soviet)

s101x   unfi             3 rub  (1918)   no sig...........................................   XF+      80

s102                        5 rub  (1918)   .....................................................   AU+    160

s103                      10 rub  (1918)   .....................................................   AU+    160

s104                      25 rub  (1918)   .....................................................   AU+    240

s104x   unfi           25 rub  (1918)   no sig...........................................   XF      150

                                            -Archangel Government (white)

s105                        3 rub  (1918)   red ovpt "Gov Bank"........ G 10,  VG        20

s108                      25 rub  (1918)   red ovpt "Gov Bank"..... VG 30,  F+         90

                                            -North Russia (white)

s121a                  100 rub  1918     Administration, Gov Bank.........   VG        60

s126                      50 rub  1918     Government..................... F+60,  VF+    120

s127a                  100 rub  1918     Government................... VG 20,  VG+      30

s128a                  500 rub  1918     Government...................... F 80,  VF+    240

s129a              1,000 rub  1918     Government...............................   VG+      60

s131                      10 kop  (1919)   .....................................................   UN        40

s132                      20 kop  (1919)   ......................................... VG 10,  VF         40

s133                      50 kop  (1919)   ......................................... VF 16,  AU        90

s135                        5 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG+      25

s140                      10 rub  1918     .....................................................   VF         90

s144                        1 rub  1919     ........................................... F+45,  VF+      90

s145                        3 rub  1919     .....................................................   F           40

s151                      50 kop  ND        perf "GBSO"(1919)........ VF 12,  AU+      72

NL (s151x)           50 kop  (1919)   perf "GBSO"(1919) s133..........   XF      100

s153                        1 rub  1898     perf "GBSO"(1919)........ VG+8,  VF         20

s154                        3 rub  1905     perf "GBSO"(1919)........... F 14,  VF         28

s156                        5 rub  1909     perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   VG+      15

s157                        5 rub  1909     perf "GBSO"(1919)........ VF 24,  XF         48

s159                      10 rub  1909     perf "GBSO"(1919)........ VF 24,  VF+      36

s160                      20 rub  (1917)   perf "GBSO"(1919)........... F 10,  VF         20

s162                      25 rub  1909     perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   VF         32

s163                      25 rub  1915     perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   F           32

s164                      40 rub  (1917)   perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   F+         15

s166                      50 rub  1898     perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   VF      120

s175                    100 rub  1915     perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   VF+      90

s176                    100 rub  1917     perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   F+         60

s177                    250 rub  1917     perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   VF         40

s179                    500 rub  1898     perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   VG      400

s183                 1,000 rub  1917     perf "GBSO"(1919)....................   F-          30

                                            -Northwest Front, Gen Yudenich

s201                      25 kop  1919     .....................................................   F+         15

s202                      50 kop  1919     .....................................................   AU        80

s203                        1 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF+      72

s204b   "A"             3 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU        96

s205a                      5 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF         56

s205b   "A"             5 rub  1919     .....................................................   VF-       30

s206a                    10 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF         64

s206b   "A"           10 rub  1919     ......................................... VF 32,  XF         64

s206c   "Б"           10 rub  1919     .....................................................   F           32

s207a                    25 rub  1919     ............................................ F 25,  XF      100

s207b   "A"           25 rub  1919     ........................................ VF+75,  XF      100

s208                    100 rub  1919     .....................................................   F           30

s209                    500 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU+    400

s210                  1000 rub  1919     ........................................ VF+90,  AU+    300

                                            -Pskov Regional Gov.

s211                      50 rub  1918     Gen Vandamm...........................   AU+    320

s212                        1 rub  1918     Pskov city...................................   AU+    300

s213                        5 rub  1918     Pskov city....................... VG 20,  F+         80

                                            -West Army, Col Avalov-Bermondt

s226a                       1 mk  1919     embossed stamp................ F 8,  AU        80

s227a                       5 mk  1919     embossed stamp.......................   XF         64

s227b                       5 mk  1919     no embossed stamp........ VG 8,  AU+    160

s230b                     50 mk  1919     no embossed stamp........... tear  XF      240

                                            -Mogilev(Belarus), Province

s236                        1 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG+      45

s237x                      3 rub  1918     back inverted; #.........................   AU+    300

s237r   rema           3 rub  1918     back inverted; no #....................   XF+    120

s239a                    10 rub  1918     .....................................................   F           40

s240a                    25 rub  1918     ......................................... VG 25,  XF      200

s240r   rema         25 rub  1918     no #.............................................   XF+    120

s240A                 100 rub  1918     unissued.....................................   VF      120

                                            -Sluck(Belarus), Region

s241                        1 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG-       20

s242x                      3 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG        40

                                            -Kasimov(C Russia) City and Region

NL                          10 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+      40


                                            -Kiev Branch, St Petersburg's Dis-Loan Bank

NL                     unissued  ND        cheque "on call".........................   AU+    100

                                            -Ukrainian Soviet Republic

s293                       10 kar  (1920)   serie block...................... VG 10,  AU+    200

                                            -Administration of Economic Enterprises(VUCIK)

s296                      10 kop  1923     .....................................................   XF+    120

s298                      50 kop  1923     .....................................................   AU+    300

                                            -Elizavetgrad (Kirovohrad) Gov National Bank

s323B                   10 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG        12

s323B                   10 rub  1918     "seria 2".......................... VG 10,  F+         30

s323Br   rema      10 rub  1918     no #.............................................   XF         40

s324Ab                 25 rub  1919     "seria 3".......................... VG 12,  VF+      70

s325(b)                 50 rub  1920     "seria 2".......................................   XF         96

                                            -Odessa, City

s331                      15 kop  (1917)   stamp money.............................   AU+      80

s332                      20 kop  (1917)   stamp money....................... F 8,  AU+      80

s332   block     4x20 kop  (1917)   block of 4 notes..........................   AU+    320

s333                      50 kop  (1917)   stamp money.................. VG+6,  AU+      80

s334                        3 rub  1917     .....................................................   AU+      40

s335                        5 rub  1917     ........................................ VF+12,  AU+      40

s336                      10 rub  1917     ........................................ VF+30,  AU        80

s337b                    25 rub  1917     no wmk........................................   AU+      96

s337b   error        25 rub  1917     no pink unpt on front.................   XF-     100

s337c                    25 rub  1917     no wmk........................................   XF         40

                                            -Zhitomir, City and National Bank

s343a                       5 kar  1918     black#..........................................   XF+      60

s343b                       5 kar  1918     red#.............................................   AU-       90

s344                      50 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF-       40

s346                    100 rub  1919     ......................................... VF 20,  AU        80

s347                    250 rub  1920     ......................................... VF 20,  AU        80

                                            -Zhitomir, Azov-Don Commercial B Gov check

s356(b)  canc     250 rub  1919     09;................................................   VG        20

s357(b)               300 rub  1918     05; unpt dark green...................   VG+      30

s357(c)  canc     300 rub  1919     02;................................................   F           40

s358(b)               500 rub  1918     05; unpt dark green...................   VG        20

s359(b)            1,000 rub  1919     09; green....................................   F           40

                                            -Zhitomir, Gov Bank Branch, check

s364B(b)  canc  100 rub  1918     06;................................................   VG        40

                                            -Crimea Territorial Government, Gen Sulkevich

s369                      50 kop  (1918)   .....................................................   AU+    120

s370a                      5 rub  1918     small #........................... VG+33,  VF         60

s372a                    25 rub  1918     ......................................... VG 15,  VF-       60

s372b                    25 rub  1918     soviet issue.................... VG 12,  VF+      70

                                            -Odessa, Kherson Province, Crimea

s376                      25 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU-     320

s376                      25 rub  1919     counterfoil...................................   XF-     160

s377                      50 rub  1919     counterfoil...................................   AU-     320

s378                    100 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF+    200

s379                    250 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU-     320

s380                    500 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU-     320


                                            -Don Cossack Military Government

s399a                  500 rub  1918/9  10.1;Novocherkassk.. VG+150VF      400

             -High Command of the South Armed Forces; Gen Denikin

s406   psm           20 kop  (1918)   stamp currency............ XF+85,  UN      170

s407                      50 kop  (1919)   ......................................... VF 12,  AU+      60

s408a   "B"             1 rub  1918     white thin paper................... F 6, AU+      60

s409a   "K"             3 rub  1918     white thin paper................... tear  VF+      18

s409b   "Л"             3 rub  1918     gray thin paper...........................   AU+      60

s409c   "A"              3 rub  1918     thick thin paper............. VF+18,  AU+      60

s410a                      5 rub  1918     no wmk........................................   VG+        5

s410b                      5 rub  1918     wmk "monogram"......................   AU+      60

s411b                    10 rub  1918     wmk "monogram".............. F+9,  VF+      18

s412a                    25 rub  1918     no wmk........................................   VG+        5

s412b                    25 rub  1918     wmk "monogram"......... VF+18,  AU+      60

s412c                    25 rub  1918     wmk "lines".................................   VG-         5

s413                    100 rub  1918     ......................................... VG 15,  F+         45

s414c                  250 rub  1918     wmk "monogram................ F+9,  AU        48

s415c                  500 rub  1918     wmk "monogram"......................   XF         32

s415d                  500 rub  1918     wmk "lines".................................   XF         32

s416a   "A"           50 rub  1919     wmk "monogram............. VG-4,  UN        96

s417a   "Ч"         100 rub  1919     no wmk ......................................   F+           9

s417b   "A"         100 rub  1919     wmk "monogram........................   XF         24

s418(a)   "Ч"   1,000 rub  1919     no wmk............................ AU 30,  AU+      45

s418(b)            1,000 rub  1919     wmk "monogram"................ F 5,  AU        36

s418(c)            1,000 rub  1919     wmk "mosaic"..................... F+7,  AU+      45

s419d   "Я"     5,000 rub  1919     wmk "mosaic"................. VF 16,  AU+      80

s420b                      3 rub  1919     wmk "mosaic".................. F+20,  UN      160

s421a                    10 rub  1919     no wmk........................................   VG          4

s421b                    10 rub  1919     wmk "wavy lines"............. F+12,  AU+      80

s422a                    50 rub  1919     wmk "lines"..................... XF 32,  AU+      80

s422b                    50 rub  1919     wmk "spades"................. VG+6,  VF+      24

s422x   unfi           50 rub  1919     unfinished back only.................   XF         60

s423                    200 rub  1919     wmk "mosaic"................. VF-24,  VF+      40

s424a              1,000 rub  1919     no wmk............................. F+18,  AU+    120

s424b              1,000 rub  1919     wmk "mosaic"................... VG 6,  VF         24

s425a            10,000 rub  1919     wmk "mosaic"................. VF 12,  AU+      60

s427              25,000 rub  1920     .....................................................   VF+    240

s427   unfi     25,000 rub  1920     unfinished back..........................   AU      240

            -High Command of the South Armed Forces; Gen Wrangel

s432c                  100 rub  1920     wmk "mosaic"....................... p/h  XF         24

s433a                  250 rub  1920     wmk "spades".................. VG 6,  F           12

s433b                  250 rub  1920     wmk "mosaic".............................   AU+      40

s434                    500 rub  1920     ......................................... XF 16,  AU+      40

s438                      50 rub  (1920)   .....................................................   AU+    200

s440a                  500 rub  (1920)   green serial..................... VF 60,  VF+      90

                                            -Astrakhan Region

s441                        1 rub  1918     .....................................................   G           10

s443                        5 rub  1918     ........................................... G 15,  F           60

       -Caricyn(Stalingrad,  Volgograd) city, redeemable in Caricyn Gov Bank

NL                            3 rub  (1918)   Caricyn(Stalingrad)...................   G           15

NL                            5 rub  (1918)   Caricyn(Stalingrad)...................   G           15

NL                          25 rub  (1918)   Caricyn(Stalingrad)...................   G           15


                                            -North Caucasian Soviet Republic

s447b                    10 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+    300

s448a                    25 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+    300

s448b                    25 rub  1918     ............................ VG 15, VF 60,  AU+    300

s451                      25 rub  1918     National Bank.............................   VF      120

s451                      25 rub  1918     stamp "Stavropol Sojuz..".........   F         100

s452                      50 rub  1918     National Bank.............................   F         100

s452   error           50 rub  1918     back inverted..............................   F         200

s453                    100 rub  1918     National Bank................. VF 60,  AU      300

s456                        5 rub  1918     Committee..................................   AU      300

s457                      50 rub  1918     Committee........................ F+75,  AU      400

s458                    100 rub  1918     Committee..................................   XF      300

                      (Dagestan)  -North Caucasian Emirate, Imam Usun-Khadzhi

s473a                    50 rub  1919     1338 ...........................................   XF-     500

s474a                  100 rub  1919     1338 ...........................................   XF+    500

s474b                  100 rub  1919     1338 ............ VF(repaired) 100XF+    500

s476                    250 rub  1919     1338 ...........................................   XF      600

s477a                  500 rub  1919     1338 ............................ VF+240AU+    800

                                            -Armavir, Gov Bank Branch

s479D                   25 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG        40

                                            -Kuban Territorial Gov.

s488a                  250 rub  1920     ......................................... XF 90,  AU+    200

                                            - Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar), Gov Bank Branch

s494A                   50 kop  (1918)   .....................................................   AU+      60

s495a                    10 rub  1918     max 25,000 rub..........................   VG        40

s495b                    10 rub  1918     max 50,000 rub..........................   AU+    400

s495c                    10 rub  1918     max 100,000 rub........................   F           80

s496a                    50 rub  1918     on promissory note....................   F         100

s497                    100 rub  1918     on promissory note....... F+100VF+    200

s498Aa                 50 rub  1918     guaranteed cheque....... VG 30,  VF+    180

s498A   canc        50 rub  1918     guaranteed cheque....... VG 20,  VF-       80

s498Ba               100 rub  1918     guaranteed cheque....... VF 85,  VF+    130

s498B   canc      100 rub  1918     guaranteed cheque...................   VG        30

s498B   unis       100 rub  1918     cheque; no stamp, no #............   XF         80

s498C   canc     200 rub  1918     guaranteed cheque...................   VG        50

s498D   canc     300 rub  1918     guaranteed cheque...................   VG        60

                                            - Mineralnye Vody, city

s508                        3 rub  1918     .....................................................   G           20

                                            -Stavropol, Gov Bank Branch

s520B                      3 rub  1918     .....................................................   G           10

s520C                     5 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG-       20

s520G                 100 rub  1918     unissued.................... small tear  XF-       80

s520H                 250 rub  1918     ......................................... VG 20,  F+         60

                 -Blagodarnoe,  Soviet of Nat Commissars of Prov Stavropol

NL   unis                 5 rub  1918     unfilled.........................................   XF         60

                                            -Terek Republic

s530                        3 rub  1918     ......................................... VG 10,  AU+    200

s531a                      5 rub  1918     ......................................... VG 10,  VF+      60

s534b                    50 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG+      20

s535a                  100 rub  1918     red-brown unpt...........................   VF         80

s535                    100 rub  1918     yellow-brown unpt.....................   XF      160

s537                      15 kop  (1918)   stamp currency..........................   XF      120

                                            - Pyatigorsk(Terek) Soviet Regional Committee

NL                            5 rub  1918     Piatigorsk.......................... G 10,  F           40

NL                          10 rub  1918     Piatigorsk....................................   P             7

NL                          25 rub  1918     Piatigorsk.......................... G 15,  VG        30

                                            - Pyatigorsk(Terek) Temporary Regional Board

NL                            5 rub  1918     Pyatigorsk...................................   VG        20

NL                          50 rub  1918     Pyatigorsk...................................   G           30

                                            -Grozny Branch, Volga-Kama Commercial Bank

s572   canc          25 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG        35

s573   canc        100 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG        40

                                            -Grozny Branch, Azov-Don Commercial Bank

s582   canc             5 rub  1918     ........................................... G 20,  VG        40

s583                      25 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG        40

                                            -Sochi, city

s585C                   10 rub  1919     .....................................................   F           40

                                            -Vladikavkaz Railroad Company

s593                      50 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+    250

s594                    100 rub  1918     ...................................... XF+150,  AU+    250

s595                    500 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+    250

s596                  1000 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+    300

                                            -Vladikavkaz, Gov.Bank Branch

s600A                      5 rub  1918     perforation "GB 14"....... VG 25,  F           50

s600B                   10 rub  1918     perforation "GB 14"...................   VG        30

s600D                   50 rub  1918     perforation "GB 14"...................   F         100


                                            -Transcaucasian Commissariat

s601                        1 rub  1918     ........................................ VF+18,  AU+      60

s602                        3 rub  1918     green.................................... F 6,  AU+      60

s603                        5 rub  1918     ......................................... XF 24,  AU+      60

s604                      10 rub  1918     ........................................ VF+18,  AU+      60

s604   stamp        10 rub  1918     stamp "уплачено влксм".........   VG      200

s605                      50 rub  1918     ........................................... VG 4,  AU+      80

s606                    100 rub  1918     .....................................................   F+         20

s607a                  250 rub  1918     paper thin........... VG 10, VF 40,  XF+    120


                                            -Federation of SSR Transcaucasia

s611                 1,000 rub  1923     .....................................................   AU+      96

s613              10,000 rub  1923     grey.............................................   AU+      96

s614              10,000 rub  1923     pink.................................. XF 40,  AU+      96

s615              25,000 rub  1923     ......................................... XF 40,  AU+      96

s616b            50,000 rub  1923     no wmk........................... VF+60,  AU+      96

s617a          100,000 rub  1923     no wmk........................................   VG-         6

s617b          100,000 rub  1923     no wmk............................ XF-40,  AU+      96

s618a          250,000 rub  1923     ......................................... XF 40,  AU+      96

s618a          250,000 rub  1923     error; only part of unpt..............   F         100

s618b          250,000 rub  1923     error back inverted....................   VF-     100

s619b          500,000 rub  1923     no wmk........................................   AU+      96

s620b       1,000,000 rub  1923     no wmk........................................   F+         20

s621         5,000,000 rub  1923     .....................................................   VG-         8

s623                 5,000 rub  1923     .....................................................   F+         15

s625              50,000 rub  1923     .....................................................   VF         28

s628            500,000 rub  1923     ......................................... XF 56,  AU+    140

s629         1,000,000 rub  1923     ........................................... F+25,  VF+      50

s630         5,000,000 rub  1923     .....................................................   VF         50

s631       10,000,000 rub  1923     ........................................ VF+60,  AU+    200

                                            -Transcaucasian Socialist Federal Soviet Rep.

s632a           25,000,000  1923     wmk.............................................   VF         20

s632b           25,000,000  1923     no wmk........................................   VF         20

s633              50,000,000  1923     .....................................................   AU+      95

s635a           75,000,000  1924     wmk.............................................   F+         60

s635b           75,000,000  1924     no wmk........................................   VF+    120

s636           100,000,000  1924     .....................................................   AU+    300

s637           250,000,000  1924     .......................... border problem  F+       100

                                            -Transcaucasian SSR Railroad

s641                 5,000 rub  (1920)   .....................................................   AU+      80

s642              10,000 rub  (1920)   ........................................ VF+25,  AU+      80

s644              50,000 rub  (1920)   ........................................ VF+25,  XF+      50

                                            -Armenian Soviet Republic

s678              10,000 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU+    240

s680a            10,000 rub  1921     rose; wmk....................... XF 80,  AU      160

s680b            10,000 rub  1921     rose; no wmk .............................   XF         80

s680c            10,000 rub  1921     red-lilac; no wmk........................   XF         80

s681a            25,000 rub  1922     wmk.............................................   XF-     100

s681b            25,000 rub  1922     no wmk........................................   XF+    130

s684         1,000,000 rub  1922     .....................................................   VF-     100

s685b       5,000,000 rub  1922     no wmk........................................   XF+    240

s686         5,000,000 rub  1922     .....................................................   VF+    120

                                            -Azerbaijan Soviet Republic

s709a                      5 rub  (1920)   yellow..........................................   AU+      95

s711                 1,000 rub  1920     big........................... VG 10, F20,  AU+    200

s712                 1,000 rub  1920     small................................ VF 16,  AU+      80

s713                 5,000 rub  1921     .....................................................   VG        10

s714              10,000 rub  1921     ........................................... F+30,  VF+      60

s715a            25,000 rub  1921     no wmk........................... XF+72,  AU+    120

s715b            25,000 rub  1921     wmk.............................................   VF         25

s716              50,000 rub  1921     .....................................................   VF+      40

s717a          100,000 rub  1922     violet unpt; no wmk...... VF+20,  XF+      40

s717b          100,000 rub  1922     blue unpt; no wmk.....................   AU+      95

s717c          100,000 rub  1922     wmk.................................... F 10,  XF         40

s718            250,000 rub  1922     .....................................................   XF+      72

s719a              1,000,000  1922     no wmk........................................   AU+      95

s719c              1,000,000  1922     wmk "Bank Urania"...................   VF+    120

s720                5,000,000  1923     .....................................................   AU+    120

                                            -Baku city

s721                        1 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+      95

s722                        3 rub  1918     .....................................................   XF         40

s724                      10 rub  1918     ............................................ F 20,  XF+    120

s725                      25 rub  1918     ........................................... F+45,  VF+      90

s726   psm             5 kop  (1918)   stamp currency..........................   AU+      80

s727   psm           15 kop  (1918)   stamp currency..........................   VF         20

s728a   psm         50 kop  (1918)   stamp; perforated............... G 4,  AU+      80

s728b   psm         50 kop  (1918)   stamp currency..........................   AU+      80

s731                      10 rub  1918     ........................................ VF+60,  AU+    200

s732                      25 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU      200

s733a                    50 rub  1918     no series......................... VG 10,  XF         80

s733b                    50 rub  1918     ........................................ VF+60,  AU+    200

                                            -Batum(British occupation)

s737                        3 rub  (1919)   ............................................ F 20,  VF+      60

                                            -Georgian Soviet Republic

s761b              5,000 rub  1922     paper thick, print black.... F+22,  XF+      80

s761c               5,000 rub  1922     paper thick, print blue... VF+30,  XF+      60

s766            100,000 rub  1922     .....................................................   XF      200

s767            500,000 rub  1922     .....................................................   XF-     300

s768         1,000,000 rub  1922     ......................................... F+150XF-     400

s769         5,000,000 rub  1922     .....................................................   VG      100


                                            -Samara Directory (Komuch) 1918:

  *perforation by Gov Bank:  54GB -Orenburg; 71GB -Samara;

                           88GB -Tomsk: 91GB -Uralsk; 92GB -Ufa

                                            5,5% War Bond 1916, Tyumen bank valuation

s791                      50 rub  (1918)   Tyumen; perf"88 GB"................   VF+    240

s792                    100 rub  (1918)   Tyumen; perf"88 GB"................   VF+    240

                                            5,5% War Bond 1916, Tomsk bank valuation

s791                      50 rub  (1918)   Tomsk; perf"88 GB"..................   VF+    240

s792                    100 rub  (1918)   Tomsk; perf"88 GB"..................   VF+    240

                                            4% annuity bond(1902), Tomsk bank validation

NL(R9003)         100 rub  (1918)   Samara; perf"88 GB"................   VF      120

NL(R9005)         500 rub  (1918)   Samara; perf"88 GB"................   VF      150

NL(R9006)      1,000 rub  (1918)   Samara; perf"88 GB".. VG 100VF      200

NL(R9003)         100 rub  (1918)   Tomsk; perf"88 GB"..................   VF      120

NL(R9004)         200 rub  (1918)   Tomsk; perf"88 GB"..................   VF+    180

NL(R9006)      1,000 rub  (1918)   Tomsk; perf"88 GB"..................   F         150

                                            5% Domestic Loan 1915

NL(R9025)      1,000 rub  1919     Tomsk;perf"88 GB"...................   VG      200

                                            5% bond 1917, Tomsk bank validation

s799                      40 rub  (1918)   Tomsk;5% bond 1917...............   VG        60

s801                    100 rub  (1918)   Tomsk;5% bond 1917...............   VG        60

                                            Samara, bill notes printed on promissory notes

s807                      50 rub  1918     bill note........................................   F         200

s808                    100 rub  1918     bill note........................................   VG+   150

s809                    250 rub  1918     bill note........................................   VG      150

s810                    500 rub  1918     bill note........................... F+200VF      240

s811                 1,000 rub  1918     bill note........................................   VF-     240

                                            -Russian Provisional Gov.-Gen Kolchak

s816                        1 rub  1918     ............................................ VF 7,  AU+      30

s817                        5 rub  1918     ............................................ VF 7,  AU+      30

s818                      10 rub  1918     .......................................... VF+9,  AU+      30

s827                        3 rub  1919     .......................................... VF+9,  AU+      30

s828                      50 kop  (1919)   no sig................................. VF 7,  AU+      30

s833                 5,000 rub  1918     December...................................   VG+      15

s834b                    25 rub  1919     January.......................................   VG          8

s835b                    50 rub  1919     January.......................................   VG          8

s836b                  100 rub  1919     January.......................................   G             4

s837                    250 rub  1919     January.......................................   VG        10

s838                    500 rub  1919     January.......................................   VG-       12

s839                 1,000 rub  1919     January.......................................   VG        25

s840a                    25 rub  1919     February.....................................   F           10

s841b                    50 rub  1919     February.....................................   VF         20

s842                    250 rub  1919     February.............................. G 4,  F           10

s844                 1,000 rub  1919     February.....................................   VF         40

s844   coun     1,000 rub  1919     stamp, old counterfeit........ tape  P           30

s849b                  500 rub  1919     March..........................................   VG        20

s851                      25 rub  1919     April................................... VG 4,  VF         10

s852                      50 rub  1919     April.................................... VF 4,  AU        10

s854a                  500 rub  1919     April................................... F+20,  VF         30

s854b                  500 rub  1919     April.............................................   VF         30

s855a                    25 rub  1919     May.................................. XF 12,  AU        24

s857                    250 rub  1919     May..............................................   VF+      24

s858-A                500 rub  1919     underlined"Rub.500".......... F 8,  AU+      80

s858-B                500 rub  1919     May;"Rub.500"on unpt..............   VF         16

s859b                    25 rub  1919     June................................... VF 6,  AU        24

s860                      50 rub  1919     June................................... VF 6,  XF+      18

s861                    250 rub  1919     June.............................................   VF         12

s862                    500 rub  1919     June.............................................   VF         15

s863                 1,000 rub  1919     June,.............................. VF+30,  AU        80

s864                      25 rub  1919     July..................................... VF 5,  AU        20

s865b                    50 rub  1919     July..............................................   XF+      10

s867                    500 rub  1919     July.................................. VF 10,  XF         20

s867B                   50 rub  1919     October.......................................   VF         20

s868                    250 rub  1919     October.......................................   VG        12

s869                 1,000 rub  1919     October.......................................   F           40

s870                 5,000 rub  1919     October.......................................   F+         60

s881                    290 rub  1917     stamp "Irkutsk"................ brown  XF+    120

s883                      90 rub  (1919)   20x4.50 coupons............ brown  AU-     100

s884                   4.50 rub  (1919)   coupon............................. brown  UN          5

s886                    200 rub  1917     "Irkutsk" green................ XF 40,  AU        80

s886                    200 rub  1917     stamp "Krasnoyarsk"...... green  F+         40

s886                    200 rub  1917     stamp "Vladivostok"........ green  AU        80

s887                      90 rub  (1919)   20x4.50 coupons............. green  AU-       80

s888                   4.50 rub  (1919)   coupon.............................. green  UN          5

s889                    290 rub  1917     stamp "Vladivostok"...... orange  XF+    200

s890                    200 rub  1917     stamp "Chita"................. orange  VF+      80

s890                    200 rub  1917     stamp "Irkutsk".............. orange  F+         40

s891                      90 rub  (1919)   20x4.50 coupons.......... orange  AU-       80

s892                   4.50 rub  (1919)   coupon........................... orange  AU          5

                                            -Siberian Revolution Committee

s899                    200 rub  1917     blue ovpt 1920...........................   VF      120

s901                   4.50 rub  1917     coupon ovpt blue 1920.............   XF         10

s904                   4.50 rub  1917     coupon ovpt red 1920...............   VF+         6

                                            -Soviet of the Ural, Ekaterinburg Gov Bank

NL                         50 kop  1918     ............................................ VF 8,  AU+      40

s921a                      1 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+    200

s921b                      1 rub  1918     stamp "Perm GB1919"..... G 15  VG+      45

s922a                      5 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG+   150

                                            -Government of Central Siberia, V Yakovlev

s961b                    50 rub  1918     stamp "Chita".............................   F           40

                                            -Kislovodsk, Gov Bank Branch

s965                      25 rub  ND        .....................................................   VG-       20

s965A                   50 rub  ND        .....................................................   G+        20


s969   unfi            10 rub  1919     unfinished no black print...........   F           20

s970a                    25 rub  1919     no serie........................... XF 40,  AU+    100

s970c                    25 rub  1919     serie.............................................   AU+    100

                                            - Oranienburg, Gov Bank Branch

s977                      25 rub  1917     .....................................................   VF+    100

s978/82              100 rub  1917     serie#1345..................................   F         100

s979                        1 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+    120

s980                        3 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU+    120

s983                    500 rub  1918     .....................................................   VG        40


                                            -Bukhara Soviet Republic

s1034            10,000 ten  1339     (1920)..........................................   F+       400

s1035                    50 rub  1339     (1920)..........................................   VF      160

s1035                    50 rub  1339     (1920) #, no sig..........................   XF+    160

s1036                  100 rub  1339     (1920)..........................................   AU      300

s1038              5,000 rub  1920     ....................................................   F+       450

s1039            10,000 rub  1921     1339 multi-color ........................   VG+   200

s1040(a)       10,000 rub  1921     1340; brown, no wmk.... F 200VF+    600

s1040(c)        10,000 rub  1921     1340; brown, wmk "25".............   F+       300

s1041(b)       20,000 rub  1921     frame green, wmk "25".............   F+       240

s1041(c)        20,000 rub  1921     fr green, wmk 'lines" no sig......   F+       240

s1041(d)       20,000 rub  1921     frame brown, paper thin............   XF      640

s1041(e)       20,000 rub  1921     frame brown, paper thick..........   F+       240

s1042            20,000 rub  1922     1340............................................   F+       300

s1044                    25 rub  1922     wmk "50".....................................   F         100

s1045(a)             100 rub  1922     wmk "50"....................... VG+45,  XF      240

s1046                      1 rub  1922     ......................................... VF 80,  AU      320

s1047                      5 rub  1922     .....................................................   F+         75

s1048                    10 rub  1922     wmk "wavy lines"........... VG 50,  VF      200

s1049                    25 rub  1922     wmk "wavy lines".......................   VG        50

s1052(c)          2.500 rub  1922     wmk "net +oval"............. VG 50,  F         100

s1052(d)          2.500 rub  1922     no wmk............................. F+90,  VF+    180

s1053(d)          5,000 rub  1922     no wmk........................................   VG      120

s1054(a)      5=5000 rub  1922     paper creamy.............................   AU      320

s1054(b)      5=5000 rub  1922     paper white.................................   AU      320

                                            -Khiva, Khorezm Soviet Republic

s1077                  500 rub  1920     printed on silk.............................   XF    1500

s1097            25,000 rub  1920     .....................................................   VG      150

s1100               3=30,000  1922     .....................................................   VF+    300

s1106(b)     10=100,000  1922     wmk "50".....................................   VG-       50

s1107                    25 rub  1922     poorly torn...................................   VG+   100

s1108                    20 rub  1922     ............................ VF+(tear) 150XF+    300

s1109                    25 rub  1922     .....................................................   F         150

s1110                  100 rub  1922     wmk "stars".................................   XF      300

s1111                    50 rub  1923     no wmk........................................   F         150

s1112                  100 rub  1923     no wmk........................................   VF      150

s1113                  500 rub  1923     no wmk........................ VF+200XF+    400

                                            -Askhabat, Gov Bank Branch

s1136                    10 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU      300

                                            - Askhabat, National Bank

s1141                      5 rub  1919     ......................................... VF 40,  AU      200

s1142                    10 rub  1919     .....................................................   G+        10

s1143                    25 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF+    160

s1144a                  50 rub  1919     green............................... VG 10,  AU      200

s1144b                  50 rub  1919     blue.................................. VF 40,  AU      200

s1145                  100 rub  1919     ........................................ VG+22,  VF         60

s1146(b)             250 rub  1919     stamp "Gov Bank"........ VF+60,  XF         80

                                            -Merv=Mary, stamp on Askhabat notes

s1144   "B"           50 rub  (1919)   Merv stamp oval "B"..................   VG        25

s1144   "D"           50 rub  (1919)   Merv stamp soviet "D"..............   F           50

s1145   "B"         100 rub  (1919)   Merv stamp oval "B"..................   VG        25

s1145   "C"         100 rub  (1919)   Merv stamp 2 lines "C".............   VG        25

s1145   "D"         100 rub  (1919)   Merv stamp soviet "D"..............   VG        25

s1146   "A"         250 rub  (1919)   Merv stamp tsarist "A"....... tape  VG      100

s1146   "B"         250 rub  (1919)   Merv stamp oval "B"..................   F           40

s1146   "C"         250 rub  (1919)   Merv stamp 2 lines "C".. VG 20  F           40

s1146   "D"         250 rub  (1919)   Merv stamp soviet "D"... VG 20  F+         60

                                            -Turkiestan District

s1151                      1 rub  1918     Tashkent Branch.......................   VG+      15

s1154                    10 rub  1918     Tashkent Branch.............. F 30,  VF+      90

s1156                    50 rub  1918     Tashkent Branch............ VF 80,  VF+    120

s1157                  100 rub  1918     Tashkent Branch.......................   VF      120

s1161                   50 kop  (1918)   .....................................................   AU        60

s1162                      1 rub  1918     Turkiestan District.......... XF 40,  AU        80

s1163                      3 rub  1918     Turkiestan District.......... XF 40,  AU        80

s1164                      5 rub  1918     Turkiestan District......................   XF         80

s1165                    10 rub  1918     Turkiestan District............ VG 8,  AU      120

s1166                    25 rub  1918     Turkiestan District......................   VG-       10

s1167                    50 rub  1918     Turkiestan District......................   G+        10

s1168                  100 rub  1918     Turkiestan District......... VF+60,  AU      200

s1169                    50 rub  1919     .....................................................   XF+    120

s1170(a)             100 rub  1919     wmk.............................................   AU      200

s1170(b)             100 rub  1919     no wmk.................... VF 50, tear  XF+    120

s1171(a)             250 rub  1919     black on green/green.... VG 20,  XF      240

s1171(b)             250 rub  1919     brown green/blue, no wmk.......   F           40

s1171(c)             250 rub  1919     brown on green/blue, wmk.......   F           40

s1172                  500 rub  1919     paper thin, no wmk....................   VF-     120

s1173(a)          1,000 rub  1920     paper thin; no wmk...... VG+30,  F+         60

s1173(b)          1,000 rub  1920     paper thick; no wmk..................   VF+    120

s1173(c)          1,000 rub  1920     wmk "stars"..................... VF 80,  AU      320

                                            -(Kokand?) 9 branch Turkiestan Railway Coop

NL                          25 rub  ND        .....................................................   P           20


                                            -Chita, Gov Bank Branch (Ataman Semenov)

s1187b               100 rub  1920     ......................................... VF 15,  AU        60

s1188a               500 rub  1920     blue; ser "А-255"........................   VF-     120

s1188b               500 rub  1920     green; ser "П-375".....................   AU        60

s1188(c)             500 rub  1920     green; ser "С-485"......... XF 30,  AU        40

                                            -Provisional Power of Pribaikal Region

s1196                    25 rub  1918     ovpt(1920)....................... VF 40,  AU+    200

s1197                  100 rub  1918     ovpt(1920)..................... VF+60,  XF-       80

                                            -Far Eastern Republic

s1201                      1 rub  1920     .....................................................   AU        80

s1202                      3 rub  1920     .....................................................   AU        90

s1203                      5 rub  1920     .....................................................   AU        90

s1204                    10 rub  1920     .....................................................   AU        90

s1205                    25 rub  1920     .....................................................   VG        10

s1206                    50 rub  1920     .....................................................   VG+      20

s1207                  500 rub  1920     ......................................... VF 40,  AU      160

s1208              1,000 rub  1920     ........................................... F+30,  AU-     200

                                            -Amur, Region Executive Committee

s1216b                    5 rub  1918     stamp "Blagoveshchensk"........   VG        40

                                            -Amur, Executive Committee Blagoveshchensk

R6330                 100 rub  (1918)   4% note 1915; 2x stamp...........   F         100

                                            -Khabarovsk, State Bank, revenue cardboard

psm     50,75 kop;1,2rub  (1918)   revenue stamps.......... 4 pieces  F-        160

                                            -Khabarovsk, Cooperative Bank(Amur Region)

s1224Da               10 rub  1919     stamp "union".............................   XF         80

                                            - Nikolsk-Ussuriysky, Japanese sponsored

s1231                      1 rub  (1919)   .....................................................   AU      300

s1233                      5 rub  (1919)   ........................................ VF+90,  AU      300

s1234                    10 rub  (1919)   ........................................... F+45,  AU      300

s1236                    40 rub  (1919)   ........................................... F+75,  AU      500

s1237                  100 rub  (1919)   ...................................... VF+120,  AU      400

                                            -Far East Provisional Government

s1241                      5 kop  1918     .....................................................   AU        80

s1242                   10 kop  1918     .....................................................   AU        80

s1243                   30 kop  1918     ........................................ XF+48,  AU        80

s1244                   50 kop  1918     w/2 sig............................. XF 16,  AU        40

s1245                      1 rub  1920     .....................................................   VF+      50

s1246                      5 rub  1920     .....................................................   AU      200

s1247                    10 rub  1920     ........................................ VF+60,  AU+    240

s1248                    25 rub  1918     (1920) 4 sig.... VF+40, AU 100UN      200

s1249                  100 rub  1918     (1920) 4 sig................... VF+80, XF+    160

                                            -Vladivostok, Gov Bank Branch

s1254              1,000 rub  1920     Gov Bank....................................   VF-     100

s1255B   canc      25 rub  192-      Gov check, counterfoil..............   AU      250

s1255C   canc   100 rub  192-      Gov check, no counterfoil.........   AU      250

                                            -Blagoveshchensk, Gov Bank, Semenov/Ungern

s1259B               500 rub  1920     .....................................................   VF+      90

s1259Ca         1,000 rub  1920     .....................................................   VF+      90

s1259Cb         1,000 rub  1920     serie 2............... missing border  VG        20

s1259Db         3,000 rub  1920     .....................................................   AU      200

s1259E            5,000 rub  1920     .....................................................   XF      120

                                            -Blagoveshchensk, city

NL                            1 rub  1918     stamps validation.......................   F           60

                                            -Altai Province Union

s1262                      3 kop  (192-)    .....................................................   VF         60

s1264                   10 kop  (192-)    .....................................................   VF+      90

                                            -Tomsk, Gov Bank Br

s1283   canc      100 rub  1918     punch cancelation.....................   VG        50

                                            - Nikolayevsk on Amur, Gov Bank Br

s1292                  500 rub  1920     .....................................................   VG        20

s1293a            1,000 rub  1920     paper white.................................   XF      160


   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Armavir(N Caucasus) Central Worker's Coop.

NL                         50 kop  1924     .....................................................   AU        80

NL                            1 rub  1924     .....................................................   AU-       80

                                            -Blagoveshchensk(Siberia) "Amur Kooperator"

NL                            3 rub  1919     (issue-1)............................ G 10,  VG        20

NL                         50 kop  1919     (issue-2)......................................   VG        10

                                            -Ekaterinoburg(Ural) "Ural-University" canteen

NL                           1 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF         15

NL                           2 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF         15

NL                           3 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF         15

NL                           5 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF         15

NL                         10 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF         15

                                            -Kazan(Russia) Alafuzovsk Factory Coop

NL                         50 kop  1918     .....................................................   G           10

NL                            1 rub  1918     .....................................................   G           10

                                            -Kazan(Russia) Central Worker's Coop

NL                            1 rub  1918     .....................................................   AU        25

NL                            5 rub  1918     ......................................... XF-10,  AU        25

                                            -Kazan(Russia) Kazan's Gunpowder Factory

NL                         50 kop  1918     .....................................................   AU        25

                                            -Kazan(Russia) Student's Buffet Kazan University

NL                           3 kop  (191-)    .....................................................   AU        25

                                            -Krasnodar=Ekaterinodar(Caucasus) City

NL                           1 kop  (1918)   .....................................................   VG-         8

NL                           3 kop  (1918)   blue.................................... VF 5,  AU        20

                                            -Kyshtym(Ural) Kyshtym Mines

NL                            1 rub  ND        valid till 1920..............................   VG-       15

NL                            5 rub  ND        valid till 1920..............................   VG-       20

NL                          10 rub  ND        valid till 1920..............................   VG        25

                                            -Lysva(Ural) Regional Miner's Consumer Soc.

NL                            3 rub  (1918)   unfilled.........................................   AU        15

NL                            5 rub  (1918)   .....................................................   VG        15

NL                            5 rub  (1918)   unfilled.........................................   XF         15

NL                          10 rub  (1918)   unfilled.........................................   XF         20

NL                          25 rub  (1918)   unfilled, with counterfoil............   XF+      40

NL                                       -Lysva(Ural) Lysva's Consumer Soc.

NL                            3 rub  ND        .....................................................   G           10

                                            -Maikop(N Caucasus) city

NL                       100 rub  1920     .....................................................   XF         45

NL                       100 rub  1920     with counterfoil..........................   AU-       75

                                            -Maikop(N Caucasus) Maikop Oil Industry

NL                       100 rub  1920     .....................................................   VG        25

                                            -Moscow(C Russia)"CEGUTKOOP"Central Coop

NL                       100 rub  1922     .....................................................   XF+    100

NL                       300 rub  1922     .....................................................   XF+    100

                                            -Moscow(C Russia) Cafeteria Centralsoiuz Coop

NL                         10 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF         30

NL                         20 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF         30

NL                         50 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF         35

                                            -Nizhny Tagil(Ural) Central Worker's Coop.

NL                          10 rub  1923     unfilled.........................................   AU        30

NL                          25 rub  1923     .....................................................   VF-       25

                                            -Nizhny Tagil (Ural) 2nd Consumer's Society

NL                           5 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF-       20

NL                         15 kop  ND        .....................................................   VF         20

NL                         20 kop  ND        .....................................................   XF-       20

                                            -Novorossiysk(N Caucasus) Central Coop "CRK"

NL                         50 kop  ND        .....................................................   AU        25

                                            -Piatigorsk(N Caucasus) Tramway Co.

NL                           2 kop  (1918)   .....................................................   VF         15

NL                           3 kop  (1918)   .....................................................   G             9

                                            -Rostov/Don(S Russia) Belgian Tramway Co.

NL                           2 kop  ND        .................................... F 4, VF 8,  AU        30

                                            -Rostov/Don(S Russia) "Asmoloff" cigarettes

NL                            5 rub  1919     perf "LM".....................................   F           15

NL                          10 rub  1919     perf "LM".....................................   VG        15

NL  canc               25 rub  1919     .....................................................   VF+      30

NL                            3 rub  1919     unfilled.........................................   XF         15

NL                          10 rub  1919     unfilled.........................................   XF         20

                                            -Rostov/Don(S Russia) "Rostov-Hahichev EPO"

NL                         25 kop  ND        stamp-like currency...................   XF         15

                                            -St Petersburg=Leningrad,"Worker's Work" Soc.

NL  spec                 5 rub  1923     stamp like currency...................   AU        30

                                            -Taganrog(S Russia) Metallurgy factory workers

NL                           5 kop  (192-)    marka..........................................   AU        20

                                            -Tyumen(Siberia) "T.O.P.P." Consumer's Soc

NL                         25 kop  ND        .....................................................   VF+      15

                                            -Tomsk(Siberia) Kuznetsk coal mine

NL                            1 rub  ND        unfilled.........................................   AU        25

NL                            3 rub  ND        unfilled.........................................   AU        25

NL                            5 rub  ND        unfilled.........................................   AU        25

NL                          10 rub  ND        unfilled.........................................   AU        25

NL                          20 rub  ND        unfilled.........................................   AU        30

                                            -Viazima, Workers Coop

NL                            3 rub  ND        .....................................................   AU        40

                                            -Visimo-Shaitan(Ural) Isimo-Shaitan Consumer

NL                          10 rub  1919     .....................................................   AU        25

NL              3,5,10,25 rub  1919     with counterfoils......... lot#1022  XF         25

                                            -Visimo-Utkisk(Ural) Consumer's Soc.

NL                              rub  1920     unfilled.........................................   AU        15

                                            -Vladivostok(Siberia) Union of Priamur Coop.

NL                            1 rub  ND        ........................................... VG 9,  VF         35

        RUSSIA Kaliningrad Region (East Prussia)

  serien notes ref to; M-# -M Mehl "Deutsche Serienscheine 1918-1922"

                                            -Domnau, EPr(Domnovo)

280                           75 pf  1921     08.01...........................................   AU          5

                                            -Insterburg, EPr(Chernyakhovsk)

4                               50 pf  1918     10.28 city....................................   VG+      10

645     30,70,1.50,2.50,3  (1920)   savings bank..................... 5 pcs  XF         30

645        30,70,1.50,2.50  (1920)   savings bank..................... 4 pcs  XF         15

6                            1/2 mk  1918     06.20; Insterburger Aktien........   VF         25

7                            1/2 mk  1918     07.08; Insterburger Aktien........   VF         25

                                            -Konigsberg, EPr(Kaliningrad) Province

13                 500,000 mk  1922     ovpt(1923) on 500mk................   VG-       30

20                 100 Mio mk  1923     09.10...........................................   G           20

                                            -Konigsberg, EPr(Kaliningrad) Stadt (city)

1                               50 pf  1917     04.19...........................................   VG          5

                                            -Konigsberg, EPr(Kaliningrad) Giro-Verband

10                       200 Mrd  1923     10.30...........................................   VF+      95

                                            -Labiau, EPr(Polesk) Kreis

2   canc                    1 mk  (1918)   .....................................................   AU        20

3   canc                    5 mk  (1918)   .....................................................   VF         15

4   canc                  10 mk  (1918)   .....................................................   VF         20

5   canc                  50 mk  (1918)   ......................................... VF 15,  XF         30

                                            -Tilsit, EPr (Sowietsk)

1324           50,75,1,3 mk  1921     ............................................ 4 pcs  XF         20

1324                         3 mk  1921     ............................................ 1 pcs  XF           5

   ***Russia bonds and shares certificates***


   Government;                  3% Imperial Russian Loan 1859

bond              100 pound  1859     3% Russian Loan......... bs#700  VF      100

                                            5% Interior Lottery Loan

bond                    100 rub  1864     5% Lottery Loan........... bs#701  F           40

                                            4.5%     Interior Loan

bond                    500 rub  1915     4.5% Interior Loan........ bs#702  VF         35

                                            3% State Gold Loan 1891

bond                500 frank  1891     =125 rub 3% Loan........ bs#703  VF         40

bond                500 frank  1894     =125 rub 3% Loan........ bs#704  F           25

bond                500 frank  1896     =187.50 rub 3% Loan.. bs#705  VF         25

                                            4% State Annuity 1902

bond                    100 rub  1902     4% State Annuity.......... bs#706  XF         30

bond                    200 rub  1902     4% State Annuity.......... bs#707  XF         30

bond                    500 rub  1902     4% State Annuity.......... bs#708  XF         40

bond                1,000 rub  1902     4% State Annuity.......... bs#709  XF         50

                                            6% State Loan 1906

bond                500 frank  1906     =187.50 rub 6% Loan . bs#710  VF-       40

                                            5.5% State short-term War Loan 1916

bond                    100 rub  1916     5.5% War I, issue-1...... bs#711  VF         25

bond                    100 rub  1916     5.5% War II, issue-1.... bs#712  VF         25

bond                1,000 rub  1916     5.5% War I; issue-1...... bs#713  VF         60

bond                1,000 rub  1916     5.5% War II; issue-1.... bs#714  F           50

bond                    100 rub  1916     5.5% War I; issue-2...... bs#715  VF         25

bond                    500 rub  1916     5.5% War II; issue-2.... bs#750  VF         30

bond                    500 rub  1916     5.5% War III; issue-2... bs#751  VF         25

bond                1,000 rub  1916     5.5% War I; issue-2...... bs#716  VF         60

bond                1,000 rub  1916     5.5% War II; issue-2.... bs#717  VF         60

                                            Bonds USSR;

bond                      10 rub  1936     internal loan................................   F           10

bond                      10 rub  1937     internal loan................................   AU        40

bond                        3 rub  1940     14-th lottery ticket............... F 4,  XF         15

bond                        5 rub  1940     14-th lottery ticket......................   XF         20

bond                      10 rub  1940     internal loan......................... F 4,  XF         10

bond                        1 rub  1941     15-th lottery ticket......................   XF         15

bond                        3 rub  1941     15-th lottery ticket......................   XF         15

bond                      10 rub  1941     15-th lottery ticket......................   XF         15

bond                      50 rub  1941     4-th goods lottery ticket............   XF         15

bond                      20 rub  1942     2-nd goods lottery............... F 4,  XF         15

bond                    100 rub  1943     war loan......................................   VF-       35

bond                      25 rub  1944     war loan......................................   VF         15

bond                      50 rub  1944     war loan......................................   VF         15

bond                    100 rub  1944     war loan............................ VG 4,  XF         30

bond                    100 rub  1945     war loan......................................   VF         30

bond                      25 rub  1946     reconstruction loan............. F 4,  VF           7

bond                      50 rub  1946     reconstruction loan............. F 4,  XF           9

bond                    100 rub  1946     reconstruction loan....................   F             9

bond                    200 rub  1946     reconstruction loan....................   VG        15

bond                    500 rub  1946     reconstruction loan....................   F+         50

bond                      25 rub  1947     reconstruction loan....................   F             7

bond                      50 rub  1947     reconstruction loan....................   XF         15

bond                    100 rub  1947     reconstruction loan....................   XF-       20

bond                    200 rub  1947     reconstruction loan....................   XF-       40

bond                      25 rub  1948     reconstruction loan....................   XF           9

bond                    100 rub  1948     reconstruction loan....................   F-          15

bond                    500 rub  1948     reconstruction loan....................   F-          45

bond                    100 rub  1948     2% lottery loan.................... F-4,  XF         10

bond                      50 rub  1948     2% lottery loan...........................   VF+      20

bond                    200 rub  1948     2% lottery loan...........................   XF         20

bond                    200 rub  1948     2% interest loan w/12 coupons  XF         30

bond                    200 rub  1948     2% interest loan w/18 coupons  XF         40

bond                      25 rub  1949     reconstruction loan....................   XF+      15

bond                      50 rub  1949     reconstruction loan....................   VF         10

bond                      10 rub  1950     reconstruction loan............. F 4,  XF+      12

bond                      25 rub  1950     reconstruction loan....................   XF+      12

bond                      50 rub  1950     reconstruction loan....................   XF+      15

bond                    100 rub  1950     reconstruction loan........ XF-15,  XF+      30

bond                      10 rub  1951     development loan......................   VF           5

bond                      25 rub  1951     development loan............... F 4,  XF         10

bond                    100 rub  1951     development loan.......... XF 10,  XF+      15

bond                    200 rub  1951     development loan......................   XF         30

bond                      10 rub  1952     development loan............ VG 4,  VF           8

bond                      50 rub  1952     development loan......................   F             5

bond                    100 rub  1952     development loan.......... XF 15,  XF+      20

bond                    200 rub  1952     development loan......................   XF         20

bond                      10 rub  1953     development loan......................   XF           4

bond                      25 rub  1953     development loan......................   VF+         5

bond                      50 rub  1953     development loan......................   XF         10

bond                    100 rub  1953     development loan......................   XF         15

bond                      10 rub  1954     development loan......................   VF+         5

bond                      25 rub  1954     development loan......................   VG          5

bond                      50 rub  1954     development loan......................   F+           5

bond                    100 rub  1954     development loan......................   XF           6

bond                      10 rub  1955     development loan......................   VF           4

bond                      50 rub  1955     development loan......................   XF+      10

bond                    100 rub  1955     development loan............ VF 5,  XF           9

bond                      25 rub  1956     development loan............ VF 4,  XF           6

bond                      50 rub  1956     development loan......................   XF           8

bond                    100 rub  1956     development loan............ XF 6,  XF         12

bond                    200 rub  1956     development loan......................   VF-       20

bond                      10 rub  1957     development loan......................   VF+         5

bond                      25 rub  1982     internal lottery loan....................   AU          6

bond                      50 rub  1982     internal lottery loan....................   AU          6

bond                    250 rub  1988     USSR Savings Bank.................   AU          9

bond                    500 rub  1992     internal lottery loan....................   AU+        5

bond               1,000 rub  1992     internal lottery loan....................   AU+        7

bond-spec      1,000 rub  1992     internal lottery loan.............. p/h  AU        25

bond                    250 rub  1988     Saving Bank............... lot#1074  AU        10

   Rail roads;                     

                                            Branch Railroads

bond                500 frank  1913     =187.50 rub 4.5%......... bs#718  VF         25

                                            Koslow-Woronesh-Rostow Railroad

bond                 500 mark  1889     4% bond........................ bs#719  VF         40

bond              1,000 mark  1889     4% bond........................ bs#720  VF         60

                                            Kursk-Kharkiv-Azov Railroad

bond              1,000 mark  1889     4% bond........................ bs#721  VF         25

                                            Moskva-Kiev-Voronezh Railroad

bond                500 frank  1914     =187.50 rub 4.5%......... bs#722  XF         20

                                            Transcaucasian Railroad, 3% bond

bond             2,500 frank  1882     =625 rub 3%................. bs#723  F           45

                                            West Ural Railroad

bond                500 frank  1912     =187.50 rub 4.5%......... bs#724  VF+      20

   Private;                            Kazan city, Tatarstan

bond       2 working days  1934     Tatarstan, green........... bs#725  XF         30

bond       2 working days  1934     Tatarstan, blue.............. bs#726  XF         30

                                            Land Mortgage Nobility State Bank

bond                    100 rub  1889     5% bond Nob. Bank..... bs#727  F+         35

                                            Moscow city

bond                20 pound  1912     =189rub 4.5%............... bs#728  VF+      50

bond              100 pound  1912     =945rub 4.5%............... bs#729  VF+      60

                                            Peasant's Land Bank, bonds

bond                    100 rub  1905     4.5%............................... bs#730  VF         35

bond                    500 rub  1906     5% ................................. bs#731  VF-       30

bond                    500 rub  1911     5% ................................. bs#732  VF-       40

bond                1,000 rub  1911     5% ................................. bs#733  VF         45

bond                1,000 rub  1914     5% ................................. bs#734  VF         40

                                            St Petersburg city

bond                500 frank  1908     =187.50 rub 5%............ bs#735  VF+      35


                                            "Minerais de Fer de Krivoi-Rog"(Russia)Paris

share               500 frank  1906     Minerals Krivoi-Rog...... bs#736  VF         20

                                            "Novo-Pavlovka, Coal and Metallurgy Co "Paris

share               500 frank  1898     "Novo-Pavlovka"........... bs#737  F           10

                                            "Russian General Oil Corporation"

share               25 pound  1923     Russian General Oil..... bs#738  F           30

                                            "Russo-Belge Soc Metalurgies " St Petersburg

share                     25 rub  1895     Rus-Bel Metalurgies.... bs#739  F           40

                                            South Russian Dnieprovsk Metallurgies Warsaw

share                   250 rub  1902     Dnieprovsk Metallurgies.. #740  F           40

                                            Charbonnages d'Ekatherine (coal mines)

share               100 frank  1927     ........................................ bs#741  VF         10


PICK#                                 *****RWANDA****3*

   Republic (Belgium mandate till 1962; Belgium Congo, Rwanda Urundi)

6(h)                         20 fra  1976     flag/boys.....................................   UN        12

7(b)                         50 fra  1966     map/miners.................................   F           15

7(d)                         50 fra  1971     map/miners.................................   VG          6

7(e)                         50 fra  1974     map/miners.................................   G+          4

7(f)                          50 fra  1976     map/miners.................................   UN        18

8(a).                      100 fra  1964     map/banana trees.....................   UN        95

8(d).                      100 fra  1969     map/banana trees.....................   UN        90

8(e)                       100 fra  1971     map/banana trees.....................   VG          6

8(f)                        100 fra  1974     map/banana trees.....................   VG          4

8(g)                       100 fra  1976     map/banana trees.....................   UN        50

11                         500 fra  1974     /man, basket...............................   UN        60

12                         100 fra  1978     zebras/woman, child.................   UN        50

13                         500 fra  1978     impalas/drummers.....................   UN      120

14a                    1,000 fra  1978     tea field/dancer..........................   UN        90

16.                        500 fra  1981     impalas/farming.........................   UN      120

18                         100 fra  1982     zebras/woman, child.................   UN        15

19                         100 fra  1989     zebras/woman, child.................   UN          9

21                      1,000 fra  1988     warriors/gorillas..........................   UN        10

22                      5,000 fra  1988     woman/lake................................   UN        15

23                         500 fra  1994     antelope/mountains...................   UN        40

24.                     1,000 fra  1994     view/buffalo................................   UN        65

26                         500 fra  1998     gorillas/students.........................   UN        10

27                      1,000 fra  1998     view/cattle...................................   UN        15

28                      5,000 fra  1998     dancers/bank.............................   UN        35

30                         500 fra  2004     bank/picking...............................   UN          6

31                      1,000 fra  2004     /monkey......................................   UN        12

33                      5,000 fra  2004     gorilla/baskets............................   UN        70

35                      1,000 fra  2008     /monkey......................................   UN        12

36                      2,000 fra  2007     satellite/coffee............................   UN        18

37                      5,000 fra  2009     gorilla/baskets............................   UN        55

38                         500 fra  2013     cows/school................................   UN          4

38   repl               500 fra  2013     replacement "XX"......................   UN        40

39                      1,000 fra  2015     /monkey......................................   UN          5

40                      2,000 fra  2014     satellite/coffee............................   UN        12

41                      5,000 fra  2014     gorilla/..........................................   UN        30


6s   spec                20 fra  1964     "SPECIMEN"..............................   AU        20

6s   spec                20 fra  1965     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

6s   spec                20 fra  1969     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

6s   spec                20 fra  1971     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

7s   spec                50 fra  1969     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

7s   spec                50 fra  1971     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

8s   spec              100 fra  1969     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

8s   spec              100 fra  1971     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

8s   spec              100 fra  1974     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

10s  spec          1,000 fra  1971     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        40

19s   spec            100 fra  1989     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

23s   spec            500 fra  1994     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        20

24s   spec        1,000 fra  1994     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        25

25s   spec        5,000 fra  1994     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        30

26s   spec            500 fra  1998     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        25

27s   spec        1,000 fra  1989     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        25

28s   spec        5,000 fra  1989     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        30

29as   spec         100 fra  1989     05.01;"SPECIMEN"...................   UN        20

29bs   spec         100 fra  1989     09.01;"SPECIMEN"...................   UN        20


PICK#                                 *****RWANDA-BURUNDI****3*

   Belgium mandate till 1962 (later Rwanda, Burundi)

1.                               5 fra  1961     05.15; impala................. VG 40,  AU+    800

5                           100 fra  1962     07.31; zebu.................................   F         400


PICK#                                 *****SAAR***3c*

   French occupation of Sarr (W Germany) 1919-1935 and 1945-1957

1                            50 cen  (1919)   French occupation.....................   F           70

2.                               1 fra  (1919)   French occupation............ F 50,  AU      400

5                                5 fra  1947     French occupation.....................   F+       200

6                          10 mark  1947     French occupation.....................   VF      600

7.                         50 mark  1947     French occupation.....................   AU    4000


PICK#                                 *****SAINT HELENA****3*

   British Dependent Territory

5                           50 pen  (1979)   QEII, island, ship/arms..............   UN        45

6.                             1 pou  (1976)   QEII, island, ship/arms..............   UN      220

7a.  sig 1                5 pou  (1976)   QEII, island, ship/arms..............   UN      400

7b   sig 2                5 pou  (1981)   QEII, island, ship/arms..............   UN        90

8a.  sig 2              10 pou  (1979)   QEII, island, ship/arms..............   UN      420

8b   sig 3              10 pou  (1985)   QEII, island, ship/arms..............   UN      180

9                              1 pou  (1982)   QEII, island, ship/arms..............   UN        32

10                         20 pou  (1986)   QEII, harbour/arms....................   UN      320

11                           5 pou  (1998)   QEII, island, ship/arms..............   UN        64

11s   spec              5 pou  (1998)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      200

12a   sig 1           10 pou  2004     QEII, island, ship/arms..............   UN        64

13a   sig 2           20 pou  2004     QEII, harbour/arms....................   UN        96

   bank issued set matching#"000304"

6+7a+8a     1+5+10 pou  (1976)   set of 3 notes matching#304....   UN   1200


PICK#                                 *****SAINT PIERRE and MIQUELON***3n+*

   French Dependent Territory

10.                             5 fra  1941     ser "AA 1-30,000"........... F 250,  AU    2000

12                           20 fra  1941     ser "LA 1-30,000"......................   VG+   200

21                           50 fra  (1947)   "0086-0087"d'Esnambuc..........   VG      300

22                              5 fra  (1950)   Bougainville................................   UN        70

23                           10 fra  (1950)   Colbert............................... F 10,  UN      150

24                           20 fra  (1950)   Gentil.................... F 12, VF+40,  UN      200

25.                          50 fra  (1950)   d'Esnambuc................................   UN      700

26                         100 fra  (1950)   Bourdonnais......................... p/h  F+       150

30a   p/h          1 new fra  (1964)   ovpt 50fr "F.1"............................   F+       100

30b.  p/h          1 new fra  (1964)   ovpt"Reunion"50fr............ F 50,  AU      400

31                     1 new fra  (1964)   ovpt"St.Pierre"50fr.....................   AU    2000

32.                    2 new fra  (1964)   ..... VG 20; VF 80, XF(p/h) 160UN      650

34                   20 new fra  (1964)   ovpt 1000fr.................................   F         400


PICK#                                 *****SAINT THOMAS and PRINCE****3*

   Portuguese Colony till 1975

13                         10 cen  1914     S Thome...................... VG-100F         200

15                         50 cen  1914     S Thome........................... G 60,  F         250

19                            1 esc  1921     S Thome.....................................   VG      120

32                          20 esc  1946     Afonso V/ships...........................   VG        40

35A   red#          100 esc  1947     bearer check; red#....................   VG+   150

35A   black#      100 esc  1947     bearer check; black#.................   F         150

36(a)                     20 esc  1958     Afonso V/ships, sig CR.............   UN      120

36(b).                    20 esc  1958     Afonso V/ships, sig CF.............   UN      160

37(c).                    50 esc  1958     Afonso V/ships, sig PC.............   UN      200

37(d).                    50 esc  1958     Afonso V/ships, sig CS.............   AU+    150

38(b).                  100 esc  1958     Afonso V/ships, sig CF.. VF 40,  UN      300

39(c)                   500 esc  1956     Afonso V/ships, sig PC.............   VG        60

39(d)                   500 esc  1956     Afonso V/ships, sig CS.............   VG        60

   Republic from 1975

44.                         20 esc  1958     ovpt(1976)..................................   UN        80

45.                         50 esc  1958     ovpt(1976)..................................   UN      100

46                        100 esc  1958     ovpt(1976)..................................   UN      150

48                    1,000 esc  1964     ovpt(1976)..................................   XF      400

50                        500 esc  1976     bearer check..............................   UN      200

52.                        50 dob  1977     Amador/boats.............................   UN        50

53                       100 dob  1977     Amador/farmers.........................   UN        40

54.                      500 dob  1977     Amador/waterfall........................   UN      100

55                    1,000 dob  1977     Amador/fruit gatherer................   VF+    100

56                         50 dob  1982     Amador/boats.............................   UN        15

57                       100 dob  1982     Amador/farmers.........................   UN        20

58                       500 dob  1982     Amador/waterfall........................   UN        50

59                    1,000 dob  1982     Amador/fruit gatherer................   UN        50

60                       100 dob  1989     Amador/farmers.........................   UN        15

61                       500 dob  1989     Amador/waterfall........................   UN        18

62                    1,000 dob  1989     Amador/fruit gatherer................   UN        25

63                       500 dob  1993     Amador/waterfall........................   UN          7

64                    1,000 dob  1993     Amador/fruit gatherer................   UN        18

63st.  "ST"         500 dob  1993     collectors issue serie "ST"........   UN      500

64st.  "ST"      1,000 dob  1993     collectors issue serie "ST"........   UN      500

65b                  5,000 dob  1996     Papa Figo bird/palace...............   UN          8

66a                10,000 dob  1996     Ossobo bird/bridge....................   UN        25

66b                10,000 dob  1996     Ossobo bird/bridge....................   UN        18

66d.              10,000 dob  2013     Ossobo bird/bridge....................   UN        15

67a                20,000 dob  1996     Camussela bird/harbor.............   UN        30

67b                20,000 dob  1996     Camussela bird/harbor.............   UN        25

67c                20,000 dob  2004     Camussela bird/harbor.............   UN        20

67d                20,000 dob  2010     Camussela bird/harbor.............   UN        20

68a.              50,000 dob  1996     Conobia bird/bank.....................   UN      100

68b                50,000 dob  1996     Conobia bird/bank.....................   UN        50

68c                50,000 dob  2004     Conobia bird/bank.....................   UN        30

68e.              50,000 dob  2013     Conobia bird/bank.....................   UN        30

69a              100,000 dob  2005     Tenreiro/Auto de Floripes.........   UN        60

69b              100,000 dob  2010     Tenreiro/Auto de Floripes.........   UN        40


PICK#                                 *****SAMOA****3*

   State (New Zealand mandate 1914-1962, German Colony 1899-1914)

7c                           10 shi  1958     10.13; palms and beach...........   F         400

13.                          10 shi  (1963)   boat/hut.......................................   UN      300

14.                          1 pou  (1963)   arms/hut.......................... VF 80UN      500

15cs                        5 pou  (2020)   reprint..........................................   UN        40

16a.   sig 1             1 tala  (1967)   arms/hut......................................   UN      180

16b.   sig 2             1 tala  (1967)   ............. XF(missing corner) 50,  AU      100

16d    sig 4             1 tala  (1967)   arms/hut............................... F 8,  UN      120

17b    sig 3             2 tala  (1967)   arms/hut.......... F+ 15, AU+120UN      150

17c.   sig 4             2 tala  (1967)   arms/hut............................. F 12,  UN      180

18d.   sig 4           10 tala  (1967)   arms/beach.................................   UN      550

19                            1 tala  (1980)   women/canoe.............................   UN        30

20                            2 tala  (1980)   carver/hut on island...................   UN        50

21                            5 tala  (1980)   student/port city.........................   UN      100

22                          10 tala  (1980)   banana harvest/beach..............   UN      400

25                            2 tala  (1985)   carver/hut....................................   UN        15

25s    spec             2 tala  (1985)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      100

26                            5 tala  (1985)   student/port city.........................   UN        30

26s    spec             5 tala  (1985)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      100

27.                         10 tala  (1985)   banana harvest/beach..............   UN        50

28                          20 tala  (1985)   fisherman with net.....................   UN        95

29                          50 tala  (1990)   /dancers......................................   UN      130

29s    spec           50 tala  (1990)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN      120

30                       100 tala  (1990)   /harvest.......................................   UN      220

31a    comm           2 tala  (1990)   "golden jubilee" "AAA"..............   UN        25

31e    comm           2 tala  (1990)   "golden jubilee" "AAE-AAL"......   UN          5

33(a).   "D"             5 tala  (2002)   thread solid sig x1.....................   UN      120

33(b)    "D-E"         5 tala  (2004)   thread "CBS" sig x1...................   UN        15

33(c)    "E"              5 tala  (2005)   thread "CBS" sig x2...................   UN        15

34(a)    "C-E"       10 tala  (2002)   solid thread, sig x1....................   UN        25

34(b)    "G"           10 tala  (2004)   thread "CBS" sig x1...................   UN        20

34(c)    "H"           10 tala  (2005)   thread "CBS" sig x2...................   UN        20

35(a)    "B-C"       20 tala  (2002)   solid thread; sig x1....................   UN        30

35(b)    "D"           20 tala  (2004)   thread "CBS"; sig x1..................   UN        30

35(c)    "D"           20 tala  (2005)   thread "CBS"; sig x2..................   UN        30

35as    spec         20 tala  (1985)   "SPECIMEN" "A".......................   UN      100

36.       "B"            50 tala  (2005)   thread "CBS"; sig x2..................   UN      120

37.       "B"         100 tala  (2005)   thread "CBS" sig x2...................   UN      200

38.                           5 tala  (2008)   beach/Stevenson residence....   UN        10

39                          10 tala  (2008)   rugby team/kids.........................   UN        12

40                          20 tala  (2008)   waterfall/bird...............................   UN        25

41                          50 tala  (2008)   building/bank..............................   UN        60

43.                      100 tala  (2008)   /church........................................   UN      130

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Neustadt, district(Amt), Germany

notgeld                  50 pfe  1922     lost colony "Samoa"..................   UN        10


PICK#                                 *****SAN MARINO****3*


s101.                     150 lir  1976     San Marino ................................   UN        80

s102                       200 lir  1976     San Marino.................................   UN        80

s102    error          200 lir  1976 offset print of brown on back........   UN      200


PICK#                                 *****SARAWAK****3*

   Sultanate (British protectorate 1888-1963, later Malaysia)


PICK#                                 *****SAUDI ARABIA****3*


2                             1 riyal  1375     (1956) Haj Pilgrim........ VG+30,  VF         80

2       canc             1 riyal  1375     (1956) 4 cancellation holes......   XF      160

4                           10 riyal  1373     (1954) Haj Pilgrim............. F 90,  VF+    270

4       canc           10 riyal  1373     (1954) 6 cancellation holes......   VF      180

6                             1 riyal  1379     (1961) mountain........................   VF         60

7a     sig 1             5 riyal  1379     (1961) fortress................ F-100VF+    360

8a     sig 1           10 riyal  1379     (1961) harbour...........................   F+       150

11a   sig 2             1 riyal  1379     (1966) building/....... F 7, VF 14,  UN      105

11b.  sig 3             1 riyal  1379     (1966) building/..... F+9, XF 30,  AU+      90

13.                        10 riyal  1379     (1966) Mecca/... VG 15, VF 60,  AU+    360

14a   sig 2           50 riyal  1379     (1966) /palms.............................   VG+      50

15b   sig 3         100 riyal  1379     (1966) /oil industry.....................   VF+    270

16                           1 riyal  1379     (1977) /airport........... F 4, XF 6,  UN        24

17a.  error             5 riyal  1379     (1977) /dam........ VF 15, XF 30,  UN      120

17b                         5 riyal  1379     (1977) /dam................... VF+15,  XF         20

18                         10 riyal  1379     (1976) /refinery. VF 12, XF+38,  UN      100

19.                        50 riyal  1379     (1976) /Medina............... VF 35,  UN      280

20                      100 riyal  1379     (1976).................... F 40, XF 90UN      360

21a.  "1-99"           1 riyal  1379     (1984) /desert, error..................   UN        30

21b   "100-217"    1 riyal  1379     (1984) /desert, sig 5..................   UN        15

21c   "222-689"    1 riyal  1379     (1984) /desert, sig 5......... XF 4,  UN          8

21d   "705-2387"  1 riyal  1379     (1984) /desert, sig 6..................   UN          4

22a.  "1-56"           5 riyal  1379     (1983) /refinery, error..... VF+8,  UN        45

22b.  "102-143"    5 riyal  1379     (1983) /refinery, sig 5................   UN        30

22c.  "143-302      5 riyal  1379     (1983) /refinery, sig 5................   UN        20

22d   "305-601"    5 riyal  1379     (1983) /refinery, sig 6...... XF 4,  UN        12

23b.  "100-147"  10 riyal  1379     (1983) /palms, sig 5...................   UN        50

23c.  "161-316"  10 riyal  1379     (1983) /palms, sig 5........... F+4,  UN        35

23d.  "340-631"  10 riyal  1379     (1983) /palms, sig 6........ VF+6,  UN        30

24b   "100-296"  50 riyal  1379     (1983) /Dom of Rock, sig 5......   VF         30

25a   "1-197"    100 riyal  1379     (1983) /refinery,.......... AU+135UN      200

27     comm         20 riyal  1999     "SA Kingdom 100 years"..........   UN        25

28.    comm      200 riyal  2000     "SA Kingdom 100 years"..........   UN      220

31a.                        1 riyal  2007     /building......................................   UN          4

35a.                   100 riyal  2007     /Medina.......................................   UN      120

38                             5 rial  2016     /flowers........................................   UN          4

39.                          10 rial  2016     /Riyadh........................................   UN          9

40                           50 rial  2016     /Dom of Rock.............................   UN        40

41                        100 rial  2016     /Medina.......................................   UN        80

42.                       500 rial  2016     /Mecca........................................   UN      300


PICK#                                 *****SCOTLAND***4c*

   part of United Kingdom

                                            Bank of Scotland

65        proof          1 pou  1869     04.05; proof................. lot#1036  VF         60

91a      "N"             1 pou  1935     12.09...........................................   VF-     140

91b      "R"             1 pou  1939     01.05...........................................   VG        25

91b      "S"             1 pou  1939     04.20...........................................   VF      120

94f       "E"           20 pou  1960     09.13................................... pen  VG      100

94f       "G"           20 pou  1963     10.02................................... pen  VF      350

96b      "E"             1 pou  1946     12.11...........................................   VF         40

96b      "G"             1 pou  1947     09.09...........................................   VF-       30

96c      "R"             1 pou  1953     09.04...........................................   VF         40

100b    "J"              1 pou  1956     09.10...........................................   F           20

100c    "U"             1 pou  1958     08.22...........................................   VF+      50

101      "IA"            5 pou  1960     05.20...........................................   VF         80

102a    "F"              1 pou  1961     11.23...........................................   VF         20

102a    "K"             1 pou  1962     12.07...........................................   VF         20

105b    "A/V"          1 pou  1967     03.03...........................................   XF+      60

106c    "H"             5 pou  1967     02.02...........................................   AU      120

109a                       1 pou  1968     07.17; arms................................   UN      120

110a    "A"             5 pou  1968     11.01; arms................................   XF+    150

110a    "B"             5 pou  1968     11.04; arms................................   XF+    150

111a                       1 pou  1971     Scott............................................   VF         10

111b.                      1 pou  1973     Scott............................................   AU        32

111c                       1 pou  1974     Scott............................................   VF+      12

111c.                      1 pou  1975     Scott................................... VF 5,  UN        40

111c                       1 pou  1976     Scott.................................. VF-4,  VF+         8

111c                       1 pou  1977     Scott.................................... F+4,  XF         10

111c.                      1 pou  1978     Scott.................................... F+4,  AU        20

111d.                      1 pou  1979     Scott................................ AU 20,  UN        40

111e.                      1 pou  1981     Scott................................... VF 5,  AU        20

111f.                       1 pou  1983     Scott............................................   UN        32

111f.                       1 pou  1985     Scott............................................   UN        32

111f.                       1 pou  1986     Scott............................................   UN        32

112d.                      5 pou  1980     Scott............................................   UN      120

112f                        5 pou  1988     Scott............................................   UN        90

113c                     10 pou  1986     Scott............................................   XF         60

113d                     10 pou  1990     Scott............................................   UN      140

116a                       5 pou  1990     Scott............................................   UN        80

116b.                      5 pou  1991     Scott............................................   UN        70

116b                       5 pou  1994     Scott............................................   UN        70

118.                      20 pou  1991     Scott............................................   UN      260

118.                      20 pou  1993     Scott............................................   UN      260

119a    comm        5 pou  1995     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        60

119b    comm        5 pou  1996     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        50

119c    comm        5 pou  1998     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        40

119d    comm        5 pou  2002     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        40

120a    comm      10 pou  1995     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        80

120c    comm      10 pou  1998     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        70

120d    comm      10 pou  2001     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        60

121a    comm      20 pou  1995     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN      150

121b.   comm      20 pou  1996     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN      150

121b    comm      20 pou  1998     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        95

121c    comm      20 pou  1999     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        95

121e    comm      20 pou  2003     "Bank 300 anniversary"............   UN        95

                                            British Linen Bank

157b                       1 pou  1944     03.06;..........................................   F           40

157d                       1 pou  1957     12.10;..........................................   VF         40

157e                       1 pou  1960     04.15;..........................................   F           20

159b                     20 pou  1952     06.16;..........................................   F         200

161b                       5 pou  1951     11.23;..........................................   VF      120

161b                       5 pou  1953     07.07;..........................................   F           60

161b                       5 pou  1954     08.17;..........................................   XF-     200

161b                       5 pou  1957     10.18;..........................................   XF-     200

161b                       5 pou  1959     05.02;..........................................   VF+    150

161b                       5 pou  1959     07.02;..........................................   VF+    150

166a                       1 pou  1962     03.31;..........................................   F           10

166c                       1 pou  1966     01.25;..........................................   XF         60

167a                       5 pou  1962     10.20; Scott................................   XF+    120

167b.                      5 pou  1964     07.17; Scott................................   AU      160

169a.                      1 pou  1968     02.29; Scott................................   UN      160

                                            Clydesdale Bank

189b                       1 pou  1939     11.22...........................................   F           70

189c                       1 pou  1942     07.01...........................................   F-          50

                                                          -Clydesdale and North of Scotland Bank

192                         5 pou  1956     11.01...........................................   VF      120

192                         5 pou  1958     02.01...........................................   F+         90

                                            Clydesdale Bank

197                         1 pou  1966     03.30;..........................................   VF+      30

198                         5 pou  1967     05.01;..........................................   F+         40

200                       20 pou  1964     11.19;..........................................   F+       120

204c.                      1 pou  1977     03.01; Kg Robert.......................   UN        50

205c.                      5 pou  1975     01.06; R Burns...........................   UN      180

211a                       1 pou  1982     03.29; Kg Robert.......................   XF           8

211c.                      1 pou  1985     11.25; Kg Robert.......................   UN        30

211d.                      1 pou  1988     11.09; Kg Robert.......................   UN        25

212d.                      5 pou  1989     06.28; R Burns...........................   UN      100

218d.                      5 pou  2002     R Burns.......................................   UN        50

226a                     10 pou  1997     Slessor........................................   UN        90

226b                     10 pou  1998     Slessor........................................   UN        70

226b                     10 pou  1999     Slessor........................................   UN        70

229.     comm      20 pou  1999     "UK city architecture"................   UN      220

229B.  comm      20 pou  2000     "year 2000".................................   UN      220

229F                     20 pou  2005     Kg Robert...................................   VF         60

229N   comm        5 pou  2015     "Forth Bridge UNESCO"...........   UN        30

229O   comm        5 pou  2016     "Forth Bridge UNESCO"...........   UN        25

                                            National Bank of Scotland

258b    "A/T"          1 pou  1943     03.15...........................................   F+         60

258b    "A/V"          1 pou  1946     06.15...........................................   VF+    150

258c    "B/S"          1 pou  1957     06.01...........................................   VF         40

258c    "B/W"         1 pou  1958     05.01............................... VG 10,  XF         80

262.     "A"             5 pou  1957     11.01...........................................   AU      400

                                            National Commercial Bank of Scotland

265                         1 pou  1959     09.16...........................................   XF         70

269                         1 pou  1962     11.01...........................................   VF+      30

269.                        1 pou  1964     10.01............................... VF-15,  UN      120

271                         1 pou  1967     01.04...........................................   XF+      36

272                         5 pou  1963     01.02...........................................   XF+      72

272                         5 pou  1966     08.01...........................................   XF         48

                                            Royal Bank of Scotland

321      "C"             1 pou  1928     10.15...........................................   F         180

322a    "A/1"          1 pou  1937     01.02...........................................   VG        30

322a    "G/1"          1 pou  1942     07.01...........................................   F+         90

322b    "K/1"          1 pou  1944     12.01..................................... p/h  VF+    120

324a    "AG"          1 pou  1955     08.01...........................................   VF+      60

324b    "AV"           1 pou  1959     04.01...........................................   VF+      60

324b    "BN"          1 pou  1963     06.01...........................................   F+         30

325b    "CX"          1 pou  1967     11.01...........................................   VF+      35

329.                        1 pou  1969     03.19; bridge.................. XF 30,  AU        60

330.                        5 pou  1969     03.19; arms................................   UN      300

334                         1 pou  1970     07.15; bridge..............................   VG          4

336                         1 pou  1972     01.05; arms................................   VF+      10

336                         1 pou  1974     03.01; arms................................   F+           5

336                         1 pou  1975     05.01; arms................................   F+           5

336.                        1 pou  1976     05.03; arms................... VF+10,  UN        50

336.                        1 pou  1977     05.03; arms.......................... F 4,  UN        50

336                         1 pou  1979     05.01, arms................................   F             4

336.                        1 pou  1981     01.10; arms................................   UN        50

336                         1 pou  1981     05.01; arms................................   VF           6

337                         5 pou  1973     04.02; arms................................   F+         15

337                         5 pou  1978     05.02; arms................................   VG+      10

337                         5 pou  1980     05.01; arms................................   UN      160

338.                      10 pou  1981     12.01; arms................................   AU      200

341b.                      1 pou  1984     01.04; arms................................   UN        32

341b                       1 pou  1985     01.03; arms................................   XF+      12

341Aa                    1 pou  1986     05.01; arms................................   UN        32

341Ab.                   1 pou  1986     12;17; arms................................   UN        32

346.                        1 pou  1987     03.25; Ilay...................................   UN        24

351.                        1 pou  1993     Ilay...............................................   UN        12

351                         1 pou  1996     Ilay...............................................   UN          8

351                         1 pou  1997     Ilay...............................................   UN          8

351                         1 pou  2000     Ilay...............................................   UN          6

351                         1 pou  2001     Ilay...............................................   UN          6

352.                        5 pou  1988     Ilay...............................................   UN        60

352                         5 pou  1997     Ilay...............................................   UN        50

352                         5 pou  1999     Ilay...............................................   UN        50

352                         5 pou  2000     Ilay...............................................   UN        32

353.                      10 pou  1992     Ilay...............................................   UN        60

353                       10 pou  1994     Ilay...............................................   UN        60

353.                      10 pou  2000     Ilay...............................................   UN        50

354.                      20 pou  1997     Ilay...............................................   UN      160

354.                      20 pou  1999     Ilay...............................................   UN      120

354                       20 pou  2000     Ilay...............................................   UN        90

356     comm         1 pou  1992     "EU summit Edinburgh"............   UN        12

358     comm         1 pou  1994     "Robert Stevenson"...................   UN        12

359     comm         1 pou  1997     "Alexander Bell".........................   UN        12

360     comm         1 pou  1999     "Scottish Parliament"................   UN        12

361.    comm       20 pou  1999     "Queen Mother 2000"...............   UN      150

363     comm         5 pou  2004     "Golf Club 1754"........................   UN        35

365     comm         5 pou  2005     "Golf -Jack Nicklaus".................   UN        50

368.    comm       10 pou  2012     "QEII 1952-2012"......................   UN        80

                                            British Linen Company

s165r   rema          1 pou  1868     specimen, not issued................   XF      500

s165    proof          1 pou  1883/4  proof 2 notes............... lot#1038  VF      100

                                            Commercial Bank of Scotland

s323b                     1 pou  1920     01.02; buildings; "21/D"............   F         400

s327                       1 pou  1924     10.31; Pitcarin..................... pen  VG+   300

s328b                     5 pou  1943     01.05; Pitcarin............................   F+       400

s331                       1 pou  1929     Pitcarin........................................   VF-       90

s331                       1 pou  1940     Pitcarin.................................. p/h  VF-       60

s331                       1 pou  1943     Pitcarin........................................   F+         50

s332                       1 pou  1947     Cockburn........................... F 20,  VF         40

s332                       1 pou  1952     Cockburn....................................   VG-         9

s333                       5 pou  1949     Cockburn....................................   F+       120

s333                       5 pou  1954     Cockburn....................................   VF      160

s336                       1 pou  1958     Cockburn....................................   VF         40

                                            North of Scotland Bank

s639                       1 pou  1932     building/arms..............................   VF+    300

s640                       5 pou  1934     building/arms..............................   F-        400

s644                       1 pou  1940     building/arms.................... F-35,  XF      160

s644                       1 pou  1947     building/arms..............................   F+         60

s645                       5 pou  1944     building/arms..............................   F         300

                                            Union Bank of Scotland

s811c                     5 pou  1933     12.15; arms, monuments.........   F+       600

s815b                     1 pou  1936     03.31; arms, monuments.........   VF+    120

s815b                     1 pou  1938     05.31; arms, monuments.........   F+         60

s815b                     1 pou  1944     04.30; arms, monuments.........   F+         60

s815c                     1 pou  1945     09.28; arms, monuments.........   VF         80

s816a                     1 pou  1953     09.01; arms, monuments.........   VG        10

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            East Lothlan Banking Co

NL    unis               1 pou  18--       E Lothlan(1810-22)... unissued  VF      200

                                            Western Bank of Scotland, Glasgow

NL                      500 pou  1852     third exchange............ lot#1164  VF         60


PICK#                                 *****SENEGAL****3*

   French Colony till 1960

A1.    rema               5 fra  1874     remainder; no sig.......................   UN   1600

1c p/h                  0.50 fra  1917     no wmk............. missing corner  VF      160


PICK#                                 *****SERBIA****3*


9                             10 din  1887     .....................................................   VG+   400

10a                        10 din  1893     woman/farmer............................   VF      120

11a                        20 din  1905     .....................................................   VG+   350

12c                      100 din  1905     .....................................................   VF      600

12    coun           100 din  1905     wmk embossed old counterfeit  XF         60

14a                           5 din  1916     10.26.................................... pen  F           50

14a                           5 din  1917     02.27.................................. F 50,  VF+    150

   German Occupation WW2

22                          10 din  1941     ovpt Yugoslavia#35...................   XF         60

23                        100 din  1941     ovpt Yugoslavia#23......... VF 4,  UN        20

23    canc            100 din  1941     perf "ponisteno".......... lot#1131  F           50

24                     1,000 din  1941     ovpt Yugoslavia.........................   VF+      20

24                     1,000 din  1941     stamp "special Handling"..........   F           15

25.                         20 din  1941     Karadzic, brown.........................   UN        90

26                          50 din  1941     woman........................................   F+           9

27a                      500 din  1941     woman/bricklayer................ F 4,  VF           5

27b                      500 din  1941     woman/bricklayer............ VF+4,  UN        30

28.                         20 din  1942     Karadzic, blue............................   AU+ 1400

29                          50 din  1942     Kg Peter............... VF 4, AU 15,  UN        30

31.                       500 din  1942     sower/mower................ AU+30,  UN        40

32a                   1,000 din  1942     wmk  Kg Petar............... VF+16,  UN        90

32b.                  1,000 din  1942     couple; wmk woman.................   UN        90

33.                       100 din  1943     St Sava/farming...... F 6, XF 22,  AU        45

   Republic (after collapse of Yugoslavia)

40                          50 din  2005     Stojanovic/music........................   UN          5

41a   comm        100 din  2003     "120 years Serbia banknote"...   UN        12

41b.                     100 din  2004     Tesla/induction...........................   UN        12

42.                       200 din  2005     Petrovic/......................................   UN        20

43                        500 din  2004     Cvijic/ethnography.....................   UN        50

44b                   1,000 din  2003     Vajfert/bank; sig Udovicki.........   UN      110

45.                    5,000 din  2003     Jovanovic/parliament................   UN      350

46                          10 din  2006     Karadzic/Slavic Congress........   UN          4

47                          20 din  2006     Peter II/monument.....................   UN          4

49                        100 din  2006     Tesla/induction...........................   UN          9

51b                      500 din  2007     Cvijic/ethnography.....................   UN        30

52.                    1,000 din  2006     Vajfert/bank................................   UN        70

53.                   5,000 Din  2010     Jovanovic/parliament................   UN      250

54a                        10 din  2011     Karadzic/Slavic Congress........   UN          4

55a                        20 din  2011     Peter II/monument.....................   UN          4

56a                        50 din  2011     Stojanovic/music........................   UN          5

57b                      100 din  2013     Tesla/induction...........................   UN          5

58a                      200 din  2011     Petrovic/......................................   UN          8

59b                      500 din  2012     Cvijic/ethnography.....................   UN        15

60a.                  1,000 din  2011     Vajfert/bank................................   UN        30

60b                   1,000 din  2014     Vajfert/bank................................   UN        25

61b.                  2,000 din  2012     Milankovic/Arctic........................   UN        60

   Promotional Notes -ZIN, Institute for Manuf. Banknotes, Serbia

prom                    woman  2005     Nat.Bank Serbia,ZIN.. lot#1487  VF         30

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Homokszil (Ulmja) pharmacy J Daubner

NL                            20 fil  1915     .....................................................   XF         80

                                            -Serbian Republic -propaganda private issue

NL               10 srbijanka  1991     propaganda private issue.........   AU        10

NL(14)        50 srbijanka  1992     propaganda private issue.........   AU        10


  Serbian handstamp validation on Bulgaria, Austro-Hungary notes

   *Bulgarian banknotes; Serbian handstamp validation(1919)

    #1-5 stamp quality; #1-poor, #3-good, #5-very good

 okrug=county; srez=district; grad=city; kwart=city district; sud=court

                                            -Ministry of Finance SHS

Bul#21                     5 lev  *1917    Ministry of Finance................ #2  F         150

                                            -Cabinet Minister's Finance SHS

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Cabinet Minister Finance..... #3  VG        80

                                            -Bitola, kwart Varos(city Macedonia)

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Bitola,kwart Varos................. #4  F           40

                                            -Boljevac,osnovna skola(elementary school)

Bul#2                        5 lev  *1909    Boljevac,school..................... #3  F           40

                                            -Despotovac,nacelnik sreza Despotovac(district)

Bul#24                   50 lev  *1917    Despotovac,srez................... #2  F           20

                                            -Donji Milanovac,nacelnik sreza(district)

Bul#3                     10 lev  *1904    Donji Milanovac,srez............ #2  F           60

                                            -Knjazevac,nacelnik sreza Zaglavsk(district)

Bul#21                     5 lev  *1917    Knjazevac,srez Zaglavsk..... #1  F           15

Bul#4                     50 lev  *1904    Knjazevac,srez Zaglavsk..... #4  VF-     300

                                            -Krusevac,nacelnik sreza Rasina(district)

Bul#15                     2 lev  *1916    Krusevac,srez Rasina.......... #3  VG        20

Bul#2                        5 lev  *1909    Krusevac,srez Rasina.......... #4  VG        40

Bul#7                        5 lev  *1907    Krusevac,srez Rasina.......... #5  F         200

Bul#21                     5 lev  *1917    Krusevac,srez Rasina.......... #2  VG        15

Bul#22                   10 lev  *1917    Krusevac,srez Rasina.......... #1  VG        10

Bul#18                   20 lev  *1917    Krusevac,srez Rasina.......... #3  VF+      60

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Krusevac,srez Rasina.......... #3  VF         30

Bul#24                   50 lev  *1917    Krusevac,srez Rasina.......... #3  VF         40

Bul#20                 100 lev  *1916    Krusevac,srez Rasina.......... #3  F           40

                                            -(Mincevo),nacelnik sreza Timockog(district)

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    srez Timockog....................... #3  VF         35

                                            -Nis,nacelnik sreza Nis(district)

Bul#15                     2 lev  *1916    Nis,srez Nis............................ #1  VG-       10

Bul#16                     5 lev  *1916    Nis,srez Nis............................ #2  VG+      20

Bul#21a                   5 lev  *1917    Nis,srez Nis............................ #2  VF         20

Bul#21b                   5 lev  *1917    Nis,srez Nis............................ #2  VF         20

Bul#3                     10 lev  *1904    Nis,srez Nis............................ #2  VG+      40

Bul#17                   10 lev  *1916    Nis,srez Nis............................ #1  VG        10

Bul#22                   10 lev  *1917    Nis,srez Nis(round)............... #2  VF         30

Bul#20                 100 lev  *1916    Nis,srez Nis............................ #2  VG        30

                                            -Palanka,nacelnik sreza Jasenica(district)

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Palanka,srez Jasenica......... #1  VG        20

                                            -Paracin,nacelnik sreza Paracin(district)

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Paracin,srez Paracin............ #2  VG        20

                                            -Petrovac,nacelnik sreza Mlava(district)

Bul#21                     5 lev  *1917    Petrovac,srez Mlava............. #1  VG        15

Bul#22                   10 lev  *1917    Petrovac,srez Mlava............. #2  VG        20

                                            -Pirot,nacelnik okruga Pirot(county)

Bul#14                     1 lev  *1916    Pirot,okrug Pirot.................... #4  AU      100

Bul#15                     2 lev  *1916    Pirot,okrug Pirot.................... #4  VG        30

                                            -Pirot,nacelnik sreza Pirot(district)

Bul#3                     10 lev  *1904    Pirot,srez Pirot....................... #4  VF      100

                                            -Pozarevac,nacelnik okruga Pozarevac(county)

Bul#14                     1 lev  *1916    Pozarevac,okrug(round)...... #1  VG        15

Bul#20                 100 lev  *1916    Pozarevac,okrug................... #2  VF         40

                                            -Pozarevac,nacelnik sreza Pozarevac(district)

Bul#22                   10 lev  *1917    Pozarevac,srez(round)......... #2  VF+      20

                                            -Radujevac,stovariste soli(salt warehouse)

Bul#22                   10 lev  *1917    Radujevac,stov.soli............... #4  F+       100

                                            -Razan,nacelnik sreza Razan(district)

Bul#21                     5 lev  *1917    Razan,srez Razan................ #2  VF-       20

                                            -Salas,nacelnik sreza Kraina(district)

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Salas,srez.............................. #2  VG        20

                                            -Skopie,nacelnik sreza Skopie(district)

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Skopie,srez............................ #2  VG        20

                                            -Soko Banja,nacelnik sreza Soko Banja(district)

Bul#21                     5 lev  *1917    Soko Banja,srez.................... #4  F           30

                                            -Surdulica,nacelnik sreza Masurica(district)

Bul#21                     5 lev  *1917    Surdulica,srez Masurica....... #1  F           10

Bul#22                   10 lev  *1917    Surdulica,srez Masurica....... #3  VF         35

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Surdulica,srez Masurica....... #2  VF-       30

                                            -Svrljig,nacelnik sreza Svrljig(district)

Bul#3b                   10 lev  *1904    Svrljig,srez Svrljig.................. #2  VG        50

Bul#22                   10 lev  *1917    Svrljig,srez Svrljig.................. #3  F+         25

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Svrljig,srez Svrljig.................. #2  VG        20

                                            -Vlastince,nacelnik sreza Vlastince(district)

Bul#22                   10 lev  *1917    Vlastince,srez(round)........... #3  F           25

                                            -Zabari?,srez Moravski

Bul#14                     1 lev  *1916    (Zabari)Moravski srez........... #1  F           10

                                            -Zajecar,nacelnik sreza Zajecar(district)

Bul#23                   20 lev  *1917    Zajecar,srez........................... #2  F+         20

                                            -Zajecar?,prvostepeni sud(court)

Bul#16                     5 lev  *1916    (Zajecar),sud......................... #1  F           15

   *-German banknotes; Serbian handstamp validation(1919)

                                            -Krusevac,nacelnik okruga Krusevac(county)

Ger#50                    1 mk  *1914    Krusevac,okrug Krusevac.... #2  F           35

                                            -Jagodina,nacelnik sreza Belica(district)

Ger#51                    1 mk  *1914    Jagodina,srez........................ #1  F           20

   *Austro-Hungarian banknotes; Serbian handstamp validation(1919)

                                            -Apatin,nacelnik sreza Apatin(district)

AH#9                     10 kor  *1904    Apatin,srez............................. #2  VG-       20

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Apatin,srez............................. #2  G           10

                                            -Beograd,kwart Palilulsk(city district)

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Beograd,kwart Palilulsk........ #5  VG        30

                                            -Bogatic,nacelnik sreza Macva(district)

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Bogatic,srez Mactva............. #3  VG        35

                                            -Cukarica,policja Cukarica(police)

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Cukarica,policja..................... #2  G           15

                                            -Cuprija,sud opstina grada(court)

AH#8                1,000 kor  *1902    Cuprija,sud............................. #3  VF         40

                                            -Gor.Milanovac,nacelnik sreza Takovo(district)

AH#11                     2 kor  *1917    Gor.Milanovac,srez(1).......... #3  F           20

                                            -G.Milanovac,nacelnik sreza Takovo(district)

AH#13                   20 kor  *1913    G.Milanovac,srez(2)............. #2  VG        20

                                            -Knjazevac,nacelnik sreza Zaglavsk(district)

AH#8                1,000 kor  *1902    Knjazevac,srez...................... #3  VG-       20

                                            -Mocioci,registrovano sud opstina(court)

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Mocioci,sud............................ #4  VG        30

                                            -Nis,nacelnik okruga Nis(county)

AH#9                     10 kor  *1904    Nis,okrug................................ #2  F+         30

AH#13                   20 kor  *1913    Nis,okrug................................ #2  VG        20

                                            -Novi Sad,soviet grada Novi Sad(city)

AH#15                   50 kor  *1914    Novi Sad,grad........................ #3  VG        25

                                            -Orahovac,nacelnik sreza Podrimsk(district)

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Orahovac,srez....................... #2  VG-       15

                                            -Palanka,nacelnik sreza Jasenica(district)

AH#11                     2 kor  *1917    Palanka,srez.......................... #4  F           30

                                            -Pancevo,senat mun.varosi(city) round

AH#8                1,000 kor  *1902    Pancevo,city.......................... #3  VG        25

                                            -Raca,nacelnik sreza Lepenick(district)

AH#13                   20 kor  *1913    Raca,srez............................... #2  F           25

                                            -Senta,nacelnik sreza Senta(district)

AH#13                   20 kor  *1913    Senta,srez.............................. #1  VG        10

                                            -Senta,grado nacelnik grada Senta(city)

AH#13                   20 kor  *1913    Senta,grad............................. #2  VG        15

AH#15                   50 kor  *1914    Senta,grad............................. #4  VF         40

                                            -Smederevo,nacelnik sreza Podunavsk(district)

AH#9                     10 kor  *1904    Smederevo,srez.................... #2  VG        25

                                            -Sombor,grado nacelnik grada Sombor(city)

AH#13                   20 kor  *1913    Sombor,grad.......................... #2  VG        20

                                            -Subotnica,uprava grada Subotnica(city)

AH#20                     1 kor  *1916    Subotnica,grad...................... #3  VG        20

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Subotnica,grad...................... #4  F+         30

AH#8                1,000 kor  *1902    Subotnica,grad...................... #1  VG        20

                                            -Svileuva,registrovano sud opstina(court)

AH#13                   20 kor  *1913    Svileuva,sud.......................... #4  F+         40

                                            -Uzice,sreski odbor(district)

AH#13                   20 kor  *1913    Uzice,srez.............................. #4  VG        30

                                            -Varvarin,srez Temnick(district)round

AH#13                   20 kor  *1913    Varvarin,srez......................... #3  VG        25

                                            -Velko Orasje,nacelnik sreza Orask(district)

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Velko Orasje,srez.................. #2  VG        20

                                            -Vucitrn,registrovano srez Vucitrn(district)

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Vucitrn,srez............................ #2  VG        20

                                            -Zabalj?,nacelnik sreza Zabalj(district)

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Zabalj,srez............................. #1  VG        10

                                            -Zabari,nacelnik sreza Moravsk(district)

AH#12                 100 kor  *1912    Zabari,srez............................. #3  VG        25

                                            -"nespravna"forgery of Serbian validation stamp

AH#11  coun           2 kor  *1917    "nespravna" stamp forgery.. #3  VG+      10

                                            -3 eskadron 1 puka"Oblica"(military,cavalry)

cavalry                100 kor  *1912    1 Reg;3 squadron"Oblica..... #5  VF         50

                                            -2 konicki puk(military,cavalry)

cavalry                   50 kor  *1914    2 Regiment cavalry............... #3  VF         20

                                            -3 eskadron 2 puka(military,cavalry)

cavalry                100 kor  *1912    2 Regiment;3 squadron........ #3  VG        20

cavalry             1,000 kor  *1902    2 Regiment;3 squadron........ #2  F           30

                                            -Mitralesko odelene,3 konicki puk(cavalry)

cavalry                   50 kor  *1914    3 Regiment;"Mitralsk"........... #4  F           30

                                            -komanda 1 konic brigada(military,cavalry)

cavalry                100 kor  *1912    1 Brigade,command............. #4  G           20

                                            -2 ceta,1 batalon,3 puka(military,infantry)

infantry                    2 kor  *1911    3 Reg,1 Batt,2 Comp............ #2  F           15

                                            -pesad puk"kra.Aleksandra"(military,infantry)

infantry                  50 kor  *1914    Regiment"Alexandra"........... #3  VF         30

                                            -4 pesadijski puk(military,infantry)

infantry                  50 kor  *1914    4 Regiment infantry.............. #2  VG        10

                                            -1 ceta 1 batal 6 puk(military,infantry)

infantry                100 kor  *1912    6 Reg,1 company.................. #3  G           10

                                            -1 ceta bat,4 pesad puka"Aleksandra"(infantry)

infantry                100 kor  *1912    6 Reg,"Alexandra"(red)........ #4  VG        40

                                            -1 pesad brigada,Drinska divizija(cavalry)

infantry                  50 kor  *1914    Div"Drinska"1 brigade.......... #4  F           30

                                            -Baja,pregledano komanda mesta(military)

military                   20 kor  *1913    Baja,city command............... #2  VG        20

                                            -?Bocsa?,komanda mesta(military)

military                     2 kor  *1917    ?Bocsa?city command......... #2  VG        20

                                            -Resicabana,komanda mesta(military)

military                   10 kor  *1904    Resicabana,city command.. #2  VG        30

   *Austro-Hungarian banknotes; Hungarian handstamp validation(1919)

    varmegye=county; jaras=district; varos=city; kozseg=commune

                                            -Alibunar,jaras foszolgabiraja(district)

Serbia                 100 kor  *1912    Alibunar,jaras......................... #2  G           10

                                            -Antalfalva(Kovacica)jaras foszolgabiraja

Serbia                    10 kor  *1904    Antalfalva(Kovacica)............. #2  VG        20

                                            -Bacsalmas,jaras foszolgabiraja(district)

Hungary                50 kor  *1914    Bacsalmas,jaras.................... #3  VG        15

Hungary              100 kor  *1912    Bacsalmas,jaras.................... #2  VG        10

                                            -Fehertemplom(Bela Crkva),jaras foszolgabiraja

Serbia                    20 kor  *1913    Fehertemplom(Bela Crkva). #2  VG        15

                                            -Gara,kozseg,Bacs-Bodrog varmegye(commun)

Hungary                  2 kor  *1914    Gara,kozseg.......................... #2  VG        20

                                            -Hodsag(Odzaci),jaras foszolgabiraja(district)

Serbia                      2 kor  *1914    Hodsagi(Odzaci)jaras........... #4  F           25


Serbia                      2 kor  *1917    Hodsagi(Odzaci)szolgabiro. #2  F           15

Serbia                 100 kor  *1912    Hodsagi(Odzaci)szolgabiro. #1  G           10

                                            -Kula,jaras foszolgabiraja,Bacs-Bodrog varmegye

Serbia                    20 kor  *1913    Kula,jaras............................... #3  VG        20

Serbia                 100 kor  *1912    Kula,jaras............................... #3  F           20

Serbia              1,000 kor  *1912    Kula,jaras............................... #4  F+         35


?                               2 kor  *1914    Lojarosaga-Banat,kozseg.... #4  VG+      35

                  -Nagybecskerek(Zrenjanin),varmegye,varos tanacsa

Serbia                      2 kor  *1917    Nagybecskerek,varmegye... #2  VF-       15


Serbia              1,000 kor  *1902    Nagybecskerek,varmegye... #5  XF+      60

                                            -Nagykikinda(Kikinda)polgmastere1902 varos

Serbia                      2 kor  *1917    Nagykikinda(Kikinda)varos.. #4  XF         30

                                            -Nagyszentmiklos(Sannicolau Mare)jaras

Romania             100 kor  *1912    Nagyszentmiklos,jaras......... #1  G           10

                                            -O-Becse(Becej)jaras szolgabiro hivatala

Serbia                 100 kor  *1912    O-Becse(Becej)jaras............ #2  F           15

                                            -Szakul(Sacu)jaras foszolgabiraja(district)

Romania             100 kor  *1912    Szakul(Sacu)jaras................. #2  VF         20

                                            -Titel,jaras,Bacs-Bodrog varmegye

Serbia                    20 kor  *1913    Titel,jaras................................ #1  VG        10

                                            -Torokkanizsa(Novi Knezevac)jaras szolgabiro

Serbia                    20 kor  *1913    Torokkanizsa,jaras................ #2  VG        15

                                            -Torokbecse(Novi Becej)jaras,Torontal varmegye

Serbia                    20 kor  *1913    Torokbecse(Novi Becej)....... #1  VG        10

                                            -Torokbecse(Novi Becej)jaras,felulbelyegzes

Serbia                 100 kor  *1912    Torokbecse(Novi Becej)....... #5  F+         35

                                            -Torokbecse(Novi Becej)szolgabiro

Serbia                 100 kor  *1912    Torokbecse(Novi Becej)....... #1  vG         10

                                            -Ujbesenyo(Dudestii Noi)kozeg,Tames varmegye

Romania                  2 kor  *1917    Ujbesenyo(Dudestii Noi)...... #1  VG        10

                                            -Ujvidek(Novi Sad)jaras szolgabiro hivatala

Serbia                    50 kor  *1914    Ujvidek(Novi Sad)jaras......... #3  VG        15

Serbia                 100 kor  *1912    Ujvidek(Novi Sad)jaras......... #3  VG        15

                                            -Versecz(Vrsac)varos szamvevosege(city)

Serbia                      1 kor  *1916    Versecz(Vrsac)varos............ #2  VG        10

Serbia                      2 kor  *1914    Versecz(Vrsac)varos............ #2  VF         20

                                            -Versecz(Vrsac)varos rendorkapitansaga(city)

Serbia                      2 kor  *1917    Versecz(Vrsac)varos............ #3  VF+      25


Serbia              1,000 kor  *1902    Versecz(Vrsac)varos............ #3  VF+      30

                                            -Vinga,jaras foszolgabiraja(district)

Romania             100 kor  *1912    Vinga,jaras............................. #1  VG        10

                                            -Zenta(Senta),varos 1506-1902,hivatala,

Serbia                 100 kor  *1912    Nagybecskerek,varos........... #2  F           15

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            State Lottery loan, Belgrad

bond                    100 din  1881     .......................................... bs#90  VF         20

                                            4.5% State loan, Belgrad

bond                    100 din  1943     .......................................... bs#91  VF         12


PICK#                                 *****SEYCHELLES****3*

   British Colony

8                               5 rup  1942     George VI..................... trimmed  VG-    120

11b                          5 rup  1960     QEII/arms...................................   XF+    700

12a                        10 rup  1954     QEII/arms...................................   VG      250

   Republic (British Colony till 1976)

19                          10 rup  (1976)   Mancham/hat, boat...................   UN      100

20                          20 rup  (1976)   Mancham/sailboat.....................   VF+      60

21.                         50 rup  (1976)   Mancham/fishing.......................   UN      500

23                          10 rup  (1979)   bird/woman, flowers..................   UN        35

24                          25 rup  (1979)   coconuts.....................................   UN      100

25.                         50 rup  (1979)   turtle/palm......................... F+15,  UN      200

26                        100 rup  (1979)   tropical fish/man................... red  UN      300

27                        100 rup  (1980)   tropical fish/man............. brown  UN      250

28                          10 rup  (1983)   bird/woman, flowers..................   UN        20

29                          25 rup  (1983)   coconuts/....................................   UN        60

30                          50 rup  (1983)   turtle/palm...................................   UN        90

31                        100 rup  (1983)   tropical fish/man.........................   UN      180

32                          10 rup  (1989)   scouts/dancers...........................   UN        12

33                          25 rup  (1989)   coconuts/ox mill.........................   UN        25

34                          50 rup  (1989)   fishing, ships, seagulls..............   UN        25

35                        100 rup  (1989)   girl, ox-cart/house......................   UN        70

36a    sig 1           10 rup  (1998)   coco palm/turtle, birds...............   UN          9

36b.   sig 2           10 rup  (1998)   coco palm/turtle, birds...............   UN          9

37a    sig 1           25 rup  (1998)   flower, lion fish/pigeon..............   UN        12

37c.   sig 3            25 rup  (1998)   flower, lion fish/pigeon..............   UN        18

38a    sig 1           50 rup  (1998)   orchid/bird...................................   UN        25

39a    sig 1         100 rup  (1998)   pitcher plant/tortoise..................   UN        75

39A    sig 3           50 rup  (2004)   orchid/bird...................................   UN        18

40a    sig 1         100 rup  (2001)   pitcher plant/tortoise..................   UN        60


PICK#                                 *****SIERRA LEONE****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1961; British West Africa)

1a    "A/1-6"            1 leo  (1964)   /diamond mine...........................   VF+      50

1c    "A/9-12"          1 leo  (1970)   /diamond mine.................. F 12,  AU      100

2a    "B/1-21"          2 leo  (1964)   /village.........................................   F+         25

2b    "B/22-25"        2 leo  (1964)   /village.........................................   XF         80

2d    "B/31-41"        2 leo  (1970)   /village................................ F 15,  UN      250

3                               5 leo  (1964)   /port.............................................   VF-     150

4a    "D/1-2"       0.50 leo  (1972)   Stevens/bank.............................   UN        25

4b    "D/3-5"       0.50 leo  (1974)   Stevens/bank.............................   UN        16

4c                        0.50 leo  1979     Stevens/bank.............................   UN        15

4d.                      0.50 leo  1981     Stevens/bank.............................   UN        12

4e                       0.50 leo  1984     Stevens/bank.............................   UN          6

5a                             1 leo  1974     Stevens/bank.............................   UN        25

5d                             1 leo  1981     Stevens/bank.............................   UN        10

5e                             1 leo  1984     Stevens/bank.............................   UN          6

6a                             2 leo  1974     Stevens/bank.............................   UN        40

6e.                            2 leo  1980     Stevens/bank.............................   UN        30

6g                             2 leo  1984     Stevens/bank.............................   UN        15

6h                             2 leo  1985     Stevens/bank.............................   UN          5

7d.                            5 leo  1981     Stevens/parliament...................   UN      100

8c.                          10 leo  1984     08.04; Stevens/..........................   UN        60

9.      comm         50 cen  1980     "African Unity conference".......   UN        50

12     comm             5 leo  1980     "African Unity conference".......   UN        70

13.    comm           10 leo  1980     "African Unity conference".......   UN      120

14b                         20 leo  1984     Stevens/gold pan mining..........   UN        15

15                           10 leo  1988     Momoh/cattle, farming..............   UN        10

16                           20 leo  1988     Momoh/gold pan mining...........   UN        15

17a.                       50 leo  1988     Momoh/dancers.........................   UN        18

17b                         50 leo  1989     Momoh/dancers.........................   UN        12

17b   repl               50 leo  1989     replacement "Z/1"......................   UN        30

18a.                     100 leo  1988     Momoh/building.........................   UN        20

18b                      100 leo  1989     Momoh/building.........................   UN          9

18c                       100 leo  1990     Momoh/building.........................   UN          9

19                        500 leo  1991     Momoh/boats.............................   UN        15

20a                   1,000 leo  1993     Momoh/satellite dish.................   UN        18

23a                      500 leo  1995     Londo/boats...............................   UN          9

24a.                  1,000 leo  2002     Momoh/satellite dish.................   UN        15

24c.                  1,000 leo  2006     Momoh/satellite dish.................   UN        15

25                     2,000 leo  2000     Wallace/building........................   UN        30

26a                   2,000 leo  2002     Wallace/building........................   UN        20

29a                 10,000 leo  2004     Peace/tree..................................   UN        45

30                     1,000 leo  2010     Momoh/satellite dish.................   UN          4

31                     2,000 leo  2010     Wallace/building........................   UN          5

32                     5,000 leo  2010     Pieh/dam....................................   UN          7

33                   10,000 leo  2010     Peace/tree..................................   UN        15

  Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1  spec         1/2,1,2,5  leones  (1978) ................. set of 4 notes  UN        80


PICK#                                 *****SINGAPORE***3c*

   Republic (British Colony till 1959)

1a.   "A/1-B/11"          1 $  (1967)   flower; sig LKS................. VF 6,  XF+      18

1c    "B/42-C/6"          1 $  (1971)   flower; sig HSS..........................   UN        70

1d.   "C/7-E/24"          1 $  (1972)   flower; sig HSS, red seal..........   UN        45

3a    "A/1-A/20"        10 $  (1967)   lilac; sig LKS...............................   VF         38

3d.   "A/26-A/45"     10 $  (1973)   lilac; sig HSS, red seal..............   UN      270

4                                25 $  (1972)   orchid; sig HSS..........................   VF+    160

9                                  1 $  (1976)   bird/parade........................ XF 4,  UN          8

10                                5 $  (1976)   bird/port............................... F+4,  UN        32

11b   "A/16-C/72"    10 $  (1976)   bird/buildings..............................   UN        50

12                              20 $  (1979)   bird/airplane...............................   UN        96

18a   "A/1-D/14"        1 $  (1987)   boats/satellite; sig GKS............   UN          5

19     "A/1-A/76"         5 $  (1989)   boats/port; @TDLR.......... VF 4,  UN        20

20     "A/1-G/67"      10 $  (1988)   boat/housing.................. XF+16,  UN        40

22a   "A/1-B/71"      50 $  (1987)   vessel/bridge; blue....................   VF         55

23c   "A/18-A/38"  100 $  (1992)   ship/airport.................. XF+120UN      320

27     "AA-EZ"            2 $  (1991)   boat/parade; orange..................   UN          8

28     "FA-RB"            2 $  (1992)   boat/parade; purple, @TDLR..   UN          8

31.    comm              50 $  1990     "Independence 1965-1990".....   UN      180

33     comm              25 $  1996     "Monetary Authority"....... folder  UN      150

33     comm              25 $  1996     "Monetary Authority".................   UN      120

34.    "RB-ZZ"            2 $  (1997)   boat/; purple @HS........... XF 4,  UN          9

35     "A/77-B/43"       5 $  (1997)   boat/port; @HS..........................   UN        16

36     "F/46-H/52"    50 $  (1994)   vessel/bridge; gray....................   UN      160

37     "EA-LG"            2 $  (1998)   boat/parade; purple, @BAB.....   UN          6

38                                2 $  (1999)   Yusof/education.........................   UN          5

39                                5 $  (1999)   Yusof/Garden City.....................   UN        15

40                              10 $  (1999)   Yusof/sport.................................   UN        30

41a   "0AA-1HF"      50 $  (2001)   Yusof/music, arts; sig HTT.......   UN      150

41b   "1HL-1KN"      50 $  (2002)   Yusof/music, arts; sig LHL.......   UN      140

45     comm                2 $  2000     "year 2000".................................   UN          8

45A.                             2 $  (2005)   /education; paper.......................   UN          7

47A.                             5 $  (2005)   /Garden City; paper...................   UN        16

46a                              2 $  (2007)   /education...................................   UN          5

47d                              5 $  (2014)   /Garden City; "triangle".............   UN        12

48a1                          10 $  (2008)   /sport; sig LHL............................   UN        25

48a2.                        10 $  (200-)    /sport; sig GCT...........................   UN        25

49g.                           50 $  (2014)   /music; "2 diamonds"................   UN      100

50a2.                      100 $  (200-)    /cadets; sig GCT........................   UN      200

53      comm             20 $  2007     "currency Singapore-Brunei.....   UN        40

56a    comm             10 $  2015     "50" regardless of race"............   UN        20

57a    comm             10 $  2015     "50" opportunities for all"..........   UN        20

58a    comm             10 $  2015     "50" strong families"..................   UN        20

59a    comm             10 $  2015     "50" save and secure"...............   UN        20

60a    comm             10 $  2015     "50" caring communities"..........   UN        20

61a    comm             50 $  2015     "50" Anniversary "parade"........   UN      100

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(P11)                    10 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1289  AU        10

NL(P12)                    20 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1288  AU        10

NL(P18)                      1 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1321  AU        10

NL(P19)                      5 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1322  AU        10

NL(P20)                    10 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1325  AU        10

NL(P22)                    50 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1323  AU        10

NL(P23)                 100 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1324  AU        10

NL(P27)                      2 $  ND        BoC training money... lot#1326  AU        10


PICK#                                 *****SLOVAKIA***3c*

   Republic 1939-1945 (after collapse of Czechoslovakia in 1938)

2                           500 kor  1929     ovpt(1939)..................................   VF      700

4                             10 kor  1939     Hlinka................................. G 20  F           80

6                             10 kor  1943     Stur...................................... G 4,  F+         15

9                             50 kor  1940     girls/castle...................................   F           15

10                        100 kor  1940     Pr Pribina............................. F 7,  XF+      40

11.                       100 kor  1940     Pr Pribina; II Emisia..... AU+75,  UN      100

11                        100 kor  1940     Pr Pribina; II Emisia........ "A10"  UN      120


2s      spec          500 kor  1929     perf 2x"SPECIMEN"..................   VF         80

5s      spec            20 kor  1939     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   VF      160

7s.     spec            20 kor  1942     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+      40

10s    spec          100 kor  1940     perf "SPECIMEN"............ XF 8,  AU+      25

11s    spec          100 kor  1940     perf "SPECIMEN"......................   AU+      25

12s    spec          500 kor  1941     perf 2x"SPECIMEN"..................   AU+      50

12s    spec          500 kor  1941     perf 2x"SPECIMEN"....... XF 20  AU+      50

   Republic (after division of Czechoslovakia in 1993)

16                           50 kor  1987     stamp(1993) ser "F"..................   UN        60

17.                       100 kor  1961     stamp(1993) ser "P"..................   UN      100

17                        100 kor  1961     stamp(1993) ser "G"........... F 6,  VF         12

18                        500 kor  1973     stamp(1993)...............................   F-          15

19.                    1,000 kor  1985     stamp(1993) ser "C"......... F 20,  UN      250

20a                         20 kor  1993     Pr Pribina/Nitra castle......... "B"  UN        12

20e                         20 kor  2001     Pr Pribina/Nitra castle.......... "J"  UN        12

20f                          20 kor  2004     Pr Pribina/Nitra castle......... "S"  UN          8

20g                         20 kor  2006     Pr Pribina/Nitra castle..... "S"V"  UN          8

21a.                       50 kor  1993     Cyril Method/alphabet......... "C"  UN        45

21c.                        50 kor  1999     Cyril Method/alphabet......... "C"  UN        45

21d                         50 kor  2002     Cyril Method/alphabet......... "C"  UN        80

21d                         50 kor  2002     Cyril Method/alphabet......... "K"  UN        22

21e                         50 kor  2005     Cyril Method/alphabet......... "K"  UN        22

25d.                     100 kor  2001     Madonna/Levoca city.......... "U"  UN        35

34.    comm           20 kor  2000     "year 2000".................................   UN        15

36     comm        100 kor  2000     "year 2000".................................   UN        50

37.    comm        200 kor  2000     "year 2000".................................   UN        60

38     comm        500 kor  2000     "year 2000".................................   UN        90

39     comm     1,000 kor  2000     "year 2000".................................   UN      150

44.    repl             100 kor  2004     replacement "A"................... "A"  UN        80

45                        200 kor  2006     Bernolak/Trnava.................. "E"  UN        30

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Rozsnyo (Roznava) in Hungarian

ROZ-1.1                  1 kra  1849     07.16; Rozsnyo (Roznava)......   UN        50

ROZ-1.3                  3 kra  1849     07.16; Rozsnyo (Roznava)......   VF         30

ROZ-1.4                10 kra  1849     07.16; Rozsnyo (Roznava)......   F           25

ROZ-2.1                20 kra  1849     08.29; Rozsnyo............. VF+30,  XF+      40

ROZ-3.1                  5 kra  1860     10.05; Rozsnyo (Roznava)......   F+         30


PICK#                                 *****SLOVENIA****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Yugoslavia)

*A1     unfi              1 lipa  1989     11.29.......... no black text and #  UN        60

*A1s   spec            1 lipa  1989     11.29, F Preseren.... specimen  UN        30

  *propaganda note "Bank Slovenia"

1A.                       0.50 tol  (1990    column/mountains..... unissued  UN      400

1                                1 tol  (19)90   column/mountains.....................   UN          4

2                                2 tol  (19)90   column/mountains.....................   UN          4

3                                5 tol  (19)90   column/mountains.....................   UN          5

4                              10 tol  (19)90   column/mountains.....................   UN          5

5                              50 tol  (19)90   column/mountains.....................   UN        14

6                            100 tol  (19)90   column/mountains.....................   UN        22

7.                           200 tol  (19)90   column/mountains.....................   UN      120

8b.                         500 tol  (19)92   column/mountains.....................   UN      200

9A                      2,000 tol  (19)90   column/mountains..... unissued  UN      400

1s     spec                 1 tol  (1990)   ovpt "Vzorec"..............................   UN          5

2s     spec                 2 tol  (1990)   ovpt "Vzorec"..............................   UN          5

3s     spec                 5 tol  (1990)   ovpt "Vzorec"..............................   UN          5

4s     spec              10 tol  (1990)   ovpt "Vzorec"..............................   UN          5

5s     spec              50 tol  (1990)   ovpt "Vzorec"..............................   UN          5

6s     spec            100 tol  (1990)   ovpt "Vzorec"..............................   UN          6

8s     spec            500 tol  (1992)   ovpt "Vzorec"..............................   UN          9

9s     spec         1,000 tol  (1992)   ovpt "Vzorec"..............................   UN        30

10s   spec         5,000 tol  (1992)   ovpt "Vzorec"..............................   UN        60

11                            10 tol  1992     Trubar/church.............................   UN          4

12                            20 tol  1992     Vajkard/angels...........................   UN          4

13                            50 tol  1992     Vega/Academy..........................   UN          6

14                          100 tol  1992     Jakopic/architecture..................   UN          7

15a.                      200 tol  1992     Gallus/Philharmonic..................   UN        50

15b.                      200 tol  1997     Gallus/Philharmonic..................   UN        15

15c                        200 tol  2001     Gallus/Philharmonic..................   UN        12

15d.                      200 tol  2004     Gallus/Philharmonic..................   UN        12

16a                        500 tol  1992     Plecnik/architecture...................   UN        32

16c                        500 tol  2005     Plecnik/architecture...................   UN        28

17                      1,000 tol  1992     Preseren/poem..........................   UN      140

18a                    1,000 tol  1993     Preseren/poem..........................   UN      140

24.                   10,000 tol  2000     Cankar/.......................................   UN      450

25.   comm           100 tol  2001     ovpt"1991-2001 Slovenije".......   UN        30

27.   comm     10,000 tol  2001     ovpt"1991-2001 Slovenije".......   UN      450

29.   comm       1,000 tol  2004     ovpt "joining EU 2004"..............   UN        90

31.                         100 tol  2003     Jakopic/architecture..................   UN          8

32a                    1,000 tol  2003     Preseren/poem..........................   UN        35

32c                     1,000 tol  2005     Preseren/poem..........................   UN        32

33b                    5,000 tol  2004     Kobilca/architecture...................   UN      200

34b.                 10,000 tol  2004     Cankar/.......................................   UN      450

   Provinz Laibach -Ljubljanske Pokrajine(Slovenia), German occupation

R1    {R16}             1/2 lir  1944     Provinz Laibach.........................   UN      120

R2    {R17}                1 lir  1944     Provinz Laibach.........................   UN      120

R3    {R18}                2 lir  1944     Provinz Laibach.........................   UN      250

R6    {R21}              50 lir  1944     Provinz Laibach.........................   VF+    150

   *Austro-Hungarian banknotes; Slovenia handstamp validation(1919)

    #1-5 stamp quality; #1-poor, #3-good, #5-very good

   zupa=county; obcina(gemeinde)=commune; mesto(magistrat)=city;

   davcni=tax; hranilnica=savings bank; financna dezelna=treasury


                             100 kor  *1912    Bloke,Zupanstvo................... #2  VG        20

                                            -Celli,Magistrat Stadt(city)round

                               20 kor  *1913    Cilli(Celje)Stad....................... #1  VF         15


                             100 kor  *1912    Cilli(Celje)Stadtamt............... #2  F           20

                                            -Celje,Mestni Magistrat(city)round

                               50 kor  *1914    Celje,Mestni Magistrat.......... #2  F           20

                             100 kor  *1912    Celje,Mestni Magistrat.......... #4  F           40

                                            -Crna,Obcinski Urad,Prevaljah(commune)round

                               50 kor  *1914    Crna,Obcinski Urad.............. #3  F+         40

                                            -Domzale,Hranilnica in Posojinica(savings bank)

                               50 kor  *1914    Domzale,Hranilnica............... #4  VF-       50

                                            -Donacka Gora,Obcinski Urad(commune)oval

                             100 kor  *1912    Donacka Gora,Obcinski....... #3  F+         30


                             100 kor  *1912    Gams(Kamnica)Gemeinde.. #3  F           50

                                            -Gonobitz(Slovenske Konjice)Marktgemeinde

                             100 kor  *1912    Gonobitz(Slov.Konjice)......... #5  VF         70


                             100 kor  *1912    Gradisca,Gemeinde.............. #3  F+         30

                                            -Zg.Jakobski/Maribor,Obcinski Urad

                             100 kor  *1912    Jakobski,Obcinski Urad........ #4  F           40

                                            -Jesenice,okraj Radovljica,Zupanstvo(county)oval

                             100 kor  *1912    Jesenice,Zupanstvo.............. #5  VF         50


                             100 kor  *1912    Kapellen(Kapele).................. #3  F           30

                                            -Kocevje,Davcni Urad SHS(tax office)round

                             100 kor  *1912    Kocevje,Davcni Urad SHS... #5  VF+      80

                                            -Laibach 8(Ljubljana)Gemeindeamt(commune)oval

                             100 kor  *1912    Laibach 8(Ljubljana)Gem .... #2  F           20

                                            -Ljubljana,KK Finanz Abteilung(state)round

                             100 kor  *1912    Ljubljana,KK Finanz ............. #4  VF         50

                                            -Ljubljana,Financna Dezelna Blagajna SHS,round

                               50 kor  *1914    Ljubljana,Financna SHS...... #4  F-          40

                             100 kor  *1912    Ljubljana,Financna SHS...... #3  F           30

                                            -Ljubljana,Mestni Magistrat(city)round

                               50 kor  *1914    Ljubljana,Magistrat................ #2  VG        20

                             100 kor  *1912    Ljubljana,Magistrat................ #4  F           35

                                            -Ljubno,Trzko-obcinski Urad(commune)text

                                 2 kor  *1914    Ljubno,Trzko-Obcinski......... #4  VG+      30

                             100 kor  *1912    Ljubno,Trzko-Obcinski......... #5  VG+      40


                             100 kor  *1912    Mahrenberg(Radlje)schule.. #3  F           35

                                            -Malgern(Mala Gora)Gemeinde Vorstand(comm)

                             100 kor  *1912    Malgern(Mala Gora)............. #3  F           50

                                            -Marburg(Maribor)KK Bezirks-Hauptmann-Schaft

                               20 kor  *1913    Marburg(Maribor)Bezirk....... #3  VG        30

                                            -Marburg(Maribor)KK Finanz Bezirks(district)oval

                               50 kor  *1914    Marburg(Maribor)Fi.Bezirk... #5  F           50

                                            -Marburg(Maribor)KK Gesells Bezirks Gezicht

                             100 kor  *1912    Marburg(Maribor)Gesells..... #5  F           50

                                            -Medvode,Zupanstvo Obcina(commune)oval

                             100 kor  *1912    Medvode,Zupanstvo............. #5  F           50

                                            -Mengsu,Hranilnica in Posojinica(savings bank)

                             100 kor  *1912    Menges,Hranilnica................ #3  F+         30

                                            -Metlika, ?(commune)oval

                             100 kor  *1912    Metlika,................................... #2  VG        20

                                            -Mirna Pec,Obcina okraj Rudolfovo(commune)oval

                             100 kor  *1912    Mirna Pec,Obcina................. #3  VG        35


                               50 kor  *1914    Nesselthal(Koprivnik)Gem... #4  VF         80


                             100 kor  *1912    Obergrass(Trava).................. #5  VF      100

                                            -Pettau(Ptuj)Bezirksamtmannschaft 6,round

                             100 kor  *1912    Pettau(Ptuj)Bezirk................. #5  VG        40

                                            -Roginska Gorca,Zupanstvo

                             100 kor  *1912    Roginska Gorca,Zupanstvo. #3  F           35

                                            -Sedlarjevo,Obcinski Urad(commune)text

                               20 kor  *1913    Sedlarjevo,Obcinski.............. #5  F+         60

                                            -Sv.Ema,Obcinski Urad,posta Pristava(commune)

                          1,000 kor  *1902    Sv.Ema,Obcinski Urad......... #4  VF         50

                                            -Sv.Jurij/Slovenske Gorice,Krajni Solski Svet

                             100 kor  *1912    Sv.Jurij,Krajni Solski............. #5  VF         50


                             100 kor  *1912    St.Miklavz,Obcina................. #4  VF         50

                                            -Sv.Pavel pri Preboldu,Zupanstvo(commune)round

                               20 kor  *1913    Sv.Pavel,Zupanstvo.............. #2  F           25

                                            -St.Peter pod sv.gorami,Obcinski Urad,text

                             100 kor  *1912    St.Peter,Obcinski Urad......... #5  VF         50

                                            -St.Stefan,okraj Celje,Obcinski Urad,oval

                             100 kor  *1912    St.Stefan,Obcinski Urad....... #5  VF         50

                                            -St.Urban,okraj Ptuj,Obcinski Urad,round

                             100 kor  *1912    St.Urban,Obcinski Urad....... #1  F           15


                                 2 kor  *1917    Trebelno,Zupanstvo.............. #4  G+        30

                                            -Trebovlje,Obcinski Urad(commune)oval

                             100 kor  *1912    Trebovlje,Obcinski Urad....... #2  VG        20

                                            -Velika Loka,okraj Trebnje,Zupanstvo(comm)oval

                             100 kor  *1912    Velika Loka,Zupanstvo......... #2  F           25

                                            -Videm,okraj Kocevje,Zupanstvo Obcina,oval

                               50 kor  *1914    Videm,Zupanstvo Obcina ... #4  VG+      30


                                 2 kor  *1917    Vranjsko,Obcina.................... #1  VG-       15

                                            -Vrhnika,Hranilnica in Posojinica(savings bank)

                               20 kor  *1913    Vrhnika,Hranilnica................. #4  VF+      60


                             100 kor  *1912    Wind.Feistritz......................... #4  VF         50

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Ljubljana, city

NL                          20 vin  1919     .....................................................   UN        35

                                            -Maribor, city

NL                          10 vin  1919     green...........................................   UN        35


PICK#                                 *****SOLOMON ISLANDS****3*

   Commonwealth (British protectorate till 1976)

5                                  2 $  (1977)   QEII/fishing ................................   UN        40

6a                                5 $  (1977)   QEII/war canoes .......................   UN        90

6b                                5 $  (1977)   QEII/war canoes .......................   UN        90

7a                              10 $  (1977)   QEII/shell-money ......................   UN      120

7b                              10 $  (1977)   QEII/shell-money ......................   UN      180

8.                               20 $  (1981)   QEII/warriors..............................   UN      400

13                                2 $  (1986)   arms/fishing................................   UN          6

14                                5 $  (1986)   arms/war canoes.......................   UN        12

15                              10 $  (1986)   arms/shell-money .....................   UN        15

16                              20 $  (1986)   arms/warriors.............................   UN        25

17                              50 $  (1986)   arms/wild life..............................   UN        50

18                                2 $  (1997)   arms/fishing................................   UN          4

19                                5 $  (1997)   arms/war canoes.......................   UN          8

20                              10 $  (1997)   arms/shell-money .....................   UN        15

21                              20 $  (1997)   arms/warriors.............................   UN        25

22                              50 $  (1997)   arms/wild life..............................   UN        60

23      comm               2 $  (2001)   "CBSI Jubilee"................ plastic  UN          5

24                              50 $  (2001)   arms/wild life..............................   UN        60

25                                2 $  (2005)   arms/war canoes.......................   UN          4

26                                5 $  (2005)   arms/war canoes.......................   UN          5

27                              10 $  (2005)   arms/shell-money .....................   UN          8

28                              20 $  (2005)   arms/warriors.............................   UN        15

29                              50 $  (2005)   arms/wild life............. hologram  UN        40

30a    sig 1             100 $  (2007)   arms/picking coconuts..... "A/1"  UN        80

30b    sig 2             100 $  (2012)   arms/picking coconuts..... "A/2"  UN        80

30c    sig 3             100 $  (2012)   arms/picking coconuts..... "A/5"  UN        80

34                              20 $  (2013)   arms/dancers.............................   UN        10

35                              50 $  (2013)   arms/lizards................................   UN        25

36.                           100 $  (2015)   arms/coconut harvest...............   UN        60

   Collector series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1   spec            2,5,10  $            (1979) ................. set of 3 notes  UN        90


PICK#                                 *****SOMALIA****3*

   Republic (Colony till 1960; British Somaliland, Italian Somaliland)

3                             20 shi  1962     banana/bank..............................   F         200

5                               5 shi  1966     antelope/boat.............................   F+         90

6                             10 shi  1966     flower/river..................................   VF      140

13                             5 shi  1971     antelope/boat.............................   F           80

14.                          10 shi  1971     flower/river..................................   UN      800

15.                          20 shi  1971     banana/bank..............................   AU      800

16                        100 shi  1971     .....................................................   VG+      60

17                             5 shi  1975     gnus/banana.................. AU 75,  UN      150

18                           10 shi  1975     lighthouse/boat..........................   UN      160

19.                          20 shi  1975     bank/cattle..................................   AU      150

20.                       100 shi  1975     monument/factory......................   AU+    300

21                             5 shi  1978     buffalo/banana.............. XF+40,  UN      110

23                           20 shi  1978     bank/cattle..................................   UN      180

24.                       100 shi  1978     monument/factory......... VF+60,  UN      320

26                           10 shi  1980     lighthouse/boat..........................   UN        80

27.                          20 shi  1980     bank/cattle...................... VF 18,  AU+    110

28.                       100 shi  1980     monument/factory......... XF+90,  UN      240

29                           20 shi  1981     bank/cattle...................... VF 20,  UN      160

30.                       100 shi  1981     monument/factory......... VF+35,  UN      180

31a                           5 shi  1983     buffalo/banana plantation.........   UN          9

31b                           5 shi  1986     buffalo/banana plantation.........   UN          8

31c                           5 shi  1987     buffalo/banana plantation.........   UN          6

32a                         10 shi  1983     lighthouse/building boat............   UN        14

32b                         10 shi  1986     lighthouse/building boat............   UN        14

33a                         20 shi  1983     bank/cattle..................................   UN        20

33b.                       20 shi  1986     bank/cattle..................................   UN        18

33d.                       20 shi  1989     bank/cattle........................... F 4,  UN        12

34(b)                      50 shi  1986     city/watering animals.................   UN        25

34(c).                     50 shi  1987     city/watering animals.................   UN        20

35a.                            100  1983     monument/factory......................   UN        26

35(c)   "D38-90'        100  1987     monument/factory, sig O-B......   UN        14

35(e)   "D121-170"   100  1989     monument/factory......................   XF           6

35(f)    "D171-236"   100  1989     monument/factory......................   UN        14

36a                      500 shi  1989     fisherman/mosque.....................   UN        18

36c                       500 shi  1996     fisherman/mosque.....................   UN        16

37a                   1,000 shi  1990     women/port.................................   UN          8

37b                   1,000 shi  1996     women/port.................................   UN          8

   Mogadishu North Force

R1                          20 shi  1991     camel/picking cotton.................   UN        80

R2                          50 shi  1991     loom/family, donkey..................   UN        10

   Puntland Region

R10                  1,000 shi  1990     litho P37a....................................   UN          9


PICK#                                 *****SOMALILAND****3*

   Republic (former British Somaliland seceded from Somalia in 1991)

1                               5 shi  1994     Kudu/caravan.............................   UN          4

2a                           10 shi  1994     Kudu/caravan.............................   UN          4

2b                           10 shi  1996     Kudu/caravan.............................   UN          4

3a                           20 shi  1994     Kudu/caravan.............................   UN          8

3b                           20 shi  1996     Kudu/caravan.............................   UN          9

4                             50 shi  1994     Kudu/caravan.............................   UN        15

5a                        100 shi  1994     building/port................................   UN        20

5b                        100 shi  1996     building/port................................   UN        12

6a                        500 shi  1994     building/port................................   UN        40

6b                        500 shi  1996     building/port................................   UN        15

6f                          500 shi  2006     building/port................................   UN        10

6h                        500 shi  2011     building/port................................   UN          8

7a     sig 1             50 shi  1996     Kudu/caravan.............................   UN        10

8       comm             5 shi  1996     bronze "5 Independence".........   UN        25

9       comm           10 shi  1996     bronze "5 Independence".........   UN        35

10     comm           20 shi  1996     bronze "5 Independence".........   UN        40

11a   comm           50 shi  1996     bronze "5 Independence".........   UN        55

12     comm        100 shi  1996     bronze "5 Independence".........   UN        60

14     comm             5 shi  1996     silver "5 Independence"............   UN        40

15     comm           10 shi  1996     silver "5 Independence"............   UN        40

16     comm           20 shi  1996     silver "5 Independence"............   UN        40

17.    comm           50 shi  1996     silver "5 Independence"............   UN        80

18     comm        100 shi  1996     silver "5 Independence"............   UN        90

20a                   1,000 shi  2011     building/port................................   UN          4

20d                   1,000 shi  2015     building/port................................   UN          4

21b                   5,000 shi  2012     building/camels, goats..............   UN          6

21c                   5,000 shi  2015     building/camels, goats..............   UN          5


PICK#                                 *****SOUTH AFRICA***3c*

   British Colony

                                            Anglo-Boer War

54b                     1 pound  1900     Pretoria "No" stamp "C.J.C".....   F           90

55b                     5 pound  1900     Pretoria "No" stamp "C.J.C".....   F         120

56b                  10 pound  1900     Pretoria no "No".......... VF+120AU+    450

57a                  20 pound  1900     Pretoria "No"..............................   VF      120

57b                  20 pound  1900     Pretoria no "No".........................   XF+    240

58                    50 pound  1900     Pretoria.......................................   XF+    350

60c                     1 pound  1901     04.01; Petersburg........ VG+60,  F         100

60c                     1 pound  1901     04 Petersburg..... glued on cart  VG        40

NL     p/h           5 pound  1902     03.01; Velde...............................   F+       200

67c    p/h         10 pound  1902     05.01; Velde...............................   XF      600

                                            Union of South Africa

75                       1 pound  1922     07.04...........................................   F         400

82                         10 shill  1932     .....................................................   VG-       35

82                         10 shill  1937     .....................................................   VG        40

84e                     1 pound  1938     09.24;sailing ship.......................   F+         80

84e                     1 pound  1938     09.28;sailing ship.......................   F+         80

84e                     1 pound  1940     09.12;sailing ship.......................   VG        30

86c                     5 pound  1946     sailing ship..................................   VF      150

90a                       10 shill  1948     "South"........................................   UN      200

90c                       10 shill  1955     "South"........................................   F+         45

91d                       10 shill  1956     "Suid"............................... VF 60,  VF+      90

91d                       10 shill  1958     "Suid"..........................................   F           30

93d                     1 pound  1950     "Suid"................................... pen  VF-       30

93e                     1 pound  1954     "Suid"..........................................   VF         40

93e                     1 pound  1959     "Suid"..................................... p/h  XF         80

96c                     5 pound  1955     "South"........................................   VF-       50

96c                     5 pound  1959     "South"........................................   VF         70

97                       5 pound  1957     "Suid"................................. F 35,  VF         70

97                       5 pound  1958     "Suid"..........................................   VF         70

   Republic from 1960

102b.  sig 4          1 rand  (1962)   "South"............................ XF 30,  UN      120

103b   sig 4          1 rand  (1962)   "Suid"..........................................   UN      120

104a.  sig MK       2 rand  (1961)   "South"........................... VF+25,  AU        50

104b.  sig R          2 rand  (1962)   "South"........................................   UN        80

105a.  sig MK       2 rand  (1961)   "Suid"............................. VF+25,  UN      120

105b.  sig R          2 rand  (1962)   "Suid"................................ VG 5,  AU        40

106a   sig K        10 rand  (1962)   "South"........................................   F           25

106b   sig R       10 rand  (1962)   "South"............................. F+ 25,  VF+      50

108A   sig R       20 rand  (1962)   "Suid"..........................................   VF         80

109a   sig R          1 rand  (1966)   "South"........................................   VF+      25

109b.  sig J           1 rand  (1967)   "South"........................................   UN        40

110a.  sig R          1 rand  (1967)   "Suid"..........................................   UN        20

110b   sig J           1 rand  (1967)   "Suid"..........................................   UN        20

110b   repl            1 rand  (1967)   "Suid" replacement "Z/9"..........   VF         40

114a.  sig R       10 rand  (1966)   "Suid"............... (wmk antelope)  UN      180

114c   sig J        10 rand  (1978)   "Suid".......... VF+6, (wmk head)  UN        25

115b   sig J           1 rand  (1975)   "South".................. (wmk head)  UN        15

116a   sig J           1 rand  (1973)   "Suid"............... (wmk antelope)  UN        20

116b   sig J           1 rand  (1975)   "Suid"..................... (wmk head)  UN        15

117a   sig J           2 rand  (1974)   "Suid"............... (wmk antelope)  UN        18

118d   sig GK       2 rand  (1983)   /refinery............ (serie 2-letters)  UN        10

119a.  sig J           5 rand  (1978)   replacement "X/3" .....................   UN        90

119c   sig GK       5 rand  (1981)   /mine.... (ser fractional, thread)  UN        25

119d   sig GK       5 rand  (1989)   /mine................. (serie 2-letters)  UN        25

119e   sig S          5 rand  (1990)   /mine...........................................   UN        20

120a   sig J        10 rand  (1978)   /rams.......... F 4, (ser fractional)  UN        50

120c   sig GK     10 rand  (1982)   /rams.... (ser fractional, thread)  UN        40

120d   sig GK     10 rand  (1982)   /rams................. (serie 2-letters)  UN        40

120e.  sig S        10 rand  (1990)   /rams................. (serie 2-letters)  UN        40

121b.  sig GK     20 rand  (1981)   /sailing ships...............................   UN      100

121c.  sig GK     20 rand  (1984)   /sailing ships...............................   UN        80

121e.  sig S        20 rand  (1990)   /sailing ships...............................   UN        80

122a   sig GK     50 rand  (1985)   /animals........................... XF 55,  UN      150

122b   sig S        50 rand  (1990)   /animals......................................   UN      120

123a   sig S        10 rand  (1993)   rhinoceros/rams.........................   UN        40

123b   sig M       10 rand  (1999)   rhinoceros/rams............... VF 4,  UN        35

124a   sig S        20 rand  (1993)   elephants/mining.......................   UN        70

124b   sig M       20 rand  (1999)   elephants/mining.......................   UN        65

125a.  sig S        50 rand  (1999)   lion/refinery.................................   UN      180

125b.  sig M       50 rand  (1999)   lion/refinery.................................   UN      120

126a   sig S     100 rand  (1994)   water buffalo/zebras..................   UN      120

126b   sig M     100 rand  (1999)   water buffalo/zebras..................   UN      120

127a.  sig S     200 rand  (1994)   leopard/antenna............ VF+40,  UN      200

127b.  sig M     200 rand  (1999)   leopard/antenna, bridge...........   UN      180

128a   sig M       10 rand  (2005)   rhinoceros/rams.........................   UN        12

128b.  sig GM    10 rand  (2009)   rhinoceros/rams.........................   UN        10

129a   sig M       20 rand  (2005)   elephants/mining.......................   UN        15

129b.  sig GM    20 rand  (2009)   elephants/mining.......................   UN        12

130a.  sig M       50 rand  (2005)   lion/refinery.................................   UN        40

130b.  sig GM    50 rand  (2009)   lion/refinery.................................   UN        35

131a.  sig M     100 rand  (2005)   water buffalo/zebras..................   UN        75

131b.  sig GM  100 rand  (2009)   water buffalo/zebras..................   UN        70

132a.  sig M     200 rand  (2005)   leopard/antenna, bridge...........   UN      120

133                      10 rand  (2012)   Mandela/rhinoceros...................   UN          4

134                      20 rand  (2012)   Mandela/elephant......................   UN          5

135                      50 rand  (2012)   Mandela/lion...............................   UN        12

138     sig M       10 rand  (2013)   Mandela/rhinoceros.......... rings  UN          4

142.    sig M     200 rand  (2013)   Mandela/leopard............... rings  UN        50

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            -Montagu Bank, Cape of Good Hope

s231   rema      5 pound  18--       Montagu Bank......... remainder  XF+    300

                                            -Siege of Mafeking, Col Baden-Powell, Boer War

s651   "A"              1 shill  1900     Mafeking, Baden-Powell...........   F-        200

s652   "B"              2 shill  1900     Mafeking, Baden-Powell...........   VG-    150

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Green Point Camp for Boer prisoners

C-4852             2 shilling  190-      .....................................................   AU        80

                                            -Barry and Nephews, Swellendam

NL                    5 pounds  185-      unissued.....................................   VF+    300

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

                                            -"Cape Copper Company" London

share                 10 share  1888     share warrant.................. bs#92  VG        25


PICK#                                 *****SOUTH SUDAN****3*

   Republic (after separation from Sudan in 2012)

2                             10 pia  (2011)   Garang/kudu..............................   UN        60

3.                            25 pia  (2011)   Garang/Nile................................   UN        60

5                              1 pou  (2011)   Garang/giraffes..........................   UN          4

6                              5 pou  (2011)   Garang/cattle.............................   UN          5

7.                          10 pou  (2011)   Garang/buffalo...........................   UN          6

9                           50 pou  (2011)   Garang/elephants......................   UN        25

11a                         5 pou  2015     Garang/cattle.............................   UN          4

12a.                      10 pou  2015     Garang/buffalo...........................   UN          5

12b                       10 pou  2016     Garang/buffalo...........................   UN          5

13a                       20 pou  2015     Garang/antelopes......................   UN          5

15a                     100 pou  2015     Garang/lion.................................   UN        15

15c                     100 pou  2017     Garang/lion.................................   UN        15


PICK#                                 *****SOUTHWEST AFRICA****3*

  UN Mandate 1920-1990(till 1920 German SW Africa, from 1990 Namibia)

11    SW/1         1 pound  1956     12.03;Standard Bank................   F+       600


PICK#                                 *****SOUTHERN RHODESIA****3*

   British Colony till 1970(later Rhodesia and Zimbabwe from 1980)

8a      D/2              5 shill  1943     01.01; George VI ................ p/h  F         200

8b      D/22            5 shill  1945     02.01; George VI ................ p/h  VF-     400

8b      D/36            5 shill  1945     10.01; George VI ......................   G+      120

9f       A/115        10 shill  1951     09.01; George VI ......................   F         400

10c    B/55        1 pound  1947     01.15; George VI ......................   VG      300

11f     C/17        5 pound  1951     09.01; George VI ......................   F-     1000

17      B/312      1 pound  1955     09.09; George VI ......................   F         400


PICK#                                 *****SPAIN***3c*

   Catalunya, French occupation 1812-1814 (Napoleonic Wars)

NL.  unis            100 pes  1814     French occupation.....................   AU+    600


   *      200 pesos fuertes  1837     Carlos V, treasury note.............   XF      500

   *Carlos V (pretender to the throne) Tesoro Real de Espania

57a                        25 pes  1906     woman;............ VG 40, VF 160UN   1300

58a                        50 pes  1906     woman; no ser letter.................   F         120

58b                        50 pes  1906     woman; ser "A-C".......... VG 50,  VF      180

59                       100 pes  1906     woman; ser "A-D"......................   VF      180

59b   stamp       100 pes  1906     stamp "Seron, Prov Almeria"...   VF      300

62a                        25 pes  1907     women........................................   VG+   120

63                          50 pes  1907     women/Burgos............... VG 60,  VF      250

64a                     100 pes  1907     woman/Seville............................   VG      100

64b   stamp       100 pes  1907     embossed republic(1931).........   VG+   200

69a                     100 pes  1925     Felipe II/painting.......... no serie  F           40

69a    "A"            100 pes  1925     Felipe II/painting.............. VG 4,  VF         10

69c.   "D-F"        100 pes  1925     Felipe II/painting........... VF+15,  UN        80

69b    "A"            100 pes  1925     emboss 2x;Burgos+Republic...   F         200

69b    "C"           100 pes  1925     embossed 1x;Burgos................   VG      150

69c    stamp      100 pes  1925     stamp "Una Grande Libre".......   XF      150

70c                  1,000 pes  1925     Kg Carlos I/.................................   VF+    200

70c    stamp   1,000 pes  1925     stamp "Una Grande Libre".......   VF+    300

71a                        25 pes  1926     St Xavier/painting......................   VF      120

74a    "A"              25 pes  1928     Barca/painting............................   VF         20

74b                        25 pes  1928     Barca/painting.................. VF 7,  XF+      21

75a    "A"              50 pes  1928     Velazquez/painting....................   F           12

75b                        50 pes  1928     Velazquez/painting....... VF+10,  XF+      20

76a                     100 pes  1928     Cervantes/no serie............. F 9,  VF+      25

76b    "A"            100 pes  1928     Cervantes/painting......... VF 14,  XF+      40

76a    souv         100 pes  1928     souvenir sig 1938....... lot#1105  F           35

77                       500 pes  1928     Cisneros/painting.......................   XF+    120

78                    1,000 pes  1928     St Fernando/painting.................   XF+    140


80                          50 pes  1927     stamp(1931) P72.......................   F+         60

81                          25 pes  1931     Lopez/painting.................. F 10,  XF      100

82                          50 pes  1931     Rosales/painting............... F 10,  VF         30

83                       100 pes  1931     Cordoba/painting.............. F 15,  VF         20

84.                      500 pes  1931     /painting................. F 17, VF 35,  XF+    100

85                            5 pes  1935     woman; "J".................................   UN        30

86                          10 pes  1935     woman; "A-G"............................   UN        30

88a.                      50 pes  1935     Cajal/monument... F 10, VF 20,  AU        60

89                       500 pes  1935     Cortez/........................................   VG      300

93a                       50 cen  1937     woman; "A-B"................. AU 20,  UN        30

94a.                         1 pes  1937     woman; "A-B"................. XF 10,  UN        40

95a                          2 pes  1937     woman; "A-B".............................   UN        30

   *96 -different post stamp cardboard disk issue(1938)

*96       psm           5 cen  (1938)   disk; "5" brown...........................   AU        20

*96D    psm         25 cen  (1938)   disk; "10" green..........................   AU        20

*96D    psm         25 cen  (1938)   disk; "15" green-blue.................   AU        20

*96D    psm         25 cen  (1938)   disk; "20" grey............................   AU        20

*96D    psm         25 cen  (1938)   disk; "25" violet...........................   AU        20

*96D    psm         25 cen  (1938)   disk; "30" red..............................   AU        20

*96I      psm         25 cen  (1938)   disk; "Zorrilla" violet...................   AU        20

*96J     psm         30 cen  (1938)   disk; "Jovellanos" red................   AU        20

*96K    psm          40 cen  (1938)   disk; "woman" red......................   AU        20

*96R    psm         15 cen  (1938)   disk; "especial movil"........... red  AU        20

   Franco Regency;

99                          25 pes  1936     ........................................... F+45,  VF         60

100                        50 pes  1936     .....................................................   G+        50

101                     100 pes  1936     ............................ VG+25, F+50,  XF      140

102                     500 pes  1936     .....................................................   F         700

103                  1,000 pes  1936     .....................................................   VG+   600

104                          1 pes  1937     10.12...........................................   F+         50

107     "A-F"           1 pes  1938     02.28.................................. F 18,  F+         25

107     "G"               1 pes  1938     02.28...........................................   VF         80

108.                         1 pes  1938     04.30...........................................   UN      200

109.                         2 pes  1938     04.30.................................. F 15,  AU+    180

110     "A-L"           5 pes  1938     08.10.................................. F 40,  VF+    120

111                        25 pes  1938     05.20...........................................   VG+      60

112                        50 pes  1938     05.20............................... VG 60,  VF      240

113                     100 pes  1938     05.20................ VG 25, VF 100,  XF+    300

114                     500 pes  1938     05.20............................ VG-220VF+  1800

117                        50 pes  1940     Pelayo/arms...... F 55, VF+170,  XF+    340

118                     100 pes  1940     Columbus/arms..........................   VG        35

119                     500 pes  1940     Juan de Austria/navy battle......   VF+  1000

121.                         1 pes  1940     06.01; Cortez.................. XF 80,  AU      160

122     "A-E"           1 pes  1940     09.04; ship"................................   XF         60

123                          5 pes  1940     castle.................................. F 40,  XF+    240

125                  1,000 pes  1940     Kg Carlos I/arms........................   F         600

127                          5 pes  1943     Qn Isabel/Columbus.................   XF+      80

128                          1 pes  1945     Qn Isabel/old map. F 4,VF+12,  UN        60

129.                         5 pes  1945     Qn +Columbus............... VF 25,  UN      200

130.    "A-K"         25 pes  1946     Estrada............................ VF 35,  UN      300

131     "A-B"       100 pes  1946     Goya/painting.............................   F+         50

132                     500 pes  1946     Vitoria/university........................   F+       750

134                          5 pes  1947     Seneca................................ G 4,  VF         50

135                          1 pes  1948     woman/oranges; no serie.........   VF         12

135     "A-N"           1 pes  1948     woman/oranges................ VF 4,  UN        20

136     "A-N"           5 pes  1948     Elcano............................. VF 14,  XF+      40

137     "A-G"      100 pes  1948     Bayeu.............................. VG 15,  XF      160

138                  1,000 pes  1949     Santillan/painting.......................   F         220

139                          1 pes  1951      Don Quijote...................... VF 4,  UN        16

140     "A-1L"         5 pes  1951     Balmes............................. VF+4,  UN        20

140.     error           5 pes  1951     ERROR missing serial#............   AU      400

141                        50 pes  1951     Rusinol; no serie........................   F+         60

141.                      50 pes  1951     Rusinol............................ VG 12,  UN      350

142     "A-C"      500 pes  1951     Benlliure.......................... VG 35,  VF      140

143                  1,000 pes  1951     Sorolla/painting; no serie..........   VF      200

143     "A-C"   1,000 pes  1951     Sorolla........................... VF+200  XF+    400

144     "A-T"           1 pes  1953     Santa Cruz/ship................ XF 4,  UN          8

145     "A-G"      100 pes  1953     Torres/painting................. VF 8,  UN        60

146.    "A-V"           5 pes  1954     Kg Alfonso X..................... VF 4,  UN        25

147                        25 pes  1954     Albeniz/patio; no serie..............   VF         80

147     "A-T"         25 pes  1954     Albeniz/patio..................... VF 8,  AU+      45

149     "A-1Z" 1,000 pes  1957     King+Queen...............................   AU+    240

150.                    100 pes  1965     Becquer/painting............. VF+8,  UN        40

151.                 1,000 pes  1965     St Isidoro/church........................   UN      280

152                     100 pes  1970     Falla/patio......................... AU 4,  UN          8

153.                    500 pes  1971     Verdaguer/village............. VF 6,  UN        50

153     repl         500 pes  1971     replacement serie "9A".............   XF+    150

154                  1,000 pes  1971     Echegaray/bank................. F+8,  UN        90

155                  5,000 pes  1976     Kg Carlos III/museum...... F 50,  VF-       80

156                     200 pes  1980     Alas Clarin/tree; no serie..........   UN        30

156.    "A-M"      200 pes  1980     Alas Clarin/tree................. VF 4,  UN        20

157.                    500 pes  1979     Castro; no serie.........................   UN        30

157.    "A-B"       500 pes  1979     Castro..........................................   UN        25

158                  1,000 pes  1979     Perez Galdos/Canary.... XF 12,  UN        40

159.                 2,000 pes  1980     Jimenez/villa...............................   UN      100

160                  5,000 pes  1979     Kg Juan Carlos............. VF+45,  UN      150

161.               10,000 pes  1985     Kg Juan Carlos..........................   UN      300

162                  2,000 pes  1962     Mutis/gate...................................   UN        60

163                  1,000 pes  1992     Cortez/Pizarro.................. VF 4,  UN        20

164                  2,000 pes  1992     Mutis/gate......................... VF 4,  UN        60

165.                 5,000 pes  1992     Columbus/astrolabe........ F+15,  UN      150

166                10,000 pes  1996     Kg Juan Carlos/Juan.................   UN      250

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            -Banco de Cadiz

s273                   500 real  1856     Banco de Cadiz.........................   VG+   350

s291                   100 real  (1863)   Banco de Cadiz.........................   VG+   300

   Civil War:                       -Banco de Espana, Bilbao

s551a                      5 pes  1936     Bilbao/Banco Bilbao..................   VG        35

s551g                      5 pes  1936     Bilbao/Banco Vizcaya...............   G+        25

s552a                   25 pes  1936     Bilbao/Banco Bilbao......... F 45,  VF         90

s552g                   25 pes  1936     Bilbao/Banco Vizcaya...............   F           45

s552h                   25 pes  1936     Bilbao/Caja Vizcaina.................   F           45

s554a                 100 pes  1936     Bilbao/Banco Bilbao..................   VF         90

s554g                 100 pes  1936     Bilbao/Banco Vizcaya...............   F+         70

s554i                  100 pes  1936     Bilbao/Municipal Bilbao............   F           50

s561c                      5 pes  1937     Banco Guipuzcoano; "A"..........   VF         20

s561f                       5 pes  1937     Banco Vizcaya...........................   XF         20

s561g                      5 pes  1937     Caja Vizcaina.............................   VF         10

s561h                      5 pes  1937     Caja Bilbao.................................   VF         10

s562f                    10 pes  1937     Banco Vizcaya...........................   F           20

s562h                   10 pes  1937     Caja Bilbao.................................   VF         40

s563b                   25 pes  1937     Banco Comercio........................   F-          10

s563d                   25 pes  1937     Banco Hispano Americano......   F           20

s563e                   25 pes  1937     Banco Urquijo Vascongado.....   VF         30

s563g                   25 pes  1937     Caja Vizcaina.................... F 15,  VF         30

s564a                   50 pes  1937     Banco Bilbao..................... F 12,  VF         25

s564f                    50 pes  1937     Banco Vizcaya...........................   F+         20

s564     unis         50 pes  1937     Munic Bilbao, counterfoils........   UN      100

s565a                 100 pes  1937     Banco Bilbao..............................   VF         25

s565f                  100 pes  1937     Banco Vizcaya...........................   VF-       25

s565h                 100 pes  1937     Caja Bilbao..................... VF 25,  VF+      40

s565     unis       100 pes  1937     Banco Bilbao, counterfoils........   AU      100

s567                1,000 pes  1937     Banco central.............................   AU+    120

s567                1,000 pes  1937     Banco Urquijo Vascongado.....   UN      140

                                            -Banco de Espana, Gijon

s573                      25 pes  1936     Gijon............................................   VG        20

s580                   100 pes  1937     Gijon............................... VF+25,  AU+    100

                                            -Banco de Espana, Santander

s584                      50 pes  1936     11.01; Santander.......................   VG        70

                                            -Generalitat de Catalunya

NL      unis           50 pes  (1936)   unissued, test-essay.................   UN      500

NL      unis      1,000 pes  1936     unissued, test-essay.................   UN      300

                                            -Consejo de Asturias y Leon

s601                     25 cen  (1936)   Asturias y Leon................ VF 4,  UN        25

s602                     40 cen  (1936)   Asturias y Leon.............. XF 15,  UN        60

s603                     50 cen  (1936)   Asturias y Leon..........................   F           50

s604                        1 pes  (1936)   Asturias y Leon................ F+20,  VF         30

s605                        2 pes  (1936)   Asturias y Leon................ F+45,  VF         60

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Alcaniz (Teruel), Consejo Municipal

G-75d                   25 cen  1937     .....................................................   AU          7

G-75e                   50 cen  1937     .....................................................   AU          7

G-75f                       1 pes  1937     .....................................................   AU          7

                                            -Alella (Barcelona), Ajuntamento

G-102B                50 cen  1937     .....................................................   AU+      40

                                            -Barcelona, Ajuntamento

G-236a+b            50 cen  1937     uncut 2x(10+15) cts notes........   AU+      40

G-236c                 50 cen  1937     .....................................................   VF-       12

                                            -Unio de Cooperadors

NL                           5 cen  1936     09.14...........................................   F           20

                                            -Cabrera de Mataro(Barcelona),Ajuntamento

G-385b                   1 pes  (1937)   .....................................................   XF+      80

                                            -Caldes de Montbui(Barcelona),Ajuntamento

G-396d                 50 cen  1937     .....................................................   AU          7

                                            -Denia(Alicante),Comite de Enlace

G-591                     1 pes  1936.9  unissued.....................................   XF+      15

                                            -Gerona, Ayuntamiento

NL                         50 cen  (193-)    cupon racionamiento.................   AU        25

                                            -Herencia (Ciudad Real),Consejo Municipal

G-757b                   1 pes  1937     10.01...........................................   XF         30

G-757c                 25 cen  1937     11.................................................   AU        25

G-757e                   1 pes  1937     11.................................................   AU        25

                                            -Jumilla, Consejo Municipal

G-804a                 25 cen  1937     .....................................................   F           15

                                            -Lerida, donativao para huerfanos de guerra

NL                           5 cen  1940     Lerida, donativo.........................   AU        25

NL                         10 cen  1940     Lerida, donativo.........................   AU        25

NL                         20 cen  1940     Lerida, donativo.........................   AU        25

NL                           1 pes  1940     Lerida, donativo.........................   AU        30

                                            -Manresa (Barcelona), Consell Municipal

G-878b                   1 pes  (193-)    .....................................................   AU          7

                                            -Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona), Ajuntamento

G-946d                 25 cen  1937     .....................................................   AU          7

                                            -Manzanares, Ajuntamento

NL                         50 cen  1939     02.................................................   VF         20

                                            -Soller, Palma de Mallorca

NL                 pan(bread)  1940     cupon racionamiento.................   VF+      20

NL           azucar (sugar)  1940     cupon racionamiento.................   VF+      20

                                            -Solsona (Lerida), Ajuntamento

G-1379f                50 cen  1937     .....................................................   AU        12


NL          nabos (turnips)  1940     cupon racionamiento.................   VF         20


check                  300 pes  1892     Banco de Espana...... lot#1034  VF+      15


PICK#                                 *****SPITZBERGEN ISLAND****3*

   Norwegian Dependent Territory

                                            "Arktikugol" State Russian Mining Company

NL                           1 kop  1957     "Arktikugol".................................   XF-     180

NL                         10 kop  1957     "Arktikugol".......................... spot  XF+    350

NL.                          1 kop  1961     "Arktikugol".................................   UN      100

NL                           3 kop  1961     "Arktikugol".................................   XF         60

NL.                          5 kop  1961     "Arktikugol"....................... F+20,  UN      180

NL                         10 kop  1961     "Arktikugol".................................   F-          35

NL.                        20 kop  1961     "Arktikugol".................................   UN      450

NL                           1 kop  (1978)   "Arktikugol".................................   UN        15

NL                           2 kop  (1978)   "Arktikugol".................................   UN        15

NL.                          3 kop  (1978)   "Arktikugol".................................   UN        25

NL.                          5 kop  (1978)   "Arktikugol".................................   UN        30

NL                            1 rub  (1978)   "Arktikugol".................... VF+40,  UN      180

NL                            3 rub  (1978)   "Arktikugol"..................... VG 25,  VF+    150

NL                            5 rub  (1978)   "Arktikugol"..................... VG 40,  VF      150

NL                          10 rub  (1978)   "Arktikugol"..................... VG 50,  F+       150

NL                          25 rub  (1978)   "Arktikugol"......................... tape  VG-    150

                                            Store Norske Spitzbergen, Norwegian Mining Co

NL                               5 kr  1970     "Store Norske"...........................   UN      350


PICK#                                 *****SRI LANKA - CEYLON****3*

   Ceylon -British Colony

16a                          1 rup  1918     straight edge......................... "B"  F           60

16a                          1 rup  1923     straight edge........................ "C"  F           60

16a                          1 rup  1924     straight edge........................ "D"  F           60

16b                          1 rup  1927     perforated; tape on back.... "G"  VG        30

16b                          1 rup  1936     straight edge........................ "N"  F           40

16b                          1 rup  1936     perforated edge.................... "P"  F           40

16b                          1 rup  1939     straight edge........................ "Q"  F           35

21                            2 rup  1939     10.02..................................... "M"  F         220

23                            5 rup  1930     09.10; straight edge............ "D"  VG      150

23                            5 rup  1939     10.02; straight edge............. "E"  VG      200

30                            1 rup  1941     02.01; straight edge............. "A"  F           60

31                            2 rup  1941     02.01; perforated edge....... "E"  F           80

32                            5 rup  1941     02.01; straight edge............ "G"  F         160

34                            1 rup  1942     09.19; straight edge....... VF 30,  AU      120

34                            1 rup  1942     09.19; perforated edge.............   XF         80

34.                           1 rup  1943     08.04; straight edge........ F+30,  XF         80

34                            1 rup  1943     08.04; perforated edge.... F 15,  VF         30

34                            1 rup  1944     07.12; straight edge..................   XF+      90

34                            1 rup  1945     06.24; straight edge..................   VF         30

34                            1 rup  1945     06.24; perforated edge.............   F           15

34                            1 rup  1947     03.01; straight edge..................   XF         70

34                            1 rup  1947     03.01; perforated edge.............   F+         25

34                            1 rup  1948     06.01; perforated edge.............   XF      120

34.                           1 rup  1949     03.01; perforated edge.... stain  AU      160

35                            2 rup  1941     12.20; straight edge..................   F           50

35                            2 rup  1942     09.19; straight edge..................   VF      100

35                            2 rup  1942     09.19; perforated edge.............   VF      120

35                            2 rup  1943     08.04; straight edge..................   F           50

35                            2 rup  1943     08.04; perforated edge.............   F           50

35                            2 rup  1945     06.24; perforated edge.............   XF+    300

36                            5 rup  1943     08.04; George VI.............. F 80,  XF      320

36                            5 rup  1944     07.12; George VI.......................   F           80

36                            5 rup  1946     05.07; George VI.......................   AU      640

36A                        10 rup  1942     09.19; George VI.......................   VG+      90

36A                        10 rup  1943     08.04; George VI.......................   VF+    360

36A                        10 rup  1944     07.12............................. VF 240XF      480

40                         25 cen  1942     01.01...........................................   F         100

42a                     2+3 cen  1942     George VI...................................   VF+    240

43a1.                    10 cen  1942     02.01; George VI.......................   F+         12

43a2                     10 cen  1942     07.14; George VI................ F 8,  XF+      48

43b                       10 cen  1943     12.23; George VI.......................   XF         40

44a1                     25 cen  1942     02.01; George VI.......................   XF-       32

44a2.                    25 cen  1942     07.14; George VI............... F+9,  AU        80

44b4                     25 cen  1949     12.01; George VI.......................   XF         40

45a1                     50 cen  1942     02.01; George VI.......................   F+         40

45a2                     50 cen  1942     07.14; George VI........... VF-35,  VF+      60

45a4                     50 cen  1948     06.01; George VI.............. F 20,  XF         80

47                            1 rup  1951     George VI...................................   VF         48

49b.                         1 rup  1954     10.16; QEII.................................   AU      160

55                          10 rup  1953     07.01; QEII.................................   VF      200

56b2                        1 rup  1958     11.07; arms................................   XF         10

56b3.                       1 rup  1959     09.11; arms.................... AU 16,  UN        32

56d1.                       1 rup  1960     08.18; arms................... XF+12,  UN        32

56d2                        1 rup  1962     01.29; arms................................   UN        32

56e                          1 rup  1963     06.05; arms....................... XF 7,  UN        26

57a4                        2 rup  1958     11.07; arms................................   VF+      32

57c2.                       2 rup  1962     01.29; arms................................   UN      120

58                            5 rup  1962     01.29; arms................................   UN      240

59a1                      10 rup  1957     05.31; arms................................   F           15

59a2.                     10 rup  1959     09.11; arms................................   UN      240

59c1                      10 rup  1960     08.16; arms................................   F+         22

59c2                      10 rup  1961     04.07; arms................................   VF         30

59c3                      10 rup  1963     06.05; arms................................   AU+    180

63a                          5 rup  1962     11.08; Bandaranaike.................   UN      160

63b                          5 rup  1964     06.12; Bandaranaike.................   UN      160

64(a)                     10 rup  1964     06.12; Bandaranaike.................   F           15

65b                        50 rup  1963     06.05; Bandaranaike........... "R"  F           20

65c                        50 rup  1965     04.06; Bandaranaike........... "S"  F           20

   Republic; Sri Lanka

67a1.                       2 rup  1965     09.09; Kg Parakkrama.. AU 20,  UN        40

67a2.                       2 rup  1967     07.15; Kg Parakkrama..............   AU+      30

69.                         10 rup  1968     01.10; Kg Parakkrama..............   UN      120

71b                      100 rup  1966     11.22; Kg Parakkrama..............   F         100

72a                          2 rup  1969     05.10; Kg Parakkrama..............   UN        20

72b1.                       2 rup  1970     06.01; Kg Parakkrama. AU+12  UN        16

72b2.                       2 rup  1971     02.01; Kg Parakkrama..............   UN        16

73a.                         5 rup  1969     05.10; Kg Parakkrama..............   UN        36

73b1.                       5 rup  1970     06.01; Kg Parakkrama..............   UN        32

73b2                        5 rup  1971     02.01; Kg Parakkrama..............   UN        32

74a                        10 rup  1969     10.20; Kg Parakkrama..............   F           10

74b3.                     10 rup  1971     06.07; Kg Parakkrama.... XF 8,  AU        16

78a                      100 rup  1970     10.26; Bandaranaike.......... pen  F           36

72Aa1.                    2 rup  1973     08.21; Kg Parakkrama..............   UN        18

72Aa2                     2 rup  1974     08.27; Kg Parakkrama... XF+6,  UN        16

72Ab                        2 rup  1977     08.26; Kg Parakkrama... XF+5,  UN        12

73Aa1.                    5 rup  1973     08.21; Kg Parakkrama..............   UN        24

73Aa3                     5 rup  1974     08.27; Kg Parakkrama...... F+4,  UN        20

74Aa1                   10 rup  1974     07.16; Kg Parakkrama..............   VF+         5

74Ab.                    10 rup  1975     10.06; Kg Parakkrama.... VF 4,  UN        20

74Ac                      10 rup  1977     08.26; Kg Parakkrama..............   UN        16

79A2                     50 rup  1974     08.27; Bandaranaike...... F+20,  VF+      40

80Ab                   100 rup  1975     10.06; Bandaranaike........ F 15,  VF         30

81.                         50 rup  1977     08.26; arms/terraced hills.........   UN      150

83                            2 rup  1979     fish/fauna, flora..........................   UN        16

84                            5 rup  1979     lizard/fauna, flora.......................   UN        32

85.                         10 rup  1979     bird/fauna, flora............. XF+30,  UN        80

86                          20 rup  1979     bird/fauna, flora............. XF+36,  UN        96

87                          50 rup  1979     bird/.................... F+30, AU 160UN      320

88.                       100 rup  1979     bird/.............................................   UN      640

90.                    1,000 rup  1981     dam/peacock..............................   UN      600

91                            5 rup  1982     temples.......................................   UN          8

92a                        10 rup  1982     temples.......................................   UN        12

92b.                       10 rup  1985     temples.......................................   UN        12

93b.                       20 rup  1985     temples.......................................   UN        18

94                          50 rup  1982     temples.......................................   UN        30

96a                        10 rup  1987     temples.......................................   UN          6

96d                        10 rup  1989     temples.......................................   UN          6

96e.                       10 rup  1990     temples.......................................   UN          7

97c                        20 rup  1990     temples.......................................   UN          9

98b                        50 rup  1989     02.21; temples...........................   UN        25

98d.                       50 rup  1990     04.05; temples...........................   UN        25

99b                      100 rup  1988     sculpture/parliament...... AU 25,  UN        50

100a.                  500 rup  1987     elephant/temple.........................   UN      180

100c.                   500 rup  1989     elephant/temple.........................   UN      160

101a                1,000 rup  1987     dam/university............................   UN      140

101b.               1,000 rup  1989     dam/university............................   UN      160

101c.               1,000 rup  1990     dam/university............................   UN      160

102a.                     10 rup  1991     lion stone/palace, flowers.........   UN          6

102b.                     10 rup  1992     lion stone/palace, flowers.........   UN          6

102c                      10 rup  1994     lion stone/palace, flowers.........   UN          5

103a                      20 rup  1991     bird mask/fishing, conch...........   UN          8

103b.                     20 rup  1992     bird mask/fishing, conch...........   UN          9

104a.                     50 rup  1991     dancer/temple, sword...............   UN        12

104b                      50 rup  1992     dancer/temple, sword...............   UN        10

105c                    100 rup  1992     urn/tea picking, parrots.............   UN        20

105A.                  100 rup  1992     urn/tea picking, parrots.............   UN        20

106a.                  500 rup  1991     drummers/temple......................   UN      100

107a                1,000 rup  1991     elephant/temple, peacocks......   UN      160

108a                      10 rup  1995     lion stone/palace, flowers.........   UN          5

108b                      10 rup  2001     lion stone/palace, flowers.........   UN          5

108c                      10 rup  2004     lion stone/palace, flowers.........   UN          5

109a                      20 rup  1995     bird mask/fishing, conch...........   UN          5

109b                      20 rup  2001     bird mask/fishing, conch...........   UN          5

109c.                     20 rup  2004     bird mask/fishing, conch...........   UN          5

110a                      50 rup  1995     dancer/temple, sword...............   UN          5

110b                      50 rup  2001     dancer/temple, sword...............   UN          5

111a                   100 rup  1995     urn/tea picking, parrots.............   UN          6

111b                    100 rup  2001     urn/tea picking, parrots.............   UN          6

112                      500 rup  1995     drummers/temple, orchids........   UN        60

113.                 1,000 rup  1995     elephant/peacocks....................   UN      100

114a   comm      200 rup  1998     "50 Independ."........ red#;folder  UN        20

114a   comm      200 rup  1998     "50 Independ.". orange#;folder  UN        24

114b   comm      200 rup  1998     "50 Independence"........ plastic  UN        12

119c.                   500 rup  2004     07.01; drummers/orchids..........   UN        24

119d.                  500 rup  2005     11.19; drummers/orchids..........   UN        24

120c.               1,000 rup  2004     07.01;elephant/peacocks.........   UN        36

121a.               2,000 rup  2005     mountain/painting......................   UN        60

121b.               2,000 rup  2006     mountain/painting......................   UN        60

122.   comm   1,000 rup  2009     "Peace and prosperity".............   UN        30

123                        20 rup  2010     bird, port/dancers.......................   UN          4

124                        50 rup  2010     bird, bridge/dancers..................   UN          4

125                      100 rup  2010     bird, factory/dancers.................   UN          5

126                      500 rup  2010     bird/dancers...............................   UN          6

127                   1,000 rup  2010     bird/dancers...............................   UN        10

127    repl        1,000 rup  2010     replacement "Z".........................   UN        25

128.                 5,000 rup  2010     bird/dancers...............................   UN        80

129.   comm       500 rup  2013     "CHOGM 2013".........................   UN        10

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   The Rubber Controller of Ceylon(Rubber Export Coupons)

Colombo       100 pound  1942     issue-1................. cut cancelled  VF+      70

Colombo           1 pound  1942     issue-2................. cut cancelled  AU        70

Colombo         10 pound  1942     issue-3................. cut cancelled  AU        90


PICK#                                 *****STRAITS SETTLEMENTS****3*

   British Colony(Singapore, Malacca, Labuan, Cocos Is, Christmas Is)

1c                                1 $  1921     .....................................................   F         600

6c                          10 cen  (1919)   .....................................................   VG-    100

8b                         10 cen  1919     ......................................... F+165VF      220

9a                                1 $  1925     .....................................................   F-        450

16b                              1 $  1935     Kg/tiger........... VG+ 90, F+180VF      240


PICK#                                 *****SUDAN****3*

   Republic (Anglo-Egyptian influence till 1956)

1A.                         25 pia  1956     soldiers............. VG+30, VF 80,  UN      640

1B                          25 pia  1956     soldiers........................................   VF+    100

2A                          50 pia  1956     elephants......................... F 100,  F+       150

2B                          50 pia  1956     elephants....................................   F         100

3                              1 pou  1956     dam/camel rider.........................   F+       150

4                              5 pou  1956     boat/camel rider.........................   F+       300

5                           10 pou  1956     bank/camel rider........................   F         300

6(a).                       25 pia  1964     soldiers........................................   UN      600

6(b).                       25 pia  1966     soldiers........................................   UN      600

6(c)                        25 pia  1967     soldiers........................................   VF+    120

6(d)                        25 pia  1968     soldiers........................................   F+         70

7a                           50 pia  1964     elephants....................................   F         120

8a                           1 pou  1961     dam/camel rider............... F+75,  VF      100

8c                            1 pou  1966     dam/camel rider.........................   VF+    200

9c                            5 pou  1966     dam/camel rider.........................   F+       200

10a                       10 pou  1964     bank/camel rider........................   F         140

10c                       10 pou  1967     bank/camel rider........................   F         140

10d                       10 pou  1968     bank/camel rider........................   F         160

11(a).  "A/6-16"    25 pia  1970     01.01;bank/textile............ F+13,  UN      140

11(c)   "31-50"      25 pia  1973     04.01;bank/textile factory.........   UN      112

11(d).  "51-70"      25 pia  1974     04.27;bank/textile factory.........   UN        50

11(e).  "72-81"      25 pia  1975     01.25;bank/textile factory.........   AU+      30

11(g)   "87-97"      25 pia  1978     01.01;bank/textile factory.........   UN        40

11(h)   "99-119"    25 pia  1978     05.28;bank/textile factory.........   UN        30

11(i)    "119-146"  25 pia  1980     01.02;bank/textile factory.........   AU+      15

12(a)                      50 pia  1970     bank/university...........................   UN      160

12(g)                      50 pia  1978     01.01;bank/university................   UN        35

12(h)                      50 pia  1978     05.28;bank/university................   UN        35

12(i).                      50 pia  1980     01.02;/university........................   UN        35

13(a)                       1 pou  1970     01.01;bank/ruins........... VF+36,  UN      200

13(c)                       1 pou  1973     04.01;bank/ruins................ G 4,  XF         20

13(d)                       1 pou  1974     04.27;bank/ruins........................   UN        55

13(e).                      1 pou  1975     01.25;bank/ruins........... VF+10,  UN        55

13(f).                       1 pou  1977     02.07;bank/ruins........................   UN        55

14(a).                      5 pou  1970     01.01;bank/animals...................   AU+    600

14(g)                       5 pou  1978     05.28;bank/animals...................   VF+    150

15(a).                   10 pou  1977     02.07;bank/port..........................   UN      200

15(h)                    10 pou  1978     05.28;bank/port..........................   VF         25

15(i)                      10 pou  1980     01.02;bank/port..........................   UN      150

16                           25 pia  1981     Nimeiri/bridge.................. brown  UN        12

17                           50 pia  1981     Nimeiri/bank.................... purple  UN        20

18                           1 pou  1981     Nimeiri/parliament.....................   UN        60

20                         10 pou  1981     Nimeiri/factory............... VF+60,  UN      320

22     comm         20 pou  1981     "Independence 25yr".................   UN      360

23                           25 pia  1983     Nimeiri/bridge....................... red  UN          7

25                           1 pou  1983     Nimeiri/parliament; blue.. VF 4,  UN        18

26                           5 pou  1983     Nimeiri/mosque..........................   UN        70

29.                        50 pou  1984     Nimeiri/ships...............................   AU+    300

30.                          25 pia  1985     camels/bank...............................   UN        10

31                           50 pia  1985     lyre, drum/bank..........................   UN        15

32                           1 pou  1985     cotton boll/bank..........................   UN        10

34                         10 pou  1985     gate/bank....................................   UN      170

35                         20 pou  1985     boat/bank....................................   XF-     120

37                           25 pia  1987     camels/bank...............................   UN          4

38                           50 pia  1987     lyre, drum/bank..........................   UN          4

39                           1 pou  1987     cotton boll/bank..........................   UN          4

40a                         5 pou  1987     cattle/bank..................................   UN        20

40b                         5 pou  1989     cattle/bank..................................   UN        16

40c                          5 pou  1990     cattle/bank..................................   UN        25

41a.                      10 pou  1987     cattle/bank..................................   UN        50

42a.                      20 pou  1987     dhow/bank..................................   AU+      50

43a.                      50 pou  1987     museum/bank............................   UN        80

44a.                    100 pou  1988     university/bank...........................   UN        60

44b                     100 pou  1989     university/bank...........................   UN          5

45                           5 pou  1991     cattle/bank..................................   UN          5

46                         10 pou  1991     gate/bank....................................   UN          5

47                         20 pou  1991     dhow/bank..................................   UN          8

48                         50 pou  1991     museum/bank............................   UN        10

49     engr          100 pou  1991     university/bank...........................   UN      100

50a   litho          100 pou  1991     university/bank...........................   UN          7

50b   litho          100 pou  1992     university/bank...........................   UN          7

51                             5 din  1993     palace/sunflowers......................   UN          5

52                          10 din  1993     palace/dome...............................   UN          7

53a                        25 din  1992     palace/design.............................   UN        30

53c                         25 din  1992     palace/design.............................   UN          5

54a.                       50 din  1992     palace/mosaic............................   UN        40

54b.                       50 din  1992     palace/mosaic............................   UN        30

54d                        50 din  1992     palace/mosaic............................   UN          5

55                        100 din  1994     palace/building...........................   UN          6

56                        100 din  1994     palace/building...........................   UN          5

57b                      200 din  1998     palace/building; #8-digit............   UN          7

58a                      500 din  1998     palace/oil well; #7-digit..............   UN        15

58b.                     500 din  1998     palace/oil well; #8-digit..............   UN        12

59a                   1,000 din  1996     palace/building; #8-digit............   UN        25

62                     2,000 din  2002     palace/building, rig, dam..........   UN        27

63                     5,000 din  2002     palace/bank, boat......................   UN        50

64                           1 pou  2006     building/dove..............................   UN          4

66.                          5 pou  2006     building/dam...............................   UN        10

68                         20 pou  2006     oil rig, pyramids, irrigation........   UN        30

69                         50 pou  2006     African fauna/cattle...................   UN        60

72                           5 pou  2011     building/dam...............................   UN          8

73                         10 pou  2011     tree, camel/palace.....................   UN        15

74                         20 pou  2011     wells/...........................................   UN        25

75                         50 pou  2011     animals/......................................   UN        50

                                            Siege of Khartoum

s104b                    20 pia  1884     Siege of Khartoum....................   XF      900

s105b                  100 pia  1884     Siege of Khartoum....................   XF      700

s106b                  500 pia  1884     perforation "ANNUL".................   XF    1200

s107b               1,000 pia  1884     Siege of Khartoum....................   XF    1200

s109                 2.500 pia  1884     stamp "restitue...Sudan"...........   VF+  1000

s110                 5,000 pia  1884     Siege of Khartoum....................   XF    1200


PICK#                                 *****SURINAM****3*

   Netherlands Colony till 1975; Netherlands Guiana

87c                     2.50 gul  1942     01.01...........................................   F+       160

104a                     50 cen  1940     10.05...........................................   F           90

104b                     50 cen  1941     07.01...........................................   F           90

104c                     50 cen  1942     04.30...........................................   F           60

105a                        1 gul  1940     09.19...........................................   F           90

105b                        1 gul  1941     07.01...........................................   G+        30

105c                         1 gul  1942     04.30...........................................   F           60

105d                        1 gul  1947     07.01...........................................   VG        60

107                           1 gul  1951     03.01; green-brown...................   F         160

108b                        1 gul  1956     05.01; brown-blue......................   F           40

108b                        1 gul  1960     04.01; brown-blue......................   VG+      30

109                     2.50 gul  1950     07.01; brown-yellow..................   F         160

116a                        1 gul  1961     08.01...........................................   F           10

116a                        1 gul  1965     03.01...........................................   F             4

116b.                       1 gul  1971     04.01...........................................   UN        32

116d                        1 gul  1974     11.01...........................................   UN        12

116                           1 gul  1979     .....................................................   UN        12

116                           1 gul  1984     .....................................................   UN        12

116.                         1 gul  1986     .....................................................   UN        12

117b                   2.50 gul  1967     woman.................................. F 4,  UN        24

118a.                  2.50 gul  1973     bird/lizard....................................   UN        24

118b                   2.50 gul  1978     bird/lizard....................................   UN        12

119                     2.50 gul  1985     bird/lizard....................................   UN        12

120                           5 gul  1963     woman, fruit................................   UN          4

121                        10 gul  1963     woman, fruit................................   UN          4

122                        25 gul  1963     woman........................................   VF+      90

124                   1,000 gul  1963     woman........................................   UN        32

   Republic (from 1975)

125                           5 gul  1982     monument/palace......................   UN          8

126                        10 gul  1982     monument/palace......................   UN        12

127b                      25 gul  1985     monument/palace......................   UN          5

128b                    100 gul  1985     monument/palace......................   UN          5

129                      500 gul  1982     monument/palace......................   UN        24

130a.                       5 gul  1986     DeKom/Toucan, meeting.........   UN        32

132a                      25 gul  1986     DeKom/Toucan, meeting.........   UN        15

132b                      25 gul  1988     DeKom/Toucan, meeting.........   UN          6

133a                    100 gul  1986     DeKom/Toucan, meeting.........   UN        32

133b                    100 gul  1988     DeKom/Toucan, meeting.........   UN          9

134                      250 gul  1988     DeKom/Toucan, meeting.........   UN        12

135b                    500 gul  1988     DeKom/Toucan, meeting.........   UN        22

136a                        5 gul  1991     bank/logging...............................   UN          5

136b                        5 gul  1996     bank/logging...............................   UN          5

136b                        5 gul  1998     bank/logging...............................   UN          5

137a                      10 gul  1991     bank/banana harvesting...........   UN          5

137b                      10 gul  1996     bank/banana harvesting...........   UN          5

137b                      10 gul  1998     bank/banana harvesting...........   UN          5

138a                      25 gul  1991     bank/swimmer............................   UN          5

138c.                     25 gul  1996     bank/swimmer............................   UN          9

138d.                     25 gul  1998     bank/swimmer............................   UN          9

139a                    100 gul  1991     bank/mine...................................   UN        12

139b                    100 gul  1998     bank/mine...................................   UN          9

140.                     500 gul  1991     bank/drilling................................   UN        32

141b.               1,000 gul  1995     bank/harvesting.........................   UN        24

142                   2,000 gul  1995     bank/logging...............................   UN        36

143b                 5,000 gul  1999     bank/...........................................   UN        64

144.               10,000 gul  1996     /factory; silver security .............   UN      160

146                           5 gul  2000     bird/flowers.................................   UN          5

147                        10 gul  2000     bird/flowers.................................   UN          5

148                        25 gul  2000     bird/flowers.................................   UN          6

149                      100 gul  2000     bird/flowers.................................   UN        15

150                      500 gul  2000     bird/flowers.................................   UN        32

151                   1,000 gul  2000     bird/flowers.................................   UN        48

152.                  5,000 gul  2000     bird/flowers.................................   UN      200

153.               10,000 gul  2000     bird/flowers....................... F+40,  UN      400

154.               25,000 gul  2000     bird/flowers.................................   UN   1000

159a.                        20 $  2004     building/mountain......................   UN        35


PICK#                                 *****SWAZILAND****3*

   Kingdom (British Colony till 1968)

1                                  1 lil  (1974)   Kg Sobhuza/daughters.............   UN        12

1s     spec                  1 lil  (1974)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        70

2                             2 ema  (1974)   Kg Sobhuza/sugar mill..............   UN        35

2s     spec             2 ema  (1974)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        80

3                             5 ema  (1974)   Kg Sobhuza/landscape... F+12  UN      120

3s     spec             5 ema  (1974)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        90

8a     sig 2             2 ema  (1984)   Kg Sobhuza/sugar mill..............   VF           6

8b     sig 4             2 ema  (1985)   Kg Sobhuza/sugar mill..............   UN        18

9a     sig 2             5 ema  (1982)   Kg Sobhuza/landscape....... "D"  UN      150

9b     sig 4             5 ema  (1984)   Kg Sobhuza/landscape.............   UN        30

10c   sig 4           10 ema  (1985)   Kg Sobhuza/mine......................   UN        30

11b   sig 4           20 ema  (1985)   Kg Sobhuza/truck, cattle..........   UN        90

12                        20 ema  (1986)   Kg Mswati/truck, cattle..............   UN        70

13                           2 ema  (1987)   Kg Mswati/animals....................   UN        25

14                           5 ema  (1987)   Kg Mswati/warriors....................   UN        40

17     comm        20 ema  1989     "Kg Mswati 21"............... VF 10,  UN        80

18a   sig 4             2 ema  (1990)   Kg Mswati/animals....................   UN        22

18b.  sig 6             2 ema  (1994)   Kg Mswati/animals....................   UN        40

19a   sig 4             5 ema  (1990)   Kg Mswati/warriors....................   UN        30

19b   sig 6             5 ema  (1994)   Kg Mswati/warriors....................   UN        70

20a   sig 4           10 ema  (1990)   Kg Mswati/plant.........................   UN        60

20b   sig 5           10 ema  (1992)   Kg Mswati/plant.........................   F             5

21a.  sig 4           20 ema  (1992)   Kg Mswati/truck, cattle..............   UN      150

21b.  sig 5           20 ema  (1992)   Kg Mswati/truck, cattle..............   UN      140

22a.  sig 4           50 ema  (1990)   Kg Mswati/bank.........................   UN      250

23                           5 ema  (1995)   Kg Mswati/warriors....................   UN        15

24a                      10 ema  (1995)   Kg Mswati/plant, bird.................   UN        60

24b                      10 ema  1997     Kg Mswati/plant, bird.................   UN        45

25a                      20 ema  (1995)   Kg Mswati/truck, cattle..............   UN        45

25c                       20 ema  1998     Kg Mswati/truck, cattle..............   UN        25

26a.                     50 ema  1995     Kg Mswati/bank.........................   UN      110

26b                      50 ema  1998     Kg Mswati/bank.........................   UN        60

27.                     100 ema  1996     Kg Mswati/rock..........................   UN      120

28    comm       200 ema  1998     "30 years of Independence".....   UN      150

29                        10 ema  2001     Kg Mswati/plant, bird.................   UN          7

30                        20 ema  2001     Kg Mswati/truck, cattle..............   UN        12

31                        50 ema  2001     Kg Mswati/bank.........................   UN        30

32.                     100 ema  2001     Kg Mswati/rock..........................   UN        60

33    comm       100 ema  2004     "30 Anniversary"........................   UN        70

34.   comm       100 ema  2008     "King's 40 birthday"...................   UN        50

35.   comm       200 ema  2008     "King's 40 birthday"...................   UN      100

36a                      10 ema  2010     Kg Mswati/dancers....................   UN          4

37a.                     20 ema  2010     Kg Mswati/cow, plant................   UN          6

38a                      50 ema  2010     Kg Mswati/bank.........................   UN        15

39a.                   100 ema  2010     Kg Mswati/animals....................   UN        30

40a.                   200 ema  2010     Kg Mswati/..................................   UN        60

  Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1  spec    1,2,5,10,20  ema      (1974) ................. set of 5 notes  UN      150


PICK#                                 *****SWEDEN***3c*


A62                        25 dal  1716     Daler Silvermynt........................   XF+    800

A63r     unis            5 dal  1717     no signatures............. unissued  XF+    300

A64                        10 dal  1717     Daler Silvermynt........................   VF+    500

A74                    1690 dal  1747     front page...................................   VF+  1200

A80                    2217 dal  1748     front page...................................   VF+    800

A87                          9 dal  1759     Daler................. corner missing  G+      150

A88                        12 dal  1761     Daler Kopparmynt.............. tape  P         120

A93a                       8 sch  1804     Schillingar Specie.............. tape  G        120

A93b                       8 sch  1828     Schillingar Specie.............. tape  G+      150

A94b                     12 sch  1832     Schillingar Specie.............. tape  P         120

A95a                     16 sch  1802     Schillingar Specie......................   VG-    300

A95d    canc        16 sch  1821     Schillingar Specie....... cut canc  VG      300

A95d                     16 sch  1830     Schillingar Specie.............. tape  G        120

A96                       10 kop  1803     Koppar Schillingar....... trimmed  G        120

A96                       10 kop  1804     Koppar Schillingar.....................   VG-    200

A97                       14 kop  1803     Koppar Schillingar.....................   VG      250

A100b                     8 sch  1840     Schillingar Banco.......................   G        120

A100b                     8 sch  1846     Schillingar Banco.......................   VF+    400

A100b                     8 sch  1848     Schillingar Banco.......................   VG-    180

A100b                     8 sch  1848     Schillingar Banco............... tape  G-       120

A100b                     8 sch  1849     Schillingar Banco.......................   VF      300

A101b                   12 sch  1845     Schillingar Banco.......................   G+      120

A102b                   16 sch  1844     Schillingar Banco.......................   VG      200

A106                        1 dal  1790     front page...................................   VF      700

A114b                    12 ski  1800     Skillingar.....................................   VG      300

A123c                    32 ski  1840     Skillingar Banco.........................   F         200

A123c                    32 ski  1853     Skillingar Banco.........................   F         150

A123c                    32 ski  1855     Skillingar Banco.........................   VG+      90

A124b                       2 rik  1851     Riksdaler Banco................... p/h  VF      500

A124b                       2 rik  1855     Riksdaler Banco........................   G+        90

A131                         1 rik  1865     Riksdaler.....................................   VG        70

A139a                      1 kro  1872     Riksdaler; hand sig ...................   F+       250

1a                             1 kro  1874     ......................................... VG 70,  F+       200

8a                             5 kro  1879     ............................................. tape  G+      250

26i                            5 kro  1914     Svea/Gustaf Vasa............... tear  VF      200

27j                          10 kro  1915     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VG+      70

32                             1 kro  1914     ............................................. G+4,  VF         20

32                             1 kro  1918     .....................................................   VF+      30

32                             1 kro  1920     ........................................... VG 5,  VF+      30

32                             1 kro  1921     .....................................................   VG+      15

33                             5 kro  1919     Svea/Gustaf Vasa................ p/h  VF      180

33                             5 kro  1921     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   F           50

33.                            5 kro  1939     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   UN        50

33                             5 kro  1940     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VF           8

33.                            5 kro  1943     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   AU        35

33                             5 kro  1946     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VF           4

33                             5 kro  1947     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   UN        15

33.                            5 kro  1949     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   AU          9

33.                            5 kro  1952     Svea/Gustaf Vasa............ AU 9,  UN        15

34                           10 kro  1931     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VG        15

34.                          10 kro  1938     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   AU        50

35                           50 kro  1943     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VF      150

35                           50 kro  1953     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VF+      90

36                        100 kro  1931     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   F+       180

36                        100 kro  1934     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   F+       150

36                        100 kro  1936     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VF      200

36                        100 kro  1951     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VF         80

36.                       100 kro  1952     Svea/Gustaf Vasa......... VG 20,  UN      250

36                        100 kro  1953     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VF         60

38e                   1,000 kro  1950     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.............. pen  VF-     600

40                           10 kro  1945     Gustaf Vasa...............................   VG          4

40.                          10 kro  1951     Gustaf Vasa..................... VG 4,  UN        25

40                           10 kro  1952     Gustaf Vasa.......................... F 5  VF+      15

41.     comm            5 kro  1948     "Gustaf V"1859-1948................   UN        70

42.                            5 kro  1956     Gustaf VI/Svea...........................   AU+        8

42.                            5 kro  1961     Gustaf VI/Svea................. VF 4,  UN        12

43                           10 kro  1954     Gustaf Vasa/arms......................   F             4

43                           10 kro  1956     Gustaf Vasa/arms......................   UN        15

43                           10 kro  1957     Gustaf Vasa/arms......................   XF+         6

43.                          10 kro  1958     Gustaf Vasa/arms......................   UN        12

43                           10 kro  1959     Gustaf Vasa/arms............ VF 4,  AU          8

43.                          10 kro  1962     Gustaf Vasa/arms......................   UN        15

45a                      100 kro  1957     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   F+         55

46f                    1,000 kro  1973     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   VF-     350

47a.                       50 kro  1962     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   AU+    220

48b                      100 kro  1960     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   F+         30

48c                       100 kro  1961     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   F+         30

48d                      100 kro  1962     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.......... VF 45,  VF+      60

48e                      100 kro  1963     Svea/Gustaf Vasa.....................   XF+    120

50                             5 kro  1963     Gustaf VI/Svea...........................   UN        12

51                             5 kro  1965     Gustaf Vasa...............................   UN          6

51.                            5 kro  1966     Gustaf Vasa...............................   UN          6

51.                            5 kro  1968     Gustaf Vasa...............................   UN          6

51                             5 kro  1970     Gustaf Vasa...............................   VF           4

51                             5 kro  1974     Gustaf Vasa...................... AU 4,  UN          6

51.                            5 kro  1976     Gustaf Vasa...................... VF 4,  UN          5

51                             5 kro  1977     Gustaf Vasa...............................   UN          5

51.                            5 kro  1978     Gustaf Vasa...............................   UN          5

51                             5 kro  1979     Gustaf Vasa...............................   UN          5

52.                          10 kro  1963     Gustaf Adolf...............................   UN          9

52.                          10 kro  1968     Gustaf Adolf...............................   UN          9

52.                          10 kro  1972     Gustaf Adolf...............................   UN          9

52                           10 kro  1975     Gustaf Adolf..................... XF+4,  UN          7

52                           10 kro  1977     Gustaf Adolf...............................   UN          7

52                           10 kro  1979     Gustaf Adolf...............................   UN          7

52                           10 kro  1980     Gustaf Adolf...................... AU 4,  UN          6

52                           10 kro  1983     Gustaf Adolf...............................   UN          6

52                           10 kro  1985     Gustaf Adolf...............................   UN          6

53.                          50 kro  1970     Gustaf III.....................................   UN        50

53.                          50 kro  1989     Gustaf III.....................................   UN        45

54.                       100 kro  1965     Gustaf Adolf/ship.......................   AU        40

54.                       100 kro  1976     Gustaf Adolf/ship.......................   UN        80

54                        100 kro  1980     Gustaf Adolf/ship.......................   XF+      30

54                        100 kro  1983     Gustaf Adolf/ship.......................   VF+      15

55                     1,000 kro  1984     Carl/steelwork............................   VF      300

56     comm           10 kro  1968     "1668-1968 Sweden Bank"......   UN        15

58b                      500 kro  (198)9   Carl XI/Polhem................... blue  XF+    150

59a.                     500 kro  (198)9   Carl XI/Polhem............... brown  AU+    200

61.                          20 kro  (199)2   Lagerlof/wonderful journey.......   UN        25

61.                          20 kro  (199)4   Lagerlof/wonderful journey.......   UN        25

62.                          50 kro  (199)7   Lind, score/music.......................   UN        50

62.                          50 kro  (199)9   Lind, score/music.......................   UN        50

63                           20 kro  (199)7   Lagerlof/wonderful journey.......   UN        12

63.                          20 kro  (199)9   Lagerlof/wonderful journey.......   UN        15

63.                          20 kro  (200)1   Lagerlof/wonderful journey.......   UN        15

64.                          50 kro  (200)8   Lind, score/music.......................   UN        25

65.                       100 kro  (200)9   Linne-Linneaus/bee..................   UN        45

65                        100 kro  (201)0   Linne-Linneaus/bee..................   UN        35

66a.                     500 kro  (200)1   Carl XI/Polhem...........................   UN      250

66.                       500 kro  (200)9   Carl XI/Polhem...........................   UN      220

67                     1,000 kro  (200)5   Gustav Vasa/harvest.................   UN      400

69                           20 kor  (2015)   A Lindgren, book Pippi..............   UN          6

72                        200 kor  (2015)   Bergman/Gotland......................   UN        60

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(P57)              100 kor  ND        BoC training money... lot#1305  AU        10

NL(P61)                20 kor  ND        BoC training money... lot#1303  AU        10

NL(P62)                50 kor  ND        BoC training money... lot#1302  AU        10

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

NL                20 riksdaler  1849     Rikets Standers Bank. repaired  VG-    250

   Charta Sigillata revenue stamp paper

NL                           1 sch  (181-)    sig Borgstedt............... lot#1336  VF         35

NL                           2 sch  (181-)    sig Nordevall............... lot#1337  AU        40

NL                           3 sch  (183-)    sig Ygberg................... lot#1338  AU        30

NL                           4 sch  1834     sig Ygberg................... lot#1339  XF         30

NL                           6 sch  (183-)    sig Ygberg................... lot#1340  AU        30

NL                           9 sch  (183-)    sig Ygberg................... lot#1341  AU        30

NL                         12 sch  1836     sig Ygberg................... lot#1342  VF         30

NL                         24 sch  1840     sig Ygberg................... lot#1343  VF         30

NL                            1 RD  (183-)    sig Ygberg................... lot#1344  VF         40

NL                  180 pound  1847     payable in London..... lot#1014  VF+      40

NL                           3 skill  (187-)    blank............................................   VF+      20

NL                           6 skill  (187-)    blank............................ lot#1095  VF+      30


PICK#                                 *****SWITZERLAND***3c*


11e                            5 fra  1921     William Tell/5..............................   VG        25

11h                            5 fra  1936     William Tell/5..............................   VG        12

11m                          5 fra  1947     William Tell/5..............................   VG+      10

11n                            5 fra  1949     William Tell/5..............................   VG          7

11o                            5 fra  1951     William Tell/5.................... VG 7,  VF+      45

35a                       100 fra  1924     woman/scyther...........................   G           40

35m                      100 fra  1940     woman/scyther...........................   VG+   120

45a                         10 fra  1960     08.25;Keller/carnation...............   F           10

45f                          10 fra  1960     Keller/carnation................ VG 5,  VF+      30

45g                         10 fra  1961     Keller/carnation..........................   XF         40

45n.                        10 fra  1968     Keller/carnation..........................   UN        80

45o                         10 fra  1969     Keller/carnation... VG 4, VF 10,  UN        80

46m                        20 fra  1965     Dufour/thistle..............................   F           10

46w                         20 fra  1976     Dufour/thistle..............................   VF+      30

48l                           50 fra  1972     girl/apple......................... VF 40,  VF+      60

49h                       100 fra  1965     12.23; boy/St Martin..................   VF         75

49m.                     100 fra  1971     boy/St Martin.................. VF 60,  UN      500

49n                       100 fra  1972     boy/St Martin..............................   F           30

49o                       100 fra  1973     boy/St Martin..............................   VF         60

51b                       500 fra  1963     woman/girls bathing..................   VF+    650

52j                     1,000 fra  1971     woman/dance macabre............   VF      650

52k                    1,000 fra  1972     woman/dance macabre............   VF-     500

53a                         10 fra  (19)79   Euler/water turbine....................   F           12

53c.                        10 fra  (19)81   Euler/water turbine....................   UN        60

53d.                        10 fra  (19)82   Euler/water turbine....................   UN        60

53f                          10 fra  (19)86   Euler/water turbine....................   F           12

53g                         10 fra  (19)87   Euler/water turbine....................   VF         20

55a.                        20 fra  (19)78   Saussure/expedition, fossil......   UN      160

55g                         20 fra  (19)87   Saussure/expedition, fossil......   VF         30

56a.                        50 fra  (19)78   Gessner/owl...............................   UN      300

66a.                        10 fra  (19)95   Le Corbusier/"architecture"......   UN        35

68a                         20 fra  (19)94   Honegger/"symphony"..............   UN        70

70.                          50 fra  (19)94   Taeuber-Arp/"art".......................   UN      180

72a.                      100 fra  (19)96   Giacometti/art.............................   UN      300

   Bank Training Money -Bank of China training money

NL(P56)                 50 fra  ND        BoC training money... lot#1296  AU        10

NL(P57)               100 fra  ND        BoC training money... lot#1298  AU        10

   Promotional Notes -Giori, De La Rue Giori, Lausanne, Switzerland

prom           Pushkin"10"  ND        front only, unicolor...... lot#1460  UN          9

prom             Beethoven  ND        Varinota, specimen.... lot#1461  AU        25

prom         Shakespeare  ND        one pass Completa.... lot#1462  UN        25

prom         Shakespeare  ND        /Vietnamese 1250.....................   UN      100

prom         Shakespeare  ND        Organization Giori...... lot#1463  UN        25

prom         Shakespeare  ND        "FISA'91 CdM Chile". lot#1464  XF         25

prom              Gutenberg  ND        DLR Giori Lausanne.. lot#1465  AU        15

prom               DLR-Giori  ND        DLRG for Numeropak II............   UN      100

prom           Julius Verne  2005     KBK-Giori J Verne.....................   UN      120

prom                50 cutpak  ND        "Cutpak" Bielomatik....... #1466  AU        60

prom           1000 cutpak  ND        "Cutpak" Bielomatik...................   UN      100


PICK#                                 *****SYRIA****3*

   French Mandate 1920-1946 (part of Ottoman Empire till 1920)

1a                             1 pia  1919     .....................................................   VG+   100

6                               1 pia  1920     ......................................... VG 20,  F           40

40a                            1 liv  1939     no ovpt...................... G+30; p/h  VF      160

40c                             1 liv  1939     ovpt "//"........................... VG 40,  VF+    240

40e                            1 liv  1939     ovpt "Vv"............... VG 40, F 80,  VF      160

40f                             1 liv  1939     ovpt "<>"......................... VG 40,  VF      160

41d                            5 liv  1939     ovpt "V".......................................   G+        95

41e                            5 liv  1939     ovpt "<>"....................... VG 125F         250

42d                          10 liv  1939     ovpt "V".......................................   VG      300

49                             5 pia  1942     07.15.................................. F 20,  F+         30

51                           25 pia  1942     08.01............................... VG 25,  F           50

55                             5 pia  1944     02.15...........................................   VF-       40

56                           10 pia  1944     02.15...........................................   VF+      90

   Republic (till 1946 French mandate after Ottoman Empire collapse)

73                              1 liv  (1950)   .....................................................   F+         90

86.                          1 pou  1958     worker/aqueduct.............. F 10,,  UN      160

89                         10 pou  1958     worker/mosque..........................   VF         60

91b                     100 pou  1962     girl/Palmyra ruins.......................   XF      180

93a.                        1 pou  1963     worker/aqueduct........................   UN        55

93b                         1 pou  1967     worker/aqueduct........................   UN        45

93c                          1 pou  1973     worker/aqueduct........................   UN        35

93d                         1 pou  1978     worker/aqueduct........................   UN        20

93e                         1 pou  1982     worker/aqueduct........................   UN          8

94a                         5 pou  1963     worker/castle..............................   VF+      65

94d                         5 pou  1973     worker/castle..............................   UN      120

95b                       10 pou  1968     worker/mosque..........................   G             5

95c.                      10 pou  1973     worker/mosque..........................   UN      140

96c                       25 pou  1973     worker/amphitheater.................   UN      320

97(c)                     50 pou  1973     harvester/fortress.......................   VF+      60

98d.                    100 pou  1974     port/dam......................................   UN      300

99                           1 pou  1977     craftsman/combine....................   UN        50

100a.                      5 pou  1977     Minerva/cotton................. VG 4,  UN        35

100c.                      5 pou  1982     Minerva/cotton................ AU+6,  UN          8

100d                       5 pou  1988     Minerva/cotton industry............   UN          5

100e                       5 pou  1991     Minerva/cotton industry............   UN          5

101a.                    10 pou  1977     palace/water plant......... AU 30,  UN        60

101c                     10 pou  1982     palace/water plant.....................   UN          9

101d                     10 pou  1988     palace/water plant.....................   UN          6

101e                     10 pou  1991     palace/water plant.....................   UN          5

102a.                    25 pou  1977     fortress, Saladin/........................   UN        90

102c                     25 pou  1982     fortress, Saladin/bank...............   UN        20

102d                     25 pou  1988     fortress, Saladin/bank...............   UN        15

102e                     25 pou  1991     fortress, Saladin/bank...............   UN          9

103b                     50 pou  1978     dam/Aleppo fortress..................   UN        80

103d                     50 pou  1988     dam/Aleppo fortress..................   UN        20

103e                     50 pou  1991     dam/Aleppo fortress..................   UN        15

104b.                 100 pou  1978     Zenobia, ruins/silos...................   UN        96

104c                   100 pou  1982     Zenobia, ruins/silos...................   UN        45

104d                   100 pou  1990     Zenobia, ruins/silos...................   UN        24

105c.                  500 pou  1982     ugaritic relics/well......................   UN      200

105d                   500 pou  1986     ugaritic relics/well......................   UN      160

105e                   500 pou  1990     ugaritic relics/well......................   UN        90

105f                    500 pou  1992     ugaritic relics/well......................   UN        70

107                       50 pou  1998     Aleppo citadel, water well.........   UN          5

108                     100 pou  1998     Bosra theatre/train.....................   UN          6

109                     200 pou  1997     monument/industry....................   UN          7

110                     500 pou  1998     Zenobia/dam, irrigation.............   UN        15

111b    "D"     1,000 pou  1997     (2012)Assad/..............................   UN        25

112                       50 pou  2009     clay tablets/library......................   UN          4

113.                    100 pou  2009     Bosra theatre/bank....................   UN          4

114                     200 pou  2009     Bosra gate/mosque...................   UN          5

115                     500 pou  2013     opera/music................................   UN          6

116                  1,000 pou  2013     Bosra amphitheater...................   UN        10


PICK#                                 *****TAHITI***3n+*

   French Dependent Territory (French Pacific Territories after 1985)

NL(1c)                      5 fra  1914     repaired, poor paper...... RARE  P         900

4                                5 fra  1923     .......................................... RARE  VG   1600

11c      p/h                5 fra  (1932)   sig Borduge-Baudouin..............   VF+    150

12c      p/h              20 fra  (1932)   sig Borduge-Baudouin..............   VF      200

14c                       100 fra  (1956)   .....................................................   VG+      60

14d                       100 fra  (1961)   ............................................ F 50,  VF+    150

16A                       100 fra  (1940)   ovpt Papeete... border problem  VF      400

21b.                        20 fra  (1954)   ................................... XF 75, p/h  AU      150

24a     engr          100 fra  (1973)   "Rep Francaise".........................   XF         50

24b.    litho          100 fra  (1973)   "Rep Francaise".........................   UN      110

25a     sig 1         500 fra  (1971)   fisherman/seashore...................   UN      350

25b2   sig 3A       500 fra  (1977)   fisherman/seashore...................   UN      200

25d     sig 5         500 fra  (1985)   fisherman/seashore....... AU 75,  UN      150

27d     sig 5      1,000 fra  (1985)   girl, hut/fauna, view....... VG 10,  UN      250

28d     sig 5      5,000 fra  (1985)   Bougainville................................   F         120

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

Ile Bora-Bora, Vaitape, (American Military base Second World War)

NL(P11c)                 5 fra  (1927)   Vaitape, Bora-Bora 18-2-42.....   VF      400


PICK#                                 *****TAJIKISTAN****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

1                               1 rub  1994     arm/building................................   UN          4

2                               5 rub  1994     arm/building................................   UN          4

3                            10 rub  1994     arm/building................................   UN          4

4                            20 rub  1994     arm/building................................   UN          4

5                            50 rub  1994     arm/building................................   UN          4

6                          100 rub  1994     arm/building................................   UN          4

7                          200 rub  1994     arm/building................................   UN          5

8                          500 rub  1994     arm/building................................   UN          5

9                       1,000 rub  1994     arm/building................................   UN          6

9A     unis        5,000 rub  1994     arm/building............... unissued  UN        60

9B     unis     10,000 rub  1994     arm/building............... unissued  UN        60

10                              1 dir  1999     building/mountains....................   UN          4

11                              5 dir  1999     building/shrine............................   UN          4

12                            20 dir  1999     hall/mountains............................   UN          5

13                            50 dir  1999     horseman/mountains................   UN          6

14                           1 som  1999     Tursunzoda/bank.......................   UN          7

14A.                       1 som  1999     Tursunzoda/bank.......................   UN          7

15                           5 som  1999     Ayni/shrine..................................   UN        10

16                         10 som  1999     Hamandoni/shrine.....................   UN        15

17.                        20 som  1999     Ibn Sino/fortress........................   UN        25

18.                        50 som  1999     Gafurov/teahouse......................   UN        60

19.                     100 som  1999     Somoni/palace...........................   UN      120

20                           3 som  2010     Shotemur/...................................   UN          5

23                           5 som  1999     (2013)Ayni/shrine......................   UN          5

24.                        10 som  1999     (2013)Hamandoni/shrine..........   UN          8

26                         50 som  1999     (2013)Gafurov/teahouse..........   UN        45


PICK#                                 *****TANGIER*****

   Port in Morocco till 1923 and after 1956, Free City 1923-56


PICK#                                 *****TANNU TUVA****3*

   Republic (Chinese Mongolia till 1921; in Soviet Union from 1944)

overprint on Russian banknotes, most overprints are modern.

1    ?genuine?        1 lan  1898 ovpt(1924),1rub(P15)....................   XF         45

3    ?genuine?        5 lan  1909 ovpt(1924),5rub(P35)........ VF 25,  XF         45

4    ?genuine?      10 lan  1909 ovpt(1924),10rub(P11)..................   XF         45


PICK#                                 *****TANZANIA****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1964; British East Africa)

1                               5 shi  (1966)   /mountain view...........................   UN        40

2a     "A-BK"         10 shi  (1966)   /sisal, sig 1..................................   UN        30

2b     "BL-CL"       10 shi  (1966)   /sisal, sig 2..................................   VF+         6

2d     "CS-DA"      10 shi  (1966)   /sisal, sig 4 .................................   UN        25

3a     "A-AX"         20 shi  (1966)   /mine, sig 1.................................   UN        40

3e     "CS-DB"      20 shi  (1966)   /mine, sig 5.................................   UN        35

5b     "L-U"          100 shi  (1966)   /animals, sig 3............................   F+         65

6a     "A-CC"         10 shi  (1978)   /view, sig 3..................................   UN        20

6b     "CR-GB"      10 shi  (1978)   /view, sig 6..................................   UN        15

6c     "GH-HS"      10 shi  (1978)   /view, sig 3..................................   UN        12

7a     "A-BS"         20 shi  (1978)   /cotton, sig 5...............................   UN        35

7b     "BZ-FJ"        20 shi  (1978)   /cotton, sig 6...............................   UN        30

8a.    "A-V"          100 shi  (1977)   /learning, sig 4............................   UN        80

8c     "BP-FU"     100 shi  (1978)   /learning, sig 6............................   UN        60

8d     "GD-GT"    100 shi  (1978)   /learning, sig 3............................   UN        35

9       "A-CQ"         20 shi  (1985)   /tire factory..................................   UN        12

10     "A-BJ"          50 shi  (1985)   /house construction...................   UN        25

11     "A-GQ"      100 shi  (1985)   /university...................................   UN        35

12     "CR-DC"      20 shi  (1986)   /tire factory..................................   XF           6

13     "BK-BZ"       50 shi  (1986)   /house construction...................   UN        25

14a   "GT-NV"    100 shi  (1986)   /university...................................   UN        22

14b   "PD-QC"    100 shi  (1986)   /university...................................   UN        16

15     "DG-GH"     20 shi  (1987)   /tire factory..................................   UN          9

16a.  "CA-DA"      50 shi  (1987)   /house construction...................   UN        20

16b.  "DB-DJ"       50 shi  (1987)   /house construction...................   UN        18

18a.  "AA-ET"     200 shi  (1986)   /fisherman...................... XF+12,  UN        35

19     "DM-EM"     50 shi  (1992)   /house construction...................   UN        10

21a.  "AA-BR"    500 shi  (1989)   /picking fruits, sig 3....................   UN        95

21b   "BU-DJ"     500 shi  (1989)   /picking fruits, sig 7....................   UN        75

21c.  "DL-FC"     500 shi  (1989)   /picking fruits, sig 8....................   UN        75

22                     1,000 shi  (1990)   elephants/...................................   UN      100

23                           50 shi  (1993)   antelope/house construction....   UN          6

24                        100 shi  (1993)   kudu/students.............................   UN        15

25a   "KB-LX"     200 shi  (1993)   leopards/fishermen, sig.9.........   UN          9

25b   "MD-ST"    200 shi  (1993)   leopards/fishermen, sig.11.......   UN          8

26a.  "FD-GT"    500 shi  (1993)   zebra/picking fruits, sig.9..........   UN        20

26b   "GW-LH"   500 shi  (1993)   zebra/picking fruits, sig.10........   UN        15

26c.  "LK-NF"     500 shi  (1993)   zebra/picking fruits, sig.11........   UN        15

27a. "BP-CX"  1,000 shi  (1993)   elephants/mine, sig.9................   UN        30

27b  "DC-GX" 1,000 shi  (1993)   elephants/mine, sig 10..............   UN        26

28.                    5,000 shi  (1995)   rhinoceros/giraffes.....................   UN      100

29.                  10,000 shi  (1995)   lion/bank.....................................   UN      130

30                        500 shi  (1997)   giraffe/picking fruits...................   UN        15

33                   10,000 shi  (1997)   giraffe/bank.................................   UN      100

34                     1,000 shi  (2000)   /factory........................................   UN        15

35                        500 shi  (2003)   buffalo/hospital...........................   UN          5

36                     1,000 shi  (2003)   /palace........................................   UN          8

37                     2,000 shi  (2003)   lion/fort........................................   UN        15

38                     5,000 shi  (2003)   rhinoceros/mine.........................   UN        35

39                   10,000 shi  (2003)   elephant/bank...................... F 4, UN        64

40.                       500 shi  (2010)   /university...................................   UN          7

41a.                  1,000 shi  (2010)   /State House..............................   UN          8

43a.                  5,000 shi  (2010)   rhinoceros/mine.........................   UN        15

44b                 10,000 shi  (2015)   elephant/bank............................   UN        25


PICK#                                 *****TATARSTAN****3*

   Autonomous Republic in the central Russia(capitol Kazan)

5a   "AH-AM"   (100 rub)  (1991)   tower, flag........................... grey  AU+      20

5b   "AE-AK"    (100 rub)  (1991)   tower, flag........................... pink  AU+      10

5c   "AA-AB"    (100 rub)  (1991)   tower, flag....................... yellow  AU+      20

6b                     (100 rub)  (1993)   tower, arms......................... pink  AU+      40

6c                      (100 rub)  (1993)   tower, arms......................... blue  AU+      30

7a.                    (200 rub)  (1993)   tower, medical emblem..... blue  AU+      50

7b.                    (200 rub)  (1993)   tower, medical emblem.. green  AU+      50

12a "AA-AB" (5,000 rub)  (1996)   Kazan/women.................... blue  UN        60

12b "BA-BB" (5,000 rub)  (1996)   Kazan/women.................. green  UN        60


PICK#                                 *****TEXAS*****

   Republic; 1836-45

26   canc                  10 $  1840     cut cancelled..............................   F         600

28   canc                  50 $  1840     cut cancelled..............................   VF-     960


PICK#                                 *****THAILAND***4c*


14                           1 tical  1920     06.22...........................................   VG      600

16b                        1 baht  1929     06.29; /procession.....................   VF      160

16b                        1 baht  1933     01.08; /procession.....................   VF      160

20b                    100 baht  1932     05.01; /procession.....................   F+    1200

24                        10 baht  1935     02.01; Kg Rama VII............ pen  F         800

25                        20 baht  1935     02.01; /stamp "Penang"............   F       1000

26                          1 baht  1935     08.23; Kg Rama VIII..................   F           80

28                        10 baht  1935     06.29; Kg Rama VIII..................   F         600

29                        20 baht  1936     04.15; Kg Rama VIII..................   F       1000

29                        20 baht  1936     06.01; Kg Rama VIII..................   F+    1500

29                        20 baht  1936     06.29; Kg Rama VIII..................   VG+   750

35     sig 16        10 baht  (1940)   Kg Rama VIII..............................   F+       300

36     sig 16        20 baht  (1939)   Kg Rama VIII..............................   F+       300

39     sig 17           1 baht  (1942)   blue..............................................   F           40

43     sig 17           50 sat  (1942)   green.................................. F 10,  F+         15

43     sig 20           50 sat  (1942)   green...........................................   VG        10

44     sig 17           1 bath  (1942)   brown................................... P 6,  VG        20

45.    sig 17           5 bath  (1942)   green...........................................   AU    2000

54a   sig 21           1 bath  (1945)   blue; wmk...................................   VF         24

55     sig 21           5 bath  (1945)   purple..........................................   XF      800

62.                        50 sata  (1946)   ovpt 10 bath..................... F+25,  AU+    190

62Ab.                     1 bath  (1946)   blue.................................. XF 75,  UN      300

63                          1 bath  (1946)   green.......................... F 4, XF 8,  UN        32

64                          5 baht  (1946)   blue..............................................   XF+      84

65b   sig 26        10 baht  (1947)   brown..........................................   F+         45

68                           50 sat  (1948)   green............................... AU 80,  UN      160

69a   sig 28           1 baht  (1949)   R1-R25; red#.............................   F+         12

69a   sig 31           1 baht  (1949)   R29-R45; red#...........................   F             8

69a.  sig 32           1 baht  (1949)   R46-R92; red#.................... G 4,  UN      120

69a   sig 34           1 baht  (1949)   R102-R105; red#.......................   XF      160

69b   sig 28           1 baht  (1952)   R106-R194....................... VF 8,  UN        64

69b   sig 32           1 baht  (1952)   R201-R212.................................   F             8

70a   sig 28           5 baht  (1949)   M1-M8; red#...................... "M1"  F+       160

70a   sig 28           5 baht  (1949)   M1-M8; red#...................... "M2"  F-          90

70b   sig 28           5 baht  (1949)   M9-M40............................ "M20"  P             4

70b   sig 28           5 baht  (1949)   M41-M72....................................   VG          6

70b   sig 31           5 baht  (1949)   M73-M90......................... XF 35,  AU+    140

73     sig 32      100 baht  (1949)   B16-B26......................................   VF+    120

74a   sig 34           1 baht  (1954)   R213-R271 fibres......................   UN        40

74b.  sig 34           1 baht  (1955)   R272-R355 thread........... VF 4,  AU        16

74b   sig 35           1 baht  (1955)   R356-R475....................... VF 4,  UN        24

74c.  sig 35           1 baht  (1955)   R476-S37.......................... VF 4,  UN        32

74d   sig 37           1 baht  (1958)   S48-S119...................... AU+18,  UN        24

74d   sig 40           1 baht  (1958)   S200-T446..................................   UN        12

74d   sig 41           1 baht  (1958)   T447-T472..................................   UN        14

75a.  sig 34           5 baht  (1956)   M91-M95 fibres.............. VF 40,  AU+    360

75b   sig 35           5 baht  (1949)   N4-N23............................... "N9"  VF+      20

75c   sig 35           5 baht  (1958)   N24-N49................... F 6, "N47"  UN        96

75d   sig 38           5 baht  (1958)   N54-N69........................... "N58"  XF+      30

75d   sig 39           5 baht  (1958)   N70-N92.....................................   XF+      24

75d   sig 40           5 baht  (1958)   N93-P100.......................... VF 4,  UN        32

75d   sig 41           5 baht  (1958)   Q1-Q237........................... VF 4,  UN        24

76a.  sig 34        10 baht  (1953)   I71-J7 fibres..................... F+12,  UN      120

76b   sig 34        10 baht  (1955)   J8-J33 thread.............................   F             8

76b   sig 35        10 baht  (1955)   J34-J46.......................................   F             8

76d   sig 37        10 baht  (1955)   J54-J70................................ F 8,  UN      120

76d.  sig 40        10 baht  (1958)   J93-W99............................ VF 4,  UN        32

76d   sig 41        10 baht  (1958)   W100-W423.................... XF+9,  UN        24

76d   sig 44        10 baht  (1958)   W424-W623...............................   UN        20

77a   sig 34        20 baht  (1953)   F51-F88; fibres................. F 10,  XF         32

77b   sig 35        20 baht  (1958)   F97-G9........................................   XF         36

77c   sig 37         20 baht  (1957)   G13-G19.....................................   AU+    200

77c   sig 38         20 baht  (1958)   G21-G26.....................................   VG+      15

77d   sig 40        20 baht  (1958)   G34-Y11............................ VF 6,  UN        48

77d   sig 41        20 baht  (1958)   Y12-Y356............. VF 6, AU 24,  UN        48

77d   sig 44        20 baht  (1958)   Y357-Y456....................... VF+8,  UN        40

78d.  sig 40      100 baht  (1958)   C3-D74........................................   UN      120

78d   sig 41      100 baht  (1958)   D75-E133...................... AU+90,  UN      120

79a.  sig 41      100 baht  (1958)   B1-B352.......................... VF 20,  AU        80

82     sig 41           5 baht  (1969)   Kg/temple......................... VF+4,  UN        16

82     sig 42           5 baht  (1969)   Kg/temple...................................   UN        16

83.    sig 41        10 baht  (1969)   Kg/temple......................... VF+4,  UN        16

83     sig 42        10 baht  (1969)   Kg/temple...................................   UN        12

83.    sig 47        10 baht  (1969)   Kg/temple.......................... XF 4,  UN        12

83.    sig 49        10 baht  (1969)   Kg/temple...................................   UN        12

83.    sig 50        10 baht  (1969)   Kg/temple...................................   UN        12

83.    sig 52        10 baht  (1969)   Kg/temple...................................   UN        12

84     sig 52        20 baht  (1969)   Kg/barge.....................................   UN        32

85a.  sig 44      100 baht  (1969)   Kg/palace....................................   UN        64

85a.  sig 48      100 baht  (1969)   Kg/palace....................................   UN        64

85b.  sig 43      100 baht  (1969)   Kg/palace........................ XF 30,  UN        80

86.    sig 53      500 baht  (1975)   Kg/old temple.............................   UN      180

86.    sig 55      500 baht  (1975)   Kg/old temple.............................   UN      120

87     sig 53        10 baht  (1980)   Kg/statue Chulalongkorn..........   UN          4

87     sig 54        10 baht  (1980)   Kg/statue Chulalongkorn..........   UN          4

87     sig 55        10 baht  (1980)   Kg/statue Chulalongkorn..........   UN          4

87     sig 57        10 baht  (1980)   Kg/statue Chulalongkorn..........   UN          4

87.    sig 63        10 baht  (1980)   Kg/statue Chulalongkorn..........   AU          4

88     sig 55        20 baht  (1981)   Kg/statue Taksin........................   UN          5

88.    sig 60        20 baht  (1981)   Kg/statue Taksin........................   UN          5

88     sig 67        20 baht  (1981)   Kg/statue Taksin........................   UN          4

88     sig 72        20 baht  (1981)   Kg/statue Taksin........................   UN          4

88     sig 74        20 baht  (1981)   Kg/statue Taksin........................   UN          4

89.    sig 49      100 baht  (1979)   Kg/statue, elephant...................   UN        24

89     sig 52      100 baht  (1979)   Kg/statue, elephant...................   XF           6

89.    sig 54      100 baht  (1979)   Kg/statue, elephant...................   UN        20

89     sig 55      100 baht  (1979)   Kg/statue, elephant...................   UN        16

89.    sig 56      100 baht  (1979)   Kg/statue, elephant...................   UN        16

89.    sig 62      100 baht  (1979)   Kg/statue, elephant...................   UN        16

90b   sig 55        50 baht  (1985)   Kg/statue.................... dark blue  UN        15

90b.  sig 56        50 baht  (1985)   Kg/statue.................... dark blue  UN        16

90b.  sig 57        50 baht  (1985)   Kg/statue.................... dark blue  UN        16

90b   sig 62        50 baht  (1985)   Kg/statue.................... dark blue  UN        15

91     sig 55      500 bath  (1988)   Kg/statue Rama IX....................   UN      120

92     sig 71   1,000 baht  (1992)   Kg/King and Queen...................   UN      150

93     comm        60 baht  (1987)   "King's 60 birthday"...................   UN        15

95     comm      500 baht  (1992)   "90 birthday Pr Mother"............   UN      100

96     comm   1,000 bath  (1992)   "Queen 60 birthday"..................   UN      180

97.    sig 62      100 baht  (1994)   Kg/two statues...........................   UN        10

97.    sig 67      100 baht  (1994)   Kg/two statues...........................   UN        10

97     sig 74      100 baht  (1994)   Kg/two statues...........................   UN          7

97     sig 75      100 baht  (1994)   Kg/two statues...........................   UN          7

98     comm        10 baht  (1995)   "120 Ministry of Finance"..........   UN          6

99     comm        50 baht  (1996)   "50 ann. of Reign".......... plastic  UN        12

100.                   500 bath  (1996)   Kg/statues...................................   UN      100

101   comm      500 baht  (1996)   "50 ann. of Reign".......... plastic  UN      200

102   sig 67        50 baht  (1996)   Kg/statue ........................ plastic  UN          4

102   sig 71        50 baht  (1996)   Kg/statue ........................ plastic  UN          4

102   sig 72        50 baht  (1996)   Kg/statue ........................ plastic  UN          4

102   sig 74        50 baht  (1996)   Kg/statue ........................ plastic  UN          4

103   sig 72      500 baht  (1996)   Kg/statues...................................   UN        60

104.  comm   1,000 baht  (1999)   "King's 72 birthday"...................   UN      180

105.  comm        50 baht  (2000)   "Golden Wedding".....................   UN      250

107   sig 74      500 baht  (2001)   Kg/statue; hologram..................   UN        35

107   sig 76      500 baht  (2001)   Kg/statue; hologram..................   UN        35

108   sig72    1,000 baht  (2000)   Kg/dam........................................   UN        75

109   sig 74        20 baht  (2003)   Kg/bridge....................................   UN          4

109   sig 76        20 baht  (2003)   Kg/bridge....................................   UN          4

109   sig ?          20 baht  (2003)   Kg/bridge....................................   UN          4

110   comm      100 baht  2002     "100yr of banknote"......... AU 9,  UN        15

112   sig 74        50 baht  (2004)   Kg/statue.......................... paper  UN          4

112   sig 76        50 baht  (2004)   Kg/statue.......................... paper  UN          4

113                    100 baht  (2004)   Kg/two kings; hologram............   UN        15

114                    100 baht  (2005)   Kg/one king; hologram..............   UN          8

115                 1,000 baht  (2005)   Kg/dam........................................   UN        70

117  comm 1+5+10 bah  2007     "King's 80 birthday"...................   UN        25

118.                     20 baht  (2013)   Kg/statue....................................   UN          4

119                      50 baht  (2012)   Kg/statue....................................   UN          5

121.                   500 baht  (2014)   Kg/statue....................................   UN        35

122                 1,000 baht  (2015)   Kg/statue....................................   UN        65

129.  comm      500 baht  (2016)   "Queen birthday".......................   UN        50

142                      20 bath  (2022)   /king Rama I, Rama II.... plastic  UN          4


PICK#                                 *****TIBET****3*

   State 1913-1950 (after 1950 part of China)

7b                           50 sra  1687     (1941)..........................................   XF+  3600

8                               5 sra  (1942)   .....................................................   VF      320

9                             10 sra  1689     (1943)..........................................   XF+    720

9                             10 sra  1692     (1946)..........................................   G           30

9                             10 sra  1693     (1947)..........................................   VF+    360

10a                         25 sra  (1941)   .....................................................   VG        50

10b                         25 sra  (1948)   .....................................................   VG        50

11a                      100 sra  ND        (1942-59)........... F+ 30, VF+60,  AU      160

11b.                     100 sra  ND        (1942-59)..................... XF+180AU      240


PICK#                                 *****TIMOR****3*

   Portuguese Colony till 1975 (from 1976 part of Indonesia)

4                             20 pat  1910     .....................................................   VG+   600

6                               5 pat  1924     ovpt(1933) Macao P8...............   VG-    500

12                            5 avo  1940     .....................................................   F+         80

14                          50 avo  1940     .....................................................   F+       200

16                             1 pat  1945     .....................................................   XF      300

21                          20 avo  1948     .....................................................   F         150

24                        100 esc  1959     Silva/arms....................... VG 30,  XF-     250

26.                         20 esc  1967     Aleixo/arms..................... AU 35,  UN        70

27                          50 esc  1967     Aleixo/arms.................................   XF         40

28                        100 esc  1963     Aleixo/arms.................................   AU+      20

29                        500 esc  1963     Aleixo/arms.................................   XF         60

30                    1,000 esc  1968     Aleixo/arms.................................   VF      120


PICK#                                 *****TOGO*****

   Republic (German and French Colony till 1960)

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Berlin, Kolonialgedenktag, Germany

notgeld                    75 pf  1921     "A" colony "Kamerun"...............   AU        10


PICK#                                 *****TONGA****3*

   Kingdom (British protectorate till 1970)

5b                             4 shi  1936     12.16; brown ovpt......................   VG      300

5b                             4 shi  1937     04.21; black ovpt.......................   VG-    100

5b                             4 shi  1937     05.04; black ovpt.......................   VG      150

5b                             4 shi  1937     12.02; black ovpt.......................   G+        80

5b                             4 shi  1938     06.16; black ovpt.......................   VG-    100

5b                             4 shi  1939     05.19; black ovpt.......... G+100VG+   200

6                             10 shi  1937     04.21; black ovpt.......................   VG      600

7                              1 pou  1938     01.07; black ovpt.......................   VG   1200

9a                             4 shi  1942     02.04; arms.................... VG 70,  VG+   100

9a                             4 shi  1942     04.20; arms................................   F         120

9a                             4 shi  1942     08.04; arms................................   VG        70

9a                             4 shi  1943     01.11; arms................................   F         120

9a                             4 shi  1945     11.12; arms................................   F+       150

9b                             4 shi  1953     07.06; arms................................   G           90

9c                             4 shi  1955     09.19; arms................................   XF      400

9c                             4 shi  1957     12.19; arms................................   F+       120

9c                             4 shi  1958     06.26; arms................................   VF      200

9d.                            4 shi  1960     10.24; arms................................   UN      400

9d.                            4 shi  1964     07.29; arms................................   UN      350

9e.                            4 shi  1966     11.03; arms................................   AU+    300

10a                         10 shi  1940     05.03; arms................................   F         250

10a                         10 shi  1942     04.20; arms................................   F+       300

10e                         10 shi  1966     11.03; arms................................   UN      500

11a                         1 pou  1941     12.01; arms................................   VG+   450

11a                         1 pou  1942     04.20; arms................................   VG+   400

11c                          1 pou  1961     12.12; arms................................   VF      250

11e                         1 pou  1966     12.02; arms................................   UN      600

11d                         5 pou  1966     12.02; arms................................   UN   1000


14.                           1 paa  1967     04.12; Qn Salote/......................   UN      400

18                        1/2 paa  1975     06.19; Kg/coconut.....................   UN        30

18                        1/2 paa  1977     05.17; Kg/coconut.....................   UN        25

18.                       1/2 paa  1979     11.28; Kg/coconut.....................   UN        25

18                        1/2 paa  1980     08.27; Kg/coconut.....................   UN        20

18.                       1/2 paa  1982     08.17; Kg/coconut........... XF+8,  UN        20

18                        1/2 paa  1983     07.29; Kg/coconut.....................   UN        20

19                            1 paa  1974     07.31; Kg/view...........................   XF         12

19                            1 paa  1975     06.19; Kg/view...........................   UN        35

19                            1 paa  1982     07.15; Kg/view...........................   UN        25

19                            1 paa  1982     10.28; Kg/view...........................   UN        25

19.                           1 paa  1983     05.18; Kg/view...........................   UN        25

19                            1 paa  1985     05.09; Kg/view...........................   UN        20

19.                           1 paa  1986     10.09; Kg/view...........................   AU        20

19                            1 paa  1987     02.27; Kg/view...........................   UN        20

19.                           1 paa  1987     07.22; Kg/view...........................   UN        20

19.                           1 paa  1987     09.28; Kg/view...........................   UN        20

19                            1 paa  1989     06.30; Kg/view...........................   UN        15

20.                           2 paa  1975     06.19; Kg/woman......................   UN        80

20                            2 paa  1979     11.28; Kg/woman......................   UN        60

20.                           2 paa  1982     07.15; Kg/woman............. VF 6,  AU        40

20                            2 paa  1984     09.28; Kg/woman......................   UN        40

20                            2 paa  1987     02.27; Kg/woman......................   UN        40

20                            2 paa  1987     07.22; Kg/woman......................   UN        40

20.                           2 paa  1987     12.08; Kg/woman......................   UN        40

20.                           2 paa  1988     10.12; Kg/woman......................   UN        40

20                            2 paa  1989     05.19; Kg/woman......................   UN        35

21c.                         5 paa  1985     01.18; Kg/stone gate.................   AU+      80

21c                          5 paa  1987     02.27; Kg/stone gate.................   UN      100

21c.                         5 paa  1987     05.27; Kg/stone gate.................   UN      100

21c.                         5 paa  1988     12.14; Kg/stone gate.................   UN      100

22c.                      10 paa  1989     01.23; Kg/palace........................   UN      200

24.                        50 paa  1989     06.30; Kg/palace........................   UN      400

25                            1 paa  (1992)   Kg Taufa'ahau/view...................   UN          6

26                            2 paa  (1992)   Kg Taufa'ahau/women..............   UN          9

27                            5 paa  (1992)   Kg Taufa'ahau/stone gate........   UN        15

28                         10 paa  (1992)   Kg Taufa'ahau/palace...............   UN        35

31a    sig H-C        1 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/view...................   UN          5

31b    sig H-F         1 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/view...................   UN          5

31c    sig A-F         1 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/view...................   UN          4

32c    sig A-F         2 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/women..............   UN          5

33b    sig H-F         5 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/stone gate........   UN        12

34a.   sig H-C      10 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/palace...............   UN        25

34c    sig A-F       10 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/palace...............   UN        25

34d    sig A-U      10 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/palace...............   UN        25

35a.   sig H-C      20 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/bank..................   UN        50

35b    sig A-F      20 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/bank..................   UN        50

35c    sig A-U      20 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/bank..................   UN        50

35as   spec          20 paa  (1995)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        50

36                         50 paa  (1995)   Kg Taufa'ahau/palace...............   UN      150

37b                          1 paa  (2008)   Kg Tupou V/whale.....................   UN          4

38a                          2 paa  (2008)   Kg Tupou V/education..............   UN          5

39a                         5 paa  (2008)   Kg Tupou V/tomb......................   UN        10

40a                      10 paa  (2008)   Kg Tupou V/tomb......................   UN        20

41a                       20 paa  (2008)   Kg Tupou V/bank.......................   UN        40

43a.                    100 paa  (2008)   Kg Tupou V/Vava harbour........   UN      180

44                            2 paa  (2015)   Kg Tupou VI/whale....................   UN          4

47                         20 paa  (2015)   Kg Tupou VI/bank......................   UN        25

48                         50 paa  (2015)   Kg Tupou VI/palace..................   UN        50

49.                      100 paa  (2015)   Kg Tupou VI/Vava harbour......   UN      120

   Collector Series; with ovpt "specimen" and Maltese cross prefix

CS1  spec  1,2,5,10 paa  1978     ............................. set of 4 notes  UN        80


PICK#                                 *****TRANSDNIESTRIA****3*

   seceded Eastern Moldova

1                            10 rub  1961     stamp"10".......................... P233  AU+      12

2                            10 rub  1991     stamp"10".......................... P240  AU+      12

3                            25 rub  1961     stamp"25".......................... P234  AU+      12

4                            50 rub  1991     stamp"50".......................... P241  AU+      50

5                            50 rub  1992     stamp"50".......................... P247  AU+      20

6                          100 rub  1991     stamp"100"........................ P242  AU+      60

7                          100 rub  1991     stamp"100"........................ P243  AU+      20

9                          200 rub  1992     stamp"200"........................ P248  AU+      35

10                        500 rub  1991     stamp"500"........................ P245  F+         50

11                        500 rub  1992     stamp"500"........................ P249  AU+      15

12                     1,000 rub  1991     stamp"1000"..................... P246  VF      100

13                     1,000 rub  1992     stamp"1000"..................... P250  AU+      15

14                     5,000 rub  1992     stamp"5000"..................... P251  AU+      18

14A                          5 rub  1961     stamp"5000"..................... P224  AU+      25

14B                          5 rub  1991     stamp"5000"..................... P239  AU+      15

15                  10,000 rub  1992     stamp"10000"................... P252  AU+      25

16                    1 kup-rub  1994     Suvorov/parliament...................   UN          4

17                    5 kup-rub  1994     Suvorov/parliament...................   UN          4

18                  10 kup-rub  1994     Suvorov/parliament...................   UN          4

19                  50 kup-rub  1993     monument/parliament...............   UN          4

20                100 kup-rub  1993     monument/parliament...............   UN          4

21                200 kup-rub  1993     monument/parliament...............   UN          4

22                500 kup-rub  1993     monument/parliament...............   UN          5

23             1,000 kup-rub  1993     monument/parliament...............   UN          6

24             5,000 kup-rub  1993     monument/parliament...............   UN          9

26                     1,000 rub  1994     (1000rub=100,000kup-rub)......   UN        15

27                  50,000 rub  1994     hologram 50,000(1996)............   UN          6

28                  50,000 rub  1995     Khmelnytsky/Shevchenko........   UN        15

29                  10,000 rub  1996     Suvorov/parliament...................   UN          4

29A                10,000 rub  1998     Suvorov/parliament...................   UN          4

30                  50,000 rub  1996     Suvorov/parliament...................   UN          4

31                100,000 rub  1996     Suvorov/parliament...................   UN          4

33                500,000 rub  1997     monument/parliament... AU 10,  UN        20

34                            1 rub  2000     Suvorov/monument...................   UN          5

35                            5 rub  2000     Suvorov/building........................   UN          6

36                          10 rub  2000     Suvorov/church..........................   UN          9

37                          25 rub  2000     Suvorov/fort................................   UN        25

38                          50 rub  2000     Shevchenko/building.................   UN        40

39                        100 rub  2000     Kantemir/church........................   UN        50

41.                       500 rub  2004     Catherine II/fort..........................   UN      200

42b                          1 rub  2012     Suvorov/monument...................   UN          4

43a                          5 rub  2007     Suvorov/building........................   UN          5

44a                        10 rub  2007     Suvorov/church..........................   UN          6

45a                        25 rub  2007     Suvorov/fort................................   UN        12

46a.                       50 rub  2007     Shevchenko/building.................   UN        25

47a.                     100 rub  2007     Kantemir/church........................   UN        40

48-1.  comm    1;5;10;25  2014     "Currency 1994-2014"..............   UN      150

52-3.  comm     1;10 rub  2015     "War Victory 1941-1945"..........   UN      100

54-7.          1;5;10;25 rub  2015     "Transdniestria 1990-2015".....   UN      150


PICK#                                 *****TRINIDAD and TOBAGO****3*

   British Colony till 1962

5a                                1 $  1935     ship, island.................................   VG-       80

5b                                1 $  1939     ship, island............ F 15, VF 30,  VF+      45

5c                                1 $  1942     ship, island........................ F 20,  VF         40

5(d)                              1 $  1943     ship, island.................................   VF-       50

5(e)                              1 $  1948     ship, island.................................   F           50

5(f)                               1 $  1949     ship, island.................................   VF-     120

6(c)                              2 $  1939     ship, island....................... G+75,  F+       300

7(c)                              5 $  1942     ship, island.................................   VF-     900

26(a)    "A-Q"             1 $  1964     QEII sig.1....................................   UN      150

26(b)    "R-Z"              1 $  1964     QEII sig.2............. F 12, VF+38,  UN      200

26(c).   "A/1-C/1"       1 $  1964     QEII sig.2............. F 12, VF+35,  UN      190

26(d).   "B/2-P/4"       1 $  1964     QEII sig.3............... F 8, VF+25,  AU+    100

29(d)    "A/1-W1"     20 $  1964     QEII sig.3....................................   F+       150

   Republic (from 1976)

30a     "AA-FA"          1 $  (1977)   birds/oil platform sig.3........ F 4,  UN        12

30b     "FC-FN"          1 $  (1977)   birds/oil platform sig.4...............   UN        15

31a     "AA-BH"          5 $  (1977)   plant/ sig.3........................... F-4,  UN        30

31b     "BJ-BK"           5 $  (1977)   plant/ sig.4..................................   UN        50

32      "AA-BK"         10 $  (1977)   bird/ sig.3............................. F 6,  UN      100

33      "AE-CB"         20 $  (1977)   flower/ sig.3....................... F 20,  XF         80

36a    "AA-CD"           1 $  (1985)   birds/refinery sig.4.....................   UN          5

36b    "CK-EW"          1 $  (1985)   birds/refinery sig.5.....................   UN          5

36c    "EW-JP"           1 $  (1985)   birds/refinery sig.6.....................   UN          4

36d    "KJ-QZ"            1 $  (1985)   birds/refinery sig.7.....................   UN          4

37a.   "AA-AQ"           5 $  (1985)   bird/fruit market sig.4................   UN        20

37c    "BP-CN"           5 $  (1985)   bird/fruit market sig.6................   UN        16

38a.   "AA-AH"         10 $  (1985)   bird/cargo ship sig.4..................   UN        30

38c.   "BF-BS"         10 $  (1985)   bird/cargo ship sig.6..................   UN        25

38d    "BW-CW"      10 $  (1985)   bird/cargo ship sig.7..................   UN        15

39b.   "AU-CV"        20 $  (1985)   bird/bank, drums sig.5..............   UN        70

39c    "CX-DQ"        20 $  (1985)   bird/bank, drums sig.6..............   UN        50

40a.   "AA-AV"       100 $  (1985)   bird/oil platform sig.4.................   UN      250

40d    "CE-DL"       100 $  (1985)   bird/oil platform sig.7.................   UN      150

41b    sig 8                 1 $  2002     birds/refinery..............................   UN          5

42a    sig 7                 5 $  2002     bird/fruit market..........................   UN-         5

43b    sig 8               10 $  2002     bird/cargo ship...........................   UN          6

44a    sig 7               20 $  2002     bird/bank, drums........................   UN        22

44b    sig 8               20 $  2002     bird/bank, drums........................   UN        12

45b.   sig 8             100 $  2002     bird/oil platform..........................   UN      150

46.     sig 8                 1 $  2006     birds/refinery..............................   UN          6

46A.  sig 9                  1 $  2006     birds/refinery..............................   UN          6

47a   sig 8                  5 $  2006     bird/fruit market..........................   UN          5

47b   sig 9                  5 $  2006     bird/fruit market..........................   UN          5

48     sig 8                10 $  2006     bird/cargo ship...........................   UN          6

49a.  sig 8                20 $  2006     bird/bank, drums........................   UN        15

49b   sig 9                20 $  2006     bird/bank, drums........................   UN        10

50.    sig 8                50 $  2006     bird/bank, drums........................   UN        35

51a   sig 8              100 $  2006     bird/bank, drums........................   UN        60

51b   sig 9              100 $  2006     bird/bank, drums........................   UN        40

53     comm              50 $  2012     "Independence 1962-2012".....   UN        30

54     comm              50 $  2014     "Central Bank 1964-2014"........   UN        30

57a   sig 9                10 $  2006     bird/cargo ship...........................   UN          4

59.    sig 9                50 $  2015     hibiscus, beard...........................   UN        20

  Signature varieties; sig 1 -JF Pierce, sig 2 -AN Mcleod,

   sig 3 -V Bruce, sig 4 -Linn OHB, sig 5 -W Demas, sig 6 -N Hareward

   sig 7 -W Dookeran, sig 8 – E William, sig 9 -J Rambarran


PICK#                                 *****TUNISIA***3n+*

   French Colony till 1956

5                           500 fra  1924     03.29...........................................   VG      350

6b                           20 fra  1938     .....................................................   VG          6

6b                           20 fra  1939     ............................................ F 10,  VF+      30

6b                           20 fra  1941     ........................................... F+15,  VF         20

8                                5 fra  1941     ........................... VF 22, VF+35,  UN      180

12                           50 fra  1940     wmk head.......................... F 25,  VF         50

12                           50 fra  1941     wmk head...................................   F           25

13a                       100 fra  1939     wmk head...................................   F           25

13a                       100 fra  1941     wmk head....................... VG 12,  VF         50

13b                       100 fra  1942     wmk letters.................................   F           25

15a                            5 fra  1944     02.08............................... VF 25,  XF         50

17                           20 fra  1943     ........................................... VG 8,  VF         30

18                           20 fra  1945     .....................................................   VG+      12

20a                    1,000 fra  1941     09.19...........................................   VG+   150

22.                          20 fra  1948     .....................................................   UN      300

   German occupation, overprinted old Algeria 100 fr 1892 banknotes

31.                     1,000 fra  1892     (1942).......................... VF+170AU-     350

   French Colony

36e                            1 fra  1918     04.27; wmk"1918".....................   VF+    200

46b                            1 fra  1919     03.17................................. F+60,  VF+    120

47a                            2 fra  1919     03.17...........................................   XF+    180

48                         50 cen  1920     .....................................................   VF+      90

49.                             1 fra  1920     ........................... VG+20, VF 50,  AU+    250

50                              2 fra  1920     .....................................................   VG+      90

54.                        50 cen  1943     woman, jug.................................   AU        80

55                              1 fra  1943     woman, jug..................... VF 20,  XF         40

56                              2 fra  1943     woman, jug..................... VF 20,  XF         40

   Republic (from 1956)

57                         1/2 din  (1958)   tower/ruins.......................... G 4,  F           20

59                             5 din  (1958)   bridge; brown................ VG+15,  VF+      60

62                         1/2 din  1965     mosque/mosaic.... F 20, XF 80,  AU+    240

63                             1 din  1965     factory/mosaic............................   F+         40

64                             5 din  1965     mosque/mosaic............ VG+30,  F+         60

65                          10 din  1969     refinery/palm trees.....................   UN      180

66.                        1/2 din  1972     /Tunis view.................................   UN        70

67                             1 din  1972     /minaret, girl................... VF+12,  XF         18

68                             5 din  1972     /amphitheater.............................   UN      150

69                         1/2 din  1973     /view and products....................   UN        12

70                             1 din  1973     /industrial scenes.......................   UN        35

71                             5 din  1973     /architecture, coin............... F 5,  UN        90

72                          10 din  1973     .....................................................   F           25

74                             1 din  1980     amphitheater/city.......................   UN        15

75                             5 din  1980     /ruins.................................. VF 5,  UN        40

76                          10 din  1980     /dam............................................   UN      100

77                          20 din  1980     /harbour Sousse............ AU 90UN      180

79                             5 din  1983     /hydroelectric dam.....................   UN        50

80.                         10 din  1983     /city..............................................   UN      150

81.                         20 din  1983     /harbour......................................   UN      120

84                          10 din  1986     /offshore oil ring............... VG 4,  UN        50

86                             5 din  1993     Hannibal/"Nov 7, 1987"............   UN        25

87                          10 din  1994     Ibn Khaldoun...................... blue  UN        30

87A.                       10 din  1994     (2005)Ibn Khaldoun....... brown  UN        40

88                          20 din  1992     Ettounsi/dover............................   UN        70

89.                         30 din  1997     Chebbi/farming, children..........   UN      110

90.                         10 din  2005     Elissa, Cartagena......................   UN        18

93                          20 din  2011     Kheireddine/collage...................   UN        30

94                          50 din  2011     Ibn Rashik/city square..............   UN        60

96                          10 din  2013     Cebbi/school..............................   UN        12


PICK#                                 *****TURKESTAN ISLAMIC REPUBLIC*****

   Seceded Western Muslim Sinkiang, China; capitol Kashgar and Khotan

     Islamic Republic of Eastern Turkestan, Khotan (1933-1934)

China-s3039      100 dac  1352     (1932) cloth note........................  


PICK#                                 *****TURKEY***4c*

   Ottoman Empire

24                          20 kur  (1854)   ...................................... repaired  VG   1000

36                          20 kur  1277     (1861)................................... tear  VF+    150

36       souv           20 kur  1277     "War Russo-Turque 1877".......   F         150

37                          50 kur  1277     (1861)............................ VF 120XF      240

46c     "15-264"      1 kur  1294     "1877"..........................................   AU      200

46d     "264-280"    1 kur  1295     "1877"............... missing border  "XF"    100

47c     "61-94"        5 kur  1294     "1877"............................... F+60, AU      320

48a     "38-50"      10 kur  1293     stamp"1877".................. VG-50,  F+       180

48b     "51-61"      10 kur  1294     stamp"1877"...............................   VF      240

49b     "44-69"      20 kur  1294     stamp"1877"...............................   VG+      60

50c     "71-82"      50 kur  1295     stamp"1877"........................ pen  VF+    150

51a     "11-24"    100 kur  1293     stamp"1877"................ VF+180AU      500

51b     "24-74"    100 kur  1294     stamp"1877"...............................   F+       120

52b     "0-26"        50 kur  1295     stamp"1877".............. small tear  VF+    900

53b     "-29"        100 kur  1295     stamp"1877"...............................   XF+    320

55b      canc       200 kur  1279     (1863) sig C-A "annule"............   VF+  9000

69        "A-D"            1 liv  1331     03.30(1914)................................   VF      400

70(a)   "A-B"             5 liv  1331     03.30(1914) /sig Janko.............   VG+   600

71(a)   "A-E"          1/4 liv  1331     10.18(1914) /sig Cahid.............   F           80

72(a)   "A-E"          1/2 liv  1331     10.18(1914) /sig Cahid.............   VF      160

74(a)   "A-D"             5 liv  1331     10.18(1914) /sig Cahid.............   XF    3000

79                             5 pia  1331     12.22(1914)................................   VF         80

80                           20 pia  1331     12.22(1914)................................   VF      150

81(a)   "A-E"          1/4 liv  1331     12.22(1914) /sig Cahid.............   VF      160

83(a)   "A-E"             1 liv  1331     12.22(1914) /sig Cahid.... G 20,  VF      140

85                             1 pia  1332     05.23(1915)................................   VF+      40

86                       2.50 pia  1332     05.23(1915)................................   VG+      10

87                             5 pia  1332     08.06(1915).................... VG 10,  VF         40

90(a)                           1 lv  1332     08.06(1915) sig Cahid... VG 30  VF+    180

90(b)                           1 lv  1332     08.06(1915) sig Janko..............   VF+    180

91(b)                          5 liv  1332     08.06(1915) sig Janko..............   VF    1200

96                             5 pia  1332     02.04(1915)....................... F 20,  VF+      60

98                           1/2 liv  1332     02.04(1915)................................   VF      150

99b                            1 liv  1332     02.04(1915).................. VF-150,  XF      300

100                       2.50 liv  1332     02.04(1915)............... small tear  VF    1200

101                          10 liv  1332     02.04(1915)................................   VG+   600

104                            5 liv  1333     03.28(1916) sig Cadid..............   F+    1400

108                       2.50 liv  1334     03.28(1917) emission 5............   VG      500

110                          10 liv  1334     03.28(1917).............. tape mark  VG      700

116.   psm            5 para  (1917)   stamp currency..........................   AU        60

117    psm          10 para  (1917)   stamp currency..........................   AU        60

   Republic (from 1923)

127    "A-F"                5 lir  "1930"  (1937) @TDLR..........................   VG        96

133    "A-B"           50 kur  "1930"  (1942) @BW..... VG+ 6, VF 16,  AU+      96

134    "A-C"          50 kur  "1930"  (1942) @RB......... VF(pen)100AU      400

135    "A-B"             1 kur  "1930"  (1942) @BW................ XF 160AU      320

140    "A-B"       2.50 kur  "1930"  (1947) @BW..................... F 60,  VF+    180

142    "N-Z"             50 lir  "1930"  (1947) @ABNC..........................   F         600

144    "A-D"        100 kur  "1930"  (1942) @RB...............................   VF+    720

147    "H-R"             10 lir  "1930"  (1948) @ABNC red...................   F         300

148    "A-E"             10 lir  "1930"  (1948) @ABNC brown....... pen  F+       450

148    test                10 lir  ABNC   engraved portrait "Inonu"..........   UN      160

150    "A-J"           2.50 lir  "1930"  (1952) /lilac........................ F 50,  VF      100

151    "K-U"          2.50 lir  "1930"  (1955) /brown.... VG 15, VF 60,  XF+    180

152    "U-Z"          2.50 lir  "1930"  (1960) /red........... VG 7, VF 30,  XF         60

153    "A-B"          2.50 lir  "1930"  (1960) /green......... VG 7, F 15,  VF         30

154    "A-D"               5 lir  "1930"  (1952) /blue.................... VG 20,  F+         60

155    "E"                   5 lir  "1930"  (1959) /green................. VG 15,  VF+      90

156    "A-J"              10 lir  "1930"  (1952) /green...................... P 4,  VG        30

157    "K-U"             10 lir  "1930"  (1953) /red........................... P 4,  VG        20

158    "V-Y"             10 lir  "1930"  (1958) /brown.................... F 50,  VF-     220

159    "Z"                 10 lir  "1930"  (1960) /green.............................   VF+    100

160    "Z"                 10 lir  "1930"  (1961) green/red-brown............   F+         50

161    "A-B"             10 lir  "1930"  (1960) /green.................... F 15,  VF         30

164    "O-S"             50 lir  "1930"  (1956) /red..................................   G           60

166    "A-G"             50 lir  "1930"  (1960) /soldier............................   F           80

170                         500 lir  1930     (1953) /red-brown......................   VF    1200

171    "F-O"           500 lir  "1930"  (1959) /brown.............................   VF    1200

173.   "F-G"               5 lir  "1930"  (1961) /blue-grey...... F+30; p/h  AU      160

174.   "H-J"                5 lir  "1930"  (1965) /blue-grey.......... VF+45,  AU+    180

175    "H-N"             50 lir  "1930"  (1964) /brown................... F+30,  UN      320

177b  "V-C"           100 lir  "1930"  (1964) /green.............................   F           30

179    "A-F"                5 lir  "1930"  (1966) /river................................   UN          8

180    "A-F"             10 lir  "1930"  (1966) /Bosporus............. VF 4,  UN        16

183    "S-Z"           500 lir  "1930"  (1966) /mosque.........................   XF      200

185                                 5  1970     (1976) /river...................... AU 4,  UN          5

186                               10  1970     (1975) /Bosporus.......................   UN          5

187a2  "E-H"               20  1970     (1974) /monument; sig black...   UN          6

187b    "I"                     20  1970     (1974) /monument; sig brown..   UN          5

187A    "O-V"          50 lir  "1930"  (1971) /soldier...... F 10, VF 20,  XF+      60

188                               50  1970     (1976) /fountain..........................   UN          9

189b    "F-I"               100  1970     (1979) /Mt Ararat.......................   UN        15

189c.    "J"                 100  1970     (1983) /Mt Ararat.......................   UN        15

190(b). "E-O"            500  1970     (1974) /gate................... XF+16,  UN        64

191(b)  "C-E"         1,000  1970     /Bosporus...................................   UN        60

191(c).  "F"             1,000  1970     /Bosporus...................................   UN        60

192a     "A-C"              10  1970     (1979)/children...........................   UN          5

193b     "A-C"              10  1970     (1979)/children...........................   UN          5

193      "D-E"               10  1970     (1982)/children...........................   UN          5

194a    "A-B"             100  1970     (1983)/document.......... sig S-C  UN          6

194b    "C-F"             100  1970     (1984)/document.......... sig C-Y  UN          5

195a    "A-B"             500  1970     (1983)/mausoleum....... sig S-H  UN          7

195b    "C01-16"       500  1970     (1984);serie C(10..)...... sig C-H  UN        30

195c    "C-E"             500  1970     (1984)/mausoleum....... sig C-H  UN          5

196a    "A-E"          1,000  1970     (1986)/sultan Mehmed. sig C-K  UN          5

196b    "F-J"           1,000  1970     (1988)/sultan Mehmed. sig S-D  UN          5

196A.   "A"             5,000  1970     (1990)/Mevlana..........................   UN      320

197a    "B-D"         5,000  1970     (1990)/Mevlana............ sig C-H  UN        25

197b    "E-F"          5,000  1970     (1990)/Mevlana............. sig S-H  UN        25

198      "G-I"           5,000  1970     (1990)/power plant....................   UN          6

199(c)  "C-F"       10,000  1970     (1984)/Sinan.................. sig C-K  VF+         4

199(d)  "G-H"      10,000  1970     (1989)/Sinan.................. sig S-G  UN        12

200.     "I-K"         10,000  1970     (1993)/Sinan; back green.........   UN        10

201      "A-F"        20,000  1970     (1995)/bank................... sig S-D  UN-         7

202      "G"           20,000  1970     (1995)/bank.................... sig T-U  UN-         6

203     "A-J"         50,000  1970     (1989)/Parliament......... sig S-K  UN-       12

204     "K-M"        50,000  1970     (1995)/Parliament.......... sig T-E  UN-         6

205b   "D-E"      100,000  1970     (1991)/children............... sig T-E  AU+      15

206a   "F-J"       100,000  1970     (1997)/children.............. sig E-E  UN          6

207a   "A-D"      250,000  1970     (1992)/fortress............... sig S-G  UN        16

208a   "A-C"      500,000  1970     (1993)/monument......... sig S-E  UN-       32

208c   "E-G"      500,000  1970     (1994)/monument......... sig T-U  UN-       12

209(a) "A-G"  1,000,000  1970     (1995)/dam..................... sig T-E  UN        24

209(b) "H-N"  1,000,000  1970     (1995)/dam.................... sig E-A  UN          9

210      "A-N"  5,000,000  1970     (1997)/Anitkabir............. sig E-A  UN        25

211      "F-I"       250,000  1970     (1998)/fortress............................   UN-         6

212      "H-M"    500,000  1970     (1998)/monument......................   UN          6

213.                 1,000,000  1970     (2002)/dam.................................   UN          9

214                10,000,000  1970     (1999)/world map 1513.............   UN        50

215.              20,000,000  1970     (1999)/Efes ruins.......................   UN      120

216                             1 lir  2005     /dam...................................... F 4,  UN          6

217                             5 lir  2005     /Anitkabir.....................................   UN          9

218                           10 lir  2005     /Cahit Arf, mathematic....... F 4,  UN        18

219                           20 lir  2005     /Efes ruins...................................   UN-       30

220                           50 lir  2005     /rock formation...........................   UN-       80

221.                       100 lir  2005     /Ishah Pasha palace.................   UN      180

222      "A"                 5 lir  2009     /Sayili historian................ brown  UN          4

222A   "B"                  5 lir  2009     (2013)/Sayili historian.... purple  UN          4

223a    "A"               10 lir  2009     /Arf mathematic..........................   UN          6

223b    "B"               10 lir  2009     (2013)/Arf mathematic..............   UN          5

224a    "A"               20 lir  2009     /Kemaleddin, architect..............   UN          9

225a    "A"               50 lir  2009     /Fatma Aliye, poetry..................   UN        16

226a.   "A"             100 lir  2009     /Itri, music...................................   UN        30

227a    "A"             200 lir  2009     /Yunus Emir, poetry...................   UN        60

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

   Fundraising Notes         -Ottoman "Help" donation certificate

NL                     5 kurush  ND        Abdul Hamid II............ lot#1087  AU        25

                                            -Turkish Red Crescent, donation certificate

NL                 100 kurush  1928     Red Crescent.............. lot#1111  F           25


prom-test           vignette  ABNC   engr "Kemal Pasha".. lot#1391  UN        15

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

bond                       500 fr  1914     5% Ottoman Debt...... lot#1149  VF         10

                                            -"Tabak Regie" of Ottoman Empire

Bond canc          1 share  (1914)   Tabak Regie.................... bs#94  F           25


PICK#                                 *****TURKMENISTAN****3*

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

1                             1 man  (1993)   /Ilarsanyn temple.......................   UN          4

2                             5 man  (1993)   /Seiydian temple........................   UN          4

3                          10 man  (1993)   Niazov/Tekesin temple.............   UN          5

4a                        20 man  (1993)   Niazov/Astanababa temple......   UN          8

4b                        20 man  1995     Niazov/Astanababa temple......   UN          7

5a                        50 man  (1993)   Niazov/Anew mosque...............   UN        15

5b                        50 man  1995     Niazov/Anew mosque...............   UN          5

6a                      100 man  (1993)   Niazov/Sanjaryn temple............   UN        12

6b                      100 man  1995     Niazov/Sanjaryn temple............   UN        10

7a                      500 man  (1993)   Niazov/Hanymyn temple..........   UN      220

7b                      500 man  1995     Niazov/Hanymyn temple..........   UN        10

8                     1,000 man  1995     Niazov/ornament.......................   UN        12

9                     5,000 man  1996     Niazov/ornament.......................   UN        20

10                10,000 man  1996     Niazov/ornament.......................   UN        20

11                10,000 man  1998     Niazov/mosque..........................   UN        25

12a                 5,000 man  1999     Niazov/ornament.......................   UN        25

12b                 5,000 man  2000     Niazov/ornament.......................   UN        15

13                10,000 man  1999     Niazov/mosque..........................   UN        60

14                10,000 man  2000     Niazov/palace............................   UN        25

15                10,000 man  2003     Niazov/monument.....................   UN        18

16                10,000 man  2005     Niazov/monument.....................   UN        15

17                        50 man  2005     Niazov/horse..............................   UN          5

18                      100 man  2005     Niazov/........................................   UN          5

19                      500 man  2005     Niazov/jewelry............................   UN          6

20                   1,000 man  2005     Niazov/palace............................   UN          7

21.                  5,000 man  2005     Niazov/palace............................   UN        20

22                          1 man  2009     Tughril Beg/cultural center.......   UN          4

34.                     100 man  2014     Han Turkmen/palace.................   UN        80

37     comm          5 man  2017     "5 Asian .. Games"....................   UN        10


PICK#                                 *****UGANDA****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1962; British East Africa)

1                               5 shi  (1966)   arms/river...................... AU+15,  UN        20

2                             10 shi  (1966)   arms/cotton plantation..............   UN        20

3                             20 shi  (1966)   African animals..........................   UN        20

4                           100 shi  (1966)   Crested crane................ VG 95,  VF      400

5                           100 shi  (1966)   Crested crane............................   UN        25

5A                             5 shi  (1973)   Amin/picking cotton...................   UN        10

6b    "A/28-54"      10 shi  (1973)   Amin/antelope, sin 1.................   UN        35

6c.   "A/55-76"      10 shi  (1973)   Amin/antelope, sin 2.................   UN        22

7c    "B/36-60"      20 shi  (1973)   Amin/bank..................................   UN        25

8c    "C/16-50"      50 shi  (1973)   Amin/dam...................................   UN        22

9c    "D/15-38"    100 shi  (1973)   Amin/river...................................   UN        25

10                             5 shi  (1979)   bank/picking cotton...................   UN          5

11a.   light             10 shi  (1979)   bank(dark)/antelope..................   UN        80

11b    dark             10 shi  (1979)   bank(dark)/antelope..................   UN        10

12b    dark             20 shi  (1979)   bank(dark)/bank.........................   UN        12

13b    dark             50 shi  (1979)   bank(dark)/hydro dam...............   UN        16

14a    light           100 shi  (1979)   bank(light)/river.............. AU 50,  UN      100

14b    dark          100 shi  (1979)   bank(dark)/river..........................   UN        20

15                             5 shi  (1982)   arms/picking cotton...................   UN          5

16                           10 shi  (1982)   arms/antelope............................   UN          8

17                           20 shi  (1982)   arms/bank...................................   UN        20

18a                         50 shi  (1982)   arms/hydro dam.........................   UN        25

18b.                       50 shi  (1982)   arms/hydro dam.........................   UN        30

19a                      100 shi  (1982)   arms/river....................................   UN        15

19b                      100 shi  (1982)   arms/river....................................   UN        15

20                           50 shi  (1985)   Obote/dam..................................   UN          9

21                        100 shi  (1985)   Obote/river..................................   UN      120

22                        500 shi  (1983)   Obote/cattle................................   UN        15

22s    spec          500 shi  (1983)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        50

23                     1,000 shi  (1983)   Obote/building............................   UN        50

24a                   5,000 shi  1985     arms/building; wmk hand..........   UN        60

24b                   5,000 shi  1986     arms/building; wmk crane........   UN        30

25                        500 shi  1986     arms/cattle..................................   UN          8

26                     1,000 shi  1986     arms/building..............................   UN          9

27                             5 shi  1987     arms/animals..............................   UN          6

28                           10 shi  1987     arms/animals, flora....................   UN          6

29a                         20 shi  1987     arms/building..............................   UN          8

29b                         20 shi  1988     arms/building..............................   UN          7

30(a)                      50 shi  1987     arms/parliament.........................   UN          8

30(b).                     50 shi  1988     arms/parliament.........................   UN          8

30(c)                      50 shi  1989     arms/parliament.........................   UN          7

30(d).                     50 shi  1994     arms/parliament.........................   UN          6

30(e)                      50 shi  1996     arms/parliament.........................   UN          5

30(f)                       50 shi  1997     arms/parliament.........................   UN          5

31a                      100 shi  1987     arms/court...................................   UN        12

31b                      100 shi  1988     arms/court...................................   UN          8

31(c)                    100 shi  1994     arms/court...................................   UN          6

31(d)                    100 shi  1996     arms/court...................................   UN          6

32(a)                    200 shi  1987     arms/textile factory....................   UN        12

32(b)                    200 shi  1991     arms/textile factory....................   UN        10

32(c)                    200 shi  1994     arms/textile factory....................   UN          9

32(d)                    200 shi  1996     arms/textile factory....................   UN          9

32(f).                    200 shi  1998     arms/textile factory....................   UN          9

33a  "AA-BW"    500 shi  1991     elephant/building.......................   UN        15

33b  "BY-DG"     500 shi  1991     elephant/building.......................   UN        15

34a  "AA-BE"  1,000 shi  1991     farming/grain silo.......................   UN        15

34b  "BM-ET"  1,000 shi  1991     farming/grain silo.......................   UN        15

35(a).                   500 shi  1994     elephant/building.......................   UN        13

35(b)                    500 shi  1996     elephant/building.......................   UN        13

35(d)                    500 shi  1998     elephant/building.......................   UN        13

36a.                  1,000 shi  1994     farming/grain silo.......................   UN        15

36b                   1,000 shi  1996     farming/grain silo.......................   UN          7

36c                   1,000 shi  1998     farming/grain silo.......................   UN          7

37a.                  5,000 shi  1993     view/ferry........................... VF 6,  UN        50

37b.                  5,000 shi  1998     view/ferry....................................   UN        50

39.                    1,000 shi  2000     farming/grain silo.......................   UN        12

39Ab                1,000 shi  2003     farming/grain silo.......................   UN          9

40b.                  5,000 shi  2002     view/ferry....................................   UN        28

41b.                10,000 shi  2003     /dam............................................   UN        50

41c                 10,000 shi  2004     /dam............................................   UN        45

42(a).             20,000 shi  1999     crested crane/............................   UN        95

42(b)              20,000 shi  2002     crested crane/............................   UN        80

43a                   1,000 shi  2005     farming/grain silo.......................   UN          6

43c.                  1,000 shi  2008     farming/grain silo.......................   UN          7

44a                   5,000 shi  2004     view/ferry....................................   UN        15

44b                   5,000 shi  2005     view/ferry....................................   UN        12

45a.                10,000 shi  2005     /dam............................................   UN        30

46b.                20,000 shi  2005     crested crane/............................   UN        60

47a                 50,000 shi  2003     /picking cotton............................   UN      140

47c                 50,000 shi  2008     /picking cotton............................   UN      130

48   comm     10,000 shi  2007     "Commonwealth 2007".............   UN        50

49d.                  1,000 shi  2015     /antelopes...................................   UN          4

50a                   2,000 shi  2010     /fish..............................................   UN          4

51a                   5,000 shi  2010     /bird.............................................   UN          6

52a                 10,000 shi  2010     /plant............................................   UN        12

52c                 10,000 shi  2013     /plant............................................   UN        12

53a                 20,000 shi  2010     /buffalo........................................   UN        18

53c                 20,000 shi  2013     /buffalo........................................   UN        18


PICK#                                 *****UKRAINE***3c*

   Ukrainian National Republic(1917.03-1918.04)

1b.                       100 kar  1917     arms/...........................................   AU+ 1000

1b    canc            100 kar  1917     cancelled punched hole.... tape  VG-       60

2b                           25 kar  (1918)   no#....................................... tape  G           40

4b                           50 kar  (1918)   no#...............................................   G           20

5(a)                        50 kar  (1918)   "AKI"................................ VG 10,  F           20

5(b)                        50 kar  (1918)   "AKII"...........................................   VF-       40

      illegal issued by Gen Denikin Russian Army in Odessa

6a                           50 kar  (1919)   "AO"#190-209.................. VF 7,  AU+      45

6b.1                       50 kar  (1920)   "AO"#210-235.................. VG 4,  AU+      25

6b.2                       50 kar  (1920)   "AO"#236-250............... XF+12,  AU+      25

   Ukrainian State(1918.04-1918.12)Gen Skoropadsky

7        psm            10 sha  (1918)   stamp currency............. AU+35,  UN        45

11a    psm           50 sha  (1918)   stamp currency................. VF 4,  UN        25

12                          50 hry  1918     3.6% bond; no coupon..............   VG+      40

13                        100 hry  1918     3.6% bond; 5 coupons..............   VG+      70

14                        200 hry  1918     3.6% bond; no coupon..............   F           25

14                        200 hry  1918     3.6% bond; 4 coupons..............   F+         60

14                        200 hry  1918     3.6% bond; 5 coupons..............   VG        25

15                     1,000 hry  1918     3.6% bond; no coupon..............   F           25

15                     1,000 hry  1918     3.6% bond; 4 coupons..............   F+         60

18                       3.60 hry  (1918)   coupon........................................   F             4

19                          18 hry  (1918)   coupon........................................   F             4

20a    "A"                 2 hry  1918     arms................................. XF 25,  UN      100

20b    "Б"                 2 hry  1918     arms............................................   XF         80

21a    "A"               10 hry  1918     arms............................................   VF         12

21b.   "Б"               10 hry  1918     arms............................................   AU        65

22a    "A"            100 hry  1918     couple................... F+14, VF 20,  AU        70

23                        500 hry  1918     woman........................... VF+20,  UN      100

24.                    1,000 hry  1918     arms................... VG 12, VF 50,  XF      100

25                     2,000 hry  1918     arms............................... VF+75,  UN      400

 *obligations used as a currency with official Government validation:

 *R14617            100 rub  1919 5%bond.. "Elizavetgrad Nat Bank  F+       300

35a1.                1,000 kar  (1918)   wmk;/dark brown #red... VF 35,  AU+    200

35a1                 1,000 kar  (1918)   wmk /dark brown #dk brown....   VF+    100

35a2 "AH"AO"    1,000 k  (1919)   wmk /light brown #red... AU 90,  UN      180

35b   "AE"AI"      1,000 k  (1920)   no wmk, Warsaw print "W".......   AU        40

   Ukrainian National Republic(1918.04-) Direct. Petlura

36     "AA"             10 kar  (1919)   arms............................... VG+22,  VF         60

36     "AГ"              10 kar  (1919)   arms................................. VF 12,  AU        50

37                           25 kar  1919     arms............................................   VF+      95

38a.                     100 kar  1918     wmk stars...................... VF+50,  AU      140

38a                      100 kar  1918     wmk stars, brown#....................   VF+      80

38b                      100 kar  1918     wmk spade, brown....................   XF         60

38b                      100 kar  1918     wmk spades, olive.....................   VF+      80

39a.                     250 kar  1918     arms; big#....................... VF-25,  XF         50

39b                      250 kar  1918     arms; small#...............................   F-          30

41a                           5 hry  (1920)   arms............................................   VF         60

   German Occupation, WW2

49                             1 kar  1942     ................................ F+8, XF 30,  AU+      60

51                             5 kar  1942     girl/................................... XF 15,  UN        60

52.                          10 kar  1942     woman/........................... AU 90,  UN      180

53                           20 kar  1942     man/................................. XF 30,  UN      120

54                           50 kar  1942     miner/................................. F 15,  XF         60

55                        100 kar  1942     seaman/............................. F 30,  XF      120

56                        200 kar  1942     woman/............................. F+75,  XF      200

57                        500 kar  1942     chemist/.......................... F+120,  VF      160

*Polish banknotes(German occupation) hand stamp by oval violet

  Ukrainian arms "Trident"(tryzub) 36x26mm, probably propaganda

  or souvenir issue of local UPA(Ukrainian Revolutionary Army);

Poland#99                 1 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#100               2 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   VG+   150

Poland#101               5 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#94               10 zl  1940     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#95               20 zl  1940     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#96               50 zl  1940     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#102             50 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

Poland#97            100 zl  1940     stamp "Trident"..........................   VG+   150

Poland#103          100 zl  1941     stamp "Trident"..........................   F         150

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

81                            1 kup  1991     St Sophia Cathedral..................   UN          4

82                            3 kup  1991     St Sophia Cathedral..................   UN          4

83                            5 kup  1991     St Sophia Cathedral..................   UN          4

84                         10 kup  1991     St Sophia Cathedral..................   UN          4

85                         25 kup  1991     St Sophia Cathedral..................   UN        15

86                         50 kup  1991     St Sophia Cathedral..................   UN        10

87                       100 kup  1991     St Sophia Cathedral..................   UN        25

88                       100 kup  1992     Viking boat..................................   UN        15

89.                      200 kup  1992     Viking boat..................................   UN      200

90                       500 kup  1992     Viking boat..................................   UN        30

90     repl           500 kup  1992     replacement "99".......................   UN        40

91                    1,000 kup  1992     Viking boat..................................   UN        30

91     repl        1,000 kup  1992     replacement "99".......................   UN        40

91A           1,000,000 kar  1992     Privatization Certificate.............   UN-       20

91B           2,000,000 kar  1992     Privatization Certificate.............   UN-       20

91B  rem  2,000,000 kar  1992     Privat Certificate, no stamp .....   UN-       20

92                    2,000 kup  1993     Viking boat..................................   UN        20

92     repl        2,000 kup  1992     replacement "99".......................   UN        30

93a                  5,000 kup  1993     Viking boat..................................   UN        10

93a   repl        5,000 kup  1993     replacement "99".......................   UN        20

93b                  5,000 kup  1995     Viking boat..................................   UN          6

94a                10,000 kup  1993     St Vladimir/palace.....................   UN        30

94b                10,000 kup  1995     St Vladimir/palace.....................   UN          6

94c                10,000 kup  1996     St Vladimir/palace.....................   UN        10

95a                20,000 kup  1993     St Vladimir/palace.....................   UN        40

95b                20,000 kup  1994     St Vladimir/palace.....................   UN        12

95d                20,000 kup  1996     St Vladimir/palace.....................   UN        12

95     spec    20,000 kup  1996     ovpt "ZRAZOK"..........................   UN        20

96a                50,000 kup  1993     St Vladimir/palace.....................   UN        50

96b                50,000 kup  1994     St Vladimir/palace.....................   UN        70

96     spec    50,000 kup  1994     ovpt "ZRAZOK"..........................   UN        70

97a.            100,000 kup  1993     St Vladimir/palace.....................   UN        80

97b              100,000 kup  1994     St Vladimir/palace.....................   AU+      30

98a              200,000 kup  1994     wmk "HBY"....... serie fractional  UN      400

98b              200,000 kup  1994     wmk "trident"...... serie 2-letters  UN        70

99                500,000 kup  1994     St Vladimir/opera.......................   UN      150

100.         1,000,000 kup  1995     Shevchenko/..............................   UN      200

103a    sig G           1 hry  1992     Kg Vladimir/Kherson.................   UN        10

103b    sig Y           1 hry  1992     Kg Vladimir/Kherson.................   UN        20

104a    sig G           2 hry  1992     Kg Jaroslav/church....................   UN        15

104b.   sig M           2 hry  1992     Kg Jaroslav/church....................   UN        50

105a    sig G           5 hry  1992     Khmelnytsky/church..................   UN        25

105c    sig Y           5 hry  1992     Khmelnytsky/church..................   UN        20

106a.   sig G         10 hry  1992     Mazepa/Pecherska Lavra........   AU        25

107b    sig Y         20 hry  1992     Franko/Lviv Opera.....................   VF         20

108a                        1 hry  1994     Kg Vladimir/Kherson.................   UN        10

108b                        1 hry  1995     Kg Vladimir/Kherson.................   UN          8

109a                        2 hry  1995     Kg Yaroslav/Cathedra...............   UN        18

109b.                       2 hry  2001     Kg Yaroslav/Cathedra...............   UN        10

110a.                       5 hry  1994     Khmelnytsky/church..................   UN        80

110b                        5 hry  1997     Khmelnytsky/church..................   UN        30

111c                      10 hry  2000     Mazepa/Pecherska Lavra........   F+           4

112a.                     20 hry  1995     Franko/Lviv Opera.....................   UN        90

115                      200 hry  (2001)   Lesia Ukrainka/tower................   UN        90

116a.                       1 hry  2004     Kg Vladimir/city..........................   UN          5

116b.                       1 hry  2005     Kg Vladimir/city..........................   UN          5

116Aa                      1 hry  2006     Kg Vladimir/city..........................   UN          5

116Ac                      1 hry  2014     Kg Vladimir/city..........................   UN          5

117a                        2 hry  2004     Kg Yaroslav/Cathedra...............   UN          5

117c                         2 hry  2011     Kg Yaroslav/Cathedra...............   UN          5

117d                        2 hry  2013     Kg Yaroslav/Cathedra...............   UN          4

118a                        5 hry  2004     Khmelnytsky/church..................   UN        15

118c                         5 hry  2011     Khmelnytsky/church..................   UN          5

118d                        5 hry  2013     Khmelnytsky/church..................   UN          5

119a                      10 hry  2004     Mazepa/Pecherska Lavra........   UN        10

119Ab                   10 hry  2011     Mazepa/Pecherska Lavra........   UN          5

119Ad                   10 hry  2015     Mazepa/Pecherska Lavra........   UN          5

120c                      20 hry  2011     Franko/Lviv Opera.....................   UN          8

120d                      20 hry  2013     Franko/Lviv Opera.....................   UN          7

121e    sig K         50 hry  2014     Hrushevsky/parliament.............   UN        12

122a.                   100 hry  2005     Shevchenko/music....................   UN        25

126                      100 hry  2014     Shevchenko/music....................   UN        15

127.                     500 hry  2015     (2016)Skovoroda/Academy.....   UN        70

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            Beregszasz (Berehove, Ukraine) in Hungarian

BER-1                      1 kor  1919     Beregszasz (Berehove)............   F           80

                                            -Kharkov, "Avtocrdit"

NL  unis                  1 rub  191-      unissued.....................................   XF         50

NL  unis                  3 rub  191-      unissued.....................................   AU-       70

                                            -Kiev (Vidrodzena), "Agropromfirm" Lenin

NL                            1 rub  1989     .....................................................   AU          7

NL                            5 rub  1989     .....................................................   AU          7

                                            -Kremenchuk "Samopomoshch" Consumer Soc

NL                          10 rub  (192-)    ser "B".........................................   XF         40

                                            -Mogilev Podolsky, city

NL                           10 gri  1919     .....................................................   VG        50

NL                           20 gri  1919     .....................................................   VG+      70

                                            -Odessa "OCRK" Odessa Central Worker's Coop

NL                          10 rub  ND        gold ruble....................................   AU        70

                                                          Ukrainian National Commercial Bank

NL                           ? kar  191-?    check, issued.............................   F           60

                                            Odessa humorous money

NL                        5 notes  (1989)   Odessa humorous money........   UN        25

                                            -Pervomaysk (Crimea), kolkhoz "Pervomaysk"

NL    5,10,15,20,50kop,1,3,5,10,25rub 1990................... 10 notes  AU+      25

                                            -Proskurov, city

NL    canc              20 gri  1919     pink, cancelled...........................   VF-       50

NL    canc              10 gri  1919     -1920.02.01, blue......................   AU        70

NL                           10 gri  1919     -1920.02.01, blue......................   AU        90

                                            -Simferopol, "Krimpoligraf trest"

NL                          10 rub  1922     .....................................................   AU        40

                                            -Stalino, Stalino C.P.K

NL                           1 kop  (192-)    .....................................................   VF         30

NL                           5 kop  (192-)    .....................................................   XF+      30

NL                         10 kop  (192-)    .....................................................   XF         35

NL                         50 kop  (192-)    .....................................................   VF         35

                                            -Zdolbunov, factory "Volyn"

NL                            1 hry  1999     factory.........................................   UN          5

                                            -Zolochiv (Zloczow) city

NL                             5 gri  1919     .....................................................   XF+    130


PICK#                                 *****UNITED ARAB EMIRATES****3*

   Sheikdoms (British protectorate till 1971)

1                                1 dir  (1973)   ............................................ F 20,  XF         80

2                                5 dir  (1973)   /fortress............... VG+(pen) 18,  VF         50

3                              10 dir  (1973)   /city........................ F 20, VF 40,  XF+    120

5                            100 dir  (1973)   /harbour............................... pen  F         200

7                                5 dir  (1982)   building/harbour.........................   UN        50

8                              10 dir  (1982)   dagger/trees................... AU 45,  UN        90

9                              50 dir  (1982)   .....................................................   VF         50

12b.                           5 dir  1995     building/harbour............... VF 5,  UN        30

13a.                        10 dir  1993     dagger/trees...............................   UN        70

13b.                        10 dir  1995     dagger/trees...............................   UN        50

16.                        200 dir  1989     sport arena/bank........................   UN      360

19b                            5 dir  2001     building/harbour............... VF-4,  UN        25

19d                            5 dir  2007     building/harbour.........................   F             4

20a.                        10 dir  1998     dagger/trees...............................   UN        32

20b                          10 dir  2001     dagger/trees...............................   UN        22

21a.                        20 dir  1997     yacht club/dhow.........................   UN        70

21b                          20 dir  2000     yacht club/dhow.........................   UN        60

26c                            5 dir  2015     building/harbour.........................   UN          5

28c                          20 dir  2015     building/boat...............................   UN        17

30f.                       100 dir  2014     fort/hawk.....................................   UN        80

30     repl              100 dir  2008     replacement "999099506"........   UN      150

31c.                      200 dir  2015     building/bank..............................   UN        90

32d.                      500 dir  2011     sparrowhawk; hybrid.................   UN      280

33b.                   1,000 dir  2008     tower/city.....................................   UN      500


PICK#                                 *****UNITED STATES***3c*

   Republic                          -Fractional Currency

97c                          5 cen  1862     07.17 5 cent stamp....................   VF         60

100d                     50 cen  1862     07.17 5x10 cent stamp.............   VF      120

101a                       5 cen  1863     03.03 Washington.....................   VF         80

107a                       5 cen  1863     03.03 Clark.................................   F+         80

109d                     25 cen  1863     03.03 Fessenden.......................   AU      300

115                       10 cen  1863     03.03 "Liberty"............................   VF+    100

120                       50 cen  1863     03.03 Stanton.............................   F         100

121                       50 cen  1863     03.03 Dexter...............................   VG+      50

122b                     10 cen  1863     03.03 Meredith...........................   VF         70

123b                     25 cen  1863     03.03 Walker..............................   F+         50

124                       50 cen  1863     03.03 Crawford..........................   VF+    100

                                            -Large Size Notes

187                              1 $  1917     US note..... VG 100, tear repair  VG+   150

275                            20 $  1922     Gold certificate...........................   F+       400

NL(P280)           vignette  ABNC   engraved "eagle"........ lot#1358  UN        10

338b   sig V-T            1 $  1899     Silver Certificate.........................   VF+    350

342     sig S-W           1 $  1923     Silver Certificate.........................   F           70

371                              1 $  1918     Philadelphia................................   VF      300

                                            -Small Size Notes

396     "B"                 10 $  1929     FRB New York................... tape  F           80

399     "B"               100 $  1929     FRB New York...........................   F         250

401                            20 $  1928     Gold Certificate..........................   F         200

414Ab                         5 $  1934B  Silver Certificate.........................   F+         30

414Ad                         5 $  1934D  Silver Certificate.........................   F+         30

*415Y     "yellow"     10 $  1934A  yellow seal; North Africa...........   F+       200

*416AY  "yellow"       1 $  1934A  yellow seal; North Africa...........   VF+    200

*416AY  "yellow"       1 $  1934A  yellow seal; North Africa...........   F           70

  *yellow seal-issued for military use in North Africa"

416De   repl               1 $  1935E  replacement "*"..........................   F           10

419                              1 $  1957     Silver Certificate.........................   VF           5

419a                            1 $  1957A  Silver Certificate.........................   VF+         5

419b     repl                1 $  1957B  replacement"*"......... silver note  UN        30

419b                            1 $  1957B  Silver Certificate.........................   VF+         5

420a.    "7"                 5 $  1928A  FRN;"7" Chicago.......................   AU+    300

420b.    "E"                 5 $  1928B  FRN;"E" Richmond....................   UN      300

420b.    "F"                 5 $  1928B  FRN;"F" Atlanta.........................   AU+    250

420b.    "H"                 5 $  1928B  FRN;"H" St Louis.......................   AU+    250

420b.    "I"                   5 $  1928B  FRN;"I" Minneapolis..................   AU+    500

420b.    "L"                 5 $  1928B  FRN;"L" St Francisco................   UN      600

492       "B"               10 $  1993     "B2" New York ..........................   UN        40

497       "F"                 2 $  1995     "F6" Atlanta................................   UN          5

497       "L"                 2 $  1995     "L12" San Francisco ................   UN          6

501     "A"                 20 $  1996     "A1" Boston................................   UN        40

501     "F"  repl        20 $  1996     "F6" replacement"*"...................   UN        60

502     "L"                 50 $  1996     "L12" San Francisco.................   UN        90

504     "F"                   1 $  1999     "F6" Atlanta................................   UN          4

504     "L"                    1 $  1999     "L12" San Francisco.................   UN          4

505     "G"                   5 $  1999     "G7" Chicago..............................   UN        12

506     "B"                 10 $  1999     "B2" New York...........................   UN        25

506     "K"                 10 $  1999     "K11" Dallas...............................   UN        25

507     "B"                 20 $  1999     "B2" New York...........................   UN        40

507     "F"                 20 $  1999     "F6" Atlanta................................   UN        40

509     "A"                   1 $  2001     "A1" Boston................................   UN          3

509     "B"                   1 $  2001     "B2" New York...........................   UN          3

509     "F"                   1 $  2001     "F6" Atlanta................................   UN          3

510     "B"                   5 $  2001     "B2" New York...........................   UN        10

510     "F"                   5 $  2001     "F6" Atlanta................................   UN        10

510     "G"                   5 $  2001     "G7" Chicago..............................   UN        10

510     "K"                   5 $  2001     "K11" Dallas...............................   UN        10

510     "L"                    5 $  2001     "L12" San Francisco.................   UN        10

511     "B"                 10 $  2001     "B2" New York...........................   UN        18

511     "C"                 10 $  2001     "C3" Philadelphia.......................   UN        18

511     "D"                 10 $  2001     "D4" Cleveland...........................   UN        18

511     "E"                 10 $  2001     "E5" Richmond...........................   UN        18

511     "G"                 10 $  2001     "G7" Chicago..............................   UN        18

515     "B"                   1 $  2003     "B2" New York...........................   UN          4

515     "F"                   1 $  2003     "F6" Atlanta................................   UN          4

516     "F"  repl           2 $  2003     "F" replacement"*".....................   UN        12

518     "H"                 10 $  2003     "H8" St Louis..............................   UN        15

521     "D"                 20 $  2004     "D4" Cleveland...........................   UN        32

521     "F"                 20 $  2004     "F6" Atlanta................................   UN        32

521     "K"                 20 $  2004     "K11" Dallas...............................   UN        32

523     "J"                    1 $  2006     "J10" Kansas City......................   UN          3

524     "B"                   5 $  2006     "B2" New York...........................   UN          8

528     "K"               100 $  2006     "K11" Dallas...............................   UN      150

530     "B"                   1 $  2009     "B2" New York...........................   UN          3

530     "F"                   1 $  2009     "F6" Atlanta................................   UN          3

531     "K"                   5 $  2009     "K11" Dallas...............................   UN          8

531     "L"                    5 $  2009     "L12" San Francisco.................   UN          8

536     "E"                   1 $  2013     "E5" Richmond...........................   UN          3

537     "F"                   5 $  2013     "F6" Atlanta................................   UN          7

   Prosperity Notes -US banknote in folder, with special serial number

NL-PR1                       1 $  2001     "prosperity"#168x....... lot#1182  UN        10

NL-PR2                       1 $  2001     "fortune"   #8888xx.... lot#1181  UN        10

NL-PR3                       1 $  1999     "horse year"#8888xx. lot#1180  UN        10

NL-PR4                       1 $  2001     "goat year" #8888xx.. lot#1179  UN        10

   United States Savings Bond

US bond                   25 $  1969     Washington................................   AU        40

US bond                 100 $  1993     Jeferson......................................   AU      100


   *BEP intaglio reprints from original plates on light card

153    *reprint             1 $  "1874"  intaglio reprint, face +back.......   AU        40

269    *reprint           20 $  "1905"  intaglio reprint, face +back.......   AU        60

335    *reprint             1 $  "1896"  intaglio reprint, face +back.......   AU        40

   Military Payment Certificates;

 *serie 461,471,472,481,521 -used in Austria, Belgium, England, France

    Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Morocco,

    Netherlands, Philippines, Ryukyus, Scotland, Trieste and Yugoslavia

M1                           5 cen  (1946)   MP-461.......................... VF+15,  XF         20

M2                        10 cen  (1946)   MP-461.......................................   VF         10

M3                        25 cen  (1946)   MP-461............................. VG 5,  XF         45

M4                        50 cen  (1946)   MP-461.............................. F 12,  VF+      40

M5                               1 $  (1946)   MP-461............................ VF 10,  AU        40

M6                               5 $  (1946)   MP-461.......................................   XF-     120

M7                             10 $  (1946)   MP-461............................. F+45,  XF      120

M8                           5 cen  (1947)   MP-471................................. F 8,  VF+      25

M9                        10 cen  (1947)   MP-471.......................................   VF+      25

M10                      25 cen  (1947)   MP-471.......................................   F           15

M12                             1 $  (1947)   MP-471.......................................   VG          6

M15                        5 cen  (1948)   MP-472.......................................   UN        20

M16                      10 cen  (1948)   MP-472............................ VF 10,  XF         20

M18                      50 cen  (1948)   MP-472............................. VG 5,  F           10

M19                             1 $  (1948)   MP-472.......................................   VG-         8

M20                             5 $  (1948)   MP-472.......................................   F           95

M21                           10 $  (1948)   MP-472.......................................   F           60

M22.                       5 cen  (1951)   MP-481.............................. VF 5,  UN        40

M23.                     10 cen  (1951)   MP-481.............................. VF 6,  UN        50

M24.                     25 cen  (1951)   MP-481............................ VF 12,  UN      100

M25.                     50 cen  (1951)   MP-481.............................. F 18,  UN      300

M26                             1 $  (1951)   MP-481........................... VG 12,  VF+      70

M27                             5 $  (1951)   MP-481.......................................   F           90

M28                           10 $  (1951)   MP-481.......................................   F           50

M29                        5 cen  (1954)   MP-521............................. VG 4,  VF           6

M30.                     10 cen  (1954)   MP-521............................. VG 4,  UN        40

M31                      25 cen  (1954)   MP-521............................. VG 4,  VF+      20

M32                      50 cen  (1954)   MP-521.............................. F 15,  VF         30

M33                             1 $  (1954)   MP-521.............................. F 15,  VF         30

M35                           10 $  (1954)   MP-521.......................................   VF+    350

 *serie 541 -used in Cyprus, England, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy,

Japan, Korea, Morocco, Ireland N, Philippines, Ryukyu and Scotland

M36                        5 cen  (1954)   MP-541.......................................   F             4

M37r   repl           10 cen  (1958)   MP-541; replacement...............   F+       100

M38.                     25 cen  (1954)   MP-541.......................................   UN        90

M39                      50 cen  (1954)   MP-541.......................................   XF         90

*serie 591 -used in Cyprus, Iceland, Italy, Japan and Korea

M43                        5 cen  (1961)   MP-591............................. VG 4,  VF           8

M44                      10 cen  (1961)   MP-591............................. VG-4,  F+           8

M47                             1 $  (1961)   MP-591.......................................   F+         40

 *serie 611 -used in Cyprus, Japan, Korea and Libya

M51                      10 cen  (1964)   MP-611.......................................   VG          4

M52.                     25 cen  (1964)   MP-611.......................................   UN      200

M54                             1 $  (1964)   MP-611............................. VF 10  XF         20

 *serie 641,661,681,692 -used in Vietnam, 651-in Japan, Korea, Libya

M57                        5 cen  (1965)   MP-641.............................. VF 4,  UN        20

M58                      10 cen  (1965)   MP-641................................. F 4,  UN        20

M59                      25 cen  (1965)   MP-641................................. F 4,  UN        25

M60                      50 cen  (1965)   MP-641................................. F 4,  UN        40

M61                             1 $  (1965)   MP-641.......................... VF+10,  UN        50

M62                             5 $  (1965)   MP-641.................................. p/h  F           30

M63                           10 $  (1965)   MP-641...................... F(p/h) 15,  VF+      60

M64.                       5 cen  (1968)   MP-661................................. F 4,  UN        12

M65.                     10 cen  (1968)   MP-661............................. VF+4,  UN        12

M66.                     25 cen  (1968)   MP-661................... VG 4, XF 8,  UN        32

M67                      50 cen  (1968)   MP-661........................... AU 16,  UN        32

M68                             1 $  (1968)   MP-661............................. VG 4,  UN        30

M69                             5 $  (1968)   MP-661.......................................   UN        40

M72E                          1 $  (1969)   MP-651.......................................   XF         30

M73                             5 $  (1969)   MP-651.......................................   AU+    250

M75                        5 cen  (1969)   MP-681............................. VG 4,  UN        15

M76.                     10 cen  (1969)   MP-681............................. VG 4,  UN        20

M77.                     25 cen  (1969)   MP-681............................. VG-4,  UN        30

M78.                     50 cen  (1969)   MP-681............................. VG 4,  UN        30

M79                             1 $  (1969)   MP-681............................... G+4,  UN        35

M82                           10 $  (1969)   MP-681.......................................   F         120

M87-90         1,5,10,20 $  (1969)   MP-691  COPY.............. COPY  UN        10

M91.                       5 cen  (1970)   MP-692.......................................   UN        20

M92                      10 cen  (1970)   MP-692.......................................   UN        20

M93.                     25 cen  (1970)   MP-692.......................................   UN        35

M94                      50 cen  (1970)   MP-692.......................................   XF         15

M95                             1 $  (1970)   MP-692.......................................   VF         20

M95   canc                 1 $  (1970)   "void valid evidence only".........   G           20

M98                           20 $  (1970)   MP-692.................................. p/h  VF+    200

   "United States Defense savings Bond, Postal Savings Plan"

SB-202                     25 $  (1941)   with 1x25 cents stamp..............   VF         20

   Military Coupons

NL                        5 cents  ND        Veterans Canteen Admin.........   XF         10

NL                        5 cents  ND        Fort Greely, NCO  Mess...........   XF         10

NL                      25 cents  ND        Camp Claiborne, LA..................   F           20

NL                          sticker  1941     Pearl Harbour............. lot#1120  AU          5

   -Disabled American Veteran Center -Club House

NL                  5, 10 cents  (194-)    Disabled Veteran....... lot#1308  UN        20

   -"Ravitallement Americain"(American Supply), Commune de Balan

NL                          0.05 fr  (191-)    (American Supply) Balan..........   F+       100

    -"Army Exchange Bar", Staging Area, St Victoret, France

   staging the man of 66 Infantry Division assigned to Pacific and US

NL                               2 fr  (1945)   .....................................................   AU      100

                                            Oberpfaffenhofen Air Depot, APO 61

NL                   meal pass  ND        APO 61 meal pass..... lot#1134  VF         15

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

                                            -Continental Congress

s179                            5 $  1778     09.26;Continental Congress....   VF      400

s180                            7 $  1778     09.26;Continental Congress....   VF-     300

s184                          40 $  1778     09.26;Continental Congress....   VF      350

                                            -State of Alabama

s211c                  25 cent  1863     01.01;serie 3..............................   AU        60

s212                    50 cent  1863     01.01...........................................   F           25

s213a                          1 $  1863     01.01;serie 1..............................   F           35

                                            -State of Connecticut

s535   canc       3 pence  1777     10.11; cut cancelation...............   AU      350

                                            -State of Georgia

s858                     10 cen  1863     01.01...........................................   F           50

s862                     50 cen  1863     01.01; green seal.......................   VG        30

s870                            5 $  1864     04.06...........................................   VF+      70

                                            -State of Maryland

s969                            8 $  1770     03.01...........................................   VG      180

s975                         2/3 $  1774     04.10...........................................   VF-     180

s977                            2 $  1774     04.10...........................................   VF-     150

s978                            4 $  1774     04.10...........................................   VF-     150

s998                            4 $  1775     12.07...........................................   F         550

                                            -State of North Carolina

s2322a                 10 cen  1861     10.01...........................................   F-          30

s2329                          1 $  1861     10.17...........................................   XF         45

s2340                          5 $  1862     ........................... missing corner  G+        25

s2355                   10 cen  1862     09.01...........................................   AU        50

s2357a                 25 cen  1862     09.01...........................................   AU        50

s2360                     5 cen  1863     01.01............................... XF 35,  AU        70

s2355                   10 cen  1863     01.01...........................................   AU        70

s2362a                 25 cen  1863     01.01...........................................   F           20

s2363                   50 cen  1863     01.01...........................................   VF         40

s2365                          1 $  1863     01.01...........................................   AU        70

                                            -State of Pennsylvania

s2477                  10 shill  1758     05.20...........................................   G        300

s2540D                  5 shill  1773     10.01...........................................   F         200

s2540E                10 shill  1773     10.01...........................................   F+       200

s2540F                15 shill  1773     10.01...........................................   F+       200

s2540G               20 shill  1773     10.01...........................................   F+       250

s2540H                50 shill  1773     10.01...........................................   VF      250

s2556                  20 shill  1775     10.25...........................................   F+       250

s2576                     9 shill  1773     04.10...........................................   VF      250

                                            -State of South Carolina

s3293                        90 $  1779     ........................... missing corner  F         700

NL                                1 $  1873     12.01; cert. indebtedness.........   AU      120

   Other-Regional and Private notes-Other(not listed in Pick)

 Obsolete currency           -Augusta Insurance and Banking, Augusta GA

NL                                1 $  1860     horses.........................................   F           60

                                            -Baltimore Savings Institution, Baltimore MD

NL                         6.25 ct  1840     missing one side........................   P           15

                                            -Bank of Clarendon, Fayetteville NC

NL                                5 $  1857     2 maids.......................................   F+       120

                                            -Bank of Niagara, Buffalo NY

NL                                1 $  1827     3 maids.......................................   F         100

                                            -Bank of Lewistown, PA

NL                                5 $  1846     farm.............................................   F           50

                                            -Bank of Lexington, Lexington NC

NL                             10 $  18??     harvest........................................   F           70

                                            -Bank of the Republic, Providence RI

NL                                2 $  1853     2 maids.......................................   VG        25

                                            -Bank of State South Carolina, Charleston SC

NL                                2 $  1861     building........................................   F           60

                                            -Bank of Tennessee, Nashville TN

NL                         10 cen  1861     12.01  ........................ ?forgery?  VF         25

                                            -Bank of Valley in Virginia VA

NL                                5 $  1860     seated maid................................   F           50

NL                             20 $  1852     2 angels......................................   VG+      50

                                            -Bank of Washtenaw, Ann Arbor MI

NL                                1 $  1835     Indian on left...............................   XF         90

NL                                1 $  1854     3 maids, eagle............................   F           30

NL                                2 $  1854     ax men........................................   F           35

                                            -Banking House(J.H Piatt) Cincinnati OH

NL                      6.25 cen  1817     08.01...........................................   F           50

                                            -Berks County Bank, Reading PA

NL                                5 $  1841     harvest.............. missing corner  VG        25

                                            -Buffalo NY, Sattler Script, Merchandise Cert.

NL                         50 cen  ND        Sattler..........................................   F             5

NL                                1 $  ND        Sattler..........................................   F+           5

                                            -Calhoun County Bank, Marshall MI

NL                                1 $  18-?      missing right border...................   G           35

                                            -Canal Bank, New Orleans LA

NL     rema               20 $  18--       3 maids.......................................   AU-       25

                                            -Central Mining Company, Eagle Harbour MI

NL                             15 $  1863     eagle; paid..................................   VF-       80

                                            -Citizens' Bank of Louisiana, Shreveport LA

NL     rema               50 $  18--       .....................................................   AU        20

                                            -Citizens' Bank of Louisiana, New Orleans LA

NL                                5 $  1858     maid/blue....................................   AU      150

                                            -City of Portsmouth VA

NL                             15 ct  1862     10.29...........................................   G           10

                                            -City of Richmond, Richmond VA

NL                             50 ct  1862     04.04;arrows..............................   F-          20

                                            -Cochituate Bank, Boston MA

NL                                1 $  1852?   eagle...........................................   VG        20

                                            -Columbia Bank, Washington DC

NL                                5 $  1852     3 maids.......................................   F           50

                                            -Commercial Bank of Columbia, Columbia SC

NL                                5 $  1854     ............................................. hole  VG+      35

                                            -Corporation of Richmond, Richmond VA

NL                                1 $  1861     04;coin........................................   F           30

                                            -County of Washington, Abingtom VA

NL                                 1$  1862     05.10...........................................   VG        35

                                            -Dubuque Central Improvement Co Dubuque IA

NL                                1 $  1854     .....................................................   VF      100

                                            -Eastern Bank, West Killingly CT

NL                                1 $  185-      dog, red "ONE"..........................   G           20

                                            -Erie and Kalamazoo Rail Road Bank, Adrian MI

NL                                1 $  1853     ship..............................................   G-         15

                                            -Exchange Bank of Virginia, Norfolk VA

NL                             20 $  1858     Indian; green/green...................   F           60

                                            -Farmers Savings Bank, Richmond VA

NL                             25 ct  1861     10.01;farm tools.........................   VG+      20

                                            -Farmers and Exchange Bank, Charleston SC

NL                             10 $  1853     sailboats......................... VG 25,  F           50

                                            -Greensboro Mutual Life Insurance Co, NC

NL                             50 ct  1862     .....................................................   VG+      20

                                            -Holyoke Bank, Northampton MA

NL    canc                   1 $  1858     .....................................................   F-          50

                                            -Lewis County Bank, Martinsburgh NY

NL                                1 $  1853     2 maids.......................................   G           35

NL                                1 $  1858?   man.............................................   G           30

                                            -Macon and Brunswick Rail Road Co Macon GA

NL    canc                   1 $  1867     .....................................................   F           50

                                            -Macon Savins Bank, Macon GA

NL                             25 ct  1863     10.15;maid on right...................   G           15

                                            -Manufacturers' Exchange Co Bristol NY

NL                             10 $  1814     office in New York.....................   VF+    100

                                            -Marine Bank of Georgia, Savannah GA

NL                             75 ct  1863     02.16;3 maids............................   XF+      50

                                            -Merchants Bank in City of New York, NY

NL    canc                   3 $  18--       sailing ship....... missing corner  F           30

                                            -Merchants and Planters Bank, Savannah GA

NL                                1 $  1856     wagon.........................................   P           10

NL    canc                   1 $  1860     06.01;wagon,red"ONE".... hole  G           30

NL                                5 $  1860     06.01...........................................   VG+      50

NL    canc                 10 $  1860     06.01;red"X TEN X".......... hole  F           80

                                            -New Orleans, Jackson, Great NRR, LA

NL                                3 $  1861     11.16;train...................................   F+         50

                                            -Northampton Bank, Allentown PA

NL                                5 $  1844     beehive.......................................   VG        35

                                            -North Western Bank, Warren PA

NL                                2 $  1861     deer.............................................   F           50

NL                                5 $  1861     07.04...........................................   AU      300

                                            -Patapsco Savings Fund, Baltimore MD

NL                             25 ct  1840     boats................................... tears  VF+      40

                                            -Planters Bank of Fairfield, Winnsboro SC

NL                                5 $  1856     cotton field..................................   F           45

                                            -Salem Philadelphia Manuf. Comp, Salem NJ

NL                                1 $  1828     Mercury.......................................   XF-     150

NL                                2 $  1828     2 maids, beehive.......................   XF-     160

                                            -Somerset and Worcester Bank, Salisbury MD

NL                                3 $  1862     11.01;black-white......................   F           35

NL                               5 $  1862     11.01;cows,red"FIVE"...............   VF         70

                                            -South Carolina Rail Road, Charleston SC

NL    canc                   1 $  1873     07.01;train...................................   VG        25

                                            -State Bank at New Brunswick, NJ

NL                                1 $  1892     maid.............................................   F           50

                                            -State Bank, South Carolina, Charleston SC

NL                                5 $  1860     "A"; bank, red "FIVE".................   F           40

NL                                5 $  1855     "B"; bank, red "FIVE".................   F           40

NL                                5 $  1855     "C"; bank, red "FIVE"................   F           40

                                            -Store at Indiana Iron Works, PA

NL    rema               25 ct  1856     01.01;iron works........................   XF         40

                                            -Summit County Bank, Cuyahoga Falls OH

NL    rema               10 ct  1862     train; no #....................................   XF+      20

                                            -Susquehanna Rail Road, Baltimore

NL                           100 $  1838     train.............................................   VF+    150

                                            -Thames Bank, Laurel IN

NL                                1 $  1856     08.12...........................................   G+        40

                                            -Towanda Bank, Towanda PA

NL                                1 $  1841     06.01;horses..............................   F           40

NL    canc                   5 $  185?     cow..............................................   G           50

                                            -Traders Bank, Richmond VA

NL                                1 $  1860     sailor on right..............................   F-          30

                                            -Union Bank, Augusta GA

NL                             10 $  1854     2 maids.......................................   F           45

                                            -Valley Bank, Hagerstown MD

NL                                5 $  18-?      red "FIVE"...................................   VG        25

                                            -Western and Atlantic RR, Atlanta GA

NL                             25 ct  1862     05;red train.................................   VG+      12

NL                             50 ct  1862     07.01;red train............................   G           10

   Advertising and Fundraising Notes

                                            American Numismatic Association

NL                                5 $  1988     ANA currency.............. lo#1031  UN        20

                                            Krause Publications Currency

NL   comm                  5 $  1990     "Krause,40 years"......................   UN        15

   Promotional Notes -American Bank Note Co and BEP commemorative

                                            reprints from original plates on light card

prom    SPMC Memphis  1979     2$ Liberty Bank.......... lot#1405  AU        30

prom      IPMS Memphis  1980     10$ 1902 US Note..... lot#1406  AU        30

prom    SPMC Memphis  1981     50$ Bank of Selma.... lot#1407  AU        20

prom Currency Club CC  1981     vignettes USBC ......... lot#1102  UN        20

prom    SPMC Memphis  1982     1$ Baton Rouge......... lot#1408  AU        20

prom ANA Colorado Spr  1982     3$ Trenton Bank........ lot#1402  AU        20

prom    SPMC Memphis  1983     2$ White Mountain..... lot#1410  AU        20

prom   ANA Col Springs  1985     1/3$ Continental......... lot#1411  AU        20

prom       ANA Baltimore  1985     500$ Gold Certificate. lot#1412  AU        20

prom   IPMC Cherry Hill  1985     10$ 1882 National...... lot#1413  AU        20

prom        PNNA Seattle  1985     50$ 1914 FRN............ lot#1400  AU        20

prom  NWPMC St Louis  1986     Fractional Currency... lot#1414  AU        20

prom      IPMS Memphis  1986     5$ 1902 National........ lot#1415  AU        20

prom         DCSE Dallas  1986     10,000$ 1918 FRN.... lot#1416  AU        20

prom  FUN Buena Vista  1987     1$ 1874....................... lot#1101  UN        20

prom         ANA Chicago  1991     3$ Marine Bank.......... lot#1418  AU        20

prom         ANA Chicago  1991     5,000$ US Note.......... lot#1419  AU        20

prom         ANA Chicago  1991     America, Flag holo..... lot#1420  AU        20

prom      IPMS Memphis  1992     5$ 1915 FRN.............. lot#1421  AU        20

prom  ANA Washington  1993     2$ US Note................. lot#1422  AU        20

prom         FUN Orlando  1993     1,000$ Treasury......... lot#1423  AU        20

prom     TNS Fort Worth  1993     100$ 1902 National... lot#1424  AU        20

prom     ANA Milwaukee  1995     Liberty Bell.................. lot#1426  AU        20

prom       BCC Baltimore  2005     1$ F and MB Elkton... lot#1401  AU        10

                                            -Consumers' Friend, USA

prom                    4 cents  1973     ABNC engraved note lot#1433  AU+      15

                                            -Diebolt, USA

prom                               5  ND        do your banking.......... lot#1448  UN          4

                                            -IBM, USA

prom                     50 DM  ND        IBM 3624..................... lot#1469  UN          5

                                            -International Bank Note Society

prom         IBNS London  1985     Newton;@BW............. lot#1409  UN        60

prom         IBNS London  1986     Newton;@BW............. lot#1470  UN        45

prom    IBNS Maastricht  1989     Harrison:@HAR......... lot#1471  UN        40

prom    IBNS Maastricht  1990     Harrison;@HAR......... lot#1472  UN        30

prom         IBNS London  1992     Newton;@BW............. lot#1473  UN        30

prom         IBNS London  1993     Aspinall; WALS.......... lot#1474  UN        15

prom    IBNS Maastricht  1993     Budapest;2 pcs.......... lot#1475  UN        50

prom              Maastricht  1994     US100$ 1908;@BEP lot#1425  UN        30

prom         IBNS London  1995     Nelson;2pcs;@TDLR. lot#1476  UN        25

prom       IBNS(London)  1996     De La Rue;@TDLR... lot#1477  UN        45

prom       IBNS(London)  1997     De La Rue;@TDLR... lot#1478  UN        45

prom       IBNS(London)  1998     2000 @TDLR............. lot#1479  UN        35

   Travelers Cheque       

                                            -American Express Company

TC                    2 pounds  1953     British pounds............. lot#1085  F           20

TC    spec           200 FF  (1980)   French Francs............................   VF         20

TC    spec           100 SF  (1985)   Swiss Francs..............................   AU        25

                                            -CITICORP, Japanese Yen Travelers

TC    spec              100 $  (1980)   .....................................................   XF         15

TC    spec    10,000 yen  (1980)   .....................................................   VF         25

                                            -First National City Bank, Banca Toscana

TC                      20+50 $  1977     endorsement B.T....... lot#1113  XF         70

                                            -Secured Negotiable Instruments Inc NY

TC    spec               -- $ $  (1936)   Money Order; yellow.................   AU        25

                                            -Thomas Cook

TC    spec              100 $  (198-)    Australian $;blue........................   XF         10

TC    spec              200 $  ND        Australian $;blue........................   XF         10

TC    spec                20 $  (198-)    Canadian $;blue........................   VF         10

TC    spec              100 $  (198-)    Canadian $;blue........................   XF         10

TC    spec           500 FF  (198-)    French francs; blue...................   XF         10

TC    spec          500 DM  (198-)    German marks; blue.................   XF         10

TC    spec            20 pou  (198-)    British pounds; blue...................   XF         10

TC    spec            50 pou  (198-)    British pounds; blue...................   VF         10

TC    spec            20 pou  (198-)    British pounds; green................   VF         10

TC    spec         100 pou  (198-)    British pounds; violet.................   VF         10

TC    spec           1,000 $  (198-)    Hong Kong $,HSBC; blue........   XF         10

TC    spec  100,000 yen  (198-)    Japanese yen; blue...................   XF         10

TC    spec    20,000 pes  ND        Spanish pesetas; blue..............   XF         10

TC    spec                20 $  (198-)    US $;blue....................................   XF         10


check                   1,000 $  1939     Chase Nat. Bank........ lot#1190  VF         15

                                            "Ford" Norway Garage, Norway Mi

check                     check  192-      Ford cars pictures...... lot#1064  F           20

   Receipts, Warrants and Coupons

                                            -Batavia NY, CL Carr, Anagram discount bond

NL                                1 $  1934     Anagram discount bond...........   XF         20

                                            -Borough of Lodi, Bergen County, NJ

NL                             15 $  1936     tax anticipation note..................   XF         15

                                            -Bridgeville PA, Wilson's Drug Store

NL                           1 cen  1936     Penny Bond................................   XF         10

                                            -Charleston SC, city

NL    canc                   1 $  1932     pay warrant.................................   VF           6

NL    canc                   5 $  1932     pay warrant.................................   VF           6

NL    canc                   1 $  1933     pay warrant.................................   XF           6

NL    canc                   5 $  1933     pay warrant.................................   XF           6

NL    canc                 10 $  1933     pay warrant.................................   VF           6

                                            -Canton OH, Schory and Schellhase Coal and Ice

NL        ice coupon book  (1930)   2000 lbs ice,................ full book  AU        20

                                            -Dayton OH, Yellow Cab coupon book

NL                             20 $  ND        full coupon book........................   AU        20

                                            -Fostoria OH, Industry Corporation

NL    canc                   1 $  (1934)   +3 stamps, cancelled................   VF         25

                                            -"Food Town" super market

NL                           1 cen  ND        green.................................. VF 4,  XF           6

NL                           5 cen  ND        pink.................................... VF 4,  XF           6

                                            -Graded Gasoline coupon

NL                      1, 1 unit  1945/6  A-A, tourist unit........... lot#1307  XF         10

                                            -Guilford County OH, Revenue anticipation note

NL    canc            50 cen  1933     cancelled...................................   VF         10

NL    canc                   5 $  1933     cancelled...................................   VF+      15

                                            -Hamtrack City, MI

NL    canc                 10 $  1934     cancelled....................................   XF         15

                                            -Long Beach NJ, city

NL    canc                   1 $  1934     cancelled....................................   XF         10

                                            -Missouri State, Retailers Sale Tax Receipt

NL                            1 mill  193-      carton token...............................   VF         12

NL                            5 mill  193-      carton token...............................   VF         12

                                            -Mutual Profit, "MacLeans Drug Store"

NL                 1/2 coupon  191-      MacLeans Drug Store...............   XF         12

NL                    1 coupon  191-      MacLeans Drug Store...............   XF           6

NL                    2 coupon  191-      MacLeans Drug Store...............   XF         12

                                            National Bank of Merit

NL                        1 share  ND        Nat. Bank of Merit...... lot#1075  XF         10

                                            -National Cloak and Suit Co, New York

NL                         50 cen  1911     good in merchandise.................   VG        15

                                            -Nevada State, Carson NV

NL    canc           warrant  1880     State Prison Fund...... lot#1091  VF+      15

                                            -Orphan Home Fund, Carlson, Nevada

NL                             49 $  1883     State warrant.............. lot#1194  XF         20

                                            -Ohio State, Prepaid Sale Tax

NL                           1 cen  193-      .....................................................   VF           4

NL                           2 cen  193-      .....................................................   XF           5

                                            -Rigling Bros Shows, Baraboo WS

NL                5,10,15 cen  1933     "50 Anniversary 1833-1933" UN 30

                                            -Sattler Script, Buffalo NY

NL                 50 ct, 1, 5 $  ND        3 notes......................... lot#1006  F+         50

                                            -Sears, Roebuck and Co, voucher

NL                         14 cen  1934?   .....................................................   F           10

                                            -"SWAP" change ticket

NL          10 swap tickets  1938     "SWAP" tickets........... lot#1080  XF         10

                                            -US Department of Agriculture, Food Coupon

NL                         50 cen  1967     food coupon "A".........................   F             4

NL                         50 cen  1967     food coupon...............................   AU        12

NL                                2 $  1967     food coupon...............................   AU        25

NL                                1 $  1989B  food coupon...............................   AU          8

                                            -Washington County OR, scrip

NL                         50 cen  1933     remainder...................................   AU        20

NL                                5 $  1933     remainder...................................   AU        25

                                            -Watford City Creamery, Dairy

NL      10$ coupon book  (1930)   Dairy............................. full book  XF         20

   Trading Card                  -USA XIXc coins

NL                trading card  XIXc      USA coins................... lot#1002  VF+         9

   ***USA, Bond and Shares Certificates***

   "Glen Alden Corporation"; 6% sinking fund, Delaware

bond                      1000$  (1969)  green; cancelled........... bs#300  VF         15

   "Winona Interurban Railroad Co" 5% Mortgage Bond, Indiana

bond                       100 $  1906     5% Bond; brown........... bs#301  F           40

   "Commercial Credit Company"; 4.75% note, New York

bond                    1,000 $  1960     green; cancelled........... bs#302  VF         15

   "New York State Housing Finance";6.75% State University Cons Bond

bond                    5,000 $  1972     eagle; red; cancelled.... bs#303  VF         15

   "New York Central and Hudson River" Railway Co, New York

bond                    1,000 $  1897     3.5%............................... bs#304  VF         50

                                            "State of Kansas Real Estate Bond" Kansas

bond                       700 $  1884     ........................................ bs#305  VF         60


                                            "American Automotive Accessories" Nevada

share                    shares  19--       unissued........................ bs#306  VF         15

                                            "American Tobacco Company" New Jersey

share               14 shares  1960     green; cancelled........... bs#307  VF         15

                                            "Bank of Charleston" Charleston, S Carolina

share               47 shares  1864     ........................................ bs#308  VF         80

                                            "Bond Stores Inc" Maryland

share            100 shares  1962     blue; cancelled.............. bs#309  VF         15

                                            "Bradford Building, Loan and Saving." PA

share               10 shares  1942     house, class "A"............ bs#310  XF-       20

                                            "Corroon and Black Corporation" Delaware

share                   1 share  1980     brown; cancelled.......... bs#311  VF+      15

                                            "General Foods Corporation" Delaware

share                 16 share  1960     brown; cancelled.......... bs#312  VF+      15

share                 10 share  1972     brown; cancelled.......... bs#313  VF+      18

                                            "General Motors "Delaware

share               60 shares  1978     General Motors............. bs#314  VF         15

                                            "Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Company" Maryland

share                   1 share  1962     blue; cancelled.............. bs#315  VF         15

share                   2 share  1963     blue; cancelled.............. bs#316  VF         15

share              100 share  1967     olive; cancelled............. bs#317  VF         15

                                            "Gulf States Utilities" Texas

share            100 shares  1965     cancelled....................... bs#318  VF         15

                                            "Homestake Mining Co" New York

share               50 shares  1909     red; cancelled............... bs#319  VF         30

                                            "Howard Johnson" Maryland

share                 7 shares  1970     cancelled....................... bs#320  VF         15

share            100 shares  1967     cancelled....................... bs#321  VF         15

share            100 shares  1972     cancelled....................... bs#322  VF         15

                                            "Inter. Telephone and Telegraph" New York

share               70 shares  1964     cancelled....................... bs#323  VF         15

share            100 shares  1971     cancelled....................... bs#324  VF         15

                                            "International Mercantile Marine" New Jersey

share               10 shares  1917     Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#325  VF         35

share               20 shares  1921     Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#326  VF         40

share               25 shares  1917     Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#327  VF         40

share               50 shares  1917     Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#328  VF         45

share            100 shares  1916     Titanic; cancelled.......... bs#329  F           45

                                            "Iowa Falls and Sioux City Rail Road Co" Iowa

share               10 shares  1883     train; cancelled............. bs#330  VF         60

                                            "Irving Trust" New York

share                 5 shares  1932     cancelled....................... bs#331  VF         15

                                            "Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co" New York

share            100 shares  1954     cancelled....................... bs#332  VF         15

                                            "New York Central Railroad Co" New York

share               50 shares  1939     cancelled....................... bs#333  VF         15

                                            "Northern Liberties Gas Co" Philadelphia

share               58 shares  1855     canc................................ bs#334  VF         35

                                            "Pan American World Airways" New York

share            100 shares  1964     cancelled....................... bs#335  VF         15

                                            "Peabody  Investment Company" Kansas

share               10 shares  1887     ........................................ bs#336  VF         60

                                            "Pennsylvania Railroad Co" Philadelphia

share               20 shares  1957     orange; cancelled......... bs#337  VF         15

share            100 shares  1964     green +vignette............. bs#338  VF         25

                                            "Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Co" New York

share               30 shares  1933     green, cancelled........... bs#339  F           30

                                            "Pomona Oil Co "California

share            100 shares  1921     oil field; cancelled......... bs#340  VF         30

share            300 shares  1921     oil field; cancelled......... bs#341  VF         30

                                            "Royal Reality Co "San Francisco, California

share                 1 shares  1923     ........................................ bs#342  VF         25

                                            "Trust Fund Reserve" Douglas Lacey NY

share                      5.75$  1903     credit certificate............... bs343  F           15

                                            "Union Liberty" Illinois

share                 3 shares  1920     ........................................ bs#344  VG        15

                                            "United Northern Mining Company" Arizona

share          1000 shares  1916     green.............................. bs#345  F           25

                                            "United States Lines Company" New York

share               25 shares  1950     ship, cancelled.............. bs#346  XF         15

                                            "Universal Oil Products Company" Delaware

share            100 shares  1968     green; cancelled........... bs#347  VF+      15

share          1000 shares  1974     blue; cancelled.............. bs#348  VF+      20

                                            "Utica City Rail Road Company" New York

share                unissued  18--       back, remainder............ bs#349  XF         35

                                            "Vindicator Oil Co "Dallas TX

share                  15x10 $  1922     ........................................ bs#350  XF         30

                                            "Wyo-Ill Petroleum Co" Wyoming

share            1,000x10 ct  1923     green.............................. bs#351  F           30


PICK#                                 *****URUGUAY****3*


A87a1                  10 cen  1887     sig1..............................................   VF         90

A87a2                  10 cen  1887     sig2..............................................   VF         80

A88a                     20 cen  1887     .....................................................   VF+    150

A88c                     20 cen  1887     stamp "Rio Negro".....................   VF-     160

A88c                     20 cen  1887     stamp "Salto"..............................   VG        50

A88c                     20 cen  1887     stamp "Soriano".........................   VG+      75

A89a                     50 cen  1887     .....................................................   VF      140

A89c                     50 cen  1887     stamp "Colonia".........................   F-        100

A89c                     50 cen  1887     stamp "Paysandu".....................   VF      210

A90a1                     1 pes  1887     sig.1.............................................   VG+      50

A90a2                     1 pes  1887     sig.2.............................................   VF      160

A90c                       1 pes  1887     stamp "Durazno"........................   F+       160

A90c                       1 pes  1887     stamp "Treinta y Tres"..............   VG+   100

A99                       20 cen  1875     ovpt "commission..."........... tear  VF      400

A109                     50 cen  1870     .....................................................   VG      100

A110                       1 pes  1870     .....................................................   VG+   200

A117                     50 cen  1875     .....................................................   VF+    400

A118                       1 pes  1875     ...................... VG(trimmed) 120VF      250

2b                         50 cen  1896     .....................................................   F         120

9b                            1 pes  1928     05.04; serie VIII..........................   VF      160

9b                            1 pes  1934     11.15; serie X.............................   VG-       30

9d                            1 pes  ND        serie XI........................................   VF+    160

14                         20 cen  (1918)   ovpt......... F+120; glue on back  XF-     300

17                            1 pes  1930     .....................................................   F         300

20b                       50 cen  1934     .....................................................   VF-       60

27a                    0.50 pes  1935     2x sig...........................................   VF+      20

27b                    0.50 pes  1935     3x sig...........................................   F             0

28c.                         1 pes  1935     3x sig............................... VF-12,  UN        96

29a.                         5 pes  1935     2x sig(2)......................................   UN      200

29a.                         5 pes  1935     3x sig(2)......................................   UN      180

29b                          5 pes  1935     3x sig...........................................   F           20

30a                        10 pes  1935     2x sig...........................................   VF         60

30a                        10 pes  1935     3x sig...........................................   VF         50

30a   error            10 pes  1935     offset sig on back.......................   VF      120

30b                        10 pes  1935     3x sig; "Vicepresidente"............   XF      120

31a                     100 pes  1935     ............................................ F 60,  F+         90

31b                     100 pes  1935     .....................................................   F           60

32b                     500 pes  1935     .....................................................   VF      400

34                      0.50 pes  1939     /arms...........................................   UN          5

35a2   "A"               1 pes  1939     /sailing ship; sig 2......................   XF+         8

35a     "B"               1 pes  1939     /sailing ship...................... XF+6,  UN        16

35b3.  "C"               1 pes  1939     /sailing ship; sig 3......................   UN        14

35b4   "C"               1 pes  1939     /sailing ship; sig 4......................   UN        12

35c      "D"              1 pes  1939     /sailing ship.................................   UN        12

36a     "B"               5 pes  1939     /battle................................. XF 7,  XF+      10

36b.    "C"               5 pes  1939     /battle................................. XF 5,  UN        20

37a     "A"             10 pes  1939     /ox cart........................................   VG          4

37b.    "B"             10 pes  1939     /ox cart............................... VF 7,  AU        30

37c     "C"             10 pes  1939     /ox cart........................................   UN        30

37d     "D"            10 pes  1939     /ox cart............................. VF+6,  UN        30

39c.    "D"          100 pes  1939     /constitution 1830......................   UN        50

40c.    "D"          500 pes  1939     /industry........................... VF 15,  UN      120

41c     "D"       1,000 pes  1939     /horseman.............. F+9, VF 13,  UN      100

41s     spec     1,000 pes  1939     "SPECIMEN" #002....................   AU+    600

42c.    "D"             10 pes  1939     (1967)"B Cent Republica"........   UN        50

42b     "D"            10 pes  1939     (1967)"B Cent Uruguay"...........   UN        40

43b.    "D"          100 pes  1939     3x "B Cent Uruguay".................   UN        64

43c.    "D"          100 pes  1939     2x "B Cent Uruguay"...... XF 16  UN        64

44b     "D"          500 pes  1939     (1967)"B Cent Uruguay"...........   UN        64

46       "A"             50 pes  (1967)   /historic scene............................   UN          7

47       "A"          100 pes  (1967)   /historic scene............................   UN          5

50b     "C"       5,000 pes  (1967)   /bank...........................................   UN        12

51c     "B"     10,000 pes  (1967)   /bank.................................... spot  XF         45

52(a).              1,000 pes  (1974)   /palace; sig G-P-R.....................   UN          8

52(b)               1,000 pes  (1974)   /palace; sig G-P-R.....................   UN          5

53a    "A"      10,000 pes  (1979)   /palace........................................   XF+         9

53b    "B"      10,000 pes  (1979)   /palace........................................   UN        12

53c    "C"      10,000 pes  (1979)   /palace........................................   UN        12

54                     0.50  (1975)   ovpt on 500.................................   UN          5

55                          1  (1975)   ovpt on 1,000 #49......................   UN        32

57                          5  (1975)   ovpt on 5,000.............................   UN        16

58                        10  (1975)   ovpt on 10,000.............. VF+12,  UN        64

60.     "A"          100  (1975)   Artigas/palace............................   UN      200

61c    "D"            50  (1987)   Artigas/palace............................   UN          8

61d    "E"            50  (1987)   Artigas/palace............................   UN          6

61A   "F"             50  (1988)   Artigas/palace; no wmk............   UN          5

61A   "G"            50  (1988)   Artigas/palace; no wmk............   UN          5

62c    "F"          100  (1986)   Artigas/palace; wmk..................   UN          9

62A   "G"          100  (1987)   Artigas/palace; no wmk............   UN          5

63a    "A"          500  (1978)   Artigas/palace............................   VF           6

63b    "C"          500  (1987)   Artigas/palace............................   UN        12

63A    "D"         500  (1987)   Artigas/palace............................   UN          7

64b    "B"       1,000  (1992)   Artigas/palace............................   UN        16

64Aa  "C"      1,000  (1992)   Artigas/palace............................   UN        12

64Ab  "D"      1,000  (1992)   Artigas/palace............................   UN        12

65(b). "B"      5,000  (1983)   Lavalleja/constitution.................   UN        24

66                      200  1986     Rodo/monument........................   UN          8

66      repl         200  1986     replacement serie "A-R"...........   UN        50

67A.  unis      1,000  1989     stamp "no emitido"....................   UN        80

68                   2,000  1989     Blanes/Patria..............................   UN        10

68A.  unis      5,000  1989     stamp "no emitido"....................   UN        80

68B   unis   10,000  1989     stamp" no emitido"....................   UN        80

69b              20,000  1991     San Martin/Patria.......................   UN        24

70b              50,000  1991     Varela/monument......................   UN        48

71              100,000  1991     Fabini/allegory musical.............   UN        64

72              200,000  1992     Figari/old dance.........................   UN        96

73              500,000  1992     Vazquez Acevedo/....................   UN      240

CS(67A-73)          1,000-  500       BCU booklet with 9 notes.........   UN      800

73Ba. "A"             10 pes  (1995)   plaza/arms..................................   UN        24

74a     "A"             20 pes  1994     San Martin/Patria.......................   UN        24

75b     "B"             50 pes  2000     Varela/monument......................   UN        16

76a.    "A"          100 pes  1994     Fabini/allegory musical.............   UN        48

76c     "C"          100 pes  2000     Fabini/allegory musical.............   UN        16

77b     "B"          200 pes  2000     Figari/old dance.........................   UN        24

80       "A"               5 pes  1998     Torez Garcia/painting...............   UN          6

81       "A"             10 pes  1998     Acevedo Vasquez/....................   UN          9

82       "B"          500 pes  1999     Vazquez Acevedo/....................   UN      200

83a     "C"            20 pes  2000     San Martin/Patria.......................   UN          5

83A    "D"             20 pes  2003     San Martin/Patria.......................   UN          4

84       "C"             50 pes  2003     Varela/monument......................   UN          6

85a    "D"           100 pes  2003     Fabini/allegory musical.............   UN        15

85A.   "D"           100 pes  2006     Fabini/allegory musical.............   UN        18

86a    "E"              20 pes  2008     San Martin/Patria.......................   UN          5

86b    "F"              20 pes  2011     San Martin/Patria.......................   UN          5

87a    "D"              50 pes  2008     Varela/monument......................   UN          6

88a    "E"            100 pes  2008     Fabini/allegory musical.............   UN        15

88b    "F"            100 pes  2011     Fabini/allegory musical.............   UN        12

89a    "C"           200 pes  2006     Figari/old dance.........................   UN        25

89b    "D"           200 pes  2009     Figari/old dance.........................   UN        18

90a    "C"           500 pes  2006     Vazquez Acevedo/....................   UN        80

91a.   "B"        1,000 pes  2004     J Ibarbourou/literature...............   UN      200

91b    "C"        1,000 pes  2008     J Ibarbourou/literature...............   UN      160

91c    "D"        1,000 pes  2011     J Ibarbourou/literature...............   UN      100

92      "A"        2,000 pes  2003     Larranaga/library.......................   UN      300

97      "E"            500 pes  2014     Vazquez Acevedo/....................   UN        45

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s161r   rema          4 cen  1887     Banco Credito Auxiliar..............   UN        40

s162                     50 cen  1888     Credito Auxiliar...........................   P           40

s162r   rema        50 cen  1888     Credito Auxiliar............... VF 15,  UN        95

s164r   rema        20 pes  1887     Credito Auxiliar...........................   AU        30

s165                      20 pes  1888     Credito Auxiliar.................. F 50,  VF      100

s165r   rema        20 pes  1887     Credito Auxiliar............... XF 30,  AU        60

s171a                   10 pes  1871     Banco Franco-Platense............   F           90

s171b                   10 pes  1871     Banco Franco-Platense............   VG        40

s172                      10 pes  1871     Banco Franco-Plat.......... F+45,  VF+      90

s173a                   20 pes  1871     Franco-Platense; signed..........   XF      250

s212r   rema        10 pes  1887     Italiano Uruguay........................   XF+      50

s215r   rema      100 pes  1887     Italiano Uruguay........................   UN      150

s238r   rema        50 pes  1872     Banco Londres y Rio.................   AU      140

s242r   rema        10 pes  1883     Banco Londres y Rio.................   UN        60

s292                      20 pes  1871     Banco Maua...............................   F+         60

s353                        1 pes  1866     Montevideo...... missing corner  G        200

s385a                   10 pes  1867     Banco Oriental...........................   VF         55

s386                      20 pes  1867     Banco Oriental...........................   VG        50

s395                      10 pes  1888     Banco Popular.................. P 40,  G+      100

s401r   rema      120 cen  1858     Banco del Salto, no sig.............   AU      250

s480                        1 pes  1868     Soc. Fomento Territorial...........   VF      350

s481                      10 pes  1868     Soc. Fomento Territorial...........   XF+    150

s482                      20 pes  1868     Soc. Fomento Territorial...........   XF+    150

NL                         10 cen  1872     Tacuarembo...............................   XF+      30

   Comision Central de Hacienda del Partido Nacional

NL                         50 pes  1921     political contribution...................   XF         20

NL                         50 pes  193-      political contribution...................   VF         15


PICK#                                 *****UZBEKISTAN****3*

   Bukhara Emirate;

6(a)   sig 1          500 ten  1337     (1918) frame green...................   VG+   400

7        sig 1      1,000 ten  1337     (1918)..........................................   F         600

10      sig 1      5,000 ten  1337     (1918)..........................................   G+      400

16      sig 2      2,000 ten  1337     (1918)..........................................   VG      150

17a    sig 2      3,000 ten  1337     (1918) green-red........................   F+       400

17b    sig 2      3,000 ten  1337     (1919) blue-brown.....................   F         300

18A    sig 1      5,000 ten  1337     (1918)..........................................   VG      150

18a    sig 2      5,000 ten  1337     (1919) lt. green/.........................   F           80

18b    sig 2      5,000 ten  1337     (1919) dk. green/.......................   F           80

18c    sig 2      5,000 ten  1337     (1919) brown-green/.................   F           80

20(a). sig 3         100 ten  1338     (1919)..........................................   AU      300

20(b)  sig 4         100 ten  1338     (1919).............................. VF 60,  XF      120

21(a)  sig 2         200 ten  1338     (1919)..........................................   VG        50

22(a)  sig 2         500 ten  1338     (1919)..........................................   VG        50

23       sig 2     1,000 ten  1338     (1919)..........................................   VF-     200

24                   10,000 ten  1338     (1919)..........................................   F-        250

   Republic (after collapse of Soviet Union)

61                           1 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque.............................   UN          4

62                           3 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque.............................   UN          4

63                           5 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque.............................   UN          4

64                        10 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque.............................   UN          5

65                        25 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque.............................   UN          5

67                      100 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque.............................   UN          9

68.                     200 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque.............................   UN        50

69a.                   500 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque.............................   UN        30

69b                    500 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque.............................   UN        25

70a                 1,000 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque; #3mm................   UN        20

70b.                1,000 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque; #3.6mm.. XF 10  UN        40

71b.                5,000 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque; #3.6mm............   UN        35

72a.             10,000 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque; #3.6mm............   UN        25

72c               10,000 sum  1992     Arms/Mosque; #3mm................   UN        25

73                           1 sum  1994     arms/fountain.............................   UN          5

74                           3 sum  1994     ornament/mosque.....................   UN          5

75                           5 sum  1994     ornament/monument.................   UN          6

75     repl               5 sum  1994     replacement "ZZ".......................   UN        15

76                        10 sum  1994     ornament/mausoleum...............   UN          5

77                        25 sum  1994     ornament/mausoleum...............   UN          5

78                        50 sum  1994     ornament/Samarkand...............   UN          5

79                      100 sum  1994     ornament/palace........................   UN          5

80                      200 sum  1997     arms/...........................................   UN          5

81                      500 sum  1999     arms/horseman..........................   UN          6

82                   1,000 sum  2001     arms/Timur Museum.................   UN          6

83                   5,000 sum  2013     arms/parliament.........................   UN          7

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Tashkent "Pechatnik" coop

D-1465                   1,000  (192-)    Tashkent "Pechatnik"................   XF         60

D-1465                   5,000  (192-)    Tashkent "Pechatnik"................   AU-       60

D-1465                 25,000  (192-)    Tashkent "Pechatnik"................   AU-       60

D-1465                 50,000  (192-)    Tashkent "Pechatnik"................   AU-       60


PICK#                                 *****VANUATU****3*

   Republic (Anglo-French condominium till 1980 -New Hebrides)

1                        100 vatu  (1982)   /cattle...........................................   UN        20

2.                       500 vatu  (1982)   /native carvers............................   UN        50

3                     1,000 vatu  (1982)   /sailboat......................................   UN      100

4                     5,000 vatu  (1982)   /ship, jumping tower..................   UN      250

5a    "AA"BB"   500 vatu  (1993)   /carvers; sig Virani-Molisa........   UN        15

5c    "DD"          500 vatu  (2010)   /carvers; sig Tevi-Molisa...........   UN        15

6                     1,000 vatu  (1993)   /sailboat......................................   UN        40

8a    "AA"          200 vatu  (1995)   /family; @TDLR.........................   UN          7

8b    "CC"         200 vatu  (2007)   /family; @DLR............................   UN          7

9      comm       500 vatu  (1995)   "Independence 15 years".........   UN        50

10a  "EE"       1,000 vatu  (2002)   /sailboat; sig Virani-Molisa........   UN        40

10b  "KK"       1,000 vatu  (2009)   /sailboat; sig Tevi-Molisa..........   UN        35

11.   comm    1,000 vatu  (2005)   "Independence 25 years".........   UN        70

12                      200 vatu  (20)14   /family.............................. plastic  UN          6

13                   1,000 vatu  (20)14   /farming........................... plastic  UN        25

14.                  2,000 vatu  (20)14   /birds................................ plastic  UN        40

15.   "CC"      5,000 vatu  (2006)   /ship, tower.................................   UN      120

16.   comm  10,000 vatu  (20)10   "30 Independence"........ plastic  UN      250


PICK#                                 *****VENEZUELA****3*


31c                         10 bol  1955     05.26; Bolivar, Sucre/................   VF+      60

31d                         10 bol  1959     06.18; Bolivar, Sucre/................   F           20

34c                       100 bol  1957     Bolivar/........................... VF+60UN      320

NL(31-6)            vignette  ABNC   engr "S Bolivar".......... lot#1357  UN        40

37c.                     500 bol  1968     Bolivar/......................... VF+180AU      480

42a                         10 bol  1961     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   VF         24

43c                         20 bol  1963     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   F           10

43s2.  spec           20 bol  ND        ovpt "especimen sin Valor"......   UN        90

45a                         10 bol  1963     Bolivar, Sucre/.................... F+6,  UN        60

45b                         10 bol  1964     Bolivar, Sucre/.................... F+5,  UN        52

45d.                       10 bol  1967     Bolivar, Sucre/..................... F 4,  UN        48

45g                         10 bol  1970     Bolivar, Sucre/............... XF+18,  UN        45

46b.                       20 bol  1968     Bolivar/........................................   UN        64

46e                         20 bol  1974     Bolivar/.............................. VG 4,  UN        52

46s2   spec           20 bol  1970     ovpt "especimen sin Valor"......   UN        90

47f.                         50 bol  1970     Bolivar/........................................   UN      160

47g                         50 bol  1972     Bolivar/........................................   XF         40

48g                      100 bol  1970     Bolivar/monument................ p/h  XF+      60

48j.                       100 bol  1973     Bolivar/........................................   UN      160

50a.                          5 bol  1968     Bolivar, Miranda/........................   UN        25

50f.                           5 bol  1972     Bolivar, Miranda/........................   AU        12

50g                           5 bol  1973     Bolivar, Miranda/........................   UN        16

50h                           5 bol  1974     Bolivar, Miranda/........................   UN        16

51b                         10 bol  1972     Bolivar, Sucre/..................... F 4,  AU        12

51c                         10 bol  1973     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   XF+         9

51d                         10 bol  1974     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   VF           4

51f.                         10 bol  1977     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   UN        16

51g.                       10 bol  1979     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   UN        16

52a                         20 bol  1971     Paez/monument........................   VG+        4

53a                         20 bol  1974     Paez/monument........................   UN        24

53c.                        20 bol  1979     Paez/monument........................   UN        24

55e.                     100 bol  1978     Bolivar/capitol.............................   UN        48

55g.                     100 bol  1981     Bolivar/capitol.............................   UN        48

55s1   spec         100 bol  1972     ovpt "especimen sin Valor"......   UN      120

56b.                     500 bol  1972     Bolivar/dam................................   UN      320

57.                          10 bol  1980     Sucre/Ayacucho........................   UN        32

58       comm        50 bol  1981     "1781-1981 Bello"......................   UN        32

59       comm      100 bol  1980     "1830-1980 Bolivar"..................   UN        64

59s     spec         100 bol  1980     ovpt "especimen sin Valor"......   UN      120

60                           10 bol  1981     Sucre/Ayacucho........................   UN        12

61a                         10 bol  1986     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   UN          8

61b                         10 bol  1990     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   UN          5

61c                         10 bol  1992     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   UN          5

61d                         10 bol  1995     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   UN          5

62                           10 bol  1988     Bolivar, Sucre/............................   UN          5

63b                         20 bol  1989     Paez/monument........................   UN          6

63c                         20 bol  1990     Paez/monument........................   UN          6

63d                         20 bol  1992     Paez/monument........................   UN          6

63e                         20 bol  1995     Paez/monument........................   UN          6

64.                          20 bol  1984     Paez/monument........................   UN          9

64A                        20 bol  1997     Paez/monument........................   XF           4

65a                         50 bol  1985     Bello/bank...................................   UN          8

65b                         50 bol  1988     Bello/bank...................................   UN          6

65d                         50 bol  1992     Bello/bank...................................   UN          6

65e                         50 bol  1995     Bello/bank...................................   UN          6

65g                         50 bol  1999     10.13; Bello/bank.......................   AU          4

66b                      100 bol  1989     Bolivar/Capitol............................   UN          7

66d                      100 bol  1992     05.12; Bolivar/Capitol................   UN          6

66e                      100 bol  1992     12.08; Bolivar/Capitol...... VF 4,  UN          6

66f                       100 bol  1998     Bolivar/Capitol............................   UN          6

67d                      500 bol  1990     Bolivar/orchids.................. XF-4,  UN        12

67e.                     500 bol  1995     Bolivar/orchids...........................   UN        12

67f                       500 bol  1998     Bolivar/orchids...........................   UN        12

68                             1 bol  1989     Bolivar/arms...............................   UN          4

69                             2 bol  1989     Bolivar/arms...............................   UN          4

70a                           5 bol  1989     Bolivar/arms; #7-digit................   UN        15

70b                           5 bol  1989     Bolivar/arms; #8-digit................   UN          5

71      comm         20 bol  1987     "R.Urdaneta 1789-1998"..........   UN        12

73c.                  1,000 bol  1992     12.08; /independence...............   UN        16

75b.                  5,000 bol  1996     03.14; Bolivar/independence...   UN        32

76b                   1,000 bol  1995     06.05; /independence...............   UN        12

76c                   1,000 bol  1998     02.05; /independence...............   UN          5

76d.                  1,000 bol  1998     08.06; /independence...............   UN          6

77b                   2,000 bol  1998     02.10; Bolivar/cavalry...... VF 4,  UN          9

77c                   2,000 bol  1998     08.06; Bolivar/cavalry................   UN          9

78a.                  5,000 bol  1997     06.16; Bolivar/independence...   UN        48

80                     2,000 bol  1998     10.29; /Mt Bolivar............ VF+4,  UN        16

81                   10,000 bol  1998     02.10; Bolivar/theatre................   UN        24

82                   20,000 bol  1998     08.24; Rodriguez/parrot............   UN        48

83                   50,000 bol  1998     08.24; Vargas/university...........   UN        96

84a                   5,000 bol  2000     05.26; Miranda/dam..................   UN        12

84c                   5,000 bol  2004     05.25; Miranda/dam......... VF 4,  UN        12

85b                 10,000 bol  2001     08.16; Sucre/court.....................   UN        18

85d                 10,000 bol  2004     05.25; Sucre/court........... VF 4,  UN        18

86b                 20,000 bol  2004     05.25; Rodriguez/parrot............   UN        35

87b.                50,000 bol  2005     09.29; Vargas/university...........   UN        80

87c.                50,000 bol  2006     04.25; Vargas/university...........   UN        80

88(a)                        2 bol  2007     03.23; Miranda/dolphins...........   UN          4

88(c)                        2 bol  2008     12.19; Miranda/dolphins...........   UN          4

89(a)                        5 bol  2007     03.20; Camejo/armadillos........   UN          4

89(c)                        5 bol  2008     12.19; Camejo/armadillos........   UN          4

90(a)                      10 bol  2007     03.29; Guaicaipuro/owl.............   UN          4

91(a)                      20 bol  2007     05.24; Arismendi/turtles............   UN          4

92(b).                     50 bol  2007     05.24; Rodriguez/bear..............   UN          5

93(b)                    100 bol  2007     05.24; Bolivar/birds...................   UN          6

93(e)                    100 bol  2011     02.03; Bolivar/birds...................   UN          5

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

s233r1                 100 bol  (1929)   remainder...................................   AU+ 1000

s233r2                 100 bol  (1929)   remainder with stub...................   AU-     700


PICK#                                 *****VIETNAM****3*

   Republic from 1945/54 (French Colony till 1945/54)

2b                         5 dong  (1946)   wmk "circle +star"......... VF+60,  AU      160

3a                         5 dong  (1946)   brown-green; wmk "text"...........   AU+    300

3b                         5 dong  (1946)   brown-green; wmk "ova". F 50,  VF      100

3c                         5 dong  (1946)   brown-green; no wmk...............   F+         80

4                           5 dong  (1946)   brown-green; no wmk... VG 30,  VF-       90

4       error#         5 dong  (1946)   mismatch serie "LR/LS"............   VG-       50

5.                        20 dong  (1946)   brown;150x76mm............. F 70,  AU-     400

6                         20 dong  (1946)   brown;170x88mm;.....................   VF+    200

7                         20 dong  (1946)   brown; portrait big......................   VG-       20

9b                         1 dong  (1947)   blue; wmk "text".........................   XF         60

9c.                        1 dong  (1947)   blue; wmk "oval +text"... VF-15,  AU+    100

9d                         1 dong  (1947)   blue; wmk "circle +star"............   VF         40

10c                       5 dong  (1947)   brown; wmk "oval"........... F+15,  AU+      90

10Ac                     5 dong  (1947)   brown;2-issue;wmk "oval"........   VG+      20

11b                     50 dong  (1947)   wmk "text"......................... F+45,  VF+      90

11c                     50 dong  (1947)   wmk "oval +text".... VG+25, p/h  VF+    100

12b                   100 dong  (1947)   wmk "oval +text"........................   F         200

13a                          20 xu  (1948)   red-brown...................................   XF      150

13b                          20 xu  (1948)   red-brown...................................   VG+      35

14b                          50 xu  (1948)   green; red#.................................   XF      150

15                         1 dong  (1948)   dk. blue.......................................   VF+    250

16                         1 dong  (1948)   blue/violet;# on left....................   AU      100

16                         1 dong  (1948)   blue/violet;# on right........... F 5,  AU+      60

17(a)                    5 dong  (1948)   red/brown-gray................. VG 4,  VF+      20

17(b)                    5 dong  (1948)   purple/green..................... VG 4,  AU        50

17(b)                    5 dong  (1948)   purple/green; #5-digit................   AU        60

17(c)                     5 dong  (1948)   gray/green..................................   F+         20

17(d)                    5 dong  (1948)   purple/brown..............................   VG        15

17(d)                    5 dong  (1948)   purple/brown; ser "LC-P"..........   VF-       80

17                         5 dong  (1948)   red stamp "Dong Thap"............   AU+    150

18                         5 dong  (1948)   green/brown...............................   VF+    120

19.                        5 dong  (1948)   blue/brown............ F 16, XF 65,  AU+    200

20a.                    10 dong  (1948)   brown/green; no wmk...............   AU+    200

20c                     10 dong  (1948)   brown/wmk "oval +text"............   VG+      40

20d                     10 dong  (1948)   brown/wmk "circle +star"..........   F           40

22d                     10 dong  (1948)   wmk "circle +star"......... VG+25,  XF+    150

23                       10 dong  (1948)   red ovpt.......................................   F           50

24b                     20 dong  (1948)   blue/wmk "circle +star"..............   XF      100

25a.                    20 dong  (1948)   blue, imprint.................... VF 50,  AU+    250

25b                     20 dong  (1948)   blue, no imprint..........................   VF+      90

26                       20 dong  (1948)   brown; /harvest.............. VG-15,  VF         90

27a                     50 dong  (1948)   green; no wmk.................. F 35,  VF         70

27b.                    50 dong  (1948)   wmk "circle +star"............ F+25,  AU+    150

27c                     50 dong  (1948)   wmk "circle +star +VN".... F 20,  AU+    150

28a                   100 dong  (1948)   violet; no wmk ............... VF 60,  XF      120

28b                   100 dong  (1948)   wmk "circle +star +VN".... F 30,  VF+      90

28c                   100 dong  (1948)   wmk "oval +text".............. F+45,  XF      120

29                     100 dong  1949     /brown; wmk "circle +star"........   F           50

29     error#     100 dong  1949     "IN HONG" ser VT/UT..............   F         120

30b                   100 dong  1949     blue/blue; red#............... VF-45,  VF+      90

31a                   500 dong  1949     brown; no wmk................ F+50,  VF         70

31b                   500 dong  1949     wmk "circle +star"....... VF+100,  XF-     120

32                       50 dong  (1950)   green;/soldier.................... F 30,  VF+      90

33                     100 dong  (1950)   green/brown;..................... F 50,  VF      100

34a                   200 dong  1950     brown-green; no wmk...... F 35,  VF         70

34a   error       200 dong  1950     green front(no brown color)......   AU      300

34b                   200 dong  1950     wmk "circle +star"......................   XF      150

35                     100 dong  (1951)   brown-green/brown;..................   XF-     120

37a                     10 dong  (1952)   yellow; wmk "text"......................   VF      120

37b                     10 dong  (1952)   brown/green; no wmk...............   VF         60

39                       50 dong  (1952)   violet................................... F-40,  F+         60

42.                      50 dong  (1953)   brown/green...............................   AU      350

44                         1 dong  (1947)   red/green....................................   VG        40

45                         1 dong  (1947)   blue-green..................................   F+       120

46a                       5 dong  (1949)   brown.............................. VG 20,  VF         70

46b                       5 dong  (1949)   blue-green..................................   F           60

46c                       5 dong  (1949)   olive.............................................   F           60

47                         5 dong  (1949)   blue..............................................   VG        40

48a                     20 dong  (1948)   orange; no wmk.........................   VG        30

48a.                    20 dong  (1948)   brown/green; no wmk...............   UN      150

50g                     50 dong  (1949)   stamp "Binh-Thuan"...... F+110,  VF      150

53b                   100 dong  (1950)   brown; wmk "circle +star".........   F           70

54a                   100 dong  (1950)   green/red; no wmk....................   VG-       35

54b                   100 dong  (1950)   green/red; wmk................. F 40,  XF      150

57                     500 dong  (1950)   green/green; wmk............. F 45,  VF         90

58                 1,000 dong  (1951)   red/red.........................................   VG-       30

59.                      10 dong  1951     /farming; brown..........................   UN      360

60a                     20 dong  1951     /loading boats; purple...............   UN      120

61a.                    50 dong  1951     /harvesting; green............. F 15,  UN      240

62a                   100 dong  1951     /factory; green............................   UN      300

62b                   100 dong  1951     /factory; blue...............................   VF         40

65                 1,000 dong  1951     soldiers/....................... AU+150UN      200

66.                5,000 dong  1951     /artillery........................... VF-80,  UN      640

68                           1 hao  1958     /train............................................   UN        16

69                           2 hao  1958     /dam............................................   UN        16

70s   spec              5 hao  1958     ovpt "MAU BAC"........................   UN      120

71                         1 dong  1958     /rice field............................. F+6,  UN        64

71x   coun           1 dong  1958     US propaganda counterfeit......   UN        60

72                         2 dong  1958     /Halong Bay................... XF+24,  UN        64

72x   coun           2 dong  1958     US propaganda counterfeit......   UN        75

73                         5 dong  1958     /mine................................ XF 20,  UN        80

74.                      10 dong  1958     /factory............................ XF 23,  UN        90

75.                             2 xu  (1964)   arms............................................   AU      200

76a                            5 xu  1975     arms; wmk small star................   UN        32

76b                            5 xu  1975     arms; wmk big star....................   UN        24

77b.                        1 hao  1972     103x57mm; wmk.......................   UN        40

77c.                        1 hao  1972     103x57mm; no wmk........ VF 5,  UN        40

78                           2 hao  1975     .....................................................   UN        36

79                           5 hao  1976     .....................................................   UN        10

80                         1 dong  1976     /factory........................................   UN        10

81a.                      5 dong  1976     /boats..........................................   AU        12

81b.                      5 dong  1976     /boats..........................................   UN        12

82.                      10 dong  1976     /elephant.....................................   UN        18

83.                      20 dong  1976     /dam............................................   UN        42

84                       50 dong  1976     /pit mining...................................   XF         10

85                         2 dong  1980     /river scene.................................   UN          8

86                       10 dong  1980     /house.........................................   UN        12

87a                     30 dong  1981     /port; small#................................   UN        45

88a                   100 dong  1980     /boats; small#.............................   UN        25

88b.                 100 dong  1980     /boats; large#.............................   AU+      24

89                           5 hao  1985     tower/5.............................. AU 8,  UN        16

90                         1 dong  1985     tower/boats.................................   UN          9

91                         2 dong  1985     tower/boats...................... XF+5,  UN        12

92                         5 dong  1985     tower/boats.................................   UN          9

93                       10 dong  1985     tower/river...................................   UN        12

94                       20 dong  1985     /pagoda.......................................   UN        12

95                       30 dong  1985     /building.......................... AU 16,  UN        32

96                       50 dong  1985     /dam................................ AU 12,  UN        24

97                       50 dong  1985     /bridge.........................................   UN        12

98.                    100 dong  1985     /planting rice...............................   UN        45

99                     500 dong  1985     /factory........................................   UN        50

100(a)              200 dong  1987     /tractor; small#...........................   UN          6

100(b)              200 dong  1987     /tractor; large#............................   UN        12

101a                500 dong  1988     /dockside; small#.......................   UN          5

101b                500 dong  1988     /dockside; large#.......................   UN        10

103.              2,000 dong  1987     /factory........................................   UN      160

104               5,000 dong  1987     /offshore oil rigs.........................   UN        22

105a                           100  1991     /temple; small#...........................   UN          5

105b                           100  1991     /temple; large#...........................   UN        10

106a                       1,000  1988     /elephant logging; small#..........   UN          5

106b.                      1,000  1988     /elephant logging; large#..........   UN        15

107a                       2,000  1988     /textile factory; small#...............   UN          5

107b                       2,000  1988     /textile factory; large#................   UN        10

108                          5,000  1991     /hydro dam.................................   UN          6

109.                      10,000  1990     /boats..........................................   UN        70

109    spec           10,000  1990     "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        70

110                       20,000  1991     /factory........................................   UN        16

111.                      50,000  1990     /port.............................................   UN      140

115                       10,000  1993     /boats................................. VF 4,  UN        16

116.                      50,000  1994     /port.............................................   UN        32

117                     100,000  1994     /house.........................................   UN        52

118.   comm                50  2001     "50yr National Bank"....... folder  UN      120

119.                      10,000  (20)06   /sea platform..............................   UN          7

119                       10,000  (20)07   /sea platform..............................   UN          6

120                       20,000  (20)06   /palace........................................   UN          9

120                       20,000  (20)09   /palace........................................   UN          9

121                       50,000  (20)03   /view............................................   UN        18

122                     100,000  (20)04   /garden........................................   UN        30

122                     100,000  (20)05   /garden........................................   UN        25

122                     100,000  (20)06   /garden........................................   UN        25

122                     100,000  (20)10   /garden........................................   UN        25

123c                   200,000  (20)06   /Halong Bay................................   UN        40

123                     200,000  (20)09   /Halong Bay................................   UN        40

123                     200,000  (20)11   /Halong Bay................................   UN        35

124.                    500,000  (20)03   /house.........................................   UN      150

125    comm              100  2016     "Bank 65 years".........................   UN        18

                                            Phieu Tiep Te, Regional

R1                            1 cac  (1949)   Vin Long Prov............................   VG      250

R NL                     2 dong  (1949)   Vin Long Prov............................   VG+   150

R NL                     5 dong  (1949)   Tra Vinh Prov.............................   F+       200

R10a                    5 dong  (1949)   Tra Vinh Prov.............................   G        150

                                            Tram Dong (credit note)

NL                    100 dong  ND        .....................................................   AU      150

   Viet-Minh Administrative Committees(handstamp on French Indochina)

R-NL(14)                 5 pia  (1945)   "Lang Hieup Hung"....................   VF-     100

R-NL(18)             100 pia  (1945)   "Sa Dec Prov"............................   VG+   100

R-NL(18)             100 pia  (1945)   "Ben-Tre"....................................   VG      100

R-NL(18)             100 pia  (1945)   "Tien-Te, Long Chauttien"........   F         120

R-NL(18)             100 pia  (1945)   "Cho Lon"...................................   G           80

R-NL(18)             100 pia  (1945)   "Tinh My-Tho"............................   F         110

R-NL(18)             100 pia  (1945)   "Tinh Sadec" "Kiem Soat"........   VG      110

   Foreign Exchange Certificates

FX1.                   10 dong  (1987)   Foreign Certificate.....................   UN        70

FX2.                   50 dong  (1987)   Foreign Certificate.....................   UN        70

FX3.                 100 dong  (1987)   Foreign Certificate.....................   UN        70

FX4.                 200 dong  (1987)   Foreign Certificate.....................   UN        70

FX5                  500 dong  (1987)   Foreign Certificate.....................   UN        80

FX6               1,000 dong  (1987)   Foreign Certificate.....................   UN        80

FX7.              5,000 dong  (1987)   Foreign Certificate.....................   UN        90

   War, Military and Camp Money(C#-Campbell, SB#-Schwan, Boling)

                                            -Military Coupon, used on Ho Chi Minh Trial

NL                           10 xu  (1968)   Military Coupon..........................   G           40

NL                             5 xu  (1971)   Military Coupon..........................   F+       200

                                            -Prisoners of War (1946-1954), Viet Minh

C-9028                 5 dong  ND        fantasy, French issue(195-).....   AU+      30

C-9029              10 dong  ND        fantasy, French issue(195-).....   AU+      30

C-9031              50 dong  ND        fantasy, French issue(195-).....   AU+      30

C-9032            100 dong  ND        fantasy, French issue(195-).....   AU+      30


PICK#                                 *****VIETNAM SOUTH****3*

   Republic from 1954 (united with Vietnam in 1976)

1                           1 dong  (1955)   temple/building................. AU 6,  UN        12

2                           5 dong  (1955)   /water buffalo................... VF+4,  UN        25

3                         10 dong  (1955)   .....................................................   UN        45

5                         10 dong  (1962)   couple/arch.................................   UN        24

6                         20 dong  (1962)   ox cart.........................................   UN        96

7                         50 dong  (1956)   water buffalo...............................   UN      180

8                       100 dong  (1955)   tractor.............. F 8, AU(p/h) 60,  UN      120

9.                      200 dong  (1958)   /boats..................... F 15, XF 60,  AU+    180

10                     500 dong  (1955)   pagoda/................................. p/h  VF      120

11.                        1 dong  (1955)   farming........................................   UN        24

12                         2 dong  (1955)   boat.............................................   UN        16

13                         5 dong  (1955)   water buffalo...............................   UN        16

15                         1 dong  (1964)   /tractor.........................................   UN        10

16                       20 dong  (1964)   ornament/fish....................... F 4,  UN        26

17                       50 dong  (1966)   ornament/"50"................ AU 32,  UN        64

18.                    100 dong  (1966)   /dam.................... VG 4, VF- 10,  AU+      60

19a                   100 dong  (1966)   /gateway; wmk dragon. VF+15,  AU+      60

19b                   100 dong  (1966)   /gateway; wmk head...... VF+8,  UN        40

20a                   200 dong  (1966)   /army; wmk dragon.............. p/h  VF         16

22                     500 dong  (1964)   building............... VF 20, XF 40,  UN      160

23                     500 dong  (1966)   warrior/boat.......... VF 8, XF 16,  UN        64

23x   coun       500 dong  (1966)   stamp "BAC GIA" .. counterfeit  VF         35

24                       20 dong  (1969)   bank.............................................   UN        12

25                       50 dong  (1969)   bank.............................................   UN        12

26.                    100 dong  (1969)   bank.............................................   UN        16

27                     200 dong  (1970)   bank.............................................   AU+      36

28                     500 dong  (1970)   bank.............................................   UN        12

29                  1000 dong  (1971)   bank.................................. VF+6,  AU+      24

30                       50 dong  (1972)   palace/horses.............................   UN        10

31                     100 dong  (1972)   palace/buffalos................. VF 4,  UN        12

32                     200 dong  (1972)   palace/deer.................................   UN        45

33                     500 dong  (1972)   palace/tiger.................................   UN        15

34                 1,000 dong  (1972)   palace/elephants.......................   UN          8

36. unis      10,000 dong  (1972)   palace/water buffalo..................   UN   1800

    National Liberation Front(Viet Cong) transitional issue 1975

37                            10 xu  1966     (1975)salt production................   UN          8

38                            20 xu  1966     (1975)rubber plantation............   UN        12

40                         1 dong  1966     (1975)boats/..................... VF 4,  UN        32

41                         2 dong  1966     (1975)bridge/................... VF+7,  UN        38

42                         5 dong  1966     (1975)factory................ AU+48,  UN        64

43                       10 dong  1966     (1975)women, train...... VF+25,  XF+      50

44                       50 dong  1966     (1975)/harvester........................   VF-       80

    National Liberation Front(Viet Cong)

R1                           10 xu  (1963)   Viet Cong.......................... AU 8,  UN        16

R2                           20 xu  (1963)   Viet Cong....................................   UN        24

R3.                          50 xu  (1963)   Viet Cong...................... AU+24,  UN        32

R4                         1 dong  (1963)   Viet Cong.......................... AU 9,  UN        18

R5                         2 dong  (1963)   Viet Cong........................ XF 12,  UN        50

R6.                       5 dong  (1963)   Viet Cong....................................   AU+    120

R7.                     10 dong  (1963)   Viet Cong....................... VF+70,  AU+    280

R8.                     50 dong  (1963)   Viet Cong....................................   AU+    600


WALES#                            *****WALES UK*****

  Private issue by R Williams' "Welsh Black Sheep Company" 1969-73.

WALES-1c           5 punt  1969     03.21 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+    150

WALES -2a1.     10 swllt  1969     04.17 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+    150

WALES -2b1        1 punt  1969     04.17 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+    120

WALES -4.6         5 swllt 1970     12.14 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -6a1        10 shi  1969     10.09 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -6b1         1 pou  1969     10.09 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -6c1         5 pou  1969     10.09 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -6d1       10 pou  1969     10.09 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -7a2a      10 shi  1970     12.14 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -7b2a       1 pou  1970     12.14 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -7c2a       5 pou  1970     12.14 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -7d2a     10 pou  1970     12.14 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -7b2b       1 pou  1970     12.30 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      80

WALES -7d2       10 pou  1970     08.27 duty stamp; cancelled....   AU+      90


PICK#                                 *****WEST AFRICAN STATES***3c*

   Monetary Union of several former French colonies (French West Africa

till 1958) in West Africa. States are identified by the printed code letter:

A -Ivory Coast, B -Benin(Dahomey), C -Burkina Faso(Upper Volta),

D -Mali, E -Mauritania, H -Niger, K -Senegal, S -Guinea-Bissau, T -Togo

   (1991-2001: year of issue appears in 2 digits of the serial number)

                                            no letter; first general issue for all countries;

2a                         100 fra  1959     04.23...........................................   UN      400

2b                         100 fra  (1966)   ........................................... F+12,  UN      130

                                            "A" -Ivory Coast

101c   "A"            100 fra  1961     ................................. Ivory Coast  F           10

102c   "A"            500 fra  1961     ................................. Ivory Coast  XF+    120

102j    "A"            500 fra  ND        ................................. Ivory Coast  UN      320

102k   "A"            500 fra  ND        ................ F(p/h)30; Ivory Coast  VF         60

103c   "A"         1,000 fra  1961     ................................. Ivory Coast  VF         40

103e.  "A"         1,000 fra  ND        .............. F+ 30, p/h Ivory Coast  AU      160

103h   "A"         1,000 fra  ND        couple...................... Ivory Coast  XF-       60

103i".  "A"         1,000 fra  ND        couple...................... Ivory Coast  UN      240

104h   "A"         5,000 fra  ND        man......................... Ivory Coast  F+       150

106     "A"            500 fra  1983     cattle/....................... Ivory Coast  UN        35

106     "A"            500 fra  1984     cattle/....................... Ivory Coast  UN        32

106.    "A"            500 fra  1987     cattle/....................... Ivory Coast  UN        32

106.    "A"            500 fra  1988     cattle/....................... Ivory Coast  UN        32

107.    "A"         1,000 fra  1981     mine/carver............. Ivory Coast  UN        60

108     "A"         5,000 fra  1986     boats/port................ Ivory Coast  F           20

109j    "A"       10,000 fra  (1991)   ................................. Ivory Coast  XF      120

110.    "A"            500 fra  (19)91   dam/tractor............. Ivory Coast  UN        20

111.    "A"         1,000 fra  (19)92   loading/women....... Ivory Coast  UN        24

111     "A"         1,000 fra  (19)95   loading/women....... Ivory Coast  UN        22

111     "A"         1,000 fra  (19)98   loading/women....... Ivory Coast  UN        22

112     "A"         2.500 fra  (19)92   dam/cacao.............. Ivory Coast  UN      120

112     "A"         2.500 fra  (19)93   dam/cacao, Ivory Coast..... F-9,  UN      120

113     "A"         5,000 fra  (19)92   refinery/pottery....... Ivory Coast  UN        70

113     "A"         5,000 fra  (19)98   refinery/pottery....... Ivory Coast  UN        70

114.    "A"       10,000 fra  (19)98   /bridge..................... Ivory Coast  UN      140

117a   "A"         5,000 fra  (20)03   antelopes/farm....... Ivory Coast  UN        50

118a   "A"       10,000 fra  (20)03   birds/satellite.......... Ivory Coast  UN        95

                                            "B" -Benin(formerly Dahomey)

201e   "B"            100 fra  1965     ............................ VF+30, Benin  UN      150

206g   "B"            500 fra  1984     .......................................... Benin  UN        35

208o.  "B"         5,000 fra  1992     boats/port......................... Benin  UN      150

210.    "A"            500 fra  (19)91   dam/tractor...................... Benin  UN        20

211     "B"         1,000 fra  (19)91   loading/women................ Benin  UN        30

211.    "B"         1,000 fra  (19)95   loading/women................ Benin  UN        25

211     "B"         1,000 fra  (19)96   loading/women................ Benin  UN        22

211.    "B"         1,000 fra  (20)02   loading/women................ Benin  UN        22

213.    "B"         5,000 fra  (19)94   refinery/pottery................ Benin  UN        90

213.    "B"         5,000 fra  (19)95   refinery/pottery................ Benin  UN        90

216a   "B"         2,000 fra  (20)03   fish/transport.................... Benin  UN        20

218a.  "B"       10,000 fra  (20)03   birds/satellite................... Benin  UN        95

                                            "C" -Burkina Faso(formerly Upper Volta)

301f    "C"            100 fra  ND        ............................. Burkina Faso  UN      160

303k   "C"         1,000 fra  ND        couple/................ Burkina Faso  VF+      50

306.    "C"            500 fra  1984     cattle/................... Burkina Faso  UN        35

306     "C"            500 fra  1988     cattle/................... Burkina Faso  UN        40

310.    "C"            500 fra  (19)94   dam/tractor......... Burkina Faso  UN        18

310.    "C"            500 fra  (19)99   dam/tractor......... Burkina Faso  UN        16

311     "C"         1,000 fra  (19)94   loading/women... Burkina Faso  UN        20

311     "C"         1,000 fra  (19)97   loading/women... Burkina Faso  UN        20

311     "C"         1,000 fra  (19)98   loading/women... Burkina Faso  UN        20

311     "C"         1,000 fra  (20)01   loading/women... Burkina Faso  UN        18

311     "C"         1,000 fra  (20)02   loading/women... Burkina Faso  UN        18

311     "C"         1,000 fra  (20)03   loading/women... Burkina Faso  UN        18

312.    "C"         2.500 fra  (19)92   dam/cacao.......... Burkina Faso  UN      160

313.    "C"         5,000 fra  (19)92   refinery/pottery... Burkina Faso  UN      120

313.    "C"         5,000 fra  (19)95   refinery/pottery... Burkina Faso  UN      100

314     "C"      10,000 fra  (20)01   /bridge................. Burkina Faso  XF+      80

315a.  "C"         1,000 fra  (20)03   camels/................ Burkina Faso  UN        12

316a   "C"         2,000 fra  (20)03   fish/transport...... Burkina Faso  UN        20

317a.  "C"         5,000 fra  (20)03   antelopes/farm... Burkina Faso  UN        50

318a.  "C"      10,000 fra  (20)03   birds/satellite...... Burkina Faso  UN        95

                                            "D" -Mali(seceded in 1962, rejoined in 1984)

405i    "D"            500 fra  1990     cattle/................................... Mali  UN        35

406     "D"         1,000 fra  1981     mine/carving....................... Mali  UN        60

411.    "D"         1,000 fra  (19)91   loading/women................... Mali  UN        25

411.    "D"         1,000 fra  (19)93   loading/women................... Mali  UN        25

413.    "D"         5,000 fra  (19)92   refinery/pottery................... Mali  UN        70

413     "D"         5,000 fra  (19)98   refinery/pottery................... Mali  UN        70

413     "D"         5,000 fra  (20)01   refinery/pottery................... Mali  UN        65

414     "D"      10,000 fra  (19)96   /suspension bridge............. Mali  UN      150

417a   "D"         5,000 fra  (20)03   antelopes/farm.................... Mali  UN        50

418a   "D"      10,000 fra  (20)03   birds/satellite....................... Mali  UN        90

418b   "D"      10,000 fra  (20)04   birds/satellite....................... Mali  UN        90

                                            "H" -Niger

607b   "H"         1,000 fra  1981     mine/carver....................... Niger  VF-       15

609e   "H"      10,000 fra  (1981)   ........................................... Niger  F+         40

611     "H"         1,000 fra  (19)97   loading/women................. Niger  UN        32

618b.  "H"      10,000 fra  (20)04   birds/satellite.................... Niger  UN      120

                                            "K" -Senegal

701a   "K"            100 fra  1961     ...................................... Senegal  VF+      60

701b   "K"            100 fra  1961     ...................................... Senegal  VG          5

701d   "K"            100 fra  1964     ...................................... Senegal  VG+        8

701e.  "K"            100 fra  1965     .............................. p/h; Senegal  AU        80

702f    "K"            500 fra  ND        sig 5.............................. Senegal  VG+      15

702g   "K"            500 fra  ND        sig 6.................. F+30, Senegal  VF         40

702m  "K"            500 fra  ND        sig 11............. VF+60; Senegal  XF-       70

703l.   "K"         1,000 fra  ND        couple................. tear; Senegal  AU+    180

703m. "K"         1,000 fra  ND        couple.......................... Senegal  AU+    180

706     "K"            500 fra  1981     cattle/........................... Senegal  UN        32

706.    "K"            500 fra  1983     cattle/........................... Senegal  UN        32

706.    "K"            500 fra  1984     cattle/........................... Senegal  UN        32

706     "K"            500 fra  1986     cattle/........................... Senegal  UN        24

706     "K"            500 fra  1987     cattle/........................... Senegal  VG+        4

707.    "K"         1,000 fra  1981     mine/carver................. Senegal  UN        60

707     "K"         1,000 fra  1985     mine/carver................. Senegal  G             4

707     "K"         1,000 fra  1986     mine/carver................. Senegal  VG+        5

707     "K"         1,000 fra  1987     mine/carver................. Senegal  VG+        5

710     "K"            500 fra  (19)91   dam/tractor.................. Senegal  UN        15

710     "K"            500 fra  (19)93   dam/tractor.................. Senegal  UN        14

710     "K"            500 fra  (19)95   dam/tractor.................. Senegal  UN        14

710     "K"            500 fra  (20)00   dam/tractor.................. Senegal  UN        12

710     "K"            500 fra  (20)02   dam/tractor.................. Senegal  UN        12

711     "K"         1,000 fra  (19)91   loading/women........... Senegal  UN        20

711     "K"         1,000 fra  (19)92   loading/women........... Senegal  VF           4

711     "K"         1,000 fra  (19)93   loading/women........... Senegal  UN        20

711     "K"         1,000 fra  (19)97   loading/women........... Senegal  UN        20

711     "K"         1,000 fra  (19)98   loading/women........... Senegal  UN        20

711     "K"         1,000 fra  (20)00   loading/women........... Senegal  UN        18

711     "K"         1,000 fra  (20)02   loading/women........... Senegal  UN        16

712.    "K"         2.500 fra  (19)92   dam/cacao..... VF+30, Senegal  UN      160

713.    "K"         5,000 fra  (19)09   refinery/pottery............ Senegal  UN        80

714.    "K"       10,000 fra  (19)09   /suspension bridge..... Senegal  UN      160

715a   "K"         1,000 fra  (20)03   camels/education....... Senegal  UN        12

715     "K"         1,000 fra  (20)12   camels/education....... Senegal  UN        10

718a.  "K"       10,000 fra  (20)03   birds/satellite............... Senegal  UN        95

719     "K"            500 fra  (20)12   hippo/computer........... Senegal  UN          7

                                            "T" -Togo

801a   "T"            100 fra  1961     ............................................ Togo  VF         30

801e.  "T"            100 fra  1965     ............................................ Togo  UN      240

802m. "T"            500 fra  ND        ............................................ Togo  UN      360

803f    "T"         1,000 fra  ND        couple................................. Togo  XF+    120

805     "T"            500 fra  1979     cattle/.................................. Togo  UN      120

806     "T"            500 fra  1981     cattle/.................................. Togo  UN        40

806.    "T"            500 fra  1982     cattle/.................................. Togo  UN        36

806     "T"            500 fra  1985     cattle/.................................. Togo  UN        32

806.    "T"            500 fra  1986     cattle/.................................. Togo  UN        32

806.    "T"            500 fra  1989     cattle/.................................. Togo  AU+      16

807.    "T"         1,000 fra  1987     mine/carver........................ Togo  UN        40

807.    "T"         1,000 fra  1989     mine/carver........................ Togo  AU+      30

809i.   "T"       10,000 fra  (1992)   ............................................ Togo  AU+    240

810     "T"            500 fra  (19)91   dam/tractor........................ Togo  UN        15

811.    "T"         1,000 fra  (19)91   loading/women.................. Togo  UN        25

811     "T"         1,000 fra  (19)94   loading/women.................. Togo  UN        30

811     "T"         1,000 fra  (19)95   loading/women.................. Togo  UN        30

811.    "T"         1,000 fra  (19)97   loading/women.................. Togo  UN        30

812.    "T"         2.500 fra  (19)94   dam/cacao farm................ Togo  UN      140

816a   "T"         2,000 fra  (20)03   fish/transport..................... Togo  UN        20

818a   "T"       10,000 fra  (20)03   birds/satellite..................... Togo  UN        95

                                            "S" -Guinea-Bissau

911    "S"          1,000 fra  (19)98   loading/............. Guinea-Bissau  UN        30


PICK#                                 ****WESTERN SAMOA see SAMOA****


PICK#                                 ****YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC(Sana)***3*


1a     sig 1                1 ria  (1964)   arms/Sana city...........................   UN      100

1b     sig 2                1 ria  (1967)   arms/Sana city...........................   UN      120

2b.    sig 2                5 ria  (1964)   arms/sculpture............... VF-60,  UN      480

2as   spec                5 ria  (1967)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   XF-     350

3b     sig 2              10 ria  (1964)   arms/dam....................................   UN      640

4                           10 buq  (1966)   sculpture/........................... VF 9,  UN        75

5.                          20 buq  (1966)   sculpture/ruins............................   AU+    120

6                                1 ria  (1969)   head sculpture/Sana... AU+45,  UN        60

7                                5 ria  (1969)   lion sculpture/................. VF 20,  UN      160

8                              10 ria  (1969)   mosque/dam. VF+50, AU+200UN      260

9                              20 ria  (1971)   palace/city...... VF+70, AU 180UN      360

10                            50 ria  (1971)   draggers/coffee.......... XF+170,  UN      450

11a.  sig 5                1 ria  (1973)   mosque/plants...........................   UN        12

11b   sig 7                1 ria  (1980)   mosque/plants...........................   UN        20

12                              5 ria  (1973)   building/city.................................   UN        36

13a   sig 5              10 ria  (1973)   Kg Dhamer/palace....................   UN        30

13b.  sig 7              10 ria  (1980)   Kg Dhamer/palace........... XF 9,  UN        36

14                            20 ria  (1973)   sculpture/terraces......................   UN        24

15a   sig 5              50 ria  (1973)   statue/city wall.............. AU+24,  UN        32

15b   sig 7              50 ria  (1980)   statue/city wall............................   UN        24

16                         100 ria  (1976)   sculpture/city view.....................   AU+      60

16B                           1 ria  (1983)   mosque/plants...........................   UN          5

17a   sig 5                5 ria  (1981)   building/city.................................   UN          9

17b   sig 7                5 ria  (1983)   building/city.................................   UN          9

17c   sig 8                5 ria  (1991)   building/city.................................   UN          9

18b                          10 ria  (1983)   city/mosque................................   UN        12

19a   sig 7              20 ria  (1983)   sculpture/city..............................   UN        12

19b   sig 8              20 ria  (1986)   sculpture/city..............................   UN        12

19c   sig 8              20 ria  (1986)   sculpture/city..............................   UN        12

21                         100 ria  (1979)   sculpture/city view ....................   UN        25

21A                       100 ria  (1984)   sculpture/bank............................   UN        20

23                            10 ria  (1990)   city/dam......................................   UN          6

24                            10 ria  (1993)   city/dam......................................   UN          6

25                            20 ria  (1995)   sculpture/dhow...........................   UN          8

26a                          20 ria  (1990)   sculpture/city view.....................   UN          8

26b                          20 ria  (1990)   sculpture/city view.....................   UN          8

27                            50 ria  (1992)   sculpture/city..............................   UN        16

27A    sig 8            50 ria  (1992)   sculpture/city..............................   UN          8

27A    sig 9            50 ria  (1994)   sculpture/city..............................   UN          8

28a     sig 8          100 ria  (1992)   mountainside/Sana view..........   UN          9

28b.    sig 9          100 ria  (1994)   mountainside/Sana view..........   UN        12

29                         200 ria  (1996)   sculpture/city view.....................   UN        15

30                         500 ria  (1997)   bank/temple ruins......................   UN        50

31.                        500 ria  2001     palace/mosque..........................   UN        25

32                      1,000 ria  (1998)   palace/city view..........................   UN        60

33a                    1,000 ria  2004     palace/city view..........................   UN        40

34                         500 ria  2007     palace/mosque..........................   UN        20


PICK#                                 *YEMEN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC(Aden)3*

 Republic (British protectorate till 1967, united with Yemen DR in 1990)

1b                         250 fils  (1965)   dhow/palm; sig 2........................   UN        75

3b.                        1 dinar  (1965)   dhow/palm; sig 2........................   AU+    140

4b                         5 dinar  (1965)   dhow/palm; sig 2........... VF+30,  UN      160

5                         10 dinar  (1965)   dhow/palm..................................   VF      120

6                           500 fils  (1984)   dhow/palm..................................   UN        40

7.                          1 dinar  (1984)   dhow/palm..................................   UN        50

8a.                        5 dinar  (1984)   dhow/palm; sig 3........................   UN      100

8b                         5 dinar  (1984)   dhow/palm; sig 4........................   UN        70

9a                       10 dinar  (1984)   dhow/palm; sig 3.......... AU+80,  UN      110

9b                       10 dinar  (1984)   dhow/palm; sig 4........................   UN        80


PICK#                                 *****YUGOSLAVIA***3*

   Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

1+6b                      10 kro  1915     stamp(1919)+ovpt............ P 25,  VG+   120

1                             10 kor  1915     stamp(1919)...............................   F+       120

3                             50 kor  1914     stamp(1919)...............................   F+       200

6a                           10 kor  1904     stamp(1919)...............................   F         160

6b                           10 kro  1915     stamp(1919).................. F+120VF      160

7                             20 kro  1913     stamp(1919)................... VG 40,  VG+      60

9                           100 kro  1912     Serbian(1919)................ VG-20,  VF         80

9                           100 kro  1912     Serbian(1919) embossed stamp

                                                          "Trgovacka Banka,Trebinje......   F         120

9A                        100 kro  1912     Croatian "Split tax office"..........   VF-     120

9B                        100 kro  1912     Slovenian stamp(1919).............   VG        30

10      coun      1,000 kro  1902     Serbian stamp(1919)................   VF         60

10A   coun       1,000 kro  1902     Croatian stamp(1919)...............   VF         60

10B   coun       1,000 kro  1902     Slovenian stamp(1919).............   VF-       60

11                         1/4 din  1919     ........................................ VF+12,  XF+      24

12                             1 din  (1919)   ................................ F 6, VF+18,  UN        96

13                         1/4 din  1921     .............................. VF 7, XF+20,  UN        56

14.              2 kor/1/2 din  (1919)   ovpt......................... F 6, XF+36,  UN        96

15.                  4 kor/1 din  (1919)   ovpt................................. VF+27,  UN      145

16a               20 kor/5 din  (1919)   ovpt..................... VG+15, F+30,  XF+    120

17              40 kor/10 din  (1919)   ovpt..............................................   VG        20

18              80 kor/20 din  (1919)   ovpt..............................................   F             4

21                          10 din  1920     ......................... VG 40, VF+240XF+    480

22                        100 din  1920     ............................. F 60, VF 120VF+    180

23x    coun      1,000 din  1920     no wmk, old counterfeit.............   XF      120

24                     1,000 din  1920     .....................................................   VG      200

24                     1,000 din  1920     ovpt"4000 kron".........................   XF+  1800

25                          10 din  1926     ............................. F 50, VF 100XF+    300

   Kingdom of Yugoslavia

Serbia P10           10 din  1893     validation stamp(193-)..............   F         300

27a                      100 din  1929     wmk Karageorge VG 10,VF 40,  AU+    240

27b                      100 din  1929     wmk Kg Alexander........... VF 5,  UN        40

27x    coun         100 din  1929     old counterfeit............................   XF         40

28                          50 din  1931     Kg Alexander................ AU+25,  UN        50

29                     1,000 din  1931     Qn Marie................. F 8, VF 15,  UN      120

30                          20 din  1936     Kg Peter II/woman........... VF 6,  UN        45

31      unis           100 din  1934     ........................... VF 26, XF+80,  UN      200

32.                       500 din  1935     Kg, harvest....... VF-20, XF+75,  UN      200

35                          10 din  1939     Kg Peter/woman................. F 5,  UN        70

 Republic (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro)

48a                           1 din  1944     soldier; paper thin......................   UN          8

48b                           1 din  1944     soldier; paper thick....................   UN          8

49b.                         5 din  1944     soldier; thread............................   UN        32

50a                        10 din  1944     soldier; fibres....................... F 4,  UN        32

50c                         10 din  1944     soldier..........................................   VG          5

51a                        20 din  1944     soldier................................ VG 4,  VF+      15

51c                         20 din  1944     soldier; fibres.................. AU 32,  UN        64

51d                        20 din  1944     soldier; thread............................   UN        64

52a                        50 din  1944     soldier; #6-digit...........................   VG          6

53a                      100 din  1944     soldier..........................................   F+         30

64b                        50 din  1946     miner; #9-digit............................   UN        40

65a                      100 din  1946     workers; no thread.....................   UN        80

65b                      100 din  1946     workers; thread............ AU+60,  UN        80

66b                      500 din  1946     soldier; thread............................   UN        80

67b.                  1,000 din  1946     horizontal thread............ VF 20,  UN      160

67K.   unis            50 din  1950     back only; unissued...................   UN      320

67S.   unis            10 din  1950     soldier; unissued........................   UN      200

68                        100 din  1953     workers/harvest................ F 40,  VF        80\

69                        100 din  1955     girl/Dubrovnik.............................   UN        18

70                        500 din  1955     girl/harvesters............................   UN        32

71b    "2"         1,000 din  1955     steelworker/factory............. F 4,  UN        32

72b    "2"         5,000 din  1955     relief/parliament.........................   VF         60

73                        100 din  1963     girl/Dubrovnik.............................   UN          8

74                        500 din  1963     girl/combine harvesters............   UN        12

75                     1,000 din  1963     steelworker/factory....................   UN        14

76                     5,000 din  1963     relief/parliament.........................   F+         45

77b.                         5 din  1965     woman/5.....................................   UN        40

78b.                       10 din  1965     steelworker/10............... VF+18,  UN      100

79a                        50 din  1965     relief/parliament.........................   UN      120

79b.                       50 din  1965     relief/parliament............. VF 18,  UN      140

80b                      100 din  1965     horseman statue/100..... VF+4,  UN        12

80c                      100 din  1965     horseman statue/100................   UN          6

81a                           5 din  1968     woman/5.....................................   UN          6

81b                           5 din  1968     woman/5.....................................   UN          6

82b                        10 din  1968     steelworker/10............................   UN        12

82c                         10 din  1968     steelworker/10............................   UN          5

82s    spec            10 din  1968     "SPECIMEN" #453....................   UN      120

83a.                       50 din  1968     relief/50.......................................   UN        64

83b                        50 din  1968     relief/50.......................................   UN          6

83c                         50 din  1968     relief/50.......................................   UN          5

83s    spec            50 din  1968     "SPECIMEN" #487....................   UN      120

84a                      500 din  1970     Tesla/500....................................   UN        32

85                          20 din  1974     ship/20........................................   UN          6

86                     1,000 din  1974     woman, fruit/1000......................   UN        18

87a                        10 din  1978     steelworker/10............................   UN          5

87b                        10 din  1981     steelworker/10............................   UN          6

88a                        20 din  1978     ship/20........................................   UN          5

88b                        20 din  1981     ship/20........................................   UN          5

88     souv             20 din  1978     "Beograd. Tito 1980". lot#1044  UN        18

89a                        50 din  1978     relief/50.......................................   UN          5

89b                        50 din  1981     relief/50.......................................   UN          5

90a                      100 din  1978     horseman statue/100................   UN          5

90b                      100 din  1981     horseman statue/100................   UN          5

90c                      100 din  1986     horseman statue/100................   UN          5

91a                      500 din  1978     Tesla/500....................................   UN          5

91b                      500 din  1981     Tesla/500....................................   UN          5

91b   repl            500 din  1981     replacement "ZA".......................   UN        35

91c                      500 din  1986     Tesla/500....................................   UN          6

92c                   1,000 din  1978     woman, fruit/1000......................   UN          6

92d                   1,000 din  1981     woman, fruit/1000......................   UN          6

93                     5,000 din  1985     Tito/view......................................   UN          6

95                   20,000 din  1987     miner/mechanical shovel..........   UN          8

96                   50,000 din  1988     girl/Dubrovnik.............................   UN        16

96    repl        50,000 din  1988     replacement "ZA".......................   UN        32

97                 100,000 din  1989     girl/...............................................   UN        16

98                 500,000 din  1989     monument V...............................   UN        16

99             1,000,000 din  1989     woman........................................   UN        24

100.          2,000,000 din  1989     monument V...............................   UN      160

101                        50 din  1990     monument..................................   UN        32

102                      200 din  1990     monument V...............................   UN        42

103                        10 din  1990     06.01; girl....................................   UN          5

104                        50 din  1990     06.01; boy/roses........................   UN          5

105                      100 din  1990     06.01; woman/wheat.................   UN          5

106                      500 din  1990     06.01; man/mountain................   UN        12

107                   1,000 din  1990     06.01; Tesla/transformer..........   UN        16

108                      100 din  1991     woman/wheat.............................   UN          6

109                      500 din  1991     man/mountain............................   UN          6

110                   1,000 din  1991     Tesla/transformer......................   UN          6

111                   5,000 din  1991     Andric/Visegrad bridge.............   UN        16

   Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)

112                             100  1992     woman/wheat.............................   UN          5

113                             500  1992     man/mountain............................   UN          6

114                          1,000  1992     Tesla/transformer......................   UN        16

115.                        5,000  1992     Andric/bridge.................... XF 4,  UN        16

115   repl                5,000  1992     replacement...............................   UN        32

116a                     10,000  1992     girl................................................   UN          6

116b                     10,000  1992     girl................................................   UN          6

117                       50,000  1992     boy/roses....................................   UN        12

118                     100,000  1993     woman/sunflowers....................   UN          6

119.                    500,000  1993     boy/sky center.................... F+5,  UN        48

120.                 1,000,000  1993     Tesla/transformer........... XF 16,  UN        64

121                  5,000,000  1993     Tesla/transformer............. XF 4,  UN        12

122                10,000,000  1993     Andric/library..............................   UN        12

123                50,000,000  1990     girl/bank............................. XF 4,  UN        12

123   repl      50,000,000  1990     replacement "ZA".......................   UN        32

124             100,000,000  1993     man/Academy of Science........   UN          8

125             500,000,000  1993     woman/building................ XF 4,  UN        12

126          1,000,000,000  1993     girl/parliament................... XF 4,  UN        16

126  rep  1,000,000,000  1993     replacement "ZA".......................   UN        48

127        10,000,000,000  1993     Tesla/transformer.......... AU 16,  UN        32

128                          5,000  1993     Tesla/museum...........................   UN          9

129                       10,000  1993     Karadzic/church............... XF 4,  UN          9

130                       50,000  1993     Peter II/Cetinje monastery........   UN          5

131                     500,000  1993     Obradovic/monastery................   UN          8

132                  5,000,000  1993     Petrovich/church........................   UN          5

133                50,000,000  1993     Pupin/building............................   UN          6

134             500,000,000  1993     Cvijich/university.............. XF 4,  UN          6

135          5,000,000,000  1993     Jaksich/monastery........... XF 4,  UN          6

136        50,000,000,000  1993     Obrenovic/house.......................   UN        16

137      500,000,000,000  1993     Zmaj/library..................... AU 16,  UN        32

138a                             10  1994     Panchic/mountain......................   UN          4

138s   spec                 10  1994     "SPECIMEN" on front, no#.......   UN        24

139                             100  1994     Tesla/museum...........................   UN          4

140                          1,000  1994     Peter II/Cetinje monastery........   UN          4

141                          5,000  1994     Obradovic/monastery................   UN          5

142                       50,000  1994     Petrovich/church........................   UN          5

143                     500,000  1994     Cvijich/university........................   UN          6

144                10,000,000  1994     Andric/library..............................   UN        12

146.                         5 din  1994     01.01; Tesla/museum...............   UN        96

147     coun          10 din  1994     01.01; counterfeit with wmk.....   AU        50

148                           5 din  1994     03.03; Tesla/museum...............   UN          6

149                        10 din  1994     03.03; Peter II/monastery.........   UN        12

150                        20 din  1994     Peter II/monument.....................   UN        24

151                        50 din  1996     Obrenovich/villa.........................   UN        48

152                      100 din  1996     Obradovic/monastery......... F 7,  UN      100

153                        10 din  2000     Karadzic/Slavic Congress........   UN          5

154                        20 din  2000     Peter II/monument.....................   UN          8

155                        50 din  2000     Stojanovic/music........................   UN        16

156                      100 din  2000     Tesla/transformer.......... AU 16,  UN        32

157                      200 din  2001     Petrovic/monastery........ XF 16,  UN        64

   State Bank for Istria, Fiume and Slovenia (Triest region)

R2                            5 lire  1945     Istria, Fiume, Slovenia..............   VF         32

R4a.    #                20 lire  1945     Istria, Fiume ,Slovenia...... red#  AU+    120

R4b.                       20 lire  1945     Istria, Fiume, Slovenia....... no#  UN        96

R5                          50 lire  1945     Istria, Fiume, Slovenia.. black#  G+        20

R6a                      100 lire  1945     Istria, Fiume, Slovenia .............   F           20

R7                        500 lire  1945     Istria, Fiume, Slovenia.... F+90,  VF      120

R8.                   1,000 lire  1945     Istria, Fiume, Slovenia..............   UN      480

   Italian Occupation of Montenegro WW2 -stamp "verificato"(1941)

R10                        10 din  1939     "verificato"(1941).......................   VF-       30

R11                        20 din  1936     "verificato"(1941).......................   VF         40

R12                        50 din  1931     "verificato"(1941)............. VG-8,  VF         40

R13a                   100 din  1929     "verificato"(1941).......................   VG        15

R13b                   100 din  1929     "verificato"(1941)............. VG 5,  VF         20

R13A                   100 din  1920     "verificato"(1941)?genuine?.....   VG      200

R14                     500 din  1935     "verificato"...................................   F           70

R14   coun          500 din  1935     "verificato".... counterfeit stamp  VF         70

R15                  1,000 din  1931     "verificato"...................................   XF      150

NL                        500 din  1935     "Scutari D'Albanie"(1941?).......   F           60

*R16-24* Provinz Laibach -see Slovenia

   sss -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- sss (s# refer to Pick vol.1)

   Gospodarsko Financni Odbor (State Financial Department)

s105b                     100 lit  (1944)   ........................................ VF+30,  UN        60

   Denarni Zavod Slovenije (Monetary Bank of Slovenia)

s113.                          1 lir  1944     Monetary Bank...........................   UN      120

s114                           5 lir  1944     Monetary Bank...........................   VF+      30

s115.                        10 lir  1944     Monetary Bank.............. VF+50,  AU      150

s117.                     100 lir  1944     Monetary Bank of Slovenia......   UN      220

   War, Military and Camp Money(C#-Campbell, SB#-Schwan, Boling)

                    Labor Camp  -"IZPRED" Zemun (Industrial Trade Enterprise)

C-9151.                   1 din  (1945)   "IZPRED" Zemun......................   UN        30

C-9152.                   2 din  (1945)   "IZPRED" Zemun.......... AU 20,  UN        30

C-9153                    5 din  (1945)   "IZPRED" Zemun......................   AU        30

C-9154                  10 din  (1945)   "IZPRED" Zemun......... AU 25,  UN        40

C-9155                  50 din  (1945)   "IZPRED" Zemun......................   AU        40

C-9156                100 din  (1945)   "IZPRED" Zemun......... VF+10,  UN        40

   Other -Regional, Emergency, Private notes- Other (not listed in Pick)

                                            -Beograd, city

NL                        10 para  1920     blue..............................................   VF-       20

NL                        20 para  1920     brown..........................................   VF         20


NL                 50,000,000  1922     08.06...........................................   AU+      12

                                            -Beograd, Belograd University Student's Centrum

NL                          10 din  1989     /90................................................   AU        10

NL                          50 din  1989     /90................................................   AU        10

NL                    5,000 din  1989     /90................................................   AU        12

                                            -Banatski Karlovac , "Banat" restaurant

NL                          10 din  (195-)    .....................................................   AU          7

NL                        100 din  (195-)    .....................................................   F           10

                                            -National Bank of Yugoslavia, (for tourist)               

NL                        100 din  1983     red...............................................   AU        15

NL                        200 din  1983     blue..............................................   AU        15

NL                        500 din  1983     green...........................................   AU        18

NL                    1,000 din  1983     grey.............................................   AU        25

NL                    2,000 din  1983     brown..........................................   AU        30

                                            -"Bon za prehranu", food note

NL                            1 din  1951     "Bon za prehranu".....................   AU        20

                                            -"Bon za otkup", note

NL                            1 din  1951     "Bon za prehranu".....................   AU        20

                                            -"Industrijski Bon", industrial note

NL                            2 din  1951     "Industrijski Bon"........................   F           10

NL                            5 din  1951     "Industrijski Bon"........................   VF         10

NL                          10 din  1951     "Industrijski Bon"........................   F             8

NL                        100 din  1951     "Industrijski Bon"........................   AU        60

                                            -Gas Ration note

NL                       50 liters  1992     September; gas note. lot#1047  UN          4

   Checks                            "Serbo-America Bank Beograd, Yugoslavia"

check               unissued  ND        Serbo-America Bank. lot#1058  AU          9

   ***Bond and Shares Certificates***

bond                    100 din  1943     state note........................... bs91  VF+      50

                                            5% Emprunt Funding (State Loan),Paris,NY..

bond                     250 FF  1933     decorative........................ bs#95  VF-       25


PICK#                                 *****ZAIRE see CONGO DR*****


PICK#                                 *****ZAMBIA****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1964; Northern Rhodesia)

1                      10 shilling  (1964)   bird/farming................................   F+       150

2                         1 pound  (1964)   bird/mine.....................................   VF+    400

3                         5 pound  (1964)   wildebeest/waterfalls.................   VF    1200

4.  low#               50 ngw  (1968)   /antelopes........... "1/A 000055"  UN      500

4.                          50 ngw  (1968)   /antelopes...................................   UN      200

5.                            1 kwa  (1968)   /plowing............................ F+30,  UN      300

6                             2 kwa  (1968)   /mine...........................................   AU+    300

9a     "7-12/A"     50 ngw  (1969)   /antelopes; sig-3 M........ XF 45,  UN      180

10a.  "17-20/B"     1 kwa  (1969)   /plowing; sig-2 Zulu...................   UN      200

11c   "40-20/C"     2 kwa  (1969)   /mine; sig-4 Kuwani...................   UN      350

12a   "10-12/D"   10 kwa  (1969)   /waterfalls; sig-2 Zulu. VF+150UN      800

13c    "2-6/E"      20 kwa  (1969)   /building; sig-4 Kuwani.. VF+50  UN      250

14                        50 ngw  (1973)   /mine...........................................   UN        40

15                           5 kwa  (1973)   /education...................................   VF      130

16.   comm            1 kwa  1972     "Birth of second Republic"........   UN      120

19                           1 kwa  (1976)   /farming.......................................   UN        45

20                           2 kwa  (1976)   /students.....................................   UN        70

22                         10 kwa  (1976)   /waterfalls........................ XF 50,  UN      200

23a   "1-62/A"       1 kwa  (1980)   /cotton; sig-5 Mwananshiku.....   UN        15

23b   "63-82/A"     1 kwa  (1986)   /picking cotton;sig-7 Chivuno...   UN          9

24a   "1-36/B"       2 kwa  (1980)   /school; sig-5 Mwananshiku.....   UN        20

24b   "39-68/B"     2 kwa  (1984)   /school; sig-6 Phiri.....................   UN        10

24c   "68-88/B"     2 kwa  (1986)   /school; sig-7 Chivuno..............   UN          6

25a   "1-17/C"       5 kwa  (1980)   /dam; sig-5 Mwananshiku........   UN          6

25c   "26-30/C"     5 kwa  (1984)   /dam; sig-6 Phiri.........................   UN          6

25d   "37-46/C"     5 kwa  (1986)   /dam; sig-7 Chivuno..................   UN          5

26e   "45-49/E"   10 kwa  (1986)   /bank; sig-7 Chivuno.................   UN          6

26s   spec           10 kwa  (1984)   "SPECIMEN"..............................   UN        80

27d.  "19-28/E"   20 kwa  (1986)   /bank; sig-6 Phiri........................   UN        15

27e   "45-49/E"   20 kwa  (1986)   /bank; sig-7 Chivuno.................   UN        10

28                         50 kwa  (1986)   /building......................................   UN          5

29                           2 kwa  (1989)   /rhinoceros, corn........................   UN        15

30                           5 kwa  (1989)   /lion..............................................   UN          6

31a   "A/A-F"       10 kwa  (1989)   /zebra; sig-8 Nkhoma................   UN          7

31b   "A/F-G"      10 kwa  (1989)   /zebra; sig-9 Bussiere...............   UN          5

32a.  "A/A-F"       20 kwa  (1989)   /gazelle; sig-8 Nkhoma.............   UN          9

32b   "A/F-H"      20 kwa  (1989)   /gazelle; sig-9 Bussiere............   UN          6

33b   "A/H-S"      50 kwa  (1989)   /zebra; sig-9 Bussiere...............   UN        90

34                       100 kwa  (1991)   /buffalo, waterfalls.....................   UN          7

35                       500 kwa  (1991)   /picking cotton............................   UN        15

36a   "A/A-C"      20 kwa  1992     /kudu; sig-10 Mulaisho..............   UN          5

36b   "A/C-G"      20 kwa  1992     /kudu; sig-11 Mwanza...............   UN          5

37a   "B/A-C"      50 kwa  1992     /zebra; sig-10 Mulaisho............   UN          5

37b   "B/D-H"      50 kwa  1992     /zebra; sig-11 Mwanza.............   UN          5

37c                       50 kwa  2001     /zebra, copper mill.....................   UN          5

37d                       50 kwa  2003     /zebra, copper mill.....................   UN          5

37f                        50 kwa  2007     /zebra, copper mill.....................   UN          4

37g                       50 kwa  2008     /zebra, copper mill.....................   UN          4

38a   "C/A-P"    100 kwa  1992     /buffalo; sig-10 Mulaisho..........   UN          5

38b.  "C/P-Z"    100 kwa  1992     /buffalo; sig-11 Mwanza............   UN        10

38c.                    100 kwa  2001     /buffalo, waterfalls.....................   UN          6

38d                     100 kwa  2003     /buffalo, waterfalls.....................   UN          5

38e                     100 kwa  2005     /buffalo, waterfalls.....................   UN          5

38f                      100 kwa  2006     /buffalo, waterfalls.....................   UN          4

38h                     100 kwa  2009     /buffalo, waterfalls.....................   UN          4

38i                      100 kwa  2010     /buffalo, waterfalls.....................   UN          4

39a   "D/A-W"   500 kwa  1992     /elephant; sig-10 Mulaisho.......   UN          7

39b   "D/W-"      500 kwa  1992     /elephant; sig-11 Mwanza........   UN          7

40a                 1,000 kwa  1992     /animal, tractor...........................   UN        16

41a                 5,000 kwa  1992     /lion, plant...................................   UN        35

43a   "DA/3"      500 kwa  2003     /elephant, cotton........................   UN        30

43b   "DC/3"      500 kwa  2003     /elephant, cotton........................   UN          5

43c                     500 kwa  2004     /elephant, cotton........................   UN          4

43d                     500 kwa  2005     /elephant, cotton........................   UN          5

43e                     500 kwa  2006     /elephant, cotton........................   UN          4

43f.                     500 kwa  2008     /elephant, cotton........................   UN          6

43g.                   500 kwa  2009     /elephant, cotton........................   UN          6

43h                     500 kwa  2011     /elephant, cotton........................   UN          4

44     "EB/3"   1,000 kwa  2003     /animal, tractor...........................   UN        30

44c                  1,000 kwa  2004     /animal, tractor...........................   UN          5

44d                 1,000 kwa  2005     /animal, tractor...........................   UN          5

44e                 1,000 kwa  2006     /animal, tractor...........................   UN          5

44f                  1,000 kwa  2008     /animal, tractor...........................   UN          5

44g                 1,000 kwa  2009     /animal, tractor...........................   UN          5

44h                 1,000 kwa  2011     /animal, tractor...........................   UN          5

45b                 5,000 kwa  2005     /lion, plant...................................   UN        10

45d.                5,000 kwa  2008     /lion, plant...................................   UN          9

45e.                5,000 kwa  2009     /lion, plant...................................   UN          9

45g                 5,000 kwa  2011     /lion, plant...................................   UN          7

46e.              10,000 kwa  2008     /porcupine, harvest....................   UN        20

46h               10,000 kwa  2012     /porcupine, harvest....................   UN        15

47g               20,000 kwa  2011     /antelope, mining.......................   UN        30

48f.               50,000 kwa  2010     /leopard, bank............................   UN        85

48h               50,000 kwa  2012     /leopard, bank............................   UN        80

49a                         2 kwa  2012     /antelope, market.......................   UN          4

50a                         5 kwa  2012     /lion, plant...................................   UN          4

51a.                      10 kwa  2012     /porcupine, harvest....................   UN        10

52a                       20 kwa  2012     /antelope, market.......................   UN        10

53c                       50 kwa  2014     /lion, plant...................................   UN        20

54c.                    100 kwa  2014     /porcupine, harvest....................   UN        50

56.                          2 kwa  2015     /antelope, market.......................   UN          4

57.                          5 kwa  2015     /lion, plant...................................   UN          4

61.                      100 kwa  2015     /porcupine, harvest....................   UN        35


PICK#                                 *****ZIMBABWE****3*

   Republic (British Colony till 1970; S Rhodesia, Rhodesia 1965-1980)

1a                                2 $  1980     buffalo/dam.................................   UN        35

1b                                2 $  1983     buffalo/dam.................................   UN        12

1c                                2 $  1994     buffalo; wmk A "short neck".....   UN        15

2a.                               5 $  1980     zebra/village...............................   UN      180

2b.                               5 $  1982     zebra/village...............................   UN      150

2c                                5 $  1983     zebra/village...............................   UN        20

2d                                5 $  1994     zebra; wmk A "short neck".......   UN        30

2e                                5 $  1994     zebra; wmk B "long neck"".......   UN        90

3a.                             10 $  1980     antelope/city...............................   UN      200

3b.                             10 $  1982     antelope/city "Salisbury"...........   UN      480

3d                              10 $  1983     antelope/city...............................   UN        55

3e                              10 $  1994     antelope/city...............................   UN        50

4c                              20 $  1983     giraffe/elephant..........................   UN        80

4d                              20 $  1994     giraffe/elephant..........................   UN        60

5a.   "BA-BL"              5 $  1997     rocks/hills, litho...........................   UN        15

5b    "BM-BZ"             5 $  1997     rocks/hills, engraved.................   UN          6

6                                10 $  1997     rocks/Chilolo cliffs......................   UN          6

7                                20 $  1997     rocks/Victoria falls......................   UN          9

8                                50 $  1994     rocks/Great Zimbabwe ruins....   UN          8

9                              100 $  1995     rocks/dam...................................   UN          9

10                            500 $  2001     rocks; hologram.........................   UN        20

11a                          500 $  2001     rocks; no hologram....................   UN          9

11b.                        500 $  2004     rocks; no hologram....................   UN          9

12a  "WA-WM"   1,000 $  2003     /elephants; (@GD)........... XF 4,  UN          8

12b  "WN-WU"   1,000 $  2003     /elephants; (@FP).....................   UN        12

15                        1,000 $  2003     Travelers Cheque; used...........   AU+      30

16                        5,000 $  2003     Travelers Cheque; used...........   AU+      30

17                      10,000 $  2003     Travelers Cheque; used...........   AU+      30

18                      20,000 $  2003     Travelers Cheque; used...........   AU+      30

19                      50,000 $  2003     Travelers Cheque; used...........   AU+      40

20                    100,000 $  2003     Travelers Cheque; used...........   AU+      45

21e   "AE"           5,000 $  2003     12.01 -2005.12.31.....................   UN        40

22e.                   10,000 $  2003     12.01 -2005.12.31.....................   UN        45

23d.  "CA"         20,000 $  2003     12.01 -2004.12.31.....................   UN        80

23f                     20,000 $  2003     12.01 -2005.12.31.....................   UN        30

29  "CA-CK"     50,000 $  2006     02.01- 2006.12.31 (@GD).......   UN        12

30  "AC-BF"     50,000 $  2006     02.01 -2006.12.31 (@FP)........   UN        10

32                    100,000 $  2006     06.01 -2006.12.31.....................   UN        10

33                            1 cen  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

34                            5 cen  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

35                         10 cen  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

36                         50 cen  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          8

37                                1 $  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

38                                5 $  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

39                              10 $  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

40                              20 $  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

41                              50 $  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

42                            100 $  2006     -2007.12.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

43                            500 $  2006     -2007.12.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

44                        1,000 $  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN          5

45                        5,000 $  2007     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN        10

46b  "AB-BN"   10,000 $  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN        12

47                      50,000 $  2007     -2007.07.31; bearer check.......   UN        12

48b                  100,000 $  2006     -2007.07.31; bearer......... XF 4,  UN        12

49                    200,000 $  2007     -2008.06.30; bearer check.......   UN          9

50                    250,000 $  2007     -2008.06.30; bearer check.......   UN        20

51                    500,000 $  2007     -2008.06.30; bearer check.......   UN          9

52                    750,000 $  2007     -2008.06.30; bearer check.......   UN          9

53                    1,000,000  2008     -2008.06.30; bearer check.......   UN        12

54                    5,000,000  2008     -2008.06.30; bearer......... VF 4,  UN        22

55a  "AA-"    10,000,000  2008     -2008.06.30; (@FP) .......... F 4,  UN        15

55a   repl      10,000,000  2008     replacement "ZA".......................   F           30

55b  "DA-"    10,000,000  2008     -2008.06.30; (@GD).................   UN          8

56                  25,000,000  2008     -2008.06.30; bearer check.......   UN          9

56   repl        25,000,000  2008     replacement "ZA".......................   F           20

57                  50,000,000  2008     -2008.06.30; bearer check.......   UN          9

57   repl        50,000,000  2008     replacement "ZA".......................   F           20

58               100,000,000  2008     -2008.12.31; bearer check.......   UN          9

59               250,000,000  2008     -2008.12.31; bearer check.......   UN        12

60               500,000,000  2008     -2008.12.31; bearer check.......   UN          8

60   repl      500,000,000  2008     replacement "ZA".......................   XF         30

61                       5 Billion  2008     -2008.12.31; agro-check..........   UN        12

62                     25 Billion  2008     -2008.12.31; agro-check..........   UN        15

63                     50 Billion  2008     -2008.12.31; agro-check.... F 4,  UN        15

63   repl           50 Billion  2008     replacement "ZA".......................   VF         20

64                   100 Billion  2008     -2008.12.31; agro-check..........   UN        18

64   repl         100 Billion  2008     replacement "ZA".......................   F           20

65                                1 $  2007     /waterfall, buffalo.......................   UN          5

66                                5 $  2007     /dam, elephant...........................   UN          5

67                              10 $  2007     /tractor.........................................   UN          8

68.                             20 $  2007     /miner..........................................   UN          9

69                            100 $  2007     /palms..........................................   UN          9

70                            500 $  2007     /cows...........................................   UN        10

71                        1,000 $  2007     /buildings.....................................   UN-       10

71   repl               1,000 $  2007     replacement "ZA".......................   UN-       45

73a                    20,000 $  2008     /waterfall, dam; no wmk............   UN        25

74a                    50,000 $  2008     /farming, mine; no wmk............   UN        15

74b   wmk         50,000 $  2008     /farming, mine; wmk "lines"......   VG        30

75.                   100,000 $  2008     /buffalo, elephant.......................   UN        15

76                    500,000 $  2008     /palms, diary...............................   UN        12

77                 1,000,000 $  2008     /Zimbabwe, cattle......................   UN        15

78               10,000,000 $  2008     /Zimbabwe, building..................   UN        18

79               50,000,000 $  2008     /Zimbabwe, buffalo....................   UN        12

80            100,000,000 $  2008     /mine, silos.................................   UN        15

81            200,000,000 $  2008     /building, monument..................   UN        12

82            500,000,000 $  2008     /diary, miner................................   UN        12

83                    1 Billion $  2008     /palms, elephant........................   UN        12

84                    5 Billion $  2008     /plowing, diary............................   UN        12

85                  10 Billion $  2008     /dam,miner.................................   UN        12

86                  20 Billion $  2008     /Zimbabwe, palms.....................   UN        12

87                  50 Billion $  2008     /Zimbabwe, building..................   UN        12

88                 10 Trillion $  2008     /building, Zimbabwe..................   UN        25

88   rep        10 Trillion $  2008     replacement "ZA".......................   UN        45

89.                20 Trillion $  2008     /miner, silos................................   UN        50

90                 50 Trillion $  2008     /dam, elephant...........................   UN        60

92                                1 $  2009     /village.........................................   UN          6

93                                5 $  2009     /dam............................................   UN          6

93   repl                      5 $  2009     replacement "ZA".......................   UN        40

94                              10 $  2009     /Zimbabwe..................................   UN          5

95                              20 $  2009     /power plant................................   UN          5

96.                             50 $  2009     /power plant................................   UN        10

97.                           100 $  2009     /torch...........................................   UN        12

   Other-Receipts, Warrants, Coupons-Other(not listed in Pick)

                 Fuel coupons:  Bank of Zimbabwe, AMBY, Lendman

coupon        14 coupons  ND        14 different coupons.................   XF      100

                                            CALTEX/Chevron gasoline coupons

coupon               25 liters  2009.1  petrol gas coupon............. used  XF+         8

coupon               25 liters  2009.1  unleaded gas coupon...... used  XF+         8

coupon               25 liters  2009.1  diesel gas coupon............ used  XF+         8

coupon               25 liters  2009.1  diesel........... used by UN/WHO  XF+      12

coupon               25 liters  2009.3  diesel........... used by UN/WHO  XF+      12


***********  WORLD BANKNOTES SET  ****************

                    100 different  world banknotes.......................... AU/UN                35

                      50 different  banknotes from 50 countries..... AU/UN                40

                      50 different  world banknotes.......................... AU/UN                20

                      50 different  German notgeld (1916-1923).... XF/AU                30

                      25 different  Nicaragua banknotes........................ UN                35


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