Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, volume 3: Modern Issues 1961-2019, 25th Edition. by Albert Pick, Tracy L Schmidt Krause Publications; 1264 pages (2019) Europe customers ( Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, volume 3: Modern Issues 1961-2019, 25 Edition. |
Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, volume 2: General Issues to 1960, 16 Edition. by Albert Pick, Tracy L Schmidt (Editor) Krause Publications, 1328 pages (2016) European customers ( Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, volume 2: General Issues to 1960, 16 Edition. |
Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, volume 1: Specialized Issues, 12 Edition by Albert Pick, Cuhaj (Editor) Krause Publications, 1328 pages (2014) Europe customers ( Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, volume 1: Specialized Issues, 12 Edition |
Commemorative Banknotes of the World - Catalogue and Price Guide (Englisch and German) Gedenkbanknoten der Welt -Katalog mit aktuellen Bewertungen by Josef Gerber, Hans-Ludwig Grabowski Battenberg Gietl Verlag, 456 pages (2011) The world's first catalog, which describes and evaluates all commemorative banknotes - in German and English. 1894 Nicaragua was the first country in the world that issued commemorative banknotes. But it should take decades, in which famous people or historical events were almost exclusively honored on commemorative coins, before the modern world banknotes - especially since the Millennium 2000 - worldwide commemorative banknotes in a veritable boom and are becoming increasingly popular. |
World War II Remembered : History in Your Hands, a Numismatic Study by C. Frederick Schwan, Joseph E. Boling BNR Press; 864 pages (1995) This book has won the most important awards in numismatics. This is a very unusual book in the world of coin and paper money collecting, but it has been very popular with many different kinds of collectors. It catalogs all of the coins, paper money, military decorations, war bonds and similar items. Many of these items are not listed in any other numismatic book. The authors were masterful in including down right interesting information. |
Silent Witnesses: Civilian Camp Money of World War II by Ray Feller (Author), Steve Feller (Author), Joseph E Boling (Editor) BNR Press; 168 pages (2007) Guide to history, identification and value of WW II Concentration Camp Money. Covers Paper Money, Chits, Tokens, Postal History and More. 775 full-color illustrations. Complete index. |
Prisoner of War and Concentration Camp Money by Lance K. Campbell BNR Press; 220 pages (1993) |
A Guide Book of United States Paper Money. by Arthur Friedberg (Author) Whitman Publishing; 416 pages (2016) |
Paper Money of the United States. by Arthur L. Friedberg, Ira S. Friedberg, Robert Friedberg, Ara S. Friedberg Coin and Currency Institute; 328 pages (2017) A Complete Illustrated Guide With Valuations. |
Standard Catalog of U.S. Paper Money (Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money) by William Brandimore, Maggie Judkins Krause Publications; 480 pages (2016) |
Guide Book of United States Currency by Kenneth E. Bressett Whitman Publishing; 384 pages (2017) A price catalog of all U.S. paper money issued from 1812 to the present. Includes large-size, fractional, and small-size currency and provides market values in up to seven grades. Includes historical information and a section on how and what to collect, and features special sections on valuable varieties, uncut sheets, and error notes. |
The Early Paper Money of America: Colonial Currency 1696-1810 by Eric P. Newman Krause Publications; 495 pages (2008) Represents the most comprehensive guide to Colonial American paper money and early states issues. Offers 1,100+ detailed, high quality illustrations investors, history enthusiasts, re-enactment groups and educators can turn for identifying issues. |
Collecting Confederate Paper Money by Pierre Fricke Pierre Fricke; 574 pages (2014) Portable Confederate States paper money guide, full color, 574 page guide that is easy to use and carry around. |
Military Payment Certificates by F Schwan BNR Press; 320 pages (1997) |
Die Banknoten des Deutschen Reiches ab 1871 by Hans-Ludwig Grabowski Gietl-Verlag; 750 pages (2017) Most popular and used as a reference catalog of German Paper Money. It catalogs all of general paper money, World War 1 and 2 issues, German Colonies, Danzig and Memel. |
Papiergeld-Spezialkatalog Deutschland by Albert Pick, Jens-Uwe Rixen Gietl-Verlag; 532 pages (1998) Specialize catalog of German Paper Money. It catalogs with details all of general paper money, World War 1 and 2 issues, German States, German Colonies, Danzig and Memel etc. |
Deutsches Notgeld (volume 1+2), Deutsche Serienscheine 1918-1922 (2 volumes) by Hans L. Grabowski, Manfred Mehl Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 960 pages, 2 volumes(2009) Catalog of German emergency paper money -series notes (Serienscheine) 1918-1922, about 900 pages, with about 4400 color pictures. |
Deutsches Notgeld (volume 3), Das deutsche Gronotgeld 1918-1921. by Anton Geiger Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 608 pages (2010) Catalog of German bigger emergency paper money, 1 up to 100 mark (Gronotgeld) 1918-1921 with color pictures. |
Deutsches Notgeld (volume 4), Die Notgeldscheine der deutschen Inflation 1922. by Manfred Mller Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 650 pages, (2010) Catalog of German inflation emergency paper money (notgeld der deutschen Inflation 1922) issued August 1922 - June 1923. |
Deutsches Notgeld (volume 5-6), Deutsche Kleingeldscheine: Amtliche Verkehrsausgaben 19161922. by Hans L. Grabowski Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 1000 pages, 2 volumes (2004) Catalog of German small emergency paper money, (Kleingeldscheine: Amtliche Verkehrsausgaben) 1916-1922 with about 5000 color pictures. |
Deutsches Notgeld (volume 7-8), Das Notgeld der deutschen Inflation 1923, Reprint. by Arnold Keller Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 1200 pages, 2 volumes (2004 reprint of 1958 issue) Catalog of German inflation emergency paper money, (Notgeld der deutschen Inflation) 1923 with out pictures. |
Deutsches Notgeld (volume 9), Notgeld der besonderen Art - Geldscheine aus Stoff, Leder und sonstigen ungewhnlichen Materialien. by Hans-Ludwig Grabowski Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 208 pages (2005) Catalog of German artistic emergency money issued on textile, leather and other unusual material (Notgeld der besonderen Art - Geldscheine aus Stoff, Leder und sonstigen ungewhnlichen Materialien). |
Deutsches Notgeld (volume 10), Das Papiergeld der deutschen Lnder 1871 - 1948 by Hans-Ludwig Grabowski Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 640 pages (2006) It catalogs with details all of German paper money issued from 1871 till 1948 by Provinces, States and Territories., (Notgeld der deutschen Lnder), 1871-1948 . |
Deutsches Notgeld (volume 12), Das wertbest�ndige Notgeld der deutschen Inflation 1923/1924 by Manfred M�ller Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 608 pages (2011) It catalogs with details German paper money issued at the end of inflation from 1922-1923 and denominated in US dollars, gold, kilowatt hour of electricity, in kilograms of coal or rye. |
Das Papiergeld der deutschen Eisenbahnen und der Reichspost by Manfred Mller, Anton Geiger Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 260 pages (2000) It catalogs with details all of German paper money issued by Railroad and Post authorities. |
Die letzten deutschen Geldscheine by Josef Gerber Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 136 pages (2005) It catalogs with details last German banknotes issued by Deutschen Bundesbank. |
Handbuch Geldscheinsammeln by Wolfgang J. Mehlhausen, Hans L. Grabowski Battenberg Gietl Verlag; 208 pages (2004) Guide for Paper Money Collectors. |
Catalog of Austrian paper money from 1900 by Johann Kodnar, Norbert Knstner Internumis; 200 pages (2008) Catalog of Austrian paper money from 1900 in German and English. |
Canadian Government Paper Money, (Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money) by R.J. Graham Charlton Press |
Canadian Bank Notes A Charlton Standard Catalogue (Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Bank Notes) by R J Graham Charlton Press; 616 pages (2013) All the bank notes produced in Canada since the 1800's, from the Bank of Acadia to The Zimmerman Bank, are in this one easy-to-use illustrated reference. A brief history of each of the banks is also included, along with expanded data and updated prices. Notes are illustrated with detailed explanations of face and back designs. |
English Paper Money (Treasury and Bank of England Notes from 1694) by Vincent Duggleby Publisher Pam West; 384 pages (2016) |
Banknote Yearbook by John Mussell, Philip Mussell, Barry Boswell Token Publishing Ltd; 536 pages (2017) This is the definitive catalogue and price guide for all English, Scottish, Irish, Isle of Man and Channel Islands Banknotes. It is illustrated in full color throughout with prices in two or three grades. |
Scottish Banknotes, A Concise History & Their Prices by R Dennett 295 pages (2008) |
The Coins and Banknotes of Palestine Under the British Mandate, 1927 - 1947 by Howard M. Berlin McFarland & Company; 170 pages (2005) |
Encyclopedia of Spanish Notaphyly and Scripophily Jos� A. Castellanos 7 books (2022) Seven books with varied information about paper money and scripophil yelaborated by thorough research during the last five years in national and international archives, including, of course, those from the Bank of Spain and the FNMT. |
Boggs : A Comedy of Values (Passions and Wonders Series) by Lawrence Weschler University Of Chicago Press; 176 pages (2000) James Stephen George Boggs is not a con artist, he's a talented artist who deftly renders his own currency and "spends" it. Struck by the value of money, and what paper notes represent, he draws U.S. dollar bills, English pound notes, Swiss francs, and other forms of paper money; then he barters his illustrious artwork in lieu of cash to willing merchants who agree to honor his currency for services and products. |
Paper Money Messages. A Pictorial Perspective - Volume 1 (Global) by Jeffrey J Wing 224 pages -Full Color with Bleed (2017) A wide range of readers will be intrigued by the subject of paper money. This book is highly illustrated, making it an enticing study for those that simply enjoy the many art forms on the world's currencies. Paper money is part of the currency of every nation in the world, conveying messages of historical significance, ranging from the affairs of government in war and peace to the consequences of challenging economic times and political upheaval. |
Paper Money Messages: A Pictorial Perspective - Volume 2 (Notgeld) by Jeffrey J Wing 242 pages -Full Color with Bleed (2018) This Volume 2 continues the author�s intriguing account of paper money, focusing on the German notgeld used for emergency currency in the early 1900s. Notgeld is particularly interesting for the imagery and text used in its design, which will connect the reader to a broad range of historical subjects, such as the hyperinflationary period that struck Germany between 1914 and 1924 and the struggles of the Jewish people in that country and others. The author uses the notgeld to explain the devastation of the German economy when the price of goods increased by the hour and for instance a 1,000,000,000,000-mark note had the value of only 22 cents (U.S.)! |
Paper Money Messages- Vol 3 (Christianity) by Jeffrey J Wing 256 pages -Full Color with Bleed (2019) This Volume 3 is for a wide range of readers and not just those that are interested in Paper Money or Christianity. This book will help people understand diverse views of history in a new way. Readers will be intrigued by the study of Christianity as it is expressed in the text and imagery of paper money. Photos of paper money appear throughout the book along with an explanation of the personalities and events in Christian history that became memorialized on the world�s money. The book will explain Christianity�s influence upon the world, and its distinction from other religions. |